The Parish News February 2020

Priors Hardwick * Wormleighton * Priors Marston


part of The Bridges Group of Parishes PRIEST-IN-CHARGE: Rev. Gillian Roberts 01926 815831 [email protected] Sycamore Lodge, Church Street, Stockton, CV47 8JG ASSOCIATE MINISTERS: Rev. Carol Newborn 02476 503707 [email protected] Rev. Celia Parkes 07842 151387 [email protected] GROUP ADMINISTRATOR: Susan Holloway 01926 812383 [email protected] LAY READER: Mr Peter Jackson 01327 260169 CHURCHWARDENS: St. Leonard, Priors Marston - Mr. Malcolm Monkhouse 01327 260915 St. Peter, Wormleighton - Mr. Jeremy Wheeler 01327 264330


THE PRIORS HALL: Barbara Harvey 01327 260709 [email protected] (Bookings)



WOMENS INSTITUTE: Jane Cowan 07979 550202 Fiona Spencer 01327 263423

FILM NIGHT: Lee Robinson 01327 263268 [email protected]

SPORTS CLUB: Simon Brown 07722 797735 [email protected]

TENNIS CLUB: [email protected]

CRICKET: Alan Evans 07764 627030 ______PARISH NEWS: Helen Menezes 01327 261222 [email protected] Hillside House, Keys Lane, Priors Marston, , CV47 7SA. Deadline for contributions, 15th of the month. Preferred format – A4 Word or JPEG (not PDF) Disclaimer: Please note that views expressed in articles are the views of the authors. 2

Tony and Barbara would like to thank everyone who came to our coffee morning to support the Air Ambulance. You raised an amazing total of £1,550.80 Thank you to all the helpers and especially to all who came and made the event successful.

JOHN NASH Rosemary would like to thank all her friends and neighbours for such wonderful support, both during John's illness and after his passing.

JAN REED Jan, for many years resident at Agricultural Cottages, Priors Hardwick, died at Llanidloes on 9th January and was buried in a family ceremony at Abermule Green Lane Burial Field on 17th. Jan was a much-loved member of our community and local friends will have an opportunity to celebrate her later in the year as her family plan to hold a memorial service in Priors Hardwick in the summer.

TREE 0N THE GREEN CHRISTMAS LIGHT-UP This event seems ages ago but on behalf of PET, who hosted the event, we would like to thank all who helped make this annual event a success. Firstly, Southam Lions who assisted Father Christmas to find the children in Priors Marston, PMPC, Simon Ducker who always makes sure the lights are working, Rachel Ducker for again letting us use her kitchen to warm Hot Chocolate and Mince Pies, Anne-Marie Brown for keeping the Mulled Wine flowing, Pete Brown and John Brown for setting up lights, stalls etc., also helpers Sarah Mills, Charlotte Hamblin, Gary Phipps. Thank you all who came along to make this another enjoyable evening. We were also able to make a small donation to Southam Lions Charity, Lily Mae Foundation Dot Brown and Rebecca Phipps


Coffee and Chat

The Priors Hall 10 ~11.30 am Thursday 6th February Everybody is welcome….bring a friend! Tea/Coffee and yummy biscuits…….£1

Look who popped in in December!


FROM THE CHURCH OF ST MARY, PRIORS HARDWICK TO ALL OUR READERS WE OFFER OUR VERY BEST WISHES FOR 2020 Donation from Harvest Festival 2019 The letter of thanks from the Farming Community Network for our gift of £324.14 came just too late for mention in the last Magazine. The letter listed some of the challenges farmers face at present and noted that thanks to donations such as ours, FCN is able to provide “vital practical and pastoral support through their helpline and network of dedicated volunteers.” A copy of the letter is on the village noticeboard and in church. Christmas Carol Service – Christmas Eve 2019 We were delighted to welcome over 170 people and have received many expressions of appreciation for such an appropriate and enjoyable event! A large number of people had contributed to the success, whose efforts were apparent in the church and as the service progressed. But there is another (mostly unseen) group who also deserve mention: all those who clear up, wash up and then 12 days later, dismantle the tree and remove the floral decorations - and do a more onerous job than usual in cleaning the church! To them all we offer our sincere thanks. The collection at the service amounted to £558.08 of which £150 was sent to WaterAid. The remainder will be used to maintain our church building. The Lord’s Prayer Book Marks These are a donation from The Bridges Group for anyone who would like one (or more!). We hope that those who wished helped themselves to one at the Carol Service, and there are plenty left in the pews in church as I write, so if you’d like one, please do likewise! New! ”News for the Pews” For some years now our Priest-in-Charge, Gillian, has been sending, weekly, by email, a list of church and church-related news and events. Now, beginning in the new decade, hard copies of this can be found weekly, in church. So again, if you are not on email – or would like a copy anyway, please help yourself from the shelf in the church. If, however you would like to receive a copy by email, please send Gillian a message to that effect. Her contact details are at the front of this magazine. A & M Flexibus This service now runs on WEDNESDAYS between Priors Hardwick and Rugby, leaving the Butchers Arms at 9.25am. As well as the driver, there is an attendant who will help you with your bags etc., so return times are a bit variable but usually back by 2.00pm. There is also a similar service from Napton (The Victory Club) to Banbury on Thursdays. The contact number is: 01926 612487. NB The notice in the bus shelter remains unchanged! Margaret Clarke PCC Member


DIAL A RIDE UBUS SERVICE A community transport service operates in our area on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9.30am and 2.30pm. It is available to anyone who struggles to access public transport due to mobility issues, health problems or due to infrequent or no public transport. Travel locally or to Stratford-upon-Avon to go shopping, visit friends or attend social groups. Single journey fare £3.60/Return fare £7.20. To register with UBUS, or for more information, please call on 01789 264491 between 9.30am and 2.30pm on weekdays

Stockton Church invites you to join us for a Pancake Party on Tuesday 25th February in Stockton Church anytime between the end of school around 3.30pm and 5.30pm


TEA ON THE FOURTH THURSDAY TEA - 4TH THURSDAY WEATHER PERMITTING! We shall meet on Thursday, 27th February Everyone will be welcome at The Old Coach House Priors Hardwick, the home of Mrs Elaine Barker, at 3.00pm for tea, cakes and a chat. If you would like to come, but need transport, please phone 262233. Carriages at 4.30pm (or thereabouts!)

PRIORS HARDWICK VILLAGE MEETING The next meeting will be On Thursday 23rd April 2020 at 7.30pm, in the Church.

SALVATION ARMY FOOD BANK Non-perishable items may be left in the telephone box, in Priors Hardwick. This is emptied regularly, and gifts are taken to Banbury weekly. We are most grateful for the generous donations received so far this year.

MOBILE LIBRARY The Library will continue its regular routine in February. It will call at Priors Hardwick, outside the church, on Wednesday, 19th February from 11.05 until 11.25am All are welcome

COLLECTION OF POSTCARDS – USED OR UNUSED Postcards, used or unused, may be left in the box in the Churches at Priors Marston and Priors Hardwick or in the ‘phone box at Priors Hardwick. In Priors Hardwick, these will be used by Mission Aviation Fellowship and in Priors Marston by the Leprosy Mission.

USED STAMPS Please continue to save your used stamps, on a good margin of paper.

There are boxes for these in the Church at Priors Marston and in the ‘phone box at Priors Hardwick. The stamps will be trimmed, providing welcome therapy, by residents at a local care home and then used to provide funds for The Leprosy Mission. Very many thanks to those who donated so many stamps in recent months!


Resisting Temptation Have all your New Year’s resolutions gone out of window yet? Have you given up on “Dry January” or “Veganuary” (adopting a vegan lifestyle)? Have you given in to temptation? At the end of the month, Christians head into the season of Lent when we remember Jesus going into the desert to spend time with his heavenly Father before the beginning of his earthly mission and ministry. (Note to self – it is always worth having some quiet time, especially with God, before setting out on a major new venture or project.) But while he was in the desert, it wasn’t long before Jesus was confronted by the devil, trying to tempt him off course. Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread - to use his power for his own benefit. Jesus was tempted to throw himself off the temple - to test God. Finally, he was offered control of the world if he worshipped the devil - to distract him from his mission and make him focus on worldly power. Jesus was tempted to doubt God, to put his trust into something else, to rely on his own power, to worship something other than God. Jesus was tempted when he was tired, alone and hungry - at his most vulnerable. But Jesus stood firm in resisting temptation. We need to recognise temptation for what it is - something that will lead us to do or have something that we know we should not do or have - something that will ultimately not be good for us. We need to face our temptations, to name, understand and resist them. We know that Jesus understands what it’s like to be tempted and if we trust in him, he will give us the strength to resist temptation. That is why Christians pray every day “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” This Lent, instead of trying to give something up, why not try doing a small act of kindness each day, in response to what God has done for us through Jesus. What a difference it could make to the world around us! God bless, Gillian Lent lunches Everyone is welcome to join us for soup and puddings/cheese on Wednesdays during Lent from 12 noon until the soup runs out! These are social occasions, with no need to book and no charge, although there will be an opportunity to make a donation to chosen charities.

4th March in Stockton Church 11th March at Napton Village Hall 18th March in Stockton Church 25th March at Napton Village Hall 1st April in Stockton Church


The Bridges Group of Parishes Church services for February 2020 BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship

2nd February 9th February 16th February 23rd February 26th February Candlemas 3rd before Lent 2nd before Lent 1st before Lent Ash Wednesday Priors 9.00am 5.00pm 9.00m - - Hardwick BCP Communion Evensong BCP Communion Wormleighton - 9.00am - 10.30am - BCP Morning Communion Worship Lower - - - 9.00am - Shuckburgh BCP Communion AT NAPTON Napton 10.45am 10.45am 10.45am - - CW Communion Morning CW Communion Worship Stockton 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 7.30pm Morning Worship Methodist Messy Church CW Communion Holy Communion Communion Priors 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am - Marston CW Communion Morning Morning CW Communion Worship Worship


Flower Rota 2nd/9th February Rachel Ducker 16th/23rd February Kate Morgan Cleaning Rota 9th February Kim Morgan 23rd February Lucy Rumble

If you would like to join the Priors Marston Rota, please contact Kate Morgan, 260617 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, PRIORS HARDWICK Cleaning/Flower Rota 2nd/9th February Barbara Harvey 16th/23rd February Margaret Clarke


The Bridges Group of Parishes Notices – Feb 2020 Programme for Children and Youth

The Lighthouse Club: Years 3-5 @ Napton Village Hall from 6.15 – 7.30pm Fridays: 14th & 28th Feb Contact Julia Boby 01926 811476

ConneXions: Year 6+ @ Napton Village Hall from 6.15 – 7.30pm Fridays: 14th & 28th Feb Contact Julia Boby 01926 811476

Explorer Club: Years 3-6 @ St Leonard’s, Priors Marston from 3.15 -4.30pm Fridays: 7th & 28th Feb Contact Suzanne Derbyshire 01926 817921

Pathfinders: Years 7-9 @ St Leonard’s, Priors Marston from 7.00pm – 8.15pm Thursdays: 6th and 27th Feb Contact Suzanne Derbyshire 01926 817921

Create & Play: pre-school ages @ Stockton Church from 9.30-11.00am Tuesdays Contact Deborah Dutton 01926 819016

Mid-week programme for Adults - Home Bible Study Groups The following groups meet for Bible study and fellowship. If you would like to join, please contact the Vicar or a Group leader: Every Wednesday at 8.00pm at Stockton Gillian [01926 815831] 1st & 3rd Thursday at 2.30pm at Stockton Jan [01926 817991] Every Thursday at 8.00pm - location varies Julia [01926 811476] Every Tuesday (except 1st) at 7.30pm at Napton Angie [01926 812225]

Choir / Music / Singing Groups Napton music & singing group contact: Sue English [07891 043007]

Parish enquiries For initial enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals and graveyard matters etc., please contact Susan, our Group Administrator on 01926 812383 or email: [email protected]. Please note that Susan works part-time but she will get back to you as quickly as she can.

Knit & Natter Tea and chat while knitting (or learning new skills) every Monday at 2.00pm in Stockton Church.

Dates for February 2020

10th February Napton PCC, 7.30pm 19th February Stockton Church Lunch, 12 noon 20th February Wormleighton PCC, 7pm


PARISH NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS AND THANKS Thanks to all our generous contributors, advertisers and volunteers, who help to make it possible to go on producing, printing and distributing the Parish News. Advance notice: you will be receiving a little brown envelope in the next issue, if you wish to donate to keep us solvent. You can return your donation to your distributor, to any of the people named in the box on page 2 of this issue, or to Maxine Harris at Priors Hall Post Office. If you prefer to contribute by bank transfer, the details are as follows. Account name: Priors Marston PCC, Sort code 40-42-15, Ac. No.90674222. Please reference your donation as ‘Parish News.’

SOUTHAM REPAIR CAFE Southam repair cafe is a community run scheme designed to keep household goods out of landfill by repairing them. All of the volunteers give up their time for free and have a wide range of skills. We can repair anything from a toy to a table, a lamp to a lawnmower! The cafe is open between 11am and 2pm at the Graham Adams Centre in Southam on the second Saturday of every month. Just turn up and fill in a form to get something looked at. It is a free service, but we do appreciate a donation to cover our costs. The cafe will be open serving hot drinks and snacks including home-made cake. We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please contact Adrian on 07976 214422. You do not need to have a Facebook account to visit this page.

NOTICEBOARD I have some Brother printer ink cartridges that need a home. Free, plus a donation to the church roof fund. Brother original LC1280XL-M(magenta) x2 Brother compatible 1280XLY(yellow) x1 Brother compatible 1280XLC(cyan) x1 Brother compatible 1280XLM(magenta) x1 Brother compatible 1280XLB(black) x1

For use with Brother MFC-6710DW, Brother MFC-J5910DW, Brother MFC-J6510DW, Brother MFC-J6710, Brother MFC-J6710D, Brother MFC-J6710DW, Brother MFC-J6910DW [email protected] 11


Green Waste. At the last Council meeting of 2019, a controversial move to introduce a £40 annual charge for the continued collection of green waste was voted through by 17 to 13 votes. There had been a rather poorly advertised public consultation on this proposal, portraying this as a necessary fundraising measure which I am afraid did not stand up to scrutiny. A number of councillors, of which I was one, found the stated claim that 'There has been a 60% reduction in central government grant funding’ to be misleading. Investigation shows there has actually been a significant overall increase in government funding to the District Council in recent years. Furthermore we felt the change is premature because the government stated last March that they intend to have free garden waste collections in place from 2023. I could not see a net environmental benefit from the proposed new charging system. Accordingly, I voted against this change. However, despite the opposition, details will be published in coming months explaining how the scheme will be implemented next summer.

Since the meeting, three of my colleagues have made formal complaints about the process leading to this decision and asked for it to be set aside. Firstly, because the information given in the public consultation and to Councillors was inaccurate and misleading, particularly around the finances and funding of the District Council, and secondly because the County Council appears not to have had the chance to properly consider the effect of more traffic, as people take their green waste to recycling centres such as the Stockton one, which serves the area around Southam. That site is already at capacity at weekends and is located on a dangerous stretch of road. We will see what the response might be.

Budget. The council will be looking at the budget during the coming session.

The announcement by the government on 20th December of its Provisional Local Government Settlement for councils for the coming year has delivered a bonus to Stratford District Council. This ‘settlement’ provides £9.33 million from central government to Stratford - £2.47 million more than the £6.86 million more than was forecast in last year's medium term financial plan.

This is a very welcome bonus for the District Council but one wonders why the Council should now continue with the £40 charge for green waste which was put forward as a fund raising exercise, especially since the Council’s reserves are predicted to remain at over £9 million for the next two years, against the minimum requirement of £3 million.

Climate Emergency. The new planning guidance document to respond to climate change is now open for consultation. Comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 21st February 2020.


The document can be viewed at (or at public libraries). The Council is also hosting a public drop-in session when officers will be available to answer questions and provide more information. This is at the Council offices in Stratford on Tuesday 4th February from 3-7pm. (At the moment no information session is planned more locally, but if enough people request one, I would make enquiries.)

I would like to wish all residents health and happiness for 2020.

Nigel Rock, Councillor for Napton and Ward [email protected] 07971 343065

* * * * * * * *

Kay and Bradshaw Educational Foundation

Under 25? Then the following may be of interest to you!

The Kay & Bradshaw Educational Foundation, or, as it is more commonly known, ‘Keys Charity’, exists to provide financial assistance for the promotion of education, including social and physical training of persons under 25, who have a parent or parents residing in the parish of Priors Marston. It can assist with help to purchase course books, tools and equipment for a trade or profession, cost of a field trip or training course, music and arts in fact anything connected to education. Over several years, many young people from the village have benefited from its assistance. Our next meeting is being held in March, so if you would like to make an application, please write to the vicar, Rev Gillian Roberts, Church Warden Malcolm Monkhouse, or Trustees Dot Brown, Elaine Forsyth and Sue Benson, together with your details and receipts for any books or equipment that you may have purchased.

We are waiting to hear from you.

Dot Brown, Secretary



Contact Barbara Harvey on 01327 260709, [email protected], to book, or for more information. Booking forms are available on the noticeboard in the hall.

General rate: £15.00 per hour. Village rate: £10.00 per hour. Special rates available for local/regular users. Badminton, darts, short mat bowls and table tennis equipment are available for use, and the Village Hall Committee is always pleased to hear from people with ideas for new activities and events. Current regular activities: Monday Table Tennis, 6.00-7.00 pm All welcome Tuesday Post Office, Lacey’s, Pilates Wednesday Play Group (am), Lacey’s, W.I Meeting (monthly) Thursday Post Office, Fun Club (term-time), Lacey’s, Coffee Morning (monthly) Friday Film Night (monthly Sept - May), Lacey’s Saturday Lacey’s

Lacey’s His and Hers Hairdressing: From Tuesday to Saturday, by appointment, you can have your hair done, next to the post office. The contact numbers are 01327 263330 and 07733 102564.


Post Office opening hours: 10 am-1.00 pm, 2.00 pm-4.00 pm, Tuesday and Thursday. Tel: 01327 261743. Copies of the Village Directory are available from the Post Office for a minimum donation of £3. Pilates: Pilates Class, Tuesdays at 9.30 am. A friendly, therapeutic and gentle exercise class, with an experienced, fully-qualified instructor. Beginners welcome. Please contact Steph on 07766 104411 or [email protected] * * * * * * * * PARISH NEWS PDF You can read the Parish News in PDF format (pictures in colour and A4 page size), by sending a request to the editor – [email protected]. You can also read the latest edition on the Priors Marston Parish Council website

* * * * * * * *

PRIORS MARSTON PARISH COUNCIL If you have any matters you wish to raise, please contact Emma Hooker the Parish Clerk, [email protected], telephone: 01327 263788. Website is NEW TO THE VILLAGE? Send me your email address and I will add it to the village email database. We use this to share local information that hopefully you will find informative. Please email [email protected] with your details.

* * * * * * * * PRIORS HARDWICK WEBSITE You can keep up-to-date with what’s going on in and around Priors Hardwick here:- WORMLEIGHTON CHURCH WEBSITE


PRIORS MARSTON & HARDWICK WI Wednesday 19th February 2020 Speaker: Alan Kinnear Alan has had a career in the world of packaging design. He will be giving us an insight into those products that we cannot do without.

At our December meeting, Deb Jones gave us a Demonstration of her amazing willow work. Deb was not only a great craftsman but a very interesting speaker. Deb went from being a high flying Company Executive to a stay at home Mum with a baby who had been born with a traumatic condition and Willow Work changed her whole life for the better. Deb now teaches this artisan craft and sells her many willow items from Greenacres at Staverton. A very inspirational lady.

Visitors and new members are always very welcome. Come & see what happens in your local WI.

Contact: Jane Cowen 07979 550202 Fiona Spencer 01327 263423


Film Night at The Priors Hall

Friday 21st February Downton Abbey

Doors Open at 7:00pm Film starts at 7:30pm

Year of Release: 2019 Certificate PG Running Time: 2hrs 3mins

Excitement is high at Downton Abbey when the Crawley family learns that King George V and Queen Mary are coming to visit. But trouble soon arises when Mrs. Patmore, Daisy and the rest of the servants learn that the king and queen travel with their own chefs and attendants -- setting the stage for an impromptu scheme and other shenanigans.

Starring: Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Matthew Goode, Jim Carter, Raquel Cassidy, Brendan Coyle, Michelle Dockery, Kevin Doyle, Maggie Smith

Free tea, coffee & biscuits will be served during the interval, but feel free to bring your own refreshments and a cushion for a more comfortable viewing experience!

There is no charge for admission, but we will be very grateful for all donations to Village Hall funds placed in our collection box! If you have any questions or wish to join our mailing list Contact The Priors Cinema Team at: [email protected] You can also call Lee Robinson Tel: 01327 263268 17

St Lawrence CE (VA) Primary School. Napton 01926 812447

Celebrating 10yrs of Little Lawrences

It hasn’t just been the stormy weather conditions that have ‘blown me away’ at the beginning of this new decade, but the renewed energy, enthusiasm and willingness to get things done. We, as many schools, ended the last decade by being told that the Local Authority didn’t have money for the basics but we knew that this couldn’t possibly be the case. And thankfully we were proved right and have been able to quickly invest in new staff and some new resources. Hurray for all connected with the school. I am delighted to therefore welcome Miss Amy Kent, Mrs Vikki Eadon and Mrs Sally Lewis into the team. What a difference they are all making, especially with regard to the love and nurture of our youngest in Little Lawrences, to those with specific needs, and all at lunchtime. Who cares about the wind and rain when you’ve got great adults and great children working and playing together? 2020 had barely started by the time we’d put into action a programme to ensure that 2020 really is a Year of Science. Science as biology, nature and environment, science as physics, mechanics and technology and science as chemistry and as the catalyst for many a brilliant science day. Indeed, we have had the first one of these already, with every child having a full day to learn through investigation, experiments and being inquisitive. We’ve always had a keen interest in science, certainly during my time as Head, but I’m delighted that Mrs Anne Coombe has taken science on as her subject to lead, and is now working closely with universities to ensure that our practice is at the cutting edge of research (for assessment through investigations) and at the cutting edge of quality in our pursuit of the Primary Science Quality Mark. Linked so closely with science is technology in all of its forms: electrical, mechanical, environmental and of course digital. Extra school provision alternates between our ‘Imagineering Club’ and our ‘Engineering lunches’, but this year it seems to have morphed into something much bigger and potentially a lot more exciting. We are currently in negotiations to buy stuff from Aston Martin Lagonda, Jaguar Land Rover and a host of other local companies and individuals into school to share their expertise and enthusiasms for a week of engineering workshops (in all their forms) for children across the school. The simple idea of an engineering lunch - little workshops at lunchtime - seems to be mushrooming into an experience (or series) of them that’ll hopefully inspire children for years to come. This area has such a huge level of expertise in it and we are so grateful that so many have shown a willingness to share some of it. Other project areas are of course to continue, so do expect to hear a little about Dragons, Giants and Unicorns (from our youngest), about London (from our Infants) and about the Ancient Egyptians (from our eldest!). Harp lessons have started. A term of harp lessons has started for our Year 4 class, and the brass lessons continue for all those in Year 3. The drive for speed and excellence in Times Tables is continuing with 2 ‘Times Tables World Cup’ competitions being organised for the term. The focus of tables: x3, x7, x8 and x9. Even our Y2s are getting involved with a competition to test their doubling and halving skills.


Our Gold Awarded PE provision continues as well and is going from strength to strength. Our girls’ football team are, for example, representing this term, playing against other county teams, and our netball team is being further challenged having won all their local matches and will soon play the School team. On the very first day of the Spring Term 2020, a most beautiful rainbow shone above the school as the children lined up to go into their classes. God’s promise of a terrific 2020: it certainly has seemed so. I hope that you all have had such a positive start to the year. John Brine, Head Teacher * * * * * * * *

GARDEN JOTTINGS FROM BRIDGE NURSERY Your local Hardy Plant Specialists It's a bit late, but here are my predictions for 2020:  There will be some extremes of weather, it will be the hottest, driest, wettest, or windiest and records will be broken.  At least one of your favourite plants will be destroyed by either rabbits, mice, deer, aphids or the family dog.  You will lose (misplace) your secateurs/trowel/gloves at some time.  There will be a new pest or disease (from abroad) which will threaten a well-known, well-loved group of plants.  Taxonomists will reclassify another group of plants amid much raising of eyebrows from the general public.  We will all be a little bit older and some of the garden jobs will be harder to do. I often wonder why so many of us are so keen on gardening when there are so many potential set-backs. Most of us use far too much plastic; many of us are wanting to cut down our use of it. Our aim this year is to try to reduce the amount of plastic we buy in. If our customers were to return the pots which had our plants in (washed and not broken), we will pay 10p per pot. We can then re-use them. Please don't bring us pink/purple/blue pots or those with sticky stickers on which can't be removed - just the ones bought from us. Christine Dakin, Bridge Nursery, Tomlow Road, Napton, ¼ mile from Crossroads Garage – look for our Tourist Sign


The Priors School

February 2020

Ofsted Inspection

We are extremely proud of the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection and the inspection team have informed us that we are a securely good school. Ofsted released a new, more rigorous inspection framework in September, which has a significant focus on the ‘Quality of Education’ in schools and the curriculum on offer. The inspection team identified the wide and varied curriculum we offer at The Priors and said the “school’s curriculum is well developed in most subjects” and that “pupils’ knowledge and skills are developed consistently well over time.” We have worked very hard over the past three years to develop a new and updated curriculum, using our school curriculum drivers to provide an exciting and interesting education for your children. As you know, at The Priors we value the individuality of all children and want to provide them with the skills to be successful in whatever they choose to do. We are very proud that this was identified within the inspection and has been reflected in the report. It was lovely to read the inspectors noticed that we want all children to “experience an education that helps them to become confident and self-reliant learners” and that we “value their individuality. Pupils rise to these expectations and their personalities shine through.” We have the pleasure of working with your children every day as their curious natures and thirst for learning really makes the school an enjoyable place to be. We are very proud the inspectors identified that the children are “happy and confident” and their behaviour is “exemplary”. Importantly, this allows children “to work without distraction.” Everybody on the school staff works incredibly hard to provide the best quality of education and experiences that we can for your children, and this report is testament to the dedication of all involved with the school. We really do have a brilliant and multi-talented staff team at The Priors; without them this school would not be such a nurturing place for your children to learn. This was identified by the team who state that the “school has a family feel” and that we care “for pupils’ wellbeing.” We would also like to thank the governing body for the hard work and the number of voluntary hours they put in to help the school. Without the governor support, oversight and input into the school, we would not be able to be as successful as we are. The governors are “committed to helping the school provide the best quality of education” by supporting and challenging us on ways to make the school better. We work well as a team and the children are always “at the centre of all decisions” we make. You can find the full report on our website.

Nursery Consultation Following discussions with The Priors Education Trust, we have been given the opportunity to bring the nursery provision into the school. We are very excited about this and are looking forward to welcoming the nursery children to The Priors School. In order to take on the nursery children, the school will have to vary the school’s age range to accommodate children from the age of 3 to 11. The consultation for this variation is open until 29th February and we would like to hear from you if you have any comments on the proposed changes. 20

If you would like any more information or would like to comment, please contact the school on either [email protected] or 01327 260527.

The Priors Education Trust (PET) is a registered Charity formed to enhance education for the public benefit with The Priors School (Reception to Year 6) named as specific beneficiary.

On the 6th December, the Christmas light switch on was a great success, despite huge downpours earlier in the day. A lot of mince pies, hot chocolate, mulled wine and biscuits were consumed. Thanks go to Rebecca, Rachel and Simon, John and Anne Marie, Charlotte Hamblin and Sarah Mills for all their help. The biggest thanks goes to Southam Lions for bringing Santa and his magnificent new sledge to the village green. We will be donating to Southam Lions for their designated charities The Teenage Cancer Trust and Acorns Children’s Hospital. There was a good crowd at The Butchers Arms on the second Tuesday in December where we enjoyed an excellent meal prepared by the new chef. Not only did we have the usual 3 courses plus wine, but also there were Christmas crackers on the table and complementary bubbly and mince pies to finish. There were 21 diners meaning that we had 185 diners in 2019 up from 106 diners in 2018. The next meal will be on Tuesday 11th February. If you would like to attend, please call David Adams on 262626 the week before. The price is £27.50 per head for a 3-course dinner with wine, and coffee – this includes a £6 donation to PET. The 100 club Christmas draw was held after the Christmas meal. There were three prizes of £100 won by Con Conlan, Wendy Sheldon and Judith Adams. The draw for a bottle of Butchers Arms wine was won by Dot Newton. As the Priors Nursery continues to thrive and pupil numbers grow, we are looking for both volunteers, to help with the children, and additional nursery assistants (part time). Please contact Ingrid Spencer via the Priors School on 01327 260527 for further details. An NVQ 3 in childcare is required; all successful applicants will be subject to a DBS check.

The Priors Education Trust – Trustees/Directors Jane Richards, Chairman: 262788 David Adams 262626 Pete Brown: 260281 Micky Broadhurst: 262181 Rebecca Phipps: 07917 417914 Caroline Wilson: 264289 Jess Ashenden: 07853 422696 Dot Brown, Treasurer: 260281 Registered Charity, No. 1145955 Registered Company No. 07747639

The Priors Education Trust is a registered Charity formed to generally enhance education for the public benefit with The Priors School named as specific beneficiary. PET runs the Priors Nursery and FOPS Charity Shop and also engages in fundraising activities in which it is joined by the Friends of Priors School (FOPS). PET is entirely independent of The Priors School, but works closely with it to enhance the curriculum and provide equipment.


PRIORS SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Snowball The club’s Snowball Lottery rollover jackpot was last won on December 8th by one of the staff at The Hollybush and currently stands at £250.00 and will remain so until the February 16th draw when it will increase by £25.00 each week until won. The draw takes place each Sunday lunch at The Hollybush so come and join us, have a drink and buy a ticket or two. Date Numbers Drawn From Prize Nov 24th 2 5 7 11 13 13 250 Dec 1st 2 6 7 10 11 12 300 Dec 8th 1 3 18 19 20 12 350 Dec 15th 2 4 7 9 11 12 250 Dec 22nd 1 3 18 19 20 20 250 Dec 29th 2 3 4 5 14 19 250 Jan 5th 5 7 8 13 15 18 250 Jan 12th 1 3 8 11 13 17 250

Football Chasewell Park FC, who call Priors their home, are currently lying 3rd in their league and are level on 13 points with local rivals Woodford Halse 3rds, who they beat 4-1 in a recent cup game, putting them through to the quarter finals. At the time of going to press we unfortunately have not been informed of the fixtures for February. Contact Kieran Reading [email protected] if you are interested in playing for the team. Tennis Please see the section’s own entry for up to date information about the section, their email address is [email protected] Annual General Meeting The Club’s annual general meeting, originally scheduled for November, had to be postponed due to unavoidable circumstances – the rescheduled date is February 19th at 7.30 pm and all current members are invited to attend.


Dog Walkers Unfortunately a number of people using the grounds to exercise their dogs seem to think that it’s acceptable to not bother cleaning up after them so PLEASE make sure that you clean up after your dog/s (bagged poo in the grey bins only please), as expecting committee members and footballers to have clean up your mess is a little unreasonable. Security Please do remember to lock the gates if you are the last to leave the grounds. Contact Details In the first instance please send an email to [email protected] or call 07722 797735

PRIORS TENNIS CLUB NEWS AND EVENTS Priors Tennis Club is on Byfield Road at the entrance to the Sports and Social Club. New members are always welcome. Late season discounted membership packages available now: Adult membership – usually £90 for the year – now just £67.50 Family membership – usually £160 for the year – now just £120 Junior membership – usually £30 for the year – now just £22.50 Senior membership (over 65s) – usually £45 for the year – now just £33.75

Visit our website at to buy your membership. Regular events for members:  Club Night – Tues 6:30pm til late.  Sunday Service – Club session on Sunday mornings, 10:30-12:30. All members welcome. Come along, have a hit, and meet other members.

Club contact details: email: [email protected] coach: [email protected] or 07938 145736 Website: Facebook:


WEATHER JOTTINGS NOVEMBER 2019 November 2019 brought 128mm of rainfall – the third month this year to have brought more than 100mm. This is not unusual. Over the past 23 years, six of them had no month with as many as 100mm but in 2000 and 2012 there were five months with over 100mm. This year, we had only 9 dry days in November and six of these came in the second half of the month. Total rainfall in the first half was 90mm, and there were minor floods in many places locally. The drains just couldn’t cope, as the rain came with such intensity. For most of the month, the water flowed through Church End, Priors Hardwick - as it did elsewhere - and Wellies were required for all outings on foot. There was just a window of fine weather between 16th (only light drizzle on 17th) and 20th, but then the rain came again on each of the next 7 days, but in much smaller quantities. However, our rainwater excesses paled into insignificance when compared with other parts of the country – notably Sheffield and Rotherham around the 7th -9th, where people were trapped by floods as they did their shopping! At one time there were 100 official flood warnings in place in . As well as the rain, November 2019 was notable for its low temperatures. The month began on 15℃ but then after a couple of days at 10℃ and 11℃ we didn’t see double figures again until 25th and 26th. The coldest day was Saturday 9th at 4℃. It began with a frost (after a fine clear day on Friday 8th), but the rain – 21mm of it – began at 12.00 and didn’t stop until the early hours of Sunday 10th – which was fine!! However, with all the cloud at night, there were no more frosts until the last two days of the month, which were both fine, but preceded by frost, the second of which was quite severe. It might almost have been ‘hard enough to bear a duck’ which would indicate a mild winter – or at least in days gone by it did! Margaret Clarke

Rainfall Jan to November 1000



Rainfall 400


0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Year


WEATHER JOTTINGS DECEMBER 2019 December 2019 began with 5 days of fine, cold weather, with a frost each morning. There was also a frost on the morning of Wed 11th and a slight frost on Christmas morning. But that was the extent of the cold weather. The rest of the month continued the trend set in November – temperatures all between 5℃ and 11℃ (just for Thursday 17th) and lots of rain! In Priors Hardwick, we suffered persistent flooding at Sawpit Corner, in Church End and on the corner below Hardwick Hill on the way to Wormleighton – but none so serious as to disrupt traffic as was the case on two occasions beside the reservoir at Byfield. The total for the month, most of which fell between Friday 6th and Saturday 21st, was 77mm. During this spell, there were four fine days –Monday 9th, Friday 13th(!!) and Sunday & Monday 15th and 16th. We had more fine sunny days on 23rd, 24th and Christmas Day and again on 28th and 29th. Looking at the year as a whole, the total rainfall in 2019, at 819mm, was the third highest of the past 10 years – even though the first 5 months only yielded 143mm. However, looking further back, that 819mm total for the year is only the 8th wettest since 1998, when I began recording weather data. This discovery led me to consider the rainfall totals in each quarter of the year. For the 4th quarter, the 325mm in 2019 was in 3rd place to 2002 with 347mm. and 2012 with 358mm. Looking at the first 3 months of the year, since 1998, there have only been 2 months with rainfall of at least 100mm: January 1999 - 100mm and January 2014 - 204mm!!!!- which still only gave it 339mm as a total for the three months! In the 2nd quarter, 2012 came out the wettest with 351mm (the total that year being the highest, 1,054mm, since 1998) and 2006 had the wettest 3rd quarter with 329mm. So what does it all mean? Don’t ask me! Margaret Clarke

Rainfall Jan to December 1200




Rainfall 400


0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Year


NATURE NOTES Happy New Year to you all and thank you very much to the folk who have contacted me with wildlife news recently. I see it is for the second year running that I am reporting we have experienced unseasonably mild weather over the New Year and it doesn’t look as if there is to be a change any time soon either. This makes life a little easier for the wildlife, tolerating colder temperatures causes great stress on animals, especially smaller mammals and birds. The weather on the continent has been similarly less harsh, so we have not so far received an influx of migrant birds moving here to escape their continental wintery extremes. The Banbury Ornithological Society have reported that the legal work is now in place for HS2 to take possession of the southern section of Glyn Davies Wood. They will be marking and fencing off the land they are taking sometime in the future. Half of what they take will be lost permanently, and half (the part closest to the BOS’s remaining portion) will be taken for the duration of the construction work but returned to the BOS when the work is complete. The news this week, in the middle of January, is full of the extra pressure that environmental pressure groups, the Wildlife Trusts and the Woodland Trust are exerting to force the Government to cancel HS2. Government have yet to announce the result of their review of the whole plan – leaving just a glimmer of hope that a change to their plans might come soon and before ancient woodland such as ours is felled along the route unnecessarily. The avian breeding season is about to start and it is illegal to fell in woodland during the breeding season, so hopefully the wildlife has a reprieve for the next few months at least even if it all goes ahead. As ever, please feel free to keep in touch on any local wildlife matters.

Helen Franklin, The Latch, Holly Bush Lane, Priors Marston [email protected] Mob – 07794 909699


WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2020 FRIDAY 6th MARCH Time to be agreed The Church of St John the Baptist,

THEME Rise! Take your mat and walk

A service of hymns and readings With time for reflection, relating to the theme, followed by refreshments.

These services, which take place world wide every year on the first Friday in March, are organised by Christian women from around the world. Each one lasts about an hour. The first service begins as the sun rises over Samoa and ends some 38 hours later, back in the Pacific, as the sun sets over American Samoa. This year’s service has been prepared by Christian women of Zimbabwe. It includes interesting information about the history, geography and way of life in Zimbabwe.

Previously named ‘Women’s World Day of Prayer’, These services are definitely NOT for women alone. People from all six parishes in The Bridges Group will be taking part, and Everyone is very warmly invited to attend.

More information can be found at


W.GOODWIN & SONS PETE BROWN Funeral Directors Supplier of:- Est. 1895 Milk and Eggs Delivered to

38, Street, Southam your door

Warks, CV47 0EP -----ooOoo-----

Seasonal Lawn Mowing Tel: 01926 812445 Email: [email protected] -----ooOoo----- Betweenways, Hardwick Road, Private Chapels of Rest Priors Marston Monumental Service provided Tel: 01327 260281 Email: [email protected]

NORTHFIELD Furniture & Cabinet making Bespoke kitchens, cabinets and furniture ADVERTS IN THE PARISH NEWS: One off/Regular ads (10 issues) For a free quotation contact £48/£240 per full page Luke Mundy £24/£120per half page 07952 645932 £16/£80per third page £12/£60per quarter page [email protected] £8/£40 per sixth page


AW Plumbing & Home Maintenance Small plumbing jobs to full bathroom installation Plumbing, tiling, carpentry, plastering, DIY Jobs, property maintenance and repairs Contact Andy, Priors Hardwick 07595 445540 [email protected]



JB ROOFING SPECIALIST RUBBER FLAT ROOFING Reroofs, extensions, bay windows, dormer windows; garages sheds and general roof maintenance; Gutters, fascias, gutter cleaning Southam 01926 815263 31 Mobile 07966 224842 [email protected]

Napton Village Stores, Post Office and Café. We are open 7 days a week Mon-Fri 7am-7pm Sat 8am-6pm Sun 8am-12midday, Bank Holidays, 8am-2pm


Visitors from all over the world visit our beautiful Warwickshire Restaurant All our food is sourced locally if possible and is used to create a menu which reflects the very best of English and Continental cuisine To make a reservation give us a call Church End Priors Hardwick Southam CV47 7SN Tel:01327 260504 [email protected]



Crumbelievable cakes for every occasion. Made to order in Priors Marston. Choose from a range of classic and unique flavours. We transform your ideas into a completely bespoke creation. Wedding cakes, Birthday cakes, Special events [email protected] 07961 228077 or find us on social media. 35

H|F Hillview Fencing With over 15 years’ experience in all types of fencing and gates, we aim to provide a complete supply and installation service for both domestic and commercial customers. We provide a reliable, professional and friendly business all across the UK.

Please email [email protected] or call Simon on 07784014059 Hillview Fencing Ltd, Priors Marston, Warwickshire

For professional design, installation & maintenance services, contact …

Andrew Mugleston, 20 Stubbs Road, Everdon, Daventry, NN11 3BN Registered with Gas Safe, Oftec (oil and solid fuel heating), WIAPS. 5-star rated under the Trading Standards ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme [email protected] 01884 260122 07947 315860

Why not celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight 2020? 24 February until 8 March, all kinds of people get together to show their support for the farmers and workers who grow our food in developing countries.

A Happy New Year to all our readers

Printed by Stockton’s News