Dr.Dr . StéphaneSt ép ha ne DESRUELLESDE SR UE LL ES BornBo rn ono n 27/02/197727 /0 2/ 19 77 (Lille,( Li ll e, France)Fr an ce ) DepartmentDe pa rt me nt ofo f GeographyGe og ra ph y andan d PlanningPl an ni ng SorbonneSo rb on ne UniversityU ni ve rs it y ParisPa ri s
[email protected] ep ha ne de sr ueuellesll es @g ma il .c om +336+3 36 63 060 6 88 0 Current Professional Position x Associate Professor in Physical Geography , Sorbonne University Paris and Laboratory Médiations - sciences des lieux, sciences des liens x Associate Researcher at USR 3141 CEFREPA (Centre Français de Recherche de la Péninsule Arabique ) x Chair of the Association pour le Développement des Recherches et de l’Enseignement sur l’Environnement , Barenton-Bugny (France) Employment History Associate Professor. Department of Geography and Planning at Sorbonne University Pari s, and Since 2014 Department of Geography and Urban Planning at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 2008 - 2014 Associate Professor . University of Picardie - Jules Verne (Amiens, France) Cartographer . Faculty of Letters and Humanities, University Paris 12-Val de Marne (Créteil, 2007 - 2008 France) Geomorphologist . Association L'homme retrouvé, Préhistoire et expérimentation (Les Mureaux, September 2006 France) Geographic Information Systems analyst. French School at Athens (Greece) and Mission April & June 2006 archéologique franco-albanaise du bassin de Korçë (Albania) January - Geographer. Sales management, Air Liquide Santé France (Paris, France) April 2006 November - Geomorphologist. Service municipal d'Archéologie , City council of Chartres (France) December 2005 Research and Teaching assistant.