DIRECTORY OF PUBLIC SECTOR & NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP 2020 Edition s & II PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CHANGE INSTITUTE (PCI) Progressive Change Institute is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that does not engage in partisan intervention (and does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates). This guide is intended to be a non-partisan resource. In this directory, you’ll see profiles of over 700 incredible public sector leaders. These are diverse, experienced leaders who have a demonstrated commitment to the public good, and a track record of challenging corporate power and working to build a better world. This directory is a combined edition of Volume I and Volume II. Volume I is indicated in shading, and Volume II is indicated in white. The directory is an ongoing project. If you would like to nominate someone for inclusion in future editions, please contact us at:
[email protected]. Over 40 organizations contributed to this directory. Special thanks to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Family Farm Action, National Housing Resource Center, People's Action, and Public Citizen. CONTENTS AGRICULTURE CENSUS ECONOMIC POLICY EDUCATION ELECTIONS ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HOUSING IMMIGRATION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY JUSTICE LABOR OVERSIGHT PRESCRIPTION DRUGS REGULATORY AFFAIRS SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE TAX POLICY TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATIONS TRADE TRANSPORTATION AGRICULTURE A-DAE ROMERO-BRIONES A-dae Romero-Briones is the Director of Native Agriculture and Food Systems at the First Nations Development Institute. She is the Co-Founder, and was Executive Director, of Cochiti Youth Experience, a nonprofit organization in Cochiti, New Mexico. She also currently serves as a Public Interest and Consumer Interest Representative on the National Organic Standards Board at the US Department of Agriculture.