Economic impact on Europe of the Nord Stream 2 project Analysis of effects on job creation and GDP September, 2017 Content Executive summary 4 1. Introduction 8 2. Statistical overview of expected economic benefits 9 3. The Nord Stream 2 project 10 4. Planned activities by stage for Nord Stream 2 14 5. Predicted economic impact by country affected 16 6. Descriptions of local activities by country 27 Conclusions 30 Authors: Michael Kruse Annette Berkhahn Partner Energy & Utilities, Senior Advisor Energy & Utilities, Frankfurt Stockholm
[email protected] [email protected] Acknowledgement for their support and valuable input: Melanie Nimianu, Business Analyst Energy & Utilities, Vienna; Stephen Rogers, Partner Energy & Utilities, London. Disclaimer This report was commissioned by Nord Stream 2 AG on terms specifically limiting the liability of Arthur D. Little. Our conclusions are the results of the exercise of our best professional judgment, based in part on materials and information provided to us by Nord Stream 2 AG and others. Use of this report by any third party for whatever purpose should not, and does not, absolve such third party from using due diligence in verifying the report’s contents. Any use which a third party makes of this document, or any reliance on it, or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third party. The views and opinions expressed in this report are purely those of Arthur D. Little and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Nord Stream 2 AG. Arthur D. Little accepts no duty of care or liability of any kind whatsoever to any such third party, and no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made, or not made, or actions taken, or not taken, based on this document.