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Slavery and Bondage This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. Bondage This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. International Studies in Social History General Editor: Marcel van der Linden, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Volume 1 Volume 16 Trade Unions, Immigration and Immigrants Forging Political Identity in Europe 1960–1993 Keith Mann Edited by Rinus Penninx and Judith Roosblad Volume 17 Volume 2 Gendered Money Class and Other Identities Pernilla Jonsson and Silke Neunsinger Edited by Lex Heerma van Voss and Marcel van der Linden Volume 18 Postcolonial Migrants and Identity Politics Volume 3 Edited by Ulbe Bosma, Jan Lucassen, Rebellious Families and Gert Oostindie Edited by Jan Kok Volume 19 Volume 4 Charismatic Leadership and Experiencing Wages Social Movements Edited by Peter Scholliers and Leonard Schwarz Edited by Jan Willem Stutje Volume 5 Volume 20 The Imaginary Revolution Maternalism Reconsidered Michael Seidman Edited by Marian van der Klein, Rebecca Jo Volume 6 Plant, Nichole Sanders and Lori R. Weintrob Revolution and Counterrevolution Kevin Murphy Volume 21 Routes into the Abyss Volume 7 Edited by Helmut Konrad and Wolfgang Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire Maderthaner Donald Quataert Volume 22 Volume 8 Alienating Labour Anarchism, Revolution and Reaction Eszter Bartha Angel Smith Volume 23 Volume 9 Migration, Settlement and Belonging Sugarlandia Revisited in Europe, 1500–1930s Edited by Ulbe Bosma, Juan Edited by Steven King and Anne Winter Giusti-Cordero and G. Roger Knight Volume 24 Volume 10 Bondage Alternative Exchanges Alessandro Stanziani Edited by Laurence Fontaine Volume 11 Volume 25 A Social History of Spanish Labour Bread from the Lion’s Mouth: Artisans Struggling for a Livelihood in Ottoman Cities Edited by José Piqueras and Vicent Sanz-Rozalén Edited by Suraiya Faroqhi Volume 12 Learning on the Shop Floor Volume 26 Edited by Bert De Munck, The History of Labour Intermediation: Steven L. Kaplan and Hugo Soly Institutions and Finding Employment in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Volume 13 Edited by Sigrid Wadauer, Thomas Buchner, Unruly Masses and Alexander Mejstrik Wolfgang Maderthaner and Lutz Musner Volume 27 Volume 14 Rescuing the Vulnerable: Poverty, Welfare and Central European Crossroads Social Ties in Modern Europe Pieter C. van Duin Edited by Beate Althammer, Lutz Raphael, Volume 15 and Tamara Stazic-Wendt Supervision and Authority in Industry Edited by Patricia Van den Eeckhout This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. Bondage Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries Alessandro Stanziani berghahn N E W Y O R K • O X F O R D This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. Published in 2014 by Berghahn Books © 2014, 2016, 2018 Alessandro Stanziani First paperback edition published in 2016 Open access ebook edition published in 2018 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stanziani, Alessandro. Bondage : labor and rights in Eurasia from the sixteenth to the early twentieth centuries / Alessandro Stanziani. pages cm. — (International studies in social history ; volume 24) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-78238-250-8 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-78533-035-3 (paperback) — ISBN 978-1-78533-660-7 (open access ebook) 1. Forced labor—Eurasia—History. 2. Slave labor—Eurasia—History. 3. Labor—Eurasia—History. I. Title. HD4875.E83S73 2014 331.095'0903—dc23 2013022444 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-78238-250-8 hardback ISBN: 978-1-78533-035-3 paperback ISBN: 978-1-78533-660-7 open access ebook An electronic version of this book is freely available thanks to the support of libraries work- ing with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative initiative designed to make high qual- ity books Open Access for the public good. More information about the initiative and links to the Open Access version can be found at This work is published subject to a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivatives 4.0 International license. The terms of the license can be found at For uses beyond those covered in the license contact Berghahn Books. This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 The Scope and Main Argument of this Book 1 The Legal Status and Rights of Labor in Russia and Europe 2 Serfdom in a Comparative Perspective 8 Global, Local, Imperial: Scales of Analysis 13 Part I. Bondage Imagined 1 Second Serfdom and Wage Earners in European and Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to the Mid-nineteenth Century 23 The Eighteenth Century: Forced Labor between Reform and Revolution 23 Enlightenment and Serfdom in Russia 27 The Proletarians Are the Real Serfs: Utopian Socialism, Christian Socialism, and Radical Thought 31 Conclusion 35 2 Poor Laws, Management, and Labor Control in Russia and Britain, or the History of the Bentham Brothers in Russia 42 A Global History of Labor Control: The Case of the Bentham Brothers in Russia 43 Estate Organization in Russia: Instruktsiia, or How to Supervise the Supervisor 45 Controlling Labor: Paupers and Servants in Britain 48 The Fate of Bentham’s Panopticon: Labor Organization in Nineteenth-century Britain and Russia 52 Conclusion 56 This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. vi Contents Part II. The Architecture of Bondage: Slaves and Serfs in Central Asia and Russia 3 Slavery and Bondage in Central Asia and Russia from the Fourteenth to the Nineteenth Century 63 Introduction 63 Kholopy: Slaves, Serfs, or Indentured Servants? 68 War Captives at a Crossroads of Empires 75 Slavery in Central Eurasia: Its Estimation and Overall Interpretation 88 4 The Institutions of Serfdom 101 Property Rules and the Legal Status of Russian Peasantry 102 Changing Legal Status: Administrative Procedure or Court Proceedings 107 Peasants in Town 113 Conclusion: Legal Status and Economic Dynamism in Imperial Russia 118 5 Labor and Dependence on Russian Estates 127 Introduction 127 Proto-industry, Trade, and Growth in the Eighteenth Century 128 From Peasant-masters to Peasant-workers? (1800–1861) 132 Toward a Reassessment of Second Serfdom in Eastern Europe 137 Part III. Old Bondage, New Practices: A Comparative View of the Russian, European, and Indian Ocean Worlds 6 The Persistent Servant: Labor, Rules, and Social Hierarchies in France and Britain from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century 147 Labor Constraints in England 148 A French Exception? 159 Conclusion 164 7 Bondage across the Ocean: Indentured Labor in the Indian Ocean 175 The Main Argument 175 Forms of Bondage in the Indian Ocean 176 Forced Migration Across the Oceans: Convicts 179 The Invention of Engagisme 181 This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. Contents vii Engagés from Asia and Africa in the Indian Ocean in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries 183 Engagisme after Slavery 186 From Servants to Indentured Immigrants: The Case of Mauritius 192 Toward a New World? 196 Conclusion. The Collapse and Resurgence of Bondage 204 Collective Bargaining and the “New” Labor Contract in Western Countries 204 Population, Migration, and Labor, 1870–1914 208 Russian Growth: From Serfdom to Bondage? 211 References 217 Archives 217 Printed Documents 219 Selected Bibliography 221 Index 253 This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. This open access library edition is supported by Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book is the final step of long-term research and discussions with many friends and colleagues. I would like to express my gratitude to the French Agency for Research (ANR), which provided funds for my archi- val researches in the Indian Ocean. The Wissenschafts Kolleg in Berlin supported the editing and provided the best environment in which to complete the final version. I am particularly indebted to the rector, Luca Giuliani. In France, the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and the CNRS (Centre National des Rercherches Scientifiques) provided funds and material support for my research. Among my colleagues, I have benefited from the discussions with my very best friends Prabhu Mohapatra (Delhi University), Jane Burbank and Fred Cooper (NYU), and Marcel van der Linden (IISG, Amsterdam). I have also “exploited” Kimitaka Matsusato (Sapporo University), Kaoru Sugihara (Tokyo University), Takeo Suzuki (Waseda University), Haneda Masaki (Tokyo University), Gwyn Campbell (McGill University), Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter (Pomona University), Kenneth Pomeranz (Chi- cago University), Jürgen Kocka and Andreas Eckart (Re-work, Hum- boldt University), William Gervase Clarence-Smith (SOAS, London), Leon Fink (University of Illinois at Chicago), Gareth Austin (Gradu-
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