nl.!:i. SPATJ8.l! DJ_~JTJ~}B\LTION 91":': ~HYSICAL !,:!,C!!,_.t:J'))'.S iN _._-----BANGLADESH. Ii\" ~ID. [1,\IIi\lHJDI_~ $Ji!h'1ll'T~;n 1:9 J~HB.!!..IWAU'j'MENTOF UR'!}ANbNH l!l-;..qJ.9_N...!~l, !'LANNi!>!!!: 1..N P..f.IJ.TIAI. ~1!LFlLMEN'I' 010' 'l'IIE !1!m!JJill'c!~l':N"l'S !':..o.R'l'IlIl. POST @~I1:PA"I:E_UlJ'LOM~ LN_ ---------UIiBAN ._----II.EGlONAL- !l-"\_~GI,,l.j)FSH Ijl\:rVERS ITY OF ENG I NEERING AND 1'ECHNOLOG \' ,1Jl!,\i;A A"" ASL\_'-l I~'S'l'l1'Ul'E OF n.cHU1LOGY. BANGlWl{. "1'11.,\11,:,;,1) AW;lJST, 19f19 711.24 1969 SFATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF PHYSICAL BAH . FACILITIES IN BANGLADESH A Projeet Report b, MD. BAHAUDDIN 111I1I111~llllllllllilllllllll WT62191!i • 'Approved as to style and cOlltents b, .j; PO y !.j.;~~.- (Dr. darwarJalien) AssiStant Professor chairman Departmell.t of Urban and (Supervisor) Regional Planning I BUET. Dhaka Bead Department or Urban and Member Regional Planning BUET. Dhaka •, , Member \ .nd November1989 ) .. , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to his advisor Dr. Sarwar Jahan, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, for his continuous encouragement, guidance and advice throughout the research work. The author is deeply indebted to professor Mir Shahidul Islam, Head of the Department of Urban and regional planning for his invalu- able advice, encouragement and constructive comments. The author is also grateful to Mr. Ajmal H. Ahmed, Associate Professor, Department of Urban & regional planning, BUET, for his constructive comments as a member of the examination committee. The author wishes to acknowledge and thank the Urban and Regional Planning Department, BUET and UNDP for awarding this scholarship and providing financial assistance. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Quamrul Islam Siddique, Engineering adviser, Local Government Engineering Bureau, for his coope- ration and for granting study leave for the duration of the whole study programme. The author is particularly grateful to Mr. Ataullah Bhuiyan,Executive Engineer, LGEB and Mr. Mainuddin Ehuiyan, Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Nangalkot, Comilla, for their kind cooperation and generous encouragement. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Sk. Eyaqub Ali, Mr. Sk. Eyaqub Ali, Mr. Eyamin Farooque, Mr. Emdadul Hoque and Engr. Nanmatha Haldar for their kind cooperation in various ways. The author expresses his sincere affection to his wife Jebunnessa who has helped in bringing out this research work. Finally, the author acknowledge the constant encourage- "'i ment and support of his mother. lXiN'I'ENTS------ Inr,rod""t lOn 1.1 SLaL",,,,,,,,!.01 th" Probl"m i.2 lliiLiomtl o!' tilo Stud;' j.:~ U',H'()I_in,~ of ti,,> SLuu,\' -,, ~. ~ - The Stud,- arca ChapLer-J , 3.2 V'H";"i 'u" or f,('I",],,!ion , 3.J \un-,\~r;""if.,"'al I.;,hmwI:"""" 3.-1 LiLe,',,",',\' 1'"-1.,, 3.5 L'i'l""l h.LL"r"" in Y""""ln" --' 1 j raJIf,purt" l iOr,,, :1. 7 Hail L,a,H' 3.S h'muh 3.9 1'" I.e '-""')-" ;1.;0 Ph)-sica1 tanh'''-Ln;. :3. 1 I • ChapLer-4 Amd~.si" of R<'>(ionalVariation , .[. I l"o-erficH;nt or H""ional Vaciation .1.2 Inc,erl'rr,t"Ur", 01' Co-efficient of Sp'-'Ll"l '"'<r',i,,!.]o" Clmpt"...-c; ,\,,,,l,",,i~ (,I"j,o(:alizauoll 5, j Loc"tinn quo!.i,,,,L 5,;:: int"rpreU,1 ion "f" 1.!N,aLiorlquotients charts I1le Loc"liz"tion Cll,",'-'" Chaptor-6 An"l,,'si~of j"Ler"f'~iona] dip"i"ity Ii. \ t: 6.L 11,,,Gird Index G.:! J"L""pLr'"L",tiutL of Unl lrLL1ex 7.]- ('oJilputatlC'll of I.h" <:("""OSlte SC'01"C .- --=) 7.~- 'I'h" '''''J! '- t.il" 'int;rp,eoatul"! '.-,.;ore "~-"- ~ 7.:'- );.,1,,1'()" iJd.h'(.,-,n Z-~,,()rc O' i(;,\'lt"", quoU"ut '.-"luG 8. 1- J "t"rp,~,t" t ion of ,,,,,','e1ations "-,,al~,.sis 8.2- Re~r"ssion Anal,'>;;>; 8.:1- InL"l'JWetation of He~resslon a""l.,,><is CIJ!l.pter-9 Oi'""'"'''.'" artd Conclusions' ,Iall)'e>.-pcrimentsin the develoliIlent pr<>gT'&nlfTl€Sin Gruwil-J.d"shhan, been or,lv worsenirig econOlllicconelition, h-idening gal''' in opport.lJnili",,, bet"e"n rellions ""d between «rou!,s of peoples. In Banlllad.",;hth" ab~e"ce of actlve regional stratellY r""ults in un"ve" grO\<th as well as regional dl"'pairities. Such rii"l",-irities can r,,-.oh"erved anlon~tl,e ,'arious r•.aim'" of the ("nunt!")'in ter1USof the "'palial distribution of physi""l fa"iliti"".~ This JXlpcrinlends to I'oc'cs on Lhe spatial- impr,,"" of d",-elor-",enl.i" terms of ph)'sic"l facilities availah] •• J' •• ferring It a" a policy fra"""I""'-!;fur i,niti"ti",; "",,,,unal d"w,lop""nt., 1,1 SLateme"t of th" pro!>l",,,: iJ Til" past d"""l"["X<,,,ntstrate'(1cs III Ijmll!l,.~J""hcould ,,,,,. he, ""-, '"J""•..ssfuJ dlle to a vari"t," or ,'essons, During 19"0',, H,ndl~liO's the "tructural approach of tt"" Govt, sctivities "or" t'K' ,,,,,,l.!'aJized and Ihe developoont "pproa"h••" 1-Ie"" biased towards a gro,,'I1,ba"ed urban I i"du~trial "ector. It creat",l a ",idening perceptlon gap l-".~I.",'••n Lhe lanw ••""tion of people in the diff"rf"nl. regions of the cOlmtn' and the go"ernmentv The result. l" a jlDJarizL"llpattern of deHJl"pwnr. clm'€'over,distribut,i"n me<>jumi"",and ac'cess had a s,,"stemM1e l,ilJ-~I" coneentrato dow,1ormentHork 'inth" hiqhly urbanized areas ""b'. 'J1Le>im,o"dial.e need" of the economy in the earl)' "l""(t',, "f plarmln.<:hed a concentratJon of develup"ent efforts 111secto,'s and regions h'hieh could give IT"",-imwnretm'n" to investme"t, AI"",.,..the central pub1i" i""""t",,,nt.s, UlU~eu"der the ph,.sical facllitles 11k" • ra,i1"a,Y" and national higl""","s are in the nature ot' capit,,] infrastructure "hich is concentrated in those rcg,ons h.h"r" "ol.u""" ,,,iIl1Je i1"'''Lmized,In allocating them, the main consideration app""'--s to be. Lhe economic returns to inYestment, rather than inter ,"pg",nai , equil,a:briumand social developnent, It can not be d""ied that i" ,,-!, underdm'eloped si tllation, provis i on of phys i"a 1 !'a'H J i i.i "s and infrastructure development provide the ma,i",--1in,e", cd' th,-ust for initiaLing c~es snd de\'elol~nent. , ft has "Is" l'ef'" apparent that the consideration of spal,ial •• approach in the cle\'elopnent thinking h'as lac1;i,og,,11 tl,rough Sectoral , .,' ..~ :p~"nnuig;~re",ained nh'a,y~ prominent in practlCf; and '2(l!:l»equentlya "palial s"steJll of cli~trib"tion of facilit.i"s in diffe",.nt re>tions or spatial rel"t ,,>n'"have not suffleienll)" u.,en ""oh-ed,'"Th,-,",,8ulta"l pattern of ,1t"vf']opnentacti,.~ti"s, t.her~f()re. remaim,d eith"" in a sta;:nated or puhu'ized condltion l,iUlOul.muchi,odllCementfOI' ,-\r"",'1h. "It '" ",,,cessary to dev,,]o!' a "patial sys1 Fm leith an "ffic~enl- pr(J\'i"ion of phy~()Lal f=i 1i tie~ for th" hi la,,,ceU region.,,] growth 1.2 Rational0 of th" ~tr..;h:: /lhere is no naLional policy ,.-ith regard to "l,,,t.]al dimensions of plunning. The distribution ot. physical facilities providing basic ser\'lCe" t" the people are concentrated disprop",.t ional.d,' ,'ather Lhall 1.0 >IIIequitable manner and this p>lttern of concentrated I'r01,'lil,.;as perpetuated by limited accc"s to tn'-fl"porl.,educ,,,tion, heall-It seniee by majol'ity of the peopl". Th" ,,,,gional approach to tho d".-e!()f'""",,tin providing basic """",,,ti,,l "'eni,)e" and other ph;-sical faclliti,,~ has "ITLPrged"" !iII"lterlldti\-e solution to this "id" rang•• "f prohlew" in the cont",:t, of t.h" fai],LH'"of l'"",t approache~. it is, therefore, the present situation ,n the spat.la] di"tributiotl of the physical facilities available in ,,1] ",,~i(Jll~~u that the llmitati"ns and shortcoming" ,n l."I'm" of the kdallced r,,/(ion,,], gr"h,t.h can be idcntifled. The study h'ill "t.,'englhen .our k,.~{",']edgeas La "hy the p::>licies shift from their charterro path". Tho progress of the national economy"ill be reflected HI th•• ,'al•• oj' gro"th realised b.v different ro"ions. Th" main ob,jeutiv",of the st.oo.vis to e""min",th" differenL 1..\1'''''' .. of ph~"ica] fa"ilit.ie" available HI diff"'I'e"t. ""Ilion of Lhe cULlnt.!")' "ithin the context of issues which affect the bal'J.llced l'eAional " deve 1opnen t . • 2 The """",lne ob,iectlves of ti,,, st1..Oi.vare ; il To analyse th" spati"l distdbution of d,ff"renl. t,-!",~ of physical facilities In 1."'"111 of their concC'ntr,,1 ;(]tL ,,-nd rl.1Sj:>erslon, iii To find out the inter rel':ion,,1. d;sparlti,,,, in the db.tribution of such faciI,;; i•.", iii I To 1?tel'lll-ino the r"lalionships of plwsical selected soc Lo-,,"-OIluOtic.f!,d{o"tora~. ivl To ""1,,. rt,commerR:!ationsfor policy ms"d on "tlld, 3 CIIAPl'ER-2. RESEAlteJl DESIGN The study includes analysis of the spatial distribLltioll of the physic••.) f""ili ties in all region I<treater district", tohichIii 1J ,~"n-e La identify the interregional dispairities.
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