Courier Gazette
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» THE COURIER-Ci \ZETTE. ROCKLAND OAZETTK ESTABLISHED 1840. ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. $rcss is ^rtl)hnci)tan ^ebcr tfiat l$obcs Worth at £tao 5°^ars a Hfar J TWO DOLLARS A TEAR IN ADTANCBi tbe I SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CENTS. V o l . 7.— N ew S e r ie s . R O C K LA N D , M A IN E, TU ESD A Y , NOVEMBER 13, 1888. D u m b er 44. THE ATKINSON THANKSGIVING! ABOUT TOWN, ECHOES FROM MAINE FARMS. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS. H. GALLERT CoihIhr. Rose potatoes are selling at Houlton at SI The Maine Farmers' Almanac for the year HOUSE FURNISHING per barrel, and Hebrons at $1.25. of our Lord 1889, has been received from ALL IN WANT OF CROCKERY Charles E. Nash, publisher of Augusta. Wilt do welt to call and examine our James Nutting of Perham has raised COO COMPANY If there is anything in the Following bushels of potatoes on one acre this year. The Boston Globe of Oct. 29th bar an ex Have something to say to a great List that you think you want, 112 Piece Decorated Dinner Sets Joseph B. Russell of Hartford raised 148 tended illustrated article on the five-masted bushels o( potatoes on three fourths of an acre many people that nre glad to know For the low price of 9 7 .5 0 . Omar Thomas of North Haven has been schooner Governor Ames on the stocks at of ground. of the changes constantly going on Warranted English Ware. We have the largest granted a patent on a lobster trap. Waldoboro. in the various lines of trade. A Mock of HOLIDAY GOODS ever »hown In The annual meeting of the Knox A Lincoln Ardin Young of Otis raised the present sea change in prices creates the most in GOME TO OUR STORE Hock land, and the largest line of L A M P S A N D son sixty pounds of excellent potatoes from The shipment of American apples abroad for LAMP GOODS. Do not forget our R.R. stockholders will be held at Hath, Wed the week ending October 2.5th was ns follows: terest and we, being constantly in nesday, Dec. ftth. one potato. the market and continually buying $1.50 HANCINC LAMPS! J. II. Lovejoy of Albany had ninety bushels October 24th, "Britannic,” for Liverpool, 1,458 And sec whether or not The regular meeting of the W. C. T. V. will barrels; October 25th, "City of New York,” new goods, possess advantages over The best Lnrnpft ever ahown for the money. will be held in the parlor of the Y. M. C.A of potatoes on half an acre. He had ten IS^We wish to Inform Peddlers that we make a bushels Lima beans in his garden. for Liverpool, 1,099 Darrels; October 23d, the small dealers,from which our cus Specialty of Jobbing Goods. rooms Friday, Nov. 16th, ut three p. m. There "Wyoming,” for Liverpool. 068 barrels; tomers derive a benefit. Bear in will be a bible reading. Wm. IJueknam of Yarmouth Foreside re October 25tb, '-State of Georgia,” for Glasgow, mind that practically we are Jobbers, The Goofls areClieas at tie A. I. Mather, Grand Sachem of the Great ceived from the canning factory $58.50 for about 2,000 barrels. i. e. buy direct from the manufactur Boston 5 & 10 Ct. Store Council of Maine, I. O. R. M., expects to in the corn raised on 135 rods of land. ers who usually make the goods for NO. 380 MAIN STREET, stitute a Council of the Daughters of Pocahon O. N. Huckins of Lubec, whose farm is A very dangerous counterfeit of the five dol us especially ; at other times we buy Opposite Thorndike Ilotol, - Koc-kland. tas In Portland Thursday. about a mile from the village, raised this sea lar silver certificates is in circulation and has already appeared in this city. 'Hie hili -■» very- the whole stock of a certain line. Prices Mentionefl: The New England Dispatch Company^now son, on less than two acres of land, G87 bush well executed, the coloring of the figures in the- This is advantageous in different runs its messengers directly through to Boston els ot picked potatoes. ways as it gives us the control of a POSITIVELY CLOSING WEEKS! on the boats. This is a new departure as in It is said that N. T. Reynolds of Pembroke, number which arc in blue being nearly perfect the weak part of the counterfeit being the por the past they have been running only to Rock raised 225 bushels of shipping potatoes from a desired style that other dealers can GRAND CYCLORAMA, trait of Gen. Grant. The bill is extremely lia not handle, consequently our custom land. quarter of an acre of land this season, and ot 1 case Children’s Scarlet Woolen good quality, too. ble to deceive and banks and bnsinees men, ers are not liable to continually see A Rockland mnn is n confirmed better. A should be on their guard against them. in other homes a duplicate of their Vests and Pants(all sizes)at 37 l-2e. BATTLE OF few days ago he was on a train going into On a pint of land containing thirty rods Geo. W. Mitchell ol Dover raised this year Carpet, Parlor Suit, Chamber Set, Lewiston, and as they approached a lofty Acting Secretary Thompson has received a or any special article they particu bridge, a friend with whom he was seated re G5 bushels oi Clark’s No. 1 potatoes. The 10 doz. Gray-mixed Boys’ Shirts GETTYSBURG! yield is equal to about 350 bushels per acre. long telegram from Senator Hears! and others, larly fancy, often on account of its ferred to the possibility there was of an acci informing him ot the perilous situation of the oddity. Aside from this and Drawers at 25c. 541 TREMONT ST., BOSTON. dent. "I'll bet you $1000 to $1 that we cross II. E. Cook of Charlestown is said to have crews of about a dozen whalers, supposed to all right” said our betting man. "That’s big picked from an apple tree of the Alexander have been wrecked near Herald in the Arctic Don’t Fail to See This Great Battle odds” said the other ns he felt in his pocket for vailety apples of which twenty mndc a full 1 case Ladies’ Extra Nice Cash- Scene at Once. Ocean, and asking that a revenue steamer be One Profit is Saved the dollar, "and I’ll take it. They got acros peek, twenty-four being all that could be piled sent at once to their assistance. There nre said mere Vests and Pants at 50e. new subject now being painted will take iti the bridge all right. into the basket. to he nearly 200 men in the parly, and they are place iu this building January 1st. 33 45 Rockland Republicans indulged In a rather Reuel Jones of Mercer, it is stated, has an in no condition to withstand the rigors of an Which would not be the case, did we buy spontaneous celebration Thursday evening orchard of 2,500 young trees, besides an old in small lots of wholesale dealers. Arctic winter. The revenue steamer Bear is The best Ladies’ Scarlet Medicated over the result of the national election. A pro orchard of several hundred trees. Two weeks desired for the purpose of sending them pro cession headed by a cavalry battalion carrying 5 CAR LOADS OP Vests and Pants at $1.00. T B R O S l] ago he picked 137 barrels ot winter fruit dur visions and clothing, without which it is said, EASTMAN'" brooms and flags, and inspired by music by ing the week. they will perish of hunger and cold. Acting PARLOR SUITS, tr.e City Cornet Band marched up and down I). P. True, Leeds Centre, raised this year Secretary Thompson visited the White House Lot of Gents’ extra nice Camel’s YZ7 3 CAR LOADS OF IW c ROFn Main street. In the wake ol the cavalry a big forty bushels of plums which brought him one and laid the matler «before tbe Pres bell on wheels kept up a doleful clnngor. CHAMBER SETS, Hair Shirts and Drawers at $1.50; hundred dollars, and all on less than one- ident, saying that there is no vessel now There were some striking illuminations, but fourth of an acre. Who says fruit raising in the revenue service in fit condition for a 5 CAR LOADS OP rare Bargains at $2.00. nothing very general. The Lindsey House does not pay ? winter cruise to tbe Arctic. The steamer Bear, was notably conspicuous its many-windowed now nt San Francisco, which was suggested for STOVES & RANGES, front being ublnze with tallow dips. One ot D. It. Dongley of St. Albans has raised the SAMPLES BY MAIL! lnrgest potato reported yet. it weighed 3 lbs., tbe expedition, would require extensive and so on having been purchased in an Ladies’ Woolen Hose at 19c. —WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF— the most ingenious pieces of decoration was amount of repairs. The assistant secre in the notherti window of Thorndike & Ilix 1 oz. The crops, such as beans, corn and po ticipation of a very large trade anil be tatoes, are being badly damaged by the over tary added that there is no appropriation cause in these quantities they could be where a big porker in a white tile did duty. The best Ladies’ Cashmere Hose Dry and Fancy Goods much wet weather.