Priors Marston * * Wormleighton PRIORS HARDWICK WITH AND WORMLEIGHTON part of The Bridges Group of Parishes PRIEST-IN-CHARGE: Rev. Gillian Roberts 01926 815831 [email protected] Sycamore Lodge, Church Street, Stockton, CV47 8JG GROUP ADMINISTRATOR: Susan Holloway 01926 812383 [email protected] LAY READER: Mr Peter Jackson 01327 260169 CHURCHWARDENS: St. Leonard, Priors Marston - Mr. Malcolm Monkhouse 01327 260915 St. Peter, Wormleighton - Vacancy

PARISH COUNCIL: THE PRIORS HALL: Barbara Harvey 01327 260709 [email protected] (Bookings) PRIORS SCHOOL: ST.LAWRENCE SCHOOL: WOMENS INSTITUTE: Jane Cowan 07979 550202 Fiona Spencer 01327 263423 FILM NIGHT: Lee Robinson 01327 263268 [email protected] SPORTS CLUB: Simon Brown 07722 797735 [email protected] TENNIS CLUB: [email protected] CRICKET: Alan Evans 07764 627030

Disclaimer: Please note that views expressed in articles are the views of the authors.

2 CORONA VIRUS MESSAGE FROM PRIORS MARSTON PARISH COUNCIL Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all Parish Council meetings are cancelled for the foreseeable future. Please check website and Notice board for updates in the coming weeks/months. If you need to discuss anything in the meantime, please email Emma. NEW TO THE VILLAGE? Remember, particularly if you are new to Priors Marston, email [email protected] to be added to the village email distribution list.

PARISH NEWS CONTRIBUTIONS: Helen Menezes 01327 261222 [email protected] Hillside House, Keys Lane, Priors Marston, , CV47 7SA. Deadline for contributions, 15th of the month.

Preferred format – A4 Word or JPEG (not PDF)

PARISH NEWS PDF: You can read the Parish News in PDF format (pictures in colour and A4 page size), by sending a request to the editor – [email protected]. You can also read the latest edition on the Priors Marston Parish Council website

THANKS! If you wonder if advertising in the Parish News can help, I have been reliably informed that, since the last issue, a project manager has come forward to manage the repairs at St. Leonard’s and the Churchyard has benefited from some maintenance work, also by volunteer response to Malcolm and Rob’s article.


You may have heard that central government is proposing new planning rules. Worryingly, it seems that this District could see its house building targets more than doubled under the proposals. In the government’s proposed new planning laws, local discretion over house building rates and numbers will be removed. Central government will share out an annual house building target between local councils, who will then be responsible for finding enough land to meet the target according to a formula.

A national planning consultancy has applied the new formulas across all local authority areas in . The results show that Stratford District’s increase in housing numbers would be one of the largest increases in the . The new targets would represent a 129% increase on the current Core Strategy figures to a new requirement of 1675 homes a year. Additionally, because much of the north of the District is green belt, and therefore protected, it would presumably mean much greater increases in house building in the remaining areas, including ours.

Although these are central government proposals, my colleagues and I will challenge these ideas locally where we can.

Following the unexpected death of County Councillor Bob Stevens, the ‘Notice of Vacancy’ for the Feldon County Division has been published. Normally, this would trigger a by-election. As a result of emergency regulations - the Local Government (Coronavirus) Postponement of Elections and Referendums Act - it is expected that a poll cannot take place until 6 May 2021 at the earliest. If anyone wishes to know more about this position, please contact me. (The Feldon county councillor post covers Fenny Compton, Priors Marston & Hardwick, Ladbroke, Wormleighton, , Bishops & , Farnborough, Deppers, Ufton, Chesterton.) In these unusual times we will have to work through this extended vacancy period as best as we can.

For myself, I will be working at a reduced capacity for a while as I recover from my heart attack, with support from colleagues. Again, I express my thanks for that help and for the many messages I have received wishing me well.

4 At the beginning of the Covid crisis, ’s recycling centres were all closed, with most reopening a few weeks later. However, Stockton and did not reopen. I formally raised this matter at the Council meeting on 13th July. My concern was that Stockton, in particular, provides an important local facility serving our area. Thank you to those that signed our on-line petition organised by Cllr Louis Adam and myself to press for reopening. I am pleased to say that the County Council has now announced that reopening is planned for Saturday 26th September, with bookings scheduled to be released a week before. There is a booking system in place for residents to book a slot at all the sites at Initially, Stockton will be open on Saturday and Sunday only and Wellesbourne will be open on Saturday, Sunday and Monday only. Usual opening hours for these days will apply.

Nigel Rock, Councillor for Napton and Fenny Compton Ward [email protected] 07971 343065

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Thanks to all our generous contributors, advertisers and volunteers, who help to make it possible to go on producing, printing and distributing the Parish News. If you want to contribute, you can still give donations to your distributor, to any of the people named in the box on page 2 of this issue, or to Maxine Harris at Priors Hall Post Office. If you prefer to contribute by bank transfer, the details are as follows: Account name: Priors Marston PCC, Sort code 40-42-15, Ac. No.90674222. Please reference your donation as ‘Parish News.’ Thank you for your support.


Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no-one comes to the Father except through me”. All my life and ministry has been, and remains, rooted in this truth. Whilst I have retired from Parish ministry, and therefore the Bridges Group, I have not retired from the Lord’s work, which is Ministry. Although the circumstances of my departure were not of my choosing, as I was not given an option with integrity in it, so friends, this is not the end of the story. Far from it! The turning of a page will allow freedom for a new chapter to begin. I therefore look forward to the future with expectation and excitement as some of my previous ministries evolve and the Lord opens up new ones. There is much to celebrate and many people to thank. Thank you to Father God for calling me here – may I remain faithful in that calling. Thank you to my family and friends – may they continue to stand with me. Thank you to all my farming friends – our shared journey will continue. Thank you to all in these communities and I look forward to seeing you in the future, albeit in a different context. The Lord always goes ahead of us and has provided a lovely home in the heart of Byfield as from October, so we’ll not be far from you. May God bless you richly in all you do!

Revd Celia


It is with regret that we record the departure of the Reverend Celia Parkes as an Associate Minister in the Bridges Group. Celia took services at St Mary’s on a regular basis, including the popular Sunday Evensongs arranged by Margaret Clarke. She took marriage ceremonies for several Priors Hardwick residents, including Anthony and Jojo Mackenzie and Jago and Hollie Toner and christened Arthur Darbishire. Her cheerful and welcoming disposition made each of these events special for the participants. Celia’s pastoral care and love and empathy for the countryside was evident from her popularity with the farming and wider rural community. A regular attender at the Rugby Farmers Market, she made many friends who will be delighted that she intends to remain in the neighbourhood. Her role at the Priors School was much appreciated by pupils and their parents alike. A parent writes “Celia has been a huge supporter of the school, both as a governor and as our vicar. She has been tireless in her commitment to guiding the children and has been exceptional in her pastoral care of both them and the staff. We will miss her words of wisdom and her community spirit and I know the children will miss her unique assemblies which always had them at their heart”. Whoever we are, we wish her well in whatever she chooses to do, and she will always be welcome in Priors Hardwick.

Christopher Hodgson, for and on behalf of Priors Hardwick PCC

7 . The Summer holiday, so very much needed, has clearly thoroughly refreshed so many in our school community. You see it both in the eyes of staff and also in the children: we’ve had such a positive start to the academic year. I truly believe that the way in which we created the opportunity for children to return to school in the summer term to aid transition has paid dividends already. It was a pleasure then… it is an absolute pleasure now. Though there have been some significant adjustments made to how the school is managed and how it provides for the children, the spirit of the school is very much as it always has been. Yes, some clubs are open to more limited year groups, but they are very much up and running, and yes, assemblies are in smaller groups, but they are back as the glue that draws us all together. As we are not able to welcome parents as we used to, our weekly Journals just became bigger and fuller, filled with celebrations of what makes the school such a special place to learn in, with a few moments to reflect upon what is still so good about life. Life in school is good and we intend to keep it that way with a continued rich programme of lessons. Whilst English and Maths will always take centre stage, those in KS2 (Juniors) are having the chance to turn back the ages to England’s ‘Golden Time’, as the Elizabethan period is often known. Our youngest children may have loved to build a sandcastle over the holiday, but studies of the real things never lose that sense of awe and wonder. A trip has already been booked, but lots of finding out and research will inevitably follow. I wonder how future sandcastles might look during future trips to the seaside. Though it really has been an extraordinary year, 2020 remains our Year of Science. There will be weekly opportunities to hone investigative skills for this vital subject as we continue to take an important role in a science research project with Bath Spa and Universities - the children and staff are benefitting very much.

8 St Lawrence’s might remain a small primary school on the edge of the county, but it embraces opportunities to continually reach out and grow… even if some of that is of a virtual nature. The exciting opportunities to work with universities as described is just part of this. We also are looking forward to working with and Warwick Universities in teacher training by welcoming a number of students again. I am working closely with our Diocesan Board of Education as a local representative to support all church schools in our area and diocese. I gain a lot from this, but, most importantly, so does our school and those other church schools in our area. It has been good to be fully back: good to do what we are good at doing. The YouTube video ( that is also on the welcome page of the school website (and our school Facebook page) sums it all up beautifully – why not take a peek? I look forward to sharing with you stories and news as the new academic year progresses. John Brine, Headteacher

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UNDER 25? THEN THE FOLLOWING MAY BE OF INTEREST TO YOU! THE KAY & BRADSHAW EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION The Kay & Bradshaw Educational Foundation, or as it is more commonly known, ‘Keys Charity’, exists to provide financial assistance for the promotion of education, including social and physical training of persons under 25, who have a parent or parents residing in the parish. of Priors Marston. In these uncertain times, students need all the help and support they can get, and Keys Charity can assist with help to purchase course books, tools and equipment for a trade or profession, cost of a field trip or training course, music and arts - in fact, anything connected to education. Over several years, many young people from the village have benefited from its assistance. Our next meeting is being held in November, but we will look at applications as they are received.

9 If you would like to make an application please write to the Vicar, Rev Gillian Roberts, Church Warden Malcolm Monkhouse, or Trustees Dot Brown, Elaine Forsyth and Sue Benson; together with your details and receipts for any books or equipment that you may have purchased. . We are waiting to hear from you. Dot Brown. Secretary ([email protected])

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POPPY APPEAL 2020 PRIORS HARDWICK Due to the current situation re: Covid 19...... Information has been received from the Royal British Legion that there will be no House to House collections or unmanned boxes placed in the usual collection point namely: The Butchers Arms, Priors Hardwick I have arranged the ordering of wreaths, so they are available for the November Act of Remembrance in each parish. I currently have some small wooden crosses in stock. Should you require one for a relative’s grave please contact me. I have also been issued with Poppy Pins 2020 and badges for sale. These will be available from October 24th for two weeks. Regrettably, these will be on a first come first served basis, as the stock is limited. Should you require one for the grave of a relative please contact your usual village volunteer: either Isobel Davies or Mark Suddens Any further information will appear in the November issue of this magazine. Margaret Ingman, Honorary Poppy Appeal Organiser.



We hope to resume the regular timetable as soon as possible, but are taking this opportunity to get the hall cleaned and decorated.

Lacey’s His and Hers Hairdressing: Tuesday to Saturday, by appointment, you can have your hair done, next to the post office. The contact numbers are 01327 263330 and 07733 102564. Donna is back!

Post Office opening hours: 10 am-1.00 pm, 2.00 pm-4.00 pm, Tuesday and Thursday. Tel: 01327 261743. Copies of the Village Directory are available from the Post Office for a minimum donation of £3.

Film Nights: Film nights are currently suspended, but hope to return in due course. If you have any questions, or wish to join the mailing list, contact the Priors Cinema Team at [email protected]. You can also call Lee Robinson Tel: 01327 263268.

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PRIORS HARDWICK WEBSITE You can keep up-to-date with what’s going on in and around Priors Hardwick here:- WORMLEIGHTON CHURCH WEBSITE


The Post Office now has copies of local walks, available at £5 a bundle. All proceeds go towards the repair of St. Leonard’s Church Tower. Following Alan Flint’s hand-drawn trails is a great way to get some exercise and to learn about the history of the area. Thanks to Barbara Flint for allowing Alan’s walks to be reprinted, to Simon Brown for organising and to Chris Roberts of One Vision Imaging ( doing the printing.

12 KEEPING THE PAST SAFE FOR THE FUTURE I am so happy that after six months of lockdown, we are able to return to our church buildings for our public worship. One of the joys of my ministry is visiting the six beautiful churches in our group of parishes. They are each special in their own unique way: from the decorated brickwork and spire of St. John the Baptist in ; to the wonderful heating and stained glass windows of St. Michael’s in Stockton; the views and bell-ringing of St. Lawrence’s in Napton; the glass screen and community space of St. Leonard’s in Priors Marston; the acoustics and quirkiness of St. Mary’s in Priors Hardwick (have you noticed the off-centre archway?); and the sheep in the graveyard and old-fashioned box pews in St. Peter’s in Wormleighton. We are so lucky to have these wonderful buildings. They were all built for the glory of God, they are all sacred spaces, and they each hold a special place at the heart of our communities, as part of our heritage. And each of us will have a story to tell about them - whether that is a significant life event such as a baptism, wedding or funeral; a place to simply sit and reflect; where your child learnt about Jesus while getting messy with glue and glitter, or of a grandfather who scratched his initials on the back of the choir stalls when he was a young lad! But each of our buildings are at risk. They are all “ancient” listed buildings that require a lot of love and attention to keep them functioning. The regular congregations are committed to paying for the outgoings such as heating, insurance, consumables and clergy costs etc. but they can’t fund major works and repairs. And contrary to widely-held beliefs, the Church of England is not awash with money – its capital is tied up in the buildings and pension funds – and we don’t receive financial support from them. If you appreciate our church buildings as part of our heritage, for special “life” occasions, as a sacred space, for community events, for the general value they contribute to our villages, please consider supporting them. This could be financial or practical help - with major building projects, a spot of maintenance or with fundraising. Please get in touch with me. God bless, Gillian

13 The Bridges Group of Parishes Church services for October 2020 BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship

4th October 11th October 18th October 25th October Trinity 17 Trinity 18 Trinity 19 Bible Sunday Priors 9.00am 5.00pm Evensong 9.00am BCP - Hardwick Informal morning with Harvest Communion worship celebration Wormleighton - 9.00am BCP - 10.30am Morning Communion Worship with Harvest Celebration Lower - - - Wed. 28th Oct. at Shuckburgh 10.00am Midweek BCP Communion Napton 10.30am CW Wed. 14th October at 6.00pm Informal - Communion with 9.30am Midweek evening worship Harvest Celebration morning prayer Stockton 10.30am 10.30am - 10.30am CW Morning Worship Methodist Morning Communion with Harvest Worship celebration Priors 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Morning 10.30am Marston Informal Worship CW Communion Worship with Informal Worship Harvest Celebration

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AIR AMBULANCE COFFEE MORNING Unfortunately, we will not be having an Air Ambulance Coffee Morning this year, but I have Xmas Cards here at 12 Shuckburgh Road right up until Xmas. Either call in or ring 01327 260763 to come and buy your cards. I also have lovely blank animal cards @ £1 each. Barbara Barnacle


Church Tower: We are delighted to report that a project manager has come forward to help with repairing the tower parapets and louvre tracery. This will make a big difference to the whole task of getting these repairs done.

Churchyard Maintenance: You may notice that the path running from the Orchard or North Gate to the North door, has been weeded and the overgrowing grass has been cut back at the edges, thanks to a response to our appeal for help with maintenance in the last issue. The village churchyard provides plenty of space, free from traffic, to enjoy the fresh air and to reflect. It really benefits from little jobs being done: for example, path edges cleared, grave ivy removed, weeds pulled up before they get out of hand.

These small jobs can be done as and when it suits you and on days when it is not raining! If you fancy doing something, just give Rob a ring (leave a message if out), or ring Malcolm. For and on behalf of the PCC, Malcolm Monkhouse 01327 260915 Rob Butcher 01327 261234



Our Patronal Festival Although the official date of the Birth of the Virgin Mary is 8th September, in recent years, we have always celebrated on the second Sunday of the month, at Evensong. So, after 6 months of silence the bells rang again 15 minutes before the service on Sunday 13th September, thanks to Paul and Rosemary Hobday – social distancing no problem!! Twenty-eight people were present, and this was almost full capacity in view of current regulations. It was an unusual sight to see people evenly spaced throughout the body of the church, all wearing masks! We are very grateful to our organist, Dr Gerard Hyland who played for us, and to Mrs Charlotte Miles who sang two hymns and an anthem, as we thought in the service about the three lockdowns in the life of The Virgin Mary. You may have noticed that the liturgical hangings were white – just for the day, as we celebrated. They were back to green within a day! A retiring collection was invited and we are most grateful for gifts amounting to £150. As I write this, messages of appreciation for the service are arriving!! Thanks Continued thanks to all those who have cared for the church building and churchyard whilst the church is locked most of the time, making access difficult – not to mention the grass in the churchyard which has not been growing when expected to – and then vice versa!! People do visit and are appreciative of its well-kept appearance. The flow of gifts for the Southam Food Bank has continued and these are taken to Southam on Mondays - and always received with gratitude. Future Services As you read this, our next service will be on Sunday 4th October, and will be ‘Morning Worship’, a term which can include a wide variety in what we do and how we do it! We shall start with a basic ‘Morning Prayer’, which is similar in content to the service of Evensong and then, hopefully, month by month, decide if we’d like to try something different (slightly to start with!!). This would be a matter for discussion between those

16 who attend, but the aim would be that everyone feels comfortable and understands why we do what we do!! Harvest Festival Our service will be on Sunday 11th October at our usual Evensong time of 5.00pm. Obviously, this will be very different without singing, (unless singing is back by then) but we shall do our best to offer an interesting and vibrant service. Sadly, the usual Harvest Supper will not be possible. Our next PCC meeting is planned for after the submission date for this article, so more news about all this locally, later. And don’t forget to put your clocks back on Saturday 24th October! Margaret Clarke, PCC member

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Parish Crossword – Answers Across 10 Napton 11 Gillian Roberts 13 Keys House 14 Drovers Road 20 Hollybush Inn 23 Bridle 25 Sue 26 Emma 29 Jeremy Wheeler 33 Pete Brown 36 Ashorne Oak 40 Eilat 41 Priors Hall 44 Josiah Key 47 Chasewell Park 53 Bear 55 BEA 58 Parkes 60 Wormleighton 62 67 St Leonard 69 Wesleyan Chapel 70 Bridge Down 1 Innkeeper 2 Spey 3 Pothole 4 Pine 5 Glad 6 Halo 7 Green 8 Beer 9 Etna 12 Quays 15 Raise 16 Surgeon 17 Old 18 Dye 19 Isle 20 Ham 21 NUM 22 Ney 24 Lee 27 Art 28 Rebus 29 Jewel 30 Who 31 Loose 32 Rake 34 Erica 35 Nil 36 AAJ 37 Stork 38 Roach 39 Epic 42 Roe deer 43 Hoe 45 KGB 46 Tragedies 48 HEA 49 LBW 50 Leo 51 Parka 52 Rule 54 Ein 56 Agile 57 St Yorre 58 Pro 59 RAF 61 Ocean 63 X-men 64 Owls 65 Nice 66 Loaf 67 Stew 68 Andy

17 PRIORS SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB Snowball The Snowball Lottery, which has not been drawn since March, is due to restart in October, the beginning of our new financial year. Please check out the Club’s new Facebook page – Priors Sports & Social Club 2020 for more news of this.

Football Over the summer we have been renting out the pitch to local sides for them to play pre-season friendlies. These have been quite lucrative for the club and, more importantly, have given other teams the opportunity to see the facilities. As a result, we can now report that there will be a Sunday side, Romer FC, playing their home fixtures at the club from the beginning of October.

Tennis Please see the section’s own entry for up to date information, their email address is [email protected]. A reminder to those of you who use the courts – please remember, if you are the last to leave, to ensure that you lock all of the gates behind you and to only park on the car parking area adjacent to the courts and not in front of the gates or on the grass verge on Byfield Road.

Pop Up Pizza Nights These have proven to be extremely popular and will continue for as long as there is demand for them. However, the decision has been made not to open the clubhouse or bar until the government’s Rule of 6 has been relaxed. This means that the live music evening we had hoped to put on will have to be postponed.

Sunday Lunch Opening Again, because of the Rule of 6, the club will not be opening as planned, however the bar will be open when there is a home football fixture.

Dog Walkers If you are using the grounds to exercise your dogs, PLEASE make sure that you clean up after them putting bagged poo in the grey bins only.

18 Agility Deena Freeman, who has been renting a corner of the field to carry out her Dog Agility training courses, will be relocating to Cornwall in the autumn. We are in discussions with a couple of other instructors about them taking over the operation. In the meantime, we would remind people that the equipment is for dog training and NOT for children to use as an obstacle course.

Membership Membership of the Club is open to all readers of this periodical – please contact Keely Huss, Club Membership Secretary by email at [email protected]

Security Please do remember to lock the gates if you are the last to leave the grounds.

Contact Details In the first instance please send an email to [email protected] or call 07415 093627

The Priors Sports & Social Club Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Tuesday November 17th at 19.45 in the Sports Club Pavilion All current paid up members are invited to attend The agenda will be published in the next issue of the Parish News, displayed on Club notice board and emailed to members whose email addresses are on file. Any matters for AOB to be submitted by email to [email protected] before November 3rd.

19 PRIORS TENNIS CLUB NEWS AND EVENTS To access the courts, please visit our website (see below) for information on membership packages. We are keeping the Early Bird family discount offer going for the time being, and if anyone is struggling financially, but would still like to play, please get in contact No turn up and play allowed (except for on Club Nights). Again, visit our website to book your court. email: [email protected] coach: [email protected] or 07938 145736 Website: Facebook: Priors Tennis Club is located on Byfield Road at the entrance to the Sports and Social Club. New members are always welcome!

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MISSING A GOOD READ? A new ‘Click and Collect’ service has been launched by Warwickshire Libraries. You can now pre-order books and arrange a time to pick them up, at You may also phone 0300 555 8171 or email [email protected] with your book reservation requests. You can arrange to collect from several locations, as listed on the website above, including Southam Library.

20 TEA ON THE FOURTH THURSDAY TEA - 4TH THURSDAY Very sadly, we shall not be able to enjoy our tea party this month, due to social distancing requirements. However, we look forward to a very happy reunion as soon as the restrictions are lifted.

PRIORS HARDWICK VILLAGE MEETING The next Village Meeting will take place on Thursday, 21st January 2021 hopefully in the Church. More details will be issued nearer the time, including availability via Zoom.

FOOD BANK Non-perishable items may be left in the telephone box in Priors Hardwick. While social distancing is in operation, donations will be taken to the Food Bank at Southam, which is running mainly a delivery service locally to those in need who have been referred by participating agencies. Gifts will be taken to Southam on Monday mornings. We are most grateful for the generous donations received so far this year.

MOBILE LIBRARY The Mobile library visits are suspended for the time being. The Warwickshire Library Service will contact its members as soon as visits resume. Contact details, if required are: 01926 851031 and Also, note the library Click and Collect service described on the previous page.

COLLECTION OF POSTCARDS – USED OR UNUSED Please continue to save your postcards until the churches open again. In Priors Hardwick they may still be left in the ‘phone box, from where they are used for Mission Aviation Fellowship and in Priors Marston for The Leprosy Mission. USED STAMPS Please continue to save your stamps, on a good margin of paper and leave them in the ‘phone box in Priors Hardwick or in the church in Priors Marston. They will be used to provide funds for The Leprosy Mission. Very many thanks to those who have donated stamps in recent months! 21 WEATHER JOTTINGS AUGUST 2020

The trace of rainfall on St Swithin’s day last month seems to have held good – generally. Rain fell on 18 of the 31 days of August and the total was 102mm. Most of this fell from Tuesday 11th onwards and on Tuesday 25th, we received 23mm – of which more below! This is the 5th time since 2000 that August has achieved 100+mm. Only October and November have achieved this already, (together with a higher monthly average) since 2000 – and their 2020 rainfall is still to come! Daytime temperatures during the month varied between 15℃ and 31℃ and were mostly below 20℃ for the last ten days of the month. On Sunday 2nd, the temperature rose to 25℃, but then fell back by several degrees until rising again on Friday 7th to 29℃, then remaining at 28℃ or above until Wednesday 12th. It then fell gradually as we approached the end of the month, with a high on Bank Holiday Monday (31st) of 18℃ here. The temperature as the day began (it’s apparently the coldest just before dawn) on this day was 0.6℃ in North Yorkshire making it the coldest August Bank Holiday since 1983 when the temperature was 0.2℃ just before dawn. Last year, the mercury hit 32.2℃ at Heathrow airport on the Bank Holiday! The last ten days of the month were characterised by Storm Ellen and Hurricane Francis. Storm Ellen hit us on Saturday 22nd with very strong winds and only 18℃. However, in North Wales, 79mph winds


were recorded and the National Grid reported that wind turbines supplied 59.1% of Britain’s power at 1.00am on that day. The remains of Hurricane Francis came three days later, with its 23mm of rain, mostly in the morning. With the trees till mostly in full leaf there were many branches and boughs down. Again, North Wales bore the brunt, with homes flooded, campers rescued, and road and rail travel disrupted. A high level of rainfall is not unusual for August, but such disruptive storms certainly are. Margaret Clarke.

Rainfall Jan to August 800




400 Rainfall 300



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GARDEN JOTTINGS FROM BRIDGE NURSERY Your local Hardy Plant Specialists

The winter is looming, so I'm trying to find ways to tolerate the dark cold days. Added to that, this year brings the possibility that there might be more restrictions due to the virus. It is more important than ever to make your garden sparkle with colourful plants for winter. There are various variegated evergreen shrubs which can lighten a dark corner, which include holly, euonymus and spotted laurel. Better still are some winter flowering plants which are also scented, such a bonus. Try Lonicera fragrantissima (the shrubby honeysuckle) bees love it, or Viburnum farreri 'Nanum', which is a small slow-growing shrub with pink flowers. Don't forget the Sarcoccoca which are one of the most highly scented plants, great to have by the front door. Cornus (dogwoods), Arbutus (strawberry tree) and Hebe rakiensis all help to brighten up the winter months. There are many others, so do come along and ask for advice. The opening times through the winter will be mostly by appointment, but when the gate is open, please come in. There will be some bargains too. Christine Christine Dakin, Bridge Nursery, Tomlow Road, Napton, www.bridge- ¼ mile from Crossroads Garage – look for our Tourist Sign


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Printed by Stockton’s News