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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-15-1907 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 03-15-1907 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 03-15-1907." (1907). lvdo_news/1763

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LAS VTEfiAS BAJLY OPTIC X MARCH A VEtitft. SEW MEXICO, FBI DAY, IS. vol xxrui TWEXTV-EltillT- It YEA It cage u satisfy th claim of the of j ii s for the atstaadiag bank, K. Carter claimed that he had tl - and rirrkt of ei j (MARKET RALLIES JEROME ALTERS DIVISION BILL tUia Jji- FLOOD JiffEEDS entered Into a ptitMflkty t.ML Beat with Job L. Carter aader 1'uuucil bill Nil w. M rt drflalag which he had paid fur 1J eat Us at; It du'.w u( the lerrHurui tr... AFTER ATTACKS th Circle T brand. John U Carter' PLAN LAID OUT r AT Pm8fi YET UNTOUCHED un u ttila raw. was to ma thee cattle far five I A fetH blU No 1, art wad. 4 feu pay all expense fur the eo. in lo ! euuaaary i m ' bulBS and at the dj ti ot Th bill ebn VST tyn AB. AD- - j1- cwuutj QiJf WATER SUBMERGED 10 SQUARE Mfa flf Mra to g c,rtr wWltL PRESS TRIAL TO CONCUJ . tLr boundary Ho of w 1 GARFIELD COUNTY MEASURE MILES IN DOWN TOWN SEC-- JT " .cattle and half the increase, j SION ON INDICTMENT POR BY Vi .ounl) aHghtl). bu In MAY BE CONSIDERED ;! TION OF CITY. j However, he had the bread me- j MURDER FIRST DEGREE. HOUSE TONIGHT. !,) .i.)t lloastde degrer. lorded a bis own, sold rattle undw; ,n. .1 utll No SI. an a t to r hla own naa and beeomlac to j ami in! r in rncard ( ) iuii vol vid, mortgaged th cattle under tuuuBted jiutlc-- . I M DAMAGE1 : ENORMOUS BUYING IS RENEWED his own asole to the bank. After; STRONG EREVID ENCE - lb of the ADJOURN ()' poller they were told. E. Carter sued the WOULDN'T additional fund bank for the units ful conversion of Ef.i T also add ; and maintenance the cattle, and claimed a Iowa 01 tl.n-- r men l the force. Water Reached Highest Stage Ever 'Great Satisfaction depressed that 11,000, and also asked Judgment smith's Testimony aa ta Thaw's uncil ciitMiiilu'.e for bouse bill Several Members of Council Wished Known One Hundred No rallwm Resulted From the agaiast John U Carter for 910,009. Sanity the Causa Had Intended V.i m. an ac to prohibit gambling To Rett Over Sunday, But Motion People Out of Employment. Viatoat Fhirriea. The evidence was taken before Bet. Ta Prove Prisoner Insane, i of New Mexico. The Down. in the rrlVry W. K. For Recess Wae Voted I ere Oorlner. oftered tf the bill atiundntetil beue The defense claimed that under I" th Kplet aoil Kanibllu bill. wits i Mann V- Xew March IS. Tine inuburg, I- inttsburger York. first the partnership agreement, defend- New March aiAt that the act be York, - the ameduieutt mrfB juuaxed at the luitu.uaKy of the la the stock abowed mort- Saata F . X SI.. Man h 15 Tbo price market ant Carter had the right to sprang a decided surpris upon, jor-ots- e made to take effect January 1, lo ; wcrp iDlniduced In Ihf t'.(UUOU; th atouooaliela, AUesbeajr large advances from yesterday's gage the rattle to aecure money to na fmtoertsg ht!!s as orleaally today by aaaounctng that lastead of Immediately ai obk rtwrs, wbkh dm sitbwir close. This waa evidently tbo result maintain the tod further cuuarU this oiurntng. both basinets, would not axamlM any cxperta for prmlded The act provll. aeJ m square miles la Ui dtfB measures an-- hill No. was rtwonslder of protective adopted overj that aa E. Carter remained an tho suta la th Thaw trial, Jeroma Moue H fta and tall wntfnc for rlolathia tuWB ihkIiud uf reeh-'ui- the tbe clljr. Allr night The first upward night it knowa partner, allowed the cattle from and reftrd lo taw. thorsupon, during th gaorttag tag jetrday of ibe ilio highest eor known. was taken ad-- coWHiltU. sie prices Immediately i brand to be recorded ts that of stoa, put tvs allealsts on tha stand, juiliclarjr The following bills were ptaard tbirty-eve- a feet, the water slowly ro- d to the dwloin-- for vantage of. reiome unloading j juhn U Carter, sad the stock to be one after another and clalmlag thetr A flsht Imnie.llatt'ly a of the rales im reded. Enormous as caus-me- d under uieniion damage of stocks sad prices bgan to crura-- 1 to the as the of council, and - gnowa public property faiolUarlty with the nypothatlcal the adjournment tbo lately after being reported from Ud. over UW.OOO perauua being tenipo- bis la a manner which revived the of John U Carter as he was estop-uneasine- SuesUoa after several attempts to this end. thrown pat to the experts for tha tho bonae: iraiily out of employment; 1 prevalent yesterday. Flue-- front up any claim U defease and also IS,000 ra killed. Duncan lendine and ! 14 setting Jarome'i ihey House bill No. 140. an art provld tranaportallon omuany la the - ' -- tnatloos werw very mild and fever- aa third word ar14enc roaaine me mwum .or tn are car- ownership, against a party. exposition of tha ujuu.... n ,n)M.lau, dvt! ami city wag crippled and aklfts A 1 time. rise unUl nfl-mo- with reptt-- pTivrv lh for a buoyant in, jndte uclane of Texas, and they declared) their opinion that at Monday rying hundreds o( people to their , - wn was In lltt-- vd roll cans, ana nnany iwim- maar the prime factor ver p Rutewood of Clayton, ap- the time that Thaw shot and ailVai No an act limit places of business. Twenty fatalities ts-- Saturday. ing the prices here and orders ; pearwj for the plaintiff. White ha knew nature of net a motion ,0 adjourn nnt.l licenae. of na have occurred in Allegheny county. long tha kit was sued by the secretary of the treai-- ; War(j f At Vegat, represented tha knew that, tha act waa wrong. But wis aio iou on the wbcro 'directly due to the high water. Four aaj tlte uqiiom premises ory after the close of the market defense. Dr. who A message from the house reported were ow- - Allen McUaa Hamilton, had rH nmm,r!lrture(i. jmajwlve bridges threatened, of relief In the Itavlm; houso Joint resolutloa a Ice which yesterday gave hopes been summoned aa n witness la tha paused HollM, bll ,;t, an act ftxtasr Ing to heavy gore. caiije consid- No. house bills Noa. 135. 1M. money stringency, altthough raso, had a long conference wita 9. 8. holding the rourt In !hjdwu the Allegheny river and U la CIVIL SERVICE USED IN 01 erable confusion was shown la opin- eons S9. lfil. 190. anj Almost an irrritore believed they have beeu greatly weak- - lXlmat and others of Thaw's ions a to bow the effect the hill passed have been pawed .. ieiaJ. That the were not great sal before the morning eessloa. v.. ,im bridges lu SELECTION Of CONSULS of the rules on ac- would be- - Large disbursements Whoa Jeromo ted Haav under suspension were Intro- - away ts considered marvelous propo caillog The follownK bills sepi dividends la also to count of the scarcity of time. by river men. Guests In the Lincoln, today expected ilton, ho seemed Infant on swing dueed : th market Great House hill No. 190 passed, regulat- Colonial, Aiiufk and Anderson hotels, help money Washington. March IS. President that Thaw suffered from an incura Council bill No. 117. by President ts that no fail- logging on the streams of the located in the midst of the flood son, expressed Roosevelt and Secretary Root have ble form of insanity. Tha came ing Btlcts by requent. an act to amend vio- are marooned and are watching the ures reaultd from yesterday's availed themselves of the machinery tha dlscorary that jamaa Otacb' territory. the laws relating to trust water from windows. Pvar lent uasetUetnent. of the civil service com mitt Ion tn Smith'a aa to Thaw's ra- House bin No, 15. regulating t committee, on fi- high water the testimony Referred the Renewed. a. afadi-son- repealing section U of chapter theaters are flooded and will be dark Buying tha selection of United 8tates coa-aul- tional eoaTersaUoat npon tha ! rights, nance. was renewed on a targe S2. of the laws of the 31th assembly, for several days. At tha first Na- Buying The Initial trial of tha saw Sanar root garden sod sit Council bill No. 11 S, by Senator when vote of U to S. tional bank building the baseraeat Is scale all through the Hat the m(llholl w made whan about th as it look- was passed by a an act to amend the laws yesterday roaming plaes Mlera. of waa d d. tlo-- Council bill No. 63 waa reported submerged to a depth of several feet. cfectlveness the aupport tjla examination of seventeen ing for tho man who became his ' for the appointment of p no"1 with the amend- providing and strenuous efforts are being made Tha trading by . ur tha consulate were held. n-- Urn, aas Jcroma switched Us policy hack from the house lice Referred to tne com- of hus- Judges. to the which gener- approgUnate4 on mlUtoa shares direction ot cMl service to tho trial to conclnston ment concerning the rights protect dynamos, der tha tha pressing a mittee on Judiciary. TJnlo vara and wife, and this waa paased ate power lor th Western icommtsstolt: hipmrUia Inoicfoient for martier in band Council bill No. 119, br President there tIb' terBte"DpH. egraph company. The office of the helped out of difficulties, but cants m age from twenty-on- e the first Hamilton has unanimously. act abolish the office ranged degree. an to In t no resolution No. 115, re- Sni.. Associated press Is located the were failures. to years. The result of tha e pressed the opinion that Thaw was House Joint of game and fish warden and to pro-- sixty 11 nd It was momentarily ex- saw territorial nstltuUollB money of building. amlnatlon will not be known for inane when be him in the funding vide lor the appointment gnn the that the President Has No Word. In acquiring title to public peeled during night some time. Tombs and still remains 00. expended county commissioner. - wardens by wires of these organisations would Washington, March IS. Tho pres- lands, also providlns money for Referred to . anj and for mner purposts. .trcnuoiis efforts of a forte 1. .till without a word from future exixMiKC in that direction. affairs. t,in. the committee on territorial Msl8,ed a fire who, it Is aaid. U suspension 1y cngie, ,he rallway offiCa,s, WALSH STILL FACES ONE THE MARKET REPORTS Dalles then moved be- - bill No. 17R. saved tho dynamos, but shortly are coming to Washington at of the rules that House Buaineaa. jfore nJlld the electric light dy suggestion, to talk about the NEW YORK STOCKS abolish the office of public printer. ga.t HUNDRED SIXTY COUNTS to The house was called to order l aino succumbed to the effect of the between railroads and the Tha following quota tione ncalTtd and this was finally re rejafons bc considered, In the afternoon. waters. Outside of Pittsburg damage from F. J. Graf ft Co, to the Judiciary committee. goTernraent. Lo- ferred The following bills were passed: rnnnng into millions of dollars has . New Mexico, correspondents for 10" was referred Chicagao. March IS. Judge Ander- Council bill No. j gan by Postal House bill No. 161. an act relative been done. Many towns are entirely About Over. sus- k Bryan, telegraph, committee Flurry son In the federal court today, 6-- 1 back from the Judiciary and of public thousands Atcbuton common 90 to the alc leasing cut off from this city, of; Washington. March 15. There demurrer filed the at- and waa paased. and tained the by Atchison preferred 95 lands. famillea forced from their homes, wer gevera, references during tho 500. the torneys of John R. Walsh, former $4 House bill No. extending House bill No. 114. an act to pr It Is expected that tnese ronnmons flnan- - Amalgamated Copper cabinet meeting today, to the 1-- Raton nrestdent of the Chicago National American 121 4 use of the Miners" hospital at a fund for firemen and wlll prevail for several days. At 8ugar vide Injured gUimUon but g ,ar can be o In In bank to twenty-tw- counts the R & O. common 101 1-- t to outstde patlenta. their widows and orphans. WTieeling. W. Va.. great damage has were no new de- - ascertained, there diet ments, him with mis 81 1.111 76. the - both and tele- charging B. R, T , Council No. concerning House bill No. 135. with amend jheen done and train one of members ex- - velopments, the use of tho funds of the bank nnd 1-- 4 fees on change of Insurance service has been shut off. The Colorado Fuel 8S witness and Jury ments, an act relative to ,graph the opinion that the flufry to the re flood not reacnea pressing overruie(j the demurrer C. ft O. W. common 13 venue cases. crest of the has yet over. Cortel-yo- u companies. appeared to be about 160 la number. 1-- 4 morning to To add to the confusion niatnlng counts, Brie common 19 All bills were passej thle Council bill No. ltm. an act that point. wa asked whether there had wu ut.alI.rt aa'n jtarlw m nrn 1 Ft r flrpfl M. K. T. common 38 vote of 12 to 0. section 225 of the laws of , from by a amend bpen sdauional calls for help 70 1-- 4 broke .....,out. Firemen experienced great Missouri Pacific Adjourned. 1897. financial district In New In flames, owinir the BATTLE SO DECISIVE New York Central No. 1 an act to con- difficulty fighting .(lll'M House Proceedings. House bill ls, 1-- and replied In the negative. Norfolk common 75 1 order at and to a or water in tne mains, was called to sidewalks on the east shortage 1-- The house struct which MAY 12 4 Mr. Holt mov in Ke caught by the volume of water THAT SCRAP END Pennsylvania Immediately side of the capitol Santa Decide Not to Go. 1-- 11:35 and aouth Rock Island common 21 S the fe demoralized everything. 15. under- ed that the house reconsider with penitentiary brick. New York. March It la 81 I Southern Pacific bill yesterday. rela- four railroad presi- 1-- and passed Joint resolution No. 9. Hundreds Homeless. stood that the Nlcara-gua-n 23 1 salary which House Managua, March 15. The Southern Railway , an amendment to It O.. March 15. The cri vlalt to President troducing tive to the Salton sea. Zanesville. dents, whose Issued a de- Tennessee Coal 135 Immediate effect in J. P government today makes it go into rela- sis of the local flood has douutiest Roosevelt waa suggested by 36 7-- 1 House Joint memorial No. 2, cree recognizing the provisional gov- TJ. S. Steel common , counties of tne first class. The river reached a stage of have decided not to go. to sheep on the Pecos reserve. passed. Morgan, ernment of Honduras and directing V. S. Steel preferred . 89. in tive families : After that the house considered thirty-tw- feet. Six hundred Union Pacific common 138 educa- House bill No. 22C. an act to allow its members to be allies of Nicara- whole the are homeless. ; 3-- committee of the The battle be- American Smelter ... - . - 123 4 been read anl the commissioners of Colfax county SENATOR BURTON WILL gua. last fought tional bill. This has to Planta Burn. and Hondo-ran- s and the to give the old county court house Big tween the Nlcaraguans acted upon section by section IS. The Kanaaa City Lrveetock. ! of Loretto. East Liverpool. O., Mafch BE RELEASED FR O Y waa so decisively In favor of bill will probably the Sisters Kansaa lS.-atu- discussion of this river Is than since 1884. One will City, Marck resolution No. 14, request- higher the former that It is believed it P the most of the afternoon. House Receipts 2,000 bead, 200 take of the pottery plants and one of the Abilene, March 15. A message re- In of war. Gen- including GarSeld the special land Investigation result the ending the after this the ing All Hon-dura- Southerns; market steady. Immediately all land brick works burned this morning. ceived at his home here today from eral Melecio Merino and other n bill will be brought up in committee to Investigate electric Southern steers ...... $3.75 $5-2- eminty potteries are erased. One Ironton. Mo., where he is In Jail, says officcra were killed. of business. deals. Southern cows regular order light plant Is flooded. The water former Senator J. R. Burton waa to $3.004.0 bill . . . House substitute for house Sal f comDllBH,m Bnd the Native cows and heifers.. 3.(h)f $5.25 day officially notified that he will bo (Special Correspondence) act to for the revision mw. Stackers and feeders ... .$3.00 15.25 47. an provide ,reierfe gupply s runnlng released on March 22. He will, he OKLAHOMA CONSTITUTION Council Proceedings. of territorial laws. The bill la - - Bulla the ' $3.004.25 - water. he in Abilene upon the day Santa Fe. N. M., March The .: same as that provld Under wires, Calvea 17.00 " ,ira,tirallv the 8ta - ..$3.00 Wellsvllle, O., March 15. Twenty- following. NOW READY FOR PEOPLE council held a short session today. Jn the Wg Bppropriatton bill. Western fed steers ...... f4,00tS.90 three streets here are unJer water. which considerable ousinr house bill Western fed cows $3.0004.50 during Council amendment to 300 flooded. About houses are 3,000 mar was itransacieo. i Sheep: Receipts head; o""""5 No. 83, an act relative to saioons in CARTER CASE DECIDED March 15. The conatttu-- were taken up out of rsu.. River Rising. Guthrie, ket steady. wr Provides that after under a suspension Cincinnati, Ohio, March 15. The ttional convention, completing Muttons .$5.00JJ.9O order and passed saloons shall not be granted license DEFENDANTS n Ohio continued to rise slowly IN FAVOR Us work of drawing up set of laws Lambs of the rules: on lot unless owners and river ..7.25$?.?S any one-hal- f to the new state ot House bill No. 225, an act entitled today, recording four and govern proposed Range wethers ...... ,. ,$5.50?$175 one-hal- f of block agree. of the Cool and Oklahoma, adjourned sine die today. an act providing additional funds for feet above the danger line. Ewes .I5.0015.S0 House bill No. 190. an act relative but tha Wina All the provisions baa the Improvement of the Rio Grande clear weather gave promise, First National Bank of Clayton important to and the use of waters. hold a been several ago and in Rio Arriba county. The hill ap- Irrigation fullness of the rivers above In Suit Brought Against adopted days Chicago ttvestock. be- bill No. 81, an act to fix the worse to come. the last acts of the convention were propriates an additional 500, House threat of Institution. Chicago, March 15. Cattle: Re The bill confined to the up ot tha sides that given in the appropriation salaries of probate Judges. Four Drowned, gathering ceipts 7,500 head; market strong. counties Into two cias loose ends. The constitution as pro-pare- Beeves bill. divides Parkersburg. W. Va., March 15. .'..$4.2065 In the first Word cornea from Clayton that the will be submitted to the peo heifers House bill No. 131. an act relative for court purposes. Four persons were drowned late last Cows and .....i J1.75t5.1S Mex- $600 U established as the sal- court has decided the important case ple of Oklahoma and Indian Terr! UStockers and feeders to the Manzanas grant In New class night In an effort to escape from s ..$2.7S$5.0O counties of the sec- B. Carter a. John L. Carter and for ratification or rejection, nt Texans ...... ,$4.15 1? $4.75 ico. ary and $40 in tottering borne at Riverside to a place of tory National bank of a election on August 6th Home bltl No. 134, an act relating ond class. of safety from the flood, Wm. Fran- the First Clayton special Calves .;:..f.00$7.00 of the defendants. John L. next. 8.000 mar to land grants. House bill No. 31, an act to regu- cis, wife, daughter and son are the In favor Sheep: Receipt! head; community 1 - classification of comities victims. bad proceeded a few Carter mortgaged cattle to tne First ket strong. , .''.' were late the They - The following hills passed Bank of Clayton. The cat l The weather eonditiona for tonight ...... to fix of certain yards from their home when tha tor National Sheep .... .$3.M$.00 the regular order of business: and the aajariea - skiff. tie were finally sold under the mort 'and Saturday are reported xair. Lambs .$4.90018.00 Council bill No. 83, an net provld- - flclaH rent overturned their 1 LAS VEGAS PAP, FRIDAY. MARCH 9 PTWi . y OPTIC t, 1907. mml rIr drtatre aad tava Ufa. EVENTS 'tioaestpf14trrimes. CUmiH LLSO OFFICE S Mar Se" EOMO Tba br ia Uta una After M' -. natter j ing rakif- tom e . ura s Raritea iaekaehe and ls' u i. .' Shm - fiicasT vmm - Marek --Tao Laura r?ocke0eld w- .ritMi- dm tear ago mi Cortelyou. ceaerai. " fa' ptnuter aova t& sack aertoaa IaS Coianaay. against aad At Trouble BjiBiBg promoter tbat oar was eaaWa j Mirch ;5-- Cripple Creek, j stork Jo to - tmtic pbrWa -- Kidney rarri4 iSportal to The Optic 1 to bias: bea. by or drrnggtsfs Haas Haasoa." saere-- , belp tkaa ever by bis 15. Car-Ne- i",M'ytfr Washington. March T advice I airtag him Dr. Klas j Poverty Bsll benefit e began Aprll "r end tin-r- 1 every likelihood ItAt La Saata Fe aad Cntres land DtacoTery. aad I sooa aotlred j cer1e library, I of will wiVes bat t&t maay these gentry allowed treatment tt0 bera aaube taprowmeat. I kept tbU ,O-Jf- the News Girl" one-ha- lf of , . rlerk ear h. cured bottle W earing striped suits. Is tb was per-- doing ba is-O- T. by S' ,CU3toa basiaess ap for a few weeks when j pera ender suiplces fiscal agents and other officials la tbe Urgest worked steadily . . . country now Mt fertly veil He has M c A ,...-.- .. . . - baa clerks CURES ,ofl tHiicai 10 sine at earpea:er work. Dr. King's , --Tbe Coflego Boy." WARNER'S SAFE s are bow in vanoas i Mrs storm. awaiting trial Koswell New sired bis life " Gasr cases r dolsc a Urx- - Discovery all remedies failed to give relief. Parts of (be country an.l tb wh!l baiaes eoia ears oy nfter other -- aateed best coutfa and Worth Cttt be vigorou- -, by the do ets nambtr ssd Is eotl d t This is Ksntambering ATRIAL BOTTLE OF THIS THE WORLD'S GRMTEST FJDNtY pushed all Me aud tl-- Trial a ,ttl authorities. One of tbe most no-- IVwtmajtter appointed drarrut. Vhenever you have a eougb or ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY kEADER OF THE OPTIC l , SENT Parber Tbouias It M- -- ttt! free. remember tbat Foley's BLAfDER OR BLOOD DISEASE, table t' eom P ' ,h,t - k. (cold, just uimirrrret FROM KIDNEY, LIVER, Tsrraed. will cure It. Do not t C. I Blaekman. fiscal aire rail-th- Honey and Tar 1906, agalns-- The etw f thf Under data October 13, ad Arthur Levan, risk your health by taking any but trust. T advance H Mr. Weston wrote: Chamharial--. f.fluoh Rath Is in a Mine ft.mrfw i. eonPy . . tbe genuine It yellow package. a 'limit Bnlllon Spanish i . I . ir..lliliwn as ' ae iu n Red rave been wunoat.nacg wln b a be Ageccable antf Effectiv. jui Kianirj At C. U. Sehaefer and Crws '. wbfh given t and F.rU- - will am wmm bTor of Pittsbors C cie sad kidney troubles tor m ( t,ltMj gia(ra romm Drug o at Dea ' oant to a year The total in 4 1 am a pw terer wr traoe n r next Tuesday ierlalna Coogb Hernedt i;."0 a . I J a fbjmtpromoters of rrt-sse- s In waees rranted the com-- backache got so bad i couia , w1 isi.K rtor for cougbs. col Ji and eroap lr Instruction Car Here. '.y mrvn in ineir t tbe lutt ihr month ' wk. I purchased from my druggia lbl. aiTr fan that It ls pleasant to tak- - 17 March 16. ,Hen,rAU dlu-nver- s ana the? bad i will inrresM the eifiiitart-- for battle of Warner bale Cure, rleh mine nd mntalns nothing u any way In- 'Encini-me- lft m it backache IB NVw M, nr(, work. labor by aixint iriMji.0Ao a year. after Uking hall of my ,,5r jurious has made it a favorite with ' :nen : used lbs with millions Train Pa I have Spaniard, rner-- ra entirely gone. of mothers. Mr. W. g. rclhara. a t men Pm- - but found ViJlsrs In alcht Invest iaathm by 0a Not Crowd tha Season. KnjittK many preparations, ' of Klrkrllle, Iowa. ays: "For March 18. grat rtofflf. inrix-rtcir- la alJ to bare iMthing that did me as much good at mor Chamber- Tie first warm ds.s of brina 10 ! YMiiflH'd - than twenty years spring Trainmen a.m. Safe Cure." Wm. Wet-le- u, in ihi- .1lHovery that th Warner's - lain's Coug Remedy tis teen my with them a desire to ct out and en 3 p.m. 1410 Geneva Sioux City, la. j"mln- was uorthW, aDj that tbe Ensinemen St., for tron- - ' 4 t"mmions f tiollarg in Bghf were leading remedy all throat xhiiarstins air and sunshine.. Trainmen p.m. bles It la 19. CURES KHJNHY DISEASE. In the porWits of especially soceessful In U hlldrt n tbat have been housed up all March mkI i jprolmlily the rir acid is m case of r 1 - WWs ki dwe4 anted On. ho were to Ih let In croup l nlMren like It and ,nli-- ara bruucht out ami vim won.- Bnitlnemen iHtliiM l the Mwlci, KIwukwumu at tbc twmtt. lnvorn on i my customers who I - KaaaaMasafSWH VVVPVWaaffVSt ;tb rrotind floor. have used It will lr mhfir,. ,.,. . Trainmen Pm. ia'ltrigtit' the fu mitfliiaSFd and SV U torpi. Wwart1, Sfc Hlli 4 Umw M f not take any other." For sale by all is pjn. aaktlt iriw Hwcwdtla. d ' 4u i ,0 rt heavy winter ciothine thrown ,bi,i,. Enginemen tpwrd. drtlgglltta. ah-- Iaiil nianv uf tha. - f! r SBCEMTSAJtUttJOl A BOTTLE. K dmm aatntHMaa toutmMt hstM diaa osKh fausre tha mmj i! II . j ENGLISH BOAT a cold wave comes and jieople that Found at Last, Ta smvSMS ewe aaffem tram dlmtrt of tbc MIL say TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. t M mI Mood lh.t WAKNKK S SAfK prlp is epidemic. Colds at this seas J. A. Harmon, of Llzemore, West m . ... an- - i.t trial tntf m sriB ABSI.UTKI.V hktr, buv,.. Io EXPRESSED son even more I nave nt, SiPISE are j Va.. "At last found mi wlAKHFI' a t iAFk. 7i'fek OU.. KaBSntrr, N. Y.. and anil Savma RACE HELD TOMORROW dangerous than tn says: tho Mna kMW 0111 m tw l tkw rtif i, fail mid never Tn. avaatL winter, aa there ls much more j perfect pill that disappoints mo; . rti- -n -t-il mU (rad SMdie im.ImmMh aoattmtef AmcrMioaa ot naMHN aad Irasta kiiaoaatla bm to rrry aac AT PANAMA WORK danger of pneumonia. Take Chamber- - and for the benefit of others afflicted 'in 'Cough Remedy, however, and yoi!with torpid Hver and chronic constt-wl- li Keen Interest In the Aquatic Event have nothing to fear. It always nation, will aay: take Dr. King's New baadaotue in ; Between statute Independence Cambridge and Oxford Panama, March 15 All members of cures, and we have never known a 'Life Pills. Guaranteed satisfactory. In j Universities. id to UNVEIL square, the first to be erected bis the congregatloual party headed by result in pneumonia when it 25e. stall druggists. waa SUE honor In he to j 8eaker Cannon, sur- - used. It Is pleasant and safe to the land helped free, expressed great . March 15 The . It. was born In Tacunishane, Ireland, 162 aannal prls yesterday at the work done at rhildren like For sale by all Hon. Iiee Cruee, candidate for the boat race from Mortlake tn Pannia canal. The visited druggists. years ago. He came with his parents to Putney party nomination of governor of the new TO COMMODORE betwpen Ihe crews of Oxford and '""h La Boca on the Pacific side and Is different tn 15 state, visiting points to America when of age. a years Cambridge universities will ,nt' famous Cub-br- cut. take Harry W. KHIy. Lis Vegas whole- Oklahoma on a campaign trip. When the Revolutionary war broke tomorrow and place interest la the ' sale merchant, was among out he became the commander of the yester- great aquaiic event l8 a keen as William Farr has r turned to Al- - day's arrivals here. He is Interested Each day's failure to advertise THE AS8I8TANT SECRETARY AND his ever. For - a your vacant In The frigate Ixlngton, first notable weeks the papers hove de- buquerque from busines. trip to his In matters before he assembly. San- property Optic OTHER HIGH OFFICIALS OF i a exploit Mng the capture of the Brit voted columns to the daily work of ranch in California. ta Ke New Mexican. neglected opportunity. tf THE MAVY PRESENT. tho two : - - Uh ship Edward In 1776. He was la- eights, the betting U at Its belKht. anil after all gald there ap- - j ter promoted to tho command of Ihe pears to be Iter I difference between THE ORIGINAL , RaU-igh- with which be captured sev- the two boats. VauiC A U) OMEN AFTER BACON eral British vessels, only to fall a The two crews commenced to lb LAXATIVE prey to the British ship Experiment. practice the first week In January HONEY and TAR With his next ship, the Alliance, he and entered strict training a month 1 1 Cures Colds. Coughs. Crouo. La Griooe. Asthma. Thrnnt in the later. The last two week are by far was successful In many hard fought and Troubles. Prevents YELLOW PACKA- O- Crusads Faks Promo-tsr- a the Lung Pneumonia and Consumption Against Mining engagements, capturing the Atlanta, most important and during this and Stack Jobber will Bo Car- FOR SALE BY O. SCHAEFER AND RED the Trepassy. and other English ves- period only is It possible to form a CROSS DRUG CO. on aa Ever. ried Strenuously sels. Recuusn of his dlstlnguinhed definite opinions upon the respective snrvlces In the cause ot freedom he merltg of the rival crews. Botlf was made a commodore and was cho- wisely decided to lose no time and to 15. assist- Noa-lllc- WashlDgtra, March The sen to accompany Fafayette and s proceed at once to Putney in order ant secretary and other high officials back to France. Ho died in to obtain as much practice s possi- of tbe navy department will go to Philadelphia on September 13, 1803, ble on the varying waters ot the ESTABLISHED 7862, Philadelphia tomorrow morn In? to at the iiko of hs. Thames course where the race will participate in the ceremonies attend- Women are After Bacon. take place. Cambridge ,ln tho opin- ant upon the unveiling of the statute "KoHolvcd. That because of recent ion of most competent critics, is a ID) Via of Commodore Barry, which has been revelations reflecting upon the moral more powerful combination than Ox- ifM rs. AT A erected In Independence square. A character of Robert Bacon, assistant ford, but they are not so neat or so detachment of marines from the secretary of state, we demand that a lively. It la generally agreed that League Island navy yard has been or full and complete Invest lgitlon be the Oxford crew of this year Is very Was Stood the Test of Time". dered to Philadelphia for tbe occa- speedily made of gald charges and if much superior to the one of la sion. Miss R. 11. Hepburn, a grand they are found to be true that snld year. niece of the naval hero, will unveil Robert Bacon be dismissed In dis The past history of tho race tbe monument, which waa erected by grace as unworthy of tho high office the rival universities is unique now holds the Price the Barry Monument committee of he under In many respects. The famous crews Startling Reductions the Friendly Bons of St. Patrick. have fought it out no less thnn sixty-thre- e Tbe ceremonies will be held at 2 Resolutions similar to thla. signed times, the first race having of of Wo- O'clock tomorrow afternoon and will by thousands members the been rowed In 1S29. Since 1S5G the On men's ChrlHtian be opened with a prayer by Bishop Temperance union, event has been pulled off regularly Suits. ad- other reform are Spring Mackay Smith, followed by an and organisations, each year without a break. Of the the chair-ma- n now In President Roose- rarest fortune in lot dress by General Mulholland, pouring utmn total number of races, Oxford has good buying a of suits at considerably less of who will tor-mall- y velt and the secretary of state. The ONLY the real the committee, won thirty four, while Cambridge has worth, makes it possible for us to make this reasonable turn over the statute to the demand for Bacon's removal grows secured twenty-eigh- t with a sensa offer, beldom. indeed it that 8t. Gen. out of one of the revelations of the is such prices are made with the season rrlendly Sons of Patrick. tional dead heat in 1877. J. of the Thaw trial in to the famous Thomas Stewart, president regard The first race rowed In outriggers scarcely opened. society, will deliver the speech of "girl in the pie" dinner, given by was In 1846 and was won by the All the styles are the and will then turn tbe Stanford White in New York several dependable newest, the best. acceptance, Cambridge erew b- - two lengths. The monument over to the city. Mayor years auo, when the assistant secre- earlier struggles were under the Weaver will formally take over the tary of state was one of the guests. most primitive conditions. In 1857 memorial on behalf of the city of Many prominent Washington minis- was held the first race In which Fifty suits to choose from! The Philadelphia. An address will also he ters have Joined in the demand for either university rowed In tho pre- Bade by Rear Admiral Melville of an Investigation, but it ls not likely Eton suit of Panama in navy and black - sent of without keel. In the United States navy, detailing Bar- that any will be made, since Bacon style eights - the same race, round oars were also and uew ry's career. The ceremonies will close Is said to have explained his eonnec- many plaids and novelties. used for the first time. Sliding with a benediction by Archbishop tlon with the affalr satisfactorily to Tiie were used for the first time In Pony coat suit in Plaids and Mix- Ryan. the president. Mr. Bacon la highly eats clr-b- y 1873. In 1S49 Oxford won the race Commodore John Barry, whose popular In the social and official tures. is in on a and later receiv- Style guaranteed perfect memory will be perpetuated the jdes of the capital and Is one of the foul, ten years ed another bloodless victory, tho every garment. The usual prices of boat sunk. Twen Cambridge having these is $15.00, $16.50 ty minutes was beaten for the first and $18.50. ESTABLISHED, 1870. time In IS";?, when Cambridge won by three lengths in 19 minutes 36 seconds. This time stood as th On Sale i ' t if Saturday and Monday best until 1891, when Oxford won by THE over two length j in 19 minutes and 21 seconds. All previous records mi were eclipsed It) 1893 when Oxford FIRST NATIONAL BANK won by over one length in 18 min- utes and 47 seconds. Seven years 'ft $12.35 OP rec- MSP later Cambridge tied this time ord. 1 5c Dress Ginghams ioc 65c Lace Lisle Hose Las Vegas, New Mexico, Beginning with the race of 1890, A hundred or more new, fresh pieces of dress 46c Ginghams are offered in this lot. Neat and new h?UIS,e. thdJose in tbe all lace, the lace Oxford won for nine successive embroidered effects. What is oth patterns in all the good colore. Tbe real value is just Crockett kellding, St This - The years. was a repetition of a 15c yard. for qURUty performance, for It also had 10c ei0"""1- past Special yard. Special 46c nine successive victories to its cred- pair. JEFFERSON RAYN0LDS. President, it beginning wltn the year 1861. E. D. RAYN0LD& Cashier. The Newest Styles in Fine Footwear For Women HALLETT RAYN01DS, Au'f Caihitr Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days. A Few Specially Good Par.o Ointment is guaranteed to Styles, We Guarantee Every Pair cure any case of blind. Patent Leather and Gun Metal Pnmoa e of Ultra itching, Ultra Oxfords in Plain Kid A shoes. Our claim is A general bankinf business transacted. Heeding or protruding plies in to Ultra in that there is no shoe made Oaferds Pntnt Leather Mh for women's wear. Interest paid on time deposits. 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Suede Slippers in all colore Absolutely perfect Fancy Slippers of all kinds. knMWp. High shoes 13.50, Oxfords and Slippers $3.00. Imbm Dotnestio nod Foreign Mxohangt. If yon want tke news read The Op tic . KJ07. AAS n;5? fl'A. maa iBAr w 9artre &atiifi frit U way atae is fcuj ;.g all f tt-a- i - eriag broad , of th .s.k eVa lartetcsB tb e iU A a rrewti 11 office ki lar wi4w lU (t MiMtit, br ' mMMM&twtmt at Otrge D. Thriv ar at thirty -- pfef rtir who take rarr of ail TTTTKaxajKsssawaBBBaaBBMaMaaaBBMBa work for tb raiiff WAWTtC - ! , lh- u rti attd fc aipf gate ts warslag thro tt"AVTEI trfli Tl. nr. the uf A ma Mt fckh tkv vliAT iadoai. Kinltk la ur it ra rli ti work at Tarawa awlH. S4i as lb Btk wsofew dt-ju-r' UM-- . vouada bt ,' aa h lk Ji-L.- il 4tfe. Mte4 fcU audi WAXTEXV-- A x at La Tx to "- - e. "r aa t:u sotpitaL 3.7c. To Tract C. v f..i B- - . a: lalin up l:a,t brir. Jsaata F Katpiay 3lasazl. WANTED-Wo- ma, for kossa. tfc f. gtaartl et i'lj! 1 p'aa I.r !al!hm work. 100 Serratli S4S in tlw tatto o U: ell t t'rfai. Kltt CATARRHAL. GCRMf, Thia plan oa wr wlddla aNl widow vaats A poaf. 4 m.d- - titue but no d- - f inn. a ' as. 1 Breath, Air anlj tor - Hyomrrt Mediated aa Uoar 'Mm I.ikfll lu n ih- ! tloa Yew Will Soon B ( mum f tot km viifiiittM annually yH. lh.' Ulimi. tvrtaiD offl. UU aveBtt. Ml jt kr uu naT - jf raiarrn ta ta bow, tr Miini. fhat fir sutj."! (h- v 'hfoat. ltfe AND MKH. takea u,t n;.tm. and l3It .itinas are head oi I'ROr. KlXKJuAO. th r'WKBlBK. 'r.; that the near bureau will be ata tirtath. IrrlUtioB f ttt w!l kaoB rialrveaata, Cari f Wish..! within a Uv mouth l"nd r tbrtat. rai1iif biucovs, ilftira.'t Readm and eiprt FteloUata. Hoay - r the pit M in rul- rar tracing it In inrfiinK, n.vky eat. trum. aclat raAdJaga, frequently happen that tare or four hnatke voire, dlsenargs frjiu Ike i5. la t8t orBr Burt! aai Hit Mais representative of the varin.. depart ma. tickling ami dropping j! atre. Brar ty Hall SlOf tii r:ts are tracing cn car. It I pro-- back (if the throat. KiMvUtllr at RENT 1 t catablislt one ceotral bureau night. IwRia tho us uf Hywnicl at rOK wbeie all complaint regarding last out. FOR RENT-T- wo 4 freight constftnmcni rati lw made tt braling lrvatBtf room k(Mtw oa aod TioBslaa This bur. an could look after the trac-Iti- tbrouKh the neat porkrt Inhaier that BBta av. lira, DaDtlcer. S4ff f car fur all road in t hi dis-tri-rt tsinira with rVfrjr outfit. Rtf a and abolutely no partlallity quiick relief la all catarrail troi - FOR RENT 3 tartlaav ""I ' iin tin- Khtppfra. Many blm. and Ita contlnuod wt w;l kW oarmleatlr r d room Hctrt utmti'ti.-wi- wrk ml. lx ttavi ami th caiarrhal fifrtus, and drlv ? thcta for boaaekeofias. - j th.- a No Invalids. 921 Uaoola at. MS nih railroads and the hlpM-r- fnm the yttn. Bowl hotter arrording to By UMinK llyuuifl you art in T"T xiati-nu-nt- niadi own honie the aame reaultt aa FOR RENT Six roeai bouse oa IL G. ttHuiKh yon lived out of door la th Slith ttre4. Apply Coora, Nearly wrecked a Train. Adirondarka or the Colorado aiown 630 WaablBgtOB atreet I A larse force of detcUea of the i. Th wrm kllUnK nrona't'cf A j . Chicago. HurlinKton Qulncy railway uyomel reach the tnoct rtmoto FOR RENT To sloglo Btaa. sot a MBd r Detwtive Ouwaon to-la-y beKan a)r tne reapiratory orgaBa, healthseeker. well furnished room wlta 1 a search In w, dragnet and about Aurora. soothing and healing any iriUBttSeo use of bath, 103S Fifth street. " 'III. for two men who attemntert to there may be In the mucou. Mem- wreck the westbound fast mail train, brane, and klUloat all ciUfrtwi FOR RENT Two modem cottage running from Omaha, by a placing germs. near Plata; suits of ea forty foot steel rail on the track at Her In Im Vegas where ll mI Plaia. Geo. H. Hunker. Ms Piano. 111. The struck ob- engine the has been known and sold, thto are struction and the front trucks were The irrnt rfdeienry nl reliability of fiandrrinr a hair grower nd ralt wamfralor hmvr mn the crmAAnc itd many who freely attest Its wondrtel FOR RENT furnlssod front patronage ol millioDs ami raillionauf Ihrnualiuul Ihr t nilrd Malra. II baa atlainrtt a lararraalr and tamore craerallr derailed, but no demage resulted to NIcoly articte-toi- I that uacd tbaa any oihrr lrt or mnliriBal-th- al haa evrf ttrm auld at haaaird by he lru tradr in thia coanlry. powrs. but the best testlmonr room In dealrabls location ; address UANUKKI K tnakr Ihr acalp hraithy an.l Irrtilr and krria it au II ia th (rratrat acalp trrtilitrt ami Ihrtrtor lh the train, which was delayed but a medicine both tlir hair eaa bo offered (a favor of Hyotnct is t-l- tl arratcat wtiiwly u,r worl.l h ever known. II ia a natural land and a wholronm (r short time. The detective learned C, ear Optic. actacalp. a ae battl ml tl will put mi aeauin III ia ywor bair Uua gallwa f alhrt hair WU that B.J O. Murpaey r aiad. I abama reaulla froaa Iba ry alarU from the station at Piano that the guarantee agent outfit ho sells, SOc bottle two gltes with every FOR RENT 3 NOW at all druggists in THREE SIZES, 25c, and $1.00 per discharged linemen bad threat- -- nicely tarnished money back If he falla." To aho how qnirkly Oaadrriaa acta at wilt arod a tanr m ened to wreck the train If not paid rooms for light housekeeping, plr Im by return mail to anyone who aenda this advert iaement The complete Hyomel outfit to the Know Hon iMinderlna t'n fblraa;. ith iheir name their wages Immediately. The men 713 Eighth St S4 FREE addreaa ailvcr or to but 11.00. extra bottles. If needed. and and tea ccnta la stamp par prntace. were registered on the books by Bom- SOc. It the roost economical bers. Only a miracle appears to have making FOR SALE for catarrh as well as toe prevented the wrecking of the train treatment plans to get a concession to build to one that U sold under - anj the Iohs of Ifves as the obstruc- onlr rr- For a small amount you tell your Yucatan railroad, which will be about If 11 lUs tion was placed on the track on a antee to refund the money wants to all Las Vegas through aa 400 miles long. curve that had a steep grade. to cure. Optlo want ad. tt TRACK TRAIN The government Is still granting concessions to corporations to private U. P. Will Beat Moffat Road. This Is the day the ghost walks New bunch of Optlo Scralsli Tab build and operate railroads. The The Union Pacific Railway com and everybody Is laying for lh Ita at The Ctlo office, eanta apiece. policy of government control does t pany has 200 teams and a number of ghost. not interfere with new projects. men at work on a branch line from No 6cft Snap in Railroading. .hlKhcst iHwittona usually k through The Mexican Central Is Read The Optic. pushing to CralR. Colo. An Hanson ot the second A can-- j the of atulHtant e Wamsntter, Wyo.. Engineer diploma dm not entitle the gradps Inspector. work on the forty-three-nitl- exten- official of the company a few daya district, has reported tor duty nrtr dldate for railroad honors to any sort master mechanic, assistant engineer sion from Tuxpan to Collma. About of motive master mechanic, ago declared that the Union Pacific a several days' lay-off- . o' a "soft snap." He has to begin at power, 4Nto men are engaged on this cons- road foreman of mid superln-i- s will have trains running Into Routt Raton Vloitoro the bottom of practical railroading. It engines truction. The narrow guage line - before the Moffat road can Conductor Cozzlns of the second Who to Hotel one in the of way depart- tendent of motive power, but the line from Collma to Manxanlllo will be re- county go (a teiMrg is not determined b get through Oorc cannon. The Union .who has been a lay- Luxarloui inent that the trained man is needed promotion constructed as a standard-guag- e road. district, taking go always. room, flaa Pacific will come down Fortification most these days, and there he finds r,K'd rule. off, has reported for duty. Meals. Good Berrict Hotel bow In thai mute. work to which he can retadily adapt The percentage of college men Western Roads to Run Slower Train creek snd enter Craig by being enlarged. hliiitii'lf First he is rodman in the the service of the principal rallroa.l Passenger train speed upon a large Fireman DeMott of the 120B, abo office of a division assistant engineer systems Is becoming larger every number of railroads Is likely to be Rheumatic Pains Relieved. has been taking a few days' lay off, Hotel as those Seaberg or in the construction branch of the year, and such inducements materially modified about April 1, B. F. Crocker. Esq., now 84 years ot has reported for duty again. the are ex-a- s department. After serving his term offered by Pennsylvania when spring and summer schedules age, and for twenty years Justice of Mot rotlman he Is sent to Altoona. peeled to make the attraction for finally are passed upon, owing to fre- the Peace at Martlnsburg, Iowa, says: Engineer Stevens Is on the Dr. William' ladlaa VIM) is known us the graduates still greater. With the few sciatic branch while f PC Altoona. l'enn.. quent accidents during the past I am terribly afflicted with Springs Englner 1--0 (iiRunantwill cure Uita4, educa- - traffic or the railroad increasing by off on a?cotiut of Hlsmiltt and Itehln seat of the greatest railroad months having caused many travelers rheumatism In my left arm and right Renslng lg laying mil Hies. Il abaorba the tumor. establishment in the world, leaps and ltounds every technically to be It Is bottles of sickness. 1 allaje tha ItcblBR M oae, aeM lional apprehensive. possible hip. I have used three tnauuii re - tn poultice, gives Since 1S71 the Pennsylvania has train- trained man who is ready work that a maximum of f0 miles an hour Chamberlain's Pain Balm and It did 11II I lief. lir. WllllaaM' ladlaa Pit Otat of the will be able to find a place, II Si DMiot la nrnoaml for Pile and 1 tew ed its men there, and some will bo agreed upon main lines me lota of good." For sale by all drug- Carpenters from the bridge and ing nt the parte. Every Boa Is fr u priraia anal! oa executive officials in the gen j ' and 40 miles on branches. Officials ar re- warranted. Br drweiHta, by ra highest gists. building department making aetM of prion. M eanta and ll.oow . MILIUM In went Government to Control Roads, Cletr.Jaua.OBMk eral offices Philadelphia j now have the matter under consi- pairs on the coal chutes, putting In masilfaCTIIRIM CO.. Pre?,, through the sevte course. When j The Mexican government has com-th- e deration In Chicago. II. .). Sllfer. It Is reKrted that the Rink Island new timbers, etc. For Sale by tha Red Cross Drug Co. malntainance of way novice ph-te- arrangements to exercise s formerly superintendent of the Chicago-- has sold Its spur extension from Enid in Northwestern Altoona he is put to work troi over all the Important railroad and later general to Hillings. Ok., a distance of 40 Engineer H. J. Kuby of Raton, ten seven the yards. These yards are n's operating In the republic except superintendent of the Rock Island, miles, to the Santa Fe. This line Is credit markg for firing engine on ac- 210 miles long nl contain about three or four. It Is believed that the says emphatically that derailment of now being extended to Bliss, Ok . on count of student fireman being una- The who will a miles of tracks. novice, government ultimately become passenger trains occurring so the main line of the Santa Fe under ble to keep engine hot. of may be made dizzy by the maze stockholder, and. strictly speaking, has been due. In his opinion, Its new owners. The connections af- Hie intricacies of line tracks at first, learns th,. manager every traversing to high speed. He further says: "A forded will form, when completed, an Engineer H. Ruby, of the New car records. of the no matter Is Kin-kad- of shilling, how to keep Mny part territory, high speed train usually handled Important link in Oklahoma rauroaus. Mexico division, also Brakeman o. to cars bow small a road be. The Na- - to manipulate signals, classify may by men, who. by tliolr ten credit maikg each for fir do another thing which tional lines of Mexico and the Cen- - contact with which sur and to many the spirit Orlno Laxative Fmlt Syrup Is a new Ing engine 1G00 after fireman be- about before he tral are in the govern- - be he has to know all already groups rounds the safety of such trains, remedy, an Improvement on the laxa- came disabled. oan rise. ment system. The Pan American rail- - 'come fearless and who will at times tives of former years, as It does not Altoona yards are left for the road. road, which Is owned by a St. Louis make up lost time successfully. Oth- - nauseate and Is to gripe or pleasant Ve-a- an as- - Pacific Engineer A. Langston of Las The graduate has now become syndicate the Vera Cruz and ors Will endeavor to do better and take. It Is guaranteed. At O. O. to ten credit markg for firing en- sistant supervisor and is assigned and the two Harriman railroads, re win the tinexepectel derailment. On Schaefer and Red Cross Ding Co. 1C4V, No. to some stretch of the line. He watches main private property. The expecta- - .the eastern lines there are roadbeds gine train Si, Chapelle - and Sands to Glse. Mr. II steel rails an.l learns to tell when tlon k that the government will fin .which will allow of trains to The M. K. & T., Is negotiating for Blanchard, Langston showed decided Interen in well include they are as they should be. Crossties, ally submit propositions for control be operated safely between New York the purchase or 3.0UO freight cars, Might something n train over road. make her toil liallast, nuts, bolts, ditches these Independent lines, and then and Chicago, and doubtless, this rec- and It Is said that the order Is prac- getting to easy daily to to he of her duties. for drainage all these have form several distinct groups lines, ord could be Improved." tically placed. Only a short time ago lighten daily The runs On 1 Plalnvlew exten- known thoroughly. Then, perhaps. Harriman s Sonora railroad the company placed an order for a March the d - "UNIVERSAL" the assistant becomes a from Tucson. Arizona, on the South- New Telegraph Office. like number some of which have been sion of the Pecos system lines was supervisor; after come the grades of ern Pacific, to the port of Gtiaym What is probably the finest tele- - delivered. opened for business. This line com- Bread Maker assistant engineer and superintend on the gulf of California Harriman's graph office In the United States Is mences at Canyon City, T?jras, and doe awry wah twenty to thirty to new Is now In course of dis- el bard work ever bead day ent When the college man gets road, which the new office which has Just been Seeing Snake. extends to Plalnvlew, Texas, a Ma- - build-a- s fifty-seve- n he has qualified construction. Is called the Sierra fitted up in the general office High-Pock- wno tance of miles. hoiJT!tkaaahrldWwlSM he a superintendent It is said Smith, aa Aa r bwa oi Sw band aMaadaf dre road because it runs of Fe. In aVat' a railroad expert. alongside ing the Santa Everything runs a engine on Glotieta, is at Awth. Brand - ptuher UaAjahSa For the college man trained as me- the Sierra Madre range parallel to the ,the office Is brand new and of the firm in of General J. E. and a believed the gratitude Manager Hurley A bkaiag B away kanaka pa. Pact tZ chanical engineer there Is a special coast of the gulf of California. The j very best and latest designs In use. Lamy snakes. Smith wag waiting on Genera Superintendent R. J. Parker, F."j. GliHRlIIQ course at Altoona. He becomes a new line connects with the Sonora The floor and all the woodwork Is of a siding one day when he saw a accompanied by Division Superinten- Tinning, ' Plumbing, Hardware as distinguished railroad and runs southwardly to Gua-- : hard wood and a fin-fro- "special apprentice," highly polished snake which seemed to be wounded dent J. M. Kurn left for the south 516 Douglas Avenue who dalajara. Harriman apparently The office occupies a large room the regular apprentices and writhing In mortal agony. Al- this noon on a trip of Inspection. have had no training. The "special tends to build from Guadalajara tOon the third floor of the general of though It was a rattler, High-Pock- Mr. Hurley and Mr. Parker will go annrentlce" is nut through a four this city and from here to a point on flee building. In the equipment of was so moved to sympathy that he from Albuquerque to El Paso. course the like of which la not the coast of the gulf of Mexico, the office are found nine sextette years' tenderly picked up the snake and, NO CASE ON RECORD to be found anywhere else. He goes The government will probably tables which will afford ample room - binding up Its wounds with waste Worked Like a is no case the shops boiler, black- range to get practical control of the for fifty tour operators. The receiv Charm. There oa record of a - and a cotton handkerchief, set It at Mr. TX N. or cold wheel, car, tank, and all the Independent lines. Then it will, no ers, transmitters and other lnstru- Walker, editor ot that cough resulting tn pneumonia smith, A few weeks later, rest. Part of the time is spent In the doubt, form the various roads into intents are all new and of the latest liberty again. spicy Journal, the Enterprise, Louisa or consumption after Foley's Honey - when High-Pock- was about to re- "I ran nail In to Tar has been draughting room and part In the test- groups. makes. There la still plenty of room Va., says: a my t and taken, aa It will tire and had said, "Now 1 Lamy last week and once Buck-len'- s your and Ing room. Three months the railroad Nothing has been done yet as far in the present quarters to install just at applied stop cough break up your n he heard a student devotes to firing an engine as can be learned, for the govern-o- more equipment it the time ever flown to sleep," sharp Arnica Salve. No innammatioi cold quickly. Refuse any bat the ge- - on his window and the road, acquiring such know- ment to get control of the St. Louis when it Is necessary. The present rattling pane followed; the salve simply healed the nuine Foley's Honey and Tar tn a yet window saw the rattle wound." Heals and Contains no ledge of the working of a locomotive syndicate's road, the room Is light and airy and Is all that raising the every sore, burs toy package. opiates and of- a wild alarm. Is safe and. O. O. Sch&efex as only experience can give. No announcement has been made could be desired for a telegraph end of a snake giving skin disease. Guaranteed at all drug tore aal Co. - Men available for promotion to the regarding the St Louis syndicate's fice. The telegraph; operators moved Placing his hands on toe rattles, gists. 25c. Red Cross Dreg ',' t;' FOUR LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC JFfilliV. MARCH iw. i. mi iiiuh.iij.i. wwii "" 5. ,;iBiajaagaiiagMHn - )'-- ipy-ii- " have Usaai eaercJited mmsammmmmmmmmmszsmmmmmmmmmm fIW MEOtCAL WIACTICE ACT. 'as isafwrt. th sev tow wCl h rtjakiass , as m M GM a to town rslag cmii term . ikMit0! tAntt4 ty a3 ttttkiag now over tU ea of patteat te JpUc f Clare. Irelaad. who weat to bed GIjc eve-i- " Satin a genu seal. Ay Haw Vigor. Th TMiifeiHttk IrglsUtJ t ItTJ. aad aa Wt it but oace siac. caa - w Bestroysall teprweei ferta!, uct!y atrfs etebiy acted wisely la peseta whea the ilaess of Ms aaothrr. who I . efl faeat keep tM ecsi exu k t ;i aa kmise JMIt.ta fcw The 4UMKMtsttMt d the prograja jenna, kaoea had alwaye eared for bias, suade It fP and wu uiung Mir Nil Vo. S3. Tk UH ww awaits XaUostal cow- - ho, f the arWtratloB peace eecesaary for him to be takea to I rueraor's issatare sad iU .LESSEE tmm in Xew York city, for the iare the workbook. She recovered, and bccuMe effect i as a law. Tkis 4a lnEtaias April iadlraira he Is ia bed aaaia aaj botie to stay Mil provtevs for an eaaaiiaatiua for li, with eli'aoidiosrjr lucre for a ; ftepabiieaa sia&dard bearer la the mtcht to tAere- - He was bet II when he soM - wbu furactkw asc4i-fit- , of awwttaxa that stir of power of of ppSitmets lo the r- -t from the ties, saggettloa. !?- mm A powerfally the peace aeattBteat of the aader eouaterpaae jcpeJsft-tt- 4 rcnr ta the territory. whose pcaoioccai nasi sad eeope Far It war t Still, 8rT That .era eoasr. r wwriat of the world, and the dor a the aed a ld-- to a tolersbU U state, territories n'mm ar oeijr tu adequately tkt sua., . . . L obM-lml-l tlB ia tort have finally derided that there M.U.m mtmmi imiw . .L a tlhla i - U Mr. save aam a law.ane weasetficiw r ' Md .-it- outside dossals of eer- taae The chief objection to thox who hate foltow absolutely aothinc the matter uoder the Ircttntstaoefa so rtkm of Xew Meak is to be tUttCRSFTION HATES. tataary. jCorteljou. be pre-- except ehroalc laalaa That I. desriibt-d- . Ike roagrawtated eoa the eeeeful "tpreparatioea ad isuJoa. Th rtaai mmIi r kit iK .rita, erankfcaUy la that w V OK SI AIL 10 aeeer. tMa "wiaary lo the ae iBteraaUoeai co IUIUU and might ia th JT2 La.,mi ,J thir r,om mho have stniwled against tation critkLm to which these icoutitry perfomaore fereece at The Hague. It is proving , fortaaates Isuitatkm of the oreasioaal Riitrfi stw teprnmrnm and no doubt OwStbatO i people are being subjected, bow that j mw o be aunt to orwg rr tt base borne testimony, I l km such lines always very mi Itmlauk la have cossmaaded to the strong man la a tropfc-m- . . , ... Wlfc. are cages ia which It aiooun! . they the attention j,OB l.iW,n there Ss , ... wiaw-- t. i,.i, oowteitk. but aa a measure ,nM I qwi MM tea. IM republic. President Catro. say. . - to disease. Many kinds of stinreia of the world by their striking ...... - utrfko mi in- mote tu- war:- - ana not! es to retire for a term, aad o be SH U iw oojm m pwt- aB ...... TIms Wwekly acbieveiueBta. la tavading even ;he BHUh premier". Optta. his substitute to bold the chair tb. P--Ple .g,a ehariaun. P'-"- 7 l"LZZlr a picks -" avssi field of reiigioa. promlaei to b for me umttatMa or annameoia until hla return. This la the north to of "bom aew enphaals placed by science, es- seems to obtaia much of any backing Wk: it a case being tone and no one knows It MENTAL SUGGESTION. pecially medical adeare. tne temprat aside from our government. The tired." upj better than Mr. Roosevelt. oti o There are ao galas without palna, tberapeutles of mental suggestl.Ni It New York rally for the peace cause, TERRIBLE HfflliG Assessment Notice. aM IW Richard, who kaear thing hi not surprising, perhsps, from oae therefore, must be considered timely, Ohio re-ec- r two, and the follower of Mra. point of view, that persons who have A party of land buyers from tor It wll! doubtless echo and Notlc is hereby given to all tax much-ntgiecte- d cam Into office this mom Eddy may console tnemselves that seised upon this the Optic with that strong saying of the late payer la Precinct No. 2 of the to rail on the editor 1 most tha ( which have been Instituted principle of healing, la certain forms Ing aaj utrbv HUMOR Secretary Hay. that "war the County of San Miguel, that I will be for the paper. After speaking of the ferocious of human follies ' by th "kith and kin" for aa Inquiry of disease, should have beea able so futile and In my office at tha Investment agen- g Wl land they had purchased and ctprcd-In- At Mr. lata her conpeteatc to manage her easily to associate It with religion. the opening session Carnegie cy Corporation rooms between tBJ the opinion that la It wll affairs and latest her atooey wUl AH religions, when they esblblt their fertility preside, and. after speeches by boon of 10 a. m. and 4 P. a, until compared favorably with the Bad!; Affected With Sores and McClellan and Gov. Hughes. hurt tha tmh If thy h nolo greatest strength among the people. Mayor th SOta day of April, 1907, to re- ar most fertile lands of Ohio, they be Crusts-Exte- nded Down Behind Secretary EHhu Root will deliver the tag bat a eamaalga of peratetiUon are apt to have some very practical ceive returns of aU taxable property. gan a discussion of Las Vegas. They chief address of the day. This should No oa oa th very outaida would bearing upon the life hece or the the Ears Soms Years liter Thoso falling to do ao within tho naturally thought It a beautiful little be notable utterance. On the third aadertaka to pronounce judgment oa life hereafter. The teaching of Chris Pustules specified time win bo assessed by ma city and aa ideal place to live. Uus Painful and Itching day there will be an exceptional list the case at this early stage, although tianity as to the ImtnortaUty of the according to See, 4035 of (be Com- they had not escaped the anvil cha Broke Out on Lower Part of of speakers, led by William J. Bryan, w faaey that aeither the aoa by soul. and. In earlier times, the Insl Laws of and a penalty of rts. They had open sought out Ly Judge George Gray and Congressmsn plied the first of the three busbaad nor tence upon the division of the future Son Also Affected. JS will be Imposed on those several select knockers, who descrpv Body Bartholdt. Many Europeans active per cent Senator Chaadier approaches the existence Into heaven for the good fall make their returns. ej all the Ills that have ever devel In the peace cause will attend the who to question of Mra. Kddy's uiental ton and hell for the wicked this, was M. A. SANCHEZ. Assessor. oped to check the growth of the town. meetings, which will be held In Car- something that bore very up- A TRIPLE CURE BY niuMs aa uurse saia every oae heavily They also assured the visitors that hall. P. C. CARPENTER. Deputy. U9 on tb minds of the In negie ahonld approach the faults of people. nothing could be raised on the mesa. CUTICURA REMEDIES sense. It was state or the wound of a, father res) Intensely practical although they admlted they knew In Its upon the human life. "with pious awe and trembling sollcr hearing nothing about farming in this or any These new and mushroom cults be- fade." If the aoa I out for a shars other country. Those men. whoever "About ten years ago my scalp a affected with sore and or me estate, whose value rumor that have seised upon the theaupei-tlc- and will know who came badly they were, they humors, crusts, etc., and extend- writes ia so of mental suggestion as a cure-al- l it4iing many figures, and is we mean If they bapiiea to drop their ing down behind the ear. My ttatr Robert J. Taupert, really apprehensive lest his mother for human Ills have come forward hammers long enough to read a news came out in places also. I was greatly understood it was eczema. be the victim at a time when an exceptional op - troubled; Jeweler and Optician, of designing creatures paper, are knockers. They are an In- so with- Manufacturing was offered to associate Tried various remedies, called, Made to Order. at key aide, the opinions of certain portunity Jury to this or any other town that out effect. Saw your Cutkura adver- Special Designs of Jewelry obaervert will need to be revised a religious organisation with a prac- has the slightest ambition to grow. tisement, and got them at once. Ap- o." as directions, etc., and There are those, of course, who see tical help to living. In the case should either Join J he boosters plied them to They after two weeks, 1 think, of use, was la many peoaje. And the future of move on. ns, tbese suits parts of a huge and or clear aa a whistle. We grind our own lenses and fill Occulists' per-scriptio- conspiracy, which em some of these cults, for a time, may o have to state also that late last "I I in one Our brace the maaailne and be even more remarkable than their Soon there will come Into fall, October ami November, 1904, or replace broken lenses day. dally press. general was afflicted with a bad erup- to dowa putt, whatever happens to Indlvldu suddenly in bresk the church which circulation "yellow backs" of the de tion, painful and itching pustules over frames fit. A complete line of every thing our line. Mrs., Eddy, whatever one may con als like Dowle and Mrs. Eddy, if the nomination of f 10 these being au the lower part of the body. 1 suffered under the cede to Quttuby, founded. older sects do not. follow the exam thorised by the financial bill of the dreadfully. In two months, certainly skilful treatment of my doctor, con- But no evidence. pie of that clergyman In last session. Hitherto a man had to 4704? Ave. at to that there la joined with Cuttcura Soap and Cutkura Douglas 1U is a fair conclusion that there is Boston who has quietly Joined deal In quite considerable sums of Ointment, I found myself cured. son was laid ao direct connection between the mental healing annex to his church money to catch a glimpse of yellow "Six years ago my up severe a hard and In order, It appears, to meet the new billf or gold certificates, since they with a cold, cough, magaiine campaign of higher crltl finally painful eruption all over the Hock clsm and the suits at law. contention that threatened his have never been of lower denomina- body. 1 procured the CuticuraRemediea his faith- The of Mrs. makes tion than 2o. But now we nhall hear as soon ss possible, and after cut Eddy very of same was as weU as ever in Mr. as the it said that gold at last has been ful use ASK impressive Balat Beauva'a sapient Concerning Cortelyou two weeks, aa weU as I can recall. Ha a remark that "the truth about men, at successor of President Roosevelt made the "poor man'a money." Per-hap- has never had a return of the illness, about U there Is something to he said, and the poor man will feel richer on aa far as I know. YOUR things, difficult to discover, been to com- GROCER FOR what that Is could not he better said this account and perhaps he will de- " I have always pleased and when discovered it li no less dif- mend the Cutkura Remedies, and testify - It Is said a middle tect no In the con ficult to preserve.- The atmos- than by particular change as to their efficacy. L am a veteran of west politician, who wonders whether dlon either of his feellnga or hla pock the late Civil War, '6 1 -- '65. between phere of mystery which hat d Mr. Roosevelt will not finally dls et. seventy and eighty years of age. Yours IFUfwanir the leader of the Christian trulv. II. M. V. Weiss, Rosemond, Uonjiijseirilsill cover in the new or tne science cult In recent nat- secretary Christian Co., III., Aug. 31. 1905." years has de- treasury the Ideal candidate. Time. The Indiana supreme court has CMWMa tiMMl nS iBltnwl TtmIwmI lot wT urally whetted popular curiosity con- ttunwt. from Hmplw to ScwmI, trnm laCinrf u An, Tho June 1908; scene. Republican national clared unconstitutional the employ-era- ' Cmkuni Dost cm1Ii Sop,v..oiwmt.;r,K.l;V vkU cerning her actual .condition and M. We. i In l Chora tit CaMrd Pllh. convention. The surprise la sprung liability act. except wherein the li. m.v h hwl .rf III irwuku. A rtiMlf t .tHrft. arm mode of life. And this curiosity ts th. mna dUumiiHI h H ew WU. lKr Draf The Most Wholesome in the Market itlMm the delegateg In a message from law applied to railroads. The ground Chtm. t'urp., lit Prof... SuMoa, Mm. only made the more Intense the r-- MilMrm, " Ho I" Cm "Att by the While House; and then: for regarding the act as unconstitu- SSual Um MUa, Scalp, Uradt, au Utf1o,".' narrative of Mrs. ca- Eddy's earlier There will be n cry of "Why ahonld tional with regard to private corpora- reer, which Is Just now being given we take Cortelyou?" The administra- tions Is that the law discriminates as euch painstaking study. One might tion henchmen will answer back lietween employers engaged In exact- world ' suppose that the would leave "Because tho president wants you t ly the same business. o aged a woman in peace, during Some one will ask: "What has Cor- o ner last years, ana even enow re- telyou done?" The reply will Several car loads of harvesting ma of sentment over the tracking of her to There Is not an act In hu chinery have been purchased by local The Habit Buying at Bacharach's the very edge of the grave, yet it official life against which crltlcUm dealers n anticipation of the big de seenig to be a penalty of her aston can leveled." Then some one hm'I mand that is sure to follow the vast bo pood habit. It is a rapidly growing habit with all Las is a titling success in making a new re ask: "What la there about him to farming that are beins Vegas. It habit enterprises which hundreds save in their ligion "go" that, outside the ranks of commend him to the people?" Quick undertaken. by daily and yearly expenditures. It is a her own followers, there should be aa a flash that question will fln.1 re- n A habit that becomes more fixed the oftener people buy here. And the broad the such precious little sympathy sponse: "He Is a poor typewriter It Is the unanimous opinion of reason is satisfaction. People are satisfied with Bacharach's merchandise. shown. The wants be- out on the world all the who him worked himself up to Rastern visitors who go People are satisfied with Bacharach's prices. People are satisfied with the of facts laid bare. It appears It la In come tho secretary of the trenRiiiv of mesa that it Is about the finest land ways the store, its manners and methods. You goods as advertised. You no mood to be long trtried with or the United Slates. He Is another rail thov have seen anywhere. They have get get the imposed upon. And if there la an spltter why not another Lincoln? no doubt that fine crops can be rals latest styles and the highest workmanship. You get courteous and honest treatment. edgn of ruthleaanei in Its critical He la a poor man a man of the pen- - ed. attitude toward of Mrs. Eddys pre pie" In such a situation, with all the o woman out of five in the tensions. It Is becauso t knows thai j power of the administration behind One every work e Is compelled to the truth may he difficult to dlncov-j'h- movement, ig It no very far fetch United Stales er If th findlnc of It be too lona do- - "d to Imagine Mr. Cortelyou as the for a living. ferred. C35S Dowle has JuHt died, and the worl I Jacket Suits was for some time engaged In test- Our line in ing his claims to an apostletihip. li this goods is unsurpassed. In it you will find The "little fat prophet." as he came suits of the best grade; exclusive patterns; fine workman- In made o sor to be called derision, ship; beautiful designs and prices as low as the lowest. ry a failure In the end. in spite of: hla wonderful eaiuy success with WE ARE STRANGERS. Short Sleeves; silk lined; brown; all wool uannma: Palmer Zlon and In the sick and City curing guaranteed; nine gored skirt with latest style plates. Priee $27.50 In the lame, and the hal", restoring We of thou- are strangers in your elt; and In enlisting the support We came here for and work. Three fourth length sleeves; taffeta silk lined: black chiffon health Palmer sand who eventually adored him. We hope to gain the former. panama; roaranteed: all wool; eleven gored skirt lateststyle. Prie that many peopl' are on the lookout And the latter not to shirk. $20 5o of It Is for eiposures ImpoBters. vYe do aud Three-fonrt- cleaning, pressing reparing. l fraud-hun- length sleeve; narrow gray and white stripe-al- particularly a period of t in (And our prices always right,i wool wioe And when we've done a suiting trimmed; silk Persian braid; eleven various departments of life, whether garment. gored skirt. Price It always looks clean and bright. $27.50 in Harrlmanesque railroading, pat- ent medicines, "coppers" or those If you are not a t ustomer. Short sleeve; plain navy blue; all wool French And will us a trial. Serge qtal-re-Itglou- a only give trimmed; turquois blue velvet; niue gored skirt. Price "many We will do your work ao neat and nice, $20.00 systems of transatlantic ori- You canuot help but smile. gin." as the London Spectator de- scribes the Christian science and other cults which have had such a & run among us in recent yeara. Fulcher Holman's No one need doubt, however, that French Dry and Steam Cleaning Establishment. after all the pretense and delusion Also Dje Works in Connection. has been torn away, there will re- Bacharach main as a solid residuum whatever All work called for and delivered. Bros., of truth has been grasped by the leaders of these organizations. Even 4 lit It. It. Phone 419 "The Store of Quality." Dowle has been Instructive in his meretridout way. Put his methods and hla work under the mlclroscope 5t5-5i- 7 R. R. Ave. Opposite Castaneda Hotel ef Impartial analysis and one sees that he made an extraordinary us? HI IAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC FRIDAY. IIARC.1' FIVE TRY THE BITTERS tmm BUO IEE SICKlT'PfllKI HE UP HOPE !ooooooooooooooooeoo0oo OF FISDIXG JISSASSIN O o:T PEOHPTLY comfort aad the we!fi of tJir , 0 boo id jV a mm as yo eotk the Erst sis rbs!Ja. aeer be it host San National Bank o - ! Miguel box of Urav's Sweet Murmtmr Dee 0- of ay Stomach. Uver, Kidney c Mttr Powders f (mmpum ( tildr--n. red -- Cm "V ft a o Bowel disorder. This plan will nn .for t fur ee thrvMjRbout the to Bamufctow Hat j0 i Burton Re- - yo a lot f aaneeessary suffering Tajr break p colds, ere Hpe T B CAPITAL PAW IW SVZPtO roast tea. taaaad Friday. 0 O and perhaps a long kk pe!L For t"verthBs, ipat teethts 3100,000.00 or Las ver S3 year disorders, headache aad ctonara 000,000.00 o TiMf i . Vegas trouble THE&E POWDERS NEV J""' "f ltu 8,1M1 " -- 4. M. CUNNINGHAM. O. T. H0SKIN8, Cashier. O HOSTETTER'S j ER FAIL Sold by a:i drag stores. " O FRANK SPRINGER. We Fn r. B. JANUARY. Atst Cashier. Do.1 accept .r b.titte. A " O 0 .. V IUV Ml t. , BH at - - wut rT LWIlllaVtt,! STOMACH BUTE R S v i41 o arlSl A "77 v mru i sis on sj w ,tc to HrUchta. a sulmr of Utyloo, oa Interest Paid Time Deposits 0 ha beta making people veil sad mother who wi! Allen S jO address Nov. d tut r 22 last. The girt disap-pare- 0 keeninff them so l r rurtnr liv.r and I T. o Olmstead. Key S. oa the night of November kidney troubles, dyspepsia, Indige- - j 2. 0 i bil br vajr butuv. and is ftotal his , w gnax- - delicate MYfunur4 on AN CASTER EGG 0 tie, cold, her lmim.a lu M. rriliniv ... ante it is pure. frrday Keiilng aluiis atcely !MUtd and atraasW. A le 0 days laid fa a rood .atlar bank l produce a ; later liavid Criia, a balf wittvd uva- - turn WANTED Keiiabl naa to run rWturf riHtrrresf lf the Inveatar is sut 0 bojr. ctofcMd to ihm crime. Ilia ear Ibat for In future rmm be laid far t no I yoar 0 traction nK'n. other ad apply. staiemeat. bkb eutcred loto all tbe gift. IIae a stnall amount of money ia PERSONAL MENTION Plarita Kasrb Company, Ua AU-Bio- a. me s vrgas naviugs iiaak for your children 0 detail aad itrcuaitauc coaactd a an Raster offering and tt will ewawrag tatifl N. U. with tbe murder, was found to be a and may be tbe foundation fa fortune 0 tissu of falsehood and the boy waa A nure of 1$ la 0 Uallegu Cbajierito, Mrs. F. Mallbucaet left yesterday released. Mrs. Lrao Udnun. uotlwr ih today. city fot a trip to Buffalo oa a visit to of the victim, her daughter Ka; ne LAS VEOAS SAVIKGS DAKSt rVHx I in the city from in 0 Co;urr Her daughter, who resides that and soa Colllaa. were then arrt-ae- l a Harvy today. city. and bound over to the grand '.trs. orrtoe with 0 ('. K. of Chicago vas In the Ary Remember that the hack tor CI ; but were released by that body. Thj 0 IiiesV - yesterday. Toe--v tity Porvenlr leaves the city every j invest Igatloa of the case has been Q y- San r.Vc-to- National 1. J. Herrla arrived from the south jf l Dcak. 0 day and Sat u' day afternoon at one the most expensive la the crimtasi 4 rt uu No. today. mem-ever- y Velock. cornlnr, In from El Porvenlr jhUtory of Daytou. All of the 0 J. E. Snvady of arrived in e oooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO0 Monday and Friday morula Oilman family are still 000 the yesterday. - ir In - city --i.k. wk- rrir leave, the Dayton. Mrs. Gllmaa tesn- Ralph Mann arrivod In the city yes- Bed Mercantile store befor the grand jury that she from Romero company's ' CHAS. ROSENTHAL WINTERS DRUG terday Raton., 7 saw followed on west aide. her daughter In the CO., Ixufg Freund of New York Is a dark vis- and murdered In a dream or LAS VEQAK, NEW MEXICO. BRIDGE ST. Yepm caller today. ion that visited her on the of of night Cecllio Gunile of Coraron. Is vis F. D. Wetherby and wife Boston, tbe crime. Kat tM Vrra. N M i us' In this city today. who arrived in the city yesterday, Attorney General of Missou- Pure 1 Hadiey Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet and Article Charles F. Adlon U In the city from left for the south on No. this Fancy ri has filed a motion to qnah the and all Sundries. his ranch at Buena Vista. writ of error Issued by the Druggists' to- tilel Ladies' Waists for 1907 Eugene Thompson Is In the city States supreme court In the cas of Spring ranch. Don't visit the West side without day from the Placlta "Irfird" F. Seymour Barrinjrcn, thf Are just in from New York City. returned calling at the Colorado Bar. liorenio llelgado yester- British adventurer who Is nnd.r sen- tkrPhysicians Prescriptions Carefully Prtpsred. day from a trip to Santa Fe tence of death In the St Louis county has Fred W. Browne of Chicago is in Frank Williams, who Dn Jail for tbe murder of James M c.tnn. his home on Main the city on business today. quite sick at ja horseman I Edwin F. Coard or Santa Fe was a street for the past month, slowly that there Is no federal question In- Twenty Stylet of New Lawns volved. If It Is the court caller in the city yesterday. improving. granted by Lsce and Embroidery Trimmiog THERE WILL BE MONEY IN Harlow Burks arrived In the city Barrlngton will be deprived of his on No. 10 today from El Paso. To the Public. last resource to save him from the Short SIeere$ at IT FOR YOb 8. F. Sanders of Iiivcr Is transact Harvey's Ranch will not be open Bince uoveraor roia nas ae-- he will ing business today in this city. for boarders after March 15, 1907. j dared that not commute hts By Trading With The J. M. Hedden of Denver arrived In T. J. GROUND. JR.. sentence. Barringtoa served several the on business. C G. SOMERS. terms in English prisons befoe com- city yesterday AND II. 0. BROWN TRADING CO, 1 to W. A. Buddecke h?ft on No. this 5 lessees ing America. As Sir Frederick $1.25, $1.50 $1.98 afternoon for a trip to Santa Fe. ,.Sydenham Burgoyne he married Mlas Raeoeamr to A.J. VK.MS, twWse M. j Celeste Miller, a J. B. Martin came In from tbe Mrs. A. Devlne and daughter. Miss wealthy Brooklyn atavtftsa, tmem Ifansaav 'girl, deserting her after mines near Ohapelia yesterday. Tessie, and son Tom are expected to getting pos session of all her In aafl.fc.afaf J. P. Raster and wife of Topeka return from their trip to California money. Ijiter Philadelphia be married another weal- were calling In this city yesterday. this week. thy woman, her on the hon- C. Aftermort and wife of Us Ange- leaving HAY. ' eymoon tour. He then went to 9IUUM, no mmtMUMLTA les. Cal.. are visiting in this city. LOST Child's gray Angora hood St - as Lord F. Miss Lc Christian and 1. U Iw- Return to Mr. James Cook. 1017 Elev liouis, posing Seymour STAMPING A Full Line of Barrlngton, aud married Miss Wllhel DONE Poultry Supplies Is are In from El Porvenlr today. enth street. nilna G. Cochrane, a wealthy Kansas O. W. Wetherhy of St. Paul arrived City girl. He was exposed, and sent in the city yesterday from the east. Jack Richardson, a former resident Fresh Garden Seeds to the workhouse tin a misdemeanor in Bulk F. E. Cor sett came tu from Roclada of Las-- Vegas, now5 In buflnes In OF ALL KINDS - charge. After his release Barrlngton last evening, returning this morning. Sugar City, Colo., is In the city call- j A Trial Order From You Will Mean met James P. McCann, a rich horse- a Eli Caldwell and wife are In the ing on friends. man, who befriended him. McCann Pleased and Permanent Customer from the Hot can- IN THK city today Springs was murdered In a FOR SALE A small business. lonely neighbor yon. ibood In St. Louis a county. Suspicion Dr. Desmarais made a trip to well established and on a paying pointed to Barrlngton, who was ar Us. last evening, returning this basis. Good reasons for selling. Fop ren,en. ana convicted. An ap noon. The Investment & Agency Corpora- inej Art Needle Woik Dept. peal was taken to the Missouri sit returned to this tion. 3 Henry Bergman prenie court, which affirmed the ver-dir- t, liaby Pillows Stamped. city on No. 10 today from a trip to and later to the 1'nlted States E. and B. A. arriv- Santa Fe. Joe Baca Baca supreme court. Bibs Eyelet Stamped. Socor- Grle ed In the yesterday from .1. Antonio Grlego and Trinidad city Hefoer Grant, an apostle of the Bone Stilettos. In ro to purchase goods their new The Arcade and Antlers Saloon go of Corazon, are the city todaj frr Mormon church. wio was changed on business- - store at Magdalena. with illegal polygamous cohabitatioii, Batten berg Braids. The best whlaldes on tbe market. Saves year old Rye ana taven rear old J. H. Ryan, the tie Inspector ror will not be brought to trial, the case Bourbon at regular price. Original UudveUer Beer and fine Wioe. the Santa Fe, arrived in the city ou Fruit Lax Promptly cures bad having been dismissed at the Corset Covers Stamped. request Sixth No. 10 today. breath, sour stomach, bilious head- of the prosecuting attorney. The ac- Street Cast Las Vegas New Mexico Joe Ortego, who clerks for J. H. ache, torpid liver, etc. 25c at all tion against Apostle Grant waa com- Stearns, is confined to his home on drug stores. 8 menced several months ago at the ed at the time that she had been instance of account of sickness. The Colorado Bar on Brldg street, members of the American struck on the head and knew nothing M. and or n of - Mr. and Mrs. Danz.lger three doors above postofflre, now party Utah. Lead- regarding the of the perpe- UNDERTAKING PARLORS t we . . ... identity will leave for a several week i' for business. ,iiib mormons ueciare mat the case baby open trator of the Inhuman crime. THE W. M. LKWIS COMPANY. The only exclusive undertakers tn in east tomorrow. brought in an to trip the jwas attempt Las Vegas. Santa Fe St. Post-Dispatc- fliieuce public sentiment in the Sruoot Trinidad Romero left for The txiuls LOST Somewhere between Placlto after a short visit of the Horace K. Turner Art Exhiiiit cse. yesterday making Ranch Co. and this city, a black era Both Phones Office and Residence 610 Lincoln Avenue ' with in this which is to be shown here in J. Ralph Burton, the former United relatives city. April: vanette containing pair gloves. Finder of now on in States senator from Kansas who was Miss Elsie Dullard is the guest "The collection exhibition cave at this office and receive re- S. H. at School dismissed In disgrace and sentence., Mr. and Mrs. Furgeson the Hlph is considered the ward. 5 8lx months' 11- - Onara for several days thts week. finest ever presented In St. Imis." jto imprisonment for a "sauou ana prosecution of the Steun- - Mrs. M. Rhodes, who had very 0. O. sells and legal practice before the postofllce Payne setting eggs CELERY FOR TOMORROW'S DINNER. department 1i. connection with St. buys setting hens. Mora road. -- Louis get rich quick'' schemes, will For Goodm Fresh and the Fanciest Canned jbe released from Jail at Ironton, Mo., pickled tripe pig's feet, kraut and fine mince Al- next Burton is forever de- sajer meat dSBnsiQa tSUeBd (Gas Friday. falfa tad beef at Peto Roth's. 14 ap barred from holding public office. He New will establish a weekly paper at his Fruit Iax Best for stomach and Mextoc's home in Kansas. ORIOLE AND Abilene, bowels; 25c at all drug stores. 6 CASINO BRAND Appropriations aggregating $100,516 Whoiesaie House have been made by the Idaho legis- Galvanized iron and tin work. 8 tnves-enber- JOHN A. lature to cover the cost of the g 11-- PAPEN, Largest Patty. 2 Grocer. Write For Prices to murder case. has been Nearly $1,000,000 appro- Call on O'Byrn for the best dome - - Santa Rosa priated by the legislature of Colorado tic coal In the elty. 12-8- 3 Las Vegas Albuquerque to cover the cost of calling out the militia during the Cripnle Creek "la- Fmlt Lax Nature's true remedy bor war" several years ago. for constipation; tt removes the Miss Jean Mitchell, the young Pitts- cause. It positively does it. 25c at burg woman who was crucified to a all drug stores. 6 Burnt Leather Goods! sink in her apartments last Novem- ber, has become Insane as a result of LOST An elk toooth cuff button We have just received a large shipment of burnt her terrible experience and has been with the initials E. P. M. engraved on leather goods, consisting of designs in pocket books, at Mack-el'- FOR Mora in tho committed to an Insane asylum it Finder will please leave at s sofa watch SALEaC'Holman, A Ranch proposition County, pillows, cigar cases, belts, charms, wall Storo and 7 Clermont, Penn. the exami- : productive Agua Negra-Ran- ch contains 115 acres, 65 under ditch, in During cigar store and receive reward. and designs, etc alfalfa, 2 in bearing fruit trees water rights on two ditches goo a nation into her sanity Miss Mitchell Ml In this collection you will find leather of the best adobe all for business, very quality. well house, good store building egnipped declared that everywhere she went It is strong and will not rot like most burnt leather doe. Many large granary, Hay barn, Out-boose- Corrals and Stables, j SS5 odd l people cried: "Let us crucify her." for Yankee coal, and beautiful designs. Decorate your home by purchasing a Ring up O'Byrne few pieces. Our prices are exceedingly low for this class and This is oa tbs anrkst for She Is also suffering under the delu from mines. 12-8- 3 pla:t 30Jays oalyjat red hot th quality of goods. Call and inspect these goods. sion that she is a second Redeemer. Except on the subject of crucifixion, Gregory's billiard tables are always she Is perfectly sane. On November In first class condition. 5-- Ladles are Especially Invited $3: 2 who 19 Mls8 is ARE YOC,000INTERESTED? last Mitchell, only A new years of age, and very beautiful and large line of spring samples L&lS Co. Ue Vegas 1 been received L Due. Cigar investment S Agency Corporation talented, was found by neighbors bar by Frank 524 Sixth Street. sV- - Phones 450 - CEO. A, FLEMING, Mgr. In her kitchen, with her Reasonable prices prevail and satis- 1 hands nailed to the sink. She declar- - faction guaranteed. 3--3

- - - r in i in i m iii ii ii" n SIX LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC FRIDAY. MARCH it 190?. satltfarUow wtrji the flaaactal SHORT TALKS BY Bhysseal cvaditioa at the prtaaa. SOCIETY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY L. T. COOPER. NATIONAL ,AH- K- JlTiynliiJlJbilWil JJUUII rSAllSXAirrXiWt. r AMJC&1CA. PHYklCtAMV WIEl'MATtiM Jleeu first and tttrd Wedaeaday THE5TR01ICE5T C9II5T1IUT10II a, J i evenings of each asm Ia the tfriirFirst XatXuaal Bask f Arther caused add cwdiUoacd Mood. Lk OW Mr. k ! Dr. UitrheU ISlller Rheumatism it by a soar, tie tr, f Rhe-i- - r d tfW at ac ' 4 kiSM m atackts few chroak weak kidney.. poor dyrestloa feaeril ,rMid M W. G. Via-- Dr Minnie a Miller coaatipatk. 4 to that It win i to k'a swiM a iok i : Kocler. Secretary. Torfish conation erf the system tSecaase el these irrrruUnDr the xprtd members wtikia a few ta shake kMsedL cordially larited. Rinse and waste natter of the body are aot promptly expelled. week. ke- iaj - ; It's hard - OSTEOPATHS tt -- t are kft to ftoor aad ferment, producing irritating adds which are takes , CHAPMAN LODGE A T, the and d.atnbuted to all of the A Ktt 2, k Gradaatea Amerieaa School. Kirks-- p by UcJ parts Speed Loco.t... ' ter weaken and diseases the blood so that instead d supplying the a.M ks rsairs4tirnisn necutar eommusieatloa ttrst The Sci-ftt- ittr Amerteaa third rlUe. lio. with oottmhing. healthful properties it deposits the poison with which tt U of Saiur itm Mtck a Ititk u4 Thursdays ta esek a. 1 W-- month. VlsiUnc Both Phoaca. Block muM-U-- nerves, bonea and an Rheumatism d slv aa !iutraiioa aaJ the tfti4. Jwst si brothers cordially Olney loaded into the joints, getj C. W. control .f the Some snfler almost constantly with the toaUtg arewiint of a locomotive hub tine kit a acid lerfted. I. Bourker. M.; complete system. im It. . while other have intervals ed frecdon. dariog whkh they tke klood tk Chaa Sporleder. Secretary. j disease, M ttWWl.d urniK This lo lidaeva kavea'l ) dread of the neat attack when DR. L. HAMMOND lve i constant J? a a. tatitCtw 9aVr nf E. " a.,!,,, espreasiy fr , KEtiEKAU LODGE. I. O. O. ! cold or dampness or acme other irregularity will raae Bat tk kidaera F, ncvnsT tom.toretnrn. II the cause is notg"removed d " " meets second and fourth Thursday S8uIU area't ta fclaw. j Crockett BuSdlBg. Botfc will and reach a -""J'" rtn in previous resuita of each month at tba l. Rheumatism progi point i erngs pboDet office and residence. - - . O. O. V. ha!L Mrs. A. M where it becomes incurable, and the ationj- tuieed with the remarkable kxomo- vary v,..ww Augusta m G ; Mrs. est constitution, will break down. S. S. a. a of the asm builder. J. A. MafM. I knew kettee. It's that aver worked and N. Clan Bell, for more atueaack V. Secro-Treaa- - DR. U. L. JENKINS has been curing RhenraatiMn than ,jf Mo8rB. n l hlshly (robal! that r crowded tb kidacy G.; Mrs. K g. DaOey. forty yeara It.U ttediataaeatiits head part el it work aad tk kidarys caa't do tary; MUs N'ora Deatos, DENTIST ,hu M1 I witk New i by n tnto the bloud and removing M)ou it. fouad this oat Cooper' Rooms 3 and 4. new lledcoeh Build-In- z, PURELY VEGETABLE r,-- !- tk Moaaacfc nrer. eerV .Jrtiele cf the acrid matter and bnild , ' ' Discover. It pat ia shape. SU Douglas Avenue. ' all aad I seea I KIoo.1 S. S. S. II .netner tw tkt il docs, yet see .. .k .r l . atati. rmritv and rifhneM tkoaaaads of art rid of rfceamstMas artao stau rail. are. salted TkaT ItEDM EX. MEET IN FRATERN.1i the King of blo.l purifiers, jnst what i ed for the cured Rheumatism, j ay, f.r U I NOTICE - Brotherhood Hall seeond and BOOK on anu anv raemcai u auoorniai in rhraaialiWB Is cauMd rue every Kaeuwauam orjmar that ay stoiac fourth at the I have moved my place of busmess THE qvrmiir, MMIMJIWMi jt - Wt r we t rroafcle. Her is a aaanla at letters I Monday, sleep eighth 3WIFT SPlGIFiG Cfc ba this an, hul run. Visltlne wel l frol OTer the Center Block jnic -"- brothers always drug aln hear-- t ,A , ra r duiiu-tng- . jhave .or,K .p-wj come o the wigwam. T E. Blau- - auire to rooms anu , rwuer jrtinary hlxh upends In the south an l tfttiMk mU hilaaiaMtory rheaaaatMSS, relt. sachem: C. F. O'Malley. chief Colorado phone SS. s; iwest German stales. sfNt-- d sad say suleeiai has seen too freer to as-- cf reco.-d- F. D. Fries, collector ol Already ( F. R. LORD, DENTIST I r ' I wiCh tw-- Isy asana a avk av m aa B faTlal S V aT of !K mite hour with a train of wks kelpies aampum. IMd M . as so m sor Successor to Dr. B. M. Wllttame n a every Hunt say nody teaaer Hi earloait bare been attained 1 Tk that could ant kesr to saov. slifbt B. P. O. E. MEETS SECOND AND allxfatly rtslns; rradlent. by Mattel "At eat touch would csut at fh ATTORNEYS HL11U greatest fourth Tuesday evenings eacii ILIUUIUUmL ianilf" loeomiHIves wrn- - a((ony. Several doctor treated ss but type that month, at Knights of Pytnlaa riail. they failed entirety. I tried many rem E. V. Long C. W. O. Ward built for maximum speeds of uul die but eotkiad aerated to reach Visiting brothers are cordially In nr eaie. LONG & WARD mil. a per hour. Such engines were M I continued to lay kelpies. My kid-n- ot vtted. Hailett Raynolds. exalted i T. E. APPLE GROWERS SWINOLED rharJs wer late in blossoming, snd In the high speed locomotive trial ys and atotnach wet affected also. I ruler; Blauvelt. secretary. ATTORNEYS AT IJtW bloom In time Room The rowers of the San Juan thew canie to )st to of March. 1SW4. but they exceeded for "Id Office: Pioneer block. f. Cast apple k i ally my strcaftk left. I lost leak rapidly, EASTERN STAR. REGULAR COM ei-te- be ruined hall and rain of this af New Mexico. claim they are losers to by speed and tractive power the reault - befaa tk as of th famoo Cooper Las Vegss. Colorado valley ' municatlon second fourth ternoon, reaches are also beginning which I To and phone 117. of $2'.0fM. through their dealing obtained from other engines on the medicines of beard so mack. of month var- sad I ina-- Tbvrsday evenings each Kansas-Colorad- o Commis- to blossom, especially the earlier Marieofelde to Zossen liae. nne delilht improved with the apeeial BSLwlat.anr mtA atftav eaMaf asavaaaaMl BwittLM All visiting brothers and sisters are ieties, and these were Injured by the in LUCAS sion company, a concern claiming and. fact, accomplished some of the . fcu aM(her J cordially Invited. Mrs. Ida L. See BUNKER ft cessation of the tk, person. My strength Denver aa Its headquarters. The fruit downpour today, rastest runs tnat uaa been made u and appcttts returned. 1 b paia and tore-- linger, worthy matron; Miss May ATTORNEYS AT LAW save or-- I of storm will, however, those Europe up to that period. The new Beta left ss sad now I feci better thss Howell, Office: Ssn Miguel National Bank men of Farmlngton are talking for months." Lawrence secretary. Accord- ebardlsts who are raising peaches. resemble somewhat 4 4 6 hv Toacany, building, East Las Vegas, N. M. taking the matter tnto court. engines the U22 Alii rich Avs., North, Miaacapolis, The growers of grain are experienc- All I. O. ing to statements made by the apple Thulle locomotive of ItoO. the O. F.. LAS VEGAS LODGE NO. some In In their 4, meets at GEORGE II. HUNKER growers, they were Induced to ship to ing difficulty getting constructive detalla are very fine; h every Monday evening cropa on account of local storms. aa near to W sell Mr. Cooper' celebrated preps their hall on Sixth street. All vis- at Law the Kansas-Colorad- company last work. In fact, approaches Attorney which its coming almost iting brethren cordially Invited to forty-eigh- t cars of pa dally, motor ear practive as is permissible j Office: Veeder Block, Las Vegas. fall approximately BLOCK-DEPO- DRUG CO. attend. R. O. Williams. N. from clear skies. Those who have In CENTER 0., New Mexico. choice apples. The representative of railway engines. A. ft Coke. V. O.; A. J. Wertx, ! . Corner LINCOLN AND GRAND. sowed tbelr land fear that the moist- The new high-spee- has four the company who persuaded the engine secretary; W. E. Crltes, treasurer; ure collected by the continued storms low- - CONTRACTORS AND growers to part with their product, cylinders, compound, with the C. V. Hedgcock, cemetery trustee. BUILDERS. before It haa start tons; wheel base of engine. 38 feet claimed that bis firm could and would will rot their seed pressure outside as usual, and all ed to grow. In one 4 12 Inches; total length of engine FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. NO obtain the tery top market price for bolted together transverse line. WEAN & HINOMAN. and tender. 69 feet 4 Inches; capacity 102 meets every Friday night at the apples, and that remittances could There la one driving axle only, and Contractor FOOLED HER DAD of tender. 8 8 tons of coal and S.730 tbelr bail In the Schmidt building, be made as soon as the sales were the driving mechanism Is nearly per west of fountain at After a of two weeks. gallons of water. Square, eight Job Work consummated. The farmers waited courtship fectly balanced. The small counter o'clock. Visiting members are cor- C. of the Corner This engine, the first of a new Phone Colorado Red 222. week after week for their money, but Glenn Potts, drug weights In the driving and coupled dially welcome. James N. Cook, of and Miss Mary re- series, was designed and built by the Kate sec- were told that the Colorado market, store, 8an Marclai, wheels show to what extent the president; Burcbell, of M. J. of firm of J. A. Mattel at the English retary. as well as those of Kansas City and U Daly, daughter Daly, volving masses have been made McComb, Miss., were married quietly of Garden Works, near Munich. Omaha, were swamped with Colorado The fine proportions KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL OPT JO by Rev. G. II. Glvlns. at the rods con apples that had been and that Sunday the driving and coupling No. 804 meets every second and church The marriage Is of disturb- Hew to Remain Young. It would not be advisable to put the parsonage tribute to the elimination fourth at Fraternal Broth- DIPLOMAT WHISKEY served to case of love at first To continue young In health and Tuesday Mexico on market. the sequel of a ing forces. all patrons. New product the Mrs. N. F. erhood hall. Visiting members are and the happy bride says that are of size. strength, do as Rowan, 26 "Permit tit to put your apples In cold alght. The piston valves large Cordially Invited. Jas. O'Byrne. U. Henry Clay Bowen Whiskey, was also a case of Ga. did. She says: "Three until the Colorado frozen pro It predestination. and have the great length usual with Frank F. years old, for medicinal purposes. storage of Il bottles of Electric Bitters cured me of K.; Stress, a and then we Her father Is an official the doubled distributors. At each duct It out of the way ported and stomach trouble, linois Central She e two chronic liver and will get you that will fairly railway. quarrel end of the valves are prices ed with him and In her con complicated with such an unhealthy fruit grow-e- r anger, small cylindrical valves connected stagger you," the gullible blood skin trary to his will, she went to Chicago with the gear, and these condition of the that my was told. The New Mexicans bit expansion I where cut-of- turned red as flannel. am now prac- are and shipped from a bureau, open when the f exceeds 70 per hard on the bait and now they 20 than before girls are hired to work In the Harvey cent of stroke, as In starting, tically years younger California beginning to get the "staggering piston now houses along the Santa Fe. Miss Daly steam I took Electric Bitters. I can do prices. One man who parted with and thus admit high pressure was a to San Marclai, until ail my work with ease and assist l.n 99S boxes of stock, has Just re- given pass to the valva chests fancy my husband's store." Guaranteed at 1ST where awaited her. Prince Charming, tbo engine has been geared up to less ceived a check for 18 90; (he balance Price 50c. the groom. An engagnment nnd an 70 cent There Is one set all druggists. was accounted for by charges of all than per u followed. A 750 early marriage special only of valve geara for four valves, kinds and material for making Ar-test- a of the Santa Fe received a valve Is Intro- Harry H. Burt, manager of the boxes. Another who agent and no Intercepting grower shipped from the Irate father to halt club was In Amarlllo and m telegram duced. 100 boxes of extra fancy apples and week In Interest of a1 look after the Rlrl. and for for Canadian this the 0 boxes received the arrange Bar frames have been employed of fancy stock, club. He did not make con One-w- ay her to go home, but the telegram reasons of economy In weight.. In- the any tickets on sale daily March'l to April 30. munificent sura of 1715. tonether with tract, but as a result of bis visit he came too Inte. Mrs. Totts says that cidentally these frames permit of a letter explaining all about hauling Into communication with some Free chair cars. she Ik quite content to remain In San ready access to all working parts got and storage charges and "loss" be- with whom Marclai. g of apparent merit placed between them. Even the -tin- players Tourist sleepers (small extra charge). cause of alleged rotten stock. Still he may do business If they can de- rod on the side of the tri-week- ly. another shipper who sent more than opposite to come Personally conducted parties ROAO CHOSEN is discernible through the driv- monstrate their ability 1,000 boxes of first-clas- s re- engine Ad- apples, The surveyors have been through with the goods. Artesla 110.03. working ing wheels. FBKR; DAH ceived a check for The grow- vocate. "Tlic Karlh." L BATGHELOR, Agemt upon the line or the proposed new All oft he engine presenting The Atchison, & ers claim they should not have re- parts "San Joaquin Valley." Topeka Santa Petty., highway between fas Oruees and El broad surfaces at right angles to the j "Free V. S.tJovernment Lands." Las Vegas, New Mexico. ceived less than $1.25 net for every Troubles. Paso, together with the committee been In such way Csuse of Stomach box of this engine, have clothej apples that left valley. i When a man has trouble with his appointed at the recent mass meeting that they clear the air. and reduce i know he Is at the former plare. have reported In the bead resistance when traveling "tomach you may that CONTRACT LET eatlnS raor tnan he snou,d or of favor of placing the now road along at high speed Careful experiments For some time there have been ru some of food or drink not suit INDEPENDENT WEEKLY the foothills rather than by the sido on tlie continent ana cisewneie nave article STRONG, NEWS- mors and rumorg and rumors ed to his or his or A of the railroad rlpht of way. This, it proved the real saving of power thus age occupation, of new rail- constl- - PAPER FOR THE HOME. Ing the construction the Is considered, will he by far the most realized. It may be added here that that his bowels are habitually York - V- - Chamberlain's Stomach way financed by New capitalists desirable location an,l freer from dif- the engine Is of great lengt- h- ii feet Take ns Kan bow- - ann which Is to be known the tlcnlili s in the matter of right of way 2 Inches with a height to the boiler W Tablets to regulate the & Pacific rail-- 1 see Sixteen Broad sas City, Oklahoma disputes No decision has yet been center of about. ! feet and a total ,e!ji and Improve the digestion and Pages. road. ThlR line II Is understood. Is to If trouble not Ask A made regarding the route south of height of 15 feet. the does disappear. FOR $1.0.0 YEAR cross Now j the - a free Sold all 50 CENTS FOR SIX MONTHS Mexico, passing through territorial line, but it Is umler- Tlie high-pressur- cylinders have a for sample. by drug Muscogee, Indian Territory, striking stood that this will soon be settled greater volume than those of any gists. 25 CENTS FOR THREE MONTHS N. M., In that com- in about Santa Fe, thenct. and construction will soon other European locomotive, ineluding mence on Im- Two of or nailed THE WEEKLY EDITION a bee line to Yuma. Ariz., and from this most important the new Belgian engines, but the pieces cork glued at bottom of a frame will OF THE Yuma to San Diego, makliiK a direct provement. boiler pressure of etiglnes has the picture It out through line from Kansas City to the btten reduce,! to 30 pounds less than hold from the wall, and thus Pacific coast It is now said that the WATER STRUCK IN WASTE that of the most recent saturated prevent in a great measure the accu- - contract for building the line has al Water has been struck in wells steam locomot Ives of the Bavarian nHton of dust. I Republican, Constr- Springfield ready let to the Southwestern that are now being diu for fho Vie railways. The ratio of volumes, high-pressur- e A severe cold that may Into uction-company. A toiio Land and Cattle the to low develop (MASSACHUSETTS.) company, pressure cylindders, over a e pneumonia night, can be cured has been let to U. F. King, widely owners of the Armendaris land grant The ratio of volumes, high-pressur- nd THE known railroad builder of Oklahoma! In which a great part of the .loinado to low pressure cylinders, has, at the quickly by taking Foley's Honey Leading New Newspaper, a faithful recorder of the new to Tar. It will cure the most obsU.irte of well and Indian Territories. Bonds the j del Muerto is Included. For many same t'me, been decreased. The driv- that region, and giving as a comprehensive, intelligent summary and amount of 1(5,500.000 have already years it was thought that the stretch ing wheels are the largest that have racking cough strengthen your of the news of the world. Expressions of continued satisfaction form old lungs. The Is in a been issued and subscribed for. The J(f mesa land on the east side of the pressure to e cylinders, genuine yellow friends, and appreciative words from many new subscribers, are evidences package At O. G. Schaefer and Red trust deed was recorded last week 'Rio Grande between Stn Marclai and compounds on the European conti- that The Weekly Republican is fulfilling Its mission to give for a small Ok- - Cross Drug Co. with the secretaries of Indian and ;itineon and bounded on the west by nent. The principal object In the de- price an excellent newspaper, elevating in It tone, democratic in the on spirit lahoma teritorles. The mortgage the San Cristobal and Caballo tnoun sign Is high speed with a freight load, of Its editorials, and rich and varied in all Its departments. & Pacific Mr and Mrs. .f. M. and the Kansas City. Oklahoma jtalns and on the east by the San An for which the 32 tons maximum ad- Tennery The Weekly Republican presents in each Issue a carefully edited review railroad is held the Vnion and was son Jim of Ardniore are on an ex- by jdreas range absolutely waterless. hesive power will be fully adequate. of all the news of the week, special attention being always paid to New Planters' Bank of T.nn. It Ttie mesa is in- tended visit to points in Arizona and Memphis. about sixty miles from Compounding and superheating are England happenings. The system of grouping news, which makes The is for $66,500,000 . (north to south and front troduced end. New Mexico. Mr. Tennery Is pros- twenty to as contributing to this Daily Republican so highly prized by its readers, Is followed In the prepara- thirty miles from east to west and on while the total mechanical pecting. efficiency tion of The Weekly, and the result Is seen In Its handsome typographical STORM RUINS FRUIT account of the scarcity of water Is Increased at the cost of some few The of The NOTICE TO OUR appearance. literary features Weekly Republican are of ex- 4 5 Sun. thereon was called Mexicans CUSTOMERS. Between and o'clock lay af by the tons of weight extra, which has, ia ceptional quality and breadth. "Jornado del We are pleased to announce that ternoon. hail, coupled with one of the Muerto." Journey of large iwirt, been compensated for In Snbscribe for The If want ' and Tar for Weekly Repnbican you a newspaper that heaviest rains of the winter, struck Death the general design of the locomotives. oley's Honey coughs, colds and troubles Is gives a full, free, and Impartial discussion of political questions, that treats at Sin Jose and although Cylinders, high and lung not affected the valley pressure all subjects from the broad platform of the people's rights, and lasted but a few minutes, Inflicted SATISFIED WITH PEN lfl Inches by the National Pure Food and Drug preaches it respectively, a sane, healthy gospel of living. 3-- as no right a on the fruit raising Indus- The of commis- and 24 Inches 25 fi Inches; driv- law it contains opiates or other damage penitentiary by The Weekly Republican was established In 1824. The In 5-- harmful and we recommend Dally 1844, try which will be felt for some time sioners held a meeting at the peniten- ing wheels, diameter, 7 feet 5 8 In- drugs, t as a safe for children and and The Sunday in 1878, by Samuel Bowles. The subscription rates are. During the ten minutes of Its dura tiary at Santa Fe Tuesday, examined ches; boiler. Internal diameter. 5 feet remedy adults. At O. G. Scnaefer and Red for The Weekly $1 a year. Daily $3, Sunday $2. tlon the precipitation In rain and hall books and physical condition of 6 7 8 Inches; total heating surface, jthe Cross Co. Send for free specimen copies and address: was 14 of an Inch. The heavy storm the penitentiary, transacted routine 2.717 square feet; grate area 50.5 Drug of a few days ago practically mined business and adjourned Members square feet; boiler pressure. 205.8 Read the apricot crop, but some of the or of the committee expressed extreme pounds; total height of engine, 92.5 The Optic, THE REPUBLICAN: Springfie!d,riass. LAS VEGAS DAfl-- Y OPTir FRIF1AV f ADril - - . Prairie Met a f -- Hare fee roe hedge tku kiru the DUB STOli THIS OF las" ft that line wEl e Bospnjurrr of yegas LAS VEGAS PROGRESSIVE It s ejalt like any Goldsmith strain BUSINESS HOUSES A saodest flower cre! It flung itc perfume i the air' A Tkat sound a eajmakle tstable, parties little sloe. d at P&b-- In by aliuat T was Rofrrn CroBMwhltw, Bat tutfie one's - - guests, sit TRAOBLEY Tern Copjr- t-- P. Blauvelt r:i.nt thr- es y the Las - r tiOXTlUCTtifca ROBT. M. !H hare to let it Vena aatlllarv reeter- 9 k L ROSS go ay afternoua at the home ot lira. J ROLLER MILLS Planto and Moulding a Specially. A B North Eleventh H.UKCLTTEB Estimate Furnished flower it waa of beaoty rare" s,"n- - 31$ West Wars street, says St.. rr 1121 National A tOh, lord! That a worse itB StM,tB Time. S. C Schafer or venae. Las Vegas, SOf. aaJ FLOUR and FEED OW CtMMdl itmxm, KaMace 3i7 worse jw ia attendance and told of the tnof ita, LANDS AND Now shall I o -- eomiiare' or "fair" work Jon In connection with the To ftaUh oat the verse jSew Meaieo !Toty hospital. He 4o D. Wim atNhforUbie VOGT & LEWIS Ita aweet 'aeribed - W. CONDON SECURITIES heart. Wetwal beading the tents and their eoaatree- PLUMBING AND BEATIN low tion. four havlnr Urea erected COAL, eimmmtnrm lurmr Gatiaoiwd In Curwom MWl SkvWfeU leased on its lip a kiw (thmaeh the efforts of the local aua-- , Tin kud tird Hmttag- 1 think I certainly deserve Hilary. ThT hare been named the COKE. Corner of Grand and Douglas Avenue To get a hand on St nd.-take- Oliver. Reynold, and Colorado Pboa 213. Las New (his Warmhoumm Vegas, Mexico South Dmd- - Elmer R. Stoll deceHbed itoemgm Weatwinj for household Nil. stooped. It love to th. climate and of La goods and slake people S merchandise. Yard and ind of their and LAS VEGAS! tolj hoepfialltj warehouse, foot of Main ThoMoniozuma t lorn and night and noon The rreai generosity. Or. Johnson war SHAVWQ PARLOR Thomhill, Florist, nnnegan. for Heaven's ake Street. LUMBER CO. present and poke of hi Interest in Ffretf Don't whistle that darned tune-- i Ofltee. lloue. Ihue21 Cae WJe and hope for the welfare of the work. lrr S. W 41 V0mm Mmtb. Cut Flowers Always on 1 1 and "All through the mmim-r- . Cor. Plata. though un were aerred. A FRED heard. laer NOIETT, Prop. floral Deelf no For ilver offering: amotintlnc to I w They The New Cafe Building Material, Hard- Parties. etc pledge,! their love anew" taken In addition to this a contribu- Optic Funeral, (I wish I had aottie other word tion of Mrs. E. 8. IN ware Wall Foreign o.nd Domeetio Frvtte To t;i from Reynolds nST CLASS KVEUV KtlXT Paper, rhyme hack there with waa recHved. Roller "grew!") Eefrnlar Meal and Special Orders Paints, Oil and lis vejis Hilts, Las Vegas Phone 137 Cola, Phone 9S Meats 25 ceuts 21 Meals f.YH 4. R. "In autumn we will wed " said he. All should hear the "King of the Glass. SMITH, Pre Corner Bevtatk and Douglas And , show band at noon EVERYTHING CLEAN. NEW AND brought a rosy blush" aitle Ring" Poultry Nettlnr and Wholesale aad Ketall Dwiler la (I've Rot to work in something here Saturday. March S3. It Is aald to be Ul TO DATE. Wire. ' riOLmM,f02IIMLAI.ERAll About the twittering tbrui-- ) one of the best show bands travel MRS KATK Prop. Prices as low as the lowest. "His bade You WltlfillT, his sweetheart then good lng and well worth hearing. wheat ire IV. r. J?Zi night" make no mistake by atendlng the BtfbMt cut prtce iwidfo MIUIm Wheat Dmrbtr Shop and Oath (How much? Two Eiler's show CITY PARK DERBY AT verses more performance at night. OotoradoHMd Waat or gale Is ) tlouam Ton El said you need? R a is Dorado Hotel Thi, fright! always good. ta vcaae, n. m. Railroad Tickets I wish I'd known before!) NEW ORLEANS SATURDAY EUROPEAN PLAN. "In autumn then the EAST LA8 VEGAS POSTOFFICE. DouQht and Sold Westwlnd Dongtas Ave. Opp., Masonic Temple. came," Arrival and Departure of Malta. Electric Lights. Hot and Cold Water, (Now what will with C: a. m . OPERA BAR rhyme that? No. 3 arrives (5 bring mail The Great Event of the Sea- Bath rooms from week Oh. Racing $2.00 per up. ANO CLUB ROOMS yea!) "His bride the Flower to eafct of La Junta. claim" son at New Track Principal Topic No. 3 departs 6:15 a. m. Pouch for Among Horsemen. Chambers & Taul, Props. THE ANNEX (I call these two VINCENT Proa, lines pat.) Santa Fe only, mail closes 5:3 TtUWJt, "But lo! Hia sweetheart lay in a. m. Wines, and dust" New Orleans, Mann 15 The R. L BIGELOW Impcrted Liquors Cigars No. 1 arrives 1:50 p. m.. mall closes t;y THE VERY BEST No. 601 Railroad avenue. Opposite (I hate "Chill Winter's breath." Park Derby, the event of the 1:40 p. m. grat REAL STATE Railroad Depot But here (joes! If I must I new and must!) No. 9 arrives 6 So p. m , mail closes racing season at the track, will Wines, Liquors Cigars East Las Vegas, New Mexico, "His bride was wed with death!" 6:10 p. m. be run and has beea the S12 Avenue, lomorrow Douglas IN THE CITV "And that is why the Westwlnd sighs. No. 2 arrives p. m.. mall close principal topic of conviration East Las Vegas. Because his heart Is sore " m. EVERYTHING 1:40 p. among horsemen for many days. The ELECTRICAL. (I'd like to quit here, but I've got No. 10 arrives 12:10 p. m . brings field that will go to the post will To work in six lines more.) mail from El Paso and all pnlut ELITE BARBERSHOP be a classic one for a House Wiring "He's chanting dirges o'er his grave. between El Pano and Albuquer undoubtedly dotelEaPenshn j First-Clas- flower whom - s Service. Specialty. The death had won." que and Albuquerque and Santa winter meeting, many crack 3y'ar- rXROiKAN PLAN Polite, V W (Hi there! Here is that Sunday stuff! Fe. No mail dispatched via No. olds being eligible. The Burkw & Steam beat, baths, elertrto lights, hot WALSEN II LOCK. Thank goodness that is done! 10. O Nell combination Is admittedly a and cold water. Face Massage a Spcciatty, CHAS. O'MALLEV No. 8 arrives 1:35 a. m. mail closes strong one, Including Sir Toddlngton, J. E. MOORE. PROP. LEWIS 11UADY, Prop. Veru Phones ta or to) ; Colo Mais t The Champion Fool. 6:30 p. m. Gild and Judge Post, and it is con- There's fools of many kinds; there's Star Routes sidered certain that one of these fools Roclada dally except Sunday. Arrives horses will be In the money. Te That think they know It all; 1 p. m mail closes 7 a. m. rn aceo has been brought here from There's fools that Jaw all others Santa Rosa leaves Monday, Wednes- Los Angeles for the event and will when day and Friday 7 a. m. Arrives be heavily backed. Charley Ellison's stub They their toes and fall; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Yankee Girl is alo looked upon as There's fools that think that when 10:00 p. m. a probable factor in the race. hurt they're Chaperlto ieaves Monday, Wednes The present meet at the city park All other folks should howl; day and Friday 7 a. m. Arrives tracks will close tomorrow and on fools who There's think the sun's Tuesday, Thursday and Satur Monday the racing will again switch lost got day 5:30 p. m. to the fair grounds for the Crescent Each time the foul-- But "I weather's Mineral Hill leaves Tuesday, Thnrs city club's last meeting of the sea there's one kind of fool that's day and Saturday 7 a. m. Arrives son. A week from tomorrow the worse Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- Crescent city derby, with 110,000 Than all the rest excuse day 6 p. m. guaranteed, the rich plum of the Me fool he from the who boasts what F. O. BLOOD. Postmaster. New Orleans season, will be pulled Would do If could be - only off- - The Rosebud stakes for two- In some one else's shoes. olds will be run next Wednes STREET CAR SCHEDULE. year There's fools who go and drown them- car naa now In day. Good The street company selves horsemen are a schedule that alms to Many of the here Printing When says no they s'pose augurated in cam girls meet the demands of Las Vegas peo busily engaged planning They couldn't learn to love again which pie to the fullest extent Trains leave paigns for the Bennlngs meet, small loss They're goodness points named every fifteen minutes. opens March f. rne bad training knows! In fact a car can be found at any weather in the cast Is favorable to There's fools who think what they be given point on the track every fifteen the owners having strings here, as l One of tho First lieve minutes. It is that the hardened horses likely m Is all that's true; there's some Plaza 6:374 am from the winter tracks will have RoquMto ot Good bad Castaneda 6:45 am good chance of getting away with a BintncB Homo a.m The old world's end has come; St, Anthony's ....6:374 considerable portion ot the stake such as these. These cars continue fif- We'll have to bear with every money when the soft teen minutes all until pitted against I guess, but please excuse day easterners. how he evening, when the last car Me from the fool who tells While they openly Bcoff at the I can be had at Would rise if could only be an Plaza 10:47 2 m. crusade Just Inaugurated to put In some one else's shoes. p. Castaneda 11:00 p.m end to racing In Louisiana, the lo St Anthony's ...,11:074pm cal race track men are considerably Superstishus The car returning from the Sanl worried about the matter. The state Johnson. By Burges reaches Castaneda at anti-saloo- n and Protest- The tarium the the man what league Optic I a Onct went with 11:15 and goes direct to the barn.. ant ministers ot the state are the had a reel This schedule Is so complete and leaders in the movement and declare An hooks an' an' a fish takes in so hours of the fancy catgut many day their intention of putting the matte? made of steel; that citizens desiring to attend parties pole fairly and squarely before the next He never a single bite from early or functions in the evening may do so got For many years the law until and be sure of a car home. It is legislature. late. makers of Louisiana have been able lTTls the First Class Just cus he didn't take no stock In hoped the people will take advantage Only Printing this Issue, but it U likely on th' bait. of this effort to serve them. to dodge Mex- spitUn' that will soon be forced to de- House in this of New - Yes, he kin laff an' Jeer, but Where's they LjLn part NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. clare themselves. Meanwhile, tee his fish, I'd like to know! Department of the Interior, Land race track promoters are shaking la we are to Oh. I guess lots o' things is true 'at ico. prepared give Office at Santa Fe, N. M., March 7. shoes. haven't forgotten some folks say ain't bo! their They 1907. Notice is hereby given that what happened to the racing game In what want when horse-hai- r r you yovi Into th' oi'-e- D'Jever drop a Paz Dominguez of Villanueva, N. M.. Arkansas, Tennessee and yoi wat'rln'-troug- h has filed notice of his intention to states. want it. An" for weeks an' weeks leave It there make final five year proof in sup dranin of off? 'thout it port of his claim.viz: homestead en- GIVEN UP TO DIE. An' If use a human hair they say Consult us when want you try No. C848 made FVtriary 15. you anything It takes only 1902. for the SW 4 SE Sec. 34, Jes' half as long, but anyhow, it B. Spiegel. 1204 N. Virginia St. in the line. T. 11 N.. R. 14 E., lot 2, SW 4 printing turns 'em Into snakes! Ind writes: "For over five NE NW 4 SE 1-- 4 Section 3. An ef a feller don't believe one halt years I was troubled with kidney and Township 10 N, Range 14 E. and me the things he hears bladder affections which caused that said proof will be made before A darntn' needle comes along an' sews much pain and worry. I los flesh and the and receiver at Santa both his ears! register was all run down, and a year ago had up N. M. on 17, 1907. Fe April to abandon work entirely. I had three Our cook, she's superstishus, she's names the witnesses 13he He following of the best physicians who did me no scared as anythln' continuous residence to prove his good and I was practically given np Optic If someone spills a little salt or of upon, and cultivaton the land, to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was re- a . Domln-gue- s, pick np viz: Noberto Encinlas. Jose commended and the first bottle gave An when I was a kid Td walk down Jose Julio Domlngues, Jesus me great relief, and after taking the to th' gate an' back. N. M. Ma. Ortiz, all of Villanueva, second bottle I was entirely cured." An think that I was poisoned If my MANUEL. R-- OTERO, Why not let it help you? O. O. foot stepped on & crack! 3.51 Register. Schaefer and Red Crass Drug Co. I know them things Is silly I cross my heart, I do busi- 0155 came In from But I guess lots o' things is so 'at S. B. Dyer of Artesia Is on a Engine light some folks never know! ness trip to Texlco and Plalnvlew. the east this morning.

-- 1 lf' I ' saw-- IAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC FRIDAY, jjaRCII i. 1907. 'nareov lated that the Camas efUag was the bote of the reealt of a plot to interfere wtta the Our Goods and Prices eouse sfteetiBC of paiiUum-Bt- , Its parely ac i susssianuveb Garden Hose cidental character was clearly estab 'ARE We are in receipt harden tithed. Am examination showed thai just 5,W of bow. freh i bla4-in- ft Ceiling ef Assembly Reem Accideatijr the nH and other fasteaiasa, s from tbe and j Refer Session, factory ery guaranteed. I Orepe Causes the ceflinc to the rafters, had not atozwo men? ft J Wide Spread Wreckage. feeea replaced siace the time of Cath Trimon-o- & St. Petersbarg. March IS. The erine II, and broke under the weight Special Monday ctllicg of the kail In tbe Taartdge of new deeoratioaa. A terrible catas- Ws shall haw for the filling of your orders , My wamaUNl boa with ruUxrwabcrs palace, twr the lower boose of par trophe would have resulted if the fall SATURDAY MARCH, 16th andaauei jyaaoti spray nozzle , a4..o 'lfffiat aw. lipsed at o'eloc k had oeettrred darts s the session of ( Ptosis wrdes honored bat no staU order.) thW morning, causing wlde-spre- the house. The setfctoa was held to Port Limon Jumbo Bananas, Large Red Table wreckage, aawas the seats below. day In the rotunda at the entrance Thoega reators were eireu of the palace. Applet, Tangerines at 15, 20, and 25c Tart and Ludvjirj VJm. llfcfd, mbj Juicy Cooking Apples, Navel Oranges, at popular Drldge Street. prices. JOT every time do peo-- 1 pie like beef with a Head Lettuce, New Radishes, Sweet IVUUmm. bill, but here Beets and Carrota. Turnips ead Pwrauipa, they Oarley Lettuce, Vrmh Spiuage, Green Onions, Soap Bourne. Leek and Garlic, LOCAL NEWS POLICE COURT Pay the Bill N&w Irlah Potatoes without a kick because erder as The Fraternai ( Fkww early possible.. iirwUir&d A acrmpe occurred east of the get value received. a and aauce party this evela 1110 rallWMJ I . a. . . , at their hail for members and then ukm rciiToajr, out ; - IKE DAVIS. bo one was T. T. TURNER Irltudi. hurt. It was reported jffit'Jkf) that "Buck" CUUUs. colorvd. had at. Th Butcher aW. Tbe four crossin.s around the twupttd to shoot one of the children 5o9 6th Street plaza on the west side are being taa of Guadalupe Baca. Mr. Baca swore Mm Our Now Locctloo, with Com-- en up and new concrete crossing ,,. . thoy.lost ar to be put down In a short time. plsloUaocf Justice of Peace Brown and it was Siren to Marshal CLCOtW-HAN-D Ilfeld's baseball team fens been City lku Coles to Aetna HEW AND serve. BuMaa Association out practicing this week and expects Mr. Pays 6 cent to fcav a strong team for this sea- Cole, went to Child's home per FURNITURE serosa On Time and Loans and son. They are looking forward to the Santa e track on Main Deposits Money street found hi On Real HOUSEHOLD GOODS. gam with the Albuquerque team in and rKiit,.n. Improved Estate. tbe near future. rounded by a board fence seven or! We mrm prepared to attend to mil wants eight feet high, with no visible means of O. JOHNSON ana SON, Edwin F. Coard spent yesterday in entrance. After pounding J. this with friends on bis return aroung awhile, tbe officer scaled the 6th Opjfc Olty Hmll. OolOm 'Phono 288. city St., from Qulncy. Illinois, where ho ac stockade anj Just as be bad one leg companied the remains of his wife irosa mo top, M man stuck hU Browne & to their former home for burial. He head around tne edge of the door 01 ilanzaiiares Co. the left on th flyer this morning for little adobe building. Coleg then Santa Fe to resume his duties on the read the warrant to him. astraddle WHOLESALE GROCERS New Meilcan. the fence and when he bad finished, Ferndell Pure Foods dropped over and approached hu Seeds and Seeders The sock social at tbe Fraternal man and asked for his nun. Chllds Brotherhood hall laat tilirht h tt.. wem w nis doa room and took t Wool, Hides and Pelts. young of 'ron "nder his people the Christian church j pillow and handed All kinds of Native Products, , kin m- -A . . . .. Stand the Test was well attended. An excellent u u(u uu tiiuipaniea tne oiflcer drain Sacks, Hay Presses. was to the program rendered and refresh- city cooler. The prisoner Mexican Atnolc Soap. Of tbe Para Food Law which is sow In effect Ferndell Food wag Pure ments were served. A neat sum of decidedly under the Influence ot Wholesalers of Drus and Patent Medicines. money was raised the liquor, but told his escort he al- Include Fralta, Jams, Jellies, Canned Fish, Heats, etc by unique that High Explosives, Fuse and Caps. ways sobered up In twenty-fou- r hours. He Headquarters In the for Mrs. W. II. Thurmond and daughter wag given a hearing this morn- Territory before 'of Dtincanville. Ala., arrived in the ing Judge Brown, and was D. Boucher city yesterday and will remain at represented by W. J. l.ncas of the the sanitarium for awhile. firm of Bunker & Luca-s- . Guadalupe D The New Mexico Coffee Roaster Baca and one of the boys appeared flcRicuLTiiL Implements R. A. Love, a former resident of against the prisoner. Only the fath- y er could this city, now stenographer for Gen talk English, and testified for eral Superintendent It. J. Parker, wss both, there being no Interpreter calling on friends in this city Present I The caarge was "discharging a UXYEOAX I ALBUQUERQUE deadly weapon with intent to kill. Bo sure to attend the St. Pirrl;k Mr. Lucag said that his client plead ed KELLY & GO. Eve Dance tomorrow night at Hewn-that'- s guilty to diHcbartririL' den.liv GROSS, -- hall. ,i weapons within the city limits, tut "Keeping Everlastingly at it Brings access. not rr?, (INCORPORATED) guilty as to the Intent to kill. The W. It. Stendman has sold hla trans prisoner said that the boy had 1 secured ladder fer business to Bert Deal, who has a and was gazing over the top of his and he told WHOLESALE recently moved to this city from fence, that TUN DAD him to I TUCUMCARI Mattoon. III., to make his future get down, but the boy did not QM A H Q B MERCHANTS home. move. He says that he then went g if -- -- inside and got his gun and fired once Froth cholco Juicy fruit In the air, and the young fellow got SIZES: WOPL, HIDES, AND PELTS A SPECIALTY Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers have re down in a hurry. The child then peek returned from 96 in a box i Sol Alaota let tha cently Trinidad to ed through a knot hole and he fired make their future home In thl city. again, but this time in the ground. 126 in hav a box BAIN They gone to housekeeping at and when this shot was firej the boy WAGON 615 ) Washington avenue. disappeared. The Judge told the pris- 150 in a box HCOI I LOOAN I I EPR1S oner that he would Impose the light est fine r-T- 4-- Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Junc possible, and named five doll- Ooxesss ars. His SI.65 ii tion City, Kansas, who have been the attorney went his security Fruit to 15c each. and Childs was released. drape If I guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Byrne and Tangerines 15c doz. to 40c doz. SATISFACTION Buck" looks like a "Diamond Dick TS "toa term and In misrsnteelng It Id our uarmenw, we cover every detail of t ailnrtnir daiiRhter, Miss Sadie, for the past Lemons. We mean our Jr. ' He I eicUenee. that clothes must look well, tit mU. wear well and feel well, week, left on No. 1 Los wears a row of quarters eefote wak roti to aooept them. for Angeles Sul (Nad MuTTauorins aerrtce. let na you. afternoon. and shirt studs down the full length Jtjroaiav- please thlg 'f- I WT OH OVCKOOAT TO MtAURft8.BO AMD HIQHtR. of his shirt and leaves his hair grow 1. F. 'Anderson. Merchant Tailor. GIB Ooualas Ava. as long as possible. He also emu An account with the Plaza Trust lates In a way the popular paper- and Savings Bank Insures a H. peaceful backed hero, as he said that It would J. STEARNS, Grocer, old of rest and 3-- 6 LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE age plenty. have been easy to hit the knot hole with his when th hnv 602.604 Douglas Ave. The Cuban wire bhort Orders and Dinners phenomenal artist. was peeking through had he wanted 8 Regular Carlos Briseno, gave an exhibition at to. EST GOODS OBTAINABLE ALWAYS HANDLED Barber's hall, on the West side, laFt f3 to 1 evening a fairly good nousa. One St. Patrick's eve dance at Rosen of the features of the evening was a thal's hall Saturday .v.nin. ThtH boxing watch between Bill of s Russell will be a big affair. Sporleder-- or-- Pueblo and of Holland chestra will furnish the music. La-- N. Y., boh colored. They fought ten dies free. rounds, which was decided a draw ' Pure 'Mountain Ice by Referee Bill Lewis. Lewir. is a cable man from Denver working for FOR SALE. Special Sale the Colorado That Made Las Vegas Famous Telephone company in Of this city, and being an old-tim- e come- Cnneti Good. dian could not resist the temptation Six room house, bath, steam heat, of the board and climbed upon the large barn, 2 lots, on Hill. 3 Cans Plums for stage and recited a little piece which J ..25c 3 1 RETAIL PRICES brought down the house. Tomorrow Cans Grapes for ..25c Barber's there PRICE, $2900.00 evening at hall will be 2 Big cans Baked Beans for a big show, which commences at 8:30 25c Per 100 lbs. 2 Cans o'clock, also three boxing matches; Black Cherries for 25c Rooms - light weight, medium a for Kent on Plaza. 2 Cans 1. L'- or more weight and White Cherries for 25o "i 1,000 pounds each delivery . 15c Sr' heavy weight. W. E. 2 Cans as Miller, 617 Douglas. Red Raspberries for 25c 500 to 1,000 pounds, each , . 20c delivery 2 Cans for Ml Apricots 25c 50 to 200 pounds, each delivery . . . 25c Why not have your family washing 3 I ,ess than 50 pounds, each delivery . 40c Steaks and Roasts cut from our Kansas Corn Fed Rough Dried Steers ere unexcelled. r by ns? It's cheap and doea away with the nuisance at home. All sheets Better than Kansas City beef fed on Texas GUA PURA COMPANY nillow CJLM. towels. tAhln rlntho nanlrina mtn tmA. C V. i . . Range. u t ready to iron. We will be glad to send you pricelfct Office 701 vur lA'uuAiv ana worit ce Douglas Avenue oaifti, uufjt c&px beat anywhere. I n Graaf and Hayward The Las Vegsa Steam Laundry