nl.!:i. SPATJ8.l! DJ_~JTJ~}B\LTION 91":': ~HYSICAL !,:!,C!!,_.t:J'))'.S iN


Ii\" ~ID. [1,\IIi\lHJDI_~

$Ji!h'1ll'T~;n 1:9 J~HB.!!..IWAU'j'MENTOF UR'!}ANbNH l!l-;..qJ.9_N...!~l, !'LANNi!>!!!: 1..N P..f.IJ.TIAI. ~1!LFlLMEN'I' 010' 'l'IIE !1!m!JJill'c!~l':N"l'S !':..o.R'l'IlIl. POST @~I1:PA"I:E_UlJ'LOM~ LN_

------UIiBAN ._----II.EGlONAL-

!l-"\_~GI,,l.j)FSH Ijl\:rVERS ITY OF ENG I NEERING AND 1'ECHNOLOG \' ,1Jl!,\i;A A"" ASL\_'-l I~'S'l'l1'Ul'E OF n.cHU1LOGY. BANGlWl{. "1'11.,\11,:,;,1) AW;lJST, 19f19 711.24 1969 SFATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PHYSICAL BAH . FACILITIES IN BANGLADESH

A Projeet Report


111I1I111~llllllllllilllllllll WT62191!i • 'Approved as to style and cOlltents b,

.j; PO y !.j.;~~.- (Dr. darwarJalien) AssiStant Professor chairman Departmell.t of Urban and (Supervisor) Regional Planning I BUET.

Bead Department or Urban and Member Regional Planning BUET. Dhaka

•, , Member \ .nd


) .. ,


The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to his advisor Dr. Sarwar Jahan, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, for his continuous encouragement, guidance and advice throughout the research work. The author is deeply indebted to professor Mir Shahidul Islam, Head of the Department of Urban and regional planning for his invalu- able advice, encouragement and constructive comments. The author is also grateful to Mr. Ajmal H. Ahmed, Associate Professor, Department of Urban & regional planning, BUET, for his constructive comments as a member of the examination committee.

The author wishes to acknowledge and thank the Urban and Regional Planning Department, BUET and UNDP for awarding this scholarship and providing financial assistance. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Quamrul Islam Siddique, Engineering adviser, Local Government Engineering Bureau, for his coope- ration and for granting study leave for the duration of the whole study programme. The author is particularly grateful to Mr. Ataullah Bhuiyan,Executive Engineer, LGEB and Mr. Mainuddin Ehuiyan, Chairman, Parishad, Nangalkot, , for their kind cooperation and generous encouragement.

Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Sk. Eyaqub Ali, Mr. Sk. Eyaqub Ali, Mr. Eyamin Farooque, Mr. Emdadul Hoque and Engr. Nanmatha Haldar for their kind cooperation in various ways. The author expresses his sincere affection to his wife Jebunnessa who has helped in bringing out this research work.

Finally, the author acknowledge the constant encourage- "'i ment and support of his mother. lXiN'I'ENTS------

Inr,rod""t lOn 1.1 SLaL",,,,,,,,!.01 th" Probl"m i.2 lliiLiomtl o!' tilo Stud;' j.:~ U',H'()I_in,~ of ti,,> SLuu,\'

-,, ~. ~ - The Stud,- arca



3.2 V'H";"i 'u" or f,('I",],,!ion , 3.J \un-,\~r;""if.,"'al I.;,hmwI:"""" 3.-1 LiLe,',,",',\' 1'"-1.,, 3.5 L'i'l""l h.LL"r"" in Y""""ln"

--' 1 j raJIf,purt" l iOr,,,

:1. 7 Hail L,a,H' 3.S h'muh

3.9 1'" I.e '-""')-" ;1.;0 Ph)-sica1 tanh'''-Ln;. :3. 1 I

• ChapLer-4" of R<'>(ionalVariation ,

.[. I l"o-erficH;nt or H""ional Vaciation .1.2 Inc,erl'rr,t"Ur", 01' Co-efficient of Sp'-'Ll"l '"'


,\,,,,l,",,i~ (,I"j,o(:alizauoll

5, j Loc"tinn quo!.i,,,,L 5,;:: int"rpreU,1 ion "f" 1.!N,aLiorlquotients charts I1le Loc"liz"tion Cll,",'-'"


An"l,,'si~of j"Ler"f'~iona] dip"i"ity

Ii. \ t: 6.L 11,,,Gird Index G.:! J"L""pLr'"L",tiutL of Unl lrLL1ex 7.]- ('oJilputatlC'll of I.h" <:("""OSlte SC'01"C .- --=) 7.~- 'I'h" '''''J! '-" 'int;rp,eoatul"! '.-,.;ore "~-"- ~ 7.:'- );.,1,,1'()" iJd.h'(.,-,n Z-~,,()rc O' i(;,\'lt"", quoU"ut '.-"luG

8. 1- J "t"rp,~,t" t ion of ,,,,,','e1ations "-,,al~,.sis 8.2- Re~r"ssion Anal,'>;;>; 8.:1- InL"l'JWetation of He~resslon a""l.,,>


Oi'""'"'''.'" artd Conclusions' ,Iall)'e>.-pcrimentsin the develoliIlent pr<>gT'&nlfTl€Sin Gruwil-J.d"shhan, been or,lv worsenirig econOlllicconelition, h-idening gal''' in opport.lJnili",,, bet"e"n rellions ""d between «rou!,s of peoples. In Banlllad.",;hth" ab~e"ce of actlve regional stratellY r""ults in un"ve" grO\

1,1 SLateme"t of th" pro!>l",,,:

iJ Til" past d"""l"["X<,,,ntstrate'(1cs III Ijmll!l,.~J""hcould ,,,,,. he, ""-, '"J""•..ssfuJ dlle to a vari"t," or ,'essons, During 19"0',, H,ndl~liO's the "tructural approach of tt"" Govt, sctivities "or" t'K' ,,,,,,l.!'aJized and

Ihe developoont "pproa"h••" 1-Ie"" biased towards a gro,,'I1,ba"ed urban I i"du~trial "ector. It creat",l a ",idening perceptlon gap l-".~I.",'••n Lhe lanw ••""tion of people in the diff"rf"nl. regions of the cOlmtn' and the go"ernmentv The result. l" a jlDJarizL"llpattern of deHJl"pwnr. clm'€'over,distribut,i"n me<>jumi"",and ac'cess had a s,,"stemM1e l,ilJ-~I" coneentrato dow,1ormentHork 'inth" hiqhly urbanized areas ""b'.

'J1Le>im,o"dial.e need" of the economy in the earl)' "l""(t',, "f plarmln.<:hed a concentratJon of develup"ent efforts 111secto,'s and regions h'hieh could give IT"",-imwnretm'n" to investme"t, AI"",.,..the central pub1i" i""""t",,,nt.s, UlU~eu"der the ph,.sical facllitles 11k" • ra,i1"a,Y" and national higl""","s are in the nature ot' capit,,] infrastructure "hich is concentrated in those rcg,ons h.h"r" "ol.u""" ,,,iIl1Je i1"'''Lmized,In allocating them, the main consideration app""'--s to be. Lhe economic returns to inYestment, rather than inter ,"pg",nai , equil,a:briumand social developnent, It can not be d""ied that i" ,,-!, underdm'eloped si tllation, provis i on of phys i"a 1 !'a'H J i i.i "s and infrastructure development provide the ma,i",--1in,e", cd' th,-ust for initiaLing c~es snd de\'elol~nent.

, ft has "Is" l'ef'" apparent that the consideration of spal,ial •• approach in the cle\'elopnent thinking h'as lac1;i,og,,11 tl,rough Sectoral , .,' ..~ :p~"nnuig;~re",ained nh'a,y~ prominent in practlCf; and '2(l!:l»equentlya "palial s"steJll of cli~trib"tion of facilit.i"s in diffe",.nt re>tions or spatial rel"t ,,>n'"have not suffleienll)" u.,en ""oh-ed,'"Th,-,",,8ulta"l pattern of ,1t"vf']opnentacti,.~ti"s, t.her~f()re. remaim,d eith"" in a sta;:nated or puhu'ized condltion l,iUlOul.muchi,odllCementfOI' ,-\r"",'1h. "It '" ",,,cessary to dev,,]o!' a "patial sys1 Fm leith an "ffic~enl- pr(J\'i"ion of phy~()Lal f=i 1i tie~ for th" hi la,,,ceU region.,,] growth

1.2 Rational0 of th" ~tr..;h::

/lhere is no naLional policy ,.-ith regard to "l,,,t.]al dimensions of plunning. The distribution ot. physical facilities providing basic ser\'lCe" t" the people are concentrated disprop",.t ional.d,' ,'ather Lhall 1.0 >IIIequitable manner and this p>lttern of concentrated I'r01,'lil,.;as perpetuated by limited accc"s to tn'-fl"porl.,educ,,,tion, heall-It seniee by majol'ity of the peopl". Th" ,,,,gional approach to tho d".-e!()f'""",,tin providing basic """",,,ti,,l "'eni,)e" and other ph;-sical faclliti,,~ has "ITLPrged"" !iII"lterlldti\-e solution to this "id" rang•• "f prohlew" in the cont",:t, of t.h" fai],LH'"of l'"",t approache~. it is, therefore, the present situation ,n the] di"tributiotl of the physical facilities available in ,,1] ",,~i(Jll~~u that the llmitati"ns and shortcoming" ,n l."I'm" of the kdallced r,,/(ion,,], gr"h,t.h can be idcntifled. The study h'ill "t.,'englhen .our k,.~{",']edgeas La "hy the p::>licies shift from their charterro path". Tho progress of the national economy"ill be reflected HI th•• ,'al•• oj'

gro"th realised b.v different ro"ions.

Th" main ob,jeutiv",of the st.oo.vis to e""min",th" differenL 1..\1'''''' .. of ph~"ica] fa"" available HI diff"'I'e"t. ""Ilion of Lhe cULlnt.!")' "ithin the context of issues which affect the bal'J.llced l'eAional " deve 1opnen t . •

2 The """",lne ob,iectlves of ti,,, st1..Oi.vare ;

il To analyse th" spati"l distdbution of d,ff"renl. t,-!",~ of

physical facilities In 1."'"111 of their concC'ntr,,1 ;(]tL ,,-nd rl.1Sj:>erslon, iii To find out the inter rel':ion,,1. d;sparlti,,,, in the db.tribution of such faciI,;; i•.", iii I To 1?tel'lll-ino the r"lalionships of plwsical selected soc Lo-,,"-OIluOtic.f!,d{o"tora~. ivl To ""1,,. rt,commerR:!ationsfor policy ms"d on "tlld,

3 CIIAPl'ER-2.


The study includes analysis of the spatial distribLltioll of the physic••.) f""ili ties in all region I

There are, however, many different ways of defining a region depending on the field of study and interests of the people using the particular definition. Thus, for example, geographers speak of a geographical region, agricultural specialists of an agricultural region and so on. There are numerOUS controversies and disagreement over its meaning reflecting the variety of disciplines involved in regional studies. According to some specialist, the region is a natural entity that can be positively identified and is termed as natural region. To others, it merely a product of a method of classification. The concept of this region is to examine whether regions are natural phenomena or entirely mental constructions. There are two divergent views ~ one subjective and the other objective. The subjective view explains a region as a means to an end, an idea, a model, to help in the study of the world. It uses a method of classification or a device to segregate areal features On the surface of the world. The objective view adopts on opposite idea explaining the region as an end in itself, a real entity, 'an organism, that can be identified and mapped. Most academics, however, are now seen to take a more subjective view of thinking. The present study also follows this approach. 2.1 SOUl"Cesof IJata:

As dictated bo' the object,,'e" of the st'f;-' the data u""d in this stud.>"'Jere collected from secondary sources. Due to shDI"la"e of lUll"

it "T<-~ ""dded thal the enlire study wmld b"olved. in ""j",r \0 co11""t info,'m"tion On different region St",;ti",,,] \ ,,"-" lJ(,Gkoj' Bangladesh (UBSItoas'proOO:!..Published.lJl!lteria]s in the lorm uf books, journa]s, ".,ga7.ines were rf!vi""ed to preparH a theorej lcal fran''''''",I, for the stULl.v.

The study '

Al The centr,,] IlJhakaDi"isionl major region

L Dhaka 2. Faridpur 3. Jamalp"r .L ~1;lIlensigh 3 • Tang-ail [j) The E"SI"''Tl IChitta!i0ng Dh-isionl major reglon

;; . IJandarban ,. l11itt.a;(o,,!! e. Chitt"lJ

C) The Southern (j(hul"a Uiv1sior,I major ,'eg10n

12. Bar1sal >3. Jessore 1.1. 15• h",;hti" ;e. I'"tuakh,,! i

D) Th" Nor'lh"'rn Il

11. Bog,:" >8. Dina,jpur ". flaban ". ~jsh»hi 2L RalllfPur

Th" """l,,'sis of spatial di~t~~bution of physical facU1li"" and the dm'('lopnent le\"el of lhe all regions of lJa.rlglade"hare delerminm ""ing the avadable Quantilative ttoehniques, '11,eanaly~i" is rll"g"nlSOO

!ill fo1.101'S :

Chapt<'~-3 : In this chapter regional cha,'""ler;,.tics of the re.,;i.otl" are analysed. Chapter-4:lt is "oncerned with analYS1S of coefficietLl. nr >;p"t~al vari,.Lioll. Chapter-5, Il deals loith the location quoti'mt and localization ",,~ve. Chapter-6 : In t.hi" ,-,hapter, I,e discw,"" "bo,,]- the inter rf'~i"n,,] dispairity

5 L1Ihl'l'illI.-3


!kgi,,,,,.1 feature' ~

In this chapter, tI,P l-egionaI character istlCS of each ""~j "" h ltb respect to it" population, le,"el of urbanizatl()", I\~ricul'-ure and transp,wt"ti<>n"no> beifly discussed. _

The present Bangladesh has a total population of about ~.u millio" ;,i~~x:um'er of t"rdtory. The d.ensit,' uf PO!~JllltlOnvaries ....::...,---.--. - from rellion to !-egiun, depending upon reSULlruei!",ndensity of habitation by rC~nonin \981 is "hOlm in Table-I.

6 'l'able-1 Ilang1adesh-population density, 1981

Region Density of Jl2PU1ation ~-': ~.Jilll

L &uilla<00n ,. Chit!e><.gong i61"' :1- ChittOI.gong I!. T .. L Comilla lO25 5. _,,,,,klH,l i 725 C. S~'lht>t 457 , . Co."," H13 ". Faridpm' 689 9. JalJlalpur 720 W. i'j:vmensingil 6/i ;[. Tanr

f5rul.o:ladesh 605

Source Th" population is not evenl~>,distdbuten "i1:l11n th" cOllntr~-. 1he hL"nest den"it.i, ••, of populatiotJ a,"e in Dhal8.nand C:hitta<:or,gHill Tracts regio.,,., JeS5c1r.-,and RaJshaill 1'e:.(iona'if.., h,l",. the national avera'le. The thid,due t" 1o"',,,'gr'()~"prodllCtivity of land,

1n a cou!LLr)'"Il,>r" 70%of the people dept>nrlon aC(riculLuI'e Lhe """I land r,,-tio hus direct bearjng on the 1e"el of ]ld"g oj the' p""l'le, 'j'hj~ rel«tiono.hll' i", l

3,2 Variation of I'!]pulntion:

Th" penodlc ,"ariaLio" of populaU"" is tb," result (,f" 1J", cltalJQlll~ 0p[Xlrhmities 8..>lh'"ll

8 \ :I'abl!l • !i~ ilan"l ari""h - Variation 0' pap,:,lation 19tii-19111 fl.egion P",~t'l", in",-ea.<;e 1961-7'1 197.1=l,lJ

L Chittugong 50.9 16.6 2. Chilta!1on« II. 1'. ,10.5 38.9 ,. Camilla H .2 11. 0 " ',oal,haLi -14.5 10.R " S,dhet '15.3 11.G G., Dhaka g:l. 1 20.5 ,. l'andpur :16.0 lO.l ". ~I,'lll'''lai,,~h '16•3 11. 9 9. Talli(a; ] 10 •.1 W. l)a~jsal 35.5 11. 5 n. J ••"s,,,.•. 61.8 13 . 5 12. I,hulna 50.0 12.6 D. J,ushtia 72.0 H.3 n. Patuakhali 15•5 15 • Bogra 50.9 11.8 16. Di"a ipur 60.1 16.9 10 • I'ab",,- 53.0 14. " , 2 • Ra.jshalli 61. 7 ]5.'1 1H• Hajngp"r 32.7 30.2


Abo\e 1000 ,., 19.39 ~.5

,01-1000 16.1 19 . .J.J 2:1. ,

,101-,00 5ti . 6 53.31 :1L.-. ,

101-.J00 U .J.9'1 :i . ()

BelOl' 100 ,., 0.% 9.5

100.0% 100.0% WD. ,h

SOUI{CE B\iS, STATISTIc.\L Yb\H IJC(~( 19fU. I'ore,,:

Th" laoour fore can be milll,.sed in different regions of the "ou"L,'''. The ci,-i11an labour foree includes .-I,'U-iculutural IALFIand !>oJl-A"ricullural lahnur Fo""elN,\l.FI. TaLl"'~;O~hoM' "n;l percenlago of hALl'lS in de'"~ elF,

,I()"t d' th" ""U"lrL"are belolO the Ndtlonal a\'e,'age of 15._1 pc-,'c'.,nl..


"d"", inn""t ri,-l! and ('ef;Sa~',,,p1,y~i""l [aul 1j I.;e~ "one.-ntr"tlon m the"" rell:;o"", Ap"!-!.fnlln th""" re«ions, others with above an'rage p"r..-:-,'nt~.g"uf :-i_~LI'are Koakhali, Comi]la and !-'"bna. The proportIon of .'.,\1.;,'';~ p3.rtieu1arly 10h' in ~.a,,,1adnn, Dirk.,jpur, Rangpur, JaJuaipu'- 1iJ1d\[\""""~ln~h, 'Ih,. "AJ,I'/ru' proportion indicate" Lo ,,-!l,,1.<,-xlent development of the "')[l- agrl""itura] ",,,,,Io!" 1S been'): COllCenll'aledin "•.rtai" reo;ion. 1t may he CLatmhere lhat. certai" e"~ent i"l physical facilltie" like [)(',;e,' supply, tran~I",r-l. f"",jj)I;()S- al'e all,ay" pJ'e-l'e'lul"ite 1'01'lhe de\'el-.Jlll''''lll. of fH'n-agrl""lt.ural sector. Labou1' Fot'Ce 0, lJistdcts 11981 "e"sus 1ML,,-)

Hie;>:'0" NALF% eLF

L Bandad""-Il 7.0 2. Chittagolll( 23.5 ;. H.T. 11.0 •• Comilla 16.0 ;. Noakhali 17.5 ". Sylhct 13.5 7 • Dhmm 28.0 ". ~,,-:r-idPll1' 12.0 ". Jarualpur 9.9 W. "1.vmen,,,iIll!h 9.9 n. 'l"mgai 1 12.0 ". Baris,,-1 15.0 1:3. Jessore 14.0 ••• l(hulna 21.0 W. Kushtia 14.0 Hi. Patuakhali 13.0 17 . Bogra 10.0 >e. Oi,,,,jpur 7.5 W. fuom 19.0 W. Hajsbahi W.O n. Han1'(pur 8.0

E!ingladesh 15.4

NALF= l'"n-Mricu1tuflll Labour "'ore., eLF = Civilian Labour Force

SOLRCE B.B.S. The population of BangJacl""h ~" her funda.mental l'eo-."LEr'("".Tb"

,: is faeili!.alffi ,f th•• rat •• "f Jite"'K',\' is hLgh, II is. Ilwrefol'e, "HL"""'''''' of PO(l~dewdopment nt ,h", )"lxI"" fOl-ee in fJ""gl,,,I,,,,h Hmt only 23.8 per'D""!. "f ihc pop"htlo" h'a" l,l",."tc in 19B1. Literae,I' ,'"I." varl.oo from 33.7 pen,en!. in 1",'lS"l rCi!-iOllto only 1-1.7 in .h",••.Jpu,- lind &uldarban region IT"I,J,,-!'i.OI. ),'h.,n !.h,' a\-,,,'a~c tee-hnical (:o""p"L",,,,,,lncreases, populaLlon hi 1.1,eng".~.~Lo ~J h, " C

fi.,qi"n Literacy rate

L Handarban 1'1.7 '- ChILL."""n;; 27.9 O. C;hittallOlI.E1 II. T . 21.5 .L Com,11a 23.7 ; . Nu>Ikhali 2G.5 e . S"Jhet B.9 ,. Dhaka 31.3 ". """ripu, 21.3 ". Ja",alpur H.7 W. ~I,""F"-'lhhal; 30.7 1., . Bo!!;ra 22..9 ;0. Lina,jpur 21.6 ,g. P"bna 19.2 20 . Rajsh"hi 20.7 2.1. I

Bangladesh 23.8 LlhaJ",,'e~i()" \s b," far the mose Ul'banizoo in Ii",*]"o"sh, This r"':lior\

"10",, acc"untet1 for ~h;%of tol",l ud»if\ population in Bangladesh ","d :lU%of IhI' rG'llon con"ern in 19H. Th" '"ell';ems urban ]Xlpul"tion h'a" i'H:"""S(.rjf,"om 30% tu 39%in ]981. The I(rowtn of urba.n ••.rea" has been mostl~,'th""u~h !.he mov,"",,,ntof the people from til" impo"crlshed rural aI'''''''''. It tS'1ll indicator of rdal'i",. """i.1ability of ""'pluy,",,n~upportlmlt)' tbat the IJb"l.", "onurhation grew the most Dv"r lh" years,

"e.,t to Dha],,,,""~iOIl the sf'coml hi~h"st urbani"..d ",""s. i" I hi 1t ""'C,ng rej,(iun ""d IIl,S amounted lo 31%of the region,;, I)[)pulation it, l~a1. Chitta.«ong oil,\' :i~ " dominant Ud,!iJ"""ntre and pri''''-cipal 8('''pOre Dr the c"""lr',\'. J\ lS a i,,,porl.a,,l !.nm8 and cOlllJn"r"Cialcel1tre 01' th,,, ""uJ,1r,'. C"",; lla lS the ""C,""] J ar~est urban area of the Chi t tagung di ,., Sl on. l:c""ilb gr','" fa8ter because of tt~ mrportance a", a dis,rict head'ILJI'rr',rs aIJd far' \,<>I1"r ph,'bi"-,,t! f""ilitleS availabJe ln respect of 11.,' oth,'r r".o:io,,~. ,\1] r"«lons lmde~ hhulr"",dinsion aceounled for lC%c,!" lh" t.rotH.!. "d.>"'"poP\llatlon ;IL Ih,> "nllntl')-'. Jihu]""" the third la,'g"",1 (,,11.,'of the countr')-', l>, "xj,a"dc>uclue !.O \-he pl'oxintily of Chalna pori. and oth"t' secon


The urban population nf lJanglade"h increased b;' ZHl.8''; beth'e"n l"J~.i"nd liJ8i, frolll 6.27 million t" "bout 13.2:1 million ITable 6.01, 'n,e """"inn,,l ,1lft'erenlial ill le\'els elf urbanizatio[l and in the rate of urban "r'Q\;1Jt,I'he .1''''d of ud"''';zation I" ""me regions LInderEhulna and fuqahahi d;'J,,;on is not si~t1iflcant. 'Ih'i" is possibl," oocause the fal1ul'e of t.hose r""ious I" 1,.,,,1'fIU'-'''"",h tlr•• "l1",r re~iono. :in \.(mns of lhe' d,,"elol~[lent.of' ph,'sh",l infr"s Ir'ue~\W.,

Ei ""i,1 1IBLI 6

P""nt di,tribut,on of Uri•• P'p'iatio, b, R'l1o", ,f B"llod •• , [Coo,", ,m, 19H.811

...... _ .._--_._------_------.-- -..- - . •1. : h" ,f "gio", :1 o~ lot.i : 1 .r "1'''1 :1 ,f rotal : I of "gi,,, : Urban : lirb" No, :U,baop""I'li" :Urb•• p.,ul,ti" :Urb•• p'p"iati" :Urb,.'pop,i,t"" p'p,:.lLOn: "p,I",,,, •••••••••••••• ------•• :••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -- --: 11114i : 119,Ii C"'"' 1,,, . Hii C"''' 1,", . 1m : I;oDI : i('~1i ...... _ ..------...... _------. -...... --- , 1"l, JUI 11.m ,H,m ~,,111 ~,;i ,m , MI''"'''li \.;>1 5.m •.• O~ U1I 1:J , Tor,pi I La 5.l~1 I.m 1,m ; l'9 ~"Lal ,""'P"' LSI Lm 1.50'1 • , 951 ill m ; Ch!l'H"g ILU 10.m I'.m JU~I ;D. iil~ , Ciilt,g". ~,1. o.2t IO.m l.m 2~.m 21l ,,,",ii ' 1 I , 11 ,.131 l.m 10.0GI ".1 ,.!, ; C"lil. 3.31 l.W UGI ,. ill 2(j ;;, ; " 'II,,, " 11 1.111 1.m ,.151 ,•• , ' ;0 ••j,h." L91 U,l I ,III lo,m Ii; m" '''',P"' La UI~ 5,m ,D,!II ;;z 11; n" H"jlur UI I,m 1.011 U,I i1J 11i Ill,g" LJI 30m l.m 1,l\l " m l., •• l.51. 1.m 1.03, 11.m 215" m " ,"ui" 0,31 lUll 1.m 22.m ,7(' " J""" U% ,.III UBI lo.m '" (lo " Ku,Otia Ul USI l.5l1 lUll i"'" m "Ii lui •• 1 UI 3, 3ll l.m li,m lOS m " F.t"I,.h Ul U11 l.m !.DOl 165 69)'?" 131.'lS B",i.;". Uil i5.1i~ a , rEo, '/(ie'!(f .' '"' . D"cf'nlj'ali~",li"n Dr l"rJ"",tries t.hroll

c''''8",nt'',;.110[Jof w'L>ir, I"'rnJl"tio[] 1[] orm particulars regio" ()~ !\o',,'"""1l-'O5. jj""",,",,,,, it hill b" uTl~"ali."tic 1'0 assume that slJuh atL "Lli'Hlpl 0" ,j,,,-,,,,I.,-ali,,,tioYJof" 'La ()U"", '>I'e"" "ili 1l.'C'"5saril,: '"""".H,l Ii", gro,dh "I'll",> ""Ilual ,,,ginn. Jiut tl,,, mu"t ,-""" in8,1ll1'or pla"sibi", 'lr).(",,,,.,,1 III fa,'out' uf rl""""t.'-aii""Lion 1i,'s in the stimulu" iL Ill'o"I,ks ]'''1' U", d",,,l"I'"",,l of wrodornsl,ll1" among the lo"aJ r"s1denl populal,Ju". ~,,,,.,',-,h\' permitting lheJILto '''''llriLut" worc lOl'ards I'aisi,,~ t,he i"riL,",lllai pronductl\"ity I.e,,,} in 1,he rc'aon and the" as a ,.-hoJ". hut Icr ci"t,'rmini",,, the 1,~aLi"" ,,1' innustr1es the I'd ",a,'\' ,,,.,,d~ ",,,or,,,

,\ l"el~JrL"" imtustrlal polio)' ,-"solulion, 1~56 in 1,~Ji" ",,,,,I, lt is one of Lhe aim" or natiCJllHlpJ"-Ilfli"gto ensure that ti,e"," facil1tles IrJh,\~i",'il facili t i,,'" l:iI", p"h-"r, "ateI' suppI~,-a"d transpor II ar-" '"t'"a,ll j). ",,,de- ,,,'aJIable to area" "hi"h are at present. ]I)g~i"g behiud J"dLJ"lr'i,dly or hh,.~" tl",,"e is a :.>:reaJ.'wed foI' pl'm'iding' opportwlities f",. f""'I,lc;)'m',nl. pre"."id"'dthe location J" "J.herHise suitaLl".

F"(],,,I.his po,nt of vi"". incredsin,< I:h•• leo'cl oT' ul'banh,,,-J.,,,,,ULl'ough dfccenl,."liz.,tian <,I' industries [w(l"lding adequate ph~'slaaJ ra,,;,1JI:i"" opportumt,' i" Ihe ''';Q10nSout.s.-id"the cent""J al-"" "auld not 0"]" 11l",""""e tile len,] of Ijvin~ uf Ihose reglu,"" b"L also help i'l a\.t,a1nll1~bd1&"",c1 "r"ctel' of lJ'''"~j''Jt"!_ se'T;, '.;s inflllenC,.s eCunomic '"pce I'd i~;il ion. ')'i". mC'

er th" C"()\U1tr.,', has 980 km; the meLre gange has ]k,i9 km of re,,,,,, ill

the (",~~l, Tj", rail"',,ys al" an impurta"t me!iI'1Sor' !,,,bl,,, I.,.;",,,!,,[\ ,,,,d !']".""~",it.", ,..•...]" in the tn'W"'"""t.of rUh'mal",'ial~, i"'Jnd Qr,dns tmu J",'Hll'",-tll"8il qua"I,I-,,- i,,,po,-,,,d, file

l"ih,,)"s ,;t,," tiL" n".inl' arteries uf the (;OHJtnerc"in Ih" non-ri'-ul'llJe aJ'"a" ",~ .. 1"s~nlX', ];ushtia, eLvmensingh arId .J",,",Lpur. It 1S eI,,, HJ'J~t

llJl[xwLanL 1."'

""in ""i""rs. ]{ailw-a,'eonstr""Linn ]S costly due lu "U",,"J'O"'" '_n,d"es, lhB <:h''''']''l",ent. of illtcrnal e"""",,,',"" h"" been <>:r"a\l,' P"D,[",L",; 1,,- th" ,'ail"',,,' rac-ililie,; mId Lhe ;sn'I"UOll of lhe inL"ri", l'egi(,lJs 1J"" h, •.n

'11,," "i",,'-ct"If'1nallt sur'fae", nf the country [JuL,. ""'~; ""nelcdl,' "L " dis,"":mLag,,. 1h" use Gf f"r:r,,,,, nne! the break of' t""""portd' iun ;;'1 \ "','m-t~.tiorJ""1")'"""' In ,'"""",L )"",rs, -oui-side help on h,nldH1g'

of a mo,'e ,.!lJJ'ablo ehall'actel' h"" "pulled uut. \. some I"."J"I" r"~i",,s, '11", eas,' s]X't-deli""J',Y by ,ruck trallsJ,,,-bli ion,

]8 [,~r-t,iclual"ly jll dr)' season, loa" pn'n1uted both passeJ\~"I' "'Jd ,',-"jd>l \,'affic in rtlL'al areas, Th" mc,,",,m,,,,l,of inci""trisl I'a\>'JJlatC!luds "'Jd

lwe""'tJl <\',""1,,,,,,,,,1,'" j'"pl"",,',,! L"~ >i [H'o,ject of ["OJ1l'0C"7'""j,1 urn'"),,

Hc'"dq""""cI' "i lh the ,h"tT'iu!. h"adqwwLe,' in ph-lse"iso,

h",~ " d i n',;1 "I.e,..n,"'" f'!JuLe to llil'isdl Rnd Jioalah:atl, r.")",,'-,L"~,,nJ CH;

roulc """"",1,,,,,,,, [,'iLl, llllahH-, (rl~,ILlmlo, CharLupu,', ,:,,

f()]' ,:ul" p,.nd(,lh"" jJr'oollcb "I' C"",ills regh",. ~"I'a.iga!L,J oro dIe JalLLum' in l-<,h"a,,,dc,u, js un inrport-antcollecting centre for jute "nd other ,'"ra 1 ptT,d,,<:1 ,.,.

'110<=tl'at\"-jJort of l,ulky eu""n""lilies suoh at> "ule, ~l'>ii", slo"e~

! ['1"''''1'.".1.

'19 •

"lh8 £j(M of "ale," through the huge 1',ver'l"8 ;'01',""'1-. III n""d,mesh '" mOre th"n tJjdt U"'Ougll the 20 1.>lggest ,"ivel's of 1'.LJl'upe. Tili" f!lCc "jone sho,drl c"-ullon U" l0 expc."""l",,,':ere d,fflcultlCH in buildi,," l'uads

I-J.lOlIrui h'»,\ ~, jl' I ","Lundance of rivers ",u! smalkr "h,m""l", r,<-"~~",'l.ate ren';",," or h",i,t",..,;. Large brid..,;os "r-e ven' ""I',msiw) >1m3SU ii ,~ l'J",fecr"d \.0 h"",. ["rrleg on the lligger rl v,,'"',, 'rhis "j(B'S do"" road t.raff,c,

n", poor JO'j.d bearing Cal>'id.ty of the soil In '"'''W pacts of I-he

("Ulttltr-."and 'lhe fn''lIJ('''''Y of !"nter','"-,,,,, leads j" re1>J,tiw'ly hid, costs

for r",~J Or rall,,",",,--construct,,,,,. Not on1.'- it is difficult t,) h\uld

pe'TIlItlle"t strllelou'''''' over mUl'b of I.he coun!.!'.", the (;O"L" of ,,cJu'l,,,,'nt ,mu buiidj'l~ "",irlteuall"'-' 'Ire high beea,,"" of the dlemp b"1il .,'-eO'h"lf u!" 1.h" ,'e,n- .

• I ' RH"e ~s d,e dominant cr"l'."vt"r}l-:h""" in banqlaJ,",o,h. \"",111<.' dt.Ljed by t.he crop, in 19a~-85 for •.""mjile, <.'>is Tk. 152.1" ~jilll(JtJ, ::•.••d t.herefore>, thlS sin"Lc cornmodit,.' ,-,

perSI,,",ll\r Ib," «re"t. imfJ(Jr'tance uf 1'1c" culti""Li',lJ, 1"'",..essjJ,~. stord"" ,mel ,""l'I".!1n" \.() th", '""'''11''11,' of t)o" count.r:';.

lh, ",com",mi""nf rice cullivatlon is a fu",.l>,mGnt~dc,Je",Cl,\ LLLLI".

]"lx'lH', ]>iJl(1P""IJ8.J',ilioJl.

"1')0,"",,,I j,,1 d,~jf"b"tlon of VA IV",I,,", Added I f,om crops ''''''f''']'' n

plil LeoJ'J] ro,' 1~R.j-8:l, ,.•here th" Economic intensit,' of l'roJ"ping IElU '."'" h, seen in column 4.0 of Table 1.0. I'al"e arl.ded frc)rn \',\ pel' a"'l'e gross \,\ 1""- OiCI.,,_'jni"J-." CI<,ps{'l11Uoll "lk.) ':J'oI'P,->d",'"aITI;.1 oroPPO'" an,~ n" I

L ULlt.ta~OlL!; 7512 r;~Gg lil.iil-i

2" ,:ill tt[l.gong 11.'1', "U~] 111l9~ 1 1] k;-; C"",,]1" W(JJ 1 5110 8:;, :J '"L _~oakh,,-li "53,, -1792 7-lJ~ o " Shylet liJ75ti ,11l.17 ,)5, i C • Dhaka 8"95 ~g~G ,,900 ,. b"aridpur 7.i 75 -W.\iJ ,,"~S ,. J'-u.'lalpul' 52".1 ~51B 7~)15 ,. ,l,-mensigh 1.125'1 4595 8091 10. Taru::ail -1710 ~507 77Ll ;1. rorisal (399 ,1399 GL9i P J<:5soro 7619 .lB23 6J 1L; 1;1- l,hulna 7278 53~:J ci ,~~i '" l,ushtia .ILB7 5029 ,<1".1 I 5 • Patuakhali 3822 3788 ;; i" I I[;. H-i1C(ra 6231 49~5 k,:i,S 17. Ui",,-,jPU1' 7080 ~tHti :it, 1.1 Hi. P"bna 5598 38!:!? 6DiI i ". ha.1shahi 9557 H~-l 5",,:] "0 . 1'-'1I1.-,"JlUr 1"2,,,1 .J 720 ~%7

Il-amdadesh 152477 -1692 71<1]

Sollt'ce lill.S;?U\ E"cmomic (;eoraphy of h"",ll]~desh by IL«l'uun-er-l-la"hidl hdl,

22 TABLE-8.0

Hie" A""ilability I in kg/Capi \.a I 1931-82

liegion Availabilit"-l lla1ane(.2

L ChiUagong 127.9 -J7.1 ,. r;hl\.ta~U1,~11. J' • 122.8 -'12.2 :j. ComiIla 129.6 -35.4 4. 'makhali 1,11.1 -2~j.9 ,. Shylet 185.8 +20.8 6. llhaka 74.0 -91.0 1. FarlJpur 87 ..1 -".7 6. Jamalpnr 171.6 ,ii.6

6. :1;'TTIen~1d, 216. 1 +51.1 W. 'I',lj.l 185,6 +20.6 n. lJarisnl 12,,0 -:11,.0 12. ,Jessor" 121,7 -.11.3 '". hlmlna 116.6 -43.~ 14. I(ushtia 30.6 -84.4 1~. Patuakha1, 192.5 +27.~

'6 . B(",; "Ii 193.7 +23.7 17. uina,ipur 181J.1 +15.1 W. l'abna 12'1.5 -40.5 ". liajshahi HG.-I -2'1 . 1\ 20. ~pur J75.9 +10.~

In computing the food oolarke the avera~e per .oupita III t"-I-,,, of ",H'" has been c"h,,,l,,leci On 'lhe _Msis of 15.9 once" ,,l" l''''(juineJJ~'nl P'''' ;'''''-''.1

SOUl"''' I1R" .-'\ll Ecollom;c (~>o~T'llph"-"I' h,,-n~],,-d,,~h lW llanAlil-feJ'-iw.shid i19811 'Ihe dlOl,. "f south.,,'" regian I",cept I(u"htia has FIC belcM ih~ natianai an>,'age, h-Uh l'atuakhali and"lIa,i~hahi obL,~inil,<1 tlw least l'r"," "heh eul1.i,ated "r,T"". Hajsh"hj, aeras~ Ihe (,an!'."", .,lso 1,,,\'" Ei(' h"]"I'; dw na1'i'JrL,,1 ,1','""ag". Th,~ l"l'ge "rca J";i land P"L,luctl\'li.\' {l


'"'''''' ",' 1m.' i:l[ are IJLna.iI"lt' and "-,,lh••1.. in U". 1')]'1118r are" !''''''Lln~ I~ ~l,jll an" ['ehLiw'1-" ""tensi",; seal", due to 1',,1,,-11\"[" 1'M,",' l'op"b,,(,n

Pl'p"""r'". 'I'h•• Iw,,\'iJ~,'d"rlC"i1. "-rf'" aI''' Ib" Jis"rl,'I~ ,cith lars" UJ''''1rl lXJI'"la;inn~ Inld"" 0,; I lag""" "" 1,,,,,1,,,,,) and (ho~c' '!lLil a higi, !,""P'-,,'tl,',n of d"epl,'.-rJc'od"d l'J1ld (['"ridl""', Palma, ["[[LilJal, li""I,ll" iJa~" "()tl~id"""bi,, d,.,I",!., EHiilt, pq(iuna an, "lJrl'luf, S)'ihel', :'l,\""'ousin"h, Ta"~,,lJ l'a\.\",hhali, Jamnlp"r', hngra, D,na,ipuI' -olndJiangp"". 'II",' fmd sln,'ac;" ""p,',elL, "r 1;0'.';-. Grxjmm ""d sites ,,"~ 1,:iC,;;, :Ol.Ton>;ill 19H"

,lLlte lb,. ""d IILHllUI'=tu"cd,iLlte aceOlUlt r,,," ow,.- ,0 pi']""'''!. "f the eXl""rt ••"",,1"0;'0 or IL""",:l"-'-.l",sh.Nym,,,,,,~;,,~h, JaJD"lpw', Dilal

reg,ons ar" "",iJ to proriLJ"" the be~t fiill'e. 1" the "(ll'liL,oj'jj ~o"c, CDIIlpl'lslnf( DinwjjJur, ftangl'U[', Fln!,:!"aanel Ra,js!lah; N.~ions, Lhe f,!Jr" is

beloh' [I,"",a"" 'JualJt~. feb"". Til ,",on.eparts of Hangladesh sneh ,,~ 1",,~t"j'1l H"',J~haJ,i,th" Bannd Tl'a"I.~, !.he coaatal sul,nt> z'me, tI,e duo!",,' lb,,' Uas;rJ ""U the Chi;ta~""g f'''gi(JJl, jute Is pllh",' a mino1'crop 01' nni g"u"" aL all,

1,1",,,1 '1'1". II",in pr-oo"cin>( """as. at'e h1ml"", Co",illa, l'",bns., j~:"l~I",I,;, BogI'a, LJlr,a.ipul', Far';,)",,,,, Jesson' Ie";',,,. H~' 1975 the. nUl' "'''''i,el i,-s nnde

Jt p"sali)l" to h"L'vest an ,-,,,crag,, (,I' 0.8 tons 1'<-" n",". <,dh iO'o1" lllcl" ir,jg"Liori. ihe 1",,1> YI"ld;,,~ ,'",,,leU,,,, have ~)lI'••.",J J1\UstIII \hG,~" al't-'''~ "her" th''''',i" h big !'ic'; defielL" and "UPl'lellLenlal,.' ,,'Hlt,-I' I'Tig",tlo" Is passl"l," ; .". I;"~,hli.,, lloriher"n ,Ie",,,",,,,,,, FuriJpur ,"1.1 or no!"Lh Ilc'n"al u"d

C"mj I]" l"-'c[J.Ol"'. Potdto i'h"l


The ctisp"r"in" ,,,,,,,ng the regions intmllls ,,1' ,he [JhY~lcOil ["cili,i"s >Lrearmlyzod 1n th,s "hap!."r. In Hau;>:ladesha nun,lX'rof pb....s]"'''' ,'aeilities HL tJ", di[ff>l'"nt fields of trar,sl""'i., lw,,]LfL, education, a'""''''''' and imlu"LI'." eLe. an' uvallahle. The'",,' f",,;liLles are elosd,' I','l",,~j "i(h Lh", G,'ohth at' "conno,,' ""d "ell being of th" soc,-kl)-. -" flL~"l.<,,'of ,'ali",bles "f till' avail"h],' [Jh.\~j,'"l f"cllitios ,len] '",lth m>l.j",. "()f,C,,,'n uf \,<,11b"ln" ,,,~iurill.l

","'''hlll'''S "f r".,.pl~ (If ""' ••,",'"

''';(;0'', The, 51",ly 1<[''',''- i"dudes "ll 21 re~ion5 (lId ~""'t.,,cJi".L"k-1£) ",. H.'i.l",bcJesh. To m,,,,t the objed ;v,,~ of UJ<~study, 19 Ullnelee,,1 \'"""'],]"" ,'er'e selected: Thc>;'.,""H'iabl"" "er'ved as indices fo,' an"l,~i,,~ the """i" ~. economic and df'vdopment ~i."-lu,,,of "a"h region.

)-;1iITle "f I h" selected variables

L )-;0, of Primll",\' S"h()o] 2. Ko. oe S""ondaq' School O. K" . of ['ollegp 'I. ~o. of Pm,! Dff;"" o. K" . of fu," 1J'",nch ii. ~o. of [I,,] ,. )-;0. of rn",'''' ". '"0. of H"u"ehu]cJ el""l r' if iecJ O. NO. of viJl"ge dectdfiecJ Len~th High roadlR f , W. "f' '",e " U. Length of L01" t:q)(' =, , R , I 12. No, of r,',-; ],'",' su,].-i"" "

26 • LJ. :-;". or h"nJ lube"ells i.l. i'ercent of lrrignted arca to the ('rnr"""l "rE'a 15. Storage cap<=il~,-of GOYI..fooo GodUlm~ 16. Stor"lie cap"cit,,- of [1o"01i",,1 r,.rLiliLedlli\OC) 1i. Sl{}n,~e'-"pacit), of the cold stor""-,, 18. Cap""il.",of "in•..",>< h,lll seats

4.1 ('~)-t"rfi"i••nt or spatial variation:

"11,,,<1;"p"r';lon of the physical f"acillti"", aV;lllab"" Ln !.iLO "CQ1'm~ knohn as a coefficient of spati"l v"nation. Such m""'l\,,'e~ could be>or consic!erabl" h<>lp in f:\'a]lJatu)g th,. deg,-,,,, "r "')fOC"'''!''! ""l (l[" d'~I,-'r'''jf)', 01' the ph.vsic,,] f!lcili,_ie~ mr.'m<: th" I""''' ion",

,,'.R. Thompson has pQmted out the j)l'oblem of implicLt peid,ti"Q ,,( -tJ,., -.', indi vidUf\l reglans h)- thE';r respecti ,-e shares' of tJ,,,, base r,," ,;Lit,,\. a "n"fflCl"nt of LVAli"l '-ar1"tion "nn l., substituted for co-efJ'l(;ie)Jt of locali"ation.

if I,e l",t ,Ill- \., ph,,,,,t,,al facilit .... '.j' in region 'L' ("I",,'''' '"""10m; p~ are nurnOeI'ed f,'(~[] 1 t" \,),1'1. h, l"l",l T>C)F",lati.onin ,'egion L; ~ '.J J-0-e"t~A.L .:l- aild li be th", numbe,- of r",gions, thf'fi the c(J-effiei"flL of "'J",-[,;,,1 ',-''''J:Jl '0" F:.- '''1Llli.1><6"/~.,"here "oj ~S,"--,,1"' :f~ u :~'-' I.!!"i ouL U:'.Q C,,8fficient of ~~l.i"1]0Jf":,st office

The Coefficient of ~patial No."1' ""l"ct"" pil)'slcal \'ar'jal:1"n "f po~t "ffi"",: faojllly;" ------Population of J'eg'ion '1'

!le«ion Posl. off ie" m'!i i 1"hI" 1'" ~ Lhous,,,,d Population ill a re"l,,,,

Bandnrbaa O. tl3.1 Chitt,,~OlW' 0_D7:J. Chitla~(Jjl,[; "...". 0.Gg1- Com; 11" . 0.096 - Sylhet- O.OSl' Dhal'UlenSIn«!-r 0.017' Tangail' n.05~' !JarisaL 0.108- Jes"are O.OHi' Ehuln.'l._ 0,102- Eusht.ia. O.O,g' !'atual,kd i O.llIJ' ;,ogra. O.OfW D;na.ipuf" 0.,)6,' I-'abna- 0.070- t!ajd>ah.i. O.O;,S' Rar,g)lJ'~ i),OG5'

L = 1.6ZG

ho J "" 0'077

28 '- -)'). ili. !~gjQ" " -) '- 0' ('-", ,. (l,j':" 1,,[ .-, 1. jh"ciar1",-" -O,v-13 1. fl8x 10 3 ,. <..11 it t.,".("n~ _3.90,,10- i.~7xlO-5 ,. Ch itt"'",n,, JI. l' -O.IJ102 l.05xl0~4 _4 L ("omill" +0,0135 1.82,,10 o. S,.] h,,1. +3.86,,10-3 I .'l,,,, 10-;;: 4 6. "oal,hali +0.0192 3.69"10- •• Oh,.]", -0.015,15 2,38"10-1 8. Faridpu," 9.~~,,1O-!> 9.30,,10-" ,. Jwnalpur 0,0126 l.tiO>:1<)-..4 W. H:vmensingh l. i7x10-4 :L 13,;W-B" >C. Tlingail -v.ll21R2 .1.7fb:1O-4 ". &,"i",,,1 +0.03052 9.31>:10-4 '". Jesson, +9.59,,10-3 9.21:<10-5 J.l. Ehul"" +O.O2~6 ~.O6,,10-4

3 - O~ 'O-b 15. I\ushtia +2.37:<10- ~."~Xl 16. Patuakhall +0.0392 1.53,,10-;'1 17. Bo

------Z" 7.95 , 10-~

>/ Z ("-)~"'-OJ - -~---_'!_----- eoeff.of spati"l "'''';"!.i",, = c 'y 0.019,1 "('"':_;0 =------0.077 " = O.019~ = <1.251 TABI.£-9.0

Coeffic1cnt of gratia] \'ari-"U!," ShOh'ing th" I{""iona] disp<:-r:~j()[1 III Lenosof the pl>~i~,!:",1fadltles.

1. fj""'pi tal bed 0.973 2. Han,] '1'""" h'"11 O. 1, I J. No. uf [olle"e O. '125 4. ~o. of ;:;econdary Schuol 0.317 5. 1':0. of Prin""r;' S"hool 0.12, 6. t\o. of CDpDcat,' "f f'imf>IJa Hall seat 0 .. 115

,. No. of post offi"" 0.251 8. ;.Jo. of Hat 0.301 9. Capacity of stOl'age Godo,,[] for Chemi",,]fertilizer (!lADe) O.5IH 10. St.",,,,-(;e capacity of Govt. Godo"l1 O. 181 11. Hi>th Type road O.H:{ 12. 1.01>'Ln'" road iJ.411 13. No. of ~~zar 0.482 14 . ,~o.0 f 1Janl, (J. :J29 16. Percent lrrigat",d aroa t.O,-,roPIlN] "rea 0.H1 ]6. ;;". of Ho,--,,,eholdelectrified O.9()ll Ii. No. of \illage electrified 0.754 18. ",0. of Rail,.m.)' St-atiOf\ 0.0,1 19. C"paolo,' "f Cold ,Stora-:e 1.3, ,

:w Dh"ka 'in '['sI>1,. 9.1) ",h(Jh'r-.that out of 19 variables h'hich e"plain di~tf"lhul.i()Tlof ),h}><;""lf"ci1iU ••s "c""lition of r,,~ions, 6Is;"1 h.-we' vel,," hid, coeft',cient of spalia! ,",.riaUon rm,gin;( f,'"", ,,"''''e 0.5 lo 1.:1, and '-,o'"'"rhO\lsehdd <>kd.l')I'iGrl, vlllage el'K'trified, railh'a,' stat10n, ''''1''''C1t}' of cold storage IlUspital bed and slorafo(ecapacity at' chemical fel"tihzer. Til" se"oml group of variaLles 1111have a coefficient of st.:alial \"a"ialiull frrml 0.3 to 0.5 and consist a llluititude of variaL1e",- High type ,""".d, )"" l:I]'" ruad. tia?-3f".nil", ll""k, StorJ.#" capacity of Govt. GodDWrl,j ''''''''',,!. lrrigated area to cropped "rea. oint,"", hall seat, seconJary sohool, {""l,,,,,ry

""hool and cn!lege. 'l'he third gL'OUpof va,",ia!>]" (2) which have a coefficient of spatial varlalion l>t->I."een0.1 to 0.3 lnclude hand tube"-,,,ll and post office.

The lOh'est value of coefficient of spatial vari"Lion'is fo\.m,; '" Hand Tubewell. The 10h'e[" !.he ",due of coefficient 1.1",1m"",. w.ill 0.) till, Jh.persion from the national aLean.


this ehapt.e,' discuss "buut. Lh" Imontion quol.;ent. l",'"l,zatlon eun'e as the mdi""tor of the extent uL h'h:i('hn'_,,~onsph~:"1(",,li are ~n be] Rnee. This quot~8nt tlue" !lOt. I CoII ,'ct "'1\ and Pl'oC"",;,;inJ<,It ~s " ded ee 'fo'," """'I".r IlH( a reg lor]'" ", p'",."",tage bhar" of" purticular aeti.'it,\' "jlh its percentage siL","c 01' ~""'" basil' Clgg,..,g,,-I.e. Th" Iocalizatiull "un •• h'ill provIde us 110" f,rgl h,md k!ln,,,1",4<" "b"<1I. I f", ilLL'H'r-e~iot ••il d1 ~[,."i ,.i t.y .

;;. 1 l~)c"Li,," I1!!!)!.i"".\,; c:,-----:) III Lh•• ",'->J'1;'19~O's the U.S. ;';tlli,(JrL[,j Resourcesi~}'"),e,, \ "u'"puC2<.l e,-el:'- "t",t" i I s ["c"ti.on guotie,,!. L,ith respect to. ,.,,,,il "",nufactu,.;uu acl,i'Ity, Th" eJ.R.l'.B, u~ed a~ a bas" t",-"l ",,«e enrUer'S i" ,,11 ",,,wlf,,,-,turu,g. For lHl)' gin", ma"uf,."tur'i,,_~ acti\"~ty, it 'Lh"rej',)]'(". !".e~"nted 1'01' e,,-,--,h~I".t" " eoeffl"ielLi. "hich "as CUlIl[",i,..,j b,'" dh-idiuc', Lh"

11j lh" state" "h"H'" Dr " national ,-oL,d of ,,'age ""'l'll'''''' for a ~; \HI ""Hl"i'acturing Iud",,!.,'o-by !~I the "Uii.,,~ sh"re of all "'''''LUr;,,~tuCllJJ:1.

L"t 8i : Numh"r of "age earr,,"r~ HI 1\I"nuf",oL\JT'in>! industr'r j' '" a «iven sUiLe.

S l\umber ,-,r """e em'ne,'s ,Ln,dl manufactw-jll~ Industry ill til(' """'''' state.

I\i Number of ""ge Harner" JrL m"-nufactul'lll~ industry 'I' '" the nali"".

N : ~l1ll]he,"of "a.

The 1",;al,;'''' 'luoU"n\. for indust,." 'i' ~Il the given >date is

-,., S'J(.,h hK)Ui inn quotient have be"n us",} ".~Ie"f;ivdy 1,.-. Fe'"",""",, I-J.tLd ulht"!' )o"",t ,on "",,1,-,51-5.

in"esLiguto,' can ll"" "-~,\'L,,_~che c(Jllsi<1er",signjf;"w,t rOt' l.-h;,]""b1e," ard ,'egioJl ""d,-,. ",t'Ki, ... \..~l'e are int",,,",,i •••) 'i" welf"re ('onditioIl~ ,wd ",-it'"'l,'

s"d ,,'j Ih b>ill-J.I](,e,r~ r('apita rlbtri!Juli",,><, IJOI'U]"dOllis ~I", mu,,1.J,,.le,;,nt bas". '10 j""]""'" Lh" prob1;,m of vulrre)'I-J.I,jI ,t.e', areu h'ould be ,-'n"" ;<3.,.,~ifor ",-,.I.-"i" w'I,jabl,,~ or phy"',c'll rac1ljtie~ "'" '" p,,"rl"LcllL base.

'1he ""'1,-",1.-'"'' {]), to firJ<1 ou\. .1"""'ion 'luoti",,,I.-'" ruT' tlte ~"Le21.-",} "",.i"hks of th" pIL,,,,i"l-J.lfacilities, ha", been ,"odif1e<1ill-' Le"IlI~ (of its his", u~ed, I>'e""" l-"pul",.ion or ar-"", of t.IL" c'on,-,tCi-nregia" and ,"d;mtlT as bas" tu i,lt>rLi:ify 1.1", I'oncentr-sLiun of tite ph,'sie"l ["",il,[l_;,,'o,

V ThlJ". locution qlJotj,'nl.- for" o.el",,1 ['it,\->;1"',1 r"cl.1it.i"", i"" given regi"" is,

L,.!. Pi = NumLe,'of the p"l't.ieular "ar-iab]" or I.h,- ph,,'slc•.•l faclll!..\ 'i' in a "i\'"" n,gi"",

~i fiumbe,'of the partl"" variabl,. 01' ,-he phys;,,,,l r"cilit." 'i' in the nati"".

N = NW"lK',"of toLal IKlf1u1ation 0)' A""" in U,,-- m,i in",

Pi/I' Location quutient ~ ------(21 l\'i/.'i ]h" oo,.'nta;;,,,,, of Ih,. ]"""LioJ\ '1u(Jlient ",,,tl100 ,H'c ib c,j",[,I,,';I\' uml the fact "hat it can be based un ,.""d;.1y u\-,nldble dala. [";"'-0"""" Dr Lls

simpliCIty, lhe locdt.i()[l qUIlI')',nl ]s useful in th" _,"u-],\' <-'/I"ral,-'" Sl~~'l"'S "f ""sro:']'ch. it 1S ","jJl0,\'ed her'" "'" a "0"«;' oonduLud, in ", .. ",,',i";l~ uf u1ffE'rent "edons of Lht"eouIlin',

:;'~"pl" of Culculat.wn

------,i------l\ame'of th" 'iej,,<-'tcc!,'",-i"lJle ],'c~Jon '.;lU',)"'"or lio" Ale',' oj' ,-,,-,'.,' "un"i,],:! ,-",,,i- 1"~r,,Jlat"or, labl':j'-':;.J.'."i:. " ,,:' lil~t ------~:~~:~-~~----~:~~~~---

lb.!)d T"hc I,cil Cln tt~"\"ong 3:I,lh7 ~.l" j ';:JU "' {V,!,,,,,,ion)

>, , ['"nd lllg'l 1')'1"" Chittagmog ~9",L~lkml ,2IGI"'l.I,,,,) 1,""3;

., !l'mri Tub" '"ell Bang-ladesh ,,15.17e H7J:.'Oi;O,) 11};))n,!.-.\]anJ

Road ili~h type Bangladeaf, GLlj,ti{l~lJ) ,.,:,.:, ..;::): :Oq,iun) "' 1,'\1,.,1

\;8 have, Pi/!' L.Q, ~ ------{j) NilI'

al Hand 1'uLe\leJ:l _ for ChiLLa,gof1!( !legion

pj 33,09, ~ ------= O.QQG"G~7 >, 5191330 ~'iLe"", Pi = Numberof band Tube Hell h! Chittagon~ ,"""ion. = l\\.lmbel' of LDLli.l popula'-inn in Chitt.agong r"';!:Lotl. " , C-15.j7fj 0 ------0 ~.l l:i,1~O(l00 Total poj.lulaLiuJI in Ib"~l,,,k,,h [r;"tJoni

0 0.00,-109

!-'uttin,,; these ""I""s ill equ ... (:iJ 1'ill' o.OOGOn ----~- = !d/N 0.007109

Sf}, loca'Lion 'll.loti"",- II,.Q.) fo,' Cb_~tt"gong le~i"" f,,], ti,,- hhm! lLlhc.""Jl = (l.l:il~.

= ------~---- !-' c,re" "f ChiH"I1oW( [

,1~[;.11 [lim) = ------= O.0G87~ 72]{; 1"''1. Ian)

Hoad high type (kill) in L{}1~tl in Gan'lladesh = ------N T"I"il ~ITaof Dangladesh

= -----~------" 0.0,1315 I 4 :109P. ( sq .Ian)

0.068,5 L.Q. = ------= 1.59 O.(j~315

In t.his \.'a;-,, h"e computed fa".all re«im, under st.udy I,h" l,"L'1l.lion quatier;l 'fur ,,''-'Onnf the ph,,,,,i,ml t'acillty v,,-!".i!ible. it "'ould appeal"tll,,\. the physlcal facilities d""", 10cal.10"'1tJui.l('nlA ",-c"eelunit.;, repr',,~(ml. tit" c""",,,,Ir;lt.ion of tit""e facilit;,""" 1" lb,,~e reglorl". ,\nd th"s" f.•dlities hnos,' lc"--'

ou~llt. to Jot,d,-",.l"p"d th""", f"-"i]ll.i",, i.lI t.hnse r"~i",,.~ in on!';!' lu reduo'", !.he •.•,g;"n,,1 1mh,1anr,,~. Suph "i)lte'""nl~ must be sOliously CjW:dII'],"

U,"". of 1'''''il,L'''' '1",,1ie'''1. ,IS "nn~I{"'r,-~j.i.o ldelLt,fy U,,, cow.,jJ\',l"-1,lojl d"d tl"LlJ[]c"nl,'aI.Lu" of ti,., phy~i">i1 f,wi1!.i ••" in diffe,'cni. l"~''''''''S of the

'11,,, 1",,,il'ic,,, qLl(,I,i""I.,; of all ~1 ','c"ions of the counu,' I'or the nlnc'loon(191 scdc"ler1 variable of the physical fadliti"" a",", (]"~,,':l.,,,J III ';::=J"letai 18 in tile J,:"Jation "harl. {'I'"lJle-l0,O) ,

ri,2 Inl"rpre!'l ~X !!2£I!.tiOll gllOti

I'reJinthe locaLio" CjuoLi""I'~ "harL it appears that. 1.<,'0regiull~ uul. oj' ~I are hlghly ,'nnO''''Jt!ateJ 1n t"j'm~ of t.i,o"e ph,,",,ical faO'ilt.ies. In i~'L.'-.k".••"d ll()~,'", I",,'l\'(~ d1 tT"I<-JnLLy\,,=s of phy,.;",,] fa"i il i"s out of "II".' d=" '" ,_

in Pall,,,, r.-«;,on, "l",ven tlifr",'e"l. t.,,'pos ot. p;ly,ical f",,,i]i I "." ",e '•••.. ,-.-' ~ i{]PIlLii'",d I,hich h,",'p l,x",li"" 'l,,"lwnts v"l"e .,1"",'" 1h"

H'il.i"Jlai """"""",

III l'd,.;sa], ,'al.""kh"l i "J,d i'l}-lnelLSinghregl,,,,, Ift,'"e arc ("'Ul'U"_.,,ll!) diff""enl typos of ph.l"~lca1 1'"-"i1it,,,s variabl"" "hid, haw, lil.' ,;"O'"ti"n quotients veilu" b•.l"" the naUonal avel."ge. "fhC'se thre" 'fo~j",,~""I' "lgni f,imw,ll)' less c,'ncentrakd r"".iOtl in terrrL~of I.h<"plI,'slO''') i':

Far1dpw' I',,~ion oniy cont.ain" "h ""ri"bles of pit.""ica1

loc"lion 'lu"I.;('nLs ""luo of ,dJid, "J"> ,.lx,,,,,, th" naUon"l "J"W," BANGLADESH .~2 " LOr,ATION QUOTIENT OF THE NUMBER OF HAND TUBEWELL IN BANGLAOESH. LEGEND ,~tE~~ •••t,ON•••j. BOW"""~\ ~. -._ OlsTQlct BOU."""W -- --- D'SWCT~i:"'oo,W.lfrE'lS 1;)

8 A Y OfBEN(joAL L..1(.7I'O I!l!JlIl ..." - O'5L L.~.f. 1-0 L.a. = LOCIl,TION= ~ Lp. L.O'5

-11.,. __ • 31;

SLU'P'Ising I,', lil",I"", 110" n",~t ;mpcwb,nt. i,"killS' ,-",1 and p"t I ""C''' "f

loc;,nion '1u"l"_'"L~ ,,,J,,,, of d1ieh ",'e ""'1\'" IhO'""l.inn"l m"JrL.

-110"c(J"fl"lc..;iellLof spatial val'iaUon fur the "torage capaut.I' ur col,; 8lt'""g" 15 1.37, ,,'hieh i" t.h" Illgh".st. alJlon~olhers. 'n,C' locali,,]] 'lUOtl'-'llt charl describes the ,"egional concentration or speclli.o"" 0,. belo'" the llullona1 mean. from locnUon ' C'i"u-t of \lJ(' ear"«'llv 01' coJ,) sl'''''g(>, it is found tila', the hi"d,..,,,l \'aluEO "I l"L",liorL '1,](,I;,."t i" :i.G79 in"jnn, 111<"'second hj~h,,,;L is :>.,1", tn L"u""IL" '"f'gi,,,, ,,-,d II". ]oh-,."I L~ O,O~9 tn &trlsaL r,,~uo••• It is '-lEii)ite [,om lil" ,\ "lx:"e \!ih,,, uf 10cal.l"" '1u"!."",!.,,, Lhat locn.t,otl quol1ents of ,",laka "-,,d Cornilia regia"" "-I'e 3.579 a"d 2.,1,,1 'm"" I"''''ller the,ll ehe llali"",d "','e,',,~,, ,."s]X'Cll\T,ly, Tile' Jocation qU(Jlie!Jt of 8ari"al ,~ nnc;-th'ent,,_ h (,I tite. ""llOm.1 mean, In otherword.

f',-,:;1:l., j" highly concentrated ill f"" """':''''''' ar,d s1"nii',,,,,,,,tl"' le9,s concentrated ill othe,' regio",., of th" countr.,-. it i" "",,'e d" E""_~ f['u," (",. Jocation quotients cha,.t thaI. Ih" hiC(h coefficlent of S1);'i.,,] ''''ial-lC,n meanS ~everal !"fOg,,,,,,,,",'e significantly di"I)(,r","1 .jU"", iJ1 1"~"_;\'" '" negative ,-Hr",'t;"" f",,", the natiomd mean.

The lOlJest val",. of "ocHicle"t of: spatial '-"I'ial_i"n IS t"'UKl H, h"nJ t,,1"'1>'(>1l.Fro,," Lh,. lD'-'a!.;on quotient char-L,it l'" ruw,d tl,,,1 ou' of 21 ""g",,,,, 1" regIOns I,m'e (he ]"""(.j,,,, quotients aoo\',= Lhe nal.i",,,d IT";['''. I'll", highest location quoU",,!. value is 1.JO'i (funJarhar,) and til" i",.-,,~\ one b

~A f,"",,' O.'ill.9 L l. [I. a>'ppea,'s froJlJ th" a!K,v,. 1-1,,')," locstion qll(JI.'''LlL",of' a\,1 r(!~ions 1'0" thal', particular t)'V" uf jJh."~i,,ai faciliL,' a,.", ,.ith,.r sli!,(hUy abm,. or loelcM the natiunal "'''an. Regional ubp,,"~,,~r,"I' c-""h ,','gi"n from the !laUo",d mEanof'tha.t particular rani lity is li,inl"",,, h'hi,--,h ,."sulls l" U," I'M ""]ll" of the coefr,,--,i,,,,L of spatial varial""., ~.3 Th" Loc"ljzaLion Curve,

The ]o<:a]jzaLi,,[\ ,:u,",,, is constructed from a set of ["e"i",,,,1 pr',_-,_r,I:)~e figcll<>S by p10UirLg,,,n t.he vertlcal m:is a "Ul1Jub.U\'~I)"''C''''"''~'' i',~"re ['0" the gi.':en ph,'"i",,] far,i1iLi">,, and, on the lL01'i ",o"U;1 "'. L~ c;orrespondding cl""lJlati v" I",,.,,••nIa~,~ fIgure for Ule W"" ",,,~,,jILt)', p"jJulation of the G,m","'n ,."g,,,,,. Th" prorcedure i,,\'ol"e~ (1 i l'ard'.ing • ,-c'gions in "'\]H' of [.

Lnua\iz"L.inn r'ur'\'E'S al'e ",,,,,,('>!]1';1J11.•• ,, d,w;ce to depict 'J.I"] I..-."h ",glOnS b;' ]nrnl,on quutiento. si'll,e Lh" ,,1"1""5 of their "tl'ClighL .1;,,,. "'""ne'nls "r",

iJ"nl i",,] ,,';111locat.ion quoU",,,l~ "f t.he regions. Jf it LUI"'" (Jut'lL a g;""" physiGal facilit,' i", di",t.I'lh"ten exactly t.h" ",m,,. "'" Ii", tJ"i,11J"lion

II . e. \>ase rrLH.~n,I."r.le) of a coneern J'tc'gion, the loe-atio!] quu I,i''',1." h I ,1 ,,11

Lh" ori.gin.

f'!' IIm.eve,,', an," d'\',,,'ge",,c in the 1.<-10Ji",I:r.,bal.lnns ,;ill b.= l'eJ'l"''l,,1 )1' a " dG\'ial..i.un of t,l1<' lOGa]i~"Lion cur"" f,'oJll Lhe di-"-~"n,,-l. III adr.lit;cJn, a. loc"l,;~aLinn Clave SU[lU""""Z,"Sthe geog:I'aphi" Jl"Ltern of lhe l'h;'s,.,nj facility ,,1. " gi""" po;"t in". '00 -•0 " '" • , .~• 80 , •, ,E " "• 60 c ~ •0 E <• " -0 " -g~ g• 10 ~•

0 ~" , " , • 10 Populo4p',on (Re9iOl1s)'60 80 '00 I Cumulalive percent)





, 50 20 Pop ula I'01'\' region) 80 100 (cumulative percenl)


• 'l'hi~ "hapler deals "'11Ohthe meaSU1'''mf>nLof the lnl""I<'~i"f",l uj"llliir';i.,. ]tl the procecc!lng chapters, Lh,' ll),,~li~~lioll em''.'e' !"";\'irJ,,s "s

firsT hand hnO\,letlge aLuul Hit" dis]Xurties exisi ,"'"""~ I'''~C,IlS.!Jut i" Lhi~ chapteI', WI' shall try to "1""'0."'. I.he cllsp,nrity le.\.i~li,,~ JlL tr"rms of j1h,." f"Gilitie~1 !iITl

The; lOC"dlizatiCln curvo is deviaL"d to the right "f til,,, dif\~OIl"l

IFigur"t<1 & 21. The ""LC'llt of this deviation is " 1f","""I'" 0" ,."gio"id C"one""L""Liollor <1isper'"ion of the; 1'h.>'''10,,1faciIlt,I', "'''Hl""',,d [(' U", 1~,,,(O

i I t'L" 3.1'"'' bethee" Lh" loealizatio" (JU""f)and the diagonal to I2.1 II", toUd ",re" <,,' Ih" ri~hL tdallgl" formed by lh,. diagonal. th" 'crl,cal ado. and 'h" l"p.:n' I.h,.'graph. ']1><,l,mitin.c( ,'"lues of the ""Uc h'ouid 1,0 ZeI'Otind ""," ,~o h'C' n,ove On i.() Ih" comput"L.ion"l proceuui'e 1.0d",t"rJlll11ethe ~i1\1 H.,j,,, ..

Cur'v" fllle-l I" rercenUle "h1lr"cs, l,'hich Ii"" ue',""!(JpedI,.,' j~Jn',,~. i'L lex, foaJlJ"d"fl e, hiJJlI.oreno::curve. The \'el'tL..:d a_xl=,"""L~ur',,_~Lhe I"Hcentage of Hleome ~ni",! !-C,Lr,"ultL" ""eipi""!.,,. I,h" "1"DaLTil)'c.din p..'I"Cenl1l"",On lh" "XiS. I)""""" recepi"nL~ """ ""leI""; from the poore"t to Lh" !'idll}"~, mO"lng fl'o]" !"r, I" right. '11,,,s ill "h",'" figure {31, OX ,'epre"e,,!. 1'<;-''('''''1.or lJOpulaUu" (,he p"o,"""t group I re<,eives 'a' Ix"r('"nL "f' the ineonLe, "nd s" on. gi,'in~ lile J ("l",,"Zcm-e, L C""pleLe <-'(jualil ,Y I.ould OCClli'GrLl.,'i r 'a' 1K-rc"nt uf ti,," population J'E"''''i\f-',j ',,' pen'f,llt of L1Leinc"""e, ,,_~indic"ted by !.he CUI"'" "r ",)Il,plde <-'']U«])1.,-, E. The CllrTe of J-~'r'f""L ilK'qlmlIty lS lCH. ,>'1t.hI< f"ght mLt;le aL (;. Thi~ L;lJr"" rcpn's"llts the case d""." one person has 100 1'"),,,<-,,1 of til" i"c"",,., .

of the ,noea (or" area of lnequali 0;.1. The Girn 1llU"" j" [he r"ti," ,-,t' d,;,-, arca to the total a,'e" "n,kr the line of e'l,mlil"-. The sinq)le.,I: "")[IL!,,,l"'iun of 'Ihe Gini p,oceL-"l1sl"v 'l'aki,,!'( the su'" of Ih" ",e"s unUer" ttl" 11'-'Po,zoicb ~"ot",,~ sllch as ,,'\'1'7.ann/tids fl'OlllI:h" "roa under E tu g'n' ,he coneent""I.'j,)C, ,,,'oa.

This Ci"i I"de); l5 employed h,-".",to finu oul Lhe di.5j.lUlrit"' thai p':i,,(s ""'Ong the dirr"'l'("nt reglOns. '11,,,G,ni !tlde" is a ;;,,,dc measure of I'"hli\'e ~nequali!.:: ill i",,'ms of the r~',\'~'i()"l faeiliUe" I<"",lable attd is L1~.;I"',1It, stud"", of U,,, dbtl',iJ,,1 Ion of the ph,I'",i,,,.l faclliti"" >'>;i,,,,,o.


Curve of complete inequality y ~ x 100'1, --Percenla!Je of incomerecipienls

THE LORENZ CURVE Til" O(~"f",l.hlior, of Gini index is simplifi",d iN ,:alcuL,tJ"~ 1.1_1<>"th" enne,,,,rr,,l,"n "r"" ,,,,,1 rJi,\di,,~ lhis by Ih',i"'> UW 'H','" ",,1<"J' '1':'. '!'ior- "t'-" of'" trapezoid su"h 'L~~':\YZ(C,,11•••1'T') ,L_~

T ~ab + 1/2 cb

llnllb1ing thi" ill1d rearrm-.g;ni( for "ol1,-""i"""", h,- Il,J\'(-

2-1' = h( 2,,+c I • ~T = bla+[a+,,11

100no - 2.:'il~i+I"'+C'II)- i = 1


\;",. lak" th,> ""1001,,,1 varwblo seoondary sd,ool, "" "" "',,,mpl.-~,"nd calculation p'u',><1u,'P in d,"L~ils are snOlm in 'fable 11.0 ,,]';('], IS s"lf- e"planatur,'. R,.,,;ion" 'H'" "rr''''i("rJ in order from high,,~t. lo""I."ltl quo! ictll In J,"',"'st nne. There are 21 ,-p";in"" "-nd thnse are grouped into I'"u,' "-"e,,rC\in« to th" order of the' []l.'Ph.«1'0"1' contli; ns fl\ e t'''~l(>n "'"C'''l't the Gf'O"P_~ which contains sjx (,,,ltions ha"in" the si" high""I: 10""; Jon q"ot.ieIlt~.

4~ I" 1',,1,:,' 12.iI Ih,' firsi eo1umn is 11", sur" of til" [""'L''''':' ni P:.I.lJbLi"n of t"l.gLorLc.'u!Jer tl ••, " ~r()llp .""ieh h'ili giv" us tile b..'", '0[' ''',,:, 'J..'P"ZOl<.1 Ibi. The lH'"'OC'l ',,', JS IhC' C;llll,,,lutivefJel'catluJ.~l' at'" I",",icuj,u' r"::~",,,i r""ij,I."' ",,,,,,[\',,,1 by J'r''']''''>; ,,'ilh 1m"". l,,,,al,,,,, 'JuDi-l',n,- \'"1",, i,.i.... (0" ..'

~I'nup--l). '110<"IUl,OLl,,1I"~,,i is th" l'lJl""ht..i,,, lklce.ILt,,~c of lll( jJ."' ..l'-'\lI~ll ph)"i"a1 r'lf;j 1i I) ,.•.",",]"•. 1 (',,!,,_-.,,;,d ,aI'Das is :;ho'", in the iast column..

iJ 'I'i\IlLE-11.0

Wnr:king !!.~t. fp!,: ,oa1.'lU!.!;tj..!!!l ---Gin; -_.-J,uJ" •• (;1niIrrl~x:for S<..~ry ---&-.Jlooi

lice"'ll ].nC'ition PcrCCn1. or :C"O",1,U.1"',;]\-,rccnt "f: quoth-,,,t Secondary : :populatic-J': school 1n a ""~ j ml I(l til,,: :natlon"l total:

:Oylb<'t 0.,:12 ~.0 5.0 0.:' ,C ." ",!>,,"- ').,1,9 J.G E.O 1.0 iC! . , ,-",,,il',, U.W::l " . " H.5 H.i) P!.~ '.h l , l.a~[)[L" 0.8.IG .'i .0 i9.5 ;;.0 ~ L. , ]0:" ;dlllH" (}.",P- .;. 5 L~.O 5.5 .iu .U

Dr,a],,, 0.8G3 I G . (J J".iI 1~. U I ~ . Ij hangpur O.91~ ,.C ,11.0 7.0 .j ~J• 0 ,';o"khaU 0.9J9 ,1.0 ~5.0 '1.5 ;,J. ~

";)'",,,nsingh 0.911 ,.0 52.0 , ,0 :;1.Co ., - ]\uslLtia O. 9,J6 --' 5'1.5 -'' ,- CJ."

J'm.'llpLlr , .ill" 3.0 ~7." :J.O ''',.~ lJanda,hm i.097 0.5 .'iR.O O. :, ',G. h 'Iangail ,.110 3.() C1.0 3.0 ,~J,2 I-".~,I~ku" , .12::' ,,0 Gf>.O G.n , .Jessor<' l.~O, ".' " ,8.5 ,I. " hO.

ElnQra 1.2.09 'I .0 3.0 " " d~'. :J l;huJna ,. 2.:", 0.0 il3.5 5.0 flfi.J Dina,jpul' 1.29,1. 5.0 8S.5 3.5 '" h\cuakhall ,..192. ;,0 ,11 ." 2.0 :i:' , d 5a, i""l , 13.1 ,.:> 9') . Ii D.C> :'.' . L"in t tagong H .'1 ,. 8~:1 1.,) iOQ. tJ 0, , lUC,.O

.1.1 TAlJi..E-12

}'or<.'oent"",. of l-erccnt':'L,e of Cumulatl\e 1",11"''' }lOpcd"cioll seconJa,-., l""rccrd or ~.JlllJ~ """0"':;"'" schlOol seconddry '" ,-ii". >;"h,,,,] lei la+t::1

30.0 2'1.0 2~.O ~'l.O ~~U.OG 33.~ ;lO.S 54.5 ,~.5 2l~'J. ,;, jg.o 73.5 128,0 ~100. Ie

I b."i 21,. S 1011.0 1IJ.5 3-1 I" . 9,) ------

-S!ijq. 10





= 0.10R

.1" 'f!IIJLE13.0-----


L Hospital Lc••.' 0.2% 2 • :-;0. of College <),118 1;0. of 3C'eonJ.",.)- School 0.103 Ko. of Pnmnr)- Selluol 0.095 :,. No. of ",,,,,L Office 0.1,,9 0.1:>3 ,. Ko. 01 !lat 0.153 d. Ko. of £lazar ,1.i5" 9. )\0. of ],'.a;ka,";on 0.33:': 10.. ~o. (,I' l1(lLJ",..holdc.iectnfied 0.33.1 11. C,i"""'Ii fhll Sc.>ts 0.2~R 12. ~o. of \J.ibge'eleetrifiEpaeiL.I' of 1.1>", O•. 18~J lB .. 1Ii"h t)'pe road 17. j,,,,,'jyl'<~road 0.OJ3 18. So. of lo",,,l t"llCh'''U 0.221 le, "roppe0 area

,i, The -:;i ,,:' :ind,", "i<"h'LL,,", I L,. ",.~ i",,,, I

d;spaillLJ"o; WpitLEt eaciL r""I1;t1"g \",,'j~hl<.s J~ ~,i"',,1L tt, ,,,f,i,- iJ.0j Th., j1iL)-sic~1 racli,tlC1s '-""H1bi,~ "hl"h ha\'(' '-' [,L11; ,,,d,'" \ki\.,"'[]

tv i".;,,1: a,s,; bed, 'LO ll'," iLU i, ;

, 1cci I"; r L(',i , \ LU,,~,.,,1"d.",; f'-'" I. "lor"~e ''''I'''''' I.', oj' <-f,h"" ,il j\,n j J , t,,," a"d ",,!,' -olc,"dl';e. Til" Gull itld"x \'"ille \"ar-,.,,, h""'""n u i.. 1, '1"L' i"LerJ"eglo",,1 di"I~Jir'lty '" ""',''''LJ'''.:;cJ d",,, Ihr' value LS "nO' .ttl,1 "'lnHnlllll "~I 2""0, 11.'. vadables "hkh """"";io,,' Gini i"d •.~ i,,,'m'I,,,,,,I,' h>",,1 1,,',,',.,:Ji. y )"", 1;"1'- ,-,1:~i, "nd P""'""';' J

""""","" \0.17)1 jn '-a,

Ln (:I\SF 01' I"".d \"1"",,,11. I1l'nce ,-i,e il"er'L'E-ginal (;i"F';"''-'' JS j,.,,~ 11,~C1111,S of thai. F,f'it<'lJla,' I'hY~L""l fw:'lllt;'. l'roll1 abm'e, II"., ,''';'ll'""",h,j' ,,",,ot,,, Lhe <-o-"Hi";.,-,,I nf ~p:Hj"l c-arL,lion, loc"Liun (juoi.ien"" .',n', [;"'; ,nO",. (11 " P" ,'U C'lJla.jl'hyo.i""l faei} i Ly '" qui I{"of",; ou~.

~;:iJl"lJ,\', 11 app;''''s frolJ' Lhe C;i,,; 'i"d,.~ tabi" i"_o \'''''£1])1••0. ,\i'e o,Ul1 "x;'.l ;" Ba"~l,,d()~h. I,,' "i,''-''('''' i,wl1i!l"" ",\l"ald •• i"di,id\l,,-Jly for a p9,rtlcular re,u"'l.,1ln ,hi,; d,,'ple, all the sel"cted '-'[\,',al-,],-s ,,1' tI", pl"\,,,i,,,,] f'acjiiU,,~ a,',' ""!,sj,i ••",,d in t"t.lli to r.-mk H", d,w,'lOt~"r"nt «tat,,,,, "r' 'U", n"~i(1I1'/

fol1oh'i"g this u tL,,1JlClc! uf sC','cilJ>( h'a~ adop"",rJ./ Tt,,,s,, l"'-d,,'"'' hilich of Li,f'" ,w"i l"oj." ph,\",,,,,J ['"Ci.ilti"s <-,t'.,

the" j"r" ot her lX'll.nni"g l'e<;lU!LS,

c,anlpl" of ca]clll"Uon :

Sl(J"',"," ""fl<"lClty col' G,,,,L, "cod,,;-:!, jn c!.1ons/Lhous.;!1d ]"'1",1",1 "'l'

1, b'"uiaL'km ~G.r3 2. ell, I t.",,,",,,,, 3. CltiLlag:nr~ H.T ~~.9~

Here, e[fpa('~t,' of L:ovt. God""" ,'~ "O.:!~"J.'l'otlb/ti",u»"nd [X11"Jl1i' intl In (hit\"g(j[j~ ,.,'go". Th" maxumu St."'""I\" ('''-p,,,,\I,,' l~ "l,SC,"'if'd ill r;hil,l";;OJl~ r,,~jon "r,d the ()u,.;,."""d vaiue of t!kll. r'"~r(,,, i~ "ss;crncd to

It ('''r1s:,,,nt ,It]uu W. ,; TI", 0,-,0,'" OJ' the Btl",l",! t'''~\0[] .j. 1

22.>J~ ~ Hl


61l .'''''J!'~~,,,,,,'e "O"L[",teri In ""','" ""~'LO" I", .•. ",." "J i-, "H'i"b],.~.

12\ 1"i",as~i~t,,;<1.~(",,'P[,<", alJ l!J "~riabl,,s "'"'C" S'ill'".c.,-i ,,~;;iJ'~l'('''''1.

,'<'~icm 1.0 del<->!mit.e the "nmp""itc- ~{"'N. I\JT' ih" j'""iC)ILb, n,U~, \1".' il,,,h"'-.1 rXl~"..ibl" ,;,'or", t'''l' a rOl1ion ""H,l,t ;1(- 1l"'()l,•..Li",dh' I~J[1 ;,' 111 "tL "mh," I

('omL,tin", <.ill'"""",."""d """'"'' "dd,;\'ed til" hj~h"s; s,"o)'. fe", ''',Il "f If,(, j~ ""I'i"hl",,,. In ,.""lity, "'>I,'C""", th" high""1 ~C""'•.. '.'as r",,,,d ", I". lU~,') {T"hl •...Ij'J.-'J1\", c'iLit tH~on'l l'c"n"" ",,,I I.he' )""',,,,1. ~,''''',", ,,'s~.f"""d ,-" I., ,;,;." rro,' '''''' i~,,'1r"'~",",

(~l) ,\ "Um,!a",1d"'VI,~tjon UlLiI'" mrmn ""ILH' """" ()al"LJI"I."'ci ,(JJ' """I"'o.i,'

S"'W'" nf ,,1I ",ll wlll,.~ nj' tilt' """,n"o' ... ~('~l :t-~"(),,,."'''", ,',~l<".,',I(.,i 1,..- •..",'j,


-'=(11'''''''' ,',s-Iuel : ~i).l,~1

-'~(,()IIL1)Osi 'c> sc(J)'" nl "con" or all 'f", j"hles "I' Hatl,L, r-1~Hl 89.7 physi,,~l '""I,t,es "- Chit.t.a<1om! 11)9.9 pal'Li"uls,' ,',.~io"..

W).7-90.()~ = -O.OL; 12."

,, + 1. 55.1 i2.77 ._._--'l'ABlJe-H.O

li,'!>'"'' Comprslti> c;"",.;

L Chltt.a~Ung: ](U.~; ~. B'-'~l"a ](J:J.2 :L n"~J,,, 1(/1 . i; ,. Cil L;.,-,,~(),,~ II . 'I 1", ., c. ll,n,,_i[1LJt. 1(,~ • " ,. (",,", ,, 1 10Co.oJ , ,'"1,,,,, %. • B. E""htl" ,1C,.t; ,. f{,>I'~jJUI' ~l~. 2 W. L"Il",H b..m 8~.l H. J,,,_,,lplJ[' VB . .I 12, JE'Se,OH' 8&.,1 j :L I-\hLJ1na iH. :1 H. 11."-i~hlih i',j .,I 15. ~)-lh",t R2.R 16. >;(,,,I,halt H2.:!. j 7 . TI>"~;" j , ~L, ~j)'J,,(~ns j r",h 81;.2 '". . '/'.j . ;g. !","ld","' • 20. ~'.jt'lai,h,lll bS.? ". b",' j ~a1 bll.C,

SUL"'('" : ,\lJtjL")"~ caloulation lus",lo," 1)l9.1"lol SI"\.l""'O~ "I' l~H:S, /981, iJJ3S, lJhaJ"l. ""I'D dLdL th" '.'Oml",,,i,,,:, S""",o "~I " ,",~i"" '-, f"qlli,'al"nr, t" "''''dll \'Dli", 'II", 1.-v"I"" "'_'-\,'b•. 1,"S1L'\C ,," llr'~"dJ';' h' '-UJ,(j",,~ to C')lTlr"'~I I,' 'o"

(~I l.!Le'IH~j,; ,.>I'Z-c,C(JJ'",maln<;", Ib" r'"~;,,m', I,',,'~ i".'m ~",lIl!,"'; ;"1,, fi", ,''''''~''I ie's ,-epre~"nlln" 11,,-di ric"'"", i,,\'ei oj' dc-vc,j,,!,n""li /i I. j""l<"l,,~

2. k,.~L)"s abo,,, t,n" ,,,,lie,,,,,] """ill hut LljJLo ,. s"i. ,'j'u". ,he.

"" I ; uH.-Ll nLt"""

~j, h'-,'~j,,,,S "qual In I,ile, n?l LnrL") 0,,''''1. '1. b\'~\"JJ~ h'''1",,; t,l1e ,,~l ,,,,,,d "'""n bLd. uplo_l ".,1. C" !.~"~j,,,,,,,x'lm, - 1 ~.d. I'J'o]]] Ll". Jlli\i,,,,al "'

;",,11.\'. th,,~,' "'",,e gi\'"'' j,I('nUfic"tioll 1JI!,,'O OJ 'Lal,,,,,,,; '1'''''', cd'",,,,, "nli he;",,' il", n:lt ,"n,il ""'>lll, ~lI"'llfj""nt.1" "b"" ""<1""1,,,, I!". n"tinn"i "'''''il. Ti\llJ.E-l!i.O

"Jill,. "f J)"",'l"l>llrnl. Ihstr1b"tion d' l

j ;m it N

S,gnij';""nti)' "bo,'" Abo,'e+1 S.U. 1'I,~ 1.1",:",liotlal "',."11 "pta +2

"bolt'WI ",,,a,, ~-I% menn to +1 S.ll.

3. XntionFd metill -.In 'Il' S.D.

B"loh' tl", Nali"'L",l B••j,,,-, m~mdO) -; :;;\ rIL""'." to -1 S.Oj.

o • Sl~mf'r'"ni_I:,' h"loh' He]m." -1 S.I,. I .j~',

t102 \'-lLl(ll,al n[('alt ,------1- ..-..--.--.----.--., .------1------BANGLADESH 9Q.j0","fS 'i0KH SCAlf LECEND LNTCClNAjION!


8 A Y OF 8 ENG A L 5ignificanUy bel:owlhe _ notional mean Below the nalionol mean ~ l"E ~ Above the nal;onat mean illIIIIill Significantly obeve the ~ national mean. ~ 69" ~O'N ~I'~ ___ '- ._._...__ ..L______I ., , '. Tho ~hl) >lIN! th., interp,'ellltion of Z-score, ':

"1'1\,. !-~(""'''',",,,"0' the'll j,loLLro On a :""'1' 1J,' r,~~")Il. I''']JI' c"lm.,'S [n1' th.., 1h'O pos' Lt i. \'e a,,(1 1'i0 ne~,,-U ve U'0",," "','r,, "" i (-et "d L() pldul'i"", ti,,' \'ai'laLion.

fl." ,-esuit"nt JlLal' 're,'al" "" ijIH'r,,,,t.i,,~ [lli.lle:'ll. ",-"I,,;n [""gin"" "I'r"'" to he distl)",uisiled Th"mseLvt's d~ ,JI~\','I"r,'.'

',d;ni')",' "",pia,', .••] III the slLldy. "h1e olhe,' redo"s l-,~ r"I' ',e",'"'' the- ",,110nJ '''-P",g" J"vel 01' de':el"J'Jlellt. 'Iller", P.•.•"'''''' i." k ,. (""",,,i,,,. ",' ",,,i,0,",,10]!>,(, ,',",~hns 1" !J,,' """,-1.],,,,",, P"T"_ nf rh" ('0","') o' f r","

l\~I [",kl", II t (1 I' ,ri dp'''' ",r;1 ",UlJ" 8at'.L""l, J,.~~()".,!:f,' ,I [Jr" e.,",i,h:, I j .

Th"r,' "",' "ls" " ff'w ot-her ciust el'S (if ,1<,,',"1"p"r! t f-g; nt,~ "I"d,,,., i",oilla, I+.J~J'."-,,,,d"-.

11. 1S ,h~r!rved thaL the !<",""lion quoLi"o< d"H'1. 01 dil''',''''',",

I,•.~i()J'~ ,,1>;0 support the cOrtelllsin"" "rise from the CC'",[x,,.,,I,- '"''\I''' and :/-~f'm'" c1"".t. It is '.'isih],. f",,,,, t.he Z-s,'ore "h"I" 11",1 jh,' rl••vel"fJI"ertL ~L"ILJ>;I,tl~insl>ed ci"""~,'I, ••,, "S ><:igl,irlCan,l.'!I".)"" Ih." n~t.10md ""er,.",; •.. In th,- "lJ,-,-" r"'""",~.,I". ",,,,,h,.," Dr 1"""'-;'''1 'luotif'IlL~ a!",'" the natjullal """,', ~re a;s"

,1,,,.1,,,,Chitta"ur,~ al,cI tlr!f(ra t'e""uns a,'C sig"iri,"an,J, ri,,,','lopi-,,J. 'rio" "utOmr of locfiL,o" quotient.s of "'Ilj)~hl,' pi",,,;,,,,,l

1'",;jJ,tips ")x"',,, t.h" nat_LOnalmean al'e also mm,lIL1Wll i" Ll"."" l'f'~l')'L".

"'h",, th,. 1()""tlon quoti",,1. value or a )'•."ion rnr F\ ll,fi'.'JJlLllll ''''nlhe,," of ",aila),I" T,h,-"wal rae; I ;1.,,,>; are f,,,,,"i ah",' r,il,,'n,;cio".u.!

""'[ttl, t.hen thE' I-~COI"() "diue stJz,-"'"I,, That <-hE'd•.,'<,1"uII""" ~",tLLS ,,;- 110,,1partic,tJh,,' J,,,g;on fire alL."'," Si!(n1f;c.u,L!, "h"" th.; - 1;.-<1ion,,] ""',,,n . ------CH'IJ 'l'E!t-8. 0

IJ1 (nLiE'r <-0 provide some "'''pJam,r.;ons Tn th,. r<>~l,;nltld,~t"i,'II('" ,I,al ",,;sl, ;n 1;,,,,~i,,,ips!1 and also tu "e,b.--'r)thH.t impar'T 01 R,'m,-H',c""-",",nf)nlk ,i n,ri"hi(,,, "n tl", <3",,,1"1,"I<'nl "I' Ilh','~i,)"J I-acojlLl.i,-~, "l','n'I,L". 1,',''-, l,•..••" 1l,~i1"I.e, r,'jat,<> "(',-1";,, ,,,,,-,;,,-(,,,,,,n,,,,,i,, "",-;,.1,)"" \,'jl,h I.~".

fL j In!.""p,-"!."I"",, "I' CorTe!"l,inn Awdysis

has hlAI! ,,-nd posi1.i\'e c"",-"I,~I.I')rl "'Ilil 11""l'it..:d h"d, Clue"", h.,11 Seer,'-,

il"".~,'l1c,Ld el"ctnfied, Cap3cit.\'or {;,,'.'!.. rn(x1 "nd""" Itnu cal'''''1l,' "f col,:

'l'h" (k"'.~ll\' "f population has \e"-," "i"niflc'ULt. cn"J,,'I,,'(i"Il '_l'.h (o11,~,", "(,<:,,,,<3,_,,,.s('11001, h8l,d u,be, ..d,l, 11"~11il,,1 bed, cill""''' 1,,,11 ~•.."L, jll'lmal')-"dwoJ, \i]l"g" "lcd"f'ie,l, pel'ce"l. "I' """-""";"111 I "J'" 1 par-uhf.;n", high t,"j-'" I'o"",

'!'h" 1]1",-".-,), ,ate has \''''',\' ~jJl"jl-,('a,,\ 'lSS"C-i-atl'''L=. ",til ,.-.,-"y,nd."" ""hnnl und Illeo~ti\'el, hand 1.lll,.-,,,-,,11.1t k,,, ,,",'j(~j'ai(-a~"o('j"t i,:",~":;Lh h••~,pital 10,,<1,pril"n"," '1<'11",,1 and (n",~al;;"el 1''''''-'<-'[11. jj''';4''L,.,1 ,-,j "''''1';" •.1 :H-"" , -faciliU""------

l'u"t Offic,-' .:>5,; " .505 " .50~ " H'md 'il,iJe,-'••1l per 1000 l"'pul"l "'" -,G85 " fI,,(. jY-". 1l.'L10 population .il;;:l ,

1',' 1"'''l.r,.' ;;chuol , '10:) , Hu"p; t."l !Jc-{1 • 3fl:J , Col1,,!!,(; .377 ,

q -,- !-"erc(;nL IJ r; ,,"-ved 1.0 ''''''PP'.-? area - •. , I .) • Ru1I,'a,- siati.m per 100 sq. kill, -.370 •

ek, ::;l

i-'Pr""n "orr] eat; un of, I!hyaj ('.al [""Hi ties ------"udabl""

Variables Lor""Jal.inn Copifid",,,1.

iln~pital l.", f"-r lO(IOnopu],,, "", .I1S" •• 1'1'iJlJar,.-Schoo! reI' lDOl)IXJj'ul"tioll •8~l)•• U'-1JJk !-"'l' lOOO p'>rlUl"U()" . 721 •• :-;""""&".1 ""1",,,1 ["''" 1000 [xll'"l,,1 ,on . ,,;':1 •• Th-,""",Tier' 1000 )l"I,Lmll'lo" .~7R, H"",J 1'",,,,,,.,1,1 - ••luiJ ,

;' Si 1''' l r j C,'iIl\. at. .01 m' less le"",1 ::) Si<-tn ificEmt "' .m b .05 IE',-"l 'l'AlJl,li-1-_._ .. _--a. 0

1't-'.l:soncor,elaJ.c,on of J:!!Lsi".!'l facilitjo~ YQ"l'.pJ!~~with Ih,> P<,-~CCI;!;<:Igg !'l "'-,hall P.':~[J',J.wti'pn

------Correlation ,."d'i iei",,\..

Ilo:." 1J,.d •(j 'j .- " (""1''''-' i1-:; {,I' ';Q\'t. t'ocd godm,ll .603 " I;i",'"'' I",II ~""I . ~li_1 " .:;,jG " . c,~,J C"l"''''I., (Jf' c'(JIJ sl.m'a\\e " Vi]l.,o;e c.I"CU-,fl",l .b~" Col io,,'. :J6' , >;ecOllc!aC)' Sr-ha,)] .::,I , l,rcss f(""danal l'l'oo\lat/aap; ta . :J().I , liunk por WOOP"Pulal1On .ii, •

** S;gnific!iIlI. '" '1.01 or loss ien,] ~*Si~"jfi'-'1iI,L "L U.UJ t.O O.O~ ]<.",-,1 -'J'1I111.l(-19.0------

)'''''-~(J''C"Ol-reliltlon of j-he-ph)'~;('al t'o-hellilies nlriai;lps ";1,h 1:'.- ,i"",,1.'. ",' popubUoli


Coll(~ge 7, ii " .';pcondarv Sch"ol .1)1;8 " IlnnL1. T"ho.'h'., U .66' " Cine"" Ilall. se,,' .,1~ " 1I0spitai hf.j .G~(I " I"n,,",,'; S"hool .5(i,: " \'iLbe" ".Iccirlfjc

-GO- 'I'NlLE-20_0------

I',.m'~qon cOJ','{'jation nl' ph)',,,,,, 1 f""l I i I H>" "Jr,,,hk,, ','".n Lhe. pC"~(,,',-.r ,)1' "On-Hgri""ILLll,,1 P"Pul"t.'()n.

]'h,I'c,je-,.,]faejjiUes ,",>ria]'les

• 1,:3:; " 11

H SH(t1ificallt "L 0.01 to 0_05 1""e1

-61- 'Il,p pel-cent.?ge of non-ugr1cultl1ral JX'Pula"Clonhas higil ""d 1,)~,l','\'C '()]Telatl,,!, Hith vlllag:e eletrij"l"cl, ]lousehold "h,ctrlfi'.'li, C"l"'~-J(\' 0' "odd sl.or',,~". C'''I':'''il,\ of (;,,;-\. rnnd go,h",,,, "OU",.iLn]d "I,'ci""ri,d. ,r,,,,,,,t1W'I lumd ",b""ell and Cl,nann h"ll "cat.

Th" r;"(1~'" n"''''ll',j p,",,,;,,,,t pcl capitn has hH>.he10sa ,~~"'orwlwn'" \-..,,;, h;ml<, h')~pital heri, l",jrnaIY ScilOOl and secondar,' sci",oJ P'=l' thuu~"~"d ]"p"laLI,,,,.

Tile social and economic 1m"l i<2,,-tion" or 1he "b." I' "',,,J' SlS ,ot con-leatjoll appeal'" to "Llggp,.d, that an lncrea",,, lYl I'~"'-E."t ul UI'k,1O l1(,'cent, "I' llon-ag"jetJl1.lJr'l-i] IX)lmtal.l(ln, lile,-,,",' ">tl, dHl~il,\'

01' pop"],,I;on "'o,,ld impl" posili'."'" eh!iI,ge,; ,n ch,' pr'm',sion 0' ~"L-I,d, e('nn(J",i,--,ami "",,,t or l,h" rilj-'SLCHIser"ices in the coun!.,'". , Th", ac,c,' me: J ,.' "", " ph:,<;;",,1 "", [":,!,, cer!-,," n '''" ' ''-'.'', "hi,

:.:"'''), •... , "C 1'08t (j l' ri coe ~ "1e I, ':"'I\her 0" D"nk b, " J .:\",,,b,,, ,- "f Hats :\""';'("- of lJazar :,,,,,,1.,,.,, .,r 1l0uselwid •.1<'c1:rified , G. :\um;,cr or ,'illage e lectrifie,; \'I i-iUJlLDerur' ';0 ] ] e g,. '''umber 0' Seco[juar , Soho,,] :\uw'",,' Primar,- SC'IIOD1 " " " ," ;:"mb ••," "r !lnsp' 'C-al 'eo 1 1 • ~LL",b"J' " [' Hand T"b"h'ell

:, ,

C"'l"",j L)' "f C".ld ~Luj'a"e I C, Capa,:1 t," or

liond III giL t,"]le i I: " I! I \ 1 , I 7 • I Ii /, 11) r I~. ii!. In ,... , , L', " ,

,,,"_1"Y r"I,-" -I • ' h"""'Il,a~,' "r l:rh.'lfl ;'-'I",l.~Li,)j, ,

,;, n,,~, ,'f-~ \,,"~ 1 I'ro,lll,: \ ~ e, F_

---,Ii t'j'"rent------

lh" ',11"")- """,",m,<; '''l''I~hJ,;~ "" th" in,;"]>,>,,,;.:-nt \-,,' j,,;,; .. 'If] •• 1"'_",ull. (,f \1,," ",,,,,J,I"";>: ",,(, ""-'"" h"l",'-

1:'1" ,:, i OJ) - \2 = ~~.3B + 0.3182 1'2i

!t~ -I. i2:J1

\' :l = 1,,= 2. bL-I . ',6'

1'5 100.22 + Il.lH55 V21 + 1.0~.1 \~.I

Ii,!,,_, , i,o" - ,I II; J~81Il.2~ + ~,ll;O.21 \,~~ I. 2.7%1

E'Iw, I '"'' " V7 = 279.% + 1.1213 I'll

01 , "

Eq""t,inrl - (j ill ~ - 1.~lllt, + i)."n;:) 1'21

i'qUelL J"" \-\1 ~ 1,;1.:13 + 0 .. 1272 \'~1 = 2'.913) e:quat;UIJ - II \110= 11:11,".1 +

j'.quill [,)n 'j \11 = - 182;1.1J:i + 7i.72P. \-~1" ~.,,'J'J \~1

''J,-,aliOJl -Ill

i' 1 ~ =

t=' 3.26\!)

liC]ll"L io" - ,,

, - , n " ~ D P Ii .0". + -, 1'21 t.=",.2iJ6 , [':'1"" I ,nn - ,,

.,-I , - , -, ' " CRlrJ2.lil %.86;: \' ~ 1 , l:.i.',i."i , -', t = ,I. j i J

depentlen L \",'" j d,I".

bjtlal.,,,,, - 1:1

\'-!~ = IJ.UO.18.10 - II.O{l{)(I05.j~ \'~j ,. U.IJI!Gj~i:' \~_I -1.1~~ ; . iJ" ~

Ii G 8.3 1~'j'U{l'jU.L\'l"lON OF REGfIESSHJ.'iA~ALYSIS:

The aLove t"el,"e equat,ions he,,'e p,'"di"L"d Lit,,!. only ',;,-,1,-,' ph:.sical f"ciJitif's variables are "tlJ;' .'laL,-d ,,'i1h S'''''D- e"""omi" ,'",'ial,le~. 'rhos", I,,,,,,1v"' ,ph)'s;c"J fUGij,tlCS ",." post offlee,IJank brauch, Bazar' hous ••h,,]d •.) ••"I."i[i"d, ,'jJla~(' "Jectrii'ied, colle~e,seeonda[';' "eho,,), jll"i",i,,';' s('h"o,l, 1'''''1,,1.,,1 bed, hand !.ub"",,,I] and oap",,:il,'- "f c;n<,mn hull,

O"t (,f LI,es" t,.elve, seve" rl.fferc'lt tYP"B DI JJh~-siu&! I'"",li,,,:s ure found to have thel,. r ••lllL.ron h'ilh ,knsit." o! 1'''1'"l''Lio" only, it "ppe"rs I',',)m LlLe "have relations!,;p lh~,L 1Ja~l.l"uJ'H'J)' I.hose seven t)'pes of ph;'"i"a1 r"ciliti"s '\1-e to so",e "",I."nl. disL'"'"l.lted spaliall;, dep""dl,,,, Oll the density ul J)()p"I"Llon, Rest of the LHe1",., phy"ical raciliti"s are' r,.I""-'Q \.filh 'LhO't,l'O riift'erent typ"" ,of 8oG;o-ec',nomic ""dabl"", nne 1S t-hE' den"j!)' of population a"d uth"," nne is eit.hee 1'<-1'("'11- ,,1 uri",,, pop,,] ati on oft peroent (l[ non-agrloul1:ura 1 !"'!'" I" i ,on, Tili s lmpllcB that I.l.e .ncrease iI' per"",,'!. ,)f ,1,.I'BI] POI)\JJ~tj"Jl (.,. peruen!. ,,!, non-a.,;,'ieulLuraJ population ha=- ~n !",,,,ti,-,, imp.".'!. on e"hancing the 1-"'U\i,,'on of ph;'sical faG' I, t .,,",

!n the equation 13,' it has been uL"en-.,d that gru"" f'''~l'-Hl"i pr-oduet per ''''pit" is relat"d positivel)' \,'jth l"Oloenl of ul'b"" jl"l",l"l_'''n and neg"Lively Hi til til(' rl"n"jty of p"pu!aL,on, rILe posiLiv" r"J"tion~hip of percnt of uf'ban populatiolL h,;th tile ~r'(}~s l'e,«lona] pr'orlllct ,pel' "apii_a indicate9 lha! th" inc,'ea,,",=d uf'ban~"t.ion ha," all direot ilf'f!act. Oil the gf'''S'' r"l(iOllEtJ p,'od'H't per capita_ In other<;o,'ds, U",' spati"l distribution uf ade'l.",te physical :facilities ,,'hioh h"s impact un til •.. gro,.til 01' Lhe' gL'''SS ,'e«;onai product per eapi'ta. Chapter-9

The aspect of physi"al facilities is one of the crucial factors of develop",,,nt and its spatial dIstribution ,~ close],- related LO that of developnf""t. ,,« " h'hole. ln Il.'u.gladesh a number uf pl,,'slcal £,,,'OiL1tlos 1n Ih" diff"re"l ,f,'Olds of transport, health, ag"ic"ltu['p, education, poh'el' and indust.r" cte, arc available, These faciliUe~ 'H'e closely r"l"t"d ,;ith Ih" grc,',lh of ecenom,vand ",ell being "f the societ,', The differe,,!. t.,'!"",, of' phy",i",,1 fa('ilities a""ilable in a region respresetlt a l,."d-I,,<.( r"lal,ion~hip .",th, develol-"",,ntas Lh,,~~can be eIther a 1'1'C'1''''I''''',le or d result of ~"),,',vTh,,"vnilability "f Ulese f"",litios ar,,, almo,," ,.nl:irel,' a mflection of developllpnt and spatia] asr-"",I~ of t.hose h'ltltin " c["",i.r'y shlLior]"ltipamongeerl.Jiin sccio-e"urLlnnJ""""1"b]e8 Lhal."")'

(''"'Plain j lLI"''1',"glonal di,,[~\'j r; t i('5/' ,. -./[1, r('veaLs fro", the study thai C1,rtain i'egiens "I'1' Lr, ha\'e disti"glli"h<:d the"'o.el\""< ".~ d",vel"l""u, while, other", l"" far bf'hif~l the national a\'''ra"" level Df rievelop",ent.. There, sec..,,,,,to hi; a cel'l'lrl"r" Dr' und"'v.,J"pmcnt ,,-hicltcovers Patual

/Then, an' f ••", n~,h"r "1""t<",,, of more developed rc",ons for example


The stlldy had limilations of "data. 'l'he study "as c''-''ded out. h'ith the he'll' of ""comar\c d"ta d"e to ShOlaqe of time. In spite of the limi.tations, th" ,",uUcome of t.he sludy may I", [Olmd ""eful not only for lhe ",,,,J;-sis of de,eJ"pmf",L 1"",,1 of "- regio" In !.terms of t.h" "-vai 1""1,, ph,"slm,] facilities, but ,,-Iso for ident.ifi""tion of reg;on" for cnn"iclcralion of allocation of develQy:rnent reBOUr-c".

that special foe "",",in-Fran"m;c noc!physical facUitle" development shnulcl he, lUl,jcJ"taJ,en fo!' regio,"". id"n;,;f .••~l in the present study "lg"ifi"antl,' unci",YievelopE"ci. l.;ithout so,"" p'-;u,-;L:I"{lon"iciel'ations, these region" mar """"" '0 remain depre""ecl,/ The si<\ unrlf'rdevf'loped regions aI''' llar,,'sl, ~tuHkbali and F"ridpur region'.,ilL reveal" from location quotienL char!. that., the prm'i"ion nf certain physical fauiliti"" such as Lilt' m~lll",r "f hmJseh,);J"nd village electrified, percent irrigated tn cropp,",i area, number of I:>cd,high trpe road, col1e<\e, handtlllJe\,,..ll, "ar,V'it.,,' of cold storage "1:,,, "l-lOuldbe increa",.,1 .i,,' those regions at. le:;~'- t.n the national mean le"el. Special att.ention "hould be given f:""d"rbaa, ~1)1ll"nsin«hand Bogra regio"" to increase the p,nuber of hosl'iLal 'l'ht'

total nLmLI,..r,,1' household elentr,; f,.-.d in Jamalpur reg;"" is ,"Pl'Y Th" 10,,'e5t ,."lu,' li)'.2341 of Inc"Lio" quotient in ten,," of t.he ,"umber of household ele, !."ifi"d in Jamalpur r"~i,,n indicates tI,,, pn<>rposition of th," hnu""hold electrified.' The number of hou""hold electl'ified in 111,,1.rellion should r"ach at least to the natilln"l level. Far I.hi" [",rpose, specjal measures should be taken in t.hat. re«ion to ,",overmol''' hous"holds lmeler that par!.i '-'\lIar facili ty. From r"gr",,~j'lrl anal,,,,,ls it is predicted that t,,'elve dJffe,.,."t t)'pe or physical facilltics are relatm "ith certain 8'" lQ-",~",n"",.'"""j"hl"".

The analysis of cotl<'lation and re,?ression appear to su~,,,.~,,that the increase in of ""rtain soclo-economic vartahl"s l,ke t!", ,,,,rc,,,,t of l"'l:\>

ii9 , \

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