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Inventory of the Papers, 1924-53

Processed by The State Archives staff; supplementary encoding and revision supplied by Brooke Dykman Dockter. California State Archives 1020 "O" Street Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: (916) 653-2246 Fax: (916) 653-7363 Email: [email protected] URL: © 2000 California Secretary of State. All rights reserved.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 1 Papers, 1924-53 Inventory of the Earl Warren Papers, 1924-53

Inventory: F3640

California State Archives Office of the Secretary of State Sacramento, California Contact Information: California State Archives 1020 "O" Street Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: (916) 653-2246 Fax: (916) 653-7363 Email: [email protected] URL: Compiled by: David L. Snyder © 2000 California Secretary of State. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary Title: Earl Warren Papers, Date (inclusive): 1924-53 Inventory: F3640 Creator: Warren, Earl Extent: See Series List Repository: California State Archives Sacramento, California Language: English. Publication Rights For permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the California State Archives. Permission for reproduction or publication is given on behalf of the California State Archives as the owner of the physical items. The researcher assumes all responsibility for possible infringement which may arise from reproduction or publication of materials from the California State Archives collections. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Earl Warren Papers, F3640, California State Archives. Alternative Form of Materials Available Selected audio recordings from this collection were digitized as part of the "California Light and Sound" collection through the California Audiovisual Preservation Project (CAVPP). To learn more about how this material was digitized, please visit the CAVPP website . Foreword EARL WARREN, GOVERNOR by Merrell F. Small Secretary, 1946-53 Office of Governor Earl Warren That researcher will be disappointed who delves into the Warren Papers with any expectation of discovering things politically sensational to write about. Intrigue was alien to Earl Warren's nature. In all his dealings he was open, aboveboard and non-partisan. Republican in national politics, in the state he was literally apolitical. Why not? The election laws of his era permitted the registrants of all parties to choose him as their nominee, which they did in primary elections including one even for the high office of

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 2 Papers, 1924-53 governor. And on his part Warren never questioned whether a citizen looking to him as Alameda County's district attorney, the attorney general of California, or governor, was Republican or Democrat or the member of any other party or none. His instruction to his staff was that all were to be "dealt with courteously and considerately." Similarly in matters of gubernatorial patronage. His sole interest was in finding that person best qualified for the job he was filling. "I will surround myself with good people" was his creed. He persuaded attorneys of prosperous private practice to serve as judges at greatly lessened income. He made not a politician but a renowned engineer responsible for the state highway system. Many appointees were Democrats, although Warren actually did not realize this sometimes. On one occasion (which I witnessed!) he was taken quite by surprise when a newsman asked him the party affiliation of the man he had just appointed to head the Public Utilities Commission. His second Director of Social Welfare, Charles I. Schottland, commented at the conclusion of his interview with the governor, "You have not asked me about my politics or my religion: I am a Jew and a Democrat." Warren replied that it was not for this that he was "hiring" Schottland, "but for your qualifications for the job." The fact that his Executive Secretary, William T. Sweigert (later a distinguished Federal Judge in ), was a Democrat, was well known. I was a Republican, and I believe the majority of the other staff members were also, but to this day I do not know. The subject simply didn't come up. The governor's interest was in whether we had enough solid experience in the fields from which he drew us to enable each to help advance his purpose of administering the state government efficiently and honorably. To be part of such an administration was to know the meaning of pride in one's job. There has never been in public office a finer man than Earl Warren. His public ethics and personal integrity, his kindliness and compassion, his dignity and great respect for the office he occupied for nearly 11 years, elevated the public's confidence in government to a degree that has not been surpassed in the history of California, and inspired his staff to their utmost efforts. There was in Sacramento and the state an "era of good feeling" while he was governor. He would not tolerate the solicitation of state employees for financial support of his political campaigns. He put an immediate stop, upon taking office, to the practice of ordering goods and services from supporters as such; they could get the business only by competing successfully for it. In office, he was a magnificent administrator. His personal magnetism, the genuineness of his ability to inspire loyalty and enthusiasm, accounted for this in great measure. He had the confidence in his department heads and staff that enabled him to delegate responsibility. He did not clutter his mind or his desk with details. But with his uncanny faculty for absorbing and retaining facts, he was a thoroughly informed chief executive. The office was as a carefully planned and organized, smooth-running business. The mail was meticulously catalogued-a fact which the researcher will appreciate-and expeditiously dealt with. Form letters had to be used to an extent, but much of the correspondence was given individual treatment, necessitating long hours and six-day weeks on the part of the staff. Warren answered some letters himself (and originated considerable correspondence), but most replies were drafted by assistants. Often he made changes to adapt these totally to his style and thinking, and he did so invariably with speeches. Indeed, so much did he work on speech drafts that he could honestly say that he wrote his own speeches. One of his assistants had the title of "research secretary," but none that of "speech writer." His addresses were not exciting. It used to be said of his oratory that "he never got listeners to stamp their feet and cheer-but neither did anyone ever walk out on him." He did not tell funny stories, but his speeches bore fruit-as when, after telling his audiences for two years that he intended taking California "out of the asylum age into the age of hospital treatment," the legislature appropriated money to replace the ancient institutions with new. From the standpoint of administrative theory, this governor would be said to have had "blind spots" in handling a staff. He was a demanding taskmaster. He expected perfection, or at least the effort. He himself often procrastinated, as with preparing legislative messages, and we had to mollify deadline-haunted reporters as best we could. He never praised publicly, but let a member of the staff earn his displeasure-the occasionally inevitable consequence of any high-pressure job-and he'd say so without regard to the presence of others. But neither did he carry a grudge ever. Minutes after a bawling-out, he'd speak of plans for other work or a similarly agreeable subject. And so entire was our admiration that there was not one of us who would not have gone to any length to serve him. His pay scale was certainly not a factor in the enthusiasm we had for our jobs; no one knew better than his employees how careful Earl Warren was with public funds! Unlike other governors, who add members to their staff at the legally maximum salary, Warren would "dicker" when he hired us and then at the end of each year give us a little raise. Maybe the idea was to give us an "incentive," but I think it was as much his habit of frugality. When district attorney and attorney general, Warren held regular staff meetings, but none while he was governor. One or two times weekly he'd ask a secretary or several to lunch. (His staff assistants bore the title of "secretary," causing a certain amount of confusion for the public.) It was then that we had good access to Warren's mind. It was a pleasant procedure: sharing a meal usually assures the absence of tensions!

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 3 Papers, 1924-53 Once I made the remark that the governor didn't furnish us with many "signals" about our duties. His answer was, "I hired you because I believed you were someone of good character and that you have ability, so if you study the problem you're faced with and discuss it with the department involved when you need additional information, and then do what you think is right and fair, you won't have any trouble with me." Another way of keeping abreast of the governor's thinking was to attend his press conferences. These were not haphazard. Warren's press secretary, Verne Scoggins, scheduled them twice weekly, one timed for the advantage of morning newspapers and the other giving a lead to the evening papers They didn't always produce front-page headlines, but they were pleasant occasions. The reporters had to work hard at being objective with this hearty, friendly man. As with the speeches, Warren could use his press conferences effectively on occasion. His advocacy of a three-cent gasoline tax increase to finance major highway improvements was bitterly opposed by the oil companies. In the midst of the struggle the companies simultaneously raised the price of their product three cents a gallon. Warren believed this was intended to checkmate him, but he proved to be the better chess player. He quietly announced to the newspapers that he had asked the United States Justice Department to consider whether there might have been collusion. The opposition to his highway bill collapsed. Most of the governor's working day was spent on the telephone or conferring at his desk. In the files there are daily lists of telephone calls and the names of the people who saw the governor, but the researcher will regret that the business done was not fully recorded. At the same time, nothing was neglected. Warren followed up on his conferences and conversations with verbal instructions to the staff, and the correspondence reflects the action taken. The excellent descriptive catalog of the Papers compiled under the direction of the Chief of Archives, Dr. W. N. Davis, Jr., and his principal assistant, David Snyder, will facilitate for the researcher his evaluation of what they contain and in finding specific items, the wartime internment of California residents of Japanese ancestry, for example. As attorney general, Warren took swift and energetic action following the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy to move these residents out of the war zone--all the area of California within 150 miles of the coast. Because a high proportion of the enlisted men in America's Pacific Fleet came from California, this state suffered many of the 2800 Pearl Harbor casualties, and feelings were running very high. In later years Warren apparently had regrets for the harshness of the action, realizing in a calmer time that many of the internees were loyal to the United States. This can be judged somewhat from the statement (series entry 265) regarding the reemployment of persons of Japanese ancestry following the war, and the file on the trip the governor made to Japan in 1951 (series entry 241) ostensibly to cheer the California National Guard troops that had been "federalized" for combat service in Korea, but equally to demonstrate that California no longer harbored ill feelings for the Japanese people. The "loyalty oath" controversy involving professors is covered in series entry 343. Others of the papers will document for the researcher the organization of Warren's campaigns for the governorship (series entries 6-8) and the Presidency (series entries 9-10); the "hot cargo" issue (series entry 6); health insurance (series entry 477); the post-war building program (series entries 308-309); the treaty with Mexico allocating 1,500,000 acre-feet of Colorado River water to that country, and the efforts of California to block it (series entry 49); the records and recommendations of his statewide conferences of citizens; and his messages to the legislature. But by and large there is not much exciting material in the Warren Papers. Much of the material in the Warren Papers is in fact of a merely routine character. There were no scandals in the administration of this very careful, thoughtful and high-minded man. There were no "shake-ups," no legislative investigations of Warren appointees. His administration was honest and it ran smoothly. Meanwhile, starting a number of years before the Warren Papers were made available to the public, the Regional Oral History Office at the University of California, Berkeley, has had an oral history project covering Earl Warren's public career in California. Consisting of the recollections of most of the people associated with him then, it is a comprehensive story of this important epoch. Warren himself was interviewed twice by the ROHO staff. Somewhat of a body of literature has also been produced. Warren especially liked the books written by John D. Weaver and Leo Katcher. He paid me the compliment of saying he enjoyed the articles I wrote about him in the Sacramento "Bee" from 1969 to 1973. Sacramento May 3, 1976 Introduction The Earl Warren Papers are the first major collection of a California governor's administrative and personal papers to be deposited in the State Archives. Except for provisions covering specific classes of records--original laws, proclamations, pardons, commutations, and reprieves, extraditions, etc.--California has no legal provisions requiring the Governor to deposit his papers in the State Archives or elsewhere The lack of such provisions has meant every Governor from Peter H.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 4 Papers, 1924-53 Burnett to Ronald Reagan, with the exceptions of Warren and Goodwin J. Knight, has taken his papers with him upon leaving office. Of these only a half dozen major collections and a number of other smaller collections have survived or found their way into manuscript depositories. The accession of the Warren Papers was a result of the efforts of Frank M. Jordan, Secretary of State. On September 29, 1953 Jordan wrote to Warren, "You will recall that some time ago we discussed the question of securing for the Archives all of the official records of the Governor so that they may become available to students and other persons interested in research of the history of the State of California." On September 30 President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the appointment of Warren as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, thereby setting in motion the machinery which led to the deposit of the Warren Papers in the State Archives. Warren responded to Jordan's letter on October 1 by confirming his intentions of transmitting to the Secretary of State records accumulated during his tenure as Governor and as Attorney General. In the same letter Warren included the following instructions: "If I do not ask them returned within ten years from this date then and in that event you are at liberty to place these files in the State Archives.... In the event of my death during such ten year period you have similar authority with regard to the disposition of the files." Warren concluded by stipulating that the files were to remain sealed during the restricted period. The actual transfer occurred on October 4, 1953. Paul J. O'Brien, State Archivist, receipted for the records contained in 295 legal file drawers and 34 pieces (not otherwise described) which had been stored in a commercial warehouse. Warren left California for Washington, D.C. on the same day in time to be sworn in and preside at the opening of the Supreme Court on the following day. In May, 1954, the Warren Papers were transferred from the metal filing equipment into cardboard boxes to free the former for more pressing storage needs. Each box was sealed with the seal of the Secretary of State. For the next nine years the Warren Papers remained untouched in accordance with the provisions of the letter of transfer. The collection in its interim form amounted to a small mountain of 630 boxes, each holding approximately one cubic foot of records. In mid-1963, with the original 10 year closure period about to lapse, the Archives formulated plans to begin the task of processing the Warren Papers. On October 2, 1963, however, Warren addressed a note to Secretary of State Frank M. Jordan requesting that his records "be continued under seal during my lifetime or unless notified otherwise at a future date." Secretary of State Jordan acknowledged Warren's letter on October 11 and included a request that the State Archives be allowed to process the records. On June 1, 1965 Warren authorized the processing of his records. At the same time he disclosed the reasons for closing his records. "As you will remember, I left the Governorship on four days notice, and did not have an opportunity to see any of the papers which were sent to the Archives. As you know, in a Governor's Office, there is often correspondence that could be injurous to some of the people mentioned, and I would not want to have my gubernatorial records used to stir up political strife or controversy or to injure any person. It is for this reason and that reason alone that I would not want to make the papers public at this time." In late 1965 the compiler of this inventory was assigned the responsibility of arranging and cataloging the Warren Papers. The first task was to determine the major record groupings and to devise a plan for their arrangement. The initial survey disclosed five major sub-groups: 1. Political: campaign records covering the period 1926-50, including Warren's campaigns for reelection as Alameda County District Attorney, his activities with the Republican State Central Committee and Republican National Committee, the State Attorney General campaign of 1938, the Gubernatorial campaigns of 1942, 1946, 1950, and the Presidential Campaign of 1948. 2. Attorney General Office Files, 1939-42. 3. Governor's Office - Administrative Files, 1943-53. 4. Governor's Office - Legislative Files, 1943-53. 5. Governor's Office - Federal Files, 1943-53. Also included were small collections of personal and Masonic papers indicating the possible existence of additional Warren Papers that had not been turned over to the State Archives. The original survey and processing, including the elimination of duplicate and unwanted records and printed materials generally available in the State Library, occupied approximately 3½ years of part-time work. The net reduction amounted to approximately 36% of the total records received. A rough inventory was produced and forwarded in March, 1972 to Chief Justice Warren, retired, in hope that Warren would write a statement on his papers for inclusion in the final inventory. The

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 5 Papers, 1924-53 hope was not fulfilled. In mid-1972, as a result of a phone conversation between Chief of Archives W. N. Davis, Jr. and Warren's office, the Archives learned of the existence of Warren's Personal Papers for the period 1927-53. The papers had been stored in Sacramento since October, 1953 and because of the high storage costs the question of transferring them to the State Archives was raised. On August 1, 1972 Warren authorized the Chief of Archives to examine the papers and to determine which should be transferred to the State Archives. A preliminary survey was made in early September and a decision made to accession the entire collection to the State Archives. These records, amounting to 170 cubic feet and approximately 27 linear feet of scrapbooks were received into the Archives on September 7. A more detailed analysis followed and recommendations on specific dispositions submitted to Warren on December 1. Warren's Personal Papers, after thorough analysis and processing, were revealed to be a mixture of personal, political, and administrative papers. The mixture is explained by the fact of the very brief period of time that was available to the Governor's staff to separate the two collections before they were sent to either the Archives or commercial storage. In the processing of the Personal Papers rearrangement and additional description of many series entries were required. This is particularly true of Warren's political files for a considerable overlap existed between the two collections. In addition the Personal Papers contained documentation on the 1952 Presidential campaign which was not found among records in the first transfer. A few classes of records were removed from the collection and disposed of because of their personal nature. These included Masonic papers, personal financial records such as bank statements and cancelled checks, and a few private family records. Organization of Inventory The Earl Warren Papers will be described in 7 parts. These are as follows: Part I: Political, 1926-52. Part II: Administrative files of the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, Date: 1924-38, and State Attorney General's Office, 1939-42. Part III: Governor's Office - Administrative Files, 1943-53. Part IV: Governor's Office - Legislative Files, 1943-53. Part V: Governor's Office - Federal Files, 1943-53. Part VI: Personal Papers, 1927-53. Part VII: Miscellaneous Papers, Date: 1928-53. This part will include a number of series maintained as separate collections within either the Administrative or Personal Papers. These include: 1. California Counties File, 1943-53. 2. Health Insurance File, 1945-50. 3. Photograph File, 1891-1953. 4. Audiovisual File, 1942-52. 5. Scrapbooks and newspaper clipping files, 1936, 1938-52. Note Each part will be preceeded by a more detailed statement of organization and content. For purposes of description the Earl Warren Papers are arranged by series entries. A series entry relates to records brought together under a single filing system, or because they relate to a particular subject or activity. Series headings or titles are standardized and include the following informational elements: 1. Series entry number. 2. Title of Series. 3. Date span of series. 4. Quantity of records, expressed in terms of the number of file folders, volumes, or cubic feet. 5. Series identification numbers. Note The series title is followed by a descriptive paragraph and includes: 1. Arrangement.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 6 Papers, 1924-53 2. Physical types of records. 3. Subject content (where applicable).

1. ALAMEDA COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY CAMPAIGN PAPERS. 1926, 1930, 1934. F3640: 1-2 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence, form letters and responses, sponsor lists, mail address lists, campaign literature, newspaper advertisements, expenditure statements and miscellaneous receipts for printing expenses relating to Warren's campaigns for reelection as District Attorney. These files are fragmentary and provide little insight into the Warren political organization of this time.

2. 1934 GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1934. F3640: 40-57 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, news releases, newspaper clippings, broadsides, tracts, publications, and other records pertaining to the activities of Warren as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee (1934-36) and on behalf of the Merriam-Hatfield Ticket in 1934. Records relate chiefly to party organization and strategy at the county and local level and include numerous statements and comments as to expressions of support, offers of assistance, requests for financial aid, and criticism of management of the Republican Party in California. Also included are campaign contributions, candidate platform statements, straw polls, campaign literature and excerpts from the writings of Upton Sinclair - "The Goslings," "The Profits of Religion," "The Way Out," and "I, Governor."

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 7 Papers, 1924-53 3. 1936 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1936. F3640: 58-134

3. 1936 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1936. F3640: 58-134 Physical Description: 77f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, statements, news releases, newspaper clippings, minutes, speeches, address and mailing lists, photographs, broadsides, tracts, publications, and other records pertaining to state and local activities of the Republican State Central Committee during the 1936 Presidential Campaign. This series relates principally to the organization of Republican committees, clubs, and organizations to promote the election of Congressional and State Legislative candidates. Many of the communications are copies sent to Warren for his information as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. Although Warren acted upon many of the matters included in this series, his role and leadership as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee is better documented in series entry 4, REPUBLICAN PARTY AFFAIRS (Warren Files), 1934-38, described below. In subject content this series includes expressions of support, offers of assistance, advice, requests for aid, assistance, and support, as well as material on or by the California Republican Assembly, including correspondence with Robert F. Craig, Secretary, and Sherrill Halbert, Immediate Past President; Murray Chotiner; County Central Committees; selection, organization, and arrangements for delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention, Cleveland; campaign finances; William F. Knowland; Negro Republican organizations; Republican National Committee, including correspondence with chairmen Henry P. Fletcher, Chairman (1934-36) and John Hamilton, Chairman (1936-38), and Harrison Spangler, Director of Western Division; Republican State Central Committee, including correspondence with Paul H. Davis, Campaign Director, and George I. Lynn, Director of Publicity; Mark Requa; and of California.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 8 Papers, 1924-53 4. REPUBLICAN PARTY AFFAIRS (Warren Files). 1934-38. F3640: 135-220

4. REPUBLICAN PARTY AFFAIRS (Warren Files). 1934-38. F3640: 135-220 Physical Description: 186f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, statements, news releases, newspaper clippings, minutes, speeches, address lists, calendars, photographs, campaign literature, broadsides, tracts, publications, and other records pertaining to Warren's activities as Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee (1934-36) and as National Committeeman of the Republican National Committee (1936-38). Records in this series relate generally to the 1936 Presidential Campaign, both national and statewide, and also to the four year period in which Warren was most active in the two organizations. This series documents Warren's role but should be used in conjunction with series entries 2 and 3 described above. Subject matter includes information on Republican party strategy and organization of Republican committees, clubs, and organizations, as well as material on or by; Robert S. Barkell, President of Alameda County Republican Assembly; the California Republican Assembly, including correspondence with presidents Sherrill Halbert and Edward S. Shattuck; Murray Chotiner; campaign finance, including lists of contributors and expenses; Herbert F. Hoover; William F. Knowland; Fiorello La Guardia; Alfred Landon; Samuel F. B. Morse; Northern California Republican Campaign Committee, including correspondence with Richard W. Barrett, Director, and Robert Littler, Publicity Director; Negro Republican organizations; radio; Republican National Committee and Executive Committee-including correspondence with Henry P. Fletcher and John Hamilton, successively Chairmen, Harrison Spangler, Director of Western Division, Burton Bigelow, Director of Correspondence and Distribution Division, Benjamin Eshleman, Director of Public Relations Division, and Arthur M. Curtis, Director of Special Groups Division; Republican State Central Committee, including correspondence with Justus F. Craemer, Chairman, and Howard D. Mills, Treasurer; Mark Requa; Republican Campaign Committee, Robert F. Craig, Director; U.S. Supreme Court; volunteer workers; Warren Uninstructed Delegation to Republican National Convention; Women's Republican organiations; Young Republicans of California; and Young Republicans National Committee.

5. ATTORNEY GENERAL CAMPAIGN FILES, 1938. F3640: 221-294 Physical Description: 74f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, newspaper clippings, news releases, speeches, address and mailing lists, photographs, campaign literature, broadsides, tracts, and publications relating to Warren's campaign and election to the office of Attorney General. A large part of this series includes expressions of support, offers of assistance, and endorsements. Other files pertain to such subjects and individuals as Fletcher Bowron; Thomas I. Coakley and Grant B. Cooper, Co-ordinators, Northern and Southern California Earl Warren for Attorney General committees; campaign finances, including receipts and expenditures of major committees; Sherrill Halbert, Executive Director, Tulare County Republican Committee; labor; letters written on behalf of Warren by his staff and others; Samuel F. B. Morse; statements and speeches of and data on other candidates; radio programs; speeches by Warren and others; sponsors; women and women's organizations, including the Women's Division of the Earl Warren Non-Partisan Committee.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 9 Papers, 1924-53 5. ATTORNEY GENERAL CAMPAIGN FILES, 1938. F3640: 221-294

6. 1942 GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1942. F3640: 393-563 Physical Description: 172f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, statements, news releases, newspaper clippings, newspaper and magazine articles, photographs, speeches and radio broadcasts, address lists, campaign literature, form letters, and other documentation relating to Warren's campaign and election as Governor. A large part of this series is concerned with the statewide and local organization of the Earl Warren for Governor Non-Partisan Committee and includes the most complete record of his campaign organization, finances, operations, and strategy. File series and subjects include budget data and Roland A. Vandegrift (Legislative Auditor) file; campaign receipts and expenditures; congratulatory letters (samples); endorsements and sponsors; invitations accepted and declined; issues file, consisting of Warren statements and speeches, newspaper editorials, suggestions and recommendations received from campaign workers, staff, friends, political associates, and the public on such issues as agriculture, civil service and the spoils system, civilian defense and the State Guard, economy and state finance, education, institutional scandals, labor relations and the "Hot Cargo" issue, parole scandals, pensions and old aged assistance, post-war planning and war-time measures; itineraries of Warren and others speaking on his behalf (June 15-Nov. 2, 1942); letterbook copies or carbons of all outgoing correspondence and memoranda (April-Nov. 13, 1942); Helen R. MacGregor file, consisting of correspondence answered by (largely October, 1942); mail received indexes, abstracts of all mail received (August 25-December 30, 1942) divided into chronological and county series; newspaper clippings, clip sheets, and editorials as compiled by Clem Whitaker and Campaigns, Inc. A number of files relate specifically to the Warren for Governor Non-Partisan Committee and include correspondence and memoranda between the Attorney General's Office and Northern and Southern California Headquarters, county organization data including selection of county and divisional chairmen, county committee operations and activities as managed by Clem Whitaker and Campaigns, Inc., and statewide organization and activities of the Publishers', Speakers' Bureau, War Veterans', and Womens' (Division) committees. Names prominently linked with the Warren for Governor Non-Partisan Committee include Helen R. MacGregor; State Treasurer Charles G. Johnson; Assistant Attorney Generals William T. Sweigert and Everett Mattoon; Irving Martin, Chairman, and Clem Whitaker, Manager, Northern California Warren Committee; and Raymond Haight, Chairman, Maynard Garrison, Vice-Chairman, and William D. Campbell, Manager, Southern California Committee. Also included are four folders of post-election correspondence regarding transition matters and proposed legislation for consideration at the 1943 legislative session.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 10 Papers, 1924-53 7. 1946 GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1946. F3640:564-578

7. 1946 GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1946. F3640:564-578 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, press releases, form letters, campaign literature, and other records pertaining to Warren's campaign for reelection. The files for this campaign are quite abbreviated and appear incomplete based on references found within files. Records relate to such subjects as campaign contributions and expenditures; campaign organization; background data, speeches, press releases concerning gubernatorial candidates Robert W. Kenny and Earl Lee Kelly; Warren press releases; radio spot announcements; Republican County Central Committees; speech material; sponsor lists; and organization and activity data of the Los Angeles County Warren-for-Governor-Committee. Miscellaneous documentation on the 1946 gubernatorial campaign may also be found in Warren's Personal Papers under the headings of Political Miscellaneous and Republican State Organizations. See series entry 475.

8. 1950 GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1950. F3640:579-618 Physical Description: 40f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, statements, news releases, newspaper clippings and editorials, speeches, radio broadcasts, mailing lists, campaign literature, and other records relating to Warren's third-term campaign for Governor. The 1950 campaign files are particularly strong in financial data and include extensive listings of individual campaign contributors, budgets, and receipts and expenditures of the principal campaign committees. Other files contain information on such subjects as Warren's itinerary for the months of May and June; newspaper questionnaire summaries addressed after the primary to southern California newspapers on the subjects of local issues, campaign suggestions, voting trends for Gubernatorial, state and local races; office organization, procedures, and personnel assignments; press releases for northern and southern California headquarters; radio spot announcements and broadcast schedules; data; and Verne Scroggins' file on campaign strategy and issues, preliminary budget estimates, and data on other candidate's activities. A series of six three-ring binders, prepared by the Earl Warren for Governor Committee, provide detailed information on the total scope of the 1950 primary and general campaigns. Subjects covered include vote returns and election analyses; campaign schedules; county organization; functions of the Governor's personal campaign office; editorials and magazine articles; press releases and speeches; radio broadcasts; volunteer workers and campaign personnel.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 11 Papers, 1924-53 9. 1948 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1948. F3640:619-649

9. 1948 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FILES. 1948. F3640:619-649 Physical Description: 31f. Scope and Content Note Each sub-series is arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, news releases, newspaper clippings, radio broadcasts, speeches, campaign literature, and other records relating to Warren's unsuccessful favorite son delegation to the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, Warren's nomination as Vice-President with Thomas A. Dewey of New York, and the Dewey-Warren campaign which followed. The Warren for President Committee files include information on committee organization, planning and strategy, and personnel assignments; selection of delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention; finances; and travel arrangements to and accommodations at Philadelphia. The Dewey-Warren campaign files include data on campaign arrangements and organization in coordination with the Republican National Committee (RNC); campaign train arrangements, including "Daily Travel Notes," press and radio accommodations, travel data, and itineraries and background materials on states and communities visited during the campaign; finances, including reconciliation of funds drawn upon RNC, bills paid, expense accounts, and personnel and payroll; issues; itineraries; policy statements; RNC press releases (Aug. 8-Nov. 2); and Warren's speeches (Sept. 15-Oct. 29). The Dewey-Warren Northern and Southern California headquarters files consist chiefly of press releases and travel itineraries.

10. 1952 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN FILE. 1952. F3640:650-655 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Contents of this file relate exclusively to campaign finances--receipts and expenditures, contributors, budget, personnel and payroll--with some specific detail on the Oregon and Wisconsin primaries, eastern trips made by Warren and others, and Chicago Convention headquarters. A much larger political file for the 1952 campaign, evidenced by the multipage index filed in F3650:650, was not among the Warren records transferred to the State Archives. Whether it remains in existence the Archives does not know. Miscellaneous activities of the Earl Warren for President Committee and Warren's involvement on behalf of the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket are documented in his Personal Papers, 1927-53, under Political, Miscellaneous, 1952. See series entry 475.

11. FINANCIAL RECORDS FILES. 1946-48. F3640:656 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Check stubs, expense memorandum, bills and receipts, payroll statements, and expense statements of office personnel. The accounts are set up in the names of Vera F. Clayton and M. F. "Pop" Small. These records relate to both political and administrative activities of the Governor's staff.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 12 Papers, 1924-53 12. MAILING ADDRESS FILES. 1932-50. F3640:657-664

12. MAILING ADDRESS FILES. 1932-50. F3640:657-664 Physical Description: 8 bundles. Scope and Content Note Mailing address files developed during Warren's election campaigns or for other administrative purposes. Each file (samples only retained) consists of a series of 3" × 5" cards on which is listed the individual's name, address, summary of political background, and other pertinent information. Mailing lists include: Republican Clubs by Congressional District, 1936 Presidential campaign Republican Women, by County, 1932-42 Campaign Workers, 1946 Gubernatorial Campaign Republican National and State Committeemen, 1946 Sacramento Unions, Statewide Trade Association, n.d. County Defense Councils, Kern-Sonoma counties, n.d.

13. MISCELLANEOUS. 1948. F3640:665 Physical Description: 1 envelope. Scope and Content Note Carved statue of elephant. For origin see letter from Paul Helms of Helms Bakeries, Los Angeles, to Warren, dated August 5, 1948, filed in F3640:619.

14. ALAMEDA COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE FILES. 1924-38. F3640:3-39 Physical Description: 37f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Daily calendars and diaries, as kept or prepared by Warren and his Private Secretary, Helen R. MacGregor, of engagements, phone calls received and answered, visitors, and other matters requiring attention (1930-38); monthly reports of criminal cases tried (1927-30); criminal action work sheets (1936-38); daily lists of personal mail received (Oct. 12, 1935-June 29, 1937); parole application worksheets (1927-36); monthly reports of estates handled by Public Administrator (1932-34); trustee account bank statements (1924-33); travel expense statements (1926-38). Examples of routine office correspondence for the years 1927-38 are interfiled with Warren's Personal Papers, 1927-53, series entry 475.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 13 Papers, 1924-53 15. STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE FILES. 1939-42. F3640:295-392a

15. STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE FILES. 1939-42. F3640:295-392a Physical Description: 96f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, minutes, opinions, reports, news releases, newspaper clippings, speeches, statements, background materials, and other data pertaining to the day-to-day operations of the Attorney General's Office. Subjects covered in these files include agriculture and agricultural labor problems, including data on and investigation of the Associated Farmers of California, Inc. by the La Follette Committee (Dec., 1939) and data on the San Joaquin Valley cotton strike of 1939; appointment requests; National Association of Attorneys General, of which Warren was elected president in 1940; city and county officers and associations; daily calendars, diaries, and day books as kept by Warren and Helen R. MacGregor-containing daily entries and lists of appointments, incoming and outgoing telephone calls, reminders of calls to be made, visitors received in the Attorney General's Office, matters requiring attention, and materials sent to files; defense and defense planning and coordination between California, the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense, and local agencies; complaints of gambling and investigations of off-track betting, slot and pin-ball machines, dog racing, and other forms of gambling; invitations accepted and declined; the King-Ramsey-Connor Case (Pt. Lobos Murder); legislation affecting the operation of the Attorney General's Office; letterbooks, copies of all outgoing correspondence (Sept., 1939-Dec., 1942); mail summaries (Sept., 1939-Dec., 1941, Nov.-Dec., 1942); memoranda of office programs, policies, and budgetary considerations; memo reports of special agents regarding investigations and daily activities; press statements, editorial comment, and clippings relative to Warren as Attorney General and the operations of his office; prosecution of Robert Noble, Ellis Jones, et. al. for libelling General Douglas MacArthur and for failure to register under the State Subversive Organization Registration Act (1942); state offices and officers; United States offices and officers, including correspondence with California Congressmen; wire tapping, an investigation by the Attorney General's Office of charges brought by the Los Angeles County Grand Jury against Mayor Fletcher Bowron, Assistant District Attorney Grant Cooper, and others; and the legislative origins and creation of the Youth Corrections Authority as sponsored by Warren and the California Peace Officers' Association. Additional records relating to Warren's years as Attorney General can be found among his Personal Papers, 1927-53. These records include a mixture of personal and administrative matters that can not be physically separated without destroying the integrity of the series of which they are a part. See series entry 475.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 14 Papers, 1924-53 16. AERONAUTICS COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1947-53. F3640: 666-674

16. AERONAUTICS COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1947-53. F3640: 666-674 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The State Aeronautics Act of 1947 (ch. 1379) created a California Aeronautics Commission "to further and protect the public interest in aeronautics and aeronautical progress..." and to coordinate federal, state, and local efforts to develop a sound air transportation program for California. The files include letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, press releases, and other records pertaining to the legislative origins, early organization, administration, and operations of the Commission. Records relate to such subjects as appointments of Commission Director and staff; proposed location of an Air Force Academy in California; release and/or public use of Rankin and Hammer airfields; National and Governor's Committees for the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Powered Flight, Lt. General James H. Doolittle, Chairman.

17. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 675-705 Physical Description: 36f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions, Bureaus, other administrative units and special subjects, arranged alphabetically, are described below. Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, press releases, publications, reports, resolutions, statements and other records pertaining to the administration, operations, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as departmental fiscal affairs and legislative programs; wartime price fixing and the Black Market; criticisms and complaints of treatment received at agricultural inspection (Quarantine) stations; eradication and control of agricultural pests; freight car shortages; drought (1948); reorganization of Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine; Vesicular Exanthema of swine; tin shortages in canning industry; and Federal cotton acreage allotments and marketing quota legislation.

18. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH STUDY COMMITTEE. 1946-49. F3640: 706-708 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1946 (1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 144) to obtain information relative to the types of research and information needed to contribute to the continued progress of California agriculture. An act of the following year ( Stats. 1947, ch. 118) continued the Committee in existence until the end of the 1949 regular legislative session. Records include correspondence, memoranda, minutes, press releases, and reports relating to the Committee's organization, membership, objectives, policy, research projects, and activities.

19. ANIMAL INDUSTRY, DIVISION OF. 1943-44. F3640: 709 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 15 Papers, 1924-53 20. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, STATE. 1943-48. F3640: 710

20. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, STATE. 1943-48. F3640: 710 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications and memoranda received and sent. Correspondence for Dec., 1943 thru Feb., 1944, relates to the Board's adoption of a resolution favoring the return of Japanese-Americans to the Pacific Coast, Warren's opposition thereto, and proposals to rescind same. Correspondence critical of Warren's stand was sent to file without response.

21. FARM LABOR. 1943-50. F3640: 711-723 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence received and sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other materials pertaining to importation and use of Mexican Nationals and other foreigners as agricultural laborers; labor shortages; farm labor housing shortages; living conditions in farm labor camps; transfer of operational responsibilities of government-owned or -operated farm labor supply centers to non-profit farmer associations; and the Conference on Federal Migrant Labor camps. Agencies and organizations providing input with respect to the above subjects include California Agricultural Extension Service, Emergency Farm Labor Projects program; Governor's Committee on Migratory Farm Labor Housing; San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Labor Resources Committee; San Joaquin Valley Farm Labor Camp Committee; and the Farm Production Council. See also series entry 22 below. Also included within this series are "California Weekly Farm Labor Reports," 1943-45, as issued under cooperative extension work by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the University of California.

22. FARM PRODUCTION COUNCIL. 1943-47. F3640: 724-737 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1943 (2nd. Ex. Sess., ch. 1), the Farm Production Council provided farmers the means to achieve wartime production goals through assistance in solving production problems. The Council remained in operation until one year after the cessation of hostilities. Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications and other records relating to such subjects as importation and use of Mexican Nationals and foreigners as agricultural laborers; recruitment, placement, housing, and transportation of agricultural laborers; labor and equipment shortages; purchase and resale of Federal surplus housing; monthly schedules of personnel salaries and wages; and the work of the Coordinator of all Institutional Farming who oversaw agricultural production at state mental and correctional institutions.

23. FEED SITUATION. 1943-46. F3640:737a-738 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Complaints received and miscellaneous correspondence with state and federal agencies regarding shortages of baling ties for dry hay and high protein food concentrates for livestock and poultry.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 16 Papers, 1924-53 24. FOOD. 1943-50. F3640:739-744

24. FOOD. 1943-50. F3640:739-744 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Communications received containing suggestions and views on subjects of food conservation, controls, and production. The files also contain correspondence regarding California's participation in "Friendship Trains" project carrying foodstuffs to France and plans to send the California Maritime Academy ship Golden Bear to France, Italy, and Greece as California's contribution to national voluntary aid programs to post-war Europe. Three files for 1948 provide information on the organization, planning, and progress of the California Goodwill Milk Ship Golden Bear. Maurice G. Spaulding, Superintendent of Banks, served as Chairman of the project. See also series entry 196.

25. GUAYULE RUBBER PROGRAM. 1943-46. F3640:745-746 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, press releases, recommendations and photographs regarding the attempted development of a domestic rubber program as sponsored by the Federal Emergency Guayule Rubber Project and the California Guayule Rubber Committee. The latter Committee was also concerned with conversion of the program to production of a permanent domestic crop.

26. INSPECTION (QUARANTINE) STATIONS. 1947-53. F3640:747-750 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Communications received, reports, photographs, and other records pertaining to complaints about delays and difficulties in entering California. Inspection stations criticized include Blythe, Coleville, Daggett, Ft. Yuma, Stateline, and Yermo.

27. MARKET ENFORCEMENT, BUREAU OF. 1943-45, 1950-51. F3640:751 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

28. MARKETS, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640:752 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and reports regarding the State Wine Marketing program and state investigation of alleged misuse of funds by the Wine Advisory Board and the California Wine Institute.

29. MEAT AND CATTLE. 1943-51. F3640:753-755 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Communications received and sent, memoranda, reports regarding wartime meat shortages and eradication of foot and mouth disease resulting from a widespread outbreak in Mexico in late 1946. The files document the formation and activities of the Advisory Committee to the American Section of the Joint Administrative Board in Mexico and include correspondence with the U. S. Secretary of Agriculture and government agencies in other affected states and the Republic of Mexico.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 17 Papers, 1924-53 30. MILK AND DAIRYING. 1943-53. F3640:756-762

30. MILK AND DAIRYING. 1943-53. F3640:756-762 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Communications received and sent and memoranda regarding milk pricing, milk price stabilization, quality controls, and other regulatory measures with which the Bureau of Milk Control was involved. The Bureau was established by the Director of Agriculture in November 1945, to deal with enforcement of the Young and Desmond Milk Control Acts and related statutes. Records on the origin of the Bureau of Milk Control are to be found in the file for 1945.

31. PLANT INDUSTRY, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640:763 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

32. RODENT, PLAGUE AND WEED CONTROL, BUREAU OF. 1943, 1945. F3640:764 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

33. SUGAR. 1943-44. F3640:765 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Complaints regarding retioning.

34. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, BUREAU OF. 1943, 1945, 1950. F3640:766 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

35. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 1943-44. F3640:767 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

36. ANONYMOUS. 1943-53. F3640:768-781 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Correspondence received, partially unanswered. Records express views on such subjects as communism, foreign affairs, proposed legislation, old-age pensions, rent control, and a variety of other subjects. Threatening and crank letters are also found in these files. Files for 1943 have been retained intact. Samples only (20%) retained for 1944-53.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 18 Papers, 1924-53 36. ANONYMOUS. 1943-53. F3640:768-781

37. ASSEMBLY DISTRICTS. 1944, 1950. F3640:782 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications received and sent pertaining to elections.

38. BAR ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN (ABA). 1943-53. F3640:783-787 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chrnologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, legislative recommendations, and other records pertaining to Warren's involvement in the ABA.

39. BAR ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA (STATE BAR). 1943-53. F3640:788-792 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records pertaining to the activities and legislative recommendations of the State Bar. Warren maintained close contact with the State Bar as evidenced by his numerous addresses to annual meetings and frequent correspondence with officers and members.

40. CENTENNIAL AND WORLDS FAIR YEAR. 1944-45. F3640:793 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications received suggesting commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of California statehood and the discovery of gold.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 19 Papers, 1924-53 41. CALIFORNIA BEAR FLAG COMMEMORATION COMMISSION. 1946. F3640:794

41. CALIFORNIA BEAR FLAG COMMEMORATION COMMISSION. 1946. F3640:794 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The Commission was created ( Stats. 1946, 1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 113) for the purpose of participating in the centennial celebration commemorating the raising of the California Republic Bear Flag at Sonoma on June 14, 1846. The file consists of correspondence received and sent, principally with James F. Lyttle, Chairman, California Bear Flag Centennial Committee; Joseph R. Knowland, Chairman of State Commission; and Edna C. Nahl concerning display of the original etching of the Grizzly Bear used in the design of the official state flag.

42. MONTEREY FLAG RAISING CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. 1946. F3640:795 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The Commission was created ( Stats. 1946, 1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 70) for the purpose of participating in the centennial celebration commemorating the raising of the American Flag by Commodore Sloat at Monterey on July 7, 1846. The file consists of correspondence received and sent, principally with Edward W. Cochrane, Managing Director, United States Flag Raising Centennial Committee, regarding Warren's and others participation in the celebration.

43. CENTENNIALS COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1947-51. F3640:796-802 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The Commission was created ( Stats. 1947, ch. 456) to coordinate centennial observances of significant historical events during the years 1948, 1949, and 1950. Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, news releases, radio programs, publications, reports, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Commission. Records relate to such subjects as the Gold Discovery Centennial celebration, issuance of commemorative stamps, mobile history caravan, California's participation in National Capital Sesqui-centennial celebration, Statehood Centennial celebration, and local celebrations, festivities, and pageants. Communications with Centennials Advisory Committee members, created by the same act, are also found in these files.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 20 Papers, 1924-53 44. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, STATE AND CITIES. 1943-53. F3640:803-807

44. CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, STATE AND CITIES. 1943-53. F3640:803-807 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, publications, resolutions, legislative recommendations, reports, and other records pertaining to the activities of the State and local Chambers of Commerce. Much of the correspondence relates to requests for information forwarded to various Chambers of Commerce for response.

45. CITIES OF CALIFORNIA. 1943-53. F3640:808-827 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, publications, reports, and other records pertaining to municipal affairs, programs, and conditions. The main body of correspondence consists of citizen's complaints and views, the majority of which were referred back to local authorities for response and action. Two separate subseries pertain to the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco and include a variety of studies and reports touching on such topics as post-war planning, airport development, and recreation.

46. CITIZEN'S TAX COMMITTEE. 1943-44. F3640:828-832 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The Citizen's Tax Committee was appointed by Warren in January, 1943, to study and recommend changes in state tax laws to meet the exigencies of wartime conditions. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, transcripts of meetings (Feb. 12, 22, 26, 1943), news releases, reports, data, and other records pertaining to the organization and operations of the Committee. Files contain a fairly complete record of the Committee's beginnings, major activities, and recommendations. Included is a cross section of citizen's views and suggestions on tax matters.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 21 Papers, 1924-53 47. CIVIC AND PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS. 1943-53. F3640:833-847

47. CIVIC AND PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS. 1943-53. F3640:833-847 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by name of organization and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, literature, and other records pertaining to the annual fund raising campaigns and other activities of such organizations as the American Legion, Boy Scouts, Boy's State, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (March of Dimes), National War Fund (including California War Chest), Red Cross, Salvation Army, United Crusade, U.S.O., and Y.M.C.A. The records reflect Earl Warren's extensive direct participation or other involvement with service agencies.

48. CODE COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1943-52. F3640:848 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and reports relating to Commission activities.

49. COLORADO RIVER BOARD. 1943-53. F3640:849-869 Physical Description: 21f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, press releases, newspaper clippings, legal briefs, opinions, reports, minutes, hearing transcripts, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as proposed California-Arizona agreements; United States-Mexico Water Treaty; withdrawal of California participation from the Colorado River Basin States Committee; Colorado River basin water rights and development; Central Arizona Project; reclamation; irrigation; Colorado River Storage Project, upper and lower Colorado River basin land and water use; and proposed State Park projects. This series contains a wealth of information on the United States-Mexico Water Treaty of Feb. 3, 1944, which allotted Mexico 1,500,000 acre-feet a year from the Colorado River. The files document the efforts of California to block passage of the proposed Treaty and include statements, reports, opinions, and other data presented before the U. S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. For a summary of California activities in opposition to the Treaty, see the report of the Colorado River Board dated May 3, 1945.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 22 Papers, 1924-53 50. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1944, 1951. F3640:870

50. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1944, 1951. F3640:870 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda pertaining to Congressional elections.

51. CONTROL, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640:871-872 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda and other records pertaining to claims against the state.

52. CONTROLLER, STATE. 1943-53. F3640:873-882 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetical by Division and/or subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the State Controller's Office. Records relate to such subjects as fiscal conditions of General and Special Funds; State bonded indebtedness; revenue transactions; out-of-state travel requests and authorizations; Governor's appointments; tax refunds; and California Taxpayers Association.

53. INHERITANCE TAX, DIVISION OF. 1946, 1948-50. F3640:883 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

54. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL. 1943-53. F3640:884-907 Physical Description: 24f. Scope and Content Note Requests and authorizations for out-of-state travel by state employees. Full year samples for 1943 and 1948 have been retained to illustrate the impact of war-time and peace-time conditions. In all other years, January and July samples only have been retained.

55. TAX DEEDED LAND, DIVISION OF. 1943-52. F3640:908 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous inquiries regarding the availability of tax deeded lands; appointments to the Tax Deeded Land Advisory Committee.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 23 Papers, 1924-53 56. TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA. 1943-46. F3640:909

56. TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA. 1943-46. F3640:909 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous suggestions on tax economy.

57. CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1944-53. F3640:910-932 Physical Description: 23f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by Division, other administrative units, and/or subjects and chronologically thereunder. The Department of Corrections was created May 1, 1944 by the Prison Reorganization Act (3rd. Ex. Sess., ch. 2), succeeding to the powers and duties of the Department of Penology. For the records of the Department of Penology see series entry 264. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, newspaper clippings, reports, statements, minutes, agenda, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Department. Records include information on such subjects as origins and enactment of the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944; selection and appointment of Richard A. McGee as Director; departmental organization and development of policy and procedures; living and other conditions within correctional institutions; location and establishment of prison labor and forestry work camps, and reaction of local residents thereto; educational, recreational, and religious programs within institutions; use of prison labor in prison construction and other programs in competition with free labor; activities and recommendations of the Crime Study Commissions (see also series entry 59 below); conditions within local (county) jails; and proposed departmental reorganization (1953).

58. ADULT AUTHORITY. 1944-53. F3640:933-936 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Chapter 3 of the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944 created an Adult Authority to examine, study, and classify all prisoners, to grant and revoke all paroles, and to commit prisoners to a particular State prison for the serving of a sentence. The Adult Authority absorbed the powers and duties previously exercised by the Board of Prison Terms and Paroles and the Advisory Pardon Board. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records pertaining to the establishment of parole policy and philosophy, parole of prisoners, and recommendations and appointment to the office Chief State Parole Officer.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 24 Papers, 1924-53 59. CRIME STUDY COMMISSIONS. 1947-53. F3640:937-955

59. CRIME STUDY COMMISSIONS. 1947-53. F3640:937-955 Physical Description: 19f. Scope and Content Note On November 1, 1947 five special commissions were created by executive order to aid the Board of Corrections in the study of crime (pursuant to Stats. 1947, ch. 1181). These included: The Commission on Criminal Law and Procedure. The Commission on Adult Corrections and Release Procedures. The Commission on Juvenile Justice. The Commission on Social and Economic Causes of Crime and Delinquency. The Commission on Organized Crime.

This series includes letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, agenda, progress, interim, and final reports, legislative recommendations, excerpts from hearings, budget requests, and other records relating to the Commissions' organization, activities, selection, and appointment of membership, etc. Also included are miscellaneous records pertaining to the Governor's Conference on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency (Nov. 17-18, 1947).

60. GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON PENAL AFFAIRS. 1943-44. F3640:956-1007 Physical Description: 14 vols., 38f. Scope and Content Note On November 29, 1943 a special Governor's Committee was appointed to investigate and survey California's penal system. The activities and findings of the committee resulted in the introduction and passage of the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944 (Third Ex. Sess., ch. 2). The Committees records include transcripts of hearings (14 vols.), correspondence, memoranda, reports and recommendations, exhibits, photographs and other related materials. A detailed index to file contents is filed in F3540:971.

61. INSTITUTIONS. 1943-53. F3640:1008-1020 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note California Institution for Men at Chino (1944-53): miscellaneous communications regarding conditions; labor union protests over competition of convict with free labor; and U.S. Navy proposals to purchase Chino facilities. California Institution for Women at Tehachapi (1944-53): miscellaneous communications regarding conditions; inquiries regarding inmates; closing of institution and relocation at Corona; and determination of property uses. Dueul Vocational Institution (1945-53): miscellaneous inquiries regarding inmates and protests from citizens of Lancaster concerning establishment of institution in temporary quarters at Mira Loma Flight Academy. Folsom State Prison (1944-51): miscellaneous inquiries regarding inmates; food and nutrition survey, transcript of hearings and summary of reports on; and complaints concerning conditions. San Quentin State Prison (1944-53): miscellaneous inquiries regarding inmates; complaints concerning conditions; appointment of successor to Warden Clinton Duffy; and race relations and segregation of prisoners.

62. PRISON DIRECTORS, BOARD OF. 1944-45. F3640:1021 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 25 Papers, 1924-53 63. PRISON TERMS AND PAROLES, BOARD OF. 1944. F3640:1022

63. PRISON TERMS AND PAROLES, BOARD OF. 1944. F3640:1022 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

64. DISASTER COUNCIL, CALIFORNIA STATE (CSDC). 1945-53. F3640:1023-1056 Physical Description: 34f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. The CSDC was created ( Stats. 1945, ch. 1024) to deal with possible future disasters in the state with specific attention to the fields of civilian protection, war services, and disaster preparedness. The emergency war agencies, the California State Council of Defense and the State War Council, were abolished by the same act. For records of the State War Council, 1943-45, see series entries 355 to 357. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, news releases, newspaper clippings, statements, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, itineraries, hearing transcripts, and other related materials pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the CSDC. Records relate to such subjects as Council appointments; fiscal operations; meetings; personnel; disaster preparedness plans for the Port of Oakland and San Francisco Harbor; coordination of Federal, State, and local civil defense organizations; Governor's Conference on Civil Defense (1950); recommendations and program for proposed Division of Prevention of Sabotage; creation and organization of State Civilian Defense Planning Board; local civil defense planning in the City of Richmond and the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, and Los Angeles; Tehachapi earthquake; and Governor's Conference on Women in Civilian Defense (April 14-15, 1953). This series also includes information on the background and passage of the Civil Defense Act of 1950 and on the early operations of the Office of Civil Defense ( Stats. 1950, 3rd. Ex. Sess., ch. 3). The Office of Civil Defense was created to deal specifically with the "Possibility of the occurrence of disasters or emergencies of unprecedented size and destructiveness...." The act was a direct result of the Korean conflict and the possibilities of nuclear attack.

65. MEETING FILES. 1945-53. F3640:1057-1059 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Minutes, agenda, summary reports of proceedings, miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda.

66. FISCAL FILES. 1945-51. F3640:1060-1067 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence, memoranda, budgets, expense claims, allocations of appropriations, operating expense schedules, payrolls, and municipal and county requests for Federal and State matching funds.

67. PERSONNEL FILES. 1945-53. F3640:1068-1071 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence, memoranda, staff itineraries, personnel rosters and biographical data, and records of appointments.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 26 Papers, 1924-53 67. PERSONNEL FILES. 1945-53. F3640:1068-1071

68. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FILES. 1945-53. F3640:1072-1087 Physical Description: 16f. Scope and Content Note Minutes, agenda, reports and recommendations, correspondence, memoranda, and committee appointments, Information on individual advisory committee, while incomplete, includes data on the following: Communications; Emergency Medical; Emergency Power for Hospitals; Fire Services; Food and Nutrition; Human Relations; Medical and Public Health Services; Radiological Safety; Transportation; Utilities; and Youth Problems. Special subjects covered include Governor's Conference on Youth Welfare (Jan. 29-30, 1948)--invitations, program, panel discussion topics, summary of speeches, and recommendations; Governor's Law Enforcement Agencies' Conference on Sex Crimes Against Children (Dec. 7, 1949)--invitations, transcript of proceedings, Governor's statements, resolutions adopted, and summary report.

69. INTERSTATE CIVIL DEFENSE COMPACTS. 1951-52. F3640:1088-1089 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, opinions, background materials, and drafts and suggestions as to the form of proposed and ratified Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact.

70. TEHACHAPI EARTHQUAKE. 1952. F3640:1090 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Communications received and sent, memoranda, reports, notes, and photographs concerning damage in Tehachapi, Bakersfield, Arvin, and the southern San Joaquin Valley caused by the July 21 earthquake and after-shocks. Included is documentation relating to state aid operations in cooperation with local government offices.

71. EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-47. F3640:1091 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and reports received and sent to the Board.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 27 Papers, 1924-53 72. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:1092-1134

72. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:1092-1134 Physical Description: 43f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions, Bureaus, other administrative units, and special subjects are arranged alphabetically and described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, news releases, newspaper clippings, statements, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as war production training program; veteran's education; School Lunch Program; textbooks; agricultural apprentice training program; school building programs; State School Building Finance Committee; vocational education; distributive education; aviation education and Aviation Education Advisory Committee; school building and teacher shortages; and educational television. Communications and other records of Superintendent's of Public Instruction Walter F. Dexter (1943-45) and Roy E. Simpson (1945-53) are interspersed throughout the series.

73. ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION, DIVISION OF. 1943, 1951-52. F3640:1135 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

74. CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND. 1945-51. F3640:1136 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and activity and production reports.

75. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BERKELEY. 1943-52. F3640:1137 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence regarding school operations.

76. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, BERKELEY. 1943-50. F3640:1138 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence regarding school operations.

77. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, RIVERSIDE. 1950-51. F3640:1139 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence regarding construction program.

78. CHILD CARE AND DAY NURSERIES. 1946-52. F3640:1140-1141 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence (samples) on the subjects of rates, child eligibility, geographical distribution of centers, opening, closing, and continuance of centers.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 28 Papers, 1924-53 79. COLLEGES, STATE AND SPECIAL SCHOOLS. 1943-53. F3640:1142-1150

79. COLLEGES, STATE AND SPECIAL SCHOOLS. 1943-53. F3640:1142-1150 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence and other data on the subjects of financial conditions of the California School of Mechanical Arts; locations of Orange, San Fernando Valley, and Long Beach State colleges; the lag in the construction program at Fresno State College; and petitions and other supportive data for the continuation of the Drug and Oil Plant Development Project at California State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo. Files include proceedings of conferences on the cultivation of drug and associated economic plants in California, Dec. 5-6, 1944 and Dec. 2-3, 1947.

80. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. 1946. F3640:1151 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence relating to the inadequacy of school facilities at San Lorenzo village, Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek, and acquisition and utilization of surplus military installation sites and facilities for State College and University usages.

81. EDUCATION PERMITS. 1943-47. F3640:1152-1153 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Applications for and continuation of education permits issued to school districts for wartime employed minors.

82. LIBRARIES. 1943-53. F3640:1154-1157 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous letters of inquiry referred to the State Library for answer.

83. SCHOOL DISTRICTS, STATE COMMISSION ON. 1945-52. F3640:1158-1162 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note The State Commission on School District ( Stats. 1945, ch. 1273) was created as an interim agency to "determine policies for, direct, and govern a state-wide survey of all local school districts for the purpose of effecting feasible unification or other reorganization of school districts." Documents in this series deal principally with this subject and the issues of school building needs and apportionment of state funds. In 1949 the Commission became the Bureau of School District Reorganization.

84. STATE BLIND SHOP. 1947-53. F3640:1163 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

85. TEACHERS RETIREMENT BOARD. 1944-53. F3640:1164-1165 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous views and inquiries concerning retirement benefits.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 29 Papers, 1924-53 86. TEXTBOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS, DIVISION OF. 1943, 1947. F3640:1166

86. TEXTBOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS, DIVISION OF. 1943, 1947. F3640:1166 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, statements, and reports concerning communist influence in public schools and the alleged subversive nature of the "Building America" state textbook series.

87. TRAINING CENTER FOR THE ADULT BLIND. 1947-52. F3640:1167 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence regarding center operations.

88. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION, BUREAU OF. 1944-53. F3640:1168-1172 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Largely inquiries concerning eligibility, benefits, and programs available. Series also contains exchanges of communications with the U.S. Veterans' Administration regarding special and on-job training programs.

89. GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION (DECEMBER 15-16, 1952, SACRAMENTO). 1952-53. F3640:1173-1189 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Organization manual, minutes, agenda, and working papers of the Planning and Steering Committees; invitation, acceptance, and regret lists; news releases; program, organization, and project assignments; divisional reports and recommendations; thank-you letters; budgets, background materials, and data. The series also contains communications, reports, newsletters, and other records pertaining to the involvement of the (National) Joint Committee on Educational Television and the North-Central California Association for Educational Television.

90. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION. 1953. F3640:1190 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note In accordance with a recommendation of the statewide conference on educational television the Governor appointed an advisory committee on February 4, 1953 to advise the Superintendent of Public Instruction concerning utilization of television channels allocated to California by the F.C.C. The files include appointments, minutes and agenda, correspondence, memoranda, and miscellaneous committee working papers.

91. ELECTIONS, GENERAL. 1944-52. F3640:1191-1194 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Governor's proclamations; broadsides, tracts, and other campaign literature; requests for Governor's views on candidates and issues; and letters received containing views on ballot measures and candidates.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 30 Papers, 1924-53 92. ELECTIONS, SPECIAL. 1943-53. F3640:1195-1198

92. ELECTIONS, SPECIAL. 1943-53. F3640:1195-1198 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Governor's proclamations, letters received, and memoranda regarding recommendations by individuals and the State and County Republican Central Committees with respect to the filling of vacancies in Congressional, U. S. Senate, and State legislative seats.

93. EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA STATE (CSEA). 1943-53. F3640:1199-1201 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received and copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records pertaining to issues affecting state employees, CSEA's legislative proposals and recommendations, and the annual Institute on Government.

94. EMPLOYMENT, DEPARTMENT OF. 1948-53. F3640:1202-1247 Physical Description: 46f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically and/or by subject. Records of divisions, other administrative units, and special subjects are described below. Under legislation of 1943 (ch. 1093, effective August 4) the governing body of the Department of Employment (established in 1935) became the California Employment Stabilization Commission. A reorganization of the department in 1947 (ch. 1166, effective Sept. 19) vested the administrative duties in a director from among members of the commission. The director also served as a chairman of the commission and as chief of the Division of Public Employment Offices and Benefit Payments. Because of this organizational change, the records of the Department of Employment (1948-53) are described here, and the records of the Employment Stabilization Commission (1943-47) in series entry 97. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, news releases, newspaper clippings, statements, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, and other records pertaining to the operations of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as requests for information on employment opportunities; inquiries and claims for disability, unemployment, and other forms of insurance; agricultural labor and use of Mexican Nationals; the Governor's Conference on Employment (December 5-6, 1949)-organization, invitations, acceptances, regrets, summary of proceedings, reports, and recommendations; the Governor's Labor-Management Conference (Dec. 11, 1950) for mobilization of defense manpower-summary of reports and recommendations and appointments to local committees on manpower mobilization; Community Employment Program Committees; closing of branch offices; the Study Commission on Unemployment Insurance (1951-53); and the Governor's Commission on Small Business-objectives and policy, appointments, correspondence, and reports.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 31 Papers, 1924-53 95. ACCOUNTS AND TAX COLLECTION, DIVISION OF. 1943-51. F3640:1248

95. ACCOUNTS AND TAX COLLECTION, DIVISION OF. 1943-51. F3640:1248 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1943 (ch. 1093). Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and quarterly reports of resources, liabilities, and transactions of the Unemployment (Insurance) Fund.

96. DISABILITY INSURANCE, DIVISION OF. 1946-53. F3640:1249-1255 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note In 1946 the Legislature added to the Unemployment Insurance Act, Article 10, "Unemployment Compensation Disability Benefits" ( Stats. 1946, 1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 81). The Disability Insurance Section established by the Act was made a Division by executive order of the Department director, dated November 1, 1948. Communications received (samples) and sent relating to claims and benefits. The file for 1946 contains correspondence with California Congressmen regarding H.R. 6576, which provided for the amendment of the Social Security Act relative to benefit payments for workers unable to work because of sickness or injury.

97. EMPLOYMENT STABILIZATION COMMISSION. 1943-47. F3640:1256-1266 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1943 (ch. 1093) and reorganized in 1947 (ch. 1166), the commission was, in effect, the Department of Employment until September 19, 1947. For further information and the records of the Department of Employment for the period 1948-53, see series entry 94. Communications received and sent, memoranda, minutes, quarterly reports of resources, liabilities, and transactions of Unemployment and Unemployment Administration funds, statistics, and related records pertaining to employment conditions and problems and the operations of the Department of Employment. General subject matter is similar to that described in series entry 94.

98. FARM LABOR PLACEMENT. 1947-53. F3640:1267-1287 Physical Description: 21f. Scope and Content Note The contents of this series include much of the same subject matter found in Department of Agriculture-Farm Labor records, series entry 21. In addition these files include documentation relating to the appointment of an Agricultural Placement Advisory Committee to advise the Department of Employment on matters pertaining to farm labor placement with respect to the administration of the program returned to the department effective January 1, 1948; importation of Puerto Ricans to harvest citrus, vegetable, and other crops; farm workers unemployment and living conditions with particular reference to the San Joaquin Valley; Governor's Conference on Migrant Labor (Dec. 22, 1949) which studied and made recommendations on labor camp conditions; State Conference on Farm Labor Placement (April 12-14, 1950); and records relating to activities and recommendations of the Governor's San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Labor Resources Committee (1950-51).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 32 Papers, 1924-53 99. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES AND BENEFIT PAYMENTS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:1288-1313

99. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES AND BENEFIT PAYMENTS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:1288-1313 Physical Description: 26f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1943 (ch. 1093). Sample communications received and sent regarding claims for unemployment insurance, veterans readjustment benefits, retransfer of operations of employment services from Federal to State jurisdiction, employment of veterans', handicapped, and minority groups. Records also relate to such subjects as Bay Cities Metal Trades Council Conference (1946); enforcement of California Unemployment Insurance Act relative to benefit payments for striking workers locked out or not working due to shut down of plants; Governor's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped (1949-52); and Governor's Manpower Mobilization Conference (December, 1950).

100. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE APPEALS BOARD, CALIF. 1943-53. F3640:1314-1316 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1943 (ch. 1093). Miscellaneous communications received and sent regarding claims, board decisions, and rulings.

101. EQUALIZATION, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640:1317-1324 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of divisions and other administrative units are described below. Miscellaneous communications received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, newsletters, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Board.

102. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL DIVISION. 1943-53. F3640:1325-1330 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Communications received regarding liquor licenses and liquor control.

103. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL TAX DIVISION. 1943-53. F3640:1331 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence regarding licensing.

104. SALES AND USE TAX DIVISION. 1943-53. F3640:1332-1339 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence regarding collection of sales taxes.

105. TRANSPORTATION TAX DIVISION. 1949-52. F3640: 1340 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 33 Papers, 1924-53 105. TRANSPORTATION TAX DIVISION. 1949-52. F3640: 1340

106. FARM DEBT ADJUSTMENT COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1944. F3640: 1341 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence The commission expired September 15, 1945 ( Stats. 1943, ch. 1018).

107. FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 1342-1391 Physical Description: 50f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of divisions and other administrative units are described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, statements, reports, publications, charts, minutes, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Department. Records pertain to such subjects as state fiscal operations, including departmental budgets, the condition of General and Special funds, and analyses and reports on various matters requiring state expenditures; proposed legislation; applications for State Aid ( Stats. 1944, 4th. Ex. Sess., ch. 47); postwar state building program and land purchases related thereto; Public School Building Loan Fund, allocation and apportionment of funds under State School Building aid program; School Finance Building Committee actions regarding the location of State College campus sites in southern California; and extension of old age and survivors insurance to state employees.

108. BUDGETS AND ACCOUNTS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 1392 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

109. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS DIVISION. 1944-53. F3640: 1393-1395 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous records dealing with maintenance and upkeep of the State Capitol building and grounds and the Governor's Mansion. See also records described in series entry 132.

110. COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BOARD. 1948-49, 1951. F3640: 1396 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1947 (ch. 1071). Miscellaneous minutes.

111. FAIRS AND EXPOSITIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 1397-1406 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and miscellaneous records pertaining to the funding and operations of the State Fair, District Agricultural Associations, and county fairs.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 34 Papers, 1924-53 112. POSTWAR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW BOARD. 1944-45. F3640: 1407

112. POSTWAR PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW BOARD. 1944-45. F3640: 1407 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1944 (4th. Ex. Sess., ch. 47) to alleviate any serious economic problems caused by the change from a war economy to a peacetime economy. The Board was abolished in 1947 (ch. 243) and its functions absorbed by the State Allocations Board. Miscellaneous correspondence.

113. PRINTING DIVISION. 1943-53. F3640: 1408-1410 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

114. PURCHASING DIVISION. 1943-47. F3640: 1411 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

115. STATE LANDS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 1412-1424 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Communications received and sent and memoranda pertaining to the issuance of clear listings and land patents. This series includes copies of state land patent approval numbers 18936-19565, tideland patent approval numbers 5132-5160, and lake and recession land patent approval numbers 408-412.

116. SURPLUS WAR PROPERTY PROCUREMENT ADVISORY BOARD. 1945-51. F3640: 1425-1429 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Created in 1945 (ch. 992). Communications received and sent with the U. S. War Assets Administration, Office of Real Property Disposal, regarding purchase of Federal surplus property and sale of U. S. military bases and equipment. Records include information on the purchase of Dewitt and Hammond hospitals for institutional uses and Santa Ana Army Air Base for the location of Orange Coast Junior College.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 35 Papers, 1924-53 117. FIRE MARSHAL, STATE. 1945-53. F3640: 1430-1437

117. FIRE MARSHAL, STATE. 1945-53. F3640: 1430-1437 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically. The office of the State Fire Marshal, formerly the Division of Fire Safety within the Department of Industrial Relations, was given independent status by the 1945 legislature (ch. 1173). See also series entry 160. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, statements, minutes, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the office. Records on Fire Prevention (May 6-8, 1947); advisory committee on Fire Fighting Services; Governor's Fire Prevention Conference Committee (1948); fire prevention education; state institution fire safety programs and surveys; and other records relating to fostering, developing, and promoting ways and means of protecting life and property against fire and panic This series also contains numerous minutes and reports of the State Fire Advisory Board (1946-50).

118. FISH AND GAME, DEPARTMENT OF. 1951-53. F3640: 1438-1449 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The Department of Fish and Game, formerly the Division of Fish and Game in the Department of Natural Resources, was created in 1951 (ch. 715). For records of the Division of Fish and Game, 1943-50, see series entry 253. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, reports, resolutions, and other records pertaining to the administration, organization, and operation of the Department and the Fish and Game Commission. Records relate to such subjects as background data on the reorganization from Division to Department; proposed conservation education program; importation of foreign tuna; antlerless deer seasons; seismic exploration of the Santa Barbara coast; and water fowl refuges and management.

119. FRANCHISE TAX COMMISSION. 1943-53. F3640: 1450-1461 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and miscellaneous statewide summaries of personal and corporate tax returns. The greatest part of this series consists of communications exchanged with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and other data regarding federal tax returns. For the years 1947-53, only March and September samples have been retained.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 36 Papers, 1924-53 120. ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDA. 1943-53. F3640:1462-1473

120. ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDA. 1943-53. F3640:1462-1473 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Memoranda summaries concerning the Governor's appointments, appointment requests, daily calendars, itineraries, telephone calls, visitors to the Governor's Office, personnel matters, progress of the Governor's legislative programs, inauguration preparations (1946), correspondence requiring no answer, congratulatory messages received and sent, and invitations declined. See also series entry 133.

121. AIR PRIORITIES. 1944-45. F3640: 1474 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence with the U. S. Air Priorities Office requesting authorization to fly on official State business.

122. DAILY CALENDARS. 1943-53. F3640:1475-1523 Physical Description: 52f. Scope and Content Note This series consists of two somewhat similar daily listings of the Governor's appointments, visitors to the Governor's Office, meetings to attend, phone calls, and social engagements. The first listing is a mimeographed time-log with all entries in pencil and may have been kept by the Governor's receptionist. Attached to the daily logs are scattered memos, printed programs, and other materials providing additional detail on the Governor's itineraries. These calendars relate to political and administrative activities. The second set of calendars was kept by Helen R. MacGregor for the Governor's personal information and includes detailed notations on visitors and phone calls received and made by both the Governor and his Personal Secretary. Also included with this series are two desk diaries for the year 1943. One appears to have been kept by Warren, the other by Helen MacGregor.

123. EXEMPT POSITIONS. 1944-51. F3640: 1524 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous memoranda and directives to state agencies regarding state positions exempt from civil service classification.

124. MATERIALS AND ARTICLES RECEIVED. 1944-53. F3640: 1525-1543 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous letters, addresses, literature, publications, broadsides, tracts, and other materials received. The great majority of these materials were sent to file unanswered. Subject matter covers a wide variety of topics. Individual items of importance have been subject indexed.

125. MESSAGES AND GREETINGS. 1944-53. F3640: 1544-1563 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Communications received requesting from the Governor a statement, message, or greeting to be directed to individuals, organizational meetings, or special events. This series is a mixture of administrative and personal matters and includes birthday and anniversary greetings, holiday messages, and congratulatory messages to newly elected or appointed officials. Individual items of special significance have been subject indexed.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 37 Papers, 1924-53 126. MISCELLANEOUS SUGGESTIONS. 1944, 1949-53. F3640: 1564

126. MISCELLANEOUS SUGGESTIONS. 1944, 1949-53. F3640: 1564 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous views received on the operations of California state government and national politics. One proposal, from school children, suggested that the Governor's Mansion be turned into a museum.

127. OFFERS OF REWARDS. 1943-46. F3640: 1565 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous policy memos. The only reward offered was in 1946 for the arrest and conviction of unknown persons who murdered two California Highway Patrolmen.

128. POLICY. 1944. F3640: 1566 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous directives pertaining to political activities of the Governor's appointees.

129. REPORTS TO THE GOVERNOR, 1943-47. F3640: 1567 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Annual, biennial, statistical, and special reports submitted to the Governor for his information. The majority of reports originate from local government agencies, private institutions, and organizations. Reports of these types are to be found scattered throughout the administrative files. Individual items of significance have been subject indexed.

130. REQUESTS. 1943-53. F3640: 1568-1587 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Samples of letters received requesting the Governor's autograph, biography, photograph, state flag and seals, honorary designations, information on California, legal advice, and general information.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 38 Papers, 1924-53 131. GOVERNOR'S CABINET COUNCIL. 1943-53. F3640: 1588-1869

131. GOVERNOR'S CABINET COUNCIL. 1943-53. F3640: 1588-1869 Physical Description: 242f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, agenda, monthly and special reports and digests, lists of council committees, committee recommendations, digests of departmental legislative programs, council budgets and fiscal records, and other records serving the purpose of keeping the Governor informed regarding the administration, activities, and operations of each department. The greatest portion of this series consists of the monthly reports of activities as submitted by each agency. Files are not complete for all agencies. Aeronautics Commission, Aug., 1950, March, 1953 only. Agriculture, Jan., 1943-Sept., 1953. Corrections, Jan., 1945-July, 1953 (Penology, Dec., 1942-April, 1944). Disaster Council, Dec., 1950-Sept., 1953. Education, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Employment, Dec., 1942-Aug., 1953. Finance, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Fire Marshal, Aug., 1948-June, 1953. Highway Patrol, Oct., 1947-Aug., 1953. Industrial Relations, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Insurance, Dec., 1942-Aug., 1953. Investment-Banking, April, 1943-Aug., 1953. Investment-Building and Loan, June, 1943-Sept., 1953. Investment-Corporations, May, 1943-Aug., 1953. Investment-Real Estate, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Justice-Attorney General, April, 1945-June, 1953. Mental Hygiene, Sept., 1945-Aug., 1953 (Institutions, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1945). Motor Vehicles, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Natural Resources, Feb., 1943-Aug., 1953 (Fish and Game, Sept., 1951-Aug., 1953). Personnel Board, Nov., 1952, Pt. I, only. Professional and Vocational Standards, Dec., 1942-Aug., 1953. Public Health, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Public Utilities Commission, March, April, June, 1953 only. Public Works, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Recreation Commission, Sept., 1949-Aug., 1953. Social Welfare, Jan., 1943-Aug., 1953. Veterans' Affairs, June, 1946-Aug., 1953 (Military and Veterans' Affairs, June, 1943-May, 1946). Water Pollution Control Board, July, 1950-Aug., 1953. Youth Authority, Jan., 1945-Aug., 1953.

132. GOVERNOR'S MANSION. 1943-53. F3640: 1870 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports relating to the maintenance and operation of the Governor's residence. Records include data on repairs, renovation, additions, furnishings, housekeeping costs, and staff personnel performance reports. The files for 1943 and 1944 contain fire inspection reports and findings of the State Fire Marshal and the Sacramento City Fire Department. Similar records are also found in series entry 117.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 39 Papers, 1924-53 133. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. 1943-53. F3640: 1871-1919

133. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. 1943-53. F3640: 1871-1919 Physical Description: 49f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda and directives pertaining to the organization and operations of the Governor's offices in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. The files relate to such subject matter as budgets and fiscal affairs; office operations, including maintenance, supplies and equipment; office organization, including rules and regulations, directives and general instructions for secretaries and other staff members in handling mail, telephone calls, use of form letters, answering complaints and similar matters; personnel, including lists of applicants, employee rosters, appointments, resignations, and job descriptions. Interspersed among the files are communications and memoranda written by the Governor's executive, personal, and principal secretaries, including W. T. Sweigert, Helen MacGregor, James Oakley, Beach Vasey, Verne Scroggins, M. F. "Pop" Small, James Welch, Vera Clayton Fowler, and W. S. Mailliard. A few calendars of the Governor's daily appointments are also found in this series. See also series entry 120.

134. GOVERNOR'S PHOTOGRAPHS. 1948. F3640: 1920 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note General correspondence acknowledging receipt of photographs sent to the Governor. Most relate to the 1948 Vice-Presidential campaign.

135. GOVERNOR'S PORTRAIT. 1944-53. F3640: 1921-1922 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence with individuals desiring to paint the Governor's official portrait. Correspondents include Howard Smith, Ferdinand Earle, T. Costa, Charles D. Jarrett, Arthur Cahill, and Alfred Jonniaux.

136. GOVERNOR'S PRESS CONFERENCES. 1946-53. F3640: 1923-1930 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note This series consists entirely of memoranda summaries and analyses of the Governor's weekly and special press conferences. The memoranda were directed to principal Governor's Office staff to apprise them of the Governor's position, comment on, and reaction to the issues of the day. Subject matter includes state and national affairs, Governor's programs, proposed and pending legislation, and political activities.

137. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-APPOINTMENTS. 1943-53. F3640: 1931-1940 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Master file of press releases relating to the Governor's appointments.

138. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-BILLS SIGNED. 1943-53. F3640: 1941-1956 Physical Description: 16f. Scope and Content Note Master file of press releases relating to bills signed into law. Each release includes the bill's number, author, description, significance, and a statement by the Governor as to why the measure was approved. Press releases do not exist for each bill signed by Warren.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 40 Papers, 1924-53 139. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-BILLS VETOED. 1943-53. F3640: 1957-1958

139. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-BILLS VETOED. 1943-53. F3640: 1957-1958 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Master file of press releases relating to bills vetoed by the Governor. Each release includes the bill's number, author, description, and a statement by the Governor as to why the measure was vetoed.

140. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-MESSAGES TO THE LEGISLATURE & LEGISLATIVE MISCELLANEOUS. 1943-53. F3640: 1959 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Biennial, Budget, Inaugural, and special messages to the legislature. Many of the special messages concern the calling of special sessions or provide additional information on specific measures before the legislature.

141. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-PARDONS. 1943-53. F3640: 1960 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Master file of press releases relating to pardons, commutations and reprieves of sentence, executive clemency, and extradition matters.

142. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-PRESS RELEASES. 1943-53. F3640: 1961-1975 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note This series constitutes a master press release file in chronological sequence and includes releases and other press data as described in series entries 137 to 141. Because of the volume of press releases it is unknown whether this series includes all press releases issued. File F3640:1961 includes detailed indexes to all statements, proclamations, and press releases relating to appointments, bills signed and vetoed, and public service broadcasts for the period July, 1, 1950 to June 30, 1953.

143. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-PRESS RELEAES (other agencies). 1943-53. F3640: 1976-1978 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous press releases of state agencies, commissions, committees, and other administrative units. The releases were probably provided for informational purposes.

144. GOVERNOR'S PRESS FILES-RURAL & METROPOLITAN PRESS. 1946-53. F3640: 1979-1980 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications with newspaper editors, publishers, and columnists. These files also include articles and editorials and constitute a cross section of press reaction to and opinion of Warren's activities, programs, political involvement, and issues of the day.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 41 Papers, 1924-53 145. GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 1981-2033

145. GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 1981-2033 Physical Description: 53f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and proclamations issued. This series is divided into three subseries. The chronological subseries includes communications from individuals, organizations, and civic groups requesting the observance of holidays, special days, or other time periods. In the alphabetical subseries proclamations are arranged alphabetically by name or title of observance. The special subseries includes defense proclamations, limited to the war years of 1943-45, and quarantine proclamations, exclusion of out-of-state agricultural products and livestock to prevent the introduction into California of agricultural and other unwanted pests. Filed with the quarantine proclamations is correspondence with executives of other states establishing quarantine agreements.

146. GOVERNOR'S PUBLICITY. 1943-53. F3640: 2034-2057 Physical Description: 24f. Scope and Content Note This series consists of magazine articles about Warren, his activities as Governor and as a presidential candidate, state programs, and the Warren family. Also included are editorial comments, published addresses and statements, articles written by Warren, letters of welcome to organizations holding annual meetings in California, and numerous requests to use Warren's name, photograph, quotations, etc., for publicity purposes. See also series entry 149.

147. GOVERNOR'S RADIO PROGRAMS. 1943-53. F3640: 2058-2073 Physical Description: 16f. Scope and Content Note Drafts and texts of the Governor's monthly program "Report to the People," interviews, addresses, and speeches delivered over the radio media. Also included in this series is correspondence, memoranda, and other records relating to program arrangements and scheduling, and comments, views, and suggestions received on the subject content of the broadcasts. Subject content covers a wide variety of topics and includes political as well as administrative matters.

148. GOVERNOR'S SPEECHES. 1943-53. F3640: 2074-2118 Physical Description: 45f. Scope and Content Note The Governor's speech files consist of three subseries which, when taken collectively, constitute a master file of Warren's speeches and addresses. The chronological subseries includes texts of addresses and speeches, suggestions and drafts as submitted by staff members and others, and criticisms and views on speeches delivered before various groups and organizations. The addresses to the legislature subseries including Inaugural, Budget, Biennial, Special Session, and related messages, is nearly identical to series entry 140. In the alphabetical subseries speeches are arranged alphabetically by subject or by name of the group addressed. The alphabetical file includes a sizeable block of political speeches and addresses and covers the major national and gubernatorial campaigns between 1944 and 1952. Some duplication of political speech material exists between this series and similar materials found in series entries 8-11. Many of Warren's speeches include changes and notations in his own handwriting. Other speech materials may be found in series entries 146 and 149.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 42 Papers, 1924-53 149. GOVERNOR'S STATEMENTS. 1943-53. F3640: 2119-2167

149. GOVERNOR'S STATEMENTS. 1943-53. F3640: 2119-2167 Physical Description: 49f. Scope and Content Note Communications received from individuals, organizations, and civic and service groups requesting the Governor's views or opinions on a wide range of topics, including national and state politics, proposed and pending legislation, the Governor's programs and political activities. Only a limited number of such requests could be answered. Texts and drafts of issued statements are scattered throughout the files. This series is somewhat similar to series entry 146.

150. HARBOR COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF STATE-PORT OF SAN DIEGO. 1944. F3640: 2168 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda relating to the lease of state tide and submerged lands in the Bay of San Diego.

151. HARBOR COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF STATE-PORT OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1943-53. F3640: 2169-2174 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, reports, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as wartime and military uses of San Francisco harbor and facilities; State purchase of Mission Rock; fiscal operations, including activities of the San Francisco Harbor Bond Finance Board and cancellation of eight hundred thousand dollars of Harbor Improvement Bonds; and miscellaneous applications for work on the Belt Line Railroad.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 43 Papers, 1924-53 152. HIGHWAY PATROL, CALIFORNIA. 1947-53. F3640: 2175-2197

152. HIGHWAY PATROL, CALIFORNIA. 1947-53. F3640: 2175-2197 Physical Description: 23f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Legislation of 1947 (1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 16) established the California Highway Patrol as a separate Department. Prior to this time the Highway Patrol was the Division of Enforcement in the Department of Motor Vehicles. Highway Patrol for the period 1943-47 are described in series entry 248. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, charts, statements, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Highway Patrol. Records relate to such subjects as proposed departmental reorganizations of 1947 and 1953; budgetary and fiscal affairs; personnel shortages and working conditions; creation and establishment of a California Highway Patrol Academy; and departmental legislative programs.

153. HIGHWAY PATROL-GOVERNOR'S STATE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. 1947-53. F3640: 2198-2231 Physical Description: 32f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Maintained with the papers of the California Highway Patrol, but filed separately, are the records of the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee and related materials on the general subject of traffic safety. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, statements, addresses, minutes, agenda, reports, transcripts of proceedings and summaries, programs, and other records pertaining to the Committee's planning and staging of the Governor's Annual Traffic Safety Conference. Records relate to such subjects as the organization of the Committee; preparations, proceedings, reports, and recommendations of the annual State Traffic Safety conferences; California participation in the President's Highway Safety conferences (1947-52) and the annual Western Safety conferences; and proceedings and activities of the Governor's Coordinating Committee of State Officials on Traffic Safety and the Citizens Advisory Committee thereto, the State Employees Accident Prevention Committee, and the State and Local Officials National Highways Safety Committee. Files also contain views and suggestions regarding traffic safety received from individual citizens, civic groups, local governmental agencies, and other organizations. Traffic safety materials for the period 1943-46 are described in series entry 250.

154. HOLIDAYS, LEGAL AND SPECIAL. 1943-53. F3640: 2232-2235 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, directives, and other records relating to the designation of specific days as legal holidays.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 44 Papers, 1924-53 155. HORSE RACING BOARD. 1943-53. F3640: 2236-2250

155. HORSE RACING BOARD. 1943-53. F3640: 2236-2250 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, reports, opinions, orders, transcripts of proceedings, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as reopening of racetracks during wartime; proposed legislation; proposal to increase the State's percentage of track pools; abandonment of horse identification system; and Charity Day racing. The files also include complaints and views relating to horse racing and the operations of the Board as received from private citizens and organizations and horse racing groups.

156. INCOHERENT FILES. 1943-53. F3640: 2251-2257 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications received from private citizens on a variety of subjects. Many were unintellegible and were sent to files unanswered.

157. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2258-2275 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions, other administrative units, and special subjects, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, minutes, addresses, articles, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as departmental reorganization ( Stats. 1945, ch. 1431); departmental legislative programs; and job training programs of various kind. A large part of this series consists of complaints, claims for wages, requests for information, etc., referred to the Department for appropriate action.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 45 Papers, 1924-53 158. APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2276-2283

158. APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2276-2283 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note In 1945 the Division of Apprenticeship Training was renamed the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (State Department of Industrial Relations, Biennial Report, 1945-46, p. 41). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, minutes, addresses, proceedings, and other records relating to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division and of the State Apprenticeship Council. Records relate to such subjects as apprenticeship and on the job training, including allocation of Federal funds and agreements for reimbursement of state and local agencies (79 Stats. 679); emergency manpower training programs; Joint Conference of State Apprenticeship Agencies (Nov. 15-17, 1949); Western States Conference on Apprenticeship Training (May 10-14, 1948); and defense manpower problems. Federal-State cooperation in the areas of apprenticeship and on the job training for veterans is exemplified by exchanges of communications with the Veterans' Administration, Omar N. Bradley, Administrator, and the Retraining and Reemployment Administration, G. B. Erskine, Administrator.

159. COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND, STATE. 1943-53. F3640: 2284-2289 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, news releases, and other records relating primarily to the transactions and conditions of the fund. Records also relate to such subjects as selection and appointment of Manager; Medical fee controversy--increases in the schedules of medical fees for doctors in compensation cases under jurisdiction of the Industrial Accident Commission; and selection of physicians authorized to handle workmen compensation cases.

160. FIRE SAFETY, DIVISION OF. 1943-44. F3640: 2290 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note This division was abolished in 1945 (ch. 1173), and its duties and responsibilities delegated to the State Fire Marshal. For the records of the State Fire Marshal see series entry 117. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda.

161. IMMIGRATION AND HOUSING, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640:2291-2294 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and reports pertaining to Division functions and activities. The Division worked with Federal, county, and private agencies in assisting immigrants to acquire education and citizenship. This series deals with the subjects of housing and race relation problems in Willowbrook (1944), housing shortages due to wartime migration into the greater Los Angeles area, and Federal housing for Negroes in white residential areas. See also series entry 162.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 46 Papers, 1924-53 162. HOUSING, DIVISION OF. 1945-53. F3640:2295-2303

162. HOUSING, DIVISION OF. 1945-53. F3640:2295-2303 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note The Division of Housing acquired its name by the act of 1945 which reorganized the Department of Industrial Relations (ch. 1431). The immigrant aid features of the creating act ( Stats. 1931, ch. 597) were repealed. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, reports, proceedings, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division and the Commission on Housing. Records relate to such subjects as regulation of labor camps, auto courts, resorts, and motels; criticism of Walter P. Koetitz, Chief of the Housing Division, by Paul Scharrenberg, Director of Department of Industrial Relations (1946); surveys and reports on farm labor camp conditions in the San Joaquin Valley and the Di Giorgio Corporation camps in Kern County in particular (1949); rent decontrol; proposed Division reorganization (1950-51); off-post (military) Housing Conference (March, 1951); and Conference on Housing under auspices of Commission on Housing (Dec. 5, 1952). Files also contain large numbers of complaints and views on housing conditions, shortages, etc., referred to the Division for response.

163. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS COMMISSION (IAC). 1943-53. F3640:2304-2331 Physical Description: 28f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, news releases, publications, statements, minutes, and other records pertaining principally to complaints and claims for workmen's compensation filed with the IAC. Other records relate to such subjects as Division budgets; legislative investigations of IAC procedures; and IAC public relations program.

164. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY, DIVISION OF. 1945-53. F3640:2332-2335 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note In 1945 the Division of Industrial Safety, by the same legislation which reorganized the Department of Industrial Relations, became a separate division (ch. 1431). Miscellaneous correspondence, complaints, inquiries, and views on work safety conditions referred to the Division for response. Also included are miscellaneous records on the Industrial Safety Conference of Feb. 18-19, 1952--invitations, acceptances, and program.

165. INDUSTRIAL WELFARE, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:2336-2341 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, statements, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division and the Industrial Welfare Commission. Records relate to such subjects as administration and enforcement of Industrial Welfare Commission orders relating to wages, laws, and working conditions of women and minors; departmental budgets and personnel actions; minimum wage revisions for women and minors (1946-47); creation of Wage Boards preliminary to issuing orders affecting hours and wages of women and minors; and protests against commission order establishing $.65 per hour as the minimum wage for women and minors.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 47 Papers, 1924-53 166. LABOR STATISTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640:2342-2344

166. LABOR STATISTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640:2342-2344 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note In 1945 the Division of Labor Statistics and Law Enforcement became the separate divisions of Labor Law Enforcement and Labor Statistics and Research. For a description of the records of these two divisions after 1945, see series entries 167 and 168. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, monthly reports, press releases, and other records pertaining to the gathering of labor statistics and the administration and enforcement of laws for the promotion of social well-being.

167. LABOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, DIVISION OF. 1945-53. F3640:2345-2352 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications regarding complaints and claims for wages referred to the Division for response.

168. LABOR STATISTICS & RESEARCH, DIVISION OF. 1945-53. F3640:2353-2355 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, press releases, publications, and other records relating to the collection and compilation of labor statistics.

169. UNIONS. 1943-53. F3640:2356-2360 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous letters received from individuals, civic groups, unions, and other organizations. Letters are primarily views on and complaints about conditions created by strikes or suggestions for state or federal regulation of unions.

170. UNIONS, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR (A.F. of L.). 1945-53. F3640:2361 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, primarily views and suggestions on labor conditions received from A.F. of L. locals and members. Views of non-union members are also included.

171. UNIONS, CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS (C.I.O.). 1945-52. F3640:2362 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, primarily views and suggestions on labor conditions received from C.I.O. locals and members. Views of non-union members are also included.

172. UNIONS, STRIKES. 1945-53. F3640:2363-2379 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Letters and telegrams received expressing public opinion on strikes, including: 1945, Greyhound Bus, oil, Warner Brothers Studios; 1946, food processing industry, Los Angeles Transit, Pacific Gas and Electric, maritime, Oakland retail food, redwood lumber industry; 1947, Southern Pacific, Pacific Telephone, Key System; 1948, maritime, C.I.O. oil workers, asparagus pickers in San Joaquin County, Di Giorgio Farms; 1950, public utilities; 1952, Western Union, Greyhound Bus; 1953, cannery workers, Southern California Edison.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 48 Papers, 1924-53 173. WAR PRODUCTION PERMITS. 1943-46 F3640:2380-2391

173. WAR PRODUCTION PERMITS. 1943-46 F3640:2380-2391 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Copies of permits, denials, and revocations for California industries employing women and minors during World War II.

174. WAR DEFENSE PERMITS. 1950-53. F3640:2392-2397 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Copies of permits, denials, and revocations for California industries employing women and minors during the Korean Conflict.

175. INSTITUTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-45. F3640:2398-2404 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of individual institutions for the years 1943-44, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below in series entries 176 thru 188. The Department of Institutions was replaced in 1945 (ch. 665) by a new Department of Mental Hygiene which maintained jurisdiction over the care and treatment of the insane, mentally ill and deficient, epileptics and other incompetents. Jurisdiction over correctional schools and care of the blind was transferred to the departments of Corrections ( Stats. 1943, ch. 483) and Education ( Stats. 1945, ch. 908) respectively. Letters received, copies of letters sent, statistical reports, and miscellaneous records pertaining to the administrative functions of the Department of Institutions. For records of the Department of Mental Hygiene see series entry 218.

176. AGNEWS STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2405 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 219.

177. CAMARILLO STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2406 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 220.

178. LANGLEY-PORTER CLINIC. 1943-44. F3640:2407 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 222.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 49 Papers, 1924-53 179. MENDOCINO STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2408

179. MENDOCINO STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2408 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 223.

180. NAPA STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2409 Physical Description: 1f Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 225.

181. NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2410 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 226.

182. PACIFIC COLONY. 1943-44. F3640:2411 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 227.

183. PATTON STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640:2412 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 228.

184. SONOMA STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640: 2413 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 230.

185. STOCKTON STATE HOSPITAL. 1943-44. F3640: 2414 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 231.

186. INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR THE ADULT BLIND, OAKLAND. 1943-44. F3640: 2415 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda concerning working conditions, appointment of Superintendent. See also series entry 74.

187. INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOP FOR THE BLIND. 1943-44. F3640: 2416 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda concerning working conditions. See also series entry 74.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 50 Papers, 1924-53 187. INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOP FOR THE BLIND. 1943-44. F3640: 2416

188. STATE BLIND SHOP, SAN DIEGO. 1944. F3640: 2417 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received concerning appointment of Manager. See also series entry 74.

189. INSURANCE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2418-2435 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, press releases, reports, speeches, photographs, publications, and other records relating to the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records in this series pertain principally to letters of inquiry, complaints, and claims against insurance companies referred to the Insurance Commissioner's office. Other records relate to the subjects of departmental reorganization (1944); investigation of Alianzo Hispano-American Insurance Company; and Bailey-Van Nuys Bill (S.B. 1362), exemption of fire insurance companies from provisions of the Sherman Anti-Trust and Clayton Acts.

190. INTERSTATE COOPERATION, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON. 1943-53. F3640: 2436-2438 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, miscellaneous minutes and other records relating primarily to Commission meetings. The records for 1949 include a resume of the Nevada-California Conference on Lake Tahoe Problems and several reports stemming from said conference.

191. COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS. 1943-53. F3640: 2439-2465 Physical Description: 27f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, form letters, publications, reports, proceedings, minutes, agenda, press releases, and meeting programs. Records relate to the annual meetings of the Board of Managers and include numerous reports and recommendations of council committees. Subject matter covers a wide variety of topics, particularly in the area of post-war development and Federal-State relationships.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 51 Papers, 1924-53 192. NATIONAL GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCES. 1943-53. F3640: 2466-2485

192. NATIONAL GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCES. 1943-53. F3640: 2466-2485 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, press releases, conference programs, proceedings, resolutions, background material and data on the issues discussed, and other records relating to the arrangements for and proceedings of the annual conferences. The files also include Executive Committee correspondence (1943-46) and communications exchanged with the governors of other states respecting mutual, national, and regional problems.

193. WESTERN GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE. 1943-53. F3640: 2486-2492 Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, press releases, conference programs, proceedings, resolutions, and other records relating to the arrangements for and proceedings of the annual conferences made up of representatives from the eleven western states. The files include considerable background material and data on issues discussed and communications exchanged with the governors of other states respecting mutual, national, and regional problems.

194. PACIFIC COAST BOARD OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS. 1945-53 F3640: 2493-2500 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, conference programs, proceedings, and attendance lists. Records relate to the formation and organization of the Pacific Coast Board of Intergovernmental Relations, composed of the states of California, Oregon, and Washington, and the proceedings of their regular meetings.

195. INVESTMENT, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-44, 1948. F3640: 2501 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions, arranged alphabetically thereunder, are described below. The Department of Investment differs in organization from most agencies in that it is a federation of four independent departments that are brought together by the Board of Investment in order that certain related agencies would be represented on the Governor's Council. The powers and duties of the agencies are not transferred to the board. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 52 Papers, 1924-53 196. BANKS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2502-2508

196. BANKS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2502-2508 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, photographs of and addresses by Superintendent of Banks Maurice C. Sparling, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to the subjects of bank charters; examination of bank operations; liquidation of closed banks; and investigation and certification of savings banks bonds (1943-49). Included in the files for 1947 are records of the French Merci Train Gift Distribution Committee, largely dealing with itineraries, travel arrangements, and ceremonies, of which Sparling was Chairman. See also series entry 24.

197. BUILDING AND LOAN, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2509-2525 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, press releases, addresses by Building and Loan Commissioner Frank C. Mortimer, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as applications for new building and loan associations; examination, supervision, and liquidation thereof; and approval or disapproval of association transactions in cases where the law requires the Commissioner's consent. Records in the liquidation of the assets of the Pacific States Savings and Loan Association are found throughout the files for the entire period 1943-53.

198. CORPORATIONS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2526-2543 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, transcript of hearings, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as agency legislative proposals; investigations of complaints levied against California corporations; sale of Tucker Automobile Corporation stock; regulation of credit unions; and proposed construction of monorail system by the Los Angeles Municipal Transit Authority. The files for 1950 contain records relating to the business enterprises of James Roosevelt for the period 1930-50. The latter records were compiled for Warren's 1950 gubernatorial campaign in which Roosevelt opposed Warren for reelection.

199. REAL ESTATE, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2544-2564 Physical Description: 21f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, minutes, transcripts of hearings, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as supervision and licensing of brokers and salesmen in real estate, business opportunity, cemetary, and mineral, oil, and gas transactions; supervision and regulation of subdivided lands sold for agricultural, residential, and business purposes; division budget and fiscal affairs; and investigations of complaints filed with the Commissioner.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 53 Papers, 1924-53 200. IRRIGATION BOARD, STATE. 1943-44. F3640: 2565

200. IRRIGATION BOARD, STATE. 1943-44. F3640: 2565 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications and memoranda, largely concerning strikes by employees of Imperial Valley and West Stanislaus Irrigation districts.

201. JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION. 1943-53. F3640: 2566-2569 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the administration of justice through the California courts. A portion of the records relate to the subjects of judicial district reorganization, increasing the number of courts, appointment of judges, and complaints received.

202. JUDICIAL COUNCIL. 1944-47. F3640: 2570 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the Council's administrative duties. Records relate principally to the Council's surveys and recommendations on simplifying and improving the administration of justice.

203. JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1944-47, 1953. F3640: 2571 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions, Bureaus, other administrative units, and special subjects, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below in series entries 204 thru 213. California's penal and correctional system was reorganized in 1944 by the Prison Reorganization Act (3rd Ex. Sess., ch. 2). The Department of Justice as then constituted consisted of the Office of Attorney General, the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, and the Division of Narcotic Enforcement. The latter two agencies were formerly within the Department of Penology. Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records pertaining to the administration, operation, and organization of the Department.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 54 Papers, 1924-53 204. ATTORNEY GENERAL. 1943-53. F3640: 2572-2623

204. ATTORNEY GENERAL. 1943-53. F3640: 2572-2623 Physical Description: 52f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, minutes, opinions, newspaper clippings, speeches, addresses, statements, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Attorney General's office. Records relate to such subjects as office budgets and fiscal operations; citizens views on race relations, gang warfare, the necessity for tougher laws for sex crime offenders, and enforcement of narcotic laws; complaints from citizens and followup investigations regarding unlawful conditions in local communities; legal proceedings in which the state is a party; proposed legislation; retrocession of jurisdiction over federally controlled lands; Folsom Prison investigation (1949); and racial violence in Los Angeles (1952). Filed with the Attorney General's office papers, but maintained separately, are a number of files on the Tidelands question of 1945, commencing with the Federal "summons to vacate the three-mile belt of territorial waters and specifically to cease collecting royalties on oil extracted from this strip." The tideland files contain the record of California's attempts, in cooperation with other states similarily affected, to seek legislation by Congress which would quit-claim the subsoil rights to the adjacent states. Specifically, the above files include exchanges of communications with other states, legal briefs and opinions prepared by the Attorney General, a poll of congressional attitude on the return of tidelands to state jurisdiction, statements, testimony, data, and other records prepared for presentation before congressional committee hearings. A single file contains memoranda reports relating to threatening or obscene letters received by the Governor's Office.

205. ATTORNEY GENERAL, LAW ENFORCEMENT. 1943-53. F3640: 2624-2636 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda telegrams, reports, press releases, and other records relating to the specific subject of law enforcement. Records relate to such subjects as the Archibishop McGucken Committee investigation of the "Zoot-Suit" riots in Los Angeles (1943-44); Citizen's Committee studies of race relation problems in San Francisco Bay area cities and in war industries (1943); off shore gambling, including proceedings against the gambling ship Lux operated by Tony Cornero, and the gambling ship Bunker Hill; "Hot Cargo Issue" (secondary boycott); and miscellaneous investigative reports stemming from citizens complaints about illegal gambling, bookmaking, narcotics, pinball machines, Ku Klux Klan activities, sex crimes, etc.

206. ATTORNEY GENERAL, OPINIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 2637-2642 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, and memoranda relating to requests for legal opinions by state agencies and the Governor's Office.

207. ATTORNEY GENERAL, PEACE OFFICERS COMMITTEE ON CIVIL DISTURBANCES. 1944-47. F3640: 2643 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, reports, and publications relating to the development of new methods of meeting the problems of race relations, juvenile lawbreakers and mentally disturbed veterans.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 55 Papers, 1924-53 208. ATTORNEY GENERAL, POLICE CHIEF MEETINGS. 1946-47. F3640: 2644

208. ATTORNEY GENERAL, POLICE CHIEF MEETINGS. 1946-47. F3640: 2644 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous announcements and minutes of zone meetings.

209. ATTORNEY GENERAL, SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTS. 1943-53. F3640: 2645-2650 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence transmitting legal processes served on the Governor.

210. CLAIMS. 1943-53. F3640: 2651-2658 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports and other records concerning general claims for damages against the state; claims of California Indians; and California's claims against the Federal Government for state funds expended during the Civil War. The files on Indian claims contain considerable documentary material on the subjects of federal vs. state jurisdiction over Indians wholly within the boundaries of California; the legality of Indians of California, Inc., Mission Indian Federation, and other Indian organizations to enter directly into separate contracts with the Secretary of the Interior; removal of restrictions on use of funds and property belonging to members of the Hoopa Mission and Sacramento tribes; and conferring of civil and criminal jurisdiction over California Indians to California courts.

211. CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION, DIVISION OF. 1944-53. F3640: 2659-2668 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and reports relating principally to requests for information concerning missing persons.

212. FRAUD PREVENTION BUREAU. 1944-45. F3640: 2669 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

213. NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 2670-2673 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning personnel, suggestions for the suppression of narcotics traffic, and investigation into the illegal growing of opium bearing poppies for seed purposes.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 56 Papers, 1924-53 214. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. 1943-53. F3640: 2674-2677

214. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. 1943-53. F3640: 2674-2677 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, form letters, publications, reports, and other records concerning the League's activities and efforts to propose and influence legislation. Much of the correspondence is between the Governor's Office and Richard Graves, League Executive Secretary.

215. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. 1943-53. F3640: 2678-2679 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda exchanged between the Governor's and Lieutenant Governor's offices. Many of the exchanges are routine letters informing the Lieutenant Governor of Warren's pending absence from the state.

216. LIVING WAR MEMORIALS, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION FOR. 1946. F3640: 2680 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. The California Commission for Living War Memorials was created in 1945 (Res. ch. 70) to honor the contributions and sacrifices of those who fought in World War II. The Commission was under the jurisdiction of Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission, and later the Office of Planning and Research, but expired in October, 1947 for lack of appropriations. Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, minutes, and other records. Only one proposal appears to have been submitted, a "Spirit of Freedom" monument proposed by Amos A. Wyckoff to be erected on Goat Island.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 57 Papers, 1924-53 217. MARITIME ACADEMY, CALIFORNIA. 1943-53. F3640: 2681-2684

217. MARITIME ACADEMY, CALIFORNIA. 1943-53. F3640: 2681-2684 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, addresses, itineraries, and other records concerning the operation and activities of the Academy. Records relate to such subjects as recommendations for appointment to the Academy; building program; and proposed use of Academy ship "Golden Bear" to publicize California Centennial Commission activities.

218. MENTAL HYGIENE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1945-53. F3640: 2685-2741 Physical Description: 57f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records relating to individual institutions, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below in series entries 219 thru 231. The Department of Mental Hygiene was created by legislation in 1945 (ch. 665). The Department of Institutions was abolished. For records of the Department of Institutions, 1943-44, see series entries 175 thru 188. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, transcripts of proceedings, photographs, surveys, minutes, agenda, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as budgets and fiscal affairs, including comparative pay scales; Governor's Committee on Mental Hygiene (September 8, 1945); building programs; Hospital Superintendents Conferences--minutes and proceedings; complaints, views, and investigations regarding overcrowding, poor food, and medical care conditions; California Citizens Committee for Mental Hygiene, Inc.; Mental Health Conference (March, 1949)-invitations, acceptances, program, proceedings, reports and recommendations, data and background materials; continuing Committee on Mental Health (an outgrowth of the 1949 Mental Health Conference)-appointments, resignations, minutes, reports, and recommendations; Governor's Conference on the Care and Treatment of Senile Patients (September, 1951)-preliminary report; State Mental Health Coordinating Committee-agenda and minutes, advisory committees appointments and activities.

219. AGNEWS STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2742-2744 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 176.

220. CAMARILLO STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2745-2750 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 177.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 58 Papers, 1924-53 221. DEWITT STATE HOSPITAL. 1947-53. F3640: 2751

221. DEWITT STATE HOSPITAL. 1947-53. F3640: 2751 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions.

222. LANGLEY-PORTER CLINIC. 1945-53. F3640: 2752-2753 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 178.

223. MENDOCINO STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2754-2755 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 179.

224. MODESTO STATE HOSPITAL. 1947-52. F3640: 2756 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions.

225. NAPA STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2757-2760 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 180.

226. NORWALK STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2761-2762 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 181.

227. PACIFIC COLONY. 1945-53. F3640: 2763-2764 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 182.

228. PATTON STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2765-2769 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 183.

229. PORTERVILLE STATE HOSPITAL. 1953. F3640: 2770 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 59 Papers, 1924-53 229. PORTERVILLE STATE HOSPITAL. 1953. F3640: 2770

230. SONOMA STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2771-2775 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. The files for 1949 include the proceedings of the Sonoma County Grand Jury in regards to escaped patients. See also series entry 184.

231. STOCKTON STATE HOSPITAL. 1945-53. F3640: 2776-2777 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence received from relatives of patients regarding requests for release or transfer and complaints about conditions. See also series entry 185.

232. MILITARY AND VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-45. F3640: 2778-2782 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records relating to the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Much of the correspondence relates to inquiries concerning veterans' benefits and pensions, postwar rehabilitation for veterans; veterans' home for women; and departmental legislation, with particular titleasis on home loans for veterans' and veterans' hospitals. For Department of Veterans' Affairs records after 1945 see series entries 347 thru 354.

233. ADJUTANT GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE. 1943-45. F3640: 2783-2786 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the California National Guard, Cadet Corps, and State Guard. Records relate to such subjects as use of armories; U.S. War Department policy concerning the National Guard; budgets and fiscal affairs; and survey of State Guard units to determine whether they should be disbanded or incorporated into the National Guard. See also series entry 240.

234. ATHLETICS, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640: 2787-2788 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and other records concerning the regulation of boxing and wrestling matches and exhibitions and the issuance of referee licenses. See also series entry 275.

235. MILITARY LIASON OFFICER. 1944-45. F3640: 2789 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence with Brigadier General Victor R. Hansen, special liason officer between the Governor's Office and California military forces.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 60 Papers, 1924-53 236. STATE GUARD. 1943-45. F3640: 2790-2792

236. STATE GUARD. 1943-45. F3640: 2790-2792 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the organization of State Guard units, armory use policy, and the issuance of commissions. See also series entry 242.

237. VETERANS' COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1944-45. F3640: 2793-2820 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note The California Veterans' Commission was appointed by the Governor on October 30, 1944 and made statutory by legislation passed the following year ( Stats. 1945, ch. 1481). The commission was abolished in 1946 (1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 114) and its duties absorbed by the California Veterans' Board. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, press releases, publications, speeches and radio scripts, and other records concerning the coordination of programs with respect to matters affecting veterans of World War II. Records relate to such subjects as commission organization and appointment of members; commission meetings, program surveys, reports and recommendations, legislative programs, and budget and fiscal affairs. Special attention is devoted to the problems of reconversion, veterans' assistance, job training, and housing programs. Out of the commission's activities, working closely with the Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission, grew the recommendations for a reorganization of the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs into separate departments.

238. VETERANS' HOMES, DIVISION OF. 1943-45. F3640: 2821-2824 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note The Division of Veterans' Homes is comprised of the Veterans' Home of California and the Woman's Relief Corps Home. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records concerned primarily with the subjects of admission qualifications, living conditions in the homes, and requests from American Legion Posts for appropriations to construct additional dormitories for women veterans. See also series entries 353 and 354.

239. VETERANS' WELFARE BOARD. 1943-45. F3640: 2825-2827 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as inquiries about veterans' pensions, benefits, priviledges, and education; purchase of farms and homes; departmental legislation; and Veterans' Finance Committee--minutes, resolutions, and other records concerning the sale of 15 million dollars in bonds under provisions of the Veterans' Bond Act of 1943.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 61 Papers, 1924-53 240. ADJUTANT GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE. 1946-53. F3640: 2828-2844

240. ADJUTANT GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE. 1946-53. F3640: 2828-2844 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, publications, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Adjutant General's Office. Records relate to such subjects as California National Guard manpower surveys; reactivation of the 13th Armored Division (1947); presentation of U.S.S. California's ships bell for permanent display; transfer of Benecia Arsenal to Ogden, Utah; Civil Air Patrol; operation "Haylift"; activation of California units during the Korean Conflict; and Governor's use of aircraft "Grizzly" belonging to the California National Guard. See also series entry 233.

241. NATIONAL GUARD, CALIFORNIA. 1946-53. F3640:2845-2862 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the National Guard. Records relate to such subjects as commissions and appointments; weekly manpower reports; inclusion of Negro personnel in National Guard units and general racial policies, including correspondence with the NAACP and the ACLU; National Guard participation in state and local emergencies; and activation of the 40th Infantry Division for duty in Korea. The files for 1951 include Warren's arrangements, itineraries, and other documentation concerning his visit to the 40th Division stationed in Japan.

242. STATE GUARD. 1946-48. F3640:2863-2865 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and other records relating principally to the issuance of commissions and manpower reports. The State Guard was renamed as the California Defense and Security Corps in 1949 (ch. 678). See also series entries 236 and 243

243. DEFENSE AND SECURITY CORPS, CALIFORNIA (STATE GUARD). 1950-52. F3640:2866-2870 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Legislation of 1951 (ch. 394) changed the name of the California Defense and Security Corps (State Guard) to the National Guard Reserve. Miscellaneous communications and publications, including General Orders, Special Orders, Circulars, and Training Memoranda.

244. MISCELLANEOUS. 1943-53. F3640:2871-2893 Physical Description: 23f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous letters, literature, and other materials received, largely unanswered. Items of special interest are subject indexed.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 62 Papers, 1924-53 244. MISCELLANEOUS. 1943-53. F3640:2871-2893

245. MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS AND SUGGESTIONS. 1943-53. F3640:2894-2910 Physical Description: 18f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence received, answered and unanswered, on a wide variety of subjects. Items of special interest are subject indexed.

246. MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:2911-2939 Physical Description: 29f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions and special subjects, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, minutes, reports, publications, addresses, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as departmental legislative proposals; departmental reorganization (1945); personnel and fiscal affairs; drivers licenses; automobile registration; traffic safety; and establishment and closure of branch offices.

247. DRIVERS LICENSES, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:2940-2949 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records relating to licensing services. Included within this series are complaints against examiners; revocation, adjustments, and reinstatement of licenses; and inquiries, complaints, and views concerning the California Financial Responsibility Law ( Stats. 1947, ch. 39).

248. ENFORCEMENT, DIVISION OF. 1943-47. F3640:2950-2954 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note In 1947 the Division of Enforcement became the Department of California Highway Patrol (1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 16). The bureaus of Equipment, Statistics, Mechanical Analysis, and Accident Prevention were shortly thereafter transferred from the Division of Administration, Department of Motor Vehicles, to the Department of California Highway Patrol (California Highway Patrol, October, 1947 Report to the Governor's Council, p. 2). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as personnel; accident investigations; and traffic conditions on the Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridges. See also series entry 152.

249. REGISTRATION, DIVISION.OF. 1943-53. F3640:2955-2974 Physical Description: 20f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records relating to motor vehicle registration.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 63 Papers, 1924-53 250. STATE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. 1943-46. F3640:2975-2982

250. STATE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. 1943-46. F3640:2975-2982 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note The State Traffic Safety Committee was created in 1944 on the suggestion of Gordon H. Garland, Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, to counteract accelerating traffic fatalities and injuries brought about by wartime conditions. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, and other records concerning the organization of the State Traffic Safety Committee and the annual Traffic Safety conferences which followed. The files include invitations, proceedings, reports and recommendations and other records pertaining to the Governor's Conference on Highway and Traffic Safety (Feb. 28 - March 1, 1946); Governor Warren's Safety Conferences of May 1 and June 7, 1946 which proceeded and followed the President's Highway Safety Conference of May 8-10. See also series entry 153.

251. NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:2983-2996 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Records of divisions, other administrative units, and special subjects, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department.

252. BEACHES AND PARKS, DIVISION OF. 1944-53. F3640:2997-3020 Physical Description: 24f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, press releases, minutes, agenda, and other records concerning the selection, creation, maintenance, and operation of state beaches, parks, historical monuments, and other attractions. Records relate to such subjects as the acceptance of Will Rogers' ranch and home as a state park; acquisition, development, and dedication of Columbia State Park; acquisition, preservation and/or development of historic sites and lands for expansion or creation of state beaches and parks, including Calaveras Big Tree Grove, Butano Redwoods, El Rancho de los Encinos, de la Osa Adobe, Seacliff State Beach, Huntington-Newport State Beach, Beaver Creek Valley, Lake Elsinor State Park, and Hearst Castle; California Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee; and appointment of Newton B. Drury as Chief of the Division.

253. FISH AND GAME, DIVISION OF. 1943-50. F3640:3021-3041 Physical Description: 21f. Scope and Content Note Legislation of 1951 (ch. 715) transferred the Division of Fish and Game from the Department of Natural Resources and established the agency as a separate Department. See also series entry 118. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, minutes, photographs, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Division and the Fish and Game Commission. Records relate to such subjects as the establishment of fish and game seasons, licenses, bag limits, and management and conservation policies; legislative programs; public relations; issuance of fish reduction (processing) permits; Pacific Coast fisheries problems; Wildlife Conservation Board ( Stats. 1947, ch. 1325); fish kill due to seismic exploration off the Santa Barbara Coast; and reorganization of the division.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 64 Papers, 1924-53 253. FISH AND GAME, DIVISION OF. 1943-50. F3640:3021-3041

254. FORESTRY, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:3042-3057 Physical Description: 16f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, newspaper clippings, addresses, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Division and the Board of Forestry. Records relate to such subjects as fire control planning and distribution and maintenance of equipment and personnel due to wartime conditions; county cooperative fire control agreements; reforestation; federal and state legislative proposals and cooperative programs; State Forest Purchase Committee ( Stats. 1944, ch. 317)--purchase of Caspar Lumber Company holdings in Mendocino County (1947) and Boggs Mountain properties in Lake County (1949); fire prevention education and California Fire Prevention Committee; and administration of the Forest Practices Act on private timber lands.

255. MINES, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:3058-3066 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records concerning the State Mineralogist, the State Mining Board, the Bureau of War Minerals Production, and the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as wartime mineral production; western steel industrial development; revitilization of the gold mining industry; and inquiries regarding mineral claims, mining laws, etc. Also filed with this series are miscellaneous records concerning the hearings of the House Steel Shortage Investigation Committee (1943-45), Frank W. Boykin (Alabama), Chairman.

256. OIL AND GAS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640:3067-3071 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, form letters, statements, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as wartime production and price regulations; Interstate Oil Compact Commission; oil reserves and conservation; natural gas exploration; Anglo-American Petroleum Treaty (1946); and oil and gas shortages, reserves, curtailment of production, and industry price fixing.

257. STATE PARK COMMISSION. 1943-53. F3640:3072-3079 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, publications, minutes, photographs, sketches, blueprints, and other records concerned with the acquisition, development, and policy for managing historic sites and state beaches and parks, including Petaluma Adobe; Ft. Tejon; Fisherman's Wharf and the U.S. Customs House at Monterey; Angel Island; Hearst Castle; Huntington Beach; Prarie Creek; Islam Redwoods Shrine; Palomar; Big Basin; and South Calaveras Big Tree Grove. The files also include information on Commission appointments, and other conservation organization recommendations, California War Memorial Park Association, and the Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee ( Stats. 1949, ch. 143). Other records of the State Park Commission are found in series entry 252.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 65 Papers, 1924-53 258. MARINE RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 1948, 1952. F3640: 3080

258. MARINE RESEARCH COMMITTEE. 1948, 1952. F3640: 3080 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1947 (ch. 1447). Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda regarding Committee appointments and meetings.

259. MOUNT SAN JACINTO WINTER PARK AUTHORITY. 1945-51. F3640: 3081-3083 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1945 (ch. 1040). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records concerned with the development of the project. Much of this series consists of protests over the erection of an aerial tramway through a wilderness area.

260. PACIFIC MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION. 1947-48. F3640: 3084 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1947 (ch. 1447). Miscellaneous correspondence relating to the Commissions organization and approval of an Interstate compact to promote the better utilization of Pacific Coast fisheries.

261. SOIL CONSERVATION COMMISSION, STATE. 1949-53. F3640: 3085-3086 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1945 (ch. 1187) and placed in the Department of Natural Resources in 1949 (ch. 1031). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, photographs, and other records relating principally to the formation, organization, operation, and dissolution of soil conservation districts.

262. OFFERS OF COOPERATION. 1944-45. F3640: 3087 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous offers to serve the Warren administration.

263. OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINERS, BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3088-3089 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous reports and communications regarding licensing and regulations.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 66 Papers, 1924-53 263. OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINERS, BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3088-3089

264. PENOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943. F3640: 3090-3097 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Under the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944 (3rd. Ex. Sess., ch. 2) the Department of Penology was abolished and its duties and powers transferred to the newly created Department of Corrections. Department of Corrections for the period 1944-53 are described in series entries 57 thru 63. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as Advisory Pardon Board meetings; appointments to the State Board of Prison Directors; operation of prison road camps; use of San Quentin and Folsom prisons for U. S. military prisoners; inquiries concerning missing persons; and operations of state institutions at Chino, Folsom, San Quentin, and the California Institution for Women at Tehachapi.

265. PERSONNEL BOARD. 1943-53. F3640: 3098-3144 Physical Description: 46f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, press releases, minutes, agenda, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Board. Records relate to a variety of subjects pertaining to the State Civil Service System, including the employment of conscientious objectors, rehiring of Japanese-Americans, recruitment of employees, and salary increases. A large part of this series deals with individuals seeking work, advancement, and reinstatement. Other records concern establishment of the 40 hour work week and conferences, meetings, and activities of committees and other employee groups concerned with improving working conditions and on-the-job training.

266. PILOT COMMISSIONERS. 1943-53. F3640: 3145-3146 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records related to recommendations and appointments of licensed pilots for the harbors and bays of Humboldt, San Francisco, San Diego, San Pablo, Stockton and Suisun.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 67 Papers, 1924-53 267. PLANNING AND RESEARCH, OFFICE OF. 1947-49. F3640: 3147-3148

267. PLANNING AND RESEARCH, OFFICE OF. 1947-49. F3640: 3147-3148 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and recommendations concerned principally with the organization of the office and projected programs and surveys.

268. HOUSING. 1947-48. F3640: 3149-3150 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and newspaper clippings concerning housing and building material shortages. The files include records on such aspects as federal and state legislative proposals; Governor's Council Housing Committee; housing conditions in San Francisco; and correspondence with U. S. Congressman Ralph A. Gamble (New York), Chairman, Jt. Committee on Housing, regarding U. S. housing conditions.

269. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RESETTLEMENT OF DISPLACED PERSONS. 1948-53. F3640: 3151-3153 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note The Resettlement of Displaced Persons Committee continued to function after the Office of Planning and Research went out of business for lack of funding. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, minutes, proceedings, and other records concerning state cooperation with federal agencies in admitting 205,000 eastern Europeans into the United States uprooted by World War II and post-war conditions. Records relate to such subjects as appointment, organization, and meetings of the committee; inquiries of applicants seeking admission into California; private, charitable, and other state programs; and statistics, data, and other records of arrivals in California.

270. POPULATION COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA. 1943. F3640: 3154 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Created January 5, 1942 by Governor Culbert L. Olson to obtain current data on the distribution and composition of California's population. Miscellaneous correspondence and reports.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 68 Papers, 1924-53 271. PROFESSIONAL AND VOCATIONAL STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3155-3166

271. PROFESSIONAL AND VOCATIONAL STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3155-3166 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by Board, Bureau, or other administrative unit, and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, bulletins, and other records relating chiefly to such subjects as board appointments, inquiries for license information, applications for licenses, and complaints.

272. ACCOUNTANCY, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3167-3169 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

273. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE, DIVISION OF. 1945-47. F3640: 3170 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1945 (ch. 868) for the purpose of improving administrative procedures and to conduct quasi-judicial hearings. Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and Bulletins.

274. ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1944-51. F3640: 3171 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

275. ATHLETICS COMMISSION, STATE. 1946-53. F3640: 3172-3177 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Transferred from the Department of Veterans' Affairs in 1946 (1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 114). See also series entry 234. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, newspaper clippings, investigative reports, and other records relating to Commission appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations. The files contain numerous complaints regarding "fixed" fights and wrestling matches.

276. BARBER EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3178-3182 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 69 Papers, 1924-53 277. CEMETARY BOARD. 1952-53. F3640: 3183

277. CEMETARY BOARD. 1952-53. F3640: 3183 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1949 (ch. 1487). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocations of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

278. CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3184-3187 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations. The files also contain miscellaneous minutes of Board meetings and data with respect to an investigation of the Board's activities by the Assembly Governmental Efficiency and Economy Committee (1946).

279. CIVIL AND PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR. 1944-53. F3640: 3188-3189 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

280. CONTRACTORS' STATE LICENSE BOARD. 1943-53. F3640: 3190-3195 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

281. COSEMETOLOGY, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3196-3198 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations. The file for 1946 includes charges of racial discrimination as brought by former Board member Rebecca Bock.

282. DENTAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3199-3200 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 70 Papers, 1924-53 283. DETECTIVE LICENSE BUREAU. 1944-53. F3640: 3201

283. DETECTIVE LICENSE BUREAU. 1944-53. F3640: 3201 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Transferred from the Department of Penology by the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944. (3rd. Ex. Sess., ch. 2). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Bureau reorganization and appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

284. DRY CLEANERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1945-53. F3640: 3202 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1945 (ch. 1517). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, investigative reports, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

285. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-52. F3640: 3203 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

286. FURNITURE AND BEDDING INSPECTORS, BUREAU OF. 1947-50. F3640: 3204 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

287. GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND, STATE BOARD OF. 1947-53. F3640: 3205 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1947 (ch. 1249). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, complaints concerning violations, and proposed legislation.

288. MEDICAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3206-3213 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

289. NURSE EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3214-3215 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, investigative and annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 71 Papers, 1924-53 290. OPTOMETRY, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3216

290. OPTOMETRY, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3216 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

291. PHARMACY, STATE BOARD OF. 1943-53 F3640: 3217-3218 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

292. SHORTHAND REPORTERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1951-53. F3640: 3219 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1951 (ch. 1679). Miscellaneous communications received and sent.

293. SOCIAL WORKERS EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1945-53. F3640: 3220 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1945 (ch. 1508). Miscellaneous communications received and sent.

294. STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD. 1943-53. F3640: 3221 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

295. VETERINARY MEDICINE, STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN. 1943-53. F3640: 3222 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, annual reports, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

296. VOCATIONAL NURSE EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF. 1951-53. F3640: 3223 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1951 (ch. 1689). Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relating to Board appointments, applications for and revocation of licenses, and complaints concerning violations.

297. YACHT AND SHIP BROKERS' COMMISSION. 1946-50. F3640: 3224 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous communications received and sent.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 72 Papers, 1924-53 297. YACHT AND SHIP BROKERS' COMMISSION. 1946-50. F3640: 3224

298. PROPAGANDA LETTERS. 1944-50. F3640: 3225 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications enclosing brochures, tracts, and other literature, largely unanswered. The files for 1946 and 1948 include numerous publications of Gerald L. K. Smith and the Christian Nationalist Crusade.

299. PUBLIC HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3226-3274 Physical Description: 49f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by administrative unit or subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports. resolutions, publications, minutes, agenda, newspaper clippings, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department and the State Board of Public Health. Records relate to such subjects as departmental budgets, personnel, and fiscal affairs, including allocation of federal funds; legislative programs; plague control; Emergency Maternity and Infant Care Program; manpower shortages in refuse collection industry; venereal disease control; department reorganization (1945); prepaid health insurance; water pollution; Joint Committee on Physical Fitness (sponsored by American Medical Association and the National Committee on Physical Fitness); Federal Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946; cancer and tuberculosis research and control; local health services; Nevada-California Conference on Lake Tahoe Problems (December, 1949); smog as a health factor; Conference on Agricultural Labor Problems (December, 1949); state participation in national technical assistance programs for underdeveloped countries; health insurance plans; and California Conference of Local Health Officers.

300. CANCER COMMITTEE. 1944-53. F3640: 3275 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and reports regarding cancer research. This series also includes suggestions and views on ways to cure cancer.

301. HOSPITAL FACILITIES. 1946-52. F3640: 3276-3277 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note The Bureau of Hospital Survey ( Stats. 1946, ch. 56) was established to study the needs of postwar hospital construction and to administer the Federal Hospital and Survey Construction Act of 1945. The state law was repealed in 1947 and the Advisory Hospital Council established, with greater powers, to administer the 1946 Federal Act. ( Stats. 1947, ch. 327). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records relating to Council appointments; post war hospital needs; lack of local community health services and facilities; and allocation of Federal funds for hospital construction.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 73 Papers, 1924-53 302. MENTAL HEALTH, COMMITTEE ON. 1944-45. F3640: 3278

302. MENTAL HEALTH, COMMITTEE ON. 1944-45. F3640: 3278 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and recommendations relative to the reorganization of the Department of Institutions into the Department of Mental Hygiene ( Stats. 1945, ch. 665).

303. PENICILLIN. 1944-45. F3640: 3279 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda relative to the wartime procurement, policy concerning use, and availability of supplies.

304. VITAL STATISTICS, BUREAU OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3280-3282 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous inquiries regarding birth and death records.

305. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (PUC). 1947-53. F3640: 3283-3324 Physical Description: 42f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically by subject. At the general election of November 5, 1946, Section 22 of Article XII of the California Constitution was amended and the Railroad Commission renamed as the Public Utilities Commission. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, minutes, calendars, photographs, blueprints, newspaper clippings, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Commission. Records relate to such subjects as applications and cases pending before the PUC, including notices, orders, decisions, hearings, and other official actions; power and natural gas shortages; abandonment of daylight savings time; investigation of the needs of northern California power generating facilities; and complaints, inquiries, and general views on utility rates and services. See also series entry 318.

306. LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY. 1951-53. F3640: 3325 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1951 (ch. 1668). Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and reports relating to the organization, public support, and appointments to the Authority.

307. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY. 1951-53. F3640: 3326 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation in 1951 (ch. 1760). Miscellaneous correspondence and lists of appointments to the Authority.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 74 Papers, 1924-53 307. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY. 1951-53. F3640: 3326

308. PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3327-3368 Physical Description: 42f. Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically. Records of Divisions and other administrative units, arranged alphabetically and chronologically thereunder, are described below. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, transcripts of hearings, addresses, photographs, minutes, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as California Senate investigation of Golden Gate Bridge operations; Tiajuana River litigation; proposed creation of a Flood Control Advisory Board; second trans-bay bridge study--feasibility reports and data presented before hearings of a Joint Army-Navy Board (1946); state postwar building program; Collier-Burns Highway Act of 1947; drought conditions (1948); extension of Los Angeles and Long Beach breakwaters; public work employment of unemployed farm workers and prison labor; freeway planning and selection of routes; Senate hearings on San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority agency (1950); and departmental fiscal operations and legislative programs.

309. ARCHITECTURE, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3369-3381 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, and other records relating principally to the state postwar building program. The files include division monthly and special project status reports and specifications, cost study data, and monthly progress reports of state building projects under contract to private architects. The files for 1951 contain a description of the electrical and illuminating features of the State Capitol additions.

310. HIGHWAYS, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3382-3483 Physical Description: 102f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, petitions, resolutions, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, addresses, photographs, charts, sketches, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Division. Records relate to such subjects as departmental budgetary and fiscal operations; use of prison labor; legislative programs, including investigations and hearings on highway needs and financing, with particular titleasis on the Collier-Burns Highway Act of 1947; San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority; feasibility of toll roads; snow removal; and automobile safety. A great portion of these files pertain to highway and freeway planning and construction and include information on Highway Commission procedures in selecting construction projects, route selections, land and right of way acquisition and the various phases of design and construction. This series includes information on such major routes as the Hollywood, Golden Gate (Sausalito lateral), Santa Ana, Harbor, Arroyo-Seco, and Ramona freeways; Highway 99 through the Central Valley and the Grapevine Section of the Ridgeroute; Highway 101 in the vicinity of Carlsbad and Oceanside (San Diego County); and the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Tube.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 75 Papers, 1924-53 311. HIGHWAYS, DIVISION OF - BRIDGES. 1943-53. F3640: 3484-3510

311. HIGHWAYS, DIVISION OF - BRIDGES. 1943-53. F3640: 3484-3510 Physical Description: 27f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, newspaper clippings, press releases, and other records concerning the design, construction, special studies, and investigations relating to bridges. Records relate to such subjects as creation of the Division of San Francisco Bay Toll Crossings (Dec., 1947); traffic safety and bay bridge traffic congestion; Governor's Bridge Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (1949); state purchase of the San Mateo-Hayward and Dumbarton toll bridge properties; and operations and related fiscal data for the principal bridges in the greater San Francsico-East Bay area. A large part of this series relates to the proposal for a second trans-bay crossing. The records reflect various interest groups proposals for the location of a second crossing with corresponding feasibility studies by the state. See also series entry 310.

312. CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION. 1943-53. F3640: 3511-3516 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, and memoranda. Much of this series consists of excerpts from the Commission's minutes relating to such matters as adoption of routes, allocation of funds, declaration of routes as freeways, adoption of resolutions for condemnation of rights of way, and abandonment or relinquishment of rights of way.

313. CALIFORNIA TOLL BRIDGE AUTHORITY. 1943-53. F3640: 3517-3543 Physical Description: 27f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, minutes, agenda, resolutions, and other records concerning the determination of the necessity and location of bridges, authorization of bond issues, acquisition of land by eminent domain, and setting of toll rates. A large part of this series consists of monthly operational, fiscal, and vehicular traffic reports for the San Francisco-Oakland Bay, Carquinez, and Antioch bridges.

314. WATER PROJECT AUTHORITY. 1943-46, 1950-53. F3640: 3544-3549 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda. Much of this series relates to Water Project Authority meetings and includes minutes, meeting transcripts and digests, and concerns state cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in the planning and development of the Central Valley Project. See also series entry 315.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 76 Papers, 1924-53 315. CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT (CVP). 1943-53 F3640: 3550-3575

315. CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT (CVP). 1943-53 F3640: 3550-3575 Physical Description: 26f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, proceedings, statements, news releases, newspaper clippings, and other records pertaining to the planning, financing, and construction of the Central Valley Project. Records relate to such subjects as proposals for state assumption of financing, construction, and/or ownership of the CVP; state master water plan; funding and construction of Friant-Kern Canal, Kings, Kern, Shasta, Keswick, Iron Canyon, and Table Mountain dams; Central Valleys Project Conference (Sept. 8, 1945); opposition to portions of CVP by Pacific Gas and Electric Company; opposition of California to the Central Arizona Project; federal vs. state determination in the allocation of water rights; and proposed sale of excess CVP power to Nevada. Throughout this series are to be found statements by Warren and Edward Hyatt, State Engineer, before Congressional Committees in regards to annual appropriations, priority of projects, and a multitude of issues covering all aspects in the planning, development, construction, and operation of the CVP. The files for 1947 include galleys and text to The Thirsty Land by Robert deRoos.

316. WATER RESOURCES, DIVISION OF. 1943-53. F3640: 3576-3654 Physical Description: 78f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, statements, maps, photographs, minutes, agenda, addresses, transcripts of proceedings, and other records concerned with the conservation, control, and utilization of water. Records relate to such subjects as federal and state legislative proposals; flood control; diversion of water; water conservation; reclamation; irrigation; watershed management; water shortages; and salt water conversion. Also included is information on such subjects as the Reber Plan; federal vs. state management of water rights wholly or in part within the boundaries of California, with specific reference to the Colorado River and Central Valley basins; dam construction, including sites at Folsom, Monticello, Iron Canyon, Matilija, and Shasta; Needles' Flood (1947): Presidents Water Resources Policy Commission: fish and wildlife conservation; and American, Feather, and Trinity River projects. Scattered throughout this series are numerous views, complaints, suggestions, and other communications voicing the public and private sectors opinions relative to the above subjects See also series entry 315.

317. RACE RELATIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 3655-3683 Physical Description: 29f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically under the separate headings of "Chinese," "Japanese," "Negroes," and "Palestine Question." Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, tracts, and other literature respecting public opinion on minority rights, discriminatory practices, and race relations in general. The largest segment of this series reflects public sentiment towards the Japanese during the war years of 1943-45 and includes both pro- and anti-Japanese comments in regards to the relocation and return of Japanese to the Pacific Coast. The files on the Negro are more concerned with the issues of discrimination and police brutality. The Palestine Question deals with world support of the United Nations decision to establish Israel as a Jewish State. A single file deals with efforts to repeal the Chinese Exclusion provisions from the State Constitution.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 77 Papers, 1924-53 317. RACE RELATIONS. 1943-53. F3640: 3655-3683

318. RAILROAD COMMISSION. 1943-46. F3640: 3684-3700 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, telegrams, publications, minutes, addresses, newspaper clippings, applications, decisions, studies, and other records concerning the regulation of railroads and other public utilities. Subject matter includes applications before the Commission; Commission investigations; rail and freight rates; federal and state legislative programs; wartime regulations; and Pacific States Conference of Public Service Commissions. About half of this series consists of memos to the Railroad Commission from the Governor's Office forwarding communications and other documents received from the Interstate Commerce Commission. Also included are many complaints and views from citizens and public interest groups relative to rates and other aspects of utility services. In 1946 Section 22 of Article XII of the California Constitution was amended changing the name of the Railroad Commission to the Public Utilities Commission. See series entry 303 for the records of the Public Utilities Commission, 1947-53.

319. RECLAMATION BOARD, STATE. 1943-53. F3640: 3701-3709 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, newsletters, minutes, and other records relating to Board appointments; flood control planning for the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries; the improvement and preservation of navigable waterways; and the reclamation and protection of lands susceptible to overflow. The files for 1951-53 consist principally of Board minutes.

320. LAKE TAHOE WATER CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. 1944-52. F3640: 3710-3712 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, transcripts of proceedings, graphs, charts, and other data relative to joint California-Nevada attempts to develop, plan, and coordinate flood control, water storage, irrigation, and recreation facilities of the Lake Tahoe watershed.

321. TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM. 1944-45. F3640: 3713 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and reports relative to the construction of Table Mountain dam and opposition to by the Salmon Conservation League of California.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 78 Papers, 1924-53 322. RECONSTRUCTION AND REEMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. 1943-47. F3640: 3714-3748

322. RECONSTRUCTION AND REEMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. 1943-47. F3640: 3714-3748 Physical Description: 35f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, publications, reports, minutes, agenda, statements, addresses, speeches, press releases, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to the study of human, natural, and economic resources of California and the formulation and promotion of planning for readjustment of returning veterans and displaced war workers, for conversion of industry and commerce to peacetime conditions, for development of new industries, and for postwar adjustment and reconstruction generally. Records relate to such subjects as organization of the Commission; Commission meetings; legislative proposals; personnel appointments and resignations; budgetary and fiscal affairs; housing and urban development; vocational education and rehabilitation; steel, mineral, and chemical material shortages; aid to small businessmen; protection of off-shore fishing industry; and refinancing and expansion of the Kaiser steel mill at Fontana.

323. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES. 1943-47. F3640: 3749-3763 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, transcripts of proceedings, and other records concerning the activities of the several committees which functioned during the life of the Commission. Each committee was chaired by a member of the Commission. Individual committee files are fragmentary and for the most part relate to Committee appointments and organization. The committees as established included Agriculture, Coordination of Research, Demobilized Service Men and Women, Development of Natural Resources, Production and Employment Estimate, Public Works, Readjustment Education, Redevelopment of Trade and Service Establishments, Redevelopment, Preservation and Restoration of Industry, and Social and Industrial Welfare. Also filed with this series, but not a Citizens Advisory Committee, is information on the organization and appointment of an Interdepartmental Research Coordinating Committee.

324. PROJECT COMMITTEES. 1944-47. F3640: 3764-3774 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, telegrams, resolutions, minutes, agenda, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to Project Committee activities. Project committees were made up of individuals from one or more of the Citizens Advisory Committees and additional non-committee members added as necessary. Files of individual committees are fragmentary and for the most part relate to committee appointments and organization. Project committee files in this series include Aviation problems, the recommendations of this committee led to the creation of the Aeronautics Commission ( Stats. 1947, ch. 1379), series entry 16; Food Saving; Post War Construction; Second Injury Fund; and Silk Industry.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 79 Papers, 1924-53 325. FOREST TO MARKET ROAD CONFERENCE. 1946. F3640: 3775-3776

325. FOREST TO MARKET ROAD CONFERENCE. 1946. F3640: 3775-3776 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note A conference called by Governor Warren May 13, 1946 to consider the needs of additional highway facilities to facilitate lumber production. Records include invitations, acceptances, register of those in attendance, program, and report of proceedings.

326. SAN FRANCISCO HOUSING CONFERENCE AND GENERAL HOUSING MATERIALS. 1945-47. F3640: 3777-3783 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records relating principally to views and suggestions of private citizens, representatives of the building industry, trade unions, and government officials regarding housing and building material shortages. The files for 1945 concern the San Francisco Housing Conference (Dec. 10-11, 1945) covering housing problems of all types in the bay area. A third subject relates to federal financing of veterans' housing as authorized by Title V of the Lanham Act.

327. W. T. SWEIGERT SPECIAL FILES. 1944-47. F3640: 3784-3789 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note W. T. Sweigert, Executive Secretary to the Governor, was a principal member of the Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission and a chief organizer. The files in this series include records reflecting specific commission and committee activities and recommendations not found elsewhere.

328. RECREATION COMMISSION. 1947-53. F3640: 3790-3797 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Created by legislation of 1947 (ch. 1239). Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, itineraries, publications, minutes, agenda, press releases, newspaper clippings, and other records concerning the development of a comprehensive state recreational policy. Records relate to such subjects as commission meetings, including the organization meeting of September 26-27, 1947; commission policy; budget and fiscal affairs; personnel; legislative programs; annual California Recreation Conferences; Intergovernmental Committee on Recreation; and conferences dealing with such subjects as off-post recreation for servicemen and utilization of mountain vacation resources.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 80 Papers, 1924-53 329. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, STATE. 1947-48. F3640: 3798

329. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, STATE. 1947-48. F3640: 3798 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. An amendment to the Community Redevelopment Act of 1947 (ch. 1326) created a State Redevelopment Agency to act as a technical advisory body to collect and disseminate information on all aspects of planning and redevelopment with particular regard to the problems of housing shortages and the operation of rent control boards ( Stats. 1947, ch. 1515). The legislature did not appropriate funds for the 1948-49 fiscal year and the agency went out of existence. Records relate principally to the organization meeting and include a transcript of proceedings and Warren's remarks at; applications for positions; resolutions; minutes; First Annual Report; digests of proposed housing legislation; and miscellaneous items.

330. RELIGIOUS LETTERS. 1944-53. F3640: 3799-3803 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Samples of communications received, many containing religious tracts and broadsides. Most communications of this nature were not answered by the Governor's Office.

331. RENT CONTROL BOARDS. 1947-53. F3640: 3804-3917 Physical Description: 115f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically and/or alphabetically by community. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda telegrams, resolutions transcripts of hearings reports, newspaper clippings, petitions, photographs, affidavits, exhibits, and other records relating to the operations of local rent control boards The files include recommendations for appointments, appointments; and resignations from local rent control boards and county advisory rent control boards. The largest portion of this series concerns rent decontrol proceedings carried out by individual communities in the years 1949 and 1950. Within the file(s) for a specific community are found petitions and communications from citizens supporting or opposing rent decontrol; U. S. Housing Expediter survey report of housing vacancies and/or a similar report by the Division of Housing, Department of Industrial Relations; proceedings before the City Council or other local governing body; exhibits; and the Governor's "Certificate of Approval of City Council's Resolutions for Decontrol of Rents." Rent decontrol proceedings are included for the communities of Alhambra, Anaheim, Arcadia, Bell, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Claremont, Compton, Corona, Coronado, Covina, Culver City, El Segundo, Folsom, Fullerton, Glendale, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Inglewood, La Verne, Long Beach, Lynwood, Manhatten Beach, Maywood, Menlo Park, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, Ontario, Orange, Palo Alto, Pasadena, Pomona, Redondo Beach, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Gabriel, San Jose, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, Sausalito, Sierra Madre, South Gate, South Pasadena, Visalia, Whittier, and Woodlake (Tulare County).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 81 Papers, 1924-53 331. RENT CONTROL BOARDS. 1947-53. F3640: 3804-3917

332. RETIREMENT SYSTEM, STATE EMPLOYEE'S (SERS). 1943-53. F3640: 3918-3922 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and reports of the Board of Administration. A large portion of this series includes requests for information on refunds, contributions, and benefits.

333. SECRETARY OF STATE. 1943-53. F3640: 3923-3932 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, press releases, and other records relating to such subjects as voting regulations and requirements; filing articles of Incorporation; Notary Public applications; State Commission on Voting Machines; absentee voting; filing of official bonds; and oaths of office.

334. SECURITIES COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA DISTRICTS. 1943-49. F3640: 3933 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous communications, memoranda, and other records relative to the direction and supervision of the fiscal and physical affairs of irrigation and other agricultural districts.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 82 Papers, 1924-53 335. SOCIAL WELFARE, DEPARTMENT OF. (1938) 1943-53. F3640: 3934-4027

335. SOCIAL WELFARE, DEPARTMENT OF. (1938) 1943-53. F3640: 3934-4027 Physical Description: 73f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, minutes, charts, data, background materials, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records relate to such subjects as inquiries, comments, and complaints concerning pension benefits under Social Security and other Federal and State programs of aid to the aged, the blind, and needy children; Governor's Conference on the Care and Treatment of Senile Patients (September 14, 1950); Governor's Conference on the Problems of the Aging (October 15-16, 1951); Citizens and Interdepartmental Coordinating committees on Problems of the Aging; and adoptions. The files for 1948-49 contain a large section of public opinion in support of and opposition to Proposition 4, an initiative measure passed at the November, 1948 General Election entitled the Old Age Security and Security for the Blind Law. The records for 1949-50 contain similar records in support of and opposition to passage of Proposition 2, an initiative measure passed at the Special Election of November, 1949 which repealed Proposition 4 of the previous year.

336. CITIZENS COMMITTEE ON OLD AGE PENSIONS AND PENSION FILE. 1943-46. F3640: 4028-4067 Physical Description: 40f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to the general subject of old age pensions. The files of the Citizens Committee on Old Age Pensions, appointed by Governor Warren in February, 1943, consist chiefly of the Committee's reports and recommendations and reactions thereto. The remainder of this series consists of a large mass of material reflecting public support for old age pensions, including letters from individuals and such groups as the Citizen's Committee for Old Age Pensions as directed by George McLain and the Payroll Guarantee Association. Publications, tracts, broadsides, and newspapers of several national organizations are also to be found, including the Townsend National Weekly, the National Pension Advocate, and the General Welfare News Advocate.

337. SOIL CONSERVATION COMMISSION, STATE. 1943-48. F3640: 4068 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Legislation of 1945 reorganized the Commission (ch. 1187) and later placed it in the Department of National Resources ( Stats. 1949, ch. 1031). See series entry 261. Miscellaneous correspondence and reports.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 83 Papers, 1924-53 338. STATE GOVERNMENT. 1943-47. F3640: 4069

338. STATE GOVERNMENT. 1943-47. F3640: 4069 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, and reports relating to proposals for the reorganization of state government.

339. TAXATION. F3640: 4070-4073 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous comments, criticisms, and suggestions regarding taxation and the state tax structure. Many of the suggestions and proposals eminate from such organizations as the California Taxpayers Association and the State Chamber of Commerce.

340. TREASURER, OFFICE OF STATE. 1943-53. F3640: 4074-4085 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Treasurer's Office. Records relate to such subjects as substitution, withdrawal, redemption, and transfer of state bonds; and the condition of and financial transactions of the Judge's Retirement and Torrens Title Assurance funds.

341. UNIFORM STATE LAWS, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON. 1945-52. F3640: 4086 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and reports relative to Commission meetings, activities, and recommendations.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 84 Papers, 1924-53 342. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 1943-53. F3640: 4087-4117

342. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 1943-53. F3640: 4087-4117 Physical Description: 32f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the University and its several campuses. Records relate to such subjects as budget and fiscal affairs; California War History Project; Regents Committee on Centennial History of California; site selection, financing, and construction of a medical center at U.C.L.A.; subversive and communist activities of students and faculty at U.C.L.A.; and building program, including property acquisition, campus expansion, and new schools.

343. BOARD OF REGENTS. 1943-53. F3640: 4118-4210 Physical Description: 92f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, and other records relating principally to monthly meetings. Other records relate to such subjects as budgets and fiscal affairs; campus building studies and programs; loyalty oath controversy; and academic freedom.

344. CALIFORNIA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. 1943-53. F3640: 4211-4212 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and bulletins relating principally to Alumni Association meetings and fiscal affairs.

345. INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. 1946-50. F3640: 4213 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and research reports.

346. UNFILED MATERIALS. 1943. F3640: 4214-4215 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by writer. Miscellaneous unidentified agency records. Individual items of importance are subject indexed.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 85 Papers, 1924-53 347. VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1946-53. F3640: 4216-4242

347. VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF. 1946-53. F3640: 4216-4242 Physical Description: 27f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, reports, publications, press releases, newspaper clippings, minutes, agenda, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Department. Records in this series relate principally to inquiries and complaints regarding veterans' bonuses, tax exemptions, education benefits, and allowances. Other records concern departmental fiscal affairs, proceedings under the Veterans' Bond Acts of 1943 and 46, and veterans' facilities and homes.

348. CALIFORNIA VETERANS' BOARD. 1946. F3640: 4243 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda regarding Board appointments and reorganization activities as a result of 1946 legislation ( Stats. 1946, 1st. Ex. Sess., ch. 114).

349. DEFENSE MOBILIZATION SERVICE COMMITTEE. 1951-53. F3640: 4244-4247 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note The Defense Mobilization Service Committee was established by Governor Warren after the outbreak of hostilities in Korea to assist communities in planning to meet local problems relating to defense housing and community facilities brought on by wartime conditions. The committee ceased operation in mid 1953 due to lack of funding by the legislature Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, press releases, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the committee. Records relate to such subjects as committee organization; meetings; personnel; policy; procedures; budgets and fiscal operations; community studies; and Forum on Temporary War Housing (March, 1953).

350. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE, DIVISION OF. 1946-53. F3640:4248-4249 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records relating to veterans readjustment education benefits and educational assistance, vocational rehabilitation for the handicapped, and the Veterans' Educational Institute.

351. FARMS AND HOME PURCHASES, DIVISION OF. 1946-53. F3640:4250-4260 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and other records related principally to the sale of Veteran Bonds as provided for under the Farm Home Purchase Acts of 1921 and 1943 and housing and housing material shortages.

352. SERVICE AND COORDINATION, DIVISION OF. 1946-53. F3640:4261-4273 Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, publications, monthly news bulletins, minutes, agenda, and other records relating to providing information and advisory services to aid County Service Offices and Service Centers designed to assist veterans. Of particular importance were the annual Training and Service conferences.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 86 Papers, 1924-53 353. VETERANS' HOMES, DIVISION OF. 1946-47. F3640:4274

353. VETERANS' HOMES, DIVISION OF. 1946-47. F3640:4274 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence on the operations of the Yountville facility.

354. WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS HOMES. 1946-53. F3640:4275 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence relative to the operation of facilities for women veterans.

355. WAR COUNCIL, STATE. 1943-45. F3640:4276-4292 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically by administrative unit or subject. In 1943 the State War Council was created as a temporary war agency to replace the abolished California State Council of Defense (lst. Ex. Sess., ch. 1). The Council was reorganized in 1944 (ch. 55) and again in 1945 (ch. 1024) when its duties were transferred to the newly created California State Disaster Council located in the Governor's Office. See series entries 64 thru 70. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, and other records concerning disaster planning and preparations due to wartime conditions. Records relate to such subjects as meetings; recommendations and appointments of personnel; budgetary and fiscal operations; legislative recommendations; state and local civil defense planning and cooperation with federal agencies; Japanese incendiary balloons; and state facilities security program. This series also includes the records of the Civilian Protection Board and the Civilian War Services Division.

356. CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEES. 1943-45. F3640:4293-4307 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, and other records of the committees appointed by the Governor to assist in specific fields of civilian defense activities. This series includes files of the committees on Evacuation, Fire Services, Food and Nutrition, Law Enforcement, Procurement and Assignment of Student Nurses, Public Information, Salvage, Student Nurse Recruitment, and Youth in Wartime. Individual committee files consist of records relating to committee membership, appointments and resignations, meetings, reports of activities, and recommendations.

357. SUBJECT FILES. 1943-45. F3640:4308-4321 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, reports, publications, news releases, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to such subjects as state operation of child and day care nurseries for war industry workers; School Lunch Program; local civil defense organizations; Port Chicago disaster, state assistance and coordination of emergency services; lack of temporary housing facilities for servicemen; juvenile delinquency control; law enforcement; manpower and labor shortages; radio frequency allocations; radio programs; salvage; transportation; and victory gardens.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 87 Papers, 1924-53 357. SUBJECT FILES. 1943-45. F3640:4308-4321

358. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, STATE. 1949-53. F3640:4322-4324 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Created by legislation in 1949 (ch. 1549). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, minutes, agenda, and other records relating to the administration, organization, and operation of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as meetings; administration of the Federal Pollution Control Act; appointments; legislative programs; Los Angeles air pollution; and statewide programs of financial assistance and research.

359. WATER RESOURCES BOARD, STATE. 1945-47. F3640:4325-4328 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Created by legislation in 1945 (ch. 1514) to act as an advisory body on the subjects of flood control and water conservation to the Division of Water Resources in the Department of Public Works. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, newspaper clippings, press releases, programs, transcripts of proceedings, agenda, and other records concerning the administration, operation, and organization of the Board. Records relate to such subjects as the Governor's California Water Conference (December 6-7, 1945); federal vs state jurisdiction in the construction of Folsom Dam; and federal appropriations for flood control.

360. WOMEN'S CLUBS. 1943-53. F3640:4329-4339 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, resolutions, publications, reports, transcripts of proceedings, statements, newspaper clippings, programs, and other records relating to women's clubs and organizations recommendations and support or opposition to legislation; Warren appointments of women to executive and administrative positions in State Government; proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Federal Constitution; and support of the Governor's compulsory health insurance program. The files for each year also include invitations, acceptances, and proceedings of the California Non-Partisan Round Table luncheons, an annual gathering of Warren's women appointees with discussions centered on the problems and rammifications of women as state government executives and administrators.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 88 Papers, 1924-53 360. WOMEN'S CLUBS. 1943-53. F3640:4329-4339

361. WOMEN'S PROGRAMS. 1949-53. F3640:4340-4350 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, minutes, photographs, programs, publications, and other records concerning the program set up under the Bureau of Business Education, Department of Education, to create opportunities for self-employment for women. Shows, workshops, and clinics were held to encourage the entry of women into small business ventures. The initial Business Opportunity Show of 1949 gave way the following year to annual Aids to Small Business Shows held in conjunction with the State Fair. These shows were jointly sponsored by the Departments of Education and Employment.

362. WORLD TRADE CENTER AUTHORITY. 1946-52. F3640:4351 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Legislation in 1947 (ch. 1508) created World Trade Centers in San Francisco and in Los Angeles for the purpose of fostering and developing domestic and international trade. Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and other data relative to organization and initial operations.

363. YOUTH AUTHORITY, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:4352-4376 Physical Description: 25f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by administrative unit or subject and chronologically thereunder. The Youth Correction Authority, created in 1941 (ch. 937) as an independent agency, was brought into the Department of Corrections by the Prison Reorganization Act of 1944 (3rd. Ex. Sess., ch. 2). The word correction was dropped from the authority's title in 1943 (ch. 690). Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, minutes, reports, publications, photographs, speeches, and other records concerning the administration, organization, and operation of the authority. Records relate to such subjects as annual budgets and fiscal affairs; legislative programs; organization of Delinquency Prevention Division; state purchase of the Fricot Ranch School for Boys and the Los Guilucos School for Girls (1944); juvenile delinquency and community prevention programs; Youth Problems Conference (1943, 44); and creation and operation of forestry and work camps in cooperation with other state agencies.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 89 Papers, 1924-53 364. FRED C. NELLES SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 1943-53. F3640:4377

364. FRED C. NELLES SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 1943-53. F3640:4377 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, reports, publications, and other records relative to the school's operations and condition of the inmates. Much of the correspondence originates with the parents of inmates seeking the Governor's help in obtaining their release.

365. FRICOT RANCH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 1944-52. F3640:4378 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and complaints relative to the school's operations and condition of inmates.

366. LOS GUILUCOS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1944-53. F3640:4379 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and complaints relative to the school's operations and condition of inmates.

367. PRESTON SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. 1943-53. F3640: 4380-4383 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and complaints relative to the school's operations and condition of inmates. The files also include a report, transcript of hearings, and related data on investigations into the administration, program, and management of the school by the California Taxpayer's Association and the State Attorney General's Office (1945, 46).

368. VENTURA SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1943-53. F3640: 4384 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and complaints relative to the school's operations and condition of inmates.

369. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PREVENTION. 1944-53. F3640: 4385-4390 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, data, and other records pertaining to state, county, and municipal programs to prevent and curb juvenile delinquency. Views and suggestions on ways to curb juvenile delinquency make up a large part of this series. Also included in this series are surveys on juvenile delinquency made by the Youth Authority, including studies for Kings, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, and Ventura counties, and for the Alhambra High School District.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 90 Papers, 1924-53 370. CALIFORNIA YOUTH COMMITTEE. 1949-53 F3640: 4391-4401

370. CALIFORNIA YOUTH COMMITTEE. 1949-53 F3640: 4391-4401 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, reports, publications, minutes, agenda, press releases, newspaper clippings, programs, and other records concerning the problems of youth, youth welfare, and youth services. The California Youth Committee was renamed in 1951 and became the Governor's Advisory Committee on Children and Youth. The files relate to such subjects as committee meetings and activities; appointments; California's Midcentury Conference on Children and Youth (Sept., 1950) held prior to the Midcentury Conference on Children and Youth (Dec., 1950); Governor's Conference on Children and Youth (1951); California Juvenile Traffic Study Committee (1952); and Southwest Regional Conference on the Needs of Children and Youth of Migrants.

371. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FILE AND LEGISLATIVE POLICY. 1942-42. F3640:4402-4403 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous Governor's Office correspondence and memoranda regarding administration bills and legislative program.

372. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FILE. 1942-43. F3640:4404-4436 Physical Description: 33f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, recommendations, drafts and amendments of proposed bills as submitted by state agencies, including Agriculture; Banking; Building and Loan; child care centers; civilian defense; civil service personnel; Code Commission; Controller; Corporation Commissioner; counties and county matters; District Courts of Appeal; Education; Employment; executive clemency; Finance; Fire Marshal; health and safety; Industrial Relations; Institutions; Insurance; judiciary procedure; Motor Vehicles; Narcotic Enforcement; Natural Resources; Prison Directors; Prison Terms and Paroles; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; Public Works; racial discrimination; Social Welfare; and miscellaneous.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 91 Papers, 1924-53 373. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1942-43. F3640:4437-4446

373. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1942-43. F3640:4437-4446 Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, reports, telegrams, publications, and other records received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. Subjects include absentee voters; administration of estates; agriculture; annual legislative sessions; banks; boxing matches; cities; compensation insurance; drug plant programs; education; farm debt; fish and game; food shortages and price controls; harbors; Huntington Beach; income tax; Japanese; labor; law enforcement; liquor control; military and veterans; nurses; oil; pensions; postwar planning; racial discrimination; reclamation; small business; State Bar Association; tax reduction; unemployment insurance; war legislation; and miscellaneous

374. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1943. F3640:4447-5587 Physical Description: 9cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-1137.

375. VETOED BILL FILE. 1943. F3640:5588-5757 Physical Description: 2½cf. Scope and Content Note AB 20-AB 2007 and SB 94-SB 1090 (broken series).

376. LEGISLATIVE CORRESPONDENCE FILE. 1943. F3640:5758-5868 Physical Description: ½cf. Scope and Content Note AB 61-AB 1986 and SB 7-SB 1066 (broken series).

377. LEGISLATIVE INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES, GENERAL. 1944. F3640:5868a Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Index of measures referred to interim study.

378. ASSEMBLY INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5869-5872 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, hearing transcripts, expense accounts, and data pertaining to hearings and activities of the committees on Japanese Problems; Juvenile Delinquency; Establishment and Encouragement of a Silk Industry; and Unemployment Insurance.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 92 Papers, 1924-53 379. JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5873-5877

379. JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5873-5877 Physical Description: 5f Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, calendars, statements presented before committee hearings, and data pertaining to meetings and activities of the committees on Fish and Game Problems; Old Age Advocacy and Promotion; Tax Structure of the State; Un-American Activities, including investigations of subversive organizations, individuals, communist front agencies, and conditions at the Japanese Relocation Centers at Manzanar and Tulelake; and Water Problems.

380. SENATE INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5878-5882 Physical Description: 5f Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper clippings, and data pertaining to meetings and activities of the committees on State Board of Equalization; Homes and Institutions for the Aged; Japanese Resettlement; State Subventions to Counties; and Unemployment Insurance.

381. GENERAL FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5883-5886 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence received and sent to legislators, Legislative Counsel Bureau, and individuals regarding proposed and pending special session legislation. A portion of this series also pertains to 1943 Regular Session legislative proposals.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 93 Papers, 1924-53 382. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1943-44. F3640:5887-5941

382. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1943-44. F3640:5887-5941 Physical Description: 55f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications. telegrams, resolutions, proposed bills and amendments, and other data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to measures for inclusion or submitted at the special sessions. The files relate to legislative proposals in the subject areas of agriculture; bank taxation; beach fund for development of beaches as public recreation areas; black market; blind pensions; child care centers; collection agencies; Colorado River Board; constitutional amendments, including lowering of the voting age; daylight savings time; education, including adult and veterans education, teachers retirement system, and the increase of state allocations to elementary school districts on the basis of average daily attendance; election laws; Farm Production Council; fish and game; gasoline tax; grain; pensions for the handicapped; health and safety; housing; Japanese-Americans; juvenile delinquency, jury commissioners; legislative process; municipal government personnel; oil shortages and tideland drilling; old age pensions; oriental fruit moth; post war planning; Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission; "Right to Work" Initiative; state income tax; state personnel, including salary increases and retirement benefits; state sales tax; transportation tax; unemployment insurance fund; urban redevelopment; Ventura Flood Control District; veterans' benefits; and Youth Authority. The files also contain views and comments on ballot measures appearing on the November, 1944 General Election ballot.

383. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1943. F3640:5942-5944 Physical Description: 3f Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, Legislative Counsel's digest of bills enacted, miscellaneous correspondence relative to calling of a special session, and Chapters 1-2 as passed at the First Extra Session.

384. SECOND EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1943. F3640:5945-5946 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, miscellaneous correspondence relative to calling of a special session, and Chapter 1 as passed at the Second Extra Session.

385. THIRD EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1943-44. F3640:5947-5963 Physical Description: 49f. Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, telegrams, proposed bills and amendments, data, and related materials concerning measures to be considered at the Special Session. The files relate to the planning for and calling of the Special Session and such subjects as confirmation of city charters; prison reform; race relations; taxation of federal lands; and voting laws concerning overseas servicemen. Also included are the chaptered bill files for Chapters 1-6 and Resolution Chapters 1-36 as passed at the 3rd Extra Session.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 94 Papers, 1924-53 386. FOURTH EXTRA SESSION. 1943-44. F3640:5964-6033

386. FOURTH EXTRA SESSION. 1943-44. F3640:5964-6033 Physical Description: 70f. Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, telegrams, proposed bills, data, and related materials pertaining to the Fourth Extra Session. The files relate to the planning for and calling of the Special Session and include the chaptered bill files for Chapters 1-60 and Resolution Chapter 10 as passed at the 4th Extra Session. Also included are files on SB 6, SB 51, AB 9, AB 10, AB 11, and AB 59 which were either vetoed or not signed since they duplicated other measures approved by the Governor.

387. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. 1944-45. F3640:6034-6042 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, resolutions, proposed bills and amendments, progress reports and indexes to the Governor's legislative programs, subject lists of 1943 and 1944 legislation containing duration provisions, and a list of bills vetoed with veto messages. Individual files include communications with legislators relative to the Governor's programs, legislative voting records, administrative procedure proposals, memoranda reports on other legislative proposals and miscellaneous legislative suggestions from other than state sources.

388. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS. 1944-45. F3640:6043-6123 Physical Description: 82f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Correspondence, memoranda, proposed bills and amendments, departmental legislative summaries, resolutions, and other data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals from the departments of or on the subjects of Agriculture; Attorney General, including settlement of Indian claims; aviation, including the regulation of air transportation companies, postwar aviation development, and a permanent Civil Air Patrol; Banks and Banking; budget; Building and Loan; city and county matters; constitutional amendments; corrections; daylight savings time; Education; elections; Employment; fairs and expositions; Finance; Fire Marshal; Governor's Council; harbors; housing, including shacktown legislation and urban redevelopment; Industrial Relations, including reorganization of the Industrial Accidents Commission; Institutions; Insurance Commission; Japanese return to California; judiciary; juveile delinquency; land (State); liquor control; Mental Hygiene; Military; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; nudist camps; personnel and civil service; prepaid health insurance; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; Public Works; racial matters; Railroad Commission; Real Estate; Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission; recreation, including the creation of a Recreation Commission or Department; revenue and taxation; Social Welfare; Veterans' Affairs; War Council; water; Youth Authority; and miscellaneous.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 95 Papers, 1924-53 389. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1945. F3640:6124-7650

389. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1945. F3640:6124-7650 Physical Description: 10cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-1527.

390. VETOED BILL FILE. 1945. F3640:7651-7767 Physical Description: 1cf. Scope and Content Note AB 26-AB 2211 and SB 12-SB 1284 (broken series).

391. LEGISLATIVE CORRESPONDENCE FILE. 1945. F3640:7768-8394 Physical Description: 5cf. Scope and Content Note AB 2-AB 2200 and SB 2-SB 1191 (broken series).

392. ASSEMBLY INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1945-47. F3640:8395 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Miscellaneous memoranda and newspaper clippings concerning the meetings and activities of the committees on Administrative Regulation; Charitable Institutions; County and City Jails; Crime Prevention and Corrections; Government Efficency and Economy; Health Care; Insurance; Military Affairs; Postwar Airport Projects and Aviation; Postwar Rehabilitation; Public Education; State and Local Taxation; and Transportation.

393. JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1945-47. F3640:8396-8397 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, reports, statements before committee hearings, speeches of Chairman Randolph Collier, and other records of the Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highways, Streets, and Bridges.

394. SENATE INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1945-46 F3640:8398 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Miscellaneous memoranda, newspaper clippings, and reports concerning the meetings and activities of the committees on Governmental Reorganization relative to the creation of the Highway Patrol as a separate Department; Medical and Hospital Care; Shoreline Development and Beach Erosion; Taxation; and Veterans' Affairs.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 96 Papers, 1924-53 395. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS. 1945-46. F3640:8399-8459

395. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS. 1945-46. F3640:8399-8459 Physical Description: 61f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, proposed bills and amendments, departmental legislative program summaries, resolutions, statements, newspaper clippings, publications, and other data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals pertaining to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals from the departments of or on the subjects of administrative procedure; Agriculture; appropriations; Attorney General; aviation, including creation of a state airport agency and airport zoning; cities and counties; constitutional amendments; Corporations; Corrections; daylight savings time; Disaster Council; Education, including the establishment of a school for the deaf in southern California; elections; Employment, including unemployment benefits, disability insurance, reconversion problems, and creation of a Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or similar agency, at the state level; Finance; harbors; housing and housing material shortages; Industrial Relations; judicial; lands, State; liquor control; Military and Veterans' Affairs, including reorganization of department; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; personnel and civil service, including establishment of the 40 hour work week; Professional and Vocational Standards; nursery schools and child care centers; Public Health, including sewage disposal and pollution; Public Works; race relations, including the establishment of a state Fair Employment Practices Commission; Real Estate; Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission; revenue and taxation; Social Welfare; veterans'; water; and miscellaneous.

396. W. T. SWEIGERT SPECIAL FILES. 1945-46. F3640:8460-8476 Physical Description: 17f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject. Memoranda, administration and department legislative summaries, special session proposals, legislative voting records, proposed bills, progress reports on administration bills, press releases, and additional data relative to the origins and progress of the Governor's legislative program. The Governor's program, dealing primarily with reconversion legislation, includes such issues as aviation, child care centers, extension of disability benefits, post war education needs, fair employment practices, housing shortages and veterans' housing, motor vehicle safety, postwar public work projects, urban redevelopment, and veterans' benefits.

397. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1946. F3640:8477-8642 Physical Description: 166f. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-155 and vetoed bill files.

398. SECOND EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1946. F3640:8643-8648 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-6.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 97 Papers, 1924-53 399. RENT CONTROL FILES. 1946. F3640:8649-8671

399. RENT CONTROL FILES. 1946. F3640:8649-8671 Physical Description: 23f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. The Federal Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 expired June 30, 1946. Due to housing and material shortages caused by wartime conditions the Warren administration proposed to continue a rent control program under state auspices. Governor's message to the legislature, proclamations, proposed Emergency Rent Control Law and summary, digest of landlords' views on continuation of rent control, landlord and tenant responses to questionaires relative to continuance of rent control.

400. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. 1946-47. F3640:8672-8704 Physical Description: 32f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject. Correspondence, memoranda, summaries of Governor's proposals and actions taken by the legislature, drafts of proposed bills and amendments, digests of opinions on proposed legislation, reports of meetings with department heads to discuss programs, drafts of governor's messages to the legislature with comments on by Helen McGregor and Vera F. Clayton, press releases regarding bills signed and vetoed, and lists of bills to be pocket vetoed. This series also contains records concerning the organization and personnel of the Senate and Assembly and abstracts of legislator's public statements relative to administration programs. Subject content of the Governor's legislative program includes administrative law; establishing the Agricultural Research Study Committee as a permanent agency; aid to the blind; aviation, including airport master planning and air safety; building inspection regulation; budget; centennials; education, including aid to the mentally retarded and improverished school districts; reorganization of the Department of Employment; forestry conservation; gambling; Governor's Council; labor mediation; public health, including state aid to county health programs; race relations, including creation of a Commission on Political and Economic Equality; radio communications; creation of a Division of Recreation in the Department of Natural Resources; Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission; revenue deficiency reserve ("rainy day fund"); taxation; and Water Resources Act, a master plan for water resources development.

401. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS. 1946-47. F3640:8705-8727 Physical Description: 24f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency. Correspondence, memoranda, legislative surveys by department heads, proposed bills and amendments, and summaries and indexes to departmental legislative programs. Agencies submitting programs include Adjutant General; Agriculture; Banking; Building and Loan; Corporations; Corrections; Disaster Council; Employment Stabilization Commission; Farm Production Council; Finance; Fire Marshal; Industrial Relations; Insurance; Mental Hygiene; Natural Resources; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; Public Works; Real Estate; Reconstruction and Reemployment Commission, Social Welfare; Veterans' Affairs; and Youth Authority.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 98 Papers, 1924-53 402. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1946-47. F3640:8728-8872

402. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1946-47. F3640:8728-8872 Physical Description: 7½cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Correspondence, memoranda, resolutions, reports, telegrams, press releases, statements, and publications received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals on the subjects of administrative procedure; agriculture, including recommendations on the Farm Production Council and vivisection of dogs; a state airport master plan and the creation of a State Aviation Commission; banks and banking; budget; the creation of a State Centennials Commission; permanent establishment of child care centers; city and county matters; claims before the legislature; Code Commission; constitutional amendments; Controller; Corporations; Corrections, including the proposed establishment of a Prison Industries Commission and an employment program for inmates; daylight savings time; Education, including teachers' retirement benefit increases, sex education, and school construction; elections; Employment; State Board of Equalization and the regulation of the liquor industry; Finance; harbors; Horse Racing Board; housing shortages and rent control; Industrial Relations, including farm labor placement and railroad labor legislation with respect to the issues of "Featherbedding" and "Hot Cargo"; compulsory automobile insurance; judicial; Justice Department; land surveys; Mental Hygiene; motor vehicles and traffic safety; Natural Resources; personnel and civil service; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health, including smog control and sewage disposal; prepaid health insurance; Public Utilities Commission; Public Works; racial matters, including establishment of a Commission on Fair Employment Practices; Real Estate; creation of a Recreation Commission; (State) Reorganization; revenue and taxation; sales tax; Social Welfare, including aid to needy children, blind, aged, and handicapped programs, and old age pensions; uniform state laws; veterans'; Water Resources; and miscellaneous. This series supplements series entries 400 and 401.

403. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1947. F3640:8873-10450 Physical Description: 10cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-1579.

404. VETOED BILL FILE. 1947. F3640:10451-10625 Physical Description: 1¼cf. Scope and Content Note AB 2-AB 2716 and SB 64-SB 1590 (broken series).

405. LEGISLATIVE CORRESPONDENCE FILE. 1947. F3640:10626-10691 Physical Description: 5 3/4cf. Scope and Content Note AB 1-AB 2722 and SB 1-SB 2293 (broken series).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 99 Papers, 1924-53 406. ASSEMBLY INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1947-49. F3640:10692-10695

406. ASSEMBLY INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1947-49. F3640:10692-10695 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by committee. Miscellaneous memoranda, reports, agenda, statements presented before committee hearings, newspaper clippings, and data pertaining to the meetings and activities of the interim committees on Detention Homes and County and City Jails, Judiciary, State and Local Taxation, and Water Pollution.

407. JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1947-49. F3640:10696-10703 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous records of the Joint Legislative Committee on Constitutional Revision. The files include correspondence, memoranda, minutes, subcommittee assignments, advisory committees, procedures, program, proposals and amendments, statements, addresses, and other data presented before committee hearings, reports, recommendations and findings, resolutions, exhibits, newspaper clippings, and general committee working papers.

408. SENATE INTERIM COMMITTEE FILES. 1947. F3640:10704 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the meetings and activities of the interim committee on Un-American Activities.

409. FIRST EXTRA SESSION. 1946-47. F3640:10705-10727 Physical Description: 23f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous memoranda, petitions relative to the calling of a special session, Governor's Proclamation, Legislative Counsel correspondence, Chapters 1 - 20 as passed at the First Extra Session, vetoed bill file (SB 21), and miscellaneous resolutions regarding SB 5, construction of an expressway connecting the Golden Gate and Oakland Bay bridges.

410. BUDGET SESSION FILES. 1947-48. F3640:10728-10772 Physical Description: 48f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Departmental proposals, summaries of department and individual requests for legislation, miscellaneous memoranda reports on progress of budget hearings, Chapters 1 - 38 as passed at the Budget Session, vetoed bills (AB 47, AB 57, and SB 44), and miscellaneous correspondence on AB 29, AB 89, and SB 12.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 100 Papers, 1924-53 410. BUDGET SESSION FILES. 1947-48. F3640:10728-10772

411. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. 1948-49. F3640:10773-10774 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Governor's annual message to the legislature, memoranda, legislative status reports, and miscellaneous correspondence with the Legislative Counsel Bureau relative to preparation of administration bills, chaptered bills, and laws containing duration provisions.

412. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS. 1948-49. F3640:10775-10811 Physical Description: 38f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency. Correspondence, memoranda, proposed bills and amendments, reports, departmental legislative summaries, resolutions, newspaper clippings, statements, and data received from state agencies relative to proposed and pending legislation. Agencies submitting legislative programs include the Adjutant General; Aeronautics Commission; Agriculture; Banks; Building and Loan; Centennials Commission; Corporations; Corrections and the Governors Special Crime Study Commissions; Disaster Council; Education; Employment; Finance; Fire Marshal; Governor's Council; Highway Patrol; Industrial Relations; Insurance; Mental Hygiene; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; Osteopathic Examiners; Personnel Board; Planning and Research; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; Public Works; Real Estate; Recreation; Social Welfare; State Lands Commission; Commission on Uniform State Laws; Veterans' Affairs; Water Resources; and Youth Authority.

413. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1948-49. F3640:10812-10902 Physical Description: 6cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder Correspondence, memoranda, resolutions, reports, telegrams, statements, publications, and data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals on the subjects of the Office of the Adjutant General; agriculture; animals, including the vivisection of dogs; Building and Loan; centennials; city and county matters: claims before the legislature; Code Commission; constitutional amendments; Controller; corporations, including proposed Small Loan and Personal Property Brokers acts; corrections; Crime Study Commissions; daylight savings time; Education, including establishment of a U. C. campus at Riverside and child care centers; elections and election laws; Employment; Finance, including aid to the aged and blind and state budget; Fire Marshal, including a state fire training program; Governor's Council; harbors; Highway Patrol; Horse Racing Board, including off-track betting; housing; Industrial Relations; Insurance; Judicial; Justice; lobbying investigation of Arthur H. Samish; Mental Hygiene; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; prepaid medical insurance; Public Utilities; Public Works; racial matters; Recreation; rent control; state reorganization; resolutions; revenue and taxation; state sales tax; Social Welfare, including aid to handicapped and old age pensions; Veterans' Affairs; Youth Authority; and miscellaneous. This series supplements series entries 411 and 412.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 101 Papers, 1924-53 413. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1948-49. F3640:10812-10902

414. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1949. F3640:10903-12505 Physical Description: 11cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1 - 1603.

415. VETOED BILL FILE. 1949. F3640:12506-1264 Physical Description: 1cf. Scope and Content Note AB 20-AB 3156 and SB 8-SB 1660 (broken series).

416. PENDING LEGISLATION CORRESPONDENCE FILES. 1949. F3640:12622-12685 Physical Description: 5½cf. Scope and Content Note AB 20-AB 3156 and SB 8-SB 3106 (broken series).

417. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1949. F3640:12686-12711 Physical Description: 26f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Governor's Proclamation, correspondence with legislators, progress reports on the Governor's legislative program, and views, proposals, and analyses on legislation in the areas of city and county matters, education, lobbying, and social welfare. This series includes files on Chapters 1-16 as passed at the First Extra Session and on measures which were pocket vetoed.

418. BUDGET SESSION FILES. 1950. F3640:12712-12717 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1 - 6.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 102 Papers, 1924-53 419. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1950. F3640:12718-12812

419. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1950. F3640:12718-12812 Physical Description: 95f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Correspondence, memoranda, proposed bills and amendments, summary list of requests for legislation, Legislative Counsel Bureau opinions, and data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. Subjects of special legislation include the Office of the Attorney General, city and county matters, criminal laws on sex crimes, education, employment, lobbying, public health, social welfare, and miscellaneous. This series includes files on Chapter 1 - 74 as passed at the First Extra Session and on measures which were vetoed.

420. SECOND EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1950. F3640: 12813 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Chapter 1.

421. THIRD EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1950. F3640: 12814-12887 Physical Description: 75f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency or subject and numerically by chapter or bill number. Correspondence, memoranda, proposed bills and amendments, summary list of requests for legislation, Legislative Counsel Bureau opinions, and data received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation, including absentee voting; Adjutant General; Attorney General; city and county matters; constitutional amendments; defense; education; Finance; Highway Patrol; Industrial Relations; Mental Hygiene; Natural Resources; Public Utilities; Public Works; Social Welfare; unemployment insurance; veterans'; war voting, and; miscellaneous. This series includes files on Chapters 1-46 as passed at the Third Extra Session and on measures which were vetoed.

422. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. 1949-51. F3640: 12888-12927 Physical Description: 40f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency. Correspondence, memoranda, summaries and analyses of Governor's proposals, proposed bills and amendments, Legislative Counsel Bureau opinions, and related records concerning development and progress of the Governor's legislative program, including Adjutant General; Aeronautics Commission; Agriculture; Banks, Building and Loan; Civil Defense; Corporation Commissioner investigation of James Madison Jefferson and others relative to personal Property Brokers and Unsecured Lenders Acts; Corrections; Education; Employment; Finance; Fire Marshal; Franchise Tax; Highway Patrol; Industrial Relations; Insurance Commissioners; Mental Hygiene; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; Osteopathic Examiners; Personnel Board; Public Health; Public Works; Real Estate; Recreation; Social Welfare; State Lands Commission; Veterans' Affairs; Water Resources; and Youth Authority.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 103 Papers, 1924-53 423. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1949-51. F3640: 12928-12998

423. PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1949-51. F3640: 12928-12998 Physical Description: 2cf. Scope and Content Note Agency alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Correspondence, memoranda, departmental proposals, resolutions, reports, telegrams, press releases, statements, and publications received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals on the subjects of the Office of the Adjutant General; Agriculture; animal vivisection; city and county matters, including creation of additional courts in Los Angeles County; constitutional amendments; Corporations; Corrections; reestablishment of the Special Crime Study Commission on Organized Crime; daylight savings time; Disaster Council; Education, including child care centers and teachers retirement; elections and election laws; employment; Finance; Fire Marshal; Highway Patrol; Horse Racing Board; Industrial Relations; Insurance; Justice Department; labor; liquor control; lobbying and investigation of Arthur H. Samish; Mental Hygiene; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; planning and research; Personnel Board; Professional and Vocational Standards; prepaid medical insurance; Public Health; Public Utilities; Public Works; racial matters; reapportionment; rent control; revenue and taxation; Social Welfare, including aid to needy children, the handicapped, and old age pensions; state reorganization; state sales tax; veterans' affairs; Water Pollution Control Board; Youth Authority; and miscellaneous. This series supplements series entry 422.

424. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1951. F3640: 12999-14763 Physical Description: 12cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1 - 1765.

425. VETOED BILL FILE. 1951. F3640: 14764-14895 Physical Description: 1cf. Scope and Content Note AB 1-AB 3453 and SB 2-SB 2673 (broken series).

426. PENDING LEGISLATION CORRESPONDENCE FILE. 1951. F3640: 14896-14947 Physical Description: 6cf. Scope and Content Note AB 1-AB 3494 and SB 1-SB 2673 (broken series).

427. BUDGET SESSION FILES. 1951-52. F3640: 14948-14962 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and numerically by chapter number. Budget summary, analysis of 1951 measures affecting budget totals and the general fund surplus, miscellaneous legislative proposals, and Chapters 1 - 14 as passed at the 1952 Budget Session.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 104 Papers, 1924-53 427. BUDGET SESSION FILES. 1951-52. F3640: 14948-14962

428. FIRST EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1952. F3640: 14963-15005 Physical Description: 43f. Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, summary of Governor's legislative program, press releases, list of bills to be pocket vetoed, and miscellaneous legislative proposals on the subjects of city and county matters, education, and joint tenancy. This series also includes files on Chapters 1-33 as passed at the First Extra Session and files on measures which were vetoed.

429. SECOND EXTRA SESSION FILES. 1952. F3640: 15006-15055 Physical Description: 50f. Scope and Content Note Governor's Proclamation, summary of Governor's legislative program, press releases, list of bills to be pocket vetoed, Legislative Counsel Bureau opinions, reports, and miscellaneous legislative proposals on the subjects of city and county matters, Disaster Council, school facility needs and finances, public health, and social welfare. This series also includes files on Chapters 1-34 as passed at the Second Extra Session and on measures which were vetoed.

430. GOVERNOR'S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. 1952-53. F3640: 15056-15060 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject. Correspondence, memoranda, summary of Governor's and departmental proposals, proposed bills and amendments, summary reports of legislative actions on administration bills, Senate and Assembly resignations (1943-53), Senate confirmation of Governor's appointments (1943-53), Legislative Counsel Bureau opinions and drafts of legislation, and related records concerning development and progress of the Governor's legislative program.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 105 Papers, 1924-53 431. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS AND PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1952-53. F3640: 15061-1514...

431. DEPARTMENTAL LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMS AND PROPOSED LEGISLATION--GENERAL. 1952-53. F3640: 15061-15141 Physical Description: 2¼cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by agency and/or subject (state agencies in caps.) and chronologically thereunder. Correspondence, memoranda, departmental proposals, drafts of bills and amendments, resolutions, reports, telegrams, press releases, statements, and publications received from state and local government agencies, private organizations, and individuals relative to proposed and pending legislation. This series includes legislative proposals from the agencies of or on the subjects of the Aeronautics Commission; Attorney General; Agriculture; animals; Banks; Building and Loan; city and county matters; constitutional amendments; Corporations; Corrections; daylight savings time; Disaster Council; Education, including child care centers and Teachers' retirement; election laws; Employment; Equalization, Board of; Franchise Tax Board; Fire Marshal; Fish and Game; creation of a Department of General Services; Harbor Commission; Highway Patrol; Horse Racing Board; housing; Industrial Relations; joint tenancy law; Justice Department; liquor control; lobbying; Mental Hygiene clinic program; Motor Vehicles; Natural Resources; Personnel Board; prepaid medical care; Professional and Vocational Standards; Public Health; Public Utilities Commission; Public Works, including the creation of a separate Department of Water Resources, and state highway needs; racial matters; Real Estate; Recreation; revenue and taxation; Social Welfare, including old age pensions and aid to the handicapped; State Lands Commission; state organization; state sales tax; uniform state laws; uniform dependents support laws; Veterans' Affairs; Water Pollution Control Board; Youth Authority; and miscellaneous.

432. CHAPTERED BILL FILE. 1953. F3640: 15142-17035 Physical Description: 13cf. Scope and Content Note Chapters 1-- 1895.

433. VETOED BILL FILE. 1953. F3640: 17036-17228 Physical Description: 1 3/4cf. Scope and Content Note AB 6-AB 3518 and SB 6-SB 1988 (broken series).

434. PROPOSED LEGISLATION CORRESPONDENCE FILE. 1953. F3640: 17229-17280 Physical Description: 3cf. Scope and Content Note AB 1-AB 3598 and SB 1-SB 1988 (broken series).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 106 Papers, 1924-53 435. FEDERAL AGENCIES IN CALIFORNIA FILE. 1944,47. F3640: 17281-17283

435. FEDERAL AGENCIES IN CALIFORNIA FILE. 1944,47. F3640: 17281-17283 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, reports, and directories of federal agencies in California. The files for 1944 include several Governor's Office staff analyses dealing with the subject of program overlap between federal and state agencies.

436. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 17284-17285 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, and publications. The files include communications with the U. S. Forest Service, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the War Food Administration (1943-45). Subject matter relates to wartime food conservation, federal appropriations for programs administered by the Department of Agriculture, and distribution of surplus food commodities in peacetime.

437. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. 1943-53. F3640: 17286 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda regarding federal employment.

438. CIVILIAN DEFENSE ADMINISTRATION. 1951-53. F3640: 17287 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, and press information bulletins as issued by the Office of Civil Defense Administrator.

439. COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640: 17288-17290 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, and miscellaneous data. The files include communications with the Bureau of the Census, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the Secretary of Commerce.

440. (FEDERAL) COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (F.C.C.). 1944-53. F3640: 17291-17292 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda concerned with various applications before the F.C.C.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 107 Papers, 1924-53 441. COMMUNISM. 1945-53. F3640: 17293-17297

441. COMMUNISM. 1945-53. F3640: 17293-17297 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, broadsides, tracts, and other literature received from individuals and organizations relative to their views on communism.

442. CONGRESS. 1943-53. F3640: 17298-17308 Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received and copies of letters sent exchanging views with California Congressmen on proposed and pending federal and state legislation, and national issues. Principal issues include California housing problems; foreign policy; cost of living; tuna tariff; A-bomb testing; and Port of Sacramento appropriations. A separate file includes correspondence with U. S. Senators William F. Knowland and and concerns constituents requests for information and assistance and exchanges of views on proposed and pending federal legislation affecting California.

443. EXECUTIVE BRANCH. 1943-53. F3640: 17309-17310 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence with the Executive Office of the President and the Bureau of the Budget. One file relates to the Committee for Congested Production Areas, a wartime agency created to investigate congestion in critical war production areas, principally the ports of San Diego and San Francisco.

444. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. 1944-53. F3640: 17311-17322 Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, and applications for restoration of California lands to entry, re-entry, mining entry, homestead entry, and power site entry. The files also contain miscellaneous Federal Power Commission hearings and studies on natural gas investigations (1945) and a proposed interconnection between electric systems in the Pacific Northwest and California (1951).

445. FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY. 1943-53. F3640: 17323-17324 Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, and miscellaneous publications relating to the organization and activites of the Federal Security Agency and the Social Security Board. A large part of this series includes inquiries, views, and suggestions relative to benefits available under the Federal Social Security program.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 108 Papers, 1924-53 446. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. 1943-49. F3640:17327

446. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. 1943-49. F3640:17327 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence relative to postwar planning and public works projects, including federal assistance for schools and child care centers, and the availability of Lanham Act funds.

447. FOREIGN AID, VOLUNTARY. 1947-53. F3640:17328-17329 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous appeals for assistance from foreigners referred to the U. S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid.

448. HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY. 1948-53. F3640:17330-17338 Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, and memoranda relative to the issues of housing shortages and rent control. See also series entry 460.

449. INTERIOR, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:17339-17350 Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by administrative division and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, speeches, minutes, agenda, publications, and miscellaneous data pertaining to the administration and activities of the Interior Department. The files include communications with the General Land Office relative to land patents, clear lists, and homesteads; the Bureau of Indian Affairs relative to financing of educational services for Indian Children, proposals of ways in which to aid California Indians, the organization, proceedings, and recommendations of the Governor's Inter-State Indian Council, and Federal withdrawal of jurisdiction over California Indians; the Bureau of Reclamation relative to the location of power transmission lines, Central Valley Project emergency standby equipment, construction programs, fish and wildlife conservation; and general correspondence with the Secretary of the Interior relative to federal policy, programs, and projects in California.

450. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 1944-53. F3640:17351-17357 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Samples of letters, tracts, broadsides, and other literature received commenting on ways to end World War II, the prevention of future wars, the necessity of sending troops to Europe and Korea, the dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur, and the international situation in general.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 109 Papers, 1924-53 451. INTERNATIONAL PEACE. 1945. F3640:17358

451. INTERNATIONAL PEACE. 1945. F3640:17358 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous letters, tracts, broadsides, and other literature received concerning the Dumbarton Oaks Charter and the permanent location of the headquarters of the United Nations.

452. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. 1944, 1948-49. F3640:17359 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

453. JUDICIAL BRANCH. 1944-52. F3640:17360 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

454. JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF. 1943-53. F3640:17361-17374 Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by administrative division and/or subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, statements, and miscellaneous data relative to the administration and activities of the Justice Department. The files contain communications with the U. S. Attorney General relative to appearances of the "Freedom Train" in 1947; Justice Department investigations of wartime cartels; the Federal Bureau of Investigation relative to official investigations and jurisdictional matters; and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization relative to inquiries requesting aid in gaining entrance into the U. S. for alien relatives.

455. LABOR. 1943-53. F3640:17375-17377 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous correspondence exchanged with the Secretary of Labor relative to organized labor activities and proposed labor legislation programs.

456. LAND. 1945-53. F3640:17378 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaneous inquiries relative to homesteads, land patents, and restoration of power sites on federal lands in California.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 110 Papers, 1924-53 457. LEGISLATION, FEDERAL. 1944-53. F3640:17379-17404

457. LEGISLATION, FEDERAL. 1944-53. F3640:17379-17404 Physical Description: 27f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, congressional bills and amendments, hearings, statements, and testimony of California agency officials before U. S. Senate and Congressional committees. This series includes considerable correspondence with California Congressmen, including Senators Knowland and Downey, regarding their position and support/or opposition to proposed and pending legislation. Subjects covered in this series include H.R. 3622, California Indian claims (1944); S. 2051, extension of unemployment insurance to federal employees engaged in wartime activities and postwar adjustment programs (1944); H.R. 3691, Rivers and Harbors Bill, protection of California waterways for irrigation uses; H.R. 4485, Omnibus Flood Control Bill, a master plan for water resources development of the Central Valley Basin (1944-45); H.R. 2346, Seamen's "Bill of Rights" Bill (1945-46); H.R. 6739, return of Employment Services to state operation (1946); H.R. 6407, Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill (1946); H.R. 5308, tariff on importation of wool (1946); S. 1612, stockpiling of strategic minerals (1946); S. 2, Federal Airports Act (1946); Sen. Jt. Res. 145, determination of interstate water rights to Colorado River waters (1947); S. 866, National Housing Commission Bill (1947); Taft-Hartley Act (1947); steel shortages (1948); Sacramento Deep Water Channel (1948); Alaskan and Hawaiian statehood (1947-52); Monticello and Folsom dam projects (1948); Murray-Engle Mine Subsidy Bill and Civil War Claims (1949); and S. 3376, local control of water and power projects on interstate river systems (1950).

458. MARITIME COMMISSION. 1943-53. F3640:17405 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

459. MISCELLANEOUS. 1944-53. F3640:17406-17411 Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically Samples of letters received expressing views on a wide variety of subjects.

460. NATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY. 1943-47. F3640:17412-17414 Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, and memoranda relative to housing conditions, shortages, and rent control. This series also includes one file containing the proceedings of the Governor's Rent Control Conference (1947).

461. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. 1943-44. F3640:17415 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 111 Papers, 1924-53 462. NAVY DEPARTMENT. 1943-53. F3640:17416-17423

462. NAVY DEPARTMENT. 1943-53. F3640:17416-17423 Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, and memoranda relative to appointments to Annapolis, disaster plan for Terminal Island Navy Base, deactivation of Long Beach Navy Base, and release of service personnel.

463. OFFICE FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. 1943-45. F3640:17424-17438 Physical Description: 15f. Scope and Content Note Arranged alphabetically by administrative unit and chronologically thereunder. Miscellaneous correspondence with the several administrative divisions comprising the Office for Emergency Management, including the offices of Civilian Defense, Defense Transportation, War Information, and War Mobilization; Smaller War Plants Corporation; War Labor Board; War Manpower Commission; and War Production Board.

464. OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION (O.P.A.). 1943-47. F3640:17439-17457 Physical Description: 19f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, publications, and other records relative to the administration and operations of the O.P.A. Records relate to such subjects as price ceilings; food shortages, including meat, milk, butter, and sugar; restaurant closures due to the reduction of red point allotments to commercial users; ration stamps; black markets; shortages of building materials and petroleum products; rent control; and rationing of rubber. Two files relate to the activities of the Mileage Rationing Administrator, a position appointed by the Governor to supervise mileage and gasoline rationing with respect to state owned vehicles.

465. PETROLEUM ADMINISTRATION FOR WAR. 1943-45. F3640:17458 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

466. POST OFFICE. 1946-53. F3640:17459-17460 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 112 Papers, 1924-53 467. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM. 1943-53. F3640:17461-17517

467. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM. 1943-53. F3640:17461-17517 Physical Description: 52f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, publications, and other records relative to the administration and operation of the Selective Service System. Records relate to such subjects as recommendations for the appointment of Appeals Agents and Assistant Appeals Agents to local draft boards and resignations and vacancies therein; petitions and requests for deferment of selected work classes and individuals; criticisms of the Selective Service System; and the State Judicial Council's proposal to create a State Selective Service System.

468. STATE DEPARTMENT. 1943-53. F3640:17518-17546 Physical Description: 30f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by administrative division and country and chronologically thereunder. This series consists of correspondence with the U. S. Secretary of State regarding such subjects as the U. S.-Mexico fishing treaty (1945); tax status of foreign consuls and consulate properties; mistreatment of aliens; and inquiries for assistance from war dislocated aliens. Other correspondence, filed separately, with foreign consuls resident in California deals with protocol in recognizing appointments, changes in station, and resignations.

469. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1943-53. F3640: 17547-17553 Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, press releases, publications, and other records concerned with the administration and activities of the Treasury Department. To a great extent the files relate to war time bond drives and citizen's views and complaints regarding the federal tax system.

470. UNITED NATIONS. 1945-53 F3640: 17554-17558 Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, telegrams, and other materials relative to location of the permanent headquarters of the United Nations, including proposals to locate at San Francisco; suggestions for additions to the Dumbarton Oaks Charter: and appeals for aid directed to the U. N. Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

471. VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION. 1943, 48-53. F3640: 17559-17560 Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Miscellaenous correspondence and inquiries regarding veterans' benefits.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 113 Papers, 1924-53 472. WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION. 1948. F3640: 17561

472. WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION. 1948. F3640: 17561 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

473. WAR BALLOT COMMISSION. 1944. F3640: 17562 Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence.

474. WAR DEPARTMENT. 1943-53. F3640: 17563-17594 Physical Description: 32f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, memoranda, reports, resolutions, publications, press releases, newspaper clippings, and telegrams pertaining to the administration and activities of the War Department. Records relate to such subjects as the proposed establishment of an ammunition dump and loading pier at Paradise Cove, Marin County; recommendations for appointments to West Point; transfer of U. S. Army Depot from Benecia to Ogden, Utah; U. S. Army Engineer projects, including the Sacramento Deep Water Channel, the Sacramento--San Joaquin Basin Streams flood control survey, and Whittier Narrows; closure of Camp Cook; disaster relief planning; Western Defense Command wartime regulations, including dimout, blackout, and brownout; women's recruitment and enlistment; and views regarding universal military training and peacetime conscription. A portion of this series relates to the subject of Nazi and Japanese prisoners of war, including the issues of Japanese relocated at Manzanar and Tule Lake; use of prisoners of war as agricultural workers; and use of Camp Beale as a concentration camp. Other files relate to public sentiment on the proposed wartime return of Japanese; public opinion regarding the riots at Manzanar; and rights of returning Japanese-Americans.

475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. Physical Description: 25cf.

A F3640: 17595-17683

General (1933-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Horace Albright.

Agricultural Problems (1936-41) Physical Description: 1f.

Alameda County Bar Association (1935-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 114 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. A F3640: 17595-17683

American Bar Association (1935-42) Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note The files document Warren's activities as Vice-Chairman of the Criminal Law Section (1938-42) and as Chairman of the Committee on Coordination of Law Enforcement Activities (1939-41).

American Legion (1933-50) Physical Description: 4f.

Announcements (1945-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Announcements of births, deaths, marriages, opening of business offices, etc. Previous years announcements are filed alphabetically by sender.

Appointments (1942-53) Physical Description: 64f. Scope and Content Note Requests from individuals and organizations for personal appointments for themselves or for other individuals or groups with Governor Warren to discuss proposed and pending legislation, politics, state government programs and policies. Other requests are purely social in nature. In many cases memoranda and handwritten notations indicate disposition of the requests. See also under letter R, Requests for Conference, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Appointments, State Officials (1943-53) Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Requests from state agency officials to discuss budgets, programs, policies, proposed and pending legislation, Governor's appointments to Boards and Commissions, and other matters affecting agency operations.

B F3640: 17684-17698

General (1933-53) Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Eugene W. Biscailuz, John W. Bricker, and Philip L. Boyd, Chairman, Republican State Central Committee, 1949-50.

Big C. Society (1935-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Bohemian Club (1941-53) Physical Description: 1f.

Boy Scouts of America (1933-42) Physical Description: 1f

Boy's State (1946-50) Physical Description: 1f.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 115 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. C F3640: 17699-17736

C F3640: 17699-17736

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Leo Carrillo, Justus F. Craemer, Arthur S. Crites, Gordon T. Campbell, and Grant B. Cooper.

Cards and Greetings (1944-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Samples of birthday, anniversary and holiday greetings received.

Chambers of Commerce (1936-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Clubs, Miscellaneous (1944-53) Physical Description: 2f.

Commonwealth Club (1935-53) Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Warren was a member of the Board of Governors in 1941-42 and served as Chairman of the War Services Committee on Civilian Defense in 1942.

Community Chest (1939-41) Physical Description: 1f.

Congratulatory Letters (1930-35, 43) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Letters received congratulating Warren on the prosecution of graft in Alameda County and his election as Governor.

Coronation (1953) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Travel arrangements and miscellaneous correspondence relative to Warren's selection as U. S. representative to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britan.

(California) Council of County Officials (1938) Physical Description: 1f.

(Department of Penology) Criminal Identification and Investigation, Division of--Board of Managers (1931-40) Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Warren was appointed to the Board of Managers on Dec. 31, 1926. The files consist of minutes, agenda, monthly, annual, and special activity reports of the Division, general correspondence regarding meetings and issues before the Board, and records relating to the annual California Technical Institute of Peace Officers' Training--organization, arrangements, development of course content, selection of instructors and participants (1936-39).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 116 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. C F3640: 17699-17736

Cripped Children's Society (1946-53) Physical Description: 1f.

Criticism (1943-45) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous complaints ranging from Governor's appointments to socialized medicine

D F3640: 17737-17745

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Thomas E. Dewey, Newton P. Drury, Everett M. Dirksen, Cecil B. De Mille, and Ezra W. De Coto.

De Coto, Ezra W. (1925-40) Physical Description: 1f.

District Attorneys' Association of California (1933-44, 48) Physical Description: 2f.

E F3640: 17746-17750

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 2f.

Elks Club (1931-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Ernie Pile Memorial Committee (1945) Physical Description: 1f.

Exchange Clubs (1931-43) Physical Description: 1f.

F F3640: 17751-17758

General (1927-53) Physical Description: 6f.. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Senator Ed Fletcher, Will H. Fischer, and McIntyre Faries.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (1936-42) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 117 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. F F3640: 17751-17758

Football Tickets (1951-53) Physical Description: 1f.

G F3640: 17759-17775

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 5f.

Gifts (1943-53) Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Sample acknowledgements of gifts received from individuals, personal friends, politicians, businesses, etc. Gifts included all types of foods, from fresh vegetables to venison, flowers, books, fishing and hunting equipment, articles of clothing, etc. Food that could not be consumed was donated to state and local charitable institutions.

Golden Gate International Exposition (1937-41) Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Warren served on the sub-committee for State Participation of the Governmental Participation Committee, the Finance Committee for East Bay counties, and World's Fair Advisory Commission for the City of Oakland. The files include background material on the planning, fund raising, and other activities for the Exposition which opened February 18, 1939 at Treasure Island.

H F3640: 17776-17787

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Raymond Haight, , and J. Edger Hoover.

Hauptmann, Bruno (1935) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Warren radio broadcasts and analyses on the court proceedings against Hauptmann for the alleged kidnapping and murder of the infant son of aviator Charles Lindbergh.

I F3640: 17788-17824

General (1934-53) Physical Description: 1f.

Illnesses, Governor's (1944, 51, 52), Samples of get-well messages. International Association for Identification (1935-41) Physical Description: 1f.

International Association of Chiefs of Police (1939-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 118 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. I F3640: 17788-17824

International Association of Law Enforcement Officials (1937-41) Physical Description: 1f.

Invitations (1938, 43) Physical Description: 31f. Scope and Content Note Invitations accepted and rejected to address and/or attend social, fraternal, masonic, and civic functions.

J F3640: 17825-17829

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 4f

Jonathan Club (1939-42) Physical Description: 1f

K F3640: 17830-17838

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Willard W. Keith, Goodwin J. Knight, and Walter P. Koetitz.

Knowland, Joseph R. (1927-51) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence, personal and political, principally in the period prior to 1942.

Knowland, William F. (1932-53) Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Correspondence of personal and political nature. Much of the pre 1941 correspondence relates to state and national Republican Party activities. In the period 1941-42 W. F. Knowland appears as a strong, behind-the-scenes, advocate of Warren for Governor.

Korea, Aid to (1953) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Letters received with contributions to the American-Korean Foundation. Warren allowed the Governor's Office to be used as a mailing address.

L F3640: 17839-17867

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 119 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. L F3640: 17839-17867

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Roger D. Lapham and Henry Lyon, District Attorney, El Dorado County.

Letters of Condolence (1938, 40, 44-53) Physical Description: 11f. Scope and Content Note Files for 1938 and 1940 relate to the passing of Warren's father and mother. The files for the period 1944-53 are samples of condolence letters sent by Governor and/or Mrs. Warren.

Letters of Introduction (1944-53) Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Letters issued by the Governor's Office for private and official state business purposes. It was not the policy of the Governor's Office to issue such letters unless the requestor was personally known or recommended.

Letters to Servicemen (1944-45) Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Letters received and sent to/from personal friends and associates serving in the armed forces. Some letters include war experiences in the European and Pacific war zones.

Lions Club (1935-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Lists, Mailing (1931-42) Physical Description: 2f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous lists used for administrative, political, and social purposes.

M F3640: 17868-17879

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Samuel F. B. Morse, J. W. "Ward" Mailliard, Jr., William Mailliard, James Mussatti (General Manager, State Chamber of Commerce) and Samuel C. May.

Mc, General (1943-53) F3640: 17880-17881 Physical Description: 2f.

N F3640: 17882-17890

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 120 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. N F3640: 17882-17890

General (1934-53) Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with John Francis Neyland.

Native Sons of the Golden West (1931-53) Physical Description: 2f.

Newspaper Clippings (1943-53) Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous clippings sent to Warren by others.

O F3640: 17891-17903

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Warren Olney.

Organizations, Miscellaneous (1943-53) Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Largely honorary memberships bestowed upon Warren with many requests for use of his name in conjunction with fund raising activities. Warren's policy was to lend the use of his name only to organizations he could actively participate in.

P F3640: 17904-17940

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Isaac Pacht, Kyle Palmer ( Los Angeles Times), and Drew Pearson.

Peace Officers' Association of California 1931-42) Physical Description: 2f.

Peace Officers' Associations, County (1935-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Photographs Received (1943-53) Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Letters acknowledging receipt of photographs from the press and publicity medias and from private individuals.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 121 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. P F3640: 17904-17940

Political Miscellaneous (1938-42, 1945-53) Physical Description: 25f. Scope and Content Note The files for 1939-42 include suggestions and proposals that Warren run for Governor or other higher office. From 1945 on the files relate to a variety of subjects which are summarized below by year.

1945: Warren for President in 1948; problems of National Republican Party and suggestions on ways to correct; opposition to Warren's compulsory health insurance; reaction to appointment of William F. Knowland to the U. S. Senate. 1946: Congratulations on reelection; criticism of Warren for not doing more to help elect Republican candidates, particularly Knowland and Knight; criticism of Warren for speaking out against Henry A. Wallace's address on behalf of California Democratic candidates. Most of these letters went unanswered. 1947: General commentary and criticism of national Republican Party affairs. 1948: The files relate essentially to the 1948 Presidential campaign, the Dewey-Warren ticket, and include campaign arrangements, itineraries, strategy, personnel, speech material, publicity, and coordination between the Republican National Committee and state and local Republican organizations. These files should be used with Warren's 1948 political papers, series entry 11. 1949: Commentary and proposals on national and state Republican Party affairs. Some materials marked "Political-1950" relate to background activities in preparation for the 1950 Gubernatorial campaign. 1950: Miscellaneous commentary on the 1950 Gubernatorial campaign. 1951: Miscellaneous commentary on national and state Republican Party affairs and on Warren as Governor. The files also include offers of support for the 1952 Presidential campaign. 1952; Files for Jan.-August are concerned with the organization and activities of the Earl Warren for President Committee with specific reference to the defeat of the Werdel Independent delegation to the Republican National Convention. The files for September and October reflect Warren's activities on behalf of the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket and other Republican candidates. 1953; Expressions of confidence in the Warren administration, commentary on Warren's decision not to seek a fourth term and speculation on his appointment as Chief Justice of U. S. Supreme Court.

Q F3640: 17941

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 1f.

R F3640: 17942-17988

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 6f

Recommendations (1942-53) Physical Description: 12f. Scope and Content Note Letters of recommendation for wartime commissions in the armed services, to military academies, admission to college, masonic and club memberships, and for awards, grants, scholarships, etc.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 122 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. R F3640: 17942-17988

Republican National Organizations (1932, 1939-53) Physical Description: 10f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence with officers and members of the Republican National Committee and other national Republican organizations regarding party organization and activities. The files for 1932 and 1939-42 also include information on the Republican State Central Committee and other California Republican organizations. The files from 1945 on consist principally of publications and other printed materials as distributed by national Republican organizations.

Republican State Organizations (1938-42, 45-53) Physical Description: 4f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence with state, county central, and other Republican committees regarding party organization and activities. The files include considerable published material as distributed by state Republican organizations.

Requests, Personal (1943-53) Physical Description: 6f. Scope and Content Note Requests for support, jobs, endorsements, sponsorships, use of name, publicity photos, personal assistance, and invitations to meetings or to address same.

Requests for Conference, Los Angeles and San Francisco (1943-53) Physical Description: 5f. Scope and Content Note Nearly identical to Appointments. See above. A majority of the requests cover the period 1943-46.

Requests for Donations (1946-53) Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Many requests are from churches or religious organizations.

Rotary Clubs (1939-42) Physical Description: 1f.

S F3640: 17989-18022

General (1930-53) Physical Description: 13f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Robert G. Sproul, Judge Andrew R. Schottky, Edward Shattuck, Harold E. Stassen, and Jesse Steinhart.

Salvation Army (1939-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Sheriffs' Association of California (1935-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 123 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. S F3640: 17989-18022

Sigma Phi (1930-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Songs (1943-53) Physical Description: 7f. Scope and Content Note Sheet music of original compositions sent to the Governor as a gift. Wartime, patriotic, nationalism, United Nations, peace, party politics, and campaign themes dominate the compositions.

Stanford Law Institute (1942) Physical Description: 1f.

State Bar, California (1930-42) Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Most materials concern Warren's participation in and activities on the Administration of Justice and Judicial Council Advisory committees. See also series entry 39.

State Chamber of Commerce (1934-42) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence and reports relating to Chamber of Commerce proposed and pending legislation.

T F3640: 18023-18031

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 3f.

Tilden, Major Charles Lee (1937-41) Physical Description: 1f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence. Traffic and Safety (1934-42), 1f. Miscellaneous correspondence and speech material.

Traffic Law Enforcement, National Committee on (1938-41) Physical Description: 1f.

Travel Arrangements and Vouchers (1936-53) Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Primarily monthly summaries of Warren's travels as Attorney General and as Governor.

U F3640: 18032-18042

General (1932-53) Physical Description: 1f.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 124 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. U F3640: 18032-18042

Unfiled Materials (1935-38) Physical Description: 2f.

United Service Organizations (1941-42) Physical Description: 1f.

University of California (1930-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Alumni Association (1931-44) Physical Description: 1f.

Bureau of Public Administration (1931-42) Physical Description: 1f.

Class of 1912 Reunion (1932, 1947, 1952) Physical Description: 3f. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous correspondence relative to the planning and holding of 25th, 40th, and 45th class reunions.

Law School Association (1931-42) Physical Description: 1f.

V F3640: 18043-18044

General (1931-53) Physical Description: 2f.

W F3640: 18045-18098

General (1927-53) Physical Description: 9f. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Wendell Wilkie, Roland Rich Wooley, and Loyd Wright.

Warren, Mrs. Earl (1943-53) Physical Description: 14f. Scope and Content Note Invitations to social functions, requests for use of name, honorary appointments, requests for information on family and activities, and thank-yous for gifts and items received. Many letters include Mrs. Warren's instructions to Helen MacGregor on how response to be made. The files also include invitations and arrangements for annual legislative teas and a file on Mrs. Warren's activities with the Governors' Wives Committee for a Central Fountain at the United Nations (1950-52).

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 125 Papers, 1924-53 475. PERSONAL PAPERS. 1927-53. W F3640: 18045-18098

Warren Family (1936-53) Physical Description: 8f. Scope and Content Note Requests for public appearances, interviews, and commentary by. Most requests were screened and answered by Helen MacGregor. Also included is family correspondence relating to miscellaneous family business, children's education, and social activities, and two files of Christmas card lists, including examples of cards sent by the Warren family (1936-46).

Warren, Nina (1950-53) Physical Description: 19f. Scope and Content Note On November 7, 1950 Nina "Honeybear" Warren was stricken with polio. In the ensuing months the Governor's Office and Mansion received in excess of 20,000 pieces of mail--letters, wires, and cards, in addition to hundreds of telephone calls--expressing sympathy over Nina's illness. When doctors announced Nina would recover the messages turned into expressions of thankfulness and encouragement. Additional messages were received throughout 1951 and 1952 during the recovery period. The 19 files on Nina Warren, screened from a total 17 cubic feet, include memo analyses of mail received and answered as coordinated by Vera F. Clayton; summaries of phone calls received at the Governor's Mansion; form letters; periodic summaries of letters and wires received; drafts of personal letters; samples of letters sent to military personnel; newspaper clippings; samples of letters received and answered by personal letter; samples of letters received and answered by form letter; and gifts received control. Also included is a file of fan mail, including letters from servicemen and requests for publicity appearances, and a file relating to Nina's selection and reign as queen of the 25th Annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival (May 1-2, 1952).

X,Y,Z F3640: 18099

General (1943-53) Physical Description: 1f.

476. CALIFORNIA COUNTIES FILE. 1943-53. F3640 Physical Description: 62f. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by county and chronologically thereunder. Letters received, copies of letters sent, reports, publications, and miscellaneous materials received from county officials and private citizens. Reports and publications refer primarily to county programs and operations and were sent to the Governor for his information. Most of the correspondence from private citizens consists of complaints about local conditions and were referred back to individual county offices for appropriate action and response.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 126 Papers, 1924-53 477. HEALTH INSURANCE FILE. 1945-50. F3640

477. HEALTH INSURANCE FILE. 1945-50. F3640 Physical Description: 2cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged by subject by legislative session. A major program Warren unsuccessfully sought passage of during his tenure as Governor was a compulsory health insurance program. Warren's particular interest stemmed from his hospitalization in mid-1944 from a kidney infection. In each of the following five years Warren included health insurance as part of his legislative program. A number of bills were introduced but without success due to widespread opposition led by the California Medical Association This series includes accumulated materials gathered from various sources from within the Governor's Office and organized by A. D. Studybaker. The materials cover the period 1933-52 but primarily relate to the major attempts to gain passage of legislation between 1945 and 1949. The series includes bills introduced, Warren's speeches, analyses of legislative measures, correspondence with legislators, correspondence received and sent with doctors, organizations, and individuals supporting or opposing compulsory health insurance, and general reference and background materials. The materials as organized by Studybaker are described as being incomplete and no effort was made to locate pertinent materials from other files.

478. PHOTOGRAPH FILE. 1891-1953. F3640 Physical Description: 4cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by subject. This series consists of in excess of 1000 photographs, the great majority of which were given to Warren by members of the press and other news reporting media. A number were also sent to the Governor by private citizens. The photograph file documents a wide variety of Warren activities and is not limited to his gubernatorial years. Many photographs were used for publicity and political purposes and include Warren's first formal photograph at the age of three months, pictures of his parents, Warren as a youth and young man, in uniform during World War I, as the District Attorney of Alameda County, and as a father and family man. A large number of formal poses for use in the gubernatorial and presidential campaigns are also included. Many of these were not used because they did not please Warren and were so marked and sent to files. The largest number of photographs depict Warren in his varied activities as Governor and include photos of Warren signing specific legislative measures, delivering addresses, compaigning for election or on behalf of other candidates, participating in state sponsored programs and conferences, at dedications, special events, and other activities.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 127 Papers, 1924-53 479. AUDIOVISUAL FILE. 1942-52. F3640

479. AUDIOVISUAL FILE. 1942-52. F3640 Physical Description: 89 records and 3 filmstrips. Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Scope and Content Note Miscellaneous sound recordings and film footage of Warren's speeches, addresses, radio broadcasts, and interviews. A large percentage of the recordings are political addresses and include Warren's keynote address to the 1944 Republican National Convention, speeches on behalf of the Dewey-Bricker ticket, pre-convention campaign speeches and Vice-Presidential acceptance address in 1948, and miscellaneous campaign speeches made during the 1952 presidential campaign. Gubernatorial campaign recordings include two addresses of Culbert Olson and one by Warren in the 1942 campaign; talks by Robert W. Kenney and others on behalf of his candidacy and spots and other recordings recorded for the Warren for Governor Committee in 1946. The remainder of the recordings are addresses, interviews, etc., delivered at various times before various groups and organizations. Typescript copies of most addresses are filed in the Governor's speech file, series entry 148. Film footage is limited to three newstrips produced by national news media for theatre viewing. Subject content includes Warren's 1946 Inaugural Address, Warren at the 1948 Republican National Convention, and Warren's announced candidacy for President made on November 14, 1951.

480. SCRAPBOOKS. 1936, 1938-52. F3640 Physical Description: 26 linear feet. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically and/or by subject. This series consists of 68 scrapbooks of newspaper clippings. A majority of the volumes are 17" × 19" in size and range from two to seven inches in thickness. Volumes 1-5 are topical in content and include Republican Party affairs (January-May, 1936); Masonic clippings relating to Warren's activities as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California (1936); Political (Nov., 1938-Sept., 1942); and General News clippings on Warren's activities as State Attorney General (1939-42). The scrapbooks are more uniformly organized commencing with Warren's election as Governor. One or more scrapbooks were kept for each calendar year quarter. Clippings were arranged and tab indexed alphabetically by subject, topic, or agency. Typical entries include "Agriculture," "Attorney General," "Bills Signed," "Finance," "Japanese Question," "Post War Planning," etc. News and editorials are arranged separately under each topic, i.e. "Adverse Criticism-News," "Adverse Criticism-Editorials." For the presidential election years of 1944 and 1948 there are two or more scrapbooks labelled National Political Comment which include news, editorials, and cartoons relating to national politics. Clippings are arranged chronologically and are without indexes of any kind.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 128 Papers, 1924-53 481. HERBERT L. PHILLIPS NEWSPAPER CLIPPING FILE. 1943-51. F3640

481. HERBERT L. PHILLIPS NEWSPAPER CLIPPING FILE. 1943-51. F3640 Physical Description: 2cf. Scope and Content Note Arrangement Arranged chronologically. Articles and editorials written for the Sacramento Bee by Herbert L. Phillips, chief of the McClatchy newspapers legislative staff. The articles report on a wide variety of topics and subjects, including politics, the Governor's legislative programs, appointments, major programs, and administration policies. An extensive subject/agency index was prepared by a member of the Governor's Office which aids immeasureably in the use of this series. All of the files are marked with the initials of William T. Sweigert, the Governor's Executive Secretary.

Inventory of the Earl Warren F3640 129 Papers, 1924-53