The Century-And- A-Half Failure in the Quest for the Source of New Genetic Information
Overviews The century-and- a-half failure in the quest for the source of new genetic information Jerry Bergman Courtesy TFE graphics Courtesy The major attempts to explain the source of new genetic information, including, Lamarckianism, pan- genesis, orthogenesis, creative evolution, hopeful monsters, panspermia, quantum evolution, and sym- biogenesis are reviewed. No theory has survived Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) scientific scrutiny. The most widely accepted theory tree, the constant stretching would lengthen its neck and this today is mutations and natural selection (neo-Dar- trait would be passed on to its offspring.2 Also called the winism), a mechanism that is widely acknowledged ‘use and disuse hypothesis’, it postulated that the changes in as inadequate. anatomy that occurred during an animal’s lifetime could be passed on to its offspring. In other words, the theory teaches that evolution occurs due to ‘the inheritance of modified phenotypes’.3 Lamarckianism was a dominant theory of The major failure of evolution, even before Charles evolution for decades; in fact, even Darwin based his theory Darwin (1809–1882) proposed his theory to the world in partly on it, and used it to ‘explain’ human evolution: 1859, has always been the lack of a viable mechanism that ‘The early male progenitors of man were ... can produce new genetic information. It is well documented probably furnished with great canine teeth; but as that some animal types have lost in the struggle for life, and they gradually acquired the habit of using stones, thus have become extinct. Darwin, in his Origin of Species, clubs, or other weapons, for fighting with their en- presented much evidence for natural selection (survival of emies, they would have used their jaws and teeth the fittest) but ‘ironically never explains where new species less and less.
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