1 VREZEC 2 2011.XP:ACTA BIANCO 2/2007.XP 24.11.11 8:11 Page 81
1 VREZEC 2_2011.XP:ACTA BIANCO 2/2007.XP 24.11.11 8:11 Page 81 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, NOVEMBER 2011 Vol. 19, øt. 2: 81–138 PREGLED STATUSA IN RAZISKANOSTI HROØŒEV (COLEOPTERA) EVROPSKEGA VARSTVENEGA POMENA V SLOVENIJI S PREDLO- GOM SLOVENSKEGA POIMENOVANJA Al VREZEC1, Alja PIRNAT2, Andrej KAPLA1, Slavko POLAK3, Martin VERNIK4, Savo BRELIH5 in Boæidar DROVENIK6 1Nacionalni inøtitut za biologijo, Veœna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e- mail: al.vrezec@nib.si, andrej.kapla@nib.si 2Zverce, Raziskovanje hroøœev in kaœjih pastirjev, Aljoøa Pirnat s.p., Groharjeva 18, SI-1241 Kamnik, Slovenija, e-mail: alja.pirnat@gmail.com 3Notranjski muzej, Kolodvorska c. 3, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenija, e-mail: slavko.polak@guest.arnes.si 4 Ul. Veljka Vlahoviœa 85, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija, e-mail: martin.vernik@gmail.com 5Gotska 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija 6Tunjiøka 2, SI-1240 Kamnik, Slovenija Abstract - STATUS AND KNOWLEDGE ABOUT BEETLES (COLEOPTERA) OF EUROPEAN CONSERVATION IMPORTANCE IN SLOVENIA WITH PRO- POSAL OF SLOVENIAN NOMENCLATURE Recent intensive research activity on beetles of conservation importance across Europe provided new knowledge also about their distribution ranges. In the contri- bution the list of species from appendices of Habitat directive occuring in Slovenia is revised. The revision listed 20 species for Slovenia belonging to 13 families: Rhysodidae, Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Leiodidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Lucanidae, Bolboceratidae, Scarabaeidae, Cucujidae, Meleandrydae and Bostrichidae. In the paper the proposal of Slovenian nomenclature, the overview of species biology and ecology and current knowledge over species status and occur- rence in Slovenia is given. According to recent studies the overview of methods for species detection and sampling is provided.
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