HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Sentative from Vermont from 1909 to Mr
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946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE January 19, 1965 Scott, Gerald E. Wieden, Clifford, Jr. Mr. STAFFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise as long as he was able, he had a cheerful Simmons, Clyde M. Yaeger, Richard A. today to pay tribute to a former distin greeting for all and was loved alike by men, Smith, Clarence D. Bode, Wichard H., Jr. women, and children. As raconteur he had guished Member of the U.S. House of few equals as his long-to-be-remembered Starzynski, Paul M. Clark, James A. Representatives-an outstanding native Tanksley, Lawrence E. Merry, Bion E. stories of old Northfield and its people bear Van Grol, Daniel P., Rodgers, John H. citizen of the State of Vermont-a friend witness in the memories of those whose III Huey, Benjamin M. of many of you who are still here--the world is a desolate place now that he has late Charles A. Plumley, U.S. Represent left it. (Note: Asterisk ( •) indicates ad interim ative from Vermont from January 16, A lover of beauty wherever he found it, his appointment issued.) garden on Prospect Street brought joy to all, 1934, to January 3, 1951. especially when his peonies and an occa Mr. Plumley died in the town where he sional "piney" were at their height. If a.11, CONFIRMATIONS was born, educated, and retired, North into whose lives he brought laughter and Executive nominations confirmed by field, Vt., on October 31, 1964, following sunshine, could place one blossom on his the Senate January 19, 1965: the adjournment of the 88th Congress. grave he would sleep tonight in Mount Hope He was buried the day before Election in a wilderness of flowers. He met life on its DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS~Y Day, but as was .true of him in life, so own terms always with an equable temper, Sheldon S. Cohen, of Maryland, to be Com death did not cheat him from full par cheerful courage, and steady faith. missioner of Internal Revenue. "Take him for all in all, we shall not look Mitchell Rogovin, of Virginia, to be an As ticipation in the politics of that day. upon his like again." · sistant General Counsel in the Department For he had cast an absentee ballot for of the Treasury (Chief Counsel for the In President and other offices just prior to Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, will the ternal Revenue Service) . his death. gentleman yield to me? Charlie Plumley served a long and no Mr. STAFFORD. I would be delighted ..... .. table career in this great body, as did his to yield to the distinguished gentleman father, the late Frank Plumley, Repre from Indiana [Mr. HALLECK]. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sentative from Vermont from 1909 to Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, as one 1915. But it would be difficult to have . who served here with Charlie Plumley, of TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1965 categorized the life of Charles Plumley. Vermont, and as one who admired him, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. In the field of education, he was a prin respected him, and loved him, I would The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, cipal . and superintendent in the public just like to say that the gentleman from D.D., o:tfered the following prayer: school system of his hometown and in Vermont's appraisal of Charlie Plumley's later years served as president of Nor record here, his character and his serv use the verse of Scripture, Ephesians wich University, one of this country's ice, is entirely correct. Charlie Plumley 3: 20: Now unto Him who is able to do outstanding military schools, from 1920 was one of the finest gentlemen that I exceeding abundantly above all that we to 1934. have ever known. His friendship meant ask or think, according to the power that Mr. Plumley was commissioner of taxes a lot to me. I am sorry indeed that he worketh in us. for the State of Vermont for 7 years, after has gone to his reward, but I am sure Almighty God, we earnestly beseech having served in administrative positions that all those who knew him would agree Thee to bestow Thy gracious favor and in both our State senate and house of with me that he served here with dis benediction upon our President, our Vice representatives. As a member of the tinction, that he contributed in full President, our Speaker, and the Members State house of representatives, he served measure to the benefit of his Nation and of the Congress. that body as speaker. his State. Grant that they may know how to After 17 years in this body, Charlie Again I thank the gentleman for yield guide the Ship of State and embody and Plumley retired on his own, expressing ing to me that I might add my sincere express that noble kind of patriotism the view in his own words: words of tribute to a great friend of mine, which seeks in personal character and I thought, and still think, that some Charlie Plumley. public service to protest and perpetuate younger man should bear the burden of the Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the the good name of our beloved country. responsibility for carrying out the ideas and gentleman yield to me? May we all aspire to emulate the faith the ideologies for which I have stood over Mr. STAFFORD. I will be glad to ful in doing high and helpful things for the years. yield to the distinguished majority our Republic and share in the blessed Those of you who worked here in the leader. ministry of healing the hurts and heart Congress with Charlie Plumley knew him Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I join my aches of bruised and broken humanity. for his honesty and friendliness, and for distinguished colleague from Vermont Now may Thy grace, mercy, and peace the many years of valuable service he and the distinguished gentleman from descend upon us, through Jesus Christ, performed as a member of the important Indiana [Mr. HALLECK] in this word of our Lord, in whose name we pray. Appropriations Committee. tribute to a former Member who per Amen. But of those who knew him best, I be formed outstanding service in this body lieve the words expressed fallowing his and who had earned and received the THE JOURNAL death by a lifelong friend and class highest respect of his colleagues. He The Journal of the proceedings of yes mate, Mr. William D. Hassett, of North loved the House and was loved by it. terday was read and approved. field, come the closest to describing this I was shocked at the news of his death, memorable :man. Mr. Hassett, former and I extend my deepest sympathies to secretary to Presidents Roosevelt and his friends and relatives. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Truman, wrote of his friend: Mr. STAFFORD. I appreciate the TEMPORE In the quiet of an October morning the words of the majority leader. long life of Charles Plumley ebbed to a peace Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER. The Chair designates ful close. even before I came to the Congress I the Honorable EMANUEL CELLER, of New Few lives have touched the life of our had heard of the good heart and the York, to act as Speaker pro tempore to Northfield community at so many angles as good works of the Honorable Charles Al morrow, January 20, 1965. his. Born in the family home on Pleasant Street, as a boy he attended the graded bert Plumley. The late Congressman school and prepared for Norwich University Ralph Church had referred to him a THE LATE HONORABLE CHARLES A. at Northfield High School. He was the only matter in which I was interested, because son of Frank Plumley, one of the foremost the young man concerned, who formerly PLUMLEY trial lawyers in New England and of Lavinia had been a constituent of Congressman Mr. STAFFORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask Fletcher Plumley. His mother was once Church, was then a resident of Vermont. unanimous consent to address the House preceptress o! the local high school, of which It was one of those personal matters, for 1 minute and to revise and extend my her son was afterward principal. The Plumley household was a home of plain not of earthshaking importance, but of remarks. living and high thinking. real concern to at least one young man The SPEAKER. Is there objection In all the great relations of life Charles and the members of his immediate fam to the request of the gentleman from Plumley never was found wanting nor in ily. I appreciated greatly the response Vermont? adequate. He had a genius for friendship of Vermont's veteran Congressman in There was no objection. and in his daily walks around Depot Square, the case of a young man, a stranger to January 19, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 947 him, only recently come to his State of tional system restudied, reinforced, and re James E. Webb, of the National Aero Vermont and, moreover, a member of a vitalized. nautics and Space Administration, that Democratic family. The administration measure, Mr. the second unmanned Gemini spacecraft When I came to the 8lst Congress I Speaker, which developed out of mutual has been recovered by our naval forces sought him out personally to tell him my consultations among the executive 2,150 miles down range in the mid-At appreciation. The friendship that fol branch and the legislative branch and lantic. lowed was rich and rewarding. I am the educational constituencies, is a com This spacecraft was launched at 9: 03 grieved to learn of his passing.