American Ceylon Mission
, RE:p~·a·R T , "", .I.:.~ OF THE '.(. .~, ... AMERICAN CEYLON MISSION . .. "', FOR 1852. PUBLISHED Xli 1849. I;:,: . » •. "":. .~. REPORT OF THE A~IERICAN CEYLON MISSION, FOR THE YEAR 1852. 3}affna: AMERICAN MISSION PRESS-To S. BURNELL, PRINTER. Hl53. REPORT ALTHOUGH we have not been in the habit of publishing an annual report of our labors, we find an occasional review of the way in which the Lord has led us, profitable to ourselves and encouraging to those who feel an interest in the establishment of Christ's kingdom in this land. As it is now several years since such a review was taken, the following report of the operations of the past year, will contain a more extended statement of the state and progress of the work than would otherwise be necessary. Missionaries and Stations. Though we have been favored by the accession of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders to our number during the year,. yet the absence of others on account of ill-health has prevented the occupancy of vacant stations. Chavagacherry has been vacant during a part of the year by tke absence of Mr. and Mrs. Noyes on a visit to the continent. As the clima te in that region seems more favorable to the health of Mrs. Noyes, they now contemplate a permanent removal to the Madura Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Mills left for Madras in August, on account of her feeble health, expecting to be obliged to proceed to Amer ica. After a reside~ce of several months in Madras, they have been enabled to return to us, and resume their duties in con nection with the Seminary, and Mr.
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