Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 24 May 2017 doi:10.20944/preprints201705.0175.v1 mathematics ISSN 2227-7390 Article On the Duality of Regular and Local Functions Jens V. Fischer Institute of Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, 80333 Munich, Germany; E-Mail:
[email protected]; Tel.: +49-8196-934918 1 Abstract: In this paper, we relate Poisson’s summation formula to Heisenberg’s uncertainty 2 principle. They both express Fourier dualities within the space of tempered distributions and 3 these dualities are furthermore the inverses of one another. While Poisson’s summation 4 formula expresses a duality between discretization and periodization, Heisenberg’s 5 uncertainty principle expresses a duality between regularization and localization. We define 6 regularization and localization on generalized functions and show that the Fourier transform 7 of regular functions are local functions and, vice versa, the Fourier transform of local 8 functions are regular functions. 9 Keywords: generalized functions; tempered distributions; regular functions; local functions; 10 regularization-localization duality; regularity; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 11 Classification: MSC 42B05, 46F10, 46F12 1 1.2 Introduction 13 Regularization is a popular trick in applied mathematics, see [1] for example. It is the technique 14 ”to approximate functions by more differentiable ones” [2]. Its terminology coincides moreover with 15 the terminology used in generalized function spaces. They contain two kinds of functions, ”regular 16 functions” and ”generalized functions”. While regular functions are being functions in the ordinary 17 functions sense which are infinitely differentiable in the ordinary functions sense, all other functions 18 become ”infinitely differentiable” in the ”generalized functions sense” [3].