
uei) WesMsr. IJatercd ss.Eeeoiid.CkH Matter at the Post- VOLUME LII, NO. 35. fflco st 8«d Bank, N. J., under the AeC of Sfsreb S. 1879. >RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES I TO 32. NEWIVIATMmiDEflfS. liliLVOUV HOSPITAL WOBK35B8. BALL TO BUY NEW APPARATUS. AW APPEESS OK FLOWERS They Will Hold » Covered Blub So- YACHT CLUB'S NEW HOME The Firemen of Holmdel Will Try to COIINC COSTUME BALL. ciable Next Week. JUJIVH5W SEEVICK ENBOIXS GABDENEHS TO HEAB TA1K BY AFFAIR HELD BY ST. VINCENT KENNEDV FHOrEKTY ON EAST Raise- $5,000. The members of tho BelforQ aux- tADIES' HEBREW SOCIETY TO BIG OPEKATION8 8TAI«i5t» AT JOHN A. KENNEDY. FRONT STBKET SOLD. At a meeting of the Holmdel (Ire warm IN TEN-HOUB COUHSB. iliary of Rlvofview hospital of Bed D^IPAUL SOCIETY. company last Thursday night the HAVE EVENT ltf MAKCH. BtlADEVKLT, Bank held their second meeting at matter of buying new motorized fire Instruction la Given In Aeroniarlne- Charles Rice Won First FriM at n the homo of Mrs. N. W. Salmon : a St. Jrimcfi Auditorium Comfortably large House and Lot Fronting on Ono of Red Bank's Largest Annual Recent Vluwcr Shovr Ifcld by Hoi- Filled Friday Night—Proceeds Used tho Street nnd the Shrewsbury apparatus wa3 considered, Various Ono Hundred 5len Are Employed , lilem I'lone, Which Was Design*! few days ago. Seven new members makes of engines were considered, Hoelnl Functions Will be Held Thlo rhoro and foundations Have Jte?n In Germany us ft Glider Shortly tlculturnl Society and He Received were received and this brought the By Oio Society, In Carrying on lllver Bought by tho Red Bank Year at tho Smolm Shop—Many a CnKiiro Ccrtlflcat«. Charity Work, Yacht Club for §25,000. but no selection waa made. Beforo rut Up for Seven Buildings—tu Alter tha War. membership to 23. Tho members deciding what kind of apparatus to Trlzcs Will be Awarded. ltcceivo Inmates Npst jr»U, The Alrvlow rfying service, opera John A. Kennedy of W. W- Ken- made 973 compresses at tho meet- The third annual charity ball un- Tho Red Bank yacht club has buy the firemen will try to raise ing. Tho next meeting will bo held The ninth annual ball of the Red With the advent of warm weather tors of tho Bed Bank airport, ha\'« nedy & Sons, florists, will give an ad der tho auspices of St. Vincent de-bought. Patrick F. Kennedy's resi- money to make the purchase. They Bank ladies' Hebrew society will bo dress on arranging baskets for did-Thursday, March 13th, at two o'clock Paul society of St. James's church dence property on tlie north ikle of will require about 55,000 'and dona- last week building operationaions gott imim« enrolled four new Btudenta In a tcn- at tho home of Mrs. William Van- hejd at tho Smoke Shop Wednesday ''"-was wings can 88 points with a cyclamen plant, 70 club thla event Is a pleasant reunion. tlcau and ho haa spent about $7,000 In Becker, now ot ISaat Orange, to sup- friends were escorted to the school improvements to the house. method adopted last year all the boys department of institutions and agen- bo detached from the/body In leai points for calendula, 80 points for Some'of tho guests spent most of the will go on one trip and all the girls port tho Red Bank Hebrew school cies and it will bo operated, by thla than flvo minutes, /r anemono and 80 points for berberlu. doy In tho clubhouse ploying games cafeteria whero a supper was served Tho club will take possession of by ladies of the parish. on the other ttrip, but It has not yet end Jewish Sunday-school. Another body. The patients will bo mentnl Tho Klom wa^'dcBlfjiied In Oer Robert Curran received 88 points for and talking over old times. The the property April 1st. Work will been decided which group will go purpose was to conduct the social defectives who are curable. All the; many ea a EU4er shortly after tho an exhibit of Cam'ella roses, Joseph clubhoueo was decorated with yacht- The proceeds of the affair will go be started immediately to remodel first. There arc about 1G0 pupils in v.ork of the Red. Bank Jewish com- buildings which they occupy will ba •\torld war jsrul later a ten horoo Kennedy received 88 points with an Ing pennants, including tho pennant into the charity fund of the society the house. Plans have not ypt boen this year's class. munity center. connected by tunnola, which w!|» pic power motor waa Installed. Tills mo- exhibit of carnation "Betty Lou" and emblematic of tho championship of which was formed- "to sustain its completed, but among tho features 'cnt exposure to Inclement weathef, Percy Hicks received 90 points with North America which was recently members by mutual example In thedecided upon are a grill and restaur- At the junior high school assembly Mra. Samuel Schwartz is president tor was supplanted by a twenty last Friday morning Harry Klatslty, oE tho organization and the other of- All the pipe will bo in tho tunnels, horsopowor motor and tho ship wa an exhibit of daffodil "King Alfred." won by tho North Shrewsbury ice- practice of Christian life, to visit the ant, a billiard room and several re- "iver tho tunnels will be sidewalks, ' boat and yacht club from the Long poor at their homes, to carry to them ception rooms. A dock over 100 a graduate of the high school, gave ficers are: used extensively for carrying passen- Anthony Schumann of Eumson a talk on "George Washington." Mr. Vice president—Mr«. Herman Heller. and Henry Woods of Elberon are now Branch club. A full course turkey succor In kind and to offer them re- feet long will bo built and tho pres- The state bought 800 acres of land gers and mall. It won several econ- dinner was'served. Music was pro- Klatsky Is now a lawyer. Tr«amu-er—Mm. Isnac Richmond. .t Bradovelt for the hospital and th» omy and low powered contests. Tho members of tho organization. ligious consolation." Tho society ent clubhouse will be anchored at ReeorOJnjr secretary—Mra. Harry Fcldt. piano was Introduced In America at vided by Hackett's orchestra. meets every Sunday night at eight the end of the dock. The Improve- Judge Fred G. Bale of tho Juvenile Financial secretary—Mra. Leon Reuck- buildings will bo spread out over a this; stage of development and Its, Augustus M. Minton, president of o'clock. It has done an exceedingly ments will cost about $1S,000. The court of Columbus, Ohio, "made an tiflus. wide area. Thcro will be houses foi* construction was taken over by the the club, acted as toastmastcr. Mr. largo amount of. charitable work in clubhouse will bo 2-eady for uso next address on the subject "Tomorrow's Corresponding secretary—Mra. Samuel tho physicians and employees nnd Aeromarlno factory at Kcyport, tho Minton and George W. Bray, chair- thla vicinity since its organization a summer and will no open the yeur Citizens Today" at the assembly ex- Gicenbiatt. there will be barna for farm uac< proprietors of which eaw the possi- men of tho dinner committee, re- few yearn, ago. round. With a permanent home on ercises'Monday morning. Trustees—Mrs. Samuel Cohen. Mrs.'Sam-Most of tho land will be used fop land near tho business center of The New Jersey telephone com- mi Berkowitz. Mrs. Benjamin Hurwiti and dairy farming. Corn will bo planted bilities of tho Bhlp as a training and p PELATTJSH MAKES A ferred to the proposed new building Tho officers of the society are: Mro, Benjamin Adlor. uport plane. Tho plane haa boon lm- tho club plans to erect. Reference President—Thomas V,.Little, Red Bank the officials are anticipat- pany will give a demonstration on in tho, spring and cnttlo will bo put jiovod in tho last two years until NEW CEMENT BLOCK. was also made to tho efforts being Vlcp president—Hugh J. Philllpo. ing a largo increase- in membership Friday morning of this week at the on tho farm In tho fall. Haray" threo successful models aro now on made by Congressman Hoffman and Secretary—WU'iam J. Rynn. this year. The clubhouse will be Junior high school. Sickles, formerly of Wiekatunlt, will tho market, they being forty and six- lie and a Cntriford Man Who) Is As- Senator Sterner to secure a deeper Trcnaurcr—George H. lUlw. the headquarters for the frew officers of tho boys' Hi-Y be tho farmer for tho stato. His, ty horsepower land planes and a sociated With Him Are Gottlng channel in tho Shrewsbury river, Spiritual director—Rev, John B. Mcregatt- a next summer. group are Herbert McClees president, DIVIDEND FROM AIRPORT. moved on the place kst week. This ninety horsepower amphibian, all of Royalties from Manufacturers Wbo which would prove a great boon to Clcekey. Officers of the yacht club aro Ger- William Russell vice president, Jack week six automobile trucks and a, Aro Making the New Blocks. boating. Delford Fisher, skipper of The- committees of the, ball were: Strode secretary and Edward Mulli- Easolino shovel arrived on the pro[i« which havo bcon approved by tho do ald C. Holbrook commodore, Thomas FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION erty for uso in road building «nct jiartment of commerce. tho Pirate, which won the two races General chairman—David F. Shoridnn. 5. Field, Jr., vice commodore, Wil-gan treasurer. J. 'William Helm, Rollln Dclatush of Brown place, at Long Branch, made a few re- Kcccptlon—Thomas L. Little, George H. principal of the River street school, WAS PROFITABLE. grading. Red Bank, and a resldont of Cran- liam J. Duncan rear commodore, Valentino VanKouron, secretary of marks in which ho expressed appre- RCISB, Peter F. Lang, John Sagurton, Ed- Clarence A. Legg secretary, Carl F. will give a talk on "The Three C's In Tho George H. Evans company at the Bed Bank airport, spoko on theford havo Invented a new typo of ward H. Br.asch, T. Raymond Hountl^an, Life" at today'a meeting of the group Jcjonrd of Directors of Alrvlew Fly- ciation of Georgo Buppert and Jerome J. Sloyan, Georare Kaney, Patrick Schwenkcr treasurer and Thomas Philadelphia ts tho contractor.' Vtti, Aoromarlne-Klem piano last night at waterproof cement blocks which ha3 George Glllg, owners of tho Pirate. and.on March 4tii Rev. Edmund Ing; Service, Incorporated, Declared Lauterbahn is the Held engineer for) yielded considerable sums in royal- Armstrong, August SchweerB, Jamcu A. G.6. Crews, Jr., fleet captain. a meeting of the men's chapter of St. Remarks were also made by Mayor Wise, B. M. Seifcrt. Harry Brady, HIsh Chaffec of New York will speak be- a Dividend of Threo Per Cent Last the state. J. A, Grant Is superintend* Luke's Methodist church at Long ties for them. Tho two inventors are At a meeting of the ot Week—Two New Directors Elected. William H, R. White and Jonas Tu- 'Philips, David LeHoy, John P. Gaul, John -tecs recently Jacob Slegel of Rurn- fore the boys' and girls' groups on cnt of construction. Clarence Don* Branch. __ employed us architects by H. E. men, tho newly appointed prosecutor Ci\>lon, James P. Dodd, John J. Trovers, the topic "Some Industrial Prob- ley is building inspector and Hortiertt Brady of Newark, and (hoy perfected E:on was elected chairman for '11)10, At the last meeting of the board of of Monmouth county. Mr. TumenWilliam J. Ryan, Edward McDonojfirh, K(l- He has been a member stneo 1*338 lems." directors of Airview flying service. In VanVoorhia Is clerk. , EAGLE CLUB FESTIVITIES. their Invention during • their spate pialsed tho Monmouth boat club very ward O'Flahcrty, Edison A. Buckley,'John time after several months of experi- H. Itollan,' Matthew J. Dsnnin. John J. The meeting was hojd at a luncheon Tho high school has received Ha corporated, which concern owns the highly for the publicity it has given Cnrberry, David . F. Sheridan. Ucv. John tendered to the trustees by Mr. Sle- charter in the nulluual honorary so* Red Bank airport, a dividend of ltepubllcan Victory to ba Celebrated ments. Tho new block has been Red Bank and .said it 'was a great AN ORGAN CONCEHT. ' named the TrI-Scal cement block. B. McCloaltey and Rev. Charles Doyle. gcl. Other members of tho bo-ird ciety, an organization which em- three Tereent was declared. So far With n Banquet and Dance. asset to tho town. John W. Cantil- nrp Clai-oneo E. Fisher, George J. bodies high standards of loyalty, as tho officials of tho company know One of the chief difficulties, of co-lion, the clab MWBMSftTBatted fa* a Program—Joan Sa?urtpn, chairman. County Organization to Give a J?ro»< Tho" Eaglo Republican club of 1 Rotrcahrncnts—John P. GauT, chairman. Gilllg, Clark Holbrook, Andrew.. J5,. .scholarship and achievement. the Red Bank airport ia the only ono gram at New EKmnouth. Kcd Bank will hold n banquet and ment block construction Is that tho silent tribute In memory of .Tampa Floor—T, Raymond Hounihan, chairman. Murray, Inglls M. Uppercu. Gcroid , Miss Adeline Reed, teacher of fn the country today to pay'a'divi- danco Thursday night, March 6th, Inner walls often become damp when B. Weaver. He also referred to the Decorations—John J. Travers. chairman. C. Holbrook, Thomas S. Field. ,lr, journalism at the high school and dend at thd end of the first year's A concert under tho auspice® 6£ at half-past seven o'clock at the Els-, subjected to driving storms. The absence of Joseph Applegate because Door^—Peter F." Lang, chairman, c William J. Duncan, Clarence A. Iiet.g faculty advisor for the Round Table, operation. tho Monmouth county chapter o£> tin block which- Mr. Dclatush and hisof the death of his wife. This waa Ladies* reception committee—Mrj. Thom- and Carl F. Schwcnker. ; Two new members were added to natiorjal association of organists;wilt ner cafeteria at the corner of Bridge i L. Little, chairman. has teen chosen state president of nvenuo and West Front street. The friend Invonted overcomes this diffi- tho first dinner Mr. Ap.plcgato hai the Quill and Scroll, the national the board of directors. They are Wil- be held -next Tuesday fivenlni *fc culty by having an outward slant on Plans aro progressing for tha. uao of the cafeteria haa been do- ever ml3sed. Mr. Minton presented A forty-eight page advertising pro- Gold Cup regatta August 16th arid honorary society for* high school liam Barclay Harding and Sheldon T. eifirht o'clock at the New Monmjjntfe, nated, Tho banquet and danco will fino sldo which turns the water away tc tho club a life size photograph of gram liberally patronized by Red journalists. polcman. The directors in addition Baptist church. It will bo Urohwja from the building. It Is said that the 17th. The club recently offered a bo given to celebrato tho Republi- tho lato Dr. Edwin Field, organizer Bank and Monmouth county flrnis trophy through tho American Po,ver to tho two just elected arc John F. of J. Stanley. Farrar, organist and new blocks havo received many thor- of the club^ Pqter J. Eichclo andand individuals helped,,^ In a large, The freshman class play waa given choirmaster of St. George's church eg can victory in Monmouth county Boat association to be raced for each a few days ago under the direction Casey, J. Ford Johnson, George M, last fflll. Tho advance sale of tick- ough tests and that they ore water Tony Hunting- also mad» brief re- measure to swell the netTproceeds of Dexter, E. D. Bransome, Theodore D, ICumson nnd vice president of 'th» year in the national sweepstake race of Mrs. Howard Manning, class ad- 1 ets Indicates an attondanco of about proof. • . marks. Entertainment waa furth- e affair, ; Parsons, Edwin Stewart 3d, Valentine Monmouth county chapter; H. WgU* nished by Punjab, a magician ap- to bo held annually at Red Bank. visor. William Sweel played the part ing MacCormack, organist of tit® 300 persona. Many Republican coun- Mr. Delalush and his friend mot This event together -with tho 151of a convict, Robert McKnight did a VanKeuren,. Howard S. Borden, ty leaders havo. been invited to at-with an unexpected obstacle after pearing at the Hunting theater. (Charles 13. Harding, John J. Boyd, New Monmouth church; and.Mrs, championships of America will be tap dance, Hope Berlaw gave a song, Mabel Northcott, a soprano, memlel? tend. John DIFIore; tho organizer they perfected the block. The ma- held during tho regatta. Charles Scheldt acted as a clown, Jr., W. Strother Jones, Jr., and Ber- TALK P RICHARD SITE non S. Prentice. George M. Dexter is of the New Monmouth church choir. and president .of the club, has ap-chines U3cd for making ordinary ce- Tho Red Bank Yacht club was or- Lester Berkowitz gave his version of pointed a committee to tako ohargo ment blocks were incapable, ot mak- ELK'S AUXILIARY MEETS. chairman of the board and Edwin ; The program follows: ,' > ganized September 19th, 1800.. Among Paul Revere, Olga Sohwcnkcr gave a Organ aolo', Choral prelude, "Our F»th« of tho festivities. The members of ing those of tho new type. A great Y. M. C. A\ SECRETARY TO AB- Russian dance, George Max^Icld and Stuart 3d, is chairman of the execu- Social nnd Business Meeting'Held tho charter members .were Thoims tive committee. , Who Art In Hcnvon" J, a, t) f!| tho committee arc John Vaccarclin, deal of experimenting had to bo dono Byrnes. Daniel F. Cooney, Edmund Mark Bcrlow impersonated Amos a Philip Mozzuroppl, Albert Carlozsl before a machine waa made to man- Lnst Wednesday Night, DRESS EXCHANGE CLUB. Swrnno nolo, aria "With Verdure CM." O. Fraser, George J. Gillig, John G. nnd Andy, June Johnson and Doro- The officers aro John F. Casey from '"i'ho Creation1:... Jtwtph Ilayiia. Joseph Schcna, James Bruno, Sam- ufacture tho new typo blocks, but Tho regular monthly social and Gillie, Ferdinand Goebcl, John B. thy Woolley gave vocal solos and uel Colosimo, Domtnlck A. Mazzn, eventually one Was perfected. Sinco Donald Hand and Harrison Johnson, president, J. Ford Johnson first vice OiEim BOIO, "Lament" ' C»rl MtfCtnleSf busings meeting of the ladies' auxil- Stato President and State Secre- Haskln, Charles A. Hickey. Adolph Ealph Ribuatelli took tho part of a president, Valentino VanKeuren sec- OiKan nolo, "Ia Cathedrulo Enitloutle'\. Carlo DIPaolo, Peter Galasal, Joseph that time Mr, Delatuah and his iary of tho Red Bank lodge of Elks warden. James Leddy, president of friend have sold royalties to various tary of the Club, Visited Bed Bank G. Hupfel, Anton C. G. Hupfcl, Clms- ond vice president, E. D. Bransome Clauda Bebusa^ Falmicrl, Ernest DiFlore, Thomas was held at tha home last Wednes- topher G. Hupfcl, J. Christopher G. the class, was the announcer. Soprano solo. "Avo Mnrl8"...,Fred BsrtaW Mazzaroppl and Frank Puglisl, concoina to manufacture tho block*!. Last Week. treasurer, Theodore D. Parsons sec- day night, Mrs. Frank Wcinhelmcr Hupfcl, William H. KIcnke, Franci3 •etary and Valentino VanKcuren as- Soprniio solo. "Ecca ranls"..Ca«iar Krajlck Tho two young Inventors havo no In- and Mrs. John Kwik of Highlands Richard T. Smith, secretary o£ the 0i'*an solo, "Chorals in A Minor" Tho club haa gained many now tention of making tho. blocks them- Merges, Andrew B. Murray, George sistant secretary and treasurer. Mr. mombers of late. On this account and Mrs. Walter B. Connor of RedRed Bank Young Men's Christian as- E. Ruppert, Jacob Ruppert, Col. Ja- GIVE $55 TO HOSriTAL. iasey, is manager of tho airport and ^ _ ^ Ocaar Frsne*5 selves. They will continue their work Bank • wero hostesses. Cards were sociation, will bo tho principal speak- Oj i it has been obliged to rent larger as architects. cob Ruppert, Thoodoro W. Sillcocks, Mr. VanKeuren Is secretary. quarters In Mooso hall at tho corner played and prizes wero awarded to er tomorrow night at the weekly Edward C. Schaeffer, Frank A. Shcr- Red Bank Hebrew Society Realized Ycnduo at Holmdel. 1 meeting of the Red Bank Exchange In 1920 the area of the flying field of Pearl and Wallace streots. Tho first dealer in cement blocks Mrs. Richard McAllister, Mrs. Ed- ood, John Wagner, Otto Wagner, tho Money at a Card Party. was increased from thirty to 200 An administrators' oala of tha llv« to manufacture the now type blocks ward Crtfar, Mrs. William Mason, club at tho Globe hotel. stock, crops and other personal prsjv Donald. Hand of Elizabeth and John Wagner, Jr,, Dr. William B. The Red Bank Young Men's and :acres. Ail of this has been cleared is a dealer at Irvington. He finds u Mrs. Mario Weber, Mrs. William Warner, Frederick W. Woerz and Young Women's Hebrew association off and leveled, Thla year the newcity of tlie late Charles Edward T1I- Divorce- Granted. great demand for the blocks and he Haag and Mrs. Walter B. Connor. Harrison Johnson, stato president ton of Ilolmdol will ba held nest Wlnno Archer Smock of Red Bank and state secretary of the Exchange William N. Worthley. Christopher donated $55 last week to Rivervicw ecctton will be gra3ed and planted s turning them out at tho rate of Sandwiches, cake, coffco and Ice G. Hupfel was commodore the 0r3t hospital. The money was realized re- ivlth gras3 seed. To aid in night fly- Tuesday. It will bo hold oil the Tll« has been granted an absoluto divorce C.SOO daily. Benjamin Farry of Oak- cream wero served. The next meet- club, mado tholr annual official visit ton farm on the Holmdel-Scobeyvllta year. cently at a card party of which Miss Jng red warning lights will bo put on 1 from her husband, William Stllwoll hurst is another manufacturer of tho ing will bo held next Wednesday to. the Red Bank club last Thursday read, with George II. Roberts of New Of tho charter members those who Ruth Fischer waa chairman. A pro- electric light poles and other hazards Smock, also of Rod Bank. Tho final new blocks. The state of New Jersey night. night. Forty men attended tho meet- in the vicinity of the field. Monmouth a3 the auctioneer, Iho clceroo wan Issued on Saturday, Feb- ing and Hand spoko on the valuo of aro atill active members are Adolph gram for- the coming summer was ar- 1E now haV ..g tho new blocks made ranged at a meeting last week at sale will begin at noon. ruary 15th, and tho custody of the by prisoners at a plant which Is con- the "service clubs and tho growth of G., Anton C. G., Christopher G. and The airport o/llcials ,are contem- A NEW KAIlKUiR AT HOLMDEL, tho Exchange organization In NowJ. Christopher G. Hupfcl, George which time plans were made for the0, 35 wUlo variety of choice dishes, special- accounts and checks collected. BW ing cakes, biscuits, puppy crumbles, chick Utters, founts, feeders, etc. to 60 $10; benefits after six months A SIS H'nvo for ?S.0». izing In broiled chicken, chops and onil iil.'ilit ecrvloa, Juotlco Kluicr O. ' mcala and canned mcfitR. Dog rom- Noilcp. MOBI complete line of chick supplies and K00 »t denth. For further in- Young Mnn's Wrist Broken. Do you wish u beautiful and real steak dtnnnra, and dcliciouu club and WalnrlKht. 4 Patterson Bvonilu {new Oil account of Red Ennk'o Special offered In tho county. Always In shlckcn sandwiches. Wo cater to Broad «treot). Shrawnbury, N. J., t«S#* • CHIIOS, fionpn, Hoa powders nnd brush- r formation noo cither Frank Mulvl- Hubert Flcctl, POII of lSdwln C permanent wave? Make im oppoint- PB. Most comploto line over 'offered i aluo DHIH Thursday, Frldny anil Sat- Btock. Quick service. Fred D hlli, financial occrotaty, or Ralph lired of Tinton l''al!;j, is Inid nj» with nirjit with tlie Sjiiiniah Beauty miloh. banquets i!iid ull f'oclnl affairs. Como. phono \. At R* Uroad air««L K«4 in Monmouth county. Fred D. urday, nnd In order to glvo our cus- Wikoff Co., Red Bank, N. J Ad- Santangolo, chief ranger.—Advertise- a broken right, wrist. Ho met with Their well-known experts will delight, take advantage of our excellent facil- Bnnli, by appointment only.—4ilw»" Wlkoff Co,, Red Bank.—Advortlac- tomers n real good value, wo will vertisement. ment, you with wonderful and guaranteed ities. Trli-i.honc Red Jlnnlc i'JUB for tlaomeiiL ment. contlnuo our anle of 20% off until tiii3 injury last week whtln ho wasWit. Phonft Red Bank 2342, 1)0 rc3crvation3--Adv(MtlFinnient. Saturday, March lot on nil purchnnco Tho Ilpst In Service, For Afternoon- Weddings. crnnklng hi:i father's! autonioliile. st Front street.—Advertisement. Clerical Worker and typist wanted of underwear, hosiery, gloves, bags, nml by far tho cheapest in the long Frock oulta for hlro: Tuxedoes also Income 'l'nx—It. IS. Penrco rulihi'B flpcqlnl. valun mid, ttit run on till ntnndnrd makes of radio. lirco dtyii y MoGuh-c'i) Hot Six.—Adver- reasonable. Hmv«rd G. Rosovolt vci tlstmient. ytmr ty|n-wnU;i.--AUvtjt-tlsr hiftikt, vertisement. Itiidlii—TnnllMj;—Ilndlo. Bank 2912.—Advertisement. Piano Tuning. tisement. phono 1585, Red Bnnk.—AdvcrtUo- Hacked by 47 years of mualcnl Quality work nt reasonable prices. mont Properly Wimfoil. Mot Turkey lHrnirr, Typewriter Huto." leadership. Sctn norvlced and re- Notice. Tuntlng's. 1(1 Monmouth ntrcot I'iniuis nml Service Kotl I.lunh or vicinity; uxolmtiKO 1'i'lrn''. llii|i|iiit liliurch, Hull tltnfc, Tmhln'n fipednl valuo rinlo, for Tho regular nnminl meeting of the tlio licit. Dhhnn'n Plnno Shop, for two-fnrutly hohin In Jernny City. paired. Phono- M8-W. Tuntlng'B, 10 ngents On- Stelnwny, Arollan, Wchor, Eat lit tho Humn-I.lku Dining Kimin 1 'I'liuifi'ln.V ovriilnif, Mamh M, l&$9, Ihrco dnyii only: Thurmlny, Frldny Mimmouth fitroet.—Advertisement. llolmdel cemetery company will bo Drambnch, Hardmnn, Stock.—Adver- Driimmcnd plnco. Red tlnnlc. 11311.— at 10 Wallnco sticot. You'll niako no ddreau W. I' '., drawer M, Red Bank. Tlclirtit $1.00, l< hut t»riln ((:<)<) »'«liio% .. iinV! flntniiday; \0'« off on any lyjin- mid Monday, March .Id. nt 10:00 A. tisement. Advertisement. mifitriko. lSvorythlng homo-cookoO; Advertisement. tftlilo ili'ftitii ht Ulnyt»ii A M8««'» <•' writer In Block. The only npporiuti- M., nt tho residence of the president, inoFm lunchoE! 50 enritfl, full course. AdtlI fuel OH G, \j. Longfitroct. II y to finve from Sli.flO to $10.00 on for nny burner; beat grades ami Alfred XV. Mol'nim Miiyplnkn will keep tho stomach In Also n la carlo.—Advcrtlsomcnt All Biirmcmtu. rugs, etc., drv your typewriter.- -Advertisement, pe.'i. Unexcelled service Fret) D. C. H. llultucn, Hccretary.S mdlu products, Icy Point, nnlnion, tlio pink of condition. For wilo at nil cleaned mo Itmurod njjulnst lire nml Nc.v lint llhmfcln* .... - Wlkoff Co.. Rod Unnk. phono 852.— —Advertisement. Diplomat products, Dugan'y breads, good di"tjg atorefl.— Advertisement "Nuff Hiild," Mooily'u. Ilifift nt no uddltlunnl «ont. Leoii'a, Mcn'a riius ilty iilssiwil tmi tilt Tractors. Advertisement. etc. New Jernoy Grocery Co., Ill Moody'o Bhoa Ronalr Shop, ^11 Mo- 70-7(1 Whlto uttoot, nod Banls,—Ad- hy our now Imt hloflfcjgg The Walliii "Oitilled." Planet Jr., Dnnco Every Night Monmouth atroot, Rod Bank.—Advor- Metal weatherstrips for windows chanlo street Ucd Bnnlc—Advertlso- ortlsoniont MeConnlck-licMulng nnd Helena. AI- Wllliom I'lielmn Studios at tho flnn R«mo, Ocenn avenue, tlBcmcnt. _____ ' and doors. H. A. Hcndrlcknon, phono mont. Whlto Bti<.'W, iicil JSO UHOII' FoKUomi itnrt McCoiinlok- onch all typen of dancing, nloo Mm- West I3nd.—-Advertlscmcnt, ltcilv Bnnk 1400.—Advertisement. (•"or Sale. (rn.nt. 1 1 Soda water, all tlnvora. mnlt bsv- I" " In : H 1* Cnnover ft; Bro, .crltiR, Htriitchhu; and reducing, I'otlii.vs lrnr r.vpKwrltan T.v|ioivrltcr lf«ufli|i(iirl«rit. HlDfll— , i Wlckntunlt, N. .)., pliuno Iiulmdcl V. j'nll theater building, aulta BonJ. II- •-AilvetttBomont. 8US,—Advertisement. mid adding machines. 17 Broad "old. Trubln'a, 58 Broad otrcot, lied iiii lejidu through Tim lU'.^iaUu'ji ad- 70 Whitu street, (ihuiio i'WW,__ll<)'l ^tinti, 11 North UCJIIWD ftv«i»i«5. IU stieet, HeU Banfc.—Advertisement. Bank.—AdverUswaent vertising columns.—Advcrtiocmcnt, tlsement, . u -..-.., Bank, phono HB5.—Advertliament. 4 P RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY. 26,^930. JUDGMENT OF $45,000. Long Island, formerly at this ptace, spent the week-end with Car! White- New Modern Way of ' ' PHONE 2310. Barretts Approved Boofer < ; New Spring Millinery Harry W. Mlrkrgnrd of Eatontown hurst and family. (Pressing Men's Garments, Has Hurt Eight Months Ago. The Presbyterian Gleaners society Now on Display nt (lie THY US ON t'OUK NEST SUIf, Millinery Parlor 1'oliceman Harry W. Kirkcgafd of will have a rainy day bag sociable Eatontown received a Judgment of tho chapel Wednesday night, M&rcli MISS A. L. MORRIS SID.OOO last week against the Jersey 19th, "The Kind That LEdN'S s Central power and light company for Mrs. Charles Bennett and daugh- I General Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor ltoom 10. y injuries sustained about eight months ter, Mrs. David Chasey, rfnd Mrs. For all types .of roofs 50 Droad St., over Woohvorth ytort*. npo when riding a motorcycle he col- Chasey'a son spent the week-end with Skylights Ventilating lided with one of tho company's relatives at New York. Eiperleaced Mecbnnlci Modern Equipment ALSO AN UTHOR1ZED REPRE. trucks driven by Arthur N. Pierce of Ths Methodist ladies' aid eoclety SENTATIVJS OF CHAH1S, Long Eraneh. are rehearsing a piay. Among those Johns-SIenvllle Approved Moottra Complete stock o( materials. the Corset llmt gives you the youth- Kirltegard was escorting a car to who will take part are Mrs. Louis ;; 35 WHITE ST.. RED BANK, N. J. ful ilgurc. Will demonstrate at any the Long Branch hospital when the Dingman, Mr«. Leslie D. Scelcy, Mrs. time. accident occurred. Tho policeman's Charles Falkenburg, Miss Mtldreii ', !»»»»»•«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••—••••••••••• motorcycle hit the truck after Pierce Cover!, Miss Agnea Cotgreave, Cyril l:admado a left turn. Kirkegard'a Brown, Earl Patterson, arid Bruce left foot was crushed and his knee Kohier. Frederick G. Steelman Is was badly hurt. He was unable to coaching, the players. > walk until several weeks ago and It Mr. and Mrs. Willard McKalg mada will be a lone time before he is en- a short stay with Mr.. McKalg'3 Advise your friends that they are eating too •£ tirely well. He ask't*d for compensa- mother «t this place on their return tion of $75,000 and he was represent- from their wedding trip In. Europe. much heavy foods—especially during the winter '% ed by Qulnn, Parsons & Doremus. They have startfd housekeeping: at Henry D. Brinley of Red Bank was Jersey Shore. Pennsylvania; where months. Folks unthinkingly eat food that dis- | attorney for the power company. Mr. McKaig Is employed. The Methodist ladles' aid society agrees with them. For every form of weakness ;*; will have an all-day quilting party TARTY AT EATONTOWN. tomorrow at Mre. Carroll Qsborne's Ths sweetest wheats milk is prescribed., It is the one universal food •$ at North Long Branch. ' Washington's Birthday Celebrated nt Mrs. C. M. Lester of Brooklyn gave selected for Heetcers" for those who are in ill health and also for those '.$ Chestnut Grove Manor. n dinner dance last night at the Mb- Floar glva on ©xtra Chestnut Grove Manor at Eaton- Alpln hotel at New York for her who are well. Puritan Dairy's Milk is so good, | town was tho sceneof a largeparty niece, Miss Jean Strinfffellow of this measure of Savor to of merry-makers Friday night which plaee. pure, fresh and nourishing. It will save you £ ushered in Washington's birthday, Mrs. Alan D. Field of Eatontowii all takings. Ensisi.on dancing to the strains of a lively nve- and her brother, Vanderveer Lovett (CASH) money on your weekly food bill. •'• picce orchestra that furnished music of Little Silver, have returned from Bagging 50 cents extra. until after three o'clock Saturday an automobile trip to Florida. morning. The Inreo ball room of th* Jlussell Stout and Edward Dodd some "top" quality. Eventually you will use Puritan Dairy's Pure f old colonial mansion never accom- have joined the Durant basketball njodated a more enjoyable party team, which plays in the city basket- Products. Why not begin now? ' l< than that which gathered there Fri- ball league at Red Bank. day night to pay ita respects .to the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wolcott have father of tbeir country., Tho dance been entortalning relatives from music was interspersed with patri- Boston. Mrs. Wolcott has been sick otic selections and the community with grip. singing numbers of national airs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson of were stirring with deep feeling for Roselle spent Sunday with Lee Van the love of one's country. Sclioick and his sister, Miss Katie RED BANK N. J. VasScholck. •; OFFICE: 10 VV. Front St. Farmhand's I^g Broken, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin VanKeuren Phono 552 For Your Supply John Kanla, a farmhand employed entertained Mr. and Mrs. McGowan by Koert Heyer of Holmdcl, Buffered of Chester, Pennsylvania, over the a compound fracture of the leg last week-end. YARD: MaplB Ave. £ Bereen PHONE RED BANK 2030 A world day of prayer will bo ob- Phone CM Friday when a tree on the Heyer served by the Protestant churches of farm fell on him. He was cutting: this place by a union .service at th down the tree. He was brought to Methodist church on Friday, March «o«««4-»<»«««««4**«*«>4-ei^***<^>o^ the Rivervleiv hospital at Bed Bank, 7th. "That Jesus-May Be Lifted Up" where; tho broken leg was reset. fa tho subject for the program. Mrs Isaac B. Burgess will be in charge. EATONTOWN NEWS. About fifty members of the Eaton- If you have anything to sell, or if you want to buy town' Masonic lodge attended the anything, you will find The Register's Want Column SKjltffiJ Tuba no elker. It A Wedding Was Performed Saturday Sunday evening service at the Meth- •V IIIAtlH.VO IIEAH at St. Dorothea's Church, odist church. the quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. (The Bod Bank Kcsliter citn b« bought Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Klrkegard SOlDBYDRUGfilSTSEWRyWHERS in Eatontowu froro Noblo Mosby st tho will soon move to-the house on White i street, which was formerly occupied Miss Beatrice Cooper of Monmouth by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bade,n, Bench and Alfred Ennls of Long Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkcgard are now The Advantages of Shopping Branch .were married Saturday after- living with Mrs. Arch!e-B. Mosby. noon by leather Thomas Harris at St. Miss Elizabeth Clickncr is spend- are many and varied. 4S€0 Stores are conveniently located, and thousands Dorothea's church. ing several 'weeks at Point Pleasant. Mrs. Archie B. Mosby and son Frank Hullck has been laid up of Homekeepers who have been trained by their mothers to recognize real Noble attended the ehow "Strike Up with grip. economy, are enjoying the savings which they obtain by shopping the g$QQ (he Band" at the Times Square Miss Norma Stothart spent Sunday theater at New York last Thursday. with Matthew Stothart and family The Last Week of Way. . '.'••• The boy 3cout troop took fifth of Trenton. • place in Morse signalling and fire by Mrs. Isaac B. Burgess was elected Where Quality Counts Your Money Goes Furthest ! flint and steel contests Saturday president of the Methdist missionary night in a boy scout, .rally at Asbury society at the annual election of of- Park. Tho boys who took part In ficers last Wednesday afternoon at gSCD finest the contests were Wilbur Smith, Ar- the home of Mrs. William Davis. Bainhergers Half-Yearly thur Cotgreave, George Winning and Other officers are Mrs. Harry Dennis Crushed or James Gibbons. Ellsworh Brltton la vice president, Mrs. Georgo B. Whil« cans a new member of'the troop, Tho Held stewardship and literature sec- Country Gentleman Cubs, a branch 0/ the boy scout retary, Mrs. William Fesler rocordlnff Youngr, sweet, tender. troop, have twenty members. Thom- and corresponding secretary, and as Stotliart.ls leader of this group. Miss Emma Palmquist treasurer. Furniture Sale...and Finest Golden Bantam Delicious Golden Bantam The dramatic club will present tho Mrs. FeSsler and Mrs. Wellington Reg- can8 C play "Miss- Molly" at Little Silver to- Wilklnsare new members of the so- 19c cans night. The.jilay was given ^t Cres- ciety. • 2 . 25 cent hall several weeks ago. Mrs. Charles Grogan and children fSSCO James Calver of Red Bank Is em- Charlc3 and Florence of Long Branch ployed pt the Eaton lunch wagon. were Thursday visitorn of Harry Mr. and,Mrs. Albert Breese of At- Dennis and family, Henry Williams BIG FLOUR SPECIAL! lantic City returned home Monday of Belleville; an employee of the fter spending several days with Mr. Western electric corporation, was a Breese's parents at this place. Mr. week-end visitor of the Dennis fam- Prim Breeee and his father bought new ily. Q Essex automobiles during the past Mrs. William Beed of Maple ave- Pastry week. nue has. been visiting In Pennsyl- ver Finest Family Chester Apy of Red Bank will take vania. 24-tt> 24-lt> up his duties as pastor of the AtJ- Mrs. Earl Patterson Is able to be vrnt ,ehurch next Sunday. Rev. out after liavlng been confined to tho bag bag Charles Shermer of Atlantic High- house several weeks with grip, Iinds has been conducting cervices Miss Agnes Cotgreave "will repre- at the church. sent the Eatontown Methodist church Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolcott of New- at a young people's conference held iiilt wcro visitors at, this place on at tho Asbury Park Methodist church Sunday. Mr. # Wolcott is a son of noKt Saturday by the county council Ceresola, Gold Medal, Pillsbury FLOUR C $09 2Mrs. Joseph Wolcott of Long of religious education. Harold Smock Branch, formerly of this place. and Lester Wliltflcld will also attend 5 Mrs. Harvoy Ervjng hurt her back tho conference. Mr. Whitfleld at- ov Del Monte 4SCO Finest June last week In a fall downstairs at her tended a Christian endeavor society Tender Peas, Sugar { residence. meeting "at Mt. Holly last Saturday, The firemen were called out last Louis Hill spent Saturday at Eng- iveck to a fire in Garofola's tailor llshtown. : Corn, Stringless Beans can shop on Broad street. The flro was can 1'iit out with little damage. *! cans is Leon Snioclt is building a four-car 500 MEN WANTED enrage at tho rear of his home on TO HAVE THEIR NEXT SUIT A real saving. Sweet and Tender. White street. PRESSED BY OUR NEW Arthur Walte, manager of the At- METHOD OF PRESSING. 1'intic & Pacific tea company's'store, The Finest Cui> Vou Ever Uranli ! 1ms bought a new Chevrolet coupe. Maxwell House Mrs. Grover Parker and daughter, LEON'S rtutii Dicliman of East Hampton, ' 70-76 WHITE STEEET Antor ot TEL. 2800 ' Yuban ;)0c—23c—Klo Ha led ! Victor Blend Coffee .Ib vr A mild blend preferred hy thousands, M Sandwich , ,)1(C sH I glgf Acme Brand Coffee Ib tin " Assortment «> ' Thursday, Friday? Saturday Suited for percolator use. 29c These and Many More Big Values ! Reussilles' are giving a general E'RE happy! (Yes, thank yon, the Bale hu t* ruled Sharp Cheese _ 3 pkga J5o Solox been a brilliant eucceu.) You're Happy!', White Vnl Mtirkr'rel .._ W —.each 15c, '25c Suds .Icll-O or IMy-l'-I-lne Ueuscrts pligs25c 3 jiltgg 25c Guest Ivory Soup B ca,(es M(, (And why thouldn't you be, when you've eaved Dairy Mnlil Clinenlute Burs 3 for tflc Mlonc Hand Simp cans 23c •o wisely and eo well on your new furniture?) Reg. 24c Genuine Reg. 33c Finest Creamy Reg. 9c Gold Seal And now. like moat good things* even the Macaroni sj Bamberger BTolf-Yearly Sale of Furniture must C©lbtin end. But it will end in n blaze of glory—for w«?ro Spaghetti j on all merchandise with the excep- going to celebrate this laat week by giving you some Ritter Mueller's Macaroni *B i of the most conspicuous values the Fifth Floor Cooked ®J) K tion of Diamonds, during this sale. ca Tasty and snappy. SpaBhetti £P !! has ever offered! Watch every advertisement. [Spaghetti ^ Try It with Gold Seal Macaroni. or Noodles WATCH THE WINDOW FOR Lowella Butter Delivered Oven-fresh to Our Stores Daily EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. . The Finest Butter in Amctlcti! Strictly freoh—for poaching, Bread Supreme 8c frying or tho sick room. I-nrpn Wrapped hunt Gold Seal Eggs. 'Bamberger Gr> Qo. Tlio plclf of Hie Nests. REU Victor Bread "''««" 5e "OWE Or AMEBIOi'S GtyfUT STOHEfl " > MONMOUTII'S HEADING JEWELERS. 1*1 m help you to savc-Sl.o,, the . @SQ) „•„,-. Finest Foods and Tnl.ln nrrilm nt fair prl<«. Slop In nt any tlnmj 3011 nre wnlcome! 36 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. Newark* R J. V-. EKD 'BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26,1930. Paw Wm- John Barrj of Milltown, Mount Mesa- were broken and jomc of the mue- Are You U»lns Good TacbiB? SELLING WWY_ BONDS. ler of HlghUtown and James H, clea of Mr. Kchultz's back were Business—particularly the most de- A Itavatt of Hobndel. Single horses wrenched out of place. • sirable business—la very much like LEON*S A FUNDS TO BE tISED IK TAKING were sold to Irving Bennett of Llh- Miss Constance lieed of Newurk I he sport of fishing. You enn eatqh WHEBK STRAUS croft, Austin Wilson of Prospect It. If you use good tacklo. We offer STRAUS UP' NOTES. spent Saturday and .Sunday tyMiher you the light tackle in (he advertls- IS MONK, Plains, Aaher Parker of Eatontown, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin C. ing columns of The Register—Adver- SALE James Lamher&ton of R^&tawan and WE CALL AND DEUVKH, A Total or $933,(K)0 to lie Sold—Hos- Reed. tisement. Albert Clayton of Gordon's Coiner. TJ'.t. E8IKI ISA ISA pital Appropriation of $123,000 Ap- SALE SALE portioned—Contracts for Road Ma- Dirt roads at Crawford's Corner terials Awarded. and in other sections of tho northern part of Holmdel township were In The freeholders at their meeting bad 'condition last week during the Wednesday ordered advertisements thaw. Several automobiles got ANNUAL for bids for $933,000 in bonds. Of this stuck In the mud and horses were amount-$769,000 Is to go to take up used to pull them out. temporary notes issued for road Tile Holmdel card club met last work, 5143,000 for bridge work and Thuroday at the home of Mis.' How- 521,000 for a water system at the Al- ard Wagner. Next Tuesday the club lenwood hospital. The bonds,bear 414 wll meet at the home of Mrs. Wilson pev cent interest. Conover. Plans for the last section of theDue to trouble with the heatlns f reelibld-Eatontown road, three milea systenij the sorvico at tho Reformed In length, were approved and apchurc- h Sunday was held in the char>- proval was also made of plans for lei.' Thurgciay, . 'Friday, Satyrday, extending Shrewsbury avenue south- ward from Sycamore avenue to the TINTON FALLS NEWS. February. 27th. February. 28th March 1st Eatontown trolley crossing. . K. of C* The appropriation of $125,000 for Nearly All tho Children Who Were hospitals waa apportioned. The Long Sick Have Kccovered. Decidedly the Best Values We Have Ever Offered ! Branch hospital will receive $83,930.71 ns against 570,729.59 last year. Spring Nearly all the children who were Lake hospital will receive $24,843.27 sick with measles have recovered as against 522,553.55. The Hazard and they are back at school. Flat Crepe de Chine 81x90 Seamless Sheets hospital will get $11,548.08 as against While deer hunting in the south- $6,061.76 last year, Matawan hospital ern part of the state last fall, An- $1,857.70 as against $655.10 last year thony Monzo was shot In the arm yd. nnd Riverview .hospital, Red Bank, and shoulder. Mr. Monzo did not o $2,819.34. lose any time from his duties as Thursday and Friday Evenings, Worth $1.50 Yard. janitor of the' public school on ac- Wortti $1.39. Tho contract for furnishing 150,000 Pure 8ilIti-WHBhablo. Rare opportunity to sup- Made to our order this better value fine count of his Injuries, but he Buffered prallona of tar road dressing for $64,- considerable pain. He is now fully ply your needs foe frocks and lingerie, durable, bleached Sheet. Cotton Is woven eveh—no 875 was awarded to W. G. Harring- February 27th and 28th wearable; superior quality, Better than the heavy rough threads, well mado cloae-stitchcd recovered. ton, of New York. The Tar asphalt AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. kind you expoct—Plnlj,. Orchid, Malse, Mother hemo—buy freely for present or future use at Hurface company of New Brunswick Henry Jeter, who is employed at Goose, Tan, Navy, Grey, BJacli or White. this nale price. ~- was awarded the contract for 400,000 the Corn exchange bank, at New .allons of asphaltlc road oil for 19.38 York, was laid up with sickneas at K. of C. Auditorium, Riverside Avenue. cents a gallon. Morris H. Young of his home here part of last week. S Yds. Toweling Mattress Govern 2 Pillow Cases Trenton Rot the contract for 20,000 George Reid moved last week from gallons of lignln binder at 13.04 cents George Wilkins's .farm'to Farming- TICKETS $1.00. Value 23d Yd, Value Sl.ZB. licffulnr $1.39. dale. William Tansey has moved gallon. All linen, hoavy absorbent] Single, three-quarter • or«j Hemstitched with colore-li] from Colt's Neck to the farm va- Wfdo'Plnlc, Blue, Green or borders, white- with lace The Slovay sales corporation of New cated by Mr. Reid. CAST: full elze; made of strong York was awarded the contract for Gold borders; foot colors,, unbleached muslin; boxed i edge and Inserts; 15x361 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Monzo of End Men: End Men: End Men: full width. size—each pair in a box. furnishing fifty tons of calcium Hammonton, who were recently sides and ends, chloride at $27.55 a ton. The con- FBEB 3, FINNEBXY WILLIAM: JEFFREY ED. KRUSK married, spent part of their honey- WILLIAM LAKK WILFHED SWEENEY ract for furnishing 1,200 tons of alag moon with Mr. Monzo's brother, An- THOMAS TANNEK 0 Yds. Lingerie 2 Yds. Warp was awarded to the DeQuesne com- thony Monzo. 3 Cretonne pany of Philadelphia and tha con- MISS L. BEHKOWITZ, B. OACHS, Tap Dnnclnff. Chorus of 2(1 Voices. Voile Cushions Cretonne tract for 300 tons of crushed stone James Schultzof Oakhurst, a form "Vnluo 35o Yd./ er resident of this place, was injured Valua SOo Each. Bcjular fl»o Yd. went to Collins brothers of Kcans- Yard-wldo plain colors, In ' Yard-wide double face col-"1 last week by a fall from a house MUSIC BY HACKETTS ORCHESTRA. Square, good-sizo covered ' burg, Bound Brook crushed stone ChecKs or Dlmlly Strlpo; i ora woven In newest pat- , company and the Lambertvllle trap which ho was building. Three rlba Pink, Blue, Mnlzo or Or- with figured cretonne; ruf-1 terns at a saving of 10c rock company. . . fie all around, good filling'. chid. a yard. The snnual report of George K. Allen, the county engineer, Bhowed l/a 12.974 miles of concrete paving com- GOOD FURNITURE FOR EVERY HOME" Bath Mats 3 Klinton Tweeds Fancy Linens 12,plet edast yeaaa ta -fcl ost$ o5 w Value 51,25. Hegulnr 30o Yd. Values to §3.00 Each pleted last year at a cost of $621*135.- Heavy fino Torry Clotht] Yard-wide, In noveltyjj Scarfs, Rounds, Ovals ar 19, nine bridges constructed at a cost yarns, beautiful designs, plaids or checlt3, fast col- others — salesman's sam- of $134,802.70, bridge repairs $60,919.80 all colorsi oizo 22x31; fast, ors—looks like wool; light t . pies at a great Baving. i nnd const protection work $101,890. to washing. weight. Some at half price. BIVEB PLAZA NEWS. New Officers Elected by the Firemen Criss Cross Curtains S-Pc. Linen Sets For the Ensuing Year. The firemen at a meeting a few nights ago elected the following; of- ficers: . . PresItlent-r-RuBsell dark. Regular 51.39 Talr. Regular Value—$2.00. VICB president—Georse A. Kiner. Secretary—Charles Meairher. 50 Inches wide—eream color with ruffles and Luncheon or Bridge Sets made of fine colored Recording aecretary—Frank S. Curtll. tio-bacltB to match; also plain tailored and Linen with Inch-square blending color Inserts Treasurer—Albert Cgnover. regular rufflo In Paris or Ecru—oil nre 2',i with hemstitching—36x36 Cloth—four Napkins Captain—Henry Paasch. yards long, to match. First lieutenant—Ail>eit Conover. ' Second lieutenant—•William Faa«ch. Fire police—John MoClain, William Knney, Jnhn Kaney. 7 Handkerchiefs 2 Boxes Stationery Ladies' Scarfs TrUBteea— Henry Kesoler, Chariei Bren- Vnllio 19(1 Encli, A Values to 75o Each. Value $1.30. er, Henry Faasch. Largo assortment flne<] After the election, . refreshments Ladles' linen ana fine*! Writing • Paper, tlsoue") Newest, in long plaited and other articles. bagB. / blpthday gift to Mr. and Mrs. Frank lawn Handkerchiefs. J. Mnrcltstcln. It is a bouncing baby boy. The mother and babe are in good health. 5Q-in. AH Silk Pongee Mlsj A, E. Kingsland of Roselle Four Bath Towels has been spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Prank S. Curtis. Miss L. A. Kingsland of Roselle spent Sat- urday and Sunday with Mrs. Curtis. Cork-Wall Window Keeulnr 51.39 Yard. Mr. and Mrs. William Adam, who SO. I92S) JReguIar 33a Each. were recently married and who have Imported Natural tan color Japanese heavy been away on a wedding trip, spent No clkr Ttfrtgitaicr weight Pongee. Tho uses thlo silk can bn put West Point Brand—the kind tho cadets use; you | Pajamas, Tuck-In audit Your cholcfl of ollhor cif«j nations, Bloomers, etc, alltpf Your Hat In nlwaya the object of Over-Blouso models, nllrt critical Inspection. thcuo popiilnr brandn of now dnlnty styles of super mado of Wnrilinble Crops, nnnltnry KOOUB—for thin i ball on the end of Tho&lna is duet to Us double acilogu two Jewish organizations and the in- a broomstick and was the drum-ma- and aa it struck the ground it shot It Immediately soothes the Irritation Subscription Prices! dividuals who are carrying on this jor. Both of us were barefooted but around among the crowd setting flra and goea direct to tho internal * On« je«r . »•?? we were some pumpkins. The drum to several women's akirts. great work deserve a. vote of thanks corps went over to the old toll gate not reached by patent medicines i ... Threa months -*.< .—--—— from the community. I fcften think of the many kldo I cough syrups. The very first swet* on the Middletown road to escort a used to play with and wonder how low usually stops even tho moat ob- Democratic club from Headden's Cor- they are getting along, but, Charlie, atlnaUj cough. . The Red B»nk Rueliter ner to the Democrat parade in Red I doubt if any of them ever had moro i (s a member of Bank. Pete VanKirk, the blacksmith, 65 BH©A» JTNIEET-S MMWt J. Thcmlna contains no harmful TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS Special Value Sale at fun than you and I did. drugs, la pleasant tasting and eafo was In, command of the Headden's Wishing y» for ropublleatlon of •» Red Bank This Week. am your old Kid pal, money back guarantee to give better nows dispatches credited to it or not other, ty-seven. I can hear him now when Tom Packer. i «!«o credited In this coper and also tn« The surest indication that the the drum corps met them, "Hidden'o and quicker relief for coughs or sore local news published therein. special value sale which la to bo held Corners, Stlnshun." throat than anything you have ever at lied Bank Thursday, Friday and Try a Register Want Advertise- tried. Ask for Thoxlne, put up readv And, speaking of parades, do you ment, It will pay you.—Advertisement WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 1930. Saturday of this week Is "on the for use in 35c.t COc; and $1.00 bottle. level" Is the fact that it has been an remember the time tho old Mon- Sold by Lewis Drug Store and %\l annual event for a number of years. mouth wheelmen had their club in other drug stores. __i It has had various names, but a] the rink on Monmouth street? They ' CASIMER BOYilTT'S Over the South Pole all rode high wheel bicycles and gave p PUBUC~NOTICE. ways the main aim has been to give Tho foUowUin ordinance wna Introduced and Back to Red Bank. the public an opportunity to buy a parade one night headed by All- and indeed on Its fU$t leading thla 17th merchandise at reduced prices. Strom's band in a hay tackling. In day ol Fabnmry, A. D. 1US0, and will The news that Admiral Rich- those days there were no electric or THURS., FRl, SAT., FEB. 21th, 28th, MARCH 1st co mo up fur (liml con Bide ration end paw- ard E. Byxd is . homeward bound • * * nge at tlio regular mag tin ft of tho Mayor gas lights—juot kerosene lamps. nnd Council to be hold Monday evening, from the Kouth Pole means more to People are quick to sense the dif- Skezics Bedel was the lamp light- March 3d, 1030, at the Borough Hall, Bad many people in this section than the ference between a fake and a real er. He went from lamp to lamp with ..' —or— Hnr.lt. N, J, at filvht o'clock, at whlrh end of a successful exploration. Ad- thing, and if these sales did not live time ami place B!1 person* desiring to miral Byrd has many friends and a step ladder. Well, the night of the lie hoard Ihoioon will bo given duo oppor- up to their avowed purpose they bicycle parade the bicycles were dec- Farm Machinery, tunity. • «... acquaintances hereabouts, and when would not have been continued all crated with Chinese lanterns reach- We have taken from our regular stock, a group of Dated February 17, 1930. ho made his last visit here he was these years. The plan of holding ing high in the air on frame work. * • A. K. SHINN, made a life member of the Red Bank these sales late in the winter when It was very dark on Monmouth Cows, Horses, Etc. Soroush Clark. Aero club. On that occasion he de- unemployment is usually greatest is Dresses—Jerseys, Satins, Flat Crepes, Georgettes. - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THIS livered a lecture on his trip to tho street in places so Fred Frlck anil KRKCTION, CONSTRUCTION AND an appropriate part of the program Fred Thompson scattered bricks all ON .JACK ELY FARM, EQUIPMENT OF A REFUSE' 1NO1N- North Pole, and he promised that if to aid the jobless. At such times over the road in one of the dark BHATION PWNT I'OU THE DI3FQS- he returned alive from the Antarctic people must live and buy merchan- SAL OK GARBAGE IN THE BOROUGH regions he would give a lecture about spots. Holmdel-Bradevelt road, 01'' RUD BANK. AND MAKINQ DUE dise, just the same as in periods of B'irst the hay wagon with the band APPROPRIATION (THEREFOR. (his trip. prosperity, and when money Is tight Hall-Mite from Uolmdel. N. J. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor find it, is a distinct contribution to the passed over the bricks. They vrei'Q Cf'imell of tha Boi'ouuh of Ited Bnnk; public welfare to offer goods at bar- playing the "Star Spangled Banner," —ON— 1. That n refuse Incineration plant be It is gratifying to know that gain prices. but when the flat tired wagon hit erected, constructed nml equipped for tho money from this part of Monmouth those bricks one at a time It wan diipo&ul of garbage ond refuse matter, In • • • ; lag*. 10,1830 ftccordance with Pimm nnd specification* county helped Admiral Byrd to hard to tell whether that band was Values to $14-95. to be iirepared under tho nupervlstcm of make his trip over the South Pole. There is every reason to believe playing the "Star Spangled Banner" 12:00 O'Cloch Noon, tho Borough Engineer, and to be' duly that the sale which Begins tomorrow or "Home Sweet Home," so they had TERMS:—All sums of $25.00 Mid approved nnd adopted for tho pmpona by . Part of the proceeds from his lecture tho Mayor nnd Council of tho Borough of vent for this purpose. According to will be equally as successful as its til stop. Then came the high wheel under, cash; over $25.00, six months' fad Bank. reports in the daily newspapers, the predecessors. A long record of square bicycle riders and as each one credit will be given on bankable note 2, 'flint blda for ^ho erection, construe* trip was fraught with many perils dealing when such sales were held struck the bricks he'd take a header with approved security. 5% discount tlon and equipment of unit! jilnnt he duly has left an indelible mark on public till finally thero was' a heap of " 14 COATS. advortlBod for nnd a contract awarded to and difficulties, and Admiral Byrd will bo given for all sums paid in th* lowest bidder. and other members of the par- memory, and buyers who have had Chinese lanterns, bicycles and riders cash over $25.00. 8. That tho sum of not exceeding: Fifty • ty had narrow escapes from death. experience in the past with events all piled up together. By this tlniu Thousand Dollars be and la hereby BPPro- f this kind at Red Bank have no the band was playing "Down Went CASIMER BOYWITT. Balance of Our Winter Stock. prUted to meet the coat Incident "to thn • * • erection, construction and equipment of doubts that the special value sale will McGinty." CHAS. STORM, Auctioneer. Maid refimo Indue rut Ion iilnijt, nnd that It was rfflt for the sake of adven- be true to its name. field *um nil nil lie included in the next ture but in the service of science that When the parade was ended at the bend luuuo of the Hotou«h. the exploration was undertaken. The (Continued on page 16.) ring there were fireworks. Almost Our new method not only prcsscfi 4, A -supplemental debt ntntomont i& spirit was the same as that which anybody was allowed to' shoot off your clothes, but shapes them to fit heteby declined to have been filed.pursu- Roman candles. Henry Brumel, who ant to and far the purposo at complying caused Columbus to find a New YEAKS AGO IN RED BANK. the individual. with Chmitnr 252 of tho Laws, of New World, with the difference that. Ad- used to sell three pairs of socks fot Jersey of 1016. a. quarter, had been shuoting off miral Byrd and his associates were A Former Resident Recalls Old . 7. This ordinance nhnll take efleet upon more certain of tho dangers which Roman candles for his first time. He Hi due piuBftito and publication «B pre- faced them than was Columbus -when Times in Letter to a Friend. was having the time of his life—it LEON'S Values to $29-50. ncrlbed by liuv. Charles K. Champlin, whose stock didn't cost him anything. When Monmouth County Surrogate's Office, he crossed the Atlantic ocean. Vari- TEL. 2800 In the tnnttor of tho oathto of Charles Ed* ous things of large interest to science company" has been playing at Beth- ward Tilton, dcceaHcd. • \ . • were discovered by Admiral Bynl lehem, Fa., has received the follow- Notlco to crcdltont to present clalmi and his men at the Bottom of the ing letter from Thomas Packer of RRiilnBt ewlate, I'm'tiunnt to tho oi-dor of Jonoph t» Don- World, and the application of thla Philadelphia, an old friend and a BALANCE OF OUR all ny, nurroKiUo of tho county of Mon- knowledge may, be felt in many former Red Bank boy. Mr. Champlin Vdvet Dresses mi'uth, mndo on the eleventh dny of Feb- ways. forwarded the letter to The Register ruary, 1980, on tho nppllcution of Roy S. ond It Is published in tho belief that Tilton and Ilnrnld Tilton, administrator* • * * Winter Hats of the estate of Clinrtca Kdwnrd I'll ton, de- It. will be of Interest to those who —OF- ceahed. notice IH horaby trfven to thtf credi- The exploration called for courage were youngsters In the days the let- tor* of tmld docelined to exhibit to tho and skill of the highest type, and Hiibnuribor. djlmlriiatiatora an -aforesaid, ter refers to. Values to $5.00. their ilobtn nnd demands acalns^ tho tald mankind will always pay tribute to Farm Machinery, Tools and Stock efltate, under onth, within six month? from BUCh qualities. No doubt there will Philadelphia, Pa., Values to $35.00. tho dnte of the aforesaid order, or they be enthusiastic receptions for Ad- February 12, 1930. ON THE * wlH ha forovnr hni-iod of their actions miral Byrd and his men at New therefor dKulnst tho nald subscriber, York and other places. Red Bank My Dear Charles: Dated Freehold, N. J., Fob. 11,; 1030. cannot stage such a large celebra- My son-in-law came home tonight Charles Edward Tilton Farm, on Holmdel and ROY s. Tir/ro& tion, but it is safe to say that when pnd told me that he had attended Cranbury, }J. J., R. F. D. No, t, lie makes his next visit here he will one of your plays last night In Beth- Scobeyville Road HAROLD TOTON, have found no place with a warmer lehem. He said tho theatre was Only a few left. Koyport, N. J., R. D. B. No, 3. welcome or with more genuine de- crowded and that he liked your play light over his success. When tho better than many we have here. In date of his visit here is announced Philadelphia at high prices. He also Tuesday, March 4th, 1930 it will be one well worth marking told me of waiting for you in the hotel after the performance and at 12:00 O'clock. with red letters. making- himself known to you airl when you learned he was Tom Pack- -o-o-o-o-o-o- er's son-in-law you were amazed. . The .undersigned, administrators of Charles Edward Tilton estate, I suppose you thought I looked will offer for sale tho following: Fordeon tractor and plow, pulley and A Fine Undertaking by p.bout the same as I did when I was governor; Ford truck, Bulck coupe, 3 horses, cow, power sprayer, power a Red Bank Church. in Red Bank years ago. Well, it's a duster, Asplnwall potato planter, disc asparagus ridger, asparagus cart, long time since then, Charles, and we Iron Age two-horse cultivator, 2 Planet Jr. two-horse cultivators, mowing The night school which was start- all grow older. machine, three-row furrowing sled, Suporior row drill, four-horse double ed more or less as an experiment at I have often read about you and the Jewish synagogue at Red Bank your success in The Red Bank Reg- disc harrow, hay tedder, hay rake, low wagon, road scraper, 8-ft. Acme last fall has proved its right to a ister and when my son-in-law came harrow, 6-ft. Acme harrow, weeder, 2 one-horse cultivators, saw frame, permanent existence by the good home tonight and told me about you saw a^id belt; two-horse plow, spring tooth harrow, iron harrow, one-hoise FISHING ICE YACHTING AVIATION work which it is doing. Starting with It brought back many pleasant mem- plow, hoe drill, wood sled, potato duster, potato hand duster, fan mill, a small enrollment, it has steadily ories when we were kid3 together grown until there are almost three years ago, and didn't we use to raise Mellon sprayer, hand seeder, 3 asparagus bunchers, zinc lined trough, times as many pupils now as there the devil. Remember when I got the apple grader, 2 sets double harness, 3 hand corn planters, feed grinder, was in the beginning. The syna- black goat with the big horns, how corn sheller, 2 pipe die sets, cutter and vise, hog crate, wheel barrow, gogue can accommodate fifty pupils, I hitched him to the little express 3 24-ft. ladders, Bedford platform scales, shovels, hoes, forks, axes, neck- and if the night school continues to wagon and would drive about town, gain popularity in the same rapid the envy of every kid? yokes, etc., blacksmith drill, 5 tons alfalfa hay, 10 tons of rye In sheaf, manner as it has in the past not One day Jack Applegnte swiped grind stone, 150 feet hay fork rope, 7 bushels soy beans, 900 apple baskets, much time will have to elapse for its him out of my back yard and drove other articles too numerous to mention.' ^cations full possibilities for service to be em- down town. When he got out of tho ployed. express wagqn, the goat butted him • • • in the seat of the pants and he went ROY S. TILTON, - Religion is not taught in any form sprawling on Riverside avenue. GOLF at this school. Its chief mission Is Riverside avenue used to be our HAROLD TILTON, Anything- to teach natives of foreign-born playground; baseball in the day-time, TERMS:—Cast. . Administrators lands the language, civic duties and and Sixty-0 in the evening. There Then what a season 'Monmouth County is going to have. customs of the United States. Most was George Allen, Paul Benton, Jack GUORGE II. ROBERTS, Auctioned. of the pupils have been educated in Applegatc, Henry VftnBrunt, Ed. «= their native lands, but if they need Knapp, Lou Graham, Alex Edgar. Did you ever see so many visitors in Febmary as other instruction besides American- Rive Sneden, Fred Thompson, Leni ization this is provided, too. This Ketcham and several other boys I our County entertained last Saturday and Sunday. night school Is well worthy of com- cant think of now. ment because it Is a community in- Remember when you nnd I walked stitution to feel proud of and thank- over the old Southern railroad bridge " Cars from New York, Pennsylvania, and from all ful for. It is a real melting pot of POLO to Port Monmouth and brought the SWIMMING citizenship and It is moulding aliens white donkey back with us? Didn't Public notice is given that by virtue of two certain chattel over our own state came rolling into Monmouth Coun- into good, useful Americans. mortgages executed by Judson P. Armstrong of tho Township of we. have fun with the donkey hitched Hamilton, County of Mercer and State of New Jersey, one of ty for the week-end. tr. the old cart? which was dated December 12th, 1925. and recorded in the Mercer Contrary to what might be ex- Do you remember the parade we County Clerk's Office in Book 70 of Chattel Mortgages, page 138, pected, considerably less than half of had for the minstrel show we gave In etc., and one of which was dated April 6th, 1928, and recorded Golfc- - [V.estr? .r.s, airplane o ithusias^s, board- the pupils are of (he Jewish faith.' niy cellar? Ylke Woodward drove in tho Mercer County Clerk's Oflioe in Book 71 of Chattel Mort- Ko restriction ia made as to race, the donkey in the parade. Ylke was gages, page 421, etc., given to Jacob Zlotkin,, and upon which walk promenaders, could be seen by the thousands- color or creed, and a majority of the blacked up. He yanked too hard on default In payment has been made, the undersigned have retaken pupils are natives of Germany and the lines, and the donkey kicked him and shall' sell the property therein, mentioned and described, at of Scandinavian countries. No tui- out of the wagon and ran away. public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on the each enjoying, their favorite pastime. tion fees arc charged. The school No doubt you remember tho big was started at (he suggestion of black horse you won with the lucky JUDSON r. AUMSTKONG FABM, HUNTING Rabbi Nathan Witkln by two so- number. It was raffled off at Jake : Yes, indeed,'it looks as'thougb, 1930 is going to cieties of Jewish young women and Kridel's store. After you won tho sltuiilo at tho junction of the Crosswiclts-Allentown rond MOTOR BOATING young men and these societies have horse you didn't have a shed btg and the CrosBWlcks-EllIsdale road. be a banner year. Since maintained It. Rabbi witkln enough to get him in, so Alex Edgar in tho Township of Hamilton, County of Mercer and Eomctlrnris acts as a teacher at • the traded you a little mustang for tlu- State of New Jersey, at ten o'clock In the morning, un night school, but the regular teach- big horse but didn't tell you the mus- ers arc Miss Sarah Lipaek and Miss tang had the blind staggers. Then Minnie Mnusnpr, both of whnni arr someone offered you $5.00 nnd you public school tnachrrs. Thnso teach- were glad to get rid of it. It seems ' Of course, a balance in the old saving* account ' ers donate their nishl school serv- t'» me you Bold it to Lou Manson, Wednesday, March 5th, 1930 ices. who had a butcher shop up near An- is a fine thing to have—good or bad times. dy Purtell's on Monmouth street. And Lou cold tho mustang at an nu- L The un;;pl(l!.lmc^:- <.f tho.<^ who tlon, with three butcher wagons with RIDiNG YACHTING serve tho schnol and the tolerance wheels so wobbly they almost fell off. and broad-mindednesm shown to- before the auction day came Lou cut vardu peopln of oilier rnxpa mid up some tomato cans and wrapped orecrlft nip in pjrent contrast with the axles of the wheela with pieces some tendencies which nre all too of tin and put the wheela back on rvident In these timr.s. The fact th;lt .•io that when the farmers tested lhe MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY the Jewish congregation represents wheels they were good and tight, only 100 families and that it. supports • Of comae you remember Ilhlney BROAD STREET, RED BANK foclal and athletic activities for Holmes, tho clam man from Parkw- young folks, beuUles regulfir religious town. lie had a jagger wngon with uork, nmhCH thn neeomplishmpnt of four different sized whoclR on It. OFFICERS conducting n Iron public night nchooi Sometimes two of the wheels on It nil the more noteworthy. would b(! hitting on the ground, then HENRY CAMPBBW* Chairman of Ui« Board KENNETH H. McQUKEN, President • • • iig.-iin It would be hitting on all foui. JAS. D. QTTERSON, JR.. Vice Prea. and Treas. EDOAH N. MoCLEES. Vlce-Pres. and Secretary Ifownvrr, vlewnd from n IH.slorle.'U Then there wan old Billy Lnngdon ARCHIBALD L. MILLER - Vlco-Presldcnt J. ERNEST OLIVER, • AeslBtant Secretary the honieradiah man from Ileaddcn'a fitandpDlnt there in nothing str.inffe DIRECTORS ? or unusual about thin. Tho Jewish John J. ftulnn Paul Osohwald Henry Campbell race In the oldest In exiatenco with a IACOB ZLOTIUN, Archibald U Miller clv'Jliznd past. From Urn dawn of his- OUIt SKItVICK FOIt ritlCSSINM Jacob Yanlro Wctrren H. BmocU FranU a Prl09 13. H. Garrison tory this rnco. took the lend in ad- fS HAIL* OK SOONKK- FfKST NATIONAL BANK OF FREEHOLD, O. Harold Nevlus Fred W. Boblnuon Charles It. English Clark Holbrook vancing the oaufio of cducfition, and If you wnnt it. Mortgagees. Jaibea D. Ottoraon. Jr. John Glblon Arthur O. Stelnbacn this racial trail linn been carried You will pet the finest picsiird suit Kenneth H. McQueen Albert W. Wordon Jesaa Mlnot down through the conlurica. Wher- you have ever hnd by sending It to II. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. evev this trait linn had oppor- MrDrimott, FiiirgoM & Hortahorn*, tunity for rxpresfllon II hns proved j "The Bank That Banks on Red Bank n a community benefit, no It is doing nt LEON'S l-'irphnlrl N. J, Attninryn for Moilgngrcs. TEL. 260(1 RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1930.

FINEST CLEANING QMf KILLED BY AUTO, plliy Qifay l« »|ck wjth pleurisy at 28th'ana August 23d as tho dates for Branch houpltal with en Injured! the-»»iae»hospital. Both ar»'grtn Long Branch hospital. Miss Dor cloty has selected June 28th, July Edward Pangborn Is in the Long ;CORP.; TEL. 2800 SALE THREE IMPORTANT FACTORS Thursday, Friday, Saturday ENTER INTO TB{E COST OF February 27 February 28 YouR AUTOMOBILE

Under the supervision of the Internal Trade 1. How much It costs to make the car Committee of the Chamber of Commerce ' 2. \ How ntueh extra you pay the dealer of Red Bank. 3. How much it costs for operation and up-keep

1 HE PURCHASE of an automobile Involves follcr bearings and the extensive use of The lower cost of selling, combined with The prices will convince the most a considerable amount of money and it fine steel forgings instead of castings or the low charges for financing and acces- should be carefully considered from all stampings are additional features that sories, means a direct saving of at least skeptical that this sale will give you angles before a final decision is made. reflect the high quality built into every $50 to $75 to every purchaser of a Ford, The value of the car to you depends on part of the car. Throughout, it is a value in addition to the savings made possibl@ tile value built into it at the factory., how far above the price you pay. by economies in manufacturing. The values for the better class of merch- much extra you pay the dealer for dis- money you pay for a Ford goes into value tribution, selling, finuucing and accessories E®w dealer in the car. It is aot wasted in high dealer andise that the merchants of Red and what it will cost to operate and main- charges. tain the car after purchase. Each of these THE SAME PRINCIPLES t)f efficiency and Bank are noted for. Take advan- factors, as it relates to the Ford car, is economy that characterize the manufao E&w mp-heep eoats frankly explained below. • . . ture of the Ford car are applied oho to ' ' ' • .1 distribution. Obviously it would do the IT IS DIPORTANT to remember that the tage of this notable opportunity to Ecom®m§§ in pretslueilom public little good to save in production if cost of your automobile is not the first these savings were sacrificed later in ex- cost only, but the total cost after months purchase real bargains. When you 1 HE FORD CAR is made economically be- cessive costs of Belling, financing and and years of service. Here again there io cause of the efficiency of Ford production accessories. . a decided saving when you buy a Ford. come to Red Bank watch for the methods. The money saved through this The Ford dealer, therefore, operates on The cost of operation and up-keep is efficiency is put back into the car in im- the same low-profit margin as the Ford lowertbecause of simplicity of design, the proved quality of material and in greater Motor Company, his discount or commis- high quality of material, and the reduction sale signs bearing the Chamber of care and accuracy in manufacturing. The sion being the lowest of any automobile of friction and wear through unusual ac- constant effort in to'eliminate waste and dealer. He does a good business because curacy in manufacturing and assembling. Commerce endorsement. find, ways to make each part better and he makes a small profit on many sales The reliability and longer life of the car better without increasing cost—frequently instead of a large profit on fewer sales. contribute to its low depreciation per year nl lowered cost. . of use. Because of Ford economies in large Tho intelligent, painstaking service ren- production and because the Ford organiza- THESE &®W PISICES dered by Ford dealers is under close fac- tion operates on a low-profit margin, the Roadster . . $435 tory supervision and is'a factor in the low price you pay* for the car is much less than up-keep cost of the Ford. AH labor is Phaeton . 8440 Tudor Sedan $500 it would be under any other conditions. billed at a flat rate and replacement parts It Pays to Trade Coupe . . $500 Sport Coupe $530 Yet it brings you many unusual features are always available at low prices through of construction and performance. Two-window Fordor Sedan . . §000 Ford dealers in every section of tho At least $75 extra value is represented Three-window Fordor Sedan .. . $625 United Slates. alone by the Triplex shatter-proof glass Cabriolet . $645 Town Sedan 8670 In two, three or five years, depending in Red Bank windshield, the Rustless Steel, the four (All prleet f.o. b. Detroit) on how much you drive, the saving in' Houdallle doulle-acling hydraulic shock Low charges for lime payments through die operating and maintaining a new Ford will absorbers, and tho five steel-spoke wheels. ' Universal Credit Company amount to even more than the saving on The unusually large number of hall and (he first cost of the car.


.,..><.,>• ??* ??y»f?f! • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .« ,.--t > r.'H'V Six RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY. 26, 1930. IT IS A FMEASUBE AND A ADDITION TO BUDUBJNO. ENTERTAINER A? IJIUBOEi SATISFACTION TO A NEW €HUR€H RECTORY, HAVE YOUE PRESSING DONE lipUtuid Furnaco Company Enlarg- Mm. ArtJiur Ksclielbaciv Has Scare -at- A.W.HayhewCo. j Fine House KEV. NICHOLAS •,..SORIANO XO ing Its Quartern at FrSendi) at I'ariy. HAVE A NEW HOEIE. A 33-foot addition la being built to Mra. Arthur Eschelbaoh of Weot AUTOMOBILE i#Red Bank the rear of the building at 33 Me-Front street entertained a seefa of LEON'S The Contract Was Awarded Last chanic street owned by Albert ft lends recently at a bridge party. Week and the Work WU1 be Start- Burdge and occupied by the Holland Prlzea wore won by.Mra. Mao J, Ry- INSURANCE For Sale. furnace company. The work is belff an prid Miss Agnes Dwyer of Red NOTICE, ed on March 21Bt—The Reotory Is TO MYRON SIMON AND MINNA SIMON, to tie Completed by July 1st dono by employees of the furnaco Bank and Walter Conrow of Ocean- HIS WIFE: BROKERS company. Tha Red Bank branch of port. Others present wera Mr. and m/ virtue or an order of the Court or Choice Location, A contract was awarded last week this company, which 1B In charge of Mra, William J. Ryan. Jr., Mr. anJ Your Order Ctiftiicery of New Jorsey, made on the day I ESSES ULDG, NBWABK. N, J.| Restricted Property, for a rectory to be built for St. An-H. T. Lauden and H. W. Parmcntcr, ills. George Strauss, %Ir. and Mm. cf xho date hereof, in a cause wherein Fins Neighborhood. Hecorid National Bank and Trust Company TeL 34J0 SIul. \ thony's church. The rectory will* bo now employe 41 persona. It is nowJoseph Eschelbach, Mm Worden No matter wtet your Urns ore as to Linoleum or Window shades «r Itet! Hank. N. J.. n corporation of the lies. Pbone Bed Band 423. f constructed on the property on tin Designated as one of the company e Grooma, Mrs. Samuel BerkowiU, BOO ua drat. We can supply any mako Linoleum lo SU United States of America, is complainant east side of Bridge avenue, lm super branches. Mra. Louise Evans, Miss Mttrjot'le Also enjf IVladow Strata) can be made to tnateb your Ideas, unit Ita*e Seidcii mid others nre defendant?, workmanship. you ere required to nppear anil answer SU Rooma, mediately south of the church where GroomB, Hiss Dorothy Berltowits, tiio liili of said, complaint, on or before Improvements. the present rectory Is located. The Miss Mlna Eschelbach and Arthur WE GOAEANTEE ODB PE1CES LOWEST NO 61ATTEH the 31st day of .March, next, or the said present rccory will be sold and A Store Modernized. lill| will be taken as confessed Biininsl Michael Delguldlce has improved KECholbnch of Red Bank; Misa Jean , WHO MAKES IT—TRY US, >ou. moved. ReV. Nicholas Soriano Is the und modernized his storo on the wont Rmlth o.f Long Branch and M The Enfd hill Is filfd to foreclose eight Price—$12,500. rector, and under the terms of the .'ohn Gorman of Aabury Park, certain mortgages given by Annie PJaUy contract his new home Is to be com- elde of Shrewsbury avenue, near (widow). Hose Seitien ami Phillip Soidcn. pleted by July 1st. River street, at Red Bank. Neiv her husband, ami Miriam Burkliardt VEKV EASY TERMS. vestibule display windows have been , tn William H. .Mcllride and eub- FARMS Cimato & company of Mlddletowo RED BANK. Phone 1259 DCQMcntly ussii;iud by snid Wiliinrn II. township received the contract. The made, new floors have been laid, new NOT A SPECULATOR. Me Bride to the Seen ml National Bunk and Country Homes fixture!) have been Installed and art Trust Cam pan y of Jted Bunk, N. J., all of work will be started March 21st. The metal ceilings and aldewalla have W. A. HOPPING paid mortgages beinj: dated April' 1st. rectory will be 27x56 feet and It will lil^G, and coven'mr iund* tit the Dorousn Shore Estates liylio & Sab be enclosed with tapestry brick. One been put up. The stock of goods has u{ Bmdlev Bfiach, in tlio County of Mon- been increased. inoiith mid State of New Jersey: and ynu. of the features of the first story will Real Estate and Insurance Myron Simon, nre made a defendant be-r All Forms ol INSURANCE Realtors—Insurance, be a sun parlor nine feet wide and 8 LINDEN Vt, ' RED BANK cause >ou are now the owner of record of } extending all the way across the Will Move to Newark. n onc*fiiurtli interest in said premises, niid State Highway jnu. Minna Simon, nre made n defendant Register Building. Red Bank. front of the house. Other rooma on Mr. and Mrs. J. Nason Taylor of PHONE ear f oil Can Gel Eight Firms f localise, as the wife of Myron Simon, you Eutontown, N. J, I'lione 178 this floor will be a living room, 13x25 down place, Red Bank, will move claim an indicate rik'ht ot dower, or other- feet, dining room, breakfast nook, of- vise, in efitd one-fourth interest in said next week to Newark. Mr. Taylor RESERVATIONS jrcmises. fice, kitchen and lavatory. On the lias been employed several yoars by Dated Jami-M-v pfliY ]-r.a. •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAM second floor will be four bedrooms, tho United States radiator company. aro now being made for storage of C.Vn;, Sl-V-.^. KORTEB maid's room and two bathrooms. your Furs and Winter Garments in & REUSSILLE. He was recently promoted to a high- Eolicitor.s of Complainant. Established 18M Telephone U! The bathrooms will have tile floors er place with the company and this our new cold otorago vault For the Price of One! 3 1 ).n.;;.j Street, Red Bank, N. J. and all the other rooms will hava will require him to live at Newark. hardwood floors with chestnut trim. NOTICE. Tne rectory will be provided with You get that when you offer your Real Estate for sale Notice is hereby given lliat William C. Try a Register Want Advertise- LEON'S Ji-hnmin, Russell ('. Catiler nnd Elmer J. modern Improvements. • The plans ment. It will pay you.—Advertiaement under the Wilson, Commisaionoi-8 appointed to usneris> vere drawn by Vincent J. Eck and he the cost fut- Inyinir nidcvvalks on Campbell 58-64 BROAD ST., RED BANK N. J. will supervise the construction. The Avenue, Helford. have filed a report IIT snid nsKP^smont :it n meetintr 0/ the amount of the general contract is Township Committee of the Township of $13,600, but there will bo other work Multiple Listing System Niddtetcm-n held on Thursday nftcrnoon. which will bring the total cost to TELEPHONE 2Z38-J. . lVbninry 13th. 1LI30. ami the same ia on Windstorm Insurance file with the TounaMi> Clerk. $16,100. The bids for the general con- Eight Real Estate Firms are Members of the Red Bank A public hearing will he given upon the tract follow: KEid report nt tlio meeting of the Town- A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates Real Estate Board. When you list your property for sale tihip Committee of the Township of Mid- Cimato & company $13,600 tlletown to bo held at the Committee rooms Frank Plcone 14,105.05 with one of these firms, tell him to list if with the oilier nt Mlddletown on Thuruddy afternoon, Fardlnand Tedtico .14.500 members of the Board. He will take care of this without ' March 13th, 1030, at 3:30 o'clock in tlie Harold A. HenJricU.on 16,469 any (rouble lo you, and then -all eight members of the Board afternoon. j Harry Southall 17,150. DEALER IN All person* interested nt that time will j will be'huntim* up a buyer for your property, that is the be given a hearing and the said report j Frank Donato .> 10.041 S Mill be uj> for final confirmation nt that | advantage of listing 'property ufrder the & time. ' j FOR BOWLING AND POOL. ' Dated Februnry 13th. 1030. | HOWARD W. ROBERTS, | Towmhin Clerk. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS A New Building: «o bo Put Up at Ori- Multiple Listing System ole Park Near Red Banli. NOTICE. i Notice is hereby given thnt William C. j We specialize in the designing and construction James Acerra and Anthony Maz- ".luhnflon, Jlussell C, Caalci1 and Elmer .1. j of homes that express the PERSONALITY of These are the members of the Red Bank Real Estate AVilaon, Cornmlsnioncts appointed to aBHesa I zaco of Red Bank bought a lot laat ,thf cost for liiyinc nidewalks on Campbell j the pvvner; also in the remodeling and alteration of week at the southwest corner of Peat Moss AH Kinds of Poultry Feed Board: avenue. Port Mcnmoiith. have flled a report I older houses. General construction of all kinds. Newman Springs road and Laurel i of BBitJ nsBCHsnient at a meetinp of the | s *J'("rvn.6hI]i ConimiUoe nf the Township of street. The property has a frontage Baled Shavings HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmouth Street Briddletoft'n held on Thursday a/ternoon, of 50 feel on Nowmnn Springs roa.l WM. h. HOPPING, Broad Street and Under. Piece i February I3lh, 1930. and thb Btime is on Shrewsbury, N. J. Tel. Red Bank 1311 and of 150 feet on Laurel street. It Selling LEHIGH and WILKES-BARRE file with the Township Clork, Is part of the Oriole Park develop- HENDRICKSON & STOUT 2 Linden Place i A public heart nj* will he given upon the PLYMOUTH COAL ppid report nt the meeting of the Town- ment, and the new owners bought it HYLIN & SAXZ, 42 Broad Street ,. ship Committee of the Township of Mid- from the Red Bank development illctowii to he held nt Ifie Committeo roomn For Twenty-five Years. A. L. IVINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street ;."* % nt Middlctown on Thursday afternoon, company for $2,500. The sale was Mnrch 13th, 1030, at 3:30 o'clock in the made by the White-Paoh agency. LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street afternoon. Mr. Acerra and Mr. Mazzaeo stats Try a Ton of This Red Ash Coal. i i All iierBonn interested nt that time will MQRR1SEY & WALKER, Keanabura he given a hearing nnd the said report that they will put a building. 50xX40 will bo up for final confirmation at thnt feet, on the lot for bowling alleys and ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, Inc., 60 Broad Street time. a pool room. It is expected that tho LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY I 1 Dated Februnry 13th, 1930. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, work will be started in a few days. Township Clerk. The owners state that there will be six bowling alleys. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Janitor Service Estate of Adtlie KingBbury, deceased. Notice lo hereby given ihst tho accounts FLAKS FOB NEW BUILDINGS. of the subscribe™, execute.™ of the, estate of enld deceased, will be audited and filateil by the Surrogate of the County of Vincent J. Eck to Supervise Three Monmouth and reportod for settlement to Construction Contracts. the Orphans' Court of caid County, on Thursday, the twentieth day of March. Vincent J: Eck of Red Bank has A. D. 1030, at which time application will Lo JLJ0 be made for the allowances of commissions drawn plans for a rectory to be built ant] counsel fees. for St. Elizabeth's church of Avon Dr.tcd February 7th, A. D. 1030. COR. BROAD ST. AND HARDING ROAD, The contract was awarded last week HENRV McDERMOTT. to Philip J. Eager of Long Branch •00 Branch Ave.. Red Bank, N. J. SIDNEY CHASEY, RED BANK, N. J. for $32,000. Mr. Eck will supervise El West Side Avenue, Bod Bank,.N. J, the construction. He haa also drawn ALSTON BBEKMAN, Eot,., plans and will supervise the con- Bed Bunk, N. J.. struction of a boys' camp at Clinton Proctor. New^ Jersey, where a mess hall, cot- toges and'other buildings will be constructed at a cost ol $50,000. Tlio camp has been named Camp Mc- Mahon. Mr. Eck has drawn plans for a rectory to be built for St Ther- esa's church of Runnymede, near Omden, at a cost of $20,000. Mr. Eck will supervise this work. FOXWOOD PARK HOUSE SOLD. THIS WEEK'S William F. Tobias Property Bought by Bcne Koun of Kumson. Single and Double-Breasted Models. Prices Effective William E. Tobias, Jr., who moved Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1. o. to Westfleld recently, has sold his Fancy Cashmeres, Worsteds and SUPER SAYINGS house and lot at Foxwood Park at some Blues. Little Silver to Beno Koun of Bum- son. The property ig on the north Many of them have two pair of pants side of Silverton avenue. The lot Is 50x105 feet and the house has seven POULTRY SALE rooms and modern Improvements. A Single and Double-Breasted Models. garage with room for two cars Is Exceptional Values on Chickens and Fowl ! also on the property. Tha sale was Box Style and Form Fitting. made by Joseph G. McCue of Rum Plain Colors—Fancys and Blues. "on. For the past two years Mr. EACH BIRD 3"/i LBS. 34c lb. Koun has occupied Mrs. Minerva A. Ncsbitt's house on Woodmere avenue 32c lb. at Rumson. NAVESINK TRACT SOLD. 34c lb. New York Man Buys Ten Acres Ad MILK-FED—EACH BIRD 3}i LBS. joining His Country Estate. j Arnold Wood of New York, who | owns a largo country estate near i Naveslnk, haa bought a ten-aero ENCORE ' tract of land adjoining his property BEEF SPECIAL for $8,000. The tract has no rond ON GENUINE fiontage. A house Is on the placi. Collar Attached and Neckband 1 ho property is sometimes known >ia Styles—Fancys, Plain Colors and CHUCK ROAST 22c lb. the Whalen place and sometimes Known as the Johnson place, due to White. Many Manhattans in the LEGS 29c lb. tho fact that families with thesu RIB ROAST . 34c lb. names owned and occupied it a nuni- lot—AND VALUES UP TO $4.50. SHOULDERS 16c tb. BEST CUTS be of years. The price Is considered lecord-breaklng for land in that lo- citlity without road frontage. FRESH A New Holmdcl Bungalow. VEAL llendrick P. Conover's new bunga- Medium Weight, AH Wool Slip-on low nt Holmdel Is ncarlng comple tfon and Mr. and Mrs. Conover ex- Sweaters with crew neck—Powder LOIN CHOPS . . 39c lb. pect to move in it early in April. At and Royal Blue, Red, Tan and White RIB SIDE present they are occupying a house CUTLETS . . . 49c lb. nt Holmdel which is owned by the —Specially priced for this sale. lb. William C. Ely Mtate. SHOULDERS . . 24c lb. Improving Holmdel House. William Keane of Jersey City ia making improvements to the Curley house at Holmdel which ho bought Fancy and Plain colors in Silk and last. fall. He Is doing the work him- self during his spare time and he and Wool, Lisles and Rayon. Former Cudahay's Puritan Sliced Bacon his family expect to movo in tho house in tile summer. Values up to $1.00. Many Inter- ( 54- Ln. rite wovens. New Roof on House. Mrs. Grace B. Olbl> Is having a j new roof put on her large house on Kumson parkway at IUimuon. Frank Scott la the contractor. The plan.! j wero drawn by George A. Delatush -See these Specials in our windows- ,-ind ho is Dupervlslng the work. The 7 Broad St., Red Bank 30 Church St., Keansburg cost will be 54,000. 22 Monmouth St., Red Bank 1 ) ?04 Broadway, Long Branch Iluildlng: io Ills Home. IT '-.' ; V •.:.!; .'•W 71 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands 593 Broadway, Long Branch Eugene Wlllinms of Mcchnnlc ' 1 149 Bay Ave., Highlands. 131 E. Main St., Matawan ntreet is having mi addition of two 30 Front St., Keyport looms nnd a bathroom built to his Campbell's Junction, Belford residence by Jamf,s LnRau of Fair 150 Main Street, Asbury Park. Haven at a cost of $1,000. The worn will be completed In nbout a week. It paya to Advertise In The Keglstor. RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26,1930. 'i*l

JIIDDLETOWN HONOB BOLL. COLT'S NECK NEWS. home of Mrs. William Gilbert Mon- day afternoon. List of High School I'upllo With The Annual Banquet of the Sewing The senior men'ii club of the Con- Best Records In Studies, Club a Delightful Attalr. gregational church held a successful The ten pupils of the Mlddletown 'The members of the sewing club card party Friday night. William O'Brien Union hoBe company gave a danc-; townuhip high schgol at Leonardo are still talking about the delightful with tha befit records In studies for time which they had at tho annual Saturday night. Tiie local Dfirnncmtlc cluh will holil (he fourth marking period are Helen banquet of tho club Tuesday night of 1 -MEANS- DeMidowltz, Alvlna Hess, Josephine last week, at the American hotel at ii card party and social In Veteran ) Hens, Phyllis Xese, Elsie Holmes, Freehold. Chrlney Conovei' was toast- hall tomorrow night. Alfred Mirro Minnlo Holmes, Miriam Nelmarlt, master- and ho mado a large contri- will act as general chairman. Gilbert Parker, Irma Schofleld and bution to the success of the banquet 3 Approved and Improved Marlon Waters. The honor rolt tor by an original poem In which tho FOBT MONMOtlTH NEWS. proficiency In studies by grades 1» name of every member of tho club Heating Plumbing, Roofing DO follows: was mentioned. Fifty-four persons Kctlred General Tells of Experiences Twelfth grade—Burton Colllnt, Erna were present. After tho feast old- In bllieilii. Water Systems Copper Work fashioned games were played In Day, Mmeliu Ellington, Berwln Gulturm. Major General W. S. Graves, U. S.. Earthen and Iron Pipe ' ' «en, Elsie Holme., Alvlnc ![•»», Lillian which everyone Joined. Credit for Klepp, Miriam Nelmark, Jamee itednclil, this feature 13 due to Mrs. Sherman army, retired, of Shrewsbury was th.i WE HANDLE THE AMERICAN KADJATOH COMPANY'b Edwin Siph. Hunt and Mrs. Clarence Campbell. speaker of the evening at a smoker Eleventh sraile—ltulh Batten, Thclma given Friday night by the Officers' ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS Crawford, Helen DeMidowlts, Mlllard Km. Saturday was the date of the wed- club at Fort Monmouth. General ter, Eatlier Frank, Asnei Glowfiikl, Joa> ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.Graves WBH the commander of the e size ephlne Heas, Minnie Holmei, Florence Joseph Lefferson, It was also the American forces in Siberia during Red Bank and Sea bright KohlenbtiBch, Anna Lfttlnl, Jack Miles. birthday of Mrs. Lefforoori's nephew, Iho world war and his tmbjoct cov- 27x54 Inches Tenth grade—Mortnce Adalr. Rita Hlchard Flock, Bon of Charles Flock ered hla activities during this per- Ansiey, Helen Coltrell, William Garrlaon, Charters spent tho day with his aunt. Rojctta (Irlmm, Frcldi Helfrlch, Martin iod. Mstiiln, Gilbert Parker. Ruth Phlllltx, Charles Sherman, one of the oldest Oijtonnl and Mrs, A. R. Cnwnn en- It's a Sure Sign of Rain— residents of th|s place, la very sick. Thomas 'Petit, Itamona Palmer, Helen Reid, tertained at dinner in honor of Ma-THE DAVl YOU WASH yOUR CAR Joseph Ralphs. Carolina Smith, Emll A~ number of farmers, took ad- jor,iGcncral and Mrs. W. ti. Graves Hchuermatt, William Shepion, Marlon. vantage of tho mild weather last !>nd Major General and Mrs. GcoiK': You can avoid all that annoyance Worth. week to do early plowing. There was 3. Gllibs. In addition' lo the honor Ninth ufile—Je»le Collins, Wallace also considerable fenco mending and by letting us wash It and II It ruins .on, Adoliih1 Frenchman, Pfaylll. He.., Rueuts thonc present included Major other like work preparatory to theC. L. Eastman, Capt. and Mrs. E. I,.tho saino day no'll rewash It free. Ruth Knluht, Elva LaHont, Genevleve planting season. Many orchardiats Ludcr,, Inez Leonard, John Matthew. Baldwin, Capt. and Mrs. J. V. MateJ- Wo not only wash tho outsido ami Charles McMahon, Ruth Oswald, Helen trimmed their trees. ka, Lieut, and Mrs. C. W. Wood, underneath, we clean the Inside A communion service will be held Hoot, Dorothy Schumann, Irma Schofleld, Capt. and Mrs. I. II. Trccst, Capl. thoroughly and crease your car from Gertrude VanKIrk, Mtrlon Waters. at the Reformed church Sunday and Mrs. T. II. McCarlcy,. Capt. nnd The five highest In the seventh and morning. A preparatory service for Mrs. L, F. Lawrence, Capt. and Mm. top to bottom. eighth grades ara Helen Carnle, communion will take place Friday E P. Antonovlch, Capt. and Mrs. II. COME IN AND SEE OUB Thomas Conlt, Helen Fulling, Eliza- night. P. Browning, Capt. and Mrs. G. I.. MODERN EQUIPMENT. beth Hurst, Herman Seddhj, Elsie Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Campbell Townsend, Capt. and Mrs. G.: C. Flldanger. and family have moved to Tennent. Black, Capt. and Mrs. A. M. Mlxson, While you are watching n show According to classes in alphabeti- For a number of years they had oc-and Lieut, and Mrs. F. H. Lanahan. We'll wash your car. cal order: iupled the farm owned by Mr. Camp- bell's mother. Major General George S. Gibbs, Now Open for Business Grade 8-t—Thomna Conk, Helen Fulling, chief officer of the army, ac- Irene Frank, Dorlo McElyoln, El.lo Wll- The largest meeting which the sew- danger. ' _ng club of the Reformed church has companied by Mrs. Glbbs, arrived Grade 8-2—Leon Boechel, Helen Duz'e. held this year took place last Friday lote Friday ovoning to attorn! the lec- Our Regular 98c. Rug Marie Mace, Ethel Simpson, Irene Was. at the home of Mrs. William Hunt. ture given by Major General William kcwlcir. The members of the club made ar- S. Graves at the Officers' club at Solid color rags with fancy Grade 8-3—George BeloweB, Anna ticles for the annual harvest homo Fort Monmouth. BrcckcnrldKB, Dorothy Hohn, Fred Hors- which will be held next fall. • Major Clyde L.' Eastman of Brook- stenciled borders. Large size - (all. Stephen O'Sage, lyn also attended the lecture given 27x54 inches. An excellent Grade 7-1—-Helen Carnlc, Vincent Conar, by General Graves. At the conclu- Elizabeth Hurst, Donald Shejuon, Lillian ONION BEACH NEWS. sion of the lecture Major Eastman buy at this low price. Gillette. Grado 7-2—Ada Deyey. William Lloyd, returned to Brooklyn. Charlen Maion, Mary Stavola, Norman Council Makes a Start at Paying Off Bacagalupl Brothers On Sale Only While They Last Walllnir. Old Bills. Try a Register Want Advertise- Red Bitnli 1159. Grade 7-8—Alex Crals. Lois Devey, With overoxnenditurcs of more ment It will pay you.—Advertisement "Wo Wash Everything Oil your Cai Marlon Hclwlff, June Mark.teln, Frank Spezlnle. than $11,000 during the year 1929, the But tho Payments." Grade 7-4—Myrtle Hay, Robert Hall- I'orough council of Union Beach at NO SHINES—NO MARKS itorli, Ruth Miller, Gcorsre Seddie, Wll-the meeting Thursday night made a EVERY SUIT IS PRESSED ON At Frco ParUing Grounds. CHAIN, RETAILERS OF QUALITY DRY GOODS llnm Taylor. start of paying off some of the bilis A.IR CUSHIONS, lft unpaid by tho administration Wharf Avenue, 28 BROAD STREET. 620 CO0KMAN AVE, PRESSING THAT LASTS BED BANK. N. J. ASBURY PARK. Bradley Decreo Signed. that went out of office on. January LONGER IS DONE AT RED BANK, N. J. Judge Stelnbach last week signed 1st The accounts for last year have STORES IN 24 OTHER CITIES a decree giving approval to the ac-keen in the hands of1 Walter B. Dar- LEON'S OUR SERVICE STATION ceptance by John W. Slocum, ad- by, commissioner of municipal ac- 70-70 WIIITF; STHKET There Were Seat Hogs in the ministrator of the James -A. Bradley counts. The payment of last year's TEL. 2800 HANDLES "SHElA GASOLINE." cttate of $400,000 to settle the claims bills havt; been-held up pending the Eighties, Too. ogatnst Samuel H. Glllespie, former report of Mr. Darby as to ways and Ilia Is not a new breed, but ona thut flourished executor. These claims amounted to means of paying these bills, and hav- $2,286,515.69. Tho decree has no ef-ing the items appear in the 1930 in the days of the ens-lit couch ns well as tho fect on tho unsold real estate, the hndget. modern busses thiit Unit our towns today. Thu title of which stands in Mr. Bradley s At the Thursday night's meeting man who believes tbut tiio world keeps un estate. the finance committee presented a Improving bos but to compare traveling In batch of these bills for payment. those times with now, to vrovo lila point. Thought ira Car Stolen. Many more bills are still to be paid A Soabright man, who was too ex-and are being withheld pending the approval'of the 1030 budget. It la the policy ol the Broad Street National cited to give hla name, rushed Into I police headquarters at,Freehold last •The old bills pffld were for the Bunk to continually Keep on Improving tin or' jweek and shouted that he had been most part electric light, telephone ganlzatlon (or tho service of Its depositors. robbed of his automobllo which he and contractors' Bills. The payment Are you availing yourself and your business Bald he had parked In front of theof bills was the only matter of im- portance that came before the coun- of tho many modern wnys In which thn most Freehold trust company. A few min- utes later the police f6und the car In cil for action. modern bank in Eod Bank can sarvn ynv? front of tho First national bank. Tho The pa.rtnersh.ip existing between man had got his banks mixed. Joseph McCoy and Frank Molfetta, who operated a garage on the Stone load, has been dissolved and the bus- Charged With Fraud. iness will be conducted by Mr. Mc- Alexander Alexandras, former nov- Coy. THE. BROAD STREET elty merchant at Long Branch, was The ladies' aid of tho Grace Meth- convicted In the United States dis- odist church held a social at the NATIONAL BANK trict court at Trenton last week of concealing assets in his petition for bankruptcy. It was claimed that ho -JEST ONE TKIAL ORDER TO shipped $2,500 worth of goods to St PBESS YOUB SUIT WILL Petersburg, Florida, just before filing MAKE YOU A SATISFIED his petition. CUSTOMER. For 3 Days'Only, Fek .1st

Tho road to bettor and bigger busl LEON'S neas leads through The Register's ad 10-Tfl WHITE STREET vertlslng columns.—Advertisement. TEL. 2800

4* + +


Cedar Chest | Kitchen Table Roadster Ua-Bed with Drop Leaf, Imss New Bprlng nil steel con- Lima's nil Red wood top; rmdy to style with Remarkable Shoes At So Little struction. This Cedar, In 36" [mint. benvy nrtlllcry • IH complete. size; new style. wheels. • iiiiill

Formerly Up to $10.00.

SIZES INCOMPLETE. Kill pirns of J '•': •••••'•.. v Medicine Simmons DlniMwunrt' Felt Base Rugs . In a Variety of Leathers, Styles and Heeli. Boil In Ivory in uitli I ilili V tfl . 22 E. Front St., Red Bank, N. J. PHONE 1259.

1 „, 1,1 II,. i turn:.. In '!"'"< A'i/i,,i :i,| .1.-1,.,,.1,,,iiWiniiliint |,,liui-iiiii;, -,,1* jnnl an Ihti Iiusl><(l1 ••iiilHii-iilliin nl HIM MIIIIU "f Ni'iv .l,iwv. IN CHANCKHY OF NI-.W JKRS uihl tx-rmik'il kn tlui MuiiiiiDinli mill Diiroiliv .]ai:i>li-ii'ii mill Niilli'm Jmi'l'* nr iii« Miii iiiHAthr .in.i,,!,!,,!, »,,,! tun Ti. CRAI-"l'SM.\N'S IIUMKS. INC., a cur- - CloiL'x >,lli<><- In IHK'I. IK'l) «il' rl- rtyli mi! ilcfcmliinlii. vim mi! .ii-'Milifi'l '» lui.ii^...mi fl.l»ii<,r-|i,l«M( Jn#»l,J Vnm, lioi-nllnu of Ilin Slnlo nl New Jcnwy, IU. In n! >'i"i. ('1 mill mntOTUY JACOI1SON mill NA- WHITE SHOE CO. Unman. In.- . 11 i-ti iniiili- a i|.-f'ii.liilil li.i- "ill'ln't'li'ii"'" V.r'r"'i.'• tin' Huh .Iny i.f AIHII THAN .lAt'.UUHUN. ,1, 1 .- y.iii am ilu- nii.ili.,, ' > 1,-1111. .I In Hi,. I'lilinim/ Itlli, lllSO, • 1 1 nrst. i,r till' 1.11I1I bill "III I'" I"!-' " »» '•'"•• 9 Broad Street, lly virtue of mi iirilm' "f tin (Iniirt ol 1,111 .if n I.'int. 1,nil s'.'.i, II Hi', .hi." Red Bank, N. J. I'hiillrory "f Now JPIHI'V. mnili' un tho ilnv I'I-B I iiunlnnt V.III. iibiutn. 1110 mini.- 1. .l.-IYfiiliui' li.-.aii-i. you Ni.iiiiinf ni (;f,ni'l»f(i»*j . j Tlio "»iil lilll !» 'Hi'il '" f" ' f ,,f tin: iliil,' lii.i-onf III II i-liil"» UIIIMI'III mn Iki- '-M'.-I 111 I II111 lllli.l I """- M Hr.ili'1 nllMf, U*\ «•« »- *' •*• Minimum h l.iimliiT CuTiii'iniy. n I'.U |.ur!«- ,:,,- inn. li-lii-i. lii:uli- bv ill ,• ,,i- In.'., I" Mi" 'I' l.'ii..l..-i- llull nf tin- Stntn i.i Nnv Jpi-i'i'V. I? rnni- mill >.iu. Ni.lliiiii J.LCIIIII^UII, am 111:1.li; a L..lili,,IIIV. 111.-., ill III'! •"••' "[ * I.HOO.UO, It "uyo tu AUvoi tte« l« I'm 1'lllllliillt, mill CIIIIUUIIIIII'II lU.iilc. Inc., ii Page EleKf RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1930.' many years. H« left » widow end VEARS AGOINRH) BANK eight "daughter!. Expert Repairing Mr. and Mr«. Harry. Hopkins of ; ll.Vri'E.N INGS OF OLD IN ANDRiverside drive received s surprise' CIIESTUNT HOKSE—13S3. or visit from 1 about sixty friends, who • AIIOUND OTJB HOME: TOWN. spent the 'Venlng In dancing- and Unusual feature^ of desiqn FEE WATCHES, CLOCKS playing games. „ and JEWELRY Incidents Culled From The tleglitct • Gottlob Dietz, Sr., of Mlddlelown. Sire—COBN KAJLJ! Dmn—MISS MJiLLAOtSK of the Fourth Week In February hatched out 150 chickens In an In- T. AUBUBN Is a hojEe of magnificent conformation and ex- Accuracy, skill and experi- Twenty Years Ago. Thirty Years cubator and a day or two later rats , assure EXCEPTIONAL Ago and Forty Years Ago. got In the brooder and killed all of S cellent disposition. He Is perfectly sound. He has marvel- ence enable us to do the Ihe chickens. lous bone and » healthy constitution. Ho Is a good foal Keller : Forty Years Ago. and hl» stock In training in are most promising. He la most delicate repairing. We The ladles' aid society of Grace (,'uaiantee satisfaction. Our Money sold for 35U per cent prem- church held a bazar in the town hall small and particularly well suited to sire first rnte polo mounts. ium at a meeting of the Atlantic and cleared $337, which was used to WILL STAND AT i nrices will nlcase you. Highland building and loan associa- help pay off the debt on tho ehurc'h ECONOMY tion.. Thlg was tile highest point yet parsonage. Silverware Repaired reached for money In the history of Mrs. KuRlna Zimmerman of Eaton- VALLEY ' VIEW FARM the assoclatiqn. town went to Newark to attend a Apply lo and Replated Like New John I. Mount, who lived near Hop- funeral and while she was away the LUTHER SCHANCK I ping's station in Middletown town- house was robbed of S10 and- some REUSiSSLlES' ' ship died at the age ot 73 years af- jewelry. , • Matawan, N. J., near Red Bank ter a very JonR sickness. He left a George W. Thompson of Highlands 36 Broad St., Red Bank. wife and five children. • died of consumption after a sickness Tel. Holnidcl no. Jacob Degenring, Harry C. Badeau of two years.1 He was 35 years old and Elwood C. Richardson, all. of .Red and a wife and two children survived Bank, were elected officers of the him. Monmouth county liquor dealers' as- Walter Rjad, son of Dr. James J. sociation. • Read of Seabrlght, while visiting AI- Harry and Frank Payne, sons of He Petjrs of Locust Point, fell over- General Benjamin S. Payne of Rlver- board and narrowly escaped drown- .side avenue, Rave a reception to their ing, MULT I "MANGE friends at which 75 persons were Tho young ladles' Sodality of St. present. James's church gave an entertain- The two-year-old son of Mrs. ment for' trie benefit of the library Charles M. Richardson of Pine Brook j lund of the society and cleared $75. was badly scalded by the overturning Robert Edwards was walking be- of'a wash boiler full of hot water. hind a horse in his stable when the Bartine JoHne, who lived at Turtle horse kicked him on the knee and Mill, near Eatontown, died at the age laid him up for several days. of 76 years. He left a widow, aeven About forty friends surprised Mr. Though It Is known mainly for Its daughters and a son. and Mrs. William I. Stilwell of Mld- of all to moving parts. And .crankcate ' . Lambert Brush, Jr., of Atlantic dletown In celebration of the 31th an- superior performance and ventilation prevents dilution of engine oil ilshlands, • while playing on his niversary of their marriage. smoothness, the New Oakland .'.' won prizes at a r.*ike walk which v/:-. happiness and the protection of the orooertv vou wish to trans- held in connection with a danc^ 1, the Mnnmnulh county horticutl ui.. society nt Red Men's hall at Ocpnnii' mittothem. Arthur I1'. Swift of Shre\vsbur\ bought a plot 40x100 feet nt the cor _ ner of Broad nml Monmoulh streets from the Dr. Charles Hubhard estate. Having done your duty in this matter, days of greater Mr, Swift crcrtod n three-story bricu Get set for the coldest winter weather, at any hllflncs; huiHin;; nn the plot. Ellns rarling of Spring street satisfaction will come to you because you will know that you caught ;i big lien hawk In a Pter'i trap. Thr* hawk's wings measured Standard pump," and he off always with four fret ten inches from tip to lip have done the right thing and have chosen the right bank. nml It wiir cmiRht whllo nftcr Mr. j EnrlinK's chickens. I A piny In (wo acts was given tit the starter . . . Have your tan\ filled today. Libijtiy l,;iil at Shrewsbury for tli<- benefl! of HIP choir fund of Chris! , church nml SCO was cleared. Th» ; plr.y w,i;i written by Mrs. Anna V. i Jennings. The Second National Bank & Trust Co. Miss Sadie .7. Wagner rind Bnnja-:' !,•{: Wlitre New-Prncesscd "Standard"—;! carefully refined gasoline— mill Jennings, liolh nf Atlnnllc High- | innrl.'i. weir married by Itev. W. B. awaits you. Quick sUriinp, l.ul pirk-up, Itss Woclcing and smooth ilnrrlfi. The couple began housekeep- ' RED BANK, NEW JERSEY ing Immediately after the wedding. ...'.. «» power combine In give'liigli-tcsl 'performance at no advance in price. Isaac Morris, a butcher of Middle- town who was grenlly troubled by rntV began n. wnr of extermination nnd between August 1st and Feb- Total Resources Over .... MADE HY lllf. REFINERS OF ESSO—TllB ruary 20lh he hnd killed M rats. Robert. riillllpB of Red Bank died GIANT l will he «ufi Hewitt was tho contractor and th« . c'ent !° '"? ll!" llel""- "r,lh" nwdm The horso of William VariBrunt of tl 1<:of 8 tlle WM C ,Everctt jumped out of its stall and 3tore cost $7,000. " ' » $V. Cn™i. over the manger, and In prancing Mrs. Alonzo C, Hand of Highlands JOSEPH I. DON'AHAY was carrying a kettle of hot water „.,,,., . 1530 Su"°BaU around the barn it got mixed up in n e a harrow, a mowing machine and awhen the water splashed up npri | " " i'«i"-u"rr 13, A, V, . potato dlwrer. The horse received scalded her face so lliat she was laid ( NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. such Injuries that It was laid up a up several days. ' Notice IH lieieby Kiven that ncnlo'1 hUU long- time. . Mrs. Martha A. Green of Little' Uorounh ot Shrew.bury for the corntruc- The annual statement of* St. ncre p ShSiivee rwa diesd a awidot thwe agofe oRevf 83. Enoc yearsh, |I tion of a reinforced concretyni-deB| on James'3 church showed that the re- 5 ceipts for the previous year were Green, a former pastor of the Littl- 511,151.75. Rov. Jameo A; Reynolds Silver church. rooms of said Council, Shrewsbury. N ! Mrs. Evelyn Fields, widow of John on TuesdRy, March 4th. 11)30, at or about was pastor of the church and during 8:00 P. M., Btnmlurtl time. hls^pastorate the membership of theFields of Port Monmouth, died of Plana ftnd BpccUicntinna for the pro- church had Increased from 600 tothroat consumption. She left five I)or.eor cent owners of the dogs were Harold Stil- chinery in his storehouse near the ot the amount bid on tho work, paynblu ments. Make B-B prove itself by testing it woll Augustus Wales, Dr. John H. railroad freight station for grinding to the order of Borough Collector, and n VanMater, Frank W. Rclter, Peter surety company •certificate stating thnt against present feed. Unless it satisfies you and cleaning all kinds of grain. BEid «\iretV"comnany will furnish the bid- Petrl, Louis Morris and Vanderburg Mrs. Lydla Church Reid, wife of der with the required bond. Bids must he that it is more productive per dollar of feed Boyco. Charles H. Reid, dietl of heart trouble delivered at tho place and before the hour Monmouth Street, . Red Bank, N. J. and dropsy at the l?omp of her son,above named. cost—your money is promptly refunded. Tho Atlnntln Highlands board of Tha Borough reserved the right to re- trad;! was reorganized with William Melvln.:.S. Reid, near" Lliitsrofl. ject, any or aft hid* if deemed to tha bait Ask the B-B dealer. H. Posten aa president, William Rob- > Miss Nora Menck, wife of Paul interest of the Borough BO to do. Red Bank's Fastest Growing Furniture House. Menck'of Red Bank, died of pneu- By order of tho Council of the Eorouffh ert's vice president, Frank W. Relter of Shrewsbury. MAWT1ME M1UJNG CO., INC., BUFFAIO, N. V. and Franklin Patterson secretaries, monia after a elcknoss of ten days. 2nd Charles VanMater treasurer. She left two small daughters. Stephen H. LeQuier. who had been Gertrude Parker, daughter of "Wil- CASH OR CREDIT. FRIENDLY CREDIT. principal of the Fair Haven public liam, and Ada Parker, formerly of school five years, resigned, the po- sition and became principal of thft South River public school, where he taught history and mathematics. There was a great deal of sickness at Belford, among tho sick being John Roddlngton, Florence Helmuth. Sold and Recommended by John Havens, Leon Newman, Ben- jamin Holmes, William Klpp, Mrs. Irons and Augustus Tarnow. FRED D; WIKOFF CO., Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Darius Vandermark of Eaton- town was bitten on the hand by a cat while at the home of her daugh- D.E.MAHONEY,Keyport>N.J. ter, Mrs. Albert Wolcott. The bite M-« was a severe one and needed atten- tion by doctors for a week. George W. Parker of Highlands, 1

SAVE YOUR BATTERY, TIME AND PATIENCE SILKS PRETTY SILK Flat Crepe, washable $1,29 yd. HEAVY CREPE DE CHINE. FINE QUALITY RAYONS. Slips (crepe rayon) $1.79 Crepe de Chine, washable 1.79 yd. Vests 2 for $1.00 Step-ins 1.79 Step-ins , Satin, Crepe Back , ,79 yd. Dance Sets 1.79 Skinner's Crepe Back Satin ,79 yd. Chemise 1.79 3-in-l Combinations .-. Gowns 2.79 Slips I .•. J.29 New Silk Prints ... .79 yd. Crepe Slips, New Silhouette 2,79 Pongee, All Silk 3 yds. for 1.00 Kayser Bloomers , .79 GLOVE SILK. Panties .79 (S Yards Tor Customer Only) Vests 1.79 Sport Satin, for slips, etc .79 yd. Bloomers 2.79 Pajamas 1.70 Woolens, values up to $4.00 .. 1.49 yd. Panties 2.79 Gowns 1.79 CORSETS, Etc. Sensational 'HOSIERY Value! THREE GEOCPS GOSSARD V oftf/ HEN—or rather before—your M Sheer. Service. SI'ECIAIAY I'BICED H. & W. battery quits you in a pinch in All SHU Chiffon— SIIU to Hem. —at— W ARTISTIC off Toj) to Too. Kclnforcixl Heel and this cold weather, wastes your precious NEW SPRING 1'oe. $|,79 Graduate Corset- For Thli ierre In attond- SHADES. - NEW SHADES. time and sorely tries your patience— Solo Only. SIZES 8 V4 to 10. All Perfect. All Spring Styles and Coloro. icmcmber that most of the responsibility ance. HIZES 8'i to 10. will rest not on your battery, but on your gasoline! SKIRTS BLOUSES SWEATERS New Spring TweeFwoed Slilrtn—pleatedSlilrtn—pleated, circular niul Broadcloth (washable) $1.79 Just rri'choil it now lot of Spring Sport £>vvcs»o?TarnataX7r«6e!lc£ibutterct! The premium quality of Jeddo-Highland M, was struck by an auto- ped— carefully checked buyer at this low price a scratch on the body. action. Improvement may be noted within mobile while.crossing a street a few and conditioned "with an 1928 CIIEVKOLET COUPE—If you want a Sold "with an O. K. that seven days. Even in advanced case6—within a nlRhts nso. Ho was treated at the Frcclvilil hospital for a bad scalp t). K. that counts." coupe thio In- the opportunity counts." month. wound and was then taken to Jail for of a life-time. You'll bo proud safe keeping. of tho appearance of this one. Priced at —. —— Teach your children the INTESTINAL HYGIENE Sale Price— Sale Price— To Repair Church Boll, 1928 CHEVROLET COACH—Hero's a real healthy habit of intestinal Tlie recognized essential Tho. bell in St. Jamcs'n church at car for any kind of driving. Has many hygiene. Your druggist will health habit of keeping Elbermi. known na the church of tho 1 thousands of mllcfj of carefreci service ahead the intestines in a clean presidents, Is tn be repaired. The ex- gladly supply you with of It. Upholstery and finish and normal condition is pense will he met by Charlcn W. aro spotless. Tiro shows llttlo HYGEM today. fliprussed in clear non- Ma'cQuold of Deal, one of tho oldest f ^ W wear. Only technical language in our lny renders of the Episcopal church in tho state. 1920 DODGE COUl'E—Rellnble perform- JW Can Start Tmfcy to free linoklet written by a niedinil authority* Writn Matjiwnn Man Dead. ance, comfortable riding, Feel Bolter today for your copy In John Webber of Matawan died last cheap transportation. Special Itloomfield Laboratories Thursday nftor a long nlckness. He sale prlco , — Mooraficid, N. J. Iravci n widow nnd several children, 1030 CHEVROLET TRUCK—Open express llo was n brother of Anthony Web body. Run only 8,000 miles, tier of Red Bnnk, Frank Wrhher of nppenrnnce and performance , Ke.unsburg and Joaoph Webber of can bo depended upon. Only Keyport. Remodeling: a Theater. FOR Work won started last week on tho BUY "OK" USED CAMS FROM A CHEVROLET PEALER INTESTINAL wrecklng of tho Interior of the Broadway theater nt lyOtiR Branch HYGIENE owned by Wnlter Jleadn. Tho theater will lie, completely remodeled anil will be equipped to furnish sound pic- f •LOOMriilD LASOHATOtMBS, Bleamfteld, N. j. tures. I.uiiK Hrnm'h Wiiiiinn Demi. Goldlbergs Mrs, fiiunh J. Bliss of Long Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank Branch, widow nt T.«vl c- nil«« .IUH Telephone 1720. BED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1930. rage Freehold high BCtiuul, ia a patient in GKO. McC. TAVMttt, 0,4 BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. the New Jersey orthopedic hospital CIVIL (NQINEbK ANO Ht)«, at Orange. Ho is continuing l'i'f !?.P.«.a?1' »"l«<». R«y that ol AllCHI'fliCT, liacl occurred in tho hotel in three Hannah Hockey of Union Bench nti'.l 30 Marlon Street, kr 1HNK, N. 3. $93.75 Keg. I'rlcc, $128. i Friday by cutting two minutes off its elon. iV codrisi £'"" ' regular run from Now York. For CIVIL KMOINEEB. 1 ihe entire year tho train had an on Bags Tenth Fox. or to George Cooper, C. E. : time record of 08.1 per cent. Joseph H. Height nf Spring Ijilto Pilluraiin llu.l.liiiK. KKI) BANK,_N, J. bagged the tenth fox nf Uin soasoii GKOHGK K. ALLKN," •It7,"ll." K.,"uhii ! Freehold Store Bobbed. near Allaire last week. His fifteen 'A OI'IOIUJIO V. HANUOM'H, C. K. ! David V. Perrine'n big red store hounds chased tlir. fox about seven CIVIL KNGINHKUS AN'U SURVEYORS, | nt Freehold was broken into Thurs- hours before it was killed. CO Broad Street, ly Alor'e- Broad Street National Bunk Building, I light by ucing a ladder. Boulger company of New York was Red Bank, H, J. UK. 1IAROM)"jTSTOKES, " the lowest of seven receiver] by the UISNTAU SURGEON, ! Claen Initiation. ^ Spring Lako council lust wrclt fur a 54 Broad Street, Eisner Building, j Spvcnto.cn candidates were initiated new incinerator. Rnnms 4, 5 nnd 0. 1 in the Freehold Knights nt Colum- )mi!B Hours 9:(10 tn fi:00 o'clock. ilms lanl Thursday night. The degree Factory Ileopens. Telcphona 1501. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. '. work was performed by Belleville Tho John Lewis factory at Kng- To KATIIRINK M. MOAN, furmjrlr I lodge, which has won several rltu li&htown opened List week t\fI cr be- KATHIILNK M. VAN IlllllNT, an,I' \ allstic contests. ing closed nine weeks. The factury ItAI.I'H T. 3KIAN. her InKlinncI, and WILLIAM J. rATTKRSON : Vou can UNO this Klimly Whiil- An . Occasional 'l'ahlo will ex- You cun now buy a lovely Spin- ! Girl lilt by Auto. ' doGO work for tho .Stdnrn- firm at liy virtue nt nn nnltir '»{ tlia Cnprl of et Dcslt nt a. lower price. A Bradley Beach. Cliitnccry u( Now Jfii'Hey iituila nn tho day •or Chnlr In your homo. Von j Jennie Hugh, a ITazlct. school girl, di tlio ilntc li'ueof, in ft rnuaa whorein will Ilku Ita attract Ivo appear- press the thoughtful personality most' useful articlo for vimr I was struck by an automobile driven home. Buys a Home. Honr/ C. t'oi-rlrio i» romiilnlnmit nnd you, ance. . of your homo. 3omo now jirlcctl by James Bunner of Perth Amboy Lester Jones of Long Brunch ha.= iMUhrinn M. Mouii, formerly Kalhrliw M. past. week. jBhe war, bruised an tb VmiRiMiil, rmd Knlph T. Mn«n, tier liun- ns low as Now $15.75 to $28.00 1 bought the J. W. Houschijrt house at li.'incl. nnil WiHiiinj J. Pallcrnoli, nml oth- Rush Seat Windsqr I face and one leg, but was not Her crn nro dclcniiiintrt, yim aio l'c<|tlireil tc ; Pleasure Bay for his own occupancy. iously injured. Mr. House.child plans to build a new \tay Frond of Him ni'PRni- and jimuvcr the bill nf nnld com- Chairs and Roqkero $14.00 Iilninnnt nn or liofnrc the twelfth day of Ladies' Desk six-room house. April nrtg«M«, liiisos G7 cto., on AnHl 2<. 192*. which Now $8.75 to $20.00 M:tt;nvnn Tcncher to Wed. wheat.supplies. Ralston cereal and itu rtcai:o In n lien on Inmlfl In tlio town- shin nf MiddlotQwn. County .of Monmonth, House Furnishings Dept. Specials 'I'lii- ™i;ngenient of Mifi3 Hilda Our Plant Is Open for iind Slato cf Now Jorncy; iind you. Kftth- VHiiRr.icklc of Matawan to Robert Your Inspcition, Ralston Wheat Flakes are' whole wheat line M. Mnnn, fnrmeily K'iiiliiine M. Vnn- Vegetable Bins ', .'i'.nrk of Miami, Florida, has been an- Como and Sco Our Improved llruht.. nt-fi mmle defendnnt liecfliiea you at its best. exernted pnlil morttrayo niut are tho own. Blup. Green or Gray. nounced. Miaa VanBracklc is the Method for Pressing FL- of rcctiid nf the lamia dcacrlbarl tllera- teacher of Englisli ia tho Matawan Men's Suits. In; and yon, Ralph T. Moatt. are made d0- '95c fptuiiint ]ior;iiiHa you nro the hmnanil of ; hlyli school.' WE CALL, AND DELIVER. 51.50 Vnluo. llir- «nid Knthiinc M. Monn and. claim an ; lonl MercliitnlB' Convention. In'-honlo riirlit of cnitcfiy nv iioma nthor | The National retail coal merchants' ri;:ht in tlio i=nid Und: nml you, WllllRm 1' ns.iouiation will hold • It's thirteenth LEON'S .1. I'attpi-Mon. nro mndo rlofcnilaht becauso Rd. Refrigerator Dish TEL. Z800 yon me the owner nf certain tnnrtsf>S?n With "Cover—Green Glass. nnnual convention at. Anbury Park wlilr-li nrt> iv lien nn tho snid Innd desctlbcd June Bib, 6th and 7th. Sandera A. hi tho Ml! of t-oml'lriiiit. Mb. Size. Are You Using GODII Taclilc? WHOLE WHEAT Werthclm, president of Burns Broth- Business—particularly the most de Doted February 11,. 1(130. 30c er;;, l.'.< chairman of the convention ALSTON BEEKMAN. lirable business—ia very much lllti1 CEREAL • • Solicitor of Complainant, Aluminum Percolator committee. :he sport of fishing. You can catcl p. O. Address: 10 Broad atreat, lied tlanii, It if you use good 'tackle. We offe _N. J. ' - . •• • 6-Cup Size. I'sivlng Pupils' Wny. rut n litutcly Thronn Chair In Oblong Glass Butter *-ou the right tacitle in the advertiS' I Try a Register Want Advartlss- jour homo and ndd clinrm to Tlic '.Freehold township board of ing columns of The Register—Adver merit. It will pay you.—Advertisement jour furnishing Jar 90c rriucntinn has agreed to pay $30 each tisement. for tuition and transportation of Now $15.00 30c ! * Reg. $1.25 fourteen pupils from the township : who ore attending school in Atlantic KK^S^S-335 25^^ township. rnrmlnrcdnlo Girl EiiRngcd. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Marietta L. Cook, daughter of Mrs. Charles A, Cook of Farmlngdalr, to William L. ltogcrs of Bradley Beach. 10 Broad Street/ Red Bank, N> J. Studying In Hospital. Qive these Store? your preference Alexander Sinclair, a pupil In the it helps to maintain good wages for all, builds up the wealth and enterprise of the community keeps taxes down, and all things con* In two hours, her "saving*-on light" sidered it costs you less* will amount' Sale Effective Web, 27th f® yareEa Sfh .to about Gold Medal, Pillsbury, Hecker's, Ceresota Full Quart Barrel Shaped Jar one penny : K" y-'?. ^StsSNw ^*©^( * -i • *k?i | 3% Ib. Bag 7 Ib. Bag Regular 50c Value

ND She will probably have a head- .-%* ,•'•••; *-;W:.,v ^MP^Y::.££%$*/*> he and a pair of tired) over- strained eyes! i -People who axa compelled to do their work where they cannot have good light are unfortunate, and they deserve sympathy; but those who their comfort and injure their eyes merely to''save" a few cents a month are to Hershey's be pitied for their folly. Caxif; and Maple Sugar ' Lamps and electricity are so inex- Made in Vermont by Vermontecrj pensive tljat there is no reason why good light should be shut out of any wired home. Fancy Maine i Turning on an extra 6o-watt lamp Honey Dew Pure would make this woman's work easier. Cook White and Mealy She would be able to sec without strain- Poor lighting spoils beauty ing her eyes or bending painfully into Qreat for Cleaning Drain Pipes A Full Pound Jar a back-breaking position. MAZDA Lamps, greatly improved, cost you Mirrors, highly polished furniture, paper Well Built- Will Last a Long Time And if she kept that extra lamp «>Iy>l»'« much as they did five years ago. with a glossy finish, or any other bright surface Cart of the most lighte• i . di aliil dai _ y 1i t. woul... ti.-.d cos.t onl_'i_y_ iooun papayv onlonly seveseven centcents fofor uus mucmuch elecclrc-- will reflect plowing images, and add to the tricity as once cost a dollar. daiigcra of cycr.train. about the price of n package of chew- • Good light costs solittle that it ought to lie Either glare or inadequate illumination will ing gum! used freely fnr comfort and safety in every lie sure to deprive you of the benefits and I Many people who are suffering with wired home. If you have children, the reasons comfort of proper eye-protection. 4 XXXX Confectionery, Powdered or Brown for keeping your home well lighted are em- nervous disorders and finding that life phasized. ' Saving light mid losinn beauty Re Umherto Pure Italian is all gloomy have brought on their During the first seven or eight years a child's Ir'ycstrain causes squinting, frowninp, inflamed Red Bow GJrccn or Yel/ow troubles or helped to bring theni on by eyes are not fully developed. If the immature litl.s, and impaired si(;lu. APPLE SAUCE ignoring trje importance of good light. eyesare strained, their vision i.i nlmost sure to It also frequently becomes responsible for 2 Full Pound Pkgs. Strictly Virgin he impaired. It would pay them well to study functionnl disorders that arc far.il to beauty Press York State Afihlfi, rtr It.is your duty if there arc young children and the youthful appearance which every (Milieus flavor. lighting and get an understanding of in your home to give them goo'tl light. woman ought to retain an long as possible. FRUIT SA&.A© Flag its many and important benefits. Sailownesi, wrinkles, and nervous irrita- No. 1 Tall Can bility arc traceable, in many instances, to the Sound Orange County Slock Good light at small cost An the lamps in your home shaded? cyestrain that is caused liy oflurts to get along Do you realize that it costs you only about with less light than is needed. U. S. G. All lamps should be concealed liy shades that half» cent an hour to u.io a 6o-witt MAZDA wfll soften the light mul proicrt ilic eyes. This aJirrtiiemml is puh'lishtti in the inttrest "Surprisingly Qood" Lamp? You pay less fnr "electricity than for Even if one does not look nt tlic lamp, there of fs More beneficial use nf electricity, and tn lib. Tin «lmo«t anything else that you have to buy fnr will he reflected glare unless shades arc used in/arm you /inu> to o!>t,iii\ the fost lighting icrvict your daily use. to provide diffusion of light.' for the tiirrenl consumed Other services have increased !n price since tile war. Fond and clothing cost m«rc. Luxti- • ries are expensive. Light costs you less and is better today than ever before.

"Just liighl jot Sandwiches, Toast or REGISTER, FEBRUARY 2B, 1330.


?THURS., FRI., SAT., FEBRUARY 27th, 28th, MARCH 1st . :i All-Star Cast Supporting a Great Star in Her Best Emotional Role. Swiiii with resistless forco tn lusr-, olilld anil husband. tlinumh the decree of "1)1111(1 iubticc" 'tliPii f»

WARNERjBROS. • present, Last Bays of the February Furniturfe Sale Never has a great play, on stage or , been so brilliantly acted by so splendid a cast. Offer M&my Beautiful Pieces at

—ON THE STAGE— A BIG NOVELTY BILL OF I Less! . MON., TUES., WED., MARCH 3d, 4th, 5th BETUBN ENGAGEMENT OF THE SCREEN'S GREATEST BOX OFFICE UECORD BREAKEB ! .DANCING AND SINGING GIRLS FOLLOW THK COLORS! I,1V::TG AND ALMOST BREATHING .MUSICAL, SPECTACLE!, BLENDING STAGE L.WISHNESS WITH RAINBOW HUES!. HIS stupendous, value-giv- XIV... suavely adapted to modern ing event closes with the times and needs ... woods which e'nding of the month . . . take present day processes of fin- Discounts which are in ef- ishing" with delightful effect . . . Tfect for these last few days construction which is quite out 6i will not be found again for a long- the question at such prices as these time; and the- beautiful suites except in so great an event as this. and occasional pieces on our dis- play floors are all brand new in de- Living rdom suites of charm and sign and excellent in construction, comfort... Dining room suites rich choice pieces selected from the and graciously simple.. .Bed room largest and most famous furniture suites in many delightful versions marts of the world. . .. Deep, luxurious chairs, quaint Windsor chairs, and chairs that are Distinction of lme, of workmanship refreshingly "different." Tall sec- are here... points to be considered retaries, Chinese tea wagons, well in the intelligent planning of roomy magazine racks, coffee your new home or renovating and tables, end tables, book troughs, refurnishing your old one. Lines spinet desks . . * These and'many which were good in the times of other pieces are to be found .. .all Queen Anne, of William- and Mary, at one-third less than their original of the Reformation . . .of Louis moderate pricings!

Suites and Occasional Pieces Influenced by the Designs of Master Craftsmen and the Great Periods of Art and History . . . Duncan Phyfe, Chippendale,' Hepplewhite, and Sheraton Adaptations included

"Tired Ronincss Man" as Ho Itompa and Plnys—anil nnd Payol

True Rcflrctioiu of T.ny Life Purchasing on the Club or Budget Plan on Ncir York's ilMnln Street" from Midnight to Many intelligent, financially responsible people prefer the Club or Budget Plan o£ pur- ISrcah at Day. chasing such things as furniture and homefurnishings to making a cash purchase. This simplified plan of deferred payments permits systematic budgeting of income without dis- ruption .. . permits one to save regularly and to care for al} of one's obh'gatioiis in the usual order by paying for even a costly purchase in a logical way,

IRBIMBAOHB—Third How Inati Weakly, totaled u EaomiB!80Jffi!ft» 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th for tha as H. McKnight of East Front street Bslfortl Man th» Victim of Carbon Ench of the Men Who Was Asrestcd sophomore, Junior and senior classes Superintendent of Lovett's Nursery At fits Death tlio Reoldiy; Is to Go to The Performances Will be Held at Was Held In $2,000 Ball for a Hear- at Little Silver Died Friday Morn- and Joseph Estellc of Shadow Lawn A Mass Sleeting to Trotmi "Afimi' Monoxide Fumes In a Garage With of the Red Bank high school. "Foot- Their Daughter—Freehold and Manor, was opened this morning af- the Knights of Columbus Home on tho Alleged Attack Will b* Heist n Running Motor—Five Hours /of ing—Beer, Liquor, and Wine lights and Fools," starring Colleen Ing- Frorsi a Fractured Skull at (he Long: Branch Men Leave Their Es- Riverside Avenue^—Specialty Num- Blvorvlovv Hospital. ter having been closed a month for Tomorrow Nlgbt—A Labor Betas* First Aid Work Futile. Seized and Hauled Away. Moore, will ba tho feature picture on tates to Their Wives, renovations. One of tho features ia bers—Dancing After Show. Organization Involved. March 11th. "Forward Pass" with a completely equipped dining room 'Clifford White, one of the best Federal prohibition agents de- Charles W. Murphy of Fair Haven Mrs. Ellle VanMater of Red Bank, On Thursday and Friday nights Action has been taken to try Al- known residents of Bclford, met a scended, on Rod Bank Saturday af- Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Loretta dled^Frlday morning at tho River- who died about three weks ago, made and lunch counter. Mr. and Mrs. Es- of this week Pwcd Bank council of Young In tho star roles will be shown telle Will manage the hotel and Paul bert Newman, a sergeant of thB Reel trgglo death Friday afternoon. Short- ternoon and raided throe places. Four view hospital at Red Bank from a her will five years ago last May. Sho the Knights of Columbus will hold a Bank police force, on a charge of un- ly after two o'clock ho left his homo men were arrested, and a quantity of at tho theater on tho other three fracture of the skull received when left her home on Harding road to her Brown? formerly of the Rumson minstrel allow In tho Knights of days. country club, will be the chief chef. ncccasarlly beating a prisoner. Th« to work on tho engine of hla car beer, llqubr and wlno was confiscat- ho was struck by an automobile truck husband, Henry VanMater, for his Columbus home on Riverside avenue. date for tho hearing haa not been set, •which was In a garage qn hla prop- ed. Thursday afternoon at Little Silver. use as long as he lives. At his death Special scenery has been made for but it will probably be hold In a few erty. Tho engine hatf'not been run OSuldo Ricci was arrested at Pleas- Tho truck was owned by Wl!s6n & the property is to go to their daugh- the performance. There will be tw« days before the mayor and council. nil winter, , A.short, time later Paul ant Inn at tho oorner of Newman FAIR HAVEN'S BUSINESS, Co,, meat packers, and was driven ter, Madeline V. M. Sweet. Mrs. scenes and three acts. Dancing will Sergeant Newman has been a mem- Tarnow, wlio Ijvoa nest door to tho Springs road and SHrewaburyavenue. by Albert Johnsfan of Asbury Park. VanMater appointed her husband THE SENIOR CLASS PLAY. be held after the show both nights, ber of tho Red Bank police force ten Whlto home, saw smoke coming from Paul Kutncho' was arrested at a store Mr. Murphy, who was superintend- and daughter as executors of the Bronson Power will be interlocu- years. Previous to tha prewtit tha door of tho garage, Mr. Tarnow which he conducts on Weit Front AUTHORITY TO FAY SMALL ent of Lovett's nursery at Little Sil- will. tor. The end men will be Thomas charges being made no complslnt found Mr. Whlto lying unconscious street. Michael J. Hynaii and Henry ver, was supervising the clearing up "BOOMERANG" TO BE GIVEN BY B0AS GRANTED. William F. Buffet of Freehold left Tanner, Edward Kruse, Wilford had ever been made against him. His on tho floor of- tho garage and Roberts wore arrested in a building of trees apd branches on a Job on his entire estate to his wife, Jennie '••• RED BANK MJriLS. Sweeney, William Jeffrey, William record haa been clean and ho wan dragged him out Into tho air. Tho on Monmouth street which is owned Willow drive when he was struck by B. Buffet, In a will which ho made, in Lke and Frederick J. Finnerty. Tho promoted to tho position of sergeant njotor of tho automobile wan run- by George Grouse. J3ach man was Streets and Walks Committee Em- the truck. He was conscious when Show Will bo Held Frldny Night, powered to Malco Expenditures 1906. He appointed his -wife execu- sollsts will be Eugene Wcnzell, Tony a few years ago because of meri- ning. Mi;. Tarnow summoned Dr. held on a chargo of Illegally selling he was picked up and taken to the trix. March 21st, In tho Junior High "iharabba, John Ryan, William Sin- torious service. Ho haa made a num- Eullwlnltel of Atlantic Highlands, liquor and each was released In ball Under $300 Without Consent of hospital. He became unconscious School Auditorium—Proceeds to the Rest or tho Council. George J. McKolvcy of Long clair, George McFarland, Perry ber of important arrests and he has the ilrBt-ald squads of Atlantic High- of 52,000 for hearings before Commis- shortly after and died the following Branch left hie entire estate to his Heli> Toy For Washington Trip. Shean and Michael Bergen. been praised in police reports fof <-f. lands and Jtcyport and Albert Hun- sioner Joseph F. Rowland at New- Tho Fair Haven mayor nnd .coun- morning without regaining his senses. wife Mary in a will which he execut- flciimcy and bravery. Although ho yon of Belford,-who is Mrs. White's ai k. Tho hearings jhavo not yet been The body was taken to the Woiden The senior cla«s of the Red Bank Specialty numbers will include a cil last night passed a motion giv- ed six years ago. Mrs. McKelvey high school is busily at work on the novelty tap dance by Dorothy Berko- has refused to make any statement father. held. . « . ing tho Btrccts and walks'cbmmittce funeral home and prepared for bur- was named as executrix.of the will, about the charges which have been ial. senior play, "Boomerang," a three act witz, a vo'cal duet by J. Ratti and J. Mri Whlto had been overcome by It la stated that the haul made by authority to spend not more than which was witnessed by L. S. Throck- comedy, which will be. given Friday Moran, tap dancing by William Ochs made against him, hla frienda aro gas fumes from tho engine of his au- tho agents in each placo ranged from 5300 every two weeks without the ton and Cora M. Throckmorton. outspoken In his defense. They nay ono ol Friday afternoon Johnson was ar- night, March 21at, in the Junior high and vocal selections by George Hal- tomobile. It was found that ten to fifteen half-barrels of beer. authority of the rest of the com- raigned, before Justice Gilbert M. Mrs. Ada B. Graccy of Fair Haven, school -auditorium. Mrs. Theodora Innan, who will be accompanied by they know him too well to believp Mr. White's fingers was' badly The liquor hauls at each place are missioners. Previous to tho adop- Keith at Red Bank on-a charge of who died a few weeks ago, made her Brown, teacher of dramatics at the his children, Dorothy, Anna and he would be guilty of beating a pris- mangled and It was believed that this Bald to have,been about enough to tion of the motion there was a dis- reckless driving. Johnson claims that will .last March. Mra. Gracey* was high school, Is In charge of the pro- George, who will play the saxophone, oner in the manner charged, They caused him to faint. Ho was sub- fill a bushel basket with pint and hp>1f- cussion rcgavding a charge of $2!) Murphy stopped from tho running formerly an actress. All of her es- duction. The cast is as follows: clarinet and cornet. lay stress on hl3 previous record a.i ject to fainting spells and theso spells plnt bottles, The prohibition mpn for putting tar on the Joints on board of a truck parked at the side tate was bequeathed to her husband, a policeman and also on th.9 fact that •$oro sometimes Induced by the sight Harding rpad, which Is paved. May- Dr. Ruinncr ., William Firth. The members of the chorus will be made tho trip to Red Bank in a mo- of the road Into the path of his truck Daniel Graccy, and he was appointed Budd WoodridRe Leonard Compton. in formal attire. In the chorus will before he Joined the force he h«l fl of blood. Mr. White was evidently tor boat and, departed in tho same or Pcrd 3. Salmon said the streets and that ho could not avoid hitting executor of tho will. The witnesses good reputation as a'citizen'-anil and walks committee should have Tregton DewlU Douglas Berry. be Maurice Healy, George Bennett, oh his way to open the garage door way, loading tho confiscated wet him. Chief of Polico Fred Zleglcr were F. J. Sparling and Graco A. EmHc Cheater Arthur. William Sweeney, Ray Sweeney, worker. when ho fainted. Mrs. White was goods on a truck to bo hauled away. authority to make reasonable ex- testified that part of the truck waa Wagner. Hnl-tley Joseph WildanBcr. unaware of #ny unusual circum- penditures without consent of the Thomas Dean, Tony Bonifore, Wil- It is alleged that about thrco weeks Despite these raids there is said to on the highway and that he found Mrs. Julia Johnson of Asbury Stone Samuel Libovsky. liam Clancy, George Grob, James ago Mr. Newman entered a cell In stances until THr. Tarnow ga\to the have been rio lack of Saturday night council as the present procedure Mr. Murphy lying on the road near Virginia Xelva ...... Kathryn Coulon. hampered tho worlc of tho commit- Park executed her will a' year ago Grace Tyler Elknbeth Poweri. Lang, William Lyons, Jr., J. J. Cough- police headquarters where John Wil- alarm. • ' . '•> liquid refreshment for thooo who had the running board. Vlto Parro and last July. All of her property was a thirst of this kind. It Is also ru- tee. Tho above motion was then tlon Sumncr ...... Katharine Franz. lin, Bernard Herold, Harry Patter- son, a Red Bank colored resident of •Using pulmotors find oxygen tanlts, Edwin Kroft testified that Mr. Mur- bequeathed to her daughter, Emily Mr«. Woodridee Vivian Ito'ieborry. son, John McNeil, Walter Gaul and Berry street, was imprisoned. It la the flrat-ald aquada wdrked until mored that the supply is etlll plentl- adopted. phy did not step from the running Shlshold, and she was appointed ex- The synopsis of the play is as fol- Robert Finn., charged that Sergeant Newman aovon o'clock at night when they Mayor Salmon reported that it board of the truck, but was standing ecutrix. • ' struck Mr. Wilson In the head with were forded .to abandon hope. A would be all right for the council near the truck when he was hit. Jus- lows: A young doctor hao for his Fred Finnerty is chairman of the Mlllard F. Day of Asbury Park left Drat patient a love-sick youth. In show committee, William Sinclair la a billy several times and that he In- certificate- of accidental death was Is- to Install electric street lights on tice Keith found Johnson guilty of ?500 to the Wilmington saving fund flicted wound3 which required six sued by Dr. Hartman,. .the county certain streets at Knollwood with- reckless driving and revoked his li- treating the cage by rather remote director, William Lyons and Jame3 society of Wilmington, Delaware, to methods he becomes a victim of his Ouriey, Sr., aro in charge jat the stitches to close. Mr. Wilson, It Is' physician. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. out accepting tho roada for public. cense. Later Johnson was arraigned be invested and the Income paid to claimed, was lying on a bench when use. Arthur Sickles, one of the before Judge Jacob Steinbach, Jr., at own medicine and settles his own ticket office, Paul Morris, Thomas •Mr. Whlto had lived at Belford all the trustees of tho Lower Brandy- emotional activity. Every man gets Dolly and George Hughes are ushers the sergeant entered tho cell. It Is Jiin life and ho was engaged In the BED BANKER TO RECEIVE DE- commissioners, suggested the install- Freehold, and was hold for action by wtne Presbyterian church. All tlio charged that Mr. Wilson had' no ation of a fire alarm box at Knoll- the grand jury on a technical charge his girl and every girl gets hen man snd floor managers and James Cur- fishing industry. He was a member icat of his catato was bc'quenthcd Ut nnd they all llvo happily ever after. ley, Jr., ia stage manager. chance to defend hlmsqlf against tha of Bayaido council of American Me- GREE Iff JUNE. Wood at tho same tfmo tho electric of manslaughter. hla wife, Amanda Charles -W. ftobb, pastor of the Bel- January. At Princeton his research paid. _ _ __. • Eelmar and Dorothy Goldstein of -The American legion of Red Bank Langford. The Speaker will'brj Safe- ford Methodist church. Rev. Kalph was along the lines of attempting ex- with Rev. George Duff of Asbury morning from nine o'clock until Park as deacon and Rev. James Bradley Beach. has started a campaign to raise eleven o'clock. The telephone num- uel Mesin, a whlto resident 0! Kaw' Core of Atlantic Highlands sang pcrlrnental data to explain the strun- money for a chapel to be built at York who is connected with

night's knotting of the Fair Haven exempt that ho was awarded his master's workmen, was hit by a falling limb real estate In a will which she execu- in gold and the pages will bo bound Ccgreo in science in Juno of 1025. have one of the corporation's new into leather-covered books. The a month or alx weeks, until the nor- meeting asking the mayor and coun- firemen's association tomorrow night midget automobiles on exhibition and was injured so badly that ho was ted two years ago. Her real estate mal expansion of spring work will cil to discipline Mr. Newman, if tho at Mechanics hall at that place. In- From 1925 to 1027 he was instructor taken to the Long Branch hospital. and Insurance business was left to books will bo placed in the Cathe- In chemistry at Dlfcklnson. In Sep- hero neKt week. Only two models dral of the Air, where they will r.clp to relievo unemployment. charges against Mr. Newman ar« vitations have been extended to the The men had completed their work her daughters, Mary E. and Alice J. proved, punishment may taUs tha Bod Bank and Ruma'ori organization;; tember of 1027 ho was admitted to will bo built at present, they being a and wcro carting away tho sawed- McNeeloy. Theso daughters were form a memorial library. A state- Pilnceton graduate school, where he pleasure coupe and a delivery truck. wide American legion campaign is form of a fine. Mr. Newman inay and It Is expected that tho attendance off limbs when Mr. Murphy met his also left their mother's interest in a BIG REPUBLICAN MEETING. waive a hearing: If ha wlshea to. will exceed 200. Tho speakers will be also was appointed part-tlmo assist- Theso machines have a five-foot tragic death. So far as la known no building at Bradley Beach known as being conducted for tho chapel. John R. Andes, president of the State ant in tho chemistry department. wheelbaso and are about five feet one hag ever been hit by limbs fall- tho Purchase-McNealy building, a The quota for Red Bank and vicin- Members of County Women's Club On the same day, before the at- exempt, firemen's association; John While studying in tho graduate high. They will travel fifty miles an ing from the willow trees there. house and lot at Bradley Beach, to- ity is $1,250. Collections will be made Will Gather at Ked Bunk. tack In the cell In alleged to have school ho was also teaching chemis- Sharp, attorney for tho association; hour and will go 45 miles on a gal- gether with all the furniture, and the at a number of churches for this The Monmouth county Women's taken place, Sergeant Newman and Ellsworth Post, stato secretary, and try. Having completed his work at lon of gas. Tho motor has four cyl- shares of stock in tho First national cause. Archibald ^MacKcllar is Mr. Wilson engaged in a sort of Princeton ho was appointed as asso- Republican club will meet Friday Sheriff WiH&nl R. O'Brien, who Is inders and is air cooled. THBEE-DAY SALE, bank of Bradley Beach owned by chairman of the campaign* commit- afternoon at two o'clock at tho Riv- wrestling match or Bcrlmmage on secretary and treasurer of tho Mon- ciate professor of chemistry at Dick- The chaBals la supported on rubber Mrs. McNecley. Another property at tee. Assisting him arc Vcrnon Rose, West Bergen place. Mr. Wilson inson In tlio full of 1028: er street schoolhousc at Red Bank. mouth county dromon's association. cords, which also servo as shock ab- Special Value Snlo In Red Bank Bradley Beach was left to Mrs. Mc- Moe Gordon, Edgar McClees, Feftx Persons coming to the meeting by claims that Sergeant Newman tried There will bo an entertainment In Prof. Rogers Is a member of the sorbers. The rear wheels aro direct- Starts Tomorrow. Neeley's sister, Mary E. Allen. Upon Santangelo, Thomas Brockhurst, train or bus will rind automobiles at to arrest him on a charge which WB8 connection with (lie spccchmaklng American Chemical society and a ly beneath tho seat. A special uni- tho settlement of Mrs. McNeeley's es- Robert Nicosia and George Rcnbold. tho railroad station to transport not founded. He says ho resisted 6r- and afterward a. hot roast beef sup- versal talies tho place of a differen- Tho three-day Super Value sate tate at the end of five years after rest because ho was not JTullty Of member of tho Kappa Sigma and Phi under, the auspices of the Internal them to the schoolhousc. per will ba served lit tho flrehousp Beta Kappa fraternities. tial gear. her death the sum of $D,O0O is to be any crime. He states that before trade committee of the Red Bank "A NEW FANGLI5D BABY SHOW' Mrs. Isabella Sommers, director of the strugglo took place ho ekw Mr, by tho firemen's auxiliary. Prof. Rogers Is tho son of Mr. and The car weighs about 600 pounds Invested and tho income paid to Mrs. the stato bureau for- women and and Is shipped In a packing caso ga- chamber of commerce will begin to- McNcelcy's granddaughter, Elisabeth Newman sitting in an nutomoljlle. He Mrs. William l5 Rogers of Wallace morrow and will be continued for the Shrewsbury Presbyterians to Give a children of the department of labor, street. Ho Is a graduate of the Red rage. It will sell for about $200. Mr. Swcetland, until she la 21 years old, riay Friday Night. says he asked Mr. Newman to ar- WON riUZES AT'SHiOTO SHOWi balance of tho week. Many of the when the principal Is to bo turned will describe the work done by this reat Lester Furman. He says he toffl Bank high school. Leslie saw the new car tested last merchants co-operating In this sale bureau. Assemblyman Thomaa M. weds at Garden City, Long Island. over to her. AH tha rest of the es- A play entitled "A New Fanglcd Mr. Newman that lira. Furman. w»8 JUrs. Enslcy Whlto Captured Brake have special announcements In this tate was bequeathed to, Mrs. Mc- Baby Show" will be given at the Gopaill will speak on the bills intro- being beaten by her husband, tfe-a&ys Lining Guesiilng Contest. Kocelvcd a Divorce. Issue of The Register offering un- Neelcy's three daughters, Helen M. Presbyterian chapel at Shrewsbury duced In this year's session of tho Mr, Newman refused to make the ar- Tarty for Sunday-School. usual values for the next three days. legislature. Mra. mnolcy M. White of Elm1 place, A final dooreo of divorce has been Prcntlss, Mary E. and Alice J. Mc- Friday night fcy members of Rev. rest and that he (Wilson) then told A party was held Monday night at In n number of instances the quan- Neeley, In equal shares. Mary and Georgo H. Mlksch's Bible class. Plans will be discussed for a lunch- Mr. Newman that he was not dctlnp Mrs. H. A. Rogers of Harding: road frrantcd to William H. Andrews of Trinity parish house on West Front Newark from his wife, Anna E. An- tity offered Is very limited and the Alice were appointed cxccutriccs of Special music will bo an added fea- con wlilch is to be held at Trenton his duty an a policeman. H» »y» ond Anthony Blzzarro of Shrewsbury street fojr tho Sunday-school of Trin- ture, v on Monday, March 10th, in honor of avenuo won first,' second and third drews of Red Bank. .Mrs. Andrews merchants co-operating In this sale the will. that nn exchange of angry worfl» Is to havo tho custody of her son ity church., Tho program consisted urge tho public, especially the out-of- Tlioso who -will tako part ai-o Mi. Republican assemblywomen. Mem- took place with the result that Sir. prizes respectively for guessing tho of vocal solos by Rev, Robert Mac- town buyers to make their shopping James D. Bennett of Neptune town- bers ot the Monmouth county club Newman tried to arrest him. Tlia length of a roll of braKo lining dla- William and she is to receive support Mlkscli, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan l< from her husbnnd. Her counsel fees Kellnr and Mrs. Alan Frost nnd trip during this tlircc-day sale per- ship left the use of a tract of wood- Knapp, Mrs. Frank Quackenbush, who intend to make the annual trip struggle was more of a wrestling playcd at the Red Bank auto show fancy dancca by Beverly Bromu.er. iod as early as possible. land in Ocean township to I1I3 son, Mrs. William A. Shoemaker, Misses to Washington on Wednesday, April match than anything else. Mr. W!l* by P. O. Jaudy. aro required to be paid by Mr. An- drews. Mrs. Andrews was resprc- Refreshments wero served. Josep}) In the list of tho merchants tailing Davnnport Bennett, for five years. Af- Emma Holmes, Adeline Johnson, 23d, aro asked to give their names son waa stripped for action, but tb« i Tho roll waa 119 feet O'.i Inches sented in tho proceedings by Qulnn, Hornsby, superintendent of the Sun- ter that term the property Is to go to Elizabeth Haviland, ElizabethHobbs, to Mrs. Ernest Llnburn, the club policeman wore a heavy overcoat and •Jong. Mro. Whlto guessed 119 feet part In the Super Value sale as Parsona & Doremtis. day-school, had chaigo of the paity. printed In The Register last week the Mr. Bennett's RrnnUyon, Lewis S. Elizabeth Shoemaker, Susan Robin- president, at tho meeting which IF ho was burdonod with a billy, »n- 9 Inches, Mrs. Rogers guessed lift namo of the Margaret-Minerva shop, Bennett. Mr. Bennett left to his son, Juditha Avati, Bessie Green to bo held at the River street ecliool- volver nnd nlher police aceounter- feet 10 Inches and Mr. Bizzarro ladies' wearing apparel, 63 Broad daughter, Emma Dclss, $500, to his and Grnce and Virginia Brooks, liousc. ment. Mr. Wilson Is an uncle of &tr». guonacd llOfeot 8 Inches. ' Hospital Auxiliary Mnll Carrier Has Son. sons, Ernest and Rufua, $100 eacli, to Furman. A son was born this morning to street, was inadvertently omitted Harry Mlkach and Whitney Burst. Members of tho Red Bonk aux- from the Hat. his daughter, Ethel Brown, $1,000, to Miss Ella King -will bo accompanist. Auction Sales, • Amending By-Lawn. , . iliary of tho Spring Lako hospital will Mrs. Edward E. Ottlnper of Middle- Mrs. A. Frank, Bennett $500, to his Mr. Wilson threw tile policeman town village at tlio Rlvcrvlow 4ios- Thursday, Friday and Saturday of • 'At the monthly meeting of the meet next Monday morning at tlio grnndson, James L. Bennett,. $100 and down, sat astride of him and grabbttj homo of Mrs. Howard Hlgglnson of pltal. Mrs. Ottingcr wna formerly Tallin for Women. to the Hamilton Methodist church Minstrel Show Nols 9200. this wenk will be auction aalc day. him by the. neck. He Is Bald to have Red Bank building and loan asso- Tho Navesink library was filled to at. tile Hod Bank auction rooms on Fair Haven and will sew for tho hos- Miss McKclvey and was a teacher L. Bnniberger & Co. of Newark tiustcca $100. AH the rcat of his es- choked the policeman and tr» iiftvo ciation to bo held-ntlho Broad stroct In tho River street school nt Red Its capacity Monday night at the Ea3t Front street. Much of the ma- national bank Tuesday, March 11th, pital. Tho monthly meeting of the have announced that Marjorlo Prcs- tnto was bequeathed to his son, A. shaken tho policeman's hcadup and auxiliary will bo held nt Mrs. Hlg- Bank. Mr. Ottlngor in one of Red Frank Bennett, who was appointed minstrel show given by the NavesinU terial to ba sold ia from tho C3tnte of down with frroat force, causing It to Hcvcral proposed amendments to the noll of Westflcld has been engaged to Epwbrth league. About 300 persona Helen C. Hopo nnd Washington I constitution nnd by-lawti of tho asso- jjlnson'a Monday afternoon at half- BanU'ii mull carriers. give talks over -radio station WOR executor. strike the Icy road. All this time, Mr. pant two o'clock. wore present unil the profits amount- Ylopp of Shrewsbury and coniprlsp Newman wan squirming lo get ico»o ciation will bo submitted to nnd every day nt 9:00 A. M. She will tall: ed to about 520O. The audience bc- principally nntiguc3. A salr> nd- and finally ho did so. Mr. WHaon voted upon by tho directors of the Loficrls Ilcnppolntcd. on subjects of Interest to women nnd GAS MAN HURT. verUf-ienient elsewhere in this isnuo association. Copies of tho proiioicd sUm'cd liberal applause on the per- then run awny. IIo snya lhj*t ns.he A Covered Ulah Luncheon. Governor Larson Monday hlght sent, will relate the activities of tho Bam- formers. IIollls Hart, who js paator es more detailed information con- ran Mr. Newman fired of? hla re- changes were Rent out lo nil share- Tho Red Bank Poenhontns lodfa the nnmo of Jacob R, .Leffcrta of borger store.. Sho studied fashions Hnrold DIIVIH V( Atlantic. Highlands holders of record yesterdny. ta In tho Hospital. of tho Naves ink Method 1st church, cerning the sales. volver tlirco times. Thn fleeing mim •\vlll havo » covered dish luncheon Malnwan to tho senate lor re^ap- in Europe for five yenrs. She lias was Interlocutor. wnn not hit. On Brld^fl avemia li« tonight nt its lodge rooms In Odd jmlntmcnt an a member of tho Mon- had considerable experience In writ- Harold Davin of Atlnntic High $1.50 Worth of ('nnd.v for SI.00. wan IntcrcAptort by t'ollceman .lams* llomemiule Candy Special. Fellows hall on Monmouth street. mouth county tnx board. Mr. Lef- ing on this subject. lands, an employee of tho County gas Collections KntiUy Aindn Now. Onf pound of fudge SO cents, 01m filicedy, who nrrpntril him Bflil tacked Ono pound of milk chocolates 70 MIHO Ijldn Knimomi in chairman of feitti la now president of tho board. company, in in the Long Branch ho;j- Hills, notcH, clicclta and rcntsi col- licnuul of aborted i:liocoliiti'H t;0 him 111,. i^nls, ono pound of peanut brittle 40 tho luncheon committee. Justlco of tho 1'eaco. pltnl with a frnctlircd vertebra, f ic cted; Judgment:;, elaiius, alow ac- tt-iitn, ono (IUIIIIII of pcnmit lnittle 10 cents, ono pound of liard candy 40 Criminal and civil cases givon count.1) bought! nold and udvertiaed. crntii. Tot Hi $1 fill. Hprclnl, nil fur The ;l Broad street.—Advertisement. npeclnl nnlo, Thursday, Frldny, Satur- Women's Democratic club of Mon- dally cxeopt Sunday. Gilbert M. tvurlt wn.i titopped auildrnly, causing pales tiRrooniont. LCKHI papers served. In employed liy 3, N. Henm, » (out day. Hundreds of items at npcclal mouth county will be held Saturday Keith. 2 Wallnco otroet. Red Bank, a plci'c of Ka.i pipr! to filido tmvnrci C'ai'ftW Colloction ARency, Runiauii, flfoaf I*e|mrtim>nt ,S|»TIJI1 Vnlm\ denier. He linn worlierl for Mr. fi-im Tho hoBO Shop Clearance Side. piicoa. Ladles' full fashioned hone afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock at Nowmnn next to Wo3tern Union.—Advertise- the front nnd hit, Mr. Dnvi.'i in the Is*. J.. phono G83.—Advcrtltirmcnt, I'l-imc liocf, tifit culn, rib roaiit, thin a number of yarfl. He flayB Itn will 71i cents pair, curtalno, full C-pleci! menr. back. TluiriulKy, l'Ylrltiy nnd 1-iutunlny, only Thi) Itoua Dhop, Inc., 73 Brand net, in CCIIIH tit'l; work KIOVCII 7 cents Hnll nt Tielmnr. Vincent Kmiper will (>r(,'psiit Newimm on ««Moimt 0t street. Is having a clearance sale nt Spwili\l Valun in Candy. ;u, ccntFi n pound nl AcUfr, Men-all pair, Palmollvii Bonp 8 ccnls cake. bo tho epcukcr. Voting ninn Wanted. ft Ccmillt V.n,, II liroad r.trcol, ltcd Idn Injuries, jorsoy drearies Saturday, March 1st. •Sne our windows We deliver. Na- Accldejit lit UlK'roft. Our poimrl oT njuainolii GO tiont.M.nnn 1 At bjg reductions.—Advertisement. One who will mitke himself gener- pound eocoanut ld:i:ics f>0 orntf*, ono Fault, plionn Krai Hank 10iiO.~-Advcr- Mr,'Newnmn stated Iftfli Wfmls Ihs* tional Be, 10c nnii $1.00 Htoren (for- Typewriter Sale. ally useful. Knowledge of gardening Automobilcn ownoil niul driven by tincmnnt. hn did not Vflnh In nsy «nylh(n> merly Prawn-Cooper Cul 1m tal $1,0(1. AM fon .fl.SO. Red linnk about thr nmtlei' (*t tlilr, tlrnt. Cold Storngo Vault, —Advertisement. Unco clays only: Thursday, Frldny Tim Kcnc Shop, Inc., Mnko your reservations to lmvu 1 to William II. Hlntolmann, Rumson, I,. CroiiMn of Shl-fWijbury collided Cmuiy Kitchen, HO liroatl :iti ret. - AU- nml flaliudny; It) ;! off on any typo- N. J., phone 600.—Advertisement. vrrti/iciDent 7." llroHil ntrert. .Smart, tailored your winter furn stored at our now Canl I'arty, wrllnr hi ntonK. Tho only opportun- Wninrfliiy nij;ht nt tho flvo fornri-n' npi'lng aulffi mi LAST NIGHT A? William Miller, am of ths borough rsphy tlmrouvhly. Adihra I * The residents of Fair Haven an; Ciiatlca Sherman, ono of the old- employees, Isaa bf.cn transferred from r liousaTeTtiot, ita «»i»," liam O'Brien of West Front street, the rctd department to the Inciner- ing Tom is at largo in the borougn. Colt's IVccic, died Monday morning ator. ' I ,gas aiii wnt&n cno block from Btoaa Too! Was Constructed last SjirliiK '1 hose who claim they have sc6n the The Children nnd Other Relatives "f at Ilia home at that place. He had became the bride 'of Augustus Mur- Red Bank Uiiy Scout Troop Ha* street; cent M& per mimttb* 4pp!y. ii at Scout Camp at Allaire nt Cost man say ho Is over six feet tall. Hr the Lnte Matthias Itoop Hnd n been in feeble health several months ray, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Been Organised Thirteen Yeare«- Tho Rumson atnbulance was used Jta!. Ho died ohdrlly gttor ho was The Rotary club* of Occnn and reports that ho shot at tho man, but Fifty members of the Hoop family Mr. Sherman waa born at Colt's The thirteenth anniversary of boy admitted Into the hospital. His death- FOIt HWl't jiousa oC thTda raome'Wd t£ failed,) to hit him. Chief of Polico attended a reunion Saturday after- Neck and ho had always lived there. The bride waa attired In light blue Mout troop 23 of Red Bank was cel- ceptlon hull, with open fireplace (bftb Monmouth counties ere sponsoring For many yeai^s ho conducted a store crepe romaine, with a hat to match, was due to ulcers on tha stomach. Hour, and thrca bedrooms ani liBtht 6)1 sn entertainment which will be held Joseph Herden has been notified and noon nnd evening at the Matthias ebrated with s father-and-aon ban- Mlea Congdon of Jersey City was a Improvements. Pries yeaatmnlile, Imjulre is icppping a vigilant outlook for the Kooj) homestead nt Leonardo. The at that place and ho was postmas- end carried tea roses. Mrs. Harold quet last night In tho dining loom of 23 m'uirimond vines, n@d flank. . , at the nm'!cn<;etl goud cuoki' romp^tent (trtil ore was brought in from the fields date of tho 25th wedding anniver- tho service. nt Convent Station. ' Mr. Murray is Tctlcy of-Red Bank. Rusoel Tetley ntuli willing to HBBIBI with Lnhy. fiooil games. Violin selections were played associated with his father In the steel and Benjamin Lcvl and (amlly of aiHjionltloiv essantlnl. oil Red Sin): for the smelters, and was an old dam sary of Mr. and Mrs, John H. Wer- by Lornn Waddcil and there was ra- la the troop scoutmaster. New York. mert of Belford. The event waa ob- business at New York. in 1810. dio music. The Virginia reel and DIED AFTER J.ONG SICKNESS. Tho fourteenth charter was' pre- Miss Elizabeth Smith spent the 1H2.7 flvo-i'Oflacngor Cit^Tlltifl Btila; The pool is SO feet wide, 130 feet served in the morning with a mass square sets were danced and such sented to the troop by Mr, Manchee. reiiDlnted, In very fine, condition, rjpb" of thanksgiving at eight o'clock at Emmons—Parker. week-6nd with Mies Pauline Ham- Wn», Ulveralde- iltlvo. J'hono I860, Roil long and 8 feet deep, with three gated old-fashioned games were played as Mrs. Joseph Applcgatc Had Lived at The troop gave two demonstrations mail of W6ehawken. Iliiiik.* .-which will empty the pool in 22 mm- St. Mary's church of New Monmouth. "Tucker" and " waddle." Miss Frances Enitnons of Long under tho direction of Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Wermert me members Rod Banlt Thlrty-Ttto Yeari. Peach tress are In bloom In tho inoptii'ty,' lot fndliff Con "utes in case of an accident. The There was an intermission In the Blanch and Theodore H. Parker, Jr., Hoop, assistant scoutmaster. Selec- greenhouses on Bertram H. Hoi'den'a Hti'net; tlnoo mid n riuurtei' nerop, source of the water supply is such of this church. The mass wag chant- Mrs. Laura McLean Applcgate, of Fair .Haven, were married Friday tions wore played by tha rife, drum nlil« for «hlrk«nM i I3.2BU. Luker's Ks ed by Rev. Thomas Mahor, the rec- festivities and the entire assemblage property. that it can he refilled in four hours. went to tho high school, where thev wife'of Joseph H. .Applcgate. of the night at tlio Fair Haven Methodist and bugle corps, and conga were Half I, H.'J. tor. liardwaro firm of Hendrickso & Ap- rendered by the entire gathering. L6vl B, VanNest, Jr., hao returned The ram has a concrete core which v/cro grouped on tho stage of the parsonage by Rev. Harry Bright. OMS from tho BlVSrvlew hospital means permanency. The other thrte Late in the afternoon and in the auditorium*.'.for a flashlight photo- plegute, died Thursday afternoon nt Their attendants were Miss Ruth The b'anqiiet closed with b6n6fllction ARTICLES FOR SALE. sides are log rrvelments with seeded evening a supper and dance was held her homo on Maple, avonue. Mrs. Weldman of New York and Robert &hd taps. • at Hod Bank, whfira lie had been a at the Wcrmeit home. Everybody graph by Frank Baldwin of Allantlo Applcgate was in her sixtieth year patient 4 few weeks. His leg Was AUTO motor,~o\X toT^ita~kt~uK'Tmta~^t banks, giving the whole affair the ap- Highlands. After the picture waa Amendt of Fair Haven. broken when ho was hit by an auto- quart In flvc-anllon cans; no ch«ra# tot pearance of the "old swimming hole." had a fine time and Mrs. Wermert taken, the members of tho family re- ond her death wfts due to paralyse. After tho ceremony twenty guests can, tl need cush. IStruun'a Beirvlcq $t»- The dam was constructed under was the recipient of many fine gifts, •She had been In poor health the last VANGERBIG WINS AT SQUA8H. mobile, at Leonardo. tbn. Druoliiitilo Inn, Blattf HiaKway turned to tho homestead, where tho attended a reception at the home of Char'les Dlxon, who la In the Long ahrewabuiy, near Eatontown. Phtmd Eat- (he direction of the stat« hydraulic including a miniature ship laden festivities were kept up until a lato. two years. th6 groom's aunt, Mrs. Alvln Parker ontotvii 408, engineer. Its capacity is 102,000 wUh 25 silver dollars and with a Mrg. Applcgate wns born at Mld- llumson Club Member to Take Fart Branch hospital, Is slowly Improving i hour. The people at tho party came of .Fair Haven. The rooniB wore from tho second operation performed lNCpT3XfdiiTrTfjT ~BaiTi two Oyphera fii^ cubic feet, which gives ample space card with the words, "Your Ship has ftom widely separated places, but tiletown and she was a daughter of decorated with flowers and -crepe, pa- In National Championships. (JUlmtot'n fut- Hfito; 21!0 and Ii(iO etftf en* for boating, canoeing and swimming. Con.:; In." This was a gift from since ho waa taken to the hospital liHclly; iirlco If 10 and |12, LoulB Wttltfi.1, most of them live in Middletown tho lato Sidney and Annlo Smith Mc- per. Tho couple left on an automo- Howell VanQerblg of New York, ft several weolca ago. On one side of the pool is the direc- Miss Mary Rose Wcrmeit, who Is a, township. The homestead Is mora Lean. She had lived nt Red Bank bile trip to Connecticut. Tftey will daughter of the celebrants. Short former Princeton football and hockey The Hdebla Jeeble club, which 'IV PE W IUT£il H ALE—Tru bin's tijiOL-Ui tors' tower which overlooks the whole than 100 years old. tho past 32 years. William McLean return today and will live at Fair star and the personal pride and joy vuliio inn to fur throo dnyn onlyt Tliui-M. pool, giving safe protection to boys talks were given at the festivities by Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Appiegata'a Haven. Ths brldo received many of Professor Walter Klnsella of the broadcasts every Friday night at dny, Friday ami Satunlnyj 10% off on any • whilo swimming. On the opposite Father Maher, Rev. J. E. Kucker of only child, died in October, 1028. Mrn. wedding gifts. Mr, Parker Is em- department of squash at tho univer- midnight from WJBI of Red' Banlt, tyiiewriloi' in Htoctt. Tho only opportunity Trenton arid John Murphy of Long AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. received t>8 requests last week. These to tiitvo from $5.00 to $10.00 on yoUK side are located the diving boards. Applegatc was a member of Mon- ployed In the office of the Public sity; won a long and hard fought 1 t'jt At one end of the pool near the Branch. muuth chapter of Daughters of Service clectrio company at Perth squaoh match yesterday from Bob requests will mako up the program j ^ bridge is a beginners' pool perfectly Others at the festivities besides William SulMliln, tho County Com- Ambby. Hynson o.f tho Princeton club, thus tor next Friday night's entertain- MOTOIt SoAT*fov rtnlo; m-ictt"ronionablu mander, Visits; Kcd Banlt Tttst. American IleVolution and of tho Red inoht, A large number of {Me re- For 4nfyinmtlon cull luTmnon 4111.* cafe for boys who do not Iwow the those mentioned wero Mr. and Mrs Bank Baptist church. winning his way to the final of tho WORK liOHSES "for'iialej"ymTmr, »ti"on| art of swimming. quests cams from Jersey City, Now Thomas Savage, Mlsa Rose Savage, William Sutphln, county command- Surviving lief besides her husband Connors—-Mace. tflass B squash tennis championship York and Brooklyn. Last weok Che • team; can ba ueeil uinulo or double. Last season Dr. A. S). Sweet made Miss Betty McCoy and Miss Millie er of the American legion posts of in a brother, Hdnry C. McLean of Miss Margaret Connors, daughter of the, United States. club was on tho air ono houf and Phono UD6 Itcd Dank, or etUl Rt Shrewo- Wermert of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Monmouth county, mado en address bury M a nor ryNi''n i-ni, flyca moia a yen u*. monthly tests of the water in the Middletown. Rev. Edward W, Miller of Daniel Connors of Giorncy street, Hynson looked good nt tl)8 start forty minutes. • PJU££ki? iL pool and found the tests to prove, William Kucker, Miss Eleanor Kuck- at the meeting of Shrewsbury post conducted tho funeral Sunday after- Shrewsbury, and HerTnan Mace, who and It appeared that his craftiness IIED and nnriiut mul mntlienn for *alo( the water pure enough for drinking, or, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kuckor, of Red Bank Monday night. His noon at the late residence and burial Is employed by the Ollrlte corpora- would win over the strength and en- Mra. Harriet 1. Ward of Paterson I «Uo ahlltunlei', wtH ooH tav S15. Thotifc this being due to the fact that the, Misses Mary, Rita and Bess Kuckor topic was "Membership." was In-Fair View cemetery. tion of Red Banlt at Its service Bta- durance of VanQorblgr, but the form- haa been upending two wooks with! Itetl Hn»> 1^43?-M^^^ and Mrs. Orlbbcn ot Trenton; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward. PIANO /«(• fl«Jo; inttnt tn}li~oti nccouDi o? pool is spring fed. Tickets for the Frank Thompson reported that tlon at Brbad street and Maple ave- er Princeton athlete forced hl$ way movlnw, Ajiply !»otcr DoMldowim, 00 iihow are in the hands of (Svery Ro- May Thorpe, and hor son Josoph of satisfactory progress was being to victory with thundering smashes. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lamb enter- Middletown village; Mrs. John Mur- nue, were married last week at New tained Mr. and Mra, M. Callahan of AiiplCfiutQ Btroot^Jl.ver.ftftan. Itod BniU;> tarian In each club of the two coun- made- with preparations for the SEADRIGIIT RESIDENT DEAD. York. They went to Washington bn Tho scores ivcre 1B-8, 11-1G, 7-15, 15-13 VHAA^hnndM^cavoV(i ties. Reserved seats may be secured phy and her son Jimmy of, Long Am'erican legion ball which is jto be their wedding trip. and 1D-0. VanQerblg tomorrow af- Arlington and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood fiu-nitiiio: mnrio by Doltor, 1850; Branch and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wodo and M|ss Anna Mulligan of eevan-focit fiofii. titblc. aim oh nil-, two fettle in Bed Bank at Miller's shoe store, held Monday night, March 17th. It Mrs. Howard Applofrnto Died La.it ternoon will meet A. S. Kuhn of the 1 W. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Jersey. City ovor Saturday and Sun- chftlra, bt-oendo vcloui upllolsUry j nMtt ITr&ihold at Givens and Dubols's was voted to hold tho ball on Arm- Week In Hor 40th year. Crescent club, who defeated H. P. roaoxvoocl tionnola. Phono Hod Bank 6!).* drug stpre, Point Pleasant at Ralph Lohsen, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tar- lstico night after this year. Austin—Broycnn. Cole of tho Fraternity club yester- day, now, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. drown, Mrs. Teresa M. Applegate, Wife of ncillcolujpniosfor ntil^ Borden'e cigar store, Lakewoofl at the- Tho post will attend a county ral- Howard Applcgate of Seabrlght, died The wedding had been announced day in three out of five ttlk van- Th6 prljo winners at tho Rumson U, W 1'tilincf, o.f JIB, Ucoutinovt) N. Jersey Cftntfal power and light com- John Tiechman, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ly at Asbury Park Saturday night, of Miss Anna May Austin, sister of Gerblg and Hynson will meet tomor- auxiliary oarU party last week wore Roehs and MtBses Florence and Lu- Tuesday night of last week following ; pany, Asbury Park at Parley's drug March 15th. a heart attack. She was 48 yeaf B Mrs. .Joseph B7 Williams of "Suns«t row in the first round of the class A Mra. George Thpnipaon, Mrs. Lewl3 HICN yuu rtjfuinfnh do It with imtfi)iieitJ storo and Long Branch at Clark's cille Roche, of Belford. avenue, to Albert Broyena of Bridge tournament. Wilson, Mrs. Theodore, Clark, Mrs. Two boniitlful ltj-intn of Mnithn, Atii Lawrence Fawcctt of Alexandria, old. Mrs. Applegate was the daugh- avenue. The couple are living at Harold Peters, Mrs, Frank Benson, ucorKO Wnehlnuton, irumoU In silt oval drug store. The talent for the pro- Mr. and Mrfl. Wermert have'lived Virginia, and Fred Burlow of Mata- ter of Elisha and Mario Slocum. Her frlimobi atoncUiod ecttae, charry ilant tu& gram has been selected from tha tha Broyena home. VanOerblg is a son-ln-Iaw of Lewie Mra. William Carlock, Miss Florence (leak, ot-lulnat brnuiioii, unuBiutllx Attrac- at Belford eightee1 n years, moving wah wero guests at tho meeting. father survives hor. S. Thompson, Si\, of Brooltdalo farm WOK radio programs, there front New York. Mr. Wermert Minton, Miss Rita Murphy and Har- tive; i>ln doUffh tcoaght tvolnut tlJt*to» After the; business session frank- Besides her father and her husband at Lincroft and is a member ot tho old Peters. The door prlza was won tnble with annko loit^i irinple rocker, num< has a position with the Prudential furter sandwiches were served by she. leaves two daughters, Mrs. John Rumson county club. oious mlrroru, choi-ry corner cunbosrj. Insurance company. Besides the REMARKABLE WEAT1LEH. by Mra, Franklyn Sickles, and Miss Hello innui'H Antiques, 88 WDBhlngtoa Frank Galatro, tho post cook. Gaynor of Soabrlght arid Mra, Theo- Halan Nouhauser won tho non-play- PAHTY AT mOHLANBS. ' I iter TnftnMonfid, Mr. and Mrs. dore Good of Montreal, Canada. She *h ftNJ' Wermert have a son, John H. Wor- A Wajm Spell of B Week Broken TO BROADCAST A cr's prize. r'UK BALK, chicken houeca of variout Mlsa Boss Murray Surprised By TALK CHARLES WOLBACH. also leaves five sisters and • three This Morning After e. Downpour. . BIKOBJ woll hullt! flluo small c&rn crib. mert, Jr., who la employed at New brothers. They aro Mr«, Charles Rev. J. W. Tower, pastor of the Priced roasonuhlo for quick sub, Addi-ett Friends Saturday Sight. York and who Is a Belford com- Tho most remarkablo spell of Miss Clarn Colemnn Will Give a Methodist church, will broadcast a Bulidintjn, drnwor M, itetl Bnnk.* . muter. • • Assistant School Principal Speaks on Hampton, Mrs. Henry Bradley, Wal- 1 Bermon from WJBI of Red Banlt on A aurpi-iso parly was given Satur- Vocational Outdance. ter Slocum and MenrySloeum of Sea. warm February weather that the old- Program of Piano Selections. UUtbGI'4 party prlzon; liand cnlbrofdered' est residents of this soctlon remem- Friday afternoon of this week from uncfut needed artlrlcn for brldae prMij day night for MIEB Rose Murray of bright, Alfred Slocum of Rumson, Miss Clara Coloman, a pupil of four to five o'clock. Tho topic will very roanohnhlo. Can t>o eoen botoro 10:0a Highlands by Miss Katharine Hen- AH EXHIBITION GBOTJND. Charles Wolbach, assistant prin- Mrs. Arthur Davis of Bed Bank, Mrs. ber broke early this morning follow- Mies Lillian C. Terhune of Red Bank, A. M,, nftoi' 5:30 P. M,; or liy dppolnt^ cipal of the Red Bank high school, Jennie F&ry of Eatontown' and Mrs. ing a heavy downpour of rain. Thet'O be "Sunshine, From a Strange Land." C ron1 1 ua ot nessey ot that place. Ths party was spoke on vocational guidance. Mon- will give a piano recital at station There will bo special muclc. ' ~L^^V_L U^U 1 h Vh' ona!.° 2PIP'f ** lield at Mls> Murray'B horns and Allen D. Field Buys Eatontown riot William Pholan ot New York. 19 a prospect of freezing weather to- WJBI Friday afternon at five o'clock. TYPEWRITE!EB? .SALE—Trubln'a Snpclaf day afternoon at a meeting' of the night, according to tho weather vahtQ &nllo for throe tit v entertained with songs. A sketch funeral was held Friday afternoon Up until today butterflies and other Bank Woman's clubhouse. Hor re- The undersigned wish to take this to nave/ from $5.00 lo $10.00 on yoijr bulb farm at Eatontown has bought at tha domestic science room of the insects wero on the wing, worms means to thank all those who •were •was given by Joseph Finnegan, a a plot of land on tha Neptune high junior high school. He said tho prob- at the house and was Tri "cTiarge of cital Is ono of tho scries of Individual ad very kind to us In our sad be- member of tho olub. A luncheon was Rev. Samuel R. Latham. Burial was were crawling about on top of the broadcasts by students of Miss Tor- l^btt SA1,E, Hoover notnto <]|Rgop and Ai« served. way about half a mile from Baton- lem of vocational guidanco is met giound, buds were swelling on fruit rcav«mont, especially the First Aid lilnwnll riotixlo plnntcv. Eu««n& WBT- town from Frank Decker of Asbury in the Red Bank schools by a care- made at West Long Branch, h.une. The Borics startod early in tho squads of Keyport and Atlantic d«n, HlvcialJo drlvo, Itod Unnk, phone Among the guests wero Mlsa Lor- trees, tulips, narcissus, daffodils and winter and it will continue until the Highlands for their untiring offorts Park for $3,000. Tho sale waa made ful study of the needs of individual othor flowors wore pushing shoots ' etta Sample and DeWltt Burns of by the Ray H. Stlllman agency. pupils. . end of the present season. in behalf of the docerfeed, Also Dr, TWO bronze tfobbloi'B, two years old and Hed Bank, James Tanner, Vincent DEATH OP LEONARDO WOMAN. through the ground and other Indica- V. Bullwlnltel, Revs. E. F, Rood, ono yonr old; woiglit 1!") pounda and toa The plot is on the east side of the Mi's. M. J. W. Strong of Bridle will tions of early spring wcro abundant. Charles Robb and Ralph Carr, and poundn I'Qctpoctivoly. Will ssll rta»onablfl. Sexton, Chappie Finn, Edgar Hsjll- highway and it la 125x150 feet. Mr. Funeral Director Harvey S. Bedle, A [no Cnluria fiioJonn cooker with tftt^a gan, Francis Cornell, •William Jen- speak on the "Social Side of Adoles- Sirs. Samuel Anderson Died at Itlv- Weather bureau records for warm Ten Men Find Work. WCIIB, In Rood condition. Tan! Hold, Ltn- Field will convert it into an exhibi- cence" next Monday afternoon at a ervlow Hospital Yesterday. > February weather were broken, and Jr. All those who sent floral pieces, croft. N. J., phono Mlddlotown 7D4-F-3.* nings, Jack tfloBlcr, William Fogel- tion ground for tho display of bults quarter to four o'clock at the. junior Ten Red Bank men who were out and the many neighbors and friends eon, Arden West, Joseph Walker, Mrs. Katharine Mulligan AndGi- weather bureau predictions the past of work got jobB yesterday on the for their acts ot kindness and the uso STXHDnNERO^iolo ffaa at^voforB8W% John and Joseph Sammon, Edward and nursery stock. He will build a high school domestic sclenco room. week havo been repeatedly wronjr In only n yenr old; hftR not been used for store on the property at a cost ot Mrs. Strong was secured as a speaker son, wife of Samuel Anderson of grounds of the now-state hospital at of their cars. •evoivil months; will oell lenflounblo. Wf«, Kruse, Raymond Desmond and Jos- Leonardo, died yesterday afternoon piophesylng; tho end of the warm Mre. Clifford White and Family. T.ruik J. Mutvihill, AK Oakland stVoot. Bod $4,000, for the sale of garden sup- Biadevelt This employment was I 1111 h> eph Flnnegan of Rumeon; Matthew by Mrs. William T.. McDowell, the, epell. L I'bona 2003-J.* , plies. leader of the round table group. at Rivcrvlow hospital of heart trou- found for tho men by Kenneth M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Runyon. Stevenson and Lyons Hawley of ble caused by paralysis, 8ho was Orcharlsts aro alarmed. They fear WyckoiT, who recently opened a free —Advertisement. t'Olt SALE, Eood rnnh roRlntOf cheap" Leonardo; MIBSCS Alice. Parker, Doris The property will be known o,a rltiKfl from lo to 50.38. Address Cash stricken Friday while on a bus near that tho warm weather will cause employment agency at the Mon- nogintor, drflwer M, Hod tinnk. Bruenger, Beatrlco Rembart, Ardeth Field gardens. The store will be SOON TO BE A BRIDE. hor homo and was removed to the premature blossoming and cause- mouth social service organization on Card of Thanks. Canaine, Frances Crosby, Miriam one of the first of a chain of retail hospital tho following morning. I dctlro to express my sincere stores Mr, Field cxpscts to establish large damage to tho fruit crop. Re- Pearl street. thanka to all relatives and friends PAIR four-postor twin bedn, tnniioff- Nelmarlt, Blanche Schailer, Kath- Shower Given Monday Night for Mrs. Anderson was born In Aus- ports from the southern part of the nrine Hennessey, Lavlna Schwartz. in tho East. for their kindness and sympathy ex- nny finish; doutto metal bad. dreaa- Miss Helen Stout of Red Bank. tria 41 years ago and she camo to state are to the effect that largo tended to mo In my sorrow, caused ,, or, tablo and choirs, sreon finish! Ann McGcugh, Viola Foilic, Ann Mur- this country when a young woman. damage has already been done to tho BCMSON NEWS. by the death pf my sister. I wish to ray and David Burnhans of High- NO TRACE OF MR. DUERKES. Mina Helen Stout of Madison avo- flprlngo and maUrosBtn, ivlcktr babr • nue wns tendered a miscellaneous Sho lived at Long Branch several early fruit crop. While the orchard especially thank Mr, and,Mrs. Frank carrlngfl nand bnaslnetto, solid mahoc- lands; Miss Charlotte Drake of Long ycara before moving to Leonardo in ownerq worry qvor tho warm weath- Toy Pistol Burns Boy's Finger—Fire Woods, also Funeral Director Charles Branch, John Eonahan, Joseph Chief H. Harry Clayton Mado u shower Monday night at tho homo 1 Auxiliary Dance. M. Brecse, Rev. Chester Apy, the any nntlquo lovo Boat v?]th .tapdttry Search for Him in Canada. of Mrs. Roger Wymbs at Riverside 1022. Surviving hoi besides her hus- er, the attitudo of the general public cuolilon. All furniture In (food condi- Compton, •William Thlery and Har- band aro three daughters, Cather- (The It«d Bank Reslitcr can ba bought pallbearers, Mra. Archlo Mosby, the old Kallagan of Jersey City and Harry H. Clayton, chief of police Heights. About fifty guests were hss been one of pleasant surprise. It organist and Mrs. James Wolcott. tion itntf will ba sold very rctuonabJe. present and as^ Miss Stout entered ine, Dorothy and Martha Andereon, has been a godsend to many families in Rumaon at Flnnerty'a central itore, at Misses Roberta and Margaret Mc- at Red Bank, returned home Monday all of whom live at home. Boyle's grocery, «nd. at Torberg's genera! Anna S. Hunt. CnH 65 Blanch nvonuo, Hod Bank, or Donald, Margaret Kaney and Kath- from Canada, where he spent six Iho house the wedding march from whose bread winnerB are Jobless. •tore.) —Advertisement. phone 1107 for appointment.* ryn Went and Walter Kcan of New clays. The chief was called to Can- "IsSohengrln" was played by Mrs. The body was taken to Albert W. •^*o» • Charles Stillwagon. Melvln Stout, a Worden'a undertaking establishment Francis Wyckoff, son of Mrs. Mar- Card of Thanks. York. ___ ada to searscli for Charles Ducrkcs A TURKEY BANQUET. -KOirf SALE, small extension tnb'lo, new iron of Tied Bank, who disappeared latt brother of tho brldc-to-bc, then ap- and prepared tor: burial. The fun- garet Wyckoff, was burned on tho We wish to thank thoso who helped cob end rndlo nnd botn; ulao two voek- peared carrying a mail bag filled eral arrangements were not com-j ringer last week by the discharge In any way during our recent be- orH nnd two stand*. E, A. Jahnefl, May December. After Mr. Duerlces' dis- Feast Served Xnst Night for the Fire- from a miniature pistols Tho Injured reavement In the death of our wifo fttrcct, Runnon, N. J, _ CABD TARTV FOR SCOUTS. appearance a note was found stating with many fine gifts. Miss Stout plctcd this morning. will bo married to Frank Wymbs of men's Relief Association. Anger waa troatcd by Dr. Podell of and mother; also thooo who sent HllKSTONK "'flRE, "20x6.B6( for lO-Inch that he had committed suicide. How- Long Branch on March Oth. Mr. Red Bank and Francis also received flwers_ and automobiles. llm. nllu'litly worn, price IG.OO. Call Bt St. James Bo.vs Will Uso Money to ever, there was doubt as to whether EATONTOWN WOMAN DEAD, Twenty-eight members of the fire- an Injection of lockjaw oerum. The John Rowe, fl William flticot, Roil Unnk, after B;00 P, Buy Band Instruments. he had ended hla life nnd report Wymbs is employed at Al's White men's relief association of Red Bank Htlward Rowc, M» marltct on Broad otroct, Red Bank. enjoyed a banquet last night at Ap- pistol Is less than two Inches long Terenco Rowc, A card party will be held Friday gained crpdence that he wna in Can- ! Mrs, Clifford S. Price Died Last Fri- and fires blank cartridges. PUBLIC SALE of Iioimcluil',1 cood»', nda. Mr. Clayton was unable to find plegate'a restaurant, Charles Burr Thomao Howe. night at David Sheridan's at Klver- j day Morning. —Advertisement. contontn of clRhi-room houoc lo nny trace of him. of Newark, tho statetrcasurer of tho Tho Rumson Hremen'o auxiliary side Heights In Middletown township ROSS CASE 1'OSTrONKl). I Mrs. Clifford S. Price of Eatontown relief association, mado an address will hold a dance tonight at Holy close cntnto of Mrn. Henr/ VanMater, 43 for the benefit cif fit. Janip.s's hoy died'last Friday morning from a In which ho described tho work of Rosary hall. There has been a good Card of Thanks. Harillnc road, lied Dank; every dny , scout, troop. Prize;; will bo awarded i THEATER' PARTY. Fifth Adjournment In Manslaughter salo of tickets and a largo attendance Wo desires to exprosB our moat tsln- till Mitrcli 1st, 1930. Allldti to !•• to the hifrh "seniors at earn table. j complication of diseases after having the association. His talk waa highly Case Against Rumson Man. been sick more than a year. She informative and a vote of thanks was Is expected. Mrs. Walter Neuhaueer ccro appreciation to all thooo who as- nold lifltcd nn followH: Leather library The games win stful'at half-past Amaranth Ulub of Rumson Attended j In In general charge of tho dance. sisted us In any way during our re- Buito, Vlctrola nnd rocordi, oil nnlnt* eight o'clock. The case against V. Snnford Koss, wa3 a patient at the Long Branch accorded'to him. cent bereavement. . u Show at Red Dunk. ,!r., of Rumson on a charge of man- hospital on two occasions. Mrs. Price The auxiliary cleared $25 at a card lni;a nuil i>Icturcn, mnt'blo top table", Mrs. Sheridan Is chairman of the Turkey was tho principal dish at Tho Brothers and SlGtors The Amaranth club of Rumson 1 slnughtor has boon adjourned for th'j was born at Burlington 5B years ago the feast. It waa a fine repast and party last Wednesday night at the nf Charles W. Murphy. nak Iiat rack, rugs ot various SIECC, jiarty committee nnd her asFistnnts fifth time. Rosa's lawyer informed and hrr maiden namo was Sarah F. flrehouse. i —Advertisement. two mounted dcor heads, mnhoffRny nrfi Mr?. Charles Thompson. Mrs, held a theater party Monday night I the committee which arranged it re- mnl after the theater went to Sccl'9 Ihe court that Ross is still sick and Haynes. She had lived at.Eatontown ceived much praise. Tho members A grass fire Friday night on a va- Ifodroora fidlto (slnglo htfl). ^rtiftil Oeofge Smith. Mrs. Thomas Little for most of Iho tirnc is confined to a ; the last five years. ennmel licdrotim iiidtQ, onk bedroom nnd MISB Helen Kelly. The scouts for supper. Those In tho party were oC the committee wore Benjamin H. na.t lot on Navenlnk avenue between ' The Paper That Goes Homo. chnlr. lie was in a New York hos- I Her husband In her only Immediate milto, onk rockeif), fcntlior rpattroifiee, will une the money realize*! from tho Min.'i Helen Kerrigan, Mrs. Isabel'e Ford, Samuol Rogers and Frank P. the Mahoney and Whltlcdgo prop- The Register has tho largest cir- pital several weeks. Last April n survivor. Rev. Leroy Y, Dillencr of culation of any country wcokly in tho I'lllowd, purcli funilture, tinrdon tools party to buy Instruments for ,i b;ind C!lm\ Mrs. Lollo Enjrholm, Mrn. Dickman. erties, was put out by the firemen. car driven by Ross struck and killed the Eatontown Presbyterian church Unltfld States. It la cherished an a and mniiy otlicr nrtlcloa too numeroui "which they are forming. I Winnie Thcir.«en, Mrs, TCmnia Coulter. conducted the funeral at her lato res- The members of the Itcd Bank as- Policeman Henry Kruso discovered member of tho family circle.—Adver- Mrs. Charlotte Sickles, Mm, Theresa Edward P. , Sheridan of Scnbrlght sociation will attend a meeting and tho blaze, Tho lot is owned by Wil- tisement to montlun. Terma cash. Henry Van* while Sheridan wua tilling tho gaso- idence yesterday Hftcrnoon. Ho was dinner to be held by the Fair Ha- liam Monzrlcss of BIngham avonue. Matci*.* ^ ^" * Hawkins, Misa Bcrnndinc Stewart, line tank of nn autmobile in front ! assisted by Rev. Orvllle Davison of CAR CATCHES IIHi;. Wi.^.s Dorothy Summers Miss h^thor ven firemen's relief association to- Policeman Charles Blaesslua is a IN MEMDItlAM. of Dcvercaux's garage at Seabrlght, Jttrc Entontown Episcopal church. : Bruce, Mrs. Marion.. Anderson, Mrs j Burial was in the Odd Fellows cem- morrow night. The members of the medical patient at tlie Long Branch In loving memory of «wr dear father, i''ii.irbir:Trtio""t Piit'irir?'nrrrlB_jijoa.. phono 1554.* Ward. ! 5IAIIT1N WVCKOFlf'S FUNERAL. At Home on the benutllul hllli o( God ai'itiNr.i.'ii;i7b «o7viccr"i?nir¥6^fB~cTu7iii^ A' Chevrolet sedan, owner! by placo on the forco during his ulck- lly the Vnlloy of Rent, ID fair. livnnil now, slink' nnd 700 cnrtrldffdn (ot Charles E. Newrnnn of Highlands, Entertained Curd Club. Ighton Avrmifl Mmi Died Last j. nogs. Patrick H. Kennedy Is desk Sadly mlsatd by Ills nnlo; very rcntmniihle: Oall or phone b@« SHOW BY MISSIONARY. MADE $25 AT CARD TARTY. sergeant at polico headquarters on twoon 6:00 Aitn the rear fir^t prize, Mrs. Benjamin Crate, Jr., o r!c( Bank adKB About 100 persons attended a barn N. .1.. Vallay Drlvo. lienr HLone Church, real, am! a hnlr was Ivuni'd in thfi diiy nftrrnoon nt Albeit W. Wordcn'a eign lnlsalonnry whoso headquarters ciety made $25 ln«t night at a card Too Late for Claufification. .seromi. Mr:n. Mulfnrd A. ThnrpR lie^rt ! undertaking establishment nnd later arc nt Davenport, Iowa, showed BCV- dance given last week at Red Men's cushion before It wns put out. De- prize and Mr?. Alfrrit Ktirlrh rnn.n). party at the synagogue on Riverside hall by tho ftumeon athletic club.-Tho UtTlmorrTbosriftrKB^ WTllfam tective Cnptnln .To^rph Bray put out ;it the Olivary Kaplist church. lCcv, cml reels of pictures taken by him- avenue. Tho parly was well attended lotion prize. The next meet in;: of thr .Joseph W. ),cr conducted tho serv- self in Uhitin, leclnml nnd Holy Mon- place was decorated with cornstalks 1-eff. AtlMiitlr HlelilamlH, N. .Ii thfl fire with clirrnlrfilr, firun Mheity club will bp nt the. home of Mrs. \ and prizes wcro won by Mrs. Harry and straw. VU lX;AN""jfiin Fnnye *f n>""naifl~A~i~r~o~n^N fir* t ruck. i( er. iirul nirnilierri of llio. colored ilny night nl St. James's auditorium, Belgrnde, Mrs. Benjamin Wclntraub, Rnlph KhnailPS at. Enr.ltMe Pnrk. ' hniKllis or Pythias and Elks lodgcM ih il Policcmnn William Zcrr, who In at- Now York. tlun: i-enKonnlila. \V. H, Whltion. 42 which wns filled to capacity. Mra. Rose Zager, Mre. Milton A. Sicg- tending the police school at Trenton, Ee«t Har«on idnco. Ited Ilank.* Kalr Havrn. j of Hnd Bank attended the services in frcd, Mrs. Samuel Grccnblatt, Mrs. WAi«tPAPEIt~Snd "doeeratln«V" we" eoll I/Comudo Girl Hurl. a body. Burial was nt. White Ridge Charlie. Chnplln comedy wnn alHo was homo over the week-end. them t'oth; practical jiai'or hnngem ami FOR BALI':,' nntl(|iio"mnhnfiAiiy~R|«|gh~l)«3i Wilma Mullcr of Leonardo, fifteen | Iiciford Persuiials. i cemetery and member.1; of the lodgtia shown. Father Ronaghnn wns ro- Harry Feldt, Mra Moo Gordon. Mre. C'apt. Seth C. Johnson, Sr., of the pninter*. Thouaanda o( n(\uu>le», excol- full iilic. Hpleudltl condition: box iprlna ciilled from St. Columbine, Ireland, I 1). Rlchter, Mlsa Lillian Becker, leut Trorkmnnnh.p. Get our fi^uron ,on nnd nmltt-onn: nlno nnilf|\io mnhos&ny Em- years old, n pupil at tlif Leonardo Kdwnrd. r.nymoml and Wilhui acted lui hearers Hobokcn fire deportment, Mrs. John- yrur aprltig (iecoraHng. Arthur Uoyco pire nfdobHard; excellont condition. Phone high sciiool, was riding liome from i lo Intcrcot the people of this couu- Mls3 Rose Zngcr and Miss Minnlo son and Mr. and Mra. John Klrchoff Itcd Ptuik GO. Ponce of Brlforrt spent tile wcclt-ciul tiy ill foreign miaalonfi. Felshman. (dacorator). phono GOP Hurntton, iii)IM)tN~O materin~rfn^nroT2^O0OlTnV«i cchnol in nn automobile Mondny nf- wkh their uncle nnd mint, Mr. nnd, On Schnol Honor Holl. ond daughter Marie, all of Hobokcn, f«-«t 'i: lie on tho honor! fcl Ul*. Can bo r.cftii nt M» Lincoln avo- f«r tha IireflkfM-tt room, inch na mnpi-3 home of Mrs. Kennedy's parents, Mr roll a MiHleut nniiit achieve nn nver-! Mondny and made plans for spring j 'hwarU, president of the society. will begin his dutlca as mall carrier , Hct| Bftnd, suvrhiick tnlilo. n«t of nix ulenclled *prl»-»i liellvill'cB. wood "'Ijttln.. Blnnl, tot> 4e*Ua, cornar c«bU Wedding Anniversary Trip. ami Mrs. Felix Mcfjovern of Helford. ] ngo of nt \eji;:t clfjlity In «ll hid nub-1 hflro March lot. Ha will eucceud i Sfttil* ifecoratinUi only t*ia fliieat vvm k- nets. Old RnirllHli oak Md«boird, ovir- Mr. and Mm. William K. CurtU ot jeetu for the entire quarter Includ- club Afc«tln{r. Warner Whlpple, who will move back men empl their fifteenth wedSIng anniversary, It we reported yesterday. incRsiigC! lo those, who llvn on' UIOBO terla of the Red Bank Catholic'high I l-lltlc Silver nnd Millni'd F. Tetloy, Allen. mrt» enfe with me. Kntlmn on nil dec thoroughfareB.—Advery«iemeut school. - I Sr., of Bed Rev. John E. Murray, rootw el nralivt) work. Vh&tm G9S RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1930. -Face nmm FARM PRODUCE. BUSINESS, NOTICE. - ' MISCELLANEOUS. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT, REAL ESTATE FO^SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALg, Wfflft ID?EiTISElfflTS d*y'B work- 'it i^n^irtvt loon, alfalfa KIICE OqN'rPACTOlC**^!! decor©tttig, "^eaT-J rOR-HAL13—-hoAhe e repair-busineseprusiness on main j. HOUSE for lenentt nt ShrewsburyShewsbury,, six roomrooms Bft BUILD your home near Red Bank; preening pugs.) Btld_Q avenue, cere Seaboard Ice Com* timothy hay, ten tons of baited straw. ' Buslnn end Teit«n« and exterior streetstt ; onlnly pUmUll I n townt : eRtiihitsheithithl l tl '' rmtrmthh , alalll ImprovementfiImprovementfi; ; lawlawnn , sita; eight sere a, convenient tv ^ 100 barrets of stuck beete. 30 barrels of iUlns. S, Canniastro, Maf^s street, tiw* fifteenft yeai»; erood bbusinessi , butt eellinilli r on »hado treest ; funihhe'fhhd l or urtfurnlHheflhdi and tralm, half mile from conertu hi ••-••• - I.I -.'.r. ... • ,. _, raj, Elizabeth HutbS- turnip* an«l «ny .(uantity of ftrc- port, W;.«l.. tdaphona KgyportjB07-M. _^ account of Illness. John Wagner, Sr., 2\ ne 1435. IUU Hnnk, wey; fruit end ftftixirsgua «.>tHr_._ u. ootl, cut in Btovo end flrepkce UnKth*. " iifl^UX autumobiU wssbsz now iu ehutga vim c FB|1 Powers, Sycamore avenue, Shrew_bury, ', sftion HSi'nVKte cftouffcuc. Cttll at 230 ' ' ' ' - ' H»v«nvW. J-* . rBvel and meson Band for II«Kiljsttect, between 6:00 nnd 7:00 2»Jt___ M. S, Reid & Horn, Uiicro/t, N, J., phone of th_ »a_h _und et the Bofo Bunc., three'piece orchestra, _ II, RUMB, pbotls 22(0-VV, lied Inc., OlDba Court esd Ueclianio etreeL VQR SALE In Red Bank oivjtraneli av«. •lit. Inir of planti, s&>; nnd banjo, to ni Uenltf llclfortl W BiiKiiivlin! runTiulia - Keanabunr; it la three (arma down from 1 Bun}:, phoi^e Kasosburii 602; M. !&______. "B'KEV CATl'hE wanted: aho /at hogi; foe ' ply Al'rt While Market, corner Broad and youne John He n d tick son'R plate, Them IIOUS^EK kEP^R," middle" eared, msat ant! is a sifirn on the houne For R«nt, II n. j^lotl.in, I'l'cchoff], 14. J), iihofiii _fij - nan five aood rooms and a tiileiulld rclliir. els.room bunKftlowii »m_i| &syms*iii estimates i neat guaraDte*. I'erw*. (Stove,, tion; 'etuii for Invalid or irnell fsmtly; WATER SVaTEMSS—Kairbaiiki-Muwo wa-1 - — - j 1'HETTY »w of four rouins anil Would rent for five or ten years, hut ten.down, balance monthly t beat. eUetrifl a^i capable of taking full charge. I*hone Stta^liy ^iilaftlt filan^ BertlnS ciK«7™ten flomo ronveiii nrcM: ?2Tt per month. ratiEBS, teaUll stocked. Catiilosut prices. cents eitrh; from pum bred, vigorous, ' ter system Installed. We speclsUce In • ant would have to do own icpttlrin« ami Key|ioi,t !S16.R.» . REAL ESTATE WANTED. 1 Charles Brenker. .J07 West Front ntreet. improving. Bent re x» ona Me. For further £>ccj> sard or pbon.l repreaentatlve. will hc-lthy birds; fitillfip laying strain. Ulau- pump repairing. Residence tliddlstown. N. call C Merrltt. authorized Drench Kftl- MAIIHIED man wanted to do ceneral farm J., phone Red Bank 1I1S-J. I'Jumblnj, ic ifiOT, itetl Bank. Information [IICRBB coll or write &Ir* Mar- ftalftzoo Stav« Co.. 404 Newark avenirt, . __ . a Kmall housa or tuinuatn.. .„ work, rnllk cows, diive tractor; fiouna beating and tinning. Fred Q. Hurst. rent or buy; must be located in Rc-1i BUNcTAiT6w~f_7~ lent, live looms and nilCaret U 153 Ett_t 48th 'street, New Brjulle? B.acli, M. J,, phew 2il2Q.II. PoOTOT-sli^-VTwiTrnr'^lcT^ultablo tor ! conveniences; «KHniyo: nicely decorntc.. nnd riivlleeci. Apply Ralph Wetdtiiholt, SAWS filed by machine;, they cut cleaner, Bank, Kumaon or I'uh' Haven; munt be 1 York_Clty. __ 12,000. fSOU CH.h. Also tteo «M:I ft , CIIV~OAK wopd In etova and flreplaca tihh. N. 3» dnlry or family purimrio; v?Ui give good truer nnd better; prom [it BCIVICO. (!H(.i!et, Brenl;cr i!07 WcHt Front street, acre) Und. *yGi). I.ijker'* llealty, _ -chance for bcof caltle. Tcleiihono or reasonable. AdtlieB* It. Donne wit, 191 j itivcr 1'li.zit, jiho COUNTHY HOME for iTi'teTtWtTTrT^r! length, delivered: alia trr.stor plowing EXPERIENCED fk.nl.le liookkeatier rlto B, Klotkln. Prochold, 1;. J., phone ChatlcB SeaU, 25 Caiman place, Red Bank. Giant nvonue. Jei'tiey City, N. J. ic Hi07, RedJJanL idenl houBe, Rood uttbles and umaxf, *nd fiay batffna. J, H. Carney, phona _at- desires position of trust nnd i'8fll>or»i- IF CT'S real estste you Want v>a haw it, ' HOUSE for~rcn , n\\ rooms; every con- rnniill track with hurdleo; nomc woodinrxl. ontown -H.F-81. 26. WANTED by client, four oVflve^room TofraAL^V liiie of farmVraitVii. hlllty, Addi-oiis %;, drawer M. Tlgdjiank.* Demareib & Kmhnert, - ('bone Bed Bank bunctilow, near FCBHhorc. to rent with venicrire; ly " SifiQ tor $20,000. J. I). JVothno, 31 ^ you are _ui rnr a farm _r* J WANTED* itiirdener, thproushfy experi- WHITE turkey fur BBIC., MVK. Obve, H_'J-M, or t-Ktontown 87.R. Main MHCB, C arie!t Beiford, N. J,, pboua l_ea ELtTlOITBP nnd__ hot bejTurol _____n manur_a optlo^-f biyln™ UC Mi.rtha Hdlirman !' B«'^V. 507 W,St t'ront ^&t. Moflmouth .tr«tr^ho»o n.d B^k _B2. enced In eer-a of - fruit, Rhruba, flow.m, Shi-ewsbui-y, N^_-^_ 16B South street, EUtontynn: branch oftlc* j-3J 8 WnahlnictoWmhneton Hlreetstre , Rumson, W. J..' phline 1(i07' ltc'' tlf1"'" „ FOB SALE at Foxwooa Pftrk;*LTtti-"BI»vVr* for aalat delivered Bnywhoro. AUo gradr vegetable*, lawnn and tennis couH. Entire FOR BALK af a oat-riflee, Two~|iorflcs, dot aycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, N. J. ins, trucking'and wrecking, R. Lsurlno, phono numson' 4B<.« { HAhl of doublet "lit. for rent; seven improved pi-oi>erty; ^xi:ei>t,ionnl oppor- ehatue o( email estate; live out. Hober. of horncRH, two vvnKOnB, corn on the cob. irovcmcnts. At tvnity for home uitei cliolce lots; avernk'O 0S Second avenue, Long Branch. f*hau« Old Uoctor Ned Taylor's farm, Chapel l 1 1 1 hone&fc nnd intfu-trigua mnn. Apply, at ^ . .- ._ .p--.-_ ,.-... ;>t -*JW_or _*o fn TiOxlfiO. A real bargain at $1,001) each. gEo.tr. _____•.. _• '; Hlit, N. J. ^j street, miiat be within five n.ll«* if" Bed Dank: ( S??;fe to?/4 'jjjjf^. i'"!. . , . once, etating mrc. nationality, experience* near Droad Btre«t, Red Slate full partlcular«,'i)rice anil terms."AVl" i- ,r_ _ '—".U _ _ _' _1_! Rox 573, Red Bank, or jilione 146'_.* 1 (lit BALK, ilurrounh'i oJiHiiK-tuIitioctinir re fe rentes and -E.lt.ry ex per ted, Address HAVINO ^^t"fliTmiTuFi"will"HB"n my Ford"! Pbono bbokkeeplnj nwclilne: Rood condition: at 111?., William Ostrov pris ihess SjiJ^l^j^nj^ii. drnivor M. Red Ilftnk.* ' APAR'FMKN'l' for rent: three larure roomi ONE of the moat attractive [)lBrV»~i«cIt7(i _,. .-,-'" —,..._.„ Gardenoi". drawer M. Und Bank.* . ' • noil trnctor; «lso FcrcuBon plow, KU. near Rumaon boulevartl, con_i_tiiifc «f Ul° 'V' nardwo(lli Hftir^ opgn firep bargain, price, i'lrat Notional Bank, Eat- T. Uuakett, Scohoyvilio. J^. J.% team ontown, N. J. WANTED, cltianln« by the Oay; can serve FAINTING end paperhangtmi, eatimatfli r: 1 0 a ttraKI! I:lnfi!la cncanclnneil e,l I «l_heiehl t roonnrooiri. . twtwoo bathi bathi, , doubldoublee sarntenrntcec . It * heat; lot 50x_Ut); near itatlon -ELL1NU out hardware stock of J, Traf- ab-er/uJJ^ efven/ Elmer H, Stout, 3V |. Huitablo'f«r a cmpmutcrT A r«fln_r| I L*i* t i*. *'^" '- - - t dinnoi' or bridge pnrtlsa; would coniild- ga-cntlernaf i who wilt take food enroo of «-"tich IihM .- k- .' Place. Red I* really a ihow place. Price $26,500. !f -rtflce (or $2,000 less then ford Allflnt IIIBO household Roods of Buil oi< part time work. Christina Itlchnrdaon, South Btreat, Hedi BanU. N. J., phone your own A. Hoppinfr, 8 Lin_en place. Keii Bank. coat m.j wiM n roducc bill* u> prove tame BUSSNESS NOTICE. a place would lie Interested in renting it. Apply O Green's Rumaon home, nt Ked Hunk Auc- 152 Went Her sen place, phone Red Ban_ 16566 |l':bUR-UOOM flinirl Phone 307.» jicr. box 1H, Mlddletown. W. J. tion Jtooma. «S3 East Vnnl (treat. Hvo Addrens It. T. It., drawer M, Red Bank. : for rent; small j 10ft8K* UNUB,, uutr». jotibiuu, «i_. it CONTBA0TOR3 and fanlldere. When rou kitchen; ReL-ond fl ivnto hnu ith lFARM con-i-tini; of fifty Keren, near Free- SACHItiCK SALIC— fnrm of «a uraii doors cast of Huntlntf theater. ton wish work gone right and at tho are thinking of bavins norh done, br owner; modern Imiuoveincntii; hent (fn.f I i hold road: aplendid building; farm In goo_ toll, lariro «ri:hnrds; iltuatad «ti WORK wanted. whohT'or part time! Vlv* right pneu, call Itaipti U. SlckeU, UcLareu DOQ FEED and sipplliiT flft Traity, irtnfa Bcay, 27 Moith Bridae svonuo, day or contrast, eoniult Earllng, -lobneon ROOMS FOR RENT. vater nupplied. Kuitnlile for rouble* no perfect condition. Price $11,000, or wilt two road i; bunualov ai»xll ten^rooten-room househouat,, {Spratta, Cn&ppel Brothera, Galne., core Henboard Ice Co.. .Red Bank,* Ure«t. Ke N ,!„ phone Kean*bur« f.0_-M. Finfeqad oats, fine cracked corn, cracked the highest grade food apaclulttefi on the FOR RUNT.- two luljolnina roomn, fur- lo!. April lat. v Had- wheat, dried skimmed milk-, dried butter, nmrket to retail storea/club*. hotel*. ln|i-_ro musicnl Ititllan oj-Kani7.ati(jii that v\aya HONtfV to -oao on firat bond nnd uort- ley-HalllHll . 90 MonmoutM hh iiticct. ReR d Bankk, crete road, $4,000: terms can be marie. rriwith«a- over radio station WJBI.* nishcJ for light hou*ckecplnK; all im-liiione 1888 Grapes, apples and asparagus; a beautiful tanks on corner 50K125: house of ftv« rn'lk, B«ml-«oll[l milk. Various chick Ut- cotiNiimcrH, etc. Advertl-in? display ine- Basa on I rap roved real estate worth provements. Alflo two-cur frnroee. Anply ters, founts, foedorn, etc. Moat complete tcrinls, Bnmiiicn. etc.. Hunplicd by national doubts tbe amount loaned. Aliuin He«-- COMFORTABI.K ciKht-roum home, four place for H home; on bm line. Caleb L. rooma and bath up and throe large room* iitnniifncttirei' KI'IIUH. A tfood nroflt, quick PAINTING and paper hnnging, •interior 77 Oaklnnd ntreet, Red Bnnk, corner Went Luker, Belford, N. J. down: all improvements; S5,000, tartan line of chlclt supplies olfercd In the coun- nnd oxtflricr: CBtlmatea clictjefully given; man. nttornflt. 10 Broad ntr^o* Rp(> RRIIK set, Red Bank, plimio aS bedroomF. .two-rut- t,'Brn«e; house in A-l ty. Alwnya In stnclt. Quick aorflco. VM reiieat*, nnd weekly turnoverR will result If FOR SALE, fifty acres land on road from Oppoaito Luitcr's Rctilty, Bolfnnl, N. j, you are in $ poaltlon toj start irt a nnmll wall paper, pnlnt nnd vnrntnh for HKIO TWO la rue front rooniBi new houae, '(ill condition; centrally locntcri, tcrt minutes' Phone_ KeaiiKljiirtf 502-M. D. WlkoK Co.. Red Bunk. rosHonfttflc. If. Ad lor. 117 West Front OiMKNTALi a|)d domestic rum «nd v.'nlk to ntntlon. Kent. $105 n month. P6«- Leonardo to Chapel Hill; ffood view erf wny, delivering, collecting und gradually imurovementa; altrtfctive BurroundlnuH. New York: highly elevated. Just the plsce Btrfcct, I'huno 21JE1-W. Rod Dank. earpets abampoccd and dry cleaned. Bcaaloi! April J,t(. Hndlcy-ltnll, 9» Mon- Kio>iai«rirrtricr«i INCUBATORS nnd broaden for BHIO; com- buHtllnff a permanent bufilnens for your- hentiy to bus; clitht niinutes from Retl for a home site. Caleb L. Luker. Belford, «ome frutt: barn, corn crib nnd Bsrage; Dleto Jam-sway and Buckeye linos al- lelft State accomplishments and Qualifi- HHAUPKNING~Tftwn" mowo»T~KoraB. c»i»- Bank etation. 21 Pntteraon avenue, mouth atiect, phone Red HnnkJ888. Old csrpitB made Into ruse. SBS SIX-ROOM hoime. nil improvemcnU, con- rwo rosd fro n tape; olffht-rcora house ways In stoctt, Fred 0. Wllsofr Co., Roications in detail, nlao phona number. Ad- Pern, BBWS and nil other nharn edge tool». rug» woven. Telephone ot a poital Shrewsbury, N. J., yhone Rej_Bank 12&1. '"A.-jn-»ivi'i iiouBc. iiii impi ovemcnL-a con- i — . . . ••• electricity; 818,000. Terms, L_W« Bank. drcB« UnuB.ml, drnwer M, RcKlnter ofllce. \i A. Hiclioy, Everett. N. J., phone Re.I l 0R card nill brine our troolt to JOUI APAItTM-ENT, vacunt Aiu-il I^t^ foTi^ venicntly located; SCO a month; Immediate ' '' SALS, near Llttltj Silver, three and a Realty, Belford. U. J., phone Keanaburtf HOTIll-D SASH fur M\IQ. BIIO 3X6 fcot, BII n k 1C0--W, rooma, private bath, steam heated. 10ft Hndley-Hnll, 93 Monmouth 502-M. FOItKMAN, Scnndlnflvian, 29. Hiuilo. neeV doot. MontiJoalh Carpet Cleaning Htreet, Red Hunk— , phono 18S8- .- -- half acre* land, email bungalow; 321 mudo from ctenr white pino, with oak pbultlo'n us worklnc: foreman on poultry l-'Otl wall panel In K, pain tin j[~and decornT- Wallace street, Red Bank. Call or i»hone feet facing concrete rosd, $4,000, Luker'i COUNTRY HOME for -ale; cosy fl/V-77.7m c.uss bar, 'ulozeU with nix iowa of glnHn. fanii or farm mnnafrer; expoct to mrtrrj lnn BCO G. A. Miller. Chi.trh nnd Cornt'- Company, rtelephone Maomouth Beacb 2065. MONMOUTH "TERRACE." ^minintu'^"^ Realty. Belford. phone Keansburg 5U:-M. buni_atow. cellar. Wcatinehnuia llehtin^ "Price. In lots of ten or more, $3.00 >_n,ch. within a yenr nnd piefcr n position with lon btreotH, Uelford. Thlbaul'H wall pnp©i\ 22C0-J, IV 111 lam Groia. Dtoprletor., ROOMS for rent in m-ivnte family, auitahlo tntc of three acres, located on Tower MONMOUTH COUNTY country esUteV; plant; uaraires and larse outbulldinss; 41,4 Tcfrino fe Buck-lew, Inc. Jnmofthurg, N. J. Will; ienidei.ee contains four master bed* acres land, highly elevated; $4,600; terms. ft. future. Denlre interview. IleferenceH. EBtlrnnteFi cheerfully Kivon. I»ontofllco ad- for buelncFH people; alno Karage. 7 Al- 1 farm*, acreaee. If you want the belt B nb I wo vnntR I"OR BALE, American etect art- wire tenca. AddieBB O. J., drawoi- M. Ret) g - drc»» Bclfonl, box G6. rhonn KcnnsbutK len place, off Rlvermde avenue,' call or offered for sale for the least consult ui, Lukcr's- Realty. Bolford. N. J., phona XI bara, 66 Inches high; fn originnl roll". 3SG-W. HEMSTITCHING. _.M1C_», ffnW. i()v«r. box etallH for two homes nnd Karrtge for Charles V. DuBoiB & Son. entabliihol Keansbura 502-M. TWO MEN"wtfntad: ip'uut ho well known, etc., buttott!, p(&_ine, plaitlna. «m- phone Red Unnk 23-J. t tfireo earn; tennifi court. Five-mile view SO .rodn long, huva 22 rolls. Wilt ae'l HIGHEST jirlcen pnij for nil kinds of live CHEKRFUEK L heatee d aimrtment. oil eon- 13US, American hotel building", phone 4)0, BUY NOW—Save money; bo'fora sprinn to roproflgnt un In Rod Bank end eur- orutiiery, triramlos* and noveltict. Ma*- . n of aurrount-inK rountry. IIjidlcy-Hall. 90 cosy four and »lx room winter homca at nit or singly. Wicomico Farm, north aldo Ynundliiff toirltory, Clientele nli'Pady on* poultry. Jncob Beclier, _78 Shrowabury vonienccaoneci : : htheateeaedd dffoae availableilbl ; suisuitit- Monmouth Rtreet, phone 1888. Kreahold, N. J. of county rood, botween Eatontown and querads tuits for hire, the Usody Shop. bl f bi RECKLESS PLACE). tfood Bevert-room real bargains; when spring draws neii,r tnbllBhc'l. Biifslnenn reference required. nvenuo. Rod Bank, or phono fi6(MV, Red 16 Bruari atreet, lied Bank. able for business mnn or couplel . Apply houfie, nil modern improvements; steam TJftton KftlU. about ono mile west of Eat- Wrlle C, K, M.,. 318 Kfiiitun hUlldlnSi Bank. Mrs. H.. Schumann, St&taair place, corner DUTCH colonial houae of nix rooma, Bteam prices rise. You can SBVQ today; easy WILLIAM V. DIETRICH, plumbing, beat* Hendrlcknon heat, tile bath, mm parlor, two-car Ra- heat; garage; lot 47.x 125. No rcaflQnablo payments. Luker'n Realty. Belford, N. ,1. «titownj_ N. J. IS. ISnuoi. owner. t'efth Amboy. N. J. .. MONEY 10 lonn on (tret mort aBo ID *U_U< Hdlk avenue, Riverside Heights, effer refused. John H. Prothero, 31 Mon- "VoQD.fur nnle, cut In iiroplnco or Btovo ff Ing anil tinning. Pumps and windmill's Kcd Bank. rfig-e; jent Tumlfhal o;- tiiiftirnisbed; Lo- SAl.KSMKN, hriioh Baleamon; wo pay hinli- from I-.000 up. Prompt net via. fh_ mouth ntreet, phone lied Bank 052. HIGHWAY FARM for iaJ_; thirteen seres, lonfftbflj all dry, monLly oak; will do- r*p_p"M. Asent (or Matter carbureter ciitcd in Sllvcrwhlte Gardena. Harlley- e»t commlfislnn and fmnlsh your sift Land & Loan Company. U Meefa-nlo coal aavlruj device. Fits any furcate, 42 BOARDING, 10 Wallace street. Red Bank, Hail, SO Monmouth Btrcet, Red BanW, HATCHER* for sale: fruit and poultry fruit and berries; barn for throo horeeu, livor, $7 par loutl. M. GaRoltfl, ncconj brunhen freo. Complete now lino, nation- utrect, (ted Hank. Lcliihton avenue. Bed Bank. Pbo_* rooms with board, tlO and J12 per phone 1888. to cows: ten-ruom hou^a, electricity 3 ffti'm on left west of Ilivet' Plaza school. farm, stbeked and fully equipped; price ally known, ronsonnhly tented nnd ap-FASHIONABLE SIGN WOHK—Everybody 1IS4. frock; itood home cookinic. plenty of bot $15,000. C. R. Benjamin, Vanderburff, N, roadstand, chicken coops; 810,000. Tefmt lied Hunk. water; table board. Mrs. N. Sutton. HOUSE for relit, 30 Berg-en place, §li ti make, Luker'u Itenlty, Belford, N, 4 proved by Good Housekeeping Institute; In thin Una myn "I'm better than you." BATTERIES r__har_-__ and rentals fur- rooms, nun porch, all improvements: J,. phone Freehold 4B3-F-2I. t GUlTAIi for Biile, oxcollent *,uality. pne- Rompnny ontahliohed 1923. now oxpnndinir Tho working man to tho monkey* business nished, all for II.00. Batteries called LODGE room for rent Desirable room Ph-rid •KeanaburB 602-M. tlcully now; niny he ,uscil HmYnllnn available for us* aecond and (our;o large garden, chicken house; $47 100 ACRES on Bar tie 2 nt bay for sale, op- rapidly. Vouv opportunity. Act now.man to worklntf. mnn, profesBional mnn to for and delivered* Shrewsbury Battery posite La vail e He. Build your summer MONMOUTH county real estate, riverside itifithtirl. Will •(laci'tfleo. Call Red Bank Address Si>lapmon. Hrnwvr M, Red Bank.* b\inincsB mnn nnd Iji^ corporation mnn to Service Station, Broad, street, Shrewsbury, Tbunday oizhu of e&eh month. ADDIJ month. Phone Red Bank 1733-J. properties, business propertfoi, factor? f )~»'ith i home here: one hour*§ drive from Ucl 2738 eftor 8:00 P. M. HEl INEU middle nftod woman wUhoa to cvorybody. And "old Grim Death." with ottpuolta firehouBe. Tel ep ho Ii 6s Red Bank n: the otilco of Slaraund Eisner Co. IN RUMSON—S6,flOO cash. |"77000 sites, farms, riwel!ir;gn. A Una to till* of- Ol-:NUI.NK solid walnut bedroom mite; tin « Aint * Bank. Attractive lots in beautiful pine CHIC for fljllclren nttovnoonn or pvenlnBH- bin piclcle Rt tho ifencrnl ([rjivcynrd. Bays 2748_&ml 2096-J. FURNISHED bedroom "for rent: pleasant, fice will bring full particular!. Lulter'a pieces! hand car veil, with quartered "Von nil look nlflto^ to nie; drop In thin mortgaKe: ]>rop_rty now rentlnR fo.vr "»*»<$77. ,grove 12'Jb;tniic • wate_,_fc_r_ fronat-_it lot" "s $405- - - - ; con- Realty. Belford. N, J. Phone Keanaburse Mrs, S. H. Saffuen, 27 Chestnut street, Red M. h. McCOLGAN, nurseryman and lan_- cheerful bedaootn. At _ 7 Peters place. venient terj_». '8'IT.V 59x\00. Write Rav Brain liilaid, Old English finish; moth earthly hole forever, nnd stop furhtlnK Red Uank. phone 405-J. U C Martha IfeNermaii, S8 Wnahington 602Sl proof, cedar, lined fptorior; modernlBtlo de- 'Bunk. ]ihono 870-J.* each other." Moyan. SIKU CO,, cowboya sc_p» contractor; trees and shrubbery Blicct, Rutnaon, N. J., phone Rumeon 464. H. Stillroan, state highway, Eatontown, M, elfin; worth 91,000, like new; anil for 5376. GROOM! wanted to hart die pofo ponies; and Quakers.• pruned.; sradinn, driveways, walks con- fURNISHED roomB for rent on the tivor FOR RENT,~"hous_ IfTexecllwit condition: J. phone Eatontown 178. 'OR SALE, in Atlantic Hisrhlands, comer 01 Grand tvenuo, Lona Branch, phone mUflt'have had »om« experience; siate Btructed. Topioil, cindera.- fill dirt 20 bank: also garage for rent 6S* Rector alt imDrovementa; seven rooms and TOR SALE near Freehold, farm of 170 property, store 38x40 feet, seven rooms lions Branch .3719. ..• nge, ealnry nnd experience. Ad dree ft t BUY and soil second-tiand clothej; nun Finckncy road, Rod Bank, phone 1401-W. place, Red Bank. bath: reasonable rent. Locate^ at 157 acres, suitable for potatoes, trucking or ,nd bath upstairs: two-car enrage; sacri- bs In ffoad condition. I. Kerber, 20» Groom, drawer Wt Red Bank. BijPJSUlOR Window Cleaning Co., phone dairy; plenty of building-; A-l condi- fice for good (mis. Luker*6 Realty, Bel- Shrevrsbury avenue, Bod Bonk, phone TO LET. touv rooms and bath, aun porch: Hudson avenue, J. 11. White, phones Red '. PRIVATE SALE3 dally; used furni- Red Bnnb -478. We malco a iceclnltv uf $26 a month. Cornet of Maple avenue. Bank 1053-VV and 2316. tion; $30,000. Terms can be had to suit* £oni. N. a)., phone Keanaburg S02-M. 2 654—J. • . * cleaning tflndowa in pi«vate residences. near Third street. Fair Haven, N. J. ' able party; on main highway. Luker's 1-5-AOKhi fnrro for sale; riaw buneajiiw^ ture tor homes, stores, hotels. Wo LOST AND FOUND. pay_and night eefvlce. HOUSE) (or rent on M-chanic street; good MASON contractor; estimates cheerfully APARTMENT for rent, furnished. 6 Riv- Realty, Belford, N. J., phone Kcanaburg la rare buildings^ uood brook; SI 2.00 0, buy or eell your furniture. Auction tfiven, Eunanc Soy or. 40 Eait Wests ido location, near center of town; euitablo 502-M. _• 10&-acro farm, large bouse, stsam heat, LOST, pair of tort nine shell Rlaftnos In BO A n DIKG^ modern Improvementi, hot ersUle avenue, Red Bank. for small family and rent Is very reason- Roomi, 83 East Front street, phone brown lenthor raao from Df. W.rth; near avenue. Red Bank, phong US7, oni cold ruimlaB water, centrally lo- FOR SALS, 20-acte farm,- eightccn-room plenty of outbuildings, uBpairasus, grapea* FOUR-ROOM heated apartments for rent; able. Apply at the office of Sigmund Eis- fruit. $22,000. Good road frontage. Caleb Red Bank 218. Auctioneers end Ap- hUth school; last weak.' Reward. MI«a ItKl' UANK Window (IlBQtna Co. cated: rates reasonable. Hudson Homa, ncr Co.. or telephone Reel Bank 1100. . house; improvements; Jarge barns and Allda Oakley, 116 Hudeon avenue, phone make a ipeoifllty ol clfKjjtilriff .vindowi o( l_l Huddon avenue, phone'Red Bank. 94 t all improvementfi: earaco; newly paint- outbulidins: fruits; }U,G00. Eight acrei, Lukcr. lielfnrd. N. .1. praisers. ed. Telephone 2874-J, Bed Bank. Ship- Hod Bniik 2280.* \ • tores, o in cat and private reilllencei. Rates THE HIGHEST prices paid for all kind* TO LET at Fair Haven, bungalow of four four teen-room house, $7,500. near Pennsyl- FOR SAI.R or rent, poultry farm in At- reasonable. Satisfaction BUarnoteed. 48 of, furs: also live chickens. Joe Gnker. rooma and bath; glassed-in porch; fire- vania and Central railroad depot. Luker's Iftntic Hlchlanda; house and outbnlld- Toa^dljiinff tlo7amr WttsblnKton >treet. Rerl Bank, yhoil- HJIH. ONE pleasant, extra lnr_ro rnom, or. two, Piece; nil improvements; BE race. Addrei* Rpaltv. Belford, N. J., phone Keansbura LOST, Red Cockev spaniel} ranfard. 230 Mechanic itreet. phona Red Banh 280a Lock Box H. Fair Haven. N. J.. or call Inp.s; haa nil Improvements; jirlco reason" oBot. Can lie seen nt Dlckmnn'a Boat UG &ud beating, enimateo fur furnished, with or without ligHt house- 602-M. able. M. UttowUz, Yullc-y Silve, Atlantis Works, Wharf nvetme. Hcd nnnk.' Helen L. Hughea, Tlnton Falls, N. keeping privileges; all improvement*: Rumaon 636. nltberj. Joaoph W. Koa, na Pineknar JOSEPH L KN1QBT, auctloaeer. over IOR SALE in Red Bank, house of eight Hiuhlnnda, N. J. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, sradtnu oi oU kin.t . J., phone Eatontown J3.-F-2.* road. Red Bank, phone 2317. three minuten from ralltoafl station and SEVEN-ROOM house, i.ll modern improve- .' twanty jeers* ezptrience oelflng bus line. 130 South Bridge avenue. Red rooms and bath: hardwood floors, all ini' aha roadways built; Lake wood esnd. HOWARD WHITE. 61 ( Portland road, ments,, A-ll condition ;'«RiaK-. WilWill rnrentt provements; corner lot-76x160 feet; one. trftabed snivel, •las. cinders, bluo >tone. Htffhlandn, N. J^ nouss mover, founda- eoodi at aaetlon. t sail any t hi net «ny- Bank. for owner'' s hoardhd . Addrend n C. G. H.H , BARGAIN—Modern alx-room eolonlat > LOST, police ruppy, about one year old, third cash, balance noortaasc. Luker's Prices reasonable. Howard G. IZaiav«lt tion* builL Phone H)gh\Bnii» i27M-fl, nbere. Phone Red Banb 787>W. LARGE healed room, next to hath, suit- dr»\ver M..Red Bank/ Realty. Belford, K. J., phone Kean»buns house with bathroom anil one-car pbono 1585, Red Bank. light color, very little black! nn&wein to nnniQ of Re£: mlBBina atneo February 10th. GENERAL cui*tment in Rumaon, hot water, NEW HOUSE, cumploto In every detail at linh Co., Red Bank.* lii'iulrc at -50 Shrew-bury avenue, KeJ etcam heat, $[,0 per month. U C Mnrtha rooms, tiled bath, laundry, two-car BH- Baapett plnre and Prospect' avoiiuo. A JtEIO UANK l_mp]oyinont Anejicy BI.I my ability. Cbarlea A. Jones, c- pert nuto- phone Red Bank 2607. rase; modern in every detail. Adi]read N\ir_es' Registry, '.o Riversi-] avenue, WE HAVE In'our atork iuBt the car you mtihUo washer at Boro Bmafeg, Inc.. Globe ** " *" He HermanHe, , 38 Wnslrinutou n aLrcet, Rum- har^ain nt SG.50O. Jnmcn LflBnu. Hlvor fl wunt. Cnino In mid look them over. Ooiirt nntl Mechanio .meet Hed Dank. ADVERTISING is today one tlio best pay- ( 3. V. D:, drawer M, Red Bank.* roail. K:iir Haven. N. J.. iihono tied Bark Mrs, L E. Batteriby, proprietor. Courte- ins prof-salons, Learn advertislnty or TWO furni-hed, or unfurniehet) connectine son, N. J., jihono Rumsoh 4G4. oil* Borvics. ctliclent help; references .r • Ooni-ne H. Roberta Co., 59 Maplo nvenuo. rilACTICAL painters and paper hanRera! FOR RENT, six-room bungalow, every F6R~SA_-E7"hTlf acre plot, 100 feet front 2O5O-W. I!c *'«rftlff«ted. -Practical and trnlnad on •-))• branches; also landscapes in oil or water joining bath: all imin'ovements; also ga- modern improvement; located cornet and 200 feet deep. New lake In front, BUNGALOW for nnle, Arcoln heat, two bad- / Telephone K_d Bank U__. _ CHEVROLET coupe for unle chenp to road, Rumson. N, J., phono 666 Rumson. Kemp avenue and Catherine street, Fair river In buck; very high hlli; saa, water looms, bath, dining room, kitchen, twej ' Full lino pnlnta. enamola. varnish. Open color. Call or write for further informa- rage. 14 Mudison avenue. Red Bank. (juirk.canh buyer. Term* can be hud. tion. Terma reasonable. Evening le_Bont Haven, N. J., furnished or unfurnished. nnd elect rir-ity. Patrick Corcoran, box nun porchos; on rivor front; ne«'- Sala HOUSEKEEPER, middio used woraan wuh. ovenlnRB. Estimates free. Call Mrs. Wilkins. G3 Kemp avenue, Fait 209-A, River Plata, Red Bank.* $5.BOO. Real !mr«nln. Furnished. C, ea poiltlon BB housekuepsri private fam< !i9 Maplo nvenuo. Red Bank. _ from 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. , Avon Art School, REAL ESI ATE f OR .TENT. 602 Main ttrctt, Avon-hy-the-Bea. N. J. Haven, two doors below. Telephone Red LOT for sole, 40xl2R feet; restricted rei Pucker, Scnbi-ipht, N. J.. phono 120 S«B- "r or widower's homo preferred. Addreti 314 CAt)ILLAG Redan, five-ptmneneer: DUCO WORK by exports. L,t u« «Btlmate Bunk 439-M. bright, op 1-0 Uumnon. Houiokceper, drawer M, HcJ Bank. beat buy in town; lool;a nnd runs like on your car or furniture. Wo have, in HOUSES for rent in and near Red Bank. idantlal section of Ked Bonk; all im- John VV. Mason, real astute, 27 East •C^oSfPKlWt matron 'wieThoi poaTtton" __ new. Geor«e If. Roberts Co,, 69 Maiilo thfs department a man who ti&a ffrown an O, ««al e&Ues. beef oattle and FOR LONG LEASE, coal yard at Hop, provements, f 1,200, Inquire nt 66 Branch TW6-A~CRE poultry fnrm for aalo; oix* nvenuo. Iloil Baiik. In tlio Duco business; i\li work high clasi. Front street, phono 2S49. Red Bank. pine's Crossinc, Belford. suitable for avenue. R«d Bank, phons 6_«3»W. room house, eleotilc lights, corner prop- mother's helper afternoons or avenlnga. ptgi. Top market prices paid, cash. Call 604 Red Bnnk. HUPM0nlLE~7e"dnn, $500 taken It homa: George H. Roberts Co., Inc., stata htch- TWO-FAMILY frame house in Rumson; service station on crossroads; 260-foot EIGHT-ROOM house for *mlc; choice lo. erty ; chicken hou-on In uuoJ condition. como nnd net It. lonka HUo now. Georco way, one mile north of Rod Bank, or 69 . a Crawford Co., TIOIOD rails, N. large lot, near bus, school, stores; rentn railroad Biding. 180 feet on concrata road, cation; lot 60x200; srnce for two cum;Price and term a on rcf,uoat, S. Orovott, ATLANTIC Emplorraont Acency, licensed Maple nvenue. Red Bank, phono Red Bank 250 fcot on East rond. ' Lu_er's Realty, bud bohdtd. At your service to furnish II, Rnlioiln Co., 50 Mnple, avenue, Red * pbonft EatontowD 161. for ?48 per month. U •• C Martha Heiler- larue living room, dining room, kitchen, 1371 or 116. man, 38 Washington street, Rumaon. N. J. Belford. N. J. competent male or femalo help for any ra- \ tun porch and hreakfaflt room, combined SiX^OOM~bunKalow 'o-T^MTIn^-rMCfi-E QUlrenKnU 61 First avenue, Atlantic DESIRABLE store for rent, auitable^for HOUSE to Jet. BIX rooma, bath, all Im- r>p&re bedroom and brvtlt downstairs, four ford, for iQlt; atio ils-roora bouso at) l-'OIl i^AT.K, Kurd aodan; flno r»hit nnd SUBURBAN body wanted, T}_ feet by 87 Highland-, U. J.. phono 083. Vincent Dimi line i"l)l]pi-; very reasonable. Call-Red LANDSCAPE gardener. Prunlna pplumber, , carpenterp,, ppaintee r or alalliel d provements , first clnss condition. In- lurKo bedi-ooms upstairs; closets In ench Middle town, near depot. $3,000: tftrea B>erea oelll, proprietor. _ br experienced men; auraylcs, tay- Inches. H. Rltsau, phone 2240-W, Red traded . M. SitbtSitbersteini . 37 EasE t ffront quire of A, T, Dorcmus, 44 Reckless place. room; linen clonet, built-in Standard bath, woodland, near KeannbuFff. auitabU for Bs.uk IDOO-M. Bank, Red Bank, or agents. chirkf.ni 91.&00. Caleb Lnker. Delfo?d, CARPENTER work wanted of any kind; intf out of scrounds. larso or eoaftlL street. Red Bank. uteam hent. Inquire nt 21 Branch avenue. FORD dump truck. A-l Khape; new rub- WANTED stenm or hot water boiler and Red Bank. N.(J. also pointing done reasonable; no Sob It licr; aha stool dump liody- with hoist. Advice glveo as ta what, whin and HOUSE on Riverside drive for rent; five FIVE-ROOM bungalog w on lot 6O1I&O. on radiators for five or six room house. room-, all improvements; garage LockwoodLkLodd . . plnccl ; waewater, , g, electricityeecyltiit ;; too 8mnll. Addroes Fred Htlmbera, box Phono U"d -nnnk 1E54.* how to plant. T. H. 8tU», 17 FZarrl* Phono Entontawn'i 204. 352, Red Bank. ___„ GeorKQ Stavola, Piveisitle drive, box 11-A, no btbathh or carnge: rcut $90 per monthh, SEVKN-PASSENGSR Falco tourinir car son avenue led Bank, phons 1901. WANTED, loah at 6%, $6.00O; accurcd on Mrs. Wilkin-. C3 Kemp avenue, Fair Ha» LAKDSCAPE Bnlosmnn wnntocl with abil- foi- HHIC. Call Red Dank 769 for pnrtlcu- ity to earn $3,000 to 3&.000 par year real eatato north over three times thla yen. N. J., phono Red Bank 43Q.J. )n solIIi)ir unil BujicvvlHlnff hlirli-clnBa nlnnt- amount. Phono Bed Bank 1416-M. FOR KENT, Bix-room houBe. iwlth 20 STORE for rent. Main rond nnd Lafayette SECOND-HAND Foitl bun for sure. In Rood VE3, it will be done rij?U If you* oar fa street, Uunidon. Inquire American li.ga In Nortliern Now Joieey. A capable BfONEY to loan in sums of.$3,500 nntt acres of land; nil high ground, nesr inn will 1)6 i;lvon full nuppoit by a young condition; nlno other cam. E. A. washed at tbo Doro OUBIQS, IDD_. wa»b J1.50O. Apnly to A. Ii. Ivlns Agency, Storc9, Riimann, or Marcus Store, Red PlogresBlve rura,or}r with n uooil reputa- Pomi"l;.oy, H\iir,«oti. N. J.' • tnnd, Charle* A. -lone-, expart washer Rcgifiter building. Red Bank. the school and near church, on Sttuo Bank.phone _350-M. tion In the Enst, Knowlotlgo of ,nureery AUClToNEER—Let my experience of con- highway at Marlboro, N. 3.; $25 a FOR KENT, aomi-lmncolow of seven d up ting over one thousand anles ba of SMALL Bocoml hone] nnfe wanted: stive ntock, nblllty to draw nttrnctivo plnns, und »lr.o nnd price. AddieBB Snfe, drawer month rent. E, T. Rohlnnon, 13lf« rooms end bfith; nil Improvements; hot IioneBt nates ubllity, wilt lie given co- •ervtco to you. Will uttenil to allatJvcrtli- M. Rod Dnnk. » nlr heat; Rnrn_e. R. II. Vandorveer, 49 (ipeintlrtn, ulth nfllco nc count a, ndvartln- FARMERS, let's so—Get ready for tHnInB, furnish clerk a—all you have to do U _rvin_r place, Long Branch, N. J.* comlnu noDBon; blackaml thine of all AGED rEOPLE—Two-room bunan'ow, Branch avenue, lied I^n^k. pbi>iie J4G5/ Inn .leads nnd a full mennino of hlgh-crndo set the date. Genme II. Roberta, phone SEVI-N-ROOM house fur rent; also ten- 1>1 ant a and service. State ox|»oilcin-o, rcf* kituls: bodlon new or repaired; hny shelv- day Red Bank 2371. nljtht tilddlctown with all conveniences: suitable for two; How You Can Effect *renccn nnd Inltlnl nnlni-/ donlmd. Ad- liipn. vegotahla washers, etc, Stock of 27B-M. mnle or 'female, who need nurslns core, FIVE-ROOM bungalow for Vent; Monroe rnwo; with nil improvements; $40 a dieis P. O, Dox 105, New Drun&wlck, N. Foanoned onk; excellent farm wason Williams Nurstns Home, phono Bed Bank avenue; running water in kitchen; gas month. At _i Allen place, Red Bsnk. Call trniruo». Kcl»ey'». EanE Freehold, N^- J-. UAltTON CHAMBERLAIN, contractor an I 619. nnd electricity. Apply Mrs. Robert C. Hi31 Red Dnnli. tmllder; jobb fug espeehiir, 151 8outr> l»lion« S8G-F-_1. Hnnce, 101 Riverside nvenue. Red Ilnnk.* FOR flKNT/liVht. airy "rooms for lilfht A Double Saving. KXPKRIENCEl) linker would Ilko atondy btreet. R_i) Bankr phone U16-W, CHICKENS wanted; will pay hlff_e*t 1 _OD for sale, thirty yaara old, Thomas H. matkot prices for COWIA and broilers. SUMMElt BUNGALOW for rent, five fi|r- manufntttirintr or clean ins* efitnblioh- Doolllon on enlic or Incnd, n& flret oi ne.*- meat, heat, li^lit nr.il wnter furni»hoi]: flrant bomostean, on Everett rond, ona Call or writ, Alex Zwiekl, 8V North nlnhod rooinsi -glL. innirovemenls; laixo The direct connections yuu will got tliiough KOIJ- ortd hand. Her man JEllloinecht, box 106, LANDSCAPE eardtnen aw grounds Broadway, I^na Branch. N. J. phon* iioirhen. Eight 'mi nut en' walk to Roil rent reasonnbtc. Lucnllon on main road Helfoid, K. J. and & half mile* from Red Bank. Jobb tl. Grant, It_D. I. i_?d^_Bfliife. laid out and planted: old grouadi 1B00. __• Bank station.' On Shrewnbury rivor; K<>0'1 with mil rond rtidlnn. Adilrcaa P. O. Box later Want Advertisements will save you n Burpi'ln* OHAUrp'EUR nnd handy mnn wnntotl in YELLOW COPN on cob for Balei.smaH improved and beautlflfd. Trcea and i WANT your bnttcry to _Iiareo; no extra liontlnff and ftBhln_r> Apply K. H. ScRtter- BaIlk pl-ivnto fnintly. Apiily by letter ftlatlriB i_____l____ L_ —• -L- Ing amount of lime In getting exactly what you uralnatl, dry and free of smut} excollent , shrubbery /• prayed sod pruned. Ad- charge* for rentals. Battorios called for _Ruod, Itivcr Plara. Rod Uanls. phono _ UP. ^ESriiiUiLK'ViircH f7ir~7c.it in itm Elfltier fl-\l)srifiico nnd roroiciicos. Addfpfin (lliairf- for poultry; stored In rotproof nnd welt nnd deliver^!, nil for 11.00. Shtewnbury fnur and Handy Mnn, »lrnw Brund Co) DanU 2OI2-J. phonen Red nnnk 2748 nnd 20D6-J. j your needs and I will llnd you a homo ot An,'ni5ii or mnn nrtd «Jf t« man- MOMMOUTH HATCHEKY at na(ley'« itreot, fur lodge, ilnncea or «tilert-lu- cither by moll or telephone. a Corner, Dnlmar; chicks for BHIO. Twelve WANTED, children to bnnnl, on a rorm otica-without churue. John Pro the ro. SI men Ci. On« he r«nte bubble nci-tcrs; very interestinir. Scon oi Slurmini] liliner Co.. or talephone IUd Kenei «l roiitino, would Ilko imrt tlmn em- fft.OO per liinuired C«K». ynnr laundry work nnd nnvo onoahirri tKo I'AliM- of 33 re res. t;oo ur MCOK. Mdienfl Amei- bill. Vhano Red Uank 1007. Charles tlren- by iiiM'Ointnumt. B. T-. HOBB, I Allon plncfl. chlnory, Iwn hnrrtnn; on hluimay, near If you have something to dinponn of thorn I:; no lthono_ 682;M._ niprkctti; fltnild on (mm. E. CJ. Pnrkor. Kbit itKNT. -tores.' otlice*. ttats. hout«*. cheaper nor quicker \vto |r> ^^••L _—. _— _ ^ — elo Store, 410 Main atreot Aaliury Pdrk. with us. Low rntcn. Pubiinlioil every ment fi; clectrl« llitht. A|>v.ly 77 Oakland 'MAR WANTH tioHltluuTii n""dni7yT^"nnicd merty I'rnwn-Corpar Co.), 47 Drond strest. 1'ihlny. 331 Hue lid avenue. Allenhurm, for rent at prl_e* raniflnw from Silo pa- Red Hunk. IMIOHO _8S0. J nticot. lied Elnnk. phime ^H8i>.* 1 order that Ibo rcnpI(iT_r«?or mfotm BBVVINU wantoil to do hy. tho letc lilcu of whnt you linvc In cffei'. HJJJk242a 'WANTED. *rj»Mn rnif.-or;" havVSlTDWrVsti linuHo; l\vc iniunn, Imtli. ittenm hent'aiii-- MALI1' ot ifoublo )H)!j>}p Tor rent: also *i]T- Incodeva. J. W. Trtrkn nlijilti. nialliiK J_ nuU wunt,n rnbln ciuincr, about thirty pliod ; nil ronvealienoen ; i;mnite; S1 •"• hiT dlioct: S3.H.0 nnd $4.00 ench. Permit mmi- frrl. Munt hnvr mnih.n motor. Whnt. room hnt|:,o and five •room bungnlow. AN bar 1-n-C-aa. (iam-tre E." Plorce, Helfgrd AUTO Kuv TRUCK palntinu; alno trucks mfint lily ; sultnhlo Imcliclor or hunlncx HO four-niorn nimrtnujnt, $;io m;r month; all )>1nce; cxiinloncod In gurilan". Irtlcreil,, (imirgo Parker, Kane lane. hnvo you? Write K. (inodcnoiiKh, 64H Mitii'lf. Hoi mn Srhnmnijn, Stntrnir plnte, "Tho Moro Vou Tell flowoift, Inwiis nnd tiaon; lofovnncon; wimlil rund. liE-nc Hcnddon'M Corner, Route Nn, 1, l^ l. UricM,f.i.k. improvements; near telinol niul cliurche*. Ite.l Miink. Mldiilotnwu.N. J. __ lmiulre C. W. (VoEler. 170 lair Haven roaii. Tha Qulckci You Stll." Uhe-ioh l» Jlunidoii or Kiili- Jloven. A'l- li-k'litn. Iled_llniiK.« : ; In if lliiveii. N. .1.. phiHia UCM) Dan- H»V_. •lroiii.jil.._(lrf.w_i'JM, Uo<[ Hn«K. rf«r~nnV: 'nk e yV^nipT tonii utid export Instruotion on. vfolln. mnmlolln, .STKADV". reiinble culniBii man "deRireiTiio^ hciiA: (\|?d While 1'ekln ilucUn. now Uy-suitnr, nkoldlc. itucl tiultar. lianjo. pain* Impiovcmoiitfi; three, doorn from po«' • II-B: very nico Block; will nail lesiRcinnblo, lihnne, clnrlnet. (nstrumoiitB nulil and re-P.__.i: ? L_ _- nMIon tit flint. rlciKH houno man, Kuttlier A OKI), cliroriJr rlinviilescftlit^ nnff BCIIII-III- offlce; for those who prefer cnnh In luin'v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, phltlwilBiB by Hdihonnlni; John Holman, M. CHUOIIH, Jllver Pl»«n. N. J., nerond fmni paired. 47 Waihlnston street. Rod Bank, phono 1701,1 VIIIIIIP: Hlvhto rn[>m-i /uirninu' cure. Mrs. to rent rccolp^. Pining R«il Ilnnk Mlfl-M. ISA Uluhtmi flvitmie, HUjlcmlt,* on kft,_we»tAf Hiver Plaza nrhool. Arthur Ayors, Otikluu-ot, N. J. Photio Uonl HUNCAl.OW on' 'htivr.'l -Mont: liln bi\th, VA^Pi^^VMeHeiHoi! TWO horsen for «nto rlieupi nfnr> culffvn- nit: I-P»- o;ili (li.oni, fliojiliii-c. lueiikfnnt not.k; *g(ii'dftnoi- nnd fruit in'ower. n]\oi\ f«r \>u~ torn nnd farm wnifon. Inqtiho Chnrlon worn wanted. All klndi trnl locntloit. 1117 Went Front elrcet. «'i- lint waier li^fi!, tv.n-rnr HIIVKKO, 58,000. D. I'lock, Freehold, H. F. U., tio. 1. Phono etilmi Mttrrh> llith. Dent of rcfoieneon Ut ot Jobbing altoiidoi) to by on, «x> Wllllnm_ Woars. JUmiioi^N.^, liluine Dobljlnn, 1IR Red Tlntik.* 'L011111 iunuuicit. .1. 11. I'rttthcrfj, ^t Mon- tnko care fit KOtttlemnn'it plnrn; «Kpnvt In erlenciiJ anrpenter, Write or phona miitlih' Mrent, phmm |lo^- trees, How*, filirulia, voKOtablca, Inwnn U^TCnLOOTiriithWio Vnnc5"iu»l~iiiryBlt 1 Wii"_TB LWlHOrW^'bTgks^fTom^ lArvtn, HI Plncknoy road, Fta- Hank, mcntu; \v\tU 73 Onklntnl FOrt SAIJC bniuitifnr liiii'"on tha**Fi*h«r R«I1 fruit. AddrB.in J ';, ilinwer M. Ke<( eil liaiis mstoff to e«rt\fleti odQhere)*, cni dlroctor at i^onnitlu lilsli orliool, r/oonitrdo,' Kew Joifiey. IICHJICH trn tioyn. oStntc, EiOxUO; wltli acwor, wHtor, un§, n nki GUfltom hatchh'u; h rood or atuVea. new and honft 2103. * ton-to elifhtnen yenm of ayo, to nltcnd iili HOUSE /or rent nt .Shrcwnlmry; nlKhL otc: wttli riBht of way lo rivor. Inqu|r« YtAlNfi H AN" WM.itcil";"mm ViV»"wMr.i.»kin u»ed, Yntntond Poultry I'dPiti, Vttnder. private auniinpr vnm\> for boyw. locnted »» f L. 1(1. fisher, on pi r>F-2l, riM.mi*. two Imtim, p\tvn mntd's n»ll«: libriKPtf ymirin.lv HPfiftil: l.iiowladitn of MKTAL wenllmi'ttrliM for windows «nI'rMJ:Vr.H'lS n\\ in,,im. ifoilnnil fjrtirt!nnli0 «iul vtwn of (l«nvci« panonllii|. 1'IF'l'Y youni; plgn for m\t>\ elwht to let, tlonrs. Cull lioil Hunk HUI», Monmouth July Ut to Atjiriint lf.th, 1030, Pried very w«kn 11IU. H. Klotkln, fieeholfl, N. J, I nl piORcnt. I'hoiiA Unr> Hml Hunk m- c ult hfiut, till Imi'i-H^nucnl": w»i»nu; !)».0t)0. w*ttply»WlHlnm it. HJiiteJioftim, Runmon, Mfltol Weatherstrip Co., 78 Newman reaaonalj.-. Writ* or coll for parlttculnra TtirinH lt> PKH, Julin |'iolhpi o. ',] i Muu- W J o flfltt i'iu'nfl 'JO, 'Ul>rlni;o toad, Hr^.Il.Tnh. 1 Kllral)titli . T'mMMn, tij'cnriHJi'* AVCDUO, at above ttlgli «chooL ' eiuowolnuy N. J.* uiuutli nCieot. I'liuiie lied Dank ti<>2> Page Sixteen BED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1980. repealed It at a special ses- NEW STATION AOENT. buy I'alrt Direct From Factory sion. Hera the amateur or professional THE RED BANK REGISTER Clifford H. Herbert Takea Position at ESTABLISHED BV JOHN U. COOK. painter and decorator finds ell he It is claimed by those who want Long Branch. needs for ever? Jqb large or small, GEORGE C. HASCB. Editor. to put over the latest tolls road bill Clifford H. Herbert of Llttlo Silvei We can supply ydu'wllb well known that all the faults of the original la the new station agent at Long Products in paints, varnishes, lao- measure have been corrected and Branch, The former a^cnt, John quers, .ibls, etc, for «»y purposa THOMAS irtVINO BBOWN. that there la nothing objectionable Publisher and Business Manager. Flannlgan of Asbury Park, died sev- Cut this Hdvertlseroont out and prstent about it. Evidently these special eral weeks ago. For a number of at addrettB below for free «aroi>lfl, pleaders think that the public does Telephone!)—ricj Bank IS. years Mr, Herbert has been assistant All $4 patntl «ttid' va?nlsh'aa $2.80 per MILL'WORK' AND Red Bank 1300. not object to paying toll charges; but agent at Little Silver, where his fath- gallon. Other grades 61.30 par gallon. is there anyone who remembers the er, J. Harry Herbert, la agent. OFFICE) old toil gate days who can believe Monmouth Psinl and Subacrlption Priced U BRO&B 6T., Ona year — . Jt.50 this? The new tolls road bill may Varnish Works Six tuoiiths . . _«—«—««.....-«.«...—-. •'•* differ In wording from the one which First Aid Men Meet. LOVELY MOTHERS TEU 7M-M. RED Thres months •« was repealed two years ago, but Its The February meeting of the, New Factory: 853 WUlow Ave, essential features are the same Jersey first aid squad council waa *nd ATTRACTIVE Long Branch, Th« Bed Dunk Reels tor dressed up In another color. held In Independent flrchouue, Long it B member of • • • Eranch, Sunday. Squads from Long CHILDREN Btoro: 119 \V. Ffont SU Eed Bank, THE ASSOCIATED I'JtESS Brancli, Eatontown, Point Pleasant Th» Associated Press Is exclusively en- 1 titled to the uie for reptibltcation of sll If more roads are needed why nnd Manasquan were received air newt dispatches credited to it or not other- should the rich state of New Jersey members of the council. It was re- wise credited in thi* pnper and also tna depend upon private enterprise to do ported that Red Bank, Atlantic High- ]o««] now* published therein. it? Large sums of money ore col- lands, Keyport, Oakhurat and West lected from the gasoline tax for road Eelniar will be added to the member- work and from various other sources ship list at the meeting.to be held WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28, 1030. unknown In earlier tlmea when toll Sunday of next week at Manaaquan roads were general. If It was an Im- . New Studio position to make the public pay toll (Continued from page four.) The Red Bank Register is the rec- v charges in those times it would be ognized meeting place of buyer and Re.,] Next to LARGEST RETAIL BUTCHERS IN THE U. S. A. more so, many times multiplied, to- Bellcr. The Register hooka up bual- 65 Broad St., Red Bank I Long rw> A Westside Request day. If new roads are needed the ne33 Intcresta and home life affaire (Sank Woohvorlh. Economy Plug Quality. Over RB9 Successful: Stores and Still Growing. | Branch Woolwortb. public should build them Instead of with telling effect by way of its great Telephone 26(17. Which Should be Granted. permitting corporations to do It. It circulation. It paya to advertise In No part of Red Bank has asked for goes without saying that if corpor- The Register.—Advertisement. less In the way of public improve- ations can make profits by building ments or got less than the Westsidn roads the public can save money by section. If for no other reason than doing the same thing and thus avoid- FISH DEPT. this, prompt action should be taken ing toll charges. Very Best Chock Roasts to grant the request which was made last week for additional lights in tha1 To re-establish toll gates and toll Cod Fish Steaks portion of the town. charges would be to set back the * » a bands of time. The problem of re- lieving congested roads' Is rapidly Shrewsbury avenue, the principal being solved through the construe Full Cuts—5 to 6 lbs. strfeet of West Rod Bank, should tton of new roads with public funds have lights in keeping with those on Even though progress along thl3 lln> Boston Mackerel other business streets. During the in some parts of the state may not 3 cans Fowl Fcweguqrters of Gentsine past few years tjM lights on many be speedy, It would be better to beat Sifted Peaa —AND—' ic lb. business streets hive been changed with conditions as they now exist several times to keep pace with im- than to return to the back-number -Made -Sausage provements in street lighting. Shrews- toll gate days. The only good thing ESTATE OF HELEN C, AND Flounders bury aver-ue is still getting along that can be said of the toll gates and WASHINGTON L. HOPE Try it ! with old-fashioned, Inadequate Hght3. toll charges Is that they are remind- c \h. The lights there are a motley col- ers of an Imposition which should lection, varying In size and spaced top never be foisted on the public again J. TRAFFORD ALLEN'S HARD- far apart. WARE STOCK 3 cans Fancy Corn- 6 to 8 fts. Fresh Filet Solo CAHD PATY^FOE CHUBCH. Well lighted streets are always a LIDO RESTAURANT 'Fresh-Killed Roasting good community Investment. They More Than $200 Cleared by Event at 1 Fresh or Smoked c lb. ' are good for business, they 'lessen Bel ford Lost Week. IDEAL SUPPLY FOR HOME likelihood of traffic accidents, they Chickens qr . Fryers Pfevent robberies and in other ways The card party which was held las'. BREW they are a benefit. Shrewsbury ave- Wednesday night for the 'benefit of Fancy Creamery 'c.;ib. Fresh Butterfish nue and the whole Westside section St. Mary's church of New Monmouth ' should have better lights. After this was R big success In every respect Thursday, Feb. 27 - Friday, Feb.28 Print Butter c tb. is done other needs should not be It took place at the firehouse of In- .forgotten. The Westside section has dependent fire company of Belford bttn the most neglected part .of the The profits already exceed $200 and Saturday, March 1 town not only with regard to lights this will be swelled by later returns Legs of, Genuine ' but in other respects. The time is A door prize of $2.50 in gold was 1:30 Encb Afternoon. ripe for a change. awarded to Mrs. William Bobson. A ten-dollar gold piece was disposed of DelMonte on the co-operative plan. It was won Antiques, Furniture Tomato Sauce by Timothy Sheehan of Leonardo Democratic Party Shows who gave it to the Holy Name so- Jumbo Shrimp ciety of St. Mary's church. The Holy Household Goods • Signs of Renewed Life. Name society will offer this gold piece as a prize for a card party Four living room suites, 3 dining , Folks who thought the Democratic which will be held Boon. The firs' party was dead an a result of thn prize 'for bridge was won by Mrs. C room suites, 5 bedroom suites, elec- , last presidential election will need to Harry Lohsen of Belford and the tric radios,, pianos, victrolas, hard- • revise thla opinion to some extent at first prize for pinochle was won by least as a result of some recent po- Mra. Joseph Neff, Jr., of Keyport. ware stock, 41 kegS; nails, 12 kegs litical developments. The latest of I these developments was the olection horse shoes, bolts, locks, etc.. 30 of a Democratic congressman to fill Tree Falls on House. restaurant, tables, chairs, 5 show a vacancy in a Massachusetts dis- Mrs. Mary Reed of Navesink en- trict which went heavily Republican gaged some men to cut down a but- cases, 3 cash registers, exhaust fans at the last presidential election and tonwood tree on her property. Tlv; and irons, wash tubs, door sash, 3 which had rot been represented by men went to work Sunday morning, a Democrat for forty years. The suc- but they made a miscalculation, and wicker suites, 2 breakfast suites, etc. cessful candldato carried Calvin when the • tree fell it struck tin- Coolidge's home town. Since the presidential election three special house. A large hole was made In elections have been held to fill va- the roof. The sun parlor was badlv cancies in congressional districts damaged and several windows weir which went Republican at the presi- broken. No one was hurt. 54 MONMOUTH STREET, (Opp. Town Hall) RED BANK, .N, J. dential election, and in each instance . ~o.«^. Democratic candidates were success- At St. Petersburg;. ful. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan H. Jones ol • • • Atlantic township, who have been on an automobile trip in Florida, are From one standpoint this means 33 E. Front St., Red Bank. little or nothing. The Republican now at St. Petersburg. They expect majority in congress is so large that remain there about four weeks Five Doors from Hunting Theatre It can readily stand the loss of three FHKD W. HOPE, Executor fdr H. C. and OF THEIR members without any impairment of SATISFACTION W. L'MbDe.-' - .; ability to put through its policies. IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU GEORGE H. ROBERTS. Auctioneer. Party zealots will find joy or disap- SEND YOUR CLEANING AND pointment in the result of these spe- DYEING TO cial elections, according to the politi- Sale cal labeln they wear, but this Is like- wise of small Importance. LEON'S • • • TEL. 3800 To voters of independent tenden- cies who do their own thinking and who do not fall down and worship party idols It is never a good thing to have either party too strongly en- HERE'S OUR SPECIAL OFFER, LADIES! READ IT. trenched. Power is a dangerou3 weapon whether wielded by a party or an Individual, and checks and bal- H RECEIVED OUR SPRING MERCHANDISE, AND TO SHOW OUR ances are needed to prevent Its abuse. History shows that this abuse APPRECIATION TO THE WOMEN OF MONMOUTH COUNTY FOR THEIR PAST In less likely to occur when contend- ing political forces are nearly equal PATRONAGE WE ARE GOING TO GIVE EVERY WOMAN A CHANCE TO OUTFIT trfria when one sldo or the other has HERSELF WITH A NEW SPRING OUTFIT AT A GREAT SAVING. an overwhelming ascendancy. For this reason it is always well lor the party out of power to have sufficient strength to be a serious contender. SPECIAL 12 ROLLS The recent special elections indi- cate that next fall's congressional COLORED TOILET TISSUE election may not be so one-sided ns the past three presidential elections SANITARY STEP-ON KITCHEN CANS Reg.$10 Toll Roads Behind the Times and Not Wanted. WALL or FLOOR Dresses Evrryone who ig old enough tn re- member the toll-pate days of New MOPS Jersey nnd the toll charges which the traveling public had to pay to pass over roads will be interested in the NESCO COOKING STOVE Altaian tolls road bill which was in- Come in Flat Crepe, Printed Crepe and Jersey. troduced a lew days ago in the leg- 2-Burner with Mantel islature. The old toll gates nnd toll charges were wiped out by a storm Complete All latest styles and shades. of public indignation about thirty Iltg $28.50 Value. years ago. Thp public, tired of r>n- rlchinK private companies, at. length CANVAS GARDEN took action at the poll.s to have the roads maintained at public expense. GLOVES a pair Regular $15.00 •' Regular $25.00 • • • ' Any ordinary person might think that after such a painful public ex- perience there would nrvr:- be n re- currence of loll gales nml toll BIG SPECIAL VALUE! charges, but nevertheless there is just such n threat of a return to O'CEDAR MOP $i.oo Al "hack number" government. The Altman toll;: road hill provides not O'CEDAR FLOOR POLISH .'". .60 for only for a return to Ihese old-time Comes in Flat Crepe, conditions but alm> fnr the appoint- O'CEDAR AUTO POLISH 1.00 Comes in Georgette, ment of policemen to enforce Iho Georgette and Prints. gathering of toll charges. Flat Crepes and Prints; All our high-class Even- * • • all sizes; Latest ing Gowns at the ahovo Thir, bill elves the right, to private concerns to seize private lnridfj by shades and styles. price. condemnation proceedings to build Hindu nnd to collect charges from all who travel over HIK;1) rondu. Th'J THIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE ss bill alto has certain fitlpulatiorui or requirements which would make dif- ' o NOTICK. Tlmrid.jr. lh«( twoAtl.th '!»? ot Mar h, ol NOTICE, flied (SlOo.OD) DuHitrii, made to the ordar ficult the bullilliiK of public rondn In '10 WHOM IT MAY CONCEP.N: tt?n (I'I'IOCU In thn forsnoon. vv AS Boon Thtt Township Committee of tha Town- of the Township must nccorapany all blil», 1 cni>< bo heart! for an uhlp of Midtiigtown will receive A»<1 opan I'lnnn nml Hiiaclflcntloiiti may tie had close prnximlty to the private- toll "J'ho Storo with Personality" I'umiant to the urnvlalont of ftlAct ol tti militarize moo to, rtrtsaums o nt|Oth«f roadfl. Two yefir.H n^o a amnfiwhnt llio Loglldkturd a ontltlod, "AAn *5» to »u- i militariz titdo for the Binding ami le-aiirfiiainjg of upon «irav.il Kobriiory 2*. 1R70, urn] Ihj rift)RtlE GlilMOU meeting ot tha Township Committee «( Hluhi ir, icftoivod ti> tejact any an1 all lature, but there wan nuch a Rtortn Phone 654 KED BANK. N. j. unamlmoiH* ihiMour, notlcs In httrshv M,lh •treot. Iteti nnnfc, New fM 'fownwhtp of MifMlstmvn tn ho Hitlt] <<» Ihuuday fiftornnrm, March 13th, U»3l*, ni I'lrlp. of public Indignation that thn legis- jlven that 1 nhatl Bpply to the Crmt of Kelittury tit 19§9 HOWARD W. ItOBEII'fB, I Ommiin Vlcnn anld Pelly of Shrewsbury, employ- Mteo Betty Miller of Recklces placa The party was attended by S50 per- Mrs. Anna Wallman of Bclford, Mru. ees at the Ecil Bank airport, re- will return homo today from thn of All Kinds. sons and euchre/ five hundred, bridge Lawrence and daughter Jean and Bluclismllhlng, Repairing, .kuln turmsd to work Monday aftar enjoy- Kivervlow hospital, where she under- end pinochle were played. More than Mrs. Marlon Lever of Asbury Park ing vacations of two weeks. Mr. went an operation for appendicitis Springs. Kotld Truch Tlrsa. PHONE LACKAWANNA 1510 lifty prizes were awarded winners at and Miss Parker of Long Branch. I'neiiinutlc Truck Tires. RED BANK IMC! Pelly spent part of hla vacation with Mrs. Jnmea Rowo, Jr., of Reel cards. Mre. Betty Warren took charge of his mother at Worcester, Massachu- Bank, Ja visiting her mother, Mrs. the party in the absence of the chair- Service Firestone Station. setts, N. Brooks at the Hotel Roosevelt A Chevrolet automobile, which was disposed of on the co-operative plan man, Mrs. Dudley Shaffer, who was ECntuhllHhed over 26 Vean. at Washington, A number of enter- confined to her home with sickness. 1'oatal cards have been received tainmsnts ara being given In honor by the House of the Good Shepherd Distributor tor tbs We Want to Warn You l:*re from Rudolph Reckzlegcl o£ convent at WicUatunk, was Von by Mrs. Shaffer, Mra. Annie Stone, KATON BUMI'KR tSI'fllNOS. Unden 'place and Clark Conover of 0' Mra. Rowe. Unit l)iHi',i;;c rmmmiy Ji tmt » Mrs. John P. Casey, who has been Joseph Stevens of New York. Joseph Mrs. F.dna Whitney, Mrs. Wallman, When your Springs break or matter o£ jirlco but twrvlco. In* Eaet Front etrcot, who are sojourn- Mullln of Llncroft won flvo dollars In Mrs. Charles Bennett, Mr. nnd Mra. ing In the South. , a patient at the Rivcrvlew hospital /our car doesn't run light or Vc.st in motortnjj natiufucUart by the past four wjeeks, returned yester- gold and tho door prize of two and a Wilbur Warren and Charles Bcnnct', theie's any other trouble which concentraliiiK your tiro pur- Mr. and Mro, Abrnm M. Krldel of day to tier apartment nt the Twin half dollars in gold went to Mrs. Eu|," Jr., of the Red Bank lodge wcro might be IruceablB to Springe, chascu nt tliia pUitMt of. bigger Broad street and Mr. and Mrs, Ira Gables apartments on Riverside ave- KCtt of Freehold. Ho.ckett'8 orchestra prize winners Monday night at n come to me, I can fix It. values. Hero you'll find a wtdfl L, Orouoo of Shrewsbury returned nue. ' j.- played for dancing. card party held by the Asbury Park range of strong, toufjh, wear- homo last week from ft ton-day trlji Among tho winners at cards were Shepherds of Bethlehem lodge nt WHARF AVE. RED BANK. restating HOOD Tirea for cars tb Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. John Mcrtz and Mrs. their lodge rooms. Several members 359 West 26th St 18 Mechanic St., 1 Robert Burko of McLaren street Mm. Lester Clayton, Mrs. J. Roy, Telephone 105(1. of every make and model, HOOD Polar Kgan of Mechanic street Is Mrs. Baggett, Mrs. Clarence Dolan, of tHo Red Bank lodge will attend « TlrcB that Rivo not alono grontor employed aa a salesman by the Had spent last Wednesday at New York. party held tonight by tho Long New York City. Red Bank, N. J Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCormlck Mrs. James M. Mahcr, Mrs. Paul Do- milciiga hutr B\UO ntw comfort, Efink otllco of Iho Holland furnace Inn, Mrs, Martin Kelly, Mrs. John F. Branch council. now safety, new driving CUSR. . company. have returned homo aftor having spent a week at Niagara Fallo an,1 Kelly, Mrs. Joseph Pryor, Mrs. David (George. Stllwell, eon of Mrs. Adel- Curran, Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey, Mr*. Auto Stolen and Found, Best Place ine StIUvell of Elvcralde avenue, la in Canada. Mrs. Charles Zeller, Jr., Miss Ma- Charles Dillone, Mrs. George Fltzpat- An automobile owned by Edward —ln- n;bla to m out after having beott ser- i tele. Misses Catherine Warnclscr, Kelly, a dealer in automobile acces- Cars Called for and .Delivered. iously sick 'about Blx woeks. Ho waa mie Zeller and Charles Zoller, Sr., Helen KHmartin, Floronce Winning. a: patient at the Long Branch hoa- of Long Island, spent Sunday with sories at Red Bank, was stolen Mon- Monmouth County OPEN ALC NIGHT. Mru. Lena Colmorgan of Oakland Anna Carney, Anna M. Hanaway, Jo- day night. It was taken out of the |j',iil nbout a month. sephine Welsh, Elizabeth Hardy, Sheridan hotel sheds where it had to Buy a Good Anthony Itlbustelll of Monmouth street. Kathryn Hardy, Tlllie Nestler, Graco A skilled nuto repair ecrvfea Edward Davis of South Omnge been parked. The next morning the that d tstu rim com petition. If Btroot has bought a now Ford subur- Digglns, Mary Crlne, Helen Kelly car was found abandoned ot Eaton- ban, i wea a week-end visitor In town. and Florence Welsh. James M. Ma- we Can't fi)t yo'ir c;»ir—Jtinli tt. ' Mrs. Edgar Layton of Oakland Miss Ruth Colmorgnn of Long her, Ralph Maher, Emma McKnlght, town and it was returned to its own- If you're stuck by tho wiiyslde street is a patient at tho Long Branch spent Sunday with her din- Daniel Mack, T. B. Kelly, E. E. No- er. simply Branch hospital, ter, Mra. John Mooro ofuMonraouth wack, J. Maloney, Charles Larnh, ,MISB Clara Cooper of Catharine street, Walter Conk, Joseph Hardy, Michael The Register's advertising columns Mra. Mary Hcnrehen of New York are the merchants' show windows etreet la on the elclc Hat. Miss Coop- Welsh, John Holland. William Wal- —Advertisement- Phone 1H29 Red Bank er Is employed as a bookkeeper by wna a recent visitor of her brother, lace, Nathan Cox. Augustus Etach. HUDSON & ESSEX DEALER Howard Krey. William H. Pope, and his family of Harry Crine, Martin Dlgglna, E. Fitz- (Nexl to City Hall) (, James h. Vaughn ot Clinton place William street. , Patrick, Harry D. Hayes, Martin Mc- Uaa a new Chevrolet coach. Tho Uncas athletic club of -he Gowan, James Dugan, Bernard Broadway, • George C. Wbrthley, Jr., of Bergen Red Bank Rofdrmcd church met Kelly, Dennis Conway, Tony Shal- Long Branch. N. J. jilaco broke his collar bone last week last night at the homo of Louis nnd vites and William E. Hardy. In a fall while skiing on McCartcr's Herbert Cplmorgen of Oakland street. Phone 327. hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cottrcll of , •«-•«, CONTRACTOR Open Evenings and Sundays i\ new Switchboard Louis Schwartz, of Schwartz's fur- Wllmort Park In Mlddletown town- CATCHING PERCH. niture store on West Front otrcot, sihlp wero Thursday visitors of Mrs. and BUILDER who was hurt In a fall at the syna- Charles Bennett of Monmouth street. Reuben White Hooked Fourteen Yel- at "Anyville" gogue on Rlveroldo avenue, has re- low Ones Yesterday. RED BANK, N. J. covered and Is out again. A DIBTHDAY TABTY. Reuben White of the Sunrise rod Office In Eisner Building Tablets ,Mlsa Elizabeth Curran of Perth and gun club of Red Bank caught Room 3 Relieves n Headache or Neuralgia In Amboy la a new member of the nurs- George EllcnberR's Anniversary Cele- fourteen yellow perch yesterday in 3(1 mlnutef), checks n- Cold the first Telophonc 2018^ "Anyville"—almost any New Jersey ing staff of the Rlvervlewfe&^)ltal. brated with Festivities. Swimming river near Tintern lake. day. and checks Malaria In three community you can name—is grow- I. Phllamen Crelln and^raS»t*Ham- Frank Dennis, another club member, Jobblns of All Kinds days. 11 ton o( Went Reil Bnnlcn™ employed A birthday party was given for cntight two yellow perch yesterday ing. Its present telephone switch- by Mrs. Jennie Long at her bunga- George Ellenberg of Wilmort Park, In the same place. Ralph Brown, Ed- Estimates Cheerfully Furnished 666 also in Liquid. bpard is satisfactory for today but low on South street, which waa dam- hi Mlddletown township, Friday ward Murphy and W. Harry Pennlng- cannot meet tomorrow's needs. And night. Tho room was decorated in aged by flrc several weeks, ago. They ton together caught nineteen yellow so a new and larger switchboard is am' building an addition to tile bun- red, white and blue, and tho centrr and white perch near Tintern lake galow. attraction was a large birthday cak-3 Sunday. Phil Crelin and Mr. Pen- being installed. in the national colors. Kach guest, nlngton caught four porch Saturday. SANITARY PLUMBEK Wnenthenewswitchboard'sthou- , Dr. and^ Mrs. Walter II'. Rdnhaus upon entering the house, received a sands of parts arc functioning as a «"nd son Walter of Wavcrly place small American flag for personal dec- 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. spent tho week-end' with friends at oration and a door ticket which was Annual Banquet at Eatontotvn. smooth working unit, not only will Baltimore. later turned in for a door prize. Tho Eatontown exempt firemen's STEAM nnd HOT WATER FITTING-Guttcrs, Leaders and Tin Rooflng telephone service be broader and ; Kdward Davla of Orange, formerly Pominos, checkers, flvo hundred, association will have. Its annual ban- better for people in Anyville, and of Ited Bank, has been'vlBltlng Vic- pinochle • nnd other games were quet at the municipal hall at that those who call them from other If you Imvo us handlo that tor Goodrldge and4amlly of Sunset played. Tho prize winners were place Tuesday night, March 11th. The ftvonuo. Mrs. Davla Is a patient at a places, but all telephone service in outing, picnic, thcatro par- Mrs. Frank Forrar, Jacob Ellenberg, Eatontown mayor and council will be FIRELESS New Jersey and beyond it will be ty, otc danatorium near Orange. Mrs. Millard Aumack, Misses Viola present and there will be an enter- Our DeLuxo busses nra Jiiss Catherine. Morse hao resumed rnd Gladys Forrar and Mrs. Harry tainment and music. The supper will better because of the increased effi- more tbnn comforlnhln tuvi her dutieB as a teacher at the River Aumack. bo served by tfft Presbyterian Glean- ciency and capacity of the r.cwequip^ out experienced, careful, Street school after having been sick A prlzo waltz wan held and it was ers' society. ment at Anyville. i courteous chniiffoura wl!l several days. During 'her absence won by Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Ellqn- COQIS ttHth the GAS1U1WED OFFl' Eighteen new switchboards were bandlo your wants brrt. (rom the school her placo was taken OCEAMPORT NEWS. by Mrs. Fi'cu Conovor. berg. The judges woro Mr: and Mrs placed in service in New Jersey last Call 801. -•'• JameB Calver of Leonard street haa Jacob Ellonberg of Fair Haven. The •year, and 47 large additions were door prize was won by Harry Aum- Boy Scouts Now Meeting In Service 125 Broad Street. it turned home from tho Long Branch ack. After midnight a collation was Club at Fort Monmouth, Wonderful Easel Portraits $^.99 made to switchboards to care for hospital, where ho waa a patient a PER ft DOZEN growth. week. served. Others present besides those A meeting of the Oceanport boy mentioned wero Albert Curtis of scouts was held in the Service club Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wclsburn of Plalnfleld. Frank Forrar. and his son at Fort Monmouth on Monday night, New York wcro Sunday visitors of Chester, Millard Aumack and his under the direction of Scout Master Mr. and Mrs, Chester Apy of the Lea children Millard and Chester. Mr. and John Morrow. Due to tho fact that Gcrtrudoa apartment house. Mrs. Kenneth Jeffrey and their a meeting place has been unavailable NEW JERSEY BELL Edwin C. Gllland of Harding road, daughter Mirjorlo and Harry Aum- during the winter It has been impos- supervising principal of the Ro'l nck of Red Bank; Mrs. Margaret Blbla to hold the regular meetings. TELEPHONE COMPANY Sank public schools, la attending i Stackpolo of Eatontown and Vera The situation was brought to the at national school superintendents' con- Ellenbcrg of Wllmort Tarlc. tcntion of Colonel Cowan, who is In- ference at Atlantic City. Ho will re- terested In the Boy Scout movement, A NEW JERJtr INSTITUTION BACKED I1T NATIONAL BE5OUKCES turn homo tho latter part of thn and he generously offered the use of l'AUTY'AT OAK HILL FARM. the Service club for the meeting'of • Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Francl3 ol the Oceanport troop on Monday Fair Haven and Mlaa Evelyn Donnlt. It Wns GIVen for Miss Cecilia Moon- nights. Captain Stewart addressed and Harry Mazza of Red Bank at- an of New York. tho boys nnd welcomed them. Mor tended tho enow "Simple Simon" at Miss Cecilia Moonan of New York gan Knapp of scout headquarters was Now York on Washington's birthday. was the guest of honor at a party present and gave a talk on scouting. ' 'Misa Mabel Mazza of Mount street last week at the homo of Mr, and Fourteen boys were present. Is spending this week with her aunt Mrs. A: J. Cooney at Oak Hiil farm. Rev. and Mrs, Walter Carvln of nnd uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Router- In Mlddlctown township. Mlsa Moon- Bklold of Long Inland City. Pennsylvania, who have been con an wan visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ducting revival services at tho Meth- Mr. and Airs. Charles A. Wood of McNlcholl and tho party waB ar- odist church for the past week, have New York-epent tho week-end witli ranged by Thomas Corcoran and returned to their home. Special ser- Directly Opposite Globe Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. William Newman of John King. Dancing and music vices were held on Sunday night and Bergen place. Mrs. Newman Is now wcro enjoyed. Tho guests were Mr. there was a large attendance. The Telephone 372. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carl and Mrs. L. B, Jones, Mr. and Mra. services will bo continued this week Koonor of Chatham. Edmond Richards and daughters by Rov. Mr. Cramer. 'Mr. and. Mrs. James Stnytho and Megan and Blodwen. Mr. and Mrs East Front St., —FREE DELIVERY— Bank, N. J. children of East Front street were Kdward Connors, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thomas Ross of Wolf Hill avenuo recent visitors of relatives at Butler. Corcoran and daughters Marlon and who haa charge of the pigeon lofts 3 -65 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Wise of Katherlnc, Mlas Ellie King, Miss nt Fort Monmouth, has been on a Strictly Fresli jomy West. Front street and Mr, and Mrs Mary Tuhey. Miss Beatrlco Geever, tour of Inspection of the army lofts Telephone 2667 Best Creamery Thomas Irvln? Brown . of Broad Miss Helen Moy, Miss Ryan, Nor throughout tho West. He Is now In street wero guests of Mr. and Mra. man Saundcrs, Walter Hall, Francis San Antonio and expects to return Post Cards and Amateur Finishing William J. Shields of Alston coui'd Welch. Michael Hanrahan, Edmund about Match 10th. Monday night Rt n reception and ball Ellea and Mr. and Mrs. McNlcholl Mrs. Strawcey, Miss Maude Case l'er 1b. Dozen given by tho United Regular Dem- and family. nnd friends from Newark spent Sun- Studio Hours: 0:00 to 1:00-2:30 to 5:30. ocratic organization at tho Brooklyn day as the guests of Sergeant and Sundays—1:00 to 4:00. Besl Quality Golden Bantam Mrs. Piontokl of Trinity place. Fancy Sugar Elks' clubhouse HAS EIGHTIETH BIBTHUAY. Mr. and Mra. Anthony Webber of Mrs. James Rhaines and twin 'Linden placo ontcrtnined on Wash- Mrs. JoBCiihlno Curtis ot Little Sll- daughters. Gene and Jane, were 1 guests of Mrs. Louis Millar on Mon- ington's birthday Mra. Allco Roop voi is lu tho "Beat ot Health. 2 Cans enn -ej nnd Mm. Charles Bennett of Red day. Ennk, Mrs. Frances Webber and Jo- Mrs. Joaophlno Curtis, who lives The trustees of the Methodist 2 Cans 35c with her son Joseph of Little Silver, church will serve a chicken 'supper California Bartlett soph Webber of Keyport, Mr. nnd celebrated her eightieth birthday on the night of March 19th. The men SERVICE Best Pinl Mrs. Frank Webber nnd children, MEASURED Frank and Jnnc, of Kcansburg and yesterday. Mrs. Curtis Is in the will have entire charge of tho affair MrB. Flyrin, Mrs. A. .Smith and Frank- best of health. She has ben a resi- nnd will cook and servo the supper. NOT BY • • and Robert Smith of Jersey City. dent Jof Llttlo Silver tho last sixty The Oceanport auxiliary of the COLD • • - - Miss Mary A, McCur, principal of 5'ca.rd and has lived in tho same Rivervlow hospital gave SIB to the BUT BY • - tiro Oakland street school, and Mrs. riouso all of that time. hospital for the purchase of sheets THE • • • 2 Cans John Rue, elementary supervisor of More than a hundred relatives and and pillow cases. 1 GOLDEN 2 for tho Rod Bank schools, aro attending friends visited her yesterday and Miss Martha Rowe has returned to RULE Uneeda BIcNiilr'a Special Illind tt conference of tho National cducn- uho rcctlvcd many flowers and greet- the teachers' college at Montclalr af- tjon society at Atlantic C'Hy. Thoy ing cards. She haa seven children ter spending tho wcok-end with her Soft Monday and expect to return to- besides tho son with whom she lives, parents. Sho visited tho Red Bank morrow. they being Robert A. Curtla of Llt- schools while home. •I fur tlo Hllvor, Mrs. William H. Bordcn, I'er Hi A Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Sickles nnil Tho Junior choir club will meet at Mm. Wllllum 11. Pope and Mrs. Jo- the Methodist church tonight for The equipment with Vcrnon Llttlo of Fnlr Haven nnd seph Fisher of Red Bank, H. K. practice. Mrs. Lloyd Slcklos nas Silent 2 tbs. 75c Miss Vera McKnlght of Rod Bnnk Curtla of Chappaqua, Now York, S. which we |iave sur- saw Buddy. Rogers. In person, Sun- charge of tho senior and Junior W. Curtis of Now York city and choirs. v r o ii ii d c d ourselves dny at the Paramount theater nt Nnv Mrs. Charlca Kupplcr of Brooklyn. Mra. Anna Sotlen of New Bruns- Witnesses York. At night thoy attendci' speaks for itself. II hears silent witness hockey Ranrm between tho Now V wick, is a guest of the Misses Du- Amcrlcnns nnd Boston nt Mad Church Notes. Bols at their home on Main street. to the; fact thai one may expect much A meeting of the Monmouth county 2 for Square Garden, "Christ Jesus" will bo the subject xrlien Worden service is called, for in ven- , Mr. and Mrs, Orovor C. Burdge ol of the Losson-Hermon In all Churches women's Republican club will bo held ftt the River street school n.t Red demis; mortuary service, equipment is im- Now York have returned homo aftci of Christ, .Scientist, on Sunday. Bank on February 28th. Sevcrnl spending several days with Mr. March 2d. women who nrc members of the portant. JJurdge's sinter, Miss Emma Burdgo Tho Golden Text la: "Whosoever Ocoonport unit nrc planning to at- of Linden place. bcllcvolh that Jesus is tho Christ Is tend. Our equipment is always modern and Regular Smoked /- Mrs. Wllllnm Olucn of Newman born of God; and every ono that Inveth him that begat lovoth him also Tho Oceanport library Is open complete; thus nuking it possible, for us SprlnRfl road gavo birth to n con every Thursday afternoon from 2:00 last. Thursdny morning. that Is begotten of him". (1 John 0:1.) to hi certain always; that Worden service Mr. nnd Mrs. Qeorga Havens ol Among the citations which com- until 4:30. Mrs. Fred Wood Is the li- LolRhton avenue wero week-end vis- prise tile Lnason-Scrmon la tho fol- brarian In charge. satisfies. itors of Mrs. Havcns'H''mother at lowing from the Bible: "^lehold my Sergeant Powor.M, who In now re- Mlneoln, Long Island. Mr. nnd Mrs. servant, whom I uphold; nilno elect, tired, hut was formerly stationed »t & Charles Havens nnd daughter of In whom my soul dollghtetlr, I have Fort Monmouth, visited many friend* Mlneoln are epondlnpf this weak -with put ray »plrlt upon him: ho ohnll nt Oceanport on Saturday. Mra. si] Onorgo Havens and family. brliiR forth,Judgment to tho Gentiles" Powers accompanied him. (Isaiah 42:1,) Several members of thn Rlvervlew Albert Snlffon oC Westaldo avenue. hospital auxiliary of Oceanport are FUNERAL DIRECTOR.. Cedrlo nnd John Rider of Tllton ave- Tho LRfiaon-flermon also Includes crocheting squares for a blanket to Ambulance Service ! nut) nnd Charles Reeves of Nowman tho following paaango from tho Chris- bo sold for tho bonont of the hos- BprlnRs roml wcro at Delftwaro Water tian f-Jclencn textbook, "Bclenco and pltal. Mrs. Franks In |n tho lead, FUNERAL HOME' ' Gap on WnBhlnfttoti'B blrthdny. Health with Key to tho Scriptures," 60 E.FRONT ST. • • • RED BANK Mlna Ann Hlg^lns of McLnren by Miu-y Mnltcr li'ddy; "Jcuna was having crocheted fifty .block*. iilreet fipont Satunlny nnd Evlndny nt born of Mmy. Clwlut In tho truo Idon Rntph Mnurlcll has opened a bnr i PHONE'557 Washington. voicing frond, tlm divine me»sngt' her nhop at Fort Monmouth. Mlrm Anna Bown

iribon, John H. SIcDoane!!,, Howard L. to her home from Florida last week well, who now occupies the main res- recently visited her slater, Hrs. Wsl- MWIbon) New*. Hanson, Mayor B. L. Wyckoft. by the severe Illness of her father, idence on tho farm, will move to a ter Arose of Keansburg. MEN NEWS FROM KEYPORT. Mrs. 3. D. Ely. visited her slaters, YOUR NECKTIES CAN- BE Cant. F.imlear'e team—Cecil S. Acker- Kufieno Stout. Mrs. Cottrell will re- bungalow on tho property. Mrs, Charles Kelly end Helen and Misses gioreaco «nd Mabel Heyer of ton, lat lieulsnant; Di. J. E. D. Sllcox. CLEANED AND RETURNED turn to Florida this week. isBea Rosalie and Mary Toomey William Kelly were Sunday visitors MontclElr, from Friday until Sunday, 1UWAN1S CLUB HOLDING AN AT. Georne 3. Hyer, Louie StulU, Jr.. 1'mil LOOKING LIKE NEW, Jloreliouse. Lloyd F. Armstrong. E. I'1. Mayor R. L. Wyckoff and Council- of Philadelphia spent the week-end of John Kelly and family of Mrs. Lydla Sielda la visiting her TENDANCE CONTEST. Cristlani, Carl Bitter, Benjamin B. Lufbtlr. men If. P. Armstrong Daniel A. Van- with thler aunt, Mrs. Kathryn Oakes. Roselle. John Kelly returned to son, Walter Fleldii'.ot Colt'« Neolt. H.W, Dallas G. YounK. A. D. ShulU, Eira Pelt, E. S. Smith and N. B. Lockwood Mra. John Henry Hylin, yra. work Monday after having recently Mlsa Dorothy Ely war. homo over Losers to Send Boy Scout to Camp W. Karkm. Harry K. Helotin, W. Flunk were entertained at a steamed clam Charles Kelly and Mrs. John B. undergone an operation. tha week-end, Stanhom, W. S. Wallace, C. J. Post. John Miss Graco and Jessa Grant of ; —Mrs. Anbury VV. Campbell En supper on Saturday night by Rarltan Brady and son attended the'funeral Mrs. Charles H. Klpp was the i\ Bianey, Oeoi-jje Morgan. Joseph Lovett. post, American legion. Merchantvillo epent Saturday snd 5c,10caiid$l Stores terbdncd Afternoon Bridge Club Arthur 3. VonBusklrk. William V. Knipp. last week of James Roach of Jersey guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles : City, which was held at St. Joseph's Bimday with Mr. and Mra. Charles Easllo of Newark, the pant week. Last Week. Mrs. John S. Matthews, Jr., of (Formerly Frown^ooper Co.) EVEEETT NEWS. church at Keyport. L. Grant ot this place. . Miss Helen Megee resumed ltor po- 5 FIRST CHURCH OF 5 (The Hed Bank Reslster can bo bought Broadway, entertained some friends William Warneker la suffering at a luncheon and bridge on Wednes- Miss Mildred Snlffcn has been con- sition as teacher at Railway on Mon- fp CHRIST, SCIENTIST \ in Keyport at Charles Lehn'a store.) WLUIaii) Toomey Lost Filly Dollars from an Infected eye. day after a week's absence due to 47 Broad Street, day afternoon. Prizes for high score fined to her home with grip! Broad St., Bed Bank, ,N. J. I Mrs. Asbury W. Campbell of Beers and 911s driver's License. Gerald • Warneker spent ono day A mission will bo conducted at St Illness. street entertained the afternoon were awarded to Mrs. C. LeRoy Close, Catherine's church the week of RED BANK*. N. J. Mrs. George Cherry and consolation William Toomey lent a wallet con last week In Pennsylvania. Tho Bremen hold tholr monthly bridge club last week. Prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop enter- March 9th to 16tU. dance and card party In their hall on Service! Bundny 11 A. M., I i'. B. prize was won by Mrs. William H. tatnlng hia automobile driver's li- Edward Rows, who has been Buffer- Sundny-Bcliool—3:30 A. M. Tel. 2030. awarded to Mrs. L. Brower Walling. Hitchcock. Other guests included tained friendg from New York over Friday oventfe Mrs. William T. VanMater, and Mrs. cense and about $50 in cash last Ing from an Infected thumb several Wtdneaday Evening Testimonial i 1 Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. Clarence week. The wallet, money and license Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bishop .-^ii-s*®, . MoellnBS—8 V. M, I Norman B. Lockwood. Other guests has bought a Ford coupe. months, had lite thumb cut open and Tho Red Bank Register la tho rec- included Mrs. William H. Hitchcock, BahrenbuTg. Mra. John B. Hoke and have not yet been recovered. Charles scraped last week. Mr. Rowe had RtJIna Room— Wednesday^ anil I Mrs. John Harold Hemlrickson. J. Kelly also lost hia wallet, driver's ognized meeting place of buyer and Mrs. James T. Walling. Mrs. Wil- Thomas Dubeaky, who is employed tho bone of the first Joint removed. seller. The Register hooka up busi- Saturdnyo Irani 2;J0 to »:3i P. M. j liam T. Walling. Mrs. Rufua O. Wal- The Reformed church will hold license and a sum of money last at the Slgmund Eisner factory at Anna Kelly resumed her studies at ness Interests end home life affairs The pubiio is conliully invited to I eci ling, Mrs. J. Carle Anderson, Mra. their annual supper on March 27th. week. The wallet and money were Hed Bank, returned to work Monday the Leonardo high school last week with telling effeot by way of Its great attend tho oervleoa mid use the Daniel V. D. Conover, Mrs. Harvey Councilman and Mrs. John B. Hoke found by deorge McCue, but Mr. Kel- after having be/n laid up a week after having been confined to hor circulation. It pays to advertise In Heading Room. | Bronner and Mrs. J. Grover Curtis. of Broadway spent tlie week-end with ly has not yet rocoverod his license. with sickness. Miss Mary Dubeshy homo with sickness aoveral weeks. Ths Register.—Advertisement. The music department of the Key- Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Roy of Bay Mr. and Mra.. Frank Haley and X port literary club held a meeting Rldgo. Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer attend- THURS., FRI., SAT., Thursday afternoon at the home of A large gathering enjoyed the sixth ed a birthday dinner held at Red Mrs. William H. Emmons on Main annual banquet of the men's Bible Bank last Wednesday night for Mrs. Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Mar. 1 street. The chairman, Mrs. Leon class of Calvary Sunday-school held Bernard Mulligan of Shrewsbury Garrison was In charge of the meet- in the church on Friday evening. avenue.. ing. The ladies' auxiliary of the hook Mrs. Joseph Eustace and sons Ed- ward and Robert who have been In Mrs. Arthur Purdy of First street and ladder company held a succesB- "If'It QrowsMe ful card party "on Thursday evening. Ireland the last eight months, sailed Is a surgical patient at tho Long for home Saturday. Branch hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wharten and The annual election of officers took Mr. and Mrs. C- V. Kruscr have re- H. Hawkshurst and C. Humph of place at the meeting of the Tlalos turned from a several weeks' trip to Canaisle, Long Island, havo rented class of Calvary Sunday-school last Florida. the Theodore Stlllwell farm at thi3 week, at the home of Mrs. Louis Edward Maurer has returned from place and they will take occupancy Step-on Stuitz. Jr. of Division street. The a business trip through the Southern In a short time. They will operate officers are Mrs. Fred Borncamp, states. • the place as a truck farm. Mr. Still- Garbage Cans president, Mrs. Lewis Armstrong vice Richard W", Jcivett loft lest week All Colors. president, Mrs. Erneat G. Bailey sec- for Florida by auto. Ho will Join hia retary and Mrs. Louis Stuitz treas- aunt, Mrs. Josephine A. Hoff and Mrs MEN urer. Alfred Ogden, at St. Petersburg and WHEN YOU HAVE YOUB NEXT Tho senior cl?/5s of the local high they will return with him. SUIT PRESSED school held a cake sale on Saturday Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Hopkins are SEND IT TO afternoon In Ackerman's show room entertaining Mrs. Margaret Reeves on Front street. of Hawthorne, N, J. Mrs. John L. Cottrell was called LEON'S Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Fred Hoag- TEL. 2800 land arid daughters of Flushing, New York, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 11. Haigh of Maple place. Mrs. Eva Burrowes of Westfleld waa tho week-end guest of J. Archi- bald MacEwan of Maple place. Mro. S. H. Cassldy of Osborn street TELEPHONE 1267 cleared about $80 at a benefit card party held at her home last week. Prize winners included Mrs. John ' LOCAL Wood of Port Monmouth, Mrs. J. C. " Where Your Money Salmon Mrs. John B. Hoko, Miss and Perth Amboy Evelyn B. Colernan, Miss Emily Brit- Stores New Bath Room Stools ton, Mrs. Edmund T. Tucker, Mrs. Qoes Furthest" All Colors. Jones of Union Beach. Mrs. Beatrice Cork Top, Brophy, Miss Marie Johl, Miss Edna Britton and Mrs. Theodore Dick. Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ! Specials For Thursday9 Friday and, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dlsbrow, Jr. and children of West Keyport were the week-end guests of relatives at Long Branch last week. The annual attendance contest of tho Kiwanls club started last night. The contest will run (or ten week* end Emanuei Einzlger 13 captain of one team and J. H. Hendrlckoon 1B captain of the other team. The con- r tent is a national affair and last year the Keyport club received a prize for having the highest percentage of at- tendance for any club In its division. !c The team which loses the contest .this year, instead of giving a dinner to the winning team as in previous years, will provide a fund to send the best boy scout of each of tho three troops in Keyport to the scout camp for two weeiis each. Each cap- tain expects a 100T» attendance from the members of his team, and a pen- each alty will be imposed for the members Stewing Lamb who do not attend. The teams are Quart Jars—plain an follows: Very Special Cant. Hcndrlckfton's team—F. Palmer Fresh Clothes Hampers Armstrong, 1st lieutenant; Walter K. Ma- kin, Henry T. Hopkins, A. A. Philo. Joseph Green Only. C. Lftngan, Thomaa McRann, Evart SUcox, W. E. Bllderback. Jo»ei>h D. Bedls. Daniel A VanPolt. Georffe \Y. Jacobs, Oharlen It. 31 AND 37 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. Wharton, CharlM H. Jewell, Herbert F. Eiown. Dr. Van B. Walker, Judson S. Hop. Prices Effective ID Our Store! In Had Bach and Vicin .. Norman B. Lockwood. H. Louts Hutch-

CHRYSLER MOTORS FHODUC? Conqueror Brand Cut each Starlight Brand California No. 2; Halves

Medicine Chests

Coaster Brand

each The new Chrysler-built De Soto Straight Eight, offered at a base price of 6965 (f. o. b. cp_r.o.B. brraorr V Detroit), is proving the dominant value in the field Green Mountain Sad Iron Sets WITH THESE FEATURES of low-priced cars. Neither America nor Europe Good Cookers Tteffular Sl.flS Unisteel* Conotrnction ever before produced eo fine an eight at so low a 27-LB. BASKET of Chaisia and B oij price. It was the sensation of the New York Automo> Down-Draft Carbarction Impulse Nentr&lizer bite Show. In performance that results from eereoe, Full Frearare Feed Lubrication Braootb. power delivered by a enperbly-designed Meeh&nleal Fnel Pomp Fuel Filter— Air Cleaner eogiae—in distinction of design, beauty of appoint- $1.59 sale price ThermosUitic Heat Control ments and riding comfort — the De Soto Straight York Imperials Hydraulic Brakes Eight, beyond all doubt, possesses on even greater njilraulic Shock Absorbers V •i Rubber-CuoMoncil Spring Shack Us 27-lb basket V margin of superiority tlian that which nude its tri- Oil Lamps Ffon-GUre Windshield $1.15 a Basket—27 lbs. Cowl Venttl&tora V umphant companion car, the De Soto Six, the largest- Ru«t-Proof Purls V Belling first-year car in the hietory of the industry*

•/» (Ji» VnUuel type of construction, (A* body and chanit an detigncd m Medium Size a unit, eliminating body MU and Fancy Washed all elktr wooden pane. The bedy is bolted directly to the chauit, to that thm two became mutually tupparting and mutually flcxiblL lbs for *•>•*<» SIGHT Ceprrijhl 1930 br I>c Soto Motor Corporator. 620 CONSOLIDATED MOTOR SALES CORPORATION Large Bunches Large Bunches See our windows—it will 127 WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J, Phone 810. pay you ! bunches for bunches for Hundreds of items on sale IIAIMXAY IMOTOli COMI'ANY-FrfeluiM RAHMAN CiAnAGB-Kcyport for 3 days. HItOWN'S ADTO SHOP—S|>iIng I,akc> ItUTIlKIlFOniVS GAKAGJE—Lakcwood HU8I1NKIJ, COMI'ANV-Miitan'an a reduced turning: moment to the to hi3 residence by the Schenck S BUILDING NEW PLANES. plane and this gives increased ma- Thompson Company of Red Bank. 1 neuverability. This sort of Installation Julius L. Taylor of Brpokdslo farm j of the motors gives the pilot or mo- hen been laid up with grip. I IWENTSr-FASSENGEK SHIPS TO chsmlo at all tlmen opportunity for an Several residents have received! BE BUILT, AT EEYPOBT. Inspection of the motora. Being postal cards from Floyd Lum, who equipped with two 68S horsepower Is sojourning In California. Come to Red Bank's Great Three-Day Sale TCjtW (Standard Bumelll Aircraft, He- motors, a cruising speed of 100 miles George H. Hlchdale Is having a lilRncil by Vincent J. Bumelll, Has per hour can be maintained with onu new brooder house built on his farm Cabin Twice the Size of Any I'ravl- motor In operation, ' by William Hofrsnlre of River Plasa -AT— . 5c910c and $1 Stores utifi Plane, The building will be 10x10 fcot. Bertram 8. Cutler has bought » (Formerly I'rown-Cooper Co.) Tha manufacture of tho giant inrcnoiT NEWS. twerity-paosenger Standard Burnelll new Ford coach for the use of hln * S;, Inc. 47 Broad Street, filung, duplicates of the one that was John Murphy Hurt While at Work farm superintendent, Theodore Mo Last Week at lied Bank. loy. 30 BROAD STREET on exhibition at the aviation ahosv Leslie R. Stewart, who la bulldlnj: RED BANK, N. J. In Now Yorlt recently, la expected to (Tb9 Red Dunk Iteulitnr can be bought commerifab shortly at tho Koyport In Llncroft ot tho I'lvo Corntti' Tea a new residence on the main road Formerly Vel SSBO. itaora.) will have a two-car garago and plant of the Uppercu-Burnelll Air- chicken house combined built on the craft corporation. John Murphy, who Is employed at This typo of plans Was designed roar of his property by JesBe Bcho Reld Bank by Barber & McLa'ughltn, field. The work will bo started In by Vlncont J. Burnelll to meet thn cu , his faco last week and two a short time. demand for multi-passenger planes stitches were taken to> close the Robert Cook has had hla bungalow that give greater speed as well aa In- wound. He was unable to work the stuccoed. ADL creased uafety and lower operating latter part of tho week becauso of CO. Vernon Patterson, son of William expenses. It has also a number of the Injury, novel features that'1 no otB^r piano Patterson, Is elck with measles. thus far manufactured haa attained. Mioa Myrtle Layton has resigned Mr. and Mrs. John Klchdale of We have prepared our finest merchandise for this event at ., FRI., SAT., her position at tho Schulte-Unlted Cannondale, Connecticut, have re- The outstanding feature of this store at Red Bank. Mlso Mildred turned home after spending about greatly reduced prices. This is a sale that you can not afford to Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Mar. 1 giant of the air Is tho contour and geverln of Phalanx Is a new cm- ten days In this locality. Mr. Rlch- dimensions of tho body. This ployee at the store. dalo spent most of the time with miss! rroaches tho Ideal all-wing design Mr, anil Mrs. Clarence McQueen his brother, George H. Rlchdale, and considered to bo the height of aero- of Koyport have announced the birth Mrs,'Rlchdalo was visiting her moth- dynamic efficiency. Moro than thin, of a daughter. The baby has been er, Mrs. Anna Elgrlm of Freehold. however, tho great fuselage allows named Gertrude McQueen. Mr. Mc- Miss Myrtle Layton attended a a cabin space unequalled in any Queen is a son of George McQueen Heavy Turkish Towels Ruffled Curtains other type of plane of similar horse- Washington birthday dinner held of this place. Mrs, George Mc- Saturday at Fair Haven by tho Meth- In White or Ecru. $1.00 and 81.50 quality. , power. The cabin Is much larger Queen, Jr., of Red Bank gave blrtjr pdlst ladles' aid society of that place. tlian any now In use and its added to a son last week. Russell Leonard of Jersey City g for $|e00, Palmolive Soap space, In addition to being Indicative Frank Magee of Stoutwood Park of an Increased safety factor, affords spent Saturday and Sunday with his o Value. In Middle-town township has rented mother and father at this place. Mr. SOc Quality. tho passengers comfort far beyond Edwar/1 Boughton's house at this 94 Leonard has bought a new Wallace that found In tho ordinary paosengcr place. Mr. and Mrs. Magee will take tractor. planes. The width of the cabin Is occupancy March 1st. twelve feet, being moro than twice • MoBt of tho farmers hereabouts that of even the largest planes flown Mrs. Edward Boughton returned started trimming their orchards last Rayon Bed Spreads Cretonnes on the many air linos. homo Friday from Rlvervlew hos- week. In Boae, Gold, Blue, Maize or Orchid. pital where she underwent a minor New designs—our regular SOo quality. For Thl» Sale With a height of live and one-half operation. She waa at the hospital feet and a length of eighteen feet, about a week, Union Beach Personals. now $O.84 the twonty passengers are carried In Mrs. Charles F. Couch and daugh- Mro. D. Morton of New York via- u space with an area of 1,188 cubic ter, Miss Margaret Couch, were re- Ited her sisters, Mrs. Charles Goblo feet. cent visitors of Mrs. Couch's parents and Mrs. D. Whltnker, laBt week. Regular 53.60. Limit—Six to n Customer. Tho ship has a mlximum speed of at HarrlfionVllle. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sappah and 144 miles per hour; a cruising speed Tho ladles'.aid society will have a daughter Jane of Brlarcllff Manor, of 120 miles per hour and a landing covored dish, luncheon at the chapel New York, and Mr. and Mrs. John Part Wool Blankets speed of DO mllefl per hour. When Thursday afternoon of next week. Sappah of Jersey City spent tho All Linen White Table Cloths Ironing Tables loaded it can climb 730 feet during Mr. and Mrs'. Paul DuBols and wedk-end with the former's mother. Nnshnn nnd Beacon. the first minute and can carry a loa:l Mrs. DuBols's slater, Miss Anna Ho- Mrs. Florence Cullen and daugh- Regular $3.00 and S3.50. For This Sale— Neat Patterns—3Gx30. THURSDAY ONLY 1 i ot 8,140 pounds. Tho weight of tho hurat, of Astoria, Long Island, were ter Charlotte, Mrs. F. Cushman, Mrs. plane when empty Is given as 0,30 T week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wells and Miss Helen Sappah pounds. It has a wing spread of 01 Louis, Waltora. motored to Asbury Park on Thura- feet. - Calvin HaBbrook of ThomaBVlllo, day. The landing genr of thl3 piano la Georgia", was a visitor here last week. Harris Garden hose company has constructed with the largest'Mussel- Mr. Haabrook formerly lived at p.ppolntcd Joseph McCoy, August nan wheula In the world. These were Holmdol and he was employed at Kruegor and Harold Riddle delegates especially designed and contribute to Brookdalo farm. Ho now has charge to the local firemen's relief associa- Buffet Scarfs Steven's All Linen Toweling tion and Honry Rclbeln as trustee. Its efficiency to a remarkable degree. of Harry Payne Whitney's farm at of Pure Linen, edged with linen lace; sonm of all lace. For This Sale Only! Tho tires carry only eleven pounds Thomnsvlllc. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Main 'an

complete RAALTE Rayon Pajamas NEW SPRING New Shades—New Styles. Dresses and Ensembles Vegetable Bins All Colors. 11 Broad Street Phone R. B. 1560 , Red Bank, N. J. ot Heavy SlUt Crepe, plain or printed. Every RAALTE Rayon Bloomers one a sejected pattern and style. Great Special Value Sale! or Panties The Pick of 1930. Flesh or Peach.

THURS., FRL, SAT., FEB. 27th, 28th, MARCH 1st Theso are the styles you will want Golden Bantam Corn, Sunbeam Cream Virgin Olive Oil Vests to Match—75c. Priced for this Sale at 6 large tins for $1.00 A. M. &C. Quart tin $1.00 Regular Prleo Is 25c tin. Regular price Is $1.30 tin. KAWANA Crepe Night Gowns Or—your choice of hand-mode and hand-embroidered Nainsook Stringless Beans, Italian, Special Peek & Frean's All Wheat Gowns—White or Colors. $1§ Extra Fine. 4 large tins $1.00 Crisp Bread 2 large pkgs. $1.00 Regular Fries Is 30c tin. Regular Price la 65o package. ic Curtains Queen or Stuffed Olives Poha Berry Jam, Moana Brand All Linen Daytime Dresses Full Lrnclli—5-rii-cr Pretty flowered effects, smartly styled. Regular $2.00 and 4—8>/2 oz. bottles for $1.00 Made in Honolulu 3 Jars $1.00 Children's Presses Itcgulnr Price Is SBo bottle. Regular Price Is 39o Jar. New Styles—New Colorlncfl. The very latest for spring wear. and $ Sizes from 3 to 14. Rice, whole head, Carolina Tomato Catsup, A. M. & C. River Brand 3—3-tb. pkgs. $1.00 5 !arge bottles $1.00 Ladies' Pure Linen HandkercMefs Regular Frlco Is 45o package. Regular Prlco la 25o bottle. Hand rolled cd^ea and hand hemmed. NEW SELECTION OF For This Sale—^19c. Our Special Blend Coffee Apple Sauce, Sunbeam Ladies' All Wool Sweaters ( Our regular 25c and SOc quality. 3 pounds for $1.00 6 large tins for $1.00 H for Kcgulnr 1'rlco la S'Jo pound, Regular Prico in ZOo tin. Priced from $3.00 up. Slip-on or Coat Style. A few to closo out nt Croaoe & Blackwell's Tarragon Sardines, Imported Boneless Corselettes, Girdles & Combinettes Vinegar 3 pt bottles for $1.00 In pure Olive Oil. 4 Ige. tins $1.00 $1.44 A type for every figure. i Ilcgulnr Pi-Ice la 40a bottle, Regular Frlco Is 35c tin. 1 lb. box Chocolate Peppermints Dill Pickles, Republic Brand SHOP AT 1 lb. box Peanut Brittle Quart Jars 4 for $1.00 1 lb, box Tutti Frutti Gum Drops Regular Prlco Is 35a Jar. MANDEL'S, Inc. and Jelly Sticks Shrimp, Sea Garden Formerly All 3 boxes for $1.00 Regular Price Is Slip box. 3 Jars $1.00 Regular Price Is 3flo Jar. Five different colors. Ci-osse &. Blackwell'o Orange Peaches, Republic Brand ADL CO. Marmalade 4 large jars $1.00 4 large tins $1.00 ' For These Representative Values. See our windows—71^ will llfgiilnr Price Is 32o Jar. Regular Prlco Is 3Bu tin. pay you ! Largest Selection of Yard Goods in Red Bank. If it's Yard Goods See Us. Figs, Carpenter's, Preserved in Salmon, Columbia River, Justice Hundreds of items ale HI s Syrup • Tall Jara 3 for $1.00 Brand 3 large tins for $1.00 for 3 days. ItegMliir Price Is 5Oo Jar. Regular Price Is 80o tin. Sale DaysThurs. and FrL, Fek 27-28, also Saturday, March Isl RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26, 1980. Clothes Make the Man. TIMOTHY H. fiOUNIHAN MEN SENTENCED. SHB3WS80HV NEWS. Haw-'Your Prenslug Boa* llirco Months" Jail Sentence and Harold Bowno's Car Badly Damaged Contractor and Builder * Fines of $1,000 tor Two. In Accident Saturday, 1 William Whittle, who la recognized - PETE EES the payment of this sum to each o( William A. Shoemaker was in charge. 5 EAST FRONT ST., (Foot of Broad St.) RED BANK, N. J. the two fire companies for their flic Miss Louise McCuo will entertain equipment. The third ordinance the Sans Soucl club tomorrow night. made provisions for funds for a re- 300 Washington Street, New York City vision of the local tax map. Tho ordinance providing for the instal- DINNER SUITS lation of a (Ire alarm system at a cost not to exceed $2,900 passed on Are pressed and kept in shapo Phone Walker 6430. .- final reading. Tho report of the as- by our new pressing methotlts. sessment commission was referred back for corrections. Acting Man- ager Ralph Williams gave a report LEON'S relative to the desire of a surgical TEL. 2800 dressing factory to locate In Keans- burg. He said that probably it would The Music Stores of the Coast be necessary to raise $35,000 and that as the credit reference of the firm was only fair, he advised that tho matters bo taken up at futuro meet- Asbury Park, N. J. — Rid Bank, N. J. ing. The ladies' auxiliary of the East Keansburg civic association held a successful card party Saturday night Tho affair was held in the associa- tion's building. Makes This Market Superior to Chain Store The Democratic women hold a card party in Porter's hotel last Wednes- day night. SHOP AND SAVE Mr. and Mis. Charles Vogel have j returned from a visit at New York. | Miss Gertrude Mundorf lias re- •—•in— i turned from a visit to New York. I The Keansburg civic association' | will hold a card party Friday night • | Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ratkin, who j have lived on Carr avenue, have tak- en up their,residence at Newark. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Frako of West Keansburg -contemplate moving to Newark In a few days. \ Miss Ramona Palmer has recov- ered from a slight sickness. Councilman A. A. Frank has hai1 i a new roof put on his house on Carr avenue. Mrs. William Turner. Jr., of Man- ning place is about again after sev- eral days of sickness. 21 West Front Street,/ Red Bank, N. J. John E. Holoblnko of Philadelphia spent the week-end with Henry Gehl- Phone 2653. haus. • ' A card parly for the benefit of St. Mark's church will be hold Friday FEB. 27th, 28t;h( CASH AND CARRY i night in the Hollywood hotel on Carr I'avenuc. SPECIALS MARCH 1st. ONLY! I James A. Calseyof Bellville opened taken in exchange on | a confectionery store on Park avc- j nue last Saturday. IN y4-LB. PRINTS Mrs, A. Morris of Main street, who I has been scriousiy sick for several STEINWAYS&DUQ-ARTS weeks, is on the road to recovery. I Mrs. M. Meyers of West Kcansburg ! entertained the Players' club last week. They have been put in excellent Howard Opdyke Is driving a new automobile. Mrs. Edward Lelss of Newark has Legs, 5—6-lb. . Chuck Steak condition and are offered at jbcen visiting Mrs. Henry Mauer. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gehlhaus of most attractive prices j Hartsvillc, Pa., were recent visitors C in town. Legs, 6-lb. and up lb. 29 Chuck Roast >. 24c ! Joseph • Matthews has returned from a vacation trip to Miami, Fla, C KNABE Howard Opdyke. Jr., has recovered Loin Chops . . lb. 37 Chopped Beef Small Grand. A recent model and in A from several days' sickness. Continuing their social activities, shape. A real bargain tPtJOtJ the Women's guild of St. Mark's Rib Chops . . Sb.27c Sirloin Steak church, will hold a pancake supper in the Oak street flrehouse next CHICKERING Tuesday night. Shoulder Chops lb.2?c Round Steak Miss Eleanor Snellgrovc, daughter A large Grand. A splendid piano for a of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Snellgrovo musician's studio of Keansburjr, and Thomas Archer, Shoulder Lamb lb. 1 Jc. Blade Roast $450 son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archer of Kcyport, were married on Feb- ruary 16th by Rev. H. E. Garrison, MELVILLE CLARK pastor of the Keansburg Methodist Baby Grand in a beautiful walnut case. H; church. The brides wore a dress of Absolutely Freshest A—B Sweet white moire taffeta with a long "veil been used but 4 months. Was $775—no of wlitte tulle, caught with orange the Finest blossoms. Tho bride was attended by Mrs. Naomi Westergod, a sister of SOHMER' the groom, and the groomsman was Andrew Knellgrove, a brother of the Legs Veal . . . Swift's Premium Medium size. Dark case. A good useful bride. Tho couple have taken uj> piano. Only $295 their residence at Kcyport. Armour's Star . IVEES & FOND LEONARDO NEWS. Boneless Ham . Princes Grand—not taken in exchange, but new in Frank Guttormnen IAIII t'p With In- Shoulder Veal ie juries Received In a Fnll. June and rented last summer. Like i (Tho Red Hunk Roister enn bo bought Was ?1,250—now In Leonardo at tho itoro of Fred MoyertO Breast .or Neck Cottage Hams . While doInK Home carpenter work last week, Frank Guttormsen fell from ft buildinp. No bones were Rib Chops . lb. 34c Cali Hams . . • LINDEMANN broken, but. Mr. Guttormsen's ankle A 'Miniature Grand. Rebulit and in fine was sprained, his knoo wns wrenched c and lie wan cut jind bruised. He haa Cutlets . Sliced Ham . . shape been Ink! up since the nceldrnt. lb.44 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker left lnat Friday morning for Florida, where they will spend several weeks, Delivery Will Be Mario Balance Mr. and Mm. Krnncls Gnertne*r and for Down Payment in Convenient Monthly family of West field spent Saturday and Sumlny with Mra. Edith Phlllppl. of 10% ' Payments Thfi missionary noclety of the Bap- lint church will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Mnrpfirct. Leonard. Mrs. Chnrles K(refer wns a recent Fancy Capons . . . It 3—-31-Ib. Fowl . . . 609 Matt I sop k lh St. gueat of Mra. OWCIIK of KeanatmrK Atb»> « 1 iiollfiy b R«J Ban k Mrs. K, J. Martin of, Brooklyn ftpent tho week-end with Mr. and Long Island Duxs . . It: H—2-\b. Broilers . . Mrs. Edward Martin. 8TOflE6 OPEN WED. & 8AT. EVENINGS Mra. Wllliftin Thome, who la one Fancy Geese ... of the oldrnt. residents of thin place, 4—5-lb. Fowl .... II: \n sick nt thfi home of her daughter, Fresh Honeycomb Tripe |Mra. Thnnimi Conover of lied Bank. 4-lb. Roasting Chickens It Edward Martin, whr> recently j moved ho re from Oklnlmmn. will Calves" Liver . ; t abort day night at the echoolhouse. The notice. Call or BtldrcJi Te|. Red Barak 2078 IS Wallace St., (The Red Bank Rtjbtor can ba bought The Lord's Supper .will be observed product—clean, dsllQlouS tis.5 at th. itor» of Herman laBrtcqu* «tr next meeting will be held March 13th. next Sunday morning at Hia Metho- wholesome. Camptell'a Junction, William W. Swan at Rev. nnd Mrs. Samuel It. Latham dist church. J. T. EGAN RED BANK. Nitvailnlf, Cliarlerf M Rosldenct Plum 39-VV f ins at Eatt Kesruburg end tin. Jcek t i ii , ii ,ii..., :.L "'.i'ri '-.u. " .-i O'Nolll at B«lford.l Bruniwlck district on Monday at St. pital, has »hown considerable Im- tcrlals. Paul's church at Ocean Grove. Dr. provement within the past week. Mr. and MTS. Fred Rsder of Nave- Marlon «f New York gave a talk on Elsie and Carl Pierce, who have Contains no Slier, to sink gave a chicken dinner on (Sun- hia experiences In the Holy Lend. been'sick with whooping eough, are day in celebration of the birthday of The talk was Illustrated with motion on the way to recovery. —lias BO oil; tssta. their eon, George Rader, who haa a pltcures taken by Dr. Marlon. railroad position at New York, The Hm The .Methodist supper committee There aro more persons reading Pa«kod In Half Pint, Plftt, celebrant received many line gifts. Tho Register every week. Aro you J Others present besides those men- will meet tomorrow night and final -S.SllVERS&BRO;CO.M Quart and. Gallon Jare. reports of the recent supper will be among-ithe regular readers?—Adver- tioned were Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1 tisement K made, So far the receipts from the E£P ifjA COOL PLACPf On oale at first civs stores. Rader and family of Matawan and "£T WEIGHT 3'/» 02 ^jfa Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rader and Mr. supper are $550 and more money will and Mrs. Howard Maxson and chil- be turned in tomorrow night. CALL 2800. dren of r^aveslnk, Mre. Mabel Bedford of West Park TO SEND FOR YOUB NEXT J.S. Silvers .&Bro. Co. The Port Monmouth flro company entertained the Larkln club last Sola Elanufaotareis will hold a card party Friday night. week. Those present were Mrs. Lil- FOB PRESSING. March 28th, at Independent Brehousa lian Young, Mrs. Betty Rodney, Mrs HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Bt Belford., On Saturday night, Grace Perottl. Mrs Inger Bedford March 15th, Meadowbrook fraternity Mrs- Viola Flchter. Mrs, Nellie LEON'S of Belford will hold a St. Patrick's 'Jance at the flrehoute. Tonight a card, party will be held at the flre- house for the benefit, of St Clem- ent's church. Mrs, Herman T&rnow , will be In charge of this event. j James G. -Tlmolat of Riverside , drive Is expected hom» In a few days from St. Luke's hospital at New ! York, where he has bean a pation rcveral weeks for Injuries received News of First Importance In a fall. He is rapidly improving, i fifteen members of Troop No. 77 ; of boy scouts of New Monmouth ftr- i tended the boy scout rally at Asbury j Park, making the trip. In. automobiles ! THIS IS THE LAST WEEK owned by Curtis Walling and Rojrer ' McCormlck. Fred Williams, one of j fhr* members of the troop, won fourth Collarite Van HeusenV.'Shirts place In a contest of making fire by i>f our White, Blue, Tan, Green. Regular $1.95. flint. A service In observance of "the day if prayer" will bo held at the New ! Monmouth Baptist church Friday af- ternoon, March 7th, under the direc- tion of the women's missionary so- Great February Sale Regular $1.50 and $2.00. ciety, of which Mrs. George' Acker president. The speaker will be Miss Frances Tencate of South India The ladles' aid Boclety of the New Monmouth Baptist church will meet Buy with Confidence and Satisfaction at Reductions of next Wednesday afternoon at half- past two o'clock, The hostesses will be Mrs. John N. Hlllyer, Mrs. Fred Penterman and Mrs. Bessie Helwlg The ushers' union will meet next Monday night at the church. The last official board meeting of the conferenco year 'Of the Belford Methodist churoh was held Monday night. At tha Sunday morning ser- THE THRIFTY SHOPPER KNOWS—but others may not realize that {5ttur»* vice Rev. Charlea W. Robb preached day, March 1st, will conclude(our great February Sale Event. The remainder a sermon on "Life's Perplexities." At night his subject was "No Man Cares ' will afford ample time in which to secure our many unusual offerings st tha. for My Soul." I Sale Discounts. So—-if you want to be numbered among those Thrifty Shop* Mies Helen K. Lambert, a mission- ary from Alakakst, Alaska, will ad- pera—we suggest prompt action, while the Special Sale Tap are still effective, dress the congregation of St Clem- for every single one will be removed at the dose of business on Saturday. ent's church of Belford Sunday morn- By special arrangement with the manufacturers, we have been able to $ecure Ing at eleven o'clock. She will show; ; ! pictures and exhibits. The public has duplicates of many of the advertised items that have aold $ut tqo rapidly;;' , been invited to attend the lecture. I Many fancy and pro-tesque cos- and others, we have replaced with new pieces that we did not intend to dis-, ° . ,_ JWEN'S WEAR ; tumes were worn at a masquerade play until April 1st. Therefore, our stocks are as compile, as ever and the I ball held by the Port Monmouth flre- ' men at the Port Monmouth school- prices are just as compelling. ne oor ro 1 house Friday night. A door prise of 51 Broad St., ^ ^ ^ " Second National Bank) S2.00 in gold was won-by Mrs. Anna Bastion of Port Monmouth. Twenty-two members of the gles club of Belford made a trip to Union Beach in Robert N. Seeley's bus las! Dining Room Furniture Reed and Fibre Furniture Thursday night and they spent the evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs An attractive Settee, Chair, Rocker Horfman. They had e. jolly time. 10-Piece Suites consisting of Table, A campaign to raise money for China, Server, Buffet, five Side and and' Table make up these 4-niece current cxponses and benevolences one Arm Chair, in either Walnyt or Suites. They may be had in either will be launched Sunday at th« New Monmouth Baptist church, under thd Mahogany finishes. Every Suite ex- Fibre or Stick Reed, in many styles direction of Walter E. Walling and cellent value. and upholstered in gay Cretonne or Willard Palmer. Tapestry. Other 6 and 8'piece Seta Earl Hoyer of Belford, who Is chief ; of police of Middjetown township, la SALE PRICE QQfi' to §|H^l|| on sale. looking for his police dog Rex. The Keep Your Family Healthy dog was taken with a running lit last Wednesday and it disappeared. Value $139 to $450. SALE PRICE §g(j to gjjg During the Winter Months. Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Budlong of Bel- ford aro making n. stay with theli daughter, Mrs. John Wood of Eden- Living Room. Furniture Value $39 to $108. ton. North Carolina. They expect to be away about a month. Two and three-piece Suites consisting Sohuyler SlckleB of Naveslnk WEEK.END SPECIALS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. bought a Hupmobile automobile at of either Sofa and Lounge Chair, or ODD CHAIRS the automobile show at Red Bank Sofa, Arm Chair and Button Back last week. J. Paul Posten bought an Chair. Suites of guaranteed construc- Scoop Seat,. Occasional and Cogswell automobile at the show. Chairs. Sturdily constructed and cov- of Lamb •••-... . . Ib-29c The Methodists of Belford held a tion covered in either Mohair, Tapes- successful turkey supper last Thurs- try or Velour of the highest quality. ered in a wide selection of Tapestry day night. The attendance exceeded and Velour in many colors. In this 18 4-Ib. average' . expectations. Sixteen turkeys were An unusual display In all the better used for the feast. group you will find just the odd chair Tho firemen of Mtddletown town- styles. ship are making final arrangements you'have been hunting for and at a Prime Ribs of Beef* first six ribs for their annual ball which will be SALE PRICE 0 to drastic reduction in price. held Friday night at the Smoke Shop tavern at Red Bank. Value $125 to $350. SALE PRICE J Jto $26 cut .•.. The sub]ect(of Sunday mornings sermon at tho Baptist church at New Monmouth will be "Judas." At night Value $15 lo $39. Hie toplo will bo "Simon "the Zeal- ous." Bed Room Furniture LOIN LAMB CHOPS ...... lb. 45c Mm. Mabel Warren, county com- These 5-piece Suites consisting of Bed, mitteewoman, attonded tho women's RUGS PORK LOINS, half or whole . . \. . lb. 27c Democratic card party at Porter's Dresser, Chest, Vanity and Bench are hotel Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vreeland of all of the finest workmanship and cor- Our Rug department offers a complete BONELESS POT ROAST . . . . . lb. 41c Nutley spent Saturday and Sunday rectly designed. Grouped in Walnut, stock of 9x12 Axminster, Wilton and Ut Belford with Mr. and Mm. Wll- PLATE or NAVEL BEEF . . . . . lb. 17c ;llam Sutherland. Mahogany or Maple. Domestic Oriental Rugs. Also many Miss Meta Bartley and Miss Alice Imported Persian and Chinese Rugs in Connors of Wesl Orange spent tlw SALE PRICE ©g|| to DIXIE BACON SQUARES . '. . , , lb. 22c week-end with Miss Mabel Luke> of the scatter sizes. The 9x12 in the latest Belford. i designs and the newest colorings are FRYING CHICKENS, 3-lb. average . . lb. 42c I William Dor of Belford spsnt Sal. , Value $149 to $450. I urday and Sunday with his daugh- being offered at i tcr, Mrs, Richardson of Hlghtstown. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS . . , V lb. 35c ! Joseph Arrowsmlth, one of the old Sale Price $g|.50 $MfZ $g^.SO | est and best known residents of SMOKED COTTAGE BUTTS • . . -. . ' lb. 39c I Campbell's Junction, Is very sick. . Mr. and Mrs. John Brower of River Our entire stock of Table, Bridge and Value $32.00, $65.00, $125.00. HORMEL CANNED CHICKEN .' . . - lb. 63c i Plaza were recent guests of Mr. »nd Floor Lamps is marked at give-away | Mrs. Irving Hoop of Belford. prices. Unlimited selection of hand- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoagland $175 9x12 Domestic SHORT FOREQUARTERS OF LAMB . lb. 2Ic i cpont tho week-end at their home at made Shades and beautiful Bases. East Kesnnburg. Oriental Rugs Prices Effective February 27th, 28tb and March .lit Mr. and Mrs. Burrowea of Jersey SALE PRICE © J Ell to City spent Sunday at their bungalow Those have been classed as Seconds, at Naveslnk. Schuyler SIcklOB of NavesinU Value $8.98 to $40 but wo cannot detect tho imperfections. bought a cow at an auction at Holm- del lnat week. The Great Tea Co. Fred Schoellner of Port Monmouth has recovered from blood poisoning 90 DAYS FREE STORAGE". 46 MONMOUTH STREET In his arm, TERMS—CASH. QISABKIGHT NI51VS EASTERN 0IYIBIOR Farewell Party For Kev. Samuel It. Ludiam and Family. (Tha Rail Hank tl«p;litor can be bought Mottmmith County tiurrngaio't Offlco iiiillca Is herol'l elten tn til. eroOltoro ot In tlia mnltor of tho estate »f J«bt» J A nuhl itctoKFaiJ to extilMt to the a.lbsalt>«r. ! I VISIT OUIt PLANT In Hoalrliilit »t tha itorea or Morrll Wall- Bulllvnn, derennetl. ntlmltllntl'alor Ql Aforfllatil. their dobu nnrl ' AND 8EK HOW WK VltKSS mnn oml 11. I.efkowltt.) Nolko to crcilltflltt to iironen* olnim* demand, nualnil lh« Hal,! eitnta, unil.t i iture Co., Keyporl, N. J. Buitllldt estate. .qnlh, within nil Inonthi front th« ilnt« I MfcN'8 CLOTHED A fnrcwpll dinner party was given Put«"«nt to I In onl«r of Jotanb 1,. Don- of tlii'nfarsMild onl.r, or tli»j will b« for- 1'nu Will ISn SurprlBcd I Inst Wednesday night by Mr. find nlmy, Hurro/cnta «f Die County of Moil- ever bnrr.rf ol tlielt Retlori. th«r*fm moutlu mmlo.cin the ulneteanth tiny »if nvnlliM U>«inlii lurtucrlliti-. - - Mrn. Oscnr Anderson at their home Vain-nary, - l'UDO. en tlm • iHillnitkw ' At Ulittii Kr«»M<1. N. .'„• I'eh 10 1931 nt \V>al Park for Uov. and Mrs Snm- Iluwnni w. ItoriertB. ndmlnlstrator of tlio LEON'S uf| It. Latham and family Mr. cMate o( John J, A. Sullivan, tltxwaad. : iiowAnn w. HOBEHTH. Mm Momuouth, N. ). Latham, who It pastor of tin Sen- Page Twenty-Two' MEN'S TEAM VICTORIOUS. VICTORY FOB BEGISTKR TEAM. THE GOLP CUP OFFICERS.! JPQWBE ViCTOBiOCS. Send Your Next Suit POWEiiEH HAP LEAGUE Basketball Game Held at JSUver OCEANPORT THE WINNER. JereeyviBe the Victims—COW'B Necli Bed Bank Hmketeers Defeated Street School For Athletic- Fund. TJUEY TBIM5IED EUBISON LAST Tj-lms Vttehold Quintet. ELECTION HELD LA81C Oeeaosiort last Thursday HigW. •SUSY "ifEH&MffiD FOHT MON- The Red Bank Jersey Central pow- HEU BASS BABKEfSEEa BKAt A basketball team made up of men - * ( ,!SiGOTEI WEDNESDAY NIGHT. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. The Register's basketball team de- AT NEW YOBE. er and light basketball team trimmed OTUTH OBANOE BGHOQL. teachers and janitora off the River the fast Oceanport aggregation lasi street echool defeated the boys' team Red Bank Encounters Seabright To- feated Jerseyville Thursday night at Ofllcera and Committees Chosen ami Imt Week's Game Elided Athletic TEL. g«eo The Match Wajs Exceptionally Close of the school last Thursday after- Colt's Neck by a score of 30 to 22. Thursday night on the Hed Bank You will be amazed at the results, and Two Extra Periods Wore nlght on the Leonardo Community Tile Register started scoring early Plans Dlscusscti toe Next Sum- high school court by a spore of 23 to C'oraiwUtlon B«twe«n the Two Playea to Decide tbe Winner— noon by a score of 65 to 42. About Club Court—Oceanport fleets mer's Ilr-gisttii—List of Honorary 21, The game was closa at all times Schools—Bed Easilt Lost io Lake- 150 persons attended the- game and Keansburg. and at the end of the first quarter Judges—Uppercu Is Chairman. wood Moatlay Afternoon, ., *' -IFGR— • 3en& and Quadrangles Win. the receipts.were put in the school's the count was 12 to 3 in their favor. ana at the end of the Srat half the The Jersey Central power and light athletic fund. Oceanport's champion basketball They increased their lead two points The first meeting this year of ths count was 13 to 11 In Red Bank's The varsity baalietseri of the Eed team downed the Rumson athletic in the second quarter, the score at Now Jersey Gold Cup association favor. Rohn, basketball coach at the Bank high school defeated Colum- basketball team defeated Fort Mon- The men's team went In to the lead Iiong Branch high school, was ref- Eieuth last Wednesday night lor the early and they were never headed. club last Wednesday night In county half time being 18 to 7 In their favor. was held last week in the New York bia high school of South'Orange Fri- Tire Service league competition by a score of 41 Tho count stood 28 to 11 at the end ofllce of the Banfleld Spa Skiff works, orce. Oceanport Is leading in the day night at the Bed Bank school lead in the Y. M. C. A. city league The score at half time was 21 io 16 county basketball league and their by a count of 27 to 20. The game in their favor. Valentine Beahore to 27. The game was fast and both of the third quarter, but In the flnal which has been selected as the head- by a score of IS to 17. lied Bank'a teams fought hard. Tho count at half session Jerseyville crept up on their quarters and executive oHlegs of tho defeats this season have been few second team .lost to their South Or- Our Service Car is wfes unusually well played and fea- and Frank PJngitore were the Sign and tar between. tured action from the start to the scorers for the men and Russell Jor- time waa 30 to 20 In Occanport's opponents by virtue of a long range organization. Officers wera elected ange opponents, 13 to 3. Monday af- flnal whistle. The score was tied, 18 dan and Dominic Figaro led the boys favor. Oceanport displayed fine attack. , for the coming year, committees Millard F. Aumack' of Marlon ternoon tha Red Bank first team was always ready to 18, a lew minutes before the end. in the scoring. J. W. Helm and Ed- passing worlt and this was the prin- The Register players were Alfred were appointed and plana were dis- street, manager of tho Jersey Cen- trounced by Lakswood at that place The army broke the tie with a field ward King were referees. cipal reason for their decisive vic- Lench, H. Carl Kait, Valentino Bo- cussed for the Gold Cup regatta to tral team, treated the boys at his by a'count of 30 to 22. ' goal, tut they were in the lead only tory. Bluth, the Oceanport center, shore, Harold Lartaud, Fritz Leddy bo held at Red Bank August 16th home Wednesday night after they'de- The first team match Friday night The score: was high scorer of the night with and Harold Kelly. Louis Jacoubs and 17th. feated Eort Monmouth In the Young was close and at half tlmo Columbia a few seconds when Johnny Paratino MBR s of the power team evened the count, F PTS. fifteen points and Walter "Bumpsy refereed the match. Tomorrow night Tho oillcere' chosen were Barren Men's Chr|stlon association league. waa leading, T to C Red Bank Steam Vulcanizing making the score 20 to 20 at the end. 1 1 Leddy, a Rumson forward, was sec- The Kegiaier will meet the Colt's G. Collier, Governor Morgan P. Lar- Mrs. Viola Farrar, Mrs. Millard tightened up In the second half and ond with thirteen points. Neck Pioneer club at that place, Aumack and Mrs. Harry Aumack Two extra periods were played before f Harry Estelle, if. 1 7 sen and Frederick R. ?tlll, honorary scored fltteerv, points to their oppon- the winner was decided. jf; w. Heim, c. 0 6 This Leonardo five easily disposed The Pioneer boys nosed out a chairmen: Inglls M. Uppcrcu, gen- Tore hostesses. Others' present ents' ten. Red Bank also defeated Balloon and Truck- The match waa fast and the aggres- 0 26 of Seabright, 40 to 16. Leonardo Freehold aggregation last Thursday eral chairman; Charles F. Chapman Included Millard Aumack, Jr., Jos- Kouth Orange at football last fall, the ! Edward Murphy, re. 1 1 night at Colt's Neck by a score of and Gerald C. Holbrook, vice chair- eph Covert, James Garity, John siveness of the two team was out- 0 24 started their scoring work early and ocora being 1 tQ; 8. Columbia is, a T I-'ranlt Pingitore, Ig, . their lead was never endangered. The 11 to 10, The game was well played men; ^-Thomas S. Field, Jr., secro- Eex, Edward Plx, Irving Irons, Har- class A high oohopl and its basket- Tires in Stock „ standing-. "e lead changed hands and,close from start to flnlsh. Free- ry Aumack, John Parotlno, William many times, neither team being Total count at the end of the half, was 26 tary; Clark Holbrook, honorary ball and football teams this year ahead by a substantial margin dur- BOYS, to 6. Red Bank, who are now in the h61d took tha lead in the first quar- treasurer; and Carl Schwenker, Aumack and Chester Farrar. wero unusually strong and met with cellar, will meet the Seabright net- ter and they were not headed by the treasurer. Tho executive committee The bnx score of Thursday night's comfldercrile euceeaa In competition ing tha- regular session. The soldiers Pioneers until a few minutes before were much rougher than their op- Gasper WeMaio, rir 0 ters tonight and Oceanport will en- includes those just mentioned I and line is: with other class A schools. The de- counter Keansburg. Hereafter the the contest was called. Fritz Leddy Thomas Irving Brown, William J. feats by Hed Bank, a clasa B school, ponents, having a dozen personal Russell Jordan, re. was the referee. About ISO persons 4EB.SEY CENTRAL. fouls called against them to one Leon Wigdorowltz, Iff. eague games will be played on [ho Duncan, William M. Eldridge. Ira. O F PTS wero black marks on their records against the Jersey Central team. Fort Dlnty Arnone, lg. ... Leonardo community hall court, In- attended Thursday night's games. Hand, Tony Hunting, Thomas N. Mc- Pnrotlno, tf. . .. 1 0 " and therefore thoy have Baked to be Monmouth was strong on the defense AValtcr Jackson, c. .. stead of at the Red Bank high school The box score of the Colt's Neck Carter, Augustus M. Minton, Willinm. Fix, rf. .. 0 0 O omitted from athlotlo competition Tony Vaccarelll, If. ., gymnasium.' The reason for the and Freehc'.d game Is: B. Potts and Jacob Siegel. Damhreeae. f. . . K with Red Bank In tho future. and at short range attack, but they Joseph Paoliiccl, If. COLT'S NECK. 'I'rlfur. c...... 3 Were unable to stand the fast pace 2 12 change was the Email attendance the Among the honorary Judges are Red Bank's second team has been Dominic Figaro, rf. ames attracted at the high school. G P PTS. J. Garity. re. 0 set by their oppenents. The soldiers Corts. If 2 0 4 men prominent In 'buaineaa and sport, M. Aumaclf, le , 0 beaten seldom this season and South played almoBt an entirely defensive Total 2 42 The scores: v VanMntcr, rf 1 0 2 they being Admiral F., C. Billard. Orange's victory over ths Red Bank game in the extra periods. Their OCEANPORT Conover, c 1 1 3 General Coloman. DuPont, Commo- Total 9 5 23 scrubs was unexpected. guarding worlt was effective until the G F PTS. mier, IB i o 2 dore Jules Hellner, Governor Larson. OCEANPORT. Tho Red Bank and Lakewood con- latter part of the first extra session, Martin. Tf. . r, 0 12 Lewis, re 0 0 0 Uzal H. McCarter, Congressman An- G F TTS test was a nip and tuck battle'from when they diverted from the five-man 1 11 nlng S. Prali, Mayor Ford S. Salmon. Martin, If. . 2 15 ST. JAMES BOYS LOSE. Richard. If. 5 Total '.. r> 1 11 Btart to finish and at tho end ot tho defense. Thereafter Partlno and his 'eterBon, If 0 11 n Henry R. Sutphtn, Mayor William Ilichatds, rf. 4 0 8 (lrst half Red Bank waa leading by men got closer to the basliet and won 7 1 ij FREEHOLD. ' H. R. White, General Howard S. Peterson, rf, 0 0 0 DEFEATED FOB TlRSf TIME IN Blutb, c i G F PTS. Dluth, c. ... one point, the score being 18 to ID. the game with close range shots, l Bordcn, -Mayor VanR. Halsoy, Con- 1 G ooley, rg. .... 0 1 Dark, rf 0 0 0 Cooloy, rff 1 1. .1 Lakewood defeated Red Bank twice 42 West Front Street, most of them being made by Partino, LEAGUE COMPETITION. Loeknrd, Is 1 0 2 gressman Harold G. Hoffman, Irving thla season. a former Long Branch high school Kehs, If 0 0 0 Marshall, Commodore William B. Lockard, lg 0 0 0 RED BANK, N. J. Two Close Basketball Games Feature Johnson, If , 0 0 0 The scores: . star. Total .:.-'..;.' 10 Davison, c .' 3 2 8 Potts, Colonel Jacob Ruppert, Sena- Total 3 3 21 TELEPHONE 2112 the Y. M. C. A; Church League I.ayfdn, rir 0 0 0 tor K. Donald Sterner, George F. BED SANK. The Broad street bank trounced • 1MJMSON G F PTS. The Ttegister in the opening contest Games Monday Night—A Largn G F PTS. H. Suremit, re 1 0 2 Townsend, Commodore John A. Har- Attendance.' K. Surgcnt, lg. 0 0 0 risa, Commodore Henry H. ~Hower, DOUBLE CELEBRATION, Bruno, rf. 2 1 8 by a score of 27 to 18. The game was W. Leddy. rf 5 3 13 Strode, If 2 0 1 close and the winner was not cer- R. Desmond, If 0 0 0 John A. Lynch and Commodore Jac- Two close basketball games be- Total i 2 10 ques Thorne. • * Little Silver and Long Branch Besl- Bonrdman, c, 1 2 1 tain until the final whistle. The tween the Methodist church and St. CriBpull. If 2 1 E dents Have Anniversaries. Murdico, re ' 0 0 0 count was 13 to 7 in the bank's favor James's boys and the Baptist quintet imon, c...... ; Z 0 4 Acliley. Is. ' 0 X 1 at half time and 20 to 17 in their and the Congregation B'nal Israel J. Desmond, rff. -.... 0 I) 0 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Hamlet of ikowltE, If -. 10 2 favor at the end of the third quarter. featured the Young Men's Christian Nordi, IK. .. .^ 0 0 0 SPLIT WITH LONG BRANCH PATTERSON FIGHTS DRAW Littlo Silver' celebrated their third Kenneth,Brower was high scorer'for association church league games J, Calandriello, IK. 2 1 6 * wedding anniversary with a paTty Total 0 7 10 the tank with ten points and Vai- Monday night at the River street Instwcclc. Arthur VanBrunt of Lonj SOUTH ORANGE. entlee Beahore led The Register school. The gymnasium was crowded Total , 11 HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY BOYS- RED BANKER HAS EVEN BOTJT Blanch celebrated his birthday at G F TT3 squad with eight points. and the attendance was larger than WITH LONG BRANCH BOY. the Hamlet residence at tho samo Blackvell, It- 0 0 0 LEONARDO. TEAM LOST WEDNESDAY. time. Games and music wero en- Burton. If » 1 1 The Quadrangle club trimmed the at any of tho previous games. G F PTS. Gavlllc. c I 13 \nocckcls, rf ' i joyed. Guests were present from Red Durant team in the final match, 19 The Methodist church defeated the 0 6 Shore Basketballers Nosed Out Rod "Angel Face" Joo Lucia of Bed Bank Eank, Littlo Silver, Rumson, Eaton- Skokns, is...... 2 .4 8 to 8. The Quadrangle boys took th= St. James five, 15 to IS, in a game E<) war ' 0 9 Bank's First Team, 10 to 15—The Lost to Al Little of Philadelphia In Sanbach, 1B, N 3 3 Conovi town, Oceanport, Neptune and Man- Lombards'. If "0 2 2 By lead at. the opening of the game and that could have been called any- 0 10 Kei' and Gray Second Team Won the Sl.v-ltound Seml-Flnal Event— asquan. Mrs; Hamlet waB formerly they were never headed. Dodd, at one body's until the final whistle. Tills Ediglo. re 0 0 By a Count of 26 to 23. Other Bouts. Allen, rf. 0 0 0 tlmo star center for the Bed Bank Koroclskl. Iff. .. 0 0 Miss Ella Covert, daughter of Mr. was St. James's first defeat in league end Mrs. Charles Covert ol Eaton- Total 3 U 17 high school varsity boys' squad. competition. The Baptist five beat McLaughlin, rf. 0 10 • Tho Red Bank high school boys Willis Patterson of Red Bank and lupcnekl, lg. 2 0 4 basketball teams journeyed to. Long Bobby McNeil of Long Branch, lead- town. SOUTH ORANGE. played -with the Durant quintet. the Jewish boys, 8 to 7, in another P PT8. nip and tuck encounter. The Pres- Branch last Wednesday night, where ing Monmouth county junior welter- The Jersey Central lads are now the varsity squad waa beaten by the weights, fought a draw Friday night Sccor, rf, .. leading the league with four victories byterians easily trimmed the Re- Bed Bank Defeats Neptuno. Hlroh, If. .. formed church by a count of 46 to 12. SEABIUCHT, . shore boys, 16 to 15, and Red Bank's in tho main eight-round bout at tho The Red Bank Jersey Central pow- and no defeats Fort Monmouth and second team won by the same mar- Piper.**. .. the Quadrangle club are tied for sec- Morefleld of the Presbyterians was G F PTS. Asbury Park armory. "Angel Face" er and light basketball team defeat- LnVcccWa, ri ond place and the Broad street bank high scorer with ten field goals. The Dillione, rB 3 0 6 gin, the score' being 26 to 25. More Joe Lucia of Red Bank lost to Al ed the Neptune high school second Sfcolsna, Is. . and the Durant five are tied for Methodist girls' aggregation bowled lovcrt, li 1 0 2 than 500 persons attended the gamo. Little of Philadelphia in the Blx- team Saturday rlight at Neptune by S&rgent, IK. over ihe Reformed girls, 8 to 2, in Ryan, c 1 0 2 T&e Long Branch victory was the round semi-Hnal event. Kernan, rf. third. The Register will play Fort first scored by a varsity team in a a count of 10 to 14. The Neptune Monmouth in the opening game to- the opening match oftthe night. Jean Grunco, c 0 0 0 McNeil took the first three rounds squad trounced Red Bank several Curchin of the Methodist teanj?and Douglas, rf 2 0, 4 major sport since the 1920 baseball- of his match with Patterson, tho Total 0 6 18 night, the bank will meet Durant in season. weeks ago by a score of 23 to 2Z •M Hound Tiip the second contest and the Quad- Evelyn Mattuon of tfegySpoaine Davln. If 1 fourth, fifth and sixth sessions went Red Bank will meet the Belmar BED BANK. Fowler, if. 0 tn tho Rort Bank boy and trie last two F.PTS, tangle club and the Jersey Central iquad were the outstan^irtg players. The Long Branch first team dis- Jersey Central power and light team Nsty, rf. ., J 0 2 power and light team will play in the The Presbyterian glpls will oppose played a brand of playing and team were called even. McNeil was thn at tho Belmar American legion horm Kr.kowltz, It • 0 0 0. - nightcap. the Jewish girls'- team next Monday Total 8 0 16 work never before shown thi3 sea- better boxer, but Patterson offset this Friday night. Cook, c. 0 0 0 The box scores of last week's Standing of teams for second half son. By virtuo of early scoring advantage by landing more telling Mulligan, rs •' •••• ° 0 0 night and in the boys games the Re- rushes tho score stood, 0 to 2, In Leave From games are: formed'will meet the Methodist, the of series: f blows. McNeil was often forced to Burroweft, Is. ....<,...*.../.. 0 I w u re favor of Long Branch at the end of rfcaort to covering tactics. Belief Baskelballers Lose. Roiatl, re 0 BROAD STREET BAUK Congregation B'nai Israel will play A basketball team representing Ra- Wlsdorwlu 0 nionmouth St. and Bridge Avo., i G F ME. the Presbyterians and St. James's Leonardo 2 0 1000 tho first quarter. Rafferty, a Junior Little carried the fighting to Lucia o 1 0 100O high school boy, scored the first point in four of tho six rounds, a .lightning llef engine company of Red Bank K. Brower. rf. 5 0 10 will encounter the Baptists. Six more was defeated last week by a West Total 11 3 K." Lartaad. If. 2 0 4 1 1 EDO for Long Branch and his tally was like left jab being tho main factor of games have been added to tho girls' quickly followed by a successful long Long Branch firemen's team, 67 to LAKEWOOD. 9:30 A. M. DAILY. (J. Olrastead, c. schedule BO that at trie close of the Kcansburc 0 1 OOO his attack. Lucia outweighed Littlo F PTS. L. Branin. c. •. shot by •Williams of tho same team. 42. Walter Noble of Red Bank waa season each team will have played Red Bank , 0 1 ooo fcy several pounds. The match waB Schroeder. rf 1 1 Phono Red Bank 1308. P. Winer, re. Seabright . 0 1 Shortly afterward Williams scored the boys' second meeting at Asbury. the- high scorer. , Other Red Bank 3 7 I. lylei. 1B. ... every other team in the league at ooo another long shot. Strode, one of Red Haddad, If least once. Park, the previous argument going players were Frank Reuther, August Bishop, c 0 i Bank's most versatile players, broke Colmorgen, Milton Earl and Law- 0 0 1 27 to Lucia by decision. ApplegaU, rB Total The scores of Monday night's through for his team's first counter. rence Forgus. Tho two teams will Shu^Ebank, Iff, REGISTER games are: Freddie Martin of Newark scored A field goal by Otten ended the scor- a technical knockout over Johnny meet again in a short time. Solieman, rff. P PTS. METHODIST 0IELS. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WEing work in the first quarter. There Blackman, c V. Beihore. rf * 0 8 P PTS. was lesa action in the second quar- Figgie of Philadelphia. Figgie took H. C. K»it, If 3 J. Curchin, rf. 2 8 MANASQUAN 6AME ENBS BAS- tho count sitting in his corner at tho Bed Bank to Meet Newark. Total A. Lunch, c. 1*. .0 tor, In which Eed Bank failed in a G. F»rrar. If. . 0 0 long range attack. The score at half opening of tho second round. Jaclt The Red Bank high sohool swim- BSD BANK. J. Hogan, c .. ..,1 M. Lornax, c. . 0 0 KETBALL SEASON. Ennis of Asbury Park in his ring de- THROAT TICKLE H. Kdlr. n 0 time was 12 to 4 In favor of Long ming team will meet East Side high P PTS H. Taylor, rtt. 0 0 but received a decision over Patsy school of Newark tomorrow night at Bruno, Tl. 1 Will Stop S&l «BE5«5ffl UWtbuter, rx 0 G. Partrick, lg. 0 0 Red Bank Team Was Undefeated Branch. H. Lartaud, Is, 0 Pezella of Asbury Park by a techni- the Young Men's Hebrew associa- Strode, If. . 1 3 When you "swallow slowly a This Tear In Seven Games With Strode opened the scoring in tho cal knockout In the second round of Bonrdrnan, 0 i Total Class B. Schools—Their Only De- tion swimming, pool at that place. Murdico, rff, I' 1 little GAMPnoROLE. Pleasing to 'Totll 8 2 18 second half with a successful free their scheduled six-round go. Leon- The Red Bank team will have new REFORMED GIRLS. feat Was by Ashury Park. throw. Red Bank forged close to 1 3 the tosto. Children like it. JERSEY CENTRAL G T FTS. ard Oliver, a Long Branch Negro, de- silk racing suits. The suits are 0 2 F PIS. The Rod Bank high school girls' their opponents' score in the third feated Tiger Taylor of Newark in tho 0 6 Sarah Murphy, rf 0 0 0 bright red., F. Auniaek, rf Evelyn Msttson, If...... 0 2 2 basketball team closed its season last quarter and in the last session they opening scrap. Total 0 i 22 Covert, If 0 0 Wednesday afternoon by defeating introduced a whirlwind attack that r> 13 Alice Cook, c 0 0 0 Jack Hoskey and Kid Dixie will J. Paratino, U P. Ingalls, c 0 0 0 tho' Manasquan high -school girls, 24 came within a point of defeating the meet in the final eight-round bout at A littlo campaign of want adver- Irons, c 0 2 L. Murphy, re • 0 0 0 Long Branch team. Strode was high tising in Tho Register will rent most The road to better and bigger bus! J. Gurtay, re 0 i o 18. Mildred Scheldt of Red Bank the Asbury armory next Friday night any rentable property. Thirty words neoa leads through Tho Regiuter'8 ad- 0 2 C Emory, lg 0 0 0 played the star role, making thirteen scorer of the game with eight points "and tho semi-final will be between vertising columnB.—Advertisement Fix. m by three field goals and two foul for twenty-five cents.—Advertisement IK 0 0 points by virtue of five field goals and Joey Williams and Dick Fulton. Re*, e Total 0 Z 2 shots. ' ' v three foul shots. Head of Red Bank Total 11 6 27 PRESBYTERIAN. scored ten .points with four groals G F FTS. and two fouls and Grooms made the Long Branch was leading by a" VOLLEJT BALL GABIES. FOKT MONMOUTH B. Morefleld, rs 10 0 20 score of 18 to \i at the end of the G P PTS. P. Doromus. If. lie 1 1 3 [other point by a foul shot. . Mana- 4 8 jsquan's scoring work was confined to first half in the second team en- Red Bank Defeated Three Teams Sldis, rf 2 V. Benhore, If B 1 11 counter, but Red Bank grabbed the Last Week at Asbury Park. Callahan, .11. .' 1 0 2 C. Ackley. c 4 0 H iRiddle and Green, who made eight Kauftman, If » 0 0 E. Jncouhs, rg 0 0 0 and ten points respectively. lead early in the second "half and held The Red Banft business men'8 vol- Wagner, c ,. 2 0 1 0 t it until the final whistle. Mulligan, ; H. C. Knit, rK 2 ley ball team defeated" Asbury Parlt, Kronberg, c. .... ° 0 II A. Doremus, Ig 0 o o Other Red Bank playera were Red Bank's right guard, was mainly : 0 Cl Cagle, Rice, Hackstaff, Dietz, Grooms, Lakewood and Freehold last week in "Wilklns, ri. :..... 0 responsible fgor the victory. He came a tournament at tho Asbury Park Tumloli, re 0 I) 0 Total 2 4 6 Tilton, Nolan, Erb, Roseberry ancl to the fore by his guarding work Puts, Is 3 0 6 Young Men's Christian association REFORMED. Malr. Members of the Manasquan and keen eye. F PTS. (team not mentioned before are A. building. Red Bank's only setback Total 4 20 G The same ftams will ,moet on the was at tho hands of Long Branch. F. Whalrn, rf * 0 Anderson. Ncwberry, -Pile, Gerner, QUADRANGLE CLUB Red Bank high school -court Friday Red Batik won two straight games \ Corner Broad and Front Streets, Red Bank. Shatter, rf 0 Hancp, E. Anderson, Shlngler and night. The scores: K PTS. H. Bennett, If 1 Kashbarn. Red Bank went through from Asbury Park and defeated Cleary. rf. 1 1 W. Noble, c 0 the season without a defeat by a LONG BRANCH. Lakewood and Freehold in two out Ooulil. If. . 1 B F. SnifTen, rg 4 G F'PTS- Selling Quality Meats at Reasonable Prices ! 0 2 class B. school. Their only trouncing of three games. Tho Red Bank play- Parker, c. C. Ksdtr, le 0 was received nt the hands of Asbury Rafferty, rf. 1 0 2 ers were William Miller, 'John L. Olmstead, r 1 5 J. Iiyder, 1B 0 P. Mana, If 3 0 f. Morford, rg 0 0 Park, a class A aggregation, the A. Mmta. If 0 0 0 Montgomery, Dr. Walter W. Gosling, Ebit, Is, .. 0 0 Tota: score being 40 to 6. Greenwood, e 0 0 0 Theodore LaBrecque, Paul Tritschler, Willlanu. .nt 2 2 6 Theodore Parsons, CharlcB Moraller S 3 13 METHODIST. Tho scores of the games not men- Total tioned are: Otttn, It ! 0 2 and John H. White. Tho Asbury Park, Lrpnp Branch, K. Warner, rt. Bed Bank—26 Freehold—IT. Total 7 2 1C Top* Sirloin or F PTS. I E. ltose, rl. c Lakewood and Freehold teams will Stout, rf. . . 0 0 0 Red Rank—20 Manasquan—15 RED BANK. !.N. I!O:C, If. c lteil Dank—22 Leonardo— 12 participate with Red Bank in an- rjodd. rf. c. 1 :, 'I,. Branin. ]! F PTS. other tournament at this place Mon- DeMidowiti, 1 1 :t Red Bank—2.'i Freehold—15 I Rruno, rf 0 2 0 Rot Hank—29 Perth Amboy—10 day night, March 81st. Red Bank Purdy. If. . a o |E. Unilry Is • | Strode, If 2 S Chsiey, re. 0 0 0 Red Bank—27 Leonardo—13 JM°r»e, c will play Freehold at that place Pnasch, !?. . 0 u n Total Murdico, TS 0 0 Thursday night of next week. The DavUon, lg. 0 0 ti ST. JAMES'S, Acltley, lg 0 0 business mon's teams are sponsored Morefield, ]s 1 1 by tho Young Men's Christian asso- 14c Ib. . Philadelphia Scrapple Total F PTS OPENING OF BALL SEASON, J'. Ciland ridlo, rf 2 6 ciations in tho various towns. Total I iv Kennedy, If 0 4 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT. ;(",. Hill, c 0 2 RED BANK BASEBALL TEAM TO BED BANK. Rib or Loin, Hole-In-Ono Golfer. |.l. Hnrtnedy, rsr 1 1 I'LAY EAKLY IN APRIL. Pairing of Teams Hold for Inter- | II. Fii-Mry, Ig j 0 0 TiMhunt. rf. 0 2 Eugeno W. Manifold of Shrews- scholastic Contests. ' n. Calnmlriello, 1E 0 0 ItosMi. rf. ". .. . 0 0 bury claims the honor of being tho Included In (he Sqimd'ti Personnel Sakowllz, If. . The pairing of teams for the slat': (I S first 1930 holc-ln-ono golfer in this Total Will bo "Chubby I'orrlne, Egbert, Cnnk. r 1 . n locality. Mr. Manifold performed tho intcrscholastic basketball tournament Sivrel, I'elritelil, Neivman und Miillitran. rir. . 0 io wan made last week. The tourna- feat Saturday nfternoon on tho fifth Fresh-Killed Peterson. Bunomi, Is. . 1 l holo at tho Asbury Park country (Best Cuts) ment will be held In March. In past A. Marllnnal'l. l-f. (1J4 to 0-1 D. Average) years some of the games In the tnur- I>. Miinscir, If Johnny Calandriplln, manager of Tnlal 2 2G club. Tho holo Is 175 yards and Mr. nament WMR held nt the Rod Bank 1. . c. 1 1 Ilouml Brook vs. Asbury Park. yeni-s, will hpip Calandiiello in run- Mrtiarvey, nt. ,, 0 Ktin club. Mr. Dahlgron in a mom- JI. Wigdoron-Kz, If 1 (I 2 ninj; the Red Bunk squad this year. '1 Neptune vn. l'er\ti Atntiuy. A. MfMSirii'li, r. 1 0 '1 Cnllendo. ]B 3 her nf the police force. The club is Kew Iirunawkk, Plninfield flrcw tire*. S. I.iuovilii, rit 0 0 0 • Cnlamlrirllo Imp no far secured th(> Cniher, r« 1 planning Io hold a card party In a Hecontl Kounri. I,. Uoldfarli, Is n 0 0 .services of Arthur Spottsford of 14c Ib. Fresh ©r Corned Plate Beef 14= New Druniwifk playn winner of sainf 1. J. Weismnn, ig. 0 0 0 South Amboy nnd Johnny Petro3ki Total 10 n 2.-, i'lairtfiehJ plays winner of game -. as I>1 tellers, Johnny Kwecl of rtcd IlefereeBB—Sllvrrman of Newark, Mor- [spy of Lolitf Urntlcli. Basketball. CfcAKS H. Tumi 3 1 7 Hank, calchei-i Dewcy Brookliolt of Tim Borough athletic club defeated 1, South Amboy vs. Atlantic Highlands. Trriitrm Hist baseman; Lou Hnn|> !lio firm bright Stars Saturday at Sea- '-'. Jliahtsttiwn VB. Freehold. of Trrnton, second Imscman; Jimmy IEcrf Rank ItutarlniiB Lot>t'. 3. MaT)fl**iitari vs. l'olnt. Pleaannl. Wallier to Klghl llelglan. bright by a Ecoro of 60 to 01, Mar- Sirloin § ^^ H Dordt'ii of .lamosbuii', nhortatop; The Lung Branch notary club de- fin nnd O'Brien'were tho start? for 4. Carteret vg. Leonardo. Mickey Walker of nunuwi has re- Dick Newman of Bclmar and Joe feated Red Hank last week in two Dixie Bimth River, Red Dank, Princeton, Lako- turned, from Iitroit, wbtrs ha won tlm victors and Smith mado 21 points «-ood drew byes. Pntcniim uf jH.iiMiburjr. an fielders out of thrfe eels on tho Rod Bank for tho Stars. a decisive victory over Loo Lonisld nnd Bave Macintosh nnd Mlko FK- Second Round. Walker lias bpen matched with Rene KnigMa of Columbus alloys. This 1, Winner °' game 1 vs, dinner, of name corn. as utility men. Potroskl, Hupp wns the second tlmo thla iyenr lh.it DcVoo.i, tho BclKlnn dtliter, anil they nnd Peterson were on tho Koyport tho Long Branch Itotnrian^ Imvo de- Style '<• Women's Sport Clothes will meet March 21th nt thn Madison team lnat nennon. Swe.el and Pccora 2. Winner of eame 2 vs. Princeton. Square Garden at New York. feated Hod Bank. 8, X,SIUBWOO,(1 VB. winner of aarne 3. nrn rr-fruiars tliia year on tho Rut- CLEANED I'llOrEKLY AT 4, South Klvflr vs. -winner of (tame 4. ;i cuilojif! nine. Third Hound. 1'nrsftii rue filled nnil hearts imid<- Tho Rod Bank Roglat r travels Wfnnsr «f game 1 VH. »v)riiK!j- at irflm** glad by tho timely usr, o'f lUrlsU-r i.'i.'Hft'l will lie plnyeil . nn '.Slimlirj over avory street in town mil cverv 4. EuiverllacmentB. Thirty words for u nftcrnoons only nt Hunter's park on road In tho county. Let Itiurry your LEON'S Phone 2037-W. -Free Delivery- AL. WYMBS, Prop. Wlnn«r of g«m« 2 va, winner ol gams 3. quarter.—Advertisement. Newman ajiri roadd. mcaango to thocn who llvi t on tlieoo TEL. 280O thoroughfares—Advertisement, WE CALL AN0 DBLIVDU. .. RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 26,1930. Twenly-Thtm RKD BANK rOWEHMKN WIN. Ackerson, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ack- land now vacant but soon to be flllail places for news. Tha competitive New York and tiaiisiuitting it by j-eimit the spending af millions for 6raon, Mr., and Mrs. Joseph K, ti. with depots and warehouses and fao» spirit once aroused, the telegraph wiro mid air, column by column, vessels, not becaus : the country Th»y Defeated Long Branch I-Rj»t JiekBon, Mr." and lift. Angela I>t. torl«a, New Jcroey will have A and ' cable bills coarcd, Publishers pago liy page, to a thousand news- nneds them but because they would' . Night, SO to 17. VMSter, Mn. Frank Welgand, Mlsa metropolitan center (jreater in area goon realized that by co-operating to pnper ofllcee, there to bo reproduced become rich. There i3 BO much of [ Jeula M. Gilford, ittea Htlzibith than that of and certainly divide tho cost of gathering distant on the engraver's plate and quickly this going on today among political ; Tho netf Bank Jersey Central pow- Vounf, Miss Maude* Ackereon, Mrs. witli far greater industrial and com- er and light baeltetbaH team da' news, the expense to the individual pilnted? Kven metropolitan dallies Iradni's and men high up in tlm bin;. Ethel A. CowlM, Ralph Lotigfitreet, mercial activities. With such t. poa- paper would be loauelied and the might simplify their tank by connect- inea3 world that the average man I? ; fe&ted tho Long Branch power and Charles I, Young, jr., and Ernest EJ. siblllty, It in not difficult to deter- light quintet. la»t night In a fast con- scope of the field covered could be ing in rotation to London, Paris, losing faith In the honesty of human mine the rapid increase in land values greatly cnlargd. From that begin- Home, nnd tho lilie, r]Uldlily switch- nature.13 flict on tho IUU Bank high school of our Etatc, even for tho men who court by a seors of .0 to 17. Parotlno Mre. K&tharlne Cooper entertained ning grew the modern Amoij£a!i iriK to Farlu? for example, If London's One of the most hrartlfRs rasr>5i nf tha Social Nino at her home *t K«y- loaf on their holdings and simply piess associations, such an the Asso- ijtory didn't quite iill tho column. recent days is Unit at Frederick Bell of th« eel Bank sqtfart was high scor- hold them for whRt Henry GcorgH er with 14 ijolnta. port on Tuesday Afternoon. Refresh. ciated Press and tho United Press. This would be a now development of of Rhodr I3iaml. It. is cgUmatml nicnts wens 66rv«d by the hostess, is- would call "the unearned increment." These press associations not only the oldlimo "boilerplate" EerviccB that he Mole moro. than $lM,fJ00 from \ .The Bcorc: olated by her daughters, Mice Etliel distribute news to American papers, with a vengeance! Hi-litSl) gtlm ta crtfwy islndlu eld New Jersey's Forest Lands. poor pcopln on tlm pltfa that hn was Cooper and Mr«. Harry Vftn Dorn o! but to the press of many foreign investing their money. Judge Irvine,! lit:I) DANK. • Nor must we forget nature's en- In limo '.newspaper photographs Ii'rceport, IJ, I, Urn. Ernloi Plmper countries, and th'pir dispatches arc) will bo reproduced In natural ciuorsY in passing srntennr, said: "You arc a fi F MS. will entertain at the next meeting. dowments in the way of NcW Jcr- lead hy more than 150,000,000 peo- firotino.' rf. ". ;,. 4 ft It i»y'« woodland. Fifly-ona per cent their cheapness will umke them In merciless thief. You preyed on hard- Tlioso prcoonb • %ere Mf6. . WlllUnt ple. Th(j noln responsibility of the reach of every paper. Ja Hiia mure worhing people who least could nf- II. Aumnck, If ». 1 • Lambertaon, Mrs. Cornelius Lambert- of New Jersey in suitable for tree prcas association is to gather tho I.ioiii, r, , , . .' " I 1 1 than talkie nmvirvj as R | ford to losn thn money you stole from c son, Mrs. James Sutton, Mra. Marcus growing , rather than for tillage or news of tho world accurately and If. 'AatnteV, m '. • • • - agriculture. This makes, possible practical ptropnrsition were three or j them under pretense that you would ntt, re * » ° Lne, Mrs. Kolind O8y, Mre, Louis tiansmlt it .to newspapers rnpirlly. four yearu Invest It. You used religion to pain Stullse, Mrs. John R&pp, Mrs. Hattie playgrounds and space for an other- Gathering, writing and distribution \tm, ir o i * wise dense population. Forest re- thn'confidence of Hm people and I Thome, Mrs. Mary A. CoWlM, Mra of news by them goes on night and Tho Love of Money. Total S H 20 • EniM Flinpsr, MIM Hannah Poling, eervss make a rofugo not only for day.,Every minute la a dead line and regret that the lawn prevent me from inipoJilnp a heavier sentence," Tho UJMCS tinANCH. Mlos Hyldah Hyer and M». Elisabeth Ba.mft and for playgrounds for our eomewliero a newspaper la going to. ' (From tin- Newark Sunday Call.) Smallest Cost people but they conserve tho sdurce love of money! OF PTB. E. Wlntarton. press. . _ | Some of tho ancients were more liruhl. r(. >•••• 0 " ° of Our water supplies, which under careful of their UKR of words than Danaler, If. ..; > ' * Mrs. Harry 8. Cowl«s Is spondlng proper development will furniali an The great foreign agencYes are Tho uome of our modern people. Fre- Ills Wooden Leg rained Him. J lXnulne, i' •.. * t " a week with lier tlater, Mr*. Arthur ample supply),of pure and potable Iteuter Telegram Company, Ltd., of quently we. hear people nay, "Money Professor William James, Hai- j 4 t'hadwlck of Roakwell Center, L. I. Hittlth. re...... i 1 2 water absolutely esaentlal to tha London; the Agcnce Havas of Paris, is the root of all evil," »nd .some odd vard'a brilliant, psychologist, often il-S ToirtalnS, Is, 0 » ° Miss Hyldah llyer ontertajniid the Health, and well-being of a tlllckly the Continental Tclcgraphen Com- the words, "Ar, the Bible qayn." No- lustrates a truth with ;i story. "Tim! is what the business man wants Friendship olaes of St. John's Bun- populated section, T6U1 1 i f pagnlo or Wolff Bureau of Berlin, tho where docs the Bible make that state- niont ghastly' Fiupor.^tititin," Professor i day-school at Her homo on the »tat« Tass Agency of Russia and the Ca- ment, but it does say, "The love of to secure trade when advertis- —«!>«« ' highway on Wednsaday ovenlsg, Af> The reservation ttt High Point giv- James said, "has often its hasn in ; en tt> tho state by Col. A. It. Kuser is nadian Press. The first thrco ante- money is tho root of all cvjl." a ludicrous fart. It.in likn the <-n^r-1 Women. l»so WCOIISCB. ter the business station a noclftl holir dated American press associations. followed and refreshments wcrs one of tho bGsiuty spots of the world, Immediately preceding this state- of Jones. •'Jono:*,' said a man, 'telU' ing. It is not only the number Two Monmouth county women overlooking thrco states. . This Bsron Julius von Heuttr of Hesae wc llnd another: "They that will be ma that hi.s wonden IPK pained him J vitvA Smoflg those whoafl auto drlv. served by tlio hostess. Miss Anna C&ssel In Germany ln'1849 began for- Cowles will entortaln at tho next stretch of 10,000 ncren filrnlshes pic-, rich fall Into temptation and a snare.' horribly laat night.' 'Nonsense!' wms of copies a neWspaper PRINTS, M*' U'eciMsa wero revoked last woeU nlc grounds for thouuands of people vardlng ncvVa from Alx to German There aro eomc who are determined the reply. 'How could his woodm j by commisBioner Dill. - Th»y. wsi-6 meeting. I'ho.se present were Mm. papers by carrier pigcone. In 185X Mmlel Plmpftr, MlsS Anna CowHsa, Who either In family groups for. a to have money by hook or hy crook. lej; pain him?' 'Mia wiiV,' the man j but its character and where it Mrs. Lotyetta 8. Neivnian of Spring clay's outing. The etalc has other he moved to London. Charles Havas They will bn rich nnd to be rich they I.) ies brought forth ' tho automatic It is alleged, have combined to brinpr Ijand Is tho mother of life. All ac- vlttv of December, 1930. 1930. ch time m)i>H<'ation ivlll be Belmar. printer or printer telegraph. Ila ipos- them down lo dlByracc. There 13. tnnila ioi the allowance ot coinmlBsloiis Tho Sons and Daughters, ot Llb- tivities thit make for progress de- .(By John Rowlands.) slbilltles for speeding-up tho nowa nothing that so hurts and blinds the and counsel ttts. pend primarily on tho aoll both for oyes as smoke and the love of money Dated February Cth, A. D. 1030. otty lodge is disposing o£ a ton of Her news, that most perishable of Etemed boundless. It employs a THIS SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY, coal on the co-oporativo p)an. residence and for sustenance. Out typewriter which transmits varied blinds the eyes of the mind. of the soil, too, coma tho raw ma- commodities, public thlrBt can never Summit, N. >1 Mr. and Mrj. Arthur Brown aro on bs quenched. Its bounds aro con- electrical impulses at, tho touch of If the news regarding the employ- terials that make Industry and man- the Individual keys,, enabling tho NOTICE. j an automobile trip in tho South. ufacturing poBBible, In the land, stantly widening; It knows no eou- ment of VV. B. Shearer as an "ob- Notice Is hereby given that the untler- \ "» Aba Bennett and Michael Jacobs renal fluctuations, Nothing Is older operator at the typewriter to set up server" at Geneva la true, thore rests Rifined commissioners aiM'oinlcd ' by the j therefore, Hen all the primary value type's thousand miles away. Township Committee of the Township of ' will attend tho Sl/irisy-Scott nsht that -grows Into wealth and Invest- than last night'tf nowspanor end myr- upon his employers a burden o! ro- Middlotown under tha Ordinance providing tomorrow night at Miami, Florida. ment. iads of correspondents are relentless- With the products of science now nponsibllity that Ihcy will find It hard for thhe erectioeonn oof jettio3 att Ideal BeacBeachh. ly engaged In a pursuit to regnther EDaEDt KKeansburgb , ththatt thth e underaiKndicd Mrs, Ncllio Chaunzy entertained a at hand, what Is to prevent tho is- to carry. For tho love of money •!_ few friends at a dinner and theater The valuo of tho ooll, of course, de- anew tha intelligence of tho world, suance of a master newspaper in again, the charge is those men would comnitRaionera will hold a hearingg upoupon pends upon it« fertility, its njlneral the said matter nt East Kennfiburpb , NeN w party at Red Bank ycBterday. Her swiftly and completely—and accur- Jersey, nt the flrohouse of the East Keana- guests wero Mrs. John Hobrough, assets and Its location, which latter ately. Modern newspaperdom does buric fire company, on Thompson nventie. word ts another term for population. On Wednesday evening, February 26, 1930, Mrs. Donald nankin, Mrs. Daniel Al- its thinking In terms, of today. To- At 8:00 P. M-, at which time nil persons laire, Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft and Tho Btato of New Jersey'is most morrow it may consider, for tomor- interested will be given-n hearing. is the ideal newspaper for those Mrs. Btariley Fielder. fortunate In possessing all of these row Is news' in the making; yestcr- WILLIAM C JOHNSON. 1 Mrs. Mario Aufflc of New York uescto .and Is theroforo poasoosed of c'ay Is gone, useful merely an a back- ELMER J. WILSON, who are looking for a medium . , spoilt Saturday arid Sunday with Mr. land unequalled in value by any of ground for facts of the' moment. nnsanr.i' o. CAST.ER. her alator commonwealth!!. Dated Februnry 15, 1980. and Mrs. f)anlcl Allaire. John In Colonial days journalism was a to reach buyers. It has the right Whelcii of Elizabeth has been vl3it- Our state Is the highway «f the NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT nrfflon. Upon her bosom rest all tho leisurely process, an era of personal- Estate of William T. Sherman, dcceafieil. InR Mr. and Mra. Allaire. ities when the vehemently expresses (Second account.) ; kind of circulation, uses' every The Intedor of the flrohouse has •trunk Unco of the country save ono, Notice is hereby itiven that the accounts , with their terminals. Across her soli views of tho editor were.the chief of thn subscriber, executor of the estatu ,' bacn ronovafod. liasaOB to and fro the traffic of a na- distinction of a paper. Material for of said deceased, will be audited and stntcd I care in keeping its news and ad- A card party will bo hold Friday tion and when the trans-ship canal la tha news columns broughtby sailing by the Surrogata of the County of Mori- ships or couriers was welcomed mouth and reported for settlement to tlie afternoon at half-paBt two o'clock In built from the Delaware to the Hud- Orphans Coilrt of anid County, on Thurs- •vertisin.ff colomns free from.cb- the parish hall of tho Holy Com- son or to Rarltan bay, one will hava weeks or oven months after tha are still supreme. They are made in two sizes, 12-20 day, the thirteenth dny of March. A. D.. ] munion church. Tho oommitteo In events took place, Typo was labori- 1030, &t -which time application will be ' addced to her commercial activities a made for the Allowance of commissions and jectional features and It has charge consists of Mrs. George Haw- waterway whose tonnage will un- ously set by hand and prcsswork and 20-30, orchard or regular models. counsel tea. kins, Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft and doubtedly surpass that of tho Pana- was equally slow as compared to Dated January 21, A. P. 1930. MIBS Mary Emma Hondrickaon. modern standards. In fact, until the IRA I). I1AIRD, gained-.a. reputation for' cleanli- ma Canal. In, this respect, therefore, Freehold. N. J. Councilman Samuel H. Cleeland, her land has a particular value pos- ]810's conditions resembled those of v Jr., and daughter Betty havo re- sessed by no other Btato. the days of George Washington. He, Outstanding Features: NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Or ACCOUNT ness that makes it a welcome turned from St. Petersburg, Florida, for example, waa notified by courier Entate of Joseph. T. Burrowes (sometimes whore they had been Bummoned to Few people reallzo that our state la of his election some weeks after the known as Joseph T. Burrowes, Jr.,) de- the center of the densest population ceased. weekly visitor in the Home Cir- the- bodeldo of Mrs. Cloeland, proced- balloting-, and had occupied the Pres- ENGINE. * Notico is hereby given that the accounts' Ing an operation, Mrs. Clcoland sur- of tho globe. Taking Trenton as a idency practically a year before the or the subscribers, executors of tho estate ! vived the ordeal of tho operation and center and swinging a. radius of HQV- completo count of the election re- Eemovable honed cylinders, Valves in removable head. of nald deceased, will he audited and I cle. onty miles, the circumference will en- stated by tho Surrogate *ot tho County of | Is slowly recovering. She will remain turns had been complied. M on mouth, nnd rc|iuitcd for acttlemciit In tha South until April 1st, with her close tho densest population on lo tho Orphans Court of nnid County, cm earth, even moro dense than that of In the 1840'a, howovcr, a new era OILING SYSTEM. 'ltiursdny, tho twentieth day of March, A. brother E. Walt Havens of Scaglr.t, opened with Morse's Invention of the D., 1930, at which time application will The thousands of subscribers formerly of Bofyord. [ Belgium or of India, Tho population la daily Increasing almost in geomet- telegraph and tho perfection of the Combination forced feed, and splash system by positive bo mn.de for tho allowance of commissions Mrs, Howard Moitle of Now York, rotary press by Hoe. Upon tho and counsel fecn. that take THE RED BANK rical ration, Our proximity to Phil- gear type oil pump with dual oil filtering' device. Dated February Gth, A. D. 1930. a summor resident of'this place, haa adelphia and New York, great met- foundation •• they • created haa been CHARLES SCHROT. been visiting, Mr, and Mra. Clarenco ropolitan centers, makes our state a oiccted the modern ncws-gathcrlng 85 Chadwick Avenue, Newark, N. .1. | REGISTER every week make A. Legg. structuro which made'It possible to THE INROAD STREET NATIONAL BANK ' unique uuburb. No other state haa OF RED DANK. i The ouppor held Washington s so many commuters who work out- collect and publish tabulated results an army of readers of which birthday in tho Mothodist church aide of her boundaries but who come of Mr. Hoover's victory less than six _ r NOTICE. hours nftcr the last poll closed. Tho Township Committee of the Totvn- basement was largely attended and hero nights and week-ends, build nhip of Middlctown •will receive and open any newspaper would be proud. (ha profits amounted to $185. The their homes, rear their children arid Tho first message sent across a ' '*. J - bids for the »iirfRcln« of Chunel Hill Road, ladies' aid society will meet tomor- live tho life of refinement and com- transatlantic cable was from Queen from Garvcy's Corner at Ch&ncl Hill to row afternoon with Mrs. Lowls Smith Swan's Corner at Naveslnk. No Country Weekly newspaper fort. Victoria to President Buchanan, and A certified cheok in the sum of Ono Hun- ofGllleopIo avenue. the 90 words of tho message required dred (SI00,00) Dollars, mnds to tho order New Jersey's Variety. ftf mlnutca for transmission. Modern of the Township must accompany nil bid*. published occupies such a pe- Dew Jcrijcy hao, moreover, a va- automatic transmitters shoot mess- PInns nnd spe^lfirnliiinR may bo had HAZLET NEWS. upon application to Allen & Randolph, en- riety of population surpassing any ages at 300 words per minute. gineer*, Red Bank, New Jersey. culiar position. It stands alone other ot tho forey-elght sister states. With the advent of telegraph and ' * '• y Right is reserved to reject any and all Firemen Fought Blnzo nt CcntervUle A state like Rhode Island or Kansas bid s. —in a class by itself—and is Friday Night. cable, newspapers took on a new as- , HOWARD TV. ROBERTS. Is largely homogeneoua In Its life, pbet of timeliness, and fast' press Township Clerk. ono being Industrial and tho othor Tho Hazlet fire company was called room machinery began to bo de- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT unique in the fact that it is the out on Friday night to a fire at Cen- agricultural. Not so with New Jer- manded. Richard Hoc of New York Estate of John H, Shcn, UIBO known as tervllle. Tho house, • which wag de- sey, Wo havo hero th'e old colonial fcullt a revolving "Lightning Press" Jnck Shen, dcrenBcd. largest Weekly newspaper in atroyod, was owned by Mrs. Mary typo; wo havo the agricultural claqs; propelled by, steam for tho London »•• «.' Notice is hereby plvort that the ac- wo havn a foreign citizenship, counts of tho subscriber, administrator of Granto. Tho flro atartod upstairs, ap- Times. Luther C. Crowd!, a. Cape the cntnte of said deceased, will bo audited [ pages and circulation in the parently from nn overheated ntovo. (greater in proportion to population Cod fisherman with rare mechanical and stated by the SuiTopntc oC tho Conn- , than nny other place in the qountry tolenta, produced ih tho 1880's a ty of Mtmmonth, and reported for EOUIO- | 'fho dromon could not save tlm IIOUHC ment to the Orphan* Court of paid County, nnd only nuccccded in getting anmall onvo New York City; •wp hav^ a ne- foldinp device for presses which up IGNITION. on Thursday, the third dny of April, A. country. amount of clothliiR out from tho first gro population that is Unequaled in to that time had delivorod Only un- I). 1030. at whfrli time application, will 1-e floor. Other buildings nenr were proportion to tho population, except collated sheets, nnd Joseph Pulitzer Bosch high tension magneto with automatic enclosed made for I ho allowance] of commission r \ saved. Tho house was once owned in some sections of tho South, nnd •was tho first publisher to try it out. r.:«.l counsel fees. ; lastly wo havo that commuter ele- impulse starter. Uajed Februnry 19. A. .TV 1D30. j Every town, village and ham- by the lato Capt. Nicholas Bush of Mr. Pulitzer \vi\s nearly demented by PATRICK l\ SHEA. : H&zlct. Otlior lire companies were ment to which referenco haa been its vagaries, but In time tho Crowcll ^ _ RumRon. N. .1. , present. The family living In the made as of tho highest Intellectual r-ttachment became n success. It la GOVERNOR. let within a radius of many find civic type in tho country. Monmoutli County Surrngntc't Office. | house wcro not at homo when the. tho baso of our monster machines of Fly ball type governor. In tho matter of the estate of itutiC Gihcr- ! miles of Red Bank has its sub- lire started. This was thn third Hie Every real estate man can appre- today. son, deceased. , In that vicinity in a short time. > Nolii'o l<> *•lnilU'Jin l« i'LC5cnt claim'. , ciate tho psychology of thla fact. Ncwspapcrdom's, modern favorite. aniiinnl cstnte. . MIBO Jesslo M. QilTord of Jersey Where you have a homogeneous ele- tho complex doublo octuple rotary COOLING SYSTEM. ruisiiant to the order of.Joseph TJ. Dim- ', scribers—and every town con- City epent the week-end'with Miss ment like agriculture, your real os- press, has a production speed of ahay, BIUTO«H1O «f tlic rtumty of My\u- J Tubular typo radiator with centrifugal water pump. moujii, nmde nn the twenly-roiiith d;iy of , ' Maude Ackeroon. toto values arc determined;solely by nearly 70,000 papers of 32 pngeg per V'ebninry. 1930, on the n.t>i>Lir;ii ion of Wil- , tributes to the trade of Red Mrs. Emma T. Peeeux nttended a agriculture and rise or fall wJth thin hour. It prints, cuts, folds nnd counts Capacity only five gallons. Utim II. Ely. lulmiiitfiiratiu- of tho entmc ; birthday party Riven fqr Mrs. Anna Industry, but where you havo the that number of copies at tho touch of Rullf (.ihcrson. dcreaHCil. ni.tiru u\ here- Bank merchants. They can vnrlety of .racial population such aa by Riven in tlio trciiitctni of antd deccn-tn.l . Bauer of Keyport on WnehliiRton'a of a buttqn. CLUTCH. , tit exhibit-tn the sul)f*ci-ibcr, al* nml rlomarul^ , reach these people with their Tho perfection of tho linotype, an 1 first prizes. doy workers, tillers of tho soil, strug- Invention pf Ottmar Mergenthaler of ncainst the suit! ctnlc. undri tuilli, wilhin gling denllcen3 from other lands and Famous twin-disc clutch. fiix mutuhi'i from tlio dnln of the nfm ciniil I C. Calvin Walling, who lino boon Baltimore, in 1880, effected a revolu- (ifrlcr, or tliev v/ilt Im forrvrr Imri'ntl (if i announcements at a time when confined to his homo tho past week nmbitlous scions who three genera- tion In printing in that It substituted tlieii' nrtimu thcrefui* nK:ii"'t tho ftiih! : * 111. - wltlngrlp, Is ahln to bo mound again, tions ngti uprflnf; from slavery, tho tho lino Instead of the letter as the Belt Pulley.—Quickly detachable. i-cril»cr. ! advertising has reading value Tho Luoky lilndnB Bowing club met real n3tato salesmnn flnda n. more unit of composition. It wnn first t^led D«i«d Freeh.dd, N. .1.. Ifb. -M. Tftilit. : vmlcd nmrkct'lhan In a'homogone- WIM.IAM JI. 1CI.Y. at thn homo of Mm. Angelo M. VVeb- out by the New York Tribune, rind j ^« He ].|p?i!: l'ht'X'. Kcd liiui;.. . nter on Friday evening. Thono pren- oun settlement. ' today "llnon" nre in tho componint: Bearings.—Genuine Timken. and hundreds read no other pa- | NOTICE OF Sr.TTl.t.ML'.NV Ol' ACCOL'N I * p.nt wero Mnrlon Pcseux, Ifinbrl Thn effect of thr.«e various BBneta room of virtually every largo news- Eslnln (tt Ki\\iuinia llDiiiiliuul, ilf'-ijiiseil. Heath, Eleanor. Wnlllng. Anna Van- tlint contribute to land values is seen paper In (he world. ' Frame.—Wallis special patented (U) shaued oiler , Nn tiro i« lieiolty KIVPII Shut. l!m HITIHIK! •> per. The business man who Pelt. Lorraine Bozarlh, Dorothy C'nr- In our industrial development. Our ; nf the fiiliwribcr^. iirlini: 11 listen* of 1 !n- I Illuatrntlonn for dally newspapers plate steel. jcntiUe of fluid tlci-fi.-ii.oil, vill 1'ft mnlii^i ' hart, Eleanor Carhart, VlrKinia Investment capital per square mile come Into uoo in n limited way about. 1 nml Miilcil hy (lift tiih-i'oKJilc of tin' roiintv starts out on an advertising Miles, Eleanor Wintcrton, Florenoo Is two and one-half Union that of the lE70,.hut there wcro no fast methods 1 of Mimimmiii. nml ituri«jil f«>r Mlilrmnn: Sl«no, KVBL Dean, Elcnnor Mhonr.Enid Krcnt Empire ntate of New York and Shipping Weight.—Only 3250 pounds. 1 i n l ho Uipliatih Cmiri. i»[ halil t'nunt.v. i'- of reproduction. Hoon afterward iThtii-Muy. the tuciillotii diiv of MHITII. A. campaign cannot cover this Hproul. Mra. Leatnr V, Wnlllnff nnd twenty-three times that of the avcr- Frederick VI, Ives of Cornell UnlVer- 1 I). J!i;tO, nt. which time applicniiuti will IT Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux nBtjl3ted Mrs. nRo of thn nation. Thla one fact slly Invented tlm photographic half- THINK THIS OVER. ' iradt* for tht- allowiiiuo vt cuinmi•t.-ii-i • field without WebHter with the sowlnfj instruc- malies n. picture that speaks a len- tone, which rapidly superseded the ] ' nnd roi'iii-ol f.(M. tions. RiinRoot growing value for land hold- wood ongravhiK method. Turning Radius.—But ll /o feet. Haicii 1-VliMiiiry 7tli. A. 1>. rnn. ings. '• ,H)SK1'M C. ll(I.M;i\Nlt, Miss Maude Ackcrson wai im.itcsH In tho cour.io cif tho 3Otli century I'oa i i.:i: iin.\i;i-\Ni>.~ lo tlifl. Card cluh ' Her homo on the Nor in them any apparent limit to two KiL'ut clmiiyrN were niailu In lluj Refer to last week's papers for regular equipment. ft A Y M *i>{ N11 iI(> A< i 1. A;.' 11, J|:. Halm'del turnpl'rfei h Saturday. Flvc- the growth of the population of our nrt of papcrmaklntf, which had not >'c?fliti. Ilcrircn &, l'i nndtitiiJ'si, Ask for complete specifications. Then talk with any I'M,rliir !. hundr wnn plnynd and Mrs. Jn.ieph stntn whether aft homeseekern, ,a:i been Improved [ilncn tho Middle Iii) llirt:i(l Si,, NV.V V.nrU t'ilv. N. V. ' It. XJ. urickHon and Chiulea I. Young denlzciiB of our cltlen or an dwellers Ar;e.n. FliKt a mechanical mothod of Wallis owner. . captured ilrnt iirlr.pa, whlln tho con- nn our noil. Alrxnnilcr Hamilton In making paper In n continuous web, NOTICL OF SETTI.l'.MI-'.NT Ol' AIXOUM The Red Bank Register hutntn n[ Morrii .Sihiclljt'i-, OriT.iMjU. fiolfitlonn wont) to Mm. (Jlaronoe K. I1I.1 dny made Ihn prediction Hmt on Instead of by hand in nliecln, wan In- Nnllro hi liPicl'i' t'lvou tliuL tin. nn H'.- Bahronburff find .Tosfrph Tt. L. Jftclc- Ihn went, hauls of the Hudson river ventod by a Kronchmiin named Hub- Try our Service for Satisfaction. r.' tlio milisrvlliei1. nrliiiliiiKliHtni- i-f Ihn o- | j.into hy Hits ^mTinTitl*1 **r Die I.-HIM. "A Paper in Every Home." son. Following thn Ramon a nodal would risn die Rrentent city of tho ert n. 8r>ron(l, a MibntHuto for rug* 1/ ,f M.MHM.Mltll, ,UI1 fin.I ; refreshments. Mr. and Mrs, JUrtieat materializing, When the cltlca ot wood pulp.. Ccunty, on Tlnn-Mlny, Ihn twoliinlh il.iv i E, Feseux will entertain tho club on Kcwark, Jersey City, Bayonne, Ho- of Mnrrli, A. I). JU:iO, at vvhl.-h limo nn- r With invention nftor Invention pllcfttlnii %vitl he nmilu f»r tha alluwnluo I Thursday tf this week. Thoiio play- bolcan find tho .Oranges, Railway, heaped at their disposal it was but. of ronirulwpliniH and unumml fc«"<. lug wero Mr. and Mrs. Charles I, Ellmbntli, Patersoti and Paosalc but. naluinl tlint. the enterprise ot Datfld KOIM-U.-II'V illli, A. 1». Hil'.i'. Voungi Mr. n.nil Mm,, .I. Qrovor'Cur-i toueh.elbowfl by growth, an tlifty.Boori MKHUKKT h. HIINI ,'iHKIti; Bllch, editors.' an Brrinett, Gr.crlfy, •ft Mrrhriiiic Hum), llml Misilk, N. J. will, ami circling us they ilo a'vost l ; lln. Mr. nntl Mrs. Clfiipncfi K. l-!ah-| nnwlr», rifinn nml (indlilu lea their qflNN l AU!-'.i>N. & IMJRKMUS, Mr. nnd Mis. William M. liact ot mondow and unreclaimed paper* to leaeli out to lar-awny WICKATUNK, N. J, Phono Holmdel No. 9.' Hnl TljtnV.. ri. J. Paee Twentv-Four RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY2eLJ930. A BIG CAJilS TOK A Tnc Birthday of George B. Fretbolt Celebrated With • Farty. The birthday of George B. Freibott of Port Monmouth occurred on Washington's birthday and there was a family gathering at his homo in celebration of the event. -One of the features was a huge birthday cake, made by Mrs. Joseph Waclcer of Fort f£onmouth. In the center of the cake TIMELY A WALTER REAOB THEATRE 1 was a miniature fire engine and two Three rcrldimancta DnUj~-2:30, 7:00 and 0:1)1) I". M. S.itiirilaj6 end HOIMUJB lliemen. Mr. Freibott is a member COMMUNITY TOPICS. of tho. Port Monmouth fire oompan.v. —ON THE STAGE— Others present besides tho ccle- bi ant and his parents were Herman By W, A. Sweeney. TODAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FEE.. 26, 27, 28 I.angamcr, Miss Caroline Langamer Will Mastin's Creole Dixie Revue—10 People Henry Langaoicr, Miss Anna Stavn nnd Mr. and Mrs. Vollmer. and OTHER ACTS. _ FOX MOVIETONEWS t'aughter Dorothy of Newark.

A Narrow Escape. Wo pick up bits of philosophy In TOURS., FRI.," SAT., FEB. 27th, 28th, MARCH 1st Mrs. Pearl McChesncy and her unexpected places. What I am about ilnughter Po%rl and Miss Alma Ennio tu write about camo over tho radio. It is a bit ot religious philosophy and i.early lost their lives from escaping I can itnaglnc somo of my readers !;aa in their home at Neptune Satur- uaying that I promised myself, or day night week. They were dlacov- rather pledged myself, not to discuss EVA i'i ed unconscious by Mr. McChesney. religion or politics in this column. Of ,Late of Ed. Wynn's "Grab Bag," and A doctor used three tanlto of oxygen courao I had In mind that in politics in reviving, them. I would not bo parjlaan and that In SHIRLEY •" religion I would not bo sectarian. . —a—«— • Since politics is the science of gov- 11 M1DDLET0WN VttXAGE NEWS. ernment and religion of some aort SAM Late Star of "Rose Marie," "Passing Show," ' touches all ot us, it would be impos- Hone Dew Tho Consistory of the Reformed sible to write over nny considerable Church to Hold an Election. period of time and steer clear of ASH "~""~ " y -". these subjects. In fact I would not (Tha Red Bank Register can ba bought want to. THE MUSICAL COMEDY STARS : R*< Middletown villaco at tho stpres of J. —IN— | 0. Knieht and William B. WatoH. On Sunday evenings at 10:45 there i. The consistory or tho Reformed comes over tho radio a program church will hold a special meeting at known aa "Sunday Evening at Seth Porker's." It Is supposed to accur- -SONGS OF THE MOMENT" the parsonage Friday evening for the ately portray New England rural life. election, of officers. On the same The man who puts the program over Jack Carroll at the Piano. . evening the choir of tho church will la the son of a New England preach- meet for practice at the home of Mrs. er and got his ideas at first hand. A BLUE TOM SAWYER JEAN & CLARE Cecil Conovcr. There will bo a com- company of frienda and neighbors RIBBON munion service at the church Sunday arc supposed Ur Rather at Seth Par- A now and dushlug "In a Little Spanish morning. ker's every Sunday evening, where Koimld Column In u REVUE for half an hour thoy sing hymno, bpcukinc dramatic ro- Fox Movietonews Port" Mrs. John Carey spent the week- hear a story with a moral to it from end with h'cr mother, Mrs. Ball of Seth, take up a collection for some mance thiit crackles Elinira, New York. worthy local cause and have a min- with tho djniimlo no- —ON THE SCKIXN— Anthony Bischoff has rented hla ute of silent prayer. It is entirely of tion ol ho-incn and apartment to Homer Cully of Jersey a religious nature but not sectarian: I)liwc3 with, tho warmth of horolo love. r City. -Mrs. Cully 1.3 a daughter of Mr. On Sunday night they sang a now and Mrs. Charles B. Rocho of Bel- hymn, - which ,Seth Parker Is sup- ford. posed to have written. Tho chorus DIRECT FROM A Mrs. William M. Greenwood w?o went like this: taken to Rlverview .hospital at Red You Bo to your church and I'll tto to mine. TBEMEND0U8 IHJN Bank last Wednesday .mornfng and But let's walk along together. AT $2.00 1'IHOES! she underwent an operation that The whole hymn was the finest morning. She is improving and her and beat plea for religious tolerance complete recovery is looked for. that I have heard in a long time. MrS. Leo Davis, who was operated Probably It was intended as such. on at the Long: Branch hpspltal, has Wo miss a good many fine friend- returned home. She is rapidly Im- ships in life through prejudice, not proving. only as to religion but as to politics Bert Olsen has had his house -wired and a lot of other things. Wo make for electric lights and ho has had up our mind in advance that we wont frag put In for cooking. like this or that person because of tome prejudice. I am ei Republican, James C. Hendrlckson is confined but I would live a very restricted life to tho bed with a heavy cold. Dr. if my associations, wero only with Re- Harry A. Hendrlckson it attending publicans. I am a Methodist,- but him. •what a small world I would Hva in If TECHNICOLOR Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Ottlnger all my contacts in llfo were with were guests of Mr. and Mrs.CecIl A. Methodists. Graves last Friday evening. We will have taken a long step in Kenneth Smith has joined tho New- personal enjoyment and contentment ark News DX radio club. Due to poor when we have learned to judge peo- health, Mr. Smith is a shut-in, and In ple by what they are rather than by ALSO— letter which was printed In the how they vote or where they worship. No matter what our difference of be- I Newark New3 last week he stated lief or faith, or race, or creed may Paramount Sound News and Select Short Subjects that he would appreciate letters from bo let us at least bo ablo to "walk —ON THK— Lionel Barrymore oilier radio uocrn. along together." Miss Bertha Greenwood, daughter Lloyd Hughes Jane Daly of Stephen Greenwood, Is sick with Itonsilitis. Mrs. Ernest W. Mandeville and her FIRST IN THE STATE. children have returned home from a 2 YEARS TO MAKE. stay at Ithaca, New York, with Mrs. WE can proudly say that Mandevllle's father. J., TUES., MARCH 1st, 3d, 4th Lester Wilson has returned home we are the first in the state Filmed durlnj Storm and Hurricane from a long: trip in the West. of New Jersey to install the 5 S5 A surprise party was given laet lio Pictures Great Successor to Rlo at ocean bottom. Friday evening for Mrs. M. H. Brok- new pressing unit. This enbaugh. The guests were Mrs. Leah consists of a battery of ten STORY BY JULES VERNE. Randolph, William Berry, Robert Perkins, Mr. Jackson and Miss Nellte machines used exclusively Heath of Mlddletown village and for the pressing of men's • Krank Scott of Atlantic Highlands. clothes.1 Wonders Never I Mrs. BroUenbaugh recently bought a ^Nash coach. Before Seen! Mrs. Rebecca Mulkey entertained . THESE .'machines are op- the Middletoivn bridge club last erated on the principle of the Wednesday at a card party and din- ner. Prizes wero won by Mrs. George vacuum, all clothes being Great Dramatic I Cain, Mrs. Samuel Reynolds and Mrs. pressed on an air-cushion. James Avery. Others present besides, As a result of this method ' Spectacle. I those mentioned were Mrs. Mary there are no marks or shines iBrokenbaughc , Mrs. William Derrick-' on, Miss Mina O. Jackson, Mis& left on the suit, and it keeps SATURDAY ONLY! liaura Jones, Mrs. John Rodgcrs, Miss Nellie Heath and Mrs. George pressed much longer* "Tarzan, the Tiger" Heath. A luncheon-bridge party was given on Washington's Birthday at the homo of . Prizes COLD,STORAGE VAULT. were won by Mrs. Mary Brokenbaugh MON., TUE5., WED., MARCH 3d, 4th, 5th and James Jones. Others at the party were Miss Gortrude Jones of - OUR new cold storage New York who la a nurse; Miss vault will be completed Laura. Jones, who, acted us hostess: Dr. Ralph Jones of New York, who about April 1st. Here your is a dentist; James Jones of Mon- furs, winter garments and Van Dine's best-seller treal; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones of Atlantic Highlands and Mrs. G«orge rugs will be stored and IN- NOW A FILM Heath, Mr. Jackson and Miss Nellie SURED against FIRE, SENSATION | Heath of Middletown village. THEFT and MOTHS. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor have j a daughter who 13 four weeks old I and who weights only four pounds. THIS service should ap- Four strange murders I Despite its lack of' weight and peal to the people of Red izo, the infant is apparently in per- Bank and the surrounding in rapid succession foct health and It is believed that Jff shatter the quiet dig- tho girl will dnvclop normal size. The communities, as it will elim- - ',, nity of Riverside child is growing rapidly. inate a great deal of trouble ive, in New York in sending your garments LITTLE SILVER NEWS. out-of-town for storage. ' CnrJ Tarty at Parish House—New Teacher Hero—Lodge Supper. » -^ In each case a black (Tho Red Bank Register cjm ba bought hi I.fttto Silver nt the Union Newt Stand /j cheas bishop and a nt tho depot and at George Quackenbush'ft WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES. nursery rhyme are ucncrnl etorc.) A card party will bo held tomor- the only clues left. row night at St. John's parish house. A new teacher.has been added to II10 teiiclilnR staff of Iho public Our New Telephone Even Philo Vance — "[•hool. Mrs. Fred Conover of Mlddle- gentleman, scholar tnwn In teaching certain subjects in Red Bank 2800 tha sixth Rinde and she is also in- and detective, is puz- •tmctor of music and physical train- zled. Ins; for the pntlro school. Mr. nnil Mrs. Joseph White left ^cHtrrll;\y on tin automobile trip in TRY AND GUESS THE Virginia. WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES. Mrs. Herbert M Winn has gono to ANSWER! ENJOY AN Miami Beach, Florida, for a sojourn. EVENING OF 1001 Two hundred persons attended a turkey supper given last week by the THRILLS! American Mechanics' lodge. . . Preparations nre being niade nt —ivlth- Iiovctt's nursery for Hie spring ruoh of business, which will begin soon. Positively No Advance in Prices! Mortimer Woolley is employed tia Basil Rathbonc, Leila 1 bead gurdonm1 for Mis, Wilson I* .^mlth of Little Silver Point. WHERE RUGS AND See the Marvelous Dance Numbers on the Hyams, R6land Young John A. Kemp attended a recent horticultural meeting nt Baltimore. HOUSEHOLD GOODS GRANDEUR SCREEN. George F. Marion ARE BEAUTIFIED. It pays to advertlso in Tha Register. Also. Select Short Subjects. lVltll CLOTHES INSURANCE. MAIN OFFICE & ____ ^ Everything entrusted to tin for VAUDEVILLE donning and dyeing Is Insured PLANT: ognlnat nil loss. ON TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 4th, we give away Absolutely Free COMIIMj—TJIITIISDAY. MAIfCU litli IIUAH €HKT KOBINSON'.S OIIGAN CONGEHT DAILY UNIv-IlAI.K IIOIJIl I 70-76 White Street, "to the Lucky Carlton Patron, an Atwater Kent Electric Radio—through tho "3 LIVE GHOSTS" LEON'S courtesy of D. A. Johnson & Co. of Mechanic Street, Red Bank. MIOW. Red Bank, New