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Washington University Record, April 1, 1993 Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Washington University Record Washington University Publications 4-1-1993 Washington University Record, April 1, 1993 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/record Recommended Citation "Washington University Record, April 1, 1993" (1993). Washington University Record. Book 615. http://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/record/615 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Washington University Publications at Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Washington University Record by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS iecord Vol. 17 No. 25 April 1,1993 Architecture class teaches universal design, sensitivity Architecture students recently tried experiencing the world from the perspective of people with disabilities. For a few hours, students maneuvered in wheelchairs, wore blindfolds over their eyes or plugs in their ears to try to get a sense of the needs of people with physi- cal impairments. Some students also spent an entire day in wheelchairs. One took the bus to the St. Louis Galleria, another tried to go out to dinner. For Michele Lewis, a graduate stu- dent in the course, just being at home was difficult. "I even had trouble getting into my building, and there are people living there who are in wheelchairs," she said. "The hallways are too skinny, I couldn't reach my toothbrush and the stove is too high. How are you supposed to know when your water is boiling when you can't see it?" This empathic experience is part of a course taught by Mary Ann Lazarus, vice president at Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum (HOK), an international Sophomore Becky Sladky signs up to be a host for April Welcome, an expanded student recruitment program. Through architecture firm based in St. Louis. the program, admitted prospective students will tour campus, visit lectures and spend the night in a residence hall with Lazarus, who received a master's degree their hosts. Freshman Broderick Lee recruits April Welcome student hosts in the Wohl Center. Senior Dave Breitstein in architecture from the University in (background) watches a video about the University. 1978, also is an adjunct professor at the School of Architecture and a specialist on the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The course, titled "Universal Design: The Implications of the ADA on Design," addresses ways to incorporate The'Eve'controversy accessibility into architectural design. The ADA, a civil rights law created to Computer analysis shows ultimate roots story still in the making enable equal access, went into effect last January. In the class, Lazarus goes Reports of her death are not greatly ago. The group includes Wilson, Rebecca statistics. "The best we can say now is that beyond the nuts and bolts of the ADA to exaggerated. L. Cann, Ph.D, University of Hawaii, the root is not known. However, Eve sensitize students to the needs of people Eve, the hypothetical African Mark Stoneking, Ph.D., Pennsylvania proponents probably won't accept the with disabilities, to understand the legal mother of all modern humans, is officially State University, and Linda Vigilant, results of my analysis. So, the paper and history of the ADA, and finally, to go dead, according to a genetic analysis by a Ph.D., also of Perm State. Templeton's the issue of American Anthropologist beyond the letter of the law and to learn Washington University biologist. 1992 Science article disputed the claim of aren't really going to close the matter, just the concepts of universal design. Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D., has driven the an African root, showing that the root's increase the debate. Universal design incorporates the last nail into her coffin in a March 1993 geographical location cannot distinctly be "A major point of my paper is that the needs of the entire population into a special issue of American Anthropologist, determined from the present data. geographical placement of the root is a single architectural design. For example, "A Current Controversy in Human Evolu- Continued on page 6 Continued on page 8 tion," edited by his colleague, Robert Out of Africa hype Sussman, Ph.D., professor of anthropology. Templeton's current article deals primarily Templeton earlier had suggested Eve's with other claims of the Wilson group. Public health expert to give Thomas Hall Lecture demise in a brief 1992 Science journal They concluded not only that all modern article where he human mitochondrial DNA descended Dorothy Porter, a historian of medicine, University of California, San Francisco. claimed that the from Eve, but also that all modern humans will give the Thomas Hall Lecture at Porter, who received her doctorate in computer analysis (including both their mitochondrial and 4 p.m. April 8 in Room 215 Rebstock history in 1984 from University College of genetic mate- nuclear genes) descended from the single Hall. Her talk, "A Brave, New, Healthy London, has written and reviewed numer- rial used as proof African population to which Eve be- World: Social Medicine and Scientific ous articles in scientific journals and pub- of Eve's existence longed. Humans from this one small Humanism in the 20th Century," is part of lished several books. The History of Health had been per- population then expanded "Out of Africa" the Assembly Series and is free and open and the Modern State: National Contexts formed incor- and replaced the less advanced Old World to the public. Compared, an essay collection that she rectly. That 1987 humans in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Porter, Wellcome Research Lecturer in edited, is in press. Among her books in analysis, done by counterpoint to these views is that modern the History of Medicine at the University progress \sA Political History of Public a research group humans evolved more or less simulta- of London, is an expert on public health, Health. under the late neously throughout the Old World. The particularly women's health in Britain in Her 1988 In Sickness and In Health: Alan R. Templeton Man c Wilson, "Eve" and "Out of Africa" theories the 20th century, and the history of eugen- The British Experience 1650-1850 and her Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, spawned a frenzy in the popular as well as ics, especially as it is related to women. In 1989 Patients Progress: The Dialectics of examined mitochondrial DNA from more technical media and together were hyped 1990-91 she was a visiting lecturer in the Doctoring in 18th-Century England were than 100 contemporary people worldwide. as the ultimate roots story. Department of the History of Science at co-authored with Roy Porter. Mitochondrial DNA is found outside the But in "The 'Eve' Hypothesis: A Harvard University and in 1989-1990 a The lecture is co-sponsored by the nucleus of cells and is the only genetic Genetic Critique and Reanalysis," postdoctoral fellow in the Department for Department of Biology. For more informa- material in cells that is strictly maternally Templeton refutes four major points of the the History of Health Sciences at the tion, call 935-4620. inherited. Eve hypothesis and reveals the use of a Because mitochondrial DNA only has novel computer program he devised that 37 genes that do not recombine with one can associate geographical movement of another, compared with about 100,000 genes with pieces of genetic trees. His genes that do recombine in nuclear DNA, it analysis is the first geographical examina- is easier to trace the mutations, which give tion of the Eve data. And it shows that Racial gap: Blacks are more likely to get lung cancer than whites, scientists a sort of molecular clock to DNA, carefully analyzed, can be a sort of and they die of it more often and more quickly, study shows Page 2 interpret evolution. high-tech fossil to reconstruct the past. There is no doubt that all mitochondrial "My analysis shows that both the Eve 'Top 10 Visionary': Jonathan S. Turner, Ph.D., helped design a high- DNA in humans today traces back to a and Out of Africa theories are incompat- speed network of the future Page 3 single common female ancestor. However, ible with the data," says Templeton, an the Wilson group concluded that this com- evolutionary biologist widely known for Welcome back: University will reinstate men and women's cross mon female ancestor — Eve — lived in his genetics work with endangered spe- country, effective with the start of the 1993-94 academic year Page 6 Africa between 140,000 and 280,000 years cies. He also holds a master's degree in 2 Washington University Record Blacks9 high lung cancer death rate blamed on social factors Lung cancer, the nation's leading cancer for black men is 45 percent cause of cancer deaths, takes a higher than for non-minority men. disproportionately high toll on The gap is not limited to lung cancer. black Americans. Compared with whites, When all cancers are considered to- blacks are more likely to get lung cancer, gether, black Americans have a 12 and they die of it more often and more percent lower five-year survival rate and quickly. This racial gap probably is not an 11 percent higher incidence rate due to biological differences, concludes compared with whites, Graham's study a recent multicenter study led by an states. investigator at Washington University's Several factors have been suggested Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology. to account for these disparities, she The study holds important implica- says. They include poor diet, occupa- tions for future research and for public tional exposure to hazards such as health efforts aimed at closing the gap, asbestos, high-risk behaviors such as says the investigator, Mary Graham, smoking and alcohol consumption, and M.D., instructor of radiology at the insufficient access to health education School of Medicine and the study's lead and to health care resources.
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