ROWNRUDNICK One AMY I. TIERNEY Financial direct dial: (617) 856-8113 Center fax: (617) 289-0443 Boston
[email protected] Massachusetts 02111 tel 617.856.8200 June 1, 2012 fax 617.856.8201 VIA HAND DELIVERY AND E-FILE Catrice C. Williams, Secretary Department of Telecommunications and Cable 1000 Washington Street 8th Floor, Suite 820 Boston, MA 02118-6500 RE: D.T.C. 12-4 - T-Mobile Northeast LLC Petition for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for Purposes of Low Income Support Only Dear Ms. Williams: Enclosed for filing in the above-captioned proceeding, please find an original and three (3) copies of the following: 1. Post- Hearing Brief of T-Mobile Northeast LLC; and 2. T-Mobile's Responses to Record Requests Nos. 1 through 14 ("Responses"). Redacted copies of the Responses are provided with this letter while confidential copies are provided to the Hearing Officer. Additionally, I have enclosed the requisite Certificate of Service. Please note that the responses to RR 10 and RR 11 contain confidential materials which were the subject of T-Mobile's Motion for Confidential Treatment dated April 25, 2012. Please call me if you have any questions with respect to this matter. Sincerely, BROWN RUDNICK LLP Amy I.Tie Enclosures AIT:ljr cc: Betsy Whittey, Hearing Officer (w/enc. via hand delivery) Paul Abbott, General Counsel (w/enc. via hand delivery) Kalun Lee, Deputy General Counsel (w/enc. via hand delivery) Karlen Reed, Director, Competition Division (w/enc. hand delivery) Michael Mael, Competition Division (w/enc. via hand delivery) Michael Scott, Legal Division (w/enc.