Communal Relations in Izmir/Smyrna, 1826-1864: As

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Communal Relations in Izmir/Smyrna, 1826-1864: As COMMUNAL RELATIONS IN ĐZM ĐR/SMYRNA, 1826-1864: AS SEEN THROUGH THE PRISM OF GREEK-TURKISH RELATIONS by N. Feryal Tansu ğ A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations University of Toronto Copyright by N. Feryal Tansu ğ 2008 ABSTRACT COMMUNAL RELATIONS IN ĐZM ĐR/SMYRNA, 1826-1864: AS SEEN THROUGH THE PRISM OF GREEK-TURKISH RELATIONS by Feryal Tansu ğ Doctor of Philosophy Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations University of Toronto 2008 This dissertation examines the level of social and cultural interaction between the Greek and Turkish communities of Đzmir and the impact of the centralizing Ottoman reforms on the society of Đzmir during the age of the Ottoman modernization. It focuses on the years between 1826 and 1864 that marked a turning point in the administrative history of the Ottoman Empire. Analyzing this subject requires understanding the social-cultural and economic dynamics of Đzmir that played a crucial role in the formation of the social fabric of the city. Ottoman-Turkish archival material and to some extent Greek newspapers of the time are used as primary sources. The sources discussed in this dissertation demonstrate that the central authority attempted to re- integrate Đzmir into its administrative and political structure in accordance with the centralizing or repressive Tanzimat reforms. However, Tanzimat reforms did not disturb the social cohesion of Đzmir, which the city produced over the centuries with its local character and some peculiar dynamics. The evidence also indicates that the Empire did not aim to mold social relations in Đzmir, instead benefited from city’s already existing social-cultural and economic situation, which was well suited to its modernization program. This study attempts to write a social and cultural history of Đzmir, by considering the ethno-religious policies of the Ottoman state in the ii given period and questioning Ottoman modernity through the prism of the Greek-Turkish communal relations. Much of the conventional Turkish and Greek historiography of the post WWI years has analyzed 19th century Đzmir's history in terms of two “conflicting nations.” While Turkish historiography has focused on the ethnic homogeneity of Turks and its history, modern Greek historiography has stressed the suppression of the Ottoman Greeks under the Ottoman rule. Such approaches have engendered the commonly used categories of Greek versus Turkish or Muslim versus non-Muslim. Approaching Đzmir as an organic whole, instead of dividing the city according to ethno-religious criterion, this dissertation tries to uncover the dynamics of coexistence and communal relations, which marked the life of the city for centuries, but was brought to an abrupt end as a result of the modern nation state formations. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It has been a privilege being a PhD student of my supervisor Virgina Aksan. She deeply influenced my intellectual development, enlarged my vision and perception of Ottoman History over the years. Her exceptional personality and scholarly skills turned the process of my PhD into an enjoyable trip within history. I have benefited more than I ever thought from her wisdom and her approach to history and constructive criticisms. Without her encouragement, dedicated and wholehearted supervision I could not write this dissertation. Amir Hassanpour profoundly influenced my approach on historical issues and enriched my theoretical knowledge. He has always been very generous in making long discussions with me about complicated issues not only in Ottoman History, but also in general western and wear and Middle Eastern history and politics. His constructive suggestions and continuous support and advice made this dissertation possible. Moreover, our long conversations while wandering around in the historical places and narrow streets of Đzmir and Đstanbul will remain as unforgettable and wonderful memories for me. Özer Ergenç was the first person to encourage and convince me to pursue my PhD abroad. When we first met in Turkey neither of us knew that I would be his “unofficial” PhD student. It was very kind and generous of him that he voluntarily supervised my dissertation out of Canada. His deep scholarly skills and knowledge of Ottoman history directed me to correct sources in the Ottoman Archives. He was very patient and generous with his time in reading and checking Ottoman-Turkish documents with me. I conducted the analysis of the Ottoman Turkish documents under his exclusive supervision and continuous support. My intellectual development initially began with Elisabeth Özdalga during my undergraduate years in the sociology department in the Middle East Technical University. When I decided to conduct PhD abroad she gave me ample encouragement. Studying closely with her not only made me develop a special interest about social change in Turkey, but also to search for iv the historical heritage of the country. I would like to thank Re şat Kasaba who encouraged me to work on the subject of Đzmir and guided me at the beginning of my research with his great expertise in the region. James Reilly helped me understanding complex and overlapping relations in Near and Middle Eastern societies. My adventure of learning Modern Greek Language began with George Kirikopoulos in the University of Toronto. His teaching talent, continuous support and encouragement gave me the courage to learn this language. Jens Hanssen’s comments on overall thesis made me re-consider Đzmir in broader geographical location and think about possibilities of a future comparative study. My special thanks go to Angelos Dourlaris who was my Greek tutor in Đstanbul. I could finish this dissertation on planned time because of his generous help and encouragement. It was a misfortune that I had pneumonia when I went to Athens in order to complete my dissertation and he devotedly scanned Greek Newspapers for me and patiently explained them to me. Moreover, his special interest in the history of the Aegean region and Đzmir provided me with the opportunity to had long and enjoyable conversations with him. He not only tolerated me with his sense of humor in all my difficulties with the Greek sources, but also gave me endless support during the writing process of this dissertation. I would like to thank my department at the University of Toronto, the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, for awarding me with a research travel grant to support my research in Đstanbul. I would also like thank to the staff in the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives for their kind help. Vasilis Yandas offered me great hospitality whenever I was in Athens, and turned my downs into highs. It was reassuring to have his friendship during these stressful times. The encouragement of my dear friend Sait Özervarlı provided me with very important support during my research and writing process in Đstanbul and Athens. He generously helped me in finding some urgently needed sources, and sent them from Đstanbul to Athens. His kind and quick help in v the most hectic times in the last days before the submission to my committee will remain as a very precious memory for me. Đclal Ergenç from the very beginning to the end of my PhD, gave me moral support and made me believe that it would finish on time. It was very kind of Stavros Anestidis to provide me with the necessary sources in the library of the Center for Asia Minor Studies. I would like to thank my dear friend Pınar Besen who edited this study with great care and sincere interest, and communicated with me day and night about some details. Şefik Pekseven is another dear friend of mine who very generously offered me help from Đstanbul when I was desperately in need of some sources in Athens. When I moved from Toronto to Đstanbul I made two life-long friendships; Bülent Erdo ğan and Ekrem Özorbeyi became my dearest senior friends in Đstanbul. When I went to Đstanbul from Athens with many complaints and tiredness during the writing process, they sent me back to Athens with great encouragement to complete this study. Not only their affectionate and sincere moral support, but also their wisdom of life and sense of humor gave me relief and courage in the most difficult times. I am grateful to them to be there for me whenever I needed. I have a great debt of gratitude to pay to my parents, Gönül and Tuncer Tansu ğ, who always unconditionally supported me not only during my PhD years but also in all my educational journey. Their affectionate and endless support has been very uplifting in writing this dissertation. I also would like to thank my father for his help and patience in reading and discussing British consular reports with me. Providing unconditional support, my two best friends in Đzmir, my grandmother, Suzan Kalakli, and cicianne, Muzaffer Ozgul, were always there for me during my studies. I am also grateful to my brother Kaan Tansu ğ who took care of my parents in Đzmir when unexpected illnesses emerged in the family during my absence. I am equally greateful to Osman Köken, who from the beginning to the end, closely shared every stage of my PhD years with me. He provided continuous companionship during my PhD courses and research. Sometimes he accompanied me in the libraries, sometimes he listened vi to my long discussions. As he promised at the beginning, Osman conducted all the technical requirements of this dissertation, which was the most complicated part for me. His affectionate and sincere interest sustained me throughout this study. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ii Acknowledgments iv Table of Contents viii List of Figures x List of Appendices xi Introduction 1 Stating the Problem: Why Study Communal Relations in Đzmir? 1 Sources 10 Conceptual and Terminological Issues 16 Literature Review 17 Chapter 1.
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