The Youth 0Rchestro of Greoter Chicogo L4th Season

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The Youth 0Rchestro of Greoter Chicogo L4th Season The Youth 0rchestro of Greoter Chicogo l4th Season . 28th Concert DUDTEY POWERS, Conductor FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1960 8rl5 P. M. Orchestra Hall ROSAMUNDE OVERTURE . Schubert CONCERTO FOR OBOE .... Ha^tdtr ALLECRO SPIRITOSO James Fraoklin, Soloist CONCERTO NO. .+ FOR HORN . ... Mozart ROMANZA RONDO Kenneth Jansoo, Soloist DANCE OF THE BUFFOONS ........ Rinrsdl.Korsa(of INTERMISSION ANDANTE - ALLEGRO ENERGICO ANDANTE SCHERZO FINALE OII,CHES:TRA" PERSONNEL ORCHESTRA PER"SONNEL toLtNS SCHOOL IOWN BASSES (Conllnuod) SCHOOt IOWN idrian Gola Weber High School Chicago Fred Lieb Seao High Sch<iol Chicaqo Concertmaskr Carole Ann Sheade Oak Park.fuver Forest High School Oak P-ar[ Iincent S&owronsli Mendel High School Chicago Wm. Keck Joliet Township High School Joliet Princioal HANP udi Antarson Arlinstor lleishts Towoship High Sclool A.lington Heights Margaret Harper New Trier Townsfup High School Winnetka 'am Baroo Downers Grove High School Downers Grove FlUTES 'aul Bennema Morgan Park High School Chicago Dcbra Bessonny Evanston Township High School Evanston larv Bollc Batavia High School Batavia Howard Blume York Community High School Elmhurst lindy Br.andrel OaL ParL,River Forert Hieh Schoot Oak Park Mary Finnigao Crystal Lake Hieh School Crystal Lake lauren BrorL Oak Park,fuver Forest High School Oak Park Alvin Hodge, Jr. Wendell Phillips High School Chicago iobcrta Brown Maine Township High School Park Ridee Claudia Mages New Trier Township High School Winnetka fafy Burrill New TrierTownship High School Winnetki Cynthia Siml J. Sterling Molton High Schoot (West) Berwyn cott Burt Hyde Park High School Chicago PlccoLo Mather High School Chicago iichard Byrd Howard Bluroe York Community High School Elmhurst )orothy Diggs Evanston Township High School Evanstoo lristine EiLedahl Curtis Fenger High School Chicago OBOES :ynthi. Enari Seno High School Chicaeo C. John Amerlan Lyons Township High School LaGrange Llera Fitcbmrn New Trier Township High Schooi $/inretka Greg Fischer Hinsdale Township Hieh School Hinsdale ane Sreemafi OaL Park.Rivtr Forest High School Oak Park James Franklin N€w Trier To$,n$hip High School Wionetka rirginia Grahaa Hinsdale Township High School Hinsdale Catherine Larson Schura High School Chicaso lrlene Gratz Evanston Township High School Evanston Lewis Resnick Oak Par['River Forpst High School Oak ParL Maywood iichard Hansen J, Sterling Mortor High School (West) Berwvn Sally Watkins Proviso Township High School ,icLi Hilkevitch Evanston Township High School Evaniton ENGLISH HONN )leora Keeler Dowaers Grove lligh School Doq,ners Grove Greg Fischer Hinsdale Towoship High School Hinsdale idward Kobrin Sullivan High School Chicaso CTARINETS herrill Koch Wheaton Commtrnity High School Wheaion Priscilla A;rn Benge OaL Park,River Forest High School OaL Park lary Koubek J. Sterling Mq*oo High School Cicero Marty Breger St. Benedict High School Chicago uzanne LaBelle Schurz High School Chicago Valerie Khamis Lake View High Scfiool Chicago 'riscilla MacDougall Evanston Township Hiqh School Evaaston Marianne Locke Oak Park.River Fortst High School Oak ParL Downers larvlin Melke Downers Grovd High School Grove Martin Reach .J. Sterlins Morton ltrigh School (West) Berwyn Oak Park dariin Pcarlmaa OaL Park,fuver Forest High School Miles Vokurka J. Sterling Morton lligh School Cicero oar Reich Oak Park,fuver Foresr High School OaL Park EASS CIARINET ,.cv Roe Wm. Wirth High School Gary, Indiana A. Priscilla Ann Benge Oak Park,River Forest High School Oak Pa.rk ,Iaiy Jo Stephen Trinity High School Biver Forest Ioralie Wexlcr Austin High Schoot Chicago BASSOONS .arry Wikon Maine Township High School ParL Ridge Howard Aoerlan Lyons Township High School LaGrange Proviso Township High School Maywood Nancy Cook New Trier Township High Schqol Winnetka Chicago tllan Zack J. Sterling Morton High School (West) Berwyn Nancy Hampton Bloom Township High School Heights IOTAS HORN5 iooald Arroo Senn Hish School Chicago Peter Brown Niles Township High School Skotie Cicero ane Bisler Evanston-Township High School Evanston Daniel Fairchild J. Sterling Morton High Schoot Ptoviso Township High Maywood ioscmary Fitdley Lyons Townslip High School LaGrange Bruce Gordon School High Flossmoor iatheririe Gale Willowbrook High School Villa Paik Kenneth Janson Homewood Flossmoor School Klass New Trier Townshid Hieh School WinnetLa udy Kissell Hinsdale Township High School Hinsdale Michael Hatold Stauttor Park,fuver Forest High School Oak Park aona Lousin Schurz High School Chicago Oak lnnette Rappleyea Dcan Thompson York Community High School Elmhurst Oak Park,fuver Forest High School OaL Park Elmhurst obn Ritzo Senn High School Chicago Eric Workman York Community High School {artha fecter Lyons Township High School LaGraoge oui6e Widerstrom Oak Park.fuver Forest High School Oak Park 'NUMPETSRichard Bair New Trier Towaship lligh School Winnetka udith Wihse Hinsdale Tovdship High School Hinsdale Steve Bourke York Community HiEh School Elmhurst Chicago EUOS Oscar Brashear" Jr" DuSable Hieh School I"ouis Fletcher Township High Schoo[ Joliet ulrn Daehn Oak Park,River Forert }ligh School Oak ParL Joliec ioet F.l& Oak ParL.tuvqr Forest High School Oak Park MOMBONE5 lhriltire fitp Batavia Hish School Batavia Henry Howey tuverside Brookfeld lligh School Riverside arbara Hilkevitch Evanston fownship High School Evanston Kenneth Olson Maine Township Hieh School Park Ridge ,omola l(atz Evanston Township llish Scbool Evanston Guy Parks Batavia }ligh School; Bata.ria dward Leut York Community lligh School Elmhurst Tt,,8A arl Madison Harlan High School Chicago Wm. Keck Joliet Towoship High School Joliet lathcrine Meints Hinsdale Town$hip High School Hinsdale IYMPANI iharleeo Shand Barriogtoo High School Barringtoo Dotrglas Mitcheil New Trier Township High School Winnctka ASSES PERCUSSION )avid Arch Lyons Township High School LaGranse Terry Applebaun Sullivau High School Chicago udith Curtis Hinsdale Township High School Hinsdali Lawrence Kraas Senn High School Chicaso ln Deak Oah Park.fuver Forest Hieh School Oak ParL Roberc \V. Lec Wells Hieh School Chicago )arlene llalpera Senn High School Chicago y'o, FRED C. BOOS, Librariao Kechlic Proviso Township High School May.wood Libtatidn PATRONS AND FRIENDS YOUTH ORCHESTRA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION MEMBERS Executive Secretary Jim Bostwick't3 Mr. Cymr H. Adame Jo-Al Enterprises Secretary and Treasu . ,. fuchard J. Kemper '49 Akron Brass Mfg^ Co., Inc. Mre. Malcolm A. Kemper Membership Committee Mary Emery'56 Mr- end Mm. C- MacL Albertsotr tfucherd J. Keopcr ..,,...., Alumni Arsociation of Youth Orchertra Mr. and Mre. John Keat Publications Committee ........ ....... ,, fuchard Hofman '50 Donald Norman Andreeen Mrs. Roee Marie Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Saouel Arron Mr. and Mru. Muller Koeper .Ellie Baird Mrr. Walter A. KraEt It* Mr. arrd Mrs. Robert D. Baird Dr. Theodore K. Lawlac Mr. William Balhatchet William Lcwis and Soa *Barbara Bechtold Dr, and Mru- D. W. MacCorquodale ACTIVE MBMBERS FOR 1960,61 Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Marcug Mr. and Mr* Harry J. Bettendorf Mrs. Clairc Swift Marwitl Bruce Allfree '10 James Fifer'16 Mary Dee Mill '60 .Jamea D. Bolle Mr. and Mrr. Ru*ell Matthiar Julian Arron '19 Jerome Fi{er'53 Nancy Ni&erson'58 Mr. and Mrs. Theo. B. H. Bolle Mr. and Mrs. David B. McDougalt Jame6 Bostwick'53 ?Richard HoEman '50 Elizabeth ONsoa '60 Mr. aod Mre. Leo Brameoa McKeown Realty Coopany Ken Burnett'16 tuchard O'Neil '48 June Jacobs '59 Briech Brick Company Mr. and Mrr. Thomas W. Merric Campbell '60 *Gordon Peters '49 Jcremy Ivan Janda'58 Mr. and Mre. A. C. BruhnLe Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mollendorf Jeffrey Corbin 'J9 '60 Jaroes fuce'16 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruot Music Educators Club of Chicago Nancy Lee Jordan Jefitey Corbin'60 David Sheldon'16 Evalyn Kaplan '19 Mr. E. J. Buttenheim Mrs. Josephine Nadelhofiet Richard Davis '48 Margaret Siferd '60 National 016ce Supply Co. *fuchard Mr. and Mrr. Craig J. Caio *Sue Carole DeVale '60 Kemper '49 Roger SimaL '19 Chicalo Community Truet Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Olliag Mary Emery '56 Martha Tillson LaVia '13 Virginia Sindelar'60 Chicago Mueical College Mr. G. A. Olofeaon ilazel Pee '60 Donald Lee'i8 lvlichael S/eroer 't9 Chicago Musical lostrument Co. Dr. and Mrr. Owcn R. O'Neil Alice Makos 'J3 Wright '60 Citilen! Nationel Brnk of Waukegan rtuchard C. O'Neil *Life Member Carolyn Commonwealth Edircn Co. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Pepich Conaumcrr Compauy Pf anstiehl Chenical Corp, t,tt Co$tinental Corcreic Pipe Corp. M. Alice Phillips, M.D. Cootinental Pla6tic! Corp, Mr. and Mrs. Henty L. Porter Mr. Hugo Dalmar, Jr. Public Servicc Co. of North€r, Illitrois Tnn Younr OncnEsrne oF GREATER Cmceco Mrr. Hugo Dalrnar Mr. Athur C. Rosenberg Mr. Hugo Dalmar, Sr. Mrr. Mary Brown Ross (Iacorporared for Educetiooal Purpos$ - Not fo. Proft) Mra. John DeVale Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Ryaroa *Sue Carole DeVale $aleroo Megowen Bi*uit C,o, Mr. aad Mra James R. Dougaa Mr. and Mrr. J. T. Schlerr Elkhart Brase Mfg. Co., Inc. Mrs. Bernard A. Schroeder Mr* Sidaey B. Fabaas Mr. E. Herbcrt Sicbd, Jr. Mim Hclen Fathauer Mr. Herbert Simpcoa OFFICERS Mru, L. S. Pctcher Mr. and Mrr. Peter Sirco Feces, Love I Siebcn Mra. John Sitek MR. VINCENT SKOWRONSKI, Prcsidczt Mr. and lv1re. Harold N. Finch Mr. Alerander SLlat MRS. CHARLES J. HARDY, Vice Presid.ert MR. CHARLES J. BECHTOLD, Treasurer Mr. C. Fogarty Sklar John ,*Carolyn MRS. MALCOLM KEMPER, Vice President MRS. DAVID J. THOMPSON, Sccretazl Mr. Ralph N. Friedman i, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Skowronski, Sr. Mr. md Mrr. H. E. Gale J Earl L. Specr I Compaay I Dr. Rudolph Gann i Dr. aad Mrg. Devid J. Thompron Mr. Joecph GiewartowsLi Mr. and Mrc. Thorlie{ Thorhaug Mr. Jamcr Gordon Mr. and Mrs- Theodorc D, Tictco Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustafson Mrr. Alben H. Ullrich DIRECTORS Mr. and Mrc. Ralph Hancoct Vincent Purniture Store Mr. and Mra John R. Heath *tuchard and Frcderich Vook Mr. FranL J. Alexander Dr. Helen Howc Gordon Peters Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Herbert Mrs. Sarah Flinn Webstcr Edward H.
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