PROPOSALS. raorosMA I [ AUCTION BALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES: oodhsbobo rua luiaiioiBU rsrSB OOOPEll * LATiMtft. Auctioneer*. I EVENING STAR' |Mr*ov****TBor rn'TUBALa Biir. BT with J V. TQ.MOK.KOW. TMIS muiix)w. 8. _ . ROSADALIS. |LttoCI*rki McGuire * Oo.J Office, BiiC.{ A. C S. Of ', I loiUvNt ewrn-r Pean areoue ao4 1life DT GRKF.S A WILLIAMS. 0»w»co. M Jim * ut fitch ft rox. , T.. 5, lMi f«r» P*'bU, JqmM. IbUf Office B«iidinf.) U i«ctlom«n Md BhI Br*k»n Pealo* in dajl irate, wIlJ be rerrtrtd eAlod «ali will bo rtctlttd at I»«.J Rtml kttati mm4, Pro»< thi* olHc* Ko. *t« nUmmI cora«r of u4 1> » m M tbitoflca natil 13 m . MuNDAY, July i. 1W BDtii Julj I. for fonl-kiM Fraah B»' to th* CHANCKBT SALE~OF BB\L EST ATB. BUll' Br.ildin*, H» 47* llh at., »»« :» Port Tb» »>ncklaT*r* of N>w Tor* t® tkrninyr for deepfnin*, by dredflnf. tbe harbor of Oftfe^r troopi at this fcr fopr wontka. I Oder and to * oaet Of 'ht*» bvig k T to Mto tviln frrtif waltrii foat I>»«i'iniaf J «ly Tkt 6mt iarricu virtu* of deer*- of lb* Be prcrae XCELLIWT AKI> NEARLY BKW HOUSE tboit^ard bar* struck 4»mai.ji c (iii 18. IM Th# Re»f Bart b« of A go >4 and raarkat lealtk lesUrer C'otart of the Putrid of Coiatnui*, <l»-e on B0Ll)Ajri» k ITCH KB (C. T. QEir four Coll*!* a wo k the toweot fa the foliowin* place! ud In the «M- quality, In "jnal the 2ritb «.f boariug rUMTUM.WAWK JITH, AsctioEMT.I aad ball for etfbt b«ur«° ®rder i>»«u«1. Ttl : pro»ortlom» of for* and hind d*r M»/, A. D 1S4S, tod ptM«d id i AhP B0rK\W*T. AT AUCTION. ba\r brei doiiar» u- i*« quarter m»at. (n*rk«. and rertain rtntf in (Aid » On * a* Tb«> gr:\.i.g HicTitn 1 On tbe otter tor a<-roaa tbe rkawl »hanka, kidnoy tallow pending Ooart, herein Wii ID.VKt*PAT tbf ;<th lDi!ut,v«ih«l! Ml!. chbroebb feokt orAro hchdbed boon. in rack »r» IT thfi c Mr - . " i. *xclnd»d, i' H*m P. nf antiU** a* may fr«m ttnr» to Jehniton and wife cr»npl«in*nt*. %nd --» « mvw r r» ill IV W VlVtft ami aiuu-n five riBT ur Into tbe harbor. n from * valuable upp«r -rtbeaeterly the tiM !> rfi'Jr'i, and on iwh tera « th« Ellen Fowl* et *1. «r* (No 1.2TS id (>b tb* north eldeef north CKmrKuTKD PBOPBBTV ON TUB Alfjnnd^r H. and H"r»<-b«»l T. lirt! hocee where alv at 13 W* cubic )ante of hwd oftcara Tko Bwt Blood Pmrifior ia detendant',*» A. Vtww M an! MOBTB S*pb»u« and i* e-ttanated to aba11 b«r*aftor dooirvat# eoaaBiMiliof tko World. Eqrt'y.) 1 will offer for »!« public auction, to 4th etreets ea«t. Capitnl Hill. an excellent .-IDE ur MASSACHUSETTS AVESLE. «I Jobn*oti. of O^orp*. ar* «rf*d to b* at require rvnoTtl. IX the taebent bidder, on 9th of assortment TWIEI f' Tiw'i II Between the bririge.thaferry wharf. Brt. U.8 LANCASTER, MOMDAT.tbr lay of fumisro. vit: 61XTBBNYH ABl> SEVENTEENTH the National l*mcvratic IVntmBj* W b» An H the* U/tflA RiaifrAa^ akoaa » « Ca»t army, lat lleat. 3d A. C Joi e, A D. ISM. *t 6 e Ylo<~k p in .on th» premier*. Hair t lotto Pmr'or butte. PT BEATS, AT a«w. mm m m Artillery, of AUCTION. mt*j rwm Wpv», WHCIV. ® WWII' 8 Lo:» nur.ltpd oonsi-tinf 8ofa. two l'» brld in K»* \ urk July *tb. n.ate<t, t/<>ur 29.000 cubic of rer* hard ' }« 23M K'. 11.12.11 sod It. in t^car* nax Castor ard mx Parlor Chair« FBII»A Y AVTBBAOON. Ji'.ne 1». U 6 yard* % «» 4» n .V J » » . ber- d 614. in tke of Oak. if od t Tb# u*w |ri«»l ud email boulders, Mattharrlwithbe rum HAT. PR. LAWRENCE'S cit> WaabinptoB Marl top and other Cotta** C'haxbt-r Sets o'clock, he rtaiiM, wo boll toll LoU ana Iroa »t*am«hip Faatta. wbi."b taken oat. |#avrvoatiS i rnuci oi erne, ii pr*«crio*a i y fl#crM, Me' bedstead. * ardt oh*-, and t'an» 9«at Chairs bere<13«.M.l«. ». M.£. M. ».*'.«!. C.ud U, at from Philadelphia on tb# *tb motant tor Mm* All the n:*t-ri»l (which will be measured h Owe half cash and the re«iiiie in two ejnal in Oil Palrtfnm Parlor *nd other Ca'pets Merrick *» nMiTluon or*>ntb half of 8>i*are lsl. ban not bwn toard Iron, and It u handana. in hjq'h p*r*rt*ent Or thf plaiii. 1 COMFOCHD jta.iwnte. at 6 and )1 t»nntha. w!th iiMMt Hair and other Mattrmm preventing an vnfroken front )!» f'o»ii »Wb« dninptd at lea*t half a mil" Cn:it Q< amterm/i»tbk'« l» fici. S EXTRACT OF of from fMf««l On Mw>i *b* bar bffg lo»t. t'flc* tir outer bit. id ftltr. it a da> aale to be aectired to the «atmta- tioo of the Cooking and other Stores ikiiMttl fcTt-nu'. Wt»Mi Sixteenth and l«m dw| point to U-KtlU. NllR4«kt.JnMl',H8 \ trattec. Ai and r ^nTevanci tlh a teeath street* I-Toa'» du »v barrel* of B al otamp* ag at coat of W food lot of Htchen Ac . ThMi Uti w« on and iUrry.witb t. uitrkMl. d Bide, in daplicale, with (urintM eigned ROSADALIt: the »al«* Requisite#, oath trad* front ana wbi«k»y, The * ork Bant be cnmm»ccH m »oon M poealble, by two not pBtrhaser. it term* of »r» Dot coiupliM Ak-o, Bleten of the*e lot* k*T« tt.b * front of W>»tfr'» ri-rtitjrtnf boaar hair ba^a reapoaaible per»->b*. and ac tl %**'. j*A hr iK* 1 .. »-r. -1 T» . .. bidder*. within bt-e i x.d not laT. r than »ith five day*, the trnttee reaervea the W»iul, one Kockaway. ana two sets leet, and al! tbe Lou ran t' n fin* 80 Auvri u«u «r»ruur vui -»i» I Aum<t 15, 1Ml, coatiaued a* C'.nrp»ni»d by a dcfosit of fl (M. will be reo»i»ai to retell at the and coat of which front not hi* will allej. lerae Huh yn«.i> u this wuoa.iol completed bj the nmil 13 o'clock A. M on right risk the defaaltlug will be sold rrects»>l) at 12 o'clock liarne«sa. probaM? never again be offered Philadelphia TUT.8DAT. Jbb« SO. 18*, A BAFB AKD C11TAIK ODE* purchMcr, apoD on- we«k"a not.re. aubliihed in Term» cash. ORE KN iu \ oik at one time on tbi« atenn*. aftfc of >o»*tnber, 1S^#. ' *» a**. at 4 WILLIAMS. tit.r splendid The The lVrr.ix rats h>ld their Bidder* bu<i propoee for the whole work, either lnralhi d x forr Mine spwtpaper printed and published in the city j»-1* d 'r»prf»«. | Auctioneers. 10 ibi» property i« perfect, and au a!>»tra t ot pnmtrjr naeehags one (IKS TBI OMV OKI TIT tlKOTUIS) of Waahingtoa. th**»me t> \\ i..iam H Ward, in Philadelphia last iifht. Oar tnaa wa* t>T price per cubic yard for the whole, or bf Bid* are iitumi for Ray in (tick or id bale*. M K. * a Ea<i together with ill">-rent prtree for each Mctioo. Bids will A. THOM#P BEADLET. Truatae. WALSH CO.. Auctioneers. plat of tbe tubdirl«ioo. mar be teen at onr ofice outright aad anoJier »ubbr<l aurdered Th« aatiiaatad b* re. eired for any portion of the * BT Ko 'Jt*i Pennsylvania as 1 *Iho on tbe cnautitiee named above will be oaed in calcalatlax repaired. n|pllee rok COoPJtE LATIMKB avenue. gr*unl at tin* of ante Miuitwr Hurlu rame and a portion of tfeo e of the bid*. Thf ja 5 3taw3w*ds AactiuBeera. Southeast corner of Tenth street. Tfcate Let*. twelve in number, will bo offered In <1 e»gre*ate ... of tk« to t'hinrt-r ia met delivery nyplii coanMci upon l>u:k. and ifnot aoid tn thit war will Itnme Lmbkrt arrived ia New York hi be made npon printed blank*, which the perfecting of »be contract*. and on* fourth of KB9FILA, IN ITS VARIOUS GBTKM * WILLIAMS, IIFIBARLE LOT. IMPROVED l-e :i*tety ran be prorored at thi* office, or almilar writt»n the * hoi,- amonat to be FORMS, FY TWO offered >n parcela of three lota e».-k day. cin delivered each noath natll BT Aoctioneera ai.d Eeal Estate Broken. bTuKY FRAME H008E WITH RACK BCILD Term* Uall Mtk, balance ia *ix and S»r»r«l which mnit be prryrly filled ap and «tgned tba del iter* ia completed. No. &S6, Southeast corner 7th and D street*. INC.8 AM' m twelve p*rMiF kirt hwi fined and tapri*. a* indicated All the information at Full NCI 4S F1AHBKI! OF tsTORE, AT AUC ith» bear!: * interact, deferred pa) Bent* 10 be Ob«d 11 Kottot tor illicit jaw.< thi* condition* will bo mad* known and blank TICK »ecnre<i deed of trnat 4hiiIIiu|.
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