Private Residents. [ Westmorland
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146 HOD PRIVATE RESIDENTS. [ WESTMORLAND. Hodgson Mrs. Moston house, Orton, Hunter Joseph, 31 Aynam rd. Kendal Jones Tbomas, Worldcroft, Stons. Bowness, WindermerE' Tebav• 8.0 Hunter Rd. P. Nook cot. Amblcsidp Hodgson Mrs. Sunny bank, Little HuntingtonT.W.H.26Castle gtb.Kendl Jones V. HaIlhead, Burneside, Kendal Lsngdale, Ambleside Hutcbinson C. II Castle garth,Kendal Jones Wm. 4 Beech villas, Kendal Hodgson Standen, Inglewood, 8tarrs, Hutchinson F.W.5 Gillingate, Kendal Jones-Balme Frank ~IaTIde Taylor Bownes,s, Winderme,re D.L., J.P. High close, Loughrigg. Hutcbinson Mrs.12 Avnam• rd.Kendal Hod~son Wm. Mt.Pleasant,Tebay 8.0 Hutchinson P. 3 Gillingate, Kendal Ambleside Hodson J oseph, 36 Gillingate, Kendal Hutchinson R.49Stricklandgt. Kendal J opsonB.9Beechwood,Kendal grn.Kndl Hodson William, Gowan Lea, ~ether Hutchinson W. 34 Gillingate, Kendal Jordan John Steel, Beechwood cot- Staveley, Kendal . Hutton Edward, 6 Churcb view, Ay- tage, Kendal green, Kpndal Ho[!g Gilbert Thomas, 5 West view, nam road, Kendal J ordanMrs. Oakdene.Kendal grn.Kendl Windermere road, Kendal Hutton John, 6 Vicarage tel'. Kendal Jordan William, 3 Aynam pI. Kendal Hogg Jas. A. Appleby castle, Appleby Hutton Mrs. 43 Beast banks, Kpndal Karck Miss, Sunny bank,.Arnside 13.0 Hoggo Mrs. 48 Boroughgate, Appleby Hutton Mrs. Beetbam house, Beet- KasseIl J'7 Fairbank.Kirkby Lonsdale Hoggarth A. St. Abbs,Gillingate,Kndl barn, Milnthorpe 8.0 KasseIl Lewen C. 4 Bective road, Hoggarth Charles, Old Bank house, Idle Mrs. East house, ~ilburn, New- Kirkby Lonsdale Stricldandgate, Kendal biggin, Carlisle Kay ~Iisses, Sandside, Milnthrp. 8.0 Hogg:uth ,Edwin, 7 8unnyside st.Kndl Idle W. Milburn, Newbiggin, Carlisle Kearsley Miss, Ghyll head, Water- Hoggarth George Lawrence, Glen Iliffs W.,J.P.High wells,Natland,Kndl head, Ambleside rovd, Arnside S.O Illingworth Jas. R. Airecliffe, Kendal Keates Cbarles, Crosthwaite, Kendal HOg'garth :'Ifr... :; Victoria tel'. Kendal Illingwortb Miss, Merrygill home, Keighley C.lnglewood.Kirkby Lonsdle Halnen Mrs. Church street, Miln Rartley, Kirkby Stephen Keightley Mr!l. The Old Hall, Preston thorpe S.O Ingham Rev. Joseph M.A..Asby Coats- Richard, Milnthorpe S.O H alrle:, Henry William, Deerholme forth, Appleby Kelley Frederick, Callerton house, cottage, Levens, ~ilntharpe 8.0 Ingham Miss, 55 Boroughgate,Applby Craig walk, Bowness, Windermere ~rrs. Inman J.1 Kent's bank,West st.Kendl Kelly Miss, Eller holme, Ambleside Holdsworth Grevstone,• Holme, Carnforth Inman Mrs. 8 College rd.Windermere Kemp Francis, Linthwaite, Storrs. Holdsworth Mrs. Prospect house, Hel Ion Ricbard, Lit. Musgrave, Penrith Bowness, Windermere ton, Penrith Iredale In.E. 10 Victoria tel'. Kendal Kendal Mrs. 2 South road, Kenda! Holidav Thomas. Argill, Stainmore Ireland Misses, Brookside, Barbon, Kendal Mrs. Town head, Kirkby Sonth, Kirkby Stephen Kirkby Lonsdale Thore, Penritb Hollidav Miss, 26 CastlE' st. Kendal Ireland Mrs. 7 Vicarage ter. Kendal Kendal T. r6 HiQ'hfield vi1s. KendaJ Holms Mrs. Owlet ash,MilnthorpeS.O Irving J ohIl. Clifton. Penrith Kendall Luke T. Ravensf'roft, Princes Halme ::-Ohs. Spring-well house, Win- Irving Mrs.Red hIs. Skelsmergb,Kendl road, Bowness, Windcrmere dermere road, Kendal Jackson Rev. William Walrond D.D. Kendall William Clement, 8 Beetive Holmes :Misses, Cleator lodge, Bow- 8ingleton park. Kendal road, Kirkby Lonsdale ness, Windermere Jackson Artbur, Red bank, Ambleside Kennedy Miss, Boreland, Millans pk. Holmes Mrs. Mardale, Penrith Jackson Edward Henry, Scafell,Heatb- Amhleside Holmes Mrs. Waitby, Kirkby 8tephen waite, Bowness, Windermere Kennedy Mrs. Glen Rothay, Rydal, Holt Edward J.P. Blackwell, 8torT8, J ackson Harrison,3 Green close,Kendl Ambleside Bowness, Windermere J ackson Hy. 5 Ash meadows, Kendal Kennedy Mrs. Orton, Tebay S.O Halt RO'bert Durning D.L., J.P. Higb Jackson J. Hazel bank,Yanwatb,Pnrth Kerry William H. R., F.e.S. Borrans, Windermere J acksonJ.Moresby,Millans pk.Arnblsde The Sycamores. Windermere Holyoake Philip William, 12 Lake Jackson Misses, Orton, Tebay S.O Kewley Rev. Wil1iam A.KC.L. The Road ter. Windermere I'd. Kendal Jackson Mrs. 5 Cliff terrace, Kendal Vicarage, Natland. Kendal Hope Rev. Robprt Dixon, Parsonage, Jackson Mrs. Oaklands, .Amblpside Key Thomas, 28 Highfield villas,Win Old Hutton, Kendal J ackson T. B. 33 Beast banks, Kendal dermere road, Kendal Hope Richard, 22 Highfield villas, Jackson Thomas Ormandy, 8pring- Kevs-- Wells Rev. William McCleIland Windermere road, Kendal field, Heversham, Milntborpe S.O M.A.. 'rhe Rectory.. Clifton, Penritb Horn John, Oak burn, Thornbarrow J ackson William,Leasgill,Heversbam, Kilsbaw Mrs. 8toneleigh terrace, Ay road, Bowness, Windermere :Milntborpe 8.0 nam road, Kendal Hornby Edmund Geoffrey Stanley James Mrs.37 New rd.Kirkby Lonsdle King Charles, 4 Cburch view, Aynam D.L., J.P. Dalton hall, Carnfartb James R. 13 New rd.Kirkby Lonsdale road, Kendal Horne Allan 8impson, 5 Oakfield, Jameson Mrs. West view, Long Mar- King Henry, S Thorny hills. KendaJ Burneside road, Kendal ton, Carlisle King J.Oak bnk. Bo,mess, Windermr Horbfield Lord (Lord Lieutenant), Jefferies Mrs. Glenthorne,Grasmr. S.O King Miss, The Terl"lce. Windermere Appleby castle,Appleby; 2 Che~ter J effries Mrs. Castle green, Kendal KiplingC.H.Park cot.Parkside rd.Knd} field gardens, Mayfair, London ,W Jenkinson William, Bushel' lodge, Kitchin Rev. Jobn Alfred, The Vicar- Hough Cbarles HE'nry, White Cragg, Stricklandgate, Kendal age, Askbam, Penrith I,ollghrigg, Amhleside Jennings Geo. 5 Vicarage tel'. Kendal Knight Rev. Josepb. Morland, Penrith Houghton Mrs. Thornleigb, Miln J esper Alfred, Brantholme, Parkside Knight Fredk. 2 Victoria ter. Kendal thorpe road, Kendal road, Kendal Knight Mrs. 13 Park avenue, Kendal Hougohton Thos. 70 Gillingate, Kendal Jobns Rev. Thomas Henry, 5 Beech Knowles James, Caton house, Caster- Howarth Col. Frederick, Clappers Hill terrace, Kendal ton, Kirkby Lonsdale gate, Lougbrigg, Ambleside Jobnson Charles Reddrif B.A. Gram Lake Georg-e F. 4 Castle st. Kendal Howartb Mrs. Langdale chase,Trout mar school, Bongate, ·.Appleby Lambert William, I Kent villas, Ay beck, Windermere J ohnson J .L.Reston ball,Hugill,Kcndl nam road, Kendal Howe Misses, Milburn, Newbiggin, J ohnson J ames Robert, Leasgill ha. Lancaster George, Hilton, Appleby Carhsle Heversham, MilnthorDe 8.0 Lancaster JO!leph, Biscey Howl' road. Howell Mrs. W. 5 Sunnyside, Kendal Jobnson J. P. 13 East bank, Kendal Bowness, Windermere Howie James, Vicarage cottage, Brig- Jobnson M. H. 34 Aynam I'd. Kendal Lancaster Mr!l. 2 Beast banks, Kends! steel', Kendal J obnson Miss, Yew Tree house, Leas- Lancaster R.West vw. Natland,Kendl llowie Jas. W. 38 Gillingate, Kendal gill, Heversham, Milnthorpe S.O· Langborn Miss, Winton,Kirkby Stphn Howorth Mrs. 35 Castle gartb,Kendal Johnson Misses, 3 Asbmeadows,Kendl Langhorn "Mrs. Milnthorpe 8.0 Howson J. Cracalt ho,Natland,Kendal J ohnson Ricbard Wilson, Low house, Laurie Rev. Titus Edward, The Rec- Hoyland G. D. r<) Greenside, Kendal Hugill, Kendal tory, Great Mllsgravp, Penrith Hoyle W. H. Above beck,Grasmr.8.0 Johnson T. W. Reston hall, Hugill, Law Rev. Robert Hartly M..A. Vicar- Huck Edwin, 3 Holly bank, Kendal Kendal .' age, Arnside 8.0 Huck H.Romney bo.Kirkland, Kendal J ohnstonA. ,B. A. ,M. B. Gale bo.Amblsd Lawrence Robert, r3 Cliff tel'. Kendal Huck Mrs. Lower Beckfoot, Barbon, Johnston Augustus Henry Graydon Lawson J. Lowfield, Old rd.Ambleside Kirkby Lonsdale M.B. Brougb, Kirkby Stepben Lax Rev. In. G., M..A .. L.Th. Vicar- Hucks John, Little Musgrave,Penrith Johnston B. R. Rose cot.Grasmr. 8.0 age, 8tainmore Stb.Kirkby 8tephen Huddlestone Thomas, Glasgow house, Johnston G. A.,M.B.Gale ho..Amblsde Leach Misses, Wheatlands, Windrmre Milnthorpe S.O Janes Rev. Christopher Geo. Riddle- Lee Edmd. Lake view, Grasmere S.O Hudson HE'nry J obn, South view, say cot. Waitby, Kirkby Stephen Leece John, Jesmond Dene, Bownesl, ~etber Staveley, Kendal J ones Rev. G.Great 8trickland,Penritb Windermere Hudson James, South view, Nether Jones Miss, Glenside, Troutbeck, Leerning Robert Wbinerey B.A.,M.D. Staveley, Kendal Windermere 71 Highgate, Kendal Hugg-on Wm.14 Castle garth, Kendsl J ones Mrs. Low nook, Rydal road, le Fleming Stanley Hugbes J.P.,D.L. Hugbes T. H. J. E. Meathop,Grange- Ambleside Rydal ball, .Ambleside over-Sands 8.0 ; J ones Mrs. W. 33 Aynam rd. Kendal Legh Rev. John Arthur B.A. Vicar Hunter H. r6 Aynam road, Kendal Janes P,Westbraok ter.KirkbyStepben age, Rydal, .Ambleside.