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Newiviatmmideflfs. AW APPEESS OK FLOWERS BOAT CLUB's DINNER. BALL TALK P RICHARD SITE YACHT CLUB's NEW HOME TRIPS to WASHINGTON V, uei) WesMsr. IJatercd ss.Eeeoiid.CkH Matter at the Post- VOLUME LII, NO. 35. fflco st 8«d Bank, N. J., under the AeC of Sfsreb S. 1879. >RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES I TO 32. NEWIVIATMmiDEflfS. liliLVOUV HOSPITAL WOBK35B8. BALL TO BUY NEW APPARATUS. AW APPEESS OK FLOWERS They Will Hold » Covered Blub So- YACHT CLUB'S NEW HOME The Firemen of Holmdel Will Try to COIINC COSTUME BALL. ciable Next Week. JUJIVH5W SEEVICK ENBOIXS GABDENEHS TO HEAB TA1K BY AFFAIR HELD BY ST. VINCENT KENNEDV FHOrEKTY ON EAST Raise- $5,000. The members of tho BelforQ aux- tADIES' HEBREW SOCIETY TO BIG OPEKATION8 8TAI«i5t» AT JOHN A. KENNEDY. FRONT STBKET SOLD. At a meeting of the Holmdel (Ire warm IN TEN-HOUB COUHSB. iliary of Rlvofview hospital of Bed D^IPAUL SOCIETY. company last Thursday night the HAVE EVENT ltf MAKCH. BtlADEVKLT, Bank held their second meeting at matter of buying new motorized fire Instruction la Given In Aeroniarlne- Charles Rice Won First FriM at n the homo of Mrs. N. W. Salmon : a St. Jrimcfi Auditorium Comfortably large House and Lot Fronting on Ono of Red Bank's Largest Annual Recent Vluwcr Shovr Ifcld by Hoi- Filled Friday Night—Proceeds Used tho Street nnd the Shrewsbury apparatus wa3 considered, Various Ono Hundred 5len Are Employed , lilem I'lone, Which Was Design*! few days ago. Seven new members makes of engines were considered, Hoelnl Functions Will be Held Thlo rhoro and foundations Have Jte?n In Germany us ft Glider Shortly tlculturnl Society and He Received were received and this brought the By Oio Society, In Carrying on lllver Bought by tho Red Bank Year at tho Smolm Shop—Many a CnKiiro Ccrtlflcat«. Charity Work, Yacht Club for §25,000. but no selection waa made. Beforo rut Up for Seven Buildings—tu Alter tha War. membership to 23. Tho members deciding what kind of apparatus to Trlzcs Will be Awarded. ltcceivo Inmates Npst jr»U, The Alrvlow rfying service, opera John A. Kennedy of W. W- Ken- made 973 compresses at tho meet- The third annual charity ball un- Tho Red Bank yacht club has buy the firemen will try to raise ing. Tho next meeting will bo held The ninth annual ball of the Red With the advent of warm weather tors of tho Bed Bank airport, ha\'« nedy & Sons, florists, will give an ad der tho auspices of St. Vincent de-bought. Patrick F. Kennedy's resi- money to make the purchase. They Bank ladies' Hebrew society will bo dress on arranging baskets for did-Thursday, March 13th, at two o'clock Paul society of St. James's church dence property on tlie north ikle of will require about 55,000 'and dona- last week building operationaions gott imim« enrolled four new Btudenta In a tcn- at tho home of Mrs. William Van- hejd at tho Smoke Shop Wednesday ''"-wa<!er wayy in fulfulll owinj th k houi' flying course at a coat of $200 a rlny with cut flowers and plants at a held at ttjc parish school auditorium East Front street, almost directly tions will bo asked from tho people ftight, March 10th. Music for danc- ,, M..,..*i utor,i thvile WU1worKk meeting of tho Monmouth county Merebeke. A covered dish sociable Friday night was a social and.finan- opposite Spring street, for a club of Holmdel and vicinity. The appar- of building tho now «latt» hoapltnl student. This couruo was announced will be hold Thursday afternoon, ing will bo supplied by the Smoke by tho flying aorvlco for the first tlma horticultural society at Red Men's cial BUCCCBS and was pronounced by house. Tho price was $25,000. This atus now used by the company is Shop orchestra and the dance near Bradovclt. Fountlatlona were hnll at Rumso'n Thursday night, March 6th, at two o'clock at tho those attending as the most pleasing will be the Hist clubhouse to be antiquated and tho firemen »ay they niado for seven bulldlngn, includltia at the recent New York aeronautical homo of Mrs. Gcorgo Morris. program will be interspersed with exhibition. The new etudente aro March l?th. affair yet held by the society. The established on land by the yacht could do more effective work with entertainment. Many awards, ., in-six dormitories and an oleetrle ChnrleB Rice, a member of tho so- hall was comfortably filled by danc- club. From Ita organization In 1880 an up-to-date machine. cluding several go]dpif;ces, will bo power house. Abuut 100 men ara nt Clarence Sproul of Keypqrt, C. J work and thla number will bo ete»d- Macintosh and Sidnoy Huoy of Mat- ciety, won first prize at tho last meet- ers and onlookers who enjoyed the to the present tinio tho club has offered as costume and door prizes. ing by scoring the moBt points In a musical numbers well rendered by always had a floating cluhbouse on The ball Is one ot Red Bank's largest i)y employed except during, cold awan and John U Winston of Gfad- Benny Nathason'a San nemo or- tho Shrewsbury river. The property weather In tho winter when con- stono. flower exhibit. Mr. Rico received a BOAT CLUB'S DINNER. annual social events and many beau- culture certificate for an exhibit of chestra, bought from Mr, Kennedy extends tiful costumea are displayed as well struction work Is Impossible. Dur- In the new course tha students re- from Front street to the Shrewsbury TRIPS TO WASHINGTON. ing the present winter a great deal ceive Instruction in an Aoromirino- carnation "Radlolite," with which be OVER 175 AT MONMOHTH BOAT Tho program of, dances consisted as original and humorous attire. The scored 05 points. The carnation is of sixteen numbers of three parts river. It has a frontage of D8 feet usual attendance ia about 400 andof grading and exbavatlng was done. Klom plane, for -which tho Alrvlow CLXm AFFAIR. on the street and 48 feet on the river, DATES SET BY SENIOR HIGH The ofilclal name of tlie iww hos- people have the New Jersey distrib- an origination of Charles II. Totty of each and tho features of the dance the receipts amount to about $1,000. Madison. Other exhibits made by Mr. numbers were the Paul Jonea andand is 365 feet deep. The house has SCHOOL CLASS. pital is the New Jersey Btato hospital utorship. Aviation puplla progress It Was tho 5151 Annual Washington's fifteen rooms. The sale, wan made Mrs. Herman Heller to chairman of Hillsdale. The entlro preprint more rapidly perhaps In thla plane Rico and the points awarded for grand march. The grand march Waa of the ball committee and her as3lst- each aro myoaotis 75, carnation "Bet- Birthday Dinner—Many of tho led by President and Mrs. Thomas direct by Mr. Kennedy, Carl F, One Group Will CJ» In May 1st, 2d calls for tho construction oftforty than in many of tho other ships Cucsta Spent Most of tho Day nt Kchwenknr representing the boat cnts are Mrs. Samuel Schwartz, Mra buildings at a cost of $0,000,000 It made today. The average student IB ty, Lou" 88, carnation "Senator" 80, h. Little and General Chairman and niid 3d and the Other Group on "iamuel Berkowitz, Mrs. Lci?n Reuck- end carnation "Laddie" 90- - Clubhouse—New Building I'hmncd Mrs. David F. Sheridan. The lead- club In the transaction. May 8th, Oth and Kith—Hl-Y Elec- will refiuire about four years to do ablo to solo a Klem after five hours baus, Mrs. Harry Mclstrlch, Mra. I hid work, but it is expected that the * of Instruction. One at tho Klcm'a ' Thomas Head received 85 points Over 175 members and guests at- Ing couples led the dancers through Mr, Kennedy's property waa owned tion—Other School News. Harry Belgrade, Mra. Samuel Lefko- a regular old fashioned grand march for a Jong time by tho late Judge llrat group of buildings will be ready outstanding advantages Is Its' lowfor an exhibit of Mra. Sallna daffo- tended tho 51st annual Washington's May 1st, 2d and 3d, and 8th, Ctll witz, Mrs. Lena Heilcr, Mrs, Jacob for uao late. In the summer. All at cost of oporatlon. It has a lowf land- dils, SO points for calendula, SB points birthday dinner of tho Monmouth culminating in sixteen couples march- Harry Badeau, It is located between Golden and Mrs. Benjamin Adlor. Ing abreast and being met In front snd 10th have been selected aa the them will be enclosed, with brick. Tha Ing speed, Is easily controlled anl for white sweet peas, 90 points for boat club held In the clubhouse on the Nevius and Hendrlckson proper- The society was formed fifteen of the auditorium stage by Rev, John ties. Mr. Kennedy bought the prop- dates for the annual Washington nrst inmates will be received In tho maneuvered, has unusually clear visi- anemone and 85 points for carnation tho river Saturday afternoon. To tiips of the Red Bank high s'chool years ago by a dozen Jewish women fall. The lioonltal is being built under bility and 1B regarded by ,/xperts ftn"Laddie." Charles Davison received many of the older members of thoB. McCloskey, tho rector. Following erty several years ago from Mrs. Ba- tho grand march tho dancers and senior class. In accordance with the under the leadership ot Mrs. Samuel the direction of the New Jersey utata telng tall-spin proof. TJ>s wings can 88 points with a cyclamen plant, 70 club thla event Is a pleasant reunion.
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