
Bell Ringer: The Civil War: The Fighting Escalates

Instructions: Examine the picture below. Read the description. Answer the questions.

The Anaconda Plan

Description: Above is a political cartoon depicting the Northern military plan to win victory in the Civil War. FIRST, the North wanted to Southern seaports. SECOND, the Union wanted to control the . THIRD, the North wanted to capture Richmond, Virginia, which was the capital of the Confederate States of America. This plan was commonly called the Anaconda Plan.

1. Why do you think the North believed it was necessary to blockade the Southern sea ports? ______

2. Why do you think the North felt it was necessary to take the Mississippi River? ______

3. Many in the North feared that Britain may come to the aid of the South to keep trade relations between the two regions operating. How do you think the Anaconda Plan impacted Britain’s choice to intervene or not intervene in the Civil War? ______

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1. Why do you think the North believed it was necessary to blockade the Southern sea ports? The Southern economy depended upon selling cotton. Blockading the ports would block this trade. Likewise, it would stop the Confederacy from using the ports to transport troops or military supplies.

2. Why do you think the North felt it was necessary to take the Mississippi River? The river was a natural boundary. By controlling it, the North could “split” the South. By controlling this river, the South could not ship troops and supplies through it. Likewise, the North could use the river to ship troops and supplies.

3. Many in the North feared that Britain may come to the aid of the South to keep trade relations between the two regions operating. How do you think the Anaconda Plan impacted Britain’s choice to intervene or not intervene in the Civil War? Britain would see the blockade as an obstacle inviting conflict with the North. This would deter them from wanting to help the South,

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