BATXmDAT.: tU A R Y tig M , mttmdrMf^ SttMiftiQ ifmiiiir AT-ERAOB DAOtV dRCLOATION TUB IVBATHBR for Uw moath of Joanary, 19SS Group Ko. 1 of the Memorial Hos­ Mrs. E. F. Nelson won first in Forecast et U. S. Weather Barean, pital auxiliary, Mrs. C. R. Burr, bridge at the Manchester Green Hartferd . ABOUT TOWN leader, will meet Monday afternoon Community club's card social last night; second honors fell to John 5,458 at the T. M. C. A. Member of tSa Audit S flt. M iiy» T«m» People'! Fel- Douglas and third to Mrs. Mar> F w and colder tonlgtiL Tneeday inrahip will meet at the Parish The adjourned annual meeting of Gratladlo. In .setback Walter BnroMi et OlreolotloM fiamljrBtrr liif tttttg lirralb fair and not ao coM. 8 nwe tomorrow evenliw at 0 \Vashlngton L. O. L. degree team Borst was high, Mrs. J. M. Donze, A'cloek tastead o t the usual hour. will be held In the clubrooms to­ second, and A. F. McKee, third. The committee of women served home­ night at 8 o'clock. VOL. NO. (CloaalAed Adverttaing on Page 19.) Mrs James U. Shearer of HllUard made cake and coffee at the close of MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS atiaet left today for a stay of sev- advertisement the games to the more than 76 players present. aiml weeks in S t Petersburg. Fla. A t the Princess Grill you can get a full tourse luncheon for 3Sc. JUST MUST USE Soup, entree, pudding and coffee. aOSE TO 10,000 As Huey Long Hears Of Plot TRY AMERICAN A. C. 70 THE BIG WORDS Setback Tonight f m e t e e t We Are An AgenI For RANGE OIL Tires — Batteriei — Car Heaters For Instance, What Do Scien­ FRIEND OF HAUPTMANN Masonic Temple SEE DAZZLING tists Mean By “ Nonstructur- AU Men Invited. C. R. .MAONELL MORIARTY BROTHERS , al Land Improvements ?’’ Befreahinents. Admission SSe. IS Ulac Street I 301-816 Center Street— Comer Broad DIAL 6078 ICE STOAttE JfoPPERS I Open 34 Hours! Free Rond Service! Washington, Feb. 4— (A P) — Phone 3873 The eminent scientists of the HELPS HIM IN HIS ALIBI National Bureau of Standarda Annual Carnivai Draws just can't get away from ex­ pressing themselves in polysyl­ Everyman’s labic profundities. Great Crowd; Miss Evelyn So chairman Oliver (D. Ala), NOTICE! of a House appropriations sub­ FOR RANSOM EVENING OKI committee had to ask for an ex­ After February 1st Chandler Hit of Shor, planation fropi Dr. Lyman 3. Bible Class Briggs, bureau director of a re­ Speaker: 0 Quest for money for "non- Committees Do Fine Work Criminals c)n the Run Tesiaies He was piaw JOHN ROGERS per tpn Joe’s Garage structural land improvements.” $ 1 3 .0 0 “ What d o_ you mean b y . Coke Sold For Cash Only. Will Be Located At that?" he queried. ' f , • T \ M n . Suspect on Morning Star Quartet Center Springs park waa jammed "Roads,” was the answer. 50.00 I With close to 10,000 people ye*ter- Justice Dept. Reports Nightih.iDr.c..d.«said Sunday, February 3 Cor. Center and » ' day afternoon at the 7th annual Ice 2nd Congregational Church !l. t . w o o d CO. Carnival sponaored by the Manches­ FHO.VE 44B6 WOULD YOU WANT ID Washington, Feb. 4.— (AP) — ; Knox Sts. Do You Need This Credit Money Now? ter Veterans association. Warm Out of 32 kidnapings since the He Paid over the $50,000 HRE DESTROYS (Concluding that the criminal “la on Fceleral anti-kidnap law was enact­ //^ you come and see Mr. Grant at once he will weather which softened the Ice the run," the apprpprlations com­ ed, he reported that all had been BUY A Pie IN A BAG? early In the afternoon prevented mittee today asked the House to solved. But hi rapped the "vi- — Another defrase Wit­ many of the more elaborate exhibi­ BIG MLLSTOWN overrule President Roosevelt and ctous" parole system, recalling that show you how it is done tions for which the large cast of give $5,000,000 to the Justice De­ “Baby Face" Nelson, who was Pub­ Norton’s Baby’s Nickname Contest nationally famed skaters are so ness Asserts That Man He I Neither Do You WanP partment's famed division of investi­ lic Enemy No. 1 until justice agents' 847 .Main Street, Kublnou Building — Norton Shoe Store well known, but a' dozen acts, rang­ gation next fiscal year. guns got him, had been paroled. No Money Down. Small Weekly or ing all the way from singles exhibi­ RD.FAJIHOUSE President Roosevelt sent a budget tions, comedy, doubles, ladles pair, One out of every eight persons Saw With Ladder Re­ I Suggest This Nickname for the Baby: message asking $4,700,000 for the arrested In kidnapings. Hoover-tes­ I FILMS trio, barrel jumping and a special DEVEMH'FD AND Monthly Payments Will Do It a To Buy COAL agency. Today, besides recommend-1 tified, had received clemency either waltz number were given during Ing $5,000,000, the comihittce told | sembled Hauptmann. the hour and one-taalf. through parole, probation, pardon, PRINTED Home of l(arry H. Cowles the House: j Repayment Plan—2 Months, 4 Months, 5 Months or 10 Months. Apparently convinced that there had been a plot to assassinate him. Senator Huey Long Indefinitely post­ respite or "leave" from jail. N.A.ME ................................... ...................................................... '.TTn ^ Miss Chandler a Hit "Under the able leadership of th e' 24-HOI K SUtVICK Mias Evelyn Chandler, premier poned further hearings of his personally conducted murder conspiracy Investigation. He is pictured (center) To show the scope of one phase Payments As Little As $1.47 Per Week. attorney general, remarkable re -; BILLETIN’ .4UURES.S ....................................................... ........................................ professional acrobatic and novelty Completely Wiped Out In court at Baton Rouge, La., duejng the session which brought a confe.sslon by George Davis, former of his division's work, he .said that Film Deposit Hog .At Any one that has an auto may apply for Credit. Our Regular, or Would-be Cus­ YOU DON’T KNOW deputy sheriff, of his alleged participation In an assassination plot involving $20,000. A l rlcht Is Attor­ .suits have been and arc bciag at­ Mall or bring to the Norton Shoe Store— Before Tharaday, Feb­ skater who cancelled a Chicago en­ tained In the apprehension and con-:, 050,000 fingerprints wefe sent in to I New Britain, Feb. 4— (AP) tomers that have or have not. their 1935 auto markers can join Our Plan. gagement, due to a slight Injury ney General Gaston Porterie. ruary 7th. Store Entrance. This Morning; Occnipants victlon of desperate criminals." the Justice Department lost year. ! — .Acting police Chief Brennan HERE IS THE PLAN: and came to Manchester for ■'■ the As for reports that his men arc ! of Elizabeth, N. J., notified New Veterans benefit, was the featured J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the divi­ Call at the Midland Filling Station and till out an application, and if approved, ANYTHING ABOUT sion, told the committee how the "trigger men" Hoover recalled that i Britain offirlals today that El- star In the afternoon program. Miss Make Narrow Escape. In the last year they had killed Wil- 1 vert Carlstrom, a witness in the you will receive a check for $20.00 to get your 1935 auto markers. Come here and ,In buying any old coal you might Just as well expc<ct saw­ Chandler was unable to perform work had been Increased by the last KEMP'S (Congress. To summarize just one bur Underhill. John Dlllinger, | Bruno Riehard Hauptmann show me, and I will give you 3 Cash Coupon Books valued at $.‘10.00. Any person that dust, sweepings and bones mixed up In It. many of her more thrilling acts In "Baby Face” Nelson and "Pretty; trial, had been Identified from a the afternoon but electrified a FRANCO-BRITISH TREATY EXPEQ PUBLIC new law- making it a Federal of­ has their 19.35 auto markei^s already but needs a little extra ready money, we will give Mrs. Harry H. Cowles of 209 fense to rob a National bank—he Boy" Floyd. j newspaper picture as one of two crowd of 200 .-atchers ir her three- men who partirlpated In a you a check for $20.00 and 3 Cash Coupon Books. , WE HANDLE THE HIGHEST GRADE PENNSYL­ hour practice sesaioh in the morn­ Hillstown road was rescued from reported there were 80 robberies. "But we have never killed a single I The results were: 18 persons con­ hold-up in New Britain five or — TONIGHT — Cash Coupon B<M)ks are redeemed only at the Midland Filling Station on Retail VANIA ANTHRACITE THAT CAN BE BOUGHTl ing with an exhibition such as has the front piazza of the burning HEARING OVER one of these men until he has drawn i six years ago. Brennan report­ ON AIR AID SEEMS NEAR victed, 52 awaiting trial and four his gun to shoot at one of ou r; Jolly (Jives You a Jolly Time With Sales of (Ja.siiline, Kero.sene, Motor Oil, Alcohol, Tires and Tubes at Posted Prices. never been seen In Manchester. Cowles' home at 6:40 this morning ed the Identifleation was made As an added attraction In the killed by local officers. agents,” he said. No extra charges. In addition to that yon are doing bnsinms with a depend­ when fire, of undetermined origin, by Simon Byrae, who once: llyed PEANUTS AND BEER program yesterday. Bruce Mapes, "PRETTY BOY” FLOYD CUT here but who Is now a grocer In HAVE YOU TRIED We are Featuring Franklin HI Test No Knock Prerifium Gasoline.
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