Symbols of the State Republic of the Philippines
* SYMBOLS OF THE STATE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1975 FOREWORD ^"^^ conceits of an organized state, the • ^ ^f^^ ^i!^^ official seals and flags, and indeed the flowers adopted by the rational or local government, have a far deeper meaning that often elude people. More often than not, such symbols have roots in history or tradition, evolving through time by reason of changing events and circums- tances until at last they are finally shaped into what they are today, emblems of a people's passage through life and evocative of their aspirations, hopes and estimate of themselves and their place in the world. Foremost among these symbols, of course IS the national flag, which is equated with the freedom and sovereignty of a nation Under the national flag are the flags of provinces or cities, all national pnde and the uniqueness of a race or people. The Philippines takes pnde in its own symbols, not the least because these have been created out of their past and bear the stamp of the creativeness of the Filipino himself. I view our heraldry as part the of fabric of our history and tokens of our determination to endure as a race and nation. It is gratifying therefore that this book. Symbols of the State, has been published, for It IS a documentation Philippine of nationhood, the beginnings, the strivings the goals envisioned, the effort exerted to assert our place in the sun as one people ' one nation. Into these symbols may be read the story of our people, the triumphs and defeats, the indomitable spirit which has seen us safely through the storms of a chana- ing world.
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