Change and Continuity in the Sivas Province, 1908

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Change and Continuity in the Sivas Province, 1908 CHANGE AND CONTINUITY IN THE S İVAS PROVINCE, 1908-1918 A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY DEN İZ DÖLEK IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY SEPTEMBER 2007 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts Prof. Dr. Seçil Karal Akgün Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesim Şeker Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilge Nur Criss (Bilkent, IR) Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesim Şeker (METU, HIST) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur (METU, HIST) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Deniz Dölek Signature : iii ABSTRACT CHANGE AND CONTINUITY IN THE S İVAS PROVINCE, 1908-1918 Dölek, Deniz M. A., Department of History Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesim Şeker September 2007, 146 pages Second Constitutional Era (1908-1918) was a period within which great changes occurred in the Ottoman Empire. On the one hand, it was a part of the modernization process that began in late eighteenth century; on the other hand, it was the last period of the Empire that had its own dynamics. This study is to examine changes and continuities in a locality, the Sivas Province, during the Second Constitutional Regime. The Sivas Province was one of the largest and most populated Anatolian provinces. It located in the middle of Anatolia therefore it had a geopolitical importance. Moreover, it was one of the six Eastern Provinces with a considerable Armenian population. Sivas had the biggest Armenian and Greek population among these provinces. Thus, both geopolitical importance and population characteristics make the province an appropriate place to examine change and continuity during the Second Constitutional Regime. In this study, transformation of the province is examined over some topics such as demographic characteristics, political life, administrative, educational and economic structures. The research about these topics indicates that three main dynamics of the Second Constitutional Regime were influential on developments in the Sivas case. These dynamics are war, population movements especially the Armenian Deportation and nationalism. These dynamics also determined implementation of the modernization policies in the Sivas Province during the iv Constitutional Regime. Therefore, transformation/change of the province is examined over these dynamics. Keywords: The Sivas Province, Modernization, First World War, Armenian Deportation, Nationalism. v ÖZ SİVAS V İLAYET İ’NDE DE ĞİŞİ M VE SÜREKL İLİK, 19108-1918 Dölek, Deniz Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nesim Şeker Eylül 2007, 146 sayfa İkinci Me şrutiyet Dönemi (1908-1918) Osmanlı İmparatorlu ğu’nda büyük de ğişimlerin ya şandı ğı bir dönemdir. Bir taraftan, bu dönem, on sekizinci yüzyıl sonlarında ba şlayan modernle şme sürecinin bir parçası iken di ğer taraftan, kendi özgün dinamikleriyle imparatorlu ğun son dönemidir. Bu çalı şma, İkinci Me şrutiyet döneminde bir yerellikteki, Sivas Vilayeti’ndeki, de ğişim ve süreklilikleri incelemektedir. Sivas Vilayeti Anadolu vilayetlerinin en büyüklerinden ve nüfus yo ğunlu ğu en fazla olanlarından biridir. Anadolu’nun merkezinde bulunması açısından jeopolitik bir öneme sahiptir. Ayrıca Sivas Vilayeti, Ermeni nüfusunun yo ğun oldu ğu altı do ğu vilayeti içerisinde en fazla Ermeni ve Rum nüfusa sahip olanıdır. Sonuç olarak; jeopolitik konumu ve nüfus özellikleri, Sivas vilayetini, İkinci Me şrutiyet döneminde, de ğişim ve süreklilikleri inceleyebilece ğimiz uygun bir yer haline getirmektedir. Bu çalı şmada, Sivas Vilayeti’nin dönü şümü nüfus özellikleri, siyasal ya şam, idari yapı, e ğitim yapısı ve ekonomik yapı gibi bir takım ba şlıklar altında incelenmektedir. Bu ba şlıklar üzerine yapılan çalı şma sonucunda İkinci Me şrutiyet dönemine ait üç dinami ğin Sivas Vilayeti’ndeki gelişmeler üzerinde etkili oldu ğu görülmektedir. Bu dinamikler, sava ş, nüfus hareketleri özellikle Ermeni tehciri ve milliyetçiliktir. Aynı zamanda, bu dinamikler modernle şme politikalarının Sivas vi Vilayeti’nde nasıl uygulandı ğını da belirlemektedir. Bu nedenle, Sivas Vilayeti’ndeki dönü şüm/de ğişim ve süreklilikler bu dinamikler üzerinden değerlendirilmi ştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Sivas Vilayeti, Modernle şme, Birinci Dünya Sava şı, Ermeni Tehciri, Milliyetçilik. vii DEDICATION To Duygu Dölek, Do ğan Dölek and Devrim Dölek viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis is not only an outcome of my personal studies that spans nearly one and a half year. Many people also helped me and contributed to this study during this period. Before all, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nesim Şeker. This thesis owes much to him because it was finalized through his guidance, encouragement and contributions. Without his support and trust to me, I could not write this thesis. I also thank to thesis committee members, Assoc. Prof Dr. Nur Bilge Criss and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Boztemur for their careful readings, critics and comments which improved this thesis. Especially, I am grateful to Nur Bilge Criss for her corrections and critical reading. I am also grateful to Prof. Dr. Seçil Karal Akgün, Dr. Fuat Dündar and Faruk Abur şu for their contributions to this study. I also thank to Prof. Dr. Horst Unbehaun who informs me about where I can find the issues of Kızılırmak. I am also grateful to Assist. Prof. Dr. Ferdan Ergut and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suavi Aydın who contributed to my intellectual improvement. Basis of this study began to be shaped through the courses given by them. I would also thank to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Akçalı who encouraged me to deal with academic studies during my undergraduate and graduate education. My friends were always around me with their encouragement, patience and love during this hard period. I would like to express my gratitude to them, Erinç Erdal, Ezgi Sarıta ş, Alptekin Top, Özgür Balkılıç, Oya Gözel, Gözde Kök, Özden Erdo ğan, and Aytek Soner Alpan. Oya, Alptekin, Özgür, Ezgi, and Gözde were the first readers and commentators of this thesis. I thank to Aytek especially for his technical support at the end of this study. I am also grateful to my dear friend Ali Haydar Alptekin for his friendship. In spite of kilometers between us, I always feel his amity and belief in me. Lastly but mostly, I would like to thank to my dear family for their limitless love, support and encouragement. In fact, it is quite difficult to express my gratitude ix to them by words because there is no appropriate word to countervail their support and love in every moment in my life. Without their deep love and trust to me, I could not write this thesis. x TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM........................................................................................................ iii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................iv Ö DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................xi LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................ xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................xiv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1 2. POPULATION OF THE S İVAS PROVINCE IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY.............................................................................10 2.1 Some Notes on the Population Statistics of the Ottoman Empire.........10 2.2 The Population of the Sivas Province until the Balkan Wars...............13 2.3 The Impact of the Balkan Wars on the Population of the Sivas Province...................................................................................................21 2.4 The Armenian Deportation and its Impacts on the Population Composition of the Sivas Province...........................................................25 2.4.1 The Context of Armenian Deportation ....................................25 The Legal Status of the Non-Muslims: ........................25 Economic Structure of the Ottoman Empire in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries:.......................................31 Political Developments:...............................................32 2.4.2 Armenian Revolts in the Sivas Province after 1890 .................37 2.4.3 The Armenians during the Second Constitutional Regime.......41 3. THE CONSTITUTIONAL REGIME AND S İVAS....................................52 3.1 Political Life and Parties in the Sivas Province
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