A : V - Avcraire Dally Net Preaa Ron For TIm Week Bnaed \ The Weather ^ June e, 1970 Bunny Uila' afternoon, hlfh N to SB. Clear, mild torUglU, low In 1 5 ,9 0 3 the mid to ui^Mr 00a. Tuaadny Buimy, warm. Manche$ter—-A CUy of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIX, NO. ill (TWENTY.POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 (Olaaalfled Adver11alii( <m m en *1) PRICE TEN CENTS 269th Class Julies Hold Report Claims U.S. Graduates State Mart From Y ale In Kidnap Paid to Train Thais NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) _ SIMBBURT, Conn. (AP)— WASHINGTON (A P)— A Senate subcommittee Juts Humoriat Art Buchwald and psy- A 32-year-old Slmbsury man released testimony disclosing a secret mohey-for-troops chologlat Jean Pla«:et are among was arrested Sunday and the 11 reclpienta of honorary de- charged with kidnaping 9- / / agreement between the Unit^ States and Thailand un­ Sreea from Tale Univeralty this year-old Sharon Blackfleld of der which Bangkok sent 10,000 men to Vietnam irt ex- year. Tariffvlllo. cimnge for $200 million. TTie pact, according to an ex­AV. The other persona named to The suspect, Richard C. ^elve honorary degrees at tensively censored summary of Nadreau, was accused by hearings seven months ago, was Tale's 389th commencement to- police of forcing the girl Into Cambodians <>ay are: Sir Eric Ashby, mas­ % signed on the ambcuwadorial his car as she stood by a level Nov. 9, 1967. ter of Clare College at Cam- road In Simsbury, then driv­ Althoilgh existence of the ac­ bridge Univeralty: Soedjatmoko, ing her to Windsor where cord was denied at the time, Drive Cong the Indonesia ambassador to the she was abandoned. She was Thailand announced Nov. 14, United States; Qaylord P. Ham- found with, her' hands tied be­ 1967, It was meeting a Saigon weU, president of the University hind her back near a road request and sending a division From Airfield of Pennsylvania; Dean Henry there. of volunteers to fight in South Chadwick of Christ Church In PHNOM PEJfH (AP) — Cbm- Simsbury police said they Vietnam. Oxford, England; L.eona Baum­ bodlan government forces re­ traced the crime to Nadreau Missouri Democrat Stuart gartner, a physician and edu­ took the Stem Reap airfield In when a neighbor reported Symington, chairman of the cator; Franklin A. Thomas, pres. northwest Cambodia and drove seeing the license plate num­ Innate Foreign Relations sub­ Ident of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Viet Cong and North Viet­ ber of a car the g;irl had got­ committee that held the hear­ Restoration Corporation In namese forces from the center ten Into. ings, coupled disclosure of the Brooklyn, N.T.; Earl W. Suth­ Police ruled out the possi­ of Kompong Thom, in central erland Jr., a psyslologlst at Van- agreement Sunday with a letter bility that the girl had been to Secretary of State William P. Cambodia, a govern me nt derbUt University; Elliott C. spokesman said today. sexually assaulted. Rogers asking for details of Carter Jr., a composer; and The spokesman said sporadic Henry M. Stommel, professor of Nadreau’s bond was set at American aid to Thailand In ex­ 110,000. He was charged with change for sending troops to and confused fighting continued oceanography at Massachusetts near the famed temple ruins at Institute of Technology. kidnaping and risking Injury Cambodia as well as to South to a minor. Angkor, Cambodia’s chief tour­ Buchwald’s citation said: Vietnam. Symington wrote to Rogers ist attraction six miles north of “ With good humor you have Siem Reap. Communist forces looked upon trivallty and trag­ that “ facts supplied the subcom­ m mittee by officials of your de­ took the alrfirld Sunday morn­ edy and reminded us that he ing, but government troops and who can laugh at himself learns partment—prevfotlsly kept se^ Ceremonies cret from the American public Cambodian Air Force MIO Jets best . you have sustained the drove them out in the afternoon, great American tradition of —clearly show the U.S. not only encouraged the Thais to send the spokesman said. skepticism, graced with a kind­ He reported that the airfield ly sense of the absurd." Focus On forces to Vietnam but also paid Peruvian man, who survived last weekend’s tragic his baby in front of the rubble that once was his a very large amount in dollars sufficiently secure Piaget, who is professor of for planes to land there. Instead child psychology at the Univer­ earthquake in his country, sits pensively and holds home in the town of Caraz. (AP Photofax) -in excess of $200 million— for Indochina their training, equipment and reinforcements were being sity of Geneva, Swltxerland, was flown to Battambang, 60 miles cited for his study of the stages Individual allowances." By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TTie testimony during a week to the southwest; and then at mental development In chil­ trucked to the battle in vehicles dren. Former Vice President Hu­ Over Peru: of closed hearings last Novem­ bert H. Humphrey ouUined a ber Indicated the United States supplied by Communist China At yesterday's baccalaureate. before the overthrow of Prince Tale University’s graduating se­ “ new bill of rights and Respon­ would cover the cost of training, equipping Emd overseas allow­ Norodom Sihanouk. niors were told Sunday that they sibilities" and Sen. Edmund S. ances for a Thai division in taught the nation a lesson last Muskie spoke of student dissent Pilot Gets Grandstand View of Death The spokesman said that dur­ South metnam. This Included month in how to work for so­ In a busy day of commencement ing the weekend fighting a bar­ ABOARD A USAF C130 OVER A quarter ton of sleeping Its last drop run. "Incredible, A slide of rocks and miiS Jwo providing logistic support and cial change without disorder. ceremonies at colleges around racks had been attacked inside the naUon. PERU (AP) — A grandstand bags, blankets and food rations unbelievable,” was all the crew to three miles wide had hulled mustering-out bonus for the sol­ In his baccalaureate address, Siem Reap, which is the head­ view of death and destruction was packed in plastic-wrapped could say as they looked down clear across both banks .lOf the diers. onstratlons might becom evlo- Author John Holt, a criUc of quarters of the Fourth Military swept beneath a big U.S. C180 survival kits and stapled into 12 on the shambles. Santa River at the bottom of the "The aid provided a Thai lleu- Kingman Brewster, president of the exisUng educaUonal system, Region, but that the main ene­ refused an honorary, degree at cargo plane as it dropped sup­ large crates. The back bay of A few miles further up the canyon , buried Tungay and enant general Mdth $480 a my thrust had been against the the university, referred to the plies to survivors of the plane lifted open as Anta canyon was Tungay, which used smashed against a mountain month In allowances over his May Day demonstrations in New Wesleyan University, declaring airport two miles west of the that schools are among ‘the earthquake-torn North Central came Into view and the crates to be home for some 88,000 peo­ ledge on the other side. Only $870 monthly base pay. A Thai town. Haven. It was feared the dem­ Peru Sunday. were shoved out, two at a time, ple. All that could be seen of It about 2,600 residents of Tungay private got $39 a month extra onstrations might become vio­ chief enslaving insUtuUons" In Although there was some American society. “Unbelievable," said the pi­ as the Hercules made six passes were the tops of four palm trees are believed to have survived. from the United States over his lent, but they stayed mostly fighting near the tourist hotel, Sen. William Proxml re, D- lot, Capt. Bill Hudspeth, a Viet­ over the runway. where the town square had been The ClSOs fly twice a day, base pay of $26 a month. the center ot the town and its mostly peaceful. Brewster told nam veteran, as he guided the Wls., told Milton College gradu­ (Tarhuaz, another town of and a statue of Christ, with dropping supplies over the can­ Besides such aid, the United main market were unscathed, his graduating students; big Hercules up the 80-mlle ates that President Nixem about 10,000 people, came into arms outstretched, which yon then picking up survivors at States also agreed to send Bang­ he said. The last tourists were “ While the greater part of the Huaylas Canyon. “ Worse than “ made a tragic mistake in Cam­ view as the plane pulled out of marked the hilltop cemetery. the evacuation center in Chim- kok a battery of Hawk antiair­ evacuated last week. > country merely speculates about anything I have seen in my bodia. He was wrong.” Former bote. They are brought there by craft missiles and to Increase No enemy troops were known and worries about the violence life.” astronaut Michael Collins said helicopters and Vintage C47a the military assistance program to have entered the Angkor of the extremes, yOU have known Hudspeth shook his head in at Stonehill College that he that can Just manage to land by about $80 million during fis­ ruins, which extend over 40 their challenge quite intimately. disbelief as the transport passed backed the President’s Cambo­ and take off at Anta. cal 1968 and 1960 to speed the square miles, the spokesman “ Tou have not only met the over what was left of Huraz, Highway Mileage Posts dia decision “ 100 per cent." More than half of Chlmbote, a modernization of Tliailand said.
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