A : V - Avcraire Dally Net Preaa Ron

For TIm Week Bnaed \ The Weather ^ June e, 1970 Bunny Uila' afternoon, hlfh N to SB. Clear, mild torUglU, low In 1 5 ,9 0 3 the mid to ui^Mr 00a. Tuaadny Buimy, warm. Manche$ter—-A CUy of Village Charm


269th Class Julies Hold Report Claims U.S. Graduates State Mart From Y ale In Kidnap Paid to Train Thais NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) _ SIMBBURT, Conn. (AP)— WASHINGTON (A P)— A Senate subcommittee Juts Humoriat Art Buchwald and psy- A 32-year-old Slmbsury man released testimony disclosing a secret mohey-for-troops chologlat Jean Pla«:et are among was arrested Sunday and the 11 reclpienta of honorary de- charged with kidnaping 9- / / agreement between the Unit^ States and Thailand un­ Sreea from Tale Univeralty this year-old Sharon Blackfleld of der which Bangkok sent 10,000 men to Vietnam irt ex- year. Tariffvlllo. cimnge for $200 million. TTie pact, according to an ex­AV. The other persona named to The suspect, Richard C. ^elve honorary degrees at tensively censored summary of Nadreau, was accused by hearings seven months ago, was Tale's 389th commencement to- police of forcing the girl Into Cambodians <>ay are: Sir Eric Ashby, mas­ % signed on the ambcuwadorial his car as she stood by a level Nov. 9, 1967. ter of Clare College at Cam- road In Simsbury, then driv­ Althoilgh existence of the ac­ bridge Univeralty: Soedjatmoko, ing her to Windsor where cord was denied at the time, Drive Cong the Indonesia ambassador to the she was abandoned. She was Thailand announced Nov. 14, United States; Qaylord P. Ham- found with, her' hands tied be­ 1967, It was meeting a Saigon weU, president of the University hind her back near a road request and sending a division From Airfield of Pennsylvania; Dean Henry there. of volunteers to fight in South Chadwick of Christ Church In PHNOM PEJfH (AP) — Cbm- Simsbury police said they Vietnam. Oxford, England; L.eona Baum­ bodlan government forces re­ traced the crime to Nadreau Missouri Democrat Stuart gartner, a physician and edu­ took the Stem Reap airfield In when a neighbor reported Symington, chairman of the cator; Franklin A. Thomas, pres. northwest Cambodia and drove seeing the license plate num­ Innate Foreign Relations sub­ Ident of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Viet Cong and North Viet­ ber of a car the g;irl had got­ committee that held the hear­ Restoration Corporation In namese forces from the center ten Into. ings, coupled disclosure of the Brooklyn, N.T.; Earl W. Suth­ Police ruled out the possi­ of Kompong Thom, in central erland Jr., a psyslologlst at Van- agreement Sunday with a letter bility that the girl had been to Secretary of State William P. Cambodia, a govern me nt derbUt University; Elliott C. spokesman said today. sexually assaulted. Rogers asking for details of Carter Jr., a composer; and The spokesman said sporadic Henry M. Stommel, professor of Nadreau’s bond was set at American aid to Thailand In ex­ 110,000. He was charged with change for sending troops to and confused fighting continued oceanography at Massachusetts near the famed temple ruins at Institute of Technology. kidnaping and risking Injury Cambodia as well as to South to a minor. Angkor, Cambodia’s chief tour­ Buchwald’s citation said: Vietnam. Symington wrote to Rogers ist attraction six miles north of “ With good humor you have Siem Reap. Communist forces looked upon trivallty and trag­ that “ facts supplied the subcom­ m mittee by officials of your de­ took the alrfirld Sunday morn­ edy and reminded us that he ing, but government troops and who can laugh at himself learns partment—prevfotlsly kept se^ Ceremonies cret from the American public Cambodian Air Force MIO Jets best . . . you have sustained the drove them out in the afternoon, great American tradition of —clearly show the U.S. not only encouraged the Thais to send the spokesman said. skepticism, graced with a kind­ He reported that the airfield ly sense of the absurd." Focus On forces to Vietnam but also paid Peruvian man, who survived last weekend’s tragic his baby in front of the rubble that once was his a very large amount in dollars sufficiently secure Piaget, who is professor of for planes to land there. Instead child psychology at the Univer­ earthquake in his country, sits pensively and holds home in the town of Caraz. (AP Photofax) -in excess of $200 million— for Indochina their training, equipment and reinforcements were being sity of Geneva, Swltxerland, was flown to Battambang, 60 miles cited for his study of the stages Individual allowances." By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TTie testimony during a week to the southwest; and then at mental development In chil­ trucked to the battle in vehicles dren. Former Vice President Hu­ Over Peru: of closed hearings last Novem­ bert H. Humphrey ouUined a ber Indicated the United States supplied by Communist China At yesterday's baccalaureate. before the overthrow of Prince Tale University’s graduating se­ “ new bill of rights and Respon­ would cover the cost of training, equipping Emd overseas allow­ Norodom Sihanouk. niors were told Sunday that they sibilities" and Sen. Edmund S. ances for a Thai division in taught the nation a lesson last Muskie spoke of student dissent Pilot Gets Grandstand View of Death The spokesman said that dur­ South metnam. This Included month in how to work for so­ In a busy day of commencement ing the weekend fighting a bar­ ABOARD A USAF C130 OVER A quarter ton of sleeping Its last drop run. "Incredible, A slide of rocks and miiS Jwo providing logistic support and cial change without disorder. ceremonies at colleges around racks had been attacked inside the naUon. PERU (AP) — A grandstand bags, blankets and food rations unbelievable,” was all the crew to three miles wide had hulled mustering-out bonus for the sol­ In his baccalaureate address, Siem Reap, which is the head­ view of death and destruction was packed in plastic-wrapped could say as they looked down clear across both banks .lOf the diers. onstratlons might becom evlo- Author John Holt, a criUc of quarters of the Fourth Military swept beneath a big U.S. C180 survival kits and stapled into 12 on the shambles. Santa River at the bottom of the "The aid provided a Thai lleu- Kingman Brewster, president of the exisUng educaUonal system, Region, but that the main ene­ refused an honorary, degree at cargo plane as it dropped sup­ large crates. The back bay of A few miles further up the canyon , buried Tungay and enant general Mdth $480 a my thrust had been against the the university, referred to the plies to survivors of the plane lifted open as Anta canyon was Tungay, which used smashed against a mountain month In allowances over his May Day demonstrations in New Wesleyan University, declaring airport two miles west of the that schools are among ‘the earthquake-torn North Central came Into view and the crates to be home for some 88,000 peo­ ledge on the other side. Only $870 monthly base pay. A Thai town. Haven. It was feared the dem­ Peru Sunday. were shoved out, two at a time, ple. All that could be seen of It about 2,600 residents of Tungay private got $39 a month extra onstrations might become vio­ chief enslaving insUtuUons" In Although there was some American society. “Unbelievable," said the pi­ as the Hercules made six passes were the tops of four palm trees are believed to have survived. from the United States over his lent, but they stayed mostly fighting near the tourist hotel, Sen. William Proxml re, D- lot, Capt. Bill Hudspeth, a Viet­ over the runway. where the town square had been The ClSOs fly twice a day, base pay of $26 a month. the center ot the town and its mostly peaceful. Brewster told nam veteran, as he guided the Wls., told Milton College gradu­ (Tarhuaz, another town of and a statue of Christ, with dropping supplies over the can­ Besides such aid, the United main market were unscathed, his graduating students; big Hercules up the 80-mlle ates that President Nixem about 10,000 people, came into arms outstretched, which yon then picking up survivors at States also agreed to send Bang­ he said. The last tourists were “ While the greater part of the Huaylas Canyon. “ Worse than “ made a tragic mistake in Cam­ view as the plane pulled out of marked the hilltop cemetery. the evacuation center in Chim- kok a battery of Hawk antiair­ evacuated last week. > country merely speculates about anything I have seen in my bodia. He was wrong.” Former bote. They are brought there by craft missiles and to Increase No enemy troops were known and worries about the violence life.” astronaut Michael Collins said helicopters and Vintage C47a the military assistance program to have entered the Angkor of the extremes, yOU have known Hudspeth shook his head in at Stonehill College that he that can Just manage to land by about $80 million during fis­ ruins, which extend over 40 their challenge quite intimately. disbelief as the transport passed backed the President’s Cambo­ and take off at Anta. cal 1968 and 1960 to speed the square miles, the spokesman “ Tou have not only met the over what was left of Huraz, Highway Mileage Posts dia decision “ 100 per cent." More than half of Chlmbote, a modernization of Tliailand said. But he added that if they riot mongers face to 'face, you once a city of S0,000 at the After the recent weeks of dis­ thri vin g industrial port of 80,000 .armed forces at home. > did, "there 1s a plan to deal with have mastered them." southeni entrance to the can­ sent and disruption on the na­ Become Death Markers people is gone. Its fishmeal Bangkok announced last week them.” He did not elaborate. "The country badly needs yon, 180 miles north of lim a. tion’s campuses, the Indochina processing plant is partly it was sending volunteers to Siem Reap is on the only high­ you," Brewster told the seniors,- Half the buildings had crum­ UMA, Peru (AP) — Mileage war and Its domeatlc repercu- One intercity bus was hit by a ruined. Engineers estimated it Cambodia, along with <^er as­ way from the Thai border 90 “ because you have taken the bled. Not a single roof remained posts along highways In north- boulder the size of an automo­ sions were very much on the will take many months to get sistance, to be paid for, .at least miles to the east to northern full measure of the extremists, intact. central Peru have become death minds of both students and bile and sliced In half. Four pas­ Peru’s only steel plant there to in part, by a U.S. military.aid Cambodia. There was specula­ their divisive politics, their de­ markers for an as yet untold sengers abO€ird were killed. operate again. speakers at many of the cere­ The government says the program. tion that the Communist forces grading rhetoric, and their de­ number of auto and bus travel­ monies Sunday. earthquake a week ago may Because of a Peruvian cus­ But the undamaged airfield Symington, contending the were tryingk^to get into position structive design.” have killed 80,000 or more peo­ ers who were caught in the cat­ has been turned into headquar­ public has a right to konw mOre Humphrey, in an address to tom, there will always be a to block the'^troops the govern­ ple ; a United Nations observer astrophic earthquake May 31. ters for planes and rescue about U.S.-Thai agreements “ The courage and sacrifice 260 Hamline University gradu­ grim reminder of the highway ment of TTialland said last week says the count more likely will teams from fourteen nations. called on Rogers for fuller dis­ which all of you observed, and ates in St. Paul, Minn., put the Relief efforts have had to be deaths caused by the terrible It would send to Stom Reap to exceed 00,000. An estimated closures—how much will It cost which many of you displayed on right to peace at the top of his concentrated on the populated quake. The air drops into Anta are aid the Cambodian government. May first, were to prevent vio­ 100,000 more are homeless, in­ areas where most of the esti­ part of a multimillion dollar and which government can initi­ new bill of rights for the 21st Peruvians who lose a family In Bangkok, informedvsourcea lence, to prevent the destructive jured or both. m ated'30,000 to 80,000 persons U.S. relief effort. In addition to ate the withdrawad of Thai century: "In our day this means member in an auto accident will said today that the Thai goyera- radicals from exploiting the Hudspeth reached for the died. Thus, many travelers more than $1 million spent on forces from Cambodia. ^ southeast Asia. It means an end build a small cement and plas­ The role of Thailand In other ment considering wlthi situation, from exploiting the to a costly and tragic war." throttle and headed his giant killed when the quake tumbled ter “ chapel" along^slde the road, the drops during the first week black community and the Pan­ glgEuitic boulders on their cars after the quake, the United Southeast Asian nations, and the 12,000-man He also listed the right to Jus­ craft 21 miles up the gorge to at the site of the Eiccident. If Panther Division from South' ther defendants,” Brewster said. Anta, the target of the airdrop. that Sunday afternoon remain States has pledged |10 million to part played by the United tice with "equal treatment un­ they haven’t enough money, Vietnam to reinforce the embat­ Brewster suggested the ex­ Anta, a village of about 2,000 trapped in the wreckage. help rebuild the shattered States, has been a grovdng con­ der the law and equal opportuni­ they will erect a small cross—or tled Cambodians at Siem Reap. ample of the Tale students could was devastated, but by some Helicopter pilots returning areas. troversy in the Senate for sever­ ty within the social structure” crosses if it was a multiple The government conidders the give rise to a new category of freak of terrain enough of the from relief missions have re­ al years. and the right of “ access to the death accident. A big American Chinook heli­ Communist thrust into north­ political actlvist^the “ due pro­ town’s tiny airstrip was spared ported spotting strings of cars On Nov. 14, less than a week political process.” At first, a bouquet of flowers copter was going into service west Cambodia "a grave threat from avalanches that hurtled in some mountain passes after the secret U.S.-Thai agree­ cess radical." On the other side, he said will be placed in front of the between , Chlmbote and the to Thailanr," the sources said. Such radicals, Brewster said, down the 18,000-foot Andes to smashed by ' rock falls, and ment was reached, Bangkok an­ modern man had the responsi­ “ chapel" or cross and a candle Huaylas Canyon today, and a Capture of Siem Reap would are Impatient for meaningful so­ leave it still useable by small sometimes toppled from cliffs to nounced it would send a division bility to participate and speak also be a major propaganda vic­ cial change, and insistent on ob­ aircraft. river bottoms below. (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Two) of volunteers to South Vietnam out, to protect Ideeds in the face tory for the Communists since it taining It. But they won’t Ig­ at the request of the Saigon gov­ ot force, to respect and defend would give them control of the nore other peoples’ rights to get ernment. ^ the rights of others and to give ’’Tliailand is compelled," the ruins at Angkor, the capital of It, he said. time in public service. the ancient Khmer kingdom. Brewster also used his address announcement said at the time, ElUot L. Richardson The other Cambodian govern­ to cast a verbal aside at Vice OP A History “ to Join forces with South Viet­ the President’s nominee for ment gain, at Kompong Timm President Spiro T. Agnew. He nam and other free world allies secretary of health, education 80 miles southeast of Stem said the Tale campus, despite In halting the Communist dan­ and welfare, told grraduates at Reap, came after five days cf its divergent views, had ger while It Is still at a distance Dowell Technological Institute fighting In the provincial capital achieved unity on campus when from our homeland." there had been a “ generational First Price Control Attempt The full complement of Thai on the main highway between faced with the threat of violence difference" In the nation over troops didn’t reach South Viet­ Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. from outside. foreign policy. nam until February 1969, but Although the government The unity, Brewster said, had “ I firmly believe, nonetheless, ^las been maintained at about spokesman said the North Viet­ . parently will be detain^ until paralysis," said Trumain's mes- ing began marking up prices. Authorities in Washington pro­ broke ut with extra fury when more dollars. Ily housing, and $8.3 ipHUon tor Jordanian authorities release a sage. I Unions are Just as alert to try vided basic facts about the Inci­ the controls weie lifted or broken The Safeguard money was In­ research and development foclk number of guerrillas arrested “ The plain fact la t^ t, under to nail hourly wage Increases at dent but the State Department down, cluded in a $1.99 billion military Ities at the Kwajalein mlsslla after violent clashes with Jorda­ this inadequate law, price con­ levels high enough to ride out an declined any kind of official dis­ McCracken contends It is pos­ construction bill sent to the range. nian troops Sunday. trol has lost the popular support Inflationary storm. closure comment for the time sible controls can leave a coun­ House floor for consideration The committee said the mon­ At Draper's home, the phone needed to make it work." That’s one reason why Secre­ being. try worse off and tend to result later this week. This' Is $486,7 ey would provide for oonstriM- was answered by a servant who So the nation’s first great tary of Treasury David M. Ken­ Draper was assigned to Am­ in fiscal laziness about finding a million more than was provided tion projects at the Molmstrom aald he did not know where plunge into direct Interference neth was shushed by the White man In. 1968 and Is head of the basic cure for the real problems (or the current year but $187.7 base near Great Falls, Mont, Draper was. The diplomat’s with the free market ended in House a year ago when he spoke political section of the embassy behind the imbalances of supply million less than was requested. and at the Grand Forks, N.D., wife is on holiday In Greece, he confusion, controversy—and of ceilings. Presidential advis­ there. He speaks French and and demand. Critics of the Bid^fuard pro­ site, construction end oeoeos said. more Inflation. President Nixon ers feared this would give the Arabic. He Is a graduate of the 4. Most of those who dealt gram contend It is unneeded, roods at the Whiteman base la Draper, 43, la a native of Cali­ is said to have decided while a alarm and set off anticipatory University of Southern Califor­ with the wartime controls too costly and. is goading the So­ Missouri and for advoaoe pro- fornia who Joined the State De­ young lawyer in OPA t^ t direct price-boosting. For the same nia, (no pickup) agreed with Truman that public viets Into a renewed arms race. paratlon at five other sites la partment In 1967 and has had a According to the report Drap­ controls were unworkable and reason the administration dis­ support Is vital to effective con­ Last April the House defeated the second phase of the pro­ aeries of Middle Eastern assign­ er has been missing since about harmful. He rejects them today. likes the proposals for standby trols, even temporarily. There 181-86 an amendment to' cut gram. ‘ ments. 9 p.m., Amman time, Sunday. For a while, during the war control approved by Democrats la doubt such support now ex­ $660;4 million for Safeguard pro­ Included In the MU was IBS ‘Ihe acting head of the embas­ He was going to a dinner party years, the ceilings had worked in the House Bonking Commit­ ists, among the public or In Con- curement from the weapon sou- million for construction pro- sy and deputy chief of mission, well. Wholesale prices roae less tee last week. thorization bill. Harry I. Odell, has reported to (See Page Hiree) than 1 per cent a year, consum­ 3. Voluntary oeiUngs, or hold- (See Page Fourteen) TTie Senate narRnt;ly mp- (iee Fsge reurtssn)

/ f V 'I .N ' ., , 4 r

MANCHESTER. EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 ^ ^AOM TWO •MANCHESTER EVEmNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 p a g e TTTItES partment, We also should have Sheinwol^l on Manchester lumbia; Paul J. Bakiilskl, 4 two vocal teachers. At this THEATER TIME Pilot Gets Waddell Rd.; Mrs. Janice M. Cassius G l^ Public Housing Review Put level, choruses ore large, and SCHEDULE iRDWmHgNW /W O Bergeron, 20 Knox S*.; Mary Just maintaining discipline re­ CRYSTAL BALI. NEEDED TO Hospital Notes Ann Ventura, 822 Spring St,: quires at least two teachers. Death View YOUNG PGOnE HELP IN GUESSWORK Mrs. Carol I.ae Pitkin, 34 Wood- W ould F% ht On High CourtVFall Slate “ TH E WAT One of them will be fully em­ . Burnside—What Do You Say raMiSi 8 MMZ By AIJiTtED SHEINWOLD ' N O R TH v n r r i N o h o u r s bridge St.; Mrs. Mario P. Mc- To A Naked Lady, 6:80-10:00. "You columnists are missing ♦ AQ98 thtormedtato Care Semi- WASraNOTON (AP) — The tering o ^ s h lp does not exem pt ployed In leading the group; the mmh eosmuW >W»*n Zr tMr cMMo*. Gulness, Vernon Trailer Court, other one will. bo m^phty busy Viva Marla, 8:00 Over Peru a good bet,” a fan points out. Q74 private, noon-S p.m., and 4 p.m. Vernon; Percy Splceri 28 Main In Canada Supreme Court agreed today to the owner frdni paying im a g e s I HEARD r r imaklng musical corrections. East Hartford Drive-In—A (Continued from Page One) "You should manufacture and 0 J 5 ‘ S p.m.; private rpoms. It a.m.- St.i Talcottvllle. decide whether voters may ex- to seamen tn ju l^ in UJI. wa- Man Called Horse, 8:30. The 1 ALL ACU AOMITTIO *KI85 B p.m., and 4 p.m.-t p.m. WASHINOTO'N (AP) — The This is what I think we ought second Chfhook was to arrive In t«M n l Audlmcti sell crystal balls to help us when Also, Mrs. Marjorie R. Kurtz, ercise a veto over the constntc- ters. Reivers, 10:26 Pediatrics: Paieota allowed to have in Manchester. We don't Lima later in the day. Another We have to guess. I’d buy one W EST e a s t 347 Keeney St.; Gary McDonald, deposed heavyweight boxing tlon o f public housing In their —-Dlsmlsped the a )^ a l o f a by John Gruber East Windsor Drive-In—True any tlaie except noon-2 p.m.; have it. and we never will have 14 helicopters are due Thursday myself, and I might even got a '♦52: , ♦ 4 12A Thompson Rd.; James H. champion, Cassius Clay, ap­ community. Maryland man who coil it if you don’t insist upon it. Orlt, 8:30. Sterile Cockoo, 10:40 ALL ASU ABHimO few just in case onj worked bet- ^ K.I063 <3’ J98 tdhen, t p.m.-t p.m. McKay, Bast Hartford; Percy The court will examine this he was given a harsher i Mansfield Drive-In—Kiss and aboard the carrier Guam, now PwwiUI 6uld«ic* SuN«M pealed Monday to the Supreme Anything less means less than . ter on red than on black suits. 0 K 10842 0 9763 Self lervloe: it a.m.-2 p.m., Webster, 23 Main St., Talcott­ controversial issue next term, a attar winning a new trial Kill, 8:46. Bloody Mifma, 10:16 in the Panama CamU zone pick­ optimum instruction in the Just last night, for Instance, I ^ 3 2 ♦AQ974 4 p.m.-8 p«m. vllle: Robert A. Hussex, Wind­ Court to allow him to go to Can­ brief announcement said. The robbery charge. Manchester Drive-In — Ben ing up 160 huge tents and as school system, and as long as (SOUTH intCBalve Care and Coronary ada 'to fight Joe Frazier, his hearing was granted on an ap­ that the tumult and the in your head, you can’t read Hur, 8:30. Man Called Dagger, many crates of cereal and other needed help on the red kings.” sor Locks; Mrs. Barbara Lleb- X the results are less than opti­ I _ ' I UtTmCTIO A KJ 10763 Care: Immediate family only, successor. peal by the city council of Ban ■houUng has died down and par­ music, and you are, per se, a 10:60 food as can be loaded. I I I I lM«r 17 nwnm Kciajiiirlii South dealer. man, (Jooae Lone, Coventry. mum you can expect me to say tarant or A Also, Mra. Mabel M. Quish, Jose. ents' tempers have cooled off, musical illiterate. State Theatre—Goodbye, Mr. Two l(X)-bed field hospitals ntea. ■ Clay’s title was taken away In the fourth grade, the so in The Herald. with medical teams also were Opening lead — TTiree of 0 AQ 37 Lilac St.; Lawrence E. Johr- from him by boxing authorities Last April a federal court In Mrs. Hicks let's examine the shortcomings So don't expect your letters Chips, 6:60-0:00 Mntemlty: Fatbere, 11 a.m.- youngsters should learn about expected later today. Many of Clubs. 10 6 son, 64 Kennedy Rd.; Mrs. Ruth after he refused Induction into Bon Francisco struck down on and complaining telephone calls U.A. Theatre—M*A»S*H, 7:00, 1S:4S p.m ., and tiS * p.m .-8 of music education in Manches- M IMMZ l> ^WNIHD East took the first two clubs Matthews, RFD 1, New Rd., amendment to the rhythms and measure signa­ 6:00 those who survived the quake tm .South Weft North Eazt. p.m .; others, s p.m.-4 p.m., and the Army. He Is still appealing Seeks Seat will make any difference in my f (A*lM«l««*»«8»y Tolland; Mrs. Dorothy M. Gei­ consUtuUon that prohibited teh. In a somewhat detached tures. To an extent this is done with injuries are dying as their and led a third club, my cor­ 1 A Pass 3 A \ t:N p.m.-S p.m. his draft evasion conviction. in a half-hearted manner with status. Make those calls to the ger, SO McLean St., Rockville; most state-financed public hous­ and reasonable manner. I still wounds become gangrenous. respondent reports. South 4 A All Pass Age Limits: It In matenilty, Clay has been free on ball un­ rhythm bands, but the kids superintendant of schools and Angela V. Marcantonlo, 122 Ken­ ing unless a majority of the res­ maintain that music Is extreme­ Crews of the big ClSOs that ruffed with an honor, drew two U In other areas, no lim it in der termt that confine. him to In Congress learn by rote, and not by co­ the members of the school Windsor Police nedy Rd.; Mldhele D. Miller, 78 idents of the city or town ap­ ly badly taught locally, mostly carry supplies from Lima to rounds of trumps and then had aeU'Servioe. the United States. His plea, filed ordinating, the dot on the printed board. Then maybe we’ll get of diamonds on dummy’s queen Deerfield Dr.; William H. Mc- proved. - BOGTXJN (AP) —Doulse D ay tecause parents, board of edu­ Anta, then ferry Injured survi­ tciMt niniilM nuiiiii to guess which red king was in with Justice Hugo L. Black, page with a sound of greater some Improvement. Say a Loud ‘No’ of hearts, assuring the contract. Fall, RPD.l, Andover; Law­ Hicks, controversial Boston city cation, and superintendant do vors from Chlmbote to hospitals favorable position. seeks to enlarge the conditions The amendment. Article 84, or lees duration occurring at an If the king of hearts happen­ The administration reminds rence J. Jennings, 60 Garden councilor, announced today that not realize how difficult the sub­ In Lima, report many of the in­ "Since I didn’t have a crystal vUttora that with construction to permit Clay to leave the was put to a test beginning In absolutely critical moment of To ‘Naked Lady’ ed to be in the East hand, the St.; Deborah J. Bradshaw, 68 she will seek the congressional ject Is, or that it really has E.M. Forster jured have little chance of living ball, I guessed wrong,” South under w ay, parking space Is country for this fight alone. 1906 when the city council of time. play for hearts wouldn't work. Wetherell St.; Mrs. Nethelia San Jose voted 6 to 1 for public seat of retiring ■ House Speaker value. WINDSOR, Conn. (AP)—The after a week of exposure with­ Palme: Sweden admits. "I tried a finesse with limited, \lsltors are asked to Clay, also known as Muham­ In the fifth grade they should East would return a diamond Stolze, Stafford Springs; Mrs. housing In the city. Under the John W. McOormack, D-Mass. Music is valuable, make no Dead; Foremost owner of a local ptiovle theater, out food ahd medical attention. the queen of diamonds. Later, I bear with the hospital whUe the mad All, said his resources are learn to read pitches from the (or South could get to dummy Mary Houde, 40 Rachel Rd.; amendment, a special munici­ Mrs. Hicks, at a news confer­ mistake about it! It is the art Paul Zazzaro Jr., was arrested Cuba has flown five plane­ Neutral Despite had to lose a heart trick, and parking problem exlato. depleted and remarked Uiat he musical score and combine this with a trump to lend a dia­ William Carroll, 619 W. Middle pal election was held In 1968 and ence, said crime In the streets most characteristic of Western British Novelist by Windsor police Saturday loads of supplies from Havana that was the end ^of my con­ would be away only 18 hours. civilization. Somebody once said with the rhythms they have al­ although the Peruvian govern­ U.S. Criticism mond), and the contract would Tpke.; Mrs. Theodora Holcomb, 67,806 Votes were cast for public will be the major issue of the COVENTRY, England (AP) n’ght during a showing of the tract. I'd have been all right if He invited the court to staff his that the greatest work of art ready learned. This is not easy. ment broke off diplomatic rela­ then depend on the diamond fi­ Patients Today: 269 Riverside Dr., Vernon. housing and 68,627 against it. As campaign. — E. M. Forster, one of Brit­ film “ What do You Say to a I had discarded the queen of automobile with as many mar­ produced since the Renaissance You can’t do it. in all probabil­ tions with the (Dastro govern­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Swed­ nesse. South would make his Also, Mrs. Thomas H(xiper and a result the council and the pub­ 'Known for her outspoken ain’s foremost novelists since Naked Lady?.’ 'He was charged diamonds on the last club in ADMITTED THURSDAY; shals or other agents the jus­ is Mozart's opera, "Don Oiovan- ity, so you think your kids can’t ment along with other members ish Prime M ln l^ r Oleh Palme game if either red king were son, Williams Rd., Bolton; Mrs. lic housing were blocked. views on school busing to “ A Passage to India” in 1924, is with showing obscene movies. order to play for the king of Robert Burnett, 19 Bralnard PI. tices might consider necessary nl," and nobody has ever seri­ be trained to do it, but they of the Organization of American in favorable position. Carl Ekroth and son, RR 1, achieve racial balance, Mra. Deputy Police Qilef James B. says his country remains neu­ hearts to be in favorable posl- ADMITTED SATURDAY: to assure his return to this coun­ A group of San Jose welfare ously tried to deny that state­ can. It is not a matter of, dead at the age of 91. States. One of the American Daily Question Box 16, Ellington; Mrs. David Hicks said, ” I believe in Inte­ Murray and Patrolman Douglas tral no matter how critical it Mlght Do Business try. recipients then attacked the ment, at least nobody vdio "They're no worse off than I." One of the last survivors of Partner opens with one heart, Sydney H. Bowman, East Masse and daughter, 122 Flor­ grated sch ^ l system! but I do Stahouski arrived at the Plaza 0130s was to carry a consign­ Our correspondent's sugges­ amendment and won last April’s knows what he is talking about. The question is: “ Why are they the famed Bloomsbury group, may be of U.S. military opera- and the next player bids one Hartford; Mrs. Denise A. ence St. Additionally, Clay said 70 per Theater and ordered Zazzaro to ment of medicine and other tion is a good oge, and we might ruling. not believe In forceable btising With more money and more no better?” the shy, retiring bachelor novel­ ions in Indochina. spade. You hold: - Spades, 6-2; Cromwell, 32 Spruce St.; cent of the total revenues, more of children for the purpoee of stop the film. Murray said he goods from Cuba to Huaylas do business with him some In another case the court leisure time, today's students In the sixth g;rade they should ist and essayist died in his sleep Gerald Dufresne, East Hart­ than $1 million, could be held In saw the film Friday, and was Canyon today. "We have not taken one side year. Until we find the right Hearts, K-10-6-S; Diamonds, K- ruled 6 to 2 today for the Sea­ racially balancing schoerfa.” are going to need to know more have developed to a stage early Sunday. In recent years ford; Mrs. Mary L. Griggs, escrow by the court should It acting on a compl^nt from a or the other,” he said Sunday. manufacturer, however, this 10-8-4-2; Clubs, 3-2. board Coast Line Railroad in a Mra. Hicks, a personal friend about music in the future if our where they can do part singing; he had lived at Cambridge Uni­ Wllllman'tic; Charles E. have any doubts about his re­ citizen who said It was obscene. “ Neutrality, which we pursue column will have to take the What do you say? Finch Exit long and tangled dispute over of McCormack, was narrowly culture Is to progress. Sitting In that is, to sing in harmony as versity as an honorary fellow, CIA Employs Jencks, 81 Laurel St.; Lenore turn. He emphasized that he hats Zazzaro said he had been ad­ consistently, does not prevent us place of guesswork. Answer: Bid two hearts. You union picketing at the Moncrief defeated for mayor three years front of a boob tube is certain­ well as in melody. And to sing but he had been staying with Jordan, East Hartford; Mrs. never failed to make a single vised Saturday by Murray and from having our opinions.” count 6 points for the two kings Yard outside Jacksonville, Fla. ago and has been prominently ly far from being a cultural pur­ like this at first sight from the friends in Coventry since he suf­ Foreign Aid As South should play for both Elizabeth W. Lamoureaux, 34 Brings Joy appearance required of him by prosecuting attorney for (jircult Palme was questioned on the and 1 point for each doubleton, The decislont given by Justice mentioned, as the ertrongest can- suit. Of course that word "cul­ printed page, not by having fered a heart attack several kings instead of just one. After Victoria Rd.; Mrs. Doris a federal court. Court 13 that certain parts of NBC radio-television program easily enough for a raise of Hugo L. Black, limits the au­ dldate to succeed McCormack. ture" bugs many people. Iliey somebody play the parts over weeks ago. Cover in Laos drawing two rounds of trumps Leavestrom, 386 Hackmatack the film were obscene. "Meet the Press.” partner’s suit. To W allace thority of fevas rescued but the It, and hear what it sounds like Ward, Lem Odell, Kim Hyde, Guidance; Guidance counselor—Windsor Locks. DlSaHARGED SATURDAY: selves run ads," he said. informed the forei^ office and the kids made no bones about second flier was killed, spokes­ FURNITURE. WE REBUILD IT! Roberta Ryan, Lee Scott, Mary- Mrs. TTieresa G. Fracchla, He­ Wallace called his comeback __ the police at 9:30 a.m., Amman that the Manchester band was B oth In C olor Girl’s Camp Director . Waterfront Director bron; Mrs. Rachel H. Youell, 88 men said. Ann MacKenzie, Steven MoLaf- Mrs. Bartfara Kelly William Skoog In Alabama a clear signal to The" Command said an Alrf**"*® .Monday-roughly i2 hours EVERY PIECE IS PBOTEOTED BY SCXmOHOABOdti terrible, and that the orchestra ferty and David Duff. Harlen St.; Mrs. Jennie C. Rockville AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU—! (20 years' camp experi­ All-American '64 President Nixon "that the Force reconnaissance plane was after Draper was last seen by fHanrI?FBtEr was virtually non-existent. But (Jarnp Kennedy, on a knoll off BURNSIDE Schuetz, 38 Cooper St.; Mrs. Cambodians ... 1. . 'I A .1 I A't r.A. 60 ence) B.S. Springfield College people of the south wont at associates. There was no they were convinced that they, believed shot down Thursday Spring St., overlooking the CHECK SHOWTIME mEE PAPifiNG 5?8 . B.S. Russell Sage College Ekiglish teacher, WiniUiam Elizabeth Abele, 28 Candlewood least ‘freedom of choice’ re­ Hospital Notes Included FREE! Extra Arm Covers as singing-actors, were im­ north of Saigon and the two explanation for the Globe Hollow Swimming Pool, Asst. Rec. Director, Wind­ High School, 6 years. D r.: Mrs. ^ e ila T. Alpert, 22 stored to the public school sys­ lag In official action but possi­ mense. For heaven’s saks, if Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 Drive Cong crewmen were missing. to Match Your Upholstery .. . will open June 29 for Jts seventh sor. (Enrolled Masters’ pro­ PlilUp Rd.; Mrs. Judith R. An­ tem." 'He asserted that there bly his disappearance did not PubIMied Dally Except Sunday.- the instrumental program is gram, Unlv. of Colin. In the second -such Incident in consecutive season. • m n i l i e U ENDS derson, ^ x 824, Carpenter Rd., would be "chaos” Ai southern p.m. In all areas except ma­ become known until Monday and Holidays at 13 Blasell Street bad, you can rest assured the Dramatics---- less than a wee^, a U.S. helicop­ Uanchester, Conn. (06040) It will operate for three ses­ TUES. Leah Lentocba Bolton. '- schools this fall under current ternity where they are 2 to, 4 From Airfield morning. level of instruction in the vocal Recreatiop Director ter gunshlp supporting a South SOFA or 2 CHAIRS Telephone 643-2711 sions of two weeks each, clos­ DRIVE-IN B.S. New Rochelle College Jack Flnnerty Ailso, Stewart Black, 1,1 Chart­ desregation plans. department Is little better. and 8:30 to 8 p.m. (Continued from Page One) Add yieen oz oeoulty ana Second Class Postage Paid at ing Aug. 7. 1970 NUTMEG English teacher, Bennet B.S. St. Michaels er Rd., Ellington; Mrs. EUa Turning to Finch, whose shift Uanchester. Conn. Finally we come to high The camp for retarded chil­ ISarthoIomew, Boston Hill Rd., comfort to your preaent up- SUBSCRIPTION RATES NUTMEG SUMMER Jr. High School M.A. Unlv. of Hartford to the White House staff was cleaned from the center of the school. Again we need instruc­ Shelley WINTERS. Andover; Paul Jones, 124 Wash­ Admitted Thursday: Dorothy holatened FYimlture by avail­ P'ayable bi Advance dren tries to follow a one-to-one Elementary teacher — announced by President Nixon town, he gave no other Informa­ One Y ear ...... $30. bo tors for brass, woodwinds, and relationship of one councilor for PLAYHOUSE Music and Sports Windsor Locks 10 years ington St;; Normand Bellveau, Carlson, Baxter St., Tolland; ing youraeK of this gi«at of- Hz Ndoths ...... 16.60 Saturday, Wallace maintained tion on the situation there. The ter tram our Ouabom R e u p - strings, for the instrumental de­ each camper. Catherine Maocarone (Enrolled 6th yr. program . New Hartford; Thomas R. Beau- John Parlante, Burnside Avo., Three Months ...... 7.81' Blooidy IMpirtmint «f 'niMir* Merrimac Oollege that the new secretary has long town had been reported sur­ holstering Department. TIm Unlvtrtlty e CemwcHcwt Unlv. of Conn.) ' solell, 92 Valley St.; MTb. Carol East Hartford; Julie Denenberg, been out of step with Mr. Nix­ rounded by the enemy. Choose from a Spedai Group up (9 M j i m a Arts ft Crafts A. MarotU, 149 Oakknd St.; Storrs; Bertrand Dionne, Davis ITAUmNC PeurtttHih Sttiam Ticket Nature Study Dlreotor on’s ’’commitments” to the Two members of President of the Neweot Patterns in Prtoos Are (3otn|)let« Nancy Naaslff John Dtdabalis, Hamilton, Out., Ave., Rockville; Martha Cenlg- StvtH urtei Season David Hyman south on school desegregation. Nixon’s special fact finding TradUnnal, Modern, Colooial UKludiM Fabric Professional Resident Company Information Unlv. of Conn. B.S. Unlv. of Conn. Can. Mrs. Lottie B. Hearn, 33 lls, Deerfield L w e, South Wind­ and ProvliMlal Flaftitca in PAT DON DIANE Asked whether he saw the team visiting Indochina flew to ■PrnfaazSonal Worlonanablp M.A. Unlv. of Hartford ^ Wlndemere St. sor; Marcel Gardner, West St., Deoorat»r Oofora. and All Mow OoWians SINGLE Cam pc raft and Ecology move as "som e kind of geature Phnom Penh today for a brief HINGLE-STROUD-VARSI Paula Sanohlnl Science teacher, E. Wind­ Also, 'WUIiam C. Glenty, 63 R(x;kvllle; Patricia Lessard, JUNE sor 13 years. toward southern segregation­ High Manor Pk., Rockville; meeting with Premier Lon Nol WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM MADE ADMISSION Hartwlok College Dougherty St.; K&theleen A. Mc­ ists,” Wallace aald: Mahon, 77 Hawthorne St,^; Helen Ignatowicz, Vernon Ave., and then returned to -Saigon. F a m o u s ? FABRICS and CLEAR VINYL SLIPCOVERS PRISCILLA GIBSON lies »KI88 AND KOX/’ Mil Min«a'4 TUES., WEb. 8 THURS Arts ft Crafts Director "I hope so. I hope it Is a ges­ ed. "ClieiTy, Harry A Asst. Waterfront Director Douglas E. Roberts, East Hart­ Rockville; Sharon Johnson, Old White House communications THE STAR SPAN6LED OlfiL Side: $3.00 Canitr; $3.25 P a t CoUet James AUely ture 'towBjrd those who want director Herb Klein and Qov. you better Baqnel” JUM H-JWM If B.S. Central State ford; Daniel J. Tuttle, 60 Olen- Town Rd., Vernon; Agnes Carl­ Phone 64T-4I59 for Keith's 'F R L A SAT. Central State (College moderation as far as the school Raymond P. Shafer of Pennsyl­ •Mew —f»- Sida: $3.25 Caniar: $3.50 M.S. Unlv. of Conn. ' dale R d.; GIsele A. Krawltz, 99C son, Windsorville Rd., Itockvllle; believe It! FREE HOME SERVICE! SCHOOL OF DANCE ARTS Recreation Ind. Arts teacher, Tolland Sycamore Lane; Donald R. Mag- problem is concerned . . . the Theresa DlMauro, High St,, vania made the trip; but Klein BLACK COMEDY/WHITEDY/W HI LIES PresMent says, ‘I am agaiinst JUM M-l-iirtit 4 " SE A SO N Curt Krause H.S. nuson, 87 Plymouth Lane; Mrs. Rockville; Richard Kaln, Hill­ would ilot say what was dis­ We sberillse and repad, seats are rsbuMt, springs are rotted, Presents their Greenwich High busing, I am for freedom of cussed. Other sources in Saigon BOOKLETS Swimming Inatriiotor Nancy J. Spagna, Warehouse side Dr., Ellington, and Jean­ new webbing used, Joooe Jointo are reghMd, apring euttk- ' Point; Lyle T. Neddow, 18 Bank chdoe, I am for neighborhood nette Lange, Esther Ave., Rock­ said the meeting was held at 20,000 Connecticut ions are replaoed, seams and wettfog aura hand saim and JULY Jam es UtUe aehooJs.’ ” In any event, Wal­ An eMirt boeltUt m«y used Manchester High •Bt. ville. Shafer’s Initiative, but they did brides are still feeling frames are compl'eteiy poUsbed. Annual Revue "Goodbye, Mr. Chips Nm4 Ctwaro'o for en« production, or it m«y Also, Henry W. Carroll Sr., lace said, "I am glad to see Birth Thursday; Daughter not know whether he carried proud of their l : 6 e A 9 t # 0 ______HAY FEVER bo utiliiod for m«ny preduc* Mr. Finch out of that jab.” Treasure Chest Jyly f-4uhr II NO INCREASE IN CAMP TUITION - East Hartford; Mrs. Alma M. born to Mr. and Mrs. David any special message from Pres­ ^ieni 41 thtr* art eeuponi. As he did during his third- ident Nixon. diamond engagement Have Yon ‘M ed Keltta’a "One-Step SbopplBgT" PETER O’TOOLE Brochures Available at: ' Hatfield, Buff Cap Rd., Tolland; Johnson, Old Town Rd., Rock­ rings. You II Be as S A T U R D A Y . J U N E 13, 1970 8 « « r t« BemorO M aw's party campaign for the presi­ Klein, Shafer and the other 11 e We’ll Come To Your e All riiriiliaaiai i •BEST ACTOR REGULAR SEASON • KBAUSB FLOBIST, 871 Hartford Rd. - Mrs. Katherine A. Barnum, 114 ville. thriTled with yours! CANDIDA • NAS8IFF ABM8, Ml Main St. Park Bt., Apt. A l; Gary M. dency In 1968 and again after Discharged Thursday: Joyce members of the team left Sai­ . Home To Adviee You! BefUre Dellverjr't July 14-July It Only Michaels e Use Our New Revolvliig e We Have Tetnae Ta BAILEY AUDITORIUM — MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL OF THE YEAR! ” BOOKLETS • NUTMEG PHABMACY. Vernon Pagano, 221 School St.; Larry his election Tuesday, Walinjco Watson, Bette Clr., Viernon; gon (his afternoon for. the has the TC. hisrtotls C redit JPlaa! F leoae B varyoaal nst bu«S4J Of SI «.|«f JulM PtIHtr'a $19.25 (7 couponi) s JACKSON’S MARKET, Wapplng J. Poullot, s m Foster St. said he was interested primari­ Laurence Willis, Campbell Ave., Uhlted States after four days in CURTAIN 7:30 P3I. LIHLE MURDERS MGMPreeenU Tuai., Wad. B Thurs. - CENTER e HIGHLAND PARK MARKET, 817 Highland St. Ailso, 'Mrs. Edward NleUen ly in pressuring the ndmilnlstra- Vernon; Chester Lemek, Goose Vietnam and Cambodia. They An Arthuf P. Jacob* Production ifaiiing July n • July IS BAjLLETS TO BE PRESENTED Fri. I Sat.-SIDE e LENOX PHARMACY, E. Center St, and daughter, Stafford Springs; tlon in Washington on behalf Lane, Tolland; Aiuictte Crosby, planned to stop several ttays in e SALEM PHOTO, tl9 Main St. CINDERELLA • Mrs. John Kimberley and daugh- of the south. Marlborough; Florence Bllnn, Hawaii to draw up theii^^port Peter O ’Toole MaJke checks to; From at little as $100 LA BOTIQUE FANTASTIQUE THE MISER I ter, Hartford; 'Mrs. Dalton He declined to say whether he East St., Rockville; Daniel Olos- to Nixon. July M-Aucvat I or Tel. Camp Secretary, East Hartford 6W-B779 Day or Credit to young adults / I f f f f r n i i u f The Fantastic Toyshop) Petula Clark Tha Univanily of Connaetieut Evenliige; or Tel. GirU’ Camp Dlreotor, Mra. Barbara Ekvers and son, Etost. Hartford; would run for the presldon<^y tcr, Springfield, Mass.; Sean Prince Sihanouk, Cambodia’s Mrs. Barry Bhaw and son, 169 again in 1972 but said he Kunzil, Rt. 80, Rockville; (Jol- deposed ohlff of state, told a iio^Locateil at 388 Main St. AUGUST Mail to; Kelly, Manchester MIAMn after 6 p.m. ) I I j M A I N S I . M '• Nv 11 1 I : 1/ / Phone 643-5710 Goodbye, Bryan Dr. ;. Mrs. Michael 'Stup- wouldn't flatly rule it out as leen Sullivan, Union St., Rock­ Japanese correspondent in Ha­ • I^Portotton from -Mancheifer. Vernon Elemen- Inakl and daughter, 18 Rldge- Union Qen. William Toeumseh Tiamauaa Wllllamt' Auditorium Bo< Ottico, U-104 ville; Judith Wilson, Jobs Hill noi that he has enough support­ ■ wood Dr., RockvlUe; Mrs. Thom­ Oppoeite the Beuaet Junior Mgh M w Mr. Chips" CAMINO REAL Tho Unlvonlly of Connacficut -Sherman once did. Rd., Ellington; Christopher ers In Cambodia to regain the on Lower (South Bud) Mala Staao* AUf Utl 4 • AututI I Sfor-t, Connocfleut 06268 as O’Brim, Rt. 6, Columbia. Said Wallace; ” I om not as Denham, Kenyon, R.I., and [B|« PanAvision* and Melrocok>f power he lost, but he needs nUBE MAIN ST. PARKOfO DI80HAROED YBBTEjRDAY; extreme aa Sherman was, you Kathleen Gala, Elastbrook Court, weapons from foreign nations. • or In 04ir own let next to atera . . . MICHAELS JEWELER8-DOWNTOWN Thom as B . Peters, R t. 87, Co­ know.” Rockville. He Indicated he expects to get

/ -1 M O B FOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONH., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAL6. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 P A O B n v i \\ Scott Works Tolland County Politics _ 1 Legistlation, Six Manchester Graduates Ribicoff Supporting To Keep Post Chevrolet Owners Democrats Meet Tomorrow As GOP Chief Lov^Mix EXPERIENCED STUDENTS NEED KEPAIRS SEE US FOR Duffey in Senate Race WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen.l In England To Select Candidates • KENDAIX on . PRODUCTS HARTFYJRD, Conn. (AP) It remains to be seen how Im- By BETTE QVATRALE nomination to the state post, Hugh Scott is quietly obtainingl • OBINUINE CHEVROLET PARTS Sen. Abraham Rlblcoff’a vote at portnnl Rlbicoff’s backing of WILLING TO DO WORK By OOLUN HARROW Duffey will be In Duffey’s quest (Hentld Reporter) and brushes aside any questions pledges of support from hlsl • FACTORY TRAINED TBOHN1CIANB - Aseootated Frees Writer the DemocraUc state convenUon • SERVICE RENTAL, CARS for 20 per cent of the state con­ _ regarding his possible . can- (jiOP colleagues in case of a bid! will be cast for the Rev. Jo­ CLEANING-^AINTING->LAWNS Oemoorats In multi-town dls- (jjjjacy tor the post of Second • CONVENIENT MASTER CHARGE PLAN LONDON (AP) — ICember* vention votes. Duffey has maln- to unseat him as Senate Repub-1 or GMAC BUDGET PLAN seph Duffey in the balloting on Utlned fur some Ume that he — NO JOB TOO SMALL — trlots throughout the county and District congressman, . Ilcan leader next January. ship in the House of Lords la be­ ■ r : the U.S. Semite nomination. has the 192 delegates needed to PHONE 646-1256 the state wUl select the Demo- ,rhe gjnd District Is compos- Sources close to the Peansyl- 648-S2S8 or Stop In tar an Appointnnrit coming Increasingly a family, craUc candidates for state rep- ^ y,e towns of Hebron, i r : ”Of all the candidatesv” said force a primary, but there could vania senator say that as of nowl affair. be some erosion of his support resmtaUve in conventions to be Columbia, East Hampton and he would win votes from 27 ofl Ribicoff, "he has the best grasp held tomorrow night. Marlborough. IT*- n : CARTEfl CHEVROLET 00„ im. A former Conservative legU- of the vital issues confronting In the remaining 19 days be- the 43 GOP members, with one| 1*29 MAIN ST. — MANCHESTER foiv; the balloting begins. to.m aiv cases they wUl do so According to O-Nelll he does more said to be uncertain. lator, Lady PrloolUa Tweeda- our naUon.” j j ^ t h a j ^ the benef t of ^ ,b,e " iL .r That would give Scott a tight-l mulr, W, was made a life peer • Duffey, who Is naUonal chair­ knowing who the Republicans Republican candidates for the man of -Americans for Demo­ er grip on the leader’s spot! this week. Her B0-year-old hus­ Sem antics o f Prot4*»t ^ representative nomlna- ir f ; than last September when he band Lord Tweedamuir, a he- craUc AcUon, a liberal group, Uon CM^dates. The OOP has He doesn't expect them to was elected 24 to 19 over Sen. was a leading supporter of Rlbl- Some Concern ■rcT^ redltary baron, regularly takes BITUMINOUSI p e d a le d Its convenUons to se- themselves, known un- . Howard H, Baker Jr., R-Tenn., t s coff’s successful campaign for 120 hla aeat In the Lords and now NEW HAVEN (AP)—At Yale lect state lepresentaUves from ^^jer he receives the noml- following the death of Everett his wife will join him there. This > re-elecUon In 1968. Duffey mo­ multl-town districts for July 2. nation University’s baccalaureate cere­ McKinley Dirksen. brings to a half dosen the total’ bilized behind ^bicoff the rem­ Vernon, which Is a single town IZT" Rumbles have persisted that nants of the organizaUon that monies Sunday, Yale President DRIVEWAYS of husbsnd-and-wile teams enti- w l ^ the Im m ^ a te county district as Is Mansfield, will not conservative Republican sena­ had backed Sen. Eugene J. Mc­ Kingman Brewster told about !| Parking Areaa • Ga« StaUonN • Basketball Courts tlad to sit In the country's oldest the problems students have In Now Booking for Spring Work ^ aw scheduled tommrow e„dn„e candidates for the tors, who have always been op­ legislating body. JOHN FBIMUB GREGORY R. RICE n a n c y WEIBUBT Carthy for the presidential nom­ ^ t , but only one ^11 feature Democratic nomination until af- :r: posed to Scott, plan to mount a 18 Busklngliam St. IM Chestnut St. If Bowers St. inaUon. working with some modern dem- 4 PIAOE YOUR ORI>ER NOW BECAUSE OF A There are also a couple of onstrators. PRICE INCREASE SOON a contest for the DemocraUc ter the state conventions. challenge when the 92nd Con­ FOB A UFETIHEI M anchester M anchester M anchester Rlbicoff’s endorsement of Duf­ nomination. _ , You'll never have to buy film 0|tw . . , mother-and-eon Combinations. fey Saturday was an Indirect He Hulxl an officer of the (*Lm- All Work PerftonaJly Supervised. We -Are 109% Insured. In Vernon’s case a new can- gress opens in January. because each time L.ljnretta develops and These Include Britain’s oldest B8 In Engineering RA in Art History B8 In Education In the 61st district, which dldate will have to be fielded (X>P conservatives’ ire In­ prints your roll of Butok A White or j University of Connectlout University of Oonneotieut Leeley College criUclsm of Sen. Thomas J. puH radio station, which broad­ comprises Andover, ffiolton and since Incumbent Gerald Allen Koda-color film we give you ABSO­ aristocrat, the 96-year-old 0>un- Dodd, the senior senator from cast the May Day demonstra­ creased late last year when LUTELY FIIEE. a fresh roll of film less of Klntore, and Viscount DoMAIO BROTHERS *"*“ ’” * Coventry, former State Rep. has decided not to seek re- Scott turned on the President i for your camera. We replace the film CtonnecUcut, who Is waging an tion speeches live, hod this ex- J| Stephen toyrim of Coventry election. If Mansfield’s in- you have developed. It's all fresh- Stonsbaven, 62. The countess uphill fight for renomlnaUon. planatlon for why so much ver- (| CALL 643-7691 and voted against his Supreme dated and top quality and Ko­ has never In fact taken her seat. Will face A1 Ahearn of Bolton cumbent State Rep. Audrey Court nomination of Clement P. dak, too. Quick processing In his statement endorsing bal overkill” found Its way onto' for the nomination. Beck should become successful 34 hour service for Like most of the feminine halves Duffey, Ribicoff said the Sen­ the air: Hayns worth. bkick and white (Just of the House of Lords couples, The two Andover delegates In capturing the Democratic There also have been indica­ a mtle bK longer for ate nominee "should be the man "Gee, all we could do was she Inherited a title trom her who best senses the changing hold the key to the outcome of nomination for secretary of tions lately of strain between color). switch it off whenever we heard the convention, w h l^ will be state, her seat would also bt. own family as well as wedding currents of our Umes and looks the word mother or the word Scott and his deputy. Sen. Rob­ another. to the future with vision, Judg­ held at 8 p.m. in the Bolton up lor grabs. Otherwise, Mrs. ert P. Griffin of Michigan, but bull.” Town Hall. Beck has Indicated she will For Lady Priscilla Tweed- ment and compassion.” the GOP leader Insists they Although he was one of only I The breakdown ' of delegate seek re-election, have no serious differences. muir working with her husband voting strength shows • Coventry lUGGEH DRUG 404 M^WJD TPIOB.' will be no new experience. At five senators—Including Dodd— Scott says he sometimes takes who voted against Dodd’s cen­ RANGE with four votes, Bolton with a deliberately softer line against one time both were British dele­ gates to the Assembly of the sure In 1967, Ribicoff made It \ Ml three and Andover with two Czech Plane administration opponents than votes. Ahearn, who lost his bid Griffin because as party leader (Douncll of Europe. rfil clear at that Ume that he wcto FUEL O IL for state representative to Re­ doing so out of “compassion.” STEREO Is Hijacked To he would have to be Involved in ”I remember on one occasion GASOLINE publican Dorothy Miller of Bol­ compromise discussions. we voted In opposite directions He did defend Dodd against the ton two years ago is expected West Germany The November elections, how­ ATTENTION on the same motion and every­ charge of using campaign con- to have Bolton’s* three votes ever, could hold the key to any body thought we had a tUf," she tribuUons to pay personal ex­ BANTLY OIL while Doyzlm lays claim to Cov­ penses. GQMBINATIDN NUEJRNBBRG, German successful. drive against Scott. ssys. 'They were most relieved Besides Duffey and Dodd, the ( O.MI’A.V) , IM - entry’s four votes. (AP) — Nine Czechoslovaks— Only 10 Republicans’ seats—In­ when we voted together on the .:.!i M\IN STi(i:i:i Thus Andover holds the key other contenders for the Senate four men, four women and a " 1 cluding Scott’s—are up in the TEEN-AGERS next resolution.” While she was TKi . i; 111-i-'iii.'i to the necessary five-vote ma­ in the House of Commons, Lady nominaUon are State Sen. Ed­ elections, compared with 28 10 YEARS TO 18 YEARS |{mU\illc 1 jority. child—armed with, pistols and Democratic seats. A large GOP Priscilla, called "Pickles” by ward L. Marcus, Alphonsus J. Both Andover delegates are knives hijacked a Czechoslovak gain or loss could throw In new ENTER “WORLD STYLEMAKER CONTEST" her friends, still managed to JUDITH BUCMLAND BRUCE R. BUBI^B HEIDI A- DBLLAFBRA Donahue, and former congress­ described as supporters of the airliner with 16 other passen- factors. work w ith her husband. In 1966 142 8. Lakewood C ircle man Donald J. Irwin. QFFER! U. 8. S ^ ^ a l candidacy of gers aboard today on a flight Scott is trying to convert the she steerad the Protection of 4AS Keeney St. 289 Autumn St. M anchester Joseph Duffey However, both trom Karlovy Vary to P r^ e election to his benefit, accepting Birds Act through Commons M anchester M anchester BA In Government ^ y ^ and Ahearn are also and forced the pilot to land In Invitations to speak in behalf of Sewing Classes snd her husband took change of St. FYan^ Hoepital School of BA in Economics (Cum Laude) Duffey supporters. this West German city. \ present and future colleagues In LESSONS $1 O It in the Lords. Nursing University of Connecticut Wheaton College In addition, both candidates Police said no one was injured return for pledges of support 2V2 h o u r s e a c h a R fa In the case of two of the mar- are known liberals and both in the hijacking and the hijack- next January. lied couples, each partner was realized he was being charged fuesdoy only! ^ were In the forefront of the op- ers were apparently seeking po- The senator also Is eager to 8 given a title In his own right at too much when his brother paid WIN FABULOUS PRIZES l^tate Bar To Probe Charge posltlon to the tMreatened Ckxv- Utical asylum. The hijackers scotch rumors that the White different times. ^ $8 for a passport. The attorney, entry airport Issue of a few were taken Into police custody Gets Pro Deo et Patria Award House is interested in displacing The former Conservative sec­ the seaman said, had charged months' ago. and are being questioned. r. ' . ^ him. Thus, he was pleased that Trips for 2 to Paris, Loildon, Rome. Over 8,(KM prliee Of Immigrant Exploitation him $200 for a passport. foHier's five years and serves as retary of the Home Office, Hen­ Talking together at Friday Tho plane-an flvushon 14- rh T ? h k “ cltaUon. Carl V. President Nixon’s endorsement worth 8120,000 Including Singer Sewing Machines. ry B^ke, married his wife patrol leader. He is completing last week of a key amendment successful at pushing private nlghfsThllaid County Demo- h a^ c«w tfX ee^Sce saJ^ n n ^ Gustafson, chairman of the Pro Barbara in 1938. They stayed HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — LONDON MARKET DOWN d ay V ^ U c Association dance in Staf- P o L e T e w r ^ ih ^ the Anderson pas- Deo et Patria review commit- his sophomore year at Man­ in the current debate on Cambo­ FOR ENROLLMENT INFORMATION CALL The Connecticut Bar Association ihimigration bills through Con­ LONDON —TTie London stock 2 chester High School and is a dia was made in a letter to just plain Mr. and Mrs. until ford, Ahearn and Doyrim ad- jafk errsald d^rins- a u e s U o ^ «u>""iary of the re­ Barbara was made a baroness is going to look into charges that gress, thereby disposing of the market dropped 99 points (18 mitted they hold slmUar views £ ^ k c L m S ol t ^ ^ ‘ f member of the school choir. He Scott. lawyers are exploiting the prob­ immigration problems of the per cent) during 1969,' ending 50 cords price t/ui.v’o wcy looK commano Of Uie twlo- gen, scoutmaster of Troop .126, must complete to earn the is active in the Hi League of And Scott promptly issued a for life six years The score ^ t ^ engine turboprop airliner min- after receiving the Pro Deo ^qt award. SINGER SEWING CENTER was evened t«^o years later lems of immigrants by charging alien for whom the bill was points above the midyear low. Emanuel Church and iissi.sts in pointed statement: "I am ex­ them exorbitant fees. written. "we feature variety at its very bdsd!" If onlv"thev flI^t*^Uve"ln *th^ Patria scouting award from Dean is the third son of Mr. tremely pleased with the letter 856 Main St., Manchester 647-1425 when Brooke iiim s^ was made If only they oldn t live In the Bohemian reanrt citv ______the clerical work of the Sunday Anthony B. DeMayo of New However, the House of Repre­ Bohemian resort city. Pastor Anderson yesterday dur- and Mrs. Ernest W. Benson to church School. (Herald photo and I have twice discussed It a life baron. same district. Four men and a woman ing the 10:45 a.m. church serv- receive the award. The others Haven, president of the state sentatives has recently curtailed 4Sth District Race by Pinto) with the President.” A pn^saor of architecture, that practice by limiting the wiiiinm Pofgiin nf o^rngT-c. I plstoIs forced their ice. are Richard and Arnold Ben- Baron LiewelyndJavls and his bar association. Is calling a spe­ SELLING WUllam Patsun of ^m ers Is way Into the cockpit and or- Scoutmaster Benaen present- son. Sean, a Star Scout has cial meeting of the association’s number of applicants for private bartaiiBSs w ife P atricia w ere in a bills, which were originally per­ ^ candidate for the award been a niember of Troop 12 6for alinllar situation. But In their officers for June 16 to consider YOUR GAR? DemocraticDamoemtio candidatenandMgta for the to West Germany, while t w o ______-______charges made Sunday by the mitted to help hardship cases. SB 48th District towns of Tolland, men and another woman aimed oAse the husband made It to the One BrazUlsin, with friends in ' We Boy Clean Used zation, to Europe, North Ameri­ Lords with a life peerage four Hartford Courant. Ellington and Somers, .when the pistoU at the 16 passengers, po- "The entire matter will also Massachusetts, told the Courant Cars Outright convention Is held tomorrow lice said. Trial Begins ca Australia and tae Far East. yuan before hla wife received a how some lawyers In the Immi­ Highest Prices Paid At one stage 'qyery empty similar honor. be considered at a special meet­ night at 8 In the Somers Town time,- crew and „passengers ing later this month by the gration business keep their cli­ building and vacant block of -Life peerages, designated by ents In line: TED TRUDON ■ . . , ^ made no effort to counter the hl- In Slaying Of land in the 600 squard .miles of Board of Governors, which rep­ Pateun who has already re- j^ekers, and the plane crossed A' the government for conspicuous resents the entire membership "Up there, they charge $1,000 VOLKSWAGEN London’s police district, were' sendee, end with the death of and up to keep you in the coun­ <>' ^ into West Germany about 16 searched by dog teams. Ponds of the association,” DeMayo Route 83, TalcottvUle to ee t o ^ committees, will minutes after the hijackers took Mrs. M cKay the honored person. Regular said. try and they’re loaded with 619-2888 have a difficult campaign road control, police added and lakes were dragged by friigr peerages carry on through in­ oases. If they find you’re giving men. The (jourant said Immigrants ahead of him if he is to defeat They said the hijackers spoke (AP) - Two broth- heritance. them trouble, they’ll drop your are eoisly exploited because case and report you to Immigra­ D dlffl- era from Trinidad went on trial gecluded Roote on the they are often desperate to gain S l r f T^im d .® ® question- today charged with the kidnap- county border between Essex tion authorities as a deportable American citizenship, afraid to alien.” Soyuz 9 Breaks face immigration officials alone, King, however, has been hold- ‘" ^ e y said all were between 19 “'® Hertfordshire. A Greek merchant seaman Ing back on announcing NWs and 25 years of age. There was ® wealthy newspaper execu- Scores of Police spent days^ and unaware that free advice Is who jumped ship and lived In tlve. searching the farm, dlggfing Soviet R e cord available. availability for the nomlnatloi the United States Illegally for a WISHING To Be ,1 ® Auol^er Muriel McKay, wife of Alex fields, overturning hayricks and BUY ONE... and is not expected to until af­ Attorneys’ fees for immigra­ men nnH McKay, deputy chairman of the draining wells and ponds. For Long Flight tion work range from $200 to year finally decided he needed ter the Republican State Con­ legal help to stay In the country ^ 1 1 newspaper News of the World, There was no trace of Mrs, Size vention in Hartford June 19-20. M ioeoow (AP) — Soviet cos­ $5,000 per client, with one high- and hired a lawyer. k of four authentic styles! King has a lot riding on the and ^ e r e s t ^ thLse Reappeared last Dec. 29 from McKay. But on the night of Feb ranking Hartford city official 11 the brothers—designer Ar­ monauts Andrian Nikolayev and The attorney, now a Hartford outcome of this year’s GOP would ta c T c h U S "®''"®'"® taking in $25,765 within two city official, told the Greek he thur, 33, and laborer Nizamo­ Vitaly Sevastyanov completed years from 12 immigrants. This SUMMEI State Convention, including a after refueling, In one of Scotland Yard’s usually charged $2,600 to $3,000, possible shot at the state At- Karlovy Vary most perplexing cases, hun- deen, 21—were charged. their lOOth orbit of the earth to­ With the help of someone who niere have been relatively but would reduce the price to STEREO FM/AM tomey General post. miles‘from the'bolder* l^wee“ urdformed and plain- day in the seventh day of their knows English, any alien can $1,600 “since you are my CALL clothes police, supported by few cases In British history handle the Immigration paper He Is right hand man of Czechoslovakia and West Ger- where a murder trial has taken flight aboard the spaceship So- friend,” the Greek recalled. gubematorial candidate Wal- many, and Nuernberg is the tracker dogs and frogmen, work himself, the story said. RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS failed to find the missing wom­ place with no body. yus 9. He did business for a year ELAINE P01 lace Barnes of Farmington. Al- nearest major West Germany But that official's fees are and a half with the lawyer, then though Congressman Thomas airport. an. When there Is nO" body, the A short official report said the hardly unique. Enjoy the full beauty of music I Each has 30-Watts music Mesklll Is assured of obtaining ______•Arthur and Nizamodeen Hos- prosecution must establish its cosmonauts reUred as usual this “It's a regular money mach­ power, two 1,000 cycle Treble Horns, two 1 2 ' Bass Woofers, case on circumstantial evl- N01 the party nomination, Barnes Is eln, wdio lived on a farm In morning “ after completing their ine,” a government official said. record storage, plus exclusive Micromatic Player. Either tape Wimbledon near the famous ten­ dencem beginning to show possibilities New Milford Man regular working day in outer "I know two immigration em­ AND STOP Tj^ROWING player fits into the consoles— and you may connect them yourself of obtaining the required 20 per nis courts, 30 miles north of sp ace.” ployes from the West Coast who RUb BeRIZcD — in just minutes! A. Early American 3652. B. Italian Provincial London, pleaded innocent to cent of the convention votes to Found Dead in Car Carrying out their program of quit their jobs to become law­ YOUR MONI^' DOWN A 3655. C. Contemporary 3651 . D. Mediterranean 3653. ______charges of demanding $2.4 mll- UConii ROTC Hangar medical and biological observa- yers. They went Into Immigra­ force a Republican primary for NDW^ ____MILFORD <-AP)—Hart- Uon ransom for Mrs. McKay, HOLE IN the nominaUon. If he Is success- land Massey, 36, of New MU Gets New Paint Job tlons on the effects of extended tion work after law school . . . then slaying her. periods In space. 'll ful, a primary Is virtually as- ford has been found dead In the STORiRS (AP) — The ROTC all above -board, you know . . . sured. The Hoseins sat composed "TIm (Cosmonauts nelbaln a and now they’ve bought put a fo r that Tf h» t n r,,n gg a front Seat of his Car. Police said and neatly dressed as the prose- hangar„ at the -University ------of------Con- high capacity for work,” ^ bank. So you can Imagine what STRIKING DIFFERENCE to e he had been dead for several cution unfolded Its case for the necticut, once a multi-color won- progress report said. It said GET EITHER rop., King \rill be seekl^ his hours before neighbors noticed magistrate” "to" dTcldT" whether der, ha^ been repainted Its or- those other attorneys make in during the day they reported when they walk the thin line of to ^®t °^®* “*® *8 sufficient evidence for iglnal brick red. various visual observaUons of hg ntong ^ vestlgatc. fhc mcn to go to full trial before A group of about 20 students, iNCLUm the law. BLACKTOP PAVEMENTS THIS$64.90 he p l ^ to camp^gn hard and Massey’s death, which was a higher court. faculty and admlnlstraUon staff the earth, including the locaUon Some immigrants were told for prompt torvice, phone to get to me propl^ discovered Saturday night, may ScoUand Yard conducted a broke out the paint brushes Sat- of forest fires in Africa. told their chances of remaining Mondiostor Hardware 62nd District have been caused by carbon mo- massive hunt for Mrs. McKay, urday to cover over the paint With Vaur Purchase Soyuz 9 has broken the Soviet in America would be enhanced C A S S EH E ?®^' poisoning, police said. The search spread to all parts job done May 11 when students record for flight duraUon but by a contribution to the cam­ and Supply, Inc. • TA B L E haa another week to go before It paign funds of some Connecticut m MAIN ST. 648-4426 O Neill is expected to receive m s body was found near a point of Britain and through Interpol, tried to turn the hangar Into a Iranon, Prop. the party nomination tomorrow where he had gone fishing the international police organl- day-care center. reaches the U.S. record. How politicians. TAPE PLAYER night when the convention • u m b r e l l a long the flight is to last has not Congressmen are sometimes MRS. LULA RELLE SLADE meets at 8 p.m. In the Marl­ been disclosed. Solid-state 4-track model 8867 has function lever, cassette eject borough Tavern. • 2 C H A IR S An article In Pravda today of Danvflio, Va. button, push-button power on/off, plus many more Magnavox The popular incumbent In­ emphasized the value of IS READY FOR SUMMER features— complete with two audio cables— one for each stereo manned space fUgh^ over auto­ sists he Is merely seeking re- SHE WENT FROM A channel, it plays any 4-track stereo cassette. mated satellites. ' , ARE YOU 11 YEARS OLD OR OLDER? "No electronic computer or HOURS automatic device can replace NOW OPEN e A B B YOU INTERmETTEZ) IN BABNING TOUR OWN MONBT? man fully in carrying out a SIZE 16 to a SIZE 14 OR" t HIS$64.90 NOW... p o o t IMCLU9ES MON. - S A T AT e HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT SAVING FOR YOUR FUTURE EDUCATION? " constant number of assignments In dependable ■ „ m \R' X 12' Swim area q|)ace,” said the Soviet Oonunu- 9 TO 5 nlst party newspaper. “This is Elaim Pwmn Figirt SaiMt 8-TRACK quality-aMured • DO YOU KNOW THE! VALUABLE KNOWLEIDGE YOU CAN GAIN FROM OWN­ ING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? because space crews are en­ e.l TFR & PUMP • s a f e t y trusted with the more subtle, IN ONLY 17 SE8M0NS TERMITE e HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD T-IKE TO OWN YOUR OWN oraatlve tasks to solve for which TAPE PLAYER PAFER ROUTE? CONTROL •f e n m “S w i » o w «"“ it ts necessary to take into ac­ B eg . T J L g u a r a n t e e d If for Any Reason count numerous factors often Solid-state model 8869, with front-loading and on/off con­ with IF YOU ARE A S IZ E , you fall to receive the trolled by any 8-track stereo cartridge insertion, has continuous THE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD COMPLEmy conflicting in nature.” reaulta listed, Blaine GOLD CREST CHEMICALS HAS BOUTE OPENINGS IN MANCHE8TEB AND IN SUBURBAN AREAS Soviet sclenUsts have ques­ 14. YOU CAN be a aUe 10 by 'July 9 Powers will give you play, track selector button, illuminated track indicator, protective Call... tioned the value of America's 16 YOU CAN be a size 12 by July 14 cover for mechanism and cartridge slot, plus two audio cables. manned moon shots, suggesting 18 YOU CAN be a size 14 by July 14 SIX M O NTHS • PATIO SUN DECK m sm la that automatic devices could ac- 20 YOU CAN be a alze 14 by July 29 646-0445 compUsh the same puipose 22 YOU CAN be a alze 10 by July 89 FREE! IF TOP J8RE INTERBSTED THE APPLICATION m iQi without the great human risks. b e l o w w i l l m a k e i t EASY FOR YOU TO TAKE BOTH But they have not produced an ALL YOU DOGGIES!!! THE FJBar STEP TOWARD OWNING YOUR OWN SPECIAL OFFER ROUTE. / _ Pemna-LKe Produoto (MbM D e|iL) unmanned spacecraft that could FOR 3 4 9 5 0 I WANTED I land and take off from the To The F irst 45 To CoU FUl It out Bad mail to MlaiKbeeter Evenings Heiuld, CALL 289-8253 mooDt le t alone bring back Are you all w t for the hot muggy weather? Did you get A MONTH h m 18 B l«dl EL, Manelaeatar 06040. CALL TODAY - 24-HR. SERVICE 1 I ONLY ONLY O , Lmte Model materials tor study on earth. your Flea Collar &. Tick Collar? We are now prepared to $9.50 Based on current sslllng pries for these naw taps playtfi. And while they questioned the take you sooner. Unlimited Visits A Week USED CARS DAILY & SUNDAY ■ a manned moon shots they did not NGW jpr your J_N A M B ...... ■ We have added Mr. Herbert who specializes in Peke This Is the Complete Price ol a 4- '!'•» Priew PBi4 dKV their own program of Montb Plan. Complete Prices —No ABDRaM ifffnMng up men tor experimente I ^ A Pom grooming; Patti, with all breeds; Roz with all added Interest charges. f W A U M i t e ! and testa while orbiting the FREE m ol Session! ___ V breeds; Marge and me with Poodles. CAtm CHIViOilT earth. ^ ^ V. Kirka HOURS: Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. — Saturday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. CO.. IN C . a n n u a l in c o m e s o a r s r Owner A Operator 100 Burnside A ve., Potterton's 1229 1W B8ta FBOMB .AGE IE" rE"’ j flAN JUAN—'Puerto Rtoo’e per ■t \ E. Hartford, Conn. PlMM •4»4i2at' oaplta annual Income has shot ELAINE POWERS FIGURE SALONS 130 CENTER ST. MANCHISUR 777-2521 from e i s i in 1940 to |l,0 0 0 ______1 . I------Located Over Burnolde Drug— "A couple minutes over Manchester line!” and la sxpeotad to reaidi |2,(X)0 hjr 19TB. V

A :h\ V-

PAGE S^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 PAGE SEVEN Tolland Omnty Bolton 7 a t t e n t io n PARBNT8 I / iWanrhpaip: dom and lightness of our Involvement In Southeast Asia. ’liiey do not wear long SUMMER READING CUSSES ^ Snptttn$ Ifpralii hair, or blue jeans, or go barefoot, or Democrat Leaders at Dance Elementary, jr. High, High School and OoUsge M smoke pot, or Insult the American flag, Daddario Proves Elusive TWO FOUR WEEK SESSIONS FCBUBHSD BY THE HBRAU> PRINTINO CO.. IN. or start fires or throw bombs. Wooed hy Donahue^ Stanley FIRST SESSION BEfHNS JUNE M ' IS Blasell Street Itoncheeter, Conn Presumably, if hard pressed on the Small, effective dosiaea In reading and study akUls. mdlvMuiil- THOMAS F. FBROUSO> Although many VIP condl atorial candidate Joe Duffey On Senate Hod, Ineome Tax WALTER R. FEROUSOf matter, the Vice President and his dates attended the Weekend’s and actor Paul Newman tele- Ized prograims acoonditig to pretest d-'evnouA. Frognuns may Publlahere By BETTE QUATRALB include nicli areas as word -attack olcMs (phondcs), oempM- Founded October 1, 188] speechwiiters can, evolve something for Tolland County Democratic As- phoned the dance organizers the possibtlities a t a state in­ soclation Dance In Stafford, It late In the afternoon notifying (Herald Reporter) come tax. "We have yet to tsike henslon, vocabulary development, speed reading, how to stildy PuMMied Every Evening Except Sunda.v> such otherwise respectable figures. He effectively, critical and lnferenib'.al reading, teat taking teob- •nd HoUdnsri. Entered at_lbe Poat^ Office ai was U.8 . senatorial candidate them that he and Newman Democraiio gubernatorial can- invetory of what state needs nlquea perception, enneentraUen, college board takt pmgstra- :anctieMer, Conn., as Second Claes Mai' dldeJte Emilio Daddario vMted are . . . we will look carefully at i!Stor. might, for instance, call them the "dis­ AI Donahue and Second District would be unable to attend the tion and general improvement of reading efflcUncy. mal disciples of tired Ideas, tired blood Congressional candidate Wll- event due to a conflict of an- Botton Saturday aftomocst, to •very new program both for Its ■k Alr-Oondi.Uoned Claoenoioims it OerttClea Teachers of Readtoig SUBSCRIPTION RATE? obtain a crooa section of the feel- Authorization and Its funding," Payable In Advance llam Stanley who made the gagements. it Morning Classee—Monday through Thuroday. One Year ...... gM.Oi' and tired wealth." And they do seem, of most of the opportunity to meet Duffey and Newman were re- Ings of county leaden regarding ^ .stated . it Testing Programs for Ehagnoaia and Plaicement. Sir Honthi ...... U.BC their problema on both local and Akbed 'What he felt would be Tliree Months ...... 7.80 course, to be members of that "Eastern with the county leaders present, ported to be busy trying to One Month ...... 3.60 Establishment" which all the true Both arrived early in the eve- round up delegate support In abate levels. the mkjqr problems to be faced Acodomie Roading Improvonwnt C«tif«r, Inc. nlng and mingled with the Waterbury. During a preoa conference at by the next governor of the MEMBER virilities of the Nixon Administration 68 E. Ceqter St., Manoheater Call Fred THE ASSOCIATED PRESS guests for some time. Discussing Donahue's chances the Lake House, Daddeirto fend­ state, Dadiikilo declined to cite Ibe Associated Press Is exclusively ei,. ed off many of the queotiom specific Issuekx "'The probletns Next to Cavey’s Restaurant Kaprove, titled to the use of republlcation of all hold In such disrepute. Donahue, as always, present- for the Senatorial nomination, FREE FARKINO Director M 3 -9 M 7 news dispatches credited to It or not other­ Nevertheless, we would like to see the ed an impressive appearance, later in the evening, Carey esti- ____ toaoed at him, including 'wheth- of our society chAnge from tifirie wise credited In this paper and also the He is becoming more and more mated Donahue’s delegate , er or not he wiu announce hla to time . . . my m

U MONDAY. JUNE 8,1970 PAOB BIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 PAGB MIMB Manchester A rea School-Job Plan Andover C-DAP Modifies Some Goals Police ILoq Rennet Pupils Hear Talks Yugoslavians Approach Ti ^ Briefing Topic SPEOIAE -4 JUMlb « • 16 ByDuffey^ Donahue Aides today s FUNNY PURE FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE After Directors Review ARRESTS Car Bums, Tomorronv at ^ 7:4ft p.m. ^ to the To Communism Different Mtn. VmiioM Andenon Carl 8. dflve, 2*. of Bast Hart- Weicker Urges Involvement Ruy Vi Got. — GIT ONI FRIII Manchester High School cafe- __ Frances D’Amato Ander­ fllie C-DAP Agency has re- ter .the group made a study of ford, charfred with .failure to Two speech writers for Unit- such serious BELGRADE; Yugoslavia Western goods. Flat and Volk­ terla, the Educational Advisory ed States Senate candidates ~ . , , By SAIXY PALMER SAVE 49e son of Hartford, stater of An­ viewed comments by the Board various types of municipal gov- obey a state traffic control Driver Only d SUtes Senate candidates Al- is not, hd said, to n'»*® tle direct contact there has been (AP) — Everybody used to swagen cars are made or as- thony D'Amato of Manchester, Committee will sponsor a meet- phonsus Donahue and Joseph Judgment on whether or not our (Herald Correspondent) ' wHh the colleges and feels it know that Communist countries sembled locally under license, of (Directors in regard to the emment. signal Saturday afternoon. Po- MOSER FARMS MILK died yesterday at her home. She The effect of the substitution lice charge 'fie drove throueh a rg for parenU of studenU who D„ffey did their best this mom- entrance into Cambodia has had ’Ihe atmosphere was one ot is time not to Just complain shun UAi. Influence, have only a Roman Catholic priests. play was the widow of John Ander- goals and objectives proposed Hurts Wrist h ^ e elected the C o o p ^ ^ , convince 8th grade so- a "military" advantage. but to get more involved. He few automobiles and cultivate a I V2GoL49e —aierVSc of "Town" for "Oouncil-Manag- red light at Main and Forest warmth and cordiality Saturday soccer and allow beat music in no depooH • no retuni Ctommu^ty ^velopm ent er" is to leave the question open Sts. Court date June 22. Russell Fors Jr., 20, of Mer­ Edbcatlonal Program (OOBSP) .tudenU at Bennet Atty. Nelgher also said tta t stressed toe importance of com­ Btern attitude toward capitalist churches, much like the clergy ritt Valley Rd., Andover, receiv­ and nurses aide program u,eir Donahue has not rejected the Survivors also Include three Action Plan for Manchester for the study recommended by next night In toe elementary school, munication. displays of sex and alcohol. of Western Europe, to try to at­ MT. VERNOM DAfflY STORE sons, another brother, three and the Agency has made the directors Annen O Rothwell ed only a sprained wrist in “*■an year. anU employers involved candidates have the beet ap- McOovem-Hatfield amendment, when Lowell Weicker Jr., A question was asked about Now, on a half hour’s walk in tract young people. They are the directors. S44 BROAD RTREliDr, MANOHEMTEB s l^ r s , Md three gi-Mdchlldren modlflcaUons in the goals and The study will be undertaken wood V ^ n , chaiied wlUi in toe pro^um s. proach for ending the Vietnam which Medverd said Duffey Fourth Dlatrict congressman the newspaper coverage of the downtown (Belgrade, you can having some success. being totally damaged by fire The purpose wijll be to explain ^ * supports, and that Donahue college situation and coverage see: The funer^ will be held obJecUves in order to make by the government task force, failure to obey a state traffic from Greenwich, came to visit Yugoslavia is the first Com­ at 1:30 a.m.' yesterday in An­ to parent, and ^ P jo y e n toe • assembly session, feels this amendment is an Im- of other news, asserting that the munist country to make a deal Wednesday at 8.IS a.m. from them conform to suggesUons supplemented by Atty. Eugene control signal (red light) at W. nature of the programs, and the jr • i__i, into if other —Twelve of the 16 main mov­ the O lu ll^ -S ^ a i^ o at workshops last month. T. Kelly and John Oarside (both Middle Tpke. and New Stote dover. the Andover Republican Town bulk of news items seem to ie houses are showing American with the Common Market. It Is Pcdite charged Fors with responslblllUes c^tu d en U and L . r»n Committee and their guests. show only toe “bod” or sensa­ W ^lngton St., Hart- The directors will be asked to are former town directors) Rd. Court date June 22. employers, vimmittoA -nw>m about Current state politics, measures fall, films complete with sex and now getting 41 per cent of Its ford, with a Maw of reqi^m at vote their approval of the com- from the C-DAP Agency, and by _____ reckless driving and operating ommittee m ^ - attended by eome 200 stu- The McOovem • Hatfield The evening took toe form of a tional side of everyday life. gore. The others are from West­ imports from Italy, EYance, under the influence of liquor or bers will coffee and dessert social, with Weicker places the blame for package of goals and ob- two directors yet to be named, leaders' to Hnns dnd arranged by social ed, calls for all troops to be out ern Europe; not a Soviet show West Germany, Bel^um, Hol­ at 9. Burial will be in Mt. St. jecuves JecUves worked out by the Steps are also being taken by a n ^ . ^ c S e d !^’th“'c a ^ .w approximately 66 persona at­ this squarely on toe people. He in toe lot. land and Luxembourg. Yugosla­ Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. ^ e n c y and ClUsens Advisory the education task force, head- unnecessary noise with a 1 Boston Hill Intogliata and Mrs. Jean Lam- and says that Congress will ,not tending, including many from said, "Tile most sougtit after —A parking problem. With a via ships them 36 per cent of its Friends, may call at the fu­ unnecessary noise with a motor negoUate a curve, al coordinator, will preside. Mil­ Bolton, Coventry and Colum­ speakers and toe ones who get Committee at tomorrow' night's ed by Nell Lawrence, to look In- vehicle yesterday afternoon. ler Haugh, A^e president for bert. amendment, Medverd explaln- Uttle over a mllUon people, Bel-.' exports. These figures can be neral home tomorrow from 2 board meeting. The 8 p.m. ses- to the possibility of estabiishtog poiTcr c h w ^ ^ ^ t l r ^ 'm ^ ^ ; road. Duffey and Doifahue are both of Southeast Asia by June 1971 bia. the most press coverage are grade has 160,000 automobiles. expected to rise as a result of to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. manufacturing of Mai Tool jand Sion ia iM i^ held to consider guidelines on teacher salaries, ed as he started up on ------knocked down several guide Engineering Co., is"committee seeking toe nomination as the permit any more appropriations Weicker, who Is seeking the the biggest ’nuts’ in toe world." niegaUy parked smaU cars ore the Common Market accord. agenda items tenure and merit pay. posts, struck several trees and chairman. ' Democratic party’s candidate in for the war after December, Republican nomination for U.S. He said, "People want sensa­ Todo/i FUNNY will $1.00 for picked up neatly by a motorized Yugoslav trade with Commu­ Mrs. Clement A. Lamb St. Court date June 22. tionalism, the more toe press last week. The fact that goals and objec— ended In a ditch where it caught When the Board of Education tbe race. Mrs. IrttagUata says 1970. senator, began his talk by say­ toch "funny'' ultd. to: fork Uft and deposited some­ nist countries is smaller and r OCKVI'LLE — Mrs. Dorothy Rie 12 basic areas of plan- lives under education had not fire. Fors is scheduled to sp­ ing, ”I don’t consider myself will write about It." Today'^FUNNY, 1200 Wthlhird St., where else. stagnant. Demiite the great hun­ (Doily) Maguire Lamb of Hart- A. Juliano Jr., aoproved both programs April her department is planning a Medverd, who resembles Duf- CItvtIond, Ohio 44113. , ^aguire ^ i.io m x.uri- jUng for a C-DAP which have included any menUon of these m White " s t.'c h ^ e d 'ir ito ’rid* P*®*" in Manchester Circuit 13, La'wrence said he expected similar assembly for Republl- fey in speech and mannerisms, anything too special.” To toe Weicker appeared to be urg­ —’’Playboy” magaslne, open ger for cars, hundreds of new ing toe people to get more di­ ford, sister of John S. Maguire been reviewed are culture, eco- items has been criticised by i- - - mntnivvrlfl^^Tiin nhi-enaf Court 12 June 2 0 . to place 40-4S seniors in the tov- can candidates June 16 l^ t is also Implied that Donahue is assembled Republicans he sug­ to the center spread, displayed Soviet Moskvitches and Pobedas ^Rockville, toed Friday at St. nomic development, education. AgosUnelll and Director David v M te rd i^ ^ J ^ n ^ E MW^ Other ' area police activity: erslfled Job phase, and 18 girls having trouble getting represent not as sincere as Duffey in his gested that although toe com­ LoweD Weleker Jr. rectly Involved In what is going on newsstands. In bookstore are sitting unsold, in a storage Francis Hospital, Hartford. She general government, health, Odegard, who feel that auto- ^ COVENTRY ing state convention Is Impor­ on around them, to become windows, toe Kama Sutra and lot near toe center of Belgrade. toe Tpke. Court date June 22. in nurses aide program at Man- tatives. desire to end toe war. more aware of what the govern­ A^igUantes Have was the wife of Clement A. housing, public safety, recrea- matic tenure and lock-step pay (Coventry police yesterday ar­ Chester Memorial Hospital. . Michael Medverd of New ‘‘All politicians want an end tant, they had "better start con­ inflation was caused by ’’gov­ explicitly sexy American nov­ Yugoslavia allows 600,000 ot Uou, social services, transporta- Increases should be ended. rested two Manchester persons centrating on winning an elec­ ernment Spending and spending ment is doing and why, to re­ els. Its citizens—about 6 per ceht of Students will attend classes in Haven, Duffey’s main speech to thfr .war,” he said. "It’s good' establish toe lines of communi­ A Nose For Survivors also include a son, tlon, and interpersonal commu- Lawrence and C-DAP Agency u j *1 Rockville couple in a the morning, and work three or writer, told students that Duf- politics. But Duttey is too only tion." He described himself as not meant to get toe best use of —^Branded Scotch whisky in toe male population— to work two daughters, two other broth- nlcatlons. ' ■ , (Chairman — Lyman B. Hoops 'J^^**^” ^** private home on Rt. 31 which a fundamentalist and said he toe dollar.” He said much of cation between each other, and the shops at less than $6 a bot­ for long periods in West Euro­ ers, five sisters, and seven lour hours in toe afternoon at fey is toe "only" UB. Senate one who’s willing to do some­ not to take the easy way out Streetwalkers One of toe few proposals that agreed that toe education task ° * they had allegedly broken into. toe mlninuim rate of |1.60 an candidate from Ooimecticut who thought he had "a 50-60 shot this money is used to '’shore up tle. pean countries where labor is toyo.4 _j disturbance at his home last , ______„ thing about it." and not to sit back and read grandchildren.’ —- drew ^ any ^sav«X.SOSf4criticism AlVllIfrom UlCtoe lU"to- force would w makesssunv aO studyOVUV4J andCMIU i ■ . J 1 aWl A.RJ* 1 CltllC A . AjIllrlAUK. hour. The students will receive dares to take direct action to with every hand I shake." He its great bureaucracy.” He said ZURICH, Switserland (AiP) — Ever since President Tito short, mostly West Germany. The funeral will be tomorrow rectors during the workshops then submit a report through " 37 Lenox St., and Frank Turning to other issues, Atty. about toe sensational side ot .A rv.-isf----*u^ ^ X...... morning, and his case was con- * one credit for toe work experi­ end the war. • Nelgher said, "ThM’e's a big pointed out the fact that in 1968, he is not for wage and price Vigilantes, some of them armed broke with Joseph Stalin 22 The overwhelming majority at 9:1ft a.m. from toe Thomas was a sub-goal under genei^ agency to toe directors. . . Carlin, 23, of 42 Constance Dr., controls at tola time, adding life. is expected to reitiirn. Many ence program, and one for class- But Atty. Alan Nelgher of difference, my friends, between his winning seat in Congress wlto stink sprays, are trying to years ago toe Yugoslavs have F. Farley Funeral Home, 9« government which caUed for Th® government task force “ "“®^ both of Manchester, and Don­ work toward the six elective was toe only one in Connect­ that he doesn't think the govern­ worn their communism with a will buy cars, apartments - or Webster St., Hartford, with a “the modernization and *uia scheduled its next meeting Bridgeport, full-time speech Vietnam 'and Israel," and that rout streetwalkers In this larg­ ACCIDENTS na Hall, 21, and David F. HaU, credits he may select lor grad­ writer, researcher and delegate- B>is country should help Ishael icut that "changed hands” and ment has ’’taken up their belts difference. Moscow, they say, 1s farm land wlto the money they solemn high Mass of requiem strongtoening of COuncil-Manag- fo^ noon Wednesday at Willie’s 3, both of IB Windsor Ave., uation. only one ot four in toe coun­ enough.” Weicker predicted Graduates Take est city of Switserland. out of step wlto Marx, and Pe­ earn—64 per cent of the culti­ In St. Augustine’s Oiurch, Hart- er Government administration." House; and toe education Lawrence H. Machla, 28, of 120 hunter for Donahue, disagreed In every way "short of sending, Rockville, were all charged with with him, saying that Donahue tro<^." try. that toe high interest rates Citizens’ committees in three king is marching to a different vated land is still in private ford, at 10. Buriarwlll be in Mt. The item has now been force will continue its ses- Maple St., charged with opera- " T ““ tlon while rntoxtosted end 1>*-eaklng and entering in toe wants Just as much as Duffey When the Vietnam War ends, He ended his general presen­ are about as high as its going Ad to Thank districts say they are resorting tune altogether. hands. Quite a few will start pri­ Bt. Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ amended so that toe word with a meeting next Tues- intoxioated, €ind ^ and the trend 'Will be to go vate businesses. The bslnesses A bout Tow n and anyone else to see toe war ^® said at another podnt, "iMr. tation wlto toe following state­ to self-defense because street- The differences between Yu­ field. "Town" h ^ ^ e n subsUtut^ ‘‘ay. J>“ ® W. at 7:30 p.m. in p ri^ * p ro p e rty . Donahue has a plan for our ment, referring to the cam­ down. The Taxpayers goslavia and the Soviet bloc go can't grow very big, but Parlia­ Friends may call at the fu­ for "OouncU-Manager." the Municipal Building coffee An ad to tl^ "^ charge of mis- The Religious Education ®*'‘*’ domestic problems," Regarding Israel’s request for walkera have Increasingly shift­ a lot deeper than toe superflclal ment is now considering a bill to neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Board of Second Congregational "It’s not so,” Atty. Nelgher paign. "I have one Job, to go RK3HMOND. Va. (AP) — This change is in reacUon to , „ . , . driven bv D^nna””*]!''"w k-"m the flag was placed When a student asked h\m '{t ahead and beat a Democrat. Jet fighters, Weicker supported "Nobody over thanked toe tax­ ed to residential quartera. onea cited here. let private emgjiloyers hire as criUclsm voiced by Mayor An objective relating to - Q i n ^ m ^ M ^ t o a n d ^ ^ ‘gainst David ^ 1 . iPoUce said Church will meet tonight at 8 said, "that there is only one toe request with the statement, many as 10 pftople, instead of 6 Otto Nelson at toe church. candidate in this state who a depression would follow toe ’Ihat’B my Job." He then open­ payers." ‘ In one section, volunteers ac­ Americans may have their Nathan Agostlnelli, William Dl- a®rvices for people on w e lf ^ « ’• ®-t M®P>® and Spruce end of toe war, Atty. Neigfier re- ’’The only thing Israel has ask­ companied by police dogs carry doubts about (President Tito’s as at present. Funeral services for Otto ana, and Donald Wells during amended by toe addl------wants to end toe war '. . . It’s ed the meeting up to questions That was toe conclusion piled that Nixon should be tell­ on specific subjects. ed for Is arms to protect them­ reached by the officers of the repellent spray cans they nonaligned foreign poUcy. To Nelson of 24 Church St., who one of toeuie worksIioDs wuriuuiups. The m e eon-con tlon.. .. of a . clause suggested by •' Michael T."in— RliwBloom. 19. of All xfour are scheduled^ 4 , 4 to4 4 be. Loyal Circle of Center Congre- only a questlph of approach." ing Industry to sta^'now to con­ selves. I think can a'vodd di­ threaten to use on every prosti­ died Friday night at a Man­ Rational Church will have a pot- Donahue’s approach, Atty. On Cambodia, Weicker said vro 1,8(X) member senior class at some it often seCms nonaligned vert some . of ito emphasis to he meets 60 to- lOO people dally rect Involvement If we give Virginia Polytechnic Institute. tute they spot. They warn that against toe United States. But Nation’s Weather chester convalescent home, will luck tonight at 6:30 in Robbins Nelgher said, has been to sup- "peacetime" .products stxto as them what they want. If we the stinking fluid -will put the be tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Wat­ in Washington who come to As a result, this morning’s there is a widespread feeling in By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS „vl.lorr,lion KS . p n « r,u j ta JSSl m I to n Room of to® cylirch. port toe Cooper-Church amend- equipment for mass transit and don’t, we may have to answer girls out of action for hours. Europe that toe So'vlets would kinsKUID xiutoatto Funeral Home,wawa.aw, 142------E.------Cen liavB 0060 reCOmmenaeO, to l«taoaA..o tmuia/ut. Ulc . , . ----- ment which requires toe presl- discuss Cambodia, and he re­ editions of toe Richmond Most of toe eastern half of tov. Wn to ttot all p.ra°n. without th. ^ 4, Aodov., exploratjch of the sea. our commitment.” In another, self-appointed not Invade Yugoslavia because tor St. The Rev. Dr. J. Manley gtudy toe various forms of gov- 0.4II444J ability 4,4or means to44, 0441,^0,44support , „^ g^ne OO » 11,.-I. Tl_ C J j . . . W .. , The 4 reunion 0 444444,,, 4,4of lUWIIClformer Ver-TOl- 0601dent totO WlUlOrBWwithdraw Sitall U. O.3. ceived 10,000 letters on the sub­ Times-Dlspatch carried a quar- toe i>aition enjoyed mild tempera­ A t^.^ Nelgher received loud In answer to questions about wardens take down the license they know toe Yugoslavs would tures under clear skies today, FREE Shaw, pastor of South United HljieUl, wsvii4o«;two ^ «stcuxivcMparl»on of too candl- .” He said he 'will not accept toe than 100 students who parclpat- under a recent court ruling that of discussion in the press . ranged from 41 at Houlton, Mato ^led in toe actions. conducted a Masonic memorial glsters, Mrs. Edward M. Cur- Britain and of______iU Missionary^ by an unknown otBces of Dr. Luke O’Connor In South Windsor Is Barbara too choir at South Methodist Medverd said Duffey is Referring to toe people of our ’’tearing down of our govern­ a prostitute cannot be bocAced Slops have a wide variety of to 84 at Blythe, Calif. service last night at toe fu- tin Sr., Mrs. Elisabeth C. Society and its Ladles Guild. Blue car ^Mle Rlsley was driv- “ tl 1^- Joseph Krlstan, bothtj V ^ c k ot 266 Farmstead Dr., Church In Manchester and not a "newcomer” like Dona- ment” but neither •will he ac­ Langhans said toe ad, author­ for mere loitering. PoUce now country and their attitudes re­ ized by the senior class officers We Need You at neral home. Meyers and Mrs. John J. She was also a member of *”8' 'west on E. Middle Tpke. located In toe professional build-1- W»PPlng. She may be reached president of the Boston Uni­ hue, but has been working cept toe use of ’’excessive can act only if streetwalkera are Martha Chapter, OE8; a past he told police. ing next to the hospital on Unlop garding toe issues, he said, and purchased by class treasury Lynch, all of Hartford; and y o a^ e ^ y , versity Club of Hartford. against toe war since 1664 at "Nobody U listening to any­ force” against those •who pro­ seen soUoltlng. Raynumd E. Baglln several nieces and nephews. grand of the Crescent Club, a ' ------Wapptag has been Snelgrove's which time Donahue supported test. He said, ’’Only when we funds, was toe result of a meet­ past noble grand of Unltjr Anthony R. Corso, 36, of 66 Police have not yet detormta- Registration for too Sum. . _ body else. We’re all Jumping to ing of class officers following SHIPS DWINDUE TO MS BOLTON—Raymtmd E. Bag- The funeral will be Wednes­ home for toe past seven years. .Tohnson. (The Rev. Mr, Duffey conslusions before anybody asks abandon common sense do we Ita Sr., 66, of Coventry Rd., died day at 9:16 a.m. from toe Dil­ Rebekah Lodge; a mem'^f’ of “ a*’*' West Dr., Rockville, was ed how entry was gained. Be- mer School Program under toe He resides at' 66 Valley'view has also been working in pol­ get Into"trouble.” disturbances at 'VFI. WASHTNOTON — Last year, New Britain General Hospital J®®ued a wrritten warning for fol- sides a large quantity of narco- a question.” The result of the meeting, be Saturday in Manchester Memo­ lon Funeral Home, 53 Main St., itics as head of Americans for He pointed up toe fact that Weicker called toe country’s toe Maritime Administratloi), Auxiliary, the Vlga .S6ciety, and iowing" too closely. His car tics, there was ^tso a large place at South Windsor their four children, Democratic Action.) said, was a rallzation that "no rial Hospital. Hartford, with a Mass of re- many people assume what other young people a ’•pretty great reports, there wore 9BS private­ Mr. Baglln was bom May 6, quiem at toe St. Augustine’s the -- — Valkyrian ..------^ L ^ e ., Vasa Or- irif-.it._x ® driven by Albert sum of money ahd some checks High School at 161 Nevers Rd., Brownie Ply-Dn Donahue, on toe other hand, bunch” and pointed out that on­ body ever thanked the taxpay­ ly oiwned •vessels in the U.S. M aybe OPENING SOON Church, Hartford, at 10. Burial der of America,m W l C a , all in ■ - New ------^ “ "“Vm K v a r t M,K A of o f27 4 0 T Hartland T T 41 — 0 reported------T ------stolen. June 28 from ' ------1- to- . 3 p.m. - South . Windsor J V Brownie Medverd said, U a mUUonalre people think, feel and believe er" making It possible for stu­ merchant marine, which had a 1904, in Hautford. He was the by toe way they dress or they ly about one per cent are ’’rot­ former owner of the Baglln In­ WIU be In Mt. St. Benedict Britain. «nicn in turn struck & car John J^Harty, 44, of Heidi Course fees must be paid Troops 616 and 299 at EU T^rry businessman from Stamford — ten apples.” He noted what lit­ dents to attend toe school. 6,000-ehip fleet two decades ago. surance Agency of Hartford, Cemetery, Bloomfield. Suryt^ors, besides her son, in- - ^ charged with feUlure to when students register. Pupils School held their traditional fly- good credentials, but not as way they wear their hair. He xvhat your IN ROCKY HILL and treasurer of the Connecti­ Friends may call at the fu- elude two sisters, Mrs. Florence Vernon, on yield- right of way when turn- ^^gister by mailing in ad- up ceremony In which they be- good as Duffey’s. said, ”We pigeonhole each other cut Budgie Club, an organiza- andanu tomorrowlomorrow fromiroiii 2^ luto 5o and tuiu T^-Jifinshew^ia., aiiuand Tpke. Saturday, ing left at an intersection, fol- vance a completed registratiop came Girl Scouts on May 28 ^ response, Atty. Nelgher and Judge on toe basla of black Caldor's retail sales training program offers an Uon of love bird enthusiasts. and tomorrow fro 2 to 6 and 7 Miss Elvelyn Carlson of North lowing a two-car accident at application w ith the fuU fee.under the direction of Brownie said that Donahue is not a new- or white, rich or poor, liberal outstanding opportunity for ambitious and COMPLAINTS furnace needs Survivors include two sons, to 9 p.m. children, and several nieces and South and West Sts. W th the ^exception of IMver Leaders Rosemarie Belcher and comer, but has been active In or conservative and so forth.” industrious men and women to become associated Raymond E. Baglln Jr. of Nor­ Boynton Beach, Fla.; two grand­ LutoTr^^^^h Moriarty was at. Training, Instrumental Music, Linda Guevremont. such projects as Sargent The problems, he said, are wjth one of the fastest growing department store nephews. ’’people problems.” He added, man, Okla., and Kent' C. Bag- Mrs. M. CecUi w ^ tto n Lutheranat about 6Church -to thin on mornin.. Pitkin ooA St. tempting‘®"'P™»g to make a left turn and Chemistry, cmemistry, toethe feetee fortor real- New Scout members are Judy Shriver’s business council on chains. ROCKVILLE 7-: Mrs. M. Ceci­ ”We are an angry and in­ is an Ita of Bolton; a sister, Mrs. Fhuieral services will be to­ Stole a tape re c o X ^ 4 d a t ______f^® __ .Poverty ^____^ program In V Wash- lia Dutton, ^76; of Glastonbury, morrow at 11 a.m. at toe First t T r e l Z temperate qountry. That’s not Ethel Mellor of Orlando, Fla.; $40. Elntry was made by remov- on West Rd. non-resident $26. Deskls, Pauline Hjame, Linda higton, D. C. and a grandchild. a Rock'vfilg native, died Satur­ Lutheran Church of New Britain, ing a mall slot on a door Of- arrested Sunday was June 29 McOillough, Susan Sobolov, When toe period ended, some the American way. If only we day Wethersfield convales- 77 FYanklln Square. Burial will could get together and listen to The fimeral will be held Hces were------searched,X but nothing Robert E. Alley, 22, of Center run through August 7. Most Lynn Scho}^ and Sharon Var- students still had questions and oil change. NOW HIRING tach otoe%’ Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the ceptnome after a long illness. be in Falrview Cemetery, New else was taken. Rd. He was charged with failure "® for enrichment but rick. approached the candidates per- Taylor and Modeen Fimeral ^Sne was toe widow ot Albert Britain. _____ to drive right after _a one-car _ _ ® “ fj* school student may earn Also, Jayne Appleton, Susan sonaUy for answers. In referring to the Repub­ Home, 136 S. Meiln St., West Wilfred Dutton. The Erickson-Hansen Fimeral An outboard motor belonging WtadsorvlUe M . credit by securing approval Bany. Nancy Bassos, Joanne Mrs. intagUata said she asked lican Party on this matter, he Hartford, with toe Rev. Mrs. Dutton was bom June 4, Home. 6 Hart St., New Britain, to toe Ladabouche family of 306 / “®y struck a highway k. B r r r ^ , L«8a„ _ La Brecque, representatives for „„toe „„„ other urged that It be a ’’positive MALE & CTiarles W. Kuhl, pastor of 1896 in Rockville, daughter of is In charge of arrangements. E. Middle Tpke. was taken from -*“ey was al- „ ^ obtained Kathleen Morse, Debbie Pobut- DemocraUc candidates for U.8. party” and a party of good and Zion Evangelical ^ Lutheran Florence and Margaret Kinsella There are no calling hours. toe _ garage sometime over the issued a warning for driving ^ ' klewtc^ Gloria Russell and Senate to attend but that they that It support the things that Less work for Mother. Church of Mancberter, officiat­ English, and had lived in Glas- The family suggests that any weekend^^ after drinking. Both Alley and 8«sl«rove Named Jamle Wall. could not ^ moat affect toe people. ing. Burial \ria be in Falrview tonbury for 60 years. She drove memorial contributions be _____ Moriarty are scheduled to ap- Snelgrove wlU serve South Windsor wlU have Its ______Regarding health services, FEMALE Cemetery, VVest Hartford. a Glastonbury school bus for 26 made to toe Masonic Home and Someone broke Into an oU P®®*" tn Rockville court July 7. “ Haitfort w a chairman of first Cadet troop this year which housing and transportation, Friends may call at the fu- years before she retired. She Hospital, Wallingford, case at a service station at 204 toe annual alumni giving pro- wlU be under the dlrecUon of Weicker said he wants his party Full & Part Time - Day or Evening ner^'hom e tomorrow from 2 to was a member of St. Jam es’ — ^— Hartford Rd. and made off wlto gram for Boston UnlversUy. Rosemarie Belcher and Gloria Four Quartets to stand for the most advanc­ CONVENIENT SCHEDULES ARRANGED 4.And 7 to 9 p.m. Episcopal Church and toe Mrs. Hulda G. Beermann 20 cans of oil valued at $16. Motorists File He will organize a personal Hartta. New fly-up Cadets are ed Improvements In these The family suggests that any American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. Hulda Seaburg Beer- _____ soUcltaUon campaign, ”CJial- Lynne Hebert, Darlene Salyer At Guest Night areas. He supports more expen­ Many desirable employment opportunities are memorial donations be made to both in Glastonbury. mann, 90, of Hartford, former- A portable television and a Damage Oaims lange 400,” wlto a goal to JUl Kremldas, Stephanie Wolk,’ Four award-winning quartets ditures in housing. On educa­ a charity of the donor’s choice. available in our store. We pay a premium for Survivors include a son, Fran- ly of Manchester, died yester- tire were taken from a storage achieve $400,000 in voluntary EYances Wilcox, Joanne Ty- wlU perform tomorrow at 8 p.m. tion, he' said, "Getting back experience, but we are happy to train ambitious cis E. Dutton of Clinton, former- day at St. FrancU Hospital in are at toe hpme of Frank W. Against Town support for current operat--lutkl, Barbara Reuse and Deb- Bie Army-Navy Club at a money to the towns has. long James Carr ly of Manchester; two daugh- Hartford. She was toe widow PhlUp Jr., 89 ^cam ore Lone. people who may not haVe retail experience. Excellent . A Thompsonville motorist, tag expenses from alumni and hie Gates. This troop will spe- Pt®®t night hosted by the been overdue.” ’The Ideal, he pay, superior on-the-job training, unlimited BOUTON — James B. Carr, ters. Miss Adna Dutton and of Henry Beermann. ' _____ friends in this area. ciallxe in drama. Mountain Laurel Cliorus, Hart- said, would be not to have all of Hartford, former i>artner in Mrs. Frances Koehler, has filed opportunity for advancement! Mrs. Richard Morrow, both of Mrs. eeBrmann was born At 91 Sycamore Lane, toe a notice In the Manchester town Snelgrove graduated Boston Brownie and Girl Scout Lead- *oril Sweet Adelines, and the the money go into the central Doc’s Drive-In Restaurant at Glastonbury; a sister. Miss June 30, 1879, in Sweden, and home of John Powell was rob­ clerk’s office, claiming person­ University's OoUege of Bustaess era are in great demand and Silk City Chwim, Manchester fund and to give broader tax­ Bolton Notch, died Saturday at Mary English ot Tarpon had lived in Manchester for 15 bed of three suitcases stored in al Injury to herself and damage Administration in 1962 and ia anyone tatonstod ia asked to Chapter of SPfiBSQSA, ing power to toe local towns. • HOUSEWARES • MAJOR APPLIANCES his home. Springs, Fla.; five grandchll- years before moving to Hartford his cellar. to her car. Bur- call Gloria Hartta. "The Four Statesmen,” 1967 On the 18-year-old vote, he • GIFTWARES • SWITCHBOARD Mr. Carr, a former Hartford dren, and two great-grandchll- 30 years ago. She was a mem- — She claims that, on April 6, SPEBSQSA champions, will re­ noted, that the President and • JEWELRY • PORTERS alderman, was born in Hart- dren. ber of Emanuel Lutheran A break into oome her car hit some potholes on ceive top bUllng. They have the Natlcmal GOP policy com­ • PHOTO • SPORTING GOODS ford, son of Peter and Eliza- Funeral services will be to- Churth and the Royal Neigh- Henry Katz, 22 Scott Dr., netted Buck"land'"*St T • HARDWARE • STATIONERY sung In shows across the coun­ mittee has come out for the 18- • JUVENILE FURN. beto McGeary Carr, and had morrow at 10 a.m. at St. James’ bors of America. thieves four oi' five dollars from ^ Hebrou try and in Canada as yrell as year-old vote and said he sup­ • OFFICE ^ ...... o Ollxl’a nloo-i- koni, ------‘O’*® lose C™iroi.control. The inS car, she • DOMESTICS lived there all' of his life; He Episcopal Church, Glastonbury. Survivors include a gdrl’e piggy bank, and several the the armed forces In Cuba • WAREHOUSE claims, left the itiad and ports the 18-year-old vote. • GARDEN-PATIO • TOYS-HOBBIES was toe husband of toe late Burial will be in Buckingham Heniy Beermtum H a r tf ^ ’ ‘‘oilers. came to a stop when it collided and the Far East. Regarding Inflation, Weicker Mary Hardy Clemens Carr. He Cemetpry, Glastonbury. brother, Arvld Seaburg of m., I---- 1” • TOBACCO SHOP • CASHIERS was an Army veteran of World with some trees. Rluim Band Members Play The other performing quar­ puts the blame mainly on the • BOOKS-RECORDS • SECURITY Friends may call at toe Manchester; two sisters, Mrs entered toe home of tets will be "n ie niustons,” federal government and feder­ Holmes Fimeral Home, 400 QHith Bereer of West Hnrt Hardy Sa'wyer, 37 Tracy Dr., She has ^ retained . an attor- • COSMETICS Ln any toe 1970 Reglfta 1 police quar­ al "waste of money.” He said I Personal Notices M.i„ at.. 1404444A,,. t» i,h i MiS joK; ■k ’' r Tomorrow at St. PetePs • MEN'S, WOMEN’S. CHILDREN.'S future action. tet; "The Sparkletones,” the A change to the heating oil that burns clean because It’s ’ “ »■ o< MiUden. M « .,i . rrudeW M Notices of damage to auto- “Music for the Worship of According to Hedley HU, se- ‘®70 Region 1 third place med- CLOTHING and SHOES In Memoriam ------and three great-grandchildren. ____ mobiles have been filed by Ood,” a musical evening span- '‘‘or warden of St. Peter’s, the end ’"rhe Inspirktlons,” clean to start with. Mrs. Catherine M. Pekanus Funeral services will be held * To make sure of this, our Mobil heating oil is scien­ A car ijrZ beloi^g Z T to Mark ‘‘*''*® Manchester residents. ntag traditional to 20th Century Program was arranged to sup- **‘® District 2 champions. In lovbu memory of our dear SOUTH WINDSOR - Mrs. Wednesday at 2 p.m. at — - belonging The SUk tifically tested 21 times before we deliver It to you. And LEARN WHILE YOU EARN! Xotbeir, OlH. Annie MaQnUh, who Catherine M. Pekanus, 84. of Hill Funeral Home, 680 ™ ® aough,-----o—, 61— Union » St., ., 0440 was van- •van- WUUam Hood of 2 Stephen - —St. (M») oh^cl. nuxl. IU b. g".*”! "■P “ ■?” a’' <»»™ “ > aw ay June 8, 1964. Elm dahzed while it was parked at a *® "cektag $106.61, to cover England _ next ______February.____ There___ ^ Mountain Laurel (Jhorus______are it’s consumer-tested continuously in over 600 homes 1060 Mata St. died Saturday at st.. Rocky Hill wlto the W L O B l i i throughout the country to make sure It gives peak per­ COME IN - DISCUSS YOUR FUTURE Loring memories never die, her home. n 4 A > “>® K®v. service station at 18 McNaU St. c*®**"®** damage to his car. He prosentod tomorrow evening at will be no admission charge, but d damaged It. Chris Welsbrod, Karen Hor- oilead HUl School. . «»e event. ’The commlttoe also tell you In 20 minutes if your furnace -Ihe private fWei fonerai will be to- end receipts ^ a CumberlMd from Adams Apple, Inc, at the An insurance company, rep- Is wasting fuel. And how to correct Ood sasr the road was getUns rough. Christopher O-Omnor *"oludes WUHam Runde of the The days ore over when a woman has to drive a Volkswagen like a man. N o more clutching, or shifting. The hilts too steep to climb, morrow at 8:30 a.m. from toe Farms daily gfore were taken Parkade, at a break someUme resenting DennU K e ^ of a gultarista Pertorn^ in toe ^ b o o l physician. wlU admlW.! ^rmy-Navy CTub; K n . Rlch- r4T!^MAB.dk.B anything that's wrong. ' He gently closed your weary eyes. Glullano - Sagarino Funeral ta M armed h old^ la ^ Sunday Friday night. Entrance was Hollister St., claims that i t s ------N o w , hubby con buy you a V W Fostbock or Squoreback Sedan with a fully automatic transmission.* M obil HORNE'S MOTOR LODGE And whispered peace bo thine. braaa sextet will be Ray fei; the vaccine which haa C n 'Th®>®n, Mountain Uuml So next time you need oil, call us Washington St., night in toe store clerk gained by slipping toe rear door client’s car was damaged May drews. Stove Derby, You’ll never have to lilt a pretty little linger to get where you're going ogain. Exit 24 and Inleratate 91 Your weary bones sod days of pain, _, ___ _ „ .. „ . . obtained by Um PubUc Health *^*|Oriis, and ThCmoa MoniUx, for a change. heating oil Your troubled nights are passed Hartford, with a Mass of re- was boimd and l®ft *" a large lock with a screwdriver or «. whUe crossing the railroad ~ ' " I IMOI s And in our aching hearts we know. quiem at Holy Trinity Church, cooler at toe rear ofrtoe store, jcnlfe. tracks on WoodlLid Bt m D.'^O.N Phone S63-9132 You have found sweet rest at last. Hartford, at 9. Burial will be in Police said the clerk. Harvard _____ Carlton WeMi of 466 n toe woodwind quintet a « ^ and M HOUR SERVICE! ’Bw btow was lauxl, ttie shock se- Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery. Webber, was locking the West a window on an east door of Woodland St. Is seeking $9 23 Beverty elementary ochools wlU be- ( i s MONDAY thru FRIDAY We’ S S er thought your d«th » '^®''® ®»'® "o calling hours. S‘d® Pf M ^chester High School w m to cover claimed dam age' to n u r< ; Plwm: 643^13S near. ------11 -19 p.m. when toe two men smashed someUme before mid- her car In two senorale mla- Extendejd M odr thawthqee who love concan teUteU, h Mrs. Olga M. Moberg accosted him. On* of the ban- night Saturday. haps •^ » rn t )s \l 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ’ilie peln of psittiig without fire- ____ WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Mrs. Olga M. H alst^t Mo- ‘“t®“ “ carried a pistol e ------She claims that the right Blowen, and Beverly HIU wUl fndt T o u r H o u rs W I I DON DKI <: I n. THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. You ere not foigotten loved one. Sf*?’ *o""®riy of Manchester, The robbers opened toe cash Someone slashed a convertible front wheel of her car was be toe organ accompanist. ...' ®“P. I < •. M 11 n ■N111 I t ’ X yesterday at the Masonic register and a safe before tying top of a car belonging to Palter damaged Feb. 7 in a pothole on ITte band wlU be aMteted by Thursday, apag^tU with meat WAMNCrrON (AP) — Th» Urtmei nnxJ T_T»x._iA.i ...... ts*—a.i______I______n_ Dx.1ll..x. —.. ^ xx> ^ ..... w X f (lie JIR I »u SATURDAY 9 A.M. to I P.M. S t ®.."’** In Walling- up Webber, who was unhurt. Po- Belllveau, 142 Diane Dr., while Adams St.; uid that the left *010101 Angelyn Wesman ot B t kimouiicad today t£ For addittonal Information, wriia or phoiM Parionwtl ^■dy mlwod |oro after a long lllneta. She was Uce said the amount of money it was parked to the rear of front wheel Was damaged May Peter’a and Ruth Bodliw, or- ^-4 *• Bkturday vtattlag; I III rcl M.iil I’l ici' TED TRUDON, Inc. Moriarty Brothers DIrtetor, 20 Olovor Avanuo, Norwalk, Conn. 0SN2. towlito for hi?e Kours X .K fo r I 14*4* < .1 fjiloi: “ ^ d o w of Oscar Moberg Sr. Involved was not Immediately South United Methodist Church 16 on HUllard St., at the raU- *®nlat from the Flrat Congroga- Phona M t -I M I , axtonalon 2 B 0 dren. - Mrs. Moberg was bom In determined, Saturday night. road tracks. ttonal Church of Habnxi. mtesdi^f'toW®*, whlta ohooo- -from 10 a.m. to S pdfi—fraoT S|5 CENTER STREET >- MANCHESTER lata frostliif. BOW uirtli ftp t. ft. TOLLAND TPKE. — TALCOTTVILLE V I


Murphy-Niall DabatC'Mariotti Webster-McArdle Ortolani'Lumbruno '-';^arker'Sm ith T ambbrnini-Carlson

Miss Angela Frances Lum- The marriage of Miss Glepda The marriage of Mlaa Linda Miss Busan Virginia Carlson bruno and John Albert O rtolM lr' Joy NoU of E^gUn Air Force Dlan MacArdle of Manchester and Peter A. Tambomini II, both of Manchester, werejuJted Base, Fla., to Oerard David to David Alan Webster of Peace both of Columbia, exchanged Muiphy of Manchester took Dale, R.I., took.place Saturday in marriage Saturd^Tioon at vows Saturday morning at St. the Church of th^ Assumption. place Saturday evening at the morning at St. Bartholomew’s Cpiumba’s Church, Columbia. liie bride Is a daughter of Holy Name of Jesus C9iurch in' Church. The bii()e la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Lum- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carlson of , NlcevUIe, Fla. The bride is the daug^hter of Collins Rd. The bridegroom Is bruno of 29 Foxcroft Dr. The . Hie bride is a daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Waine M ac­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sgt. l.C. and Mrs. Kenney G. Ardle of 29 Constance Dr. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Tambomini of Rt. 87. NaJl of E)gUn AFB. The bride­ bridegroom la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ortolanl of 9 The Rev. John Silk of Cam­ groom is a son of Mr. .and Mrs. and Mrs. Elliott Webster of Trebbe Dr. bridge, Mass., performed the Peace Dale. FTancls Murphy of 437 Center The Rev. Ernest J. Ooppa of double-ring ceremony. Mrs. An­ St. The Rev. Philip Hussey, pas­ the Church of the Assumption drew Gasper of Andover was Father Solbna of the Holy tor of St. B a r t h o 1 o m e w ’s performed the double-ring cere­ organist. Vases filled with lime Name of Jesus Church perform­ Church, performed the double- mony. Paul Chetelat was organ­ green carnations and yellow and ed the double-ring ceremony ring ceremony. James McKay ist. Bouquets ot pink and white white spring flowers were on and waS celebrant at the nuptial was organist. Bouquets of fugi flowers were on the altar. the altar. ktass. Mrs. JoAnn JenUna of mums and gladioli were on the The bride was given In mar­ The bride was given li> mar­ Florida was organist. Tile altar. riage by her father. She wore a riage by her father. She wore soloist was Mrs. Glordla Bear­ The bride was given in mar­ full-length gown of silk organza a full-leng^ empire gown of riage by her father. She wore a den of Florida. Bouquets of accented with Vense lece, de­ dotted HWiss trimmed with white and yellow daisies were full-length gown of silk organza, signed with jewel neckline, white and yellow daisies, de­ on the altar. accented with Venlse lace and short sleeves, A-llne skirt, and signed with high neckline, bish­ The bride was given in mar­ pink velvet ribbon, designed a •ohiapel-length train. Her elbow- op sleeves, and cathedral-length riage by her father. She wore with stand-up collar, long length veil of silk Illusion was train. Her bouffant veil of silk pouffed sleeves, and detachable full-length crepe grown, design­ attached to a lace-trimmed Illusion was attached to a chaj^l-length watteau . train. wreath of white daialea, and she ed with elbow-lengrth sleeves, headbow, and she carried a Her elbow-length veil of silk il­ carried a bouquet of phalaenpp- empire bodice and train of colonial bouquet of roses and lusion was arranged from a sls orchids, stephantols, baby’s Chantilly lace. Her veil of silk stephanotls. illusion was attached to a silk jnatching lace headpiece, and breath and ivy. Miss Linda DePaoUs of Hart­ organza headbow, and she car­ she carried a bouquet of pha- Mrs. Robert Valtukaltis of ford, cousin of the bride, was ried a bouquets of daisies, laenopsls orchids, stephanotls, Windsor Locks, slater of the maid of honor. Her full-length carnations, and a white orchid. and baby’s breath. bride, was matron of honor. She The bride’s gown was made by Mrs. David Woods of Hamil­ empire gown of yellow chiffon wore a full-length empire gown her mother. ton, N.T., was matron of honor. was accented with white Venlse of maize yellow accented with lace and fashioned with high Mrs. Sandra Pearman of Her full-length empire gown of white lace , and fashioned with pale pink chiffon was trimmed neckline, long bishop sleeves high neckline, A-llne skirt and Columbus, Ga., sister of the s with multi-colored Venlse lace and semi-bell shaped skirt. She back panel. She carried a bas­ bride, was matron of honor. and fashioned with stand-up col­ wore a matching headpiece with ket filled with lime green car­ Bridesmaids were Miss Mary­ veil, and she carried a bouquet nations, yellow pompons and ann M urp^ of Manchester and lar, and long sleeves. She wore a matching lace-trimmed pic­ of claret color carnations and white roses. Miss Janice Cason of Cols, Ga. yellow miniature tearoses. H ie attendants were dressed ture hat, and she carried a bas­ Bridesmaids were Miss Susan alike in full-lengrth empire ket filled with dark pink mini­ Bridesmaids were Mrs. Arthur Tambomini of Columbia, sister ature carnations. Jack Frost gowns of apricot crepe trim­ Hube Jr. of Hartford, sister of of the bridegroom; Mrs. Wil­ roses, and white and blue ba­ med with yellow daisies. ‘Ihey the bridegroom; Mrs. Peter liam DlPletro of West Hartford, by’s breath. ware matching floral head­ Lumbruno of W llllng^n, sister- cousin of the brdieg;room; and pieces, and they carried bou­ Bridesmaid were Miss Mary in-law of the bride; and Miss Miss Dorothy Lange of Colum­ quets of yellow daisies. Healy of Manchester, Miss Mau­ Lynn Begin of Coventry. Their bia. Their gowns were styled to -V Dlnneen photo Ken Jobnaon photo rhatch the honor attendant’s, r s p e t e r a t a m b o r n i n i ii Richard Murphy of Manches­ reen Guy of Spencer, Mass., pink gowns and headpieces ^ M . . ter served aa his brother's best MRS. RICHARD G. DABATE and Miss Paulette Lucier of were styled to match the honor and they carried baskets filled man. Ushers were Robert MiJr- Southbridge, Mass. H ieir off- attendant’s, and they carried with lime green carnations, accessories. Both had corsages mantlc, received her assoclata MRS. GERARD DAVID MURPHY white gowns and picture hats Buiicamp photo phy of Manche-iiei, ano'.her Miss Julie L. Mariotti and of Manchester, brother-in-law of bouquets of claret colored car­ pompons and white daisies. of yellow rosebuds. in science degree In 1968 from were similar to the honor at­ NaseUT photo brother of the bridegroom; and Richard G. Dabht§, both of the bride; Bruce Gardner of Nasslff photo nations. MRS. DAVID KIMBALL PARKER John Garceau of WllUmantic A reception was held at the Endicott Junior College, Bever­ tendant’s, and they carried MRS. DAVID ALAN WEBSTER Kenny C. Nall o.' Bglin AFB, Manchester, were '\jnarrled Manchester, brother-in-law of MRS. JOHN ALBERT ORTOLANI Arthur Hube Jr. of Hartford, served as best man. Ushers Willimantic Country Club. For ly, Mass. She is employed in baskets filled with miniature brother of the bride. Saturday morning in St. feridget the bridegroom; Marc Girard brother-in-law of the bride­ MlsB Linda Eve Smith and sorles. Both had corsages of were Edward Apuzzo of Fair- a wedding trip to Martha’s Vin- the advertising department of carnations in various shades of Westport, Mass. The ring bear­ jacket and a corsage of pha- field, cousin of the bride; Thom­ Mrs. Nall wore a yellow crepe Church. and Joseph McCavanagh, both groom, served as best man. Ush­ David Kimball Parker, both of miniature roses and carnations. yard, Mrs. Tambomini wore a the Willimantic Chronicle. pink, with Jack Frost roses, er was David Hamilton, son of laenopsis orchids. as Card of Windham Center, dress with lace coat. The bride­ The bride is a daughter m qf Manchester, and Douglas ers were Peter Lumbruno of Manchester, were wed late Sat­ A reception was held at W il­ navy blue, white, and red two- Mr. Tambomini, also a grad­ and blue and white baby’s Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton Mrs. Webster is a graduate of and William DlPletro pf West groom’s mother wore a lime Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Mariotti of shorts of Essex, Md. Willington, brother of the bride; urday afternoon In a candlelight lie’s Steak House. For a motor piece outfit with navy acces­ uate of Windham High School, breath. of Manchester. East Catholic High School and Hart'Enes Hartford. green silk wool dress. 80 Homestead St. The bride­ M r ^ Mariotti wore a pink Charles Johnson of Manchester ceremony at Center Congrega­ trip to Maine, Mrs. Parker wore sories and a corsage of pha- attended the University of Vir­ Michelle Beauchaine of Mrs. MacArdle wore a pink St. Vincent Hospital School of and Frank McNamara of East tional Church. a sleeveless white dress with Mrs. Carlson wore a pale blue laenopsis orchids. Alter June 16, ginia, Charlottesville. He Is a A reception was held in the groom is the son of Mr. and lace dr^BS^ and coat, matching Rhode Island, niece of the chiffon dress with matching ac­ Nursing with affiliated classes Hartford. silk worsted dress writh match­ the couple will live in Wllliman- senior at the University of Con­ church social hall. For a motor Mrs. Rocco Dabate of 16 Irving accessories'^and a corsage of H ie bride is the daughter of matching accessories. The cou­ bride, was flower girl. Her pale cessories and a corsage of pink at Assumption College, Worces­ Mrs. Lumbruno wore a yellow ing accessories. The bride­ tlc. trip through the New England St. white roses and pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Hughey N. Smith ple will live temporarily at the necticut where he is majoring pink chiffon gown was design­ miniature Fayaim roses, ter, Mass. She was employed as silk dress with sleeveless bro­ groom’s mother wore a mint states, Mrs. Murphy wore a The Rev. Kenneth Frisbie of The bridegroom’s' mother wore of 64 S. Adams St. The bride­ home of the bride’s parents, and Mrs. Tambomini, a graduate in English. He will graduate in ed to match the honor atten­ stephanotls, and baby’s breath. a registered nurse at Manches­ cade coat she had designed, and- green ensemble with matching lime g^een and beige crepe St. Bridget Church performed a blue dress and coat, white ac­ groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. then will live in Vermont where of Windham High School, WiUl- February 1971. dant’s, and she carried a basket The bridegroom’s mother wore ter Memorial Hospital and will a corsage of apricot color tea- dress with beige accessories. the double-ring ceremony. Bou­ cessories and a corsage 0L.white Clarence P. Parker of 43 S. Mr. Parker Is a senior at Wind­ filled with complementary flow­ an orchid color ensemble with continue her nursing career in roses. The bridegroom’s mother The couple will live in M an­ quets of gladioli and roses were roses and blue carnations^ Lakewood Circle. ham College. ers. matching accessories and a Rhode Island. Mr. Webster is a wore a pink ensemble with a chester after June IS. on the altar. After a reception at the The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Mrs. Parker Is a graduate of David Woods of Hamilton, corsage of dusty pink sweet­ graduate of South Kensington corsage of pink tearoses. The bride was given in mar­ Knights of Columbus Hall, Mr. pastor of Center Congregational Manchester High School and Mrs. Murphy has been em­ N.Y>, served as best mem. The heart roses and baby’s breath. (R .I.) High School and Went­ A reception was held at the Amarel'Hockenberry riage by her father. She wore a and Mrs. Dabate left for a mo­ Church, performed the double­ was a sophomore at the Univer­ ployed at Sears and Roebuck head usher weus Dermis Mem- A reception was held at Fla- worth Institute, Boston. He is Manchester Country Club. For in Florida. Mr. Murphy has just full-leng;th gown of silk organza tor trip to N lagra Falls and Ca­ ring ceremony. Walter Grzyb of sity of Connecticut. Mr. Parker Ardle of Manchester, brother no’s Restaurant, Bolton. For a a candidate for his BS degree a northern motor trip, Mrs. O r­ Miss Patricia Ellen Hocken- and peau d’ange lace, designed nada. For traveling the bri<1e Manchester was the organist. was a graduate of Kimball completed a three-year tour of the bride. Other ushers were wedding trip to Bermuda, Mrs. in engineering at Southeastern tolan! wore a yellow silk dress with a lace-bordered rolled col­ wore a red, white and ’ blue The bride was given in mar­ Union Academy. berry and Robert James Amaral with the U. S. Arm y and has James Black of Narreingansett, Webster wore a white crepe Massachusetts University, New designed by her mother, and lar on an illusion neckline, a dress with white accessories riage by her father. She wore both q1 Hlaist Hartford, were been serving with the First R.I., and Leone^ Potter of jumpsuit with a multi-colored Bedford. white accessories. The couple silk belt, an A-llne skirt, a and a corsage of white roses. a full-length gown of dotted Ranger Co. at Eglin ABH. will live in Hampton, Va., after married Friday night at Christ Watteau chapel-length train. Mrs. Dabate is a graduate of swlss, desigmed with mandarin June 14. Dancers Score Church Cathedral, Hartford. Flndlay paoto Her bouffant elbow-length veil Manchester High School and collar, bishop sleeves, satin-ac­ Kcnto photo Mr. and Mrs. Ortolan! are The bride is the daughter ot of silk illusion was arranged Manchester Community Col­ cented waistline, and an A-line graduates of Manchester High In Irish Oub lege. Mr. Dabate graduated skirt. Her elbow-length veil of Mrs. Dorothy Hookenberry of Engaged Engaged from a headpiece trimmed with School. Mr. Ortolan! attended from Howell Cheney Technical Maxine Cheshire's silk illusion was arranged from Bast Hartford. The bridegroom seed pearls. Trinity College, Hartford, an4 Medal Events School and W ard Technical In­ a satin headbow, and she car­ Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Uccello The engagement of Miss Bar­ Miss Loma Haberem of Man­ graduated from the Computer stitute in Hartford. ried a colonial bouquet of white Joaquin Amaral of East Hart­ of ITS Spring St. announce the bara Higbie to Paul Benoit, both chester whs maid of honor. She Processing Institute, East Hart­ Several area children won daisies sAd red miniature roses. ford. engagement of her daughter, wore an apricot empire gown Washington Whirl ford. He Is now serving as a dance prizes in recent contests. of Manchester, has been an­ Miss iJois Steely of Manches­ Mias Patricia Ellen Peterson, to trimmed with flower em­ computer programmer with the Brian Donachie, son of Mr. and The Rev. Byron Stuhlmon of nounced by her parents, Mr. By MAXINE OltE^HIBE debts of the now-disbanded N a­ ter W M maid of honor. Her full- Louis Rali^i Chlocchio of Bran­ broidery at the neckline and U.S. Air Force at Langley AFB, Mrs. Matthew J. Donachie Jr. Christ (Jhurch Cathedral per­ ford. emd Mrs. Allen A. Hlgble of 477 The Washington Poqt tional Vietnam Moratorium length gown of lemon yellow of 296 Porter St., won third formed the double-ling cere­ cuffs, and an apricot picture Newport News, Va. Her fiance is the son of Mr. N. Main St. WASHINGTON — The Nl^con Committee. pique, trimmed with white lace, place for a solo jig at a feis mony. Raymond Glover of Hart­ hat. She carried a cascade bou­ and Mrs. Vincent Chlocchio of Her fiance is the son of Mr. daughters wouldn’t want Prin­ Beatty was there with Miss was fashioned with teardrop sponsored by the Irish-Amerl- ford was organist. Bouquets of quet of white roses. Branford. and Mrs. Donald Benoit of 282 cess Anne to go home and tell 'Qiristle. He came with her and Get New Homes neckline and short sleeves. She can d u b in West Haven. He also pink and white chtysanthemums Miss Peterson is employed at Woodbridge St. Bridesmaids were Mrs. her mother Queen Elizabeth, he left with her. But not before wore a matching headband, and won a second place medal for and green foliage were on the Diversified Products Corps, in Miss Higbie, a graduate of George Frank and Mrs. Conrad that Camp Da'vld is shabby. getting Nancy’s telephone num­ CARACAS — About 79,000 carried a colonial bouquet of a solo hornpipe and a third altar. Sullivan, both of Manchester West Haven. Mr. Chlocchio is Manchester High School, attend­ So the rustic presidential re­ ber. homes for small and poor farm­ yellow and white daisies. place medal for a solo jig at a The bride was given In mar­ employed at Geoscience Instru­ ed Hartwick College, Oneonta, and sisters of the bride; Mrs. treat in Maryland’s Catoctin H e’s been c ^ ln g ever since, ers have been built In Venezu­ Curtis Parker of Manchester feis in Stamford. riage by her brother, David ments in Hamden and is a N.T. before receiving a BS de­ Bruce Gardner of Manchester, Mountains, where Britain’s once after midnight, for long, ela in the last 10 yeans at a served as his brother’s best John Henderson, son of Mr. Hockenberry of East Hartford. member of the U. S. Army gree from the University of sister of the bridegroom; Mrs. Princess Anne and Prince soul-searching coiweraations. cost to the goverment of 881 man. Gary H r Smith of Man; and Mrs. Joseph Henderson of She wore a full-length gown of National Guard. Connecticut on June 1. Douglas Shorts of Essex, Md., Charles will picnic on July 16, is million. Chester, brother of the bride, 20 Packard St., won a second Chantilly lace over peau de sole, A September wedding is plan- Mr. Benoit, also a g^raduate of and Mrs. Joseph McCavanagh undergoing some discreet deco­ It’s too conspicuous to be H ie homes are built of ce­ ushered. ^ place medal for a Solo jig, and designed with sabrina neckline, Manchester High School, at­ i.( Manchester. rating. worn ernywhere the guests ment blocks, have cement floors Mrs. Smith wore a blue shan­ Joyce Ollphant, daughter of Mr. long tapered sleeves, and full tended Porter School, of design. The. bridesmaids’ gowns were There will be fresh paint, new aren’t planning to bum New and asbestos roofs, two to four tung ensemble with matching and Mrs. Leslie Ollphant of skirt. Her bouffant elbow-length Rocky Hill, and is employed as Fraochla photo designed like the honor at­ white summertime upholstery York Mayor J 4- S-13-16 5-13-' 25 Cought 55 Push 85 Idea 1-48-. ^ pecU Connecticut weather will sor. ' BurkuySCoss stioto LiaOEH DRUi vation and for the next 21 years Hartford, after June 12. Hartford, A 1969 graduate ot -ntz MASvsL or maw stsizt' M IAM I — Tile purposeful or Shop-Rite. Mr. Bemont, a 1967 from Central Connecticut State Hie United States ^ said ^1-49-37 26 In 56 A 86Foll 68-75-7*89' ^ partly cloudy and mild Mrs. Collins wore a blue silk MRS. JOHN ASHER GORDON 87Siole Mrs. Hart Is a graduate of Howell Chenety Regtcnal Techni­ PAftKAN Ml - N7 MAW imBST, MANCHISTIS ' it would drop toward the hor- scientific farming of water re­ graduate ot Manchester High College in New Britain in De­ VIR60 27 A 57 Rocogniitd PISCIS iaon. American combat troops would 28 On 58 Fovor 88 Come Ihursday and Friday with a East Catholic ,High School. She cal School, Mr. Heritage Is in shantung dress with matching ' ^ ONN OpZn MONDAY THKU BATiniDAV I'M TO I'M gions has been given such dl- School, attends the Hartford In­ cember. He is a member of AUO. It 29 TondtrKy 59 DiKount 89 Secured no. It vwj, THUMOAY «:M TO l:M When it dropped beneath the be used in the fight against chance of showers on 'Hiursday. is employed os a secretary at the Marine Corps, stationed in accessories. The bridegroom’s Buckbourd Steak House, Glas- pant suit with white acces- veree names as seafarming, stitute of Accounting. Epsilon Pi Taum u n . 11 30 Activity 60 Awoiting 90Beh^n^ ijAk. 2 0 n fe 7:4S AM. f 10 ¥M, Communists In South Vietnam Afternoon high temperatures Now Jersey. mother wore a mint green dress tonbury. For a motor trip to sorles. The couple will live at horizon, it would remain out of aquaculture, aquiculture and A late summer wedding is The wedding i^t planned for the SUte Health Department. / j ^ if the Saigon government asked 0^36-45-46-59 ) Adverse Neutral 30-4(^53-54^ wlU average Ip the mld-80s and with matching accessories. Lincoln, Maine, and Canada, the Mt. Vernon ApU., Vernon, the sky for 4S years. ma^riculture. 61-6173 Hartford. Mr. Hart Is a North­ The wedding dale has not been planned. i / J i Jan. lA, 1971. for such assistance. a^65-72-78 T.9' overnight lows In the low 60a. eastern 'University student aimounoed. A reception was held at the Mrs. Gordon wore a coral knit after June IS. PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 Section Two MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 Tolland along with producers and writ­ ManrljPBtpr TEttPiting Ifwalii Pages 13 to 24 ‘Welby,’ ^222’ ers for her special, "Annie, the Ghana Makes Second Try. WORLD ALMANAC Women In the Life of a Man," T V Tonight FACTS named the outstanding variety New Middle School G>p Three or music program. See Saturday’s Tnr Week At Democratic Government In categories of entertain­ for Complete Listings. By MORT ROSBNBLtJM press), then it’s not orttiolsm About To>ra T V Emmies ment, news and technical Assoelated PreM Writer . . . We got ralUha when we Temple (Chapter, CBS, will crafts, NBC collected 27 Em- SiM (t) Fernr Mss— wont and wrhaaw wo want >neet Wednesday at 8 p.m. st Faces New Delays By OKNl! HAND8AKBR mys, CBS 19, A ^ IS and Na­ (M) Musters ACCRA. Ghana (AP) — The them." AsMMBlated Press Writer training at Yolo and Montroal'a entertainment (uid refreshments. tor drama series, "Marcus Wel- actress in a drama series, (M) Trath er C—seeseeess to civilians eight months ago Is •d to hold up the openinj; of nter, Mrs. Carrie W o o ^ S:M (IS) Bawtas Skew (0) almost as democratic as prom­ McGill Unlveralty, aaya hla pw- Mrs, Lucy Robertson and Mrs. by; M.D.," and a weekly school­ "Mannix." S:0e (3-S) Westker — 8psrts u d Dorothy Relnohl are co-hostess­ the new middle echool until af- Mrs. Ruth Selby, The winner among classical News (0) ty auffen from lack of voting ter January ima, aiccordlnf to Hlfh team ainfle went to Mra. room story, "Room 282" have (IS) L—ve It ts B—ver ised, The opposlUon la battered power but la gaining In popular es. won the most 1970 Enunys— musical programs was the Na­ (SS) MeHale’s Navy and outnumbered, but it's still Supt. of Sclwola Kenneth Uac- Barbara Stone, hCrs. Etta three apiece. tional Ballet of Canada’s per- (M) News aupport. Keniie. Ahnert, Mrs. Pat Given, Mrs. 8;tS (M) 77 Sauet Mrlp there. Dr. Kofi A, Buala, the 87- The Btelnettes will meet Wed­ Althoufh profess was report- Lucy Oolella. A canceled series, "M y World formance of "Cinderella." 8;S« (S) News witk W alter Cr— Eoch morning year-old prime mlnlater, h u nesday at 8 p.m. at the VFW . and Welcome to It," and Its star .achievement in Sports kite (C) ed ahead of schedule a mcmth High team triple, went to the . Jai alai is a game which (8) Nears wttk F re ak B er- In natty suits and color^l t^as taken ^ on some formidable oa ad­. Home. ago, a pipefitters strike held up team of Mrs. Eleanor Campbell, William Wlndom won in the prograinmlng Ernmys went to nolds (0) file Into the high-beamed Parlia­ originated in the Basque comedy category in Sunday CBS, ‘“n>e NFL Games” and (18) Dick V u Dyke versaries, among them his own masonry work on the school. Mrs. Pat Webber and Mrs. Dot area of northwestern Spain. (S8> H uU er-B ^ey Beperi ment. Vitriolic debate soifie- Judiciary. He denounced a Su- The WCTU will meet tomor­ The pipefitters returned to Hayes. It «is one of the fastest of night’s television academy ABC’s "Wide Wprid of Sports.” 7:8* (8) After Dlaaer Movie times dissolves In laughter. row at 10:80 a.m. in Fellowship awards. Astronaut Charles Conrad re- (8) T ratk or C e u eo aeaces (G) Court ruling that re- work last week, but a railroad —Individual high single went all games, the ball reaching (18) C u d id C am era Shouts of "order, order” from dismissal of a clvll Hall of South United Methodist car full of bricks for the school to Mrs. Pat Tleury, and —in­ speeds of up to 160 miles And a twice-canceled series, ceived a special award for his (88-48) News — W eatker — the white-wlgged speaker are Church. A potluck will be s >rved "The Ghost and Mrs. Mkiir," photography during the Apollo Sports and Featare (C) servant fired in February and is miasing en route, causing dividual high triple to Mrs. per hour. The World Al­ 7:88 (88) Mrworid"lSd " — ------Weicomi respected. A golden mace held went on television to say the at nocn. further delays. Jackie Evans. manac says. The world’s brought a second Emmy to star 12 moon landing. To It B~ (C) precariously aloft by a sad-eyed Hope Lange. Recently canceled The NET series "Sesame (8-48) Ja eaaes O o a ste u court could not t^ll hla govern­ Until the middle school is High average was awarded largest jai alai flaying (18) Movie clerk reminds all present of the ment what to do. After that him- Meipbers of the Manchester completed the fifth and sixth Mrs. Melinda Matarsxo. Second court is in Miami, Fla. by ABC, the show was dropped Street’ was selected for 8:88 (38) B o w u u d M artin’s tradition they are committed to ^ League of Women Voters are In­ by NBC last year, when lOss achievement in children’s pro­ Gaask-Ia B (O) uphold. vited to attend a report of the grade classes at the high school average to Mrs. Mary An- CopyriBlit© 197^,', Lange was similarly honored. gramming. 8:88 (8) Movie with signs reading "Purge the wUl attend mornings whilte the dnilat and third Newspaper Kntcrprlae Aa^. (48) Movie At one point the only opposl' judiciary” and "Down with the league’s national convention to Mrs. Stone. Veteran actors Robert Young A citation described as "a 9:88 (8) M ayberry BFD (C) tonight at the home of Mra. Wil­ seventh and eighth grade stu­ vote of confidence, encourage­ (88) Movies tion newspaper closed, claiming judges, dents will attend school in the The most Improved and Peter Ustinov each re­ 9:80 (3) Doris Day Skew (O) pressure on the f i l t e r from liam Whitney, 169 Avery St. afternoon in September. award was given Mrs. ceived a third Emmy award. ment and support" went to the (18) Alfred Hllckeook Young won as the general directors of the three networks’ 18:88 (8) Carol B arnett Skew (C) "unseen h^ds,’ but it reopened quleUy but it Bettelheim Tells (IS) Tea O’clock Depart (C) a few weeks later, p u re e s u y ^ ^ ^ h e r showdown U In- The executive board of the The Board of Educaticm practitioner in "Marcus Welby, news divisions. A salute was 18:88 (18) Tempo 18 (C) Volunteer League of Lutz Junior agreed to move the eighth grade Juniors’ Notes M.D.,” picked as the outstand­ , (8-48) Now (C) the government hinted It might W hy Women voiced to George Syvertaen, ll:60 (8-8-3848) News — Weather Museum will meet tomorrow at classes down to the middle Members of the Tolland Jun­ ing dramatic series. James Bro- take its business elsewhere. And ior Women’s Club were gfuests CBS newsman found slain in and Sports (C) One problem la the billlon-dol- 9:16 a.m. at the museum. school along \»^th the fifth, lin, who plays his assistant, was Cambodia. 11:25 (8) Movie police were sent to search the lar foreign debut, a legacy from of the Vernon club during a re­ Are Dissatisfied 11:38 (88) 'Tonisht Show Johaay Car shop. sixth, and seventh grades, once named best supporting actor. Comedian Bill Cosby, master Nkrumah. Finance Minister J. the school is opened. ception held in honor of Mrs. son (C) The ways and means commit­ Ustinov’s third Emmy was for of ceremonies in Los Angeles, (8-48) Dick Cavett Show (C) Neither measure could be con­ H. Menaah has asked tor a third tee of the Manchester Junior Some thought had been given Howard Collins on ’Tuesday. DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — A 1:00 (84840) News — Prayer u d sidered severe compared to the Mrs. Collins is the newly K^up of Southern journalists his performance as a Jewish was nominated in four categor- SljtnSiyn Off — — rescneauiing.reschedulthg. u Creditor nations Women's (31ub will meet tonight to permitting the eighth grade merchant who provides a home ies but won in none. 1:18 _^S) New* w ^ker — Mo- tactics of the Kwame Nkrumah vvill talk It over. elected state junior director and were told today modem Ameri­ meat of MedltaUon aad at 8 at the home of Mrs. Thom­ students to remain at the high for a black youth from a slum "How will I answer to my Off regime, which Ghana’s new con­ Ghana, is the world’s largest as Hamilton Jr., 127 Knollwood school to take advantage of the wiU serve in this capacity for can women are as busy as their stitution avows will never recur. the next two years. neighborhood in "A Storm in son?” he asked. cocoa producer but ilependa Dr., Glastonbury. shops and labs which they had forebearers who tilled the soil, Summer.” The show was picked Members of the local club at­ Cavett, also a nominee, res­ Ghana tried parliamentary heavily (m the world price, begun using this year. but they are not as satisfied as the outstanding single dra­ ponded In New York. "We los­ Stock Market democracy when it led the pa- which la now low. Continued re- Women’s Home League of the It was decided however, that tending were Mrs. John Mc­ matic program. Carthy, club president; Mrs. with their chores. ers can console ourselves with NEW YORK (AP) _ Thg *'®^® African independence In strictlons on imports have kept Salvation Army will meet to­ it would be Impossible to sched­ The 22nd awards of the Na­ the thought that we just weren’t 1967, but Nkrumah soon built a the emy under control. Alvan Bacon, Mrs. Andrew 611- Dr. Bruno Bettelheim of the stock market climbed iilgher morrow at 1 p.m. In the Junior ule the seventh and eighth tional Academy of Television good enough.” early this afternoon after eras- state. The army de- Busla’a _government ------has _ Hall of the Citadel.' Hostesses grade teaching staff between vay, Mrs. David Benjamin, University of Chicago .said that Arts and Sciences were telecast Mrs. Robert Bass, MTs. James ing small morning losses. Trad- P°®®** ***■” arranged worked to Improve the Ghan- are Mrs. Ethel McCollum and the two schools, and to have after bearing children, women from tse Century Plaza Hotel In Mrs. Lucille Crawford. I ,. j » Davidson, Mrs. Paul Feelev. "seem to spend the best years, ing remained slow. ^ second try at democracy. aian’s stance in hla own ecoito- the teachers keep any kind of a j Los Angeles and Carnegie HeUI At noon the Dow Jones aver-. ^ Ghana succeeds this time, my. The major step, expelling Small Slices, Mrs, 'Carlton time schedule Mm. John Woods and Mrs. Carl of their lives thereafter on de­ in New York. Exams Slated Pattavlna. livering them by car to mean­ age of 30 indu.strkals was up 7.87 ® clear precedent tor nearly 200,000 Afrlcime Who The Service Club Coordinating In addition. Dr. MacKenzie Dick Cavett, host in New to 702.90, a 1.13 .per cent rise, African nations. In- lacked residence permits, hurt Committee of Manchester will Mrs. Laurie M. Carlton prepares to share the cake, baked by Mrs. Lionel J. explained, some equipment is Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. ingless activities." York, set the time for an even­ For Chiefs of Miss Avis Kellogg, Miss Jeanne Low and Nathan Plante, left, Buckley School PTA president, with 200 guests who attend^ the Gerard Pasterick, first vice after having beeh off more than giant. Nigeria where relations with neighbors but hold an organizational meeting used by both classes and the And Bettelheim said, most of ing of emotion, t^plause and 2 points earlier.' military leaders say they will made worii as planned. Despite Gatchell note with amusement the difference 35 tonight at 8 In Iona Hail. For retirement reception for Mrs. Carl'ton, held yesterday in the auditorium of the budget will not allow any dupli­ president, will represent the lo­ these activities are done to laughter by explaining: "This Is Nursing Homes Class of 1935 Honors school. Leaking on are Superintendent of Schools Donald J. Hennigan, and Vin­ cal organization at the Con­ Declines still led advances on civilians. some price rises and scarcities, years can. make, as they discover a picture of further information coll Mra. cation of equipment. "keep up with the Joneses" or that show that each year asks the Big Board, but by an in- Some Ghanaians hold the situ- Ghanaians moved into small Joseph Sabatella, 81 Mountain cent Ramizi, Buckley principal. Mrs. Carlton has spent 20 years of her 24-year necticut State Federation of to "keep up appearances.’ ,, ,, . . Connecticut’s first examina ------, ----„ Gatchell in the 1935B ^ition of the ^manhis. A new arts and crafts teach­ the question, to radio really Im- nursing home admin- creaslngly narrow margin. atlon is already drifting in a trading and unskilled labor ac- They were guests of honor at the class reunion Dr., South Windsor. teaching career in Manchester, the last 16 as third grade teacher at Buckley. er has been hired to begin a Women’s Club Council and proved by Teachers at 35th Fete Round Robin Workshop on June Bettelheim is a psychiatrist Istrator Itoensdng 'will be held Brokers attributed the earlier ‘l^ngei’ous direction. A leading tivlties previously dominated by Saturday evening. (Herald photo by Pinto) She received a gift certificate, presented by Mrs. Plante, for portraits to be course at the middle school to and director of the University of pictures?' ” between 9 a.m. and noon tomor- decline to a conrtlnuatlon of the JournaHst complains his phone Nigerians and other Africans, Teachers who came to Man- his remarks by urging those The MeUuxliat Men will hold done of her grandchildren; a purae from the Buckley faculty, presented by Bfir replace the Industrial Arts pro­ 17 in Meriden. Among the highlights, be­ present to become Involved in the annual cookout tonight at The Tolland Junior’s will Chicago’s Orthogenic Sch(x>l. ow at the State Armory in Hart­ profit taking that led to Friday’s topped and his mall is One- side effect has been a (rfiester High School when mem­ m izi; and a (lertificate of appreciation from the Board of Education, presehted gram, already begun by some "Taking them to scout meet­ tween commercials tor bras, ford. sharp decline. Because the °P®ned. Others charge the rul- shortage of hands to pick cocoa bers of the Class of 1935B be­ community i.ffalra and to stay 9:30 at Susannah Wesley House students. serve as hostess club to the girdles, take-home fried chicken Involved as a\ means of keeping of South Methodist Church. by Dr. Hennigan. Arthur H. filing, retired superintendent of schools, paid state junior clubs In Connect­ ings, the dentist and orUuxIon- Francis P. Dellafera of Man­ downswing came on extraorill- Progress party uses govern- beans, but a National Service gan their high school careers Youth Arrested at Airport The board feels this course tist not to speak of the psycholo­ and cigarettes, were— democracy stihng. tribute to Mrs. Carlson. Attending from out of town were Mrs. Carlton's icut on June 20 at the Mansfield chester, riiairman of the newly- narily slow trading, however, ">®nt apparatus for its own pur- Ctorps now being set up should were guesto of honor Saturday can make up for the loss of the gist and psychiatrist, may seem —^The naming of "'Room 222" created, 9-member State Borad investors decided that profit P®®®®- handle that while flghUng unem- Robert Vennart, a permanent The after-Bch(K)l group for brother, Walter Meader, and his wife from Stonington; and Garth Meader, a program. State Training School. The necessary for the well being of as the outstanding new series night at the S6th reunion of the reunion committee member, On Town Narcotics Charge junior high students of South nephew, from Mystic. (Herald photo by Pinto) Junior Executive Boaiti will in­ of Nursing Home Examiners, taklng was starting to dry up Many say the 668 civil ser- ployment and improving fnin«g class at the Manchester Country A substitute course will also the child," he said. and two of its stars, Michael and began some cautious buy­ vants fired in a housecleaning trees. sadd the class has had a reuion United Methcxlist Church wHI struct the new chairmen and said an estimated 200 are ex­ Club. An ESaat Hartford youth was in Manchester Circuit Court 12 be created for those who have "But," he added, "it offers lit­ Constantine and Karen Valep- pected to take the first exams ing, analysts said. last February were political Plans tor afoot for ckxMr eco- every five yrors' since 1905, a meet tomorrow at 2:18 p.m. in the state chairmen on ideas for litiss Avis Kellogg, Miss tradition that "will be continued arrested on narcotics charges on June 22- also. the Youth Lounge of the church. Americ(to Academy of Pe- Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the been taking some aspects of he coming ' club year. tle satisfaction when compared as best supporting actor qualify for Itcensee. All nurs- Trading continued light, how­ casualties. nomlc relations with Ivory Vernon home economics, which also and actress In a comedy. Jeanne Low and Nathan Gatch- in the future." by M{tochester detectives end dlatricui. Hla duties will include Edith Peck Room of the Rock­ Serving as hostesses will be with equally time - consuming Ing home administrators must ever, indicating that most trad­ "Let’s just say the govern- (Joast and Togo, French-speak- ell, who came to the high schooi will not be Included at the tasks women used to perform —Patty Duke, named for an be licensed by J'uly 1 under Pub­ ers were still standing on the ment Is highly sensitive to crlti- ing neighbors to eiUiM’ side, Ward Krause andVMrs. ElUza- Windsor L^ks 'pwlice as he land­ Manchester Garden Club will finding proper medical care for ville Public Library. middle school. Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Philip outstanding single performance in 1991, were Introduced to have a potluck Wednesday at 6 New Head Start c(toes arising among the 32 chil­ Diana Anderson, Greg Cara- Nangle, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Bass, because they were obviously lic Act 764, adopted by the 1969 sidelines, analysts added. cism,” one foreign political spe- Ghana has made up with Zam- atMTUt 90 members of the class beth DeSimone Pci'velack dis­ ed at Bradley International Alr- The second phase of construc­ necessary, not for keeping up in "My Sweet CSiarile." session of the (General Assemb­ Airlines, oils, metals, motors, cialist observes, "niey are hla, whose President Kenneth tributed 20 prizes donated by Youths Caught p.m. at the home of Miss Mllli- dren participating in the pro­ vella and Fnuik Malkin, will Mrs. Feeley, Mrs. Benjamin, —Britain’s David Frost, win­ by Mra. Doris Geer Stavens, px>rt in Windsor Locks Saturday cent Jones, Toll(tod Rd., Bolton. Medical Chief gram. tell about a field trip taken by viAu.tion at the Middle School pro- ,^ie, lars. An- ^‘“" ‘lards, but for keeping body ly- rubber issues, mall order-retail, committed to a functioning op- Kaunda admired Nkrumah. Mrs. Betty Harvey Hamilton and the reunion committee and Mrs. Claudius Ck)Ie, Mrs. ning for outstanding variety se­ friends. Stanley Mcuikus, who night. In Break Try Members are reminded to bring Bible Stihool their group, through the gorge Wlnans, Mrs. Lance Lash- together." Qualifications for licenses may aircraft and electronics were all position—but not one that tone- One country still at outs with Walter Fordo, memibera of the Is Appointed ries with his syndicated talk be obtained from the board sec­ generally higher. Steels were tl°ns very weU.” Ghana Is Guinea, where Nkni- came from Florida, received a Edward M. Slosek, 19, was place settings. The event was Jitoe 13 h^ been set as the of the Tankeroosan River, llielr and rooms but”l)reMnt***’”^™^ **'’ T**°n>as Schroeder and Bettelheim said that although show. permanent reunion (xnnmlttee. Two Hartford youths were ap­ originally scheduled for tonight. final date tor registration of pu­ talks will be illustrated with aad rooms, but present con- „ „ ^ Warner. a wife’s education may be on a retary, State Health Depart­ off, while chemicals and rails Dr. Godfried Agama, leader mah lives. He talks continually The honored guests recalled prize for the greatest distance arrested on a Circuit Court 12 Dr. Harold Shapiro of ’276 struction is limited to the first —Susan Hampshire, best ac- traveled. prehended at gunpx)int by Man­ pils for the Trinity Lutheran slides. Kindergarten Sessions Par her husband’s, it often ment, 79 Elm St., Hartford. were mixed. of the opposition In Parliament, of returning to CHiana In many amusing iivcidents involv­ wamuit, (harglng him with two Meriine Rd., has been appoint­ stage. dramatic series for Copies of the legislation Other prizes were given to chester p>olice early this morn­ Churitii’s seventh annual vaca­ During the business meeting Meadowbrook School Princl- “forced to lie fallow." h A ■•TO. O’ rt - " — The Associated------Press 6<>-stock- says: "CMticlsm Is allowed of triumph. From all IndlcaUans ing several of the class memters counts of sale of narcotics, and ed by the American Academy of Teacher Openings toe Brittoh-made The Forsyte available In both the secretary average at noon was up 0.1 to the government. Its’ just less few want him back. Except present. Gatchell summed up Mrs. Doris Geer Stavens, most ing during an attempted break Past Presidents tion Bible School. Historical Society members will There are only four teaching pal Donald Parker has-announc- "My sympathy is the result of grandchildren; William and Mit- two counts of p>08session of a Pediatrics to serve 'as a medi­ As a particular department la dicuss the “W(tik into History" ed that parents of all registered the realization that women have ’ 0* etote’s office or the office of 241.5, with industrials up 1.2, publicly evident. If criticism In p e r h ^ , to dlscusa some legai into Cole’s Atlantic Station on positions stUl to be flUed in the Bancroft was the legislaUve commissioner. rails off 0.5, and utilities off 0.2. the House is not reported (In the and financial questions. tie' Chapman Keish, most re­ controlled drug. cal consultant to the Head StaH filled it will be necessary to ter­ event being planned tor Oct. 2 kindeigarten children beginning so much more difficult," he W. Center St. To Recall Terms Program in Milford. minate further enrollment. The and 3. Invitations to exhibit local schools, one in science. cently married; Lewis Jemes, Slosek came in on a 9:20 flight ■‘Refiection — A Salute to one In music and two thlni slmply assumes most children; Mrs. Claire TTmothy S. Chapman, 17, and Head Start is a pre-school schcKil will run from June 29 items of historical interest, have notified via telephone as to from Los Angeles, Calif., and a Paat Presidents" will be the grade teachers. that his job comes first, and Stephens LaBelle, youngest Peter J. (Jhoptij, 16, were, charg­ education program conducted through July 10. been sent out to more than 100 which sessicHi their children will that family life has to adjust to single child, and Waiter Forde, search by p>olice turned up a theme of a smorgasbord by during the summet aixl spon­ Those interested should con­ local groups. Anyone interested Grant Research GOiNG FOR (puantity of a seed-Uke material ed with breaking (tod entering the Women’s Society of the Edward Lamotoe, of iDockerel be attending in the fall. most faithful male reunion com­ sored by the D®partment of tact Mra. Walter Schindler. In helping the project is invited Those wishing to be notitied VACATION? susp>ected to be marijuana, and with criminal intent, and larce­ (Community Baptist CSiurch to­ Rd. has offered hto services to Bettelheim’s talk came on toe mittee member. ny under $260. Health, Education and Wel­ Three members of the Rock­ to attend Wednesday’s meeting. six cap)sules of sp>eed. morrow at 6:30 p.m. In Fellow­ Anyone wishing further Inlor* the boanl to look into various ® ®‘®"'P®<»’ second day of a five - day semi­ Hava yoiir dhoas rapalrad Also Involved in the program The charges are in nnection Entry to the station was ap­ ship Hall of the church. fare. D^Shapiro’s appointment ville High School History Club aspects of state and federal self addressed envelope to Park­ nar on "What is Happening to were Geoige Leary, clctss presi­ came the result of a con­ will speak at the meeting of the mation should contact Thomaa er. care of the school. at Manebaatar's oldast with the alleged sale of hashish parently gained by breaking the After the dinner former pres­ grants to see If anything is be- American Women" sponsored by dent, who welcomed the guests; to an undercover p>oUcemen at window in an overhead door. idents will speak on the hlgh- tract between HEW (tod the Vernon Historical Society, Connell, Donnell Rd. ing overl(x>ked in these areas. Generally those living to Duke University and the South- sboa rapair shop! Richard Oarp>enter, who offered areas now attending in a Manchester drive-ln restaurant Police arrived on the scene af­ Ights of their terms of office. The board granted him per­ toe ern Newspaper Publishers As­ the blessing before dinner; Mrs. on April 16 (tod 26. ter a call, (tod found several TTiey will include Mrs. Frank mission to do the research and morning will go in the after- sociation Foundation. SAM YULYES Jane Bantly Behnke and Mrs. nn next year and vice versa. Court date In Windsor Locks tires pile(l outside the station Carpenter, Mra. -.Winthrop Bal­ Dr. MacKenzie will notify toe Twenty-two journalists, most Nova now priced ^159 less: as OAK STREET Franny Ecxiellente Lucas, hos­ was set at June 22, and he w(U9 that were similar to some in­ lard, Mrs. Raymond Rud- Connecticut Association of of them women, are participa­ (a few stepa from Main) pitality committee. released on a written promise to Manchester Evening Herald side. They then circled the sta­ dell, Mrs. John Ruff, Mra. Boiutls of Education (CABB) to ting. Tony O’Brlght’s band played Manchester p>olice, who set the tion, (tod caught the two at the John Neubert, Mrs. Everett see what information .can be Tolland correspondent Bette for dancing. bond-at $6,000. He is to ap7p>ear Quatrale tel. 87S-2846. rear of the station. Van Dyne, Mrs. Lawrence provided. Bond, set at $6,000, could not Sleeves, MFs. Edward Cor­ Joint Meeting Public Records And you still get tilings be made, (uid the two were coran, Mrs. Henry Robert, Mra. 8AVE2WAYSATSINGERN0W The Board of Education will Wore ‘Ring Keys* taken to Hartford Correctional Russell Granniss, Mra. Rich­ attempt to set up a meeting ROME — The Romans were Warrantee Deeds Center. ard Yerks and Mra. Walter with the Board of Selectmen the first to use warded locks, Harold F. Brooks Sr. and App>earlng in Manchester Cir­ Loomis. and the Middle and High School in which obstruotlons of -varioiB Katherine T. Brooks to Herman cuit Court 12 this morning, they Mrs. John McClain will con­ Building Committees to discuss sizes and shapes stopped all M. Frechette, two parcels at 94 Today’s go-anywhere, had their cases continued . to duct worship In song. Members possible maintalnance prob­ smaller cars doift offer. of the Mary Greene Circle will keys but the right one. Since Broad St., conveyance tax June 20. lems. Roman togas had no pockets, 828.05. be hostesses. Among items to be discussed Roman ladies and gentlemen Norman______and Dorothy... W. Poole do-anything Hush Puppies. wtu be ways of avoiding dupli- -wore their keys on their fingers to Stephen M. and Carlynne M. cauon of work and equipment, in the riiape of” ring keys.” Fisher, property at 44 Horton well as the possibility of In the Middle Ages, lock- Rd., conveyance tax 827,60. getting the town’s assistance In smltte tried to improve on the Marriage Licenses Over 12 cubic feet Automatic picking up trash at the schools. Magic-Mirror s a n ity of the ^ r d e d lock, ggott WlUoughby, 184 of luggage space. Seats big enough ignition key alarm. acrylic lacquer finish. When the "no burning" law but almost without exception Rirch St., and Linda Maureen tor live big people. becomes effective in July, all they failed to make any real Kearns, 104 Spruce St., Jime 18, Stmndmrd. Standard. Standard. trash from the schcxils will have change in design. Instead they St. James’ (Jhurch. to be hauled to the dump. depended on Involved devices to Standard. Dr. MacKenzie reported he thwart thieves. David Llewellyn Jones, Bo<- had received a quote from toe One Ingenious method made ton, {tod Marie Simone Morin, 140-hp six or head of maintenance on a plch- use of a chest that, when 96 Glenwood St., June 26, St. 200-hp V8. up truck tor »2,600 if there is opened, presented to the tWef James’ Church. Steel cargo enough money left In this a shallow tray with five small Judd Morton Olson, Marion, guard in trunk. year’s budget, the board will holes in the bottom. The thief’s Ohio, (tod Madeline Carol Bald­ consider purchasing the vehicle first impulse was to shove his win, 156 Waritooke Rd., June 20, tor use in hauling the trash. fingers into the holes to remove St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Otherwise it will have to be the tray and thus get at the Arthur Andrew Dio, Wllltams- taken out of next year’s budget. treasures beneath. But if he vllle, N.Y., and Evelyn Ruth Olrl Scout Notes did, a steel trap snapped on Armstrong, Rockville, June a, Mrs. Nancy Lawson and Mr. his fingers and held them. Emanuel Lutheran Church. Kay Mahoney, represented Tol­ land at the annual meeting of the Connecticut ’Trails (Jouncll of Girl Scouts at East Hamp­ ton, last week. Mrs. Lawson is a delegate from the Nathan Hale Commu­ nity Association to’ the Connect­ COMPUTE llOBiftT i SM ITK »«’ / > . ( icut Trails Council and also IMIUHANtliltH* serves as local troop organizer. Quaker Maid GivesY^ou Storage Mrs. Mahoney is serving as unit chairman tor the Girl Scouts INSURANCE Space... And Lots Of It! to Tolland. University of Connecticut I II II II M ill M i l inner fenders, front Not an inch of space is wasted when you have us President Homer Babbidge was SERVICE and rear, to protect keynote speaker. the outer fenders. install a Quaker Maid* Kitchen in your home. . . Bowling Champions lltl.sll not even usually unusable corners. It’s our way of Winners of the St. Matthew’s I Stmndard. Springs matchod Women’s Bowling League this to wolght of tho car. giving you more kitchen for your dollar. So, enjoy year, received trophies at the REAL Low profile tires annual banquet Friday night, at on 14" wheels. real kitchen convenience, plus lasting beauty and the Podunk MIU Oub in South ESTATE Stmndard. | RTndeor. charm. Come in or call us this week for an estimate New officers of the league I Standard. on installing a Quaker Maid* Kitchen in your home. were also elected, Mrs. Maiy MiMwy, prudent; hCrs. Barbara What's naw? This elegant little heel. Airy Perforations givo Quaker Maid® Means Quality Made Stone, vice president; Mrs. A $159 piico reduction. Stmndard. Doreen Shaw, rocretary-trea- it the look you want. And it's all Hush Puppies. Try it in Plati­ surer, and Mrs. Bette Cyr, Now you can order a new Nova at a $159 sargent at arms. price reduction. Coupe or sedan. that make driving more enjoyable and economical. num or W hite. In smooth glove leather. $15. Members of the first place Fc)ur-, six- or eight-cylinder engine. Features that add value to your Nova when it'a team were Mrs. Mary Lou With these Novas the day-night mirror, bias lime to trade. (OaL. Shoes, Manohester Parkade) Blauvelt, Mrs. Pat BUert, M n. ROBERT J . SMITH, 8c bqlted-ply tires, cigarette lighter and seat belt So read around our Nova pictured here. Then place your order at your Chevrolet Betty Hunt, and Mra. Donna retractors, formerly standard, are still available _ dealer's today. Dogdotiavlck. WSURANSMimS SNiGE 1814 as options. CHEVROLET r COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING TVophlee wore also presented And you get features on every Nova that you Nova, the car that's already priced imaller DI SIGN I NO •INSTALL AT (ON-FINANCING just won’t find on those smaller cars. Features than its size, is now lower pricM than before. to the second place team of 649-5241 Puttirig you first, keeps us first. Mrs. Maren Martin, U n . Sandra Cole, Mra. Ruth HatnU- H i MAIN STRUT, MANCHISTIR WIFCO MILLWORK, INC. (Ground Fleer Nezt to Heete A Kola) •Prio# rodiwdon boM

waf. In II word nr two, the fi­ gen University's Instute of phys­ Danish periodical, toe scientist unpredictable facers, Including OPA Ended Slate Seated EXTRA TOP Word Origins nance. Finance? Well, perhaps D o You Feel ics says. says computer processing of toe toe climatic effects of air pollu­ Gems From Mailbag not quite aerijratniy, hut it docs Dansgaard bases his predic­ temperature data Indicated that tion. 3650 VALUE STAMPS suggest too money changer’s tion on measurements of oxygen Greenland is now In a period of The search for further clues In Confusion By Rainbow In Finance plight. A BitChaiv? constant cooling'. He does not By HAL BOYLE Geographic Society. Not all va- Isotopes In the Ice core drilled to toe future 6reenland climate The word "finance” means from toe Icecap In I960 by U.S. speculate^on toe cause. will go 6n this summer, with 54 McKEE STREET (Confimied front Page One) NEW YORK (AP) — Things a cationlsts will do this because Miss Peggy Ann Baldwin, CXIPENHAGEN, Denmark can still be yours with Popular’s "the end.” It is related to the Army expeHz. He had toe core new Icecap drillings and sur­ columnist might never kqow If they are nature lovers; toe Taj daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Make Sense (AP) — Computer-aided ana­ Seawater temperatures off ,Now Is the time to bring'ln yopr i______word "fine,” which comes from cu( Into 7,000 pieces, som e possl- veys of icecap depths. Financial gress, for freezing wages and he didn’t open his mall:.,., Mahal prices of motels are also Howard Baldwin, 186 WAnmoke lyses of a 4,000-foot core of Ice Greenland have been declining Storm window' gloss replaced. toe Latin " fln lH ,” which means “BV years old, and mea­ support Is coming from toe Na­ prices during a limited and un- civilization seems to be hard- a factor influencing many faml- Rd., was Installed worthy advlo- By JOHN OUNNIFF drilled from toe Greenland Ice­ 100,000 since toe 1980s, and some fish "final payment,” "settlomont." sured toe quantiUtes of oxygen tional Science Foundation of popular war. gp „„ women than on men. At lies. or of Mnnoheister Assembly, Or- AF Buzinezz Analyzt cap have led a Danish scientist are leaving toe area. Greenland AUTO QUSS INSTALLED /m ie MAiun "end.” 18, or heavy oxygen. Isotopes fishermen have been hard hit by Washington. Hiat problem did not exist least they suffer headaches Forgotten heroes; Ever hear tier of Rainbow for Girls aJt an ™ YORK (AP) _ Is Paul to predict that toe Arctic island after Pearl Harbor. The OPA twice ag'often. Incidentally, toe lot Francois Bla(ichard? His open ln.*rtallatlon Saturday night If you aren’t convinced that It present In each piece, toe departure of cod and shrimp McCracken a good olkonoml- will get colder and colder, with GLASS FURNITURE TOPS was already'in being, although y g puhUc Health Service estl- claim to fame is that h.e was the at the Masonic Temple. refers to a terminal status, then Since toe presence of this Iso­ from formerly rich grounds. koz? possible effects on toe Northern BKEOHUaB It mraUy on paper. mates that we now pay more first American passengto*.. to go Miss Kathleen Dldan, junior ask any corporate treasurer Hemisphere elsewhere. tope depends on temperatures Dansgaard says Greenland's MIRRORS (FIraplace asd Door) e/ztcuMit "Wiat y toe word toe ancient 1MNOUAY, INC. who has had to pay 18 per cent prevailing at toe time when toe fishery "literally hlngs on a wr la w a K •’®"’®*”bered than $400 million a year for aloft In a balloon. The assent post worthy advisor, -Was the In- Greeks used to describe a stew ­ "Most likely, toe Greenland World War I hM brought a rise headache remedies. was made on Jan. 9, 1793, when .^tolLng officer. She was assisted for borrowed money or any Ice was formed, measurement one-centigrade rise or decline in Has Moved To Thousands of people already know ard or a person skilled In house­ climate will hit a minimum 10- PICTURE PRAMINO (oil (ypoo) stock broker who lost his sus­ data furnished a picture of cli­ toe mean temperature.” ill KABT OBNTEB ST. I ^ * 0 * * ^ 1 takes a heap of atoms to ballooning waa a European lad. bjy several past worthy advisors: hold management. Today, of 20 years from now, and the next in U.S. wholesale prices when of the fabulous savings you can get... penders In the recent crash. matic cycles ever since. Includ­ you what you are. Just Medical advance; New light Is Mlsa Diane Bemsrd, past grand course, an economist Is one who maximum will not occur till Dansgaard believes the Arctic Manchester, Conn. WINDOW and PLATE GLASS there had been no formal wage- how small is an atom? Well, It being thrown on emphysema, a They’ll tell you. well Into toe next century”. ing the glacial period. cooling Is likely to affect several C all M 6 -n U price controls. Join the savings bandwagon today. la supposed to know how to keep Tub Encloeure from $.30 to 845 takes a million billion of them lung disease which took 20,000 Finis. Prof. W. D ansgaard of Copenha­ Reporting on his findings In a Atlantic regions, but he notes World W ar n brought an In' industrial and government just to make a speck big enough lives last year in this country, houses In order. crease of nearly 40 per cent In ggg double toe number of a decade Popular Markets is featuring Dr. McCracken, toe Presi­ r " ‘ 4 * // // U.S. wholesale prices from the America now may have the ago. It has been found that peo- dent’s chief economic adviser, fall of Poland In 1939 to the sur- most educated top executives In pie with a hereditary deficiency render of Japan, with price and ^orld. A survey found that of a blood protein called alpa-1- KING SIZE TRAY TABLES has demonstrated his creden­ tials over toe years, but with so Big Daisy. . . sliced froni 19« on. The g2 p^,. cent of them had one or antitrypsin—AAT— are espe- at terrific savings with valuable coupons from *i InflaUon was mppe college degrees compared dally vulnerable, particularly If much disorder existing In toe fitifff-p ricfn g *" m* y e w 72 per cent for European their lungs are subjected to to- this circular, Save $3.00 on a set of 6 trays economy, critics feel some gov­ 943-0. But 'vhen the celll^s be- executives. Oddly, more than bacco smoke or other Irritants, See them at your nearest Popular Market. ernment economists aren’t worth their salt. ti. half of English managing dlrec- More than one: There are at ®_____tors have had no university least nine U.S. towns or cities The search for an explanation White Bread 0 up again. The ceilings were bad­ training, according to the sur- named Dallas, but the best 40 of economists, was undertaken ly tattered by November 1946, vey. acres worth owning are all. lo- YOUR DOLLAR’S WORTH MORE DURING POPULAR’S by a puzzled observer of toe g i v e s 5 ( d u when OPA finally died. Taking the little woman for a catcd in the one In Texas, market place who concluded There was no expectation they night out was a much bigger Worth remembering: “A that financial terms didn’t seem would be needed again. But the problem for old-time Indian man's health can be judged by to make complete sense any Korean War came only five Peter Pan. . . creamy or chunky princes than it Is for the aver- which he takes two at a time— more and that perhaps we years later along with new age American husband. On an pills or stairs.” should begin all over again. prlce-.wage ceilings. The government was unore- “vemlght visit to a neighboring History lesson: Can you name AHlYl£|H|S|iLlH|7l|A|Y|S It was an education If not an morS th0tt „ . , ,, " , nabob, some of toe princes cus- three American presidents who explanation. The word "tax,” It was o H 200 wives and concubines to They were U.S. Presidents Ulys- learned, means just what you Peanut Butter r 0 9 Peggy Ann Baldwin think It does, a levy, a sort of 1^’ t^ Ko^an “ ^ ^'^®toe chafing ^®,[" “ confines of their ha- senhower—and Jefferson n'Davis, consumer prices went up about The savings are bigger than ever as touch, being derived from toe rem routine. president of toe Confederate representaitive to Loulsiaiia, who Latin “taxare,” which means ^fint thinha. 8 p er cent. IDogs have been domesticated States of America. Installed Miss Baldwin, Mias Popular celebrates 38 years of service and “to touch sharply.” Few tax­ son, the Office of Price Stabl- for at least 8,000 years. One Folklore; It is an omen of Ferris, past grand re^e- lizaOon did a reasonably good sentofclve to Dllnols, Inatalllng savings to the food shoppers of Southern payers will dispute the defini­ Kraft pure Concord ( i f l Vnh of theory is that before this hap- good luck to break a dish on sen««:i,ve to New England. Hop on the savings band­ tion. It is still accurate. C hein ori.C ™ P®n®d dogs never barked. Like Sood Friday. Eating bread ^ Most other terms, however, out^ irinir o(^*7lvlIlftn nro! many theories. It Is difficult to crumbs w ill give an infant curly P®^t grand representative to wagon with the biggest and best buys we've More Savings! More Quality! an outpouring of civilian pro- . ■ t. u. . .. j Kansas installing chaplain: seem to have foresaken their or­ ducOon, and an impressive dls- , fw l^^joW^othet^U, Ltal- ever offered. You'll save plenty when you igins as thoroughly as a broker play of persuasiveness and jaw- Quotable nrtables. foretells a visit tro™ n trlend. If recorder popular foi^ets that )Us title once re­ shop Popular's fabulous Anniversary Day's Grape Jelly 0 I boning. A recession also helped *““® «"«®'’ “t* ^^i^^dwln ferred to a person who broached In 19W sowing them.” —Shannon rub It on a gray horse, money "osa oaivivviJi, a junior at Mancliester High, presented her Celebration,, or tapped a cask to draw off the More Variety! More Service! When President Dwight D. El­ Fife. will come your way. . ^ liquor. Return to the outdoors: Some It was George Moore who ob- naoUTer an arm bouquet, atid FOLLOWING SPECIALS EFFECTIVE senhower took office In 1903, he Because of this, the term was left no doubt price ceilings were ^ "'lllion Ajnericans will pitch served, "Everybody sets oiRto ^ ^ ^ “pJJ^ted a rose- MON. & TUES. ONLY JUNE 8 & 9, 1970 applied to retail vendors of on the wayTWIV out. The OPA went ‘®"‘® traders In the na- do something, and everybody 1 n A t -a a wine, and later to any small re­ tlon’s half million campsites does something, but no one does gavel to his da^hter. Preserves I More Convenience in Shopping! out of business officially in April We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, tailer, peddler or agent. Dis­ what he sets out to do.” Dfdan was presented a past Poloner 18 n jar 1903. worthy advisor's jewel by her gruntled stock market investors Wild Strawberry The country’s first price con­ successor. might wish to remind their bro­ trol agency, the OPA, was Assoclato officers Installed PICT SWEET kers of these humble origins. created April 11, 1941, by Presi­ Switch Transferring Finch were Miss Jane Mather, worthy POPULAR More disconcerting is toe dent FVanklln D. Roosevelt to associate advisor; Miss Diane FREESTONE realization that many financial prevent "price spiralling, rising Fotherglll, charity; Mias Debor­ terms were derived through cost of living, profiteering and Wins Mansfield^s Praise ah Brown, hope; Miss Sharon theft and corruption. Dr. H. inflation.” WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen- the administration.' Smith, faith; Miss Tanya Pearl, Bosley Woolf, managing editor Soon after Pearl Harbor, ate Democratic Leader Mike Finch joins a White House chaplain; Miss Barabera Sea- of Merriam-Webster dictionar­ Roosevelt named Chester I Mansfield says Elliot Richard- staff hierarchy which has drawn ''''®y' ies, Is authority for toe state­ tn honrt have no trouble being complaints among some Repub- Also, Miss Sharon noHodge, m ent. _:-. „ ' ____ confirmedvWlUillliCU as ttO President X^lCOtUCIlL Nixon's liflJVVJI llcan senatorsC UALU who WllU lUtVehave beenUeeil —love; ---- Miss Sandra Horrey, j .«_re- The words dime and quarter, OPA. The 0 0 1 10 Af-t nt low D-ave OPA Secretary of Health, Education saying privately they have trou- “ilon: Miss Je^ine ^adwlck, Woolf relates, were stolen from toe Latin, dollar and nickel "»■ 'V.U.r.^a I- W prslsed the switch that Is send- the President. immortality; Miss Judy Pender- from the German, penny from U Kob.« H.fF,n.h U. a. H. R. HaW.man, 0,. '“•S ', Old English, check from toe Ar­ on most c'oods at the highest gplson, p atrio tism ; M iss Yvonne level charged In the previous Whl‘® House high command. staff, and John D. Ehrllchman, abic via toe French, and cen­ Smith, service; WUss Jill Ker- tury and grand, in references to Save a Dollar! "I'm very happy that a real an assistant to the President win, confidential observer. "'ih^re still were many gaps In P~ ‘® 8T®1^ be In toe White M ^top man In toe domesUc af- money, from toe underworld. with these coupons! House very close to toe Presl- fairs field, are rated as toe most Also, Miss Ann Saling, outer 'In knowing toe origins of such the ceilings, including 40 per observer: Miss Patricia Sher- All coupons may be dent,” Mansfield said after Nix- powerful among Nixon's aides, terms, perhaps some of toe re d e e m e d with only cent of the food in the average muslcian; Miss Sandy on announced Finch is leaving ‘"nUs may break through toe mysterious rumbles of toe fi­ one $5 D u rch a se. consumer's budget. It was April Ferguson, choir director; and HEW to become a counsellor to Berlin wall,” said one Senate nancial worid may be more un­ 1943 before Roosevelt Issued a the Installed choir Included the Republican aide, whose boss derstandable. Some more: hold-toe-llne order on meat, but- ^® President. Misses Sheila Blanco, Kathy To head that vast and trou- bns complained bitterly but off —'Money, you may not be sur­ ter, fish and fresh fruits and Brown, Pamela Fellows, Leigh prised to learn, can be traced to vegetables. bled agency, save for toe Penta- toe record about communica- tun c « l | 0 0 gon toe biggest In government, Uons problems with toe White ^ ^ rd ,'fto b ln Murdock, liu- a woman, toe Roman goddess But Congress already was Juno, whose divine responsibili­ Imported Danish weakening controls. Nlxon chose Richardson, under- H ^^ rle Roser, Cathy Schappert, Lori ...... - 8f«-etary of State and a man Fin^, who resigned as lieu- Lynn Secrist, Pamela Stowell, ties Included that of warning toe Fearful of grade labeling. populace. She acquired toe sur­ rejected OPA’s efforts to en- ® reputaUon as a top ad- tenant to ^ Strickland, Karen Sham- name Moneta, from toe Latin force ceilings by quality stand- "^n‘®trator. enter toe ^bine^ has been a Karen Turklngton, and CTn- Popular Saves You More “moneo” or “warn.” ards. An effort to roll back ^en. Jacob K. Javlts, RxN.Y., ®'°«® ^end of Nixon for more dy Ann Yoo. 4ore J SAVE I Slicedsi! Ham So grateful were toe Romans some prices stalled because of tremendously th^ 20 years. installed were Miss Con- that they erected a temple in !\ifAXi-iMy\iv & Shop 4 oz pkg congressional reluctance to hurt strengthen toe White House ^ *'*® Deck, page EJast; Miss her honor and installed a mint farmers or squeeze producers’ °P®" «®'^ channels of but I need him here, Nixon K^^hy Finnegan, page West; A m ■ Coupon ggood thru Wednesday, June 10. there, and as Juno Moneta, toe 20* I " profits. communication and cooperation said at toe White House Satur- Doreen Oakman, page i iMiEyvrs ' t Limit one pkg per coupon per customer. goddess also became the guardi­ I With this coupon &I a ^5>5 purchase ^ Wide-range rationing by then between toe President, toe Con- ay North, Miss Linda G. Brown, an of finances. was an overwhelming fact of « fnd toe country ” Nixon said Finch now will fUl south; Miss Vicki Person, —Dollar originally meant val­ j[BaK)pciSh6^| life. And black markets flour- said mchardson "is a a ajor advisory role, couiuel- bearer, and Miss Denyse T o p R o u n d Ished In many commodities. spl®ndld public servant and ‘ng h m on domesUc matters deeper of the jewels. ley or dale, a perfectly under­ ^ c«I^At«1y4 %^A aV^Ia ^a Waa«4 vi44aI ATIfi fYn QfYtYtA T^V*AllcirT% T\^ltA%r _ . . . . « standable definition to those who During the ceremonies, Louis Red meat nearly disappeared ^ have watched toe value- of toe from neighborhood markets In complex department admirably a r^ . Lawrence, soloist, of Orient The President said FTnch will dollar sink year after year. But Washington and many other^Wg ,g Lodge of Masons sang "The cities but seldom seemed ■»». *» a former ^vel with him regularly, as he Lord’s Prayer” and "My toe value decline really has lit­ Idaho Russet scarce In hleh-oriced restaur- >‘®“‘®*»ant governor and attor- did throughout most of toe 1968 Quest.” He was accompanied at tle to do with the origin. ants "®y general of Massachusetts. presldenUal campaign. In 1960, organ by James W. McKay, U.S.D.A. CHOICE In toe early 16th century, toe On June 29 1946 Truman ve- served as an assistant HEW Finch was manager of toe Nix- organist of Manchester Lodge of silver mined in northwestern Mon., Tites. & ff^ed. Only ! Boehmla, now Czechoslovakia, toed a bill which would have during toe Elsenhow- on campaign for toe White Masons. Chester M. Ferris, hon- Tender and juicy — the Mon., er administration and was orary active member of De- was converted into coins at a Potatoes weakened and extended toe law. perfect steak for that mint in Joachimstal, which in Yellow or Green :.- a i Tuts.and He asked for a strong new bill named toe top State Depart­ Desplte that long association, Molay International, presented 5-lb bag—U.S. No. 1 Grade ‘A’ German meant "Joachim’s only/ but got a weak one, the - statute ment official under Secretary of FTnch had not emerged, as j^e new worthy advisor a white backyard chef. Stock under which the wage and price ^"^ers. some had expected, as a potent Rainbow Bible, on behalf of toe up today. d ale.” Coupon good thru Wednesday, June 10. controls were killed. Richardson is an excellent force In IVhlte House decision- advisory board The coins made there were Limit one bag per coupon per customer. chodoe for HEW, but a loss to making. Atty. Gen. John N. Greetings and best wishes called Joachlmtoaler, which Squash With this coupon & a *5 purchase Bowles tried to resign at toe Mitchell appears to have be- vverc expressed by Mrs. Walter was shortened to taler, and end of toe war but was persuad­ the State Department,” Mans­ Delicious baked creole m s c o p e S i^ then. In English, changed to dol­ style or creamed. M m m m m m ed to stay on for awhile. 'Tru­ field said. come foremost among Nixon person, worthy matron. Temple consultants In toe Cabinet. Chajpter, Order of Eastern Star; lar—toe basic American curren­ man was trying to enforce toe He said he foresaw no contro- over confirmation. "I The President said he had James A. Stafford, worshipful cy now printed in such dales as *^C6SSSSIB&65SBS5!6!BSS!BBEI!B6EB can’t see them raising any ob- hoped FTnch could serve both as master, Manchester Lodge; and Denver and San Francisco. of almost excliial x I rt jectlon to a man who had done a adviser and HEW Cabinet sec- John L. Von Deck Jr., district —Salary originally meant salt concentration on wflr nr^nx! ^ood job at State and has been a retary. He said experience had deputy. Sixth Masonic District, money. Roman soltoers drew a war produc- Rogers shown the task of running that Grand Lodge of Connecticut. Any V2 Gallon tion. special allowance as part of there,” Mansfield said. agency to be a fuU-Ume job. Mrs. Marshall Hodge, chair­ their pay In order to buy salt, in Congress passed a bill in 1946 lb Senate Republican Leader Finch was toe first man to man of the awards committee, ancient times a commodity not extending the wage-price con­ Lean...Center Cuts Hugh Scott said Richardson’s leave toe Nixon Cabinet. presented color bars, charm trol law, but riddled It with y : always so easily obtained as appointment "assurra a contln- bracelets and charms to’ over Cut From Tender Bottom Round now. You’ll be more than happy with the top quality Ice Cream weakening amendments. On Tender Boneless T„„„ „„ uatlon of dynamic leadership of thirty members for outstanding - This allowance was called a pork you get at Stop & Shop. It's tender, juicy, June 29, 1946, Truman vetoed ______t v. service. Eighteen members ‘/2 gal. carton .. Asst, flavors the extension■x.xxBixx Kinbill savins- It highest competence. I be- Posts Mark "salarium,” based on toe Latin Everyday loiv prices! “ lieve In Elliot 'Richardkin. He were admitted into toe “ 100% rich in fjjvor because it's cut from leaner, younger would have added $3 billion a word "sal,” or “salt.” Salarium Coupon good thru Wednesday, June 10. will do a fine job.” Club” for the perfect attend­ porkers. The best center chops for economical Limit one carton per coupon per customer. year to consumer prices and de­ SIRLOIN was borrowed In English as sa­ Richardson skirted news­ Peru Deaths ance one year. Miss Diane Vith this coupon & a >5 purchase stroyed wage stabilization. lary, and used to denote fixed Sliced Cold Cuts early week meals. lb men’s questions aboi4 toe fu- (Continued from Page One) Bernard was given a special regular wages. Some workers So for a time, federal control ‘‘h e w a T a“ nev confer- citation for perfect attendimce stUl call It salt. Stop & Shop i [Q of prices and wages was dead, ence Sunday. "I don’t ____ . * „„„ . ...we any- "’*** be kept lighted. Later, a jar since 1962. —Bank originally meant toe Choice of Olive, P&P, I and as wr as toe World War-H thoughte about It anyway;” he with plasUc flowers is substltut- Usherettes were Miss Nancy table of a money changer. It Tasty, Bologna. 6 oz pkg 3 « r Boneless, Loin I ®^®®™®*^’ they adding that It would be ®‘t- Spicer and Miss Martha Arey. was borrowed from toe French should remain buried. "Imprudent and premature” to These "chapels” and crosses Refreshments were served by "banque” and toe Italian ”ban- I shudder to think of putting talk about It are to’ be found along all Peru- mothers and friends of the as- Countrystyle Pork Ribs them Into effect again. In any- ca,” which meant "bench,” "ta­ He said he felt qualified for highways. sembly. The banquet hall was ble” o r ’’counter.” Sliced Bologna Sliced Land 0 ’ Lakes toing short .of a catastrophe, The Delicious Pork Cutlets toe job on toe basts of his past "^>6 PeruviEin military gov- decorated In blue and white —{Bankrupt meant to break .or Stop & Shop Bowles said In an Interview. experience. emment------‘ has has reopened toe streamers, with rainbow color- Sweet, succulent meat that adds Try these delicious mouth­ toe bench, quite literally. When Stop S Shop watering pork cutlets the They would be a "dreadful mis­ One Senate dissenter to toe Fan-American Highway north ed place settings, so much to Joreign dishes — a money changer In old Flor­ A full-^und St a low next time you have a bar- tak e.” administration m o v e —S e n. Lima to toe port city of The new officers will hold ence -became Insolveht, toe au­ Hawaiian, Chinese. beque. Ralph Yarborough, D-Tex., said CTiln^bote, center of relief oper- their first m eeting tonight at mini-price. lb pkg 7 9 ‘ 6 8 : thorities wrecked his bench to m - Butter FTnch had been demoted. atlons. ^ ;30 in the Masonic Temple. show he was out of busineza. It ”I hate to see Bob Pinch go, ‘**® ‘*>® ------— llbpKg $365 Million to be demoted this way,” said Inland to toe Andes and Coupon good thru Wednesday, June 10. Yarborough, chairman of toe °'^®*’ ^® mountains to hard hit Fresh With thi^ coupon & a *5 purchase ' Limit one pkg per coupon per customer. Advised For Senate Labor and Public Wei- Huaylas Canyon are still Deaths In fare Committee. "I see In this blocked. GREEN m lU & op cS io p Construction crews from, toe Tender ^ (}^'d e Q) 0 O OO iC ^ hard days ahead for health and The W orld The Leaniiiig Tree Mouthwatering, delicious So full of goodness, tender A must for good grooming Safeguard education programs.” Americtm Cerro de Pasco Min­ Pinch himself said of his new ing Corp. were able to open a Boris Shulzhenko Young Nursery School ^ D D '5 '5 '5 5 555]^7^^~5i[51)l)]>^'5'5'5 1 ^ 7 ^ 5 ' 5 o 5 5 5 5 • • rConUnued from Page One) job "It’s a higher calling, but a circuitous back route from MOSCOW AP) — MaJ. Gen. lb Fresh Pineapple Pie Birds Eye Vegetables Bradlees Hair Spray __ Lima east over toe mountains Boris Shulzhenko, assistant BEANS Perfect for those hot. hu­ lower salary..’ grams In Vietnam, largely for 9 . 11:30 Stop & Shop in Butter Sauce M ' « A C mid days to - keep your A'counJeUor to the President ‘"t® Huaylas. chief of the s^ret police in the Corn, pM i, Fr«nc^ 10 oz support of toe Vietnamese army hair lust so. Why pay more 13 0 7 ' receives |42,500 a year- a Cabl- T^® '! Pf®“ ble by heavy Ukraine, toed suddenly” at toe Juicy lutclousness that txons, correli. minrd PkRS S-lbIbR and for lines of communication, Boston and Romaine DAY CARE CENTER lust melts In your mouth. veg« robin. for hair spray when you cans net secretary $60,000. veh c es and four-wheel drive ^ e of 61 it was reported Sun- NATIVE LETTUCE L 1 oan buy <8radlees 1 in addition to $109 million unob­ Finch had faced adminlstra- vehicles and takes 60 h^rs to daY The language of the report Head ligated carryover funds. 7:15-5:30 Boston Light Also ihcludef^ was I7B.4 mil tlve problems and public contro- no"*" o® s to p & 19oz $1 Fish Slicks 16 oz pkg J 0 o z $ 1 Sugar ----- , — ...... wrB., vimw H »•, u B mean, however, that military ya Zvezda Indicated he suffered Lemon Pie Shop 2 p k g i I Mavis Talcum Powder 2 cans ■ lion for contrpl of air and water ^ i n ' u" Tlf.*"®, convoys with relief supplies can a heart attack, but didn’t say NATIVE SCALLIONS an^ RADISHES Bunch Applications taken now Banquet Fried Ghieksa 2 lb pkg 10OZ $1 stop & Shop poUuUon at defense sites. ‘®»ve „ach toe area. . when he died. and for September. cans ■ Wor fam ily housing for mill- **** governm ent entirely. ------Keller E . Rockey Silver Gake2 %S ‘1 Djer Kiss Talcum 2 D Ia a S*°P & Shop.'19 oz pkg A A c Coupon good thru Wednesdey. June 10. h Regular 24 count ta r y personnel, toe committee "I welcome his willingness to EALTH-CABE SPENDING UP HARWICH PORT, Maas, Mlwfll 1 JO# Chicken or Beet *f » Limit one beg per coupon per customer. a p p ro v ed $717.6 million, com- ®°"^^® bis service as a close YORK — The American (AP) — U. Gen. KeUey E. TOMATOES Red and so Flavorfui. Mrs. Aidea Saw a Botlon Dream Pia"iT.';%°,°59‘ Nodess or Supar package 69^ With this coupon 4, a *5 purchase B.S. Ed;, Director r niODtlnc that adequate facilities *rtend and,adviser to the Presl- people now spend more than Rockey, who commanded the J We reserve the right to limit quantities m u s t b e provided If toe am ed dent,” said Scott. “His compos- 337.5 biUkm on health care an- Bto Marine Dlvlaion at tlje battle BOLTON fbroaa are to be maintained on a understanding/and his In- dually, (L 138 per cent increase of Iwo JIma, died Saturday ...... volunteer baeU. tegrity are enormous assets to i„ 10 years. night. He w as 81. 049*4044' stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 2$3 MIDDLE TURNPIKD WEST. lAANCHGSTER


passage of civil rights legisia- Shrine Band Will Play tion in Congress; and defeat of Bolton Pravda Says^ 'Judges Clement Haynsworth and O. 'Harrold Carswell as Supreme In Center Park Tonight Court'nominees. Great Unshaven Sign-Up Town firemen answered two Z io n ists calls over the weekend^ There An old faahhHwd "Oonc'ert In SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)— the Pnzk” wilt be presented to- was a television fire at the Recruiting Cut-Off Date This Week i N . q ' Beacon Hill apartments on W. Homer D. Babbidge Jr., presi- nlglit by the Sphinx Temple ' 1 ^ Men: If you are planning to assisted by a trained,staff and Band, the otiglnea Shrine Band. ______Middle Tpke., ______Saturday„ ____ after- MOSCOW (AF) — Pravda ^'"Iverslty of Con- noon-at about 4:30, and an elec- charged today that Zionists are toid the commence- grow a beard for the town’s volunteers, they streas water It will be a t 7:16, in Center ns well a sswlmmlng P ark . trical fire Sunday at 9:46 a.m., trying to recruit Russian Jews audience at American In- 260th anniversary celebration at 47 Earl St. because of Zionism's dwindling ternatlonal College Saturday the Hie concert is in honor a t the this fall, now is the time to reg­ Mrs. Qorke says that no PURINA appeal among the youth of capi- worlds of action and reflection fifth anniversary of Friendship ister. You won’t be in the run­ child should be kept out of the Lod^ of Masons. Some mem­ tallst countries. a*"® t>oth Important, but colleges ning if you wait until your Aug- program for lack of tranapor- bers of the band belonsf to the Nuclear Might The Communist party news- a*"® primarily for reflection, k>d^, anil there are several paper reported that material As a result, Babbidge said ust vacation to decide to stop tation. She will help arrange written by an organlzatton they should not be expected to c a r pools. Manchester-area musicians who Of Reds Topic shaving. Bulletin Board play with the band. Its director called "League for the Repatri- bridge the two worlds, Entry blanks may be picked atlon of Russian Jews” is being A member of President Nix- Managers and coachea in the is Oeoisr« A. J. Heck. At NATO Meet up at the selectmen's office town baseball program, farm DOG CHOW smuggled into the Soviet Union, on’s Advisory Commission on In- Former, mayor Harold A. from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. dally, Httle leagues, will nieet to- It described this material as temational Education and Cul- Turkln«:ton will be master of VBJNICB (AP) — U.8 . De Robert Morra and Leon Rivers at 8 p.m. at the Com- slanderous, anti-Soviet and Fas- tural Affairs, Babbidge was the ceremonies. During a brief in­ fense Secretary Melvin R. Laird “J“|‘ wdl! be on hand Saturday at the faupity h o U termission, greetings will be ex­ principal speaker at the AIC i u mot today virlth the other six "The point is that few young commencement, selectmen’s office from 11 a.m. ^he Senior Citizens will meet tended by Martfiall E. Hodge, to 1 p.m. ^ d from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday at 1:30 at the Com- members of the North Atlantic people take the Zionist bait in Among his suggestions was Honored master of the lodge; and by to distribute registrations. T^ere will be a Mayor Nathan AgosUnelil. Treaty Organization’s nuclear developed capitalist countries that students not go directly and fewer and fewer The outstanding medical and A registration is not valid speakeri cards and refresh- Selections'on the program will planning group to discuss the “ w s'™ ss“Se'X h se^i'ceTe^^'^rOr; Oe'oTgeT wi'thoiirth^to;;; s;ai; ”.;nd“th; m^^nts. include the Procession of Bacch­ Soviet Union’s nuclear might turn’ to Israel to ’develon’ the spend four years Lyndberg Sr. of Manchester was applicant himself must appear _____ us from the opera Sylvia, an ar­ rangement of Victor Herbert Oeorge A. t . Book and how to counter it in an Eu- temporarily ’occupied Amb m" mad“ ntL‘'°the®'world »t and be Inspected because there Manchester Evening Herald Favorittes, muaic ro^M and be cut down by bul- Ln ■ - the Heart AssociaUon of Greater are two classlflcaUans: Starting Bolton correspondent, aeme- from the necticut area, and some live In AuthoritaUve sources said i-ts at PalcsUnlnn inicrriiioQ ■' „ . . Hartford named him an honor- with beard and starting without v„unir tel MS-8M1 Broadway musical Mary Pop- the Springfield area. Laird would give the defense 1" the pressing search for ary director in recognition of the beard. A 60 cent fee ,rtli cover pins, three of the works by Le- _ . . . *'ks by Le- n has made public appear- ministers from' Britain," “ ’ West ■ Thus the hunters for men’s *'®’®''“*’®®’ were given for many years he has devoted to the cost of awards. ances all over the Bast from Germany, Italy, Belgium, Den- doorbell ringing, our academic the heart nt^ber caned Wee MacOreggor. m Mbrida LidTa^ i:;en m a ^ 3 ’'Cke’y T d S d ^ d T '" T heroes would’ be (^Lsi Dr L^d^"^ was one of the thfyourAfurtti Tl. Climber Saw 'j T I^®‘'^tte“U^d'Z%“ren to o^Li^sh^nS” U com doctors who founded of which Morra l^d R.vero aro Phulin “>e band was chosen to land, air and sea nuclear ar- Pa>-®d remarks. Manchester Memorial Hospital sponsors. Morra says there are J;i;;’ishtoem;;;ic"too^‘e";^^c‘o Z ;;;r.t^eT onr8.S l^'ence One of the grave possible con- in 1920, and served as its chief about eight beards in town al- Legendary A# A M AjTmw* ^ J J _ i _ M___ ^ A aa a ______^ " * a ^ “r^^ro a^“Sri^ ^„e®t that d rin ^sTea^T have'^ no to f f ° h ■'^dy. "judgM will Include a MarohMazxai is1 8 a traditional conce^ concert- ^t^.ttor Heck b»» e ton. uir.bto. ax. ^ ^ » » T doubtoouoi leftleit thatmat thismis is a new var- , toT^Lfr^Kl* ® eUritus of VeX“ ^Snowman’ a s ending number. Before it w«l to^ to toe ml' . '®‘y brazen provo- f®™®d vrith the ‘ch^m between c the hospital in 1966. He has Tn to,. nn. a come a comparatively new ar- n lrtf^ ^ r™ ^ t a? “ d there is only one re- f refledtlon and ac- tl KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — rangement ^lled (L arge M to w J T his govern- ply we can give them: ^ tion’ "?“ymay ““"lagedamage or even oe-de- .served-s, as toe president of toe beat^Tigero“l^ ahan PntrV»H/> director at the Hartford Syin- meat’s controversial Safeguard "Keep your dirty hands off «‘™y integrity of one or toe Manchester Heart Association lUke Avens p iU ^ Mite Donald WhlUans. a member of PrintwH r\rvwr..on,o wu L phony and helped in its reorgan- antlballlstic m issile, system . . our Socialist homeland, toe So- ‘’'ddg:® which has merged with toe and Oirls Holbiwk home British climbing team which iJ m , A . ' '5'-, ' I ; ' nriners in the northern Con- spread on the ground. the alliance’s protection against 'ti'" } nuclear war. •269th Class ch„„. I UU„. w. U,. worm H.r.,ora...... S? ofvSS,^h .m. Sood.y , O f reflection must acknowledge New officers were also elected J; ^ March 26, when the expedition F irst Heretofore, the group has Vernon dealt largely with tactical nu­ Graduates that we have allowed that ‘he m ® et^;^^y „clude Dr. ^ob W ho Wt det^tblee. N ational clear weapons, smaller than the chasm to widen. president; D ^ ^ Guidance Computer *®®t. he heard a commoUon S t o r e ‘s ‘The professionalization The computer-terminal Which trom a nearby ridge and looked’ intercontinental giants. At the of Bloomfield, vice president: GOP Prohate Convention end of 1969 it drew up guidelines From Yale even our liberal arts has recent- "J® u»®1 . ^ convenUon ember. had to use tacUcal nuclear ers. had at one point c^led on «“>"• • ” ^ a t spring. ^ snow and he grabbed binoculars Quarter Loin A AU v-n? ® P’™’ Oiurch Society weapons, hoping the Soviets yale alumni to agitate for the Babbidge said toe synthesis of Called For o^.rf"*Ai R®Flst™*ion watched for a number at “ nSr ®*“"**®" Robert Sugalskl has would halt for fear that the big- dismissal of Brewster himself, reason and passion must be In tobiutes before it disappeared, BLEACH convention is being been Installed a s president of ger weapons would be used ^bout 3,000 persons heard the life pattern of toe individual, swimming program will be held Chilians said. He said what he Each Package Contains 9 io 11 nominate a candidate the Women’s Society of C3uis- next. Brewster’s address in Woolsey rather toan in the university, On GambKng tomorrow from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 3^ ^ , ^ ^ 3^ ^ for the judge of probate for the tlan Service of the United The meeting in Venice is ex- "I think we have come to at toe Commimlty Hall and Sat- .. ‘H . Finost Full Strength NEW YORK (AP) - PoUce urday from 10 am to n^n t'^®®” » Fo^Ua and a bear.’’ End and Center Cut Chops ElUngton-Vepion Probate Dls- Methodist Church and Mrs. pected to order studies into pos- .pbe A-|«A ______Al w-_ A ™ ------.... o A A .. A A.. «__A ---- baccalBureate address, realize that uninterrupted and Commissioner Howard R. Leary nosw«« wui atoirf ■» Sir Edmund Hillary, the New tlon’w l^L^Id^w e 18 ' H use'^^IrticL* nucte!^ we^^ Yale’s virtually enforced Involvement has caUed for new laws on gam- end July 31 at^aV City State Zealander who first cUmbed Mt. ^ thT^iJbuTsL and the ed^ s ^ ^ Z whLTtoe mstiro c 3 “ a'?" ®th®r P a r k ^ f r L » in H^-ron Everest, declared in 1961 that D e ^ r m ^ vrtU 7 ^ Mrs. Md wli^ toe Western countries ^^rlng toe two-day cere- kindergarten through the bacca- "non victim” crimes to free po- ' Children entering Wnderga- tbe yeU was merely a figment ? “:^S?f)"^o^»iS^*^ “Tn men^TtS^'rrare^TS: some time before lice for dealing ^to toe r^l ten next ?aii, TdT" of the^a^Uons'of t X e r gallon Saturday. Republican in- Alex Dlu^anski, Christian So- the studies lead to decisions. As m®nt. a dangerous combination of problems of the city, especially ble. This is a year earlier than guides who aided the Everest cumbent Paul B. Sweeney of clal Cbncerns; Mrs. Bernard tt^®y continue, however, the ------frustration and boredom," he narcotics. in the past. expeditions. He said tracks spot- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — said. Leary also said that leglsla- Children who have participat- ted in the snow were made by a Ellington is expected to be re- Trott, missionary education, studies probably ■will affect the q-j,. «pw sheriff nf 'Mirldiespv W k plastic nominated at that convention and Mrs WlUard Conklin rethinking of European defense ^‘‘® ^ r at a "And '^®we '■®®OF"‘zerecognize too that legalizing bettingoetung on num- eaed previously are reminded to snow lox,fox, anaand wnenwhen methe snow which will be held at 11 a.m. in spiritual growth ’ n®®‘la *or the 1970s. A general men of action longing for toe b®rs and sports events—similar bring their certificates so that melted around them they ap juq the old Superior Courtroom Me- *^mmlttee chairmen are overhaul of plans is to be decid- ‘ °.^a ^^® respite that might restore their th® state’s new law permit- they may be placed in the peared larger than they were ^ rialB u S , Pw T X ’e EiTst ®d at a meeting In Brussels ‘=°'"'!:®"®®- P®rspectlve. find it exceedingly ting off-track betting on horse proper classes. Parents are re- origtoaUy. Nicholas Pawluck of Rock- churoh resDonslblUtv’- Mrs Thursday of Laird and the de- J"®"‘ Thursday because he re- difficult to extricate themselves races—would reduces the oppor- minded to bring $1 for insur- WhlUans told newsmen in Kat- m v iii. la a-aTu».Aa/i A/. Ko Aha ______' ____ ,___' fense ministers, of the other 12 tuses to wear toe costume of his from their world. t u n 1 1 1 e s for police snee tor children not already in mandu he had taken pictures of choice of the Democratic con- ship; Mrs. Ira Creelman. pub- counWes Mtively engaged in j . Rucklev "I am less and less persuaded ®°*T'hPt*°n. Leary, in interviews the town basebaU program. the tracks he saw although he lb vention to be held in the Town Ucity, and Mrs. Llbero Nerl, military______cooperation.______y- 'v*'° that students should go directly *®‘*‘‘y t*>® New York ’Hmes The classes, for aU levels, was not able to get any of the They include aU members ex- °ver last month, said today school to collee-e T Hm Daily News, conceded there will be half an hour in length creature itself. He said his Sher- HaU, Stafford Springs at 6 p.m. sunshine. ------__A A__.__A th at he was “ not IntoreoAeH In B . a 1 ------^ ------^--- a,_a_. — .a_- aSSUrcd him the fol- Pawluck held thee office from * M rsTohn Snorck secretary ®®pt France and Iceland, which that he was “not interested in less and less persuaded that toe ®®'"® corruption in his during the mornings. Under pa guides 1909 to 1963. Tafth! hT eT T br T T collegiate should spend foT con “ ’000 man depart- the direction of Mrs. Mary lowing momorning t he tracks were Vernon, which is a one-town ------®® ^^e sam e H ebron, those of a baby yeti. district for state representative, Vemon United Methodist ^TTfind'^Tather^?* campus. I am less and less con- younger policemen, but wUl have candidates nominated Church; Mrs. Fred Edwards, ate he said. ^ vlnced that sabbatical leaves ®“‘.l!'® "®®'extent- Actor Turns should be limited to academic "'''® *’®''e race track gam- by both parties in August. representative to Church Wom- Buckley said he has donated The judge of probate wiU be en United, and Mrs. Joseph A- „„ ,A A ... communities. ****"8^- the lottery, and now we Boneless Steak Sale Imdi toe $20 it would cost him to rent , will have offtrack betting” elected at the November elec- Rowe and Mrs. George KUng- To Medicine toe outfit to a local children’s , > am more and more tempt- Leary said. "If pronerlv su^’r- tlons. A vacancy in the office man, nominating committee. r “ •'■•A we eS S.Tu- ' v '■ . NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — What "Harvard was rather Htmno- take better advantage of our „„„ aJ , au . . . FILLET STEAK (Chuck) ever happen^ P®‘"‘‘” *’® mobility to move In and out of fun^lon proteettog to’TTbl’lT Rham District ers. the basketball-bouncing, said if I weren’t going to wear ‘®e">tng situations. . .movement Reform or releil of T w s bubblegum-chewing, not-too- the uniform. I shouldn’t come.” "®t stocked in one direction by “tost prostitution also w T d bright brother of All McGraw to william G. Anderson, toe uni- t**® threat of toe draft or parent- hLdredl of policemen tor London Broil (Shoulder) lb 12 Athletes Get Honors toe movie “Goodbye Colum- verslty marshal, confirmed that al disapproval or blocked yj the Lore vital stry lL f T a ^ said yf bus.” Buckley would not attend the °th®r direction by economic a .a u '. He’s studying medicine. ceremonies. Anderson said part hardship or mlssli^ rungs on . , ® ®®" t have sufficient men Cube Steaks (Chuck) lb At Rham Sports Dinner And iqarchtog in antiwar of toe “function of the sheriff’s th® ladder of advancement” be- ^ a^m p out prostitution to this demonstrations. office Is to wear toe urUform ®““®® ®^ l®aving action for medi- ®‘ty. he said. "We don’t have COLD POW ER Twelve of Rham High Jombrowskl plans, to attend, ^nd living what he calls a w hen it is calWfor ■ - tation, -...... Babbidge...... said. sufficient men to stamp out School’s varsity boy and girl ^eeivea a soccer seno- gomeUmes “schizophrenic life” He said the sheriff of Suffolk ^lan 600 students gambling.” Leary said the po- larship to the school. Laundry Detergent athletes received awards Satur­ that combines show business County would take over Buck- eelved degrees at the cere- “®®. *®*'® “holding the line” Frankfurt Sale Troupe Elects and medicine. monies, including 104 candl- against gambling but predicted day evening at the Annual Ath­ Stanley Anderson has been leys duties, ’’presumably” dates for master’s degrees. ® decrease in gambling arrests elected president of the Inter- T "! ' lull regalia. letics Awards Dinner. -----more at home, here or be- ______this year ’’because we must 2 5c Deal BREASTS Outstanding male athlete of e toL “"® e®'«eras. ” said the 6 BRIDGEPORT. Conn (AP)_ pour manpower into our major Pack ^ I Finast C Colonial 7 0 problem—narcotics. ’ the year award went to Calvin , tolJrtio^ into’ the L iTT" D. Peters, Police Return Leary admitted that narcotics THIGHS ■ All Beef # vib All Beef m 7 n 84 oz Coolldge, who also received the National TheanianThespian Society last halls of the New Jer- preaiuempresident orof toe Connecticut 65 most valuable player awards week. College of Medicine and Conference of the NAACP, said use by policemen was ”a seri­ From Walkout ous problem.” Fish Cakes or Plain or Breaded in basketball and baseball. Also inducted were Sherri ^ , .. . ^ Giat instances of ra­ '"niese young men reflect so­ PUNCH in soccer the most valuable Brunell, Renee Cote, Al Fergu- gucM ^®“**y enjoy ^th cial discrimination to America Your Maid In Stockholm ciety to general and to many t-lb pkg HaT! son. Peter Hutchinson, David « ‘*>® *’®®‘ ®' are ^mliUshlng. but new oppor- Choice 2-lb pkg Rite Moe, Bruce Ray and Tim Wll- tunlties for blacks are still too STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ways are no different from oth­ Laundry Detergent Fish Sticks ^ Veal Steaks Dombrowski with Brian Mac er youth,” he said. M Meyers, 24, majored in Eng- few. Laughlin receiving toe most im' — About 100 of Stockholm’s 600 Potato-Macaroni-Cole Slaw Bologna-Salatni-P&P loaf ^ ^ of lish at Lafayette College in Eas- Peters made his remarks at poheemen • on an unofficial K ..‘oauS'wa. f:- d- r«tdm.d”.o-w5 10c Deal 15 01 pkg Finast 6 oz pkg ^ ^ er award. ' Margaret Traber, a transfer if'"*® ‘u 1908. Now he s a ®red Heart University. A record today, after a weekend with the Pack Cold Cuts ‘rinnalri Pint! raaaivaH Aha Student who did not have ®®®oud-year medical student number of degrees, 433, were *^*ty wide-open to rampaging Robbery Salad Sale most v^uable player award L enough’credits for induction, but f ®®'‘®"-year-oId hooligans and looters, cross country and Billy Smith whom the Society wished to , ah ^ u t ^ police court prosecutor, Suspect the most improved^ player recognUe because of her out- BniH ‘**e misery re- Haakan Kyhle, said: ”By to- awauAaoA ard. ^ standing atenriino’ contributions.contributions, Medical Center here. suiting from slavery and racial night I think the situation will AJAX Though less hefty than he was deprivation. Peters, who is also be better. We have some 200 ex- Basketball aWards went to Band Tour Arrested All and to “Gpodbye Columbus” and minister of toe East End Bap- tra police called in from the Cleanser wearing his hair longer than did Ust Church, gave several ex- provinces and more natrol cars NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) __ Salad Bowl Special! sTnh^^^^^ Patimkln, star of the amples from his own experience will be manned duiL| tT dT ” Uoyd Adkins, 26. was ^*'^^**^ l^ d next February win have M ®*'‘® ^‘“l® hasketball team, Mey In Fairfield County and else- Only one squad car was avail- ®aptured Sunday on charges of 2c Deal T^sTosTimnrovaH TwrtTitrtota cY^eXT 8 to ^ “ ““'® ®' Char- Where. able Sunday in Stockholm. Nor- several brutal robberies STAR-KIST The most Improved player PP® ^ , acter he played. He cited "priority schools mally 60 cars are oneraUnv to New Haven. Pack hv b^ball was receiv^ Scho^ to ***rtew movies a ^ ®^®® occasionally roam which don’t receive a real prior- the city area. He was booked on one count of Aby .. Brian A MacLaughlin and ai.Aaa a# aa„,a nf Aha niaaaaplaces ®*®und“*otind the room, his mind not ‘ly’” slumlord practices, denial In Malmoe, Sweden’s third assault with Intent to commit 2-31 ICEBERG Fresh Firm Crisp Heads track awards went to NickI slides or ^ some visiting. 01 tne places ^““® *°" ^® „,.a=fiaaquestion ju ... s■ ta °lof employment, em blovm ent over-reactionAkv»,..raoaAto„ byk„ largestio,-o.«oa Aa..o,town, a the*. situation today murder, ' four‘ counts of robbery White Tuna Buano for most valuable play­ ^ „ asked. And his arms may dan- enforcement officers in ra- was unchanged. Of 420 police- "^l‘' violence, four counts of 32 iz er and Frank Trlgo for most Charles Gilbert of Bennett gjg ^ chair as if ®‘®’‘ situations and unnecessary men reported sick, only 30 re- ‘’urglary with violence, two Ivo ry Snow u k | 35^ in Spring water *"to*toeriri’a^dLartmeni I vun ST g “wy don’t quite belong to'hlm. ” hunger and poverty. ' turned to work this mortong. " eounta of rape and one count tonaa ‘**® gangling appearance minister did comment fa- Over the weekend, s^eral ®' attempted rape. Laundry Detergent 4 9 « 7 C head Oxydol 10c Deal Pack pkt/> LETTUCE Trlsh Porter received basket­ School ball’s , most valuable player Ih e menu for to^week at ®‘‘®“* 200 fellow students Fairfield County, he said, and looted gas stations, liquor and buig;lary with violence and School itoli he- *‘® niarched on the Newark Fed- *‘^''® ®®®" '"®" ^ach stores an4 restaurants and one hy poUce in Camden, N.J., on Dash Laundry Detergent ^ 7 7 / OZ " P^ctoatiiur to Saturday eve- M on^v‘“h^‘mburs on a r^l' ®*‘''* Building last month to pro- ‘'"P®*‘‘“ ‘ l^ltions In our banks paper today estimated total charges of breaking and en- A Red Ripe Salad Delight cans T„e«k.i d.y, peU ^ ______T » Swedish policemen are an- “"‘s, ball jumpin) ------Liquid Detergent attended by the athletes and chips, molded gelatin salad» Kent State deaths. Joy 15c Deal Pack their parents and guests, were Wednesday, frankfurter on a ‘ *’®‘ ® radical,radical a bunbum y®®*‘® not one held any job gered at the government’s re- l‘°" parole. ’ii“74.| w aa out the Rey. Herbert Kelsey of the roll, baked beans, sauerkraut; ^® *’ L,*^*** I’m longhaired.’’ ‘° ^‘scuss their demands A nationwide bulletin Although saying he felt siich for better salaries and working Adkto’s arrest. Hebron and Gilead Oongrega-. Thursday, orange juice, barbe- ■ c o u g h s. „ , _ . A. a ,r " . A, .■ u. “But I want nannia la a __ . sltustlons Were too few, he add- hours. Adkins is accused, among flA«al r-SifitAahaa ixpIi/A i1a1lAAa..aH nila haaf an a A-n11 ru\tain clilna But I I te e r Vanilla Extract t # S T lflS S f'L n r’thf frouTL°dLy" toL T d°i^'; “> ^ow S ^e^^iLie T us "“ ®" '"‘>‘1® P®ople Not being allowed to strike, °lh®r things, of a Feb. 10 lb MAYONNAISE a^rdST SL aT i sT Pet^L c^ero^TtterTgrTn b ^ ' who don’t have to b ^ P«®P‘®’ »^®y ‘»®®“‘®‘‘ I® *-®«>‘‘l “> »u®h burglary to wWch a 72-year-old TOMATOES iDniarjinai ftourrh iirhn iniirn the ’ hiiitoinpA. h..f f.nro ” giving their money to finance actions as mass sick rebortlng. woman was beaten into un- quart jar 4 9 t A - 4 .«_ 4.»_TAiia 1 __ MA •- lafav In a.nk.n.a.1 -1 A * . AiiQ 0ui6r opportuTil ti 6s for dis* must bo tormod & wHdc&t which &n o4*y6ELr*oj(l wom&n I Sunshine Vanilla W afers 'iT41< MMuter ^o of . ceremoniesccminoMAAA^A^M for the India for use™ towingin eye grafts have '“y®tay to“ school and I«tget W.MD hls. MD ,<|v„Madvantaged ..d cMitondWIdren „dand «...sup .Irtk.,strike. OoGo tackbac*k U,to Aorkwork. VtaYou >d««™a««77ered .a Irtaturtafractured Askull and ' ...... “ " in which waa beaten, Multi . T r : » » C d . . . J L u , r «,”T ta A.n. k. hdiddp DuPont Sponges Pack 39

MANCHESTER EVENING ilERALD. MANirc^ftfttER, PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING, HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 CO:m, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 PAGE n in e t e e n Petrocelli Hits in Clutch Trainer Jacobs Lost Ace Lotz Making Name And Red Sox Notch Sweep But Still Held Trump Card For Self on Tour AmerloM LMffno BMt OlviskMi NEW YORK (AP) — disappolnUng eighth in Uie Ken­ py track,-High Echelon charged CHARLOTTE, N. C. me fn of his career for a dramatic mo­ added ihore trouble by voluntar­ "Then Dick Schofield worked a W. L. Fi«. OJI. Handicap bjr a neck ov4r Pleas- pressure of the cliiMe for 88O,0M BOSTON (AP) — Rico urq fleeker, with T.V. (Jommer- the paceI With aI one-under-par 71 ment. The Red Sox appeared en ily moving to third base so rook­ pihch walk to start the Boston Baltimore 36 18 .067 — TrSiner John Jacobs lost tucky Derby but then wd Fields. SCRAMBLE Oakland at Cleveland, N Low gross — Doris (Jari>enter, Yanks Play Giveaway California at Baltimore, N Oora Anderson, (Tappy Olblln, Minnesota at New York, N Cell Perry 77; Helen Noel, Nothing Sacred on Ball Clubs National League Mae White, Janet Schotta, LU Gimmick of Pinch Hitter Use East Division Demfco 77. By WILLIAM GILDEA ple who I thought were fair be said that would damage a W. L. Pot. O.B. (Washington Post) game," Veeck said on the team, its togetherness. Its unity, Chicago 28 21 .071 — Ellington Ridge All right, Mr. Sports teleph(xie recently. "But I’m which a guy might not care Which Pleases WSox Pittsburgh 27 28 .4*1 4 not writing about people who about it he’s retired." . "rONIGHT’S GAMES Hero. Take a look at that ning one," said Gutteridge. up the middle and McCraw Provides Rigney with Win St. Louis 24 26 .480 4% Saturday were basically heroes to begin Richter believes the youth of NEW YORK (AP) — It Billiards vs. Green Manor, guy at the next locker. Do America are wise enough to ac­ "You can’t gain much ground raced home from second when New York 20 38 .473 0 Low gross — A — Jim Gordon with. Also, I was dealing with was giveaway day for the 7:30 Oak 84; B — Stan Marisowskl 80; C you really know him ? cept in stride these portraits that way.” the ball trickled past second brew and "Tony Oliva had put Phila’phla 98 20 .443 6% personalities, not personal New York Yankees and Sportsman vp. Walnut, 8:46 NEW YORK (AP)— tled matters with a three-run of their Idols. Chicago dropped two of three baseman Clarke for an error. Montreal 10 88 .960 10% — Tony Lembo 80; D — Reg^e Look at carefully. Do events. There’s a difference. Oak > Bill Rigney has been a ma­ Minnesota in fixmt at 8-7. Again homer. "I seriously doubt If hooka getaway day for the Chica­ in Kansas City, Boston and “McCraw’s really been help­ « * * West Division Mosher 96; E — Ed Mooer 00. you trust him? Are you "I found (Jim) Broanan’s P*lzza vs. Town, 6rl6 Nebo jor league manager for 15 Rigney used d pinch hitter for a like these wU have any great, go White Sox. The Yan­ Washington before bowing twice ing us with the bat,” Manager (Cincinnati 40 16 .7*7 — BETTER NINE sure? book (’’The Long Seastxi") Ray’s vs. WINF, 7:30 Nebo pinch hitter to counter a pitch­ ORIOLES-BREWERS— damaging effect on ytmng Uds," kees handed out 42,000 to the Yankees. The Sox fell be­ Gutteridge said of the swift vet­ seasons now and to stick Atlanta 29 22 .569 9 Class A — Jim Gordon 40-8-87; Has It oociured to you that very entertaining on occasion. Klock vs. Mota’s 6:15 Keeney ing change and Charley Manuel Baltimore used home runs by he "Some of the things mini bats and the Sox hind 2-0 agafiist southpaw Fritz eran, whose key double and sec­ around that long, you Los Angeles 30 24 .006 0% B — Stan Mlarkiowalfli 40-4-36,- he may be a prospecUve author, He also mentioned a player Fire vs. CBAT, 6:15 Robertson delivered a single to keep the FTank Robinson, Boog Powell may give a Ud a wrong im- made off with one precious Peterson Sunday, but bounced ond honier of the season boosted know the guy has to have San Fran. 20 80 .400 16 (ISnick Reynolds 40-4-36, Ai that he could be a diarist, that might drink too many mar­ rally going. Jim Holt followed and Merv Rettenmund to beat priisston. Certainly he has to be back in the seventh Inning to his batting average to .302. a gimmick. .Houston 20 81 .446 16% Kemp 40-4-86; C — Mott C:!hu{»s he goes Itome and talks into a tinis. But I thought that was ball game. STANDINGS with a two-run single. Milwaukee. Eddie Watt balled old enough to realize the ^ ten t “ I wish we could revise the seize a 3-2 lead on Tom Mc- 'T might hit three homers all Finch hitters who deliver? A San Diego 25 33 .481 16% 41-6-86, Nelson Skinner 48-6-80, tape recorder? quite fair comment. Minnesota needed the insur­ .Mike Cuellar out of an eighth in­ of the book, its motives. schedule and play one-day Craws two-run homer and season,” McCraw said. "But It SILK CITY LEAGUE good trick, yet there’s nothing Sunday’s Reaults Tony 'Lembo 41-6-80; D—Reggie Do you think he wlU keep sec­ "I ’ve spent most of my life ance when FVank Howard dou­ ning Jam after Phil Roof’s "But maybe we’ve been tell­ stands,” Don Gutteridge sighed bases empty blsust by Ken Ber­ looks like the man is going to let awfully special about that. But Montreal 10, Atlanta 1 Mosher 47-10-37; Tommie Bier- ret that bawdy story you told around baU players. I know W. L. bled two runs across in the bot­ three-run pinch homer had ing them things too long. Kids Sunday after his struggling Sox ry. me play, so all I want to do is pinch hitters who deliver while Cincinnati 10, New York 2 guson 46-11-35; ktckerB Chuck Mm? Does he know you didn’t their personalities. But there Billiards 9 1 tom of the Uth. But the rally pulled the Brewers to within a today are a lot more aware of cooled off New York 4-3 In 12 play every day and go for .300." swinging for other pinch hit­ Philadelphia 10, Hoiuton 8 Reynolds 84-6-76; Tommis Bler- go straight home the other are certain things that achieve ’The Yankees tied it on Horace Green Manor 4 3 fell short and Rigney, his oulja run. things than they used to be. My Innings before a Yankee Stadi­ Clarke’s eighth inning homer off The White Sox’ difficulties, ters? Now there’s a gimmick. Pittsburgh 8, Los Angeles 1 guaon 06-20-78, Ai Kemp 834W78. night? How about the day you nothing tor no one. I think we Sportsman 4 3 board Intact, slipped out of Robinson and Powell powered boy just lost his first tooth and um Bat Day crowd of 66,880. . . left-hander Tonuny JohnV but despite a solid team' batting av­ Rigney pulled that one off St. Louis 10, San Diego 7 Sunday hit three home runs with that are entitled to have some Walnut 3 7 town. consecutive shots In the fourth awful liangover? I told him to put it under bis largest in the major leagues Chicago reliever Wilbur w W l erage of .260, are puzzling to twice Sunday and the double (Chicago 8. San Francisco 4 Class A — TVnn Schiller 78; heroes lefi. Acadia 3 5 « « « wiping out an early Milwaukee This is one of the newest haz­ pill(nv and the fairy would come since 1066. survived a 10th inning scare and McCraw. “WTien we have a strategy coup moved Minnesota Today’s Gamea F*aul Kueihn 76; C — Glen Gould, DeCormler 2 6 A’s-'nGERS— lead. ards of being an athlete. Noth­ "For example, Mickey Man­ and leave him a dime or quar­ The White Sox, salva.ring the the White Sox finally broke the chance to finish off somebody, to a 10-9 victory over Washing­ New York (McAndrew 1-4) at Dave Berger 86; D — Nelson tle. Well, if you played 200 Detroit fell victim to some • * * ing is sacred. The guy on the ter. He said, ’Daddy, I want a final game of an away-from- deadlock in the "12th against Lin- we don’t apply the killing ton in 11 Innings. Houston (Bllllngiiam 84)),N Skinner 86; B — Jack CSiennin gaines a year maybe you’d be REO LEAGUE managerial magic too, bowing IN01AN8-ANGELS— iMxt stool may tuzn out to be dollar.’ Things are a lot dlffe^^ home series for the eighth Ume dy McDaniel. touch,” said the 20-yeaur-old first Elsewhere in the American Tuesday’s Gamea 98. drinking. Or Babe Ruth, a man L. to Oakland when the A’s skip­ Rookie Jack Heidemann’s another Bill Freehan, the De­ ent.” In 11 itrijes this season, snapped McCraw opened the 12th with baseman-out-fielder. "We get a W. League, Baltimore trimmed Cincinnati at Montreal, N BETTER MNE of gigantic appetites — eating, 0 per, John McNamara, sent up bases-loaded double In the troit catcher who 'wrote a book the Yanks’ winning steak at five a ground-rule double . . . which couple of runs ahead and then L^ritern House 5 .Milwaukee 7-6, Chicago edged Atlanta ait Philadelphia, -N Class A — Jim Gordon 41-8-86; drinking, girls. What good does 3 2 the right man in the pinch. eighth inning snapped a 2 -2 tie featuring the foibles o{ Denny games. But they stlU went 4-8 on was ticked by the rift bat of a seem to sit back and wait. Discount New York 4-1 in 12 innings, New York at Houston, N B — Lea Baum 36-5-30, Sal RcB- it (to to say be drank too much 3 Oakland was trailing 2-1 going and then FTed Lasher came out McClain. four-city road trip, limping youngster leaning out of the "Instead of keeping the mo­ Gunvers 2 Cleveland downed California 6- St. Louis at Los Angeles, N aUto 374i-82; C — Marie Knav- or slept with m(ore than one Into the ninth but FTank Fer­ of the bullpen to get the last out Or Jim Bouton, t^e journey­ home in fifth place in the Amer­ seats in the left field comer. mentum, we give It back.” VFW 3 2 4, Oakland dropped Detroit 5 -2 Chicago at San Diego, N Itz 41-7-84, Jack Kearney 40-6- girl? nandez’ leadoff homer tied the man pitcher who exposes in his ican League West. Bobby Knoop missed two bunt Except, of course, on getaway Fizza 1 3 and Boston swept a doublehead­ as Cleveland topped California Pittsburgh at San Fran., N 34; D — Dean Ato(ynaJton 42-10- game against Mickey Lolich. 6-4. work, "Ball Four," excerpted "He made life more exciting "We keep losing two and win­ attempts, then beat out a roller days. Town 1 3 er from Kansas City 7-4 and 5-2. 32, AI Pasternaick 4S-10-SS; E — LETTER OF THANKS 0 Rick Monday walked and then Rookie Rich Hand pitched 8 in Look magazine, the advent­ tor a lot of people, that he was Gormrans 4 In the National League, Pitts­ m his first game for tl^ New Reggie Mosher 47-11-86, Jack I would like to thank oU the A1 Kaline booted Dick Green's 2-3 innings, striking out nine be­ ures of .many idayers, including the great Babe. I kind of decry burgh topped Los Angples, 3-1, York Gdants, Junior Coffey eszannin 47-11-36; Mckero — players of the American Little attempted sacrifice, giving the fomter teammate Mickey Man­ the diminishing of heroes. I be­ Sweep Braves in Series CANDLELIGHT LEAGUE Chicago rapped San FVancisco fore being knocked out by Ken rushed for 03 yards against the Jeek McMeekin 79-4-70, Hal League, Farm League and A’s two on and none out. McMullen’s ninth inning homer. tle, who is remembered for "AU lieve, In effect, we’re all really Major League W. L. 8-4, Cincinnati tagged New York Philadelphia Eagles. Coffey was FlMda 03-16-76, Melt Chupaa 00- Ro(Ale League, plus all of the McNamsLra went to his bench Jim Fregosi had two homers for tiiooe times he’d push little kids and need some heroes. Lenox 4 1 10-2, Montreal bombed Atlanta obtedned from Atlanta in mid- 10-70, Maury Kamlns 02-17-70, AI parents, who gave up a couple and pinch hitter Joe Rudl set­ the Angels. kids aside -when they wanted "So I’m sorry, not that he = L e a d e r s = Albertis 3 1 10-1, St. Louis overcame San season. Paaternajok 08-18-76; Jack Himt- of hours of their time Sunday his autograph." wrote a book, but that he dealt Tedfend’s 3 1 Diego 10-7 and Philadelphia- er 88-11-77, Gus Peters 86-11-77, to help with the annual collec­ Clubhouse Meeting American League (AP PfM>(oCax) There’s more coming. Johnny In picayune flaws In the human Raya 3 2 belted Houston 10-3. Ed Dymon 87-10-77, Erich Kell­ tion and to all the generous Batting (126 at bats)—Carew, O.K. GANG, LETS GO—Spokesman for the sons team took the field to play against their fathers in Seunple will be in Wlariilngton animal. I’m sure that Mr. Bou­ WINF 3 2 - « « ner 83-6-77, Holmes Brawn 80-12- donohs. Minnesota .303; A. Johnson, Cal­ of Boston Red Sox players is Dane Lyle, 2, before annual Fathers-Sons game at Fenway yesterday. Tuesday to diacniss his forth­ ton has some Caws that he Wyman 1 3 TWIN8-SENATORS— 77, John Sommers 08-16-77. The response was just great. Paid Off for Expos ifornia .361. 5 Reds Widen Margin, coming book, "Oonfesrions o f a doesn’t get around to mention­ Taylors 1 4 The Twins and Senators were Low gross — A — Jan Harri- We did our job in about half Runs—^Tovar, Minnesota 48; Dirty Ballplayer," described by ing. He doesn’t include him­ Dloks 1 4 tied at 3-3 in the sixth Inning gan 96; B — Del Hartmann, the time as In other years. I NEW YORK (A P)— When Gene Mauch, the think­ White, New York 43. the Dial press as "a blazing ex­ self in It. He would make it ap­ when Rigney started spinning Mary HesUn 102; C — Mary especially want to thank the ing man’s manager, called a clubhouse meeting Friday Runs batted in—J. Powell, East Banks on Jimkis Automatic pose of professional football by pear that he was just a spec­ INDY LEAGUE some magic. Minnesota had the Stop Slumping M6ts Keaniey 106. parents of these players who, night, his Montreal Expos weren’t contemplating much Baltimore 42; Killebrew, Minne­ TONIGHT’S GAMES GENEVA, N.Y. (AP)—Di­ one of the sport’s most contro­ tator.” bases loaded and Bob Allison, a HUNTING BETTER NINE without that help, we could of anything . . . except maybe suicide. sota 42; Oliva, Minnesota 42. w . L. p&F vs. Dillons, Waddell CINCINNATI (A P )— Cincinnati’s ranipafirins’ Reds, rectors of the New York versial players. . .Sparing no Bernle Allen, the Washington r 1 gh t -h an d ed pinch hitter, 'Olask A — Carol Carlson 46-6- one, lease of aU the team front never have accomplished what The Expos had lost 11 straight ------Hits—A. Johnson, California Klook 4 1 Nassiff vs. VFW, Buckley fresh from a sweep over the New York Mete, roll into In Semifinal Contest Pennsylvania Baseball Senators’ player representative, swinging against lefty George t ^ a n a 38; B — Shirley Homnlng 49-12- offices and the commissioner of we did in such a short space of games when they sneaked into pntA’TES - DODOER8_ 74; White, New York 70; F. B. A. Club 3 2 oilers vs. stevensons, Ver- League decided Sunday to In­ off era this appraisal of Bouton’s Brunet. Montreal Tuesday with a nine gamo bulge in the Na­ Ex-classmates, Jim Penders 4)f East Catholic High 37; C — Mary Kearney 62-16-87; footbaU, in as frank and reveal­ Ume Sunday afternoon. Atlanta to begin a three-game The Pirates turned back the Alou, Oakland 70. American Dri'ving 3 2 planck stitute the automatic walk book; Washington Manager Ted Wil­ tional League West. ------^------and Moe Morhardt of Gilbert High, will direct their klofcera — MArry Renert 120-40- ing a view of the brutal, mer­ P e r h ^ this waa the parents series with the red-hot Braves. Dodgers on UtUe Freddie Pa- Doubles—^Harper, Milwau­ Wholesale 3 2 during the upcoming seasmi. “ The only thing I’ve read was liams called in eighty Dick Bos- The Reds, battering the Mets teams this afternoon at 4 o’clock at Farmingtoji High 80; Anne Levy 121-42-70. cenary world of professional way of thanking us for vrhat When the Expos skipped town tek’s two-run tripie in the fifth kee 21; White, New York 16. Annullis 2 3 STANDINGS FISHING/ the first installment in Look man and Rigney countered with 10-3 Sunday afternoon, romped &h()ol in the semifinal round of the CIAC Class 6 Base­ Hencefortii, a batter may football as has ever been pub- Sunday, following a 10-1 rout for and big Bob Veale’s four-hit TripIes-,-Tovar, Minnesota 6; Teleplione 2 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE Latin Soccer magazine. It’s ver poor; very, we (aU vohmteers) are doing left-handed Rich Reese to swing to their eighth win in nine be waved to llist base on an liriied.” a series sweep, it was the five pitching. Patek’s triple broke a A. Rodriguez, Washington 4; Army & Navy 1 3 W. L. ball Tournament. very poor. I don't know any for their youngsters. for Allison. Reese, the pinch hit­ games to widen the gap over TH IN K B IG This win be the third meeting up. Mike Crisplno stands in the Intentional walk Instead of Miss Englehorn teams trailing the runaway Cin- scoreless tie and foUowed a sin- Kenney, New York 4. Motas 1 3 Sears 7 2 Then there is Dave Megg(yesy, ballplayer so far who has read Albert ’Yosh’ VIncek ter for the pinch hitter, natural­ second place AUanta. Why not start the new tfaiiiing between the two schools this wing as a replacement for So- waiting for four pitches. The cinnati Reds In the National gle by Bob Robertson'and Man- Home runs—J. Powell, Balti­ Police 6 3 E ntries Hold who promises that the autobio­ it who liked it. Albert ’Yosh’ Vihhak, ly crackled a grand slam homer. ’I think we’re really ^ t e r in sesszxi by deciding that thto is season. East has won both nine cha with Bob Ferron ready for move Is designed to q>eed up Scores Victory League West who were left for ny SanguiUen’s double. Patek more 16; F. Howard, Washing­ DUSTY LEAGUE Army & Navy 4 4 graphy he Is writing will tril ' Commissioner American The Senators pecked away at the daytime," said R e ^ man­ the year to catch a fish Mg inning outings by a 3-1 score, centerfield duUes. the game. "I don’t do these things. But dead. later scored on a single by Mat- ton 16. Dillons 2 5 that he gave up his $36,000-a- Little League W. L. ager Sparky Anderson. “They Wide Margin enough to make the rooord Saturday’s scheduled contest This is the farthest an East In Lady Carling he indicates every ballplayer The Reds poured it on the ty AJou. Pitching (6 decisions)—^Tiant, the lead and finely tied the Wlpco 2 7 year job as St. Louis linebacker P.S. O-ver $1,000 was coUectod Oe»Tter Cfongo 5 0 score in the ninth. Two innings have to make go(xl pitches to hoofcsT was postponed unUI today be- Catholic team has ever advanc- does. What a few guys do is New York Mets 10-2 and opened • • • Minnesota 6-0, 1.000, .3.12; F. LUTHERVILLE. Md. (AP)— because of the qx>rt’s bnitaUty, which is a first for the Ameri­ Dickensons 3 1 later, three straight singles by us. Ihis club has power." MEXICO CITY (AP) — The Atanoat alt atate ocoasTvatkin cause of inclement weather. Fi- ed in tournament play. "We are, their own business. I don’t think a nine-game bulge over Atlanta. CARDS • PADRES — Peterson^ New York 8-2, .800, NATIONAL LEAGUE Barbara Davis Shirley Englehorn, of Caldwell, will dispute the diadpUnarian can League. AUied 3 2 Leo Cardenas, Harmon Kille- The Reds smashed 17 hlU in ninth World Cup Soccer cham- de|ieztzn«ita record large fiah nals will be played Wednesday out for everything or nothing at it’s anybody else’s business. It’s Los Angeles, beaten by Pitts- ’ihe Cardinals climbed past 3.60. W. L, Idaho, took a one-stroke victory theories of Vince Lombaidi and Peros 3 2 sending the world champions to h»ve reached the half- taken from a state’a waters. afternoon. all," commented Penders. "If reveal the racists among his an individual thing. burgh 3-L is 0.% games back. In the Mets Into third place with a Strikeouts — McDowell, Moriarty’e 7 1 their fifth straight defeat, long- reacnea me nan Spring Winner over Carol Mann, of Towaon, CBAT 2 2 Eligible species include almost "They are a weU balanced the kids, continue to stick former teammates. "His job is to pla^ ball, not McDonaugh Cops other NL acUon, the Chicago seven-run explosion in the sev- Cleveland 124; Lolich, Detroit Man. Auto Parts 4 S Md. Sunday in the Lady rinrUtig No. End Fire 2 3 4 3 est Met slump of the seasert on the mound for East Catholic, charged -with interference, but Barbara Davis emerged -vic­ was one under par with two Meggyesy could have used his it "carefully.’’ / in 2 hours, 36 minutes, 9 sec­ perhaps remembering the man- Torre doubled and Simmons sln- cinnati 59; Bench, Cincinnati 51. guna retained world lightweight Ansaldis 3 6 5 the staff total to 16 compared remaining match. birds and a bogey. - "I think if a person is still night at Willie’s Steak House. anglers. He pitched the opening tourney it’s ruled as an error, torious as champion of the A certain imwme with the Card­ onds. Ron Johnson of Garden ager’s famous spare rib-barbe- gled home the tying run. With Hits—CartyAtlanta 76; Per­ championship. Oilers 2 7 with 33 for the Reds all last And in the unofficial battle be- An kuportant first step la to Division with wins as followa: The top two finalists were tied playing—like FYeehan and Bou­ City, 111., was second in 3:88.07, Dinner will be served at 6 test for East when they defeat- Leading hitter in post-season inals. He has three children, the cue sauce performance in Hous- two out, Leron Lee ■ stroked a ez, Cincinnati T6; Gaston, San LOS ANGELES—Mike Quar­ year. tween Europe and South Amerl- dsolda which record you want ed Ridgefield High. Also, he had play is freshman sensation John Cele Perry — default: Kappy at 130 when they began the fin­ youngest blind, deaf, and un­ ton—he definitely shouldn’t write followed by Vince Chlapetta of ton whUe his PhUadelphla Phil- two-run pinch double and Daval- Diego 76. ry, 173%, Bellflower, Calif., out­ o ’clock. Neiw York Met pitchers held The Rods knocked out Gary the Latins are way ahead to brook. Study inftsrmatlon contributed in relief in the last McKeon. H6 has three hits Giblln 1-up: Cora Anderson 8 al round, way ahead of the oth­ likely to live peut 21, and the a book. Some things you would New York, BUI Van Dyke of lies were in the process, of blow- IHo closed out the inning with a Doubles—W. Parker, Los An­ pointed Eddie Avoth, 177, Car­ President Ray Blanco will pre­ Baltimore Orioles third base- Gentry (6-4) with a four run ^ about your state’a prsaent victory over Plainfield High in six at bats, and 7: Florence Barre 3 and 2. ers who concentrated on nailing medical expenses have been )iaye to say to be Interesting Cambridge and Ed Walkwlta ot Ing the 1964 flag. run-scoring single. geles 20; Wynn, Houston 16; Ce- diff, Wales, 10. side. man Brooks RoWhson to one hit rally in Uie fourth and coasted Mexico, BraaU and Uru- record catches, and decide Alice Ansaldi became champ­ third. high. But he appears sincere in and to sell are private and South Hadley. «, 4, « when he picked a runner off Looking into the future. It peda, Atlanta 16. AIANILA—Rene Barrientos, Hie chapter membership hails In 10 trips during the World Ser- from there. guay leading their groups and which fish you Intend to pursue.. second base for the game- could be another all Hartford ion oi^ the B Division by elimin­ Both blrdied the first, par five his belief that pro football is shouldn’t go beyond the locker FVirmer Boston A.A. Mara­ "But Gene just talked base- „ „ „ „ ^ room. ball to us,” Morton continued. -^ASTROS Triples—4 tied with 7. 134%, I*hlllppines,. outpointed from the Rockville, Manchester, les. His one hit drove in BalU- Two of the runs came on Tony Peru even with West Germany TtMh cenoentrate aU your ef- ending third out. County Conference champion- ating the following: Mary Lou hole, and a trap on the third bad. thon 'Winner Johnny KeUey of "He told us to play aggressive- Browne belted a homer Home runs—Perez, Cincinnati Shinichl Kadota, 134%, Japan, Vernon, Coventry, .^dover. more’s lone run in the 2-1 sec- Perez’ triple that boosted his ^ remaining group, te ts toward catching Uiat kind Juknls 'Will be caught by ship, the same as it was in Fierro 4 and 3: Rita Cre^ 4. hole snared each of them. Miss Bouton, however, admits the., "When he’s retired. It’s i^ot to Groton, Conn., suffered from ly and that we could win if we a two-run triple and Deron 20; 3 tied with 18. 10. East Hartford area. ond game setback. league lejuUng RBI total to 50. Each of the 16 competing na- of ftah. Read aU avaHatde ma­ veteran isrian Sullivan. A doubt- basketball, and 3: Agnes Ramako at the Englehorn, however, blasted out chance to make extra money be very carefully done. There cramps and troublesome legs Pitching (6 decisions)—Simp­ „ tlons have now played two 20th hole Muriel Carlson 7 and are a ot of things that could and wound up eighth. thbught we could win, but that terial about your querry- VUrtt ful starter Is shortstop J(dm So- South Ciathollc is also battling of the sand and holed an eight- was an inducement for him. we would keep losing if we homer as the Phils handed son, Cincinnati 8-1, .880, 2.43; games but only three—Brazil, state fishery UOlogiate and cha who broke his nose 'when hit for the finals against Kolbe 6. footer for a birdie. Hip book is presently causing thought we wolild lo * . He re- Houston’s L any Dierker, on a G. Stone, Atlanta 6-1, .838, 3.46. Peru and West Germany—have Isom what they know about by a Juknis plckofl attempt, if High of Bridgeport. ’U’ both The winner also saved a par most of the furor. It has out­ laxed theC* whole team. You ^eeheiri pass from Army duty, Strikeouts—S e a v e r. New collected the maximum fixir your fish, and adiere the beat at all possible the little man schools. South and East win. It at the 160-yard eighth with a raged New York columnist could telf the dUference as soon his fourth consecutive loss. York 118; Gibson, St. Louis 106. points. aivUng might be found. who carries a Mg glove and will be the biggest baseball Big Red Winner pressure ten-footer alter miss­ Dick Young, who called Bouton With three points are Mexioo Next, narrow the nundOer of as we left the clubhouse." bat, will be In the Eagle line- rivalry In the area. Ctompeting in its fourth meet ing the green and chipping down a "social leper." and Russia in Group One, Uru­ plaoea you (ntsfid to fish to from the right trap. It has even saddened Bill Bob Bailey socked two hpm- of the season, Mbriarty’s ’Big AVAILABLE Three Nip-and-Tuck Races guay and Italy in Group Two, Ih aeveral pronfMing bodies of wa­ Kathy Whitworth was a dis­ Veeck, author of ’’Veeck, as in e'rs and Coco La boy one as the Group Three, reigning champion ter. lim it an fishing to thoos Red’ won Its class over six cars tant third at 217, seven shots be­ Wreck," that liberal (“ I voted Expos lashed out 16 hits in sup­ Kinel Named to All-Stars^ England and Rumania trail ptarai which OTO dis Hiost Uksly hind the winner. for Norman Thomas four times. port of Morton’s 10-hit pitching. Sp ice Weekend Schedule »4BS H \ . ■ \ V‘ \'iW a

MANCHfiSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. JUNE 8, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. MANGHESTOR, CONN,; MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 PAGE TWBNTY^Nl PAQB TWENTY THERE OUOHTA BE A LAW BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJCMl HOOPLB ■iMinMs SMrvkM BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE H«lp Wcrnlad H«lp O fiM vd 13 35 1 WANT TO I G O TTA I DON'T) OKAY- THANKS, AN' CALL, A G A IN ]) HAT ev^BN A SKI DUMPER. WOULD CLASSIFIED CUSTOM MADE slip oovers, U s A 8A8V, MIGRA/UE SEEMED 10 06 M ow 6NE‘6 GROWN AND IS JU € T DOUCHED LOOK AT WARN YA, CARE. STEP RELIABLE babysitter needed SHOPPE. UOSE H « NERVE LOOKIN' MX $83 - $130, In the convenience •lOualED \«ith g e n iu s , a c c o r d in g -i d WAITRESS wanted fuU or part- BIBSYS THE HATS ELM ER, A HATS THIS CRUMWBLL.' HE BROUSHT A - ACCORDING TO TEACHER - In my home, for one child. OsU IP It WAS anmdne b u t Mother's Corner of your living room. Chooee time. Please call Tolland, 878- THAT ARE THEY'RE A HATJ WAV' JAi^E, I'D FEEU s o r r y KIP i n t o j u v e n il e c o u r t MOM AND POP - 640-7138. ON SALE DISCONTINUED FOR kM.' WHEN HE tHlMHS FOR THROWIN' A BOTTLE from over 300 exclUng prints. I HATH ID TELL TOU THIS, BUT 0060. IN THE ©TREBT...FROM ^ V E R T I S I N G STYLES ASOUT ATty. CRUMWBLL, HE DOWN Grant's of Vernon, 873-Om. A TnuKEr Twuv / 1 NEVER 1 BUMMER job, Wapplng area. A BIABY CARPI a c e ,' r — ■ ACROSS ATATMKET MIGRAVNE IS DOING BAOLW IN WOMAN NEEDED In BilUng MUST BE A\ORE WORRIED 'M i I i9EARPATNO- i ------Woman or maturi high school th a n a HOMS PLATS 1 Kiother's main 1250 (Roman) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS TR E E S m v iC E (Ckxicler) — SPELLING, a r ith m etic AND Dept, to operate Friden Invoic­ MIGWAVNI VEAR-OLO girl needed to babysit with 2 UMPIRE WITH j— > concern 2 Garden tool Trees cut, building lots clear­ READING - IN FACT, THE I ing machine, will train ca­ 8 A J L to 4:30 PJS. YHIMSUCRA girls In my home mornlz«s, $-1 TORN PANTS/_C. jW 6 Family mem­ 3 Yellow bugle ed. trees topped. Got a tree pable person. Typing neces­ ber (coll.) nocabularv; WORST IN THE CLASS.'^ p.m. Transportation nso'sssary. plant problem I WeU worth phone sary. CaU 289-8201 for appoint­ 10 Concealed CaU after 6 p.m. M4^W07. 4 Mother of OW Y CLOSING TIMB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. can, 742-8283. ment. 12 Northwestern Helen (myth.) state 5 Sediment ii8# P.M. DAT BEFtlRB PUBUOATION SH!CRB!TARY wanted for den­ 14 Prominent DaedUne for SatonUy and Monday U iis e p.m. FHda.v ALL appliances repaired, wash­ 6 Simple motherhood poems tal specialty. A challenging individual 7 Made worse ers, refrigerators, dryers, elec­ G A L F R ID A Y 15 Welsh (2 words) 45 Pinnacle of tric ranges. Parts and service and interesting opportunity for A*- / ^ L 8 Extinct bird ice FE B PA ID Z'TTFm- Malt 3* MARCO■ 50 Sky (Fr.) liT SI Utters. Readers answer- vertible, radidr power steering, 1868 after 6 p.m. high dally cash commissions. Park A Oakland Aves., FOOD OR 52 Lessen 47 LEON Cleszynski builder—^new PA IN TIN G — smaU or medium mg blind box ads who automatic, $680. Can be seen Everything furnished, but must Bast Hartford, Conn. WANTED — First clsss Utte SLEEP, 55 “The hand 56 S7 Si homes custom built, remodel­ size houses, interior, ceilings, D A W 62 54 desire to protect their at 4 UtUe St. 048-9708. WASHING machines repaired, be bondable handling our hand for production work. that rocks the ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ odd jobs. Free estimates. CaU J O N E S t» Identity can follow ‘his Maytag, RCA, and Kenmore. merchandise and cash. Part or Metronlcs Inc., 640 HiUlard St, 6i procedure: rages, kitchens remodeled, 648-0112. CONTINUES 59 Kite OU>SMOBTLE, 1903, P-86 se­ Fast service, reasonable rates. full-time. W rite: Chexco, 2010 DEGREE nurse, minimum 2- Manchester. w dan, power steering, -power bath tile, cement work. HIS 60 Rescuer II Enclose your reply to Call 643-4913, M7-1710. AAA Painting — Interior, ex­ N. 16th St., Phlla., Pa., 10182. years experience in pubUc f r a n t i c NOT UNTIL I'VE 61 Sea inlets brakes. Call 049-3036. Steps, dormers. Residential or terior. Name your own price. EINOINEBR^ helper, read COMBED EVERY the box In an envelop — YOU A M A-i. Truck Is AA. health for South Windsor Agen­ HUNT 62 Pennies address to the ChuuUled commeroial. Call M9-4201. Free estimates. 648-0886. blueprints with structural steel SQUARE INCH (Nmipeptt tnitrpnM Ann.} 1962 FORD Fairlalne, 6 cylinder, Cellars, attics, yards, drive-‘ cy. CaU 644-2687 or Box No. FOR Manager, Manchaster A-1 SERVICE STATION drafting and estimating ablUty. OUT HERE.' NEWTON H. SMITH and S on - 668, South Windsor. MARCO Evening Herald, together standard shift. No body decay. ways sealed aind small truck­ B.H MAGOWAN JR. A Sons, Ehcperience required. Call for Guaranteed high gollonage MARINO... with a memo Hating thi New tires, $800. Call 046-2388. ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- Remodeling, repairing, addi­ interior and exterior psilnting, N U M E S — R N ’s or L P N ’s, full appointment between 0-6, Mr. located at a busy Intersec­ companies you do NOT mano Trucking Service toU- tions, rec rooms, garages, paper hanging. Thirty years or part-time, aU shifts. Pleas­ Peter Duguay, 648-3461. NEED CAR? Credit very bad? porches and roofing. No job tion of Connecticut’s Route CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER want to see your letter. free, 742-0487. experience, four generations. ant working conditions. Every Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ too smaU. CaU MO-8144. 44 and 44-A In Ashford, Your letter will be de­ Free estimates, fully Insured. other weekend off. No rotation. stroyed - If the advertiser est Douglas accepts lowest TWO YOUNG married men Conn. For information call 648-7861. CaU Mr. Atlas, 628-6078. EXPERIENCED BY KEN MUSE Is one you’ve mentioned, down, smallest payments, any­ will do small repair Jobs and S A ^ MONEY! Fast service. Hartford 668-7146, days. WAYOUT ff not it will be handled where. Not small loan finance Dormers, room additions, ga­ painting, also cellar cleaning Manchester MO-0170 eve­ PART-TIME, experienced ma­ In the usual manner company plan. Douglas Mo­ rages, porches, roofing and and light trucking. CaU 646- Floor Hnishing 24 nings. ture woman to work In cheese OIL BURNER tors, 346 Main. siding. Compare prices. Ad- HEY, DUMMY, DON'T YOU 2692, 646-2047. and specialty shop. Apply In h e r p e s a r e AtAPE-NOreORN A-Level Dormer Corp., 289- FLOOR SANDING, and reflnish- SERVICEMAN KNOW CIGADEHES WILL BARRACUDA, 1968, V-8, 4- person, Swiss Colony, Man­ t h e . TREEIS Cut and removed. Rea­ 0440. ing (speeiallflng in older Lost and Found I speed, radio and heater, metal­ sonable. Free estimates. Fully Privotu Instnietiom 32 chester Parkade. SHORTEN YOUR LIFE ?? floors). In and outside paint­ Good pay, good Wonting oon- lic gray, clean inside and out. insured. PoUard Tree Se'rvice, N. J. LaFlamme —Carpenter ing. Ceilings. No job too smaU. HIGH SCHOOL Honors grad­ CASHIER with experience for dftlons. Paid vacation. Pstid SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL LOST — Black and silver (3er- Reasonable. 049-8608 after 6:80. 628-3021. contractor. Additions, remodel­ John Verfallle, M9-6760. uate offers tutorial services in fabric store, part-time, hours hoUdays. Free inauienoe. man Shepherd, one-year old ------ing and repairs. CaU anytime female. Answers to name of VOLVO station wagon, LIG H T trucking, odd jobs, also High School history or math. 6-9:80. Schedule arranged to fit Free unifetrms. for free estimates. 876-1642. J LEFT ANOTHER DEAD Prlnceas. Reward. Call*' 8 ^ condlUon. $696. Call 649- moving large appliances. Bonds— Sfoeks— Elementary level math or convenience. CaU Mr. Shenk- reading. CaU 048-7427. man Jr., Pilgrim Mills, 646- J LEFT A SUIN IPRASOW ONE AT -THE CROSSROADS. 1786. 9878. Burning barrels delivered, $4. WB)3 ROBBINS Carpentry re­ ■n Mortgogos . 4422. THE WHITING CORP. k=N eXJT ON 1WE NOI?TH FORTY. M4-1776. modeling specialist. Additions, 27 HEBRON — Lost, black and 1070 CHALLENGER, RT, 888, rec rooms, dormers, porches, MORTAOES, loans, first, M9-U66 TIT gray male dog, “ Snoopy” , 4 barrels, 4 speed. Must be YOUNG m€in with truck will do Schoob and CIo u m 33 KEYPUNCH Operators — ex­ c> 1*7« cabinets, > formica, buUt-ina, second, third. All kinds. Realty 2M Brood at. gywJir^i, Im. Pekinese and Keeshond, cross seen. 648-8616 after 6 p.m. hauling and most odd jobs. perienced, days, part or fuU- bathrooms, kitchens, 640-8446. statewide. Credit rating un- breed. Reward. Call 643-1664 Save. Reasonable rates. 280- ttme. Immediate asalgnments, Manchester, necessary. Reasonable. Con '.•uU/tiK after 4 p.m. 1068 RENAU LT 4-door sedan, 8110. DRIVERS NEEDED very high pay. No fee. Apply • r m H ALLM ARK Building Co. tor fldential, quick arrangements ■Ta good condition^ best offer over home Improvement, additions, Start BuUders, Suite 602, 11 LOST — Medium sized black- $700. Call 644-8106. LAW N MOWERS, mini-bikes, Alvin Lundy Agency, 627-7971 Asyhim S t 278-7610. COOK with experience, good BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE rec rooms, house painting, 988 Main St., Hartford. Eve Train now to drive semi­ tan Germcui Shepherd type snow blowers repaired. Free working conditions, no Sun­ 1050 FORD 2-door sedan, V-8, garages, roofing, gutters. Free nings, 288-6870. truck, local and over the SECRETARms — Typists — male dog. Near Hebron Rd.- pick-up and delivery. M7-9704. days. CaU 6404696. M6Y, I'AHOAPN/ please, s ir , M I'M MURRY HILL, MR. SAWYER. BY A ^ A N G E COINCIDENCE, YES, BUT I'M AFRAID YOUNG good numing condition. $76. estimates. All work guaran­ road. You can earn over $4 Clerks and other ,^(flce skills. ODP, TMI TO KNOW f WILL YOU COME THE MANAGEMENT OF BLOCK INDUSTRIES JUST DECIDED Oreen Hill, Bolton. Karen’s teed.. 646-2627. MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd. per hour, after short train­ CHIPLY'S TROUBLES ARE JUST CaU 643-2602. R. C. CONS'TRUCnON 0 0 . ~ Many needed for assignmen'ts PART-TIME help wanted morn­ IS « y YOUCHIP. J DOWNSTAIRS? V TO CONSULT TROUBLE SHOOTERS ,TNC, A PART OF SOMETHING FAR friend "Hols” , 647-0706. m ortgages— interim financing ing. For interview and ap- Personalized custom painting near home. Temporary, fuU- ings. lAist be able to do tune- MV GRANDFATHERS MORE SINISTER. lOM ’TEMPEST 2-door, excel­ pUcation, call 208-225-8710, LOST: Passbook No. 25 012018 2, by brush, roller or spraying. —expedient and confidential time or 9-3/p.m. Highert pay, ups and minor repairs. CaU LAWYER WANTS CAN TROUBLE W EU. SO Pick T h e m lent running condition. Rea­ Roofing— Siding 14 service. J. D. Reel Estate or write Safety Dept. United TO TALK TO The Connecticut Bank and Interior and exterior. Expert no See. Stklf Builders, 11 Asy­ 640-8247. SHOOTERS / CERTAINLY VP, Ydu UrtERBUfl// sonable. Call M7-0218, anytime. Aaeoc. 648-6121. Systems, Inc., Interstate YOU. HELP US? J BEGIADTO Trust Company, savings de­ paperhahglng and wallpaper BIDWEIXi Home Improvement lum St.,Hartford. 278.7610. removing. Complete remodel­ Co. Expert Installation of Terminal Bldgr., 2176 Berlin MACHINisTi II ImmadUto partment. Application made WHITE 1006 Plymouth Fury Tpke., N e w ln ^ n , Conn., ing cart>entry service, rec aluminum siding, gutters and openings, first and sacand for payment. n , V-8, automatic, power 06111. Training originates rooms, additions, etc. Attics trim. Roofing Installation and Biisinoss Opportunity 28 shifts. Bridgeport mlU and en­ brakes, power steering, back­ out of IndlahapoUs, Indiana. / COMPTOMETER and ceUars cleaned, and if old repairs. M0-M96, 876-0100. gine lathe men. Must ha Class- up lights, radio. Clean, ex­ articles in selling condition, OPERATOR A. Capable, willing and amU- cellent condition. May be seen Porsonok discount. Complete yard main­ P A S ROOFING and repairs E A R N $15-$80,000 tious. AU benefits, olr-condi- at 73 Scarborough Rd., Man­ done realistically. Free esti­ Openings for experi­ tloned shop. CaU or apply J.T. RIDE wanted from Manchester tenance. Short distance mov­ chester. mates. Call anytime, MO-1616, AS A Help Wonted enced comptometer opera­ Slocomb Oo., 6s Matsoh HUI “ Yeah, that’* the way it goes . . . aek 150 million to UOonn for 9:80 to 12 class, ing. Asphalt driveway sealing. 640-2378. tors. FuU-time. Must be Rd., South Glastonbury, Conn. /eed janitor, David Green,. 644-0520. and exceUent working condi­ IN A FEW HELP HER) DISTRAUGHT WHEN I gutters, siding, painting. No perience is not necessary. y Gu r AVON Representative Is Growing company. Apply at MINUTES! TO HER! ^ floor shift. Moving to Europe, SHARPENING Service—Saws, middle man, straight from con­ a member of the world’s most tions. Apply: Hartford Freezer, 241 Park THESE MOUNTAIN ' POTEET CAN PROBABLY THEN, IN A FEW MINUTES..0 IT HAROLr BUT THE UOHTNING HAS DONE AiltomebfiM For Sal* 4 must sell, $050. Call 640-0360. knives, scissors, garden and tractor to you. Licensed, band­ Excellent paid training, fi­ successful and respected group Avenue, East Hartford, or STORMS CAN BE WAIT IT OUT WITH WHO­ W ET THE ITS JOB... AND WHEN THE WIND shop tools. Power mowers re­ ed and insured .643-7026. nancing available, insurance of part-time Independent busi­ call 280-2708, Mrs. Gasser. rough ! z o o m EVER SHE'S COMPUTiNfi FORESTS FRESHENS.. 1066 PLYMOUTH Fury, FIRST NATIONAL paired and serviced. Pick up. and retirement plans, plus ness women. To Investigate an IT UlflHTNINe y n UPON THE HILL/j WHISTLE vertible, gold, power steering, Auto Driving School 7-A STORES, INC. and delivered. Sharpall, 685 many more benefits. opportunity to share in an out­ EXPBRIENCEJD short run dte new tires, one owner. Must D A Y’S Driving School, 860 Main Adams St. (rear) Manchester, Roofing and standing earnings opportunity & CaU Weekdays, 280-1521, P A R K O A K LA N D maker, aircraft quaUty. All sacrifice. $1,000. 048-6076. St., Manchester. Adult and 643-6306. Chimiwyt 14«A call quickly — 280-4022. nights and weekends, until 9 AVENUES fringe benefits. Apply Ounvar teen instructions. Nervous stu­ Mfg. Oo., 3M Hartford Rd.. 1062 PLYM OUTH Fury, 6-cyl- ROOFING — Specializing re­ p.m., caU Joe Beaton, MO- SEIGRETARY, 36-hour week, dents our specialty. For MANCHESTER Tree Service. EAST HARTFORD Manchester. Inder, 4-door sedan, $160. Call pairing roofs of all kinds, new '’ 0294. knowledge of shorthand and prompt, courteous service, call Specializing in tree removal, MO-7164 after 6:80 p.m. roofs, gutter work, chimneys typing necessary. Pleasing 640-6150. pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. ONE M AN to operate backhoe cleaned and repaired. 80 years' telephone voice and ablUty to 1068 VOLKSWAGEN sunroof, FuUy insured. CaU MO-6422. CLERK-TYPIST, accounts re­ and buUdozer with mechanical experience. Free esUmates. SHELL OIL COMPANY meet the pubUc. ExceUent sal­ low ' mileage, showroom condi­ ceivable and payable. Diversi­ abUity. CaU 873-8771. Call Howley 648-6381, 044- ary and fringe benefits. P. O. tion. CaU 876-6166. 477 Connecticut Blvd. fied and Interesting. Ehccep- Motorcyelus— HousEhoM ScrvIcM 8888. Box 471, Manchester. tional benefits. Call 643-1181 for IdARIUED MAN with some MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 1068 VOLKSWAGEN read­ Bicyclus 11 Offorad 13-A East Hartford. appointment. route experience and good able, Call after 6 p.m., MO- HAIRDRESSER wanted, apply with figures to learn egg busi­ MOTORCYCLE, Triumph, 660, Hooting and Piimiblng 17 Marlow’s Beauty Salon, 867 FEIMALE help wanted for re- HA-HA-HA! w h a t's s o „ .B U T I WARN 1423. TWO handymen want a variety ness. Inside and outside work. Boimeville, T T cams, rework­ Main St., Manchester. sjMnslble position in export de­ TH AT^ A FUNNY? >tXJ-BRACE of Jobs by day or hour. We SAM W A ^ N Plumbing and Must be responsible. CaU kOl- STICK 'EM 1068 PORSCHE, 1,600 cc, white ed pistons. Fast machine. MO- Privot* Instnieriom 32 partment. Requires typing, GOOD o n e ! VOURSELF FOR A clean yards; attics and cellars. Heating. Bathroom remodeling PART-TIME counter girl want­ ler Farms, 648-8031. UP AND with red Interior, excellent 2619. fuU-time chaUanglng work. ______• ------B IS S H O C K l WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU Reasonable. CaU 643-5305. and repairs. PYea satimates. ed evenings for Hartford Rd. HAND OVER HA HA! condition. Call MO-8080, after 3 BEOINNINO or IntermedUte Good benefits. Contact Mr. Pe­ PLUMBERS — Ucenssd and ex­ Call M0-88M. Instructions given on clarinet Store. Apply In person to Bess y o u R I'LL BE DOC p.m. 1966 DAKATI, 250cc, under 6,000 CUSTOM made draperies, slip ter Hamm, Arbor Acres Farm, perienced helpers . wanted. GLADTD ITfe T H A T PE5rr,TQ \W / HE QAV© IF HE AV\RRIE6 MB original miles. ElxceUent con- covers and reupholstering. or sax. CaU MO-8660. Eaton Donuts, 160 Center St. Benefits and overtime. After 6, WALLET' DON'T LOOK CA\JAll4 Inc., Marlborough Rd., Glas­ TELL AAAR77N ... H E KEEPS He ' l l g e t t w o T>iL e x e m p t i o n g 1066 CHEVROLET, super sport, diUon. Asking $360. CaU MO- you.. ABOUNPyBUr S O M E D A Y . .. Budget terms. EstabUshed In MiHliwry, tonbury,^ 688-4681. 646-4628. PROPOSING TzD M £ . 4-speed, bucket seats, ' power 0900 or can be seen 33 Clinton Holp W o n fd Fomote 35 I'M B e iN G 1046. Days, 634-OlM, eve­ Drassmoking 19 FOLLOWED. steering, 228-0610. St. nings, MO-7690. HuIpWanf d Mate 34 1966 VOUeSWAOEN, very good E H irF ro U C K IN O , oeUar and MRS. PRESS -r Dresamaklng condition. CaU MO-1868 after 6 attics cleaned, odd jobs, lawns, and alterations, expert work­ RITA GIRL p.m. Read Herald Ads trees cut and removeid. M8- manship. 66 B. Center St. Lo­ RICHARD P. RITA is ? 6000. cated in Andrews BuUding. 640- DESIGN CONSULTANT — LEGAL CLERK ^ Diversi­ 6-8 8088. Established Manchester busi- fied duties In a busy lawyer’s PERSONNEL SERVICES WINDOW cleaning done at spe­ ness is (leeking an outgoing, office await the capable wo­ PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERBIEER cial low spring cleaning rates. sales-minded woman with man ready to start work to­ Fast, efficient Service. CaU for Moviiin»—Traekiiig— experience In interior design. day! Convenient location and Are you looking for your first job, unemployed or I DIDN'T KNOW MY ' c e r t a i n l y m a k e s t h e s e PERSON TO WORK IN flexible hours. $80 plus. ^THE: NATIONAL DEBT free estimates. 640-4330. Elxclting opportunity. To $160. IS s t a g g e r i n g ,! GIRL. WORRIED ABOUT PEW THINGS FROM Storag* i20 ready to make a change ? Call us How! Many posi­ SUCH MATTERS! MILADY'S SHOPPE SEEM TR A V E L AGENCY — Active AOCXJIWTS RECEIVABLE Hi FLOWER SHOP REW EAVING of burns, moth- tions available within commuting distance and na­ IN SIC3NIFICANT./ !OU'ge ^PPO& gP TO f RN'S STEVE PETERS — Exterior large load yard handling. Requires oompltto famlUortty and DORMERS, garages, porches, A position has become available in our Data Proc­ c iEirfn**Ui ■tti painting, free estimates. WIU reo rooms, room additions, experience with mobUe cranes, rigging, materiala, handling LPN'S save you money. 280-8110. essing Dept, for a highly qualified keypunch op­ kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, equipment and personal safety. Must bo agroartvo, porttlva LITTLE SPORTS t n R0U80N AIDES & ORDERLIES ^siding, general repairs. Quality INSIDE —outeide painting. Spe­ erator. We have fine working conditions with lib­ thinking leader of men. ExceUent benaflta Include Inauraaoa and panslcn plans paid vacaticna. Oentaot Mr. Raynolda, workmanship. Financing avaU- cial rates for i>eople over 06. eral fringe benefits and good starting salary. A tgN S I /■ •h «• Pel 0 # ^ ^ able. Economy Builders, ino. CaU my competltore, then oaU '646-0134. ■ M fieuN 6464160, 873-0647 evsnlngs. me. Betlmates given. 646-T8M. MEADOWS WEST C A R PE N TR Y — concrete ataps, CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- Call Ml— Susan Oary, DIreotor, •40-46U, or Apply In Paraon floors, hatchways, remodeling terior painting, paper hanging. (COLONIAL BOARD CO. ALLIED BUILDING SYSTIMS porches, garages, oloseta, oeU- Discount on wallpaper. CaU 88$ BID WELL STREET MAMOMOSTER Ings, attics finished, reo Oscar Hebert, 646-8046. 6 -e: / , »IANOHB»rBB,.OONN,/ j rooms, tormioa, ceramic. Oth­ . 649-4567 * o im by NIA, be. An Equal Opportwitjr Bmplojrar. '/ /■ ' An equal o^rtunlty employer er related work. No job too ROGER painting — Interior, / J c i_ ■naU. Dan Moran. Builder, exterior, oelllnfe, paper hang­ Mrs. E. S. Loftus Evenings, 649-8880. ing. CaU anytime. 648-0088. PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 _ '^^NCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-THRBB Houses For Sole, 72 Houses For Sale 72 Housed For Sate ArtlcrM For Sate 45 Out of Town InvMtmont Proportv Honsw For Soto 71 HouMf For Sate 72 Out of Tovm Out of Town D fVITA’nO N to pleasure, CAPE OOD Five rooms ASSUMABLE 4'/4 per Tolland FLAGSTONE, red, bluO, gray, For Ron! For Soto 70-A 122,600 DqLL HOUSE, '^ e a d ;^ cent For Sate 75 For Solo 75 Georgian Colonial. 7 rooms, down, fireplace. Ohe finished mortgage. Seven-room Cape. FOUR BEDROOMS, two baths, about SO pieces. First good stroot. 160x160, trees, 6-r6om BERRY’S WORLD VERNON — Brook MANCHESTER Ranch, breeseway, a-dar ga­ 1% baths, fireplace, 2-car ga­ up. Basement garage. Large Three or four bedrooms, mod­ fireplace, recreation rr>om, ELLINGTON Custom built NORTH CJOVBNTRY - Newer CLASSIFIED offer. 644-0149 after S. Apartments. Immediately new block with 6 apartments, ex­ rage, Hutchins Agency, Real­ rage, central location, city treed lot. $2^000. Brulthwalte ern kitchen with all the bullt- garage, screened porch, largo oversized 6-room Ranch, 2 full 6!^-rooms Raised Ranch, largo Town Hires Three Teachers SH rooms at |160, 4H at |185. baths, appliances, carpeting, SILENT SCJOTT hand mower, cellent condition. Owner will tors, 649-6824. utlllUes. Morrison Realtor Agency, Reaitor, 649-4693. ins, wall to wall carpeting, lot, $27,900. Assumable. Char paneled family room, fire­ fireplace,, garage. Set on the used twice, $16. 644-0146 after Heat, hot water, refrigerator, finance 80 per cent at 8% per 643-1016. finished rec room in basement. Bon Agency, 643-0683. place, garage. "Mid 20’s. Own­ ADVERTISING oven-range, disposal, dish­ cent. Terrific Income produc- SWIMMING pool with i a four- O FF WEST Center . . , seven- side of a hill with a marvelous er, 742-6246. From Britain^ Ccylon^ Spain 6. * Shed dormer, fireplace, ga­ CAPE — 6 rooms, modem view of the surrounding coun­ washer, wall to wall carpeting, now, Hayes Agency, room Ranch in Manchester at MANCHESTER .— 1962 8-room room Colonial with large fam­ rage, 16x20’ screened porch. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS kitchen, dining room, fireplace DOUBLE DESK, face to face, air-conditioning, swimming 817,600. Fiano Agency, 646- Raised Ranch. Trees every­ ily rbbm on first floor. Carpet­ Deep lot, 224’. Phllbrick Agen­ try side. W.J. Harcombe Real­ ------— Three teachers from foreign In IntematiohnI Living in Put- 8 AJM. to 4:80 PJS. kolld oak, solid brass fixtures, pool, lighted tennis courts. 0191. where. Constant hilltop ing plus, 1 % baths, garages, cy, Realtors, 6494200. In living room, three bed­ tors, 644-8000. WontOO— KOOl EstOtO 77 countries have been hired to be- ney, Vt., where' jhey will par- $76. 644-0149 after 6. basketball court, parking and FOUR-FAM ILY homes — your — ------breezes. Completely shrubbed, enclosed porches. Owner to re­ rooms, interior recently de­ " f- io u . " t r teaching in the local school ticipate ih on eli^-w eek traln- VERNON I-arge Ranch just A LL CASH for your property , system in September. ing period. " storage all included. No pets, best investment. We have two NEW ^ I S E D RANCT m stone patios. Separate locate because of employment. EAST Center St. location,- four- corated. Exterior painted loat COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1 *ver Manchester town line. CaU Hartford, 627-9288, Ver- on the east side. One on Oak, land Park area, 6 rooms on T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- room Cape. Good neighbor- year. Built in 1962. Ijarge lot. within 24 hours. Avoid red Miss Margaret Robertson, a After the teachers are famll- entrance, living quarters. 146 Owners all packed to move to 4tat P31. DAT BEIt)REi PDBUOATIO^ MOTOROLA TV, 21” screen, non, 872-4400. the other on Eldridge St. T.J. first floor, ihodbm kitchen, 1677. hood. Oarage, fireplace, city Assumable per cent mort­ tape. Instant service. Hayes graduate of the Salisbury (En- larized witll American folk Lakewood Circle North, $32,:, Florida. Three bedrooms, 1 Agency, 646-0131. reasonably priced. 643-2623. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. large living room with fire­ 900. firm. Linsay Realty, 640- — utilities. Immediate occupan­ gage. $23,000. Phllbrick Agen­ gland) College of Education, and customs, school law, t o a ^ DeMnine for Saturday and Monday la 4;M p.m. Prldai ROCKVILLE —New 3H-room baths, carpeting in kitchen, place, 3 large bedrooms, 2-car 9168, 640-0086. cy. RealisUcally, $;w,600 Mor­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. will teach kindergarten at the Ing methods and other vital in- apartments with private ter­ drapes, etc. Full basement. garage. Priced below market LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN rison Realtor, 848-1016. I.-AND —l»u ls Dlmock Realty, Meadowbrook School. formation, both Dr. MocKenala TOim CXMPERATION WUX M l A| Aiin 9711 race and pool. Including heat, Land For Soto value. Phllbrick Agency, Real­ GARRISON Colonial, large liv­ TWO FAM ILY, central location, Priced In mid-twenties. As­ Arrangements for Miss Rob- and Middle School Principal BM AFPRU O IATED l/IMk 0*I^A/ I I Boots and Accossortes 46 sumable mortgage of approx. Realtors, 649-9823. hot water, all appliances and tors, 646-4200. ing room, 24’ long with fire­ MANCHESTBR — New listing. walking distance to schools, 2- ertson’s hiring were made by Vene Harding will go to Putnay carpeting. $165. Rockland Ter- SOUTH MANCHESTER — Ap- I.>arge 7-room Raised Ranch, Circa 1880’s, e-room Colonial, car garage. Owner anxious to $12,000. T.J. /Crockett: Realtor, place, formal dining room, 2 fireplaces, tile baths, 2- Meadowbrook School principal for a day-long orientation sam- 76 H.P. EVINRUDE race Apartments, Highland proximately 6 acres with 641’ NEW LISTING — Big beauU- upper teens. Helen D. Cole, sell. Virginia Celinskl, Broker, 643-1677. Donald Parker os part of the Inar. huge master bedroom, enclos­ zone heat, all built-ins, large Conrtniiod Prow ProcodIng Pogo 4300. Call 649-4040. Avenue, 872-4046, 629-6686. No frontage, half mile to Martin ful 9room Colonial in prestige Realtor, 643-6666. . 649-1116. continuous learning program Deeds Filed ed porch, garage. Call on the family,room' laundry room, VERNON fyively 8-room Ceremonies pets. School. Owner will finance. M. Forest Hills. 2*4 baths, 4 bed­ instituted at the kindergarten Five warrantee deeds for real excepUonal value today. $27,- 2-car garage, city utilities, MANCHESTER — Immaculate MANCHESTER ott Porter St. Colonial with four spacious H. Palmer Realtor, 643-6^1. rooms, family room, enclosed 800. Phllbrick Agency, Real­ level this year in co-operaUon estate transactions were filed Holp WontMi— Mote 36 Help WontMi— ROCKVILLE — Three-room porch, lovely patio, 2-car ga­ large treed lot. Owner anx­ dormered Cape, near bus, deluxe custom built Ranch bedrooms. Efficient eat-ln Horists— Nursortes 49 tors, 6494200. ious to sell. Immediate oc­ kitchen, dining room, paneled Focus On with the University of Connect- with the town clerk last week, apartment with heat and ap- HEBRON — FYom 6 to 46 acres. rage. The ideal purchase, 2 large wooded lot, 3 bedrooms, home, 2 full baths, 2 fireplaces, MOTEL desk clerk, experience ______^ Pomote 37 pliances. $125. Central location. Five acres, $7,600. Back acre­ cupancy. fireplace, hot water heat, cel­ 2-car garage. The very best. fireplaced wall, heated rec *cut. Including two for newly built years young with all the MAXI RANCH on Mini estate, Miss Robertson has served houses, preferred but not necessary, jp SELLING is your vocation. Ideal for single person. Securi­ age, $1,000 an acre. FYee cata­ lar, $21,900. Meyer, Realtor, Hayes Agency 646-0131. r(x)m. Professionally land­ SDC YE A R old spreading yews, amenities including wall to approximately 3 acres." We Indochina with the Bristol (England) Edu- Deeds filed were for Henry RekiMnsible mature - person. and real estate is your profes­ ty deposit required. Available logues. Nationwide advertising. 643-0609. scaped. $31,800. I.znil8 Dlmock, $3. Call after 6, 646-9373. wall carpeting. Truly a best have just listed one of the most CHARLES LESPERANCE catlonal Authority since Sep- and Irene E. Engel to Richard Second shift Including week­ June 1st. Call 643-6678. Listings invited. Edith Leder- MANCHESTER -— 4-room Realty, 649-9823. (Continued from Page One) sion, the Jarvis Realty Co., buy. Mr. Lombardo. Belflore delightful properties in the 649-7620 ‘ ember 1963. She has taught for E. and Margaret SamosM, ends. Call 643-1667. Realtors, has a desk available er, Strout Realty, RFD 1, He­ SEVEN ROOM Cape, dining Ranch, hot water heat, base­ Agency, 647-1413, area. It has Just been com­ BEAimFUL U Sc R Raised U*®®® dlsagreemente can be ‘‘''"e® year® at Heatherton Road property on Dunn Hill Rd., Ba^ for yoUr Immediate use. Excel­ HEBRON, Wall St., 4-roo bron, Call 228-6116. room, living room, fireplace, ment, 2-car garage, bus line. apartment, heat, hot wat< pletely redecorated from base- . - 3 bedrooms, playroom base­ Low price, assumable. Char Rfinch, 2 fireplaces, handsome resolved,” he said at the school School and another two ther E. Koehler to Grace D. lent commission arrangement. Household Goods SI ROCKLEDGB — 4 - bedroom FRIENDLY carpeting, appliances, parking VERNON — Five acres with ment to roof. New wall to wall MANCHESTER — To settle es- stone front and one acre land, in Lowell Mass School. Clough, property on Old Staf- Best of facilities. Call Mr. Cape, original owner retiring, ment, desirable area. 643-8601. Bon Agency, 643-0683. ICE CREAM ^WINO Machine — Singer 600' frontage on West Road. carpetlng throughout six *®*®’ older 6V4-room 2-story Werbner, 643-1121 if interested. and storage. $176 monthly. 646- m baths, rec room, breeze- Only $20,500 and minutes from ni^h»ra „ a . u ^ Gateway Homes to zig-zag with cabinet, used, but­ Call LaPenta Agency, 646-2440. roohis. Custom built house of •*°>"e, central, quiet, con- MANCHESTER — 2-famlly 4- SEVEN-ROOM Cape, four bed- Mxmehester in Hebron Call that the ad- charge of a class of 88, five Horst D. and K. F. Pohlmann, 0882, 649-2871. way, double garage, flowering MANAGEMENT TEACHERS — summer open­ tonholes, monograms, hems, 8 large rooms, 3'^ baths, 4 bed venlent location. Excellent 4, Damato built in 1966, 2 rooms, two baths, oversized Warren E. Howland, Realtor, 'n*nl®tratlon has been listening 1° seven-year-olds at Long property on Orahaber Rd.; s> 1970 NEA, tol Lunches cational aides. For interview, mation or inspection, call Phil * Training salary |1S0-$166 19 PIECES heat, appliances, $125. Securi­ rooms, form al dining room, plumbing. Six rooms (3 bed­ 4-bedroom Cape—6%% assumable mortgage, treed lot. per cent mortgage With only 8rrancy. house. 76-77 Bireh St., half 643-1677. -• 6- 0 — Hamlin8 bedrooms, St. formal dining room. ployment. Call 649-0410. Room, 6 pc. bedroom, 6 room apartment at Simny $180 per month including ap­ be just for you. Call Mr. Hayes Agency 646-0131. would rather have America Madrid, speaks four languages peach crisp. ' FRIENDLY 643-2693, 6490498. block from Main St. Will kitchen. $27,500. pc. Dinette. $10 down, you Brooke Village. $160 per month pliances. Paul W. Dougan, FRECHETTE REALTORS Bogdan for details, 649-6306. HEBRON -^-bedroom U & R “ nlted than fearful and Insc- fluently, English, Portugese, Friday, fish sUcks, tartar ICE CREAM take mortgage. Offers want­ may purchase any room in­ including heat, appliances and Realtor, 6494636. 7- 7 — Hartford Rd. 160’ frontage, possible expansion.Raised Ranch, 2 acres, 2 fire- ®o''® ” Italian and Spanish. She has sauce, mashed potatoes, butter- COVENTRY — Lakeside cot­ ed. Moving south. No agents BENTON STREET CORPORATION dividually. Immediate deliv­ carpeting. Paul W. Dougan, tage for rent. Call Mitten 647-9998 $28,600. places, finished rec room, 2- A small minority of the gradu- i*’®"®*®*! in England, France, ed vegetable, bread and butter, Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 ATTRACTIVE 4-room apart­ please. Employment Manager ery or free storage. Realtor, 649-4636. Agency Realtors, 643-6930. B & W zone heating, 2 baths, laundry ates marched without academic ^i^'j P o rtu ^ . dessert, ment, parking, yard, working ______Five-room bungalow plus 2 MEMBER OF BOARD OF REALTORS & MLS 69 Flax Mill Lane AKC GERMAN shepherd male, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. room. Many extras. Minutes ea*’*’ while others wore white °*)® tought English in Bulletin Board Branford, Conn. 06406 CAP * OCP Charge Plans MANCHESTER — Royal Arms couple, no children or pets. Call PLEASURE BEACH, '’Water­ RAYMOND RD. 9room Garri­ rooms up being sold to set­ 6 ^ months old, beautiful dog, Manchester Parkade, Manch. from Manchester $27 500 arm bands over their academic “ Pain and Spanish in England, The Board of Selectmen will Also, our own Instant Credit Apartments. Deluxe 2-bedroom ford, Conn. Cottages with sce­ 246-1815 son Colonial on one acre lot. tle an estate by orig;lnal robes to protest the U.S. Cambo- according to Dr. MacKenzIe, meet tonight at 7 :80 at the Tlown Now over 200 shops in 6 states wonderful temperament. Call KEITH REAL ESTATE Owner 643-1926. Plan Townhouse. Carpeting, Red­ nic ocean view and spacious Four baths, 4 bedrooms, large 640-6306 owners. House needs redec­ ______dian Involvement and the Kent and has a total of six years’ Hall, rather than on Tuesday as breeder, 649-9713 evenings. COMFORTABLE and spacious An Equal Opportunity Employer wood porch, private basement, yard, 4-6 bedrooms, ideal for formal dlnhig room, 24’ living orating. Some furniture in­ 646-4126 172 E. CENTER ST. 649-1922 2-bedroom toWnhouse apart­ HIGHLAND PA R K area, new ELLINGTON $39,900. State killings. teaching experience. usual. LABRADOR Retriever pups, DISCOUNT FURNITURE 1% baths, heat, hot water. On large families. 629-8671, 663- room, screened porch, 2-car cluded. Big lot. Plenty of ment with every refinement, BOWERS School — 6-room ex- 9room Raised Ranch, 2 baths, PRIVATE PLANE Virtually all of the students “ "® *'*® ^**® ‘ nter- The selectmen’s m eeting'will ^BIRVICE STATION attendants AKC registered, show Emd field WAREHOUSE bus line. Available immediate­ 0808, 1-203-442-6346. garage, beautifully landscaped. shrubbery. Fine residential $195. a month. Call Warren E. pemdable Ranch, all rooms 2-car garage, handy location. OWNERS receiving bachelor’s degrees including social work, de- be followed at 8:80 by a pubUo wanted. at the Hess Service champion aired. Call 649-7997. NOW 2 BIG LOCA'nONS ly. $216. J.D. Real Estate Asso­ For further information call location. Two blocks to high MANCHESTER $18,900 nice 3- and some of those receiving ad- i^eater, music, reading, hearing on the proposed town Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. MISQUAMICUT — 4 -rooms, very large, 2 fireplaces, 2-car A good buy at $36,900. Phll­ MANCHESTER 6-room Colonial If you’re a pilot or para­ Station, full or part-time em- 3580 Main St. '*• Hartford ciates, 643-6129. Phllbrick Agency Realtors, 646- school and shopping. Selling bedroom Ranch, cabinet kitch­ vanced degrees at the Unlversi- ®"^oamlng, climbing, tennis, charter, called by the select* TH REE little kittens, looking furnished and heated, $160. garage, screened porch, $22,- brick Agency Realtors, 646- bus line, 1% baths, new kitch­ chute enthusiast, I have an plo}ment. Apply ' in person. 622-7249 CENTRAL, three - room un- 4200. 4200. for $18,900. Vacant. Excel­ en, new furnace, must see. en, aluminum storms, cellar, elegant 7-room, 82’ long, all ty of Rochester in Rochester, PhotfSTaphy, flower arrange- men. for good homes. Call 649-6480. VILLAGER Apartments, new, weekly. Call 648-0491. 900. Phllbrick Agency, 646-4200. Hess Service Station, Broad (former Fuller Brush bldg.) furnished. flrst floor apart- lent financing available. near bus. Assumable 5% per brick Ranch for you near N.Y., wore peace Symbols on painting and arts and Scoreboard after 6 p.m. anytime week­ 2-bedroom apartment, appli­ MANCHESTER center, 9room Must sell. $21,500. Hayes Agen­ S t, Manchester. 175 Pine St. Manchester ment, parking, adults, no pets. G IAN T’S NECK Heights, 69 6%-ROOM Cape, 4 rooms down, MANCHESTER —- Constance cy, 646-0131. cent mortgage. Hutchins Agen­ a new and growing, private their caps or gowns crafts. TTie Red Sox will face the ends. ances, heat and two air-con­ Colonial, possible offic* and airport. Here is your oppor­ 646-2332 644-0031. Edgewood Rd., two-bedroom 2H rooms on second floor, for­ Dr., 6-room Ranch, aluminum WEST SIDE REALTY cy. Realtors, 649-5324. University President W AUen "^® ®®®°"^ teacher hired for Twins tonlgiit at 6:10 on Fields ditioners. Charles Lesperance, residential combination, IH siding, fireplace, garage, treed tunity to combine hobby IRISH SETTER — 9-month old (former Norman's Fum.) cottage. Two baths, sundeck, mal dining room, fireplace in ID E AL locaUon, 30 U berty St., Wallis gave personal reipri- ' " ‘‘1***® school through the one and two, while the Indians 6497620. baths, 2-car garage, $24,900. lot, flowering shrubs. Call now. 649-4342 MANCHESTER — Deluxe cus­ with a fine home. J. Flor­ male, AKC registered, $76. Warehouse sleeps 7. Fourth street from living room, $21,900. Phllbrick five rooms, 2-story, city utlll- monds for their dress to several Teacher Ambassador Program, take on the Yanks on Fields 8 Furnished Hayes Agency 646-0181. $24,900. Hayes Agency, 646- tom 7-room Garrison Colonial, ence, 649-5306. Call 644-1666. at comer of Pine & Forest Sts. MANCHESTER — 3 - room beach. $100 weekly. Call Mrs. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. tleSk garage. Many extras.. men who got doctorates. Ranjlnl Wljetunga of Cey- and 4. A ll games are played at 0131. Fantastic condition; $19,900. 2% baths, 2-car garage, all Some graduates at W esley^ *'®*' tongue. Lavltt’s Field on South R iver WANTED: Mbn-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 apartment, second floor, ap­ Apartments 63-A Carter, 742-8142. ASSUMABLE 6 per cent mort­ FOUR pretty, playful, friendly ______MANCHEJSTEJR — 3-4 bedrooms Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. aluminum, private treed lot, B 4 W University in Middletown, Si*^®!®®®. English. R ^ pliances included, bus llnei. LEGAL VALUE conscious? Manchester gage, monthly payments $90. kittens, trained. See at 43 Lyn- SINGER touch and sew CHALET for rent on Lake Win- in this 9room Cape on a large plush living in the finest of BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Conn., dispensed with the tradi- ^ science major .she has also TomorroOr night will find the 3-famlIy investment property small three-bedroom Ramch. GARAGE or caU 6495165. •■OUH.HOOM s p .« - nipeeaukee. Sleeps 9 comfort­ lot for play and gardening. 5.2 ACRES. Good bam, out- neighborhoods. Hayes Agency, Manchester Parkade, Manch. tional caps and gowns and the teaching general science, Cards vs. the Meta on Fields cabinet. Monograms, hems NOTICE conveniently located, well Modem kitchen, new furnace. embroiders, etc. Used, excel Call 643-8628. ably. Available June, July. Call Fireplace, full and dry base­ buildings, 9 rooms, family 646-0131. 649-5306 iormal academic procession chemistry, zw logy, and biology one and two ,and the Braves MOTHER, father and 6 kittens 643-0188 after 6 p.m. The Registrars of Voters of landscaped comer lot. Excep­ Call and see this cutle. Mitten lent condition. Guaranteed THREE - BEDROOM apart­ ment, ceramic bath, baseboard room, 8 bedrooms, IVs baths, f T — was discarded. Ceylon for the post facing the Pirates on Fields 8 J the town of Bolton, Oonn. will Agency. Realtors, 643-6930. FOREST HILLS, 6 bedrooms, ROCKVILLE MECHANIC free to good home. Call 647- ment in newer 2-family, 2 hot water heat, aluminum tional offtering, $37,900. Morri­ 2 fireplaces. Hutchins Agency, Pull price now $66 or 7 month Business Locations COTTAGE by month or season, be in session at the Communi­ 3 full baths, new contemporary maintained 2-famllyy ^ m e 7 EducaUon critic Holt told the years. . . . 1124. baths, appliances, basement. storms and screens, quality son Agency, Realtor, 643-1016. Realtor, 649-5324. ly payments of $8. 522-0476 6 rooms, Coventry Lake, Oak ty Hall on Friday, Jime 12, JUMBO SIZE Colonial in execu­ Raised Ranch, 3,000 sq. feet and 6 You live in one e o irt- 280 undergraduate and 196 grad- ‘"i®*'®®*® '" ie Tolland High Eagles lost Garage. Heat, hot water. $260, For Rent 64 storage building. $23,900. Ode- i->w®*-d8 athletics, where, ac- out on their Wd for the C9ass S AT THE TWO-YEAR OLD registered % dealer. Grove, private beach. 6491418. 1970 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. for EIGHT, yes, 8, room Raised tive neighborhood ,6 years o ld , ------living area. Deck overlooks ment and use the income from uate students receiving degrees lease and security. M.H. Palm- m a i v s t r p ’ R’t gard Realty, 643-4366: modem kitchen, large formal TREES Privacy, custom de­ cording to Dr. MacKenzIe, she State Championship last week. Arabian colt, chestnut, small p j ugE n ______the purpose of making an en- Ranch, 2M baths, 4 bedrooms, panoramic view. 25x25 paneled the other toward your mort- that the present universal corn- refrigerators, er. Realtor, 643-6821. lOO , h ^ ’ luxe home. Family room, star. Ribbon winner at halter ______100 per cent location near COVENTRY Lakefront, 3-bed- PRICE REDUCED to $38,900 roUment of electors who are 2-car garage, huge treed lot, dining room, family room with familly room, 2 fireplaces, gage W J r r e o m b e iU a r r s ; pulsory educaUon system was ®uccessful.” She The E ^ le s lost a c l « e M automatic washers dining room, 2% baths, brick ® ® a lu o, r .. .. elected outstanding sports- game to top-ranked Griswold PHONE STORE sired by Atiq. Asking $400. 742- banks, air-conditioned, auto­ room, heated, hot water, tele­ for this lovely 4-bedroom Co- entitled to vote in a primary $38,500. Hutchins Agency, 649- fleldstone fireplace, large double garage with electrical 644-8000. harmful. with guarantees. See them at ^AN C TE STE R Noi^wood phone, boat and dock. June 5324. front-to-back living room with front, 2-car garage. Hutchins 8360. Apartments. Luxury split-level, matic fire sprinkler. Apply lonlal in choice residential or caucus. At this time unaffill- opener. Mid 50’s. Builder, 649- . TomnkT/*. : I------Z---- ‘The one thing it teaches is 1® "■ B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 27th-July 11th. $260. 233-6279. fireplace, half bath. Second Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. NEW LISTING minutes from ^ in 1966-67. nals. Pitching for the local team one bedroom. Cental alr-con- Marlow’s, 867 Main St. area. Completely remodeled, ated voters may enroll with a the superiority of the schpoted -c .v j . j ^ ^ Main St. Call 643-2171. PITKIN STREET . . . tmly one floor has 6 bedrooms, 3 vfull Manchester center. Simply Im- „ver the unschooled.” h f ^ d . ^® “ 1 ""®® Cacclatore. Work includes servicing FREE — Six pretty fluffy kit­ One full bath and two lavs, party, or those already afflli- tens need new home, five dlUonlng, carpeting, formal llv- GROUND floor, professional of- ^EW H AAffSHIRE of Manchester’s finest homes. baths. Two-car garage, beau­ MANCHESTER — Huge L- maculate 7-room Colonial on ..jn orhools neonle learn that Wljetunga will arrive in ------and maintaining SNEH* 84” COLONIAL sofa and chair, ingtnor room,t*ru’\rvf familyramilv room, 1% 11Z. » r v** ___ __ 2-car garage. Wooded comer ated may transfer to another weeks old. Call 643-4367. flees, all new, paneled, alr-con- cottage, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, Priced at $59,600. and well tifully landscaped yard. ' For Ranch, family room, play lovely tree-shaded lot. 2% worto is f r i g h t e d 3 ‘^® M*®y '■®P®rt to the Tolland Correspondent Bette vehicle repidr neces­ ering, $100. 643-1646 or 646-2482. cony, carport, heat, hot water. Realtor, 643-1677. Signed, sary. Working hours are AKC registered Irish Setter, parking. Apply Marlow’s. 867 from lake, nearby activities. Call, it will be a pleasure to Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. bedrooms, country kitchen, ------2 fireplaces. Practically new headquarters of the Experiment Qnatrole, Tel. 876-8846. Available immediately, $200. William J. Houle, privacy. $28,900. Hutchins TOLLAND % acre building 4:80 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Main St. 649-6221. $110. weekly per family. 879 MANCHESTER — Porter St., show you through. T.J. Oock- wall to wall in several rooms. oggpue his refusal of the h o n ------ra'’ltoe*’’ l'L'^^®W ^A PPA N gas range, copper- J.D. Real Estate Associates Thelma Fracchla, , SIX-ROOM Cape. Garage,. half lots, $1,500-$2,500. Hayes Agen­ Fa linG. 1-DOO-83C/1. tnnotone uHfVtwith zHcrziol-14«»k»visual-light oven. at..Six 2272. area. Immaculate 6-room Co­ ett. Realtor, 643-1677. Agency, 649-6324. Paneled family room, screen- degree. Holt told the as- Inc., 643-6129. OFFICE SPACE, excellent lo­ Registrars of Voters acre treed lot; Only $20,900. cy %4ij-0131. Good salary. Rea^ar months old, excellent condi- lonial, Completely redecorated ed rear ^ rc h PlMtered w^ls. honored to be cation, parking, first and sec­ Bolton, Conn. ■"PRESTIGE location 3-bedroom raises. Valuable bene­ Uon. $126. 646-2288. FOUR-ROOM, second floor from head to toe. Move-in con­ Pasek Realtors, MLS, 289- 5%-ROOM RANCH ot wes^slde m a n c h ESTER building lots, Quality built by /Uisaldi. Bel- present although he did not real- Coventry ond floor available. Electric Wanted To Rent 68 Ranch, formal dining room, of town, 1% baths, carport, fits. Live Stock 42 apartment, available June 15. dition. Deep wooded lot, $29,- city sewer and water, A and flore Agency, 647-1413 ly approve of the occasion. WASHING Machine, GE, 14 heat, air-conditioning and jani­ den, garage, wooded lot. Bel half acre lot. Asking $26,900 Inquire 233 Center St. FURNISHED apartment want­ 900. Helen D. Cole Realtor, INVTTA’nO N COUNTRY fresh air, trees B zones. P^brick Agency eS v^ T R ^ L ^ ” I look forward to the day HORSESHOEING — Thomas lbs. filter flo. Copper tone. torial service available. As low A ir Real Estate, Vincent Bog- with $14,600 assumable VA Tremen­ Visit our employment ed for July and August. Two 643-6666. and four rooms (could be five). Realtors, 646-4200. when people will slip in and out Town Session Called Robenhymer. Is your horse Please call 6491369. FOUR-ROOM flat, second floor, as $100 per month. Call 649- glnt. Realtor, 643-9332. mortgage. T-.J. Crockett, Real­ dous value offered in this Jum­ office located at 52 East adults. Prefer near bus line or TO BID Ranch in scarce price range. of unlveTSltlea as easily os they Center Street, Manches­ ready for spring riding? If not, . central, adults only, no pets. 6334, ask for Max Grossman. tor, 643-1677. VERNON — Lot has 239.87’ bo sized Colonial home. Fea­ Manchester center. 668-4897 af­ Postmaster Alden E. Bailey Asking $16,600. See it. Mitten ter. Open M onday -call me. 643-1490 between 6-10 Available July 1st. 643-4677. frontage, community water, tures modem kitchen with slip in and out of libraries,” he On Overexpended Items COMPLETELY RENOVATED, ter 4 p.m. INVITATION Agency, Realtors, 643-6980. CLEAN 3-bedroom Ranch, cen­ through Friday from COLOR television, 24” , has announced soUcitatlcm of beautiful location. Priced bullt-lns, 2 full baths, 20’ mas- said. p.m. 3,600 square feet, with 320 8:80 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., new. Call 6492924. FORBIDS bids for two passenger vehicles trally located. Large kitchen, right. Call Mdttcn Agency, ter bedroom, fireplace, garage. Proxmlre said in Milton, Wls., A special town meeting will a total ot 38 individuals being or call 648-4101, exten­ square foot office. Light, and maintenance of Post Office fireplaced living room, full Call quickly on this prime that while he believed the Presi- June 17 at 7 :S0 p.m. immunized, WOODLAND MANOR FUEL OIL AND MILK Realtors, 643-6930. sion 868. Evening and bright. All new lighting, wir­ Business Property trucks for fiscal yeair 1971. Ve­ cellar, fire alarm system. As­ value. $24,900. Phllbrick Agen- dent wrong in Cambodia, those Nursing personnel have been Artietes For Sate 45 BOL’TON Cosy Capelet to consider requests total* Saturday interviews can ing. Heated. 46 Purnell PI., hicles are to be furnished with­ sumable mortgage or conven- CSQVENTRY cy. Realtors, 646-4200. who disagree with Nixon’s poll- *” ——— -—i attending In-service programs be arranged. Musical Instruments 53 APARTMENTS 643-6396. I.L. Bayer, Broker. For Sate 70 BOARD OP EDUCATION, ELEICTRIC typewriters regular out driver. Maintenance bid is Sew-Simple tional financing. Owner may cles must „ guard against _ .pro- 1"*: $66,000 to finish the fiscal sponsored______by the__ NorthSMt BOLTON, CONNECTICUT $196, now $86. Also electric CLARINET — Bundy — Cost Homestead Street OFFICE SPACE — Pyramid ROUTE 6 — Business location, to furnish service and parts for help. Immediate occupancy. THREE IN ONE ... ELLINGTON — Colonial, four jggjg "tnlndlessly demean year, which ends on June 30. Regional Office of the State De­ Manchester, Conn. Sealed proposals for fuel and Mr. Zinsser, Belflore Agency, bedrooms, one full and two gjjjj personally attack the Presl- adding machines, regularly $180, sell $60. Very good condi- building, 367 East Center St. 260’ frontage, 9room Ranch, the fifteen government vehicles. Not oil, but three lots 60x100 The Board of Education is partment of Health, and con- \ milk contracts for the 1970-71 647-1413. half-baths, formal dining ^ent.” ^119, now $36. Wholesale buy- Uon. Call 649-6750. Small, modern, air-conditioned coimtry store. Many possibili­ Any questions or request for side by side so you have one asking $26,000 and the Town tinulng eduOTUon programs of- SOUTHERN school year will be received by bid forms are to be made to room, modem kitchen with In North Easton, Mass., for­ ers welcome. 649-7798 after 6. WOODLAND MANOR offers office. Secretarial and tele­ ties. Call now, $28,900. Hayes MANCHESTER Cape, 7 rooms, big lot 150x100 close to Bol­ Council needs $40,000 because ^ UOonn. BASS amplifier (Ovation) two the ultimate in convenient the Bolton Board of Education the Parcel Post Station on ton Lake. The price for all built-ins, central alr-condltlon- mer astronaut Collins said the phone answering service on Agency, 646-0181. central to shopping, bus, large A U S T R ^ N ski’s, used only months old, only used a few prestige living, with schools, until 1:00 p.m. June 26, 1970. Broad Street. Closing dates for three $1,600.—For directions premises. Available June 1st. wooded lot, first floor fireplac­ mtn^^ci^r hrirS"th“ NEW twice, ski boots, size 8>^, poles. times at home, like new. Cost shopping and religious fa­ CONVALESCENT home, Specifications for same m ay vehicle bid is 6/10/70 at 2:00 and details call John M c­ Call 647-9908 weekdays, 9 to 6. ed family room, $23,600. Mey­ Laughlin at 649-6306. $100. 643-1646 or 646-2482. $450, sell for $275. Also Beatle cilities nearby. established business. Always be obtained at the office of the p.m. and maintenance bid Pl^brick Agency, Realtors, 646- ituaUo“ ‘^’wUl*’ b^^^^^ " ‘ *’® '•®‘1“®®‘® ®‘‘® bass guitar, $40. Must sell. er, Realtor, 643-0609. 4200. ------^ the money will come from an ENGLAND NEW modem offices, ideal for full, great opportunity tor right Superintendent of Schools, 6/12/70 at 2:0Q p.m. in much clearer perspective In cess” by Dr. Robert Bowen, the ALUMINUM sheets used as Call 647-9839, ey/Bnlngs. IMMEDIATE (XXIUPANCY person. For more information. Notch Road, Bcllton, Conn. account of about $180,000 printing plates, .009 thick, 23x professionals. Plenty of free Alden E. Bailey, FOREST HTT.T.q — Owner — B & W VERNON - maiiuiiesiciManchester Line three------weeks.” nected in iinenllopted hnpV tav. director of iicuiui.health. uuiOut oiof an en- parking. East Center St. loca­ s/Joeeph P. Castagna, Postmaster, four-bedroom, 2% baths, 2 year 36” , 26 cents each or 6 for $1 T W O spacious bedroom 4-bedroom Garrison Colonials, Sen. Charles G ^ e l l R-N.Y., es, and not from new taxation. ro»mOTt of 1,168 at this level. TELEPHONE tion. Call 6492212. Superintendent of Schools Manchester, Conn. 06040 old custom Colonial. Screened BARROWS and WALLACE Co siding, 2% baths, a war criUc told graduates at 643-2711. apartments include refriger­ aluminum The mill rate will not be af­ 871 children were immunised. Wanted— ^To Buy 58 porch, sim deck, aluminum sid­ Manchester Parkade, Manch. family rooms, ga- the State University of New ator, stove, dishwasher, dis­ MANCHESTER — Ideal office first-floor fected. The vision screening program An Equal Opportunity Employer PICNIC TABLES — all sizes AjjmrQTT^q posal, air conditioning, and ing, large beamed celling fam­ 649-6306 rage, $33,700. Iteyes Agency, York at Plattsburgh that ” I con and styles, from $26. up. De- ANTIQUES M d collectables, or small store located on South Invostmont Property The shortage in the school ®PO'*8o*’« ‘l i>y i*/® PHNA was full carpeting. Main St. $116 per month pays ily room, mOTy extras. A ^ COVENTRY — Lot, 102x169’,______on 646-0131. aider myself a patriot, too, and I °c*ome*'DrimariTv to the* succesMul this year, with Uvered. W. Zlnker, 876-0397. ‘"P f u t u r e , O N E bedroom available For Sate 70-A praised in mid 40’s. 647-1836 In nnn nf thn ------suppoit ths Prcsident whencvor . ^ . 1 P^m aniy t o the attendance of 182 Dre-school art glass, fine paintings, etc. all. Heritage House, 6492482. South St . In one of the most ipaqo' TJAw'rtpnT?n MifHr fhHF- t w x ^ teachers salary account, since aneiiutuicw ui pre scaooi July 1, 1970. PART-TIM E afternoon truck DARK, rich, stone free, loam. Any quantity 644-8962. XUREE-FAMILY, stone can- OILBURNER NINE ACRES — sweeping desirable p ,„ „ .« «,.d. Hpg, ".5 ^ “ y — " - r ^ ” * driver, hours 1-6:30 p.m. five-yards, $20. Sand, gravel, For information call structlon, plus single cottage, views, lovely six-room stone niaple trees, full price $3,900. HOUSEHOLDS lots — Antiques in busdness sooe. A good in­ utlim™. TO. PHMA nld tt.r. »lll h. Please apply in person. Alcar stone, fill, manure, pool and Houses For Rant 65 Ranch. Large enclosed porch, Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643 tion, many features, con- bric-a-brac, locks, frames, vestment. More intormatlcn on J At the University of Virginia no well-child conference In Auto Parts, 226 Spruce St., patio sand. "643-9604. 2-car garage. Out-building. 6930. In snow removal, $8,000 had glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ venlent location, Reduced. $20,- in Charlottesville, president Dr. . " i' August Manchester. U&R REALTY CO, INC. SOUTH WINDSOR - Vemon request, $66,000. PhUbrlck SERVICE SCOTT lawn spreader, $16. Two lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. BOLTON -77 Birch Mt. area, 900. Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. Edgar F. Shannon Jr. praised ‘’®®" ®P®cif‘caIly budgeted for « 99 East Center Street line, seven-room Raised Agency Realtors, 646-4200. WINDOW cleaner, experienced, .Town Sc Country snow tires. Lake St., Bolton. 6493247. wooded acre building lot, prin­ MANCHESTER close to shop- Immediate openings for experienced oil BOLTON — Up on Notch Road, ^® rvr-* zo«p, must be reliable. Call Man­ 8:45x16, $10 each; typewriter ------t t ;------7------Manchester, Conn. NEW RAISED RANCH ciples only. Call 643-4906. high on a cliff overlooking ^ other winter conditions, about ^ "im lsslo n will hold a public table, $6; ladder, lawn sprln- WANTED - Antique furniture, with 4 room chester Window Cleaning Co., room, kitchen, patio. Netu: Eastern Conn, sits this attrao- dlsturbOTces last month expended. In addl- tonight at 8 at the high glass, pewter, oil paintings or 643-9561 or 643-2692 ~ apartments, 4-car i^ a g e , new SCOTT DR. — Building lot, M9-08S4. kler, sledge hamnier, wheel •'thurches, schools, and shop­ burner service man. Good working condi­ $85,900. tive 3-bedroom stone ranch. Commissioner of Educa- ^ budgeted to ®®**°®* consider two changes barrow, $3 each; bow saw, leaf other antique items. Any quan­ heating systems and roof. Mid city water and sewer already tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8700, ping. 'Two minutes from high­ extended on lot, AA zone, 126’ Two-car garage, plus another g ° the utoTeralty^^^^^ 't'’®®’ *" ' ^ i « f “ d ® rake, garden rake, shovels, 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. tions and benafits. Apply in person pnly: PHILBRICK AGENCY, service building . . . nine acres “ *® University of Notre Dame Sotetman Wantod 36>A 166 Oakland Street. ATTRACTIVE 3-room apart­ way. Lease and security depo­ frontage. 643-4836. ______maintenance account which '■*1“ ®®i ® *ontog permit by hoe, axe, $2 each. 43 Famham sit required. Contact R.B. As­ in all. One of the best buys in ^commencement to Soakh Bend, used for snow ramnv. ‘i®''**®P«r Morton Schlmelman Drive, East Hartford, 669^07. ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, R EALTORS 646-4200 CASH REGISTER, store fix­ sociated Brokers, 6499926. the area. T.J. Crockett,•ockett. Real-____ md., said “ youth has succeeded snent instead on road connection with the Judd Rd. tures and racks, wall stan­ hot water, electricity, parking. tor, 643-1677. " JgetUng FIVE-W ATT citizens band tran- Rosort Pro|party former . INTERVIEWING dards, counters, merchandise MANCHESTER GREEN area, PRESIDENTliU. BANTLY OIL CO., INC. RANCH — 6 rooms, large living ciety that has been dangerously celver with half wave antenna Board of Finance however. Candidate Choice displays, etc. 876-0266 or 879 $120. 6496824. 9room Colonial house, avaU- room with fireplace, paneled ______For Salite 74 SOUTH WINDSOR immediate complacent and slow to move. JUNE 21 & 22 and coaxial cable, excellent The 61st Assembly District 3449 after 6. able immediately. $260. In­ YIIJLAaE 331 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER occupancy, neat 8-bedroom He said ’’the emerging Will- ^,^®" UemocraUc ConvenUon will be condlUon, $50. Call 6499206. 36 STRANT ST. — 2^-rooms, family room, ^ ^r-condltloned, COVENTRY — Log cabin sum­ quire at W.H. England Lum­ O n te r 8 t Sc XbompoDn Rd. large master bedroom, attrac­ Ranch, big rec room and at- ingness of youth to work within expected that this held at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the National financial organization ^ second floor. Stove, refrigera- mer cottage, fireplaced living ber (3o.', Route 44A, Bolton Mianebesber tive yard with privacy, $25,600. tached garage. Only $22,900. the pollUcal system is the real *® ‘ ® ®"®'^ removal Bolton Town Hall. The nine needs executive-type saleman ' tor, heat, hot water. $26 week­ room, completely carpeted, Notch, Conn. Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, Govang Realtors, 643-9674, 872 hope” for preserving and ex- During May, the Public delegates from the three 61st with busineas-professional con­ ly. CaU 6496666, 7-8 p.m. enclosed porch, excellent con­ IBOfEDIA’IE OOCUPANOT 646-4200. 4166. tact experience to introduce fill, stone. George H. Grifflng, AVAILABLE for lady only, dition, treed lot. $9,000. Hayes tending democracy.” Health Nurses worked a total of District towns —Andover, Bol* RANCH — Three bedrooms, credit plan. Field training and Inc., Andover, 742-7886. private room with community RESPONSIBLE young lady 1 e 8-Bedroom Apartments 1406 r iM IT E r r LO’TS and cottages ***® *‘ ™i “ '®® *" Notre hours, making 204 vlstts, of ton and Coventry, wUI choose near schools, bus line, shop­ 1-5 yr». 79 COMSTOCK RD. To settle Agency, 646-0131.______|1,009M i600 monthly potential. kitchen and bath, all utilities wanted to share private home • Complete electric kitchen Bonk or owner mortgages ^^Ai"®’® 1® ye®r history, a stu- therapeutic and between the two would-be con- FOR SALE — Men’s rebuilt ping ^ a .$226 monthly. Call estote, spacious 2Mi-8tory, D EU G H TFU L five room Y e ^ ’ I^eada fumiohed. Age immate­ included. Conveniently located with same, near Pratt Sc Whit­ This soft capelet is in Four seasons v a c a t io n is t s ‘*®” ‘ allowed to speak “ i “s ‘“ ‘*®‘®*’ A'®^®*"® Aheam of Bol- and relast shoes. Sam Yulyes, 644-2284. e 2 A ir Candtttonem easy-crochet and makes single family Colonial on quiet, rial. Full or part-time. For ap­ ney. CaU after 6 p.m., 649 EXPERIEHCED This darling dre.i.s i.s so Round Ranch cottage. Oil hot from $2,600 and lake shore lots ®‘>"'n>®n®®>"®nt. Senior Class ®®^®r®"®® and Stephen Loyslm at 23 Oak St., Manchester (a few to stores and bus line. Call af­ the perfect shoulder secluded street. Approximately pointment for personal Interview 2483. e WaU-tx>waU .carpeting water heat. 60’ frontage oin president John F. Crawford " ‘"® children, who were ex- Coventry. ter 6 p.m. 644-0383. COVENTRY — SmaU 4-room covering tor chilly easy to put together and one acre wooded lot overlook­ $5,900. Lot and Swiss chalet, in Hartford, write Manager, Box steps from Main). quick to sew that you will water. AmstOT Lake $23,9M. said; ” lf the pollUcal system 'Hnlo®uise Tobl, Manchester Evening Herald tage St., centrally located, h* __a --- .. . __ them with Blue Lustre. Rent tric heat and lake prlvile'ges. Sizes inclusive. I’llOTO-ciJlDK is in Sizes lavatory. Three bedrooms and .setts to Portsmouth, N.H., then i>«®“ '>®® w® ar® that system.” ®“ " ‘c wa® also held. wlUi Gontner, tel. T48-87M. rooms, parking. Call 6492368 after 6 p.m., 6491972. # Laundry, storage area in SEND sot In colni for tich pnt- Mrs. Mantle Elsenhower and Help. WoHte<^™ electric shampooer $1 . Paul’s $136 monthly plus security and the basement WANTED Urn to Inoludt firit-iino mollln|. 1-5 years. Size 2 . . . bath on second floor. Third Out of Town take toll road to the end Paint Sc Wallpaper Supply. for ovei^gh t and permanent 4^~.r o o m apartment, ^ 1 ^ references.. CaU 742-8678. A— Oobet. Mancheiter 1% yards o f 45-inch. floor has one bedroom and You're on Rt. 16. Go as far Senate Minority Leader Hugh or Female 37 guest rates. For Sale 75 nice location, heat, and hot Adults preferred. Mlany OOier Features (END (8$ In calm tar aicfe sat- bath. Attached one-oor ga­ iw Sanbomvllle, watch signs ®®®^^ received honorary doctor ‘ he White House after a week- ed Friday firom Westtown High BRACE yourself for a thrill the tira ta InclHdf flrttrClUl isallln(, Lake degrees at Gerrysbuig ®"‘t gathering of the Nixon and School, a private school In the R E A L ESTATE Salesman, es- LARGE furnished room for water. $160 monthly. No chil­ Opening in our Piece Dve proceas. Excellent If.T. ltW6. rage. Tool house. Conn Bank BOLTON — 7-room oversized then take 163 to Belleau first time you use Blue Lustre MANCHESTER — Delightful 8- On Bus Une a«e Bamstl. Masohestor CollegeCollege commencement to Get- ElsenhowerEisenhower families at Camp philadeinhiRPhiladelphia •uihni-hMsuburbs, tabUrtied agency. Private of- male only, parking, $16 weekly; dren, no pets, security depo­ opportunity offered. Right person can expect rrlnl Hum , Addrtii «IHi ZIP ■vslaa Hsimtl. UM AVB. Sk Trust Co., Real Estate Dept., Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, East Wakefield, N.H. Tele to clean rugs. Rent electric room home, 8 or 4 bedrooms, CODE tnd tlyin Ndmktr. tysburg, Pn. Uavld. ^ ^ ttoe. Carpeting. Excellent op­ Call 644-0123 after 6. sit. 6490124. MIodsto open 1-7 P Jf. or rapid advancement to shift superviaor. Excel­ o rT B h B to A i, NEW y o b k , Mr. Levy, 244-6106. first-floor family, room, fire- phone 1-603-622-3636. portunity. CaU Mr. Hutchins, shampooer $1 . Olcott Variety carpeting, nec room, con­ Send 50^, add 15f for jr.T. Scott, a Pennsylvania Repub- A steak dinner and a huge Mrs. John Elsenhower, David’s lent wages and fringe benefits. W e are an equal Print Naaii, ASdraii witli ZIP »i^n 'yAi;rnY du ---- P‘“ ®*’ ® *‘®'^ replacement, $28.- 180 OsntM’ St., 6496824. Store. MANCHESTER — Nice 2 fam­ venient location, $226. per By Appolntmont- postage and handling for CODE, ttrli Ninikar ia( llzt. TW O F A J U ^ , 4^, built for jqq Hayes Agency, 646-0131. COVENTRY — 6-room Raised llcan urged "broadening the cake marked a trio of gradua- parents; Mrs. Mamis Blssnhow* ^Jiortunity employer. Cirrll Johnson Mills, 22 a copy o f the '70 S|U'ing CLEAN ROOM for elderly ily home, 6 rooms, three bed­ month. CaU Paul W. pougan. Send 60^, add 16f for owners to 1860. Two furnaces, ___ , . ___ , Ranch. Modern kitchen with middle path” to conciliate radl- tions.David Eisenhower and his er, widow of President Dwight RBAL ESTATE and FROM WALL to wall, no s

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 \' HanrlfTatrr lEurhing l^eraUi Aswraire Dally Nst Prew Ron f Por Tke Wedi HikM The Weather About Town JmM S, ISTS Praf«a«kmal Women’s Stsuiy, hot this sAsmoon and Club will- have its snnuAt meet- 1 5 ,9 0 3 WsdnssAsy, highs tai ths low Ms. inf and election of officers to­ Pslr and warm tcMgtat, ths tow morrow St s dinner at 6 :M p.m. Anderson-Little Hanchester— A City of VUlage Charm In ttis 60s. St the Altnsveifh, Storrs. Host­ esses sre J in . Donald Kirby, VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 212 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Mrs. BUen linfard, Miss Ethel MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1970 (Otoaslfled Advertiatog on Plage 17) CkMiee, Miss Avis Kelloff and PRICE TIN e n m Mrs. Wlrth Velte. Mrrf. Marlon Lynch and Mrs. Theresa O’Leary will be guests Bullets Miss of honor at a teacher retirement Kosygin recaption tomorrow from 7 to Cong Take Key City t p.m. at Waddell School. K ing H ussein Retiring? Reservations close 'Thursday LONDON (AP) — H js On Laos Supply Line lor the dinner for menriibers of In Jordan Dally Mall reported today the Shnma Nettleton Oroup of AMMAM, Jordan (AP) _ that Alexei N. Koiqrgln will Center Oonfregatlonal Church EFather^s step down as Soviet Premier SAIGON (AFyr-’The North VistnameM strengthsii- which will be held next Monday King Hussein escaped an assas- this month — but British and ed their supply netwo^ east of the Mekong River today St 6.*18 p.m. at Willie’s Steak ainaUon attempt today In the other Western 'diplomats re­ with the capture of SlMavane, a provincial capital in House. Ftor reservations, call h midst of fighting between the acted to the claim with some the southern I^tian panhandle. 'Mrs. Ernest Pandera, 18 Jordainlan army and Palestinian reserve. Informed sourciM In Vlenttime------^ Orotiard at. guerrillas, the Amman^radlo im­ ported. One of the two deputy pre­ s^ d * ^ t ^ o n of enemy troops Marly ‘1,600 tons of munltlaiis A first birthday party was ifi The army troops were trying miers — Klril Masurov, M, given yesterday for Courtney to curtaU guerrilla incursions or Dmitri Polyansky, 6S — '•y American forces opj^ Lynne Baker at the home of her into Israel. will take over from the ail­ ing, 66-year-old Koaygln, ac­ gnandperents, Mr. and Mrs. The broadcast said Hussein’s Joseph Oublel of 20 MoKee St. cording to the newspaper. ^eved withdrawing to the 39, perhaps with haK motorcade was fired upon this It based Its report on Miss Karen Rowan, daughter of morning as heavy fighting 'n u n , m n . ^ again that much sslBsd by South Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Rowan: “well-authenticated reports raged In the streets of the capi­ reaching London." and Mias Linda Fhanka, daugh­ tal. r ““’? - ter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley British government and Saravane Us. som. 70 milss “ Leaden of both sides worked Western embassy officials northwest of AtUq>su, anothsr Planka, all of Enfield, were Sale out a cease-fire arrangement lx>Messes. About 46 persons at­ Our Reg. *6 said they have had no new provincial capital the North (I Psgs TMfOssa) tended. late in the morning but this was indications suggesting Kosy­ Vietnamese captured on April Permanent Press Ignored and the bitter fighting gin’s departure may be Im­ 80. Both towns are on strategic Memorial Temple, Pythian Casual Slacks raged Into the afternoon. minent. highways and provide acoeas to H Sisters, will meet tomorrow at The combatants battled with They recalled there has several land and river supply H 6 p.m. in Odd Fellows Hall for a rockets, basookas, machine been considerable specula­ routes from North Vietnam to H memorial service for departed guns and automatic weapons, tion In and outside Moscow South Vietnam and Cambodia. House Plans • ^ 1 H members. tilling the city with the crash of this year that a shakeup in Saravane, 820 mllea southeut explosions and the bark of gun­ the Kremlin leadership may / of Vientiane, was the last prov­ Task Force H St. Margaret Circle, Daugh- f fire. be on the way. *17110 could incial capital stm held by the H tors of Isabella, will meet to- Hussein’s motorcade was follow elections for the So­ government east of the Mekong 1 H morrow at 8 p.m. at toe KofC OPEN driving through the crossroads viet parliament due Sunday, in the southern panhandle. The For Vietnam town of SweUeh 13 miles north­ town had been virtually sur- m, ______■ Home. EVERY NITE "Some day this sort of Our Reg. *8 east of the capital, the radio speculation is bound to prove rounded by North VletnameM "AdHWGTOM (AP) — Da- Mon thru said. 9 Ail Buckley School library right,” one official observed. troops and thsir Paths! Lao al- nssds a naw look at workers are reminded that In­ Permanent Press Dress Slat^ks Sit It broadcast a message from "But as of now we have no ties for some six years, mU- *®6ochlna, ths Houm has dseld ventory will start tomorrow at Prime NOnlster Bahjat TUhounl facts to support It." (AP FfaatoCuc) Itary analysts ngardsd It as al- 5?A® tow# to 0:80 a.m. In the library. congratulating the king for hav­ Heavily armed troops surround Buenos Aires Government House. most undefendsble. Attopeu also r^sw tbs prognsS J ing escaped unharmed “from Guatemalan had been surrounded for years “ *"• ’ VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ f the treacherous attack on the before it fell. After three houn of wrai^Tlag morrow at 7:80 p.m. at the Poet royal motorcade.” Military sources said ths four roll ealla, ths Houss Home. Guerrilla sources in Beirut, Dodd Denies U,S, Withholds Recognition Terrorism North 'Vietnamese iqtparenUy Monday approved 22S to 101 a I«baiion, said the king’s driver had refrained from resolution oreating a qwclal li­ Hose and Ladder Co. 1 of the was wounded In the incident but the two towns because of poUU- membar conimlttos to tnvssti- ' Town Fire Department will have gave no other details. He Plans Mounting cal consideratiaas but dscldsd bU aspsots of U.S. military a hydrant test tomorrow start­ Jordanian authorities and the Military Junta Takes Argentina to strike when the outbreak of Involvement In losthsast Asia ing at 6 p.m. at the McKee St. guerrilla central committee-the ~ OUA’TBMALA r Carl Von Spreti of West T olJTOrt,airport, re- R-iowa,R-iowa. an orgaaiMroiwaalsar of Wednesday at a potluck at 6:30 cles. p.m. at the Elks Home, Park Embassy’s political oCticer. further recuperation at his home A Democrat nlque said the 66-year-old presl- “»*** ^ company. c^ tu ed Sunday afternoon ^ m tripo, "that It would ho uoMhil St. ’There will be a business ’The guerrillas and Jordanian in Old Lyme. ’The United States had en­ dent was "deposed from his du- Cabrera was kldn^ied Friday Vietnamese and T^et fmr you -.. to mako anothor vto- meeting at 8 p.m. Mrs. Arthur government forces clashed re­ His statement denying he dorsed Oiigania’s military rule, BUE5N06 AIRES (AP)—’The ttes as president of the nation." ®*Sbt. His body was found Sat- C®“S fcwces. It to the same plaom you oow Folsle Is In charge of the pro peatedly Sunday night, with planned to pull out of the five- despite its authoritarian‘nature.’ ^ 2 1 , ^ ^ be toe key - Onganla held out for 12 hours “Isbt about 10 miles out- Government planes wore beforo." gram. Our Reg. *7 about 60 people reported killed way race for the Democratic U. S. officials frequently praised figure in the new Argentine Jun- then drove to the army head- bad been tor- etraflng and bombing nearby the House debate Monday or wounded and about 40 guer­ nomination came several hours toe Onganla government’s eco­ ta has^n saying for the p ^ quarters and presented his re- once In the enemy positkms nl|^ “ d ^ , ,put along hawk-dovo Unos, Sporty Casual Jackets H i rillas arrested. Ofticlals said nomic policies, adilch empha- yearv««r thatfhoi democratic govern- gig^iUon. He was the seventh ^ I« t after his press aide, Joaeph Bar- ment must return. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at ths Draper, 42, a native of Califor­ barette, had told newsmen Dodd aUed austerity measures to lim­ Argentinlan president to be "lenlb was attributed to a righ^ quiet at nearby Angkor, the alto |j||^ dm committoe would bo Lt. <3en. Alejandro Lanusse, N home a t Mrs. William Booker. nia, was released unharmed aft­ was "giving serious considera­ it inflation, stabilise toe curren­ overthrown by a mlUtary coup '*’blch calls Itself of the famed ancient tem]^e "oarrier pigoons" of the mlU- 168 West Rd., Vernon. Those er the 40 guerrillas were freed. tion to withdrawing as a candi­ cy and attract foreign capital. 61-year-old commander In chief In 40 years. “CJ® para OJo"—An eye for an ™Ins and the nation’s chief tary view of the war. _ wishing more Information may The fighting today began Just date for renominaUon at the TTie three military command- of Argentina’s army, was once a Ongania’s ouster came after ®y®- ***!1?*^ attrition. "Wo need this committoe Just contact Mrs. Gary Sobol, 832 after dawn and soon spread to Democratic state convention in —lA. Gen.___ __ Alejandromonths of Lan- aevereclose and personal unpopular friend *AJthouKh of Presl- not publicly active epolieaman Mid isc&t like wo need extra holoo in tho Blllngton Rd., South Windsor. all parts fo the city. Four hours Hartford later this month." Bar- usse of the Eirrny. Adm. Pedro Juan Oarloa Onganla. But economic austerity, student dis- ^ politics, Cabrera was report- Af^ting also continued today In bead," Rep. Dunfard O. HaU, later the fighting intensified. Gnavl of the navy and Bria been criticising Onga- turbances, antlgovemment vio- ^ have connections with the Kompong Thom, 80 mllM south- RrMb., nmarkod. 4^! Our regular ^3^0 barette’s statement was In re­ ^ _*____ .... _ nla*a TwxIlAl^a In ...... * r>-i_* a ____• a# OlmuM itltolla Gunfire echoed from all over sponse to a Hartford <3ourant ^Gen.-----_ —_ Juan Carlos Rey '' of toe (ju-air *1!®’® - P®”®*®® bi ...a speeches - W .. _____ over----_.. .w.w..,jence, . . UA..IIWdisenchantment1WAU1ID111 of toe uie luna- t------^*>el . . . ------Armed A Forces^FAR^ . . . — ®"t ®*-- * ®®®» A — *^P- - AltataWaAsV gov- Ml*.wFImv Rop. Wayne L. Hoys, DOblo^ the city, punctuated by the loud­ article stating Dodd might pull force—were sworn in as provl- y®®*". and he apparent- tion’s political leaders and_ Ibe left-wing group believed to ernment forces cioarsa vioi guggeeted all 4M House mom- \ er sounds of rockets and shells. out of the Democratic picture' sional leaders of toe nation of 28 I®** ousted On- most recently—toe kidnaping by have engineered toe Von Spreti 0>ng and North Vlotnamooo armed with rlfloo and short sleeve, permanent press Guests at the American- and turn to an Independent can­ million people. ’ITie Junta said it Monday. unknown persons of former bldnap-kllUng and other acts of troops from the center m town _ Southeast Asia to roUovo owned Intercontinental Hotel didacy. would name a president within „ ^ “"® ® 1“®!® ®®®»*««0. Htofu fense ta the Middle A ^ . Rich­ aUd was not associated with the sion and leader of a federal ’Turning specifically to what indioatlona Blaokmun may ba tours. 85 Barry Rd. Call G r'cat^iaaie in ^ in e Qlothing ard the Llonhearted used to car­ Leonard Implied toe refusal of authorities said had precipitated the Constitution egatnot all one- uUverstty, was charged with Investigation Into toe fatal Mississippi officials to cooper­ mles, foreign and domestic. more modorato than toa man 646^12. ry one at Us aids aU the time. tUrd degne assault, the killings at Kent State and with whom bo wont to hiaiao- shootings by law enforcement ate with the Investigation Will Jackson State, toe original draft Blaokmun’s somber mood "So I saw no reason why I authorities of toe two youths at necessitate calling a federal garton and grada aoboel to 4 t HELPFUL HINT IN MANCHESTER ■houkfai’t u|M It tor the same ‘I’he 4-foot mace la a tapered continued: matched his oopiher, charcoal- (Manchester Parkade) West Middle Tnmpike-BroiKl Stnet silver shaft with a gold terres­ Jackson State, four students at grand Jury to subpoena evi­ gray suit. He qtoke In a strong Paul. Put a Uttls 'sand In your car purpose. I poked him and Kent State University ta OUo dence. "Even when toe^ lives of law Hvo other "atitot te e s k n e - ' PIm m 647-9775 pushed Um hack." trial globe at the top. Hie globe voice but did not omlle, / ashtray — helps snuff out la surroundsd by silver ribe and and six men in Au