Proceedings Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. NINETY-FIBST SESSION, 1870-71. ANNIVERSARY MEETINO t Andrew'sS , Day, 30th November 1870, FRANCIS ABBOTT, Esq., Vice-President ,Chaire inth . e Office-bearerTh e Societth f o sy e ensuinfoth r g Session were elected as follows :— Patron. HER MAJEST QUEENE YTH . President. DUKE BUOCLEUCTH P EO QUEENSBERRYD HAN , K.G. Vice-Presidents. DAVID MILNE HOME, Esq., LL.D. FRANCIS ABBOTT, Esq. JOHN ALEXANDER SMITH M.D. A •VOL. ix. PART i. PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F SO , NOVEMBE , 1870R30 . Councillors. Right Hon. EAKL of DALHOUSIE, K.T. | Representing the JAME . GIBSOST N CRAM ] Board ,f Trustees.o Esq . SI . RNOEJ L PATON, Knt., R.S.A. PROFESSOR WILLIAM TURNER, M.B. JAMES D. MARWICK, Esq. Hon. LORD NEAVES. HON. LORD ROSEHILL. BARBON GRAHAM, Esq. Captai . WHITEP . nT , R.E. Secretaries. JOHN STUART, Esq., LL.D., General Register House. ARTHUR MITCHBLL, M.D., Commissioner in Lunacy. DAVID LAING, Esq., LL.D. r Foreign,fo Correspondence. Treasurer. THOMA . JOHNSTONSB , Esq. t AndreS 4 , w Square. Curators Museum.the of JAMES DRUMMOND, Esq., R.S.A. ROBERT CAHFRAE, Esq. Curator of Coins. GEORGE SIM, Esq. Librarian. DAVID DOUGLAS, Esq. Auditors. ROBERT HUTCHISON, Esq. JOHN MACMILLAN, Esq., A.M. Publishers. Messrs EDMONSTO DOUGLASN& . Keeper of the Museum. JOSEPH ANDERSON. Assistant KeeperMuseum.the of GEORGE HASTIE. FELLOWS O.F THE SOCIETY. 3 followine Th j lis a f Member s o tgi s deceased durin e pasgth t year. Honorary Member. When Elected. BENJAMIN THOBPB, Esq., Editor of the " Codex Exoniensis," " Anglo- Saxon Chronicle," " Analecta Anglo-Saxonica," &c., .
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