Robert F. Kennedy Part 2 of 14
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'~ &a2¢:uuE§?&;*._?.""" "- ': ' , '.-.--m--1 -1-/'*-." 'r_--~=_ _,-.-" "--K.-'j92'. ---'A'-- 1; -re-.2»: '.-_;.' 41¢ .- Le H_..,_;__t_~<...a~- . "- - --92 _ __;,.;;__=;_n_t,,-; t - -,-- ~ -. 4- ._-,3;-y-,-;_.-y_;_.;_-.-;_.;,f,' _ ...-- _ ,"1n' y '-,1 .. | I . ' r ,. - F I Q- | | --un _ e ' P Oicg Memorandum - pmrao sTAT£.~ GOVERNMENT l -ro = THE DIRECTOR - l our 3/7/53 """'L.é |!I§. - "°" = A.nosEn§/' '*1;. ;?5 E Q .|- _|_-o eye-ya-n REPORTED rnnsxrs AGAINST . -5-. '5, FORMER AMBASSADOR JOSEPib:ENNEDY .. - '11 -7..- .. _fv- awn CHILDREN or aoerzar F. ENNEDY /}, Q -/ F 532,-}-_, 1' , ,5 / / T,'- - _- Information W33 om the Washingtonltgjj wt -J-> said ' *1 E;' F - i , _ Is-.' " known to the WFO as an "angle % definitely not reliable.! . -~___ 5;; J , -.-0 V. _ _ n "-'15-=:'I. FT. .-- ._ .* '_: in F;"if ..v '-a-.-1.-1'-'6 15,}.-._, '2 '.1§.~- if he knew Robert Kennedy and was _-;-.1» 5-; {'3-I: . - Q.-I-..-.. the Kennedy family for years. _é7C/ are}:-.~== nat he alert Robert Kennedy that " ' cal acts were going against the Kennedy children and A YD _ 2-. against Robert's father, Joseph Kennedy. This is all the iniormation _ j -.| furnished WP and he did not supply any specifics as to who was going to take s action, when it was going to be taken, etceteraa Fania our Agent that he would probably tell Egbert Kennedy about t s incident and he didn't have any objection ii the FBI toid,Kenne;iy. ' - in ' £ri__. gr ._92 32- ' ACTION TAKEN [NOT Bgéésngg-4 P When the above information was received, it was determinesd 10? nu lliiohgesxgt ___ Kennedy was then in the Caucus Room at the Senate in coumection-with-the~__~ current hearings. Since he couldn't be reached on the phone thgjacta-urere _ -1-,._. r - .1-3 .- related to Kennedy's administrative assistant who ma ne'¬3'i1a go to n 42. -i - Caucus Room and nan» him. Kennedy called ma: at tnnmmibn the fii ieiaioo oi the hear-inii and iaid he eatiy appreciated ' " " him to this and that he had not been previously informed ~47 C/ Kennedy laid his father in presently travelling in France he d insure that his father was properly advised concerni thi iniciw-35P92n*/i @=Q~'1 n :2: as Z1we is _ _ at E; ._"_..T.__*_'2"_.;.L_T; ~*::-~..- #~ x . -_-<~=1 -~~ t 3 *':"'~,*- ' » 1; ~ r v-P. _ .5 .14,_.. if;'» __.:"-.. _ _____-__,_-._..-..A_.-.111-.£u..sa1n.a..92s-. nuns-43¢--._ ._... ~ .......a.-_-,.--<---- - - » ,.;,,.92._.5.i.i,i;,- a .§h 5,5 . ~ --- - D ' . -.~el__ 1 Q -E 2 ar men 1 _ ,.; i ' L v_ FORJDIEIHJEE REIEASE i . 92 r. Hui1omnn__ Miss Gandy_____ 1 I2 , '=e=-IIHEHHT. 5. iiii 1 1 958 I I __,m_;___. i 1- TheDepartment Justicepublic ofmadethe today following letter: / 1 r D September 11+, 1958 T m». RobertKennedy, ChiefCounsel , ' E 101 SenateOffice Building *- W Washingtonn. 25, 0. ?- vi Dear Mr. Kennedy: b 2" "-1; "In view of the tact that you have been kept continuously informed - i of the progress of the investigation and analysis of the allegatio s perjury whichhave beenreferred tothe Departmentof Justice by the - / Senate Committee of which you are counsel, I was surprised to read in - today's newspapersthat your Committee hasceased to refer cases to the p II J?--"*..,'92.r , :; *1;-'-.v.. Department because no action has been taken in any case. I understand -_x79;.-.F:.j-- now that you have stated that these remarks attributed to you in direct ».-r--0.1-.'-.' .'-.- ,1quotes were not made and that you have issued a retraction. It is sash__._--.-'...-». 1 1'1 inconceivable to me why you would make the other remarks attributed to you on the eve of the presentation of two such cases to a grand Jury, especially since on Friday, prior to your press conference, you were e asked to be a witness in one of these cases and declined for personal reasons. As you are well aware, the Criminal Division has had an experienced trial lawyer in attendance at the hearings of your Committee. We have .-qr , received and studied the testimony of all witnesses and we have initiated . p =1 -- investigation in a number of cases in addition to the fourteen which your Committee has referred for possible prosecution for perjury. All of the cases in each group have been thoroughly investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the results have been subjected to careful and painstaking analysis by Departmental attorneys and, where the informs- tion warranted, by the United States Attorney and member of hi -staff. » sf?-$2? Of the fourteen cases which the L22tfgqrdmbferred _-:_s'1_:Z7- to the .tionDepartment and study involvingbecause the evidence aseig% perjury,e to b3;mw@sedsubstantiate the investiga-allegations. after I The Committee was formally notified of this actiQn,_tggether with the reasons for such action, by letters dated October 15, 1957, March 12 and 2%,1958 andApril 25, 1958. As you well know, it takes a good deal more evidence than Just a conflict of testimony to develop a legal basis twofor perjury whichof prosecutions.haye I Sixreferred tocases above. remain under investigation and study,, 67SEP30195BH __,_.w,__...-_..H_...--......-.-_--~~-------~---1-p-i;~-~--'~~ Q P * '93 1.-:'i-Pi?-1-é:i"»?>"I-E'Ei§,"".£ ____ ,_ _ _ __ _ _ ,,. 55"-"¢,.,;~;?i~@="-§;';g}f7..;*;-@;:;a1.B" C. __ _-~, " .';.»,'_':-*1-_._,_-_-.... 1-|;r""._._'*_-."=,'-1;"-;-;,"-"'d _ :3 -.-:- 3;, ~_,, -..s,. ._ ...__._.--*..-*.. _. t - C _, s» -,_ 5 _@ .-_' "--~ ,_e ,_a _-ls!-Ll--ML-':*:Q-Ii*:"*;;"4J"*""_ __ .» U " " - "~- -' F ~ . 4 Ir. Robert Kennedy, Chief Counsel Page Two "All or the foregoing facts, including the current status of each case, have been made known to you through our established liaison, or by I L -V.-.| le or M. Hundley, the Chief of our Organized Crime and.Hhcketeering - n Section. Ehe men in the Criminal Division, I believe, have established :1 an outstanding record of convictions against labor rscketeers and I know oi-J-1 ir they are sincerely dedicated to success in this field. < . E _, 7- '12 _=' -' Ii There is nothing in the law enforcement work which is more destruc- --.; 4] i tive and mischievous than public spectacles of persons engaged in such J 'T work patting themselves on the back to the press and at the same time, for added emphasis, criticizing other persons in law enforcement who are working Just as conscientiously for the same worthy objectives. "All of us in the epartment have supported and actively cooperated with the Committee and staff in every possible way. The investigations which the Committee under the Chairmanship of Senator John McClellan have kl 1- 4'. _92 . conducted have been effective and in the public interest. Knowing the 11 1,. friendly relationship and cooperative effort that~have existed between the Department and the Committee, I can hardly believe that your remarks 92 . ,- f:. ..92_§:-y_I were authorized._ "The Department has stood and today stands ready to do everything possible with the legal weapons at our command to convict labor racketeers and perjurers. From the time the Hobbs Act under which labor extortion _'.".I92" :-:'.s_:-'~ - _'5 .5 is prosecuted} was enacted in July, 19b6, util January, 1953, only -_ -,L' §_-'.* , ,-1'34- .-'_.;' , ._r,__-.f three indictments were returned. From January, 1953 to date, the Departmental records show that llh labor racketeers were convicted. :~- Vigorous prosecution has been, is, and will continue to be our policy." _ . .- I Very truly yours, .>.'¢_ -_-.-_ -A- _-._. _--'1--. =,'92':--_ /s/ Malcolm Anderson Assistant Attorney General b_ Ls "'_"'~'I ~- .?..E: J- 1 . ' I .'-5;:-5 ,~ 92 : _. I111"-% -+-"" -.-" _'W .0 .1-P I -Vt __,. v._.¢ F 3 -r 192 A 92 _ - ~n__ _ , ,- ~ S nréhf-1' 92 -1 , fill Bdned-.¢l- anon; "°"~ ' Tm' llononnll 9" " ii -92 ~' '- . L .-,w_____.__-,_-I '-~- --_* _. A.--.- _.L ALL, ._..=.92. C-.rnH/M /I73/£01"? commented To Thu 9r L eFF<d: * B-""° {ml """ Senator made/Ian ' /73$ L sent /B eta; To 3 1/ $ta x/S J Agboymys gm,-d; svpépg/of T/IE» Fvwncrtlon '0} B Ndfronal Chma -E .' . E r. Q QJ,,,,I,,,,55,o,, and that ht} /I7». »4hdu~$0o/1155 3;¢u= :3meu|- /731*£1715 Svbpeg _ 100 his nvf been awed» wdw any éireif. Fiivor by the §T@'$ 192 " "92 ; A{;:;:.>H1*.~,a g,@,,,,/6;, rm/. Ahdoaon £f;&{xd that 11¢ pm; as was 3,, U,-,w,;Q, Mira but behcved {31.@tn;-had bwh Sm!" out 4», s»<»@w~ "KC/9/Jénl "i .