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•• THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. A-4 TctapAT, Jews s. rase Chotiner Assails Probe Labor GAS STATIONS GIVE Exclusive OSHKOSH LUGGAGE With Official FREE GALLON FOR As 'Fishing Expedition' EACH VOTE CAST BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., June the Los Angeles County Assails Butler SACRAMENTO, Calif. (/P). G. O. P. (A*).—Murray Cal- string of 5 M. Chotiner, Committee, said “they can’t pre- Senator Butler, Republican of —A Sacramento ifornia Republican service stations leader who vent me from being a precinct Maryland, today offered “free Aged was criticized gas for your today’s man Vice President Nixon’s worker.” by representative vote” in 1952 a of the CIO- primary election. campaign, said yesterday a Asked if he feels the Senate AFL’s Committee on Political Senate investigation of his af- Investigation Is really who “Here’s all you do,” read a ‘ political aimed at Education said the Senator newspaper fairs amounts to a fish- the Republican Party or designed even voted right by mis- advertisement. ing “hasn't “Vote as you expedition” sparked by Dem- to hurt Mr. Nixon. Mr. Chotiner take.” please, but For ocrats. replied: vote! Save the numbered Dad's Ease S “ The speaker, Hugh Mullin, a stub your FREE"—Finally from ballot. ... JOT you con enjoy o t|| Mr. Chotiner. an attorney, I do not think I’m of any regional director of the commit- called pro- Your stub is good as gold for per that fits like a glove—is as soft as §§ a news conference to concern to those responsible for spoke to some 500 delegates o he termed “campaign this Investigation. tee. one gallon.” te test what a They are not to the 50th convention of —is os comfortable as a glove and of by Murray the villifleation innuendo and interested in Chotiner as Maryland State-District of Co- Je by a glove manufacturer, Daniel Hoys, scare tactics” which he said is an individual.” lumbia Federation New of Kargonized Stevenson de leather— _ being by representa- of Labor, Units satin soft S conducted Denied Improper Conduct meeting at the Willard Hotel. revolutionary tives of the Senate subcommittee Form in Two States water-repellent chemical investigations. Mr. Chotiner testified in Wash- Mr. Mullin charged Senator (ff). itment for glove leathers 9.95 on ington CHICAGO. June 5 Or- He Saturday by .recently before the com- Butler was elected “by the oil ganization of new was told mittee by Stevenson for G. O. P. Leonard Hall headed Senator Mc- and gas interests of Texas” and President Committees in Okla- Chairman Clellan, Arkansas, that the Republicans will not Democrat of added he “represents them" in homa and Maine was announc'd In its probe of possible influence the Senate. yesterday by the need his services In the 1956 awarding Army National Ste- campaign. Jin uniform con- The Political Education Com- venson for President Committee. | tracts. He denied any improper mittee, Mr. Mullin said, only Telegraphs Hall The Oklahoma group's secre- conduct or use of his Republican “looks at the record.” And along tary is He Party wield Robert J. Drexler of 1 declined further comment stature to influence these lines he said Senator But- Oklahoma City. The Maine sec-; Ph'inr STrrlmf 1.1 tlI I on Mr. Hall’s announcement, but in behalf of clients. ler “hasn’t voted right, by retary ’ft'rv Chase open Thursday Friday P.M, ¦ even is Edward Pols of and •ttl t> f|| Sunday night, in telegram, “The Bruns-' a sent Democrat opposition led i mistake.” wick. Sixteen others States have' ll! Free Parking Both Stores best wishes to Mr. Hall and the by Robert F. Kennedy, attorney “Surely,’’ he told the delegates, similar committees. 4^ party “for a successful cam-; for the Senate Permanent Sub- "you’re entitled to one vote. But paign.” Investigations, VOTES IN HOME STATE-Cedar Rapids, committee on In the Senator’s record, he said, lowa.-Senator Mr. Chotiner, a member of the j i with his chief investigator, Car- “its impossible to find saving Hickenlooper, Republican one ? of lowa, is shown at the voting California State Republican! mine S. has grace,” machine casting Bellino. embarked after his ballot In the State primary elec- Committee and vice chairman of; ;on a political fishing expedition,” Earlier, Carleton Sickles, tion in precinct.—AP mem- his home Wirephoto. Mr. Chotiner said in a statement. ber of the Maryland House of “An investigation which started Delegates from Prince Georges out to probe Army uniform con- County, warned the labor group •;r \ Adenauer Due | tracts, and inadvertently ran that “right to work” legislation E California Voting Today across my name as having been would again be introduced in the paid a fee for an entirely unre- House this January. Here Monday lated legal matter, now has The federation two years ago By the Associated Frets switched to investigating Mur- stood strongly against similar In ray Chotiner, Winner-Take-All Test West and all his clients,! legislation which was eventually German Chancellor Ade- irrespective Washington of the type of case! defeated by the Maryland Legis- Continued From First Page 'Nation would be lost to the nauer will arrive in involved, next Monday for informal talks or the inherent right of 1lature. istered voters of whom 3,059,873 Democrats next November. an with President Eisenhower and American citizen to hire a The convention continues are Democrats and 2,277,530 are Jiggs lawyer represent Donohue Spotlight , Secretary to him.” through Thursday. Republicans. Estimates of the in of State Dulles. probable vote today range from An eleventh hour effort was The West German Embassy 65 percent to 69 percent made by the Stevenson camp to today announced the itinerary! of the!,embarrass total. While the voters have Senator Kefauver by for the 80-year-old stateman’s, not! issuing seven-day trip manifested great interest in the! a statement that F. Jo- to the United! BELIEVE IT (Jiggs) during OR NOT presidential primary, seph Donohue of Wash- States, which he will re- Heroes are afraid, too. is that quality there are! ington, COURAGE which causes signs it has picked up Kefauver’s national cam- ceive an honorary degree from; men to act in spite of fear. in recent! paign manager, Marquette days. Under primary attended a re- Yale and Universities.! the law.l'ception Mr, You’ll Conquer FEAR And only Democrats can in here given for Senator Adenauer last visited this Worry vote the! Kuchel, Republican country year ago. Democratic primary, only; candidate a In The and for plane Republicans G. O. re-election. Mr. Donohue re- His is due in New York! in the P. plied Saturday. * * primary. he attended the reception After a week end in; DALE on from friend, New York, CARNEGIE Because of the great prepon-! invitation an old the German leader! that he did not know Senator will take part in Yale Univer-i SUMMER CLASSES derance of registered Democrats j 0" Kuchel was to be the honor sity commencement exercises Pleos* "v which class you prefer and mail this ad today. and of the brisk fight; . because guest—and that (Dono- and honorary SAVE MONEY! AAD GIVE whicft has been waged | when he receive an docto- Wednesday—June 13, 6:30 P.M.—l4 Wednesdays YOURSELF between! Ihue) was invited to a party he rate Monday at New. Haven. ? Mr. Stevenson and Senator Ke-; was ? Tuesday and Thursday—July 10, 6:30 P.M.—7 Weeks fauver, not in the habit of asking From Yale, he will fly to Wash- PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTS AT ROME WITH the combined vote in the! 'his host for a guest list. ington. ? Tuesday and Thursday, Day Class—July 10, 10 A.M. Democratic presidential primary Dale Courses, While the presidential primary On Tuesday Mr. Adenauer will Carnegie 509 14th St. N.W., Wash. 4, D. C. PRiESTS HAIR SETS is expected to top the vote cast confer with District 7-4165 CUTTING for Eisenhower. In 1952, hdids the spotlight today, Cali- Mr. Dulles at the Mr. 1fornia voters State Department. The next day AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT when Senator Kefauver won the are nominating No senator, he will be Mi- . Eisenhower’s guest shaggy children in the family that California primary over favorite-; candidates for for thirty house seats for the legislature, at a White House luncheon. son candidate Pat Brown, his After a one-day return invests in Priest’s haircutting sets! And f million, and for numerous local offices. visit Special vote was 1.2 or about Kuchel, to New York, during which he 120,000 greater than the vote in,' Senator seeking renom- Mom can quickly learn to do her own hair ination, has only minor opposi- is scheduled to address the Coun- the Republican primary for the cil on Foreign then Governor, Earl Warren, tion in the Republican primary. Relations. Mr. and Dad’s. Pays for in just few a Adenauer will fly to Chicago to itself a presidential candidate that year. 2 Try to Battle Kuchel speak Friday at a luncheon of haircuts! Set includes electric clipper, vF*Cr Cr Mr. Eisenhower, however, car- Two Democrats, former Rep- the Executives’ Club. ried California in the general resentative Sam Yorty and State Later that day he will travel comb, shears, butch attachment and in- election by 700,000 votes. Senator Richard Richards, are to Milwaukee to receive an hon- Both'Spend Freely ! fighting it out in the Democratic orary doctorate from Marquette. structions. UL approved. Senator Kefauver and Mr.'primary for a chance to run Stevenson continued to cam- against1 Senator Kuchel in the ADVERTISEMENT general Cosmetics and Toiletries, Street Fl„ Washington, Silver Spring PARKington paign for votes right up to the l election.