GERARDUS MERCATOR RUPELMUNDANUS Cartographer & Renaissance Man Carlos Van Caiiwenherghe Former Head of Hydrographic Service, Belgium

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GERARDUS MERCATOR RUPELMUNDANUS Cartographer & Renaissance Man Carlos Van Caiiwenherghe Former Head of Hydrographic Service, Belgium page 16 bU''0 GERARDUS MERCATOR RUPELMUNDANUS Cartographer & Renaissance Man Carlos van Caiiwenherghe Former Head of Hydrographic Service, Belgium Introduction An insight into the life of Geradus Mercator (1512-1594) can be found via several basic sources Firstly, there is his biography published in 1595 by his friend, Walter Ghim, Mayor of Duisburg in Germany This introduced his celebrated Atlas ctmtaining 107 maps (Mercator, 1595) published after Mercator's death by his son, Rumold Secondly, there is his surviving correspondence and there are also accounts of his life by other contemporaries such as the cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) and the Flemish historian, Antonius Sanderus (1586-1664) Additionally, much historical information was provided by Mercator himself, mainly in the form of prefaces to his works or as notes on his many maps while the archives of the University of Louvain also provide additional details on this very talented and versatile Renaissance man Mainly revered as a cartographer. Mercator was nonetheless noted for many other abilities He was, for instance, an accomplished mathematician, philosopher, metaphysic, theologian, historian, geographer, land surveyor, engraver, instrument maker, calligrapher, astronomer and cosmographer But it was not until the 19th century that his true importance was rediscovered Childhood and education In Antwerp, Mercator first met the such as copper and wood At the same Gerardus Mercator (or Gerard de Oenier Flemish astronomer and cartographer, time he pursued studies in mathematics to give him his real Flemish name) was Franciscus Monachus, a Franciscan monk, with particular reference to astronomy born on 5 March 1512 in Rupelmonde, who stimulated his interest in astronomy and geographic positioning He also near Antwerp, Flanders (Belgium), the Probably this acquaintance also brought established a land surveying practice, seventh child of the shoemaker Hubertus him into contact with the engraver and becoming a noted authority on Louv aine de Crenier and his wife, Emerentia It is goldsmith, Gaspard Van der Heyden in and other towns thought that Gijsbrecht de Cremer, an Louvaine, who had already made a In 1536, collaboration between uncle and chaplain, provided educational terrestrial globe for Monachus in 1528 Mercator, Gemma Fnsius and Van der and financial assistance to such a large or 1529 Heyden led to the construction of a family copper engraved terrestrial globe with a After his father's death in 1525 or Mercator as an independent diameter of 37cm A celestial variant was 1526, Gerard was sent by his uncle-priest, cartographer in Louvain produced a year later Although known from ancient times, globes were then in for three and a half years, to a school In 1534 or 1535, Mercator returned to great demand since countries and stars administered by friars in 's Hertogenbosch Louvain, but not to the university could be better and more accurately (The Netherlands), where he studied Rather, it was his intention to work with depicted on a sphere than a flat map Latin grammar and the principles of more practical people skilled m helping dialectics Later, on 29 August 1530, he him to map a world awakened by Mercator's first map, of Palestine or was admitted to the University of Louvain numerous discoveries by mariners around the Holy Land, was published in 1537 under the Latin name 'Gerardus Mercator the globe Louvain was then a centre of and dedicated to Frans van Cranevelt, dc Rupclmunda', where he studied scientific cartography, mainly due to the Councillor to Emperor Charles V The humanities and phikisophy and obtained presence of Rcinicr Gemma Frisius following year saw the appearance of his ) Master's Degree, in October 1532 (1508-1555), a physician and first small map of the world, Orfcis Ima^o Around this time, he was particularly mathematician at the university who had (on a scale of 1 62,000,000 and 513 x interested in cosmology as a precursor to already published a practical manual on 330mm in size), dedicated to his friend his later cartographic activities but tnangulation and was well-versed m the Johan Drusius This featured a double- nonetheless had doubts about the work of the Polish astronomer, Nicolaus hearted configuration (one heart for each prevailing geocentric theories of Copernicus (147M543) (Watelet, hemisphere), a technique culled from a Aristotle, Plato, Ptolemy, Thomas 1996) The cosmological theories of map of the world edited in 1531 by the Aquinas ct al which were then received Copernicus and Frisius were to have an French cartographer, Orontius Finaeus wisdom Many years later, he wrote about important impact on the formative (1494-1555) these doubts while trying to reconcile education of Mercator In 1540, a map of Flanders was Aristotle's notions with those of the Holy To supplement a meagre income. produced in response to a commission by Bible (De Smet, 1962) These Mercator hereabouts decided to also authorities in Ghent, Antwerp and reservations were perhaps instrumental in make numerous nautical instruments Louvain on behalf of King Charles V, his leaving a conservative, doctrinaire such as terrestrial and celestial globes, Emperor of the Burgundian, Spanish and Louvaine in 1533 or 1534 for the more compasses, astrolabes, armiUary spheres Austrian dynasty which iKo liberal pastures of Antwerp, then a richly and astronomic rings He was by now encompassed Flanders For production of cultured city which was also the centre of very accomplished in drawing, this map (scale of 1 172,000 and 1250 x typognpby in Western Europe calligraphy and working with materials 960mm in size) Mercator certainly did No 116 April 2005 THE HYDROGRAPHIC: JOURNAL page 17 not have the time or the financial means parallels influenced, to some extent, the to execute some basic measurements points on earth Thus the next 50 years using the principles of triangulation of saw continuing use of globes by sailors Gemma Frisius It is clear that he was In 1599, the Irish mathematician and obliged to adopt many ideas from the cosmographer, Edward Wright (1558- charts of Jacob van Deventer, Pieter Van 1615), formulated the mathematical basis der Beke (cartographer in Ghent), and of the Mercator projection in his work, the Swede, Olaus Magnus (1490-1558) as Certaine Errors in Navigation Detected and well as Frisius himself Nevertheless this Corrected This provided an explanation map (without any graduations) bears otherwise lacking in Mercator's work comparison with a modern chart, And so It was only in 1630 that the containing inaccuracies of no more than Mercator projection began to be used on 3 4% over prescribed distances An nautical charts accompanied by incomplete copy is in Antwerp's Plantin explanations m local languages Moretus Museum Newer emergent understandings of A terrestrial globe with a religion and science, characterised by the circumference of 130cm was subsequently European Renaissance period, exerted an completed in 1541 With a reference important influence on Mercator's meridian passing through Fuerteventura thinking and deliberations It had always in the Canary Isles, this combined the been his intention to make a vision of Ptolemy with more recent comprehensive cosmographical study of Figure i Portalt of Lierardus Mercator by Frans findings originating from new discoveries Hofienher^ the universe and the Earth in a so-called by Portuguese and Spanish mariners magnum opus consisting of five parts the In 1544, despite prohibitions by the The large chart of Europe, Europae creation of the universe, astronomy, a Catholic Church and Charles V, descnptio, was published in October 1554 geographic description of the earth, a Protestantism had increasingly spread With a scale of 1 4,280,000 and 1 50 x political/historical section and a throughout the Flemish territories As a 1 27m dimensions, it marked a very chronology But he was never to fully result. Mercator, with his heretical important cartographic development on complete the work cosmological views at variance with which Mercator had worked for at least The chronology itself, though, was a establishment wisdom, was arrested along sixteen years among other assignments rather curious work Based on the Bible, with 42 other so-called Lutheran suspects With a grid of parallels and meridians, it astronomical data and some established After seven months' imprisonment m was an improved version of Claudius historical data of the time, it comprised a Rupelnionde Castle, he was released Ptolemy's Geographia and an immense 457-page overview of world events without charge following the intercession success with a second edition appearing in beginning with the moment of creation of local university and clerical authorities 1572, records show that around 500 calculated to be precisely 5,544 years prior The next eight years were spent copies were sold to 1569 Incorporating also the manufacturing astronomical instruments The sole remaining copy of this map doctrines of Martin Luther, the work was while producing a celestial globe and a was unfortunately lost in the destruction indexed by Pope Sixtus V (1520-90) large chart of Europe, mainly at the of Breslau's municipal library m 1945 Mercator's friendship with his fellow- request of the Emperor and other However, In 1967 a Mercator Atlas in a Flemish cartographer, Ortelius, led to a dignitaries Unfortunately, none of these large format (39 5 x 27 7cm) was journey by both to France m 1560 instruments remain, having either been discovered containing, among other accompanied
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