BATXmDAT.: tU A R Y tig M ,

mttmdrMf^ SttMiftiQ ifmiiiir AT-ERAOB DAOtV dRCLOATION TUB IVBATHBR for Uw moath of Joanary, 19SS Group Ko. 1 of the Memorial Hos­ Mrs. E. F. Nelson won first in Forecast et U. S. Weather Barean, pital auxiliary, Mrs. C. R. Burr, bridge at the Manchester Green Hartferd . ABOUT TOWN leader, will meet Monday afternoon Community club's card social last night; second honors fell to John 5,458 at the T. M. C. A. Member of tSa Audit S flt. M iiy» T«m» People'! Fel- Douglas and third to Mrs. Mar> F w and colder tonlgtiL Tneeday inrahip will meet at the Parish The adjourned annual meeting of Gratladlo. In .setback Walter BnroMi et OlreolotloM fiamljrBtrr liif tttttg lirralb fair and not ao coM. 8 nwe tomorrow evenliw at 0 \Vashlngton L. O. L. degree team Borst was high, Mrs. J. M. Donze, A'cloek tastead o t the usual hour. will be held In the clubrooms to­ second, and A. F. McKee, third. The committee of women served home­ night at 8 o'clock. VOL. NO. (CloaalAed Adverttaing on Page 19.) Mrs James U. Shearer of HllUard made cake and coffee at the close of MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS atiaet left today for a stay of sev- advertisement the games to the more than 76 players present. aiml weeks in S t Petersburg. Fla. A t the Princess Grill you can get a full tourse luncheon for 3Sc. JUST MUST USE Soup, entree, pudding and coffee. aOSE TO 10,000 THE BIG WORDS As Huey Long Hears Of Plot Setback Tonight TRY AMERICAN A. C. 70 f m e t e e t We Are An AgenI For RANGE OIL Tires — Batteriei — Car Heaters For Instance, What Do Scien­ FRIEND OF HAUPTMANN Masonic Temple SEE DAZZLING tists Mean By “ Nonstructur- AU Men Invited. C. R. .MAONELL MORIARTY BROTHERS , al Land Improvements ?’’ Befreahinents. Admission SSe. IS Ulac Street I 301-816 Center Street— Comer Broad DIAL 6078 STOAttE JfoPPERS I Open 34 Hours! Free Rond Service! Washington, Feb. 4— (A P) — Phone 3873 The eminent scientists of the HELPS HIM IN HIS ALIBI National Bureau of Standarda Annual Carnivai Draws just can't get away from ex­ pressing themselves in polysyl­ Everyman’s labic profundities. Great Crowd; Miss Evelyn So chairman Oliver (D. Ala), NOTICE! of a House appropriations sub­ FOR RANSOM EVENING OKI committee had to ask for an ex­ After February 1st Chandler Hit of Shor, planation fropi Dr. Lyman 3. Bible Class Briggs, bureau director of a re­ Speaker: 0 quest for money for "non- Committees Do Fine Work Criminals c)n the Run Tesiaies He was piaw JOHN ROGERS per tpn Joe’s Garage structural land improvements.” $ 1 3 .0 0 “ What d o_ you mean b y . Coke Sold For Cash Only. Will Be Located At that?" he queried. ' f , • T \ M n . Suspect on Morning Star Quartet Center Springs park waa jammed "Roads,” was the answer. 50.00 I With close to 10,000 people ye*ter- Justice Dept. Reports Nightih.iDr.c..d.«said Sunday, February 3 Cor. Center and » ' day afternoon at the 7th annual Ice 2nd Congregational Church !l. t . w o o d CO. Carnival sponaored by the Manches­ FHO.VE 44B6 WOULD YOU WANT ID Washington, Feb. 4.— (AP) — ; Knox Sts. Do You Need This Credit Money Now? ter Veterans association. Warm Out of 32 kidnapings since the He Paid over the $50,000 HRE DESTROYS (Concluding that the criminal “la on Fceleral anti-kidnap law was enact­ //^ you come and see Mr. Grant at once he will weather which softened the Ice the run," the apprpprlations com­ ed, he reported that all had been BUY A Pie IN A BAG? early In the afternoon prevented mittee today asked the House to solved. But hi rapped the "vi- — Another defrase Wit­ many of the more elaborate exhibi­ BIG MLLSTOWN overrule President Roosevelt and ctous" parole system, recalling that show you how it is done tions for which the large cast of give $5,000,000 to the Justice De­ “Baby Face" Nelson, who was Pub­ Norton’s Baby’s Nickname Contest nationally famed skaters are so ness Asserts That Man He I Neither Do You WanP partment's famed division of investi­ lic Enemy No. 1 until justice agents' 847 .Main Street, Kublnou Building — Norton Shoe Store well known, but a' dozen acts, rang­ gation next fiscal year. guns got him, had been paroled. No Money Down. Small Weekly or ing all the way from singles exhibi­ RD.FAJIHOUSE President Roosevelt sent a budget tions, comedy, doubles, ladles pair, One out of every eight persons Saw With Ladder Re­ I Suggest This Nickname for the Baby: message asking $4,700,000 for the arrested In kidnapings. Hoover-tes­ I FILMS trio, barrel jumping and a special DEVEMH'FD AND Monthly Payments Will Do It a To Buy COAL agency. Today, besides recommend-1 tified, had received clemency either waltz number were given during Ing $5,000,000, the comihittce told | sembled Hauptmann. the hour and one-taalf. through parole, probation, pardon, PRINTED Home of l(arry H. Cowles the House: j Repayment Plan—2 Months, 4 Months, 5 Months or 10 Months. Apparently convinced that there had been a plot to assassinate him. Senator Huey Long Indefinitely post­ respite or "leave" from jail. N.A.ME ...... '.TTn ^ Miss Chandler a Hit "Under the able leadership of th e' 24-HOI K SUtVICK Mias Evelyn Chandler, premier poned further hearings of his personally conducted murder conspiracy Investigation. He is pictured (center) To show the scope of one phase Payments As Little As $1.47 Per Week. attorney general, remarkable re -; BILLETIN’ .4UURES.S ...... professional acrobatic and novelty Completely Wiped Out In court at Baton Rouge, La., duejng the session which brought a confe.sslon by George Davis, former of his division's work, he .said that Film Deposit Hog .At Any one that has an auto may apply for Credit. Our Regular, or Would-be Cus­ YOU DON’T KNOW deputy sheriff, of his alleged participation In an assassination plot involving $20,000. A l rlcht Is Attor­ .suits have been and arc bciag at­ Mall or bring to the Norton Shoe Store— Before Tharaday, Feb­ skater who cancelled a Chicago en­ tained In the apprehension and con-:, 050,000 fingerprints wefe sent in to I New Britain, Feb. 4— (AP) tomers that have or have not. their 1935 auto markers can join Our Plan. gagement, due to a slight Injury ney General Gaston Porterie. ruary 7th. Store Entrance. This Morning; Occnipants victlon of desperate criminals." the Justice Department lost year. ! — .Acting police Chief Brennan HERE IS THE PLAN: and came to Manchester for ■'■ the As for reports that his men arc ! of Elizabeth, N. J., notified New Veterans benefit, was the featured J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the divi­ Call at the Midland Filling Station and till out an application, and if approved, ANYTHING ABOUT sion, told the committee how the "trigger men" Hoover recalled that i Britain offirlals today that El- star In the afternoon program. Miss Make Narrow Escape. In the last year they had killed Wil- 1 vert Carlstrom, a witness in the you will receive a check for $20.00 to get your 1935 auto markers. Come here and ,In buying any old coal you might Just as well expc

community without a church.” ------— In concluding he summoned the KNICHTS INVITE FINANCIAL MARTS Mr*. Marguerite Hickey presided at greater place to Uvi In. Let us notj IMMUNTTY VALUE citizens of Manchester to play fair Teacher Appears Daily TAXES REFUNDED the opening o f toe joint eesslon. think that because we are aatlslied “ DAVID COPPERHELD” with an InsUtuUon which makes Local Stocks N. Y. Stocks ROCKVILLE There was an entertainment pro- CHURCHES ASSIST we should let the rest take care of such a contribution to the best in­ giam In charge of the Stanley itself. Wouldn’t that be somcwljat Norton’s Baby’s Nickname Contest terests of the town. " I f the church CATHOLIC MEN ARE D U Ii TODAY A t Studentless School Coboss Unit No. 14 of this city. The selfish 7 Rather let ua have vision AT THE STATE SOON CHURCH PRAISED Adam E x p ...... 6 4 847 Main Street, Rublnow BuUdlng — Norton Shoe Stor* is so vital a power for good, then (Fumlsbed by iPatnam 4k Co.) BY GOVERNMENT Glee club of toe Unit rendered four CHAMBER DRIVE and, glancing forward, think of our A ir Radue ...... I l l >4 each member o f the community OentnU Row, Hartford, Oonn. ■election* Tbis Glee club has been children. For their sake let ua co­ Alaska Jus ...... 174 ______i I Suggest This Nickn^e for the Baby: , • should support it loyally and gen­ Avoea, N. T., Feb. 4.— (AP) — ;waa cited by the Stats Edueatlon formed during the past few months operate and join in this the For­ Will Be Shown Four Days Allegheny ...... 1 4 ANNUAL DEMOCRATIC erously." 1 P. M. Stocks Delay Ruling on Gold Hits Sitting quleUy at her desk doing 1 Department for attendance records. and the following took part yester­ ward Movement which is under way, StartinR Sunday, Feb. 10- jteT.LC. Harris Emphasizes At Least 200 Expected to Allied Cbem ...... ;....1 3 6 4 m day, Miae Emma Batz, Mis* Jennie Am Can ...... 1144 ‘various things to keep busy," Mrs < order to fulfill the terms of Thorne Estate of Greenwich Support of Forward Move­ so that when our children follow our Will Rogers Picture Dates Bank Stocks v ^ u s ipings » seep ouay, M n . ! contract which dOM not expire Batz, Mr*. Anna May Ptunder, Miss footsteps they may look back upon NA.ME Am Coml Ale ...... 38 MEETING TONIGHT Changed. ^ Forward LooioDf Spirit of MOTHERS a U B PLANS Attend Gathering in rm k- Bid Askod Traders; Prices as a Rule Albert van Amburg presldee d ally, unUl next June. Mrs. van Am bm g Anna Martley, Mrs. Mae Dunlap, our efforts and achievements and Cap Nat Bank 4k Trust 9 18 Am Home Prod ...... 814 over what U probably tba only stu -; arrlvea at the aeboolhouse each day M ils Mary Sullivan, Mrs. Louise .ADDRESS ...... Am Radio St S ...... 14 Gets Back $198,000 — ment Is Urged from Pul­ say: Manager George Hoover of the Conn. River ...... 450 dentleas school In the country. 9 o'clock, remains uhtU 4 p. m.. Blair, Mrs. Bertha Phillip and Mrs. 'They have left ua not only a bet­ Mall or bring to the Norton Shoe StoWi^Begore,Thursday, l^eh- BRIDGE P A R K FEB. S er Hall Tomorrow Night. Htfd. Conn. Trust ..69 Am Smelt ...... 35 A re a Bit Lower. Several Speaklnff and Enter­ Anna Trinks. Mrs. Mae Chapman State theater today announced that Institotioii. Am Tel and T e l ...... 105 A week ago Mra. van A m b u rg' Mtuma to her borne e ter and greater place to live in, but "David Copperflcld” the Dickens ruary 7th. ^ Hartford National .... 22 Other State Refunds. tainment Items on Program is the accompanist. There were also pits Here Yesterday. the bc-st place.' A city or town Phoenix S t B. and T. . 168 Am Tob B ...... 834 bed three pupils In the little red . ‘T h ey tell me It resdly Isn’t neces- specialty tap dance numloers by masterpiece just translated to the Anaeonda ...... 104 in Rockville Hotel. thrives in proportion to ita supply of aerten in one of the finest produc­ Will Be Held at Mawnic Tem­ At laast 300 are expected at a Inanranoe Stocks N«w York, Fob. 4— (AP)—With scboolbouse, located In the town of | aary to visit the school dally," Mrs. little Miaa Marley, with Mlsa Anna Xb bla ■crmoB kt South Church Armour, III ...... 5 4 men and women who are progres­ tions ever filmed will be shown here ple Inatead of Regular apeclal gathering to be held in the sxpactad break tai tba gold clausa PratUburg, but they graduated to | var Amburg said, "but I am taking Washington, Feb. 4— (A P )—^Ttae M u le y at the piano, d v ic Sunday was observed in ail Aetna Casualty ...... 65 sive. for four days starting Sunday, Feb­ Buotlay mominf, the Bev. Leoosrd Tinker Hall tomorrow evening when Atebiaon ...... 444 high school. She has been teaching i no cbancea." President John N. Keeney of toe E^lowlng toe entertainment, toe Monthly Meeting of Members Aetna Fire ...... 484 clouds falling to appear today, moat estate of Samuel Brlnckerhoff the churches yesterday in response Set It Right ruary 10. Will Rogers in "Hie C. Hu t U, minister, taking a* his all Catholic men are invited to at­ Aviation Corp ...... 4 4 at the PratUburg school for the Her school will close permanently two groups divided, the ladles hold­ Aetna Life ...... 18 Thome of Greenwich received the Tolland County Democratic Asaocta- to an appeal sent out to all the However, there is a type of loyal- Country Chairman" originally tend as guesta of CaampbeU Coun­ Bolt and O hio ...... 114 financial marketa aettled back for past seven years and under dlrec- next June—there are only two other ing their meeting in the G. A. R. subject, "n ie Church, A Commun­ The Manchester Mothers' Club Automobile ...... 34 tlon urges everyone to attend - the cy which does nottiiink of thi high­ .scheduled for a week from yesterday E V E H Y H O PJB E W g g P 8 cil KnighU of Columbus. The BendU ...... 154 another eiaeta. ttoB puplU won 70 eaah prtaea a t : chUdren in the school dUtrlct and largest refund of Feaeral taxes in hall, and the posts meeting in the ministers In Manchester by the ity Asset," smpliaslxed the value of will hold a bridge party inatead of Conn. General ...... 364 the Connecticut collection district er things, but has chosen for its will be shown .for three days start­ gathering la being held In connec­ Beth S t e e l...... 8O4 eoun ^ fairs while the school tw lee' they plan to go to another school. atmual meeting of the association Police court room. The Hatheway Chamber of Commerce in' connection the respective institutions and or- their regular monthly meeting Fri­ Hartford Fire ...... 67 Tradera In both atoeka and ataplaa during the fiscal year, 1934 listed slogan the phrase. 'My country right ing Thursijay, February 14. Msn-! ganlsatxms which exist In the com­ tion with the campaign that la now Beth Steel, pfd ...... 71 which will be held this evening at Miller unit pt Ellington was with the Forward Movement now day night. Feh. 8, at the Masonic Hartford Steam Roller 754 showed little inclination to ijack up In a report to Congress by the- or \\rong' Inatead of, as it ager Hoover announicd also ttmt munity as community assets or lia­ being conducted the council for Borden ...... 344 awarded the ettp for having the being sponsored. Temple. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, chair­ National Fire ...... 564 Bureau of Internal Revenue. the Rockville Hotel. This Is the should, 'My country, to be followed bilities. Among the former, he new members. A committee bead­ Can P a c ...... 134 their gueaaaa on the forthcoming de- largest percentage of their mem­ during that week dishes will be man of the hostesses will be assist­ Phoenix Fire ...... 744 suit as even better than she had Estate taxes of $198,706 were re­ annual meeting which was The letter which waa sent to all when right, and to be act right when placed as the major asset, the ed by John Hutchinson anti consist­ Case, J. 1...... 56 cisiona by expanding commitments. bers present ai-the meeting. The given women patrons the last three, ed by the following members; Mrs. Travelers ...... 400 PICTURES IN DECORATIVE hoped for and that the Italian gov- funded to the estate. The Seymour adjourned from Stafford Springs in wrong.' These words we may term days of the week. Church of Christ, that church which S. H. Goslcc. Mrs. C. D. Whltcher, ing In addition to Mr. Hutchinson of Cerro De Pasco ...... 41 The result was that dullness ruled in Stanley Dobosz Unit of » this city Public Utilities Stocks Chea and Ohio ...... 434 ei-nment believea the London ac­ Manufacturing Ckimpany received January. thus; 'My Manchester, to he follow­ la forward looking. Christ-minded Mrs. J. F. Pickles, Mrs. C. L. Rob­ Paul Morlarty, Michael Sheridan, all deportments. Apathy In ths equi- cords tend to Increase th security was awarded the second cup for hav­ Conn. Elec. Serv . . . . . 33 Chrysler ...... 874 back income taxes of $16,726, $19,- A t this meeting there will be the ed when right, and to be set right ' and seeks to apply the spirit of inson, Mrs. P. L. Emery, Mrs. H. H. John Dwyer, Louis Flllere, J. J. U4a Ust waa pronounCad throughout SCHEMES T ’ SU B JEa and peace o f Europe. ing the most reports ui the hands of If you dislike the .sound of your , Conn Power ...... 334 Col ICarb ...... 70 848 and $7,121 for the largest total regular business session at which when wrong’. W a sh er V alu es Christ to every phase of life cour­ Miller, Mrs. S. J. .Straughan, Mrs. Sweeney and John Rohan have ex­ the greater part o f the saaalon and The most Important feature of the district chairman at the desig­ car's horn, you can ctiange its tone tended invitations to a large num­ Greenwich, W4kG, pfd. 40 o f income taxes refunded. reports of the officers for the past Thia is the appeal!" ageously. He paid high tribute W. W. Keeney, Mrs. Isabel Hub­ Col Gae and W3ec ...... 6 4 the ticker tape waa frequently the London conversations, he said, nated time. by slipping a length of inner tubing , ber, but should there be any over­ Hartford EHec ...... 604 0>ml Solv ...... 304 Four Connecticut taxpayers re­ year will be read. This w ill be fol­ to the current efforts of the Cham­ bard, Mrs. Edna Dwyer, Mrs. A. F. ;*jotlon]esa for a minute or- so at a Lectarer in Course Tonight to was the air agreement which Italy Plans were discussed for the dis­ over the end. ' looked they will be welcometl. Hartford Gas ...... 35 Cons G a a ...... IS4 ceived refunds of processing taxes. lowed by a program which includes N.ATURE’S SW EETS ber of Commerce to stimulate civic Carlson, Mrs. J. N. Nichols and Mrs. time, prices were generally ir­ Be Sherman Smith of New now is studying. He remarked toa^ trict entertainment which is to be Hartford Council K. of C., has do., pfd ...... 47 Borck and Stevens, Inc., of 925 speaking, entertainment and refre.ih- Chestertown, W. Va. West Vir­ consciousness, pride and interest in 8. W. McAlpine. Further notices Cons O i l ...... 7 4 regularly lower. there were certain geographic held in the spring. As first IF YOU WANT THE shown an Interest in the meeting S N E T C o ...... 105 York Decorating Firm. lousatonic avenue, Bridgeport, and ments. ginia ha.s changed to honey the town of Manchester. He wdll be given in this paper later in Cont C a n ...... 66 Bonds and forelga exchanges ex- reasons which might m llltatl planned, this was to be given by the and among those who will be pres­ Manufacturing Stocks pthe C. W. Lines Company, of 173 cldcs, here. Sunshine caused honey Helping millions to stressed the recognition of . the the' week. Com Prod ...... 884 hlhitsd a disposition to mark Urns against Italy’s joining this agreed The special speakers for this an­ auxiliaries, but the members of the ent at the gathering tomorrow Am Hardware ...... 314 Del L and Wn ...... 164 Sherman Smith of toe Raymond Chestnut street, New Britain receiv­ nual meeting will be Senator Ho­ to ooze from a beehive under the WASHER YOU BUY Chamber in Its recent circular letter pending the fate of the Administra­ ment although there were no politi­ ed $1,553 and $860 respectively in posts will now co-operate with them. of the value of religion as an indis­ night will be Daley, Rourke and Am Hosiery...... 30 DuPont ...... 044 and Raymond Company,* N ew York, cal objections. The general Impros- gan who was scheduled to speak at Olives of a building and run down EMD COi-DS Bpckley, who will be heard In songs Arrow H and H, com, 14 tion's monetary program. Gains were will be toe guest speaker at this eve­ wheat processing taxes, and the The following committee was ap­ the splkc-s of icc. Children are pensable force in the securing of a Eastman Kodak ...... ,113 aion, be said, la'favorable because the Stafford Springs meet but who pointed to make plans for the event SHOEMAKERS TO TALK and recitations and other members do., pfd...... 100 a bit soft at Umea and cotton was ning’s session o f toe decorating Colt's Patent Firearms Manufactur­ waiting for Nature's lollipops to TO BE A PERMANENT community's highest welfare. El and Mus ...... 8 4 he (iesertbed the air agreement as could not come on account of the which probably will be held some SOONER [V is a of the council from Hartford will Billings and Spencer .. 4 barely steady. course at toe YMCA Mr. Smith will ing Company of Hartford, and the drop. “The church," he continued, Elec Auto Lite ...... 344 “putting teeth" into the Locarno ac­ Lees Manufacturing Company of severe weather at that time. Mrs. time in April. Mrs. Helen MacFar- also attend. Bristol Brass ...... 33 Fractional changes predominated talk on toe use o f pictures In the "affords a fellowship different from OVER LEGISUTION Gen E ke ...... 334 cords. Westport received $681 and $671 Fannie Dixon Welch, National com- land of Mansfield; Miss Clara Bobl- INVESTMENT IN any other, in fraternal, professional The program also Is composed of Case, Lockwood and B 140 Qcn Foods ...... 344 among leading abaree. Some im­ decorating schema of today and will mittcewoman from Connecticut will speakers. The meeting will be open­ Colllna Co...... __ provement was shown by Western repectlvely for cotton processing. tallle ot Moosup; Mrs. Mac Chapman and other social groupings, there arc 85 Gen M o to rs ...... 31 also give Interesting historical Other Connecticut taxpayers re­ be present as well as other promi­ of Rockville; Walter Hickey of Meeting to Be Held. Tonight to ed by Grand Knight Leo J. Kwash Colt's Firearms ...... Union. Consolidated Gas, Sears Roe­ certain limitations which result in 26 hi 28 H Gillett* ...... 134 sketches of famous paintings. ceiving refunds ot more than $1,000, nent members of the Association Mansfield; and Charles Batz of EI- ECONOMY. ..THEN and he will present the speakers. Eagle Lock ...... buck, Continental Can, Bethlehem the repression of personality. Man Discuss .Matters Pertaining, 18 21 Gold Dust ...... 16 C. Elmore Watkins, who is In income taxes unless otherwise not­ from other parts of Tolland County. libgton. This committee will report Among the speakers will be William Steel and Republic Steel Preferred. HOW TO END COLD ROOMS.. wants and has a right to a more un­ Fafnlr Bearings...... 55 65 Hudson Motors ...... 9 4 charge of the weekly meetings of motations~^ ed, were; The entertainment program will at the next district meeting In to Their Trade. J. Shea, post grand knight of Camp­ __ restricted fellowship, where the Fuller Brush, Class A . 7 Int Harv ...... 414 Issues about unchanged to easier in­ the " Y ” Interior Decorating Course, Aetna Brewing Company, 130 Bel­ include violin selections by Forrest March. finest and best within him can find bell Council and at present head of Gray Tel Pay Station. 10 12 Int N ic k ...... 224 cluded American Telephone. General secured the servlcee of Mrr Smith Cohen, accompanied by Miss Mari­ OUR ROOMS WERE SO COLD-IT WAS Legislation favorable' to aboe- District No. 1 as district deputy. levue street, Hartford, $5,605, To Start Tournament an opportunity for expression, where Hart and C o o le y ...... 75 85 Int Tel and Tel ...... 0 Motors, Chrysler, U. S. Steel, Case, through Miss Harriet Condon of the War represent intellectual bank­ etta N. Fitch; vocal solos by Miss LIKE LIVING IN A HOUSE makera will be discussed at a meet- The principal speaker will be Frank Spirits-narcotics taxes; Madeline P. A pinochle tournament will start human interests and needs find pri­ Hartmann Tob, com.. — 5 Johns Manville ...... 53 General Electric, Du Pont, Johna- ruptcy, the prostitution of science Lillian Abrabamson, Queen of the of local cobblers tonight at 8 o'clock Madden of Hartford. High school staff. Through the en­ Bakewell Trust, 437 Humphrey on Wednesday between teams from WITHOUT WALLS mary recognition, where men of all do., pfd,...... 23 ■ -- Kennecott ...... 164 Manvllle, U. S. Smelting, Howe to murder. President’s birthday ball; violin in the shop of Peter Peperltis at Following the program that has deavor of Miss Condon, Mr. Smith street. New Haven, $1,762 and $948; the members of the Rockville Lodge clasS^ can feel happily as brothers. Int Silver ...... 20 24 Lehigh Val R d ...... 3 4 Sound, Public Service of New Jer- —Dr. Louis Mann, University of solos by Joseph Llbsch, accompanied WE CHANGED T( 407 Main street. been arranged there will be refresh- and bis exhibit o f reproductions of Mrs. Grace M. Bessick, The Oaks, ot Elks and the Maple Grove soci­ The church affords this kind of a do., pfd...... 70 74 Bey, Santa Fe, Union Pacific and N. Chicago. by Mrs. Ruth McKinstry Cooley, Hours of closing, In particular, will rnenu served. Yesterday a delega­ Llggpjtt and Myers B ...... 104'i, famous paintings has been securad Bridgeport. $2,520; Frederick N. ety. There will be three sittings fellowship, it is Inchvsive, catering Landers, Frary & Clk. 38". Y. Central. and several entertainment features, ’blu e c o a l be outlined, and the problem of tion of members of Campbell Coun­ 36>a _ . Loew's ■ .. I ...... 324 for this entire week, the display be­ Bclding, 54 Taloott avenue, Rock­ with the first and last being held at R«>v. Knrl RIrhter to no particular social blassiflcations, New Brit. Mch., com. Strange aa It may seem, sound This will be followed by a luncheon minors employed in places where cil went to Hartford and witnessed 4>4 6e>h 4 I Lorillard ...... 194 Although the marketa were obvi­ ing held in the Trade school audi­ ville. $1,398; Mra. Annie W a rn er the Elks Club and the second at but all who seek its membership do., pfd...... 40 or stable money baa never existed served by Prop. Anderson of the shoe shining is conducted will be the working of three degrees in the 50 Mont Ward ...... 354 ously disappointed over the delay in torium. During toe week various Bishop, 301 Park Place, Bridgeport, Maple Grove. -Ths losing team will the churches reads.'n part as fol- i CO.MK I.N . . . and share a common consciousness as Mann & Bow, Class A except recently in Sweden. EJng- Rockville Hotel. lows: I talked over. Under the NBA. institution of a new council in 3 7 Nat Else ...... 3814 gold decisions, the fact that nervous classes of the local schools will view Trana]>ortatlon Company. 4498BQ entertain the winners at a ban­ children o f God. do.. Class B ...... — lond is close on toe heels of Swe­ minors employed in shoe shine par­ Simsbury. 1 Nat Cash B e g ...... 164 sellers were few tended to confirm the exhibit as part of their art train­ $4,312; Bridgeport Transportation Plans for an enlarged organiza­ quet. Ask Coopemtinn | see our line of qual­ The church is deserving o f the North and J u d d ...... den, and America, under Mr. Roose­ tion will be taken up at this meet­ lors arc allowed to work only 48 22 24 Nat Dairy ...... 134 the belief of some analys that ing and Mr. Smith will give short Company, 4490 North Main street, "Bccau.'c wc believe that religion. : loyal support of all high-mindod Niles, Bern Iftind ...... H velt's guidance, is al!X> on the road. Bridgeport, $1,231; Broadway Bank ing and it is expected that more hours wckly. It lias been found ttmt 13 N at DiatiUers ...... 284 equities, as a whpla, are now in informal talks to each group. C.\T FINDS OUT education and go hand in ' ity VVa-shcra, backed citizens because it seeks and stands Peck, Stow and Wilcox — 4 — Priif. Irving FIsber of Yale. and Trust Company. New Haven, than 100 members and friends will this rule Is being violated in Man­ N Y Central ...... 171^ fairly strong hands'. These feel that, Tonight he will be present at toe hand for the ideal dovelopinnct ot for the beat in the community life. URGES m G A N i u m Russell M f g ...... — 25 $1,228; Central Fairfield Trust Oim- bo present. chester. N Y NH and H ...... 6 4 no matter what the ruling, panicky YM C A decorating class to discuss Nashville, Tenn. — Curiosity any community, we arc a-sking your by the mighty name It seeks to create a high and effec­ Scovlll ...... 21 23 Lack o f confidence is the very pany, now the Merchants Bank and Local Man Missing North Am ...... 124 conditions In the financial sector are toe use of pictures in toe home. The killed a cat and also threw a large coojicration in the Forward Move­ tive sense o f moral responsibility. Stanley W orks ...... 23 H 25 Uj Packard ...... 4 4 essence of depression. Trust (Company of Norwalk, $3,006. Police in nearby cities and the ment Program now being promoted of W estinghouse. OF STATE DEPARTMENTS not likely. meeting, which begins at 8:30, will —Dr. A. loiwreaoe Lowell, presi­ part of the city in darkness for an It supplements the work of the Standard Screw ...... 80 90 Penn ...... 21 The Connecticut Credit Corpora­ Btste Police who have been asked hour. by the Chamber of Commerce for bo open to the public. dent emeritus of SarvarA Now l>Iuecoal* Heating Plan schools and all educational agencies, do., pfd., guar...... 100 — Phils Rdg C and I ...... 3 4 The opinion was also a^ sn eed In tion, 955 Main street, Bridgeport, to watch for Joseph Maguda. 27, of The cat climbed alightning ar­ the Industrial, trade, and civic bet­ it seeks to direct the use o f knowl­ Overnight A, P. Governor Cross and Legislative •Smythe Mfg. Co...... 45 50 Phil Pete ...... , ...... 154 brokerage quarters that the authori­ $1,379; Crawford Laundry Com­ 67 High street this city, who has rester pole at a power sub-station terment of our community from keeps every room warm aa toast all winter I edge, transforming it from mere — If T can’t manage a team. I’ll quit. pany, 435 Fairfield avenue, Bridge­ Taylor and F c n n ...... 85 Pub Serv N J ...... 25 >4 ties would not consider It necssatiry been missing from his home since and touched a 13,000 volt wire. February 4th to 11th.” HIS nionry-saviiig plan nnl only Committee in Debate — May — Babe Ruth. port, $2,215; Mrs. Julia W. Ensign ter heat with le*i attention. And technical information into the wis­ News iTorrington ...... 71H 73 to close ths Stock Exchange. In ad­ last week Saturday. The young The resulting of light il­ oiler* you ‘blue coal*, America'* Become Major Political Issue Radio ...... 5 4 FRANCO-BRinSH TREATY Darling, of Simsbury, $5,093; Wil­ A ll or part of the sermons yester­ T he'll »how you how to operate it dom o f life. It Is a friend and de­ Underwood M fg Co. .. 56 58 Reading ...... 36 dition the suggestion was voiced man is married and has a small luminated the sky and.was visible Presldent conditions in the bour­ liam M. Day of Seymour, $1,280; J. day were devoted to the subject of finest aniliracile, but it give* you, *o you’ll get every hit of useliil fender of the sanctity of home, wom­ West Guilford. Vt.—Mrs W. B. Union Mfg. Co...... IH 3 'i Rem Rand ...... •...... 9 that the market's suspense might child. He has been out of work -ind for miles around. Two sub-stations Hartford, Feb. 4.— (A P I Rc-or- geois countries are leading to re- Frank Duryea, Pickwick Arms, "Civic Righteousness'' or "A Citi­ Iree, the service* ol a trained heal from the ‘blue coal' you burn. Models from $ 5 9 - 5 0 anhood, childhood, therefore Is op­ Perry, 36, Brattlcboro, was U S Envelope, com .. 85 Rcy Tob B ...... 474 not be as long as anticipated by ON AIR AID SEEMS NEAR It was thought he might be seeking I-Uir.v, JO, E>riii.ui.'uuru, w a s killed Kilieu n n lu u H n n r,___ _ Greenwich, $1,926; Joseph R. Ensign, were put out of commission tempor­ zen's Duty to his Community." | Heating Expert. posed to any traffic such as the do., pfd...... 112 __ some and that the high court could proHsion and terror, and the only employment. He has been active in arily and newspaper offices were For ‘blue coal’ and free heating become Sears Roebuck ...... 344 way-out o f the crlaia they can see o f Simsbury, $4,355; Estate of L il­ Rev. Karl Richter of the Lutheran ! liquor traffic which has always tend­ horses broke away from her hus­ Voeder Root ...... 36hi 38'k Socony Vac ...... 14 spring a surprise any day by an­ baseball circles here, and was for­ deluged with inquiries about the Without eharge thi* man will in­ advire call your 'blue coal* dealer a major pplltical issue between (Oenttnued Prom Pag* On*) ia war. lian Clarke Farrell, of Derby, $1,- Concordia church spoke In part as ■ .‘>5.00 Down Payment. ed to degrade and demoralize hopie- band's control. She was burled in­ Whitlock Coil Pipe .. . 2 ', South Pac ...... 154 nouncing its judgment after the merly employed In the local mills. "astronomical display." spect your furnace—tell yon how — litled in your classified tele- llfe. It is a friend of all that works Governor Cross and the Republican -Prem ier Vyaohealaff M. Meto- 488; George R. Ford, Station 21, follows: i to a cement bridge. Her huaband, J.B.Wll'ms. Co. $10 par 60 75 South Rwy ...... 124 close of business. It was recalled Funeral of Mrs, Nellie Zuraw to fix it 80 it will give you bet­ phone hook, under 'Idue eoal.’ tor dvlc, political, moral healtji and laglalatlve organization. The gover­ In with toe other queations, where- . toff of Russia. Windsor, $1,164; Peter M. Fraser, "The Christian Religion Is not a a dentUt, and te r two daughters, Stand Brands ...... 174 that the handing down of rulings on The funeral of Mrs. Nellie Zuraw HELP NEEDED wholssomeness. It stands as a nor lor the third time la asking the aa we hold it apart from toe other 140 Garden street, Hartford, $1,420. was held this morning at 8:30 from religion of isolation, but a religion of Small .Monthly Payments. were Injured. Leglatature for a commission to Stand Gaa and Eleo ...... 8 4 Monday Is only customary uid not a W alter H. Goodrich and C3o.. Inc., staunch disciplinarian over the riot­ things.. BRUSHES COMB BACK her late home on South street, and Indiana, Pa.— Police found S. L. association with our felloifv-chrts- Newburyport, Mass.— Hundreds nf I ring the buslneea machinery of the BARBERS TO DISCUSS Stand Oil N J ...... 40 matter of strict regulation. 200 Waterfront street. New Haven, ous impulses of lawlessness — that "There is no chance of Germany’s Charleaton, W. Va. ( A P ) — Pa­ at nine o'clock from St. Joseph's Robinson, 64, with his horse and tians and fellow-citizens, vvem iist clam diggers were thrown out of state up to date by eliminating du- Texas Corp ...... 194 $3,952; Hartford-Emplre Co., 333 which disregards legal and reason­ going back Into toe League until trons of the atate's barber shops church. Rev. Slgismund Woro- wagon pcramqul’.t'ng on the side­ not withdraw and isolate outlines work by the burning of a clam pllcatinig and unnecessary units. Timken Roller B ear ...... 34 Homestead, uvenue, Hartford, $2,- ‘Hue U coal after we ore certain that equality able restraints to the lower passions chlorinating plant on Plum'Island. can have their hair brushed in toe nlcckl, pastor of the church offi- walk perilous near an expensive from the Forward Movement which MINED BY OLCN ALDKN COAL CO. His bill Ie now in the hands of the PROPOSED NEW LAWS Trans America ...... 6 4 in all reepects bat been actually 495; the Hartford Gas Company o f The Manchester Electric Co. Of men. The law demands that clams dug SERVICES ARE HELD good old aray once more. A ruling in cltcd. Burial was in St. Bernard's plate glass window. On the blotter is being sponsored by the Chamber "Assuredly no sensible man would judiciary committee. Union Carb ...... i . . . 464 grantsd." tha code for barbers which for Hartford, $10,485; Hartford Nation­ from beds in tl>is section be treated Union Pac ...... 101*; cemetery. the charges waa “driving while in­ of Commerce of Manchester. It is THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. care to live and rear iiis family in a Po'iale Chairman J. Kenneth Reichsfuebrer Hitler received a months banned brushes due to poa- al Bank and Trust Company,.$4,560; Mrs. Zuraw, 36. was bom in not a political game, but an en­ 773 Main Street I'hone 5182 and ti'ere is no other nearby plant Bradley of the Judiciary com Meet Tonight in Hotel Shcridnn Unit Aircraft ...... 1S»„ Estate of Millard C. Humstone of toxicated." ' Coal, Lumlior, Mastons’ Hiippllps, Fnlnt FOR BOXING REFEREE copy of toa lutreement yesterday ■iblc uncleanliness has been modi­ Poland and came to this city when deavor to bring about a better un­ where tills- can be done. luiUto has written to the gov­ to Di.sniss l.egislatlon Now Unit Corp ...... 2 4 New York, estate taxes, $49,186 Tw o policemen had to get the 336 North .Main St. Phone; 4149 from Ambassador Phipps of Great fied to allow toe "lyren l>a'ek^’ type a young woman. She had been in horse and wagon into safe keeping derstanding and relationship among ernor asking for concrete recom­ Presented. Unit Gas Imp ...... 114 Britain and the ambassador earlier Estate of William C. Hungerford I* to be put Into service again. ill health for several years. She but the horse balked. They had to the people o f our town. “Seek the mendations and implying that the U S Ind A l e ...... 384 nf New Britain, estate taxes, $7,317; had given Foreign Minister von leaves her husband, Frank Zuraw; 7 R I P *I*l*'*’ < *o a l' "The ShMow". Cohmibla Nttworh, Mon. 8 Wed 6:30 p.m. committee may refuse to recreate a U S Smelt ...... 1104 Bridgeport, Feb. 4.— (A P )—With Mrs. Mary Louise Jones, 55 Kenyon scurry around and find some one to peace of the city,” the welfare of the Vincent Farrand, president of the Neurath an outline of the draft. a daughter, Gertrude and tWo sons. go Robinson's bail sp he could get P U lw A D io SHOW* "Peggy’*Dottot'’.W.».C.N*twefli,Mon.,W*d.>fri.t:15p.m. UNCORKS WALL ST. BRIEFS commission and furthermore, if the U 8 S t e e l...... S6 4 the Staff of boxing referees of which To Take More Time street, Hartford, $1,698; Mrs. Adele town is a simple truth and thus Master Barbers’ Association of Mon- the equipage out of the way. governor does not submit definite he was a member, acting as pall­ U m iMHir* sm s- T. Kingsbury, in c’are Union and- make Manchester a better and New York, Feb. 4 During De­ che.stcr. headed a delegation of four Western Union ...... 29 The foreign ministry, it waa in­ ADVERTISE IN THE HERALH-IT PAYS proposals, the committee may bring West Elec and M fg ...... 37 bearers, and many notables o f the N ew Haven Trust Co., New Haven, and a mother, Mra. Mary Obion in cember world cotton spinners used membera that went to New Haven dicated, will likely take considerable Poland. out Its own bill. Woolworth ...... 54 fistic world present, funeral services time before giving its official view tlMWi lira Int* $5,722; George O. Kolb of Beverly STUFFY NOSES 1.116.000 bales of foreign cotton yesterday to iritend a state meeting Meetings Governor Cross said today that for the late Henry J. Gcrrltty of the accords. HlUs, (iillf., $1,459; Mrs. Lucy Mof- against 1,130.000 in November and i of mcnibeiH o f the State Barbers’ A joint meeting of the Republi­ he would reply toj Senator Bradley (Young McAuIiffe) were held from In addition to the air clause, it th« wild, frts flt Limch, West Mountain Farm, 972.000 . in December .ast season, A: i'ltlo.i. can Town and City committees will but he was not prapartC to state St. Ann's church today. waa fait here that *i:ngiand’s adhe­ Ridgefield, $6,3F7; Henry L. Max­ says the New York CJotton Ex- At the meeting in New Haven yee- hsMt of MMMt, be held this evening, Monday at m S SECONDS at this time what the nature of the tc. day th rc was a general discus- PLAN FOR LARGE CROWD Final tribute wi^ paid to Gerrlt- sion to the Franco-iuilan accord well, Harbor Drive, Belle Haven, 'change Service. Thia represented reply will be. It Is expected, how­ Greenwich, $4,306: Patrick Mc(3ov- eight o'clock in the Superior Court Deeters Recommsndint Extrset the largest consumption of foreign slcii on a bill that has been present­ ty's memory by persona from civic, at Rome waa also unclear since ever, that the governor miglit tell thewheleweild’s ' em. 147 Washington street, Hart­ room, Memorial building to discuss Of CMaeu Plsni fibers for any December on record. ed to the present Legislature on fraternal, veteran and sporting life. “England already had agreed to ORAPTSMAN RC. the committee that rn-organlzatlon AT WEDNESDAY PARTY ford. $2,679. plans for the coming year. ' V ttn yeu hSft s head cold, thftutsndi Of American cotton, world mills which action Is asked relating to the Delegations from toe Bridgeport consult over the question o f Austri­ gypsy l«M l PORTS* "Camel* nf tiny t m h U Is your soM «wtll up, was not a matter requiring the as­ G ^rge J. Mead, Bal-Brac, Moun­ The Vernon Civic Betterment As­ rholrft oft orMthlos.snd cork up your not- used 916,000 in Decamher against governing o f barbers and their shops Lodge of Elks, toe St. Joseph's T. an Independence.” bring back the fcelluK sistance o f a oommlsaion and could tain road. West Hartford, $5,724; sociation will meet on Monday evc- trill u Usat u s belUt. You rtn't ilrtp 1.025.000 in Dtcember, 1933. in CkmnecUcnt. B. and L.. Asaociatlon and toa N a­ “The question now U,” an official of menial alertncfc* Will and It aakM you foal mliiroHo. But not be satlBfactorlly accomplished Trust for the benefit of James A. nlug at eight o'clock at the Dobson- Just what took place wilt be ax- St. James’s Parish to Hold Card tional Guard were present. Senator said, “ whether England etands that a drafciman SO";—you fan sat rallaf Is I eultk aoaosdf. e lth t' by the executive branch of Miller, Riverside Trust Company of villc school house. Miss Pauline needs, and never give Thouisada o f ytara aso. Chinaa. rairdioJaa The Stitch Index of weekly aver­ f plained tonight at a meeting of the Joseph B. Lawlor of Waterbury, ready not only to consult but to the government, exclusively, or hy Party— Bridge Lamp to Be lend military assistance to keep Hartford, $1,331; The National Hat­ Kahan and Miss Marjorie Stephens me any sign of ragged was dliaovarad tlwt one of their plante age tobacco prices based on the local barbers' assorintinn which la state boxing commissioner, headed Rofefi.Ml elmotl mart re I posiri In rtlltviar the judiciary committee. Given as Prize. Austria as she is.” ters, Inc., of Danbury, $1,283; New will entertain with piano duets. nerve*." (Signed) BOM and throat cosditione. TtHlay, aftar 1028 average of 13.1 cents a pound to be held in the Now Hotel Sherid- toe sporting delegation. The foreign office appeared con­ Britain Gas Light Company, $1,643, The Good W ill club of St. John's Franklui Donusuck andlfia akparlmonti. mod.m lelrnea hit- as 100 (or U. 3. Tj'pe 31 air cured dnn. Following the meet­ The pall bearers were: found a way to eatraci from thle tilant lie cerned over the Austrian angle of and $2,055; Orient Insurance Com­ Episcopal church will meet this eve­ burk-y, increased last week to 126.0 ing. to wliich all members are urged . , iM it aeUyo (ntredient. aalird gpl>«lriDt. A bridge lamp will be the door William Conway and William Tay­ pany, 20-22 Trinity street, Hartford. ning with Priscilla Backofen 'l from 112.2 in the previous week. to attend, the entertainment com­ toa Rome pact and naa asked Ger- And. now. you and aeery other eufferer of NORTH COVENTRY prize that will be awarded at the lor of Hartford; William Smith, of $1,197: Estate of George E. Parsons, at her home on Windsor avenue. wide ean set the wonderful hentllte mittee o f the asaociatlon, boa ar­ utany’a amhaasadors to find out ? / • lefentlde compousd ealled regular weekly card party that will Norwalk: Ttaos. McCarthy and Jot. whether the “ hands off poltoy” ap­ P. O. Box 522, New London, $1,245. 1 he Longview Parent-Teachers' Hill c Note Drope. California crude oil output for ranged for a social se.sslon. The Coventry Grange will hold Currie of New Haven, aU membera plies also to Italy and France or William Lyon Phelps, of New A.ssoclatibn will observe Founders In ftee etconde Hlll'e Noie Prope etsrt the week ended Feb. 2 averaged fte regular meeting this Thursday be held in St. Jamea's ball on Wed- esrink ewolirn Wood e tm li In the noit. -*70,800 barrels daily against 500,- of toe state boxing referee's staff, whether It Is ntlrely directed Haven, $2,539; Phoenix Insurance Day at a meeting to be held this « , they ooDtrart. psuasta apen, mueui evening at Grange Hall. Safety NO WALLOP—TWO KICKS needay evening, for toe benefit of and J. W. Harris, of tbs Elks Lodge. Company, $4,092, and $7.314; EsU te evening at the Longview School d ^ n i Oft and diraathlng ie mana aaitar. 200 ,n the previous week. against Germany. Night will be observed am an illus­ toe church. The committee thia “However," s^d officials, “there of William R, Porter, of 161 Deer Hall. The School orchestra will Now you underttnnd why ordinary pro para- Chicago—John Stank didn't get a 1'- * - h l.onr that aiaraly “ oil" your no.# rannot trated lecture will be preientod by are aome good things in the London Hill road, Danbury. $2,077; Estate furnish a musical program. A social TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY kick *0 he gave one Instead. week Is beaded by Mrs. Viola Cor- Sl'e lha aama lellef. Thay don't hit at the the State Highway Department. accord and we will study It care­ of Henry Roberts, Hartford-Con- hour and refreshments will follow. rrW eania o. rlogswl paauirn, . . saM) eon- Another feature of t'le meeting will From John Wayde he purchased a cillus and she baa for her aeotatante NOTICE—SEE THIS newly refinlsh- HUNDREDS OF NAMES fully." nectlcut Trust Co., of Hartford, The hostesses are Mrs. Joseph jeitlone. So, If you wanp^l leeend re lie f be a epeaker on Grange values. This bottle of "17 year old stuff’ that he repreaentativee from toe different from head eolde or the ipaimi of aithme ed 4 room rent totiay, improve­ estate taxes, $45,675; Security In­ Lavitt, Mrs. Arthur Kress, Mrs. “THCnRSTTIMK or bronchitii, sot a botUe nf Hill's Noee program ie of special interest to said turned out to be burnt sugar seettona of St. Jamea's parisb . at ments. Price 118.00.. 01 So. .Main WANTS SEPARATE PACTS. surance Company, 175 Whitney Herman Katcke, Mra. Henry Kloter, I ever moked a Camel, Drop! today. At alt dniggliie. SJf. Gfangers and a large attendance Is anil water. No kick. When Wayd* follows: Mrs. James Dearden, Mrs, FOR NORTON'S BABY C lt lt . Ihe Larned Co. street. Tel. 7605. London, Feb. 4.—(A P )—Authorl- avenue. New Haven, $24,805; trust Mra. Mabel Klee and Mrs. Fred 1 ‘fell bard* for their expecte 1. approached him to make another Peter Casbion, Mrs. Mildred Coe- UUva British quarter* eaid today estate of Ira H. Spencer, Hartford- Hlrth. mild* rich taste," aaye •ale. Stank dteidsd he bad to deliver tello, Mrs. Celia Wandt, Mra. Jamee that the firet official reaotlona from Connccticut Trust Company of thia expert tree aur- Aceto, Miss Julia Reardon, Mlsa Mve itary <8st IveRi^ The,Ladies Auxiliary of the A. O. a kick himself along with a few Nortonis nickname eontest enter­ Germany, Italy and Belgium on toe Hartford, $3,628; The Star ceon.“Camelshelp to punches. Bessie Reardon, Mian M ary Mc­ you tmihns liiroufh{ H. will hold the third in the series ing ita third day today, has already new Anglo-French agreement were Company of Shelton. $2,417; Mrs. of Whists which they are sponsor­ relieve tiredneasafter In court Wayde was fined $100 Carthy, Mloa Catoerine McCarthy, brought hundri' re*mpic victories are especially memo* While the women members of toe am Europe as outlined by Sir John 1 this evening at the home of Mrs. you come and see Mr, Grant at once he will simple. It it not necessary to buy Simon. British foreign secretory. 816; the Wallace Barnes Company Frelda SchmeUke of King street. A rable. He says: *'Any one who goes in for speed wmmmmmmmMcommittee are taking care of toe anything. A contest blank appears of Bristol, $13,532 and $737; Mrs. PROGRA5I OF THE WEEK card playing and arranging toa re­ Authorltottve sources confirmed social time will follo w the business skating needs an abundant supply o f stamina snd In The Herald every day, which can that Great Britain clearly did not Eva FoIIctt Warner. 886 Main session. show you how it is done freshment part there will be a num­ be sent to the Norton Shoe Store. street. Bridgeport. $12,‘J45; Mrs. energy. I fed pretty well used up after the last hard Intend to endorse toe French propoe- 6 K O Two in Hospital S t a t e T h e a t e r ber of men wbo will assist and there Rublnow building—or left at toe ztharine J. Whiting of 345 Whit- al for an eattera European aecurl' RADIO Two young people were taken to sprint to the tape. But Camels restore my *pcp.' ie an effort being made to make this store, with your suggested nickname pey avenue. New Haven, $1,901. STOM MANAOIII No Money Down. Small Weekly dr Uea pact, aa tout far formulated, the RockvUIe City Hospital on Sat­ Their lifting* cfiect is noticeable in a few minutes. WED. and THURS. one of the largest gatherings that together with your name and ad­ Winchester Manufacturing Com­ SAYSt “Whenever when it joined Franoe In a declara­ urday aa the result of coasting acci­ “RIGHT TO LIVE” has attended a card party in St. dress. pany, formerly the Winchester Re­ I smoke • Cxmel. my And Camels never disturb my nerves. For sheer James's Hall.’ tion for an eastern Enropean mutual dents Eleanor Ryan, 14, daughter energy revives. 1 call Monthly Payments WUl Do It With The contest closes nsxt Wednes­ Bsaiitance agreement. Now It is peating Arms Company of New pleasure, there's nothing like smoking a Camel.*' JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON Haven, $5,541; the Winchester Re­ of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan of a Camel *the amoke day nig*<£ at midnight end winners’ indicated toet thia latter agreement LiTTl.e that cheers.* Cameig (tlgaarf) ik c K SHEA, Otymplc Champlan Spaad Skatar Repayment Plan—2 Months, 4 Months, 5 Months or 10 , Months. OEO. B REN T peating Arms Company of New West street was injured in an acci­ namss will be placed in the Norton may also take toe form ot an avto' never {angle my windows Saturdsy, Fsbruary D. Haven, $12,291; Clarence M. Wool- dent at Nyc and W e.t streets, when Payments As Little As $1.41 Per Week. and / PEARL B U e n THIRD tion alliance. she collided with an automobile nerves.” (Sigwod) It was explained that the Nether- MINISTGR ley of North Greenwich road, Green­ Georga F. Statfoed Any one that ha« an auto may apply for Credit. Qur Regular, or Would-be Cus- “ONE HOUR LATE” / wich, $1,504. driven by John B. Skinner. 22. of tonlers that have or have not their 19J15 auto niarkeus ean join Our Plan. With / lands was not Invited to join the air Vernon,-while sliding. Henry Welz, HELEN TWELVETItKES NOVEL AT UBRARY FOREIGN EXCHANGE pact because the Intention Is for toe 12, son o f Mr. and Mra. Henry A. HERE IS THE PLAN: scheme to be initiated by those coun­ W elz of 61 Spring street was also tjul at ^ e Midland Filling Station and hll out an application, and If approved, F R l. and SAT. tries signatory to the Locamo NOTED PEANE DESIGNER Injured when bis sled collided with you will recel^ve a check for $20.00 to get your 1935 auto markers. Come here and WARNER OLAND If you .have read Pearl Buck's treaty. ZANE▼GREY’S e^ an automobile driven by Mrs. Good Earth and Sons, you will want New York, Feb. 4.— (AP) —For­ Following toe areek-end oonveraa- In eign Exchange Irregular; Grpat IS DEAD IN GERMANY Sophie Goldfield of 56 Kibbe street, ^ Coupon Hooka valued at $30.00. Any person that to read the third volume of tola Uona with British government offl- Hartford. Mra. Goldfield ia a for­ “CHARLIE CHAN Britain In dollars, othsrs In cents: nas their *“35 auto markers already but needs a little extra ready money, we will give trilogy, A House Divided. Mrs. ciala which brought about toe Anglo- W E S T of the :j mer RockvUIe resident. The police, Great Britain demand. 4.874: ca- '"‘uii.’! ni'i.’ made finer, More ?;xp-:-’nsivo ^ ^ J j f you a^check for $20.00 and 3 Cash Coupon Books. IN PARIS” Burk has written of three typea ot French asnreement. Premier Pierre- Dr. Hugo Junker, One of are investigating the accidents. *'THIV TASTK SO blss, 4 J 7 4 : 60 d iv blUs, 4.684: PLUS Chinese, which to her seem toe Etienne Flandln of France left tor Both children are reported to be MILO.** “ Camels tasta o'*®" redeemed only at the Midland FiUing Station on Retail France demand, 6.554: cables, PECOS World’s Pioneers — 7fi Years O U l’ KIB B EE and most vigorous. The first genera­ Paris by airplane. His foreign resting comfortably at the hospital. ^£I$T£N ao mild-"and give >*ou 6.554: Italy demand, 8.434: Ca­ of Age. a ‘lift’ when you need of b w U n e . Kerosene, Motor Oil. Alcohol, Tires and Tubea at Posted Prices, ALINE .MacMARON tions of the House o f W ang Spent mlnleter, Pierre Laval, left for too with Plana Temperanoe Legion ■ s - TurVish and Domt-ritii; - than any ivo extra charges. bles. 8.434. like lha Carnal Caravaa Marriag it.” aays thia coUega In its strsngth upon toe eoli; the sec­ French capital by beat train. A Loyal Temperance Legion unit Demands; Dessau, (Germany, Feb. 4.— (A P ) O K ^ a . Aaaana Haashaw* Clan girt *1 am a ataady ond on to t battlefield and toe third It to be organized In Ellington In Gray a Casa Lama Orchatcra ovar coast* Knock Premium Gasoline. NO TE : Our “BABBITT” Belgium, 23.18; Germany, 36.90; RICHARD DIX — Dr. Hugo Junker, pioneer aircraft smoker, but Camels In the building of a nation. In this REACTION IN ROSIE the near future. Plans for thia wdll co*coasc WABC*Columbia Network, ^ 8 t ^ Price IS 2 Centa U s s Than Other Premium Ga-sollne. Holland, 67.16; Norway, 24.48; manufacturer, died last night on his never tire my taste." I, il 'I ' STARTS NEXT SUNDAY third novel, young Yuan comes to Rome, Feb. 4.— (A P ) — An Italian be dlBcuascd at the February meet­ T u n o A y Sweden. 16.18; Denmark, 11.76; Pin- MARTHA SLEEPER THURSDAY (Sigaad) Emilie Baglay We Want To Help You— So You Can Help Us To Stabilize Our Gasoline and Our 4 D AYS (he United States, attends an Am sri- government spokesman sold today 76th birthday. Hh death occurred in ing of the Ellington W. C. T. U. at land, 3.17; Switzerland, 32.17; Ipaln, 10:00p.m. E.S.T. 9:00p.ra. E.S.T. Motor Oil 'Business. SUN. - MON. . TUBS - WED. can coUaga, mtnglss with American that Italy is doubtful as to whether a Munich hospital where he recently which Mra. M yrtle Chism o f Staf­ youth and New York Chinese; Is at­ 18.69; Portugal, 4.44; Greece, .63; had undergone an operation. 7:00p.m. C.S.T. • :00p.m. C.S.T. Germany will return to Geneva de­ ford ia expected to apeak on the t :00p.m. M .S.T. i. Limited From February 2nd to February 28th, 1935. NO W tracted by an American girt and Poland, 11.61; Ctechoalovakla, 9:)0p.m. M.S.T. “DAVID spite toe Anglo-French accords ‘ TODAY - TUESDAY Dr. Junker would hayo-celebrated proposed organization. 7:00p.s». P.S.T. ia the timel Don t waltl You may be too Ute! Call for Appointment. finally retuma to hia own country 4.154; Jugoalavla. 8.17; Auitrla, • :50p.m. P.S.T. A .' :■ . ;-eacheJ In London this last week­ today the 25th anniversary of the District Meeting Held somewhat shaken and bewildered 18.75N; Hungary, 29.65N; Rumania, COPPERFIELD” end. day on which he waa granted a There were about eighty mem­ and yet with new light and freeb 1.0; Argentine, S2.45N; Brasil, ' The goverament's information S T A L patent on hie first metal motor- bers of the American Legion and ita THURS. . FRL . SAT. courage. 8.514N; Tokyo, 16.41; Shanghai, from Berlin, be said, is that toe plane. Auxiliary present at the Foufth BODIiAMD FILLING STATION Again Mrs. Buck has revealsd her WTLL ROGERS 95.50; Hongkong, 41.60: Vexlco chances of Retchsfuehrer Hitler SPECIAL The celebrated German inventor, district meeting held in this city power to caU up unlvereal human City, (eilver peeo) 17J5; Montreal In taking (Sermany back Into toe whose aircraft and engines are in yesterday afternoon. The fourth Csawtfht. MSS M l m a n c b e s t e r “ “ ™ ® ' * ' w . g r a n t , m ™ . , , , . qualltles through toe life of an alien in New York, 66.664; New York in ^ E R SCHOOL MATINEE r. lUrwId* ToS«r«a l u w Sir, “COUNTY CHAIRMAN” League of Nations are remote. use all over the world, retired from district includes tha posts and race. This book may bo borrowed Montreal. 100.034. 0«o«ay Cam el’s Costlier Tobaccos never get on your Nerve Nevertheless, toe spokesman de­ T U E SD A Y , 3:45 acUve parUcipaUon in his business unit* In Tolland and JVindbam coun­ Wlnitoe-StUa, ff. a from the Soyth Manchester .library. N—NominaL ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I clared that Italy constdera tha ra- about two years ago. ties. Tha Fourth district president,

N ^ f V -


ments that can deal adequately dence." Very truly Hr. WooUcott flocks o f snow buntings, otherwise tfanrifpBtn* arlUi worid probiema; namely, 1B> said that a oompleta chain of cir­ Everything Will Soon Be Simplified known as the snowflakes, on his ROGERS DAUGHTER father's farm. Louis describes the ternatkmal courts, parliaments cumstantial mrldcnca Is the most DAILY RADIO PROGRAM and executives. birds to Mrs. T. D. Martin who was conclusive possible evidence. But S i i . i ™ j €ornttig llrraift It is perhaps easier for the aver­ able to tell him their name and - fOUbiriHUU ur IHIJ he did not point out, aa he might, MONDAY, FCBRUARV 4 (Central and Eaatarn Standard Ttma) TO MAKE DEBUT something o f their habits. They ate ^f»n*t.r> PIUNTINU COMPANT. INC. age American to understand and Not*: Alt programa to kor ana baste chain# or m upa thereof anleee epeel- nearly all white In color, with some SEMI-ANNUAL SALE that eys-witnesS evidence may be II 8tM«l>'litrMt sympathise toith Dr. Holt's point ot flea; coaet to coast (o to e) deelgnatlon incluaca airaTailablc etatlooe. black markings, and are not often HsncbM icr. Uoan. Uts worst possible kind of evidence Pregrame eubject te change* P. M. CenLCent. Ke$t« 1 THOMAS PBKQOBON view than for Dr. Holt to undar- seen In this vicinity. They come In a murder trial. Three witnesses, NBC WEAF NETWORK •;3n— 4:30—thedow — east: Oraeiw 0«i>«ral M«aas>r stand and sympathise with the point weat; Travere Oreh.^Dtsie; Jeek Has Only a Small Part in from Labrador and the Hudson Bay , Poandtd ooiobar 1, llll in cahoots, can swear away the life BASIC — Bssti weaf wlw weet wtlo Armetrena"->m!dweet repeat regions, visiting these parts In Brings Style to Your Kitchen— ' PublUMd tS»«r» Ev.ning Bictpt of view of the average American. • as* tu *u vct.»» w^r wtas wesb wfl wilt wfbr wre wgy 5:44— 4:45—The Cadete Quartet—« ^und«r« and Holidny* Entarad at iba of a perfectly innocent person—and wben weae wtam wwj weal: midi kad 6 :4 ^ 4 :^ —PreetvRedio Newe Period search of fo<^ In the coldest part of Poat Offtca at Uanenaatar. Cona.. aa He viaualisea a world made sane and JU ST TOfWJ IT wmaq wcfl wbo wow wdaf wkbf 4:04— P:0O—Myrt end Merfo — east; Broadway Play; Father the winter when there Is deep snow. this has been done, more than once. BBOliK HERB TODAY NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - wtmj rSdoottd CUaa Mall M aiiar. peaceful through the wise Influence OveRTOTHeSE if>3i hearing him say, “I like you. Gale Louie Penlee Dance Orohee.—weet Mrs. Paul Coates reports hearing 80B8CHIPTION RATES Unsupported by plenty of circum­ OAUD HENDERSON, pratty and Henderson. I like you a lot— ’* wtba kstp webc wday wfyr cret cfcf 4t14— 7t15—Just Plain Qlll - caet; at low sale prices! >Oaa T a a r. b r m a l l ...... of the United Statea— and that B O Y S C iv e SOUTH — wnra wptf wwne wis wjax Penico Orch.—weet; Orch.—Dliie the note of the bittern or "stake stantial evidence eye-witness testi­ 22, works la a silk mUL gha sad her wfla-wsuD wiod wsm wmo wsb wept 4:S0— 7:S(^The Q'Neille—eaat; Buck Has No Objections. driver," Friday morning, near her 'Par Heath, bjr m an ...... J JJ seems to him the only rational ob­ MeTHCCHAMdE. Etnsla Coojr ...... J ” • 12-year-oM brotiier, PHIL, tapport She couldn’t forget that. It was wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbsp kpre Regera. Sketch—repeat for weat hom e. In Hopevale. The peculiar (1) $19..50 Detroit Gas Range, mony can be, and sometimes Is, YOO*LL FIMP M 6 woal ktbs kths wsoe wave wtar 4*45— 7:45—Beeke Certer*e Comment (1) $89.50 Detroit Gas Range, ; Oaltaarad ena ...... I» »» jective. But whnf the average their invalid father. something to keep tightly in her mournful cry of this bird is unmis­ wholly untrustworthy. MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kghl 7:00— 4:00—Diane*e Bxperlencee—ba« flat top model, semi-insulated. flat top model, with fully insu­ MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED American sees la an America as yet AT THE NEAReST STEV’E MEYERS who also works heart and cherish, something so ale; Neleon Ore.—Dixie; Ore.—weet New York. Feb. 4— (AP) — To­ takable. It belongs to the heron SOUP KlTCHEM In the mill asks Gale to marry him. precious that she was afraid to take P A C IF IC C O A S T —lego k fl kgw komo 7i14— 1:15 — Cdwin C. HHPe Com* lated oven and heat regulator. P it ESS unable to solve her own problems, no khq kfsd kU r kgu kpo mente—baalc; D ale Neteen Orov— night's a big uight in tbe Will family. Mrs. Coates has often seen Ivory and green marbelized ■ Tha Aaaoclatad Praaa la axeiualaali She proodses to give him an answer It out and examine It closely even antUlad to tha aaa roi rapabllaatlon ICE CARNIVAL C e n L Ceet. Dixie; Judd Norman—weet only Rogers family, for Mary Rogers Is and heard the bird in the Hopevale porce­ Suntan marbelized ^ * 7 0 tom by warring Interests within her la a few daya. here In the darkness. It was some- 4:30— 5:30—El Chico, Spanish Revue £•55” 455?*^*^*t* imith'e New Stare of all aawa dlapa' eraditad to It 4 :0 ^ 9:00—Lucrexie Bori A Orch, going to make her theatrical debut meadowif. but never before until and ivory porcelain^ / i f » •or net otbarwtaa er«d1iad la tbla on-n body politic that ahe is almost Later that evening Gale goes t|)lng— the prectouaness o f that me- . 4:44— 5:44—Capt. Tim Hsalyi Stamps lain ...... The promotion of, an event of the 8:04— 4:0(L*Xavisr Cugst’s Orchestra * Sully’e Big Show spring time. It is called the stake $39.50 ' paper and alao tha local nawa pub- akattng on the river, goes th r^ h ment—Gale wasn’t ready to ac­ ••5^1®’0<^Weyne King Orch.—to » on Broadway In a comedy, "On To In a state of hysteria. And the nature^ of the annual Ice carnival 4:15— 4:1ft—The Oeeert Kid — east: Fortune." driver because one of its notes or (1) $128.00 Magic Chef' Gas llahad haraln. the Ice and la reamed by BRIAN knowledge oven to'herself. Tom Mix, Sketehi-midwesi repeat Do0*»**i Oleeeee All rtthta e( rapoblleatlon ot average American has come very calls for a degree of optimism wor­ 4:30— 4:30—Preet'Radio Newe Period Her name won’t be In lights. She sounds which it makes resembles the Range; fully insulated oven with apaelai dlapaichaa herein are alar ra- WESTMOBE, whose father, now She went to sleep at last, dream­ 10.00—11:00 — Qien O ray Oroheetre— dclinitcly to the conclusion that it is 4:3ft— 4:34—Caro l Dels' Song R ecital has only a small part, but for her It sound of a stake being driven Into a a rv td . ______thy of all admiration. There is ( f e : I'/li dead, built the mill. Brian asks Gale ing of a'pair of dark eyes that were 5 :4S . S:4S—Billy Bstehelor’a Sketch ssa sS**5i Myrt •no Merge—weet repeat (1) $14.50 Detroit Gas Range Lorraine heat regulator. Flat im 10:15—11:14—Qlen Q rey'e O rchestra— means the start o f a New York stage the mud. It is also called the up to this country to find a way tu to wait while be gets hls car bat sertous one moment and lauf^hlng d :0 4 * 7.'04—ProM Ctlon of C h ild , Tele top: porcelain Q A Q Full aarviea ellant of N B A Sarv- scarcely any other form of public 4:14— 7:14—Black Chamber, Orsme •A Arnhelm Orchte.—west career which she hopes will take meadow hen or Indian hen. witli right hand elevated oven when be returns she is gone. at you the next, bearing a voice Ica. In c ______follow the Biblical Injunction, "First entertainment In which a vast 4:34— 7:30 -Songs by Armond QIrsrd IS A»’nhelm»e Orchestra her along the same high road to Miss Marion Tennant, who has finish ...... $ a 7 0 . « that was low-pitched, a trifle husky 4:4ft— 7:4ft—Uncle Eire Radio Station and broiler. Green and ivory Publianar'a Rapreaentailra: Tha cast out the beam out of thine own mm. Brian has oome home after two 7:04- SiO^RIchard Himber Orchest. ^leher a orchestra fame traveled by her father. been employed in East Hartford for amount o f preparatory work and and exciting— 11:34—12:30—Claude Hepkina Orchest. Range Oil Burners (1) $79.00 Florence Circulating Jultua Matbaara Moeotal AKeney—New eye, and then shalt thou sec clearly yasrs In Paris, convinced he can 7:34- S:34—Monday Evening Concert The philosophical Rogers will not the past year or more, has returned porce­ TorU. Chicaao. Uairolf and Boalon.- detailed arrangement la liable to go never be un artist and eager to go It was Phil who awaacned her. 8:04— 4:04—Oypeles Concert Orchest. NBC-WJZ NETWORK be present at her opening perform­ to her Hebron home and will .spend Heater in brown porcelain finish. to cast out the mote out of thy She felt bis hand on her arm and 4:14— 9:34—Otto Hirbsch, Play—to c $14..50 Silent Glow Range Burner; lain $29,75 for naught through such a variety m . to work in tbe mili. VICKY 9:04—10:04—Eastman Concert—also r ance. He attended the rehearsals some time with her parents, Mr, and Will heat 6 rooms; burns o il.. MKMUUH AUDIT BUREAU OF saw the triangle of yellow light CJHrUlAATiuSS brother's eye." of reasons. An lee carnival, par­ m riT THAtCHER, daughter of ROBERT 9:34—10:34—Nstienel Radio Forum wl^m kdka wgar wjr wlw wsyr wmal; last week, but had to leave New Mrs. Jared B. Tennant. txittle Q O A C A shining through the doorway. 1 0 :0 ^ 1 1 :0 4 —Q rum itta A ..’‘Son.** Ford Midwest: wcky wenr w)a kwk kwer Certainly this countiy has made THATCHER, geneml manager of York last night for the west coast, St. Peter’s Junior Vested choir model ...... Th» R«r«}d PrletttiB Company, inc.. ticularly a one-day affair. Is so “You’d better get up." Phil sail 10:14—11:1ft—Jesse C raw fo rd . O rganist koll wren wmaq kao wkbf so he will be far away when hls a»aum«« -do flnancuT r«soon«ih1tlty as yet no further advance In clear- the mill, schemea to captivate Brian. 10:30—11:30—S L Lo u is Sym phony Ore. N O R T H W E S T A CANADIAN - wimj held Its rehearsal at the home of (1) $57.50 Detroit Gas Range $59.75 for tjrposraDMeai arrort appMrtng in utterly at the mercy of the weather Brian sees Gale In the ndll and ‘Tt’s Dad. I ’m afraid he’s wors 11:3(L-12:30—Art Ksssell A O rensstrs «**ct cfcf pretty blonde daughter speaks her Mrs. Clarence E. Portef Friday eve­ InK up the pussle of a fairer and Gale was out of bed in an instant,^ S O U T H — wr^’a wptX w wnc w Is w ja x first lines on a Broadway stage. $48,00 Silent Glow Home Maker with witli elevated right hand oven (1) $79.50 Detroit Gas Range, DdvtrriDtmania in tha —of New England weather! It recogaiset her. Next evening he CBS WABC NETWORK wna^wsun wiod wsm wmc wsb wapi ning. A t the close of the rehearsal Cvanina (laraid more equitable civilization than to I t l asks If he nan walk honw with her. rummaging for her slippers. She BASIC—East: wabc wado woko wcao wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre Was in Picture the Rev. Harold Keen took some of square tank, and pump for refilling flat top model, in green and ivory can so easily be so bitterly cold that woal ktbs kths wsoc wave and closed burner top. Semi- .1 Gale refuses, but Steve sees them caught up an old flannel dressing waab wnac wgr wkbw wkrc whk cklw Mary has had a desire to act ever the children to Wllllmantlc to w it­ tank from barrel Q Q Q C A porcelain.,. Fullj' insulated; oven MOKDAVr FEBRUARY 4 arrive at tho realization that wc no audience can possibly withstand wdro wcau wjae wean wfbl wspd wJsv MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl since she was a child. Several years together sad later she and Steve robe and threw it around her, wmaa wbns; Midwest: wbbm wfhm ness a motion picture. Jlr. Keen an­ must have such a olvilizaUon. That ago, under the name of Mary How­ in basement > O U It. It can snow heavily on the day quarreL ... “ W hat’s happened?" she demand­ kmbo kmox wowo whas khq kfsd ktar kpo nounced that the rectory would be SALARIES. PENSIONS C e n L E a s t. ard, she appeared Iq a motion pic­ i Z ,..... $39.50 control ...... $59.75 In Itself Is a tremendous step, but of the event—or It can rain. There Lonely, Gale goes skating again. ed. "Is It— " B A S T —wpg w^ip wlbw whec w lbx wfea opened Saturday evening for a "I don’t know exactly," Phil told woro wlCQ efrb ck a c w lb x 4:30— 5:3^The Singing Lady—east ture, “ M y Weakness" in which One need not be much of n red. to go on from there and. In prlncl- can develop a sudden thaw and spoil She meeto Brian and they skate to­ gathering of the boys who like to $42.!j0 Bunsen Range Burner with k ' f-‘ her. "H e hasn’t ever been like this D IXIE—wgst wsfa wbro wqam wdod .15” 6:45—Orphan Annie—east only Lilian Harvey was the star. need not believe In a complete level­• pie at, cure our own Ills nssur- , the Ice—a contingency escaped yes- gether. He asks her to meet him klra wreo wlac wdsu wtoc krtd wrr 5‘2 J” fArmy Band Concert Mary was one o f eight girls In an play games in the rectory hall. The large square cabinet for enclosing again next evening. before. He says he can’t get hls ktrh ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae 5:30—Press. Radio News Period girls are Invilotl to some at anotiicr ing off of the standard of living for vdly Is a task preceilenl to curing I terday by the narrowest of margins, breath.” whig wdbj wwva wmbg wsja wmbr 5*2^ ••39” Threi X Sisters In Songs ensemble, and nobody would have bottle. Electric d * O A C A wala ktul kgko wcoa wdnx wnox kwkh 5:45— 4:45—Lowell Thomas — east: known she was the daughter of Will time, and a joint social will be ar­ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc all jieople alike, to bo somewhat Im- j the ills of the world. And even If climatic conditions prove > NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Gale wasn’t listening. She flew Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest lighter ...... > O U M IDW EST—wcah wgl wmt wmbd wisn Rogers If her sudden departure ranged for later on. down the boll to the front beddoom, wlbw kfh kfab wkbn wcco wsbt ksej 7:00—Am os *n' A nd y—east only pressed by the difference in the When America has found the way. favorable it is always possible that f*15” £:l^ W lllsrd Robison Orchest. from the films hadn’t brought some Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kibbe will js^' I-.' CHAPTER XVI T ath er," shb said, "what Is It? " w n ax woe scales recognized by the Roosevelt If the rest of the world then needs ?-?2” £:?®—Tttd Davis Serial Sketch comment from W ill himself. observe their fiftieth wedding anni­ the people may develop one of their Brian went on, not waiting for an The big man, lying In Ui4 MOUNTAIN—kvor lUi koh ksl 5:45— 7:45—Dangerous Paradise, Skit 7:00— 4:00—Jan Osrbtr’s Supper Club Has No Objections versary on tho 17th of this month. administration as adequate for dif­ mir help, we may dispense with any Inexpllclble Uts o f Inertia and deride answ-er. “We’ll skate up the river," bed. gasped hoarsely. " I —can’t— COAST—khj koln kfro kol kfpy kvl 1 / ) he said, "maybe as far as the Fulton kfbk kmj kwg kem kdb kgmb kgo £ :» ” 8:30—Carefree Carnival—also e At that time Rogers said he bad Friends are asked to send cards to ferent cla.»-ps of persons. Mr. doubt that she will offer It. But In to stay home—with diRo-strous breathe," he said. Cant, East. !'52” 9:00—Weekly Mlnetrels Show Radio Drama no objections to her following a their present address, 1025 DeWItt Bridge. It’s smooth all the way, they "But, Father—” 4:30— 5:34—Jack Armstrong—es only4 Roosevelt, who has waxed almost the present stage of the tangle our effects on the Intake. say. And solid—" 9:00—10:00—LIttIo Jackie Heller. Voe, screen career, but he believed ahe Drive, Orlando, Florida, where they a m Gale WM down on her knees be­ Savitt Orch.—Dixie: Organ—west 9:15—10:1^—America in Music. Orch, should have "sound training." arc pa-sslng the winter. y- tearful at times over the unquestion­ job Is. In the vernacular, to skin Wherefore the enterprise, enthusi­ When there was no answer be 4:45— 5:4ft—Sonos by Batty Barthsll 9:4ft—10:45—Egon Petri Organ Con. side him. Once more the sharp, 5:00— 5:00—Buck Rogtrs—east; Songs Thus, after only two weeks of ed right of every person to security turned. "See here," he said, "you're 10:00—11:00—Ja c k Oenny O^rehestrs— Mrs. Henrietta (S w ift) Rathbone, our own snakes. asm and courage of the veteran or­ wheetlng sound came. "Can’t—get of Long Ago—west; Og—midwest oast: Amos 'n* Andy—rpt to west film work. Mary turned to the stage not going to say you won’t come? 5:14— 9:15—Bobby Benson—east; The who will pass her 95th birthday the and a decent life, has concliided that ganizations of Manchester in stag­ nance and sport. Vanderbilts, Whit­ my breath,” Tcm Henderson re­ Coburn A Orehdbtrs and began her training by appearing neys.. Stoteshurys, Sanfords,— Fire­ Not doing the disappearing act Texas Rangers — west; Just Mar* ^*"9 * Orchestra 6th of this month, was bom In Col­ thirty dollars a month should pro- TORN irp TREATY ing yr.sterday’s fete at Center peated. “ Here—” He put hls hanu on ried —D ix ie ; S kip p y—m idwest rpt 11:34—12:50—Ja c k Barger A O rchsstra with a stock company. She also chester, the daughter of Charles and stones, Gimbels and Jie rest. Joseph again when we’re just getting ac­ h ii chest, as though to indicate toured Canada In the Robert E. vids comfort and happiness for a Springs Rink calls for three rousing E. Wldener, president of this eslnb-- quainted?" Henrietta Swift. Her mother’s Twenty-seven allied powers par­ where the trouble was. Sherwood comedy "Reunion In maiden name was Benjamin, and "Style at a man of 66 and, says, his wife of 55. cheers. ' I t was a line affair, hugely llshment and of beautiful Belmont Gale said, "N o-~ " Gale said, "Phil, help m e!" To­ Vienna.” ticipated—or labored under the Im­ Park In New York. Mrs. Isabel IN WASHINGTON 6:30— Press-Radio News. • Mrs. Rathbone is a cousin of the late Thirty dollars *a month is J360 a enjoyed by a very large proportion “ You'd better not,” Brian said gether they lifted their father, prop­ Before she took up a stage career, pression that they were participat­ Dodge Sloane. proud owner of the -BY ROONEY DUTCHER- 6:35— Time, temperature.. Clark Benjamin of New York city, year. But when Mr. Roosevelt heartily. "What Ume shall we make ping pillows behind him until he was she attended Sarah Lawrence col­ o t the townspeople and well calcu- famous Cavalcade and the Brouk- It? " 6:45— Lowell Thomas. whose daughter was the wife of the ing—In the drawing of the t r e a t y half-lying, half-sitting. 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy. lege at Bronxvllle, N. Y.. and necd.H a glorifled clerk to "adminis­ mcade stable. Col. R. R. Bradley, Herald Washington Correspondent ii.'ent'a National Resources on The campfire was only a bed of WTIC celebrated singer, Caruso. Mrs. studied music and dramatics In New of VerRiillles. Almost all of them frequent Derby winner and owner l.snd, minerals, water, powcL and 7:15— Plantation Echoes. Rathbone is the widow o f the late ter" one of the nmltlferlous Jobs this cummunlty. Wa.shington, Feb. 4.—The Senate Hr aking embers now. Brian turned Hartford, Uonn York and Paris. r a t i lied tho t r e a t y . This nuuning's of the Beach Club, the casino at tlher wealth. The prologs to But the wheezing continued. Gale 7:30— Red Davis. George Rathbone, who was for some You naturally expect it connected with the New Deal he committee investigating the muni­ J’ heel on a balfrbumcd bit of 60,000 W. 1040 K. C. 282.8 M The play in which she will appear Palm Beach. reports had a singing literary qual­ had n

tripe." A« he eamo dol»-D the plat­ ADVERTUBUENT— AUVERTISEMBM — form, mueh to ray iurprlae, he put boms and found tbs TALKS TO KIWANIS hla arm around my ahoulder and Lacy Bathifijw Suit Is Anything But Straight-Laced ABOUT TOWN G l o r i f y i n g SURVEY COMPLETED Y, M, C. A, Notes Recreation Center FIRST AUTO F A T A U n slumped over their wroife. said, with hla eyes, that waa a great Etbel Farrell'a appearanet In an Examiner G., Pe];dval Bs speech wasn't it? Of course it waa Center Church Women’s Federa­ / Am A Member open-work lace bathing salt at an tion will meat Wednesday afternoon Scbednle for Week Items of Interest death-jKoa accidental and v,™ ABOUT SPEAKERS but I decided also It waa both a Atlantic City swimming pool, as Y o u r s e l f ON POWER QUESTION ' INPASTTHREE.WEEKS caused by carbon monoxide gni.^ lot of boloney and a bunch of tripe. for Its regular bualnesa meeting. Monday But I. did not tell him so. " pictured hers, bat caused a lot ol Work will be for the Memorial bospl- 4:00—Busy Bees. of the prematuro worry tor Mayor Harry taL By Alicia H art Monday Little Girl Killed In Danieleon: "Another great orator was Theo­ argain ound S:IS—Business Men's Volley Ball. The women's gym class will meet dore Roosevelt. He embodied, hla Baclibracb. bMcb center of iba B H 6:30—Etogles.-Club Gym. from 7il5 to 8 o'clock. Tfce mcD'8 TVo Men Killed by Fumes in fo relieve The Sewing Circle of the Arms 'BTHerSPRSTTR?------Rates Vary as Mach as 500 Senior Gym. Rev. J. S. Neill Says Bryan prlnclplas. He was a great student. rasort rashmn minded swim­ Women with regular, finely mold­ Chamber of Commerce gym class will also meet f?om 8:15 Stafford Springs. He knew his history. He knew his mers have adopted the iscy tulla and Navy club auxiliary will meet 7:30—Indian Lore (Mathias to 9 o’clock. The men's plunge peri­ E c z ^ « t | country and he knew his people.... tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the ed features are the only ones who Spless). i am a niembier of the Chamber of Commerce because Made Greatest Speech on widely. Nationally famous tor don’t have to worry a great deal Per Cent in Some Places: od will bo from 7 to 8 o’clock. The By ASSOCIATED PRESS all kinds and conditions. I heard, 1 home of Mrs. John Pentiand of Div. 7:30—Current Literature (Mrs. J. it is the only organization working for thescommercial women's plunge will be from 8 to 9 Itching believe, the last public speech he lic- conservative rules, he must de­ lion street. Every member is expect­ about coiffure styles. .Others — L. Handley). Springlike weather in Conneetl- and Sive skin comfort'- You can get a permanent to suit and industrial welfare of the whole community. Expe­ o’clock. The women s dancing class brought with it Its first highway ‘^loney and Tripe.” llvered, here at Trinity College a cide whether the garments can Da ed to come prepared to sew. meaning girls with long, short, Some Details. not be violated, tbe etudio repro­ 8:00—Laurel Club Gym. will meet from 8 tj 8:45. nurses use.- round or thin faces—limply must your hair at the Lily Beauty Parlor. duced In ito own Jewelry shop and in rience shows that the city which vigorously and enthu­ fatality in three weeks. The : few months before he died in 1921. worn on the bpacb next summer. 8:00—“Y" Bowling League, Gib. I'nosday ------Many times I heard him and waa al- arrange their hair ao It will help to They have all the different methods exact detail hundreds of these "42- son'.") vs. Keller’s; • Shearer’s vs. siastically supports that organization is likely to be weather also figured prominenUy Resinol The Brotherhood bowling league of giving permanents. And while buttons," which are worn on tho Reids'. The women's swimming classes although indirectly In the death ol Rev. J. Stuart Neill, rector of St. ''ay s thrilled, not alwaya agreeing of the Concordia Lutheran church conceal facial characteriatlca that Washington. Feb. 4.—(AP)—New fpund constantly moving forward, solving its problems will meet aa follows: 7 to 7:45. be­ aren’t particularly attractive. you’re there you'll want your hair uniforms of officers In the Bengal 8:30-:-Interior Decorating (Sher­ two men by monoxide gas. Mary a Episcopal church talked to a IrM t sneech will bowl tonight at Farr’s Charter material for Us study of the pov.'er cut In the latest style. lAncers ,cotorfuI fighting unit of and building for the future, while the city which fails ginners; 7:45 to 8:30, lnterme(liatc. Anotlier great speech . waa just Oak alleys. Bowling' will start If you have a round, rather plump man Smith). In Danielson Sunday Ruth Lincoln question was In thj bands of the the British army in India. Tho to support its Chamber of Commerce is certain to go The men's volley ball period will Davis, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j fuU membership at the, weekly across the street in the 1920 cam­ promptly at 7:30 o'clock. face, a sleek, close-to-tbe head coif­ 9:00—-Highland Park Boys Gym. be from 5 to 6:15. Two games will WE ARRANGE luncheon meeting of the Klwanls paign. James M. Cox, the presi­ fure, undoubtedly will be best. You Administration today in the form of Dots of all sizea splaoh some of "43" designates the number of the Tuesday backward, losing prestige and power. Frank A. Davis of E3mvllle was In­ a survey by the pow'or commi.sslon the new prints for spring frocks. regiment. be played in the senior basketball jured fatally by an oil truck. For Single andd MarriedMuried PeoplePeopi club today on the subject of "Some dential candidate, Newton D. Baker, The regular monthly meeting of can draw your hair backward, fast­ 2:00—Cooking Lecture-Demon- te a ^ e . At 7:45 the E.ast Rides will r«y Ihesa back ^ Great Speakers." His addresa waa Congressman Lonergan and Frank­ ening It at the nape of the neck or, showing cost of electric current to Some are peppered in pin polnto, strnUon (Mrs. Arra Sutton Mtk- 1 am a member of the Chamber of Commerce because, John Holgate of Pawtucket, R. lin D. Roosevelt were ail there. In the degree team of Daughters of hojscholdcre varied as high as others splashed with quarter-sized From Lydall street comes an in­ play Watkins-Y. Following this I., the operator of the vehicle told tacnoodeld dobti received with enthusiasm. He Liberty, No. 125, L. O. L, I., will If you like; go In for a queenly, hlgh- ter). being in busine.«s here, I want to see M.inchester move game the Army and N- vy Club will ■wr. W . coa lead spoke In part as follows: those last days of Oct. 1920, it was Itv-the-neck arrangement. If your ncariy 500 per cent in some com­ circles and still others patterned in quiry' for whipped cream from evap­ ^ 4:00—Grade School Boys .Gym, i- state police he was unable to stop be held tomorrow evening at seven munities. dots of various sizes. Light dots orated milk. Here it Is! Put forward. play Morlarty BroUicrs' Fireatone tho car. so quickly did the child dart w » ftia n a « |le 24 "In no sphere of activity today la a lost motion to be a Democrat. A o'clock at Orange hall. A full at­ ears are nice, by ail means show Service team. LOANS there more secret ambition than in comparatively small crowd listened. them. Covering rate changes In 191 appear on dark grounds and deep evaporated milk In top of double S:1B—Men’s Volley Ball and Hand WALTER P. GORMAN. In front of it. public speaking. Recently the head They all spoke well. But what Im­ tendance Is expected for thla drill The girl with a thin face should cities with 50,000 or more popula­ colors on white. boiler and heat over hot water. Let Ball. WednroUay Lionel Bosquet. 38, and Fred J. .Taka3.A>0- op «• $ 3 0 0 and members having uniforms at tion, the report cited a range of Roller skating in the gym at 8:30.- of an influential group of men con­ pressed me then about Roosevelt fluff her hair out on the sides In such cook 16 minutes after milk Is-scald­ 6:30—Intermediate "Y" Gym. Smith, 54, boUi of Stafford Springs,! home are asked to bring them to from $2.73 for 100 kilowatt hours Spring bats have Joined the “for- ed. Pour into bowl, cool, then chill Admission Includes skates, music fided to me of his abject terror when was his cheerful smile. Jimmy Cox this meeting. a way as to make her face look 6:45—Arrows Club Meeting. wanted to vulcanize a lot of tires in oiitr rhnrce U three perrtat per on his feet. A fluent tongue in or­ knew he was licked. Baker felt he rounder. One with an extremely in Madison, Wls., to $7.31 for the wara movement.” Half the new for several hours. Surround with and checking. The women's gym theli shop and decided to work mimtii on nnpnfil amount of loan same amount of electrlcl'y for do­ 7:30—Arrows Club Gym. class will meet from 7:15 to 8 dinary conversation congealed when was wasting Words. L/mcrgan was short profile will discover that show­ ones are designed to sound the slo­ ice and water and beat with egg 7:30—Needlecraft (Miss Jensen). grain to places frequented by birds. throughout Saturday night. Yes­ William Mulligan, state deputy of mestic use In Mt. Vernon and New gan "Eyes front!” Sometimes the boater until very light. It may do CAMP FERNOW RAISES o’clock. A public setback pqrty will PEPvQ N ' FINAMCF CO. he must speak to an aud1<;nFe. How making friends, but Roosevelt the Knights of Columbus, asslstocl ing all or at least half of her ears 8:00—Hooked Rugs (Miss Hib­ Where pheasants and quail are terday Mrs. Bosquet went into the often we hear that amooth lle, 'Gen­ then in strong buoyant health -was ; one may disagree deeply with some COLD .MEANS NOTHING will make her face seem longer. Rochelle, N. Y. brim scoops well out over the eyes used instead of cream beaten stiff bard). found, tho grain can be stattered In be held a t the West Side Rcc on shop which was in the rear of her Itnnin 3« Wtatete^CAotrfer RIdp.t of Uje methods which he advocates by William J. Shea of. this place, For IC klloT att hours,. prices In poke bonnet effect, sometimes the Is many desserts. Cedar street. Play will start at 8 753 Mata S treet Telephoae 3436 tlemen, I am no public speaker and constantly Joking and with a cheer­ TO POOR BCTTERFLY, state deputy for District No. 1, yes­ This, of course, would be wrong for 8:00;—So. Methodist Church Bowl­ sheltered spots under evergreens have no ambition to be such—thank ful smile and voice meeting defeat Manchester cmloycs." a woman with a long, narrow face. ranged from 60 cento In Clevelai " trim is In the front, again the brims ing L&giie, WARM SPRINGS FUND -and thick laurel. Diving ducks pick o'clock and prizes will be awarded as., a good sport. " e speaker also flung a criticism terday instituted a new council of and Columbus, Ohio, to . $1.71' which roll upward are pulled well up food In water 10 feet deep but to the winners. you for calling on me" Then he Sub-zero weather meant noth-l tho Knights of Columbus of Sims­ She must cover her ears and. If pos- Miami, Fla. , 8:30—Senior "Y” Basketball ‘ slta down. With self-reproach he “The successful speaker is always Date Book St Prfc((cnt Roosevelt's social se­ Ing to a yellow and black butter-: ■sible, fix the aides of her coiffure to over tbe forehead. But the side Game. other species usually feed In leas Thursday the one who is familiar with his ma- | curity pTngram. He commended the bury, that started with a member­ Tho commission found the aver- tilt still holds. than two feet of water and along Dancing In the gym 8:30 to 12:80. realizes he has struck out—when he I fly that was flitting about the ship of 90, one of the largest new give a rounder effect. •gc householder with the average Low Cost pinner. Wednesday Novel Entertainment Given on thought he wmiU: knock the ball over ) terlal. Again to turn back to these or jectlvea svmght but questioned the yard at Hose and Ladder, No. 1 : Braids wrapped around the head is Here are some other noteworthy Pork Chops with Apples and Onions the shore. Music by the. Silver Rhythm or­ Effortless Ironing---^ the fence. ' reminiscences, as a student I taught Tonight wisdom of cob^ining legislation for councils that has been Instituted in number of appliance uses from 15 trends in spring headgear: 2:00—Well-Baby Clinic. President’s Birthday—, Glee chestra. The door prize will be a ! firehouse Saturday afternoon. I Connecticut in many years. a hair style mode that's being reviv­ to 40 kilowatt hours of electricity Mashed Potatoes Colo Slaw 8:00—Doctora and Professional "Shelters are useful In protecting "Some years ago, when very miicli a Church School class of High At the State theater--"West of 1 nemp'oymcnf mmiranfce, !old age Frank Robinson looked but th e; ed right now. However, unleaa you The towering toques of winter . Bread and Butter Club Holds Rehearsals. grain from snou-falls. These may season pass. One for tbe lucky man younger I was asked to preach 'in ' School boys—out in Dorchester, pension." child aicnand public health monthly. have given place to flatter hats, with Men’s Gym Class. and one for wromen. the Pecoa", shown at 7:00 and 10:00. window and saw the butterfly! William Spencer, who has been have regular features, don’t try iL Not a Probe Rice Custard with Raisins 4:00—YUGG Girls Oub. be constructed by tying together The Greatest Advance In an insane a.syltim. There were Mass. This particular Sunday 1 "Little Minl.ster" with Katharine safeties In a single ohipibus bill. and quickly glanced at the cal- Remember that healthy, shiny hair height often given by such effects as Tea or (2offoo Milk the lops of small trees to form a had not made an adequate prepara­ spending some time at th home of Although Frank R. McNlnch, two qullla ranking skyward. 0:45—Eagles Club Meeting. Camp Femow, Hampton, Fab. 4. about 800 Inmates, all assembled in Hepburn, shown at 8:11. . endar to see if there wasn't his mether, Mrs. Frank Spencer, of Is the first requisite of any flatter­ commission chairman, has said that Medium Coat Dinner 7:00—Hospital Sewing Group —A vary sizeable sum it being for­ crude tepee. More elaborate shel­ the great hall. About half way tion. The boys soon sensed this and Tonwrrow something wrong. | ing hair dress. If you have dandruff -Feathers and flowers arc much Rooat Lamb ters may be assembled in the form responded with Inattention and North Iain street, yesterday mod­ power rates ir most of the larger used aa trims. (Miss Hibbard); warded to the Warm Springs Foun­ SILVER RHYTHM BAND Ironing History Feb. .I.—Lecture, "Pictures In the MONEY MEASURES On closer inspection he found eled a snow figure of a polar bear. use a tonic made especially to cor­ cities are excessive, the commis­ Pan-browned Potatoes 8:00—jRejuvenatlon of Dress dation for Infantile Paralysis, as the of a lean-to, using evergreen lack of interest. The boys were on Decorating Scheme" hy Sherman rect It. Shampoo regularly and There are many novelty straws— Creamed Carrots boughs, straw or com stalks. They one side of the room and the girls the butterfly very much alive The snow was rolled up from the sion emphasised that its survey was soft and silky, shiny and reedlike or (Miss Hibbard). proceeds of the President’s Birth­ Smith; Y. M. C. A. Interior Deco­ and it was captured anid brought yard and modeled by Mr. Spencer. don't forget about brushing. a fact-finding study and not an in­ Bread and Butter. 8:00—Sketching Cllzss (A. J. day Party, given by the 183rd Co.. should be set up close to' natural PLAYS HERE THURSDAY on the other. One boy especially rating Course. Public Invited. FEATURE CONOR! very rough. Fruit Cup cover. irritating. Finally, I said to him: Jnto the fire house. It remains After he bad completed his work he vestigation of the reasonableness of Black, navy blue and hyacinth Broughel). C. C. C., Hampton, Conn. Allan Also "Civic Loyalty” night at the aptive so that any doubting wished to have it withstand the charges. Tea or (toffee Milk 8:00—Appreciation of Music Undstrom. master of ceremonies, ‘‘In all cases shelters should pro­ ‘W'hat do you come here for, to look blue are outstanding colora. Very Special Dinner at the girls?‘ Masonic Temple, sponsored by (Continued From Page One) Th&nia^Bes may be shown. The warm weather and thaw so this was In, a Yoreword, Vice (Jhalrman (Miss Watkins). put the entertainment across In a vide easy exits In all directions so The popular Silver Rhythm or­ Chamber of Commerce. butterfly seems to enjoy the sprinkled with water. The water Basil Manly, who conducted the Cream of Broccoli Soup 8:00—Sportsman's' Exhibit novel style with the assistance of that tho birds are permitted quick chestra which played at the Recre­ " 'No,' he said, 'do you'TX As an astringent Dorothy Jordan Fried Chicken Parsley Potatoes escape upon the approach of preda­ "This shows that tho thira , and Feb. 5 to 9.— Art exhibit of repro­ through the fiscal year beginning companyxqf the firemen. froze last night and there now ap­ analysis said: uses grape fruit Juice. She declares Gym (Speaker, John Leonard). the following talented enrollees: ation Center several weeks ago baa ductions of famous paintings at local July 1. Accomp.-uiymg this bill were pears in the yard what looks like an "If this survey succeeds in direct­ Green Peas The following classes have been Bernard Manchester, Robert Erick­ tory enemies. Feeding shelters been engaged to play for this final requirement of public speak­ It is healing aa well as being a skin Currant Jelly around which birds concentrate nat­ ing is—sympathy-r-By that wc do Trade school. two Important disclosures: ice model of a bear. ing public attt.ntion to the wide di­ tightener, because It contains qui­ postponed for the evening on ac­ son, Angelo Paasardlo, John Tier­ week’s dance which will be held on 1. Secretary Hull indicated during vergencies In the rates charged for Rolls and Butter count of the Sportsman's Ebchibit In ney, Roeleff Swartwout, Theodore urally attract predators. Thursday evening. This group of not mean solf-plty, especially if wc This W eek negotiable scrip ^qs advanced to nine. Lemon Meringue Pie "Sweepings from haylofts, scratch fall on our feet, but a self-absorp­ Feb. 6-7— comedy, " ‘The the hearings that President Roose­ President RooseveltV by Senator S. Josephine Wetherell of 138 CHILDREN electric service In communities simi­ the gym: Business Men’s Volley Canase, Maurice Lear, John McCar­ talented musicians made a very tion in tlie interests and necessities velt may draft outstanding bu.slness Demlng street has filed with the larly situated and possessing the Coffee Milk Ball at 5:15, Rockville Boys, a t 6:30 thy, Renaldo DiSturco. The enter­ feed and com are suitable bird good impression and because of the Mystery Man," High school, aus­ Clark iD.. Mo.). By Q liv Robwrt* Bartow foods. A little commercial grit or many requests for them by the pa­ of your audiences. pices of Temple Chapter, O. E. S. leaders to seek new markets abroad The Senator would allov^syeterans secretary of the state the trade the same general characteristics. It and Intermediate Basketball League tainment was followed by dancing name of Oakland Poultry Farm, for ttdll have served its purpose.” You will gfo Into ecstasy over the at 7:30. to the music of the Musical Aces. coarse sand and fine gravel should trons It was deemed advisable to "The Scriptural 'a prophet is not t'eb.'7— Sauerkraut supper at for American commerce. to cash their sertlflcatea in govern­ ar MM xf avicir Any ttrozMi ttmuld be proud to be supplied also. For songbirds, ta­ Without honor save In his own coun­ • 2. —Secretary Roper said some her poultry farm, in Oakland. He reported that material prog­ new hassocks now a t Watkins Bros. Thursday The Glee club is making great again present them. Besides offer­ Concordia Lutheran church. ment obligations. In other v^ds Not long ago two mothers were ress waa being made In the direc­ ottm a new air-cooled Electrolux. It’s Clever ideas have been used in mak­ preparation for tho concert to be ble scraps and for woodpeckers and ing thla marvelous band to the pub­ try' Is not a denial but a challenge. Fcl). 8.- M. H. S.-Eost Hartford NRA functions mny be shifted to the they would have credit to __ the safest, most convenient way to 4:00—Tap and Social Dancing creepers, pieces of suet attached to Again to resort to tho great speak­ Commerce Dep.arlinent. Six loans totaling $18,096 have talking about their little boys who tion of more uniform rate schedules ing them. A particularly attrac­ Classes. given in the Avery Memorial, Hart­ lic two more season passes as door I-cague gamS .at Slate Armory. aTnount of their certificates on hom^ were near of an age, about two and and that since the survey began 60 protect food, to cool beverages, to tive one is In the shape of a drum ford. on February 15th. trees, will help. Copies of a circu­ prizes will be awarded the lucky ers. * Whatever wc think of Father Fcl). 9 Anniversary dance. Local This Btatemcnt by Roper was owners’ loi^s or housing undertak­ ■n recorded as having been secur­ make delicious frozen desserts and 4:00—Grade School Boys' Gym, lar. 'Feeding Birds' in Winter,' are .Coughlin, he has the genius to get ed bsManchester property from the a half years old. cities had received reductions in with a blue leather top. The sides 12-15. Edward Eliot, engineer, and crew ones whose tickets are drawn. 2125, U. T. W. "ht A., Odd FeUows made public Just as Pie :ldcnt,Roose­ ings or other Federal propositions. salads. You can gat a 1934 model are white and red laced with a gold obtainable from the department ou himself into the lives of his listen­ velt aummoned a long list of ad­ Federal. Home Ow'ners Loan Cor- One was a business woman wbo. charges. 5:15—Business Men’s Volley Ball. have returned from detached serv­ Dancing will be from 8:30 until Easy Hull. Legislation extending from next had to be away sdl day every day In all cases except Madison, Wis., ttdth a 10 per cent reduction now at cord. Another smart one Is a ice at Camp Cross, West Cornwall. request." 12:30. ers, and unseen and unknown visors to a White House discussion poratloiTHlirlng the past week. thf Manchester Gas Co. There are 6:30—Girl Scouts, Troop 1 1 . CASH listeners. Any orator who can make This .Month March 1, to April 1, 1936, the Ume except Sunday. The other cared the report revealed, cities with mu­ small red barrel shaped one trlm- 6:45—North Ends C3ub Meeting. The basketball team was defeat­ • of NRA'S future. allowed air mall contractors to for her baby herself and had no nicipal power plants bad the mini­ Just a few left—being offered a t med ttdth black. These nm from an appeal and have 40,000 telegrams Feb. 12—Father and Con banquet. No Ruling On (inld The card piKty to be held In St. this price. 7:30—‘North Ends Gym. ed this past week by the snappy C O M P A M sent to Wimhington Is, right or Men’s Friendship club. South Metho­ divest themselves of more than one maid. mum rates. $2.50 up . 7:30—Young Women’s Bowling. Onecoa. Tonight Femow's Five The Supreme Court met solemnly primary route was approved by the Bridget's hall tlm. evening of which | Tiie business girl naturally had THESE FEATURES wrong, saying something. An dist church. Mrs. .Ernest Roy aiiH, Thomas Sheri- j “Junior" and "senior” are the 6:30—Talcottvllle Boys Gym. will face the Sterlings. GENERAL ® ELECTRIC Feb. 1-1 Lecture enUrtathment, for another opinion day. Since Chief House posloflice committee. to have someone to do the work • IRONINO 8OAI0 - In­ estimation of (10,000,000) ten mil­ Justice Hughes had deflnltely put dan are co-chairmanNwlil start at j names of two new spring fabrics 8:00—"Y” Bowling Team vs. clined. ee ikedews, lion in a congregation is beyond the Manchester L. O. L., Orange Hall. 8 o'clock. There wlll^.l)e , | and look after her baby. There Morse Business College at the Mor­ TEETH! APPEARANCE aside any chance of a ruling today was no one else to stay at tbe which Blancblnnl has launched. Hollywood is wearing clips here NEW 1934 AUTOMATIC mokes Irenine eotler. Rev. J. Stuart Nelli wildest dreams of a Jules Verne or Feb. 15- Y. M. C. A. evening card on the government’s abrogaUon ol bridge and setback played anil prizes ^ "Junior” is a light weight surah gan Alleys in Hartford. BIRDUFE STARVING; any of our ancestors. party, auspices of Women's Division. and play mother, but she and clips there. Carole lombard 8:30—(tourch Volley Boll League. Improved B y New Teeth at Very Low Cost • automatic- p nuere the gold clause In contracts, interest REHEARSALS PROGRESS will be aw'arded In each division., A liad managed to discover that rare Daily Health aprlnkled with tiny flower patterns, applied hydroelically. through the sermon I thought I waa Old John Cairns, whom many of Fob 17 Annual Police Concert door prize will also be awarded.' "senior” a heavier version of the haa a different place for them with Friday Your appearance zuffers. you're at s dlsadv&ntsge In buzlnen FLATPLATEi IRONER hitting the ball pretty when you remember, once made mo very at Stale theater. liwung to a poscible ruling on the article, a combination housekeep­ every new costume. For Instance, APPEALS'FOR FEED ard social life (your health may be endangered too!) because of • HEAT CONTIOl-lwe Senate's power to punish for con­ same fabric. 2:00—(tosmopoUtan club. missing teeth. You ows it to )rourteH to And out about Ibis a t a dramatic pause one little wom­ uncomfortable. He delivered one of Feb. 20 Play, "Wappln' W harf er and nurse. with a tailored blouse she wears 4:00—Girls Clubs Gym. iticrmeilais eive eal- an on one aide of the hall called to a those short Scotch sermons. .He tempt. FOR “MYSTERY MAN ” '•TJhelr boys were — are —only Service them Instead of cuff links, and very The coet of new uoth at Dr. C. W King'a office Is very low— nsw effortlsss way to iron . . . sitting dow n.. . torm leinperetvre. by Community Players, auspices of The case involved was that of WJl- cbil^$n and being so nearly equal I can vouch for thla cake aa I 5:15—Business Men’s Volley Ball. Fish and Game Superintendent friend at the other end. In a shrill asked me the simple question in Educational club. had It yesterday. It will "melt in chic, too. Incidentally, several ol 6:3(F—North End Jrs. Gym. so easy for the smallest Income—that it Is unnecessary to risk without sxsrtion. . . without strain. Hand iron­ • kU m t IION-for Iren­ piercing voice, ‘He's not half as rot­ 1918, ‘Why don't you preachers Uc| llam P. McCracken Jr., former as­ in mdn.ths, health and parents By DR. MORRIS FI8HBEIN (torole’s costumes for "Rumba" are Asks Nature Lovers to Help the dangers of missing teeth. ine raffles pnd chll- Feb. 21-22 -Indoor Circus, North sistant secretary of commerce, who I Rehearsals for the musical come- EXPECT PUBLIC (these ybtmg couples being well- your mouth.” 0:46—Cubs C3ub Meeting. ing timo is cut in half when you sit down to ten as I thought be waa goln' to be.' something to stop the war?' That Methodist church, auspices Booster Yum Yum Cake. tailored sports frocks. This Indi­ 7:30—Young Women's Gym and Ground Feeding Birds. Let us show you how easily you can have the new teeth you dten's dresses. "On another occasion a few years waa a great speech. Our first Job waa sentenced to 10 days in jail for j dy, "The Mystery Man," are pro- educated ahd^ of about tho same Elimination of slums and pro­ cates that the sblrtmaker influence need, or your own ftzed. Consultation coeta nothing. Iron ths Automotic Flotplats woyl Irons Shirts club. means) It otfero a splendid 1 cup sugar Basketball Practice. • CAIIOD HIATINO previous, before deflnltely starting Is peace; with tho world at war Feb. 22 Radio Revue, Bencflt failure to produce The more often and for longer periods of 9:00 a. ffi.—Crade School Boys NO CHARGE Doming Events to 80 local men and women, boys and other was a veritable cricket, •'t. 1-3 top. salt 3 teaspoons powder Gym, 9-11. blrdlife during tbe heavy and In Te-day. ths tsmpsroturs for alt fabrics. You couldnY kondy odilty kllcfcoe thla service and read through the responsibility. The spoken word Is ord to the United States attorney to Ume, and have In general a higher 2 tablespoons shortening. Icebound coastal . "Ground loMo wlioa eel In ose. March 1. "Set That To Music," girls will have a part. (Continued from Page One) chattering and never still a wak­ 1 1-2 cups water 10:00 a. m.—Grade School Boys bs Under to your pocksl-book Ihon by using whole thing and rend a. sermon ho the best vehicle for constructive learn whether perjury is invdlyed.” death rate, than do those who live Boil all of thla together for 4 3 tablespoons sugar Gym. 12-16. feeding birds and those wild ducks romlskod el somH left for me. Those of you who are work; the man to man. word of a comedy In thm- acts, given by The Administration struck at the Tlio program will open with selec­ ing minute. under conditions of good housing. 1 Can Save Yon Money 0 G*E Flotplats Ironsr. powers should be restricted, the minutes. When cold add: 1 top. 1 cup stone quartered dates ^^ll;0o a. m.—Older Boys Gym, 15- which can feed only in shallow wa­ My prices wlU tnrprlte you. iVe do all branehra of rieniistry. eatro tos*. familiar with the Episcopal service mouUi opportunity to be of service. .lohn Mather Chapter, Order of De- Townsend $200 u month olil age pen­ tion by the following group from the ■ Mother Is Worried Among factors In poor bousing, 1-4 cup candied peel, optional ters need help," he states. Tall Cedars: Stuart J. Wnsie.v, Fred judiciary committee wrote into the "I am beginning to be worried," soda dissolved In a little water, 2 Get my prices before having any dentist do your work. know that a man who la not ordained Public speaking la Indispensable and Molay. sion plan, telling a commit­ bill the provision that the group which are primarily responsible cups flour and 1 top. vanilla. Bake 3;$ cup milk "With an aiiequate food supply, PROVE IT IN YOUR OWN HOME cannot read the Absolution. After invaluable. Wo need self-forgetful­ March 4. Annual Masonic Bedl at Knofla, Frank Schlebel,. Wilbert said Mother Number 1.. "Bobby for 111 health, we must Intlude 2:00 p. m.—Jtmlor BasketbaU tee that it would "stop all" shall serve as an agency in rehabili­ seems so far behind your Ted. for three-quarters of an hour in a Sift together the flour, salt and League. birds can withstand extreme cold. the service, a tall raw-boned cow­ ness, self-preparedness and finally State Armory. and.probably bring "wholes.ile infla­ Hadden. Ward Doiigan, Cfllflord tating families by aiding them to bad water supply. Insanitary moderate oven. baking powder; cut or rub In the Starving birds, however, weakened boy came up to roe and, with that absori>tion of self in the common March H Annual spring musical Shaw, William Hunnifoid, William Sometimes I think I'll have to toilets, lack of private tolleto, 6:30—Buckland Boys Gym. tion." secure etlbslstance and gainful em­ take him to have a thorough ex­ shortening, add the sugar, dates and 7:30—Colts Girls Basketball and lacking In the strength neces­ DR. C. W. KING, DENTIST dignity ol carriage and voice which welfare w i t h no thought of fee or of Cosnuipollt in club at Center A statement to that effec* was M. Anderson. ployment In animal husbandry but leaky sewer connections', over­ The figures "Forty-Two” appear­ peel if used, and mix to a dough sary to escape predatory enemies, Is denied to all except those who are rewaril but the commendation — church house. Specinltisa by the following well amination somewhere and find out crowding, bad ventilation, damp, Game. The Manchester Electric Co. submitted to Hie ways 'and means not otherwise. ing on a gold button and scarcely with the milk. Knead slightly, 8:30—Watkins "Y" Basketball soon become prey of certain hawks, Office In Di{. n. r . Mii.Ks slightly drunk, said: ‘Young man 1 •well done good and faithful ser­ March 15. "Pomander Walk". known entertainers will au.gment Senator Raymond J. De^Jln. what's wrong." ness, insufficient sunlight, an t place In a greased bread pan and'set owls and animals which are Just TrI. vant'T" comraltteo by Dr. Edwin E. White, She was frank, wasn't she, for visible a t ten paces accounted for Game. Bridgepdrt 111 ( hiii'gc am drunk but 1 am not drunk Sock and Buskin club. High school executive director of the President's the comedy: Dorothy and William Democrat, plans to call a confer­ failure to provide suitable screen­ one of tbe substantial expenditures aside for ten minutes before bak­ as hungry as the hard-pressed 1-3100 enough not to know that you should For KluoiiU Show hall. Gess in solo and duo dances. Patty a mother? But then there is lit­ ing against flics and mosquitoes. Coming Events birds. . . PHONE 5181 committee on economic security. ence during the week of the Senate tle nonsense about the brisk mod­ during production of Paramount's ing, Bake in a moderate oven— Each Tuesday In February, Cook­ not read the Absolution!' With The free dinner was won by J. G. March 19. 20. 21, 22.-Herald Dowd in a military dance'; Marjorie committee named to investigate the Dr. Rollo H. Britten of the 350-376 degrees F—thirty-flve to "Sportsmen are urg^d to carry 306 MAIN ST-, HARTFORD Echmaltam and the attendance The Senate .Agricultural commit­ ern girl, even where her baby . is "Lives of a Be&gal Lancer,” featur­ ing Lecture-Demonstration by Mrs. that he turned on bis heel and with Ooklng school, morning at 10, State tee was told "two m.ajor operations" Inman, monologues. No program of charges of senator David R. Bob­ United States Public Health Ser­ ing Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, forty minutes. liquid majesty marched out of the prize, donated by John I. Olson, was concerned. vice studied the records of 23,00;' Arra Sutton Mixter. theater. l.'iriCr reduction.s and war debt set- this kind would be complete without bins, Republican of Wallingford Her friend laughed, “Just what Richard Cromwell, Sit- Guy Standing Friday, Feb. 15—Card Party; church. won by Chsrle.H Burr. A meeting of March 20 Annual concert of G. an appearance of Jake Ortenberg, Uiat he bad been offered a state Job people in eight cities, and fonne', the club directors was held after tlcment.s are ncce."sary to rcilire' I was thinking about Ted," she that infant deaths In famil!c I and Kathleen Burke. Bridge, Whist and Setback. "Many times a public speaker Is Cief club at Emanuel Lutheran Ainerica’s commodity exinirt trade and he has consented to sing, “That’s in return for his vote. said. "I'm beginning to wonder In order that authenticity might asked what Is the first and great the meeting and It was voted to church. Why Darkica Were Born." Public Hearing who lived In homes with two o.‘ SoiSjVfAiX^ necessity fur case and fluency of sponsor a Klwanls show again this to Its normal hast.s. how I ever happened to have a more people In a room were 2';: April 2.rf Formal hall, of Kulghta The advice came from Will L. A complete dress rehe.arsal of the It is generally expected that the perpetual-motion machine who speech: at the of .seeming dog­ year for the benefit of the Kiddles of Columbus. principals and choruses la called for hearing of testimony will be public times greater than in families liv­ camp at Hebron. The show will be Clayton of Houston, Tcx;is. sleeps with one eye open for fear ing in homes with less than one church, has been confined to his MR. B matic, I will venture a few sugges. April 2!i Toirth ' cuiicert tomorrow night in High school hall. in view of the recent assertion of TOWN ADVERTISEMENT GIVES THE ANSWER tions: Riven In co-operation with tho Cdm- A plan to pay the soldier bonus in Senator John H. Taft, Socialist, a be will miss something." person to each room. home by illness. Mrs. Agnes Arm­ munlty Players at a date to be an­ of Beethoven Glee . club at High In tbe end both agreed that SOUTH ^VENTRY strong has been substituting for "I—Forgetfulness. If another school. member of the committee, that he calls you a dirty crook in the pres­ nounced later. is unalterably opposed to eecret their children were normal and In' Cleveland, studies were made him at the organ. BOARD OF REUEF the world. Which they were. and death rates to the amount of ence of witnesses, you do nut stop sessions. There was absolutely not a thing to think what Is tho proper answer QUEEN OF BOREAS’ COURT Senator J. Kenneth Bradley, Re­ of the relationship of sickness YESTIMONIAL DINNER —where should my feet be; wlint PERFECT PINEAPPLE publican floor leader. Is tbe third the matter with either of them. and death rates, to the amount of MR. J. M R . B. SHOUSE ATTACKS But why this difference In de­ rent paid. The death rates varieti NOTICE gesture should 1 assume. No, you member of the coramlttoe. velopment? Why did Teddy seem ADDISON tell him a mouthful of words cannot Because the many /major issues from 15 for each 1000 people in FOR LEVI T. GARRISON o f BRIDGEPORT t f W A T E R B U R Y CANNING ATTAINED to be too far along for his own the areas where the lowest rents come fast enough. Tho great Iro- BIG RELIEF BILL before it, several sqnrces have ex­ so backward as to marm his moth­ The Board of Relief of the Town aasioned speakers of all ages have pressed doubt that the Legislature were paid, to 7.2 for each 1000 The state highway force had tbe er? people in the areas where the Completes 25 Yfi&rs as Super roads all clear of snow Saturday. of Manchester will be In session at een filled rvlth indignation. Tho Nett Product Befng Introduced (Continued from l'a*"A One) will be able to clean up its business Contrast In Companionahip This morning they were busy the greasoned, logical scholastic address without a special session. Some ob­ highest rates were paid. visor of Rural Education — MUNICIPAL BUILDING by Pinehurst Grocery la Well, the nurse with all the Infant <,dcaths were 110 In tbe shoveling fifty pound snowballs leaves us cold. When' St. Paul sway in this republic nr whether servers have been quick to point out work to do and feeling that little 60 Teachers Attend. Friday, Feb. 1—6:00 p. m. to 8 spoke at Athens, he was disgusted Finest Yet Made. however that , talk of a special ses­ area with an average rental of from Hebron avenue. p. m. . with what he saw. He went to the bureaucrncy will take It.s place." sion is the usual thing in The early Bobby W'as safer in his pen than less than $15, and only 26 in the Several high school girls were The mcn.sure In now* hctorc a-Sen­ anywhere else, kept him pretty Saturday, Feb. 2—1:80 p. m. to broadcasting station on Mars Hill w'ceks of a legislative session. . areas ttlth an average rental of Levi T. Garrison of WUltmanUo busy Sunday rolling big hunks of 5 p. m. With the conning of pineapple at ate committee after having passed well fenced in most of the time. snow down the steep snowbanks to and said: 'Paul speaking.' What the perfection point In the factories Both branches are' expected to $100 or more. was given a testimonial dinner at Monday, Feb. 4—1:80 p. m. to 5 the House. And miturally be was alone be­ 'Obviously the question of hous­ the Green Meadows Inn Thursday make extra work. you call rcUglon to the stupidity of of tho Ferndel company, Walter P, Rushed 'Tliruugli House take it rather easy tomorrow when cause her duties took her out of p. m. an Australian busbmon. I perceive Gorman proprietor of the most of the time probably will be ing is a.'.BOclated with other eco­ evening in honor of bis twenty-fifth There Is a one-third mile stretch Attacking the provision of the bill the room. She was not a talka­ nomic factors, such as food, anniversary as supervisor of rural of road on Bell street that didn’t Tuesday, Feb. 5—6:00 p. m. to 8 that in all things you are to ‘diesl- grocery, the local Ferndel store. Is devoted to concurrent reference to tive pc^Kin either. So, the baby p. m. ' dalmoncstcrouB.' Now if anyone giving the I’rcsidont wide authority committees of the hundreds of bills clothing and fuel. But certainly eduatlon for the State Board of dtlfl thla year. In past years the introducing the product' to the -pub­ to allot work relief expenditures os played with bis toys and stayed the sickness and death rates are Education. snow drifted very much as the pas­ Wednesday, Feb. 6—1:80 p. m. to could find nn word of 19 lic today. Samples of the delicious which, poured In last Friday, the very, very silent. 'The same waa 5 p. m. . letters that oxprcaaoa so much con­ he saw fit. Shduse charged that it final day for the Ifitroductlon of new higher among people in the lower Over sixty teachers from the ture land on the west side was free product were distributed to employe." was "railroaded" through the truer of his muscular develop­ income groups. towns of Andover, Bolton, Chaplin, of brush. Today the pa.sture is Thursday, Feb, 7—6:00 p. m. to 8 tempt; that rips olT tho cloak of of The Herald today and they all busineas. ' ment. He couldn’t act as though p. m. House "without.^deqimte hearing by Among the week-end develop­ In England and In Vienna, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, Tol­ covered with brush from eight to ignorance and hypocrisy like that, pronounced It the finest canne33 .Micblcan Winter CarnlvDi at Petoikcy, Feb, 8-17. mated by state and federal experts her night gown. Housing Is. therefore, a public company In Hartford. Conn. Segal Lock ...... GUSTAVE SCHRIEBER, JTOther what be was saymgwea a hki Jump,-is llgur,' ou selling a few-records witb such a charming 'in the ba.ils of September 1 condi­ Wasting no word.s, he picked ner health problem as well as one Board of Relief of the w of boloney or Just a hutk of ■Um leads a life that moat men of regard for his excellent Intent witoi William J. Smith of Wlllimantto, United Gas ...... 40 eouldn't etand up to. Yuli appreciation of bis high motive, [ inspiration. ' tions, averaged nly two bushels to up bedclothea and all and carried tt-bteh gives concern to ths socio’- organist at the First Congregational United Lt and Pow A ___ Tuuii of Manchester, th« acr* vlantad- her to safety. I oglst, economist and educator. Conn. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONM. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1900. MANCHESTER EV ENING HERALD, MANCHEHrEB. OONM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1984. picture of a woman preaented by I first met him In July or August, said he paid the 650.000 ranaom and A. Yes. But I didn't go 111 Decem­ CHENEY RAILROAD ' f r ie n d o f h a o p t m a n n Wilentz as tbat of tbe woman be 1932. Hauptmann was being held aa the ber, 1931, and January, 1632. allegedly aaw wltb a baby on U|e Shown photographs, he Identified man who r e e v e d It? Q. Why do you say It waa a cus­ trolley tbc nigbt of the crime. * Flach and Henry l^ llg , a friend and A . Yea. ^ tom then ? PIONEER IS DEAD s u p p o r t s h is a u b i "You wouldn’t say 'yea' and you aaaoclate In business in. tbe Bronx Q. You knew be waa charged with A-. It waa but I didn't go .those wouldn’t say 'no'," Wllents said. with the little furrier. receiving tbe 650,000? twro months. (Continued from Page One) Reilly Jumped to his feet and ob­ The witness recounted the pleas­ A . Yea. Q. W hat have you la your mind jected that Wilentz was framing Q. You know the date that money McCLUSKEY BOWS TO SEARS IN MILLROSE 2-MlIJ ure trips of the Hauptmanns and that fixes it waa February you re­ Lester Bronkle. the question "for newspaper head­ their friends to Hunter's Island. was paid was April 3, 19827 sumed playing ? woman resembling Miss Sharpe and lines." An overdose of a drug proved A. W. Hyde Passes Away at a man resembling Fisch with a Reilly turned to a farewell party A. Yea. A . Mr. and Mrs. Hauptmann came Tow i Negotiates Its SlOO,- fatal to Lester Bronkle, son of Mr. golden-haired 2-year-oId baby In a Wilentz turned to Justice Trench­ for Fisch. Not Mentioned to Police. to my house, one Sunday. ard and declared: and Mrs. Arthur Bronkle. of 457 onc-piccc sleeping suit In New York Wilentz then bad the witness Q. When you say February, are "May I say to Mr. Reilly, through Q. Now on the evening of this Center street, and the young man Home Here — Was in Lo­ near the Weehawken ferry house on state when he was questioned by you guessing? 000 Issue at Rate of Your Honor, I think it cornea with party for Fisch. what date was It? died Saturday at the Memorial hos­ March 1, 1932’, the night of the-Uld- A. It was on the Saturday before Bronx authorities he knew all these A . No. I ’m sure. He came and o f­ pital. He was 26 years old and naping. very poor grace from him to speak things, and yet did not atate he had fered a Job. Ice Carnival Attracts Close To 10,000 Peopld about talking for the newspapers." he sailed. 1^5 Per Cent. ^ was well known In local sports cir­ cal Employ 55 Years. Court convened at 10:07 a. m., e. Q. When did he sail ? been with Hauptmann an April 2. Hauptmann sat rigid, listening Justice Trenchard allowed ' the The attorney general read on cles. having played football here for 1. t. A. It'was Wednesday or Thursday and w;atching, while Kloppcnburg question, and Sommer again plead­ question asked, in the Bronx, "Do a number of years. Justice Trenchard. before the tbe next week. testified. Mrs. Hauptmann listened, Bronkle had been in poor health Alfred William Hyde, '"Bill" to trial proceeded said he "very much ed his inability to Identify any of you rememlie,' seeing Hauptmann in a slight smile on her face. Her eyes G «e rt« H. Wuktell, tonn treasur- the many pictures of men and wom­ Reilly then had Kloeppenburg for two years. A graduate of Man­ hundreds of silk workers), who held regretted" that "movies and talking March or A p ril?" and the answer, followed the tall young man as he SPRINGFIELD ICE TEAM wt, Bcmtlatcd the loan of 1100,000 en shown to him. enumerate all the gueets at that bon "I can’t member the days, I say in RANGERS ^AMERICAN CHAMP 1(INS chester high school, he was at one stepped down from the stand at IN ACTION HERE WEDNESDAY the unique distinction of being train­ pictures had been taken in dcflance- Ben Luplca, a young Princeton voyage party. for town expense. at the lowcat In­ time employed by the American master on the shortest railroads In the months I did see him some tbe end of his testimony and stalk- of the orders of the court." student who said he saw an auto Q. Did you see Isador Fisch come terest rate ever recorded in Man- Telegraph and Telephone company. the L'nited .States and of living in time." eu out of the room. " I t was done," he added, "secret­ with a ntdder near the Lindbergh in? ' efeuMter, 1.05 per cent, today. The He leaves his parents ^ d a sister. the only house on Manchester's Kloeppenburg acknowledged th.e Court recessed for lunch at 12:24 SHUTS OUT COLLEGIANS ly and by methods that are not com­ temporary flnanctng is lii', anticipa­ Miss Doris Bronh'f, who Is In train­ estate at dusk the kidnap day, was A. Yes, I saw him at the door at p. m. ^ ^ f r o m •io e b y is y a k d s ' shortest street, died. yesterday at aiaswer. monly understood. then sworn. tion of taxea due and payable April ing at the Lawrence and Memorial his home at 1 Bow street, connect­ the top of the stairs. a d c d i i d t "This subject, this matter will be C. Lloyd Fisher took the witness Q. Did he carry anything with Keading from Klocppenburg's Local Sport Schoiosttc Qotntets Ploy jWETHERSFIELDA.C. w iTU i ACT i 16 and July 1. Associate Hospital. New London. ing link between Chestnut and Gar- Investigated." The money borrowed will be used for direct examination. him? statement to the Bronx police Wll- INJORRID CLASH, 2-()d The funeral will be held tomorrow The court officers, the court to pay the salaries of town officials, Q. Where did you Uve on March entx showed that the witness had afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home. added, would have to be "especially A. Yes. He carried a package O n Rec Floor r o m o i r o n ; TO MEET fiRFFRMPN i L A P I L A r ^ r U K I 'school faculty and teachers and de­ 1. 1932? skid he could not remember positive-1 CLASS CONFIRMED Chatter Rev. Leonard C. Harris of the South rigilant" to prevent a repetition. about 5 to 6 Inches high, 7 to 8 partmental employees. A. With my parents In Hopewell. ly being at Hauptmann's home A p ril. Methodist church will officiate. 5Iint Be Exrluded Inches wide nad about 14 Inches N. J., about a mile north of the long. 2, 1932. Burial -will be In Buckland cemetery. ‘Those contrivances will have to Mammoth Crowd Sees Spark-1 Near Riot Brmgs Thrilling Manchester Trade’e nine-game is expected to reduce this edge to a Lindbergh estate. Q. Did anybody tell you to come I This department takes emphatic winning streak will be subjected to ' Ex-Fordbam Ace Sets Pace be excluded from the covrtroom." he Q. When was the last time you AT ST. MARY’S minimum factor in the encounter. IN RETURN TUSSLE Fisher directed Luplca to recount here and remember It? exception to attempts to minimize its severest test tomorrow aftemoim John Lobee went on. "The officers will have to saw Fisch aith tbat package in the The Schoberitea are hopeful of his experiences the afternoon of the A. Yes. I remember It now. ling Exhibitions hy 15! Hockey Battle to a Close: Manchcnler High's victory over when the Mechanics are host to John Lobec of 264 Hackmatack be vigilant and probably very in­ Hauptmann house? avenging the 44-21 setback suffered But Has No Sprint Left to HRE DESTROYS kidnaping while driving home from Q. At the time you were qqea-, Bristol last Friday by terming the Manchester high, fresh from Its su­ .street died yesterday morning at his A. They went through the hall to genious to break up the practice. school. tioncU in the Bronx you couldn't ra-1 24-20 outcome an upset. It was from the. Clarkmen In the first game home at the age of 76 years. He the kitchen. perb conquest of Bristol high last and thereby run their victory string 'There Is the problem. That Is Car With Ladder member ? I RL Rev. F. G. Bodlong in Skating Stars at Center^ Brilliant Play of Goalie anything but that an.' the only Locals Return to Armory for had lived In Manchester for 26 years Reilly was seeking to impress the Friday, at the School street Rec to­ Meet Challenge of Butler the officers' problem. Luplca told of epcountcring a man A. Yes. I thing In favor of the Bell a ty was to ten straight but the Ctarkemen BIG HiLLSTOWN and was for msny years a Arcman Jury the packsge Fisch bad when he morrow afternoon. The Red and, have vieions of Yale Tournament "None of these instrumentahUes (j. Isn't It a fact that' Mr. Haupt-; Its past, record, which has nothing In an engine room at Cheney Broth­ in a car with a ladder in It near Springs; World’s Chaihp| George Ecabert Is Big White also has a winning streak of j Will be allowed In the courtroom and talked to Hauptmann was the shoe mann picked out tbe first Saturday Charge — Preaches Ser­ whatsoever to do w1 tli the current qualification and will be out to con­ First Home Game in Month Star; Time Is 9:17, Ten ers. the Lindbergh estate. mm three games to protest and Indira-' agents and employes will be box filled with ransom money. of tbe month, so be could use you ; season. Manchester won through tinue the impres.sive triumphs won He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary He said he noticed a car coming tions arc that the between : RD. FARMHOUSE excluded." ' around the bend. It pulled across to Q. You saw Hailptmann and Fisch to establish an alibi? ; Wins Thnnderons Acclaim! Feature of Game. , superior play and there waan't any­ over Middletown, West Hartford Lobec. and a sister, Mrs. Anna go to some other part of the house? mon on Faith, Power. the local scholastic quintets will be and Bristol. After Unsuccessful Cam­ Seconds Over the Record, Alanskls of Hartford. The funeral Attorney General Davi(} T. Wll- the wrong side of the road near a Defense Objects, | thing St all fluky about It. tContlooed from Pace- One) entz renewed hts cross-examination. A. Yes. the hardest fought In recent years.' Manchester's next League game will be held Wednesday morning at cornfield and stayed there, and "I Kloeppenburg looked at Wilentz . Q Now Mr. Sommer as I under­ started to go on up the road, and I Q. When they came back did Fisch (OonUnned From Page One) Brlatol'a record this season Is The Traders have some advantage will be played here this Friday paign On the Road. 8:30 o'clock at his home and 9 Incredulously and then hia. face B y TH O M A8 J. C H AR A In plajing on the small Rec surface' clothing. They went to the home of stand It you saw a small man and a passed him on the right side." have the package with him? Right Reverend F. G. Budlong. only slightly better than Manehes- agatnst East Hartford, now tied o'clock at St. James's church. The broke Into a broad smile. He did but the practice which the high (Special to The Herald) a neighbor where they secured cloth­ tall man help a woman with a baby Q. Did you see anything in the A. No. D.D., S.T.tJ., Bishop of Connecticut, and junior U. S. Middle Atlantic fig­ In a riotous, thrill-packed Ice en­ tcr's. The fact that the Red and with the locals for third place In body will be placed In the receiving not answer when Pope immediately ure skating champion, and also the gagement, the Springfield Outing school had at both Rees last week| the standing. New York, Feb. h.— (.AP)-;- ing. vault at St. James's cemetery. on a trolley car In New York ? car? Cross ExaminaUcifi was In chaige of confirmation of a White outplayed the Monahnnmen After a twx)-week period of Inac­ In addition to the almost com­ Reilly stopped there, releasing objected. Nat.onal dancing champion, exhibit­ on their home floor in the first Joe McCluske.v has a new com­ A. Yea. A. I saw two secUons of a ladder large class at St. Mary's Episcopal Club nosed out a scrappy , hard- tivity following an unsuccessful plete loss of home, furniture, cloth­ Kloeppenburg to cross-examinaflon Justice Trenchard sustained tbe ed in a singles number. Mr. Dahl- game but lost in the final minutes petitor today on vvtiom to focut •’nor to that, Sommer said, he In the car. It was resting on the church yesterday afternoon. The ,fighting Manchester Collegian ing and the Cowles farm truck, a Samuel Glllls tops of the front and back seats. by Wilentz. objection. mayr and Bruce Mapes will com­ through spectacular by a campaign on foreign courts, the N a­ saw the small man on the ferry boat confirmation exercises were accom­ pete In tbe National championships sextet on Onter Springs ice after hi.s attention— Ray Scars, % pocketbook containing SlOO that Samuel Glllls. a former resident of Q. W ill you describe to me the Q. You are the gentleman who "It's no worse," Wilentz observed, score of 30-28 only served to sup­ tional Guard Rangers return to the Manchester, died at his home 541 f n which ho came over from Wee- "than your asking Betty Gow if she panied by a stirring sermon on the In New Haven Saturday. three periods of rapid-fire hockey stocky little runner from But­ had been left In a bureau drawer In man you saw In the car? took the trip to California with the port our prediction that Manchester local State Arm ory this Wednesday Main street, WllUmantlc, this hawKfn, bul hastened to explain the dropped the thumb guard on the relationship of faith and power. Urge* Support — yesterday afternoon before 1,000 WATKINS-Y IS-WINNER; ler University in Indianapolin. would be the winner In the return the kitchen when the couple took to sir.all man was not the same an.all -A. He had a dark coat He was Hauptmanns? witnesses, bringing a melodramatic night against the Wethersfield A. C., the roof of the piazza to escape the morning. He was- born In Ireland, lane.” The confirmation-class was as fol­ The program waa opened at two contest. The Housier .star, who made Iran ho .saw on a trolley on the Jer­ about 40 years old and appeared A. Yes. ' lows: finale to yester^ay'a brilliant and flames, was burned. There was 86 years ago. He leaves one son. thin, Kloeppenburg said hia recollec­ o’clock by Aaron Cook, chairman of one of the five teams to defeat th" sey side. Q. And you’ve been very friendly Girls: Virginia Fuller Curran, colorful Ice Carnival despite condi­ tho fastest lime ever recorded some insurance on the building and William Glllls of Pawtucket. ' and Q. Was he of foreign nationality? tions about April 2 were refreshed tbe Board of Selectmen who com­ Sports writers have been playing Greermen on their road Invasion. It A. W Hyde Once, as the witness faltered over with the Hauptmanns? some time in December and he real­ Dana Agnes Dardls, Lucinda Gray, tions and disadvantages which wrere RAMS EDGE ARMYJ4AVY will bo the first game that the by an .Amoi’ican— 9 minutes. one daughter, Miss Daisy Glllls of furniture but not sufficient to cover A. No, he did not seem to be. A . Yes. plimented the •Manchester Veterans up the steady impro'vement of Bris­ Hartford, also a stepdaughter, Mrs. his testimony on the first small ized he had been with Hauptmann Lillian May Hand, Miriam Evange­ anything but favorabla The score Rangers have played at home since 7.4 seconds— in defeating . Joa the loss, Mr. Cowles said. den streets. He was 83 years old Fisher asked that the kidnap lad­ for entering into the activities ot was 2 to 0. tol In recent games. Ignoring the Lulu G. Crane of Atwoodvllle, Conn. ri-an and tne second ainall man, Wll- Q. You didn't know Hauptmann In tbat night. line Hooka, Eva Mae Holmes, Doro­ January 9. when they beat toe Hart­ Had Been Away and had been retired for more than der be brought Into court. the town on such s scale each jresr Yesterday's contest, although the fact that Manchester has also come last year, repeated the victory .The funeral wllL_b9_beM Wednes­ entz shot at him; ' ^ Germany, or bis life over there? Justice Trenchard asked tbe wit­ thy Irene Kerr, Jessie Jane Kerr, ford Atlas for their fifth win In six Because of Illness In the family eight years. ----- Q. Did you observe the make of and urged he townspeople to sup­ Silk Towner's second defeat this along rapidly during the last hall Saturday night before 16,000 day at 2 o'clock at the funeral "Don't evade the questions." A. No. ness If he ''could come anywhere Ruth Matilda Matchett, Ruth Mor­ Basket In Last Seconds of Thompsonrille’s Belated Ral- starts at the Armoiy. Mrs. Cowles, who Is a nurse, had Worked 55 Years the car you saw? port them In every way. He wel­ season, proved to local fans that of the campaign, it Is our conten­ home of Avery and Van 21andt, 60 Trie* to Explain Kloeppenburg told how he first near” the time Fisch brought tbc rison, Dorothy Evelyn McCaughey, Stellar Lineup. fans in tlie annual Millrose foo e to Wapplng to take care of her For 56 years Mr. Hyde was em­ •\ llodge Car comed the fine group of talented Manchester has a formidable and tion that if Bristol Is selected for North street, WilllmanUc. Rev. C. "I'm trying to explain." met the defendant in New York In package to Hauptmann. Lucile Justine Niles, Pauline Jean The Wethersfield quintet has be­ track' find field gome.*? in Madi­ hrother-ln-law, William Walcirbn of ployed In varioua capacities by the' A. Yes, a 1929 Dodge. skaters to Manchester, many of able guidance, should go far in re­ the Yale Tournament then Man­ Play Gives Collinsville ly Falls Short, 37-33, as W, Lovett of the Baptist church will Q You've had all week-end to the winter of 1929. Kloeppenburg aaid bla recollection Orlando, Dorothea Virginia Pea­ that place, HI with pneumonia. The South Manchester Railroad, owned Q. What was the color of the car whom have skated In other Carni­ juvenating this popular outdoor chester should also be nominated. come one of the strongest aggrega­ son Square Garden. conduct the service. think about your testimony, didn't Tbe young cabinet maker told ol waa November, 1934—he corrected body, Edna May Scott, Margaret aeven months old baby was being by Cheney Brothers and operated you saw? vals. pastime here. The Clarktmen have played stead}', tions In this vicinity, boasting a line­ For five years Joe, Olympic you ? meeting Fisch at Hunter's Island in the date to 1933. Jane Smith, Ruth Virginia Stratton, cared for by a sister-ln-law, Mrs. between the north and south ends A. Black or dark blue..; M ajor John O. Mahoney, genera! Matching the torrid pace set by dependable basketball In their last Cagers 42-41 Victory John Tierney Leads Locals up o f stellar performers that Include A'. I didn't think about it. the summer of 1932. Wilentz ended bis questions and Dorothy Garnet Myrtle Straugbon. steepelchaser and former Ford- Loula Cowles In Wapplng and was of the town on a spur from the Q. It was green by any chance? chairman of the Veterans associa­ Coach Harold L. Davenport's puck- three starts and a continuation of Harold hfattson, a member of the Wiiontz showed Sommer the pho­ Q. Who introduced you ? Reilly asked bow tbe witness re- Betty Eleanor Tedford, Margaret ham star, ha.s seen the two- there when the Are wap discovered. FUNERAUS New York. New Haven and Hart­ A. No, black or dark blue. tion, representing the six local ex- men, the CollcgiaiiH In the form of this play shouU'. bring victory In a old National Guards who needs no tograph of Isador Fisch again nnd A. There's no Introducing out me’-ioorcd April 2. 1932. Phyllis Torrance. Elizabeth Mary majority of the local.s’ remaining Over Service Five; Locals Mrs. 0>wles' mother, who makes her ford railroad, which acquired the Q. Have you at any time told any­ service units, addressed the crowd George 'and Jackie M ay launched ao in Scoring; Colls Girls I introduction to local fandom; Eddie milers conic and go. Mo has' silk Arm's railroad property two the witness reiterated that it "re­ there. ‘T remember because it waa the Vennard. games. It Isn’t Impossible that Bergrndahl. holder of a high school home with the Colwes’ had been In Christian M.' Nielsen one that you recognized Bruho and urged the townspeople to sup­ oft'enslve drive Into enemy territory won his' share of races and years ago. Mr. Hyde, who came sembled" the "small man" he had Were Close FYlends music night, 1 bad a Joke the night Boya; Ernest Brown, William port the efforts of tbe committee in Manchester may finish the season scoring record and second high scor­ Boston on a visit and was to return The funeral of Christian M. Niel­ Richard Hauptmann as the man you only to be suppressed and followed Far Ahead at Half. never yet lias failed to ulti­ here in 1871 and was employed on seen. Q. You saw him many times at before (April Fools Day.) and 1 Joseph Canade, Edwin Charles presenting the 1935 and othci^ suc­ without losing another game. Bow 25-17. er In the recently completed Grieater to 'Manchester today. During the sen, well known local pniduccr-mllk saw In that car? by a similar offensive from the op­ the local railroad until 1926,' mostly The witness- looked at another de­ A. No. Hauptmann's home. They were very knew Mrs. Hauptmann wanted to Chapin. Henry Thomas Coleman- ceeding Carnivals. Hartford League; Ivy Peckham, for­ mately defeat the man who had past week the house had not been dealer, will be held tomorrow after­ Fredric Norton Fish, Robert Ru­ position. It was nip-and-tuck and ns trainmaster and conductor, act­ fense photograph which he said also Not Hauptmann close friends? go somewhere the next day," Kloep­ Opening Numlier It was fortunate for Manchester, merly witK the Boston Whirlwinds beaten him. Among tho,se arc occupied. noon at 2 o'clock at his home at resembled the man. dolph Fregln, Raymond Watson only once during the opening 15 A basket by Rose in the last sec­ ed as eondiietor on the last trio Q. Can you identify Brunjj Hauptr A. Yes, that's righL penburg explained. minutes did Manchester threaten. we admit, that Bristol wn unlucky A fter gaining the lead late In the nnd an outotandingjtp scoring throat; George Lei-mond, Harold Man­ Last night Mr. and Mrs. Cowles 68,5 Parker street. Rev. K. F. You wouldn't swear, though, Ooslce. R o ^ r t Edwin Grenon, Fred Upening the skating program of CHARLEY lIORN'ROS'fE! taken by the tmln under the owner­ (uann ns th^ man you saw in that Fisch did not remain overnight Wilentz. taking the witness for George M ay on a short, shuttle pass In Its shooting during the first half, onds of play gave the Collinsville first quarter of their game wlUi the Braghnm, fornierly ((f the university ning, I'Vank Crowley and Bill came back to the house, preparing Kiickson of the Kmanuel Lutheran that these are the photographs of a re-cross examination, gestured to Charles Kelsh, John William Kemp, the afternoon were Marlon and Her­ keeping the score close at halftime. ship of Cheney Brothers on January car? with the Hauptmanns the night of bert M eyer o f (Thlcopee, Mass., a de­ from K elly In mldice, broke Into Rams a 42 to 41 victory over the luompaonville A. A. on the Y floor of North Carolina nnd considorod hy for the homecoming of Mrs. Cowles' church will officiate. Burial will be the man you saw? a man seated at the prosecution Robert Carlton Lorch, Joseph Sher­ But It was Manchester all the way Saturday evening, the Watklns-Y Follow.s:—an imposing list. It 20. 1933. A. I can not. the party but left about 1 a. m. The lightful pair of skaters who have al­ the clear and raced In on Goalie BUI Arm y and N avy Club at Collinsville Hartford sports writers as the best mother. A Are was started and It In East coipetery. A. 1 wouldn't swear positively, table. wood Muldoon, Gordon Edward M c­ In the. last two periods and tbe quintet was never headed, and fl- I’emains to be seen whether First In Charge Luplca was released for cross- tall witness could not recall whether ways been willing to forego personal Thom, resulting In a pile-up In front Saturday night, after the local-quin­ offensive center in the Greater Hart­ was after midnight when Mr. and Sommer admitted that he "made Q. Did you ever see this man be­ Cann, Clarence Edwards McCollum, game was put on lee with minutes nally emerged a winner, 37 to S3 The road was opene- same he saw later on the A. Y’es. W alter Earl Perine, CTlifford John colored lad who scem.s destined fot to put them within striking distance impressive — McCIuskey has dence and Elshklll R. R. Co,, came glance of the ladder. package away with him ? doubles number. to tally at the outset. periods shattered the Army and BurnsidCH in mid-season and has Cowles was awakened by the heal ferry boat. Q. Didn't he and Sgt. Wallace of Sault, Ruticdge-Johnson Smith. Ed­ a brilliant athletic career before he of the Watkins team but at this done better many times — but I here to take charge of the eqiilp- Shown an article in a New York A. I am sure he didn't. He left It The second act on the program George Ecsbert. whose flawless N avy defense and brought about been a vital factor In the success of 1 VICTORIOUS AGAIN and smoke that came into the room. win Joseph David Stratton, Milton graduates from Manchester High. juncture Ray Campbell, the diminu­ ‘ ment which consisted of two engines Q. You are a professional witness tabloid newspaper bearing his name, the New Jersey state police com'e waa a singlea number by Miss goal tending in the Initial period the whirlwind finish that won for Wetoerafield; Jackie O’Ctonnot, re-1 the vvay in which he defeated An attempt was made to leave the in the kitchen. Warren Stratton, William John tive guard on the local team, came An .rgent appeal has been made and two passengec conches. The aren't you? Luplca testified he had been paid and see you in December 1934 7 Miriam Davenport, “Springfield’s was perfection personified, had 10 tbc Rams. garded as the smartest ball player ' the former Fordham and Q. But you did not see him go Tedford, Richard Ralnsford Trotter, The crowd at the Armory Friday through with a couple of sucker room and go down the stairs, but to Miss Jessie Reynolds, social aeiw- road wn.s taken over hj' Cheney j A. I don't qualify as a profession- for that and another hut he did not A. Yes. Queen of the Ice.” Miss Davenport, saves to Thom's six going into the It was the fifth time In aeven home? James Gordon Vennard, Roy Les­ night was the largest In recent Shota from under the hoop to put Ol.vmpic star led Joe’s friends they were driven back. only ice nurse, for a baby carriage fo i^ Brothers In 1879 and Mr. Hyde re­ I al witness. 1 only came here to tell write them. He asserted they er­ Didn't Renierober Dates one of the finest exhibition skaters second canto, Ecabert's spectacular starts this season outside of the 'S r S S 'S ii'-'iC a r r y Off NotO tbnly ^ l Two Meo chaince they had to get out. of the : of the Incidents I saw that night. A. No. Q. Didn't you tell them then that ter Volkert, Edward Harold White, years. Bristol bringing along sever­ the conte.’ t on lee. to, wonder whether th© Con- needy family. Anyone having a mained, serving ns conductor on the roneously stated he had Identified Q. Then you don't know what he in New England, gavg a remarkable stopping bringing salvos of Rec League that the sor\1cp team field High players o f much ability. trap was by the window onto the paasenger run nnd trainmaster wiieii I Q. I thought you came here In the you didn’t remember any of the Beverly John Wright. al hundred fans. It was a noisy, Tliompsonvillo started off with a I necticut boy had not at last met serviceable eariinge that they will Hauptmann as the car driver and he took with him, when he left the exhibition o f grace and under whenever the occasion presented It­ has participated in games deddea Won First Contest. veranda roof, which was covered by .n iglil cva.s hauled. I Interests of Justice? dates ? Adults: Joscjiii A. Hoher, Charles enthusiastic crowd that kept the riish and very soon after the start Bobsled Event But Four donate In this cause, kindly tele­ had complained to the city editor. party? trying condiUona. self. hy the slender margin of one or Wethersfield holds victories over - his master. Running his own anow. They had lltt(e chance to get phone the social service depart­ "Faithful Eiiiployei'" A. I'd sny I diu. A. I'm not sure It was In Decem­ Henry Jones, Rupert Armour Lind­ Armory in a constant uproar dur­ of the game maintained a S to 0 The attorney general then asked A. No. Otto Pahlmayr, of New York, a Beginning the second session in a two points. The defeat was the the Rhymers and All-Burnsidea and race as always, McCIuskey went on any clothing. ment, ,1606. C. Herman Cheney of Cheney Q. Do you not testify in court for ber. say, Raymond Theodore Schallcr, slow, mediocre fashion, duo primar­ ing the game, a crowd to inspire the third In seven games for the Army lead. .lohnny Tierney storied the lo­ lost two tough games to the Knights the quiet young student If he Had Q. Now when Hauptmann was ar­ National champion but unused to players to their level best. 'The A r­ Neighbor 8ec« pbuiies Brothers yestcrdiiy described Mr, a price? Q. Well late in the year then? Maude Hazel Sullivan, William ily to the soft condition of the sur­ and Navy. Garrone, Stevenson ann cal scoring with a long toss from of Utbuania, winners of the Hart- Men as Well. out from the start to set the not called him to his. office after the rested you and he were close outdoor lee, was rather skeptical mory looked as though It had been Just before the Cowles family Hyde as "a very faithful employee." A. No air, I do not. A. Yea, at the place where I work. Thomas Sullivan. face, it waa Jack Stratton nnd Kelly ByrholskI led the local scoring at­ around the middle o f the floor. The ford League, once by four points ■ ()ace but when Sears challenged newspaper artlle and chided him for friends? about his act but gave an abbreviat­ struck by a cyclone after the game, opened the window an: fixtui'cs and it is prevented the Aremen from getting blance to the man. Fannie and her First Skating Les­ Manning three times thus far this Turklngton at center and Della Fera W ife Sur%lves Pope objected to the questioning charged Saturday. parted the curtains In 10:40! Im ­ Carrone, I g ...... 6 "0 l2 John^ny Tierney and Bissell match- the total time of 7 minutes and down Into the cellar. No. 3 was call­ son.” This team with "B ill” BllO' year and should be able to do It and Antonio at guards, with Smith, pi'obable Joe will have another Hartford, Keb. 4 (A P » Tax Mr. Hyile leaves his wife. Mrs. I ns Improper cross-examination and Q. You’ve always said so? A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. mediately foUowIng the n «t face Salmonds, Ig ...... 0 1 > . 1 '•“ kef for basket and then 60.37 seconds, 6.74 seconds better ed by Chief Foy, feeling that with deau of Providence held the Interest again. Thli coming Saturday, Mc­ Kennedy, Sheldon, Salmonds and En­ tr.v at him before the season^ eolleetora of the state g a th e r e d a t •Sadie R (GriffithI Hyde, whom he ! Wilentz explained he was testing A. Yes. George Nelson'.^f 45 Benton street, off Coach Duaty May and'Weston Stevenson, c ...... ! ...... 5 0 ‘ 10 with C^ampbell slipping away to than toe National record. the two chemical lines the Are might o f the crowd during tbs entire pro' CIuskey Is elated to go to the post rico In reserve. the State Capitol this afternoon to married In October of 1876, He . the credthlllty of the witness. He Q. And you so testify today. Satuarday. erram.. began to mix it up along tbe north- Kovls, rf ...... 1 3 6 score tirice before the game ended, They clipped one minute and 7 he atopped. This might have been The witness nodded. I d the Boston A. A. games, also in the locals managed to ske out' a 37- A fast preliminary la being ar­ TWIN SENSATIONS decide whether a state association was at one time active In King was allowed to proceed. Lester Bronkle of 467 Center Dr. Hulda Berger and. Miss Edna end of the rink. Suddenly, the crowd Bycholski. rf ...... 3 4 10 ranged and dancing will follow the seconds off the single seat course poMlble but for the explosion of an of collectors should be formed, to Fisher arose and shouted his the two-mlle. 3.3 win. Johnny Tierney led the lo­ Nfiw Y'ork, Feb. 4.— (A P I — . David Ixidge of Odd Fellows. I Quizzing hlni about an accident street, died at 7:20 Saturday night. Harris, dressed in pale blue skating pressing to get a better view of the Tureck, If ...... 1 0 2 main attraction, which will ha record they set in the 1932 Olym­ oO barrel. The barrel was Ailed with adopt a constitution If It Is decided The funeral, which will he ifrl- ease In 1930, Wilentz asked: questl(5n: cals In scoring while C. Angelica pics. Emerging from the pack as tljej I A son waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. ensembles, presented a new novelty proceedings crumbled the entire Fraser. If ...... 0 0 0 handled by Bevo Hurley. The Hang­ fuel oil and when It exploded it was to have such an association and to vate, will be held tomorrow .-ijter- I You knew nothing about that "You say you got a fleeting Adolf Larson of 54 Chestnut street It looks as though Sears Is the best for Thompwjnvllle twin sennations of the thrill-parkcd' for the local skating entbustaats, north side-boarding and wire netting ers are Scheduled to meet tbe Meri­ >'oiir .5|cn Event like a blow torch, shooting a large elect officers. noon at 4 o'clock at the homii. ReV; case, about the accident? glance at the driver like yie Sunday. most formidable ’ opponent McCIus­ the^flrst game ths Colt’s girls Mlllrbse A. A. gurntt today wera, ladlM pto. Mlsa Harrla is a pupil Juat oa the aeeond ztonsa drew to a 16 9 41 den Endeas, toe sute'a leading semi- Twenty-four hours later, Curtis fiame towards the main part of the The meeting was called to order Watson Woodruff of the Center A. Not about the accident. Hocknuith (who told a similar Mra. Jessie Lewie of 109 Birch cloBe. key boa faced in bit colorful career Score at halftime, 13-22, Array outplayed the Indian Orchard Stevens piloted hts four men bob­ Charles (Chuck) Hornbostol of In­ of Dr. ^ rg e r and skated here last but it's our prediction that the Man­ pro outfit. In a game here next week building. at 1:30 p. m.. and Tax Collector Congregational church will officiate Q. No. nnd you testified about the story.) street, Mrs. Albert T(sdd and In­ W ith a goal lead, sound hockey and Navy. Referee, Waters. Time, Maas-, girU throughout the first sled to a third consecutive National diana, and (jlene Venzka o f Penn. year as a member of the Berger chester ace will be returned the Wednesday. Flame* Spread Wallace F. Fitzpatrick ' of Provi­ Burial wil ibe In F.ast cemeterj'. circumstances and condition prior "W e can argue that In aumma fant daughter of 55 Westminster was the logical course for the Bay 10-minute quarters; tores periods only to succumb to title In a performance that knocked H orn'ostel’s astonishing fe a t' o f quartet of that year. Dr. Berger. winner over Sears before the cur­ Flames from tlje burning oil bar- dence. R. I., who has a national rep­ to the accident? Uon." Wilentz Interjected, objecting Roai., Mary Ragazzo of 105 West State six to follow. But they were the last quarter rally of their oppo- 9.11 seconds off the four s<;at course ■mashing a world's record that ha*' Miss Harris and the Janssen broth­ rent season comes to a close. ral drove the heai iiito the blind 8*1“- utation for collection of taxes In his The tongue of the lion Is fur­ A No, If that Is In there (the rec- to the question. Middle Turnpike were discharged ers o f the Winter Sports club. goal-hungry and It was not long be­ nent.s and lost by the score of 25 to I record and 1.26 seconds off the sin­ stood for ton years In the "Mlllroso tlc and soon the entire second story city, •lescrlbod the methods em­ nished with an army of dagger- ' ordi It's wrong, I had a row with Q. Can you Identify this man (In­ Sunday. 1<- The Colt's girls deserved to win OPENS CUE DEFENSE gle seat course mark. His total 600" not much more than an hour Bruce Mapes of Brooklyn. N. Y., fore L. Davenport, playing with a Fldo O'Brien took a 47 pin lead of the house was In Aames. Smoke ployed by him In his work. llkc brlatles. j the lawyer when I came into court. dicating Hauptmann) as the man cracked and considerably weakened MACDONALD SMITH hut when the visitors started to rut lime waa seven miiiutr-i I’.n-J .'i-'ii after he had annexed the 1.000 y a n f' daring to do many of tbe Intricate over Charlie Kebart In the first half and Aames burst from all parts ol ! Pope again objected nnd Justice you aaw ?" stick, converted a hard drive unas­ down the Colts’ lead late in the New York, Feb. 4.— (AP) —' Ed­ seconds and his best beat one min­ special In fast time was the out­ eisoIuUona regarded as point win of thetr twenty game home and the house and without water there Trcnchsrd said "I don't see how you Wilentz objected but Justice DRUGGIST BOUN^ OVER sisted in 6:08 o f the final chapter game. the. (Dolto defens feU to ward Lee of New York be^ns de­ ute and 44.90 seconds. standing IncUvidual accomplishment ners in the National championships home match before a large crowd at PROVESHIS WORTH pieces. was little hope of saving anything. can go Into his testimony In another Trenchard allowed an answer. next week, pleased the large group from directly In front of the local fense of his national three-cushion The National situation well in of the niccL overshadowing Glenn-, the Wooster alleys In Hartford yes­ Neighbors who had started to re­ case." A. No, I can't. Waterbury, Feb. 4.—(AP)— with his ease and lightness on the Collegian’s bull’s eye. An exchange tVatklns-Y (87) billiard- championship against seven hand, the Stevene turned th clr'at- Cunningham’s third successive trt- j terday. The last ten games will be P. move furniture from the house were Wilentz was allowed to put the Luplca was excused. Nathan Novak, proprietor of a drug Ice. Elarlier In the day Mapes show­ of high-flying pucka, a wealth of B F. rivals tonight at the New York A. tention to the tryouts this week-end umph in the Wanamakcr mile, the--, 2. John Tierney, rf , driven away and only a few pieces INSOMNIA direct questlonr Hans Kloppcnburg, Hauptmann's ■store at 120 Harftord avenue. Ne)v action, which subsided as the aero rolled at the local Y’ this Thursday ...8 3-3 to determine America's representa­ box-offlfc feature mainly responsi-, ed bis whole bag of tricks after be Wins 72 Hole Medal Com- 0. Faulkner,, if ...... C. Lee opens toe round robin of furniture were removed before Q. Didn't you testify falsely? close personal friend, was the next Britain, was bound ov^r to the July hour draw near, combined with ea night and Robazt's remarkable ...0 0-0 tives in toe 1936 Olympics In Ger­ ble for the overflpw crowd of 16.000 By Helen Welshimcr had arrived from New York and 0. Jim Tierney, If .,, tournament by . playing Edward A, I did not. defense witness sworn. Kloppen- terra of Federal District court un­ oceaelonal outbreak here and there bowling on his home lanes should ...0 0-0 many. packed in Madison Square Garden the beat became ao Intense, that It found Center Springs lee' excellent 0. Gorman, e ...... Spits o f Boston. Ilie second match ^ '£ 1 dark and I'm lonely. Trenchard. restricting the ques­ burg woa the man Hauptmann aaid der bond of 3500 by U. S. Commis­ kept the disk and playmaking bring him victory over the Capitol ...0 0-0 Fourteen men wlU be selected to Saturday night. drove them back from the building. In the early morning hours. Mapes petition in $6,500 Oak- 1. Nelsbn, e . . . ---- will pit Leon Radler of Now York tions. allowed Wilentz to ask Som­ sioner Harry Krasow who found pretty much In the center xone. City star...... 1 1-1 represent this country. ^ There waa plenty of honor, how­ Smoke and dames were coming And I don't know why. made "moo-stc" with him the ran­ received great applause from the 9. Bissell, rg .. and Gene Derdorff o f St. Louis. mer If he had made errors in his som payment night of April 2, 1932. ^ uxli probable cause against Novak to A few minutes of p l ^ still re­ ...... 3 1-1 ever, for Venzkc who carried Cun- • from the windows of the aeven It’.s over a year'.since assemblage on the pond and hill­ 1. Campbell. Ig testimony In the accident case. The Kloppcnburg told of bits residence In support a charge of possessing un­ sides. ^ mained. Manchester, uncoiling like Elsewhere on the sports page Is mont Open in 3 Strokes...... 8 2-4 I IN MIDST OF PLF.NTY ningham |o a new meet record of rooms In the house and although an I told yon goodbye. 1. Anderson, Ig said he had. the Bronx and occupation as a cab­ taxed liquor. Berger Trio a striking rattlesnake, surged ahead an account o f the Arm y and N avy --- - .0 0-0 Goldsboro. N. C.— C. L. Kickllter 4:11 for the mile and led Bill Bon-- atUmpt was made to get Into the UoU) iluW. oncL Irving "Buzz” Bartllng of the house to save the money, the heat Q. There Is not any doubt you inet maker. He said he met Haupt­ Irving Thrall, a clerk^ In the store One of tbe features of the after ano fought furiously in a desperate Club's game at Collinsville, Satur­ waa driving a tank truck of 4,000 thron, ex-Princeton star, across toe were on the ferry bwt?, Defense Glendale, Calif., Feb. 4.— (A P ) — 15 7-9 37 Michigan State college . baseball was too great. It was one of the ^ N D why I should fie here. mann. who lived neat him. waa discharged on a similar count. noon was tbe exhibition put on by last-minute attempt to tally. In day, in which the locals were noeed gallons of gasoline-from Wilmington finish line for the -first time In his Edward Reilly asked on rg-dtrect With concrete proof of his medal ThompeonvIUe A. A. (63) squad has received at least sevien career. moat rapid burning Ares that Chief In Hauptmann Home Novak and his clerk were arrested the Berger trio. Dr. Berger, Miss the northeast com er o f the rink two out by a score of 42 to 41. Word to Sanderson when the truck ran And add. up while sheep, examination. play ability establlshod, MacDonald P. B. F. T. offers from big league scouts eager Foy has encountered. Q. Do you recall being at .the January 11. by Federal agents and Harris and Edward Hcllraund. This opposing puckmen, evidently unable has just reached this department out of gas. Kickllter couldn't get It was Bonthron, national col­ Still thinking about you, ' Q, There Isn't any doubt but what Smith set out today In an effort to 1. Slalnsky. Ig .., . .0 1-1 to get an option on him but has Land Mark Hauptmann home the night o f April the hearing was held here before B the only trio of the kind In the to restrain their emotion took up that the service men played at prove he is at home In Nassau golf Into the 4,000 gallons so he had to legiate mile champion and world's- And try ing to sleep ' you have told us here what you saw. Plainfield last night and lost by 27 3. B. Angelica, rg ..3 2-2 8 declined them all. He ha.s two The bouse was one of the land 2, 1932? Commissioner Krasow on January United states skating In National arms. FlsU flow, and a whole lot of, competition as well. The sturdy trudge back up the road to a filling record-holdcr at 1500 dieters, who. A. Yes. A. Yes. to 26. It was tbe toird game tbe 1. Naughton, e .. ..4 0-0 8 more seasons In college. station for a can of fluid. marks on the HUlstown road. It set competition and the exhibition, Al­ what-nota filled the alt. Players' Scot from old Carnovostlc won the 0. Gw-otx, I f ...... had been expected to furnish all Reported to Police locals have lost by one point and the ..4 0-0 8 well back from the street and In the CURPASSES mv knowledge, Q. What day of the week was It? Jhe next term of Federal Court though slowed up considerably by closed in, spectators followed suit 72-hole medal competition in the tho competition for Cunningham. , Q. And you reported It to the po­ A. It was Saturday night. opens ir New Haven next week. fifth ,where one point has been the 3. C. Angelica, rf 2-2 14 rear of. the house is located the the bawl ice, was nevertheless color­ and had it not been for the quick 36,500 Oskmont opm yesterday by Horn hostel won the 1.000 yards Unless it can be lice the next day? Q. Do you play a musical initru- deciding margin. large bams and wagon sheds. The. ful and exceptionally well executed. action of the official In charge. a three strokes. He had a 275, five with a fast finish in 2:13, a second That restlessly somewhere A. Yes. pient? free-for-all might have ensued. And 8 _ , 14 5-5 33 back o f tho indoor record, and then wmd was blowing the Aames away Harold L. Davenport and his better than par after finishing with Score- by periods; You’re dreaming o f me! Q. Were, you alone? A. Yes. mandolin and guitar, SENT TO REFOR.MATORY daughter. Miss Miriam gave an so yesterday’s Ice Carnival, a most shattered Alan Helffrich's world from these buildings and they were a 70 under discouraging circum­ Watklns-Y ...... 8116 12— 37 Local Y Trackmen Second^ A, No, ^ had two young men with r Q. What instrument (ild Mr. extra number on tbe program and vivid one with an unequaled array : “ cord of 1:11.6. set in 1925. in win­ not damaged. stances. Tnomp-xonvllle . . . . 7 6 7 13— 83 me. Hauptmann play? Wlnsted, Feb. 4.— ( A P ) —Joseph the ease with which thLs fine athlete o f national talent, came to a thrill­ ning the Millroao 600 wtUi an eI(H;- Mr. and M n. powlea have oc­ Q. And when you notified police ^oafovn. 4 4 1 - Allevo, 18, of 53 Alden street. Hart­ But it will be a different story as Score at halftime, 19-13, Wat­ A. Mandolin. / and sportsman timed with his ing end, he matches his skill against, the HuY 4th In County Meet trlfying sprint at the finish. The cupied the place ilnce their marriage you never expected you would testi­ Q. Now what was your custom ford. was sentenced to 11 months in SsrinaSeld Maarkealer (0> klns-Y. Referee, Maloney. Time, 10- HooEier ace was caught in 1:11.8 in daughter In the doubles act was tbe Hockey^ other leaders In quest of the title mlnute quarters. two yean ago next April, it was in fy in this case, did you? about these musical evenings? the state reformatory at Cheshire, wjurce of the crowd's admiration...... Kcftbert beating Jimmy Evans of Villa Nova this bouac, that Mr. Cowles was A. No. 'T 'H E tarts roomy pockets on ao slender s house frock make thil after he pleaded guilty in Winated Goal and 36,500 additional prize money. Indian OrchariL Mass. (25) A. The first Saturday of each They received n fine hand at the BuckUy ...... Boston, Feb. 4-— (A P ) —-The by 12 yards. bora. A t 8:30 this morning there Reilly, then turned over the wit- A creation doubly attractive. The square tab trim on sleeves and court today to taking an automobile Stratton Under the implicated Nassau sys­ B. F. T. Takifig part in only the senior Dannaher, Manchester Y : third. month, we would play music at Mr. close o f their act. KiKbt Defense Providence Reds have turned m cov-. tem. Smith meets each o f the other Tho next three-cornereo duel be­ nothing but the embers of the to the state for re-cross exam­ at the side closing are clever details. Use gingham, seersucker oi without the owner's permission. Repo. If ...... 4 1 9 class, a track and field team from Vittner, Manchester Y; fourth . Bel­ Hauptmann’s home. percale. Patierns are sited 34 to 4«. Size 38 requires 4 3-8 yerdi The feature act of the afternoon H. L. Davenport. Jr...... Ilau kina etcous eye towards first place In the eight survivors in three-some match tween Cunningham, Bonthron and houM left burning and so little was inations. Chief John Slocum of the Wlnsted Left Oefenaa Saa. If ...... 1 0 2 the local YMCA captured .-(ccond lamy, Manchester Y. Time 3 sec. Q, Tell the Jury about the night of 3S-lnch fabric. which waa'slowed to a walk com­ Canadian-Amcrican Hockey league. pli.y. Ventko will come in the Baxter mile .tta danger o f It causing anv other Wilentz asked the witness if he of April 2. 1932? police said he will aak for the cus­ Xa Davenport ...... V. K ally They were In second place today, .•iocre, rf ...... 4 0 A place In the Hartford County meet Senior running high Jump — Won pared with tbe exhibition In the Canter Hts first round opponents will be of the New York A. C. games Feb­ Bnnhis that Chlaf Foy sent No. 3 had ever seen a picture outside A. I got to Mr. Hauptmann's ‘ ’•'’•’TERN and STEP-BY-STEP SEWING IN- tody of Frederick Lennox, 17, of 96 six points behind the pace-setting Leara. r f ...... '...... 0 1 1 at the Hopkins Street G y^ In by Noveck, Manchester Y ; second, Sf...* . ‘ '’e coupon below, being aura to MENTION morning practice session was given 8. Johnson ...... J. May K y Lafoon, Chicago, and Ray Man- Mitchell, c ...... ,...1 1 s Hartford Saturday afternoon with Bellamy, Manchester Y ; third. Dan­ ruary 16. hock to iU houM shortly before 8 court of the woman he said he saw home about 7 o’clock, or a quarter Maple avenue, Hartford, arrested by Miss Evelj-n Chandler. Many of Right Wing Boston Cubs but they had high carrying the baby (allegedly Vlslet TH E .\.4ME OF 'THIS NEU’SP.tPER. grum, Los Angeles, who were tied Gorskl. Ig ...... 1 .0 2 39 points, while the local Hl-Y fin­ naher, Manchester HI Y ; fourth. NlFcloek and No. 1 was returned at of 7. We played aome music and in that city yesterday in connection the spiraling top spins, swan sweeps C. John.Aon ...... O. m » t hopes o f cutting that down consid- .Sharpe I. Sommer said he might fUe F.4U, P.tITERN BOOK, with a complete selection ol T.eft \Vinp for second at the end o f the medal Mazur, rg ...... 0 0 0 ished in fourth place with 19 points. Holmes, Manchester HI Y. Distance B :l6. cards. Then we bad coffee and cake, with the theft of another automo­ and acrobatics, which were given on crsbly this week. have seen It In the newspapers but Julia Boyd designs, now is ready. It’s 16 cenU when purchased '■«ora Br PaHnda competition «1th 278 strokes, two The Plalnvlllc High "A ' team won 4;11'4- WEEK'S FISTIC SLATE Mr, and M n . Oowlea went to and between 11 and 12 o'clock he bile In Wlnsted Saturday and as tbe the good Ice, could not be done in Si»rlngfield ...... /) W. L. Fts. G.F. G.A. couldn't, remember when. separately Or. If you want to order It with the pattern above, send 1— 2 under par. With them was an ama­ n 3 25 the meet with 106 points, competing Senior standing broad jump — ;JBapptaf where they will Uve with drove me in his car> to the White alleged companion of Allevo. tbe afternoon due to danger o f per- Manchastar ...... o O’*— 0 Boston . .. 17 8 S9 93 75 He added he thought he had seen Jn just an additional 10 cents with the coupon. teur, Jack Gaines, a local high Colt’s Glrla (17) in tbe cadet, junior and senior Won by Noveck, Manchester Y; sec­ ; iolatlvia untU ooma orrongemenu Plains subway station. lonal injury. NevertheleM, tbe fine r m s T p c m o n Providence 13 6 S3 75 69 the picture of the man (allegedly Ko aeorlRf. school basketball coach who staged B. P. claasesr ond. Bellamy, Manchester HI T ; New York. Feb. 4.—(AP) 1 Bor a now homa con ha mode. Q. He was in the house the entire ihowing of this talented performer, Quebec . . . 13 14 30 91 72 T. Isador Fisch) about a year and a DIES s u d d e n l y 9RCOXD PERIOD a phenomenal flnleh. Vagan, r g ...... 0 0 0 Manchester took every place but third. Carpenter, Manchester Hi Y; former champions (umlsb ths evening up to the time he drove you JULIA BOYD, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK adjudged the best In the country, SYpaIngfielfl. Weston (L. Davenport) New Haven n 14 27 78 87 spots o f an anaemle national b half after the .kidnaping. Fourth place went to Harry JepeaJ, rg ...... 0 0 0 one In tbe six senior events, losing fourth. Vittner, Manchester Y. Dis­ to the subway station? r.'as sufficient to show her quality...... 10:40 Philadelphia 10 19 23 72 106 program this week. They are "Don't you know," Wilentz shout­ Enqloesd la IS cents In coin for Bristol, Feb. 4.— ( A P ) —Frank (tooper, Chicago, with a 281. Be­ Klapprodt Ig ...... 0 0 0 only a third place. Tho Y won four tance 8:8. In OanadUn lab- A. Yes S|i«rkil W altz Tiiirin l•Kniou •n ils WEEK’.S O.VkIES sides the additional prize money of BrouUlard of Worcester, Maa Bslnrlaa hosra noultod in dtoeov- ed. "that that picture never appear­ Smith, 45, a.1 employe of the Fe- - Sprlngneld. L. iMvcnpori lunusslst- Kozlowska, c ...... 1 1 3 o f tho events with Novcck taking Senior U2-Ib. shot put—Won by Only Wife Thera Pattern No...... At the suggesUon of Dr. Berger, Tuesday 3500 avatlabTc to the vs-lnner of the raer middleweight king and o f n method o f ptoceoalng the ed In the newspapers until Septem­ lions Clock Co., wras found dead in ...... 6:08 Kapura. c ...... 0 0 0 first place In the running high jump, Noveck, Manchester "Y". Distance Q. Who else was there? ■ach pair of bkatera took part In a (Sprlnafleld): D. Johnaon. Philadelphia at Quebec. Nassau competition tbe low scorer o f the anger maple in ouch ber. 1934, after Hauptmann's ar­ *''•*"* ...... A d d re s s ...... bed today Ln his rooming house Agnew, rf .. >...... 8 1 11 the standing broad Jump and the 41. Rosenbloom of New York," A. No one except Mra. Haupt­ ipecial waltz number concluding McKachnex. Wrlzlit, tVeaton. H. U Wednesday o f each c ' tbe four rounds today that the maple oirup may rest?" City State here The discovery was made by Tardlf, I f ...... 0 0 0 shot put Dick Carpenter won the Senior 880 yd. run — Won by champion ot the light bsavlaft mann. Jie figure skating part of the pro- Davenport Br.. Armstrong and Pho- New Haven at Prt tdence. and tomorrow picks up an addition­ attracted In greatly oonoon- "1 don't know abou. that," Som­ Mrs. Csslmir Landus. th? landlady, Relllv, If ...... 1 1 3 20 yard dash for the H i-Y -and Dannaher, Manchester Hi Y; sec­ The tyro are ed-sparring Q. How many times did you see Name of tbla newspaper...... Fame between TburSday al 3100. Under this system, should form. mer replied. Fisch at Hauptmann's home? and Arthur S. Brackett, medical Spares (M anchester); O. Johnaon. .T. New Haven at Bocton. Dannaher the 880 yard run. ond. Donahue, Manchester Y ; third. program at Los Angela© examiner, gave cause of death as a he Springfield and Manchester Stratton. H, Chahibert. C. Hassett. Jl. MacDonald Smith win each round 7 Tbe summary of the senior events Sommer waan't able to identify a A. I don't know. Twenty times. P la t. Jonea and J. H. (D u ity) Mar. Saturday s 17 Atwater. Lewis High: fourth. Car­ night In a pair o f .tm i: heart attack. and the Nassau he coul<: collect follows; penter. Manchester Hi Y. Time 2:18. Brouillard faoca J: Rtferae: Victor Kally. Providence at Boston. 3900 in addiUor. to his 3000 for ths Tima: t, 11 mtauta sarloda. New Haven at PbUadalphU. Benior 20 yd. finals—Won by Car- Senior 440 yd. relay Won by and madai uafiarsbip. IMBtar, MaMChMUr HI T ; Muehsirts# Y, Tt»6 N Jl v” ’>


Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fo* OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Gens Ahtrn

SacfM tioB DIVORCE L/ W Y E R —Do ypu E6AT^,, LADS, INSTEAD Why do wa catch a crlnrinal whose think $25,000 damagea would be n d u V e NO D\C^) I FOILOWED I guilt aactads to heaven enough punishment for hie breach OF OUR USUAL SQUA'BBLE SUGARED YOU LAST 1 rv i And sentence him to fifty yeart, of promise? OVER ROST p o s it io n ON TH' DECK. TIME V\AiOR. then let him out In seven t (JLIEN T—No, Indeed; I Juet want THE BATHTUB. I AH-*^I OR ELSE LEAD-OFF Uve just thought up a brand-new to marry hint— the miserable fish! MAN AN‘ TH0U6HT APARTMENTS—FLATS— plan which strikea me aa Then n i abo'w him! HAVE EVOLVE-D A fV\ETH00 4843. of his kick out of telling, or rather Unwelcome peddlers at the door TH'TU-B WAS street. ______boesting about the Umee he won. THINNED M ADAM E DEAN, Readings on all hockey teams waa held after the Both games on tomorrow night's ;;wlth a defeat, this being accompllsh- might try jokes and music. That's P IR S T , NEKT Hk&HEST A W IN E , But be eays nothing of what every MRS. HAROU> E. B ARNSLEY, 40 affairs, 50c. Answers all questions. "DAVID COPPERFIELD " wents to A new chapter in the world's his­ slEniftchnt from the standpoint of Carnival program and an exhibition Rec Senior Basketball League ached- > ed In the first round. In the Arm y A the wa.Ythey get by on the radio. s e c o n d , AND COOLER/t . D O W N T H ' d Quaranteed satisfaction or no one with any sense knows are the Garden St., may have a ticket to see Mrs. a ifto n L. Potter. 33 Lllley Constitutional government is that of barrel jumping was given by Leo s o a r ;/! tory waa written by the little band ule should furnish spectacular i Navy team and they arc equally dc- many more numerous times when S O O N I see •David Copperfield ’ by calling charge. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 500 Ann street, at the State theater. Feb. 10, which gave the General Court as LaBell and Ray B'clix of Meriden, demonstrationa of hard and aggres-1 tcrmlned to pin another defeat on Editor—Orest jumping ginger! at the State theater. street, Hartford. 11, 12, or 13. of settlers who met to adopt that the representative of the people,- the each jumper clearing seven barrels. be lost 'Who wrote that Enicle about the > slve playing, as has been the case the league leaders. In this task they recant heavy rains? document known today to us as the power to call any officer or magis­ A large crowd gathered on the ice in all of the league games previously will be considerably handicapped RENT HUNTING? Tell us what to watch this spectacle and at the Tired Business Man (aboard the Assistant—I wrote it I told what Fundamental Orders almost 300 trate ‘into question for any mis­ played. In the opening tussle the through the loss of two of their team PERSONALS 3 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 you want. We'U take care ol It for close packed the aides of the hockey j evening train for home)—Tve had :• a godsend the rain bad been for the years ago, says Chief Justice Wil­ demeanor,’ and for Just cause to dis­ Watkins-Y team, tied with the Arm y | members, who because of injuries bard day. One c my office boys you without charge. R. T. McCainn, place or deal otherwise with him rink. mlUmen. Anytlilng wrong with 1932 FORD PICKUPS. 1929 Ford liam M. Maltble, writing ^or the A N avy club for second place, faces ; are sidelined indefinitely. They are asked the afternoon off to attend that? DOCTOR: THANKS for the free ad­ 69 Center street. Dial 7700. Connecticut Tercentenary Commis­ according to the nature of the The current Carnival waa ably coupe. 1930 Ford coupe, 1932 Ford the dangerous East Sides who will j Tony Saimond, ace scorer of the first his aunt's funeraL So, being on to Ekiitor— Anything wrong? In the vice. Never realized my digestion coach, 1933 Graham sedan. 1934 sion. offense. Here at the very bcglrmlng handled by the large committee of veteran workers under the direction have a new member on the floor and ' round and Garrone, their able center. his scheme, as I thought, I said I ’d paper it said the heavy rains were needed Double Mint so much. .Mrs. Terraplanc coach. Brown's Garage, Didn't Know "Oonstltution' of our government we find the prin- BUSINESS LOCATIONS of W. Henry Weir, Carnival chair-' also extra players on band to be In Not to be defeated In this round Is g o along too. a "gonsend for the MILKMEN." H. 478 Center street. "They made of Connecticut,” he .clplc laid down that its officers shall a better position to halt rallies by the aim o f the Moriarty Bros. Fire­ Friend (chuckling)—Good idea! FOR RENT 64 be answerable for the conduct of man. One whole month of work THEP-E'S A TICKET at the State sayi, "the birthplace of American their opponents. This latter team stone team, striving again to finish Waa it a good game? Moet girls waste a lot of time JOHN R. COOPER, 106 Proipect democracy. To have applied to that their offices to the people over waa necessary to lay the plans for theater to see 'David Copperfield" FOR R E N T —OFFICES St 865 Main, was defeated by the league leaders in first position, there-by making It Tired Business Man—That’s building air castles, especially aa ,St., will find one tickrt to lee document at that day the word whom they arc set, acting through the first annual Ball and Carnival w street, (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ in their last league game, but only where J lost out. It was bis aunt’s they never put any dishpans or for Mrs, Olive L. Bunco. R86 Hart- "David CoppcrfiPld" if hr rails at the Instrumentality of their elected and a large share o f the success of unnecessary for a play-off scries to. ward J. Holl. Telephone 4642 and ‘Constitution’ would have meant by a very small margin and this , fuqeral. washtubs In them. lord Road. representatives. the enterprise is due to the persist­ decide the Rec League champion­ the State theater. 8025. little or nothing to thoae who voted should be ample proof that they have these Orders or to the English- ] Hardihood of Band ent efforts of General Chairman ship. With this as their objective, to be given serious consideration at Another expression seldom beard Nowadays a deairabia home muat 1933 DESOTO coach. 1932 Naah ONE TIC K E T to see "David Copper- speaking world. But If the coln- "Marvel If you will, at the hardi­ John G. Mahoney and his lieuten­ nothing but the best in basketball all times by any team that faces any more la: "RooL hog. or die." be located near a school and a deli­ .sedan, 1930 Reo sedan, 1930 Ford field" at the State Theater, Feb. 10, nlsta knew not the word, they seized hood of tkat little band of settlers ants, Lawrence Converse, chairman can be expected" from them. The of the Ball committee and Henry them. games for tomorrow evening are (Jailer—M y dear, won't you come catessen. Manchester coupe, 1929 Ford coach, 1930 Dodge 11, 12, 13 awaits Arthur P. Sey­ upon the reality and then and there here on the banks of the Connecti­ and sit on my knee ? panel, 1933 Ford cab and chassis. Weir, chairman of the Carnival In the final encounter of the eve­ natures and another banner crowd Evening Herald mour, 10 Depot St. they enacted a foundation law, the cut, who pitted their weak strength Little Girl—No ma'am, I daren't. AFTER 81 YEARS Cole .'klotors. Fundamental Orders, under and by against the pitiless forces of an un­ committee. Archie Kilpatrick, vice ning the league leading Moriarty Is cXTiccted to be on deck to cheer chairman of the general committee CaUer— W hy? which the - budding Commonwealth conquered wilderness; but marvel Bros. Firestone hoopsters face the _ their respective favorites on to vie-' CLASSIFIED was in charge of program and Little Girl—Well, Mother told me EdwardsviUe, 111.—After trying to HOUSES FOR RENT 65 could be governed. . i more at the moral and intellectual only team that has set' them back'tory. publicity. to keep In this chair so the hole In live apart for 81 years. August and ADVERTISEMENTS AUTO ACCESSORIES— "This document, John Fiske says, hardihood that east to the wind the FOR R E N T— SEVERAL Desirable the upholstery wouldn't showi Emma A. Htnspeter, both of Maa- TIRES 6 •was the first written Constitution accepted -practices and dogmas of 100 Vets Cooperate Count six avsexs* woras to • five, ala and seven room houses, coutan, m., were re-married. IE M A 3 0 R H A S lalllAU. number* *nd abbr*vlat!on* known to history that created a government and nssuraed to build Over 100 veterans of all wars co­ held in the afternoon before the honey, general chairman; Archie One advantage of this kind of STARTER LOCKS OR SPINS. Our alngle and double. Apply Edward J. •Rcb count *• A ’ord Anil compound government and It marked the be­ a structure more near to their own operated In the Ball and Carnival Carnival program got under way. Kilpatrick, vice-chairman in charge weather is that you never have to word! AS two words Minimum cost I* experts can locate the trouble ALL BAY TO TUB * Holl. Phone 4642 and 80'2S. ginning of American Democracy.' conception of that house not made plana. Including the following posts; Raynold Becker won first place in o f program and publicity; Lawrence lend your lawnmower. p r ie s oi thr«# iinei. quickly. Norton Electrical Instru­ Lins rates per day tor trsnslsnt And so It has been hailed; not by with hands eternal in the Heavens. Dllworth-Corncll, American Legion; both the 220 and-440 yard dashes Converse, Ball chairman; Henry FIAPPER F A tW SAYS: ment Co., Hilliard street. Phone WStt. U. 1» WST. s d s . 78 men of Connecticut alone, trust­ "In this chapter of our history Anderson-Sbea, V. F. W.; Ward for intermediates; Clifford Rauten- Weir, Carnival chairman, assisted F at Ob#—^Wlll irou kindly take a CffecIlT* Ifarck IT. lt2T 4060. LEGAL NOTICES Cheney Camp, U. S. W. V.; Man­ berg was second in both races. Sher­ Cash Chsrgs worthy though be the witness of one feels the urge of the old Greek by the following sub-committees: cigar out of my pocket, place it In 4 Consseutlvs Day* ..| ^ cts| 4 ct* AT A COURT or PROBATE HIOI.D such scholars' as Buahnell. Bacon drama, pigmy man shaking his fist chester Chapter, D.A.V.; Mons- wood Goslee won first In the 440 Ball committee, James McCul­ ray mouth, and light It for me? St .Mancheatfr. within and for th* t Consseutlvs D a t i .. • clsi \\ and Baldwin, Trumbull and John­ at the immutable forces of nature, Vpres Post, British War Veterans yard dash and Howard Cohn first in lough, decorations; David McCol­ Man— Goi^, man, are you too District of Msnchfutrr. nn the 2nd SC'ORCHY SMITH The Caribbean Route I j)» y ...... I ll etsi II eta HOUSEHOLD SERVICES heaving his shoulders against the and the Army and Navy club. The the 220-yard dash for juniors. Prizes lum, refreshments; Albert Downing, lazy to lift your arm? By John eVperry A ll ordsrs for Irrsculsr insertions rfsv of Kebniarv. A. 1>.. ston; but by such historians as Ban­ OFFERED 13-A Present WMLLIAM'*S, HYDE, E*ri.. croft. and the Englishmen Bryce down pressure of things that are to Manchester Veterans’ association were given by the committee In checking; Clarence •Peterson, floor; F at One— No, but I promised my w ill bs charged at th* on* llm* rat*. ' -X.3 ,v 'J ■'r EAHWHIte,'kNUCKS‘ MADPaX AND MiS dANG SpsclAl fAi** ii'T long isrm *very Judge. and Green. gain a breathing space for things organized for civic improvement each event. John Jenney, tickets. ^ ■wife I wouldn’t put another cigar in UK-UrHOLSTERINO — Inventory prepare Tt takc off BRBM day sdvsnlstng givs upon reguasL Kstat* of Kdwurd Olosion late of General Court's Power that ought to be. Had those men' an<‘ local interest, waa the chief The race officials were: George Carnival committee: Albert Lind-'' my mouth for six months. I Ads ordersd fpr thres or sis day* Hair. Send in your sofa or chairs Msnch».‘»ler. In said hielrirt, 4|*ce.*isrd. sponsor, assisted by the cooperating say, parking; Hilding Gustafson, re­ ^MANIZINS A On Inbllon of Frank Gardner o f "O f all the provisions of the Fun failed, what a tragedy it would have Kcqncdy, chairman; Charles y ^ A r r A MIMOTE, KNUCKS And stopped bsfore ths third or fltth for reupholsterlng. Besides apply­ groups. freshments; David McCann, collec­ CORRECrr THIS SENTENCB: day w ill bs chsrgsd only for ths ac­ said Manchester, administrator damcntal Orders,' perhaps the most been. Wigren, starter: Earl Wright, tim­ IA N D o f TL\UK ' WHATIS T>IE lOtA o f f l y i n g tual number of ,imes th* d sppesr- ing A brand new covering from a O R IiE IlE L:—That si* months from A t the close .of the Carnival pro­ tion and tickets; Jarle Johnson, rink "No matter how long our party er; Bert Moseley. John Jonney, TVE CARiEBEAH R o u t e ? sd. charging at th* rats aarnvd, but selection of lapestrich or repps. th* 2nd dav of February. A. U.. FKjj gram the guest skaters were given checkers; Ernest Morse, John May, and seating: John Buchanan. Polic­ stays In power," said the liberal 9o R A SOUTH AAKRKMN n o a llo w a n c s o r r e fu n d s v*sn be m a d s l>* and th* lame ar* limllerl and al­ ■nwoGHT-WC WERE GotNA Tb Our able workmen replace stuffing, a hot luncheon In the upper,room of ing. , leader, "It will never be dominated GOVCRNMENT. SeoRCHy on sU time sde stopped after the lowed for the creditors wltliln which George Kennedy, judges. There tie up sagging springs And do all the skating lodge. The luncheon wore 11 finalists. by big business." ^ JUMP SMITH AT GROWNS- f if t h d a y. to bring In their 4'laims against said General Chairman Mahdney, K il­ COGS - B AH AIITPIANG No ‘'till forbids”; display lines not the Interior work necessary. Phone estate, and th* said adininistrutor Is TEAMS UP AGAINST consisted of hot roast beef sandwich During the program Jackie May, patrick and W?ir were the commit­ s o ld . day or evenings 3615 for Free Sam­ directed to give public notice to (h* and hot gravy, pickles, olives, toma­ local hockey player and "K in g" of Conversation between two tight­ MANUFACrufilNC PtANT Ths Hsrald w ill iM>t bs responsibls creditors to bring Jn their claims tee on reception and met the New ples and estimates. Cash or terms. to bisque. The luncheon waa pre­ the Carnival and Miss Alice York cast Saturday night at ths wads: for mors than ous Incorrsct insertloa within said time allowed by posting pared by David McCollum, chef and IN M ISSOURI -TO of any a^vsrtlssment ordersd for Manchester Upholstering Co., 218 copy of this order on th* public TOUGH SCHEDULES EX-SERVKT. .MEN’S LEAG U E Brazaukis, "Queen" of the Carnival, Hotel Sheridan and escorted them First—I gave Mr. Smith a dollar steward of the Arm y and Navy club lying mors than on* tiros. North Elm street, .Manchester, sign post nearest to th* plac* where (Charter Oak .Alleys) were introduced to the orowd by to the Carnival Ball at the State for having saved you from drown­ PuRCHAK F Ths Inadvcrtsnt oislsalon of lacor- tlie deceased last dwelt vylthini said ing. OMCUIDING ARRANfifMCNTS Conn. Geo. J. Holmes, decorative and was served in an efficient man­ Chairman John G. Mahoney of the armory where they were Introduced EQuiPMGNr..., rset pubUcstlon of sdvartlslng w ill bs town and tiy publishing tiie satn* in The Arm y and Navy Club took ner by members of the Legion, V. Second— You Should have given For the beuvery of the rsctffls' only by cancsilatlon of ths upholsterer. Bus> since 1922. sohie neu spatter having s ctruuUtlon ■committee. The King and ■'Queen to the gathering. 0 ebargs mads for th* servles rsndsrsd. in said probate district, witbin ton four points from the British War F. W., Mons-Ypres post, B. W. V., thanked their many friends for sup­ him only a half dollar—I was half •MirmitY Planes, he iakis on| Alt advertlsemsnts roust conform MRS. HAROLD T. HALL. 278 d.i>s fn»m Mm* date of this order, and New York University and Vets. Frey hit high single of 126 and Spanish War and Arm y and Navy port during the three weeks' contest drowned when he pulled me out. IN ONE of the new attack la styU. copy and typography with WOMAN BAGS PRIZE DEER. looRC lAISR, HC SETS THE ElG RGHTING Lydall St., may have a ticket to return make to this court of the no­ high three string of 352. auxiliaries. The luncheon was pre­ conducted by the committee, Man­ SNIPS AND HEADS SOUTH.,,, rsgulatlona snforced by ths publish- lle* given. Pecos, Tex.— (A P)— Mrs. Warren ( PlANE Dovwl At SaCM/NSVIUf, 'rtXAS, srs and tbsy lassrvs ths right to see “ David Copperfield” at the In the other match the Veterans pared on an electric range loaned by chester Evriiing Herald and Cham­ We can at least hope for what wo WILLIA.M S. UYPR Bessent of Pecos brought down tba r r r r r y ------— “y . ON THE MEXICAN BOR&ER.,., sdiL rsvlss or .sjec* soy copy con- State theater^ Feb. 10, 11. 12 or 13. Judge. Duquesne Face Stiff Oppo­ of Foreign Wars took three points the Manchester Electric Company ber of Commerce, cooperating want. That’s why hope is such • im tin 6 p A| RifW teePTM atdsrsd oblsetlunpble. from the American Legion. F. Cer- under the direction o f Miss Marion groups. prize deer of the season— a 260- pleasant and inspiring thing. - CLOSING HOUKS— ClAsainsd ads to pound, 17-polnt buck. The deer, vinl was high for the night with a Rowe, home economist. The skaters bs published asms day must bs re* COURT OF IMIOBA'I U'HKLD sition; Records Perfect. Carnival Committees known by Ita peculiar horns, had WASHINtiTON TUBBS oslvsd by II o'clock noon; iiuturdsys MOVING—TRI ICKIN(i— single of 150 and three string of 382. were well pleased with the fine hos­ The man who is broke may not be ______By Crane OUT OUR WAY Hi .Manch*at*r. within un^ ^ BUT HEe 's ASLEEP, NOW.'> committees: Major John G. Ma­ three years. / I JUS' W A N N A SHOW day of February. A. D.. I'i36. New York,. Feb. 4 —(A PI—The McCollum .. 96 95--191 ing groups. lonesome. He has too much com­ Feather dusters make dust fly. N'T WORRV.^ TELEPHONE YOUR PEHRETT A G LENNEY INC, local I»r. srnl WILLIAM S. HYDE Es()., pany for that. BETTER YOU VAIT TILL East's sole remaining undefeated Cavagnaro .. 96 113 109--318 Police .Aid VCLL, MV Poy, DOT FRIEWD UP VDURS / VO(J H OW SHE LEFT 7 OU'LL NEVER WANT ADS. and long distance moving. Uaily JudKC. No program Is complete without t o m o r r o w to s e e HIM, L hIuIc of liaUb'^ K. p.(Inter lat* of basketball teamif. Now York Uni­ L Cervini .. 120 101 98--317 I MASS DER COW5TlTtJTlOM UF AW O X . MS'LL / TM' BATHROOM— C'MON, OET b l a m e d Ads ars accsptsd ovsr tbs tslsphoas express to Hartlord. Overnight the support of the police, c.spccially Manebostn*. In said I»l*tr1ut. versity and Duquesne. will have lo Kxey ...... 118 108 l ‘J6 -35'2 V PULL THRU BEAiUnFULLV.,------j SO I W ON'T BE H o l l e r e d at ths CHAHUE HATE gtvsn abnes service to and from New York. Tel. Th* Admlnifitriitor haviUK txhibit- In connection with as large a group FOR AMVSOa P as a eonvenlen j to sdvertlasra, but lake some exceedingly lofty hurdles K. Anderson 119 105 116 -340 3063. 8860 or 8884. (I his uilmln 1stnitt(>n ai'cauiit with of people as is usually acen at a A T A M ' b r o w b e a t e n Bein^ w e t -- ths GASH HATES w ill oc acespted as :aid t'.Miatr (o Ibis Court for allow- this week If their perfect records Giorgetti .. . 105 — -105 U FER LEAVIN' TH' WET FU LL PAYMENT If paid at tbs busl- anrp. It is are to remain intact. Carnival. Police arrangements were WITHOUT A M ' Bssi offlos on or bsfor* ths ssvsnth ORDKRED;—That the 9th day of N. Y. U „ undefeated in 27 con.scc- In charge of Chief of Police Samuel \ WIMDOW-S/LL, day following th* first insertion of 558 523 542 1623 EVE WITNESS. PUBLIC PASSENGER February, A. D. 1930. at 9 n’clu<*k utlve games, plays three games on G. Gordon and policing on the ice ' TH' WARSH R A O ----WELL, aacb ad otherwise th* CHARGE forenoon, at tlio Frobiit* •ifficc. In British Mar Ve(» (0) RATB w ill bs eollectsd. No rssponsl- the road and two of them at least, waa handled by Captain llcrman SERVICE 'iO-A i4.ild .Manclicsier. bo and tin same is Bpker ...... 86 97 92—275 SEVERAL THINGS— C'M OM ' blllty for errors in tsUphoned ads .issiKHcd for M bourina on Itie .itlow- carry distinct threats fb the Violc*..s’ Schcndcl, Sergeant John McGlinn w ill bs assumed and their accuracy Davies ...... 99 122 105—326 IN ADDITION TO SILVER Lane anco. of said adininlNtrHtiun hccouiII brilliant record. N. Y. U. should find and a corps of officers on the ice cannot bs gusrantsed. 5 ii'Nw'snfvifir. i'nc." t.'m. itc& u. i. pa+. flff. Bua Line, Do Luxe Bus (or lodge with said estate, and this Court di­ Yale comparatively easy at New Foots ...... 106 79 109— 294 and on Edgerton street traffic. INDEX OF party or team trips, we also offer rects ths Admlnlstrulnr to give pub- Haven Wednesday night. They may Steven.son . . . . .101 107 106—314 Members of the American Legion 110 noUcs to nil persons Interested •McColford . .. .. 78 90 104—272 dnim corps In uniform assisted the CLASSIFICATIONS 7 passenger sedan delivery. Phone therein to appear and be heard thcro- even brush past Georgetown at 3063. 8880, 8864. • •n by publUhliiK a copy of this order Washington Friday although the police. B ir t h s ...... A in soino newspaper bavlnK a i-iionla- 495 516 1481 Announcement of the Carnival Engigsm snls ...... B Soya.s stack up formidable 470 CAI.L AT THE STATE Ihcatcr, ilcn In natd Dlsirn’l. flvu duyv, before program was made by Joseph M a r r is g s a ...... C said d ariir hearing (iiul return make Navy on the Tar.s’ home court. Du- D e a th s ...... D John llpwltt, 199 West Center St., to this Court. qiiesne, ineanwliile. Villa .\mrr1mn Ij^Klnn (1) Bevan of Hartford over the public Card of Thanks ...... K if you want a ticket lo sec "DavlJ Stevenson . . . .102 86 134 -322 address system of the General Bak­ In Usmortam ...... T WILLIAM .S Nova at Philadelphia tonight and Lost and Found ...... 1 Copperfield." Judge. •should hang up its 24th victory in Wigren ...... 97 126 99—322 ing Company's Bond Bread truck. Announcsmsnts ...... I U-2>i-Zh. succeaa'.on. Duquesne was hard Garrone ...... 102 98 97—297 Bevan waa assisted In the program P e r s o n a ls ...... I AT \ C O rilT OF I’ liuRATL MIR.D pressed to eke out a onc-polnl tri­ Wilkie ...... 101 97 101— 299 arrangement by Dr. Berger and Aalom olillrs PROFESSIONAL 111 Miiiu'liesUr. within and f<Tlr«s ...... 4 Present W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Ltq.. 552 535 535 1612 Auto Repairing—Painting T Judge. Penn's defending champions will \ etern* Foreign Wars (S) The finals in the mtermediate and A u t o S c h o o ls ...... 1* A JOHN COCKERHAM-rianox tun­ junior speed skating events were Kat.ite of Mortimer -M. MorUrty. have a chance this week to Increase Frazier ...... 101 95 107—303 Autos—Ship by Truck ...... I ed, repaired, rebuilt. 28 Bigelow late of .Manchester in said Instrlot, Autos— For litre ...... I their lead in the race for the east- . . 12.5 108 106—330 Btrcet. Phone 4210. deiM Nised. Laking ...... Garages—Service—Storage ..... 10 Upon .ippRcation of Th* Maiudics- rni collegiate league title. Already T. Ander.son . .101 105 131—337 Motorcvcles— flicyclee ...... 11 ter Trust ^ Compaio', .\dmtnl9t.r.Ttor boasting five sucee.ssiv ■ league tri- Fortin ...... 90 U3 90—293 Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... It r. l. H,. d '’b. n. -of said rntiilc. foi iimpiis, the Quakers will meet tail- naaiaras aad Profesatnaal Bervlre* Ol.son ...... 114 124 114—352 REPAIRING r.i authority lo mortaaKu real estate be- end Cornell at Ithaca Saturday-aft­ WINNING Business Services Offered ..... It longing to Sabi cslntf us per appU- Household Services Offered ...... IS-A cation on lit*. It is ernoon. Columbia, undefeated in lluildlng—Contracting M SK ATE S SHARPENED, key mak three league engagements, will be 531 .545 548 1624 Florists— Nurs*»ies ...... I I Ing, lock, gun, vacuum cleaner re­ ORl>KUUD;—That said application be heard and determined at the l^ro- idle. BASKETBALL Funeral Directors ...... H pairing. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl 8t. Hasting—Piumhlng — Roofing .•• 17 l».Tl* office In said .Manchester on th* Other league contests will send _____ By Nat; Holmen in s u r a n c e ...... IK 9lh day of February. at 9 o'clock Dartmouth against Harvard at In tho forenoon, and the Court directs Deaths Last Night lliillnery— Dressmaking ...... 19 Cambridge Monday and Ilarvanl Moving—Trucking—S.ursgs .... tU HELP WANTED— said Administrator c. t. a , d. b. n. tu give public notice tu all persons In­ against Princeton and Yale against ------. (RE.AD THE STORY. THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Public -Fasssnger Service ...... lO -A MALE :i6 Painting— Papering ...... I t terested in said estate to appear of Dartmouth Saturday night. Ithaca. N. Y .—Judge Cuthbtrth | Professional Ssrvlcss It they Sik Causa and bo heard thereon W. Pound, 71, who retired Dec. 31 "All right," yelled Scouty, "lead you please! The-farm Is Just ahead WANTED—EXPEPIENCED serv- by publishing a copy of this order j R e p a ir in g ...... I I as chief judge of the State Court of the way. We're feqllng pretty o f us.” The farmer cried, "You’re rallorlng-Dyslng—Cleaning ••. 14 Ive station attendant, for part one* In some newspaper having a cir- AUTO VICTIM DIES (Milatlon In said probate district. ;i\e Appeals. strong today, and we can for right. Toilet Goods and Service tl time. Call Mr. Fairy, 3980. several miles, and still have lota of "That’s where I spem most of Wanted—Buslnese Se.vica ••?••• S4 days before the salo day of hearing Waterbury. Feb. 4— (A P I --Mrs. -London—John Henry Whitley, 68,1 and return make to this Court, my time. Into my hay loft you Kdacatloaal THERE'S A TIC K E T at the State Evelyn LaVigne, of 43 East Liberty former speaker of the House o f ; pep-” W1LL1A.M S. HYDE The farmer said, “Just follow can climb and gaze around this Courses and Cianaea ...... 17 theater for Mrs. Eyerctt Kenned,v, street died at 3:40 a. m.. today. In Commons. C SALESMAN SAM Private Instruction •..•.•••••«. tl Judge. me, and at my farm we soon will lovely' place. You'll find it quite Sam*sNot Blame! By Smut) Waterbury hospital of a collapsed Warsaw, Poland — Mme. Sophie D a n c in g ...... 1 1 'A 385 Center street; td Bets "David be." 'Twas fun to watch the Tlnles a sight. lung and other Injuries suffered In Kadenacy, sister of Marshal Joseph 'CbcLL, NOW ^ 0«, \ tOAs Musical—Dramatic ...... 19 Copperfield" Feb. 10. 11, 12 or 13. march, and keep In perfect step. Wanted—Inst rucMon 10 an automobile accident Friday Pllsudskl, Polish dictator. ! WMAT HAP-/SHoa)li4'~ Wee Goldy and fair Dotty had "But first. let’s pub the box up F l n a a r la l NO SHIP AFIRE Washington—Dr. Jos. Hammond PCAieO? J LADY SOI morning. a lot of fun. It made them glad high upon my wagon. It's nearby. Bonds—Stocks—M«>rtgsgea ««.. It ^ WANTED—TO BUY 58 Miami, Fla.. Feb. 4.— (A P ) — A Mrs, La Vigne was a passenger In Bryan. 78, assistant surgeon of the| Business Opportunities ...... I I to walk with the old farmer, Then, later. I will hitch my horse report of a ship afire' off Miami an automobile driven in Rosario Navy from 1880 to 1885. | Money to Uisn ...... I f W A N TE D ABOUT SIX good used while the others trailed behind. and get set for a ride, Beach sent three Coast Guard ves­ Guilmelte. which collided with a New York— Dr. Roger H. Den-j Help sad jltaatleaa two o f three piece living room Cried Goldy, "Hey, you lads arc "T o town I'm going to take this Help Wanted —Female ...... I I sels and a marine ambulance on a ear driven by the Rev. Dr. John N. nett. 58, specialist who was thej suites and about six easy chairs in slow. Pep up a bit! Come on, let's fruit. While I am gone, you' tots Help Wsnted-^Msts ...... 14 fruitless search of the area last Lewis, rector of St. John's Episco­ author of several books on children's Salesmen Wanted ...... 1 4 - A goiod condition. Will pay cash or go! We'd like to have you keep can scoot around and do things on night. pal church. Coroner John T, Mon- diseases. Help Wanted—Male or Female., it exchange. Benson's Furniture and within our sight, if you don’t mind." my farm that ne’er before you’ve Ageu.a Wanted ...... « . > t I 'A The cutter Pandora and two zanl is investigatlDg. St. John, N. B.—John E: Wilson, An out-of-bound and pivot play' Radio. Johnson Block. tried." Situations Wsnle.d—Female ... 18 picket boats from the Fort Lauder­ 74, a minister without portfolio In combined is Illustrated here. "Aw . you should talk." snapped Just then fair Goldy laughed. Situation* Wanted—Mais ...... 19 dale base, as well as the Phllcris, Eroployment Agencies ...... '40 YOU NEED A MAP! the New Brunswick Cabinet before As X-1 receives the ball outside, Duncy. “ Say, please tell me how "He, he! My. what a funny sight! Live ■fock~l'e4e-r»Pewtfry— VeMcIre APARTMENTS— FLATS— Marine ambulance, responded to an< the World War and head of a foun­ X-2 moves into position to take the you get that way. We're doing all to seel A goose Is chasing Dtincy, | Doga— Birds— Pst* ...... alarm telephoned by an unidentified Charleaton, W . Va.— (A P ) — Cus­ dry bearing bia name. plus. the work, while you two girls have and the lad looks scared to death.- Live Stock— Vshiciss ...... TENEMENTS 63 woman. todians of the commerce depart­ Helm Springs, Cal.— Majorie poultry and Suppitss ...... X-S and X-4 cross-cut each other, lots o f fun. "Just watch! 1 thin' there is Wanted - Pets—Poultry—Btct^ The report came Just before sun­ ment building In Washington, noted Moss Gouldlng, 41, former member thereby seeking to maneuver their "I think we're talk in g fast. a chance the goose Will grab him Fee gala— Mlarellaaeaaa 366-74 O A K LA N D ST., 4 rooms, sec- down, and Coast Guard officers said for Its confusing corridors, may of the Internationally known danc­ guards Into conflict. They cut rlg.Ht now. and we’ll keep up with by the points. He's run poor Duncy A r t lc ls a fo r H ale ...... ■ ond month's rent free. Phone 3275. they thought the womap had mis­ take a hint from the West Virginia ing team of Moss and Fontaine. sharply around X-2. who Is hunched you, somehow, as long as you don’t so far, now, the' lad can't catch his Boats and AcceasorUs ...... taken the reflection of the sun's red state capitol. So many people Buffalo, N. Y.— Ftrank J. Offer- over with the ball in the pivot po- get too smart with us, and start to breath." Building Ustsrlals ...... rays and galley smoke for a blaze. were temporarily lost In Its exten­ aitlon. Diamonds— Watches—Jewelry .. "DAVID COPPERFIELD" wanU man. 59. Sheriff of Erie county and n m ." Klsetrical AppUanees— Radio .. Florence Meintee. 140 High street, They had responded to similar sive halls that strangers now are president of the Btiffalo baseball X-2 feeds either one at his dis­ They passed around a g^u p of (Scouty entertains the Tinles In Fuel and Fssd ...... i l 9 - A to come to the State theater, Feb. alarms in tha past. given maps to guide them. club of the International League. cretion. I tri’ta and Coppy yelled, “ Look, If the next story). Oardsn — rarm —Dairy Products 40 Uousshold Ooi/da ...... 41 10, 11. 12 or 13. Machinery and Tcola ...... | | GAS BUGGIES Talk About Imagrinatlon Musical lnairurosr>*a *...... 41 FOR R E N T— Six ROOM tenement, By Frank Beck Office and Store Equipment «.. * 44 all modern Improvements, five A LLE Y OOP Digging In! By HAM LIN WHAT PO . Specials at th* Stores ...... 44 WANT WITH . minutes to mills, three to trolley. OH DEAR'. Weartn* Apparal— Furs ...v,.,, 41 "rM OtAOVOUGOT ) 4>JOW OOOL& - WELL - I THINK WE LOOK ALLEY -THERE'S NOW.THAT f -AN'IP THEL6MIANS UM#R«LLAr wanted—To Buy ...... 4| Inquire at 82 Garden street. Tel. OUGHTA FDC',. s h o u l d DISCOVER W HAT C A N WHY.. ITi A BACK SAPCLY.' PICI I w h a t e r w e HAP BETTER RNO US A n ic e lo o k in g CAVE- 6723. YOU UP -a n ’\ m y h id in g p l a c e , IT M N o w r LOVEIY CLEAR Boom#— Board—Botela—Raaer YOU u r r ANY o c THAT SHOULD Beataaranta WE GOMNA A GOOD HlOe-OUT f M ^ - 4 HE3 ONLY THE LEMIAN5 BE ALL . YOU CAN HAUU) I CAN EASILY DAY __ YOU Hooma WUhouL Board ...... 49 FOR R E N T —4- ROOM tenement, DO MEtCT,'* AND LET THE UP TH’ LADDER! HOLD IT PLAVIN6 BEEN OUT COULDN'T ^ardsrs Waatvd ...... 4 9 -A with all Improvements. Inquire ESCAPE LEM IANS MAKE RIGHT. IT IS RAMING Country Board—Hssorta ..«••-• lo V' AN'NOTHIN' X a l o n e THERE BE... Osano, 155 Oak street. Tcl. 8816. t h e NEICT AND I'LL a r r FIVE Motalo—Baataurants .*...«■.«*• 41 CAN GET ALL W *T . .Waatsd—Jlooma—Board 4t MOVE ATCHA - J l MINUTE*!; IF FRANK NACnCOWSKI, SO Haw- W I DONT Baal Bataito Bor Boo# HJWE AN ikpMtm uit., FUit% T.B.m .nt... •• thome street, wanU to see "David UMBRELLA. . Bu.lBM f iKMatlDB. f.r R.BI ... «« Copperfield ” he should call at the 4 H o u i m ( o r B . ' l t ...... ( ( •uburtaa (or Root ...... m State theater where a ticket awaits . ^Bimor B«WM. (or R«H it him. ’ (n . WBBt.8 (e RoBt ...... I I * B m I ■*<.(. r.r Bal. FOR RENT—S AND 4 ROOM heat- jMBTtaiMt BulkUBB (or >■>. M ed apartments. Apply Manchester B u b i b m . ^ p .(tr (or 8. 1. n Construction Company. 41S1 . r a m . 0B< f o r S b I...... n B o b m . to r ( I 4279. for Sale ...•••••••••«••••• 71 l - 1 R.w rt Preportr (or I b I . U UVING IN LARGE, well heated $Bl>tirbBB (or S b Ib ...... I t rooms, being your own housekeeper EitBU (or SsobBzfo ...'M (4 t'T u u l—KoBl CiUto ...... I t keeps the wolf from the door. See Jensen, Johnson Block. Phones ” Koti#or"T»Tfr!L.????^— (■ 6070—76S8.