White House Special Files Box 33 Folder 10

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White House Special Files Box 33 Folder 10 Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 n.d. Other Document Chotiner & Truth Squad Notes. 33 10 10/02/1968 Memo To: Chris Buckley. From: Shelly. Re: Humphrey's position in close to Johnson's. 33 10 10/01/1968 Memo To: Haldeman. From: Ellsworth. Re: TWX after Humphrey's speech 33 10 09/30/1968 Memo To: Key Issues Committee. From: Bob Ellsworth. Re: Points to be made. 2 pages. 33 10 n.d. Memo To: Bob Ellsworth. From: Key Issues. Re: Proposed Statement to Charge that RN Farm Plan is "Garbage". 2 pages. 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, & Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Truth Squads on General Polk. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 1 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, & Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Truth Squads emphasis on high costs of Humphrey. 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Herb Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Suggested story for the Counter Humphrey Campaign. 3 pages. 33 10 09/25/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, & Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Truth Squad on HHH and Truman 33 10 09/25/1968 Memo From: Murray Snyder. To: Murray Chotiner. Re: Hubert Humphrey and Harry Truman 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Humphrey trying to debate Nixon. 2 pages. 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, & Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Truth Squad reply of the national television debates. 33 10 09/27/1968 Memo To: Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Planting ideas with the liberal columnists. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 2 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Haldeman, Chotiner, Counterattack Group. From: DC. Re: Attack on Humphrey for attempting to get a 3-way debate. 2 pages. 33 10 09/21/1968 Newspaper Humphrey Prods Nixon to Engage in Direct Debate. By Max Frankel for the New York Times. Not scanned. 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Couterattack Group. From: DC. Re: Policies of the Johnson Administration. 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Chotiner, Haldeman, Harlow, and Counterattck Groups. From: DC. Re: Agnes Waldron memorandum makes strong points against Wallace and Humphrey. 2 pages. 33 10 09/22/1968 Memo To: Pat Buchanan. From: Agnes Waldron. Re: George Wallace "Anarchy". 3 pages. 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Chotiner, Haldeman, Agnew, and Counterattck Groups. From: DC. Re: Humphrey as "the big spender of all times". 33 10 09/24/1968 Memo To: Herb Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Murray Snyder response to Humphrey's charge that Nixon attacked Kennedy. Story attached. 2 pages. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 3 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/22/1968 Newspaper Humphrey "Shooting from the Lip". By Judson Randall for unknown newspaper. Not scanned. 33 10 09/22/1968 Newspaper Humphrey's Vietnam Statements Adding to the Public Confusion. By United International Press. Not scanned. 33 10 09/23/1968 Newspaper Nixon Shows Technique in Handling Rally Dissidents. By Judson Randall for unknown newspaper. Not scanned. 33 10 09/22/1968 Newspaper Humphrey Said Troops Should be Withdrawn from S. Vietnam. By Michael L. Posner for unknown. Not scanned. 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Herb Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Nixon didn't call Truman a "traitor" or Kennedy a "liar". 33 10 09/23/1968 Memo To: Herb Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Humphrey charge that Nixon campaign is encouraging people not to vote. 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Humprhey's position on Supreme Court Legislation. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 4 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/20/1968 Memo To: Kimball, Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: When is Humphrey going to the Farm Belt and the deep South? 33 10 09/20/1968 Memo To: Truth Squad & Kleindienst. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Election of Nixon might lead to aparthied in America 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Ask Humphrey which issues he differs with Johnson over the past 4 years. 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo To: Kleindienst, Kimball, Berliner. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: HHH "I am happy to be in the presence of a good Democrat." 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo To: Klein. From: Murray Chotiner. Re: Questions for Humphrey. 33 10 09/19/1968 Other Document Statement by John Mitchell against Larry O'Brien's statement that Nixon will cutback social programs such as Medicare. 2 pages. 33 10 09/09/1968 Memo Humphrey Opening Speech Labelled "Irresponsible" by Nixon Political Aide. 2 pages. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 5 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/09/1968 Memo Statement of Senator John Tower against Humphrey's personal attacks on the Nixon- Agnew Campaign. 33 10 09/11/1968 Memo Statement by Governor Spiro T. Agnew against Humphrey's Vietnam tactics. 2 pages. 33 10 09/13/1968 Memo Statement by George Bush on Humphrey's "fast-talk and false promise". 4 pages. 33 10 09/12/1968 Memo Statement by Robert Ellsworth, National Party Director for Nixon/Agnew. 2 pages. 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo Campaign tactics of Humphrey were attacked by Republican Leaders. 7 pages. 33 10 n.d. Memo From: Pat Hillings. To: Bob Haldeman. Re: Agnew getting good TV coverage. 33 10 n.d. Memo From: Pat Hillings. Re: Suggested statement by Agnew for Wednesday Sept. 11. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 6 of 7 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 33 10 09/21/1968 Memo From: Price. To: HN. Re: Humphrey Attacks-- FYI 33 10 n.d. Other Document US Rep George Bush Statement on Humphrey. Not scanned. 33 10 n.d. Memo Sears for Agnew from Safire. Re: Humphreys policital flip-flop and "playing both ends against the middle". 33 10 09/12/1968 Other Document Agnew Speech at Rochester, New York. 5 pages. 33 10 09/12/1968 Other Document Agnew charges Humphrey on being "soft on communism". 33 10 n.d. Memo To: Haldeman. From: Chotiner. Re: John Mitchell and Pete Flanigan. Friday, January 04, 2008 Page 7 of 7 , ·r. '-.'- ~'7"',.;-; -:: E Tr '-IS eU~KL~f- .: .lJ /; ~ ~ !:-1J:.~:... ·L Fl" J~~n~ /4(~\;F';~IJ!t AI..,L !.·:'::E.F'Ui:3I~ICA:·1 Go\)r~~"i:··.i()~~:':; -_. 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WE HAVE BEGUN TO BECOME ACCUSTTMED TO THE LOW-ROAD, MUD-SLINGING, DESPERATION CAMPAIGN OF MR.
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    http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt3779s10w Online items available Finding Aid for the Herbert G. Klein papers 0345 Sue Luftschein USC Libraries Special Collections 2010 Doheny Memorial Library 206 3550 Trousdale Parkway Los Angeles, California 90089-0189 [email protected] URL: http://libraries.usc.edu/locations/special-collections Finding Aid for the Herbert G. 03451064 1 Klein papers 0345 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: USC Libraries Special Collections Title: Herbert G. Klein papers creator: Harris & Ewing creator: Allen, William C. creator: Fisk, Walter W. creator: Haberman, Irving creator: Atkins, Oliver F. creator: Zeni Photography creator: Hawkins, J. Allen creator: Jarvis, Roy creator: Parker, Buffy creator: Bonnay, Charles creator: Bachrach, Fabian creator: Rothschild Photo creator: Smith, Merrett T. creator: Sullivan, Ed creator: Klein, Herbert G. (Herbert George) creator: Lew, Mervyn creator: O'Neill, Dev creator: Mattox, Warren Identifier/Call Number: 0345 Identifier/Call Number: 1064 Physical Description: 293.66 Linear Feet257 boxes, 1 flat file drawer Date: 15th-17th centuries, 1932-2009 (bulk 1960-1973) Abstract: The Herbert G. Klein papers contain detailed records of the day to day activities of Herbert G. Klein, University of Southern California alumnus and trustee, journalist, editor and first White House Director of Communications. Included are records from all phases of Klein's long career: his early career as a journalist with Copley Newspapers in Alhambra and San Diego; his work with Richard Nixon, beginning with the Vice Presidential campaign of 1956; and his subsequent career as a media professional and author. Organization The collection is organized into eight series: 1. Richard Nixon's early political career 2.
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    Contents (Click on index item to locate) Subject Page Foreword iii Introductory Note vii Statement of Information 1 Statement of Information and Supporting Evidentiary Material 27 STATEMENT OF INFORMATION SUBMITTED ON BEHAL:Ef OF PRESIDENT NIXON HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PURSUANT TO H. Res. 803 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE WHETHER SUFFICIENT GROUNDS EXIST FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO EXERCISE ITS CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO IMPEACH RICHARD M. NIXON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Boioli III POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS BY MILK PRODUCERS - COOPERATIVES: THE 1971 MILK PRICE SUPPORT DECISION MAY-JUNE 1974 3S104 O U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1974 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, IJ,S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2.40 COUNSEL TO THE PRESIDENT JAMES D. ST. CLAIR, Special Counsel to the President JOHN A. MCCAHILL, Assistant Special Counsel MALCOLM J. HOWVARD, Assistant Special Co#rseZ FOREWORD By Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Chairman Committee on the Judiciary On February 6, 1974, the House of Representatives adopted by a vote of 410-4 the following House Resolution 803: RESOLVED, That the Committee on the Judiciary acting as a whole or by any subcommittee thereof appointed by the Chairman for the purposes hereof and in accordance with the Rules of the Committee, is authorized and directed to investigate fully and completely whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States of America.
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