Airlines February IIA data: Passenger and LCCs continue relative outperformance Overweight (Maintain) February IIA data: Passenger traffic holds up well, despite tough comparison 1) Passenger: According to Incheon International Airport (IIA) data, international Industry Report passenger traffic growth in February improved for the first time in four months, to March 11, 2019 5.3% YoY (vs. +4.5% YoY in January; all growth figures are YoY unless denoted otherwise). Traffic growth on China routes (+9.6%, vs. +8.5% in January) expanded for the second straight month, while traffic on Southeast Asia routes (+9.4%, vs. +5.5% in January) also picked up. Traffic growth on Japan (+2.6%, vs. +3.1% in January), US (- Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. 7.9%, vs. -3.8% in January), and Europe (+7.9%, vs. +11.6% in January ) routes, however, weakened compared with the previous month. Meanwhile, non-transfer passenger [Transport/Energy ] traffic growth (+7.5%, vs. +3.6% in January) and load factor indicator (+0.7%, vs. +0.7% Jay JH Ryu in January) were both up YoY. +822 -3774 -1738
[email protected] 2) Cargo: In February, international cargo traffic growth worsened to -10.2% (vs. -6.5% in January). Traffic growth improved on US routes (-5.4%, vs. -9.4% in January), but softened across Europe (-11.7%, vs. -5.5% in January), China (-16.1%, vs. -9.2% in January), Japan ( -18.4%, vs. -13.1% in January), and other major routes. The load factor indicator also declined at a sharper rate (-6.2%, vs. -4.9% in January).