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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED and SEVENTY­ Oath of Office 1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 93 RECESS ADJOURNMENT TO FRIDAY It has been a pleasure to serve in this capacity and to be associated with the Mem­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I bers and employees of the House of Repre­ move that the Senate stand in recess ask unanimous consent that when the sentatives. until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. House adjourns today it adjourn to meet Sincerely, The motion was agreed to; and <at on Friday next. DAVID M. ABSHIRE. 4 o'clock and 1 minute p.m.) the Senate The SPEAKER. Is there objection to took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, the request of the gentleman from January 5, 1961, at 12 o'clock meridian. Massachusetts? HON. OLIN E. TEAGUE OF TEXAS There was no objection. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from •• .... • • Texas [Mr. TEAGUE] will present himself at the bar of the House and take the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY­ oath of office. Mr. TEAGUE of Texas appeared at the WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1961 FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CONSTITUTION bar of the House and took the oath of office. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, in The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, behalf of the gentleman from Pennsyl­ D.O., offered the following prayer: vania [Mr. BYRNE], and acting for him, From the Book of Leviticus (26: 12) I offer a bill he has introduced <H.R. THE LATE JOHN E. RANKIN this promise of God: I will walk among 1723) and ask unanimous consent for its Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask you and be your God, and ye shall be my present consideration. I have discussed unanimous consent to address the House people. this with the minority leader. It has for 1 minute. Eternal and ever-blessed God, who been screened and cleared by him. The SPEAKER. Is there objection hast opened unto us the gateway to a Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, reserving to the request of the gentleman from new year, may we hear and heed ThY the right to object, do I understand this Mississippi? voice of confidence and hope lest we meet calls for no additional money? There was no objection. our tasks and responsibilities with a Mr. McCORMACK. It does not. The Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, it is paralyzing sense of fear and frustration. purpose of the bill is to extend from the with sadness that I announce to the Grant that we may accept and follow 3d of January to some date in June the House the passing of the Honorable John the leading of Thy divine spirit with time for the committee to make its re­ Elliott Rankin. He departed this life humility of heart and simplicity of faith, port to Congress. at his home in Tupelo, Miss., on Novem­ assured that the future is as bright as Mr. GROSS. But no additional ber 26, 1960, the victim of a heart attack. the promises of God. money is involved? For 32 years Mr. Rankin served in this Give us the rapture of the forward Mr. McCORMACK. I am acting for body as the Representative from the look and help us to lay hold of the per­ the gentleman from Pennsylvania. It First Congressional District of Missis­ plexing problems of each day with reso­ is my understanding there is no addi­ sippi. His length of service is a record lute determination and wholehearted tiona! money involved. for Members from my State and is sur­ dedication. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to passed by only a few from other sections Hear us in the name of Him who is the present consideration of the bill? of the country. the Author and Finisher of our faith. There was no objection. Our former colleague was born of Amen. The Clerk 1~ead the bill, as follows: humble but proud parentage in Ita­ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of wamba County, Miss., on March 29, 1882. THE JOURNAL Representatives of the United States of He was educated in the public schools America in Congress assembled, That sec­ The J·ournal of the proceedings of yes­ tion 5 of the joint resolution of July 14, 1960, of the county and graduated from the terday was read and approved. entitled "Joint resolution providing for the Law School of the University of Missis­ preparation and completion of plans for a sippi in 1910. He first entered the prac­ comprehensive observance of the one hun­ tice of law in West Point, Miss., but soon MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE dred seventy-fifth anniversary of the forma­ moved to Tupelo where he continued his tion of the Constitution of the United States" A message from the Senate by Mr. practice and served as prosecuting attor­ (Public Law 86-650), as amended by Public ney for the county. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Law 86-788, is amended by striking out the Senate had passed the following res­ "January 3, 1961" and inserting in lieu there­ In 1920 Mr. Rankin was elected to the olutions: of "June 28, 1961". 67th Congress and to Congress S. RES. 7 thereafter through the 82d. He served The bill was ordered to be engrossed Resolved, That the Senate has heard with here with distinction and was credited profound sorrow and deep regret the an­ and read a third time, was read the third with many beneficial achievements for nouncement of the death of the Honorable time, and passed, and a motion to recon­ the good of his district, State, and THOMAS C. HENNINGS, JR., late a Senator from sider was laid on the table. country. the State of Missouri. While interested in many programs Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representa­ and movements, his greatest interests tives and transmit a copy thereof to the RESIGNATION OF DAVID M. were in the Tennessee Valley Authority family of the deceased. ABSHIRE and the Rural Electrification Adminis­ Resolved, That as a further mark of respect tration. He vigorously fought for the to the memory of the deceased the Senate, The SPEAKER laid before the House passage of legislation creating these Fed­ at the conclusion of its business today, do the following communication, which was eral agencies and for their perpetuation. adjourn. read by the Clerk: For years he served as chairman of the REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE, s. RES. 8 Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and was HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, credited with having authored more leg­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard with Washington, D.C., December 28, 1960. profound sorrow and deep regret the an­ The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, islation for the benefit of veterans, their nouncement of the death of the Honorable Speaker of the House, widows, orphans, and dependents than KEITH THoMsoN, late a Senator-elect from U.S. House of Representatives, any other Member of the House of Rep­ the State of Wyoming. Washington, D.C. resentatives. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby tender my res­ He was a strong believer in the Demo­ these resolutions to the House of Representa­ ignation as an employee of the minority staff cratic Party, in constitutional govern­ tives and transmit a copy thereof to the of the House of Representatives, and request ment, the perpetuation of our democracy family of the deceased. that this resignation become effective as of Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the end of business on the last day of De­ and States rights. He fought commu­ to the memory of the deceased the Senate, cember 1960. nism wherever he found the slightest evi­ at the conclusion of its business today, do I was appointed to this position by House dence of it, and was the proud author of adjourn. Resolution 218, approved March 19, 1959. an amendment to the rules of the House 94 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE January 4 creating the permanent Committee on in South and Central America. The our former colleague, the Honorable Un-American Activities. Committee on On-American Activities is John E. Rankin, of M~ssissippi. · John An eloquent debater, learned in the a lasting monument to his efforts. Rankin was a Member of this body with rules of the House, and a vigorous and John E. Rankin was a man of talent, many years' service when I came here as fiery competitor, he was a colorful and a man of energy, one who had strong a freshman in 1933. Nature had en­ effective Member. He gave no quarter convictions, who made his contribution dowed him with many talents which he and sought none. Small of stature but to this Congress and to his Nation. had sharpened by his hard work and full of fire when attacked, he stood firmly To his fine wife and daughter, and studious habits. While his colleagues for what he believed to be right even if other members of his family, we extend did not always agree with him, they he stood alone. He never gave ground­ our deepest sympathy. nevertheless respected his sincerity of not an inch. He was a master in debate Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask purpose and his devotion to his State and and most of those who dared to chal­ unanimous consent to revise and extend his country. No man with whom I have lenge him later wished they had not. my remarks and that all Members be served in this House had a better knowl­ He was one of the best read men ever granted 5 legislative days in which to edge of parliamentary procedure or a to serve in this great body.
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