Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 DOI 10.1186/s12862-016-0674-4

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access A cure for the blues: opsin duplication and subfunctionalization for short-wavelength sensitivity in jewel (Coleoptera: ) Nathan P. Lord1*, Rebecca L. Plimpton2, Camilla R. Sharkey1, Anton Suvorov1, Jonathan P. Lelito3, Barry M. Willardson2 and Seth M. Bybee1

Abstract Background: have received much attention as a model for studying opsin evolution in . Yet, relatively few studies have investigated the diversity of opsin proteins that underlie spectral sensitivity of the visual pigments within the diverse beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera). Previous work has demonstrated that beetles appear to lack the short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS) opsin class that typically confers sensitivity to the “blue” region of the light spectrum. However, this is contrary to established physiological data in a number of Coleoptera. To explore potential adaptations at the molecular level that may compensate for the loss of the SWS opsin, we carried out an exploration of the opsin proteins within a group of beetles (Buprestidae) where short-wave sensitivity has been demonstrated. RNA- seq data were generated to identify opsin proteins from nine taxa comprising six buprestid species (including three male/female pairs) across four subfamilies. Structural analyses of recovered opsins were conducted and compared to opsin sequences in other across the main opsin classes—ultraviolet, short-wavelength, and long-wavelength. Results: All nine buprestids were found to express two opsin copies in each of the ultraviolet and long-wavelength classes, contrary to the single copies recovered in all other molecular studies of adult opsin expression. No SWS opsin class was recovered. Furthermore, the male Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer—EAB) expressed a third LWS opsin at low levels that is presumed to be a larval copy. Subsequent homology and structural analyses identified multiple amino acid substitutions in the UVS and LWS copies that could confer short-wavelength sensitivity. Conclusions: This work is the first to compare expressed opsin genes against known electrophysiological data that demonstrate multiple peak sensitivities in Coleoptera. We report the first instance of opsin duplication in adult beetles, which occurs in both the UVS and LWS opsin classes. Through structural comparisons of known opsins, we suggest that opsin duplication and amino acid variation within the chromophore binding pocket explains sensitivity in the short-wavelength portion of the visible light spectrum in these species. These findings are the first to reveal molecular complexity of the color vision system within beetles. Keywords: Insect vision, Opsins, Agrilus planipennis, Emerald ash borer, Pest species, RNA-seq, Transcriptome, Evolution

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, 4102 LSB, Provo, UT 84602, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 Lord et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 2 of 17

Background Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) [35–38]; Vision is central to many important biological and be- [33, 39, 40]; Lampyridae [41–43]). Interestingly, these havioral processes such as navigation, mate selection, studies only recovered two opsin classes (UVS and LWS) predator avoidance, and foraging. The sensitivity of vis- and failed to recover a SWS opsin, suggesting the loss of ual systems to different regions of the visible light an entire opsin class. Such a loss is rare, having only been spectrum is achieved through the interaction of light reported in four other species of insects [6, 44–46]. photons with visual pigment molecules housed in the Most physiological studies on coleopteran eyes support photoreceptor cells of the eye. Each visual pigment mol- the loss of a SWS opsin class, only detecting sensitivities ecule is composed of a G-protein coupled receptor—an in the UV and long wavelengths (e.g., [39, 47–57]; Table 1). opsin—bound to a photosensitive chromophore, retinal. A few studies, however, have demonstrated the presence Previous studies have suggested substitutions of amino of three to five peak spectral sensitivities in other beetle acids in the seven trans-membrane domains closest to the groups (Buprestidae: [58]; Cantharidae [59]; Carabidae: chromophore—the chromophore binding pocket—have the [60]; Chrysomelidae: [61]; [62]; : highest potential for altering the peak spectral sensitivity [63]; Lampyridae: [41]; Rhagophthalmidae [64]; Scarabaei- (λmax value) of a visual pigment, known as spectral tuning dae: [65]). Such diversity in spectral sensitivity suggests (see [1–11]). There are two key aspects to the opsin that the visual systems of these species have a greater chromophore binding pocket that determine the spectral underlying molecular complexity. Other spectral tun- sensitivity of retinal isomerization upon light activation. ing mechanisms, such as filtering pigments in The first is the chemical environment of the protonated [52, 66], serve to narrow and shift the spectral sensitiv- Schiff base, and the second is the shape of the chromo- ityofthevisualpigmentbysmallamounts(~20– phore, which is determined by the structure of the chromo- 25 nm). However, to maintain high photon catch, large phore binding pocket. Amino acid substitutions in this (~100 nm) shifts in peak sensitivity would be better region may alter the geometry and steric space available for served by a dedicated photopigment. Thus, the aim binding the chromophore and/or alter the chemical nature of this paper is to explore the potential molecular and hydrogen bonding in the pocket [12–15]. Thus, the diversity in beetles that might explain the diverse identification of amino acid variation between putative spectral sensitivities observed. As yet, complementary opsin copies is an important step in predicting spectral tun- studies with both physiological and molecular data ing of photopigments. only exist for fireflies (Lampyridae) [41–43] and diving Insect opsins, which underpin sensitivity to ultravio- beetles (Dytiscidae) [33, 39, 40], both of which lack let (~350 nm), short (~440 nm), and long (~530 nm) sensitivity to short wavelengths. wavelengths [6], form natural phylogenetic groups The jewel beetles (Buprestidae) are an ideal candi- called opsin classes. The common ancestor of the in- date for studying potential molecular complexity sects is hypothesized to have been trichromatic and within beetles. Most members of the group are possessed a single opsin of each spectral class (ultravio- diurnally-active, highly visual, and display impressive let sensitive UVS, short-wavelength sensitive SWS, and patterns of metallic and pigmented coloration (e.g., long-wavelength sensitive LWS) [6, 16, 17]. Duplica- Chrysochroa, Acmaeodera, Fig. 1) that are a central tionsoftheLWSand/orSWSopsinclasseshavebeen signal to mate recognition [58, 67–69]. Furthermore, shown in a number of insect orders (e.g., : ERG data suggest the economically important Agrilus [18]; Orthoptera: [19]; Lepidoptera: [20–23]; Diptera: planipennis Fairmaire (emerald ash borer—EAB; [24–26]; : [27]). However, UVS duplica- Fig. 1c) has multiple photoreceptor sensitivities to UV, tions among insects are much less common and have violet, SW and LW portions of the spectrum [58]. only been recorded within a few members of Lepidop- Females also exhibit additional sensitivity to longer tera (Heliconius, e.g., [28]), Diptera (e.g., [29]), Hemip- wavelengths (640–670 nm). tera (e.g., [30–32]), and Coleoptera (first larval instar only in marmoratus Gray, [33]). These Objectives duplications have also been shown to result in greater The purpose of this work is to investigate the molecular ability to discriminate ultraviolet signals (e.g., [34]). basis of potential short-wavelength sensitivity in members Conspicuously absent, however, are detailed studies on of the beetle family Buprestidae. The objectives of this study the most diverse order—Coleoptera (beetles). are to: 1) investigate the presence/absence of the SWS opsin class, 2) identify potential duplications within UVS Coleoptera visual systems—a loss of short-wavelength and LWS opsin classes, and 3) examine opsin protein/ sensitivity? chromophore interactions to identify amino acid substitu- Opsin sequence data for Coleoptera is sparse, having only tions that could confer shifts towards short-wavelength been generated for three groups to date (Tenebrionidae: sensitivity. Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 3 of 17

Table 1 Summary of spectral sensitivities (λmax) from previous studies on Coleoptera Family Taxon Spectral sensitivities (in nm) Method Reference Buprestidae Agrilus planipennis 340, 420–430, 460, 540–560, 640–670 ERG 58 Cantharidae Chauliognathus pulchellus 360, 450, 520–530 IntCell 59 Carabidae 348, 430, 500, 620 ERG 60 Carabus auratus 348, 430, 500, 620 ERG 60 Cicindela chinensis 525 ERG 56 Cincindela specularis 360–380, 510–530 ERG 57 Cincindela japonica 360–380, 510–530 ERG 57 Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decimlineata 370, 450, 530 ERG & IntCell 61 Coccinellidae Coccinella septumpunctata 360, 420, 520 IntCell 62 Dendroctonus pseudotsugae 450, 510–530 ERG 50 Ips paraconfusus 450, 510–530 ERG 50 Dytiscidae Thermonectus marmoratus 375, 520 IntCell 39 Elateridae Pyrophorus punctatissimus near UV, 545 ERG 54 Glaphyridae Pygopleurus israelitus 360, 517, 631 ERG 63 Photuris lucicrescens 350, 440, 550 ERG 41 Lampyridae Various genera and species 360–420, 550–580 ERG 48, 51-53, 55 Rhagophthalmidae Rhagophthalmus ohbai 360, 540–560, 600 ERG 64 Anomala corpulenta 400, 460, 498–562 ERG 65 Lethrus apterus 355, 525 ERG 49 Protaetia brevitarsis 360–380, 510–530 ERG 57 Tenebrionidae Tenebrio molitor 520–550 ERG 47 ERG electroretinogram, IntCell intracellular recording

Results and discussion buprestid (EAB) to short wavelengths [58], we did not Buprestidae opsin classes and copies recover a SWS (blue) opsin class in any of the taxa The lack of a SWS opsin class in beetles is somewhat analysed. However, we detected at least four opsin unexpected, as the diversity of eye morphologies and copies in all buprestids (Figs. 2 and 3a-b)—two UVS visually-mediated behaviors within the group [64, 68, 70–72] and two LWS opsins, the most detected in any beetle would suggest sensitivity to the full spectral range of species. In the male EAB, a partial third LWS opsin visible light. Within the Buprestidae, although pre- copy (containing all seven trans-membrane domains) vious physiology data supports sensitivity of one was detected.



Fig. 1 Jewel Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) sequenced in this study. a Chrysochroa tonkinensis (Descarpentries); b Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (EAB), dorsal view, exhibiting “wing flashing”; c Steraspis amplipennis (Fåhraeus); d Acmaeodera diffusa Barr; e Chrysobothris lateralis Waterhouse. Photo credit: a NPL; b JPL; c Charles Bellamy, Sacramento, CA; d Nicky Davis; e Lon Brehmer and Enriqueta Flores-Guevara, Redington, AZ Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 4 of 17

100 Chrysobothris lateralis female UVS1 93 Chrysobothris lateralis male UVS1 Chrysochroa tonkinensis UVS1 93 100 Steraspis amplipennis female UVS1 99 Sphenoptera sp. female UVS1

100 Agrilus planipennis female UVS1 100 Agrilus planipennis male UVS1

100 Acmaeodera diffusa female UVS1 Coleoptera Acmaeodera diffusa male UVS1 100 Chrysobothris lateralis female UVS2 62 71 Chrysobothris lateralis male UVS2 Acmaeodera diffusa female UVS2 72 100 UVS opsin class Acmaeodera diffusa male UVS2 72 Sphenoptera sp. female UVS2

98 Chrysochroa tonkinensis UVS2 96 Steraspis amplipennis female UVS2 64 SWS opsin class 100 Agrilus planipennis female UVS2 Agrilus planipennis male UVS2

99 Allodessus bistrigatus UVS 68 Paroster nigroadumbratus UVS LWS opsin class 100 Thermonectus marmoratus UVS1 Thermonectus marmoratus larva UVS2 58 80 Tribolium castaneum UVS 0.6 Luciola cruciata UVS

58 100 Heliconius erato UVS1 100 Heliconius sapho UVS1 Heliconius melpomene UVS Rh1 100 100 Heliconius erato UVS2 98 100 Heliconius sapho UVS2 Heliconius melpomene UVS Rh2 99 Danaus plexippus UVS

100 100 Macroglossum stellatarum UVS Manduca sexta UVS 99 Pieris rapae UVS

100 melanogaster UVS Rh3 93 Drosophila melanogaster UVS Rh4

100 Laodelphax striatella UVS1 100 Sogatella furcifera UVS1 Nilaparvata lugens UVS1 100 100 Laodelphax striatella UVS2 86 100 Sogatella furcifera UVS2 Nilaparvata lugens UVS2 99 64 Nephotettix cincticeps UVS

100 Dianemobius nigrofasciatus UVS 89 Gryllus bimaculatus UVS 77 100 peregrinus RhUVS Sympetrum frequens RhUVS

100 Apis cerana UVS 100 Apis mellifera UVS Ceratosolen solmsi UVS Megoura viciae UVS

99 Heliconius sapho blue 100 Heliconius melpomene blue 98 Heliconius erato blue

100 99 Danaus plexippus blue

83 Macroglossum stellatarum blue 100 Manduca sexta blue 100 Pieris rapae violet

99 Pieris rapae blue 100 Apis cerana blue 100 Apis mellifera blue 99 Ceratosolen solmsi blue

100 Dianemobius nigrofasciatus blue 97 100 Gryllus bimaculatus blue Nephotettix cincticeps blue Drosophila melanogaster blue Rh5

99 100 Sympetrum frequens RhSWC2 100 Sympetrum frequens RhSWC3 100 Sympetrum frequens RhSWC1 100 Indolestes peregrinus RhSWB1 100 Sympetrum frequens RhSWB1

100 Indolestes peregrinus RhSWA1 Sympetrum frequens RhSWA1

100 Agrilus planipennis female LWS1 95 Agrilus planipennis male LWS1 76 Sphenoptera sp. female LWS1

100 Chrysobothris lateralis female LWS1 99 Chrysobothris lateralis male LWS1 Acmaeodera diffusa female LWS1 100 100 Acmaeodera diffusa male LWS1

76 Chrysochroa tonkinensis LWS1 100 Steraspis sp. female LWS1

100 Acmaeodera diffusa female LWS2 Acmaeodera diffusa male LWS2 Agrilus planipennis female LWS2 57 100 Agrilus planipennis male LWS2

100 Chrysobothris lateralis female LWS2 98 Chrysobothris lateralis male LWS2 75 Sphenoptera sp. female LWS2 77 Chrysochroa tonkinensis LWS2 100 64 Steraspis amplipennis female LWS2 Luciola cruciata LWS Tribolium castaneum LWS

64 100 Allodessus bistrigatus LWS 84 Limbodessus palmulaoides LWS 99 99 Paroster nigroadumbratus LWS 100 Thermonectus marmoratus larva LWS Agrilus planipennis male LWS3

100 Laodelphax striatella LWS 100 Sogatella furcifera LWS Nilaparvata lugens LWS

100 Nephotettix cincticeps LWS Megoura viciae LWS

100 Dianemobius nigrofasciatus LWS Gryllus bimaculatus green2

100 Heliconius erato LWS 100 Heliconius sapho LWS 100 Heliconius melpomene LWS 100 85 Danaus plexippus LWS 100 Pieris rapae LWS

97 Macroglossum stellatarum LWS Manduca sexta LWS Apis cerana LWS 94 100 100 Apis mellifera LWS1 Ceratosolen solmsi LWS1

81 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWA1 96 Sympetrum frequens RhLWA1 100 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWA2 Sympetrum frequens RhLWA2

95 64 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWC1 80 Sympetrum frequens RhLWC1 82 Sympetrum frequens RhLWB1

80 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWD1 100 Sympetrum frequens RhLWD1 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWD2 86 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWE1

95 100 100 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWE2 89 Indolestes peregrinus RhLWF1 Sympetrum frequens RhLWF4 100 75 Sympetrum frequens RhLWF1 97 Sympetrum frequens RhLWF2 88 96 Sympetrum frequens RhLWF3 Sympetrum frequens RhLWSE1 97 Gryllus bimaculatus green1 ocellar Drosophila melanogaster LWS Rh6 100 100 Apis mellifera LWS2 ocellar Ceratosolen solmsi LWS2 ocellar

100 Drosophila melanogaster Rh1 Drosophila melanogaster Rh2 ocellar

100 OUTGROUP Doryteuthis pealeii rhodopsin 98 OUTGROUP Loligo forbesii rhodopsin 99 OUTGROUP Todarodes pacificus rhodopsin 100 OUTGROUP Sepia officinalis rhodopsin OUTGROUP Enteroctopus dofleini rhodopsin OUTGROUP Bovine rhodopsin Fig. 2 Opsin gene topology of 145 sequences based on the single best ML tree under the BIC best-fit protein model LG + F + I + G4, LogL = -39087.214. UFBootstrap values based on 10,000 replicates are given at nodes (UFBootstrap values < 50 not shown). Tree was rooted to bovine rhodopsin outgroup. Jewel beetle taxa are bolded Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 5 of 17

Agrilus planipennis female UVS2 Acmaeodera diffusa female LWS2 AB100 100 Agrilus planipennis male UVS2 Acmaeodera diffusa male LWS2 35 54

Acmaeodera diffusa female UVS2 Agrilus planipennis female LWS2 100 99 35 Agrilus planipennis male LWS2 38 Acmaeodera diffusa male UVS2

Chrysochroa tonkinensis LWS2 Chrysochroa tonkinensis UVS2 31 95 96 Steraspis amplipennis female LWS2 78 Steraspis amplipennis female UVS2

40 Sphenoptera sp female LWS2 Chrysobothris lateralis female UVS2 100 Chrysobothris lateralis female LWS2 Chrysobothris lateralis male UVS2 UVS copy #2 100 LWS copy #2 74 Chrysobothris lateralis male LWS2 Sphenoptera sp female UVS2 Agrilus planipennis female LWS1 Agrilus planipennis female UVS1 100 100 99 Agrilus planipennis male LWS1 67 33 50 Agrilus planipennis male UVS1 Acmaeodera diffusa female LWS1 Sphenoptera sp female UVS1 100 52 Acmaeodera diffusa male LWS1 94 Chrysobothris lateralis female UVS1 100 Chrysobothris lateralis female LWS1 79 100 Chrysobothris lateralis male UVS1 88 Chrysobothris lateralis male LWS1 100 Chrysochroa tonkinensis UVS1 33 97 Sphenoptera sp female LWS1 97 Steraspis amplipennis female UVS1 Chrysochroa tonkinensis LWS1 100 UVS copy #1 92 99 LWS copy #1 Acmaeodera diffusa female UVS1 100 Steraspis amplipennis female LWS1 Acmaeodera diffusa male UVS1 85 Luciola cruciata LWS Allodessus bistrigatus UVS 99 Tribolium castaneum LWS

67 Paroster nigroadumbratus UVS 86 Agrilus planipennis male LWS3

71 Thermonectus marmoratus larva UVS1 Allodessus bistrigatus LWS 100 Thermonectus marmoratus larva UVS2 Limbodessus palmulaoides LWS 100 29 51 Tribolium castaneum UVS Thermonectus marmoratus larva LWS 49

Luciola cruciata UVS Paroster nigroadumbratus LWS LWS copy #3 Bovine / Cephalopod rhodopsin outgroups Bovine / Cephalopod outgroups

0.6 0.6 Fig. 3 a Coleoptera UVS opsin gene topology based on the single best ML tree under the BIC best-fit protein model LG + F + I + G4, LogL = -8783.692. UFBootstrap values based on 10,000 replicates are given at nodes (UFBootstrap values < 50 not shown). Tree was rooted to bovine and cephalopod rhodopsin outgroups. Jewel beetle taxa are bolded. b Coleoptera LWS opsin gene topology based on the single best ML tree under the BIC best-fit protein model LG + F + I + G4, LogL = -8270.226. UFBootstrap values based on 10,000 replicates are given at nodes. Tree was rooted to bovine and cephalopod rhodopsin outgroups. Jewel beetle taxa are bolded

The opsin topology generated for all taxa (Fig. 2) Acmaeodera diffusa Barr LWS2, which is recovered either recovered well-supported clades (UFBoot ≥99) for insect as sister to buprestid LWS1 opsins (full taxon topology, UVS, SWS, and LWS opsin classes. The buprestid Fig. 2), or nested within the remaining buprestid LWS2. UVS1 + 2 clade was recovered as sister to the remaining This is likely due to the sequence dissimilarity of Acmaeo- Coleoptera UVS in both the full taxon topology (Fig. 2) and dera diffusa from the other buprestid taxa, resulting in long Coleoptera-specific UVS topology (Fig. 3a). In both ana- branches. Interestingly, members of Acameodera generally lyses, the buprestid UVS1 and UVS2 clades were recovered possess pigmented coloration, and mate recognition is with high support (UFBoots >75) and sister to one another. thought to occur on the flowers on which they feed. This is The buprestid LWS clade was recovered as nested within in contrast with the predominant iridescent coloration and the other coleopteran LWS opsins (UFBoot ≥ 98 in full and mate-seeking behavior of most other buprestids. Coleoptera-specific LWS topologies), with the exception of The presence of a third LWS opsin copy (LWS3) in the male EAB LWS3, which was recovered as sister to the male EAB only and the recovery of this opsin outside of diving beetles in the full topology (Fig. 2), or nested within the Buprestidae LWS clade in both full taxon and the beetles in the Coleoptera-specific LWS topology Coleoptera-specific analyses are of interest. Tests of opsin (Fig. 3b). The buprestid LWS1 clade was recovered with copy relative expression from the generated EAB male high support in both analyses (UFBoot ≥ 99) and as sister to and female transcriptomes yielded comparable expression the LWS2 buprestid paralogs (or opsin copies). One not- levels of LWS1 and LWS2 between copies and sexes, as able difference between the full taxon LWS topology and did levels of UVS1 and UVS2 opsins. LWS3, however, was the Coleoptera-specific LWS topology is the placement of expressed at significantly lower levels in the male EAB Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 6 of 17

(Fig. 4). Although the presence of a third male LWS opsin lower than the ranges recovered in other insects with du- may have some biological relevance in male-driven EAB plications (e.g., UVS1/UVS2 similiarity in Acmaeodera dif- mate recognition strategies, discrepancies in data suggest fusa: 72 %; all other Buprestidae: 82–84 %; Heliconius this opsin is more likely to be residual expression from the spp.: 93–94 %, Hemiptera spp.: 91–92 %). Within larval life stage rather than a unique adult copy. Physio- Buprestidae, opsin copies were more similar to inter- logical data from EAB suggests a broader range of spectral specific orthologs (e.g., LWS2 opsin copies between sensitivities recorded in EAB females [58] as opposed to buprestid species: 87–95 % similarity) than to intraspe- the copy-rich males, and the lower expression levels of cific paralogs (e.g., Acmaeodera diffusa opsin UVS1/ LWS3 in relation to LWS1&2 (Fig. 4) suggest rarity within UVS2, LWS1/LWS2 paralogs: 72 and 75 %, respectively; the transcriptome. Phylogenetically, the lack of LWS3 all other buprestid paralogs 78–86 %). The LWS3 opsin recovery in any other buprestid taxa and molecular simi- in male EAB is more similar to the LWS opsins of the larity of EAB LWS3 to a larval diving beetle and other larval Thermonectus marmoratus and all other adult Coleoptera opsins further support this third copy as a po- beetles (86–93 % similarity) than to the EAB LWS1 and tential larval hold-over (Fig. 2, Additional file 1: Table S3). LWS2 paralogs (78 and 86 % similarity, respectively). Confirmation of this hypothesis will require the generation This degree of sequence divergence suggests that opsins of additional transcriptomes across life stages to accurately have undergone greater diversification within bupres- characterize the EAB male LWS3 opsin. Nevertheless, the tids than in other insect taxa. loss of the SWS class combined with UVS and LWS opsin duplications across all buprestid taxa indicates a functional Opsin structure and ligand binding amino acid variations significance for opsin variability within the highly visual Sequence data for the recovered buprestid opsins provided jewel beetles. us the opportunity to examine potential similarities in opsin structure and spectral sensitivities with other insects. Amino acid comparisons of opsin genes Homology-based modeling resulted in best-fit model pre- Intra- and interspecific pairwise comparisons of Bupresti- dictions utilizing squid rhodopsin (Todarodes pacificus dae across the opsin sequences for amino acid similarity, (Steenstrup), RSCB protein databank: 2Z73; [15]) as the as well as comparisons of opsin paralogs in other insect template for all opsins recovered from the generated tran- taxa, are given in Additional file 1: Table S3. In general, scriptomes. To confer short-wave sensitivity in buprestids, amino acid sequence similarity between paralogous opsin we predict that substitutions in the UVS duplicates cause a copies within the buprestid individuals (calculated as the bathochromic (toward a longer λ) shift in spectral sensitv- number of both identical and chemically conserved amino ity, and/or substitutions in the LWS duplicates cause a hyp- acids divided by total amino acid number), is noticably sochromic (toward a shorter λ) shift of the visual pigment.

AB 16 16 14 log2 FPKM log2 FPKM 02468101214 024681012 LW 1 LW 2 LW 3 UV 1 UV 2 LW 1 LW 2 UV 1 UV 2 Agrilus planipennis (EAB) male Agrilus planipennis (EAB) female Fig. 4 Emerald ash borer opsin gene copy expression trends: a EAB male; b EAB female Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 7 of 17

To investigate this possibility, we performed tests of posi- tuning between red and green wavelengths in a hypsochro- tive selection (PS) and analyzed the amino acid compos- mic direction [81]. ition and structure of the chromophore binding pocket in An I-L substitution between Buprestidae UVS1 and the buprestid opsins (Figs. 6 and 7, Tables 2 and 3). UVS2 at binding pocket site 207 was found to be under PS in the UVS2 clade (Table 2; branch “UV-D” in Fig. 5a), and although this substitution introduces only minimal steric Tests of Positive Selection (PS) variation to the binding pocket, a homologous substitution A list of all sites recovered as under PS from the lineages in results in a 6 nm shift in the SWS opsin, tested in our analyses (Fig. 5a-b), as well as the homolo- with additive effects on spectral shifting when in combin- gous site across other opsin copies within those taxa is ation with other substitutions [82, 83]. A S118T binding presented in Additional file 2: Table S4. Log-likelihood pocket substitution in Buprestidae UVS paralogs does not values and parameter estimates of the branch-site tests exhibit significant structural variation, nor was this substi- of PS are provided in Additional file 3: Table S5. Only tution recovered as under PS, but substitutions at this sites in UVS/LWS clades under PS that exhibit signifi- homologous site exhibited PS in a lampyrid [43], and a cant amino acid structural variation and/or additional 13 nm hypsochromic shift in a lepidopteran [11]. Three supporting data will be discussed below. additional non-binding pocket sites with substitutions in Buprestidae UVS2 opsins—107, 137, and 242—were recov- Amino acid substitutions of importance ered as being under positive selection, exhibit some degree An analysis of residue substitutions in the buprestid of significant structural variation, and are implicated in opsin copies identified points of potential bathochromic spectral shifting or under PS in other organisms (see or hypsochromic spectral variation in the copies. Of par- Table 2). There are a number of additional substitutions ticular interest are substitutions that are: 1) under PS in within the Buprestidae UVS1 clade (site 105, 294; branch one opsin paralog only, 2) similar to substitutions found “UV-C” in Fig. 5a) or Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 clade (site in other taxa at homologous sites that confer a change 12, 105, 125, 172, 188, 272, 293, and 294; branch “UV-F” in in spectral sensitivity [73–80], or 3) present within UVS Fig. 5a) that are under PS, exhibit significant structral or LWS copies and introduce a residue that significantly changes, and/or are recovered as important in other taxa, alters the chemical nature or shape of the chromophore but are not located in the binding pocket or are invariant binding pocket (see Figs. 6 and 7). Amino acid substitu- in all Buprestidae UVS opsin paralogs. These residues can tions that meet several structural critera, as defined be found in Table 2 and have been mapped on an opsin below, are presented in Tables 2 and 3. An increase or reconstruction (Figs. 6 and 7). decrease in size indicates the length of the amino acid In Buprestidae LWS copies, there are 15 residues with side chain differs by more than one (non-H) atom. Such the potential for bathochromic tuning toward SW sensi- changes have the potential to alter helical packing and tivity (Table 3), although the correlations between spe- orientation by their steric variation. A gain of polarity or cific paralogs (e.g., LWS1 vs LWS2) are less clear than in charge confers the ability for hydrogen bonding, which the UVS opsin copies. Three substitutions are present in can stabilize structure and also is important in the the binding pocket and exhibit some degree of signifi- chromophore binding pocket for light-induced activation. cant structural change (C122T, V211C, and A/ML269L), Likewise, a loss of polarity or charge removes the ability to but only site 211 was recovered as under PS in Bupresti- hydrogen bond and creates a hydrophobic region. dae LWS1 (branch “LW-E” in Fig. 5b) and under PS in In Buprestidae UVS copies, there are 15 residues that another insect group (Lepidoptera: Heliconius; [28]). All meet these criteria and hence have the potential for three sites, however, are implicated in 2–17 nm wavelength bathochromic tuning toward blue sensitivity (Table 2). shifts in vertebrates [12, 82]. Sites 46, 123, and 274 are lo- Of these, the A186Q and Y261F substitutions are signifi- cated outside the chromophore binding pocket, but exhibit cant because they change polar residues in the binding substitutions of structural significance, are recovered as pocket, which may alter the H-bonding that occurs in an under PS in Buprestidae UVS1 copies (branches “LW-C” extended network from the protonated Schiff base, and and “LW-E” in Fig. 5b), and are implicated in wavelength subsequently the activation of retinal. Site 186 was re- shifts at homologous sites in Lepidoptera LWS opsins covered as being under PS in the Buprestidae UVS2 [8, 20] and SWS opsins [79, 83]. Although opsin clade (branch “UV-D” in Fig. 5a), although 261 substitutions at sites 44, 91, and 164 were shown to be was not. These two substitutions are also present in the under PS and implicated in several independent “blue” butterfly species Heliconius, which has two UVS copies shifts in Limenitis butterflies [21, 77, 78] and vertebrates (see Table 2) and a unique spectral sensitivity reported for [73, 76, 81, 82], these sites were not recovered as under PS each copy [28]. Additionally, Y261F has been identified in or possessing substitutions of significant structural vari- humans as one of two residues responsible for spectral ation in Buprestidae, although additive effects on spectral Table 2 Candidate residues for spectral shifting between paralogous UVS opsin copies e.g., UVS1 vs. UVS2) based on combined evidence Lord

Gene Site Location Positive branch-site Branch label UVS1 UVS2 Structural significance of Positive selection in other Wavelength shifts in other Biology Evolutionary BMC al. et selection in Buprestidae (see Fig. X) residue residue substitution (this study) organisms at homologous organisms at homologous (this study) sites (previous studies) sites (previous studies) UV 12 EL Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F V P imposed backbone rigidity Lepidoptera: Heliconius - UV A37E [28] 105 EL Buprestidae UVS1 UV-C T T/L gain of polarity (T–L) Lepidoptera: Heliconius - UV T121I [28] Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F A L increase in size 107 EL Buprestidae UVS2 UV-D H F/M/Y loss of positive charge Lepidoptera: Heliconius - (to polar or neutral), UV A123S/T [28] –

increase in size (H Y) (2016) 16:107 118 CBP, TM3 - - T/S T most likely Coleoptera: Photinus Lepidoptera: Pieris rapae SWS insignificant UVS S133 [43] S116A (13 nm hypsochromic shift) [11] 125 TM3 Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F G S gain of polarity, increase in size - Vertebrates: Rh1 125 (-5 nm to +8 nm shifts) [75] 137 CL Buprestidae UVS2 UV-D T H gain of positive charge - Mammals: Rhodopsin V137M (from polar), increase in size (retinitis pigmentosa) [76] 172 TM4 Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F F Y gain of polarity - Lepidoptera: LWS L145M/F/I (blue shifts) [78] 186 CBP, EL Buprestidae UVS2 UV-D A Q gain of polarity, increase in size Lepidoptera: Heliconius - UVS S202A [28] 188 CBP, EL Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F S G loss of polarity, decrease in size Lepidoptera: Heliconius - UVS T204S [28] 207 CBP, TM5 Buprestidae UVS2 UV-D I L most likely insignificant - Vertebrates: SWS L207M/I (6 nm shift plus additive effects) [82, 83] 242a CL Buprestidae UVS2 UV-D A Q gain of polarity, increase in size Coleoptera: Photinus - UVS A268 [43] T/S Q change in polarity, increase in size 261 CBP, TM6 - - F/Y F loss of polarity (Y–F) - Human: Y277F (red/green pigment variation) [81]; Vertebrates: SWS T261F (5 nm blue shift) [82] 272 TM6 Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F S C gain of potential for disulfide Coleoptera: Photinus UVS - bonding S299 [43] 293 TM7 Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F C L loss of polarity and potential for Lepidoptera: Heliconius Human: Y309F (red/green disulfide bonding UVS V321I [28] pigment variation) [81] 294 TM7 Buprestidae UVS1 UV-C F T/A loss of polarity (F–T), increase in size Coleoptera: Photinus UVS - T321 [43] Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2 UV-F C F increase in size, loss of polarity 17 of 8 Page and potential for disulfide bonding agap between bovine reside 242 & 243, original residue A267 in Acmaeodera diffusa UVS1 Residues provided are for the lineage in which positive selection occurs. Sites numbered according to bovine in column two; sites numbered according to original study in columns 9–10. CBP: chromophore binding pocket; CL: cytoplasmic loop; EL: extracellular loop; TM: transmembrane helix Table 3 Candidate residues for spectral shifting between paralogous LWS opsin copies e.g., LWS1 vs. LWS2) based on combined evidence Lord

Gene Site Location Positive branch-site Branch label LWS1 LWS2 LWS3 residue Structural significance of Positive selection in other Wavelength shifts in other Biology Evolutionary BMC al. et selection in Buprestidae (see Fig. X) residue residue (EAB males) substitution (this study) organisms at homologous organisms at homologous (this study) sites (previous studies) sites (previous studies) LW 44 TM1 I I/M most likely insignificant (I–M) Lepidoptera: Limenitis spp. LWS I17M (positive selection and blue shifts) [21, 78]; I44M suggested for Lepidoptera [77]; Mammals: Rhodopsin M44T (3 nm blue shift) [76] 46 TM1 Buprestidae LWS1 LW-E T V gain of polarity Vertebrates: SWS F46A/L [79, 83] I V most likely insignificant C I gain of polarity and potential

for disulfide bonding (2016) 16:107 91 TM2 A V/S most likely insignificant (A–V) Lepidoptera: Limenitis spp. LWS A64S (positive selection or gain of polarity (A–S) and blue shifts) [21, 78]; Vertebrates: SWS P91S (10 nm blue shift) [82] 93 TM2 Acmaeodera diffusa LW-F P E gain of backbone flexibility, Vertebrates: SWS LWS2 increase in size, gain of T93L/V [74, 83] negative charge (from neutral) 122 CBP, T/C C gain of potential for disulfide Bovine: E122Q TM3 bonding (T–C) (17 nm blue shift) [12]; Vertebrates: SWS I122M (6 nm blue shift) [82] 123 TM3 Coleoptera LWS (some) LW-H V T I loss of polarity (T–I) or most Lepidoptera: LW 97 + Agrilus planipennis likely insignificant (V–I) [8, 20] LWS3 (male) Buprestidae LWS1 LW-E V/A T loss of polarity 156 TM4 Coleoptera LWS (some) LW-H W R Q gain of positive charge from Lepidoptera: Heliconius + Agrilus planipennis neutral (W–R), gain of polarity UVS M171L [28] LWS3 (male) (W–Q), loss of positive charge (to polar) and decrease in size (R–Q) Acmaeodera diffusa LW-G W R loss of positive charge (to neutral) LWS 1 164 TM4 S/T S/T/C/ most likely insignificant (S/T–S/T) Lepidoptera: Limenitis spp., LWS S137A (positive A selection and blue shifts) [21]; S138A suggested gain of potential for disulfide – for Lepidoptera [77]; Humans: S180A (red/green bonding (S/T C) pigment variation, 5 nm shift) [73, 81] loss of polarity (S/T–A) 170 TM4 Coleoptera LWS (some) LW-H A A L increase in size (A–L) Lepidoptera: Heliconius + Agrilus planipennis UVS M185L [28] LWS3 (male)

197 EL Coleoptera LWS (some) LW-H D D E most likely insignificant (D–E) Lepidoptera: LWS 170 17 of 9 Page + Agrilus planipennis (blue shifts) [78]; LWS3 (male) Vertebrates: LWS 197 [80] Table 3 Candidate residues for spectral shifting between paralogous LWS opsin copies e.g., LWS1 vs. LWS2) based on combined evidence (Continued) Lord

211 CBP, Buprestidae LWS1 LW-E C V gain of polarity and disulfide Lepidoptera: Heliconius Bovine: Rh1 H211C Biology Evolutionary BMC al. et TM5 bond potential UVS S125T/A [28] (5 nm shift) [12]; Vertebrates: SWS S211C (2 nm blue shift) [82] 242a CL Acmaeodera diffusa LW-G Ab A no substitutionb Coleoptera: Photinus UVS LWS1 A268 [43] 269 CBP, L/A/M L increase in size (A–L) Bovine: LWS A269T (14 nm toward TM6 red) [9]; Human: T269A (red/green most likely insignificant (M–L) pigment variation, 15 nm shift) [73, 81] 274 TM6 Buprestidae LWS1 + LW-C T/V/L/ T loss of polarity (V/L/A–T) Lepidoptera: LWS 259 Acmaeodera diffusa A [20] (2016) 16:107 LWS2 281 EL Coleoptera LWS (some) LW-H A A K gain of positive charge (from Coleoptera: Photinus LWS + Agrilus planipennis neutral) and increase in size (A–K) T309 [43] LWS3 (male) agap between bovine reside 242 & 243, original residue A268 in Acmaeodera diffusa LWS1 balthough there is no variation of amino acids at site A268 in Acmaeodera diffusa, all other buprestids Residues provided are for the lineage in which positive selection occurs. Sites numbered according to bovine in column 2; sites numbered according to original study in columns 9–10. CBP: chromophore binding pocket; CL: cytoplasmic loop; EL: extracellular loop; TM: transmembrane helix ae1 f17 of 10 Page Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 11 of 17

Agrilus planipennis f. UV1 Agrilus planipennis m. UV1 Chrysobothris lateralis f. UV1 Chrysobothris lateralis m. UV1 Sphenoptera sp f. UV1 Number of sites Acmaeodera diffusa f. UV1 UVS UV-C UV-E under PS Acmaeodera diffusa m. UV1 Signif. Signif. Branch Chrysochroa tonkinensis m. UV1 (0.95) (0.99) Steraspis amplipennis f. UV1 UV-A 96 Tribolium castaneum UV UV-B 70 Luciola cruciata UV Chrysobothris lateralis f. UV2 UV-C 32 UV-B Chrysobothris lateralis m. UV2 UV-D 33 UV-F Acmaeodera diffusa f. UV2 Acmaeodera diffusa m. UV2 UV-E 10 Sphenoptera sp f. UV2 UV-F 16 1 Chrysochroa tonkinensis m. UV2 UV-A UV-D Steraspis amplipennis f. UV2 Agrilus planipennis f. UV2 Agrilus planipennis m. UV2 Allodessus bistrigatus UV Paroster nigroadumbratus UV Thermonectus marmoratus UV1 Thermonectus marmoratus UV2

Chrysobothris lateralis f. LW1 Chrysobothris lateralis m. LW1 LW-G Acmaeodera diffusa f. LW1 Acmaeodera diffusa m. LW1 Sphenoptera sp f. LW1 Chrysochroa tonkinensis m. LW1 LW-E Steraspis amplipennis f. LW1 Number of sites Agrilus planipennis f. LW1 LW-C LWS under PS Agrilus planipennis m. LW1 Signif. Signif. Branch LW-F Acmaeodera diffusa f. LW2 (0.95) (0.99) Acmaeodera diffusa m. LW2 LW-A 02 LW-B Agrilus planipennis f. LW2 Agrilus planipennis m. LW2 LW-B 32 Chrysochroa tonkinensis m. LW2 LW-C 30 Steraspis amplipennis f. LW2 Sphenoptera sp f. LW2 LW-D 00 LW-D Chrysobothris lateralis f. LW2 LW-A LW-E 34 Chrysobothris lateralis m. LW2 Luciola cruciata LW LW-F 2 0 Tribolium castaneum LW LW-G 40

Allodessus bistrigatus LW LW-H 36 Limbodessus palmulaoides LW Paroster nigroadumbratus LW Thermonectus marmoratus LW LW-H Agrilus planipennis m. LW3 Fig. 5 (See legend on next page.) Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 12 of 17

(See figure on previous page.) Fig. 5 a UVS opsin topology with tests of branch-site positive selection. Branch labels are in red. Numbers of amino acid sites under positive selection for p-values of 0.95 and 0.99 are provided in the table insert. For full listing of amino acid sites under selection and statistics, see Additional file 2: Table S4 and Additional file 3: Table S5. b LWS opsin topology with tests of branch-site positive selection. Branch labels are in red. Numbers of amino acid sites under positive selection for p-values of 0.95 and 0.99 are provided in the table insert. For full listing of amino acid sites under selection and statistics, see Additional file 2: Table S4 and Additional file 3: Table S5 tuning cannot be discounted. Several other sites were might enable short-wavelength sensitivity among Bupres- recovered under PS and/or with significant structural vari- tidae, which is specifically provided for by the duplication ation in LWS opsin copies of specific buprestid taxa (93, of UVS and/or LWS opsin copies. 156, 242, 274 in Acmaeodera diffusa; 123, 156, 170, 197, 281 in male Agrilus planipennis LWS3), but variation was not present across all Buprestidae LWS opsin paralogs Conclusions (Table 3). This study reveals previously unseen molecular com- In summary, our UVS1/UVS2 buprestid copies possess plexity underpinning spectral sensitivity within Coleop- five sites with amino acid substitutions in the chromo- tera. Previous electrophysiological work on the emerald phore binding pocket (118, 186, 188, 207, 261) and five ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) demonstrated sites outside the binding pocket (105, 107, 137, 242, 294) a greater diversity in photoreceptor sensitivity (UV, SW that are specific to buprestid UVS paralogs and are and LW) than the vast majority of other beetles (UV and strongly implicated in bathochromic spectral tuning in LW). Our results suggest that, in the absence of a SWS other organisms (Table 2). Three buprestid LWS1/LWS2 opsin class, sensitivity has been gained through subse- sites in the chromophore binding pocket (122, 211, 269) quent shifts in spectral sensitivity (spectral tuning) of and three sites outside the binding pocket (46, 123, 274) UVS/LWS opsin duplications, achieved by specific amino suggest hypsochromic shifts and are recovered in other acid substitutions within the opsin proteins. Our analysis organisms (Table 3). Note that many of these are reported of potential spectral tuning sites within these copies high- to contribute to spectral tuning in other organisms and lights a number of substitutions that are likely to have could do so through translation of structural variation to conferred SW sensitivity within these species. This study either the chromophore binding pocket or the intracellu- forms the basis for future site-specific mutagenesis of the lar face that binds signaling proteins. Taken collectively, non-conserved substitutions to definitively confirm these we provide evidence for a number of candidate sites that as sites critical to spectal shifting within buprestids.

12 12 105 107 272 186 293 188 272 172 293 172 207 294 294 118 207 261 125 261 125

137 137

242 242

Fig. 6 3D model of Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2, two views shown (180° rotation). Retinal is in orange. Residues in green are those reported as potentially significant to spectral tuning in Buprestidae, as listed in Table 2. Numbering is according to bovine rhodopsin Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 13 of 17

207 118 186 261 188

188 186 207

118 261 Fig. 7 Chromophore binding pocket of Acmaeodera diffusa UVS2, two views shown. Retinal is in orange. The residues shown comprise the chromophore binding pocket, as predicted by COACH (within 4 angstroms of retinal). Residues and their side chains in green are those reported as potentially significant to spectral tuning in Buprestidae, as listed in Table 2. Numbering is according to bovine rhodopsin

While other groups of beetles with a well-established history, and phylogenetic placement, allowing for a first reliance on visual cues (e.g., Lampyridae) do not appear look at the opsin diversity within the Buprestidae. Male to possess a SWS opsin or duplications of the LWS/ and female EAB specimens were obtained from the UVS, utility of and reliance on filtering and screening USDA EAB Rearing Facility by JPL in Brighton, MI, pigments is likely to achieve spectral shifting. Both the USA. The specimen of Chrysochroa tonkinensis was col- jewel beetles and fireflies are highly visual coleopterans, lected in northern Vietnam and the specimen if Steraspis although the activity periods (diurnal vs. crepuscular/ in Rwanda by NPL and SMB. NPL collected the male/ nocturnal), light environments, and natural histories (fine- female pairs of Acmaeodera diffusa and Chrysobothris tuning to specific wavelengths in Lampyridae) suggest lateralis were collected in UT and NM, respectively. In an fundamentally different visual systems between members attempt to capture maximum opsin expression, all speci- of the two families. It is possible that filtering pigments mens were collected and processed during typical daylight play a shifting role in Buprestidae as well, although the ex- activity and flight hours (~10:00–14:00 h). The heads were panded spectral sensitivity recorded for Agrilus planipen- disarticulated from live specimens, split longitudinally nis, combined with the ubiquitous opsin duplication and with a sterile razor blade, and submerged in a RNAlater® homologous copy similarity, strongly suggest a function of (ThermoFisher Scientific) solution (protocol in [84]). The biological relevance beyond filtering pigments to achieve specimens were stored at -80 °C until RNA extraction. sensitivity in a missing middle-wavelength opsin class. This work confirms that UVS/LWS opsin duplications Vouchers and amino acid substitutions are widespread within Total RNA-extract and the remainder of specimens used Buprestidae, and the putative gained expansion in spec- in this study (thorax and abdomen) are deposited in the In- tral discrimination is likely highly advantageous for a sect Frozen Tissue collection at Brigham Young University group that relies so heavily on visual cues for mate and (BYU,Provo,UT,USA). host selection. Molecular data Methods Transcriptomics: Total RNA was extracted from the Taxa sequenced eyes of each individual using NucleoSpin RNA II isola- Nine specimens from five species, representing three male/ tion extraction kits (Clontech) and reverse-transcribed female pairs were selected for sequencing (Fig. 1, Additional into cDNA libraries using the Illumina TruSeq RNA v2 file 4: Table S1). Four of the six currently-recognized sub- sample preparation kit. The prepared mRNA libraries families of Buprestidae are represented, providing suffi- were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 utilizing cient phylogenetic coverage to explore opsin diversity 101-cycle paired-end reads by the Microarray and Gen- across the group. A male and female pair of the follow- omic Analysis Core Facility at the Huntsman Cancer ing taxa were sequenced: Acmaeodera diffusa Barr Institute at the University of (Salt Lake City, UT, (subfamily ), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire USA). Transcriptome Assembly: Quality control, assem- (emerald ash borer—EAB; subfamily Agrilinae), and bly, and transcriptome analysis to facilitate downstream Chrysobothris lateralis Waterhouse (subfamily Bupres- phylogenetic analyses were performed using existing com- tinae). Single specimens of three chrysochoines, Chryso- putational tools (see below) combined into a pipeline in chroa tonkinensis (Descarpentries) (male), Steraspis the Bybee Lab (BYU). RNA-seq reads were trimmed using amplipennis (Fåhraeus) (female), and Sphenoptera sp. the Mott algorithm implemented in PoPoolation [85], with (female) were also sequenced. These selected species a minimum read length = 40 and quality threshold = 20. represent extreme variations in size, habitat, natural Thedenovoassemblyofthetranscriptomecontigswas Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 14 of 17

carried out using Trinity [86] under the default parameters. in Figtree v.1.4.2 (Rambaut, Andrew. “FigTree.” http:// Results from the buprestid transcriptome assemblies are tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/), and tree figures were summarized in Additional file 5: Table S2. Opsin Genes: constructed in Adobe Illustrator CC 2014. Potential light-interacting genes were isolated from each transcriptome by utilizing the Phylogenetically-Informed Expression trends Annotation (PIA) tool [87], implemented in Galaxy Expression of each opsin copy in FPKM (fragments per ([88–90]). To identify putative opsins, all individual kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads) for contigs isolated by the PIA tool were BLASTed, as im- Agrilus planipennis was calculated using the algorithm plemented in Geneious® R6, v.6.1.8 (http://www.geneious. of abundance estimation implemented in RNA-seq by com, [91]) utilizing the “nr” database option (searching Expectation-Maximization (RSEM, [99]). GenBank, RefSeq, EMBL, DDBJ, and PDB databases) and the BLASTN algorithm set to 100 maximum hits and de- Tests of positive selection fault E-value threshold of 0.001. Similar hits were then Nucleic acid opsin sequences were first aligned with assessed for E-value and sequence type/description. Opsin MAFFT v.7.017 [94] under the “Auto” strategy as imple- sequences were deposited in GenBank (see Additional mented in Geneious® R6 (BLOSUM62 scoring matrix, file 4: Table S1). 1.53 gap open penalty, 0.123 offset value). Taxa were re- stricted to insects (see Additional file 4: Table S1), and Phylogenetic reconstruction the alignment is available in the Dryad Digital Repository In order to predict the evolutionary relationships of opsin (http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.f8584) Tests for pos- gene sequences generated from the transcriptomes, sible episodic positive selection operating on opsins were additional opsin data from other taxa across Insecta performed in PAML v4 [100]. Using branch-site new were downloaded from GenBank (see Additional file 4: model A, we tested the ancestral UVS and/or LWS Table S1 for accession numbers) for the construction of branches and their sites for positive selection across and an opsin topology. Including the data generated for this between several lineages (see Fig. 5a-b, Additional file 2: study, 139 opsin sequences from 35 taxa across seven Table S4 and Additional file 3: Table S5) of Buprestidae orders of insects were included in the analysis. Addition- and other Coleoptera. The log-likelihood of each compet- ally, bovine rhodopsin and five cephalopod rhodopsin ing model was compared against the null model of fixed sequences were selected as outgroups based on the phylo- ω = 1 (no selection) with the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) genetic relationships of opsins recovered by Porter et al. using χ2 distributions with appropriate degrees of free- [92]. In addition to GenBank, data for Drosophila melano- dom. To avoid model trapping in a local optimum, we ran gaster were obtained from FlyBase [93]. Opsin genes were analyses at least three times specifying initial ω values at restricted to the CDS by manually trimming untranslated 0.1, 1 and 2. Then Bayes empirical Bayes (BEB) [101] pro- regions (UTRs) for each sequence in Geneious®. All opsin cedure was used to calculate posterior probabilities for the sequences were then checked for open reading frames, site classes. translated to amino acids, and aligned with MAFFT v.7.017 [94] under the “Auto” strategy as implemented in Amino acid composition and opsin structure Geneious® R6 (BLOSUM62 scoring matrix, 1.53 gap open To determine amino acid variation, opsin sequences were penalty, 0.123 offset value). Additional alignments of translated and compared intra- and inter-specifically in strictly UVS and strictly LWS opsins from only Coleoptera Geneious® under the BLOSUM62 score matrix [102, 103], plus six outgroups were generated as above. All three with a similarity threshold of 1 (Additional file 1: Table S3). alignments are available in the Dryad Digital Repository Trans-membrane helices were identified for all Coleoptera (doi:10.5061/dryad.f8584). Using protein alignment and included in the analyses using TM-Coffee on the T-Coffee model-testing options within both IQ-Tree [95] and Parti- web server under default settings [104]. Sites of amino acid tionFinder v.1.1.1 [96, 97] the LG + I + G4 + F model was variability were analyzed across and within insect species determined to be the most probable amino acid substitu- (Tables 2 and 3) to determine the potential for spectral tion model for all three alignments. This model was used tuning based on alignment and amino acid chemical to perform independent ML tree searches in IQ-Tree with nature. Homology-based structural modeling was per- 10,000 ultrafast bootstrap iterations (UFBoot; [98]) to as- formed via the I-TASSER server [105–107], including sess the nodal support. Each tree search was repeated concurrent protein-ligand binding site predictions by 1000 times in order to increase the chance of recovering COACH [108, 109]. In order to draw comparisons of opsin the most likely topology with the highest log-likelihood structure and variation and across the class, additional mod- value (LogL). All the aformentioned analyses were con- eling was performed on selected insect opsin proteins (Figs. 6 ducted using the resources of the Fulton Supercomputing and 7). Models with the highest c-score were used in further Lab at Brigham Young University. Trees were visualized structure analysis conducted with UCSF Chimera [110]. Lord et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2016) 16:107 Page 15 of 17

Consent for publication Nyungwe National Park, Louis Rugerinyange, and the assistant warden in Not applicable. charge of research and monitoring, Innocent Ndikubwimana, for their help in conducting research within the boundaries of the park. Thanks to Jes Gruner, Park Manager of Akagera National Park, and African Parks for allowing us to Availability of data and material conduct research in the park. Thanks to Celestin Ahimana, Director of the The datasets supporting the results of this article are avail- Arboretum de Ruhande, for access to the University of Rwanda campus and the preserve. Thanks to Oreste Ndushabandi and Joyeuse Imigambi who able in the Dryad Digital Repository (http://dx.doi.org/ assisted with fieldwork. We thank Charles Bellamy (CDFA, Sacramento, CA), Lon 10.5061/dryad.f8584) [111]. Nucleic acid sequence data Brehmer and Enriqueta Flores-Guevara (Redington, AZ), and Nicky Davis (Draper, supporting the results of this article are available in the UT) for use of images in Fig. 1. NCBI GenBank Repository (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ genbank/). Accession numbers are available in Additional Funding file 4: Table S1. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Division of Environmental Biology (NSF DEB) grant [#1265714 to SMB].

Additional files Author details 1Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, 4102 LSB, Provo, UT 84602, USA. 2Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young Additional file 1: Table S3. Amino acid sequence comparison of opsin 3 gene copies for selected taxa. (PDF 110 kb) University, C100 BNSN, Provo, UT 84602, USA. United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Additional file 2: Table S4. Branches and sites under positive selection. Quarantine, Emerald Ash Borer Program, 5936 Ford Court Suite 200, Brighton, – P =95 99. If bolded, P= >99. Amino acid residues are numbered MI 48116, USA. according to bovine rhodopsin. (PDF 176 kb) Additional file 3: Table S5. Log-likelihood values and parameter Received: 18 December 2015 Accepted: 29 April 2016 estimates of branch-site tests of positive selection. (PDF 117 kb) Additional file 4: Table S1. Taxon sampling data and GenBank accession numbers (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) for gene sequences analyzed in this study. (PDF 128 kb) References 1. Chang BSW, Crandall KA, Carulli JP, Hartl DL. Opsin phylogeny and evolution: Additional file 5: Table S2. Statistics for transcriptomes generated in a model for blue shifts in wavelength regulation. Mol Phylogenet Evol. this study. (PDF 91 kb) 1995;4:31–43. 2. Han M, Lin SW, Smith SO, Sakmar TP. The effects of amino acid replacements Abbreviations of glycine 121 on transmembrane helix 3 of rhodopsin. J Biol Chem. CDS: coding sequence; EAB: emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire 1996;271:32330–6. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae); ERG: electroretinogram; LWS: long- 3. Crandall KA, Cronin TW. The molecular evolution of visual pigments of wavelength sensitive; NGS: next-generation sequencing; PS: positive freshwater crayfishes (Decapoda: Cambaridae). 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