507 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 D. Narayan Et Al. (Eds.), Surgical and Perioperative Management of Patients With
Index A defnition of, 355 Abdominal testicle, 320 postoperative care, 356 Abdominal wall and scrotum, 318 surgical interventions, 355 Abductor pollicis longus (APL), 405 symptoms/complications, 355 Aberrant right subclavian artery, 137 types/causes, 355 Abnormalities of the spermatic cord, 322 Acute mesenteric ischemia, 166 Accessory bones Adrenals common, of foot, 420, 422 anatomy, 286 uncommon, of foot and ankle, 423 lymphatics, 287 Accessory brachial artery (ABA), 439, 440 nerves, 287 Accessory deep peroneal nerve (aDPN), vasculature, 286 429, 430 congenital anomalies, 287 Accessory fexor digitorum longus embryology, 287 (aFDL), 426 Agenesis and hypoplasia of pancreas, 245 Accessory musculotendinous Airway management structures, 425–427 for additional congenital syndromes, 73 Accessory navicular with close proximity to congenital airway anomalies, 59–61 the navicular tuberosity, 422 Apert’s syndrome, 68 Accessory nerve (CN XI), 28 Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome, 65 Accessory ossicles, 411 cleft lip and palate, 62, 63 Achalasia, 147 Crouzon’s syndrome, 68 Achondroplasia, 116 Goldenhar syndrome, 68 Acquired spinal disorders anatomy juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 64 lumbar disc herniation, 351, 353 Klippel–Feil syndrome, 70 complications, 353 laryngeal clefts, 72, 73 postoperative care, 353 laryngeal webs, 71, 72 surgical intervention, 353 laryngotracheomalacia, 61, 62 types, 353 mucopolysaccharidoses, 64 lumbar stenosis, 353 obstructive sleep apnea, 68, 69 postoperative care, 354 Pierre–Robin syndrome, 66 surgical intervention, 354 pyriform aperture stenosis, 72 symptoms/complications, 354 subglottic stenosis, 70, 71 types/causes, 354 Treacher Collins syndrome, 66 osteoporosis, 349 trisomy 21, 65 postoperative care, 351 defnition of, 57 primary, 349 diffcult airway, 59 surgical intervention, 350 endotracheal tube size selection and depth vertebral fractures, 350 insertion, 61 scoliosis general principles of, 74 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 507 D.
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