Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2006 No. 48 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, We welcome Pastor Don Borling and The Reverend Don Borling, Pastor, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. his family, and we thank him for open- All Saints Lutheran Church, Orland f ing our House today in prayer. Park, Illinois, offered the following WELCOMING THE REVEREND DON f prayer: BORLING O God of goodness and grace, it’s an- RECESS other day and maybe just an ordinary (Mr. NUSSLE asked and was given The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the moment. permission to address the House for 1 order of the House of Tuesday, April 25, We are here in the very heart and minute.) 2006, the House will stand in recess sub- soul of our Nation, a place committed Mr. NUSSLE. Mr. Speaker, first of ject to the call of the Chair to receive always to the very goodness and power all let me acknowledge and welcome so the former Members of Congress. of the human spirit, a spirit binding us many of our former colleagues back to Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 12 min- together in a world that is too often di- the House Chamber here today. We wel- utes a.m.), the House stood in recess vided by things that really should come you. We thank you for your many subject to the call of the Chair. bring us together: our diversity, our years of service, and we look forward f varied colors and religions, our cul- to the opportunity to renew old friend- tures and backgrounds. ships. RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS O Lord of all life, we call You by Mr. Speaker, I rise to welcome our OF CONGRESS many names, we worship You in styles guest chaplain here today, Don The Speaker of the House presided. and ways that reflect the humanity Borling, who is the pastor of All Saints The SPEAKER. On behalf of the with which You create us, we debate Lutheran Church in Orland Park, Illi- House, I consider it a high honor and and we argue, we vote and we com- nois. He has been the pastor there for distinct personal privilege to have the promise, we come together in this sa- over 30 years. You might wonder why a opportunity of welcoming so many of cred Chamber with so much at stake, guy from Iowa is introducing a min- our former Members and colleagues as with so many people counting on us ister from Illinois. Well, when I went to may be present here for the occasion. and needing the very best of what we high school there, this was my home We all pause to welcome you. have to offer. church. It is still my parents’ home I want to say personally, good morn- Please watch over us today. What we church. Don has been a good friend for ing. On behalf of the House of Rep- do here is sacred. Please give us the hu- many years. It is a pleasure to be able resentatives, I am pleased to welcome mility and grace to live up to our call- to welcome him and his wife, Jude; his back all of you. It is always good to see ing. son, Quinton; and his extended family so many familiar faces, and for me who Amen. who are here today. has been here 20 years, even a few unfa- f For many years Don has taught me miliar faces. I see my former leader, I THE JOURNAL and so many members of our church on see people who I have served with, so the south side of the Chicagoland area many people I have come into Congress The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- about the living God that is with us with and have continued to serve this ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- here today, that is in our hearts, in our Nation well. I am especially glad to see ceedings and announces to the House minds, is in the great moments of a my friend from the great State of Mis- his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Chamber like this where we come to- souri and your president, Jake nal stands approved. gether with the spotlight of history Buechner. Jack, I know of the loss of and the television cameras, but also your dear wife, Nancy, this year after a f the kind of God that is there in the courageous fight with cancer. I just PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE small moments, when no one is watch- want to let you know on behalf of all of The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ing and when it really matters. He has us in the House of Representatives, our from Iowa (Mr. NUSSLE) come forward taught us not only about the God that thoughts and prayers are with you and and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- we worship on Sundays but the God your family. legiance. that needs to be there every day, Mon- Matt McHugh is a worthy choice for Mr. NUSSLE led the Pledge of Alle- day through Saturday, in our lives. He the Distinguished Service Award, and I giance as follows: has been a minister to me; but he has would like to extend my sincere con- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the also been a mentor, he has been a gratulations to Matt. Matt served in United States of America, and to the Repub- brother, he has been a friend. the House while I was here, a great b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1855 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:26 Apr 28, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP7.000 H27APPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H1856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 27, 2006 Member from New York. During his Thomas W. Ewing (Illinois) Our finances are sound. We support tenure, he was a valuable member of Harold Ford (Tennessee) all our activities via three income several committees, including the Ap- Louis Frey, Jr. (Florida) sources: membership dues, program- Benjamin A. Gilman (New York) propriations Committee and what has William Grant (Florida) specific grants and sponsorships, and been called the Arms Control and For- William Goodling (Pennsylvania) our annual fund-raising dinner. In addi- eign Policy Caucus. Since leaving the Margaret Heckler (Massachusetts) tion, we have had the good fortune to House, Matt has continued his efforts Dennis M. Hertel (Michigan) receive a bequest from Frieda James, to improve our Nation and our world. Peter Hoagland (Nebraska) the widow of the late Benjamin Frank- George J. Hochbrueckner (New York) He has served as vice president at Cor- William J. Hughes (New Jersey) lin James, a five-term Republican from nell University and currently serves as Robert W. Kastenmeier (Wisconsin) Pennsylvania. counsel to the president of the World David S. King (Utah) During the presidency of my es- Bank. He is also chairman of Bread for Ernest Konnyu (California) teemed predecessor, Larry LaRocco of the World, a group that fights to end Peter Kyros (Maine) Idaho, the association established its hunger in this world. Romano L. Mazzoli (Kentucky) first endowment fund. The goal of the Matthew F. McHugh (New York) Meetings like this are more than just Richard Dale Nichols (Kansas) fund is to ensure the financial viability a chance to catch up with old friends. Howard W. Pollock (Alaska) of the Former Members Association, It is a time when you, our more sea- Larry Pressler (South Dakota) for not just this coming year but for soned Members, can offer some words William R. Ratchford (Connecticut) many years to come. We envision a of advice and maybe even tell us a few John J. Rhodes, III (Arizona) time when investment earnings of the things that maybe we’re doing right. Patricia Schroeder (Colorado) endowment fund can be used to supple- Richard Schulz (Pennsylvania) Trust me, you’re in a room full of law- David E. Skaggs (Colorado) ment the association’s budget during makers and we love to hear what we’re Jim Slattery (Kansas) lean years, a safety net to guarantee doing right. Dennis A. Smith (Oregon) that tough economic times will not Seriously, though, I am also glad to Lawrence J. Smith (Florida) shut down this association. Many of see this group and hear about all the Stephen J. Solarz (New York) our members have made contributions great things that you continue to do R. Lindsay Thomas (Georgia) to this fund, and we thank them for for our Nation. This organization Mr. SLATTERY. The Chair is pleased their kind generosity. serves a valuable purpose. You spread to announce that there are 39 former Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Association of the good news about the importance of Members of Congress that have re- Former Members again has had a very our democratic government. And I un- sponded to their names here today. successful, active, and rewarding year. derstand that you have a new project The Chair at this time would recog- We have continued our work serving as that you are undertaking in coopera- nize the distinguished gentleman from a liaison between the current Congress tion with some of our international the State of Missouri, the Honorable and legislatures overseas.
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