Dernière actualisation : 01/02/2021

EMERGENCY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (PDU) Project "Development of drinking water supply, sanitation and pastoral hydraulic works in the region"

DONOR(S) European Union



AMOUNT 6.000.000 Euros

DATES 01/2021 - 01/2024

PHASES Mise en œuvre

PARTNERS Multiples

PDU PILLARS 1) Hydraulic and sanitation

Noukou et RigRig in the


PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project aims to improve the living conditions of border populations in the Kanem region through better access to drinking water, sanitation and pastoral water services. The investments are in line with Chad's new "Water and Sanitation Master Plan", which emphasizes taking into account the movement of mobile populations. The European Union finances these activities through the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (FFU) under pillar 1 "Promoting the living conditions of border populations, by improving basic services, in particular access to water and sanitation ”of its Emergency Program for the stabilization of the border areas of the G5 Sahel (PDU) between 2021 and 2023 with an amount of 6 million euros. The general objective of the project is to promote the living conditions of border populations by improving basic social services, including access to water and sanitation. Specifically, it is about: Objective 1: Increase the population's access rate to drinking water in the department of North Kanem, bordering the province of and the Republic of by building drinking water points; Objective 2: Improve the sanitation situation through the construction of structures and the promotion of good hygiene practices; Objective 3: Support agricultural and pastoral production through new pastoral water infrastructure. The beneficiaries of this action are 86,046 people living in the sub-prefectures of Nokou and Rig-Rig. The main activities planned are as follows: 1. Rehabilitation of 40 modern wells; 2. Construction of 50 new wells; 3. Construction of 2 mini drinking water supply (AEP) and 5 Hydraulic Production Units 4. (UPH). 5. Rehabilitation of two DWS in urban centers (Nokou and RigRig); 6. Establishment of a governance structure for hydraulic infrastructure built and rehabilitated 7. Construction of family and institutional latrines using the CLTS approach in 500 villages and 20 schools in the province

PROJECT PROGRESS For the hydraulic pillar, an award procedure was made and an agreement between the European Union and Action contre la Faim was signed at the end of 2020. The project is implemented by the Consortium Action Contre la Faim and ASRADD1 , with ACF as lead. The launch of activities should start in the second quarter of 2021.


• Ministry of Economy and Planning of Chad

1 Sahelian Alliance for Applied Research and Sustainable Development: National NGO Contact siège : Oliver Juenger – Tel : +32 02 325 65 85 – Mail : [email protected] Contact Tchad : Azéddine Moussa Mahamat Saleh – Tel : +23565673937 – Mail : [email protected]

Cette publication a été produite avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne et de l'Allemagne. Son contenu relève de la seule responsabilité de l'Alliance Sahel