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UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 185 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Bulletin 185 CHECKLIST OF THE COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA THE WEST INDIES, AND SOUTH AMERICA Part 2 COMPILED BY RICHARD E. BLACKWELDER UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1944 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 2S, D. C. Price 30 cents CONTENTS Order Coleoptera: Suborder Polyphaga—Continued. Fami y Passalidae 189 Fami y Lucanidae 195 Fami y Scarabaeidae 197 Fami y Dascillidae 265 Fami y Cyphonidae 266 Fami y Eucinetidae 268 Fami y Ptilodactylidae 268 Fami y Heteroceridae 270 Fami y Nosodendridae 270 Fami y Byrrhidae 270 Fami y Elmidae 271 Fami y Dryopidae 273 Fami y Limnichidae 273 Fami y Psephenidae 274 Fami y Georyssidae 274 Fami y Cyathoceridae 274 Fami y Cebrionidae 275 Fami y Cerophytidae 275 Fami y Melasidae 275 Fami y Plastoceridae 280 Fami y Elateridae 280 Fami y Trixagidae 304 Fami y Rhipiceridae 305 Fam y Buprestidae 306 [Suborder POLYPHAGA to be continued in Part 3] CHECKLIST OF THE COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, THE WEST INDIES, AND SOUTH AMERICA Part 2 Compiled by Richard E. Blackwelder Suborder POLYPHAGA—Continued Series HAPLOGASTRA—Continued Superfamily SCARABAEOIDEA PASSALIDAE Pseudacanthinae di.sjunctus 111. 00-78 Mexico bos Kuw. 91-171 Central America Oileoides Gravely 18-23 cornutus Fabr. 01-256 Brazil parvicornis Gravely 18-23 Colombia dislinctus Weber 01-79 U. S. A. subrecticornis Kuw. 97-29G Colombia interruptus Linn. 64-35 Oileus Kaup 69-3 a. dollei Kuw. 91-171 Coniger Zang 05-232 a. stanleyi Kuw. 90-99 RimoT Kaup 71-119 eclipticus Truq. 57-261 Mexico Rimoricus Kuw. 96-220 Guatemala ridiculus Kuw. 91-172 Guatemala Colombia rimator Truq. 57-260 --Mexico a. felschei Kuw. 91-173 minutus Csy. 97-643 expo.situs Kaup 69-4 M6xico sayittarius Kaup 69-3 falsus Kuw. 97-289 Mexico sargi Kaup 71-119 Mexico frantzi Kuw. 97-297 Costa Rica Guatemala gibbosus Burm. 47-507 Colombia V. honestus Kuw. 97-287 Costa Rita granulifrons Bates 86-12 Guatemala Undulifer Kaup 69-6 guatemalae Gravely 18-24 Guatemala acapulcae Kuw. 97-303 Mexico haagi Kaup 68-21 Mexico incisus Truq. 57-260 Mexico Guatemala salvadoris Kuw. 97-303 EI Salvador haberi Kuw. 97-290 El Salvador Spurius Kaup 71-75 hebes Kuw. 91-172 Central America bicornis Truq. 57-262 Mexico imbeilis Csy. 97-645 M6xico Br. Honduras intergeneus Bates 86-21 Mexico Guatemala Guatemala conradi Rosmini 02-2 Ecuador klingelhcifferi Kaup 09-5 Mexico dichotomus Zang 05-227 Guatemala lenzi Kuw. 97-301 " I. Coco I'opiliua Kaup 71-75 marginatus Perch. 35-89 Colombia Heliscus Zang 06-155 Brazil Odontotaenius Kuw. 90-220 Bolivia Passalotaenius Kuw. 96-220 Argentina Soranus Kaup 71-107 moritzi Kuw. 97-299 . Venezuela amazonicus Gravely 18-24 ..____. Brazil mysticus Bates 86-11 Guatemala Peru novus Kuw. 91-172 Colombia brevioripennis Kuw. 91-171 M6xico Brazil championi Bates 86-20. Guatemala purulensis Bates 86-13 Guatemala ouspidatus Truq. 57-261 Mexico recticornia Burm. 47-508 Mexico debilis Bates 86-12 Guatemala scutellopunctatus Kuw. 97-301 El Salvador depressifrons Bates 89-384 , Mfexioo sieberi Kuw. 97-295 .Brazil ' " Costa Rica. ' 189 190 BULLETIN 185, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Popilius—Continued. Veturius Kaup 71-110 striatopunctatus Perch. 35-101 Mexico assimilis Weber 01-81 Fr. Guiana Br. Honduras gabonis Kuw. 90-103 Brazil Guatemala pumilis Kuw. 90-102 Nicaragua semicylindricus Esch. 29-27 Costa Rica boliviae Gravely 18-38 Bolivia a. mancus Lued. 31-63 Chaco a. pedunculatus Lued. 31-G3 brasiiiensis Moreira 22-261 Brazil striatulus Dibb 40-76 Ecuador carinaesternus Kuw. 98-169 7M6xico tau Kaup 69-26 Colombia cephalotes Serv. 25-20 Guiana tetraphyllus Esch. 29-23 Guiana attenuatus Kuw. 91-173 Surinam quinquelamellatus Lued. 27-37 Brazil siiiuatus Esch. 29-25 Brazil thiemei Kuw. 97-301 Colombia Paraguay tikotepekensis Kuw. 97-296 Mexico Argentina tropicus Perch. 35-97 Mexico cirratus Bates 86-23 Panama subcornutus Westw. 45-29 criniceps Kuw. 91-174 Brazil varius Kuw. 91-172 Costa Rica costalimai Moreira 22-261 Brazil Brazil ecuadoris Kuw. 98-169 Ecuador villei Kuw. 97-300 Ecuador fluminenais Moreira 22-261 Brazil wagneri Kaup 68-30 Guatemala gilntheri Kuw. 98-173 Bolivia Nicaragua heydeni Kaup 68-27 M6xico yucatanus Bates 86-20 '--J- Mexico libericornis Kuw. 91-174 Br. Guiana zodiacus Truq. 57-261 Mexico Brazil Pseudacanthus Kaup 69-9 Bolivia Nasoproculus Zang 05-226 paraensis Lued. 27-37 Brazil Ogyges Kaup 71-69 sinuaticollis Moreira 22-260 Petrejoides Kuw. 96-221 platy rhinus Westw. 45-28 Guatemala Triaenurgus Bates 86-8 aspinus Kuw. 98-172 Nicaragua Truquius Bates 86-10 moevii Kuw. 98-173 Costa Rica aztecus Truq. 57-261 Mexico platyrrhinoides Kuw. 98-173 Panamd bifidus Zang 05-232 Mexico sinuatus Kuw. 91-174 Colombia heros Kaup. 71-58 spinifer Gravely 18-36 Venezuela decipiens Kuw. 97-29 1 Costa Rica standfussi Kuw. 91-174 Guiana heros Truq. 57-260 M6xico Brazil jalapensis Bates 86-9 Mexico Ecuador junctistriatus Kuw. 91-192 Guatemala V. fassli Lued. 31-217 laevior Kaup 68-15 ?Guatemala v. peru vianus Arrow 07-445 Peril laevissimus Kaup 68-15 Guatemala V. vaUdus Burm. 47-513 Brazil Nicaragua validoides Kuw. 91-174 laticornis Truq. 57-262 Mexico punctatostriatus Arrow 07-454 Br. Guiana mexicanus Truq. 57-262 Mexico sinuatocollis Kuw. 90-99 Nicaragua laticornis Kaup 68-23 platyrhinus Bates 86-22 Costa Rica nonstriatus Dibb 36-129 M6xico Panamd nudicostis Bates 89-383 Mexico sinuatosulcatus Gravely 18-35 Nicaragua orizabae Kuw. 97-291 Mexico Costa Rica solidus Arrow 07-452 Guatemala Ecuador subopacus Bates 86-8 Guatemala Bolivia tenuis Kuw. 97-290 Costa Rica transversus Dahiian 17-143 Central America truquii Kuw. 91-183 M6xico brasiiiensis Moreira 22-261 Colombia Proculejus Kaup 68-13 cephalotes Gravely 18-37 Venezuela Erioplerxis Kuw. 96-222 costalimai Moreira 22-261 Surinam Prosoclitus Bates 86-7 fluminensis Moreira 22-261 Fr. Guiana acapulcae Kuw. 97-293 Mexico similior Kuw. 90-100 Brazil brevis Truq. 57-260 M6xico sinuatus Moreira 22-261 Ecuador championi Bates 86-5 Guatemala sinuosus Drap. 20-324 Peril ganglbaueri Kuw. 97-306 Mexico staudingeri Kuw. 91-173 Paraguay hirtus Truq. 57-200 Mexico V. munitus Lued. 34-20 Brazil obesus Bates 86-7 Mexico V. trituberculatus Esch. 29-26 Brazil pubicostis Bates 86-5 Mexico simillimus Kuw. 91-173 sartorii Kaup 68-17 Mexico trapezoides Kaup 71-26 truquii Kaup 68-16 Mexico tuberculifrons Kuw. 91-174 Costa Rica isthmicus Arrow 07-444 Panamd Brazil Proculinae unicornis Gravely 18-36 Brazil Peril Arrox Zang 05-155 vinculofoveatus Kuw. 98-167 Ecuador Sertorius Kaup 71-114 Verres Kaup 71-114 agassizi Kaup 71-114 Guatemala Verroides Kuw. 91-175 Nicaragua angustata Kuw. 91-175 Costa Rica assmanni Kuw. 97-303 El Salvador Guiana ' PASSALIDAE 191 Verres—Continued. quadrangulifrons Kuw. 98-205 El Salvador cavicoUis Bates 86-24 Mexico sculptilis Bates 80-13 Guatemala camerani Pang. 05-7 Guatemala S synelytris Gravely 18-47 Guatemala cavilabris Csy. 97-647 Honduras Proculejoides Kuw. 96-221 Costa Rica championi Bates 86-5 Guatemala cavifrons Kuw. 91-175 Panamd laevior Kuw. 97-292 El Salvador corticicola Truq. 57-261 Mexico a. vinculotaenia Kuw. 97-292 vernicata Csy. 97-646 Guatemala crassula Csy. 97-642 Honduras Nicaragua granulipennis Zang 05-229 Mexico ' '- Honduras Paxillus MacLeay 19-105 Costa Rica Paexiles Perch. 35-6 deflexicornis Kuw. 98-176 Costa Rica Paxilloides Kuw. 90-97 furcilabris Esch. 29-25 Colombia Paxillosomus Kuw. 96-225 deficiens Kuw. 91-175 Trinidad Spasalus Kaup 69-27 furcatilabris Kuw. 98-177 Guiana alfari Pang. 05-9 Costa Rica kolbei Kuw. 98-177 Surinam V. rufiventris Lued. 31-63 labrifissus Kuw. 91-175 Brazil anguliferoides Kuw. 81-181 Brazil tuberculilabris Kuw. 91-175 Bolivia borellii Pang. 05-3 Paraguay Peru brasiliensis Serv. 25-2 1 Mexico hageni Kaup 71-116 M6xico Central America cavicoUis Kuw. 98-175 Guatemala Colombia sternipunctata Kuw. 91-175 Honduras Brazil Nicaragua Bolivia Costa Rica Paraguay sternbergiana Zang 05-315 Venezuela camerani Rosm. 02-4 Ecuador Neoverres Hincks 34-154 Brazil costaricensis Hincks 34-155 Costa Rica centralis Arrow 07-458 Costa Rica Platyverres Bates 86-9 crenatus M'Leay 19-100 Puerto Rico intermedia Kaup 71-115 Mexico crenulatus Dej. 37-195 Surinam longicornis Lued. 34-19 Costa Rica Tobustus Burm. 47-495 Fr. Guiana Publius Kaup 71-70 Brazil crassus Smith 52-14 Colombia Argentina concretus Kaup 68-14 Ecuador v. abnormalis Kuw. 91-182 Brazil Peru maynus Kuw. 98-183 V. impressus Hincks 34-156 robustus Kuw. 98-183 oberthiiri Hincks 33-177 Colombia forsteri Lued. 27-38 Brazil spinipes Zang 05-231 Peru Bolivia Bolivia Perti Proculus Kaup 68-8 hopei Perch. 44-7 Surinam Cyphoproculus Kuw. 96-224 lanei Periera 39-79 Brazil beckeri Zang 05-315 Mexico latisturnus Kuw. 98-179 Costa Rica burmeisteri Kuw. 91-192 Guatemala Ecuador densipennis Csy. 14-374 Guatemala Brazil goryi Melly 33-56 Mexico leachi M'Leay 19-106 Mexico Guatemala consobrinus Kuw. 98-180 Br. Honduras kraatzi Kuw. 98-178 Colombia denliculatus Kuw. 98-180 Guatemala magister Csy. 97-641 Honduras depressus Drap. 19-50 El Salvador mandibularis Csy. 14-374 Honduras Nicaragua mniszechi Kaup 68-1 1 Br. Honduras Costa Rica goryi Thorns. 57-421 Guatemala ' Panamd Honduras Brazil Ecuador Ecuador opacipennis Thoms. 57-420 Guatemala Peru Ecuador Bolivia opacus Kuw. 91-192 Guatemala Uruguay Argentina West Indies Passalinae V. minor Kuw. 91-182 parvus Csy. 97-644 Honduras Chondrocephalus Kuw. 96-221 pentaphylloides Lued. 31-225 Brazil cordiger Gravely 18-45 Guatemala pentaphylhis Lued. 31-63 Paraguay debilis Bates 86-12 Guatemala schmidti Kuw. 98-181 granulifrons Bates 86-12 Guatemala V. nudihumerus Lued.
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