Armenian Diaspora Public Opinion (1) Armenian Diaspora Survey | 2019 Armenian Diaspora Survey 2019 4 Armenian Diaspora Public Opinion (1) Armenian Diaspora Survey 2019 Hratch Tchilingirian Editor Armenian Institute London Armenian Diaspora Survey Armenian Institute 67-74 Saffron Hill London EC1N 8QX United Kingdom E-mail:
[email protected] Copyright © 2020 by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Armenian Institute. Logo and photos: Hratch Tchilingirian; photo on page 70 courtesy of Armine Vosganian. Cover photo: Collage of portraits by the students of Colegio Armenio de Vicente Lopez (Argentina). ISBN 978-1-9161334-2-6 This report is available at Armenian Diaspora Survey 2019 About ADS The Armenian Diaspora Survey conducts research on public opinion in Armenian diaspora communities to inform the public, scholars, policy-makers and community leaders about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the Armenian world in the 21st century. Led by a team of academics, researchers and experts, the Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) aims to provide a snapshot of the contemporary Diaspora. The project fills a critical gap in the knowledge of the Diaspora and provides evidence-based understanding of the multilayered and diverse aspects of diasporic life. ADS is funded by the Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and carried out under the auspices of the Armenian Institute in London. The data and the knowledge gained from the survey are available to scholars as a resource for further research and are also accessible to the general public. Institutional and community leaders in the Diaspora, as well as policy-makers in Armenia, will benefit from this study, as to what the issues and thinking in the Armenian communities are today and how to serve their needs.