No. 46 Series 6 August 2017 Annual General Meeting 2017 The Annual General Meeting of Dundee Bridge Club Ltd will be held on Wednesday 27th September 2017 at 7.15 pm. Any proposals for resolutions to be considered for the AGM should be with the Company Secretary in writ- ing (either email or letter) by 1st September 2017. Alice Cowieson Company Secretary
[email protected] ******* Thank You Sarah and I would like to thank all the members who contributed to the col- lection for our wedding, we were hum- bled by the generosity shown by you all. We would also like to thank the Board for the additional cheque which again was extremely generous. We had an amazing holiday and wedding. The day was perfect, although a bit cosy in my Kilt. Neil and Sarah. ******* DBC & Gift Aid As mentioned in the membership renewal article (see P3), you can sup- port the club by an extra £10.50 at no cost to yourself. As a charity, DBC can reclaim 25% of your club subscription through the government’s Gift Aid Scheme. Those of you who are tax payers will probably have come across this before and know all about it. But for those who don’t there are full instruc- tions on the membership renewal form. Also any Board member will explain the scheme to you. Please take a few extra moments to fill in the form and help DBC reclaim this extra income. Alice Cowieson Dundee Bridge Club (DBC) Membership Fees, Scottish Bridge Union (SBU) Subscription Fees and 150 Club 2017 - 2018 DBC Membership Fees and SBU Subscription Fees DBC membership fees and SBU subscription fees are due on 1st Sep- tember 2017.