CEU eTD Collection


DYNAMICS Master Artsof Department ofInternational Relations and European Studies In partialIn fulfilment ofrequirements the for the degree of Supervisor: Professor Michael Merlingen THE

International Relations and European Studies Central European University

2014 OF Word Count: 15,342 Budapest, Hungary


Submitted to CRIMEAN 2015 By






CEU eTD Collection explanations liberalism that anddisclosethe are variationscomplexities inherent and crisis Crimea in underinternational the theories and constructivism relations of neorealism, This paper willtherelative explore theoretical decision Putin’s and empiricalandCrimea. explain toannex nuances help thatcan complexities competingeconomic interests facedfrom after radicals Ukrainian Euromaidan andextremists West Eastern blame the Constructivists Europe. historyofho response to Western policiesEU ofexpansion, enlargement NATO and in democracy promotion foreignRussian policy Neorealists War. led tothe 2014Crimean arguewasthat this that a multifaceted. There amountrelations ofinternational isextensive litera the territory toRussia.

shaping mentality a War Cold Inearlyafter forces 2014,Russian annexeda and entered successful Crimea referendum, , as discussed by politicalexper intellectuals, The dynamics foreign ofRussian and are Crimea complex policy towards

of However, and Russia there theEU. theoretical are many other , as well as, as Abstract

and the the i

threat empirical understandings ofthe internation

stile relationsstile betweenand Russia the s ts andmedia

t hat Moscowcitizens believes Russian . Liberalism makesall. about it .

ture that ture that with in

and outside discusses

these al CEU eTD Collection colleagues. K topic, asyears: been well aspeoplethe all otherwhoseinstrumental over support has Nida for andAlinaRomandash Jashina fromtheuseful theinsights KyivPost meonthis theyprovided I is agreat of thereason part was ofmy tasked thedepartment withtheguidance supervision valuable researchwhose by and Iwould like totake opportunitymydeepestgratitude this toextend Michael Merlingen, who irmani, Ali Usman Qasmi, Ron Bee Ron irmani, Usmannot the Ali Qasmi, least andmy lastbut family, and friends CEU

was able to conduct this research.Ithis wasconduct like tothank Anya able wouldalso to Acknowledgements ii

CEU eTD Collection Bibliography Conclusion LIBERALISM 3 CHAPTER 2MODERNCONSTRUCTIVISMCHAPTER 1NEOREALISMCHAPTER Introduction Acknowledgements Abstract Table ofContents 2.2 The Co ForeignIdentity2.1 The Russian of Role Policy in Nuances1.2 Complexities, andNeorealist Challenges Explanation tothe 1.1 Theory, Analysis Discourse and 2.1.1 Identity2.1.1 and Crisis 1.2.1 The of Role East orWest? ForgingIdentity a National Foreign Policy outof




ld War “Mentality”ld War Policy Foreign inRussian ......


Neoclassical Realism


Russian ForeignRussian Policy ......


...... iii ......






5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1

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CEU eTD Collection 2015, 1 Interritory proces toRussia. the Ukrainereferendumdeclaredand annexed inathelocal the independenceand parliament Februarymilitary where 2014,Russian troopsentered tosecede Crimea Crimea, from voted the Russian demonstrators ofregion.emphasized thatthere theCrimean a Putin wasdire urgency toprotect demonstrators want inKyivwho and elements Ukraine. extremist in government particularly West, andblamedUSEU,tonationalist giving for the the support labeledRussia thein Ukrainian events capitalasa a coup legitimate against d’état people. when YanukovychtoRussia beyond he fled was thatthesituation realized h sidesended onboth exacerbating among upwithserious ofresentment casualties thelevel the resignation of thep Decemberwhich 2013,theprotestorscloser during demanded awithEurope integration and the Ukrainians ledtotheEuromaidan thatit theextent to civil demonstrationsKiev in starting in a instead. stronger Russia H associationwith Ukraine formofeconomic intoa closer withthe EU, but the president cooperation chose toform of2013.European Summit Vilnius Thisagreement have Unionduring the brought would Ukrainian Viktor Yanukovych president to sign the declined Introduction

di Elmar Mustafayev, “Ukraine in Crisis,” in Mustafayev,“Ukraine Elmar di http://www.geopolitica.info/ukraine Thegrabbed developments Ukraineglobal in theheadlines of media the since ever - speaking ethnic minorities inUk minorities speaking ethnic

resident. The governmentto usecoercionresident. control triedto butit the situation,

s, themilitary presence ofRussia inthekeptincreasing, region ed 1

Geopolitica government theproto form Ukraine and anew in

- This made div a prominent crisis/ .

owever, Yanukovych’s disappointed the decision raine, particularlyIn inthe Crimean region. , Feb 4, 2015, accessed May 22, 22, May 2015, accessed 4, Feb , 1

Association Agreement withthe ide betweenthe pro - western western is control. is - Russian Russian CEU eTD Collection domestic social andpolitical elements non with cross political theory the Crimeancan allthein variations nar address that exist fall shortof providinga explanation sufficient provide alternate expla and limitationscomplexities ofthese theempirics theconflict theories inexplaining of and nuancesIn Ukraine. foreign ofRussian policy towards so,wethe doing illuminate will effectiveness inexplai theories ofthese relations theories and constructivism ofliberalism neorealism, aswell as evaluate the relative crisis inCrimea theoreticalunder ofthe the understandings international international theoreticalwith both empirical ofthe and understandings crisis.This situate the conflictthe banner and underinternational relations come and of up world politics Ukraine that regardingand foreignRussia’s complexities and behavior Putin’s policytowards discourse overview There init. inUkraine situation overlooked ofrole and are the many Russia’s nuances Ukrainian togain militaryforces the control territory.However, over Luganskseparatists and Eastern inthe Donetsk of Ukraine,where regions arefighting they day,Eastern toRussian provides Ukraine. To this support Moscow havecause troopsstill persisteda instability strong such inUkraine thatRussian presence as aresultStatessanctions imposed However, theUnited onRussia. ofwhich strategy Putin’s to - tabulate the empiricaltabulate andtheoretical foreign the ofRussian discourses policy and the Th e Ukraine internationalinfluentialtheorists and in scholars led crisis toaseveral to deserve

further elaboration.further nations that the internationalnations relation theoriestotake account fail into or ning theempirical hypotheses involving thevarious

for - 2 discursive facts to find out the complexities findoutthe facts complexities to discursive

. It . eventually observed thatnosingle will be - speaking and nationalists paper the strives toexplore this is a very peripheral is this rative. Therative. will paper in CEU eTD Collection parallel. 2 economic interdependences,of interests actors international ofdomestic and potential role Preferences Seriously brieflywill liberal the withAndrew demonstrate argument Moravscik’s wor “mentality” to the role of post and each other platformsstates inthe social be whereinteract.attention these will paid Particular how the thecrisis actors namely and Ukraine,Russia involved in theEU self argument Wendt inwhichAlexander factors Subsequently,chapterthe constructivist thatprecipitated thesecond highlight it. will ofthisexplanationand limitations toprovide a neorealist explorein will conflict we the laidout, is discourse of Mearsheimer respectively.workswhich and ofJohn wouldinvolve the Once the it address aspects the neorealist oftheRussianforeign policy andthen lookat crisis inthe Crimean international relations: neo internationalUkra conflict in crisis throughchapters. approach threemain wouldinvolve theanalysis The taken ofthe attempt toaddressand theoretical nuances various empirical complexities and ofthe Crimean prompted such Moscow a topursue foreignpolicy 2014, leading creatingMoscow isstill ontowhyinEastern Ukraine. tensions regardinggoal The made possible. what Crimea is

These two questions are part of the sa the of part are These questions two

throughtheoreticalof thelens bothoffensiveand ofthe defensive neo observations

There among about political experts whichfactors and ismuchdeliberation intellectuals

in shaping an aggressivean foreignpolicyin shaping Finally, Crimea. thethirdchapter towards - Cold War Russian identity War Cold crisis

serving as a foundation. Inserving thefoundation. role process,we as of talkabout a will the - realism, constructivism ine through the lens oftheine through three thelens politicaltheories of main

me story, but the factors prompting these events do not always run in in always run not do events these factors prompting the but story, me ’s modern constructivism will emphasize theimportance will ’s modern constructivism of comprehensive 3

towards Ukraine inCrimea. will Thispaper

to explore whyto explore invaded Russia Crimea in and liberalism and thepersistencea War Cold of

picture of the crisis ofthe and picture detail the complexities, nuancesdetail the complexities, . The first chapter. The first would k on - 2 identify themselves

Taking - realists, realists,

CEU eTD Collection theoretical neorea narrative of understanding Finally, be will a presented conclusion institutions

in influencing decision Moscow’s toengage in s

of Russian foreignofUkraine policy Russian towardsstart the will 2014.We with since lism regarding theinternational conflictlism Crimea. in that would assimilate that would 4

a military conflict in Easterna in militaryconflict Ukraine.

all theoreticaland empirical

CEU eTD Collection “neorealism apossibly sees withstates as running ifthey power useful risks means, either have considered system ofdiscussion. theinternational as thedomain international something was todobecause he politics, whichunable Morgenthau never very structureofinternational politicalsystems indoing theautonomy and so,he establishes of between The able Morgenthau, reasonthat,unlike was is tode thetwotheories. Waltz was onMorgenthau’sit built classical version there of realism, werevariations significant 1.1 Theory, theoreticalneorealism. of framework gapsrequire underexplanations alternate that frameworks. defining start We off by the discour Theexplanation. would this nuances and would complexities show illuminate that the neorealist necessarily providethe faultcase counterarguments thatexpose and the former states. However, Soviet th the trio ofWestern policies: NATO expansion,EU enlargement anddemocracyin promotion neorealism. wouldbebehavior Putin’s made inCrimeaa here Anargument wasresponseto that theory theempirical delving into underst itself,before present the analysis. in approach The abrieftheneorealist taken into involves introduction neorealist conflictaddress the Ukraineandgaps in discourse orshortcomings any of thatmay be scholars Russia’s toexplain actions chapter ana Crimea. in examineand This will se of the Crimean warse and does afraught ofthe is provide comprehensive Crimean not explanation with The theor Neorealism be popular hasprovedthemost used framework by internationalrelations to Discourse y was in1979andeven ofneorealism firstintroducedKenneth by though Waltz

and Analysis e next portion of portion thechapter not will argueis this e next that CHAPTER 1 NEOREALISM


andings of the conflict underandings thelens ofthe of conflict

When it comes it When topower, - lines ofthe neorealist lyze the fine the CEU eTD Collection 6 and Kurki, Milja Dunne, Timothy ed. 5 4 615 3 isstructureit thatinfluences inthat it and theactions outcomes, of gaining andstates. relative security totheother Furthermore, power neorealism contends that qualities. acts rationallyinthe system, and inaccordance by placement virtue not toits ofintrinsic inastatethat theinternational ofanarchy systemexists state whereistheprimary the which unit enoughitself incase isattacked orth toprotectit power remainwill other safefrom and for the creating toaccumulate aeach state need inthesystem sole dominant authority governedall great that thuslimitingtheguarantee powers, thatone state such introducedthat it theinternationalthe domain which for therewas as analysis, system in and offensive. Bothofthe theory theory divisions certain have features ofneorealist incommon, Neorealism two into hasbeen divided neorealism which was in this always categoriesrealism literatureintroduced not of thecase. (from Morgenthau’s one”. classicalrealism) an is important For the“the ultimate concernnotfor Waltz, ofis states statesmen willtend topursue Where power. differ they istheamount ofpowera requires. state power ascrucialassimilation for and tools statecraft, such power isassumed thatrational thatit and thepowerful neorealists increaseBoth conside and efforts state. classical against realists strength. a having may excessive state However, strength feeling torival lead states threatened a rival toattack as it, opposed ortoomuchoftoo little it”.

Waltz, Waltz, in Realism,” “Structural ed., J.Mearsheimer, John Waltz, Theory,” Neorealist in War of Origins “The Waltz N. Kenneth - 28, accessed May 22, 2015, 22, May accessed 28, The OriginsThe War, of OriginsThe War, of 6

For realists, international isanongoingrealists, withtheobjective politics struggle of thestates

618. 616.



Thegreat idea level isthata ofweakness wouldmotivate ofa state

to a situation in which the state possessed a greater inwhichtheto asituation levela state possessed of

Steve Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). Press, University Oxford (Oxford: Steve Smith

subsections by literature: internationalrelations defensive

International relations theories: discipline and diversity and discipline theories: relations International 6

Journal of Interdisciplinary History Interdisciplinary of Journal power, security. butfor Thisrevision reatened state. by another .


However, of evolution the is emphasized that“international

5 18, no. 4 (1988): 4 (1988): no. 18,

It assumed is , 3rd ed., ed., 3rd , r no CEU eTD Collection 2015, 22, May 2014, accessed 11 10 threat, a perceives firststate the itself, whereupon protect to action often takescountervailing neighbor the occurs, whenthis neighbor; its of security the threaten 9 8 7 level a needed statefeel ofpower inorder by like allege to realists secure. Defensive Waltz that system threats off bywarding protect to potential ortaking actions c environment wherebehave “states rationally their interests tomaximize inthe international and HenryKissinger, providing explanations realist totheconflict by inan it placing crisis ledtoanumberAmerican Mearshe ofgovernment John and scholars like officials, attempt toincrease feels it until theWest. power Thebeginning secure its from ofthe Crimean steps tointegrate Ukr NATO, presented a threat security expandingEurope Moscow to eastwards byand in taking the other’s”. zero at the international Ukraineguise of in would classify theneorealist conflict as under theory it a relations theorist, isone ofthe key therealist for explanations spokesperson Mearsheimer,provide John J. neorealistforinternational an and explanations theconflict outcomes”. of traditional realism canpolitics only be understood ifthe effectsofstructure are tothe added unit

Robert Robert Waltz, war. leadsto forpowerthat lust innate an exhibits nature human how about realism talks Traditional

Chris Dunnett, “A Reply to : Putin is Not a Realist,” a Not is Mearsheimer: Putin John to Reply “A Chris Dunnett, Waltz, - sum game because it presentssum game by because ofaffairs… it an“uneasy state exacerbated thefamiliar The OriginsThe War, of Jervis describes the the Jervis describes However, therea difference isthetwocategoriesofneorealists regarding between the Majority The OriginsThe War, of 8


The claim madeThe wouldbe by claimrealists thattheWest, presumablyUSA and theEU, of the international relations literatureofavailable onthetendsto the international crisisCrimea in 9 , wherein measures thatenh 7

aine more response fold.Russia’s closely its into inCrimea was an thus . It. thecausal between reconceives link andinternational interacting units


security dilemma as “a situation in which (a state’s) attempts to increase its security security increaseto its state’s)(a attempts which in situation “a dilemmaas security 615


- 628.

and a spiral of escalating hostility results”. hostility ofescalating spiral a and ance one state’sance security that of typically diminish - john 7

- mearsheimer Ukraine Crisis Media Center Crisis Media Ukraine - putin - ore interests”. realist/ .

of the war.Looking - level explanations


, September 11, September ,

imer CEU eTD Collection 13 (It Affairs Security 12 Inother. addition,realism offensive int states that“the Ukraine and an presentedwith theKremlin opportunity bothEU togainmore over power the evident literature theCrimean make inhis the argument crisis in the on situation would that offensive tofeel inorder secure. strategies system an fraught with is insecurity whichcondition in great have topursue powers expansionist gaialways try to levelRussia’s from ofsecurity theEU. threat Moscow’s defensive by realists. actions Crimea in toretain weremeant or thus regain quo threatened economicinterests ofRussia which the wouldbeas seen a economic withEU. The Ukraine and and thechange tradepartner prospect ofthis inthe status w agreement hewasUnion andnew negotiating entereddeal withthea European into Russia with In thethensurvival. 2013, November involving Russia towards closereconomicrelations withUkraine Association through Agreement the with inthe internationalposition was system. threatened theEU statusquo when made This steps Moscow’s policy Crimea towards was defeating. balance power,becausepower of states notseek their should powero tomaximize but

orth $15 billion. This raisedbecause This orth concerns $15billion. tobe intheKremlin Russia wanted thekey Layne, Layne, Christopher

On the Mearsheimer otherrealists hand, like John offensive arguewill thatthestate The Peace of Illusions, Peace The 12

Therefore, category neorealists wouldargue this reason of thatthemain of haca: Cornell University Press, 2007), 15 2007), Press, University Cornell haca: n more power until it becomes hegemontheinternationaln moreit until power the ofthe system;

in the process intervenedtoensureownsecurity inorder andMoscow and its

The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present the from 1940to Strategy Grand American Illusions: of Peace The

15 - 19.

- maximizing strategies canmaximizing strategies insecuritywhich cause isself - president economic Yanukovych declineda major

in fact the Russian effortRussian thestatusquoof its in factthe maintain to


Mearsheimer’s re of offensive version 8 -


nly thesecurity by maintaining the existing ernationalgreat forces system powers to n economicn security , Cornell Studies in Studiesin Cornell , alism that is alism thatis - CEU eTD Collection 13 17 crisis 2015, 22, May Issue, accessed 1, 16 2015, 22, May 15 14 wouldneverevident thatPutin tolerate GeorgiaUkraine and ofNATO. becoming members Moscow’s the2008invasion Georgia, concerns of which eventually found it made in expression Georgia raisedUkraine, sec that and However,Mearsheimer, according itwas eastwards, NATO’sexpansion toespecially towards and consider had would West assumed their thatthe concerns inanysecurity future policy. the peace a reunified andGermany, t stability of but After Russiaculmination preferred ofthe War, Cold NATO the inorder toremain tomaintain actionsthreatthat its security,are NATO’s its to despite defensive purely assurances innature. shapes still mutual War Cold perceptionsthe twoactors. between labeled a ‘coup’ overthrowUkraine’s pro democraticallyelected ofand while their strategically a neighborinto turned Western bastion.For theillegal important Putin, NATO e that provokedaggression leaders Moscow’s inCrimea: “Russian haveopposed adamantly Mearsheimerthe Ukraineofsense arguescrisisthefault in West itwas is thattheWest become letit will part of “hasMearsheimerPutin writesmade clear thatit hewill wreck destroy that he or Ukrainebefore theirmaximize relative power way theoptimal because is that their security”. tomaximize

Oksana Antonenko and Bastian Giegerich, “Rebooting NATO “Rebooting Giegerich, Bastian and Antonenko Oksana Fault,” West’s Is the Crisis Ukraine the “Why J.Mearsheimer, John Affairs Foreign J.Mearsheimer, John - 21, accessed May 25, 2015, 25, May accessed 21, - west Russia continuesRussia toperceive the Alliancean anti as nlargement, and in recent years,in recentnlargement, and made standby clear not they it they have would that - s - fault

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/press/conference , Conference Call with John Mearsheimer On Mearsheimer John with Call Conference , .


was the finalwas straw.” the

The Tragedy of Great Power Politics Great of Tragedy The





Inarticle his urity concerns for Russia and prompted Putin torespond. for concerns Putin and Russia prompted urity 16

Thus, thelegacy ofthe NATO 9

Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’sWhy the theUkraine is Crisis Fault

(New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2001), 21. 2001), Norton, W.W. NY: York, (New

hey further toexpand wantedNATO never the Ukraine Crisis, September 4, 2014, 1, accessed accessed 2014, 1, 4, Crisis,September Ukraine the – Russia Relations,” Russia - - Russian presidentRussian call

Foreign Affairs Foreign - - john Russian rivalRussian that presen - mearsheimer

. -


Survival , September/October 2014 September/October , - Russia relations inthe Russia -

which he rightly - ukra -

51, no. 2 (May 2009):2 (May no. 51, 08 - 18/why ine - crisis ts amajor

- ukraine .


, - 17

CEU eTD Collection 20 economy. EU the them into 19 2015, Co Atlantic Russia?,” From Ukraine 18 Timothy aat Yale Snyder, history Ukraineprofessorwrites University, that“Russia’s who their interestand limit a thus in politically un fromgain integratingthat theEU couldhope and toaccomplish NATO Ukraineintotheir fold Intowards civil war. doing wouldsignificantly so,Russia prospectsgains for decrease any the separatists inEasterna Ukraine,ispart Ukraine largerstrategy of todestabilize Ukraine, involves theCrimean which pro annexationand to theprovision of support geography. Offfrom Putin. promotion ofdemocracy, EUexpansionandenlargementsuch NATO a thatresponse prompted all, offensivewas that it theWest’striple package claim involving realists ofpolicies the sinceinvested more199 than$5billion Democracy.In estimatedUnited States had 2013that“theNuland December fact, Victoria in theare like National andfunded individuals organizations Endowment mostly for by Western promote values its andas democracyas other well inUkraine leaders theFinally, West. they hasbeenWest felt faced efforts from themakingto extensive the union’s Eastern initiative Partnership going with Ukraine”. towar of influence,forcing defend legitimate Russia’s to strategic thereby Vladimir Putin interests by Thus, NATO expansion

Mearsheimer, “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault.” West’s the Crisis Is Ukraine the “Why Mearsheimer, integrate and asUkraine such countries in prosperity foster to program a Initiativeis Partnership The Eastern ‘Take’ to Trying By War a Provoke NATO Did Russia: Threat to West’s the of “The Myth J. Alexander Motyl, http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new Thus, according of line realist argument, foreign policy towards totheMoscow’s

ensive realists show that Russia still showthatRussia ensive realists evaluates ofrealpolitik and security interms

in thetowrestRussia’s east spherefrom Ukraine “attempted ofEurope 18 uncil, March 5, 2015, accessed May 22, 22, May accessed 2015, 5, March uncil,

At the same time, EU expansion tothe eastAt thesameexpansion time, EU andthe introd 1 tohelpUkraine deserves”.it achievefuture the 19 - atlanticist/the

in 2008exacerbated theRussian the threatthat stable country. astable Thisview istaken stepfurtherby 10

- myth - of - the

post - west - Soviet states. TheseeffortsSoviet - s - threat - to - ru and thestate lead ssia . -

Russian Russian uction of 20

All in All in CEU eTD Collection about 2015, 25, May 2014, accessed 21 Mosc shift in all along. and changed thatproduced Something theCrimean theOlympics invasion a between logical fortoattack after sense Putin Crimea aOlympics just week the was intention his ifthat western and infactwantsbe world to a part with the purpose of showing isaprogressive thatRussia state withthe thathas associations the fact spent billions worth Olympics of Putin theWinter is ofdollarswere on Sochi in that held decidedthe US, challengesCrimea Putin argumentstoinvaderealist astowhy the Inthreats. interviews, hisrecent HenryKissinger, oneformer of ofthe one of secretary ofstate crisis Ukraine. in Under Stephen Sestanovich, challenge among many others, explanations realist ofthe the international 1 neorealism account.into doestake not again. nuances many However,complexities, thereinthese are and limitations arguments that worldof since 1991and theSoviet Unionin the breakupreviving greatpower its status once international gettingimage community, the that ridhaddominat Kremlin ofthebenign of gains Ukraine relativetothe EUbecause Moscow’s from itdemonstrates tothe power part of a lar policyabout really isnot Ukraine.It’sreally Europe. Ukraineattempt todestabilize about The is .2 Timothy Snyder, “Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian Crisis Is Not About Ukraine, It's About Europe,” It'sUkraine, About About Crisis Is Not Ukrainian Snyder: “Timothy Snyder, Timothy

Complexities, Nuan - ukraine A handful like political experts of and Motyl, academics Alexander J. McFaul, Michael ger Europe”.attempt todestabilize - its ow’s policy foreign Therefore,according Ukraine. Kissinger, towards the toitwas - about - europe

ces and this explanation, Putin explanation, is seenthis realist as ahyper whois

http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op - 371743.html

Challenges to the Neorealist Explanation .

of it. Assuming this to be true, it doesof Assuming make it it. not tobe true, this any 21 11

At thesame wouldincrease time, this Russian

- ed/timothy - snyder - ukrainian


aware ofexternalaware KyivPost . He states that - crisis , Nov 13, 13, Nov , - is ed the - not - CEU eTD Collection the 2015, 22, May 2014, accessed 31, KyivPost, October 26 25 24 area. Atlantic North the of security the maintain deem asit action such Parties, other the with concert in and individually forthwith, taking by attacked so Parties or Party willthe assist Nations, United ofthe Charter exercise o in them, of each occurs, attack armed an ifsuch agree that, they consequently and them all against attack an be considered shall America 23 1002073.html 2015, 22 interpretation Center,crisis.Razumkov thepolling ofthe agency found inApril2014 ofUkraine, Furthermore, Ukrainian thedesire of populati unwillingness made2008, NATO showed dosoand vaguetotalk aboutit. to its promises government madealliance a action ofYushchenko thea request to makemembership planin Thus any engagingevent militaryconcerted ofEurope ina a states assistance, wouldrushtoits exposing thus theArticleand irrelevant. 5tobehollow alliance’sa that memberwere were fears state tobeinvaded, isimprobable that it other member Russia”. the commitment,under itsArticle 5 NATO never pushed Ukrai evidencethe alliancegiven serious ofever that consideration integrating toindicate had Ukraine. declined. Even Ukrainian former though expressed leadersa had there tojoin, desire isno intervene, ofRussia’s interests theWest’s (alleged) and theveryfor nature Ukraine. support about keythe some conflictthefactorsRussia’s decision factors of influencing to whichinvolve realist theconflict approach to understand Crimea in makes mainunsuppo three whichWest provoked toact of“strategic Putin out weakness as tactical masked strength”.

Alexander J. Motyl, “The Ukraine Crisis Acc Ukraine “The J. Alexander Motyl, tiger” “paper a is NATO that concludes Motyl Russia.” to Threat West’s the of “The Myth Motyl, t says that Article 5 22, May 2014, accessed 13, November Online, Spiegel Kissinger,” Henry with “Interview - ukraine http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview Firstly,Ukraine thelikeliness ofNA joining 24 -

crisis When MotylWhen theNATO in2014,theofficials headquarters there visited expressed t .

- according he Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North North or Europe in more them of or one against attack armed an agree that he Parties

- to - john ne the alliance tojoin “it was, becauseis,unready and still tomake f the right of individual or collective self collective or of individual f right the

- j - mearshimer 23 , torushUkraine’sof an attack assistanceincase by ording to John Mearsheimer: Impeccable Logic, Wrong Facts,” Facts,” Wrong Logic, Impeccable Mearsheimer: John to ording

- impeccable

http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op s necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and and restore to force, use armed of the including s necessary, on to join NATO join isclearlyon to inrealist overstated 12

- with TO after the has Euromaidan TO significantly - logic - henry - wrong - ction is unimaginable.ction is the When kissinger - - defense recognized by Article 51 of the Articleof the 51 by recognized defense facts - - 370293.html on - state - - of ed/alexander - global .

rted assumptions - politics - motyl 25 22 - a

26 - The

- he he CEU eTD Collection 29 28 27 (and) fight nobodyeastern Ukraine”. iswilling to over Kissingerargues “nobody restore inthehasoffered West concrete that a program Crimea to provided the Ukrainian andof NATO Crimea. inUkraine duringaftermath hasnot West However, and the inthe significant importance, strategic ofUSA,EU muchmore seen wouldhave we directinvolvement sanctions hardly thatadequate is an much tovigorously actions Russia’s theconflict, oppose in excepteconomic for imposing from otherthatwere international issues concern more tothemand the neither USorEU of did response invasion totheRussian Crimea. of the For West, significance for holds Ukraine.isindicated by Western thattheWest This military of thelack he’sexpansion, instead triggered thevery NATO’s prevent was“If future and wasNATO uncertain. Putin tryingtoundermine its defensive whenalliance time in ofthe ofrevived posture purposeat andsense apoint its of NATOis evidentfromon the forces themobilization theyIn atall.thebiggest donotact fact, Crimea hasRussia threat made security Ukraine.This to would be even counterproductive Russian interests more a inwhich for assituation compared to form the ofaggression towards UkrainianspushthemtheWest,w further would towards InNATO. taking a approach way,realist does this make Russia not becauseany muchsense of the alliance that overtheir support 41percentcountry peoplea becoming inUkrainedidnot member of the

Dunnett, “A Reply to John Mearsheim John to Reply “A Dunnett, Mearsheimer.” John to Reply “A Dunnett, “Interview with ,” Spiegel Online. Spiegel Kissinger,” Henry with “Interview Theof interpretationtheCrimeanoveremphasize realist alsotends to crisis the

and it was merelyand was it a that were 36percent Ukraine’s membership of insupport into

armed forces militarysupporttofight with aggression.Russian against



opposite effect”.opposite

28 13

If hadconsidered West the Ukraineany of


Russian border,Russian the createdshiftsin Therefore, can it observed be thatt the invasion was just adistraction just the invasion was 27

hich he CEU eTD Collection 31 30 lens of constructivism, rather thanneorealism. Motyl argue perceptions.It beargued thatthese better be factors can explained can through thetheoretical bringsfactors ideology,related toRussian political culture inother and historical memory of makes thatobjective theassumption be threatswould seen by therational observers as such By he isgoing theanalytical bringing inprevious invasions, beyond ofrealism framework realist ar “great logic powers ainstall governmentintegrate thatwas there Ukraine tointothebecause determined West” by InUkraine”.way, thesamestandidly theWest(would) helped no“Russian leaderby while would toleratealliance a military thatwas Moscow’ consideredas state a“buffer ofstrategic importance enormous leader noRussian toRussia… imperial Germany Germany,and Nazi all crossedtostrike at itself” Russia and since Ukraineis MearsheimerUkraine writesa thatof “hugeexpanse consists offlat Na landthat Mearsheimer’s about arguments neorealism explaining thecircumstances surrounding war. the the works of evidentfraught is from This neorealism. numerouswhenat with through flaws thelens looked of work of Mearsheimer,prominently most hisarticle short of fullyexplaining thenuances and co Ukraine’s security University, that“the ironically wasWest’s deep writes it and l Into takeagainst any Russia. Motyl, directactionfact, J. at Alexander Rutgers aprofessor EU and feel US donot intervention by Putin’s inUkraine threatened are and notprepared thus,

Motyl, “The Ukraine Crisis According to John Mearsheimer.” John to According Crisis “The Ukraine Motyl, Russia.” to Threat West’s the of “The Myth Motyl, This shows thattheassumptions madeThis shows by toexplain theCrimean crisis neorealists fall

scholars and experts like experts Motyl, and scholars specifically andSestanovich, who McFaul criticize -

and, Georgia’s in2008,to security

e home topotentialthreats alwayssensitive country”. their near

mplexities of theempiricalEven thekeymplexities realities.


WhyWest’s the is Crisis theUkraine Fault s mortalenemy recently moving until into


(that) encouraged Putin’s aggression”.Putin’s encouraged (that) s that “once perceptions enters that“once perceptions the ong - lasting indifference to poleonic France,poleonic -

- that

31 and

30 is

CEU eTD Collection 2015, Crisis?,” 34 33 way. same the approximately in relations power interests and national 32 played by decision foreign theCrimeanUkraine was policy towardsconflict.role during include shaped These the Federation. foreign ratherUkraine servedofPutin, policy ofthe towardstheinterests Russian thanthose realism. accounted at thefor crisisUkraine ofneoclassical in bytheoretical looking through lens the invade Crimea orinte accountinto the the role domesticand of politics society Russia inshaping decision of Putin’s to of and thosearguments nuances complexities and the ofthethought chain realist of fail totake addresscounterarguments. these capabilitiesdid. than Crimea capability todoso 2014, evenperiod between had ofenlargement and Russia though NATO themilitary 1999 why doesn’tbut it explain of outside over troopswereUkraineRussian a kept long for decade framework”. objectivity and rationality ofassumption realism picture, werealm ofrealism’s and leave the logicalfactors that introduce rigor contradict the 1.2

Michael McFaul, Stephen Sestanovich, and John J. Mearsheimer, “Faulty Powers: Who Started Who Powers: J.Mearsheimer, “Faulty John and Sestanovich, Stephen McFaul, Michael Mearsheimer.” John to According Crisis “The Ukraine Motyl, observers, regard rational all that claims words, Motyl’s in realism, of The theory .1 The Role of https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/ea Foreign Affairs Foreign The application of neo It ofthe be can neorealist observed thatmuch argumen

The theory of neoclassical the specificitiesThe of theory provides realism 33

Furthermore, Mearsheim , as is evident frommuch more thetwo, as that Chechnya is wars military required - , November/December 2014 Issue, 1, accessed May 22, 22, accessed May 1, Issue, 2014 November/December , makers, elitesgroups and ininfluencing social makers, foreignpolicy in awaythat

rfere in Eastern Ukraine. This gap inEasternrfere Ukraine.This explanation can inthe neorealist be 34


classical realism in theCrimean the Russian in classical conflict realism showsthat In his arguments, needs tofully validate order Mearsheimer to

er calls NATO expansionas ofer the“taproot NATO thetrouble”, calls stern - europe 15 32

and Mearsheimer’s implode theoretical -


ts introduced so far, the limitations ts introduced sofar, limitations the - 10 - 17/faulty less of nationality, would assess would nationality, less of

of how the Russian of - powers

the Ukraine Ukraine the .

CEU eTD Collection 2015, 22, May accessed 1, 2008), Press, University Princeton N.J.: Politics and (Princeton, History International 37 72. 36 2015, 35 elementstowards Ukraine, thoughoftheother tw and vulnerability among these, foreign Moscow’s regime bestexpansionist can explain policy neoclassical include These elite consensus,regime realism. social vulnerability cohesion and external threatsofto the theoreti these andeach factors conform Inenvironment. model, heprovides this factors three key response thatdetermineato state’s certain toadequately arenotable threat their adjusttoanystrategic changes dangerous in Schwellera provides modelof domestic structureélites’ and andpsychology refractdetermine politics responses”. international policies that are far more own goalsare andpreferences. Therefore, powerfulwillprosecute that more foreign states security; use to their powertodirect states attempt system instead, the international their towards in the following words:the “neoclassicalreject realists opportunities forThe upby summed thesetheory is actors. ofneoclassicalrealism Gideon Rose systems government thenatureand ofthe society that determines ofboundaries and canattributed tothe bepreferences political actors and ofthe as social wel many some toseemingly states which wouldrespond in variations challenges similar and these isa that it theoretically away degenerative effort toexplain for butRatburnargues anomalies neorealism”, is essential. “Neoclassical realism often is criticized by non per made Toexplore this more it expansionist.

Randall L. Schweller, L. Randall Policy,” Foreign of Theories and Realism “Neoclassical Rose, Gideon Name,” Any Other Rose by “A Rathbun, Brian

http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/j.ctt7rkxt http://dx.doi.org/10.1 logical and necessary theadvancement extension for tool of neorealism.

Unanswered Threats: Political Constraints On the Balance of Power of Balance the On Constraints Threats: Political Unanswered

080/09636410802098917 - reaching. alsomatter, Unitlevel factors though such factors as state

- Security Studies Security politics which explains why whichexplains politics states thatare under some .


spective, an neoclassical understanding realism of 16 o factorscertainly aswell.o are present

17, no. 2 (May 2008):2 (May 294 no. 17, assumption thatstates’assumption sole aim is

- World Politics World realists forandad being hoc an cal underpinnings of

51, no. 1 (October 1998): 144 1998): 1 (October no. 51, l as thestructurall - , Princeton Studies in in Studies Princeton , 321, accessed May 22, 22, May 321, accessed 35

There exist Thereexist 36


a - CEU eTD Collection 40 39 38 asan domestic attentive elites’ security, ideological public,various as economic,and well more means This thanthe holds. conventionalwisdom has asuccessful to accommodate solution Intense limited. elite competition, elections, an and pluralism. State AccordingBarkanov,“Russia isahybrid system ofauthoritarianism that combineselements to politicalthe Russian system totake approach this Putin made necessary it t for dissatisfaction authoritarianism ofwith themasses and corruption. and structure Theof nature Euromaidan popularity hisgovernment,was for essential whichafter and stay the support to inpower ownfederation. its within existing d with arms, has produced the right for determination the region ofself people andequipping inthat inthe separatists region Crimea,culturalgeographic advocating isbecause This decision or Kremlin’s toannex lines. the existence indanger ofa therisk by off unifiedRussia running than increasingof security theactions Russia, the long for have thelevel ofPutin put revolutionaries, andgains”. advantageweakness totake make oftheir to territorial Motyl Putin summarizes real revolutionary as“to topunish motives contagion, prevent Ukraine thevery have thatMearsheimer endangered interests claims isdefending”. thatRussia approach topoliticala donotnecessarilyof Putin because ofRussia the interests complement take they a state

Dunnett, “A Reply to John Mearsheimer.” John to Reply “A Dunnett, Russia.” to Threat West’s the of “The Myth Motyl, Rep “A Dunnett, Thenarratives neorealist empirical the totake account crisistheinterests into fail of that

revolution threatened to overthrow his regime tooverthrowrevolutiongrowing threatened a his itrepresented because ly to John Mearsheimer.” John to ly - sponsored repression,now growing, thoughrelatively has selective and been

nalysis. According to the Ukraine Crisis media center, “Putin’s actions mediacenter, Accordingtothe UkraineCrisis in nalysis. oubts about futureoubts Russia’s minority administration of the regions


Therefore, actionsattempt Putin’s weretogain an

d public opinion ared public opinion butthey managed, matter 17

racturing the state alongracturing the socio o stay inpower. 39

But rather - term term

- centric -


CEU eTD Collection 44 43 42 domestic 2015, 26, May 2014, accessed 41 what thatthecurrent thelikelihood is berem leadershipwill government realism orregime vulnerabilityas inneoclassical canseen something be that “asks callof regime whatIn neoclassical vulnerability. realists general aconcept, very ofthe meaning interests inthe region. driven Ukraine Westernsecurity closer securitywhichisatoRussia’s direct tothe system threat flexibilityandeventually might threatenthe country’s terri ofpolitical mix has tensions engendereda combustible thatundermines strategic Russia’s cultural Putin interests.Russia, “Byforces in unleashing ofhypernationalism theandseparatism separate inUkraine itselffrom athat counterproductive is econom situation political, toits tendenciesgiven theability haslimited nationalist at this impetusto home and ofRussia to actually threatens the secur personal politicalmotives”. madethat “Putin impulsive decisionsRussia’s nationalinterest that subordinated own his to not pro isamyopicPutin and actionsautocrat” thathis Ukraine in canas best “pro bedescribed of Dunnett as Russia argues astate. from Chris realist being that“far a policy Vladimir maker, from society civil ofat compromising home,thesecurity evenexpense at came if it int the operation successfully inCrimea, Putin capability regainedany the tocrushdissent oropposition interests”.

Dunnett, “A Reply to John Mearsheimer.” John to Reply “A Dunnett, Powers.” “Faulty etal., McFaul, Mearsheimer.” John to Reply “A Dunnett, 13, March Post, TheWashington Behavior,” Russia’s Explains Audience Domestic Putin’s “How Boris Barkanov, - The role indeterminingforeign of an Putin expansionist can seen be case policy thus as a - Russian”. audience 41

By discredi - explains


Stephen Sestanovich, a senior fello

- ting the political changes in Ukrainefascist thepoliticalting as changes andan in launching russia

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey ity ofthe actions interests state. Russian Putin’s Ukraine in have 43


There whichare Crimea theinternational twoways in in crisis

- behavior/



w at onForeign Council Relations,agrees torial integrity”. oved from office” - cage/wp/2014/03/13/how 44

In has addition, it

oreven at an more - Putin, Putin, erests - ic and putins - CEU eTD Collection 46 45 policy. beliefs These m “decision greater ifitcame state atof even power, national theAccording expense power. toGideonRose, power case inthis foreig aexpansive more by having home. Neoclassical wouldargue the realists apparatus society’s thatthestate exploited certainly according realists; anopportunityincreaseof toneoclassical hisregime thepopularity to at before.For thepolitical crisis inUkraine Putin, more was opportunity ofan rather than evident from howwar security theCrimean threat placed Russian has a inmorewas than it of security, butthey act o what say gain neoclassicalabout to realists thattheir isnot politicalactors mainobjective regime asthe inUkraineas eastwardsupported expansionofNATO well Thisis by EU. and the societyarguing inEaster Russians thatfellows by It state.Russian tofindlegitimacy anattempt for was ofthe hisregime Russian inthe eyes actions UkrainePutin’s in represented preferences thatof hisownpolitical the than rather his trade couldwas face athomeifa veryrevolution heIn act similar that didnot possible Putin quickly. revolutionaries. Thi becausean image itpresented inwhicha pro stability”. effectiveness aut andpolitical certain this time; in addresses point that gogovernment’s a questions to“the of heart basic level betweenattempt makes tosee it an howtheruled and at relation theruler indefined a

Rose, Schweller, “Neoclassical Realism “Neoclassical - off between external security and internal stability,off externaland between security internal he the picked -

45 makers’ beliefs strongly betweenpowermakers’ affectthe beliefs relationship foreign and relative

Unanswered Threats. Unanswered

Putin’s regimePutin’s was inUkraine weakereverafter the than revolution Euromaidan s fuelled the dissenters and oppositionists ofPutin’s the regime dissenterss fuelled and oppositionists and inRussia it

ut ofin order their toachieveowngoals. ownpreferences is ut their This ay be incorrect or cause distortions unforeseenaybe structural orcausedistortions incorrect by the realist”.

and Theories of Foreign Policy.” Foreign Theories of and

hority and trade

- - Russian governmentRussian by was toppled the off between andexternal internal security off 19 n Europe threat were from under the fascist

n policy that was neededn policy withthe thatwas goal of latter. Therefore,latter. a threat, 46

CEU eTD Collection relations theoryconstructiv of can This bypolitics. explained best strandsthe be thevarious within existing international interactions society civil within role definesin international ofthe the that state inquestion decision relates oforregime.However, which there topower thatof thestate are in notonly the situations beliefs anda preferences keypolicy playhowthis theforeign rolepolicy and indetermining Union inthe processmaking attempts tostrengthen of various it. Anotherdestroyed werewas case distortions when in whichsuch Gorbachev theSoviet evident - makers and elites influenceandmakersforeign elites how policy ism.


is shaped, but there areis shaped, butthere social

Thus, the decision Thus, the - ma kers’ kers’ CEU eTD Collection 2015, 22, May accessed 49 48 47 Hetheories challengeda towardscrude very structureofmaterialism. assumptions realist the schools ofthought, the problematic of mainone commitment among which was the constructivism was key with inherent criticisms towards liberal the neorealistsand international actors’ international aresocial politics rather strictly material” than construction’ whichinvolvesthe politics, of claims world that“the fundamental structures of empirical ofthestory dimensions they miss that shedwill light on determining to decision Putin’s venturewill elaborate“mentality”of into War onthe Cold discussions role and identity in modern constructivism. Byat crisis looking the Crimean under theconstructivism, we lensof explaining therelevant wit strands ofconstructivism, presence mentality ofColdWar betweenforeign inRussian chapter start policy. Thewill off by crisis faces Russia andat level, international adomestic while thesecond one construction of foreign theRussian Ukraine. first The onthe policyfocuses towards discussed. Thischapter that ofconstructivism primarily ontwostrands focuses relate tothe are strands various of foreignRussian policy may other evident theories. that under international relations There notbe

Alexander Wendt, “Constructing International Politics,” International “Constructing Wendt, Alexander rationalism opposes A claimthat mater opposes A claimthat identities and rather theiridentities interests, behavior”. just than Wendt’s conceptionWendt’s of modern The constructivist argument oftheUkrainenuances crisis some new of introduces the weaknesses of these


constructivism thatpresent whichconstructivism discursive in theconflict contexts be can ialism CHAPTER 2 MODERN CONSTRUCTIVISM

engageIn inmilitaryaction inEastern Ukraine. we theprocess, constructivism takes account ‘social into constructivism of the idea

constructivist 21 .

International Security International


h a work particularWendt’s focus on on

accoun 47

and that“thesestructures shape 48 ts as well as the complexities and thecomplexities ts aswell as


Wendt’s workWendt’s on

20, no. 1 (Summer 71 1995): no. 20,

comprises of the these identity - 81,

CEU eTD Collection 52 160 2006), Press, University Oxford (London: 51 50 relativewould identifyLooking totheother. themselves at the historyofinteractions between many others, states inthesystem. thatrepetitions determines ofpast theidentity tothe interactions other ofthe state inrelation q state survivalhe andmaterial capabilities, issaying butrather thattheidentity ofthe state in international disproving not is system,theneorealism the importance Wendt about argument of the domestic actors st of the behavior onthe ideas,beliefsa as stateas ofnormsand depends sharedunderstandings well of affairs world fallsarealmand social within ofhuman where thatthis consciousness external the social reality, which isnon argueto addressthelensConstructivists ofconstructivism. that theidea through issues ofa br purposive actorsare byconstructed given these thannature”. rather shared ideas by primarily rather and bythattheidentities shared thanmaterialforces, ideas and interests of order in whichcase a involve process wouldalso it of construction also and face theytransformationsdue can tothe social practices and interactions, nature about that the idea of power politics uestion is essential interactsuestion is tohowit the social with world order and isthe of thatit politics

Wendt, “Constructing International Politics,” International “Constructing Wendt, in Constructivism,” “Social G.Sorensen, JacksonR. and Wendt, Alexander eakthrough paved theway withconstructivism many for internationalrelations scholars more

to adjust tothe changes.to adjust , but Wendt argued thateven, butWendt such ideas realist Inconstructivists way, this

would lookattheUkrainiancrisis terms in ofhowthe involved actors inthe crisis Social Theory of International Politics International Theory of Social


- materialist nature,cannot in beconside ate inquestion.

H e says that “ e says that

li ke Iverke Light, Neumann, Margot Kassianova, among Alla alleged inhuman foraccumulation power thatthereislust - 77.


- 81. 51 the structures are association ofhuman determined

In highlighting“social”aspect ofthe the 22

re Introduction to International Relations and Approac and Relations to International Introduction

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), p.1 Press, 1999), University Cambridge (Cambridge:

- construction



of social relations ofpowerrelations of in social

are by formed social red as external to international to asred external 50

Wendt’s Wendt’s hes

CEU eTD Collection 2015, 26, May of Ukraine,” The Ministry in Situation the About 54 2015, 53 Ukraine. that ofRussia argues politics defines external towards its thedomestic aggression is thatit thereof, foreign inhowRussian Ukraine was policy towards The shaped. international crisis inUkraine. to thehelps Crimean explain case,manyconstructivism aspects behavior inthe ofMoscow’s well as s which ofshared we many have ages history”. geopoliticalgames western for then politicians, for individual afraternal is usit country, with MinistryRussian Foreign Affairs, of it changes throughentirecountry during went the our 20thcentury”. from generation togeneration, over time,any under despiteall circumstances, thedramatic inseparable of part Thisfirmconviction Russia. based is ontru Russia with FederationRussian theRepublic onthereunification of andthecity ofCrimea ofSevastopol behavioractions towards ortaken eachForexample, inan other. relations states haveindividual and betweenidentities inturn,their thetwo definedtheir a Russia

“Statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regarding the Statements by the Us Secretary of State State of Us the Secretary by Statements the Regarding Affairs Foreign of Ministry Russian the by “Statement 26, May accessed 2014, 18, Kremlin, March Federation,” Russian of the President “Address by Vladimir Putin, http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/20603

nd Ukraine as well asnd Ukraine andconstructivistsas Russia can thatthese theEU, well past argue hared experiences ofnorms andvalues

, Putin saidthat Crimea “inpeople’s minds, has and always hearts an been


Firstly, we focus on theinfluenceFirstly, focus identi we on of

wasthat “if aterritory Ukraine stated isjust for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, March 3, 2014, accessed accessed 2014, 3, March Federation, Russian the of Foreign Affairs 54 23

that shape theidentity Thus, constructivismaccounts for thehistoryThus, as .

th and justice and wasth andjustice passed Address byPres 53

In statement another the by .

of an actor.of an Whenapplied

following section ty,rather lack or the ident ofthe

CEU eTD Collection 56 2015, 2014 3, March Federation, Russian the Affairs of Foreign of Ministry The Ukraine,” in Situation the On Council Nato of the Statement the About Mass the Media by Put Question 55 constructed itself relative for toUkraine,evenand the theUS. EU behavior Ukraine. ofThis comprises ofthe towards social Russia order identity has Russia discrimination placed inUkrainemarginalization, theRussianethnics unfair indangerof treatment and two states felt inthatinterests Russia its werebecausewith the revolution threatened it being is underlined withthe strong connectiontha origin nation and thecivilization”. myth Russian of emphasized orthodox Russian thatUkraine wassacred a lay very“at place that of heart the the due towhichwhen tookastrategicUSSR, Putin electoral turntothe right elements Ukraine. in Ukraine Ministry ofForeignrespondedhasnointerest theinternal Affairs of in thattheKremlin politics intensification of militaryactivity ofinternational inCrimealaw, the violation indirect Russian the remarks the Councilon NATO of In inUkraine,minorities might define who themselves beUkrainianresponse but asRussians. to armed by forces region motivated totheCrimean thedesireRussian toprotect was 2014 revolution Ukraine overthrewgovernme in Yanukovych’s prompted Crimea a ofTherefore, tomake voteinfavor duringafter Russia referendum. the the 2.1

Boris Barkanov, “How Putin’s Domestic Audience Explains Russia’s Behavio Russia’s Explains Audience Domestic Putin’s “How Boris Barkanov, Informa the by “Comment TheRole of Identity in Russian http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/0/BCD6844687A85A1F44257C92004F35FE Primarily, wouldargue of notion a constructivists was identity Russian thatit the that , but they must protect the Russian citizens in Crimea in protectthecitizens Russian from, butthey must theextremistandradical . In. way, this determining see we structures ofinternational politics thesocial the 55

Ukraine anda have Russia long tion and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regarding the the Affairs Regarding Foreign of Ministry Russian of the Press Department and tion

Foreign Policy 2 March, 2014 that Moscow is responsible for2 March, thatMoscow isresponsible the 2014 t historically exists between social thet historicallyexists orders the of 24


Moscow’s foreign Ukraine policytowards - standing history of co standing historyof , accessed May 26, 26, May accessed , nt, Moscow’s decisionnt, Moscow’s tosend r.”


, the nationalists and nationalists , the - existence under the - speaking CEU eTD Collection 59 58 2015, 57 identity crisis adifferent tells. tells story theone Putin than identitywhich inaccordanceato dealthreats.formed policy external could to with be which has had region, was it about somethingentirely. else policywas or minorities abouttheRussian theirin Ukraine not identities protecting towards waspetition signed people. by 140,000 ofUkraine citizens Russian toleave asks problem; owntosolvethis Putin Ukraineonits In to getfact, for Timothy Russia. protection Snyder bringsinwhichthe tolight apetition take living citizens Russian matters in the further, Ukrainet have denied that that theyare discrimination orindeedthey to subject that withthestate”. Russian identify course them dosee their identity “Some theSoviet UnionthancitizensofUkraine Russia. hadtodowith more of the issueof which people ofthese inUkraineactuallysince identifyRussians, themselves as mean thatall Russian was fighting revolution. inUkraine’s because the Ukrainian oppressionrather but bulletwhilehe of protestors, from toasniper’s due to indicate that was asingle it just off killed th Russianwhowas inUkraineand Ukraine fault isfraught with

Timothy Snyder, “Crimea”. Snyder, Timothy “Crimea”. Snyder, Timothy Vs.Reality,” Putin “Crimea: Snyder, Timothy

http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblo However,

a negative impact of foreign a onthe shaping national policy orthe of definition P selves as Russians selves utin’s rhetoric that Crimea was an attempt toprotectutin’s rhetoricthatCrimeaan in wasattempt thecitizens Russian

- speaking are minorities be

- lines and it presents morelines andpresents it questionsthan answers.Evidence seems

57 -

g/2014/mar/07/crimea about 17percent ofthepopulation

59 One during citizen dead doesnot therevolution Russian The New York Review of Books of Review York New The

This sugg

Post 25 ingare and oppressed threat. There isalso under -

Cold War, Russia isfacing War, Cold an crisis identity ests that the motivation behind thatthemotivation foreignests Putin’s - putin

- vs , March 2014, accessed May 25, 25, accessed May 2014, March , - reality/ . -

but this doesmean not but this hey any made claim at was too not This 58

To CEU eTD Collection 62 war Times (LA) Treaty.,” Nuclear Finalize ComesasNations Speech PowerHungry. U.S.of Being Accuses President 61 60 believingcollapse vindicated that hadbeencreated thattheSoviet notonlytheinstitutions to consi deserves,especiallyafter theRusso resentfulness reluctance the USA toacknowledge ofthe towards thestatustowhichitfeels it and emerged Russia as S what and instead an “uneven onEurope imposed peace” was disintegrated inwhichthe USSR in1991 conference major thattookplaceaftertheEurope wars most end ofthe that ofhas seen, one ever broaden toplunge“col a threatens NATO into Europe President 1994when Boris in the planofadministration heto saidthat theClinton N.Yeltsin wasexpansion key from one by theview ofthose stress asevident points, presented theRussian in 2014producedwe theinternational earthquake callc that theUkraine EuropeanEuropean imbued withpower system security internationalpolitics stress which points, Frontline from the European allianceview system.This issupportedby Richard book Sakwainhis with inconsistenciesasymmetries and and between Russia alienated theWest, such thatit Russia crisis Europe in c since the an internal andeventually ledtoone level ofthe serious faced that most internationalization 2.1.1 Iden

Sakwa, Kempster Norman Sakwa, Richard .

derpower, itself a(but) notprevent defeated did this after the allegedvictors War theCold The crisis Ukraine ofthosewhich in was at instancesit isone thetensionsthat existed in

Frontline Ukraine. Frontline , Dec 6, 1994, accessed May 23, 2015, 23, May accessed 1994, Dec6, , tity Crisis and Russian Foreign Policy


Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands Crisis the in Ukraine: Frontline

and Dean E. Murphy, “Broader NATO May Bring 'Cold Peace,' Yeltsin Warns Europe: Russian Russian Europe: Warns Yeltsin 'ColdPeace,' Bring May NATO “Broader Murphy, E. Dean and where hegenuinely writeswhere failure inclusive toestablishaand that“the equal

ulmination of the Cold War. The ofthe War. ulmination Cold post

akwa a‘continuer state’. calls - Georgian in2008andCrimea War in2014.“Russiadidnot



(London: I.B. Tauris, 2015). I.B. (London: d peace”. 62

Since has 1991,Russia shown 61 -

Cold War order War Cold wasfraught Therenot even was a peace - 12 - risis”. 06/news/mn



- Los Angeles Angeles Los 5629_1_cold - CEU eTD Collection (ed.) (2007). Orbis 65 2015, Relations International of Sociology 64 63 foreign the war, was policy thatprompted inthatPutin forge tryinga national distinct identity to Inadd factor when itself conflict, isfacing at intheRussia Crimean adomes an crisis identity constructivist argument identity thattheprotection inpost of Russian by of a Tsyganko including scholars number can be observed thatpost socialand foreign lookatthedomesticconstructionnational of policy Russian andidentity, it Forging a National Identity out of Foreign Policy West. national identity ofRussia involving process) this involves image”. constr part of political leaders,intellectuals others, and whoengage countless inthe process of of collective onthestate through identity level the thediscourseonpart areassessed studying crisis nowbe thatwill examinedth straightforward as thefaced Union,Russia that.After Soviet disintegrationan of identity the way itselfinrelationinternational theWest in identified to thatRussia politics notas is wage name allabove theideology itha inwhose thestruggle but

For more details, read A. Tsygankov, “ Tsygankov, A. read moreFor details, Bill McSweeney, Sakwa, , 50 (September 2006); R. Suny, “ Suny, R. 2006); (September 50 , http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/description/cam029/99011332.html

ucting, manipulating for negotiating, response oraffirming a a tothedemand… collective ition, acounterition, Ifbetweenrelation we fromWest andaconstructivi lookatthe Russia the

64 Frontline Ukraine. Frontline

The process ofconstruction a of

Cambridge Studies in International in Studies Cambridge

- argument canargument was be thatit made precisely crisisRussian identity in this

- Soviet Russia is victim to isvictim Russia anSoviet identityThishasbeen crisis. pointed out and Russia’s whether identity ismoreEurasia or inclinedtowards the

(Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 212 1999), Press, University U.K.: Cambridge (Cambridge,

Living in the Hood: Russia, Hood: the Living in two key debates: this involves theprocestwo key involves debates: this Projecting Confidence, Not Fear: Post Russia’s Not Confidence, Projecting rough the lens ofrough constructivism. lens the

collective v and Suny and v

Relations 27

Russian identityRussian rather the (or crisis , vol. 69, ,

Em 65

pire, and Old and New and Neighbors” Old and pire, and questionsthe authenticity it ofthe .

Security, Identity, and Interests: a a Interests: and Identity, Security, d been fought”.d been

“The and dynamics content - Soviet states wasSoviet akey - Imperial Assertiv Imperial s of constructings a - 13, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 13, 63 st point ofviewst point

However, the , Legvold, R. R. Legvold, , tic level. eness’”, eness’”, CEU eTD Collection 68 2015, 23, May accessed 67 others. many 66 nationalRussian identityare precipitatedasolid and further even policy isleftwithout areIn necessary. defining confusions way, these over inthis thecontradictionsand principles reveal thatwhatwould illuminate identity thedomestic national policie itself and inturn, this intellectuals economy ove as as confusion well was caused by uncertainty howpolitical thesystem frameworkover tobuild domestic and ofthe territory.Russian the disintegration epidemic Moreover, infecteditself”. of Russia our of genuine comillions drama.Tens of Union wasdisastergeopolitical ofthe amajor became century.nation, it the Russian a (For) Federal FederationRussian Assembly ofthe catastropheInfor pushedtosearcha it new and Russia identity. for his identity remainsambiguous. rather national identity and the during by isemphasized perspective. that War theCold theconstructivist farinte beyond historical the regimein danger atgoes revolution. after home matter whichTherefore, the this is Euromaidan In informerminorities states.was Soviet trying doing the stability toprotect so,Putin ofhisown in relation attacking theWest by to Crimea and playing thenar

See for example, K. Eggert, Eggert, K. example, See for Ru the of Assembly Federal Address the to “Annual Vladimir Putin, as aswell Piontkovsky Andrei Light, Margot Legvold, Robert Evans, B. Alfred of works from the This evident is

http://archive.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2005/04/25/2031_type70029type82912_87086.shtml Many have and engaged intellectuals politicians inwide


were of the opinion thatdefiningwereopinion of theof principles foreign Russian policy would

identity crisis it faces over the crisisfacesidentity foreign it over ideaa Russian of policy, butthe Izvestiya ractions ofpast and relations hostility and Russia theWest between

, 7 Aug. 1992. Aug. 7 , r theand rolea position of globalat level. thecountry Many 66

The breakup the Unionwasgeopolitical Soviet a of - citizens andcitizens compat

in April 2005, Putin said:“thein April2005,Putin collapse Soviet of the 28

ssian Federation,” Kremlin, April 25, 2005, 25, April Kremlin, Federation,” ssian riots found themselves outside outside riots foundthemselves rative ofprotectingrative Russian - ranging debates about Russia’s ranging Russia’s about debates Annual Addresstot Annual


This crisis .

he s CEU eTD Collection 72 2015, 71 2015, Discourse,” 70 2015, St 69 Evenup suspendingconstitution. though the theprocessa onanational ofreaching consensus economic in 1993, such led thatPresiden and toapolitical political crisis matters agreementnew post regarding the Nationalists. groups:to threeLiberal the thePragmatic Westernists, Fundamentalist Nationalists and the agendasgroups.In have ofthese scholars of inRussia, studies discourse identity broken down it accordance totheir ideologytrace i and this then collective identity isconcerned, the divide political Russian intellectuals societygroups in into enoughare changes to flexible and toadjust transformations. have certain characteristicslike culturalthatmay attributesseemingly stable, be evolution such andconstruction, thatidentity as isseen anever approach const of consideredas anessential variableof makingforeign inthe process policies. foreign policy might imbued withidentity be take account into co the alleged between linkage foreignvarious thatexists theidentityand analysis policythat present and a withthe channelexternal of engagement environment, AllaKassianova says thatthe conceptual foundation.

udies and Transition Politics Transition and udies Details on these groups can be found found be can groups Details these on Castells, Manuel Ev West? the to Open Still “Russia: Alla Kassianova, Ideology,” of End the and Policy Russian Foreign Identity: an of Search “In Light, Margot http://www.myilibrary.com?id=246108 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0966813012007 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13523270300660017 A

debate groups betweenmore domestic presented these discordreaching ratheran than Europe 72

- The Power of Identity of Power The Asia Studies Asia ructivism, theacademicructivism, about literature produced development, identity is on

69 - constitutive cha

Talking about foreign policy asTalking anongoing about policy foreign 19, no. 3 (September 2003): 42 2003): 3 (September no. 19,

53, no. 6 (July 2010): 821 2010): 6 (July no. 53,

in Margot Light, “In Search of an Identity,” 43 Identity,” Search an of “In Light, Margot in -

(Malden, MA: Wiley (Malden, Soviet identity of identityDisagreements Russia. Soviet over domestic .

racteristic ofsuch thatthestudy thatrelationship, of 8513 - olution of the State Identity in the Foreign Policy and Security Security and Policy Foreign the in Identity State the of olution . . producing identity aswell practices as being

29 - dentity and through foreign thedomestic policy 39, accessed May 23, 23, accessed May 39,

- - Blackwell, 1997), 6, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 6, 1997), Blackwell, 59, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 59, 71

- As faras studying Russian evolving whichmay process, process ofself process - 48.

Journal of Communist Communist of Journal 70

Taking the but even those t Yeltsin ended - definition definition CEU eTD Collection 1 76 75 74 73 on howtheyears foreign policy of formulated. thelaterwas Westernizers, PragmaticNationalists and theFundamentalists Nationalists had a major influence construct thatwas aRussianidentity foreignRussian policyelites was being definedby the anti significance “ideological theera”. purity… ofthe War Cold of making theWes concessionsto futileand unnecessary in fact theyandhisgovernment‘destroyers “called criticized Russia’ Yeltsin and themfor the of to the foreign government Russian policyopposed ofthe thebreak and and the shapedFundamentalist were state.Nationalists preferencesThevehement of elites Westernists. much less theexternalas benign ofRussia Liberal of compared environment thatof the view to The foreignconcept of1993provides policyevidence foritdisplaye trends these because principles and in this as beingconflict in principles uponwhich a foreigncan based. policy be gave way ideas, suchthat tothe nationalist started these influencing view definitionof the foreignRussian policy.Amonggroups,it the three identity wasfailure, thedomestic political aterrible groups when came more it had success to -

4. Andrei Piontkovski 47 Identity,” an of Search “In Light, 46. Identity,” an of Search “In Light, 45. Identity,” an of Search “In Light,


and the Fundamentalist NationalistsFundamentalist thatdeterminedand the political goals, influenced policies 74

Iteventually was thePragmaticNationalists ,

East or West? Russia's Identity Crisis in Foreign Pol Foreign Crisis in Identity or East Russia's West?

with those with those of thecountries hadsuccessfullydemocraticadopted that -

turn ledtoan increase inanti



non - Western. Thesebetween ideologicalLiberal Western. wars the 30

- wasLiberal eventually the who Westernists Western views thesociety. Russian within 73

t”. As a result, interests Russian were defined 75 - - These elites propagated the Western, but the maingoalWestern, was butthe to

who becameforeign policy the

icy 76

(London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2006), 2006), Centre, ForeignPolicy (London:

This did notmeanThis did thatthe - up of theSoviet Union; up ly opposedly d a d CEU eTD Collection 77 state preferences decisions that led andtoCrimea. political interrelationship foreign between policy andidentity national arole played key indetermining ordera toformmore coherent Itaround. trend tothis thattheRussianforeign was was due Crimea in policy formed towards ledtonationalpolitics identity foreign being definedby the other policy, ratherway than force captures key decision that note here isthat forlikelihood increased which Ukraine. hadIn afterthein the main revolution p short, formulatinga collective th crush oropposition, thatwouldautomatically identity any dissent strategic importance toRussia. Ukraine mo and the government crisis narrative in the presented ofexternalconstitutional arising threats from the experiences,and valuesUkraine Secondly, shared between theUSSR. interactions and the identity crisisitself.However, in the narr states. was This going definitely wasexamined, Russia ashavenot the case since, we an through abroadnarratives by the presenting was thathe protecting informer minorities Russian Soviet presenting Firstly, twonarratives. bastionfor became protectin the Putin policy Ukraine that towards was aimedthecollectiveof by tostrengthen Russia identity was th inanexternalthat exists environment.to the 2014international Relating crisis inCrimea, it it can bemeans it dangerousbecause that the identityshapedcountryof by something isbeing the

This is a realist narrative approach that helps achieve a constructivist end. achieve helps constructivist a that approach realistnarrative This a is e struggle to find the Russian identity Russian ande thepolitical struggle tofindthatPutin elites formed the a foreign The of construction a (or production)

the rise of nationalist the rise vement oftheWest towardsvement Eastern thatwerecountries towards Europe of

national identity at home. Thus, t national at identity 77 - makers as thepu makers well as

Putin had hoped wouldmobilizePutin the thatthis society by groups ative presented byative the talkedhistorical presented about Putin - national identity foreign out of the a policy state of

in which in 31

nationalism blic


in the post he co

is - constitutive constitutive a powerful intersubjective g Russian interestsg Russian - Cold War Russian War Cold oint to oint e CEU eTD Collection 2015, 80 79 2015, 23, May 78 thatby in West, expanding withthe emerging relations when The applied debate. needs tothis firstthatRussia is makechoice to between a andthe East values are revitalized, totheir own sold people made and intelligi practical butthey values fully understandabroad idea, Russian cannottranslate that those until anymore recognize era War thattheCold military doesnotpose andWest a threat isover thatthe viewLiberal theforeign Russian issupportedby the within Westernizers policy elite, who now (Russia’s) he ownterms, (s which (wanted“Putin Russia) tobeaccepted intothe community democracies ofWestern onits the sameof time wasimporting the country, waryforeignmodelsinto made clearwhich it that According emphasized shou thatRussia toEvans, Putin relationships and USA with theEU, butnotatthecost own ofRussia’s core valuesgoals. and attitude towards the seemed West herecognized highlyambivalent, having theimportance of attempted tofindan regarding explanation theplace ofRussia inthe world denying compete thecapacity it withEurope”. to count involved a oftheorder choiceabout in West “whether example toemulate the toadvance their identity, about a whether question arose orWestern. new this wouldbe identity This Eurasian East or West?

Robert Legvold, “Russia's Unformed Foreign Policy,” Foreign Unformed “Russia's Legvold, Robert Russia's Identity,” and Legacy “Putin's Evans, Russia's Identity,” and Legacy “Putin's AlfredEvans, B.

https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia ry’s attheseparate risk ortopreserve development of valuescustoms theRussian and Thereare heldassumptions by twomain andexpertsthatareproblematic intellectuals After thebreak . However, the problem is that“notonly is problem . However, are the leaderstotranslate Russian unable a into it


- up of t he Soviet Unionin1991,when beganSoviet Russia he a searching for new

aw) as necessary topreserve identity”. as distinct aw) necessary Russia’s


- fsu/2001

Foreign A Foreign

32 Europe 78

When Putin became Putin When President 2000,he in the - .

09 - ffairs Asia Studies Asia

Asian powers like Japan, IndiaandAsian likeJapan, powers ld beconsidered ofa butat Europe, part - 01/russias , September/October 2001, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 2001, September/October ,

60, no. 6 (August 2008): 899, 2008): 6 (August no. 60, - ble toothers”. unform ed - . Even though. his foreign 80 -



79 accessed accessed

This CEU eTD Collection 83 82 2015,23, 81 emotional reaction thepolitical butrather nature elites from ofRussia, isthedouble ofRussian it security fromemanating enlarg threat NATO secure thea Europeantwenty for identity policy finding isthat“only byachieve facing westwardscan Russia goals policy foreign its and international scene”. new attitudes emerging radical from changes inthe country both democratic and onthe elements oftheSo relations… diplomacy (inwhich) synthesis Russian objectively emergedcomplex as has a of imperial’ and ambitions creation firmly advocatesof thea ofinternational democratic system Ivanovaand makescounterargument says certainly will West an foreignRussian influence the policyshaped. have onhow However, is mayConstructivists argue thatthehistory socio of foreignthat Russian effective policy inbalancing in Asia its mutually through acceptable cooperation dialoguesWest”. solutions and withthe interests inAsia and the “firm links of national protection search interests withaconsistent for framework ismultidirectional a traditional in European way its orientation it thatcombines with iscompromisingthe West, Russia ownnational its identity. However, Russia’s new diplomatic accept will Russia orreject ofideologyback thedebate tothecontext themain ofdiscussionbecomes point where whether Russia’sideologicalChina, brings orientationalsofollowingassumption is thatsameThis path.

Piontkovski Identity,” Russian New Ivanov, “The Identity,” Russian New Ivanov, “The I.S. Inabout inclinations East towards Russia’s thedebate the orWes

https://muse.jh ,

East or West East viet legacy, thenow 82


, 1 - 4. Western values. Thethatincooperating is assumption second with

10 -

11. The Washington Quarterly Washington The

- revived traditionsthe of and oldRussia, the diplomatic - first century”.

that “present ement in Eastern in Europe provokedanement thathas such 33

- political interactions and between Russia the - 83 day Russia resolutelydayany Russia ‘neo rejects

He goes on to say that it is not the He not is goesit say onto that 24, no. 3 (Summer 2001): 11, accessed May May accessed 11, 2001): 3 (Summer no. 24, n and European interests.n and European .

t, Piontkovsky’s key 81

This shows This shows - s CEU eTD Collection 2015, 27, May accessed 2013, 8, June Politico, More,” Read Mentality’ War ‘Cold Into Slips Putin Vladimir 95268.html: 85 84 Harper, of Minister the Canada, current that“a Prime states say tothem andtoPre where international politics “mentality”accordance towhichhe external definesRussia’s thedimensionof behavior in in determinestill foreign Russian policy 2.2 determined byMentality”alive thepresence“Cold ofaWar today. still thatis argument rather thatdictates identity, that than the ambivalent after th place intheidentity worldRussia’s had because rather become politics ininternational collectiveIndoing identityalsoto(re) Russian theoutside wanted in. so,he from the collective ofRussians abroad interests wheretrying theyand livethat inminorities toimport opportunity to doexactly aIn identity. Russian case the ofPutin, sections ofthe politicalagree groupselites civilmust society,and opposition onwhat constitutes tofirstestablishRussia acollective withit identity imbued debate canRussia and can be define important for found is identity theWest, it its to inrelation the identity thefoundationspolitical that hasconsciousness ofthe disturbed The ofRussia. answerto

Edward Behavior.” Russia’s Explains Audience Domestic Putin’s “How Boris Barkanov, East vs. West question wasEast question West resolved never Before vs. Russia. resolution theEast by to West a vs. The ColdWar “Mentality”in Russian Foreign Policy http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/barack (Russia) The past remnants Kremlin’s interactions ofthe US and with EU during the - Isaac Dovere, “President Obama Obama “President Dovere, Isaac

slip e break s

. back into Cold Cold mentality into andback thinking War War Cold

This view issupported who byObama al sident Putin isthat’sthepast sident Putin

that - up of theSoviet Union.However, therean alternate constructivist is .


Hence,approach trying took theand toassimilate he protect of Http//www.politico.com/story/2013/08/barack , such that Putin isstill holding thatPutin War ontothe Cold , such

constructivists wouldargueconstructivists gave thatCrimea the him - obama 34

” Russian foreignRussian towards Ukraine was policy - . vladimir 85

Talkingalonglines Stephen similar

s normsand values internally. All - s unfortunate as it sounds,it's it as s unfortunate putin leges that“t leges - 95268.html

; w ; here times been have .

- hat Ihat continually obama

define Russia’s define Russia’s - vladimir Cold War War Cold - putin - CEU eTD Collection 90 89 88 2010) Inc Publishers Littlefield 87 war_n_5032963.html 2015, 27, May 2014, accessed 86 byconstituted of shared structures knowledge”. from ofself oneof enemies,one matterssocialWhat isits structure, which anarchies. variesacross offriends Anarchy differs poss itself inthe international system means just doeswar meanthat it not the isprobable; that dictatespolitics that“anarchyof it”. iswhat statesmake manages tomore successfully we everything any andrapprochement theWest.channels ofcooperation with betougher to taken withregard toRussia, position Western actors called intheas conflict greater advocated forwell militarya expenditures as relations betweenand some Russia fundamental theWest in the War, ways. Cold During the andinteractions War continue will todoso. during theCold light NATObecause by considersenemy Kremlin. asand historical Moscow US, the EU of threat exactly oftheEU andthe Ukraine andseen movement was towards thatsame NATO in anddistrust lack ofmutual because cooperation. Thisis theother as each a side identifies yearsbehavioraUnion duringshaped manner and theinterests of inthat these bothsides invites thinks in those termsstill increasinglyme thathasI War the Cold apparent never Vladimir he to Putin's left think mind;

Wendt, “Constructing International Politics,” International “Constructing Wendt, Politics,” International “Constructing Wendt, Tsygankov, P. Andrei Tsygankov, P. Andrei Lee ibility says Wendt astructural ofwaristhere. isnot causeofanything. that“anarchy as such - Anne Goodman “Harper to Germany: Putin Trapped in Cold War Mentality,” Huffington Post, March 26, 26, March Post, Huffington Mentality,” War Cold in Trapped Putin Germany: to “Harper Goodman Anne being “progressively through viewed gains thelens ofwho powerand who more .

Russia’s Foreign Policy Foreign Russia’s a Change Policy: Foreign Russia’s


http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/03/26/harper 86

The antagonistic relationship thatNATO theSoviet hasThe with antagonistic held relationship

- help from one of collective onehelp of from se aken theopponent”. ,

31 77. 77. - 32.

35 90 nd Continuity in National Identity National in Continuity nd

Itwascondition ofpossibility thediscursive which Russia madetoforms difficult it for 88

Wendt’s ideaWendt’s ofanarchy ininternational 89

Therefore, presenceanarchy the of

The Cold curity, andcurity, these are all 87

For the two sides, this ledto Forsides, this thetwo - germany War hadWar changed the

(Plymouth: Rowman & (Plymouth: & Rowman - putin - cold - direct CEU eTD Collection 92 91 increase cooperation between USand Thereto indicate stepsevidence by being andstates taken to isample internationalinstitutions significant inthe definitionof inrelation Russia theEUeven to and transformation theUS. atall andRussia isnot it linked tosort ofgeopolitical thinking” United States isabenignhegemonalliance directed andthatthe isnot moving eastward at believes was expansion fervently thatNATO abenign behavior.believesHe form thatthe of yousaid that “if were Mike totalkMcFaul, to McFaul,whotoRu ambassador was Mike the Mearsheimer,politics. hisconferencecall in ontheUkraine crisis with that they identit nolonger significant between links inbuildingcommunication thetwoactors trust,cooperationso and role cooperation”. actors thatinvolve finding common norms, interes the possibility can help thatinternationalinstitutions betweenconflicting findcommonground interaction.In ofchange, analysis constructivists can this cooperate with liberalsthings on like constructivists claim thatthey the change dostudy under analytical umbrella probable each other attribute theCrimean tohow andRussia’sidentification war theEuropean Union inrelation to rivals, rivalry that this but level with ais imbued ofrestraint certain canit be and seen Russia NATO look that which made gamble Putin’s

Foreign Affairs Foreign Jackson T

. and Sorensen, Sorensen, and his doesmean not thatconstructiviststake donot account fact into change; many in

as that of rivals as thatof 91 , Conference Call with John Mearsheimer John with Call Conference ,

Looking and Russia theEuropeanat Union,such institutionscan play a

Introduction to International Relations, Relations, International to Introduction yas rivalstheir themselves ofinternational social in constructions

because shared hostile history their interactionsmakes of war


Looking arguments atby modern made the constructivists, Russia after theNATO hastaken War. thatit Cold after Russia claims at the state of anarchy in relation toeach ofatas anarchy theother state inrelation 36

ts orvalues thatcan create help “ideas of 174

. 92

This wouldbring a about . Therefore, would Wendt Foreign Affairs

of social

magazine ssia, CEU eTD Collection http:// 94 2015, 93 throughout.But been there noevidence theend since toindicate has of War Cold that was this then thementa presence ofthis War. Cold risk bywhen hasaction Crimea attacking taken it similar not of toculmination the any ever since constructivism falls shortofexplaining isthatwhy has Russi interests, butfirstthey toacknowledgeaddress the mainproblem. and need mean that shaped sees thewayeachto other state inrelation itself interms of hostility. directlyrelevant howthe to past ofRussiaand has War interactions theWestCold during Thus, all inall, particular theactors agree why any reason ofcooperation. areframework for reluctant to to cooperative security”. relationship and onthep betweenNATO (based) Russia… political atthe commitment highest level political marks the beginningfundamentally ofa new of strengtheningconfrontation trustandcooperation.competition Making and mutual this consider eachasgoal otheradversaries. share the They ofovercoming theve and Federation wasIt theRussian and signed France. inParis, donot Russia statedthat “NATO for i marginalizing state, theRussian has it beenastrategic partner. as seen and privileged significant a since cooperativeand form Russia stepsto thatfar with the1990’s from relation

“Founding Act,” NATO, May 27, 1997, accessed May 23, 2015, 2015, 23, May accessed 1997, 27, May NATO, Act,” “Founding “Russia’s Accusations nstance, http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_109141.htm www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm

However,efforts nonegoes there actually ofthese have succeededisa which toshow

international institutions can international institutions

Ifforeign the policyCold Russian towards“mentality”, wastothis War Crimea due the Founding ActandSecurity Relations,Cooperation onMutual the the -

Setting the Record Straight,” NATO, April, 2014, accessed May 25, 25, May 2014, accessed April, NATO, Straight,” Record the Setting 94 oretical strands

lity consistentRussia’s international havein should politics been

of constructivism allegesconstructivism of over thatthe war Ukraine is not

help the goalsachieve twoactors common and 37



rinciples ofdemocracyand a take chosen such nowto a huge

Another thing that stiges earlier of

between NATO This

93 does not

In 1997 CEU eTD Collection interdependence foreigncan inRussian beexplained by policy best thetheoryliberalism. of the economicand tradebetween theEuropeanUkraine. Union but rather waseconomicconcern could letitselfbecome it not an Russia isolated because from negotiati thinksquestions as mentality a presented likestill with War above Russia Cold and noamount of unaccounted arguments.for in the constructivist explanationsfor There be can these multiple concernRussia’s about the EUas apotenti whyconstructivism does explain not between failed talks diplomatic thetwoactors toremove only then identifiestoNATO relatedto howRussia ininternationalpolitics, inrelation itself andNATOWest and ofRussia threatenthe actually interests security instances since ofdirectWar conflict theCold enemies the case crisis.The the Crimean that until questionis

ons or talks will change was War theons ortalksCrimea asecurity thatorabout will never that threat and maintain this Cold War mentality War Cold foreignand policy maintainthis inits al Therefore, threat. are that are there many questions

and maintainingand could such provoke views the 38

why Russia chooses to seewhychooses theWest as to Russia The role of ecoThe role of , when no been therehave , . Also, if theAlso, if matter was nomic

CEU eTD Collection 97 2015, Organization 96 111. 1995), Martin, York: St. Challenge Neoliberal the and Theory: Realism Relations International in Controversies 95 determines inthe international thestateInterdependence behavior system. isinstrumental for a various self embedded”. “the relations of state the state. The theimportance international liberal byemphasizes theory, as defined Moravcsik, isratherthem it and the“domestic civi transnational unlike therealists, donotconsideras thestateaunitaryactor inthe internationalsystem, for but capitalism,reason ascertainedand, throughinmany bycases, technology”. enhanced andfreedompolitical mar andeconomicas democratization such throughstrategies, various international politics. the war. M by We startexamining off chapterthis argues was thatit theeconomicofdomestic interest actors thatprompted inRussia interconnectednessLooking EUUSA. between Russia, and lensof the liberalism, through the annexation ofregion theCrimean hidden int is

Moravcsik “Taking Preferences Seriously,” 513. Seriously,” Preferences “Taking Moravcsik Politics,” International of Theory A Liberal Seriously: Preferences “Taking Andrew Moravcsik in Strands,” Divergent Threads, Common Theory: International “Liberal Matthew, A. Richard and Zacher W. Mark https://www.princeton.edu/~amoravcs/library/preferences.pdf - Many scholars argue internationalrelations thatthemain reason Moscow’s behind society relations in determining the behavior of the state in global politics; this involvesin determining this globalpolitics; of thestatesociety thebehavior relations in In committed is general tothesteady, terms,ofhuman “liberalism uneven, expansion if

51, no. 4 (Autumn 1997): 516, accessed May 23, May 516,accessed 1997): 4 (Autumn no. 51, - 97 interested groups existing within agroups within state existing as interested well as inter hip of the states to the domestic and transnational social context in which in they tothe domesticare andsocialhip ofthe states transnational context

Liberalism of which isthe an ofinterdependenceit comprises environment in

CHAPTER 3 LIBERALISM oravcsik’s role ofits conception in liberalism and

he economic interdependence and 39

l society” .


that determines thebehaviorthat determines of - state inte , ed. ed. , C harles W. Kegley (New (New Kegley harles W. ractions that

International International 95

Liberals, ket CEU eTD Collection 100 fride.org/descarga/23.06.2014_WorldCommerceReview_OO.pdf. 99 2015, Politics 98 states, theEU asaofwhich result policy EasternUkraine. towards main factors actions Russian Crimea in defining thatprompted and foreign Russian are still Ukraine intoafuelexporter”. of therichestgasunconventional dependentcan) ofimport sources (and inEurope transform separatistsRussian a the fact Ukraine that thein region fightconducted wherebetween ofthe pro most being is becausegas evident toremainthe key ofandThisis toUkraine itwanted from provider theEU. signingbetweenagreement ofanand the Ukraine supplier ofthishugeenergyand Moscow Ukrainethestepstowards level perceived into the territory, makes thelargest country it for transit hydrocarbons intoEurope”. transportation recently network,comprising until 4,600km ofpipelines runn involving inthe Russia agreement isakey of energy process.theEU Ukraine partner inthat“its economic these became when competing interests even EUtoacquire prominent attempted more further competing over EuropeanUkraineeconomic Unionandat ofthe Russia interests an level and benefitsall parties forinvolved”. liberal “mutualand means dependence,notnecessarily system it which brings symmetric,

Olesia Ogryzko, “The E “The OlesiaOgryzko, eds., Moravcsik, Andrew and Helen Milner V.

Ogryzko, “The Energy Triangle,” 50 Triangle,” Energy “The Ogryzko,

http://muse.jhu.edu/books/9781400830787/ (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009), accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 2009), Press, University Princeton N.J.: (Princeton, Russia isoneRussia ofthe maintrading memberas its the well Europeanas partnersof Union Incase of the integration with UkraineintegrationAssociation through with oftheAgreement, thesigning without nd theUkrainianforces which theDonetsk is“one is territory inSloviansk, nergy Triangle: The EU, Ukraine and Russia,” and Ukraine The EU, Triangle: nergy

Ukraine, liberalism’s ideaeconomicinterdependenceUkraine, liberalism’s of represents




98 Therefore, liberals, forrepres interests the economic states onRussia are divided onwhether toplace sanctions

Power, Interdepende Power, .


EU without its involvement,EU without its asa directthreat

nce, and Nonstate Actors World in Nonstate and nce,

World Commerce Review Commerce World 99 ing through its

Russia isthemain Russia , June 2014, 50 2014, June , ent the - - 52, 52, CEU eTD Collection world 2015, 23, May 2014, accessed 101 the Kremlinapply can(eco isonthethan Russia EU. The reasonthatRussia is gas isthemainsupplierUnion, so of tothe would tendtosuggest the Europeanmuch more that economically dependent Unionis on Russia asthe interest tofindcommonground ofbothcountries theof likelihood diminish the twocountries infact, bein inamilitary conflict; will engaging it very presenceeconomic interdependence of will theEuropeanRussia Unionand between argumentsthat are by firstlyareasfor oftheseit notaccounted theneorealists, a that NATO’s farLooking capabilities of military Russia’s. outweighat those the liberal account w for framework and looksat Russia theEuropean both Union asneorealism Also, units. cannot of economic between cooperation EU despite and Russia theconflict, because itstheoretical powerrealism of For falters. example, helps about clarify the international Ukraine manyin points theexplanatory conflict where quickly cooperationaLiberalism thatprotects reach levelinterests. withRussia economic of its canofit the Crimean be crisis, has argued thattheEUmanyeconomic reluctantactionTherefore, takepower againstcan to casea resource. one potential be that inthe econo interdependence withliberalismcomes presents inwhichthe asituation that prospective Security are Union(PSC) ofthe Committee notfailing todoso”. not agree o Crimeans target; to and and onfreezingvisas. assets can second, Notonly their member states after agreeing “The Crimea. and sanctionsRussians first, consist in European ona of list

Maxime H.A. Larivé “Crimea or the Future of the Liberal World Order,” World Liberal the of Future the or “Crimea Larivé Maxime H.A. - order/ mic losses and gains betweenmic losses and twostatesconflict during dependent make a state can the . n the list and severity of the sanctions, but theambassadors andseverityofthebut n thelist sanctions, and Political at the

hy Putin decidedhy Putin tomilitarily intervene when inthe Crimean isclear peninsula it

http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2014/03/16/crimea nomic) EUby pressurecutting onthe ofnatural supply downits

neorealism fails to explain thepresenceneorealismcontinuation fails toexplain and 41

soon as Furthermore, possible. liberals

Foreign Policy Association, March 16, 16, March Association, Foreign Policy 101

The economic - or

- incentives and pressure to incentives the - future rgues thatthergues - of - th e - liberal - CEU eTD Collection 104 lavrov 2015, 23, May accessed 103 102 rationalityt inaccordance both main actors MoscowEuropean intheand conflict, areexpected the tobehave with Union, interestsgeneratingactors ofthe domestic in theconflictover Crimea. According theory, tothis intensity actor preferences”. of capabilities” which theresult as of “bargainingreflect a outcomes the natureand relative resostates toexpend forwrites be cooperation,must notedwhat about“the it preferences: willingness Moravcsik of Ukrainegiven autonomous powersKiev”. beextensive independent of and European its accept proposal partners its th agreeing thecrisis to a solution overof diplomatic itsannexation Crimea, demanding the US that Tisdallfrom Simon and military political toattain USanditusesits this andfulfil benefits remainpunishment, central”. of “evencapability where because mainsource want loseits to EUwould the not gas. ofsupply of thus preferresolveconflict, than the torather antagonizing by Russia placing extremesanctions resources agrees totheEU,it Theuntil memberof sanctions. theUnion toremove states would

Moravcsik “Taking Preferences Seriously,” 523. Seriously,” Preferences “Taking Moravcsik Crimea,” in Solution Diplomatic for Conditions Tough Sets “Russia Simon Tisdall, 523 Seriously,” Preferences “Taking Moravcsik the tolerance bearing for willingness bargainingtoaccept costs,…(the) including - paris All in all, thetheoryAll in liberalism takesacco of into This empiricalsupported is by explanation liberal view Moravcsik’s which says that .

The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/30/russia urces ormake primarily itself concessionsis ofpreferences,a function not

- based threats and promises are threatsandpromises based employed, preference o theeconomic preferences ofeach actoras respective well as the 102


Moscowthe economic isaware over holds the it leverage EU of

writes that“Russia setoutaseries oftoughfor conditions… -


at ethnic Russian regions Russian at ethnic easternand southern of 42

unt the significanceeconomicunt ofthe - ukraine

Guardian 103

Looking at issue this l high demands.l - - john based determinants based , Mar 30, 2014, 30, Mar , - kerry - sergei - , CEU eTD Collection 2015, 106 2015, 105 down military alienating spending and dipping elites from state treasury into the second, or to economythat theRussian is collapsing. respectivelyalready and inpricesoil increasing thefall underway, of Western notthe case is this anymore. twocostly With militaryconflicts Chechnyaand in Crimea growth of th loyal because 1999,he he was Putin when assumedtobalance to in able power economic the their economic the regardingInitially, interests thefinancialcountry. over resources they were the main factor these prompts actors that political actors have inRussia nointerest theneo in againstopposition isgrowingafter him thatthe The theEuromaidan. domestic thisis reason for inpost Russia capabilities military”. of theRussian influencthe goalRussia’s of consolidating Ukraine, seems has it formed which heisalreadyIt thatPutin a “commitment to doing. seems toand wouldpromptPutin suchbehave aeven ofresponse lack aggressively moreinEastern way, compromise prestigewill theUS andits EUand reputation in States andIf aggression theEU toRussian isonthe line. inUkraine they insome donotrespond betw can playinstitutions roleframework aindefining of crucial the economicinterdependence ofthe economiclimitations interdependencies between though bothofthem. Even international

Alexander J. Motyl, “Goodbye, Putin,” “Goodbye, J. Alexander Motyl, for Prepared West the “Is Dempsey, Judy https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia http://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/?fa=55288 eenactors theissueof oncooperation thetworeputationof based and United trust, For has it becomemore toprotect Putin, important than ever the economic of interests e country and fulfill the interestseand ofthese countrysame politicaltime. However, elites atthe - Crimea. The reason supportamong thepoli thatheislosing is

Foreign Foreign 105

Putin’s Next Move in Ukraine?,” April 9, 2014, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 2014, 9, April Ukraine?,” in Move Next Putin’s


to support Putin depends Putin largelyto support thefulfillment of on Affairs

e around its periphery its developing)welle the (asas around Thus, Putin left only is with firstly, twooptions: tocut - fsu/2015 , Feb 5, 2015, 1, accessed May 23, 23, May accessed 1, 2015, 5, Feb , 43


- tsarist ideology that Putin hastsarist ideologydeveloped and thatPutin - 02 - 05/goodbye - putin

the international community .

tical elites and

sanctions, seems it CEU eTD Collection sothatpossible, the sanctions may be lifted. form withthe W channels ofcooperation est andundo thedamagecaused asbyCrimea soonas


CEU eTD Collection integrat like Georgia Defensive further argue to realistsUkraine. efforts and would economic thattheEU EUexpansion, enlargement Eastern in democracy and Europe informer promotion states Soviet wasRussia facinga security di of rivalry betweenand The Russia War. theWestCold during argument presented isthat why understandable, sois The attacked Russia do considering Crimea. inclinationto thehistory helps understand to theempirics. importanceutmost howeffectively tosee fieldof thetheoretical inthis study literature available termedCrimean is Crisis andfoundational nuancesfrom framework whichall thecomplexities are evaluated. Since the relative three internationalrelations of comparison theories the traditional serve as the those variations toobserve themselves so what single all waythevariations couldtake anbeen account, so into assess that attempt has made to nuances at foreignvisible ofRussian policyfirst.The isthatthere thatare noteasily idea isno more comprehensive ofthe narrative byconflict entire account taking into the comple international relations with literaturetheformer thatwhena integrated provides understanding, both atheoreticala Crimean Thisliterature conflictsomevery 2014. provides in stimulating about debates in the war literaturediscussed foreignpolicy thathas ever Russian widely Ukraine the since towards multifaceted than originally meets theeye.There Conclusion Most scholarsMost and have political experts relied o The foreign dynamics and ofRussian policy towardscomplex aremore far Crimea ion with Ukrainethroughion with Association Agreement the threat as seen a the was to

nd empirical context. However, istheliterature it nd empiricalcontext. availableoutside of as aninternationalconflict international with of repercussions, is it lemma due to the West’s tripleWest’s packagelemma duepolicies of NATO tothe of

rt of explanations arert of war.A for outthere the 45 is extensive amount ofinternational extensive is relations

n the theory of neorealism to explain the theoryto explain ofneorealismn xities and xities CEU eTD Collection in the Federation, interest rather than that regime ofPutin, of the because Russian his was Ukraine, mil doingthe possibility aggravate sowouldjust the increased andraise West oftheir involvement in makesit nosense toinvade for Crimea Russia according argument tothe neorealist because argument presents it the thatif hasno West is the domestic political factorsof thatare Russia by original neorealist discounted theories. The consideringresponse.Furthermore, their lack neoclassical tries totake account of realism into Crimea. simply, Toputit Ukraine be seemsto a lowpriority very for Wester evidentThis is from the lack ofdirect Western militaryresponseafter invasionof Russian the many o indicated reluctanceconcrete regarding any promises at for tomake membership Ukraine NATO wantIt integrate to as amember Ukraine afterthe demonstrations. Euromaidan hadpreviously theory for account cannot just appeal wouldlose its that it theWest. to hadit l Europeassert in and strategic its tore interests longer butratherinstrument ofpowerisusing Russia to isaboutthe that it justaboutsecurity, aggressive towards Ukraine. them, For foreignpolicy provocation for and strategic disregard Russia’s that ledtoMoscow’s inEastern interests Europe security however, in the region.realists, are Western Offensive view was ofthe thatit restorerather rebalance or thestatusquoinawaythatwouldprotect economic its geopolitical bydecisionCrimea and statusquo Russia Putin’s toannex thus wasattempt to an ost afterIn War. theCold wants destabilizePutin to perspective,Ukraineextent this tothe ccasions. overemphasizes Neorealism for theimportanceholds Ukraine. thattheWest Thereare and variations some nuances theneorealisthowever, to explanation, which the itary asserts orotherwise. thattheRussianforeign Neoclassical realism policy was . For starters, it had become. For NATO would ithad very unlikely starters, even that

interest Ukraine, byas in indicated their behavior, - define its place its great asdefine ainthe that region power 46

r ealpolitik

is in playis in here no inwhichitis n governmentsn

interests and CEU eTD Collection ownRussia’s identity determined. not was The ofnationalist rise tendencies after War theCold that why protect to want of the identity ethnic Russian wouldPutin inUkraine minorities when crisis facing identitypolicy national Russian and foreign inpost on Mosc aggravating particular especiallydays time, theWestjust itheld atthis after the Sochi Olympics 1997, for example.Furthermore, why does explain it such not a totake chose risk Russia big of on MutualRelations,Cooperation and steps taken towards betweenand increasing Russia theWest cooperation like the argumentquestions than answers.For presents morethenumerous does explain it instance, not the political instabilities and thethreat emer West of had tointerveneUnion, soPutin these sure wouldbe minorities tomake protected that against the history Ukraine interactionbetweenand athe ofsocial Russia they when part were Soviet of well overthrow pro of the to perceive involvemen Western history between ofhostility distrust twosides and has what thatis produced the prompted Russia political level a involves relation thatthis ofsharedwiththeTheargument West. is rivalry constructivists War, Cold wouldclaim that the way ident that Russia Lookingcomplexities. the history atbetween interactions theWest ofpast during and Russia the popularityand rule. atprotecthis home vulnerablethreats, of internal Crimea from inc was theannexation expected to - being of the Russian minorities living minorities being inUkraine ofthe Russian isunder threat. identity This was par Another key factor that constructivism failsAnother toeffectively keyconstructivism factor theidentity that is take account into isfraughtTherelations ownsetof second theoryconstructivism internationalof its with ow whichseen can be asincreasing steps towards cooperation. and Russia Western - Russian President the YanukovychinUkraine,identity felt that Russian Putin and t in Ukrainet in a isthat after threat.Another assecurity factor the


47 between NATO and the Russian Federation Russian between and NATO the in

gingconstructivist The inKiev. - Cold War. It War. Cold r ifies itself at aninternational rease his aises thequestion Founding Act t of

CEU eTD Collection possibility AgreementEU and ofthe between Association Ukrainewithout the wanted toremain of supplier Ukraine, to themain hydrocarbons buttheemergence ofthe Crimean conflictthe competingeconomic allabout intereststhe EU. Russia ofRussia and crucial foreign inshaping role Crimea. policy Russian towards “mentality” mentality tohistorywiththeandthis West due of interactions hostile a played to be. to giveisnot thatRussia West the benign the messagetothe that power perceives defeated it it show theE Crimea.Moscow’s Theretothis decisionbe strategy: toannex twopossibilities couldfirst, to produced sees Russia by what asunfairtreatment by isanother precipitating theEU factor identifies as itself of apart Eur reluctant identify placeand Russia’s War to theCold even after inEurope Russia though inclined tobalance interestsandthe theEast However, West. inboth hasbeen West Russian values. The was foreignpolicy outofthat came Moscow strived tointroduce as democraticas inRussia, long Russian they principles don’t compromise Inforeign ever cameto power,Ukraine in2014.he policy Putin since towards addition, has nationalist tendencies society inRussian a domestic level at that determined increasing thecivil society within and unrest political elites.was Simply put,it therise of towards Ukra foreign policyfactor was determining identity”. the the“Russian foreign Thus,Putin’s policy answer thenational constituted towhat identitysothereRussia, inwhichRussian of was atrend had producedanti

Another argument presentedAnother stillconstructivism m isthatRussia argument by Lastly, ownset providesits by ofliberalism explanations thetheory making U how wouldbe it like tohaveanenemypartnerand as Russia a second, rather than ine is an attempt toform acollectiveine isan identity attempt back thatwouldmaintainthe home - Western sentiments amongWestern the ope, the EU hasintegratingope, theEU avoided The resentment Russia. 48

political There elites ofRussia. nodefinite was

imbued with a new identityimbued withanew thatwas

aintains War aCold the aggressive

involvement of the CEU eTD Collection new which War be catastrophic Cold could for Europe. and form concretechannels ofcooperation betweenand Russia could theWest orthis lead toa scenariospossible lead inter to: could this unrest Eastern by in Ukraine thepro assisting thefield outside explanations For of internationalcontinues now, Moscow toproduce relations. further research nuances, by more conducted be to needs scholars theoriescomprehensive provides a ofthe order very crisis. overview However, toidentify in ex combination of factorsdomesticwhere and internationalpolitics answer in the lies.An responsible forforeignRussian shaping policy Itis mostly Crimea towards in2014. likelya was factors. unnecessary was abouteconomic ifCrimea just happened Since case. could Russia EU,military inthis apply economicpressure onthe action econo dependent However, Russia. falters argument from theliberalism onimports isthat where bargaining comes it tointernational leveragewhen particularly politics, countries thatare with pow sources ofimports.Thus, couldRussia lead tothe latterfor cuttingEUtofend leaving alternatecostly supply, more off dependentpower for onRussia resourcestendencies and anyon EUtoplace sanctions of the conceptiona of economicinterdependence presents in Crimea. Furthermore,isalsooneofRussia thekey EU. partnersofThis liberal trading the wasRussia adirecttoMoscow’s threat economic engage which to ledPutin interests, militarily ploration of theempirical conflict under understandings thethree relations ofthe international mic interdependence should diminish themic interdependencelikelihood diminish should for which what militaryisnot action, all, it All in

is impossible todetermine whichempirical theoreticalwere and factors er especially capabilities, production gas, give natural Russia national institutions will stepintonational institutions resolve the crisis - Russian separatists There inthe region. Russian are two 49

situation inwhichthesituation EUisactually

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