Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 Place Score Name 1St 2Nd 3Rd 4Th 5Th 6Th

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Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 Place Score Name 1St 2Nd 3Rd 4Th 5Th 6Th Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 Place Score Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1 142.50 Bowen High School 1 3 1 3 2 139.50 Lane Tech High School 2 3 1 1 1 3 123.00 Taft High School 3 1 1 1 1 4 65.00 Westinghouse High School 1 2 1 5 47.00 Northside Prep 1 1 6 46.00 Simeon High School 1 1 1 7 45.50 Brooks High School 1 2 8 45.00 Uplift High School 1 2 1 9 43.50 Kelly High School 1 2 10 42.00 Juarez High School 2 11 41.00 Amundsen High School 1 1 12 39.00 Dunbar High School 1 1 2 13 38.00 King High School 1 1 14 37.00 Mather High School 2 15 36.00 Morgan Park High School 1 1 16 33.00 Austin High School 1 1 17 29.00 Kennedy High School 1 1 29.00 Hyde Park High School 1 2 19 28.00 Chicago Agi Science 1 1 20 27.00 Corliss High School 1 1 21 24.00 Lindblom High School 1 22 23.50 Douglass High School 1 23 21.00 Kenwood Academy High School 1 1 24 19.00 Dusable High School 1 25 18.00 Foreman High School 2 18.00 Senn High School 1 27 17.00 Curie High School 1 17.00 Hubbard High School 1 17.00 Carver High School 1 30 9.00 Marshall High School 1 31 8.00 Roberson High School 1 32 7.00 Julian High School 1 7.00 Chicago Vocational Career Academy 1 7.00 Solorio High School 1 35 6.00 Clemente High School 1 36 3.00 Urban Prep High School 37 2.00 Roosevelt High School 2.00 Wahington High School 39 1.00 Bronzeville 1.00 Gary Comer High School 41 0.00 Phoenix Military Academy 0.00 Al Raby High School 0.00 Farragut High School 0.00 Little Village High School 0.00 Orr High School * Team has non-scoring wrestler Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 Place Score Name 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 0.00 Collins High School 0.00 Manley High School 0.00 Crane High School 0.00 Phillips High School 0.00 Team Englewood 0.00 Harper High School 0.00 Bogan High School 0.00 Sullivan High School 0.00 Kelvyn Park High School 0.00 Harlan High School 0.00 Gage Park High School 0.00 Fenger High School 0.00 Uno High School 0.00 Schurz High School 0.00 Lakeview High School 0.00 Von Steuben 0.00 Chicago Academy * Team has non-scoring wrestler Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 106 James Angsten 1N LANETECH 10- 10 Bout: 113 James Angsten 1N LANETECH Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE Dec 7-2 (10) 9- 7 Bout: 2 Markus Scarborough 2C KING Markus Scarborough 2C KING Dec (11) 26- 11 Bout: 253 James Angsten 1N LANETECH Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK Fall 3:53 0- 0 Bout: 3 Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK Rodolfo Lomeli 3S WASHING Dec 0- 0 Bout: 114 Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK Dec 4-1 Isabella Fuentes 1W KELLY (11) 13- 1 Bout: 311 Devanta Williams 1S MORGAPAR Champion Jajuan Ross 1C BOWEN Dec 8-4 (11) 11- 2 Bout: 115 Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT Dec 5-0 17- 13 Bout: 6 Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Dec 17- 7 Bout: 254 Devanta Williams 1S MORGAPAR Bye Fall 2:52 Bout: 7 Bye Bye Bout: 116 Devanta Williams 1S MORGAPAR Devanta Williams 1S MORGAPAR 0- 0 Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE Bout: 281 Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE Bout: 169 Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE Fall :47 Bye Bout: 225 Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE Rodolfo Lomeli 3S WASHING Fall 5:27 Bout: 170 Rodolfo Lomeli 3S WASHING Jajuan Ross 1C BOWEN Dec 12-10 Bout: 310 Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT 3rd Place Bout: 171 Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT Fall 1:47 Isabella Fuentes 1W KELLY Dec 4-2 Bout: 226 Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT Bye Fall 3:25 Bout: 172 Markus Scarborough 2C KING Markus Scarborough 2C KING Bout: 282 Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Fall 2:17 Brian Zarky 2N MATHER Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK Bout: 309 Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT 5th Place Forf - Place Winners - 1st Devanta Williams 1S MORGAP 2- 0 2nd James Angsten 1N LANETECH 12- 11 3rd Brian Zarky 2N MATHER 21- 8 4th Kenneth Jones 3C CURIE (10) 11- 9 5th Jacob Kalicky 3N TAFT 20- 15 6th Tyrus Green 2S HYDEPARK 2- 2 (c) 2011 - Preferred Educational Software - (888) 959-2016 Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 113 Ciarron McCarthy 1N LANETECH 24- 9 Bout: 117 Ciarron McCarthy 1N LANETECH SCRATCH / BYE JUAREZ Fall 3:04 (10) 18- 6 Bout: 10 Mario Nisvis 2W FOREMAN Mario Nisvis 2W FOREMAN Dec (12) 8- 1 Bout: 255 Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN Dec 7-0 (11) 19- 3 Bout: 11 Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Dec (11) 20- 3 Bout: 118 Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN Dec 7-2 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS 0- 0 Bout: 314 Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN Champion Leo Gonzalez 1W KELLY Dec 8-2 (12) 12- 2 Bout: 119 Leo Gonzalez 1W KELLY Andrew Lil 3N TAFT T-Fall 17-2 19- 12 Bout: 14 Ardany Granillo 2N ROOSEVEL Ardany Granillo 2N ROOSEVEL Dec 30- 4 Bout: 256 Leo Gonzalez 1W KELLY Jerrell Baker CVCA Fall 4:31 0- 0 Bout: 15 Jerrell Baker CVCA Daniel Izguerra 3S UNO Dec 0- 0 Bout: 120 Jerrell Baker CVCA Fall 1:38 Ishun Spencer 1C CURIE (11) 18- 1 Ciarron McCarthy 1N LANETECH SCRATCH / BYE JUAREZ Bout: 283 Ciarron McCarthy 1N LANETECH Bout: 173 Ishun Spencer 1C CURIE Dec 5-2 Ishun Spencer 1C CURIE Forf Bout: 227 Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Fall 3:47 Bout: 174 Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Ardany Granillo 2N ROOSEVEL Dec 3-2 Bout: 313 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS Andrew Lil 3N TAFT 3rd Place Bout: 175 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS Dec 2-1 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS Fall 4:12 Bout: 228 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS Daniel Izguerra 3S UNO Dec 12-4 Bout: 176 Mario Nisvis 2W FOREMAN Mario Nisvis 2W FOREMAN Fall 3:25 Bout: 284 Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS Fall 2:08 Jerrell Baker CVCA Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Bout: 312 Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON Jerrell Baker CVCA 5th Place Forf - Place Winners - 1st Cory Wilson 2C BOWEN (11) 23- 3 2nd Leo Gonzalez 1W KELLY (12) 14- 3 3rd Kyle Tate 1S BROOKS 4- 1 4th Ciarron McCarthy 1N LANETE 26- 11 5th Deonne McDonald 3C SIMEON (11) 23- 5 6th Jerrell Baker CVCA 2- 2 (c) 2011 - Preferred Educational Software - (888) 959-2016 Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 120 Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT 21- 6 Bout: 121 Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT SCRATCH / BYE BROOKS Fall :33 0- 0 Bout: 18 Deandra Benn 2S HYDEPARK Deandra Benn 2S HYDEPARK Dec 0- 0 Bout: 257 Montate Thomas 1C BOWEN Rayshaun Baines 2W CRANE Dec 13-10 (11) 11- 4 Bout: 19 Rayshaun Baines 2W CRANE Marlin Mosley 3W AUSTIN Dec (12) 10- 5 Bout: 122 Montate Thomas 1C BOWEN T-Fall 16-1 Montate Thomas 1C BOWEN (12) 21- 3 Bout: 317 Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN Champion Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY MajDec 11-2 0- 0 Bout: 123 Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN Dan Gallo 3N TAFT Fall 2:41 20- 13 Bout: 22 Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN Dec 23- 2 Bout: 258 Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN Katriel King 2C KING Fall 1:45 (12) 17- 9 Bout: 23 Katriel King 2C KING Jeffrey Carodine 3C BRONZEVI Dec (09) 1- 3 Bout: 124 Claudis Dawson 1W DUNBAR Fall 4:59 Claudis Dawson 1W DUNBAR (12) 19- 3 Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT SCRATCH / BYE BROOKS Bout: 285 Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY Bout: 177 Katriel King 2C KING Dec 6-5 OT Katriel King 2C KING Forf Bout: 229 Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY Marlin Mosley 3W AUSTIN Fall 5:59 Bout: 178 Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY Dec 9-6 Bout: 316 Dan Gallo 3N TAFT Dan Gallo 3N TAFT 3rd Place Bout: 179 Dan Gallo 3N TAFT Dec 5-3 Rayshaun Baines 2W CRANE Fall 5:56 Bout: 230 Dan Gallo 3N TAFT Jeffrey Carodine 3C BRONZEVI Fall 4:22 Bout: 180 Jeffrey Carodine 3C BRONZEVI Deandra Benn 2S HYDEPARK Dec 13-6 Bout: 286 Dan Gallo 3N TAFT Dec 1-0 Claudis Dawson 1W DUNBAR Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT Bout: 315 Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT Claudis Dawson 1W DUNBAR 5th Place Dec 6-5 - Place Winners - 1st Jerry Flores 2N AMUNDSEN 27- 2 2nd Montate Thomas 1C BOWEN (12) 23- 4 3rd Dan Gallo 3N TAFT 24- 14 4th Gerardo Delgado 1S KENNEDY 3- 2 5th Taurean Johnson 1N UPLIFT 23- 8 6th Claudis Dawson 1W DUNBAR (12) 20- 6 (c) 2011 - Preferred Educational Software - (888) 959-2016 Chicago Public Schools City Championships 2012-2013 January 27, 2013 126 Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH 26- 9 Bout: 125 Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH Markell Cullar 3C GARY COM Dec 1-0 0- 0 Bout: 26 Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Dec (12) 38- 3 Bout: 259 Nate Smith 1W AUSTIN Andres Escobar 2S KENNEDY Dec 4-2 0- 0 Bout: 27 Andres Escobar 2S KENNEDY Steve Jeanty 3S CARVER Dec 0- 0 Bout: 126 Nate Smith 1W AUSTIN Fall 1:32 Nate Smith 1W AUSTIN (12) 28- 0 Bout: 320 Nate Smith 1W AUSTIN Champion Rudolph Johnson 1C BOWEN Dec 6-3 (12) 27- 1 Bout: 127 Rudolph Johnson 1C BOWEN Matt Mitchell 3N LAKEVIEW Fall 2:36 8- 6 Bout: 30 Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Dec 23- 3 Bout: 260 Rudolph Johnson 1C BOWEN Eddie Vega 2W KELLY Fall 3:30 (11) 15- 1 Bout: 31 Eddie Vega 2W KELLY Angel Davilla 3W CLEMENTE Dec (11) 19- 8 Bout: 128 Eddie Vega 2W KELLY Fall 3:18 Anthony Anderson 1S CORLISS 0- 0 Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH Markell Cullar 3C GARY COM Bout: 287 Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH Bout: 181 Markell Cullar 3C GARY COM Fall 2:20 Anthony Anderson 1S CORLISS Dec 11-5 Bout: 231 Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Steve Jeanty 3S CARVER Fall 3:13 Bout: 182 Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Fall 2:34 Bout: 319 Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH Matt Mitchell 3N LAKEVIEW 3rd Place Bout: 183 Andres Escobar 2S KENNEDY Dec 3-2 Andres Escobar 2S KENNEDY Dec 10-4 Bout: 232 Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Angel Davilla 3W CLEMENTE Dec 4-0 Bout: 184 Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Dec 8-2 Bout: 288 Johnell Winkfield 2C KING Fall 4:45 Eddie Vega 2W KELLY Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Bout: 318 Absolyn Boyd 2N WESTING Eddie Vega 2W KELLY 5th Place Fall 2:32 - Place Winners - 1st Nate Smith 1W AUSTIN (12) 31- 0 2nd Rudolph Johnson 1C BOWEN (12) 29- 2 3rd Danny Carlson 1N LANETECH 29- 10 4th Johnell Winkfield 2C KING (12) 42- 5 5th Absolyn Boyd
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