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In Fide Issue 412 1218 August March 2016

Mr John Finn From the Principal Principal

Many of our community are aware of the connection that the College has with Timor-Leste. The Carmelite presence in that country has been long and proud, leading many young men to take up a vocation in the priesthood. Whitefriars College is fully committed to supporting the works of the through providing resources, both human and fiscal, to the many worthy projects and courses being undertaken. There are physical reminders of this connection around us at the College. Outside the Chapel is a photo wall of our boys and their recent immersion experiences. There brightly painted shipping container that houses many donated items and sits at Merinda; it is Timor bound shortly. The Timor- Leste flag also flies each day opposite the Reflective Garden. We all have the opportunity to further assist when, on Mt Carmel Day, we fund raise through the walkathon. Any assistance with sponsorship is always most appreciated. There was recently a gathering of those students who in Years 7-10 had a very successful academic semester one at the College. These boys mix ability with effort and we congratulate them on their achievements. Past student Julian Lipinski gave a talk on motivation and keeping all things in balance. Julian is on an academic and basketball scholarship at a college in New York. Well done to parents of our Year 9 boys who turned up in such large numbers at the recent Year 9 subject selection information night; the theatre was overflowing. I spoke briefly at the start of the session and said that the greatest gift you can give your son is time. Being present to take part in the decision making process is an important way of supporting your son in his choices for next year. The course advice day for Years 9 and 10 took place on Wednesday and was also very well attended. Thank you for your participation. Recent Old Boys and played together in the senior team last weekend. It was wonderful to see both of these young men reach the pinnacle of AFL, play on the same side and seeing reward for considerable effort over the past few years. They are both very fine examples of well mannered, respectful and committed people. Although I would prefer to see them in red, black and white we were all very proud of both Christian and Sam. Well done to Alex Vander (Year 9) who won the regional final of the Legacy Public Speaking competition. Alex is one of many boys who are taking up opportunities to hone their public speaking. I was delighted to receive a portrait of Fr Noel Kierce. It is an exceptional piece which was lovingly painted by Ms Di Leeder, mother of Tom Battista in Year 12. You will no doubt agree that it is an amazingly life-like and tender image. We will find a very suitable place to have Fr Noel on display.

Principal’s report continued...

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale 3111 Australia Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016 Principal’s report - continued Our Year 7 2017 group have undergone their testing. The College continues to experience healthy enrolment interest and is working hard to ensure that the transition of these boys is happy and productive. We look forward to the group joining us. I received this message from the Harvey family today and would like to share it with our College community and ask that you keep the family in your thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. “Dear families, Will’s long slow road to recovery continues at Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Center. His days are filled with a variety of specialty programs and therapy sessions. We appreciate and take strength from the many kind thoughts, prayers and support offered by the Whitefriars community. Kind regards, Tony, Kathryn, Jonathan and Will”

We remember in our prayers the mother of Whitefriars staff member, Jane Hancock. Jane’s mother passed away a few days ago. May the Lord welcome her gently into eternal life. Almae In Fide Parentis

Change of Date - Mr James Box Student Free Day Director of Operations

Dear Parents/Guardian

Please note that the Student Free Day/ Staff Professional Learning Day, originally planned for Monday 17 October has now been moved forward to Friday 14 October 2016.

Students are required to attend school as normal on Monday 17 October but are not required to attend on Friday 14 October. If you require any clarification please do not hesitate to contact the College on 9872 8200.

Health Information - Ms Kerryn Gould Winter Illnesses First Aid Manager

While most students have made it through the first half of the year in reasonably good health, second semester has brought a number of colds and other viruses doing their best to thrive in this winter climate. Most cold viruses are fairly mild in nature and resolve after a few days with comfort measures such as rest, drinking plenty of water and simple pain relief to help feel better. However, please remember that if your son is only feeling well enough to attend school because of medication relieving their symptoms, they are potentially still infectious to others and the relief may only last for the morning. Any child who has an infection (including common cold viruses) should not be sent to school if they are feeling unwell or have a fever (over 37.5⁰C without paracetamol or ibuprofen).

Gastrointestinal illnesses are also spreading throughout the community. Please do not send your son to school if they have had vomiting or diarrhoea – they will be sent back home. Students with vomiting or diarrhoea are required to be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours before they return to school unless their medical history / certificate provides evidence that they have a non-infectious cause for these symptoms. Certain types of gastrointestinal illnesses may require longer periods of exclusion and certificates for return to school in accordance with Department of Health regulations. The school exclusion table can be found here. While the table refers to primary schools and early childhood settings, the infectious and exclusion periods remain relevant in the secondary school setting in order to protect the health and wellbeing of all individuals.

Rashes and clusters of sores should be reviewed by a doctor before sending your child to school as these may also be infectious.

Whitefriars College has a responsibility and commitment to protecting the health and wellbeing of all students and staff as much as possible. As such, while your son’s education is important, we ask that when unwell they remain in the care of a parent or nominated guardian rather than attend school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with queries or concerns.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Father’s Day Breakfast

Annual Father’s Day Breakfast

We are excited to announce our annual Father’s Day breakfast on Friday 26 August, 7.30 - 8.30am and hope that you will be able to attend with your son/s, or the young men at Whitefriars under your care.

Seating is limited, so please register through the following link as soon as possible:

Registrations close Thursday 18 August, unless filled beforehand. **Hurry booking fast only a few places still available**

Belong. Believe. Become.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mr Mark Ashmore Learning @ Whitefriars Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching

Subject Selection Students in Years 8-11 are now finalising their subjects for 2017. Many discussions have been generated by students with parents, Pastoral Care Teacher, Head of House, subject teachers and older students as they question, inquire, and critically think about the opportunities available to them in the 2017 academic year. I recently overhead inquisitive Middle Years students at the bus bay after school chatting about different subject options with Senior School students, obviously trying to find out information to help them make good choices about their learning. Student Parent Teacher Conferences The upcoming Student Parent Teacher Conferences provide a valuable opportunity for you to gain knowledge of your son’s academic progress. The conversations with subject teachers will provide further feedback on details reported in the Term 3 Academic Review regarding your son’s academic achievement, approach to learning, study habits, organisation, and overall progress. A focus of the discussion will be on how your son can further improve his skills, knowledge and understanding in each subject. The College has responded to parent and staff feedback regarding the times available for parents to discuss their son’s learning with the teachers, with changes made to the Middle Years conferences. The College will soon email details to families regarding the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) booking system.

Students are required to wear their school uniform to appointments. It is recommended that they bring their student diary to document feedback for reflection on how they can further improve their academic performance.

Senior Years (Year 10, 11 and 12) Student Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday 17 August 1:15pm – 5:30pm and 6:15pm – 8.00pm

• All interviews will be held in the Library and Undercroft.

• Year 11 and 12 students will be dismissed after Period 2 and Year 10 students after Period 3.

• Year 7, 8 and 9 students have a normal four period day with normal transport from the College available.

Middle Years (Year 7, 8 and 9) Student Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday 31 August 12:30pm – 5:30pm and 6:15pm – 9.00pm

• All interviews will be held in the Library and Undercroft.

• VCE Unit 3 and 4 classes will be scheduled for Period 1 and 2 (Year 11 and 12 students studying Unit 3 and 4 classes are required to attend)

• Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students have a student free day.

What our children really need to learn – Conviviality and Collaboration In engaging with our Learning @ Whitefriars document, students are encouraged to develop dispositions to reflect critically; to be open to feedback and develop a growth mindset; to take risks, experiment, practise and persevere; demonstrate originality and creativity; and be to responsible for their learning. The below extract from Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas, in their book Educating Ruby – what our children really need to learn? highlights how parents can support their son in developing these dispositions for learning, specifically the disposition of conviviality and collaboration. Conviviality and collaboration are core attributes of human beings. Conviviality is close to what Malcolm Gladwell helpfully calls ‘social savvy’, and it seems that home is a really good place to develop it. Children can be very sensitive about who their friends are, worrying that they are in the wrong crowd or that someone does not like them. In the home parents can provide children with a safe environment to practise interacting with people of all ages. We can show them how we are all individual and different and how to value such differences. Whether it’s being part of a tribe, group, team or family, we need to be able to get on with people, even those we don’t like very much. Spotting an acquaintance across the room at a party, Abraham Lincoln famously remarked, “I don’t like that ma. I must get to know him better.” That’s a good attitude to model to our children. Whether on Facebook, or in the playground, children cannot help encountering hostility, prejudice, and the rush to judge. Be convivial – a good collaborator – requires us to be able to listen empathically, show kindness to others and give and receive feedback well. Empathy is the capacity of seeing the world from someone else’s perspective. For a parent, learning to listen to your son with empathy is one of the hardest things to do. It is all too easy either to jump in and give advice or to cut short a child’s distressed explanation because we want to reassure him. Much of what empathic listeners do is non-verbal. Short noises like ‘uh-huh’, ‘mmm’, ‘ahh’, with small nods of the head and an absolute focus on what the speaker is saying are important. A useful technique widely used in counselling is to try paraphrase what you think you have heard and offer it back to your son: “So, it sounds like you’re pretty unhappy about…”, “I’m wondering if you might be feeling …” or “It sounds like you are thinking about…” With some careful listening you can keep narrowing the focus of your paraphrasing until you are pretty confident you have caught the essence of what they are saying.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016 Learning @ Whitefriars - continued

You can’t teach kindness. That’s a bold statement, but we believe it to be true in the sense that there is no simple training activity you can employ. Rather, it requires careful choice of language to select adjectives that they are more generous than they are critical (“She must be going through a really hard time” rather than “Isn’t Aunty Helen being cranky?”). As well as modelling it also invites us to correct our children by offering kinder versions of critical statements that may make, as well as looking for examples from your family or in the news of kind behaviour on which you can provide a commentary. And, of course, actions speak louder than words. The way you treat your partner/spouse, as well as your wider family and friends, will be a strong influence on your son. Some homes give reward systems, for example for chores. It is also possible to use the same system for acts of kindness. Being convivial does not mean that you can never criticise others. On the contrary, feedback is one of the most effective means by which we learn and grow. Rather, it’s a question of how you give and receive critical comments. In terms of giving it is helpful to find positive things to notice first, to focus on one or two specific things and to be sure that you suggest a way of doing things differently. When it comes to suggesting different courses of action a phrase we like is: “You might like to…” In terms of receiving feedback the most important gift you can give your child is not to act defensively. By means of both body language and words, show them how important it is just to listen and learn. That’s not to say all feedback is accurate! You can help your child accept what he hears but also have the inner confidence to be critical of his actions in a different way from the feedback giver. Giving and receiving feedback has to be practised so that individuals find the words and body language which are most suited to them and therefore have the ring of authenticity. Claxton, G. & Lucas, B., Educating Ruby – what our children really need to learn? (Carmarthen, Wales: Crown House Publishing, 2015).

Ms Sue Scarmozzino and Languages Ms Paula Barca Language Teachers

Italian Immersion Camp

On the 28 and 29 July, several Year 9 Italian students went to Daylesford and Hepburn on an Italian immersion camp. We went to a willow cricket bat factory owned by Italian owners, and have been owned by Italians for generations. Later that day, we cooked bruschetta, and was buonissimo! The next day, we wrote, in Italian, the things we did, saw and ate. We then wrote conversations down in Italian, in which we would later use to talk to each other in Italian. After that, we had some free time to play Italian card games like scopa and briscola, Italian bingo, called “tombola” and “guess who”, in which we were only allowed to speak Italian to each other while playing. Later that day, we cooked up some more food, this time, crostoli! Crostoli is a crunchy biscuit fried in oil and sprinkled in icing sugar. After that, we went to the old macaroni factory, where we ate homemade pasta and had a tour of the factory, the tour guide filling us in on everything that happened to the historic building. Finally, we were on our way home back to Melbourne. Ms Sue Scarmozzino

Dante Alighieri Poetry Recitation Finals

On Friday 22 July I had the pleasure of accompanying 8 Students; Nathan Santamaria (Year 12), Joel Monteiro (Year 10), Angelo Amato, Ben Sirianni, Cristian Ranieri, Alex Kyritsis, Marco Signor and Liam Jones all from Year 9 to the Dante Alighieri Poetry Recitation Finals at the Copland Theatre of Melbourne University. The boys were very excited to have made ‘finalista’, finalist stage of the competition. They were all nervous and once in the theatre they practiced their poems and waited anxiously to be called for their final recitation in front of the judges. I am happy to announce that Marco Signor gained third place in the competition. On behalf of all the Italian teachers, I congratulate Marco on his great achievement and well done to all our finalists. We are very proud of you and your great efforts in representing Whitefriars College at the Dante Poetry Competition. Ms Paula Barca

A few Whitefriars boys were asked back to compete in the Dante Alighieri Poetry Finals competition. We performed our poems in front of two judges that were fluent Italian speakers and it was very nerve-racking. Everyone performed fantastically on the day, and afterwards, we were able to roam the streets of Melbourne, with some of us enjoying a meal at Lygon Street. Marco Signor Year 9

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016

Mr Ashley Payne Academic Enrichment Academic Enrichment Coordinator

ICAS English Competition 2016 On Tuesday 2 August a number of keen and motivated Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 English students competed in the annual International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English Competition. The competition was designed to challenge and extend students in key areas of reading, sentence structure and vocabulary. The participation rate for this was outstanding with about 70 students across 4 year levels participating. This initiative gave students the opportunity to participate in an internationally recognised English competition, with many from the various English Enrichment Classes and English core classes involved. I thank Mrs Linda Whitby for her organisation and coordination of this event, Mr Warren Finlay for supervision assistance and Mrs Jill Fitzsimons for her support of the Enrichment Program more broadly. Results to be released later in Term 3.

English students in Years 7-10 compete in the annual 2016 ICAS English Competition.

Regional Chess Championships On Monday 1 August we had our first major chess tournament for 2016. The boys from Years 7 to 12 participated in the Regional Chess Tournament at Marcellin College and competed against students from a number of different schools in the region. I am pleased to announce that the boys did extremely well.

It was the first chess competition for many of the team members, and the boys played with great spirit and enthusiasm. They all experienced some success and learned much from the 7 games they each played. The Whitefriars Chess team included Jake Beltrami (12), Alex Long (10), Jayden Bardrick (8), Matt Scutella (8) and Jacob Sanderson (8).

L: Year 8 competitors Jayden Bardrick, Matt Scutella and Jacob Sanderson

R: Jake Beltrami competing in last week’s Regional Chess Tournament at Marcellin College.

There were 27 teams competing at the tournament, with each team having between 5 to 10 members. Some teams consisted of only senior students. At the start of the day we were told that the top 8 teams would go to the State Championships. Our team was equal seventh and so have made the State championships for the first time. Congratulations boys. A special note of thanks must also go to Mrs Rhonda Powling (Chess Manager) and Mr Stephen Quinn (co-manager) for their extensive preparation of the boys throughout 2016.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016 Academic Enrichment continued

Science Week Open Project (SWOP) – Drones, Droids and Robots

On Wednesday 3 August, 14 Year 7 Science students were involved in an exhibition of student work during Science Week in the Duncan Centre.

The aim of SWOP (Science Week Open Project) is to stimulate ongoing interest and participation in science. The program was designed to encourage independent project work as well as give students the opportunity to communicate their achievements to a wider audience.

During terms 1-3, Year 7 Science students had been busily working on their projects related to this year’s theme ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’. Students had been given the opportunity to select from three general mediums to present their project; posters, computer programs and inventions/working models.

The best projects from each Year 7 class were invited to present their Open Project at the SWOP Presentation Night during Science Week.

I would like to acknowledge the following students on their presentations: Gold – Jacob Klos (Robots and the Environment); Silver – Athan Stefanos (Mars Rover); Bronze – Liam Downie (Robots in Sea Exploration). Commendations go to James Newman (Robotic Limbs) and Callum Tham (Mechanics of Robots) – Congratulations boys. A special thanks must also go to our judges, particularly Mrs Jo Menzies, Mrs Linda Whitby and Mrs Katherine Smith for volunteering their time as well as Mr Kristan Height (Learning Leader of Science), Declan McKay (Science Captain) and Year 7 Science staff for coordinating and organising the event.

Winners and Commendations of SWOP 2016: Jacob Klos (1st Place), Athan Stefanos (2nd Place) and Liam Downie (3rd Place), James Newman (Commendation) and Callum Tham (Commendation) Congratulations boys.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016

Mrs Anna Gasparini Careers News Careers Adviser

As always it has been a very busy term 3 with our students making course and study selections for 2017. A big thank you to all parents who attended the many events over the term and provided support to the boys to make course selections and plan for the future.

Year 12 students should be planning their VTAC Preference course selections. Students will be required to submit their initial VTAC preference during our VTAC planning week, August 22 – 26. Parents are welcome to attend any of the VTAC sessions listed.

Upcoming Open Days Saturday 13 August:

Australian Institute of Music, Melbourne

Sunday 14 August

Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Melbourne Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Australian College of Applied Psychology Australian College of Sports Therapy La Trobe University, Bendigo Longerenong College Marcus Oldham College, Geelong Moorabbin Flying Services Navitas College of Public Safety RMIT, Melbourne Photography Studies College Tractor Design School William Angliss Institute

Monday 15 August

La Trobe University, Albury Wodonga

Wednesday 17 August

La Trobe University, Mildura

Click here for the latest Careers Newsletters

Click here for a complete list of Open Days

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mr Tom Sykes Doncare Charity Lunch Corsini Head of House

Alex Dunmill Year 8, Corsini 7

On 26 July, eight Year 7,8 and 11 student representatives from Corsini 7, took part in a charity lunch with Corsini’s House charity Doncare. The boys were to cook and prepare food for elderly and isolated residents from the community. These people are often without partners or social groups. With Doncare’s help, these people are able to create friendships with people in similar situations as them. With funding from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund, Corsini was able to cook a barbecue, pasta and salads which would normally be too big of an effort for these elderly people. Some food was prepared at school then transported to the local church. The Corsini boys then served and ate with them and finished off the day with some songs the group had been learning. Doncare supports a range of people such as those experiencing hardship and financial difficulties as well as people experiencing family violence. Corsini House looks forward to supporting Doncare in the future and are grateful for the opportunities they have given the boys.

Mr Kristan Height School Sports Australia Head of Science Football Carnival Senior Football Coach

Last week Dylan Williams represented Victoria in the National Schools Football Competition. Dylan had a terrific tournament where he played an instrumental part of the Victorian Team which saw them go through the tournament undefeated and eventually winning the carnival by 15 points against South Australia. Dylan kicked 9 goals for the tournament playing across half forward and was selected as an All Australian.

Whitefriars students has had a strong link with the School Sports Victoria Representative team this year with Joe Mutimer also playing a part in the AFL and Basketball sides, both as an emergency, as well as Bevan Fernandes in Hockey and Nathan Tran in the swimming team.

Joe Mutimer Year 9 Bevan Fernandes Year 10 Nathan Tran Year 9

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mrs Jill Fitzsimons English Learning Leader - English

2016 College Writing Competition and Lyn Power Literary Award

The English Learning Area congratulates the winners of the 2016 College Writing Competition and the Lyn Power Literary Award:

Year 7 Year 8 1st Place Alex Pisotek 'A chance to connect' 1st Place Josh Hulett 'The sky is weeping' 2nd Place Liam Downie 'The Importance of Life 2nd Place Alexander Dunmill Untitled Connections' 3rd Place Callum Buys Untitled 3rd Place Daniel Borg 'Coward Punch'

Year 9 Year 10 1st place Joel Duggan 'The Other Side' 1st place Adam Bardrick 'An Encounter with the Past' 2nd place Liam Jones 'Farideh's World' 2nd place Christopher Greaves 'Diamond' 3rd place Conor O'Farrell 'Straight Down the 3rd place Steven Boscacci 'Weak, Yet Powerful to Middle' Many'

Lyn Power Literary Award 1st place Jake Hester 'One. Two' Runner up Thomas Dillon 'Sight' 3rd placed Jack Burke 'Connecting, Connected, Disconnected' To read these wonderful winning pieces, please click here. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of these students at our College assembly, Friday 19 August. Students will receive their prizes and certificates at this assembly and Mrs Lyn Power will present the winner of the Lyn Power Literary Award with his prize, as well as the perpetual trophy, at the Valedictory Dinner. This trophy will be on display at College Reception. The winning pieces (1st placed only) will be published in the Shared Stories Anthology and each of the winners and their families will be invited to attend the November launch of this anthology.

Debating Association Victoria [DAV] Liam McAlary

On Monday 25 July, the Whitefriars A and D grade debating teams had their debates for round 5 of the Debating Captain 2016 DAV competition in the Ringwood division. Our A grade team was going to debate against Sion in a secret topic, however Sion forfeited the debate due to very unfortunate circumstances. Our D grade team consisting of Saurish Sharma, Adrian De Saram and Joel Duggan debated the affirmative in their debate, which centred around, “That the media should give equal coverage to men’s and women’s sports’. The boys performed exceptionally well and they defeated Mt Lilydale by 3 points, with Saurish being awarded best speaker.

That concludes the 2016 DAV season, with our A grade team finishing with a record of 2 wins (one by forfeit) and 3 defeats, and our D grade team finished with a record of 4 wins (one by forfeit) and only one defeat, well done to both teams.

Additionally, our Year 12s (Tim Mason, Patrick Mason, Declan McKay, Aaron Canil, Jackson Drummond, Leyton Taylor and myself) have now finished our debating careers at the College.

Finally, I would like to extend a massive thank you to Mr Robinson, (the College Debating Coordinator) and Ms Fitzsimons (English Learning Leader), for their behind the scenes work, and our incredible coaches Mr Wight (A grade) and Ms Mistry (D grade). If you are interested in finding out more about debating at the College, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016

Ms Jo Menzies Environment SET News Environment Coordinator (Sustainability and Environment Team)

Timor-Leste Garden Supply Donation The Sustainability and Environment Team have been happy to donate $500 garden supplies for the Timor-Leste Immersion trip. Students raised money from the 2015 Enviro Casual day have contributed to two wheel barrows, several shovels, three rakes, secateurs, gardening bags and other small items. The East Timorese will be able to utilise their fertile land by creating gardens and using the fruit and vegetables produced to create meals for families in the area. We wish all those going on the immersion trip the best of luck in their journey and hope that this small donation can be useful in helping the East Timorese.

There are many interesting activities coming up on the SET front during Health, PE and Enviro Week (29 August – 2 September) where the new Outdoor Learning Centre will be opened. We will have other activities throughout the week as well as other activities being brought forward from the Sports Captains.

Matt Hodges, Environment Captain

Twilight Bush Walk Late July, the Whitefriars Environment Team organised a night time bush walk for students, staff and parents in the Mullum Mullum Valley around the College grounds. We had about 20 people attend and our special guest was David De Angles, a former student, who is an Ecologist. David was commissioned to conduct a survey to trace the habits of the threatened Powerful Owl in our area. Even though we did not see any on our walk, David has seen a breeding pair across the creek. It was interesting and informative hearing about the history and background of the Mullum Mullum area. The guests also had a look at the Whitefriars bird hide made by our VCAL students and we received some very positive feedback.

‘I really enjoyed the twilight bushwalk. It was a great experience to be able to go for a wander at night and I will try come to any future organised walks.’ Liam D (7E2)

‘It was good and I would love to do it again.’ Hayden M (7B4)

‘Magical and exhilarating.’ John A (8S1)

‘Thanks to David De Angelis and his offsider Cath for being so generous with their time and knowledge. Although we did not see a Powerful Owl, it was a fantastic experience to walk near Mullum Mullum Creek in the dark and to see the bird hide and the pools at the back of Whitefriars.’ Chrissie M (Parent)

Kenny Ting, Environment Vice Captain

School’s Tree planting day On 29 July, the Sustainability and Environment team together with Mrs Smith’s Year 8 PD class, planted indigenous and native plants for Schools Tree Planting Day. The plants were bought from the $300 Victorian School Gardens Award maintenance grant. The students learnt about our Wetlands and how it went from a sewage pond to man- made wetlands. It is now home to frogs and other animals in the Mullum Mullum Valley.

Kenny Ting, Environment Vice Captain

Wild@Whitefriars Photography Competition This year’s Enviro Week Photography Competition theme is WILD. Students, staff and parents are invited to enter an image/s related to the theme. Please email the image and entry form to Ms Menzies by Thursday 25 August by 3pm. The top 12 images will be made into the 2017 Sustainability and Environment calendar. Wild@Whitefriars Exhibition will be held in the College Library during PE and Enviro Week. The official launch is in the library at recess on Monday 29 August. Voting will take place during the week and winners will be announced later in the term.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016

Mrs Jenny Corbin Library News Library Leader

Mrs Linda Whitby Teacher Librarian & Literacy Advisor

Harry Potter Day

Tuesday 2 August saw the Shortis Library celebrate Harry Potter Day. With the eighth instalment of the popular series released on 31 July (Harry’s birthday), it was an ideal time to bring some witchcraft and wizardry to the Library space.

Students and staff donated their items for display, with the replica wands belonging to key characters Harry, Ron and Hermione generating a lot of interest. A big thank you to Marcus Dunlop of Year 8 for allowing us to display these precious items.

The foyer was decorated, and props from the movies and special edition copies of the books – including a copy of the new Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – were available for perusal. Movies were also screened throughout the day.

Many students entered our Harry Potter quiz, with the following three students showing not only their knowledge of the series, but also their ability to carefully read and answer all parts of the thirteen questions!

Congratulations to our winners:

Ben Mann T5 – first prize – wins a copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry White S7 – second prize – wins a $5 canteen voucher

Eamon Wright C4 – third prize – wins a $5 canteen voucher

A special thank you also goes out to the following staff who contributed their own Harry Potter items to the day: Ms Claire Benne, Mrs Helen Kelly, Mrs Vicky Dembalas, Ms Pauline Dunne and Mrs Dawn Jimenez.

“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

Albus Dumbledore

— Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Year 7 SWOP help

Congratulations to all Year 7 students on their achievements with their Science Week Open Project (SWOP). Having spent considerable time working with science teachers to assist the boys both in class and during lunchtimes, we were proud to see the results of their efforts both during science lessons earlier in the term, and the presentation night last week.

The boys displayed some fine research and referencing skills, showing an appreciation for the importance of correctly siting their sources, and using their own words. We look forward to working with you further in your science studies in the future.

Library News continued over page...

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

InIn FideFide NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 122 13 12 February August 2015 2016 Library News

Olympics buzz

Many students have been enjoying coming to watch the Olympics, being screened each day in the library during breaks. Winners of the Olympics Who Am I competitions, run by Mrs Claire Anderson have been enjoying their prizes.

Library Opening hours: 8am – 4.30 Monday -Thursday 8am – 3.30 Friday

Library Team:

Mrs Jenny Corbin (Library Leader), Ms Clare Vella (Teacher-Librarian), Mrs Dawn Jimenez and Mrs Claire Anderson (Library Technicians), Miss Keely Scicluna (Multi-Media Technician), Mrs Linda Whitby (Teacher Librarian & Literacy Advisor)

Contact Library: [email protected] Ph: 9872 8320

Ms Nathalie Fox Performing Arts News Learning Leader - Performing Arts

Jazz Soiree At the time of writing this report, preparations are underway for our annual Jazz Soiree, which features the College Jazz ensembles and a professional group. Enduringly popular, all available seats have been booked out for some time and we look forward to bringing you a full report in our next edition.

Ensemble photos Next Monday 15 August all ensemble members will need to present themselves at the Theatre at the time specified for their ensemble photo/s. These photos will be available for you to purchase. Please ensure that you are in full academic uniform and you are of neat appearance.

Voice Soiree All College Voice students will be performing in the Healy Wilson Theatre Tuesday 16 August at 6.30pm to family and friends. These concerts are designed to give the students’ performance experience in an environment that is not intimidating. All are welcome.

Upcoming events:

Voice Soiree – 16 August at 6.30pm – Healy Wilson Theatre

Ensemble photos – 15 August – Healy Wilson Theatre

Stage Band Workshop – 29 August

Junior Rock Concert – 1 September 7pm – Healy Wilson Theatre

Senior Rock Concert – 2 September 7pm – Healy Wilson Theatre

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mr Kristian Height Science Learning Leader - Science

Declan McKay Science Captain

We have just celebrated Science Week at Whitefriars. The theme for this year’s National Science Week was ‘Droid’s, Drones and Robots’. Students had the opportunity to fly and operate a selection of drones from the Science departments shiny new drone fleet, learning how to operate them and ultimately racing them. Students also had the opportunity to code and build Lego EV-3 robots, attempting to get them to perform a number of tasks such as stop, go, walk and turn around. A coding masterclass was also on offer in the computer lab. The highlight of the week was the Science Week Open Project (SWOP) Presentation Night. Sixteen Year 7 finalists competed for the title of SWOP Champion, and there was some great competition. Congratulations Jacob Klos from Lisieux who was crowned the unanimous winner.

Thanks to all the staff who were involved in the organisation and supervision of the events and good luck to all the students in their Science studies.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

College Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

15 16 17 18 19 VCE OED Camp VCE OED Camp VCE OED Camp Whole School Assembly Music Ensemble Photos Voice Soiree 6.30 - 7.30pm Senior Years Student/ Year 11 Formal Parent /Teacher Conferences

22 23 24 25 26 Book Week Book Week Book Week Book Week Book Week VTAC Week VTAC Week VTAC Week VTAC Week VTAC Week Year 8 Camp Year 8 Camp Year 8 Camp Year 8 Camp Leadership Retreat Leadership Retreat Fathers Day Breakfast 7.30-8.30am Functions Room

29 30 31 01 02 Health, Physical Education Health, Physical Education Health, Physical Education Health, Physical Education Health, Physical Education and Environment Week and Environment Week and Environment Week and Environment Week and Environment Week Melbourne Writers Middle Years Student/ Junior Rock Concert 7-8pm Year 7 Immunisations Festival Year 9 & 10 Parent/Teacher Conferences College Open Morning Tour 12.30- 9pm 9-10.30am Senior Rock Concert August 2016 August

05 06 07 08 09 SRC Week SRC Week SRC Week SRC Week SRC Week Science Roadshow ACC Cross Country Year 10 Ballroom Dancing Our Lady of Mt Carmel Feast Presentation 6-9pm Day Celebrations

For more College events please log on to the intranet by clicking here.

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mrs Marie Cameron College Services College Services Coordinator

Dear Parents,

Year 11 Formal: On Friday 19 August approximately 284 Students their partners and College Staff will be attending the Formal at The Ivanhoe Centre. A wonderful response and I’m sure everyone will have a brilliant night. Thanks for your terrific support shown during the planning of this event.

Lost Property: We have a small amount of lost property. Next week I will place it on a table outside my office. Remind your sons to call and check it out if they have lost anything.

Entertainment Books: I only have 10 books left and they will be available for next week only. Please contact me directly or click on the link below if you wish to purchase one. Remember the College makes $13.00 per book.

Thanks to all the parents who have assisted in the Canteen and College Services this week. We do remind parents if you are unable to work on your rostered day please phone Nola 9872 8308 or Marie 9872 8307 or email [email protected] so we can make alternate arrangements.

Next Parents Association committee meeting Monday 15 August. The meeting will take place in the Gathering Space at 7pm.

The New Entertainment Book is now available from my Office. Click here for details on how to order your copy.

Uniform Exchange Open Tuesdays 12.30 - 2pm Bob Stewart Shop Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 12.30 - 2pm

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016


FUNDRAISING ON BEHALF OF DONCARE Doncare provides support to families, the aged, youth and disadvantaged in the City of Manningham EST. 1966 FRIDAY and surrounds. 9 SEPTEMBER $100 Celebrating 50 Years TEE OFF: 7am Incl - Green fees Teams of 4 & 2 course lunch (Individuals with drinks Midweek & Weekend Competitions welcome) FREE UNIFORM

CAMBERWELL GOLF CLUB BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES For all new players registered before FREEWAY GOLF VENETO CLUB st 47-49 Columba St, Balwyn North 3104 191 Bulleen Rd, Bulleen 3105 31 August 2016 VENETO CLUB 9850 7111 / [email protected] WWW.NUNAWADINGVIKINGS.COM.AU LUNCH & AWARD PRESENTATION 191 Bulleen Rd, Bulleen VIC 3105


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Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

Mr Gavin Kellar Sports Report Faculty Head - Sport

“This week Whitefriars travelled to St Bernard’s to play hockey. It was a tough game as usual against St Bernard’s but in the end Whitefriars finished on top with a final score of 2-1.

In the first half we were 1-0 down but through a big second half performance and a never give up attitude by the team we pulled through and got the win. The goal scorers both scored in the second half and they were Matt Spillman and Travis Baker.

Everybody put in a good game and it was a well-deserved win.

MVP’s: Mathew Coen, Marcus Corda, Mitch Gill-Hanlon, Matt Spillman.” Christian Barrasso, College Hockey Captain

“Senior Table Tennis continued the year with a massive win over St Bede`s College.

Starting off we won all of our ten singles matches, a special mention goes to Roland Shang, Benjamin Galtieri, Thomas Jacotine, Matthew Hughes, Michael Holland, Alexander Killender, Matt Gow and Hayden McLean, who won their singles games five sets to zero.

Our doubles teams had great success wining four of our five matches.

Overall it was a great effort for the boys, which gives us confidence going into finals.” Daniel Watkinson, College Table Tennis Captain

Finally congratulations to the following students on their achievements:

Dylan Knight who was the winner of the ‘Senior Fastest Friar’ in our Whitefriars House Swimming Carnival. Dylan won in a time of: 25.78 seconds. This was a fantastic achievement given that Dylan is a Year 10 student.

If your son has been selected in any state or national sides please feel free to let me know via my email address [email protected] so that I can give them recognition in this report.

For any Information regarding the ACC including Results and Ladders and Updated Fixtures/Venues go to

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016 ACC Fixtures

Next Week For ACC Fixtures I have included the venue and the Estimated Return Time (ERT) to Whitefriars to assist parents collecting students.

Tuesday 16 August Middle School Sport Year 9 B/Ball v. Parade, At , Bundoora (ERT 4.15pm) Year 10 B/Ball v. St Bernard’s At Whitefriars College, McPhee Gym Year 9 Hockey v. Parade At K.P Hardiman Reserve, Reservoir (ERT 4pm) Year 10 Hockey v. St Bernard’s At Doncaster Hockey Club Year 9 Table Tennis v. Parade, At Parade College, Bundoora (ERT 4.15pm) Year 10 Table Tennis v. St Bernard’s At Whitefriars College, Guggenheimer Gym

Wednesday 17 August Senior Sport Senior Basketball v. CBC St Kilda At Glen Eira Sports & Aquatic, East Bentleigh (4.15pm) Senior Hockey v. CBC St Kilda Footscray Hockey Club (ERT 4.15pm) Senior Table Tennis v. BYE

Thursday 18 August Junior Sport

Year 7 (3) B/Ball v. No Game Year 8 (1) B/Ball v. De La Salle De La Salle College, Malvern (ERT 4.15pm) Year 7 (1) B/Ball v. Mazenod Maroondah Indoor Sports Centre (ERT 3.30pm) Year 8 (1) Hockey v. De La Salle Camberwell Hockey Club (12.30pm start) Year 7 (1) Hockey v. Mazenod At Doncaster Hockey Field (2.15pm start) Year 8 (1) Table Tennis v. De La Salle De La Salle College, Malvern (ERT Year 7 (1) Table Tennis v. Mazenod At Whitefriars College, Guggenheimer 4.15pm) Gym Year 8 (2) B/Ball v. Mazenod At Maroondah Indoor Sports Complex (ERT Year 7(2) B/Ball v. Mazenod At Mazenod College, Mulgrave (ERT 4pm) 3.30pm) Year 7(2) Hockey v. Parade (P) RMIT Hockey Pitch, Bundoora (ERT 4pm) Year 8 (2) Hockey v. Parade (P) At Doncaster Hockey Field (1.00pm start) Year 7 (2) Table Tennis v. Mazenod At Mazenod College, Mulgrave (ERT 4pm) Year 8 (2) Table Tennis v. Mazenod At Whitefriars College, Guggenheimer Gym

Friday 19 August

Senior Maccas Cup Dandenong Basketball Stadium (8.30am – 3.15pm)

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G Belong. Believe. Become.

In Fide Newsletter Issue 12 12 August 2016

ACC Match Results

Hockey Basketball

Senior (1): Senior (1): Whitefriars 2 def. St Bernard’s 1 Whitefriars 37 def. St Bernard’s 33

Year 10 (1): Senior (2): Whitefriars 12 def. CBC St Kilda 0 Whitefriars 59 def. St Bernard’s 36

Year 9 (1): Year 10 (1): Whitefriars 1 def. by Salesian 2 Whitefriars 59 def. CBC St Kilda 38

Year 8 (1): Year 10 (2): Whitefriars 1 def. by St Bernard’s 3 Whitefriars 66 def. CBC St Kilda 45

Year 8 (2): Year 9 (1): Whitefriars 0 drew. St Bernard’s 0 Whitefriars 55 def. Salesian 22

Year 7 (1): Year 9 (2): Whitefriars 8 def. St Bernard’s 0 Whitefriars 37 def. Salesian 26

Year 7 (2): Year 8 (1a): Whitefriars def. by St Bernard’s Whitefriars 34 def. by St Bernard’s 38

Year 8 (1b): Whitefriars 25 def. St Bernard’s 19 Table Tennis Year 8 (2a): Whitefriars 46 def. Parade 45 Senior (1): Whitefriars 7 sets 34 games def. by St Bernard’s 8 sets 41 games Year 8 (2b): Whitefriars 40 def. Parade 22 Year 10 (1):BYE Year 7 (1a): Year 9 (1): Whitefriars 46 def. Parade 40 Whitefriars 7 sets 36 games def. by Salesian 8 sets 39 games Year 7 (1b): Year 8 (1): Whitefriars 28 def. by Parade 36 Whitefriars 8 sets 36 games def. St Bernard’s 7 sets 39 Games Year 7 (2a): Year 8 (2): Whitefriars 41 def. Parade 37 Whitefriars 3 sets 18 games def. by Parade 9 sets 42 games Year 7 (2b): Year 7 (1): Whitefriars 36 def. Parade 18 Whitefriars 1 sets 5 games def. by Mazenod 14 sets 70 Games

Year 7 (2): Whitefriars 9 sets 40 games def. Parade 9 sets 40 games

Whitefriars College Inc. Telephone +613 9872 8200 Facsimile +613 9872 4343 156 Park Road Donvale Victoria 3111 Australia Return to Home Page Email [email protected] ABN 35 808 045 134 | REG A0029974Y | CRICOS 01680G