PROPOSALS. raorosMA I [ AUCTION BALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES: oodhsbobo rua luiaiioiBU rsrSB OOOPEll * LATiMtft. Auctioneer*. I EVENING STAR' |Mr*ov****TBor rn'TUBALa Biir. BT with J V. TQ.MOK.KOW. TMIS muiix)w. 8. _ . ROSADALIS. |LttoCI*rki McGuire * Oo.J Office, BiiC.{ A. C S. Of ', I loiUvNt ewrn-r Pean areoue ao4 1life DT GRKF.S A WILLIAMS. 0»w»co. M Jim * ut fitch ft rox. , T.. 5, lMi f«r» P*'bU, JqmM. IbUf Office B«iidinf.) U i«ctlom«n Md BhI Br*k»n Pealo* in dajl irate, wIlJ be rerrtrtd eAlod «ali will bo rtctlttd at I»«.J Rtml kttati mm4, Pro»< thi* olHc* Ko. *t« nUmmI cora«r of u4 1> » m M tbitoflca natil 13 m . MuNDAY, July i. 1W BDtii Julj I. for fonl-kiM Fraah B»' to th* CHANCKBT SALE~OF BB\L EST ATB. BUll' Br.ildin*, H» 47* llh at., »»« :» Port Tb» »>ncklaT*r* of N>w Tor* t® tkrninyr for deepfnin*, by dredflnf. tbe harbor of Oftfe^r troopi at this fcr fopr wontka. I Oder and to * oaet Of 'ht*» bvig k T to Mto tviln frrtif waltrii foat I>»«i'iniaf J «ly Tkt 6mt iarricu virtu* of deer*- of lb* Be prcrae XCELLIWT AKI> NEARLY BKW HOUSE tboit^ard bar* struck 4»mai.ji c (iii 18. IM Th# Re»f Bart b« of A go >4 and raarkat lealtk lesUrer C'otart of the Putrid of Coiatnui*, »«u«1. Ttl : pro»ortlom» of for* and hind d*r M»/, A. D 1S4S, tod ptM«d id i AhP B0rK\W*T. AT AUCTION. ba\r brei doiiar» u- i*« quarter m»at. (n*rk«. and rertain rtntf in (Aid » On * a* Tb«> gr:\.i.g HicTitn 1 On tbe otter tor a<-roaa tbe rkawl »hanka, kidnoy tallow pending Ooart, herein Wii ID.VKt*PAT tbf ; rfi'Jr'i, and on iwh tera « th« Ellen Fowl* et *1. «r* (No 1.2TS id (>b tb* north eldeef north CKmrKuTKD PBOPBBTV ON TUB Alfjnnd^r H. and H"r»<-b«»l T. lirt! hocee where alv at 13 W* cubic )ante of hwd oftcara Tko Bwt Blood Pmrifior ia detendant',*» A. Vtww M an! MOBTB S*pb»u« and i* e-ttanated to aba11 b«r*aftor dooirvat# eoaaBiMiliof tko World. Eqrt'y.) 1 will offer for »!« public auction, to 4th etreets ea«t. Capitnl Hill. an excellent .-IDE ur MASSACHUSETTS AVESLE. «I Jobn*oti. of O^orp*. ar* «rf*d to b* at require rvnoTtl. IX the taebent bidder, on 9th of assortment TWIEI f' Tiw'i II Between the bririge.thaferry wharf. Brt. U.8 LANCASTER, MOMDAT.tbr lay of fumisro. vit: 61XTBBNYH ABl> SEVENTEENTH the National l*mcvratic IVntmBj* W b» An H the* U/tflA RiaifrAa^ akoaa » « Ca»t army, lat lleat. 3d A. C Joi e, A D. ISM. *t 6 e Ylo<~k p in .on th» premier*. Hair t lotto Pmr'or butte. PT BEATS, AT a«w. mm m m Artillery, of AUCTION. mt*j rwm Wpv», WHCIV. ® WWII' 8 Lo:» nur.ltpd oonsi-tinf 8ofa. two l'» brld in K»* \ urk July *tb. n.ateur 29.000 cubic of rer* hard ' }« 23M K'. 11.12.11 sod It. in t^car* nax Castor ard mx Parlor Chair« FBII»A Y AVTBBAOON. Ji'.ne 1». U 6 yard* % «» 4» n .V J » » . ber- d 614. in tke of Oak. if od t Tb# u*w |ri«»l ud email boulders, Mattharrlwithbe rum HAT. PR. LAWRENCE'S cit> WaabinptoB Marl top and other Cotta** C'haxbt-r Sets o'clock, he rtaiiM, wo boll toll LoU ana Iroa »t*am«hip Faatta. wbi."b taken oat. |#avrvoatiS i rnuci oi erne, ii pr*«crio*a i y fl#crM, Me' bedstead. * ardt oh*-, and t'an» 9«at Chairs bere<13«.M.l«. ». M.£. M. ».*'.«!. C.ud U, at from Philadelphia on tb# *tb motant tor Mm* All the n:*t-ri»l (which will be measured h Owe half cash and the re«iiiie in two ejnal in Oil Palrtfnm Parlor *nd other Ca'pets Merrick *» nMiTluon or*>ntb half of 8>i*are lsl. ban not bwn toard Iron, and It u handana. in hjq'h p*r*rt*ent Or thf plaiii. 1 COMFOCHD jta.iwnte. at 6 and )1 t»nntha. w!th iiMMt Hair and other Mattrmm preventing an vnfroken front )!» f'o»ii »Wb« dninptd at lea*t half a mil" Cn:it Q< amterm/i»tbk'« l» fici. S EXTRACT OF of from fMf««l On Mw>i *b* bar bffg lo»t. t'flc* tir outer bit. id ftltr. it a da> aale to be aectired to the «atmta- tioo of the Cooking and other Stores ikiiMttl fcTt-nu'. Wt»Mi Sixteenth and l«m dw| point to U-KtlU. NllR4«kt.JnMl',H8 \ trattec. Ai and r ^nTevanci tlh a teeath street* I-Toa'» du »v barrel* of B al otamp* ag at coat of W food lot of Htchen Ac . ThMi Uti w« on and iUrry.witb t. uitrkMl. d Bide, in daplicale, with (urintM eigned ROSADALIt: the »al«* Requisite#, oath trad* front ana wbi«k»y, The * ork Bant be cnmm»ccH m »oon M poealble, by two not pBtrhaser. it term* of »r» Dot coiupliM Ak-o, Bleten of the*e lot* k*T« tt.b * front of W>»tfr'» ri-rtitjrtnf boaar hair ba^a reapoaaible per»->b*. and ac tl %**'. j*A hr iK* 1 .. »-r. -1 T» . .. bidder*. . within bt-e i x.d not laT. r than »ith five day*, the trnttee reaervea the W»iul, one Kockaway. ana two sets leet, and al! tbe Lou ran t' n fin* 80 Auvri u«u «r»ruur vui -»i» I Aum u this wuoa.iol completed bj the nmil 13 o'clock A. M on right risk the defaaltlug will be sold rrects»>l) at 12 o'clock liarne«sa. probaM? never again be offered Philadelphia TUT.8DAT. Jbb« SO. 18*, A BAFB AKD C11TAIK ODE* purchMcr, apoD on- we«k"a aubliihed in Term» cash. ORE KN iu \ oik at one time on tbi« atenn*. aftfc of >o»*tnber, 1S^#. ' *» a**. at 4 WILLIAMS. tit.r splendid The The lVrr.ix rats h>ld their Bidder* bu»tra t ot pnmtrjr naeehags one (IKS TBI OMV OKI TIT tlKOTUIS) of Waahingtoa. th**»me t> \\ i..iam H Ward, in Philadelphia last iifht. Oar tnaa wa* t>T price per cubic yard for the whole, or bf Bid* are iitumi for Ray in (tick or id bale*. M K. * a Ea-rent prtree for each Mctioo. Bids will A. THOM#P BEADLET. Truatae. WALSH CO.. Auctioneers. plat of tbe tubdirl«ioo. mar be teen at onr ofice outright aad anoJier »ubbru:k. and ifnot aoid tn thit war will Itnme Lmbkrt arrived ia New York hi be made npon printed blank*, which the perfecting of »be contract*. and on* fourth of KB9FILA, IN ITS VARIOUS GBTKM * WILLIAMS, IIFIBARLE LOT. IMPROVED l-e :i*tety ran be prorored at thi* office, or almilar writt»n the * hoi,- amonat to be FORMS, FY TWO offered >n parcela of three lota e».-k day. cin delivered each noath natll BT Aoctioneera ai.d Eeal Estate Broken. bTuKY FRAME H008E WITH RACK BCILD Term* Uall Mtk, balance ia *ix and S»r»r«l which mnit be prryrly filled ap and «tgned tba del iter* ia completed. No. &S6, Southeast corner 7th and D street*. INC.8 AM' m twelve p*rMiF kirt hwi fined and tapri*. a* indicated All the information at Full NCI 4S F1AHBKI! OF tsTORE, AT AUC ith» bear!: * interact, deferred pa) Bent* 10 be Ob«d 11 Kottot tor illicit jaw.< thi* condition* will bo mad* known and blank TICK »ecnre^ to Bida «« v< sa ^ KRONTin« f.ot»ay particularly examine at from contractor* and la Ita uwv «cua 4* a ' L) t. at 6 o' locV. we w before in their bidders who bar* OMDBPUOI. Hrlr SUfM; Biltr|W»i v ill sell.upo: the premises. Lot remain. pay at'1 In three e^ual payment* of A LiV)fr Eltpri with the Vilf ( a 0«den*bnrg eendtnf bid* heretofore failed to comply with their agreement* TWEEN forBTEENTH AND FXKrikSrii cumbetea twent* tie ,21 io iiunneli s (iihtm. anth instant, at 8>, oVtnck located at corner of 12th and C streets ChMW. par [FrMR Albany ] ^ j« 9-td Brevet Colonel, U 8 A. WM Chronio in.. we hall rll on the L"M A j> a fiout I 21 The fhcta, »«pptvM«4 lor a brief period, hai e MTIU, premises and B in baring f-et 9 incite* on 12th street, bj SiuJdwu it told in bail; $106 down on each Bheum»tl*m lit 1-ti ot. wltk -i'. * - 41 at be> enr la Brevet Eruptions subdivision of square No. one 33 f*-f t , I'_ -- < IV Vl Ifspk relation to FOB COBN. '«n-ftt Brigadier Ueaeral, Bigg's 2i0; b-in« N|I«J IU fcl.f parcel |f ( id in pnrc*U public tk* Chief ynerterm*»t«r f the Skin, Ukronio 22 fr« t front by 100 feet deep, more or lejs. the otliKUPC?AL3 43 feet inches front. about the depth with back buildings woodhouse, Ac. A. K. T N i v hols. a broker, OrriCB Cb:kf Qua iter ma(TXr< I FOB ARST TEAMiPOMTA a «Me 8J« wealfbjr doing Bora Bye*. Be. alley. Th»-re it- a tine store attachel to the V"THK ABOVE BALK IS m K'tr YoTk but vrboae resid-ncebastremu F:fth Di«tb:ct, > PROPOSALS TION. Term*: One-third cMk; balance in«, 12. and H with fixture* for building, UNAVOIDABLY city, M*mt Oun><, La .June 11. orficicmtfu' arteim**m, ) complete any lmi!D"H. postponed in confluence of th» tils, until Tl'ES at Greenfield. Ct. Gebbard i» a Dative of Pr 13-3.\ ALSO. month* for note* bearing interest and secured by This it a tine i tui .n to taiu a food home 1 U Ai J»b« wune p«a)e adt-ed oa the All at a small f cure, lEfa>3>OON. >K>d place. Fill H * FOX. ujon. on vTEENISDAY. Ibe flr»t f bii»J *l « ww | is law in S'ew ut KM, tor BriM SYPHILIS, revenue stamps at tha sost of the purchaser. $j<> in eraat demand jejOd&di Auctioneer*. practised York H* stadied bi» d») July fant'.ahlms the Proposals, in duplicate, will be received down on the day of eale. Tttms One half cash, and the in i'roirssion to Albany, and wm for a «hjrt IHp»rtmcut witbCors. or *n ^u«lyaartermaater'eoaml^tr at tin* office nntjl TUESDAY. the 30th of Jane 22-d A and six taUnce three GBEEN A of uui» <>f fat* .*r at IN ALL ITS je QBEEN WILLIAMS. Aucts. mouths, for totes *ati>f* tor:h enJ^raet WILLIAMS, time Assistant Commissary General. He u f Barley. in cks. at placet and next, It o'clock M , for the transportation of VARIOUS FORMS. Aai ti.'Ti^er, ana Ural tii »e follow* bearing iiiirrect flood'«n on the day c? **;e. BY Ratal* Brckera, his a.« an ijannlltira Military Bnppliea. from the date of contract to the |)T COOPEB A LATIMER. Auctioneer*, All colvh an< in* atid revenue Ko. 636, aoutheaat corner 7th and D atraeta. ngarded by acquaintance adroit, Anntin Triu. 5,8H> baiBela Brat day of Janasry, 1570. on the following roate. D (Late clerk* with Ja*. C. McUuir* A Co..) ot the purchaser. stamps at the cost sinister man. Hi* father. John G. Gebba:d jr.. art Iu*e. JSC hmhela viz: Southwest corner of Penna. ay. and Eleventh sU., now resides near the \ . \g- ol S b bine C H rt cte M K WALSH A < O . An. U PBBBMPTORT 8ALB. W> Clark. 4 SOU baebol* B< No. 1.From Austin to Fort Richardson, .DISEASES OF Star OIBce Building. Pn FBIDAY.tki> IXh mtian t. on the For some time ther»> has been a marked Fort I>aac»a. )Ji« bo»h#N Fort OiiOin, Fort Concho and all WOMEX, |)T GBIKN * WILLIAMS. at >.'. irraii"*, past Fort aad that military posts D Auctioneers o'clock, p iu.. we will aril a neat Ova room intimacy between tbe parties to the elopement, BtocktoB, 14.000 taah-U rairp« are or may be established in Texas, M HeuUrko, Liver TRUSTEE'S BALI. and Real Estate Broker*, Fnune Honaa. on part l>ot No. II. in Suaara but as Fort L>»»ia. f.OOObnehela oath of Bad Hirer, and north of tha 01A_pp?tiU.Sick OompU By virtue of a deed of trust executed No. 386. tkiuUieaat comer 7th and I.ot near the **, there was also a close intercourse- latitaleof Pftia in th» Back, Imprudence in by Ephraim D street*. corner of E at met aoath and < tb atrae t Gebbard's sisters Fort Bliaa. 360 baabela Aaetia. Life, Or»T«l, Edmonston and wife, dated 16th May. ISM, and aaat. one p-;uere of citjr railr.iaA. and Mr. KicboU*between Fort aaoa. 1,0 0 baahMa Bidders will state the rata par oaa handred < lot > in Liber N. C. T., No. Xi. folio *6i, andrecordedFIX TWO BTOBY BB1CK. HOUSES AT T^rmi Oaab. II not family, tbe latter was blinded to tbe real facia *ort Concho. 14," 0# baahola mil«e at which they will eald the at of ibe transport supplies. request of the holder of *aid note*. 1 »111 be offered at oace . case, and tbe ki% vuri Bidden OINU1L ILL HSALTH, will offer AUCTION upon tbe following term* impending peril of vjuihiab, tjfr Misneia should aire their names in full, as well at public sale an TUCRSDAY, the 2&th day of On WEDNESDAY, the 24th instant, at 6 o'clock $4>vca»h; balance In parmeuta of household relations Tbe par'jee bad found tort as their of ni , w« monthly par Sirhardaon. 7.000 bushe.s places r>-silence, and each proposal June next, at 6 o'clock p. m .on the premises, Lot p. shall aell. on the premlaae. foor aanth until paid for. to encourage their b* Fort Griffin, 7 080 bushels should be accompanied by a bond la the sum of ten And all DInmn of numbered L. aituated in Brick Dwelling-Houses, of twostory All opportunity intimacy Fort Mrkavit. 5 thousasd 110 ralxliriMon of Square No. 2. 3 being parts Lots conveyancing and ravenaa atampa at tbe coat frequent tnps up the Hudson to thtn and. 30u bushel* dollars, si«ne4 by two or more 1S3. in the city of between Land M and 4, is Square No ill, being a g«o4 front aad of the parchaae;. SliW down on the day of aale city, WV bashela. responsible that, BLOOD, LIVER. street* Washington, in a inr l.. to a also, when at Uieir residences in Camp Ftrde, . persons, guaranteeing in case tha KIDNEYS, north, the said Lot rrontim depth, thirty foot alley, fronting on 4th street j«17 d GREEN A Aucta. Coaaevticat. These uinBaU, how-ver, may b» tomewhat contract is awarded for the route mentioned in the AND RLADDER. on a 30 loot wide and west, between N aod 0 atreetg north. WILLIAMS. by qaietly slipping off to New York. Their nodtfted contract* alley. running bftck to the l*fare the day uf let in* tfca propi>aai to the parties proposing, the contract death of 96 feet to an 8 foot wide alley. Also, at 6H o'slock p. m.,on the premises, we %r TBI ABUTS flight was suspected, and an exciting ptirsan All bids to furuiab the above most b« for good, Will he accepted and entered into, and good and Term* One-half cash; reeidue of the shall sell two two-story Briek Houses, 8ALB IS POSTPONED ON tbe streets and the ound m< rcbantable Oata or Bar sufficient purchase Lot Mo. S. in fLinfera No being part account of the rain, until TCE8DAT, tbe SSd through among ve««Hs ia shelled Com. famished «*ld . w -m-ww 1 l-«> security by parties, ia money in twelve months, with interMt. All U0 §VUU II VU W« inotont. at the »ame hour tbe harbot took but eluded try. subject to the tnspactlenof the receiving of with the terms of this advertisement. accordanceIt thoroughly *r»dic»te» err kind of humor aiicinv and revenue at fronting on the rear of church 011 6th and place place, they cap*n re, >n<4 h&H iftiut rMfnrM antir*- the coat ofconve>the street weet. Ji'-d - stamp* lr«r .. . > . . - . »- w.w je OBBEN A at one time there was an The amount of bonds required from the -w V / B^VHi »u purchaser. PITXB J. UUBLIT.TrnitN. between L and M streets north, which offer* great WILLIAMS. Aucta. although Delivery to commence by the firat day of &n will be fifty thousand dollars (50,000 contractor conditiui. je 15 lut COOPER* LATIMER. Ancta. inducements to purchasers wishing to bay two able suggestion of revolvers by reasonuncomtort[of the labS, and to proceed at the rate of not l«ss wt, dollars. small residences in a GBEEN A two one IT IS PERFBOTLT HARMLESS, neyor private g *od location. |)T WILLIAMS, proxtmitvof carriages than third of tke whole amount per month, Satisfactory evidence of the solvency of each OFFICE ADAMS EXPRESS OOMPANT. Terms: One third cash; balance in 5 IU and D Auctioneers and Real Entate Mrs. Ntrbols is of considerable an4 la such ina;, titles aa to the con tin the slightest injury. prolacing IS Broker*, possessed keep post bidder and person ottered as security will bs UWashington, D. C . June 13M. months, for note* interest and secured Ho. 54b Southeaat corner 7th and D atreeta. in her own a souai) supplied a' such rate. 9th, a bearing by property right, portion ol whi, h required. The deed of trust on the premises. All conveyancing she took in ber benra. and the remainder at Satialactory evidence of th® aolvency of each Form* of contract may be seen at the oflces of following UNCLAIMED PACKAGES, with and revenue stamps at the cost of the TBI STBB 8 SALR FRAME bidder and offered aa will 9f Used and tndo*std b* the Ltadint other* without mark*, will, if not within purchaser. oF~OMR H0H8E vbirb she gavf to tbr control of ()fbbtril'» per».n aecurity be the Chief Quartermaster. District of Texas, at f*ken S M down on esch honse when sold I AND GREEN HOC6ES AT THE CORNER OF thirty day* from this be aold at oms f je IS td [Intelligencer ] Auctioneers. l'CBLIC AlCTIOR started for Europe on the of\lay ult Tha thai may l» offered. The is reserved to or per Latimer,eouthweat corner P*nn avenue Ob FRIDAY. the Nth Mr* Nichols became moat " right reject any all bids that andllthat. THOMAS of July next, IW »t six captivated of tlebhard Pt.»poe-ls be plainly endorsed Proposals may be offered. The among 8. MOOEE. Agent. chas kloman. o'clock, p m l sbull ell.on the there can be no but the for Corn, and addressed to BreTet " following, many hundred* of oar best doubt, latter i« Brig tien J. Proposals must be endorsed Proposals for Army By KKAL ESTATE BROKER. of » 1M of trust to the virtue 10 be A l\ tt*r Chief (junrtarmastar District of Texas. I and citizen*. teitlfy to its wonderful efflcacy: Abbott D.lano H, box La Forge 8 K. z pk^i No. 439 Seventh street, near date the ist ot subscriber.boarlBg principally actuated by an atT~cti>>a'opposed At Austin. Texas. Transportation,' ai'lreased to the nudersigned Aulick Jan. pkg I. September. WW", aad re-orded in Li tor her She b.-ts lavished at New Orleans. Louisiana LyonCL.pkg l>er J. A 8. No. 141. folio* 141 and 143. one property. pre»«-au. By order of Brevet M ajor G -n R C. Buchanan. command of CERTIFICATES FKOM PHTBIOIANS. Abbott Oeo T, pke LaaeJno.pkg A FINE Bl ILDING LOT ON SIXTH record" of npontlebhard. and bis sister*. without sua' CliA*. U B) Brevet Major Getteral R C. An-ell Aaron, pki* WEST STREET for Washington County. in the thIhuI TOMPKINS. 1 HAS H. ThMP&INS,Buchauan. Anderaon Gen LeyJnoW.pkg BETWEEN r AND y STREETS, IN of Columbia, to vit Out Frame lluau L>iatrictand He war always drraaed in the very heifb o: Brevet Brie. Oen. and Chief Quartern)asiar. Bre\et Baltimore, Hd., March 4.1SS3. JasH.pkg Lut7. A. sailors bag SVll'ARR 47-. Green <> and Clue! Qnartermas- ' Arluma 1»na nlra Uarr{n»»M . ir -* Hoo«m Lot t, in Square Mo. taKhier. 18 i4t Brigadier/,eneial I I beltere Dr. Lawrence'* ,, ..x r..B fin> ivtiui D If 433, known j» FWb Vlfftary IMstrict. ler, 0(b ill. l»U. A) fit ROSADALIS'' to be ,au>r pi pe I On WEDNESDAY. June 24th. at 6 o'clock m., a« Hughe*' Flower Garden a je the Best Alterative 15 fc'-e, aud therefore Adam* K\ Co. pxg Moore J B, 2 pkg§ on the premises, I will sell p Mr Nichols is heartbroken husband Ho fully A part of*Lot 4, in Square Terms made known ob the day of sal* he cannot rvalue the fart that bis- m O CON T RACTORs* FOR DRIDUISO. 8orVl< K.HOU8C OF REPBEBKS T recommend it M such. Ayr-s Cooper, pkg Mahoaey Mrs Bleu.pkg 47S. 40 feet front by 93 feet 4!< inches deep. KHWABD OWES 8. Trustee, say>- ite na> J Clkbk ATI \ ICS. UNITED STATES. THOMAS J. B0TK.1N. M. D. A rle J <>s. pkg Moore J pkg Terms One-third cash: balance in tlx and twelve e23 eoRds GBEEW * betaken her»e|f to another. aud the other one l)r B J . WILLIAMS. Aucts C. 8. Fm.isekk's OrricF. I Wt!H15GIo!l, D. C., June It. 1333. King b box Morrow B F, pkg months, with interest, secured by a deed of trust. whom be bad regarded v his trveet fn»ai BcHt'.Ntir.'N, \ T.. June 5. H>8. { Sraled Prop >s»ls will be at this Bennett M. pkg Moore Jno. and at QUEEN A WILLIAMS. He will week no oniii Sealed will be received rec.ired office Bertstein 8. caetg Conveyanciug stamps the purchasercost. U> reclaim her, nor will Proposals by the until HON DAY. the *>th day of July. I1S8. for ROSADALIS WILL (IRE THE WORST pkg Mayer L. pkg S1U0 down at time of sale. BY Auctioneer* and Real Estate Brokers. he touch a dollar of her He wiSI aim. until the ith instant. tor the immediateunder§ii!Ledre ir e for the use Brrwn Jno, pkg Millard iO-it No ivib money of the House of Bpr->sentatiT«ssappi? CASES OF SCROFILA. Oapt Jot, pkz je GALLIGAN A TOWN8HEND, AucU. southeast corner 7th and D street* obtain a divorce and more > m val of about I3.0U) y ar ia of Sand trom the shoal eight hundred tons 12.240 best Browu 8 B. pk,r McrJ>ehaa J no, \ aliee ply nothing \s d * pound* Wane A->h she has- chosen her bed so mti«t she existing between the Breakwater^ and th* Coal. No 1. or br» k-n Coal READ THE STATEMENTS BELOW AND Be.-ker E H. pkg Marvin P B, pkg TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PART OF LOT IN lie." and r i.»! v. ui ir>* tinroor m nansDurgQ, Mew York. IWcord"- best Bishop D J, pkg Y GREEN * WILLIAMS. SI3, the consequences be with her and not with h» Inkers seasoned * Wood. DESPAIR NOT. McGillCT. pie Auctioneer* aud R' al Estate SUBDIVISION oF ORIGINAL LOT No. A. IN 1 material firm*ted will be m-&» tired m the U" cords dry Oak. saweil in two piece*. Browu Frank P. pkg Mussina 8. pkg Brokers, ByTARE No SO, FRONTING ON NO"TH E. him to whom she first vowed eternal love and under the direct!.>b of an agent of ID cord* dry tawed in three W:l*o!« Covmt, September 10Jlj>j7 Br<>wu Mr»,jar Mattice W A No. 'fib. Southeast corner of 7th ami D streets. BETWEEN NORTH CAPITOL and will be the Hickor). piece*. Dr. J. J. Lairr'nre: Bostwick H C. pkg STREET AND fidelity. con>e>ed by personatbeliovertrueut.wh-> T<> be weiith'd or ntcMared anc delivered in the pkz M.I A. b.>x kibst NKW J ERSE) AVENUE. AT A OCT ION The social >« it ion of th® wife nrd the the an Dear Sir My youngest daughter. five Barr Bros, CLASP REAL ESTATE FRONTING ON high p. her jpertorm drtdfinf. beyond breakwater, 1 vaults of the Capitol under the direction of the ag«d year* pkg Matthews Mrs M ti, b*ll G STREET On MONDAY, the 6th day of July next. I ehall bn*band give to the od aa placed in the b->ats. one month after of all ber life. 1 tried great many Physician*, but Bruce Chae G,1 pkg Moftitt J J, c box date<1 9th of Decern! er, IsiS. and recordel in Liber amuug circle of their acquaintances. Bid* for thii work in acceptance proposal without her much; in fact, moat of Roweer DEPARTMENT, AT Al CTION performing either manner, will be consider?'! the Proposals rel.eying them Henry. bg&hmk Moore T S. box No. 7. R M H . toli * r*4, 49A. and »>>. one separately for classes of On , the 29th of are solicited. The will be at 12 article* taid there waa no hope of core. the last BliibJ K. trunk MONDAY Instant, at ii oVla. k p. m . prepoaalu opened specified. During on the v records of Washington county. District of thlandA < hild Mardered h) her I Ri le-%h*i 21 . and bidders ar«-Invited to be present. Ro from bidder prim; *he waa worse than eTer. her body and Bnckecker K C. trunk Martin Jno, 1 premises, shall sell Lot No. 13- in In front of the at <5 Columbia. kia; proposal any personally unknown pkg of No 1^9. premise*, o'clo* k p in , at the la feet frontsnbdlslonby 113 the following described rit .All that 4ata«trophe made out arcompanied lace and badly pkg fe»t S't inches deep, to ^ 3n foot a property. The vbuh w»> circulated at atcoidiim to prescribed lornai bltnkt reterenn-s. Secnritv will be required for eyea ulcerated and swollen. Whilst Brown Mr* M A. l*'X Mastereen A. 1 pkg desirable alley, making it piece or parcel of ground known a* of Lot report l»eia. for wbich may be obtained at thla oft-e. They the faithlnl satisfactoryIn this condition, I waa advised by Dr. L. A. Stith Brann Micli'l. box N Y 1 piece of property. numbered part ware, (Out.) Canada, on iasu that a " performance of the contract. Stnge Ag't. pkg One-half tweaty three. |U,I In u'-division of bonld he endnreed Prep<»«i»l« for Dredeing liar- edwabd 10 iry jour itosaaaus. I at oace procured three Baker O 8-box Norford J o* (*. 1 pkg J|Terms <*ah; balance 6. 12. and IS emal Lot numbered five, <3,) in young girl, l»>lve»w> of ag-, !(> tier of riattabargh," and aridreeaed to | Mcpherson, bottle*, ud commenced giving it to her. 7V Bell E O, box N C months, for tfotee bearing interest and secured i Square numb-red daugber Clerk of the House of Representatives, *f>n Direct Tax Co. box a deed ol trust on the by six hundrt" and thirty.' "JO. "lying and being in the of Henry Jones, war missing and supposed to J W. BARLOW. je 16-lawtd %eBf mattral. In Itts than a month to m> gre it Heliiing E K. box ag pn rchaser. for the same at a ilitj seven feet six inches OHOPOSALS FOB STATIONERY. rour». w>th much respect and gratitude, Brooks T R. Oberlander Id. SU# down the day*of sale (67 ft 6 In ) point two days' searching. by a large par yAlterot pkg pkg from the northwest corner of said men and women, rOR Fl EL. K. W . W. BUBSETT. Bnrtis Oornelins. Mrs GHEES ft WILLIAMS, let ber mangled remaiu* were at jkg O'Leary Marin.bdl je 22-d I numbered Ave, (6, > thence eaet eleven feetoriginallast J>koPOSAL8 Dffabtxint op Statk. June!, 19m Brtiff Geo L.bdl Parker Jno 0. pkg Intel.) Auctioneers. thr«e inches. (II ft. 3 in ,) thence south one discovered about five o'clock on Sunday VSPATXRKT Of THE / Sealed for 0 8. rox a V* INTERIOR, Proposal* furniabtng Stationery for B0SADAL18 CUBES ALL SKIN D18BASES Bavf-»« Portlock F H, pkg J B WHEEI.EB A CO.. Auctioneer*. aud twenty fl\e feet.t I2J thence west elevenhundredevening in bole by the aide ot a tree »ti h iTiis, D. C . June It. lwH. the year Jnne will \ ending 3", 1*9. be received at BlairHP, pkg Prince Geo E, pkg BY No. bl La ave , b«t. 6th and 7th feet three inches, (lltt.3 in.,'thence north had fallei covered with leaves 8e»led Pr p. aals will be received at this Dsnfirf. thi* department until the Wth Wilson, N. Bruton Broa. truss itreeta, one recently up n.rst day of July, 1446, at C., Sept. 15,1^7. Poston Hon Cuas O bdl opposite Seaton House. hundred and twenty live feet i Lis i to the pla e of and rubbish, and a log on ot her. until 12 o'clock m . Tl'ESDvY. the nth dny 13 o'clock m. Dr. Lavntnct: Bergen Ja» H. 1 pkg Patterson Jno, beginning. placed top ef Jb'j. for. An eatimataof the qcftniti»>* whl-h will b» Beak Sir .In 1862 my son, now aged Ave Baroun Mrs B. 1 J pkg On examining the body the injuries -eem to 6u hi:ii'ir*-d tons rear*, pkg Page K. pkg ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE AT ACf'TIOK OF Term* One half cash; balance in tlx, and twelve be the im . to bead, <1.240 lbs to the ton' beat and blank forms for bidding, contiininineeded,full vaccinated with what proved to be impure Bickea J lpkg Parkes Carey, pkg UN* PARLOR. CHAMBER. DINING months, fur notes interest and secured confined which pr.-sent- a quality *HI rl AJearing by a club or some One and prepir<*d. will be conpletelr destroyed pkg Pouieroy Jae M pkg OTHER HOUSEHOLD FUBNITl'BE a deed of tru*t on the premise* All conveyancing shocking spectacle, heavy bundled tifty tons i2 U0 lbs to ths ton) fuviiithfd npon app ication. He haa been afflicted with an inveterate and B> nnett JaaE 1 pkg Pac. iaiiu Rev R. b.i\ AND CARPETS,ALSO and at the cost having b"cn u»ed. Krjoi I ~»t quality UD ABH COAL. stove and Addr»M troublesome of tht SUPERIOR DRAUGHT stamps ef the purchaser. #50 weapon evidently »i7»s grate "Prcp.)4®lt," Department of State, Eruption Sk»n, aomeextremelyBorder Luke. 1 pkg Phillip* Tito*, b- * AND CARRIAGE HORSES. DOUBLE AND when the property is sold requiredtacts whicb bave come to ligbt there is do W ncliineton. D C. je<-law«t time* breaking oat in sorea, Ac. Boaadali* wm ('alien 0 D, pkg Peck Jca c b»x SINGLE BRICK If Btirchaaer The l id-sh^nld state distinctly the name of the scribed (r. T, HARNESS, WAGONS AND Vhe should fail to comply with the doubt that ber nacle, Thoin.-ts Jones, aud his ~~ by my family Dr. A. D. minings A tlood.lpbox Parker Wm. o»x CARTS, AND TWO terms in five the trustee v ine and th«- quality prop»s- <1 to be famished. All Loore. After it a physician. EN.CILLIKT MILCH days, reserve* the right to I daughter, a girl fourteen years of age. are i &re taking few weeks, my son Campbell W pkg Pratt S T. 1 pkg COWS. inon in v rivpni) » mc mi con 01 thr ml must be delivered within sixty day* from and remains well. ( ftchn. iM H, virtae -de- of the dr*.tdtul crune On th» the Hth of I*.*. GOVERNMENT tntntly Yonrstrulv. became Micb'l. pkg Pierce 8am'I J. 1 pkg B> of an order of the Orphans'Court of fnultiDg pur burr by advertising the »»mf lhr«>» tbperpetrators July, SALES. J. B. DANIEL. Craig Capt W. box P«>taoa BL,1 this District, paased Jane I shall offer times in mm in the finding of the bod> the most inten-e One hundred and fifty cords, or more of the best pkg sale, at 20.18W, for paper printed city "f and the ot the tsoi.ed OAK WOOD, to be ^ALE OF CONDEMNED 8 ConstitutionalUnixn.pkg PeiltseCha- H,1 pkg public auction, on THURSDAY, June 2S. D. C. Washington, prevailed, feeling eacitementwhole delivered daring the UCARTEBMASTEB Churchill Bev J W. box B>an Bobt. ISrig, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m VI. 1 neighborhood runs so that the 'Una ae may be required. PBOPEHTY. ROSADALIS ISA POTENT BEMEDT IN AL pkg residence of K. H. .at the late WOODWARD. Tru*te*. high greatest Twent) five cords or of the OrriCK Chief oiabtkrmavtbx. i rrapeey I, pkg ltoberts Alph«-u». 2 pkg Lam bell. deceased. No. 750 jeSeoAl* GREEN A WILLIAMS. Aorta. precautions have to be taken to the more, best Quality C'HKOMC DISEASES. Crawford Gen 8 f, bdl Bi hards W in. New Jersey avenue, near south L street, keep Inker's PINE WOOD. D,-te,ct or the India* Teeeitoey.} Wm R. 1 pkg effects of the the personal COOPER * LATIMER. Auctioneers. from being lynched. prisoners pitnpiee of the < oal to be exhibited to the IfolT OiB-o.t. C K Junell.lSvl »*OM 6. W. SLOtKT, ATTOENET AT LAW, Cooper pkg Bodrirue A, pkg said deceased, partially (Late clerk* with The was held at the Town of At auction. at S WlL»ON, .NORTH CAROLINA. Dougla* Geo. 1 pkg Beynold* Sc Co. pkg aa follows, viz : describedBT Ju. C. McGuir* k Oo.J mqne the Patent Office Building, and any deliveryEngineer public Kort Qil>*on. Olierok»e Dutel Geo. 1 handsome Southwest corner of it« u4 11th on and the ball was so j.ot satisfactory to liim will be rejected. fati»f»r- Mia* of hospital and other tenia, clothNaroastI have been cared of Chronic Inflammation ot pkg Kol>inaouMr«Carline,bx Very Brocatelle Parlor 8nlte BUrPennsylvania Monday, den*elyIaware, » r> log blanket*. nameae. army the Ear and Partial Duley Nathan, 1 pkg Ratto Mr» Carlo, box Two Mirrors and two Marbl* top Center Tables tract, Oflt* Baildl&f. crow ded that the floor of the hall gave in. aai arrangements moat be made for the delivery w.-urona, wagon cowara. Deafness. of ten years' DnnlapJ P. box Bobert D box Parlor Carpet and Rnis the whole ot the and about sma correct measurement of enck. cooking utarill*. flag*. and numeroua other by Bosadalls. GEO. W. BLOUNT.standng, J Ull iCapt B. Four Sett A VALUABLE jury seventy-five I For the convenience of bidders, separate article.. all to te bold without reaerve to the high Day 8. * Beim O, box Curtains and Carnice BOOKS IN LOT~OF ANTIQUARIAN other persons were precipitated into the base, will lie received for the Coal and aat bidder. bedsoa J, bag and hm'k Bidgeler Mr* M. box Two Sideboarda ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD ment below, about ten feet Wood.propoeals| 8»le to take at Dove Jno. b bag Began T. box full Set tin»- .juallty China AT AUCTION. GERMAN. deep. Several Tbsj will be opened in the presence of such bidders place Fort Gibaon.C.N . on the THE ROSADALIS Sg't On THURSDAY sons were bruised, but it is h none » 15th day ot Jolf. ISiW. at 3 o'clock a. m D 'naran Mn J bas&bbl Beynolda J U. pkg Dining Table and Clack EVENING. June 25th. at 7* badly ped per| may choope to attend not a secret medicine. The article* 8t o'clock. At our auction rosma, we B-nde for the faithfal of th« Trim Cash. In Gsvernment fundi, to be on from which DtbayD,pkg Sullivan Pat W, 1 pkg cretary and l)esV *ball aell about verj- seriously injured performance paid It is made are published around each and De-londe A. Cbana and 9 9 lota of verr valuable some of them i uf rfiumra me ' will be reuuired of the successful bidders.contractsda> of sale. bottle, it pkg Smith B D 0,1 pkg Dining-room 8t*?e rare Book*, very j examination in d Socesafnl leased and recommended by the Medical Donlan T C. pkg Balm Sal in Gen. 1 ('bating Dishes. Castora. Ac. and *rarce in Engliah. French and German u * Troiowli to be atldr- sse«i to the of the bidden to remove stores within Faculty, pkg i and the jury re: riled verdict of "trill-Wished,. 8ecretar> wherever it baa been introduced, as a POSITIVE l>elano i>kg Smith lint rack, Ball Table, and Will b* ad<1.-1. tew La r -Lt and I " Joteiior. an.l indors* d "Proposals for Fuel." bonr«. twanty-fonrand RELIABLE Medicine Jaa, Jaa N. 1 pkg Chairs cel1ai»-<>n-- Bo.tks. Hi* ful murder against ThomM J one? and hi. By order of ths Secretary of the Interior Br order of Major General Sheridan. for DiiMiM of the Camels Joe. pkg Stewart Henry, 1 pkg Extensive assortment of Beda. Bedsteada. Hair Elizabeth F BOCK BLOOD. LIVES and KIBNEYS. liunii I C. PW "S.''u\all Mr* M. c box txll tine. Clocks. Ac ch«tli 7>rr»?ory, } time, and trying various medicine* KIiik Barf pkg Sibley A Our. fire brick f. day.on the premises. AT AUCTION.MANUFACTURER wfsif st Port Ialependsnce. Boston U*rl>«r. of Fort Gibson, C. A".. Jane 11.1468. S benefit. withoutFlagg MiM Lucy. pkg Storey I J. b bag We will sell at an< tion.on At publir it 1 Carriage Hnraa. FR1 DAY The Iai< m *« to 1 OuO tens of good well split suction, Fort Gibson. «'herok*-e I know of several other* is this connty cored Kerero Pedro. pkg Smith E O. knpn'k, brown.Star June 26th, 19W. commencing at It' MORNING, ilrb«ttok s-rt&>,t Nation, on th* 1Mb thrnnirh th« n«* of Rnaa/tftlla in/ili --- » - ' * J 1 o'clock the en I'ttiurOmn- a'a ?t< ne." to day of July, at S o'clock c. »«« * vmu uo iuuuu Gray B, keg 8»«n O B. pkg Wngon Horae, bay tire l.ibrml Mr"inf..Our cable iunJ pr portions, of each"Foundationof throe a m.. of. HS8, to nearh Grove D 1 Wagon Horae. stock and fixture* of the Breooi Factory No. c arses. of M Inches. II inche*. anl li inchos rise. censi«ting every haute iu my neighborhood, and B, pkg Southsrland Agnes, pkg bay.Tom 9b Louisiana arenas, between s»th of last niicht my that a meeting »b>dispatches 199 barrel* Fioar. all it at i Graham Maj L. 1 Wagon Horse, i and 10th (treats t*»B> ctiTely. Tbe bods tnd builds to be well split :o) they praise great medicine. pkg Sweeiland S H, pkg bay.tteorje viz: called by the Liberate in last night, at to the rise poundi of Soda Crackers THOMAS THOBN. < raham Mrs .1 D and Cel Sheldon HK.p C»x 1 W agon Horse, black.Lize 7 V. i Uuild kridH^usi snd the »t<>nes to bo fr» 3 16 trallons Cucumber Pirkl-* Greeine Pepper, pkg Sterrett J K. 1 Wagon Horae, tiding Machine* Hall, to consider the Iri^h Church Jeet to * or eight feet. 470 Coimy, August 14 LJ67. pkg 1 black.Coley 3 Sizing Machine* The ball was crowded The Lord qu#.tion. This stone is to be dell*ore-l in Amounts not gallons Cabbage aud Ouion Pickle*. Oerolt Baron, pkg Btowell A Bro, 2 pkg Wagon Horae. bay.Beck 1 Combing Machine Mayor 101' to lt»5 gallon* Mix«lPirklea. Griffin Mrs M, akg 1 Wagon Horae, roan.J ark pi ended. It soon became evident tha* there 1£) fcth of ne\t. and gallon* Onion* Baltimore, February 10,1363. Gieter J. knps'K. Mrs. pkg 1 Horse, roan.Q«orge 6 Lever were Tories pres- nt. As soon as the Jnly September from 819 ?an»*r Garren W eg Spalding 1 Briudle Cow PrfMH Tassels with reout and fully certified measure gallon* Kraut. Or. J. J. Lawrmrt ; L fast Sibley k Guy. pk^ 1 Bleach Tub commenced, a disturbanc* wa- proceedingscreated, Tbealuve Stores to l>«-*old without B r I Goodwin K P. W. 1 Spotted Cow nieuts. wkich shall also b»- tested if required by th* th- reserve, t Dear take pleasure In recommending pkg Bhangler box I 1 blea. b Box mingled with cheer? and bis***, which officer, or hicbeot bidder. four BObADALlS as very Qreen Tber-aa. pkg Seward G. box Mleigfc and 1 on* horae Walon resetting th« cv be snbject to Term* powerful alterative. 4 Brick 1 sett Platform Scales the voice* of the speakers oa the rendered W asuri-ment for a proper estimate of their Cash. In Government fund*, on day of I hare seen it u»ed la two cam with happy results Gro\erJH,pkg Sinclair Miss F, trunk Wagons SS dozen Broom* inaudible Bids will be weight. sale. .one a case ef in Giles A L, Scriver Geo W, s onck u»rn to all except the reporter*.platformMr. accompanied by two aceptin* su e The tioo-Mfal secondary syphilis, which the l_j>kg pkg 3 New < arts 1 Tackle and rail Lubbock moved the first bidders to remove Hubbard A W, . .complete cortitied b> a United Mates civfl officer of tieo. stores within prononnc*d himaelf cared after pkg Stockton Lt B V box OfTice Df«k. Store' r, resolution, declaring twenty four boars. ten Ave bottles of having Hervey Jos. 2 pk^s Str 3 I'nfiniaked NVacns 'Litfflb that the Irish Church should cea«e to tbeir »trinity Payment will l>- made for each 240 Btient your medicine. The oth*-r a ii a »» > ' >ng8arith.sewiu^*- m'e with all esist, Bv order of Major General Sb-ridan. caae of of nunc) J I pug Mnitb l>o\ 1 net Blacksmith* Toola. 2 Vices Together tlie Fixture- be!or.~ing to and t* ns recalled 1m- 10 per c«-: t , till all la delivered. scrofula, long standing, which is Oeo. including a d F actor>. opposing any amendment ot the A P. ROCKWELL. under its use, and the Hildr«-th O T. Blrimer Sam. bo\. 2Au»ils.3 Bellwa, Die*. Tools, an i S I on. bill U W. BIMUAM, Brev<«t Lieut A iudicaticnsrapidlyImprovingaie pkg and laree Iron Kettle rap Term* I'a-h. now pending in the House ofsuspensoryLords. T»t Major Q«ii U. 8 A. je ZS 6t and C. mediately, free of expenae, at th« M«w 14 Iron ©cununeujini It to the oroteoiioa and th» Maj pkg All the articlta are of tfie EXTENSION DININQ TABLE, cited manner. that York N aw Yard. to tbe Cannon, A. D. public. Hart Josh, bdl I'eelMC.lpkg beat juality. MARBLE TOP SIDEBOARD. declaring the bulk of »b« eaWjact nanal lajpecttoa p Iron and MOORE. M. D '. The-tocW ia very CHINA AND were thert at viz Projectile*, L. A BTITH. m n Hutchics Capt B K, pkg Verney J D 1 trunk superior, and titegethar this (.i.a8h WARS, BKIB4ELL8. Engluh people opposed to the eusp<*i>. 6 Iron Skida. Walter W V. b ale otters rare in< ucementa to parchaaera. CARPETS ANb THREE PLY bill. After Bwrtmw pf Vii'if i «W Dork*. to be delivered to pnrcljaaar* wh«re J M. WIlfSTlTbT M. bag cash. RUGS. AT AUCTION. t-ory comparative quiet bad »-oa they now K O D.. Hazard B K. box Ward (.'apt H C, box Terms On MONDAY MORNING. June *uh. 196*. at 10 restored, wore made in ot the 1 OfO »heet« of Copper. Si by 60. A) Iba. per sheet: li» and to be r>>moT<>4 therefrom at the coat of the BARHAM M O., Hull H .1. stand A RICHARD WALLACH. o'clock, at the apeecbe* unpport K au>> lb« w.thaut th« W. ll a fine inch Lieut. R. W. KINO. M D , pkg ~~ very collection of Harcourt. were thick, alzea JuxJO, llxt?' aad 12x10. ai (.'->1 Ordnauce. 8 Johnson Jno. pkg White A Bro. 6 GBEEN A WILLIAMS, Household Furniture, They repeatedly interrupted, CO St Brevet Brif Q»n Comd'f. WOODWARD, M. D , B F. comarhring. and were unable to with the n»i> !e W T BREWER, M. pkg Wallace Thos, boxshov.-lJones BY Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers, Kumwooo Piano forte, by Haines Hro., N. T.. 6:; proceed rndiif Re»p. security required for the prompt and f D.\ Johnson Joa. pkg War4 Hon I. box No. i'2b southeast corner of 7th and OftHve,4ovtr and Stool of the other resolve*. The meeting ended an faithful delivery of mppliee awarded B1auk forma W. J. BULLOCK. M. D. Ju ld b"i D streets. Grren 1 r DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. January 7,1M8. Jas-pkg Whittemore B D Rep Parlor Suite (9 piece-) disorder, without taking any at lion on tt>e bidfiera to t>« had aj this oflca. 1J VMTED STA TES PA TEXT Johnson Ciiapman L box Williams T. Pkg TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE Walnut Marble top Centra Table. carved which bad been resolves UKOKGB PLUSKITT. OFFICE, Jones Win, box Walker Hollll J, IMPBOYED Ircn f rame Turkish prepared je 13-M P»> maater, U 8 S»Tf. Washington. Jiine5,l*J8. Johnson Walter 8. pkg Louuge, uplioIst«r«t Wednesday 0 A L A H D W D . praying the extension of a with the aiioTe-named Ph\ticiaoa. and are decree of the 0 O to they all Kellogg E J. box Wyman S O the Supreme 1 Plain morning a tragical affair oc urred in the patent granted him the 3d day of ^»pt»-mber, gentlamrn of respectability and ataBding in thia Capt pkg i°"rtof District of Colombia, passed on the Hair fKS»TIOr IHF CmTF! I3i>l, for an improvement in Design for Clock Oa»e T C. W<>udward E A. pkg J7th day of Hay, A D. 136-3.wherein Wm O. Btaetter and Husk Mattress** pat t of thu county. The parties in tb*western giAH., J * .41.'* community. DAVIS. .V rnnt f/*«*.V. King Oliver, bov iti BruincIs. Three Ofiill Ol IHI ,vU 11 "'ui IUO «ipirtllOQ OI of Wappick Max pk« cemplainant. and Catharine Baumann, executrix ply Carpets, Rug* and were Mr a citizen of theallair J said Mayor Wilaon, N. C. Kiml'le Jno. bdl W (>f th#» ltflt Will AVld tMtftmont D<... 1 U. <>ak Marble Matting t>eorge"ciowser. which Wilkinson r, vi top tidaboard W *»hi> .Tfi, June Hh ||4 > patent. take* pla. on the 3d day of January II. 1163. pfcg ft ftUl 0BUIUAQU, Oak rountv rending in Petticoat Gap. and a raan >*»»« Pr p will b- received at this September.lUM KahnJK.pkg Wheeler L J, pkg deceased, and other* are defendant*. the tame Extension Dining Table a oltice ft ie orVred that the K. yea Geo L.jkg Wilton Th js pk« cause being Oak Dlmre Chairs. « indow Shade* named JSeacmt. native of Georgia. b«>*. wht» vntii U M.of MOXDAY July 13th, 1«* far the said petition be heard at the i\ equity Mo. l,i«69. the anderaigned trustee* nas- oeen ner«* « «..f. Patent Oft, te oa MONDAY, the 17th i BOfAT'ALS WILL CURE THE VERY rmiDger U S phtr WarnkerH.pkg m ill Hell at pul lie auction, to the China antl Glaa« Ware. Belt iterator uvu.g xor soiw time. It app*a: h»er> to »li* >«Dat«- f the United 8tat if of Aucust WORST .Ino highest bidler. on »* t o- ,2:2*0 urn, at 12 o'clock m ; and all are CAlsKS OF CHRONIC RUKL'Ma . ism KenneTy C, pkg Weed J J. Bkg THURSDAY, the of June. Oak 11 all Snita. Clock* Seacrist tusp^ted ol itr.propet that > lbs.> of beM WHITE ASH FI R persons notified Kutibman Dam. \V lSthday A D. Hid. at S b< t*. having SAfI to appear and show iense. If »ny h trunk heelei A bon.siale o'cloek p m . on the the whole Toilet Wire Safe miimii y with Wowwr s wife, and on V t'OAL. aid they »ye, why Portsmouth, V*-. February 25,1543. Leon ird Wm. box Sam'l numbered premise*, of Lot* llall Oilcloths. A'ao 1M» .oids of bwt BAKKK4' PINE WOOD, petition onqht not to he grant»d. Captain J. H. Bmker : Whlttle*e> F.Ipkg oneil.) two(2.i eighteen (19-) nin-t*eii Step Carpets and B>1s mornmg Clown-r pretended to starteda«»dayfor and Pers>cs oppv«i is th» extension are Lennox Win B.bov WmIud L~li*. 1 pkg (19. .and twenty itO.) In Wash Tub*. Jticordaof i MKRt HAtiTABLE OAK repaired to Dkar b.R : Thiaie to certify that 1 have been Lewis Bliza, bo\ 1 S^jaare numbered nine Flat Winchester, but upon returning found Seacris' W »>OD. file id the Patent Offlce their objections, afflicted with Rheumatism the Wit»ou Ida A B, pk* hundred and twenty-four 1924,> with the extensive Top Cocking Stove and Fixtures and wit.* in art forth in at ipeciaily for la«t five or aix Lamer 6V.2 bdls rtian.ber. Wool and Coal Stovas hi* together the wood- B ea. Tie Co«l to t>* thoroughly acrtOMd. th Wood writing, least twenty days b»fore the j-eani. many times unalle to move. I tried all lirewery Buildings aud Vaults, aud the other b«* fired on the wv!l and e day of hearing, al! filed tliereon. Kitchen Beuuisites. Ac Ac. asperated Sncrift, shot ta-.a^ irtMiifil. p» k-i #»«f in the testimony by either party medicine* recommended to me for the diaeaae. improvementsTrims he fired a >«-Date v«ult« under the direction of the * hief to be used at the said hearing must be taken and without benefit Also, the following I'M LAIMKD This property front* on Pennsylvania arcane and cash. < OOPEB * LATIMEB. cBVct; ^cond -hot. which killed h.m transmitted in accordance receiving any Having beard Vth street enst. a j<-22-d lilt. He » a-then abo'.t to kill the -r r \--i«t*ct. who vill nl»'«*4 the M>rcli*tits ExpressPACKAGKforwardedCcmpauy. bavlug front on *ald avenue of 114 1 | Awe tloneere. guilty woman, ar. i moaaarv tli* »i'o4. ofllre. »Inch will be furnished on application and finding a«>me relief continued it until will be sold at th>- sa: .e time teet and l inch. an n acaa«7*j W on 9th street east, ia * CO GE< B'-B T. BROWN, v. u M JOf bappy to a»y that I am completely well. Mlllff o. 1 key Levy &.C 3.9 b\S 1 pk.cod and well known aa Baumann's Auctioneers, begged him to >p*n- h«r lif»* for th» *ake ol h*t tiniuur mu«t b* " Oreen R' » Kt-w BV fc W. Corner Penn. avenue and dtd Sergeant M-AiiBi. hied in the offl< twenty da\4 be I not only consider the Kxalalia a A R, 4 lots Wheeler A Brow ning JO Brewery iS street. children. He could not overcome tbi frrr the day of the arvuin-nta. if sovereign casting*. s bo\e» grind stones, 3 bxs The term* of sale m preacribed by the decree are app'ai. w:ti in ten hearinf. may, remedy for Rheumatism. but I believe it alao a aa follow* One third TBTSTEE'S SALE OF On W'-dn^sday Mr. dowser cam»* to Wiuche*. %t ASH I Xf»T«'N" ASYLUM. JUNE JO I-h- day* alter Mitig the testimony. preventive an«i I cheerfully re< omm -nd it to Fanny Gibbs Mian, lot Wood C T. 5 boxe-.rod of the purchase money to be TWO DESIRABLE LO . the in caah and the « ATED BUILDING t«-r and surrendered bimsell to the an. n Ordered, »1ko. that this notice be publiihed Id the afflicted Yours, very truly, household good* Whit* C. 1 box paid balance In two eaual SITES ON TUB BOAD pr®i»r Pr for anpplyin? the Wi^hiaft u Aay'um Republican and the Ir.teliig-n'-er, Washington. Eli/h W oodbriJce Mm. McKenzie I) E. 1 It: in six and twelve months, the deferredinstalmentsLEADING TO "SoLDl EBb' Hull" AND thontiet. and is bow conttnea in jail.- Hi *» »»th the D and in the JAMS? WEBB. 10 trks.6 bis 1 chest to bear interest from the dar of paymeat*"BOCK (KEEK ClilBOH." OHK Si MKIMl'INKr for >ear. << mmeociu* Courant. Hartford. Conn , one t Hillary W H. 1 t>o\ eala. and to COST AI (it.) n«ii. f»f J 1> lat. i> j». » ill be f-ceiTtd by the Comm:«a ou a week fur three *ucr*«*iTe weeka. the flr»t of : in, 23* .ly 1. S be tecnred by the note# of the parcnaaer, endoraei ABOUT T* KLYK AND TUB UTHEtt 1NG t" until the JMb iu»t aid pnMirationa to be at least aixty PREPA*E9 OSLT BT to tbe aatiafaction of th« trustees, or one-third of ABOUT THIBTEEN ACBK8 I/Thf to the day of day* previous the in By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of New York ha? They r«-»*r»e the right t< re ect any or ail the he%rin<. A M STOl'T, purchase money ca«h.and the balance on Supreme Court of the a writ ot error, that * bin# je ll-wiw Acting of J. J. LAHKEM E, >1. i>., Cheinitt, HOSPITAL FOB WuJ1EN AND the ratification of the sale the District of Columbia, aubatitutias me a I upon promi-sary1-oded. Commitaioner Patent*. 1COLUMBIAI TIVn.lN HOBDIT A 1 by Court, at the tru^tae, note is rendered ^ oerliim |? F . To OII'l" BALTIMORE, HD., The title of tbe property to be retained nntll the atoo'clock p m «n the premises pre* **d to sell after its delivery. In the case on trial JOHN M-DBVITT. r. CONCENTBATSD EXTRACT (Late of Wilson, N C.) Patients deslring to avail themselves of th* whole ot the purchase money is paid, and the sale at public suction t«o Lots of Ground in Waaa on the face ol tb«* note that -S-ptenab^r"itappeared VkM ot this Institution can obtain advantageratified by the Court. inston county. D C t» en out SIATEU. room* br private The had .-tricken and -Ocober II" JAS KKL1.Y. JAMAICA GINGER. PRICE 91.AO PER BOTTLE. applying to the Matron. These room* All converaaclm and revenue stamp* at the coat first containing 11 acre*, 3 reads. and 8 as the date are furnished with all the comfort* of of the acrcnaaer. alter one of the partieseub«titundhad Con m:a*i nera W n home. The . perches. a-liingt Aij'x'n Guaranteed atrictly Para and the bait la a*a, Sold wbolesal* by all the principal prices to at the time of_ eale. 1 he second signed the note, and without hi- kaowiedg* or j« 79-nt [ Hep J| Chron | It I* aa excellent Druggtsta Id all tbe large cttiee in tbe WholesaleUiiitod range from 06 ®12 per week, depending *vy) deposited^ containing IS acres and IS perchea. State* and British America, and ratailed up L the room delected, this includes Board. W. r.MATTINOLT.{Tr_lt-ai Laa on it a small Frame House consent. A.-HINOTON AjTLI M JlMviO,l«b'. TUNIC. ANTI DT8PEPTIC and IN VIGORATOE by Medicine. Medical, and Surgical attendance.Nursing FEED. SCHMIDT, < Trustee*, This laud is aitnated on the east aide of tha ^ everywhere Dragflsta Order* for admission to the my 23-td GKEEN A road leadmc to "Soldiers' I»r. of re. And la alao naed for Flavoring pnrpoaea. OOVIRNMKNT or WILLIAMS, AucU. 'country Home" and Fuller, Hopem^r.T m»m->ry, Pr. for * v All letters of inqntiy, Ac., FKEK BEDS In this Hospital can be obtained of Bock Creek Church/' vi> of to _p<-»aJ» »oppl).u< thf Waahingtoa A I . m SHOULD fremptly answered. the by "North Capitol cently returned Middletown tX.» with Mrs ^»ith MEATS for thr facal »7 tb« Conini*«ioner« A Certificate of Analyafa from the eadiag AM Army. Horwitz, n)ttm Rv of thfi Trnaf*Aa hout and Conway BoMnaoa, E. J. Middle drove to the residence of Mr> Prior » hu-bai.4 Chief of ' ton. and Ussra l at:, lb' vth irat lytical Chemist of Baltimore, accompanies eaofe DR. J. J. LAWRENCE A CO.. the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, f Henry It la ia an elevated post boree-. out and All lnfoi mation relMit* to lb» United States Nary. j» lj PREEN AWILLIAM8 Accta. tion aud a desirable neighborhood. with * span of got .-n'eivd 4«ant:tj aai bottW ' ** belonged ifcorf Prior <;i.%litj re,ciird will t>« furn.ahM ou appliratiaa PRICE ONLY THIETT CENTS. OLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUt ACT0 Application for orden of the honorable Secretary J. WELL t Both Lots are in a good state of cultivation thon«t> Wu«-4t#jn>Xk of the Interior to be made at the office ef T. COLD CO . Auctioneer*. Terms ot aale One third ol receive his witt and the I>octor tb«a too* bet to tbe latradant, a: thr A«> lum. Manufactured by RER8, Dr. J. H houthweat cor. Pa the purchaae miner "HN M> l»B\ ITT. W. P. SCOTT. Thompson, 184 I street, between 20th and Slat ata BY are. and ( , at. of each lot to be paid id cash. tsd the balance In to her own family ilTiHniiChemiat, 844 BALTIMORE STREET, A Medical and Clinic i* held at two VI 3LAIBK. Surgical the CHANCERY SALE OK IMPROVED AND equal payments, at, reapactivalr. ai\ aad JAMBS KBLLT. .f°l*owln« dk&W ChemKU la Waah BAIT.xju, MB. every Saturday,Ulf. m , by Professor J.HospitalH. REAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVEDtwelve months from the day of aale, with interest g0r The Court o! Appeal-of New York * UN L A dead and a Comnii«»ioner» Washington Atrium, ItgtovtBd «*<)rMto«i Thompson, for out-door patients, who are NORTH. BETWEEN NEW BTREET given deed of truat taken. thai the Board of Health ha* to (t I B»p A L'broa | For sale by 8. CAXYERT FORD. Druggist. No. medical attendance free of charge. furnished JERSEY AVENUE Adepoaitof $'JOOon each lot will ba ra«alrad at powerhadeciried jrft Tm w WMhlnclM M"«> Fean. «w Waahiaston. D. O. aHlw>o«i MEDICAL STAFF: AND 1st STREET WEST. time ot aale. forbtd slaughtering ib the built up portioat ot L0A,LVATrtSSS*90co ,r ,l a . _ FOB HI-* J H. THOMPSON. M. D..Surgeon By virtue of decree of the Supreme Court of the Conveyancing and atampa at tha eoet of the tbe city, and to lorbid driving cattle throsgh 8CBSI&TBNCE STORES £JL.V igJS0*' A. In-Chief. Diatrirt of Columbia, paaeed in Chancer) Caaae No. W the «treet» J>ROPOSALi? °°* h Md V. ASHFOED. M. P., Assistant Surgeja. 1.244.Welle et al. v*. T FEN DALL. Trustee.purchaser. -««*la ia duplicate will b« M «?»«!_. Brunaon et al..I ahall, je 11-aodAda J T COLDWELL A 00.. Aucta in Prop- rrcrired at tFih ns.. it t> rumored El Paafo, III . niiu EBurrti mwii on SATCBDaY. 4h* 27th day of June. 1SSK. at ( ~~~~~~ tha* ta» Araaaal. Maa* . BOARD ay to Ito'rlock m . atrrtdvi. without extra charg*. CONSULTING o'clock p. m., on the to GBXKH K,.t. Mr. Crai«, villain who reduced the Janr B IK* f"> the followin* nrticlaa of T A. K. M. D . P. Horwita, M. premieee, proceed aell, at * WILLIAM*. THCBtiDaK J^hm. 1 Si-1* Barnes, D., public auction. Lot 1, in Square 567. atthecoraer BY Auctioneers aad Baal Bstate Brokers, unfortunau- Huth McCtoUaa. rendered febbaiatence all to l*» of the b*«t TRAVRLING BAGS. KoWe_Yo_ung, M. D.,_ C. H. Nichols, M_. D , of qualify noKide. R'. Do»».S!l P<-pp« be BSSMSS«iV«S®{iW!Sa?-M the largest stock and greatest D., and fronting on L atreet orABI>IAH 8 or A LOT* AtNQtl uQ «r b*t»r* July 10f^> Bt BUV|I pnicife«*i Itt mi. PRACTICAL MANUFACTORY OF . O. HOOD.H.JIVILBT.Ho 339 Pennm txrt. tth Ul Lot "B'* haa a front of l*feet 8S inchea, contain* the District of Columbia, 4*Im Ku 23.1M, 4bIj ». arecrow*. and hfe -aid to be HTr Tit proximo. S. TOPHAM link now about 1.577 eiuare feat, and ia tb* huirtnc Court or MM they tual 1J bbl* Mfm Pork jjj&k JAMES * CO.. »treeu, h*i on hand a flu atock of Improved by a email c >nftrB>r4 b1 IHetrict. Modeal crow-- awn to gat .h»U a»>-r«*«i M l* GOLD and S1LVBB WATCH 19, One Iraie Houae annexed to tba above. ifciaeery «tttln*.l oC.r for aale 1 aablic I ..OO Bacoa. (>ho.ld*f» a-id 8:d«* SEVENTH*sVfisT. and other rich JXWKLBT, DIAMOND Lot "O" baa a front of 19 feet inrnea, ia oartfc n. In front of the premieea, » 8AT0&DAT. to tillers. »bl» Extra Hour 1IDBIT JJOTC* ft 09 , 7i On* Door »bove06d fallow*' Hall. ABD BILYKBWABB, BPKCTAULB8,STANDjHB and contalna about 1 .877 eqnare feet. untmproved,.be rtb dey of J«M. * Vloebpart of Lot 7"A Hon* tor Women. »Vi» tAey rti totrl IJMlb* P« B»aai Uiliuei BAjOTT Lot **D" tat the corner of lat Ma. 1 ia Mo M, of the of tbo :rt) lb« Bit.*.(Carolina lilDV&OTDII and L atre-ta) ia Itw* pia city of iind lode* at actual cor', hat toon opened ic * REPAIRING..Traaka, *e., Ul anImproved, and fronta JO fe»-t on L atreet Only WMbmituD. b< in« the eaat Sfe«t ia width of e»H on l.MOlba Ki* Coi» *. git*>a ITTu««TI lttkitrMt. »««thoroaghlf one third Internet in thia Lot lot the. tkcnof. « H [Jbicaffo, and u coaductod «aoh a plan a* ta repaired, at ikort _ ic^!0«?'85#aBFLA0S^^D.,^55OLASBKB, A«., Ac., all at tke lewaet <"D") will be aold. by depth froatlac «tr*ot J jmtV IW gyvvwu yraaptj; vary arloaa mahe it ai.d n lirvf the ftrttoitoi Utiittwilmto m»lri«|. » W0rk «*« Low rricet. a. 339 Pin1* ranaa Term*: One-third of the pnrcbaaa money of aa«h north. between 10th aod Ulk itrMU Mat aelt-auatainuftf iiaam 4»f*U-n« ViBMtr VPK^iotto..Oo*| Lot to be paid in caah. and the remainder in Tnm : One kiUcuk. the ntKuUttn* and from any m*w of chanty T6»» i- the trua f»> 1U. So*p, r»How 0 0 D ADD GOAL. IV OTICB -PXNN MJDTUAJ*._LTFB IHSO- reapectivelr «iz and twelve month* from day of all loathe, the u« Ibr (fee aa»e hi* ]plan for all imatitauoaa of Ui>» character MO DM Salt reload urn, * ' BANUK li«.i miLAllUrHU. with inter to be oote-t r;reho*readotaod,gtyi m< yy pim tale, eat, aecured ay the bondaof MiMtftortl? tauiu to latmifration, (a* au. toil. the of » ea , bays If rat tbi T»ry M WOOD Mi COMMISSION °iPITAL r~ |*,M0,ON the purchaser or'pnrrhaaera, or the whole price Irtm day Adeedgleyn theletereetrati- are l t ;o« OOU B0H4HT, The inured are raaaeatad to call and raceir» may be paid la caah, at the parchaeer'a optioo. A fleatioa ot eale aad a dead etf tract takea. All roe CharteatawsOeerier. ah^oletHy aeca»ar y at tto IovmI go to (» anilT VUlv. anBivafm n their ScripdWi<3cTi'1« of flftj »«r cent on reainai depoait of BJS on each Lot at time of Teyaaetaf aad etaape at the oeet a( Mm to attract farmer* to tke South Th» pi aa prlco. at repaired aale. parchaaer. , the A**ncT,ftoo*fta. I. u.m m for each land-ow ner In Neath p^*poted WATr-mTvws Aiii>u , Jaa« r.ui TIW4KT, cornar of 7th at. aad k » tf Ooraw IiMtltt itmti. Building. Panaa.Waahtaftooa»e "Msr«Tftn?rt,»no».t arll-UMw* JOSH KIOOLIS, A^aat. ifl'id J T COI.DWILLI co Anm . M QEIR1 « WILLIAMS, ildl. to ecoourac* aettlera with capriu >V