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Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search EUGENE V. DENNET PAPERS Accession No. 3917-2







Eugene Dennett was born in 1908 in Revere, Massachusetts to a working-class family. His parents named him for the Socialist leader, Eugene V. Debs. Dennett attended Normal School and taught school until 1931. In the 1930s he joined the under the name Victor Haines and in 1931 became Agitation and Propaganda Director for the Communist Party, Northwestern District Buro in Seattle. As a result of conflict with the District Organizer, Dennett was sent to Bellingham in 1932 as Party section organizer. He eventually drifted away from active participation in the Communist Party because of his political disagreements with the district leadership. In 1934 he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and edited CCC camp newspapers at Yale, Washington and Metaline Falls, Washington. He was discharged from this job in 1935 because of his radical pro-labor leanings. Dennett moved to Seattle, found a job on a ferry boat, joined the Ferryboatmen's Union (later renamed the Inlandboatmen's Union), and took part in strikes in 1935 and 1936. He was a ship delegate and chaired a "Committee of Nine" which was assigned the task of interpreting and applying the decision of the 's review and arbitration commission following settlement of the strike in 193 6. When the IBU joined the Maritime Federation of the Pacific Coast, Dennett was elected one of the IBU's delegates to the Federation's Puget Sound District Council and to the Federation's third convention in 1937. He also served as IBU delegate to the Seattle Central Labor Council from 1936 to 1937. After rejoining the Communist Party in 1936, Dennett was active in the Washington Commonwealth Federation and served as WCF Vice President from 1938 to 1940. In 1937 he managed Hugh DeLacy's successful campaign for Seattle City Council. In 1938 he was elected the first Executive Secretary of the new Washington State Industrial Union Council (CIO), serving two years before he and other left-wing executive board members were removed at John L. Lewis' orders. Dennett next went to work at Bethlehem Steel, Seattle, and joined the Steel Workers Organizing Committee. Meanwhile, Dennett and his wife, Harriette, led a large Communist Party unit in a working class Seattle neighborhood during the early years of World War II. In 1943 Dennett was drafted into the Army. After the war, he returned to Bethlehem Steel. His disagreements with the Communist Party led to his expulsion in 1947 on charges of being an FBI agent. He continued his activity in Steelworkers Local 1208, holding the office of Recording Secretary and serving on the local's Grievance Committee. After conflicts with the union hierarchy and Bethlehem management he was expelled from the union in 1954. In 1955 he was subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee. Following his initial resistance, Dennett testified before the Committee about his past associations with the Party. He continued working at the mill until 1966 when a confrontation with management and health problems induced him to retire. Dennett worked several years as a longshoremen's cargo checker on the Seattle docks until his retirement in 1972. In 1979 he visited China as a member of a U. S. Booksellers Delegation to the PRC. He died in 1989.

For further biographical information, see Eugene Dennett's autobiography. Agitprop, The Life Of An American Working-Class Radical, 1990.


The Eugene Dennett papers were presented to the Libraries in June 1989 by the Dennett estate. They were deeded to the Libraries in September 1989 by Dennett's literary executor, Jeremy Egolf. The papers measure 9 cubic feet.


The Dennett papers were processed in preliminary fashion soon after they were received. Processing of the papers was completed in 1991. They were subgrouped according to Dennett's activities, with a large group of material unrelated to any of the subgroups designated as Personal Papers subgroup. A speech and a letter which had been received from Dennett in 1988 and accessioned as #3917, were integrated into this accession during processing in 1991. Near the end of processing a substantial number of documents that did not fit well together or in any of the subject files in the Personal Papers subgroup were separated into three groups designated "Miscellany. " The following is a brief description of the types of material in each group.

Political Issues and Campaigns—includes much Democratic Party information, pamphlets, memorabilia, brochures, newsletters, some personal notes.

Health—much of this is correspondence with the Veterans Administration, American Red Cross, and several doctors and hospitals regarding Dennett's various ailments. Also included are brochures, questionnaires, test results, clippings.

Labor—these are individual items collected by Dennett through his associations in the labor movement, but not extensive enough to warrant a subgroup or subject file. They include constitutions, ephemera, contracts, agreements, acts, newsletters, resolutions. The record series, "Miscellany," was used, to a lesser degree, in other subgroups as well, for unsorted material of any kind.

All of Dennett's papers relating to his service in the CCC are in the subgroup, U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps. Company 1745. All of his papers relating to his activities on behalf of the Communist Party are in the subgroup. Communist Party, U.S.A. District 12. Transcripts and material relating to Dennett's later testimony about the Party are in the Personal Papers subgroup. One file, on Dutch Schultz, will be closed until January 1, 2000. Another file, "Melville M. London and the Early 1930s Washington State Unemployment Movement...," will be closed until the manuscript is published. EUGENE V. DENNETT PAPERS Accession No. 3917-002


Subgroups Pages

Communist Party, U.S.A. District 12 1-2

U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps. Company 1745 (later 2920) 2-3

Washington Commonwealth Federation 3-4

Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific. Puget Sound Division (Ferryboatmen's Union of the Pacific. Puget Sound Division) 4-6

Central Labor Council. Seattle 6

Industrial Union Council. Seattle 6

Industrial Union Council. Washington (CIO) 6-8

Steelworkers of America, United. Local 1208 8-9

Dennett, Harriette 9-10

Personal Papers 10-15 EUGENE V. DENNETT PAPERS Accession No. 3917-002


Box/Folders Dates



1/1 Constitutions—Communist Party, U.S.A. 1945, 1947

1/2 Incoming Letters 1933-1948

1/3 Outgoing Letters 1932-1934,Undated

1/4 Inter-organizational Correspondence 1932-1947,Undated

1/5 General Correspondence 1932-1933,Undated

1/6 Memoranda 1939

Writings 1/7 "The O^nmunist Party" (chapter 7 of Why Communism, with study questions) by Moissaiye J. Olgin Undated "Democratic Centralism" Undated 1/8 "Elements of Political Education" Undated "Fundamental Problems of " Undated "On Tactics of Communists in a " Undated 1/9 ": Scientific and Utopian" by F. Engels 1893 "Striking Against "Forced Labor'" Undated 1/10 Miscellaneous 1934, Undated 1/11 Reports Report on Anacortes Trial at Mt. Vernon 1932 Plan of Action for Northwest District Undated Political Reports to the Units 1932-1933 Report on May Day (Bellingham) 1932

Resolutions 1/12 District 12 Draft Resolutions 1932-1934,Undated 1/13 Resolution of Tasks of the Communist Party, U.S.A. Undated Resolution on Inner Party Situation and Expulsion of Members Undated 1/14 Statements 1932-1947,Undated

1/15 Campaign Materials 1928-1932,Undated

1/16 Bulletins Undated

1/17 Pamphlets 1933-1947, Undated E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 2

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


1/18 Newsletters 1931

Newspapers 1/19 People's Daily World 1986 Voice of Action 1933 1/20 Miscellaneous 1931-1933, Undated

1/21 Clippings 1976-1988

1/22 Notes On "Victory and After" Undated Miscellaneous Undated

Subject Series 1/23-24 Agitprop 1930-1931,Undated 1/25 Communist Party of Japan Undated 1/26 Dennett's Expulsion from Communist Party, U.S.A. 1947-1948,Undated 1/27 Pioneer Summer School (Seattle) Undated 1/28-30 Workers' School Undated Affiliated Organizations 2/1 Friends of the Soviet Union Undated 2/2 International Labor Defense Undated 2/3 Unity League Undated 2/4 Unemployed Council (incl. National Committee Unemployed Councils) 1932-1933,Undated Uhaffiliated Organizations 2/5-6 Peoples Councils (Bellingham) 1932,Undated 2/7 Unemployed Citizens League. Central Federation (and others) 1933-34 Ephemera 2/8 Communist Party 2/9 Miscellaneous related

2/10 Miscellany


2/11 Incoming Letters 1934-35

2/12 Outgoing Letters 1935

2/13 General Correspondence 1934,Undated

Reports 2/14 Report of personnel survey 1935 2/15 Miscellaneous 1931-35,Undated E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 3

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


Newsletters 2/16 Company 1745 ("1745th Post"; E.V. Dennett, editor) 1935 2/17 Company 2920 ("2920th Post"; E.V. Dennett, editor) 1935 2/18 Company 177 ("Camp Chapman Clarion") 1935 2/19 Company 928 ("Zigzag Zephyr") 1935 2/20 Company 931 ("931 News") 1935 2/21 Company 932 ("The War Whoop") 1935 2/22 Company 935 ("The Salt Water Herald") 1934 2/23 Company 969 ("The Broomhandle") 1935 2/24 Company 1624 ("The Tide") 1935 2/25 Company 2907 ("The Daily Blast") 1935 2/26 Company 2912 ("The Emulator") 1935 2/27 Bulletins 1934-1935

Publications 2/28 "Uncle Sam's Diary" 1934-1935 2/29 Miscellaneous 1924-1935

2/30 Newspaper—The Metaline Falls News 1935

3/1 Photographs Undated

3/2 Notes Undated

Subject Series 3/3 Education 1934-1935 3/4 E.V. Dennett's discharge 1935

3/5 Miscellany


3/6 Constitutions and Bylaws 1936, Undated

3/7 General Correspondence 1936

3/8 Memorandum 1937

3/9 Speeches and Writings "Program of State A.F. of L. Convention Shows Influence" by E.V. Dennett Undated Address by E.V. Dennett from KDRO Radio 1940 Peacemakers' Manifesto to the People of by E.R. Bromley, W.F. Nelson, and R.T. Templin 1951 "Principles of the Washington Commonwealth Federation" Undated E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 4

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


3/10 Minutes State Convention 1936 Resolutions and Platform Committee Undated Caucus Meeting Undated

3/11 Reports—from the Platform Committee Undated

3/12 Resolution Undated

3/13 Election Materials 1936

3/14 Case File—Thompson, William 1943,Undated

3/15 Pamphlets 1934-36,Undated

3/16 Lists

3/17 Note Undated

Subject Series 3/18 DeLacy, Hugh 1937-46 3/19 Gunther, Earl Undated 3/20 DeLacy-Gunther campaign for election to Seattle City Council 1937 3/21 Miscellany 1937, Undated


3/22 Constitution and Bylaws Undated

3/23 Incoming Letters 1936-38

3/24 Outgoing Letters 1935-37

3/25 Inter-organizational Correspondence 1936-1937, Undated

3/26 General Correspondence 1936-1937

3/27 Minutes 1937

Reports 3/28 Reports of Committee elected to Interpret the Martin Award ("Committee of Nine") ca.1936 3/29 Ship Delegate's Reports 1935 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 5

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


Reports cont. 3/29 cont. Miscellaneous 1936, Undated

3/30 Resolutions Resolution on Arbitration Award of Governor Martin's Commission 1936 Miscellaneous Undated

3/31 Statement Undated

3/32 Agreements 1935-41, Undated

Conventions 3/33 Third Annual Convention of the Maritime Federation of the Pacific Coast 1937 3/34 Thirty-fifth Annual Convention of the Washington State Federation of Labor 1936

3/35 Election Materials 1937

3/36 Case File—Grievance Committee hearing on E.V. Dennett 1936

3/37 Bulletins 1937

3/38 Newsletters—Ferryboatmen's Union News 1936

3/39 Membership Books—E.V. Dennett 1935-1937

3/40 Time Book—E.V. Dennett 1941-1942

3/41 Clippings 1937, Undated

3/42 Lists 1936-1937, Undated

3/43 Notes

Subject Series 3/44 Masters, Mates and Pilots of America, National Organization. Local No.90 and Local No. 6 1937 3/45 Ferryboatmen's Strike 1935 3/46 E.V. Dennett's Discharge from the Belana 1936 3/47 Maritime Federation of the Pacific Coast 1937-1938 4/1 Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union. International 1961-1986 4/2 Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, International. Local No.52 and Local No.9 1966-1967, Undated E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 6

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


4/3 Ephemera

4/4 Miscellany


4/5 General Correspondence 1936-1937

4/6 Writing— "Seattle Central Labor Council, 52 Years Ago" by E.V. Dennett 1988

4/7 Minutes 1937

4/8 Reports 1935-1936, Undated

4/9 Resolution Undated

Subject Series 4/10 Political Welfare Committee 1936-1937, Undated 4/11 Labor Day Parade 1936

4/12 Miscellany


4/13 Constitution Undated

4/14 General Correspondence— Molthan, James A. 1938

4/15 Speech—"The Business Recession and Unemployment" by E.V. Dennett 1937


4/16 Constitutions 1938-1950

4/17 Incoming Letters 1938-1940

4/18 Outgoing Letters 1938-1941

4/19 Inter-organizational Correspondence 1938-1940

General Correspondence 4/20 Jackson, Gardner 1938-1940 4/21-22 Miscellaneous 1938-1941 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 7

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


Memoranda 4/23 Daily Memos 1940 4/24 Miscellaneous 1938-40, Undated

4/25 Speeches and Writings Speech before the Roslyn- Cle Elum Industrial Union Council by E.V. Dennett 1940 "John L. Lewis and the Washington State CIO Council" by E.V. Dennett Undated

Minutes 4/26 Executive Board meetings 1938-1940 4/27 Meetings of other Industrial Union Councils 1940 4/28 Dennett's personal notes of CIO Executive Board meetings 1939

4/29 Reports Report to the Executive Board of the Washington State Industrial Union Council by E.V. Dennett 1939 Report on session of the Washington State Legislature by E.V. Dennett 1939 Miscellaneous 1940, Undated 4/30 Resolutions 1940

5/1 Statements 1942

Conventions 5/2 Second Annual Convention 1939 Third Annual Convention 5/3 Speech—opening address by Richard Francis 1940 5/4 Minutes 1940 5/5 Reports 1940 5/6 Resolutions 1940 5/7 Statement 1940 5/8 Declaration 1940 5/9 Program 1940 5/10 Subject—Credentials Committee 1940 5/11 Miscellaneous 1940 5/12 "J.C. Lewis" Convention 1941 5/13 Fifth Annual Convention 1943 5/14 Affidavits 1940

5/15 Financial Records 1940

5/16 Field Trip Records 1940 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 8

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


5/17 News Releases 1939-1940

5/18 Bulletins 1936

5/19-20 Address File Undated

5/21 Clippings 1938, Undated

Lists 5/22 Locals Undated 5/23 Miscellaneous 1940, Undated

Notes 5/24 Reading notes from "One Union in Wood," "Labor Baron—A Portrait of John L. Lewis," and "Sit Down with John L. Lewis" Undated 5/25 Miscellaneous Undated

Subject Series 5/26 Congress of Industrial Organizations 1939-1940, Undated 5/27 American Federation of Labor 1933 5/28 Seattle Industrial Labor Union Council Undated 5/29 C.I.O. Political Action Committee 1952 5/30 Continuations Committee for an Autonomous and Democratic Washington State Industrial Union Council 1941 5/31 Labor's Non-Partisan League 1939-1940, Undated 5/32 Miscellany


6 General Correspondence (incl. Bethlehem Steel Co.) 1949-87

Memoranda 1950-1956, Undated

Minutes 1950-1954

Reports 1950-1955, Undated

Constitutions and Bylaws 1949-1982

Resolution 1954

Agreements 1929-1962, Undated

Grievances 1952-1957 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 9

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


6 cont. Conferences and Conventions 1952-81

Campaign Materials 1954, Undated

Bulletins 1935-1987

Newspaper—Steel Labor 1947-1952

Periodicals 1977-1988

Pamphlets Undated

Clippings 1954-1984, Undated

Lists 1948-1953, Undated

Notes 1952-1953, Undated

Subject Series Wage Scales and Rates 1942-1960, Undated Incentives 1952-1963 U.S. National Labor Relations Board 1952-1954 7 Seniority 1948-1953 Safety Committee 1949 Relief Committee for Strike 1949 Lost Times 1982, Undated Union Election Camp 1944-1946, Undated Apprenticeships Undated 22-inch Mill 1953, Undated Jay G. Sykes and The Progressive 1955 E.V. Dennett's Expulsion from United Steelworkers of America 1954-55 Libel Suit: E.V. Dennett vs. United Steelworkers of America 1953-56 Miscellany 1943-1969, Undated


8/1 General Correspondence 1947-1948

8/2 Affidavit 1949

8/3 Agreement 1978

8/4 Diary 1910 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 10

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


8/5 Yearbook—Franklin High School 1931

8/6 Subject File—re. charges brought against Harriette Dennett by Local 35 of the United Office and Professional Workers of America 1948,Undated


Incoming Letters 8/7 Anderson & Resner (re. Ernest Fox) 1942 Commission to Study the Organization of Peace 1979 Consumers' League of 1937 Egolf, Jeremy R. (see also Writings of others) 1985 Fields, Gladys 1944 Gilland, Elsie (re. Ernest Fox) 1942 Gladstein, Grossman & Margolis, attorneys (San Francisco) 1937 Johnson, Robert 1933 MoGovern, George 1972 Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers International Union 1940 National Consumers' League 1937 Nielson Television Research 1985 8/8 Labor History Association 1986-1988 Public Markets, Weights and Measures Department New York) 1936 Rice, Norm 1988 Rozeboom, Egbert 1929, Undated Seattle. City Council 1986 Thompson, Isabel 1964 U.S. Social Security Board (Baltimore) 1938 Valle, Georgette W. 1985 Walker, Bill 1985 Yuma Realty and Investment Company 1979 Miscellaneous 1979 Outgoing Letters 8/9 Letters to Editors (see also Clippings) 1955-1987 8/10 Miscellaneous 1937-1987

General Correspondence— Family Members 8/11 Dennett, Herbert (father) 1935-1951 8/12 Dennett, Lee A. 1978-1986 8/13 Horsley, Marie Dennett 1981 8/14 Mann, Marvell Dennett 1972-1982 8/15 Simpson, Betty (second wife) 1938-1939

o E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 11

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


General Correspondence 8/16 Adams, Brock 1987-88 8/17 Baldock, Elizabeth 1973-88, Undated 8/18 Beijing Review 1979-88 8/19 Bethlehem Steel Corporation 1984 8/20 Boriker, Don 1984 8/21 Burton, W.H. 1935,Undated 8/22 China Books and Periodicals 1979-80,Undated 8/23 Costigan, Barbara 1975-88 8/24 Costigan, Howard 1958-79,Undated 8/25 Costigan, Barbara and Howard 1979-85, Undated 8/26 DeLacy, Hugh (see also Subject Series—Military: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) 1944-45, Undated 8/27 Dies, Martin 1958 8/28 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1955-57 8/29 Evans, Daniel J. 1984-87 8/30 Fomick, Joseph 1988,Undated 8/31 Freedom Socialist Party 1979-80 8/32 Garrett, Dan L. 1955 8/33 Gorton, Slade (see also Subject Series—Older Americans Act) 1982-89 8/34 Grab, Alonzo 1983-87 8/35 Guozi Shudian, China Publications Center (Peking Review) 1964-79 8/36 Hansen, George H. 1930 8/37 Hartle, Barbara 1955-56 8/38 Jackson, Henry M. 1971-82 9/1 Kennedy, Edward 1971 9/2 King County. Records and Elections Division 1980 9/3 Kohler, Margaret 1951-58 9/4 London, Mel M. 1985 9/5 Lowry, Mike (see also Subject Series—Older Americans Act) 1984 9/6 Magnuson, Warren G. (see also Subject Series— U.S. Naval Supply Depot) 1937-80 9/7 Miller, John 1987 9/8 Mitchell, James 1955-56 9/9 Mondale, Walter F. 1983 9/10 Richmond, Al 1982 9/11 Robinson, Earl 1987 9/12 Samuels, Howard A. 1979-87 9/13 Sauvage, Lester 1979-88 9/14 Seattle. Police Dept. 1979 9/15 Seattle First National Bank 1956 9/16 Simonton, Mary Jane 1985 9/17 Smith, Norine 1988 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 12

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


General Correspondence cont. 9/18 Sorenson, Sverre 1960-62 9/19 Spellman, John 1978-86 9/20 Stewart, Earl 1979-86 9/21 Talmadge, Phil 1979-85,Undated 9/22 U.S. House. Un-American Activities Committee 1955-57 9/23 U.S. Labor Dept. 1957 9/24 Valliere, Winifred D. 1962,Undated 9/25 Vaughn, Lillie 1962,Undated 9/26 Wainer, Nora R. 1982-83 9/27 Webster, Hugh 1950-79 9/28 Weyant, Louise 1988,Undated 9/29 W.U. Press 1979-86 9/30 Anonymous 1957 Writings—by E.V. Dennett Agitprop—The Life of an American Working-class Radical 9/31-10/2 Drafts 1987-88 10/3-10 Notes 1987-88 10/11-13 Correspondence 1985-88 10/14 "My Family Tree—My Mother's Side" 1982 "Prospectus For a New Daily Paper" Undated 10/15 Writing Notes 1957,Undated Writings—by others V.F. 1601 "Melvin M. London and the Early 1930's Washington State Unemployed Movement: Reminiscence and Documents" edited by Jeremy R. Egolf—CLOSED ca.1981 10/17 Untitled autobiographical work by Isabel Costigan Undated 10/18 Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace with introductory material by Leonard C. Levin 1967 11/1 Frozen Destiny by Mabel Mae Miller Undated 11/2 Addresses by Peter A. Bogdanov and Hugh L Cooper at the Luncheon of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce 1932 11/3 "Intelligence 'Raw' NA-1 to 'Cy'" 1944-45 11/4 Songs and Poems Undated 11/5 Jokes Undated 11/6 Miscellaneous 1955-82,Undated 11/7 Interview— E.V. Dennett by Barbara Costigan 1986

11/8 Questionnaire—FBI 1942 E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 13

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


Diary 11/9 1935-36, 1939 (3 volumes) 11/10 1942, 1946, 1948-50 (5 volumes) 11/11 1951-55 (5 volumes) 11/12 1956-60 (5 volumes) 11/13 1961-65 (5 volumes) 11/14 1966-67 (2 volumes) Personal Documents 12/1 Birth Certificate 1937 Critic's Reports 1926-1928 Transcripts 1929-1931 12/2 Diploma 1958 Teaching Contracts 1930-1931 Certificates 1928-1971 Passport 1979 Divorce Papers (re. Harriette Dennett) 1952 12/3-5 Genealogical Research—Dennett Family 1972-1981, Undated

12/6 Financial Records 1938-1939

12/7-8 Calendars 1974-1988

12/9 Address Book Undated

12/10 Publications 1937-1954

12/11-12 Yearbooks—Oregon Normal School 1927-1928

13 Scrapbooks (contain clippings) 1933-1955

Clippings (see also Scrapbooks) 14/1 Bryson, Hugh 1983 14/2 Caughlan, John 1948-1956 14/3 Communism 1956-1957 14/4 Dennett, LaVaun 1988 14/5 Fraser, Clara 1988 14/6 Hoff, Heini 1984 14/7 Korean War 1952 14/8 Lowry, Mike Undated 14/9 Pettus, Terry 1984 14/10 1952-53, Undated Letters to Editors 14/11 by Dennett (see also Outgoing Letters) 1955-1981 14/12 by Others 1981, Undated 14/13 Miscellaneous 1937-88, Undated E.V. Dennett 3917-002 Page 14

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


14/14 Lists Undated

14/15 Memorabilia 1925, Undated

14/16-15/3 Class Notes and Teaching Plans 1929-31,Undated

Notes 15/4-7 Reading Notes Undated 15/8 Miscellaneous Undated

15/9-12 Photographs Undated

Subject Series 15/13 Adams, Brock 1987 15/14 Birnie, Helen 1956, Undated 15/15 Bonker, Don 1984 15/16 Costigan, Howard 1939-1978 15/17 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1957 15/18 Evans, Daniel J. 1987 15/19 Fox, Earnest Undated 15/20 Gorbachev, Mikhail 1988 15/21 Gorton, Slade 1982-1984 15/22 Grieve, Bob (re. auto accident) 1988 15/23 Kennedy, Edward M. 1971 15/24 Khaisky, Alex 1942 15/25 Magnuson, Warren G. 1971 15/26 McCarty, Bertel 1955-1956, Undated 15/27 Moore, Jim 1988, Undated 15/28 Mori, Hazel 1951 V.F. 1601 Schultz, "Dutch"—CLOSED 1966 15/30 Smith, Norine 1988 15/31 Wainer, Nora R. 1982, Undated 15/32 Whitebook, Oscar 1955 15/33 American Atheist Addiction Recovery Group 1984-1987 15/34 American Atheists. Puget Sound Chapter 1988 15/35 American Civil Liberties Union 1954-1987, Undated 16/1-3 China Trip 1979 16/4 Community Medical Services 1967 16/5 Hugh DeLacy Memorial 1988 16/6 King County Medical Service 1949, Undated 16/7 Marine Workers Industrial Union 1932 Military 16/8 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 1945, Undated 16/9 E.V. Dennett's discharge 1940-1987, Undated 16/10 E.V. Dennett's commendation 1945 E.V. Dennett 3917-2 Page 15

Box/Folders Dates

Subgroups cont.


Military 16/11 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1953-54, Undated 16/12 National Labor Relations Act 1947,Undated 16/13 Older Americans Act 1947,Undated 16/14-17 Pacific Northwest Labor History Association 1985-88 16/18 Pacific Northwest Marxist Scholars' Conference 1986 16/19 Pacific Northwest Writers' Conference 1957,Undated 16/20 People's Party 1945,Undated 16/21 Railroad Brotherhood's Unity Movement 1933,Undated 16/22 Ration Forms 1942 16/23-25 Seattle Model City Program 1971-1972,Undated 16/26 Small Taxpayers Association 1972-1973 17/1 Smith Act Trial (U.S. v. Huff, et al) 1952, Undated 17/2 Socialist Party of America 1940-1987, Undated 17/3 Socialist Workers Party 1983 17/4 Unemployment 1961-1966, Undated 17/5 United Farmers' League (Superior, WI) Undated U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee 17/6-18 Investigation Hearings 1951-1955 17/19 Hearings on Communist Methods of Infiltration 1953-1954 17/20 Writings 1950-1955 U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service 18/1-2 Interrogation of E.V. Dennett 1956 18/3 Miscellaneous 1949-1963 18/4 U.S. Naval Supply Depot (re. E.V. Dennett's civilian access pass) 1966-1988 18/5 U.S. Works Progress Administration 1937, Undated Western Oregon State College 18/6-7 Reunions 1978, 1988 18/8 Miscellaneous 1981 18/9-10 Woodworkers of America, International (incl. minutes) 1940-1987,Undated 18/11 Workers Ex-Servicemen's League Undated 18/12 Ephemera Undated

Miscellany 18/13-16 Labor 1912-55 18/17-19/2 Political Issues and Campaigns 1940-1988 19/3-6 Health 1946-1988

Duplicates for Display Purposes 19/7 Communist Party 19/8 Inlandboatmen's Union 19/9 Miscellaneous