Jaffna College Miscellany December, 1945
Jaffna College Miscellany December, 1945. •> tr VOL. XLXV NO. J JAFFNA COLLEGE MISCELLANY M a n a g e r : C. -S. Ponnuthurai E d i t o r s : L. S. Kulathungam C. R. Wadsworth The Jaffna College Miscellany is published three times a year, at the close of each term of the College year. The rate of annual subscription is Rs. 2.00 including postage. Advertisement rates are sent on application. Subscribers are kindly requested to notify the Manager any change of address. Address all business communications and remit all subscriptions to:— The Manager, Jaffna College Miscellany, Vaddukoddai, Ceylon. CONTENTS Editorial Notes Left Hand, Right Hand Our Annual Prize-Giving Prize Donors, 1943—1944 Prize Winners The Y. M~ C. A. The Brotherhood The Lyceum The H. S. C. Hostel Union The Athenaeum Tuck-Shop Co-operative Society Junior Geographical Assn. The Wolf Cubs The Poultry Farmers’ Club Brown .House Abraham House The Y. W. C. A. The Scouts Senior Scouts The Girl ^Guides The Brownie Pack Our Results Jaffna College Alumni Association Alumni Notes Principal’s Notes • Further Editorial Notes Notes from a College Diary Stop Press — Malayan Letter r Printed at The. American Ceylon'Mission Press Teflippalai, Ceylon. * Papet hand made from cover to covet1 *57 the American Ceylon Mission Press. &nto U s Q Son is Given * — Given, not lent, And not withdrawn-once sent, This Infant o f mankind, this One, Is still the little welcome Son. New every year, New born and newly dear, He comes with tidings and a song, The ages long, the ages long; Even as the cold Keen winter grows not old, As childhood is so fresh, foreseen, And spring in the familiar green— Sudden as sweet Come the expected feet, All joy is young, and new all art, And H&, too, Whom we have by heart.
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